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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
Permeability anisotropy of foliated glacier ice

2024-06-14 Iverson, Neal; Fowler, Jacob No project link provided
Multi-Site Brittle Ice Data and Measurements

2024-05-16 Fegyveresi, John; Barnett, Samantha EAGER: Constraining the Expected Brittle-ice Behavior for the Hercules Dome Ice-core Site.
Concentration and flux of ice core dust from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area.

2023-10-26 Carter, Austin Collaborative Research: Peripheral East Antarctic ice as a unique recorder of climate variability during the Last Interglacial
Strontium and neodymium isotope compositions of ice core dust from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area.

2023-10-26 Carter, Austin Collaborative Research: Peripheral East Antarctic ice as a unique recorder of climate variability during the Last Interglacial
d15N and d18O of air in the WAIS Divide ice core

2023-10-20 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate
Firn depth and bubble density for Siple Ice Core and other sites

2023-10-18 Spencer, Matthew Collaborative Research: Combined Physical Property Measurements at Siple Dome
Ice core image analyses by McGwire site 91 and site 93

2023-10-16 McGwire, Kenneth C. No project link provided
WAIS Divide Ice Core Discrete CH4 (80-3403m)

2023-10-13 Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
Antarctic Ice Shelf Rift Propagation Rates

2023-10-13 Bassis, Jeremy; Walker, Catherine CAREER: Bound to Improve - Improved Estimates of the Glaciological Contribution to Sea Level Rise
VSMOW-SLAP d170, d180, and 17O-excess data from WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome

None 2023-10-13 Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce No project link provided
Hercules Dome ApRES Data

2023-10-09 Hills, Benjamin; Holschuh, Nicholas; Hoffman, Andrew; Fudge, Tyler J; Horlings, Annika; Erwin, Emma; Steig, Eric J.; Christianson, Knut Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets
Atmospheric methane across the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation from the GISP2, NEEM and WAIS Divide ice cores

2023-10-05 Riddell-Young, Benjamin; Brook, Edward; Martin, Kaden; Rosen, Julia; Lee, James; Edwards, Jon S. Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores
Hercules Dome Ice-Penetrating Radar Swath Topographies

2023-07-21 Hoffman, Andrew; Holschuh, Nicholas; Paden, John; Christianson, Knut Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets
Beardmore Glacier High-Frequency Impulse Radar Data

2023-07-20 Hoffman, Andrew; Christianson, Knut; Conway, Howard Collaborative Research: East Antarctic Outlet Glacier Dynamics
ITASE Impulse Radar Hercules Dome to South Pole

2023-07-20 Hoffman, Andrew; Welch, Brian; Jacobel, Robert; Christianson, Knut Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets
Hercules Dome High-Frequency Impulse Ice-Penetrating Radar Data

2023-07-20 Hoffman, Andrew; Christianson, Knut; Hills, Benjamin; Christian, John; Holschuh, Nicholas; Horlings, Annika; O'Connor, Gemma Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets
Firn density and compaction rates 50km upstream of South Pole

2023-04-18 Stevens, Christopher Max; Lilien, David; Conway, Howard; Waddington, Edwin D.; Koutnik, Michelle; Fudge, T. J. Collaborative Research: Characterization of Upstream Ice and Firn Dynamics affecting the South Pole Ice Core
2015-2016 GPR Field Report for Allan Hills Shallow Ice Coring

2023-03-03 MacKay, Sean; Brook, Edward Collaborative Research: Allan HILLs Englacial Site (AHILLES) Selection
SPICEcore visable tephra

2023-02-16 Iverson, Nels Collaborative Research: Tephrochronology of a South Pole Ice Core
Cryptotephra in SPC-14 ice core

2023-02-15 Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Hartman, Laura; Helmick, Meredith; Yates, Martin Collaborative Research: Tephrochronology of a South Pole Ice Core
Old Ice, Ong Valley, Transantarctic Mountains

2023-02-09 Putkonen, Jaakko; Bergelin, Marie Collaborative Research: Long Term Sublimation/Preservation of Two Separate, Buried Glacier Ice Masses, Ong Valley, Southern Transantarctic Mountains
Water column biogeochemical data from Mercer Subglacial Lake

2023-02-01 Dore, John; Skidmore, Mark; Hawkings, Jon; Steigmeyer, August; Li, Wei; Barker, Joel; Tranter, Martyn; Priscu, John; Science Team, SALSA Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments
Discrete bulk sediment properties data from Mercer Subglacial Lake

2023-02-01 Dore, John; Campbell, Timothy; Michaud, Alexander; Hawkings, Jon; Skidmore, Mark; Tranter, Martyn; Venturelli, Ryan A; Science Team, SALSA Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments
Sliding-Law Parameter and Airborne Radar-Derived Basal Reflectivity Data Underneath Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica

2023-01-25 Das, Indrani NSF-NERC: PROcesses, drivers, Predictions: Modeling the response of Thwaites Glacier over the next Century using Ice/Ocean Coupled Models (PROPHET)
CTD data from Mercer Subglacial Lake and access borehole

2023-01-17 Dore, John; Priscu, John; Leventer, Amy; Rosenheim, Brad Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments
Allan Hills CMC3 ice core d18Oatm, d15N, dO2/N2, dAr/N2, d40/36Ar, d40/38Ar 2021 & 2022

2022-11-22 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Crane Glacier centerline observations and modeling results

2022-10-24 Aberle, Rainey; Enderlin, Ellyn; Marshall, Hans-Peter; Kopera, Michal; Meehan, Tate Antarctic Submarine Melt Variability from Remote Sensing of Icebergs
Walcott Glacier Exposure Data

2022-10-21 Hall, Brenda Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming
Walcott Glacier area radiocarbon data

2022-10-18 Hall, Brenda Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming
Pyramid Trough Radiocarbon Data

2022-10-17 Hall, Brenda Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming
Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets

2022-09-07 Christianson, Knut Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets
5 million year transient Antarctic ice sheet model run with "sensitized" marine ice margin instabilities

2022-09-02 Balco, Gregory; Buchband, Hannah; Halberstadt, Anna Ruth Synoptic Evaluation of Long-Term Antarctic Ice Sheet Model Simulations using a Continent-Wide Database of Cosmogenic-Nuclide Measurements
5 million year transient Antarctic ice sheet model run with "desensitized" marine ice margin instabilities

2022-09-02 Balco, Gregory; Buchband, Hannah; Halberstadt, Anna Ruth Synoptic Evaluation of Long-Term Antarctic Ice Sheet Model Simulations using a Continent-Wide Database of Cosmogenic-Nuclide Measurements
ICECAP ice thickness data over the Darwin and Hatherton Glaciers, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica

2022-09-02 Gillespie, Mette; Blankenship, Donald D.; Young, Duncan A.; Siegert, Martin; Holt, John W.; Greenbaum, Jamin; Schroeder, Dustin IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP)
Seasonal temperatures in West Antarctica during the Holocene

2022-09-01 Jones, Tyler R. Collaborative Research: Targeted resampling of deep polar ice cores using information theory
Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
RBG - Robb Glacier Survey

2022-09-01 Blankenship, Donald D.; Bell, Robin; Buck, W. Roger; Young, Duncan A. Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
Dotson-Crosson Ice Shelf data from a tale of two ice shelves paper

2022-06-09 Wild, Christian; Segabinazzi-Dotto, Tiago NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment
Marshall Valley Radiocarbon Data

2022-03-01 Hall, Brenda Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Marshall Valley U-Series Data

2022-03-01 Hall, Brenda Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Wideband magnetotelluric responses from Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica

2022-02-25 Gustafson, Chloe; Key, Kerry; Siegfried, Matthew; Fricker, Helen Mapping Antarctic Subglacial Water with Novel Electromagnetic Techniques
Firn temperatures 50km upstream of South Pole

2022-02-22 Stevens, Christopher Max; Lilien, David; Conway, Howard; Koutnik, Michelle; Waddington, Edwin D.; Fudge, T. J. Collaborative Research: Characterization of Upstream Ice and Firn Dynamics affecting the South Pole Ice Core
South Pole Ice Core Isotopes of N2 and Ar

2022-02-03 Morgan, Jacob; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core
South Pole Lake ApRES Radar

2022-01-06 Hills, Benjamin Collaborative Research: Computational Methods Supporting Joint Seismic and Radar Inversion for Ice Fabric and Temperature in Streaming Flow
South Pole Lake GNSS

2022-01-06 Hills, Benjamin Collaborative Research: Computational Methods Supporting Joint Seismic and Radar Inversion for Ice Fabric and Temperature in Streaming Flow
Circum-Antarctic grounding-line sinuosity

2021-11-10 Simkins, Lauren; Stearns, Leigh; Riverman, Kiya Collaborative Research: Topographic controls on Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding line retreat - integrating models and observations
Evidence for Paleo Ice Stream Collapse in the Western Ross Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum.
Pennell Trough, Ross Sea bathymetry and glacial landforms

2021-10-04 Greenwood, Sarah; Munevar Garcia, Santiago; Eareckson, Elizabeth; Anderson, John; Prothro, Lindsay; Simkins, Lauren Evidence for Paleo Ice Stream Collapse in the Western Ross Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum.
Collaborative Research: Topographic controls on Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding line retreat - integrating models and observations
Bistatic Radar Sounding of Whillans Ice Stream, Antarctica and Store Glacier, Greenland

2021-09-14 Bienert, Nicole; Schroeder, Dustin; Siegfried, Matthew; Peters, Sean; MacKie, Emma; Dawson, Eliza; Christoffersen, Poul Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments
Softening of temperate ice by interstitial water

2021-07-01 Iverson, Neal NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Two-Phase Dynamics of Temperate Ice
Antarctic passive microwave Kmeans derived surface melt days, 1979-2020

2021-06-22 Johnson, Andrew; Hock, Regine; Fahnestock, Mark Collaborative Research: Present and Projected Future Forcings on Antarctic Peninsula Glaciers and Ice Shelves using the Weather Forecasting and Research (WRF) Model
WAIS Divide ice core nitrate isotopes

2021-06-22 Alexander, Becky Measuring an Ice-core Proxy for Relative Oxidant Abundances over Glacial-interglacial and Rapid Climate changes in a West Antarctic Ice Core
Future climate response to Antarctic Ice Sheet melt caused by anthropogenic warming

2021-06-08 Condron, Alan Collaborative Research: Assessing the Global Climate Response to Melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Layer and Thinning based Accumulation Rate Reconstructions

2021-06-01 Fudge, T. J. Collaborative Research: The Timing and Spatial Expression of the Bipolar Seesaw
Precipitation Observations for the Northwest Ross Ice Shelf - 2017-12 to 2019-11

2021-05-04 Seefeldt, Mark Collaborative Research: Implementing Low-power, Autonomous Observing Systems to Improve the Measurement and Understanding of Antarctic Precipitation
Simulated changes in Southern Ocean salinity

2021-05-04 Condron, Alan Collaborative Research: Assessing the Global Climate Response to Melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Antarctic Active Subglacial Lake Inventory from ICESat Altimetry

2021-04-21 Smith, Ben; Joughin, Ian; Tulaczyk, Slawek; Fricker, Helen Collaborative Research: Elevation Change Anomalies in West Antarctica and Dynamics of Subglacial Water Transport Beneath Ice Streams and their Tributaries
Titan Dome, East Antarctica, Aerogeophysical Survey

2021-04-02 Beem, Lucas H.; Young, Duncan A.; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Blankenship, Donald D.; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Jingxue, Guo; Bo, Sun; Young, Duncan Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)
Ice-penetrating radar internal stratigraphy over Dome C and the wider East Antarctic Plateau

2020-12-18 Cavitte, Marie G. P; Young, Duncan A.; Mulvaney, Robert; Ritz, Catherine; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Kempf, Scott D.; Quartini, Enrica; Muldoon, Gail R.; Paden, John; Frezzotti, Massimo; Roberts, Jason; Tozer, Carly; Schroeder, Dustin; Blankenship, Donald D. Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)
Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP)
Supraglacial Lakes in Antarctica

2020-12-10 Moussavi, Mahsa; Pope, Allen; Trusel, Luke; Abdalati, Waleed; Halberstadt, Anna Ruth Collaborative Research: Water on the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Quantifying Surface Melt and Mapping Supraglacial Lakes
N2O Concentration and Isotope Data for 74-59 ka from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica

2020-11-02 Menking, James; Brook, Edward J.; Schilt, Adrian; Shackleton, Sarah; Dyonisius, Michael; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Petrenko, Vasilii Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive
Temperature, accumulation rate, and layer thinning from the South Pole ice core (SPC14)

2020-10-28 Kahle, Emma; Steig, Eric J.; Jones, Tyler R.; Fudge, T. J.; Koutnik, Michelle; Morris, Valerie; Vaughn, Bruce; Schauer, Andrew; Stevens, Max; Conway, Howard; Waddington, Edwin D.; Buizert, Christo; Epifanio, Jenna; White, James Collaborative Research: Record of the Triple-oxygen Isotope and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Ice from an Ice Core at South Pole
Collaborative Research: A 1500m Ice Core from South Pole
Vulnerability of Antarctica’s ice shelves to meltwater-driven fracture

2020-10-24 Lai, Ching-Yao Satellite observations and modelling of surface meltwater flow and its impact on ice shelves
Multi-site ice core Krypton stable isotope ratios

2020-10-22 Buizert, Christo; Shackleton, Sarah; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Brook, Edward J.; Baggenstos, Daniel; Bereiter, Bernhard; Etheridge, David; Bertler, Nancy; Pyne, Rebecca L.; Mulvaney, Robert; Mosley-Thompson, Ellen Collaborative research: Kr-86 as a proxy for barometric pressure variability and movement of the SH westerlies during the last deglaciation
Density, hydrology and geophysical measurements from the Wilkins Ice Shelf firn aquifer

2020-10-21 Miège, Clément; Montgomery, Lynn; Miller, Julie; Scambos, Ted; Wallin, Bruce; Miller, Olivia; Solomon, Kip; Forster, Richard; Koenig, Lora Antarctic Firn Aquifers: Extent, Characteristics, and Comparison with Greenland Occurrences
SP19 Gas Chronology

2020-10-09 Epifanio, Jenna Collaborative Research: A 1500m Ice Core from South Pole
Carbonyl Sulfide, Methyl Chloride, and Methyl Bromide Measurements in the New Intermediate-depth South Pole Ice Core
Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core
Collaborative Research: Record of the Triple-oxygen Isotope and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Ice from an Ice Core at South Pole
South Pole ice core (SPC14) discrete methane data

2020-10-09 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Epifanio, Jenna; Brook, Edward J.; Buizert, Christo; Kreutz, Karl; Aydin, Murat; Edwards, Jon S.; Sowers, Todd A.; Kahle, Emma; Steig, Eric J.; Winski, Dominic A.; Osterberg, Erich; Fudge, T. J.; Hood, Ekaterina; Kalk, Michael; Ferris, David G.; Kennedy, Joshua A. Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core
Carbonyl Sulfide, Methyl Chloride, and Methyl Bromide Measurements in the New Intermediate-depth South Pole Ice Core
Collaborative Research: South Pole Ice Core Chronology and Climate Records using Chemical and Microparticle Measurements
Collaborative Research: A 1500m Ice Core from South Pole
Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment

2020-10-05 Williams, Trevor Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance
Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment

2020-10-05 Williams, Trevor Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance
Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment

2020-10-05 Williams, Trevor Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance
Ohio Range Subglacial rock core cosmogenic nuclide data

2020-06-28 Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy Constraining Plio-Pleistocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet Behavior from the Ohio Range and Scott Glacier
WAIS Divide Ice Core Marine Isotope Stage 3 CO2 record

2020-06-22 Brook, Edward J. Completing the WAIS Divide Ice Core CO2 record
South Pole Ice Core Methane Data and Gas Age Time Scale

2020-06-03 Brook, Edward J. A High Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record from the South Pole Ice Core
Mid-Holocene high-resolution water isotope time series for the WAIS Divide ice core

2020-05-26 Morris, Valerie; Jones, Tyler R.; Vaughn, Bruce; White, James Collaborative Research: Targeted resampling of deep polar ice cores using information theory
ApRES Vertical Strain Study

2020-05-15 Pettit, Erin Collaborative Research: VeLveT Ice - eVoLution of Fabric and Texture in Ice at WAIS Divide, West Antarctica
South Pole (SPICEcore) Borehole Deformation

2020-05-04 Pettit, Erin Collaborative Research: VeLveT Ice - eVoLution of Fabric and Texture in Ice at WAIS Divide, West Antarctica
SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey bed elevation data

2020-04-28 Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Work
Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey airborne radar data

2020-04-28 Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Work
SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey Gravity data

2020-04-28 Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Work
Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
SOAR-Lake Vostok survey magnetic anomaly data

2020-04-28 Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Work
SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey ice thickness data

2020-04-28 Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Work
Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey surface elevation data

2020-04-28 Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Work
Airborne gravity data for the CASERTZ/WAIS project

2020-04-24 Bell, Robin; Arko, Robert A. Collaborative Research: Lithospheric Controls on the Behavior of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Corridor Aerogeophysics of Eastern Ross Transect Zone
SOAR-WLK Airborne gravity data

2020-04-24 Bell, Robin Contrasting Architecture and Dynamics of the Transantarctic Mountains
SOAR-WMB Airborne gravity data

2020-04-24 Bell, Robin Air-Ground Study of Tectonics at the Boundary Between the Eastern Ross Embayment and Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica: Basement Geology and Structure
SOAR-IRE airborne gravity data for the CASERTZ/WAIS project

2020-04-24 Bell, Robin; Arko, Robert A. Collaborative Research: Lithospheric Controls on the Behavior of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Corridor Aerogeophysics of Eastern Ross Transect Zone
SOAR-TKD airborne gravity data for the CASERTZ/WAIS project

2020-04-24 Bell, Robin; Arko, Robert A. Collaborative Research: Lithospheric Controls on the Behavior of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Corridor Aerogeophysics of Eastern Ross Transect Zone
SOAR-WAZ Airborne gravity data for the CASERTZ/WAIS project

2020-04-24 Bell, Robin; Arko, Robert A. Collaborative Research: Lithospheric Controls on the Behavior of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Corridor Aerogeophysics of Eastern Ross Transect Zone
SOAR-PPT Airborne gravity data

2020-04-24 Bell, Robin Contrasting Architecture and Dynamics of the Transantarctic Mountains
Processed Ice Penetrating Radar Data (Netcdf format) from the Gamburtsev Mountains in Antarctica acquired during GAMBIT

2020-04-20 Bell, Robin; Studinger, Michael S. Collaborative Research: IPY: GAMBIT: Gamburtsev Aerogeophysical Mapping of Bedrock and Ice Targets
Processed Ice Penetrating Radar Data (Matlab format) from the Gamburtsev Mountains in Antarctica acquired during GAMBIT

2020-04-20 Bell, Robin; Studinger, Michael S. Collaborative Research: IPY: GAMBIT: Gamburtsev Aerogeophysical Mapping of Bedrock and Ice Targets
Processed Ice Penetrating Radar Altimeter Shot Data (SEGY, version 1) from the Gamburtsev Mountains in Antarctica acquired during the GAMBIT Twin Otter expedition AGAP_GAMBIT (2008)

2020-04-20 Bell, Robin Collaborative Research: IPY: GAMBIT: Gamburtsev Aerogeophysical Mapping of Bedrock and Ice Targets
Processed Ice Penetrating Radar Data (jpeg images) from the Gamburtsev Mountains in Antarctica acquired during GAMBIT

2020-04-20 Bell, Robin; Studinger, Michael S. Collaborative Research: IPY: GAMBIT: Gamburtsev Aerogeophysical Mapping of Bedrock and Ice Targets
Basal Melt, Ice thickness and structure of the Ross Ice Shelf using airborne radar data

2020-01-10 Das, Indrani; Padman, Laurence; Bell, Robin; Fricker, Helen; Hulbe, Christina; Siddoway, Christine; Dhakal, Tejendra; Frearson, Nicholas; Mosbeux, Cyrille; Cordero, Isabel; Siegfried, Matt; Tinto, Kirsty Collaborative Research: Uncovering the Ross Ocean and Ice Shelf Environment and Tectonic setting Through Aerogeophysical Surveys and Modeling (ROSETTA-ICE)
Paleogene marine and terrestrial development of the West Antarctic Rift System: Biomarker Data Set

2019-12-19 Coenen, Jason; Castañeda, Isla; Warny, Sophie; Baudoin, Patrick; Scherer, Reed Paul; Askin, Rosemary Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)
South Pole CH4 data for termination

2019-12-11 Sowers, Todd A. Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core
South Pole ice core total air content

2019-12-11 Sowers, Todd A. Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core
Cosmogenic nuclide data from glacial deposits along the Liv Glacier coast

2019-11-21 Stone, John Collaborative Research: High-resolution Reconstruction of Holocene Deglaciation in the Southern Ross Embayment
Updated (2017) bubble number-density, size, shape, and modeled paleoclimate data

2019-11-12 Fegyveresi, John; Alley, Richard; Spencer, Matthew; Fitzpatrick, Joan; Voigt, Donald E. Collaborative Research: Continued Study of Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Laser Dust Logging of the South Pole Ice Core (SPICE)

2019-11-03 Bay, Ryan Laser Dust Logging of a South Pole Ice Core
South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) SPC14 Core Quality Versus Depth

2019-10-30 Souney, Joseph Jr.; Twickler, Mark; Fegyveresi, John; Casey, Kimberly A.; Aydin, Murat; Steig, Eric J.; Nunn, Richard; Hargreaves, Geoff; Fudge, T. J.; Nicewonger, Melinda R.; Kahle, Emma Collaborative Research: A 1500m Ice Core from South Pole
Last Interglacial Mean Ocean Temperature

2019-10-18 Shackleton, Sarah Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive
Automatic Weather Station Pine Island Glacier

2019-10-15 Mojica Moncada, Jhon F.; Holland, David Collaborative Research; IPY: Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica
Pirrit Hills subglacial bedrock core RB-2, cosmogenic Be-10, Al-26 data

2019-10-09 Stone, John EXPROBE-WAIS: Exposed Rock Beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, A Test for Interglacial Ice Sheet Collapse
Antarctic topographic and subglacial lake geostatistical simulations

2019-10-02 MacKie, Emma; Schroeder, Dustin; Caers, Jef; Siegfried, Matt; Scheidt, Celine CAREER: Cross-Instrument Synthesis of Antarctic Radar Sounding Observations
Radiocarbon dates from pygoscelid penguin tissues excavated at Stranger Point, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula

2019-09-24 Emslie, Steven Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators
The South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) chronology and supporting data

2019-08-29 Winski, Dominic A.; Fudge, T. J.; Dunbar, Nelia; Buizert, Christo; Bay, Ryan; Souney, Joseph Jr.; Sigl, Michael; McConnell, Joseph; Fegyveresi, John; Cole-Dai, Jihong; Thundercloud, Zayta; Cox, Thomas S.; Kreutz, Karl; Epifanio, Jenna; Ortman, Nikolas; Brook, Edward J.; Beaudette, Ross; Sowers, Todd A.; Steig, Eric J.; Morris, Valerie; Kahle, Emma; Ferris, David G.; Aydin, Murat; Nicewonger, Melinda R.; Casey, Kimberly A.; Alley, Richard; Waddington, Edwin D.; Osterberg, Erich; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Jones, Tyler R.; Iverson, Nels Collaborative Research: South Pole Ice Core Chronology and Climate Records using Chemical and Microparticle Measurements
Carbon dioxide concentration and its stable carbon isotope composition in Allan Hills ice cores

2019-08-14 Yan, Yuzhen; Bender, Michael; Brook, Edward J.; Higgins, John Collaborative Research: Window into the World with 40,000-year Glacial Cycles from Climate Records in Million Year-old Ice from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Methane concentration in Allan Hills ice cores

2019-08-14 Yan, Yuzhen; Bender, Michael; Brook, Edward J.; Higgins, John Collaborative Research: Window into the World with 40,000-year Glacial Cycles from Climate Records in Million Year-old Ice from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Elemental and isotopic composition of heavy noble gases in Allan Hills ice cores

2019-08-14 Yan, Yuzhen; Bender, Michael; Higgins, John; Ng, Jessica; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Collaborative Research: Window into the World with 40,000-year Glacial Cycles from Climate Records in Million Year-old Ice from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Gas and Dust Measurements for Taylor Glacier and Taylor Dome Ice Cores

2019-08-12 Menking, James; Brook, Edward J.; Marcott, Shaun; Barker, Stephen; Shackleton, Sarah; Dyonisius, Michael; Petrenko, Vasilii; McConnell, Joseph; Rhodes, Rachel; Bauska, Thomas; Baggenstos, Daniel; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive
Noble Gas Data from recent ice in Antarctica for 86Kr problem

2019-08-02 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Shackleton, Sarah Collaborative research: Kr-86 as a proxy for barometric pressure variability and movement of the SH westerlies during the last deglaciation
AC-ECM for SPICEcore

2019-07-08 Waddington, Edwin D.; Fudge, T. J. Using Electrical Conductance Measurements to Develop the South Pole Ice Core Chronology
Geophysical data from Crary Ice Rise, Ross Sea Embayment

2019-05-20 Conway, Howard; Koutnik, Michelle; Winberry, Paul; Paden, John Collaborative Research: Grounding Line Dynamics: Crary Ice Rise Revisited
Geochemical and sedimentologic data from NBP01-01 JPC-34

2019-05-10 Shevenell, Amelia Late Quaternary Evolution of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf System, Prydz Bay, Antarctica
The Geochemistry of englacial brine from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica.

2019-05-07 Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B. Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Taylor Glacier Noble Gases - Younger Dryas

2019-04-23 Shackleton, Sarah Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive
Oxygen isotope data from serially sampled Eocene bivalves from the La Meseta Fm., Seymour Island, Antarctica

2019-04-22 Judd, Emily Seasonality, Summer Cooling, and Calibrating the Approach of the Icehouse in Late Eocene Antarctica
WAIS Divide Multi Track Electrical Measurements

2019-04-12 Fudge, T. J.; Taylor, Kendrick C. Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core
Report on Antarctic surface hydrology workshop, LDEO, 2018

2019-03-22 Kingslake, Jonathan; Trusel, Luke; Banwell, Alison; Bell, Robin; Das, Indrani; DeConto, Robert; Tedesco, Marco; Lenaerts, Jan; Schoof, Christian Workshop on Antarctic Surface Hydrology and Future Ice-shelf Stability
FLIR thermal imaging data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier

2019-03-19 Pettit, Erin Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier

2019-03-18 Pettit, Erin Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica

2019-03-18 Pettit, Erin Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Terrestrial Radar Interferometry near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier

2019-03-18 Pettit, Erin Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Ground Penetrating Radar Data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier

2019-03-18 Pettit, Erin Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Ablation Stake Data from of Taylor Glacier near Blood Falls

2019-03-18 Pettit, Erin Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Laboratory Hyperspectral Reflectance Data of Central Transantarctic Mountain Rocks and Sediments

2019-03-15 Salvatore, Mark EAGER: Surface Variability and Spectral Analyses of the Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Fjord-Eco_Sediment_OrgC_OrgN_Data - Craig Smith

2019-02-13 Smith, Craig Collaborative Research: Fjord Ecosystem Structure and Function on the West Antarctic Peninsula - Hotspots of Productivity and Biodiversity? (FjordEco)
Antarctic Ice Sheet simulations for role of freshwater in future warming scenarios

2019-02-04 Pollard, David Collaborative Research: Assessing the Global Climate Response to Melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
South Pole (SPICECORE) 15N, 18O, O2/N2 and Ar/N2

2019-02-02 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core
Model output NOAA GFDL CM2_6 Cant Hant storage

2018-12-14 Chen, Haidi Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM)
Ice Temperature in Shallow Boreholes Near Blood Falls at the Terminus of Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
2018-11-28 Tulaczyk, Slawek Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Stable water isotope data for the AH-1502 ice core drilled at the Allan Hills Blue ice area

2018-10-17 Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Introne, Douglas; Yan, Yuzhen Collaborative Research: Window into the World with 40,000-year Glacial Cycles from Climate Records in Million Year-old Ice from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Stable water isotope data for the surface samples collected at the Allan Hills Blue ice area

2018-10-17 Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Introne, Douglas; Yan, Yuzhen Collaborative Research: Window into the World with 40,000-year Glacial Cycles from Climate Records in Million Year-old Ice from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Stable water isotope data for the AH-1503 ice core drilled at the Allan Hills Blue ice area

2018-10-16 Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Introne, Douglas; Yan, Yuzhen Collaborative Research: Window into the World with 40,000-year Glacial Cycles from Climate Records in Million Year-old Ice from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Basal melt rates of the Ross Ice Shelf near the Whillans Ice Stream grounding line

2018-09-09 Begeman, Carolyn Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)
Geophysical measurements Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica

2018-09-09 Conway, Howard Collaborative Research: East Antarctic Outlet Glacier Dynamics
Location of surface crevasses in Antarctica

None 2018-09-05 Emetc, Veronika No project link provided
Supraglacial Lake Depths on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica

2018-09-04 MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability
Time-lapse video of McMurdo Ice Shelf surface melting and hydrology

2018-08-31 MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability
Andvord Bay Glacier Timelapse

2018-08-07 Truffer, Martin; Winsor, Peter Collaborative Research: Fjord Ecosystem Structure and Function on the West Antarctic Peninsula - Hotspots of Productivity and Biodiversity? (FjordEco)
Material properties of the exoskeleton of Paralomis birsteini

2018-07-27 Steffel, Brittan Collaborative Research: Climate Change and Predatory Invasion of the Antarctic Benthos
McMurdo Ice Shelf GPS survey of vertical motion

2018-07-24 MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability
McMurdo Ice Shelf AWS data

2018-07-20 Banwell, Alison; MacAyeal, Douglas Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability
CTDP/LADCP profile data along Dotson ice shelf calving front from 2000 to 2016

2018-07-12 Dutrieux, Pierre; Jacobs, Stanley; Jenkins, Adrian; Stammerjohn, Sharon No project link provided
Taylor Glacier chemistry data and Taylor Dome TD2015 time scale

2018-06-08 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Collaborative Research: A "Horizontal Ice Core" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
Ground Penetrating Radar Grid Survey of the McMurdo Shear Zone

2018-06-07 Ray, Laura; Arcone, Steven; Kaluzienski, Lynn; Koons, Peter; Lever, Jim; Walker, Ben Collaborative Research: Flow and Fracture Dynamics in an Ice Shelf Lateral Margin: Observations and Modeling of the McMurdo Shear Zone
South Pole area GPS velocities

2018-05-29 Lilien, David; Fudge, T. J.; Koutnik, Michelle; Conway, Howard; Waddington, Edwin D. Collaborative Research: Characterization of Upstream Ice and Firn Dynamics affecting the South Pole Ice Core
Shallow radar near South Pole

2018-05-25 Lilien, David; Fudge, T. J.; Koutnik, Michelle; Conway, Howard; Waddington, Edwin D. Collaborative Research: Characterization of Upstream Ice and Firn Dynamics affecting the South Pole Ice Core
South Pole Ice Core (SPIcecore) Visual Observations

2018-03-05 Fegyveresi, John; Alley, Richard Climate History and Flow Processes from Physical Analyses of the SPICECORE South Pole Ice Core
WAIS Divide 580m Bubble and Grain Hybrid Data

2018-03-01 Fegyveresi, John; Alley, Richard Collaborative Research: Continued Study of Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Roosevelt Island Borehole Optical Televiewer logs

2018-02-13 Hawley, Robert L.; Clemens-Sewall, David Collaborative Research: Deglaciation of the Ross Sea Embayment - constraints from Roosevelt Island
Roosevelt Island Borehole Firn temperatures

2018-02-13 Hawley, Robert L.; Clemens-Sewall, David; Giese, Alexandra Collaborative Research: Deglaciation of the Ross Sea Embayment - constraints from Roosevelt Island
Weather data from LARISSA / SCAR Inlet Rapid AMIGOS and cGPS stations

2018-02-13 Scambos, Ted RAPID: Observing the Disintegration of the Scar Inlet Ice Shelf
Region Climate Model Output Plio-Pleistocene

2018-01-16 Kowalewski, Douglas Collaborative Research: West Antarctic Ice Sheet stability, Alpine Glaciation, and Climate Variability: a Terrestrial Perspective from Cosmogenic-nuclide Dating in McMurdo Sound
WAIS Divide Surface and Snow-pit Data, 2009-2013

2018-01-16 Fegyveresi, John; Alley, Richard Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Collaborative Research: Continued Study of Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Scar Inlet Terrestrial Radar Interferometry

2017-12-20 Truffer, Martin RAPID: Observing the Disintegration of the Scar Inlet Ice Shelf
LARISSA: Impact of ice-shelf loss on geochemical profiles and microbial community composition in marine sediments of the Larsen A embayment, Antarctic Peninsula

2017-12-17 McCormick, Michael Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine Ecosystems.
2011 Time-domain ElectroMagnetics data for McMurdo Dry Valleys

2017-12-05 Tulaczyk, Slawek Collaborative Research: EAGER: Processing, Interpretation and Dissemination of the Proof-of-Concept Transient Electromagnetic Survey of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Region
Roosevelt Island: Radar and GPS

2017-11-16 Conway, Howard Collaborative Research: Deglaciation of the Ross Sea Embayment - constraints from Roosevelt Island
List of samples of WAIS Divide and Byrd (deep) ice that were analyzed for radiogenic isotopes at LDEO

2017-10-27 Kaplan, Michael A Study of Atmospheric Dust in the WAIS Divide Ice Core Based on Sr-Nd-Pb-He Isotopes
c-Axis Fabric of the South Pole Ice Core, SPC14

2017-09-20 Voigt, Donald E. Climate History and Flow Processes from Physical Analyses of the SPICECORE South Pole Ice Core
10Be and 14C data from northern Antarctic Peninsula

2017-09-16 Kaplan, Michael Terrestrial Geological Context for Glacier Change in the Northeast Antarctica Peninsula
WAIS Divide Replicate Core Methane Isotopic Data Set

2017-09-15 Brook, Edward J. Collaborative Research: Replicate Coring at WAIS Divide to Obtain Additional Samples at Events of High Scientific Interest
Mean surface mass balance over Larsen C ice shelf, Antarctica (1979-2014), assimilated to in situ GPR and snow height data

2017-09-13 McGrath, Daniel; Steffen, Konrad; Kuipers Munneke, Peter IPY: Stability of Larsen C Ice Shelf in a Warming Climate
Early Holocene methane records from Siple Dome, Antarctica

2017-09-11 Yang, Ji-Woong; Ahn, Jinho Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core
Firn-temperature time series in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
2017-09-05 Muto, Atsu Revealing Late Holocence Climate Variability in Antarctica from Borehole Paleothermometry
Ku-band Radar Echograms

2017-08-28 Paden, John; Leuschen, Carl; Rodriguez, Fernando; Li, Jilu; Allen, Chris; Gogineni, Prasad Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
Snow Radar Echograms

2017-08-28 Paden, John; Leuschen, Carl; Rodriguez, Fernando; Li, Jilu; Allen, Chris; Gogineni, Prasad Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
Radar Depth Sounder Echograms and Ice Thickness

2017-08-28 Paden, John; Leuschen, Carl; Rodriguez, Fernando; Li, Jilu; Allen, Chris; Gogineni, Prasad Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
WAIS Divide d18Oatm and Siple Dome/WAIS Divide composite and individual delta epsilon LAND

2017-08-18 Seltzer, Alan; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate
Antarctic Ice Core Tephra Analysis

2017-08-03 Kurbatov, Andrei V. Collaborative Research: Developing an Antarctic Tephra Database for Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Research (AntT)
Snowpit evidence of the 2011 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle (Chile) eruption in West Antarctica

2017-07-11 Koffman, Bess; Kreutz, Karl Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
Holocene Black Carbon in Antarctica

2017-06-19 McConnell, Joseph; Arienzo, Monica Collaborative Research: Integrated High Resolution Chemical and Biological Measurements on the Deep WAIS Divide Core
Seasonal 17O Isotope Data from Lake Vostok and WAIS Divide Snow Pits

2017-06-05 Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce Development of a Laser Spectroscopy System for Analysis of 17Oexcess on Ice Cores
WAIS Divide WDC06A Core Quality Versus Depth

2017-06-01 Taylor, Kendrick C.; Souney, Joseph Jr.; Twickler, Mark Collaborative Research: Climate, Ice Dynamics and Biology using a Deep Ice Core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Ice Divide
WAIS Divide WDC06A Discrete ICP-MS Chemistry

2017-04-27 Kreutz, Karl Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
WAIS Divide WDC06A Nitrate Isotope Record

2017-04-26 Buffen, Aron; Hastings, Meredith Investigating Source, Chemistry and Climate changes using the Isotopic Composition of Nitrate in Antarctic Snow and Ice
Summary of Results from the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project

2017-04-24 Taylor, Kendrick C. Collaborative Research: Climate, Ice Dynamics and Biology using a Deep Ice Core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Ice Divide
WD2014: Timescale for WAIS Divide Core 2006 A (WDC-06A)

2017-03-28 Fudge, T. J. Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core
WAIS Divide Ice-Core Chronology from Intermediate Core WDC05Q

2017-03-28 McConnell, Joseph Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core
WAIS Divide Ice-Core Chronology from Intermediate Core WDC05A

2017-03-28 McConnell, Joseph Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core
Gas measurement from Higgins et al., 2015 - PNAS

2017-03-27 Higgins, John Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core
WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05A

2017-03-23 McConnell, Joseph Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core
WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05Q

2017-03-23 McConnell, Joseph Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core
WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from 1.5 to 577 m

2017-03-23 McConnell, Joseph Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core
WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from 1300 to 3404 m

2017-03-22 McConnell, Joseph Collaborative Research: Investigating Upper Pleistocene Rapid Climate Change using Continuous, Ultra-High-Resolution Aerosol and Gas Measurements in the WAIS Divide Ice Core
WAIS Divide sulfate and nitrate isotopes

2017-03-09 Alexander, Becky; Steig, Eric J. Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core
Fluorescence spectroscopy data from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core, WDC06A

2017-03-06 Priscu, John; D'Andrilli, Juliana Collaborative Research: Integrated High Resolution Chemical and Biological Measurements on the Deep WAIS Divide Core
Ground-based ice-penetrating radar profiles collected on the Allan Hills blue ice region

2017-03-03 Conway, Howard Collaborative Research: Allan HILLs Englacial Site (AHILLES) Selection
Accumulation Rates from the WAIS Divide Ice Core

2017-02-21 Fudge, T. J.; Waddington, Edwin D.; Conway, Howard; Buizert, Christo Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core
Magnetic anomaly data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GMGEO2)

2017-02-20 Young, Duncan A.; Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D. Geophysical Investigations of Marie Byrd Land Lithospheric Evolution (GIMBLE)
Gravity disturbance data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GGCMG2)

2017-02-20 Young, Duncan A.; Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D. Geophysical Investigations of Marie Byrd Land Lithospheric Evolution (GIMBLE)
Ice thickness and related data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GR2HI2)

2017-02-20 Young, Duncan A.; Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D. Geophysical Investigations of Marie Byrd Land Lithospheric Evolution (GIMBLE)
Temperature Reconstruction at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide

2017-01-12 Cuffey, Kurt M. Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Airborne radar profiles of the Whillans, Bindschadler, and Kamb Ice Streams

2016-12-28 Paden, John; Hale, Richard Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the WAIS Divide Ice Core
2016-12-14 Welten, Kees Collaborative Research: Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Deep WAIS Divide Core
The Effects of Soluble Impurities on the Flow and Fabric of Polycrystalline Ice
2016-11-22 Baker, Ian The Effects of Soluble Impurities on the Flow and Fabric of Polycrystalline Ice
Activation of high-elevation alluvial fans in the Transantarctic Mountains - a proxy for Plio-Pleistocene warmth along East Antarctic ice margins

2016-11-09 Willenbring, Jane Collaborative Research: Activation of high-elevation alluvial fans in the Transantarctic Mountains - a proxy for Plio-Pleistocene warmth along East Antarctic ice margins
WAIS Divide Ice Core Vertical Thin Section Low-resolution Digital Imagery

2016-03-07 Cravens, Eric D. Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
WDC 06A Mean Grain Size Data

2016-03-02 Fitzpatrick, Joan; Cravens, Eric D. Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Grain Size Full Population Dataset from WDC06A Core

2016-02-25 Fitzpatrick, Joan; Cravens, Eric D. Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
King George and Livingston Islands: Velocities and Digital Elevation Model

2016-02-17 Osmanoglu, Batuhan; Hock, Regine Contribution of Western Antarctic Peninsula glaciers to sea level rise: Separation of the dynamic and climatic components
Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)

2016-01-01 Powell, Ross Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)
Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core

2016-01-01 White, James; Morris, Valerie; Vaughn, Bruce; Jones, Tyler R. Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
Enhanced Spatial Resolution Surface Melting over the Antarctic Peninsula (1958 - to date) from a Regional Climate Model Validated through Remote Sensing Observations

2016-01-01 Tedesco, Marco Enhanced Spatial Resolution Surface Melting over the Antarctic Peninsula (1958 - to date) from a Regional Climate Model Validated through Remote Sensing Observations
Long-Term and Interannual Variability of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance From Satellite Gravimetry and Other Geodetic Measurements

2016-01-01 Chen, Jianli Collaborative Research: Long-Term and Interannual Variability of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance From Satellite Gravimetry and Other Geodetic Measurements
Ice Sheet Model Output, West Antarctic Ice Sheet Deglaciation

2015-12-03 Pollard, David Collaborative Research: A New Reconstruction of the Last West Antarctic Ice Sheet Deglaciation in the Ross Sea
Mount Moulton Isotopes and Other Ice Core Data

2015-11-24 Steig, Eric J.; White, James; Popp, Trevor Collaborative Research: Refining a 500-kry Climate Record From the Moulton Blue Ice Field in West Antarctica
Ultra-trace Measurements in the WAIS Divide 06A Ice Core

2015-10-27 Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements in the Deep West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core
Ultra-High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Results: DO-21 Rapid Warming Event

2015-10-27 Haines, Skylar; Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V. Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate
LA-ICP-MS Results: 3 Siple Dome A Glacial Age Archives

2015-10-27 Haines, Skylar; Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V. Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014)
Low-res d15N and d18O of O2 in the WAIS Divide 06A Deep Core

2015-10-20 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate
WAIS Divide Ice Core CO2

2015-10-06 Brook, Edward J.; Marcott, Shaun Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change: The WAIS Divide Ice Core Record
Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Ice Core ICP-MS data

2015-09-29 Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V. Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014)
Whillans Ice Stream Stick-slip

2015-09-17 Wiens, Douglas; Winberry, Paul; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Alley, Richard Collaborative Research: Geophysical Study of Ice Stream Stick-slip Dynamics
Borehole Temperatures at Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica

2015-07-31 Truffer, Martin; Stanton, Timothy Collaborative Research; IPY: Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica
Continuous, Ultra-high Resolution WAIS-Divide Ice Core Methane Record 9.8-67.2 ka BP

2015-07-23 McConnell, Joseph; Brook, Edward J.; Rhodes, Rachel Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core
Inverted Basal Shear Stress of Antarctic and Greenland Ice Streams and Glaciers

2015-07-07 Sergienko, Olga COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Enabling ice sheet sensitivity and stability analysis with a large-scale higher-order ice sheet model's adjoint to support sea level change assessment
WAIS Divide Microparticle Concentration and Size Distribution, 0-2400 ka

2015-06-29 Koffman, Bess; Kreutz, Karl Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
Surface Temperature Reconstruction from Borehole Temperature Measurement in WDC05A

2015-06-08 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Orsi, Anais J. Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site
Borehole Temperature Measurement in WDC05A in January 2008 and January 2009

2015-06-08 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Orsi, Anais J. Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate
Snowpit Chemistry - Methods Comparison, WAIS Divide, Antarctica

2015-06-01 Kreutz, Karl Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
WAIS Divide WDC06A Oxygen Isotope Record

2015-04-28 Steig, Eric J. Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
Reedy Glacier Exposure Ages, Antarctica

2015-03-30 Stone, John Collaborative Research: Late Quaternary History of Reedy Glacier
Firn Permeability and Density at WAIS Divide

2015-03-11 Albert, Mary R. Firn Metamorphism: Microstructure and Physical Properties
Average Annual Layer Thickness of the WAIS Divide Ice Core from Visual Stratigraphy

2015-03-11 Spencer, Matthew Collaborative Research: Continued Study of Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
C-axis Fabric from Physical Properties Samples of the WAIS Divide Ice Core

2015-03-10 Voigt, Donald E.; Alley, Richard; Fitzpatrick, Joan Collaborative Research: Continued Study of Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Annual Satellite Era Accumulation Patterns Over WAIS Divide: A Study Using Shallow Ice Cores, Near-Surface Radars and Satellites

2015-01-01 Forster, Richard Collaborative Research: Annual satellite era accumulation patterns over WAIS Divide: A study using shallow ice cores, near-surface radars and satellites
Molecular Level Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Microbial Diversity in the WAIS Divide Replicate Core

2015-01-01 Foreman, Christine Molecular Level Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Microbial Diversity in the WAIS Divide Replicate Core
Measurements of Trapped Air from Mullins Valley, Dry Valleys, Antarctica

2014-11-26 Bender, Michael; Yau, Audrey M. Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System

2014-11-03 Parizek, Byron R.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Dupont, Todd K.; Holt, John W. Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System
IPY: Flow Dynamics of the Amundsen Sea Glaciers: Thwaites and Pine Island.
Radar Studies of Subglacial Lake Whillans and the Whillans Ice Stream Grounding Zone

2014-10-30 Jacobel, Robert Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)
Methyl Chloride Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core

2014-09-10 Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores
Methyl Bromide Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core

2014-09-10 Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores
WAIS Divide Sonic Log Data

2014-09-03 Waddington, Edwin D.; Matsuoka, Kenichi; Kluskiewicz, Dan; McCarthy, Michael; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar Collaborative research: acoustic logging of the WAIS Divide borehole
WAIS Divide Ice Core Electrical Conductance Measurements, Antarctica

2014-08-18 Fudge, T. J.; Taylor, Kendrick C. Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core
Bubble Number-density Data and Modeled Paleoclimates

2014-08-14 Alley, Richard; Fegyveresi, John No project link provided
MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica 2008-2009 (MOA2009) Image Map

None 2014-07-17 Haran, Terry; Bohlander, Jennifer; Scambos, Ted; Painter, Thomas; Fahnestock, Mark No project link provided
High-resolution Atmospheric CO2 during 7.4-9.0 ka

2014-06-25 Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change
Temperature Profile of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Deep Borehole

2014-04-30 Cuffey, Kurt M.; Clow, Gary D. Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Standing Water Depth on Larsen B Ice Shelf

2014-04-29 MacAyeal, Douglas Model Studies of Surface Water Behavior on Ice Shelves
Interaction of Ice Stream Flow with Heterogeneous Beds

2014-04-14 Sergienko, Olga Model Investigation of Ice Stream/Subglacial Lake Systems
WAIS Divide Laser Dust Logger Data

2014-04-03 Bay, Ryan Climatology, Meteorology, and Microbial Metabolism in Ice with Dust Loggers and Fluorimetry
Major Ion Chemistry Data of WAIS Divide Ice Core Brittle Ice

2014-03-19 Cole-Dai, Jihong Major Ion Chemical Analysis of Brittle Ice in the WAIS Divide Ice Core
Measurements of Air and Snow Photochemical Species at WAIS Divide, Antarctica

2014-03-17 Bales, Roger Atmospheric, Snow and Firn Chemistry Studies for Interpretation of WAIS-Divide Cores
Late Holocene Methane Concentrations from WAIS Divide and GISP2

2014-01-31 Mitchell, Logan E Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core.
Major Ion Concentrations in WDC05Q and WDC06A Ice Cores (WAIS Divide)

2014-01-08 Cole-Dai, Jihong Major Ion Chemistry of WAIS Divide Ice Core
Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains

2014-01-01 Kowalewski, Douglas Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains
Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica

2014-01-01 Bender, Michael Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
The Biogeochemical Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Fluvial System on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica

2014-01-01 Foreman, Christine Collaborative Research: The Biogeochemical Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Fluvial System on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica
Heard Island Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change - 2003/04 Fieldwork

None 2013-12-19 Truffer, Martin No project link provided
Major Ion Concentrations in 2004 South Pole Ice Core

2013-11-19 Cole-Dai, Jihong Collaborative Research: Investigating Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics through Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes in Volcanic Sulfate from South Pole Ice Cores
Allan Hills Stable Water Isotopes

2013-10-24 Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Spaulding, Nicole; Mayewski, Paul A.; Introne, Douglas Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)
Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age

2013-08-08 Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change
US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data

2013-07-11 Dixon, Daniel A.; Mayewski, Paul A. Science Management for the United States Component of the International Trans-Antarctic Expedition
Temperature of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

2013-06-13 Engelhardt, Hermann Basal Conditions of Ice Stream D and Related Borehole Studies of Antarctic Ice Stream Mechanics
Depths to Ice-cemented Soils in High-elevation Quartermain Mountains, Dry Valleys, Antarctica

None 2013-03-18 Marinova, Margarita M.; McKay, Christopher P. No project link provided
West Antarctica Ice Core and Climate Model Data

2013-03-13 Steig, Eric J. Collaborative Research: Antarctic Climate Reconstruction Utilizing the US ITASE Ice Core Array (2009- 2012)
Videos of Basal Ice in Boreholes on the Kamb Ice Stream in West Antarctica

2013-02-14 Engelhardt, Hermann Basal Conditions of Ice Stream D and Related Borehole Studies of Antarctic Ice Stream Mechanics
Siple Dome A (SDMA) Grain Orientation 640 - 790 Meters

2012-11-26 Baker, Ian; Obbard, Rachel; Sieg, Katherine Advanced Microstructural Characterization of Polar Ice Cores
Ice Core Chemistry from the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica, IPY 2007-2009

2012-08-08 McConnell, Joseph Collaborative Research: Norwegian-United States IPY Scientific Traverse: Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica
Light Absorption Coefficients for Soluble Species in Snow, Dome C, Antarctica

2012-06-26 Anastasio, Cort; Robles, Tony Laboratory Studies of Photochemistry in Antarctic Snow and Ice
Coastal and Terminus History of the Eastern Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, 1972 - 2011

2012-05-30 Macgregor, Joseph A.; Catania, Ginny; Markowski, Michael; Andrews, Alan G. Collaborative Research: Ice-flow history of the Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
Subglacial water flow paths under Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica

2012-05-21 Carter, Sasha P.; Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D. Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System
AGASEA Ice Thickness Profile Data from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica

2012-05-03 Blankenship, Donald D.; Young, Duncan A.; Holt, John W.; Kempf, Scott D. Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System
Antarctic Peninsula 100 m Digital Elevation Model Derived from ASTER GDEM

None 2012-04-30 Cook, Allison No project link provided
Methane Concentrations from the WAIS Divide Ice Core (WDC06A), 60 to 11,300 ybp

2012-04-19 Sowers, Todd A. Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core.
Annual Layers at Siple Dome, Antarctica, from Borehole Optical Stratigraphy

2012-04-15 Hawley, Robert L.; Waddington, Edwin D.; Alley, Richard; Taylor, Kendrick C. Borehole Fingerprinting: Vertical Strain, Firn Compaction, and Firn Depth-Age Scales
GPS Ice Flow Measurements, Allan Hills, Antarctica

2011-12-20 Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Spikes, Vandy Blue; Hamilton, Gordon S.; Spaulding, Nicole GPS Measurements of Rock and Ice Motions in South Victoria Land
Alkanes in Firn Air Samples, Antarctica and Greenland

2011-11-30 Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air
WAIS Divide Snowpit Chemical and Isotope Measurements, Antarctica

2011-11-15 Kreutz, Karl; Koffman, Bess Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
Microparticle, Conductivity, and Density Measurements from the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core, Antarctica

2011-10-01 Kreutz, Karl; Hamilton, Gordon S.; Breton, Daniel; Koffman, Bess Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
GPS-Measured Ice Velocities and Strain Data from the Ross and Amundsen Sea Ice Flow Divide, West Antarctica

2011-09-01 Matsuoka, Kenichi; Power, Donovan; Rasmussen, Al Detection of Crystal Orientation Fabrics near the Ross/Amundsen Sea Ice-flow Divide and at the Siple Dome Ice Core Site using Polarimetric Radar Methods
Polarimetric Radar Data from the Ross and Amundsen Sea Ice Flow Divide, West Antarctica

2011-08-30 Matsuoka, Kenichi; Power, Donovan; Fujita, Shuji; Raymond, Charles Detection of Crystal Orientation Fabrics near the Ross/Amundsen Sea Ice-flow Divide and at the Siple Dome Ice Core Site using Polarimetric Radar Methods
Modeled Radar Attenuation Rate Profile at the Vostok 5G Ice Core Site, Antarctica

2011-08-15 Macgregor, Joseph A.; Matsuoka, Kenichi; Studinger, Michael S. Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Deep Ice and the Ice-water Interface over Lake Vostok Using Existing Radar Data
Millennially Averaged Accumulation Rates for Lake Vostok

2011-08-01 Macgregor, Joseph A.; Matsuoka, Kenichi; Studinger, Michael S.; Waddington, Edwin D.; Winebrenner, Dale Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Deep Ice and the Ice-water Interface over Lake Vostok Using Existing Radar Data
MOA-derived Structural Feature Map of the Ronne Ice Shelf

2011-07-15 Hulbe, Christina; Ledoux, Christine Collaborative Research: Using Fracture Patterns and Ice Thickness to Study the History and Dynamics of Grounding Line Migration and Shutdown of Kamb and Whillans Ice Streams
Grounding Line Strain Grid Surveys, Kamb Ice Stream, Antarctica

2011-07-01 Hulbe, Christina Collaborative Research: Grounding Line Forensics: The History of Grounding Line Retreat in the Kamb Ice Stream Outlet Region
Methane Concentration and Chronology from the WAIS Divide Ice Core (WDC05A)

2011-05-27 McConnell, Joseph; Brook, Edward J.; Mitchell, Logan E; Sowers, Todd A.; Taylor, Kendrick C. Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site
High-resolution Image-derived Grounding and Hydrostatic Lines for the Antarctic Ice Sheet

None 2011-02-20 Bindschadler, Robert; Choi, Hyeungu No project link provided
Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record

2011-01-01 Soreghan, Gerilyn; Elwood Madden, Megan Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record
WAIS DIVIDE - High Temporal Resolution Black Carbon Record of Southern Hemisphere Biomass Burning

2011-01-01 Taylor, Kendrick C. WAIS DIVIDE - High Temporal Resolution Black Carbon Record of Southern Hemisphere Biomass Burning
Multiple Isotope Analysis of Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core

2010-11-01 Thiemens, Mark H. Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core
Radar Studies of Internal Stratigraphy and Bed Topography along the US ITASE-II Traverse

2010-10-20 Jacobel, Robert Collaborative Research: Is Ice Stream C Restarting? Glaciological Investigations of the 'Bulge' and the Trunk of Ice Stream C, West Antartica
Mt. Moulton Ice Trench Mass Spectrometry Data, Antarctica

2010-07-29 Mayewski, Paul A.; Korotkikh, Elena Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context
Ion Concentrations from SPRESSO Ice Core, Antarctica

2010-07-01 Mayewski, Paul A.; Korotkikh, Elena Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context
Histories of Accumulation, Thickness, and WAIS Divide Location, Antarctica

2010-06-20 Waddington, Edwin D.; Koutnik, Michelle Histories of accumulation, thickness and WAIS Divide location from radar layers using a new inverse approach
Englacial Layers and Attenuation Rates across the Ross and Amundsen Sea Ice-Flow Divide (WAIS Divide), West Antarctica

2010-06-15 Raymond, Charles; Matsuoka, Kenichi Glaciological Characteristics of the Ross/Amundsen Sea Ice-flow Divide Deduced by a New Analysis of Ice-penetrating Radar Data
Borehole Optical Stratigraphy Modeling, Antarctica

2010-06-15 Hawley, Robert L.; Smith, Ben; Waddington, Edwin D.; Fudge, T. J. Borehole Optical Stratigraphy: Ice Microphysics, Climate Change, and the Optical Properties of Firn
Ice Flow History of the Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica

2010-05-01 Conway, Howard; Fudge, T. J.; Catania, Ginny Collaborative Research: Ice-flow history of the Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
Laboratory Study of Stick-Slip Behavior and Deformation Mechanics of Subglacial Till

2010-04-14 Marone, Chris; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar Laboratory Study of Stick-Slip Behavior and Deformation Mechanics of Subglacial Till
Microstructural Location and Composition of Impurities in Polar Ice Cores

2010-02-15 Baker, Ian; Obbard, Rachel The Physical Properties of the US ITASE Firn and Ice Cores from South Pole to Taylor Dome
WAIS Divide Ice Core Images, Antarctica

2010-02-10 McGwire, Kenneth C. Investigation of Climate, Ice Dynamics and Biology using a Deep Ice Core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Ice Divide
Ice-Penetrating Radar Data Across Siple Coast Grounding Lines

2010-01-01 Hulbe, Christina; Catania, Ginny Collaborative Research: Grounding Line Forensics: The History of Grounding Line Retreat in the Kamb Ice Stream Outlet Region
Methane Measurements from the GISP2 and Siple Dome Ice Cores

2009-12-09 Brook, Edward J. Collaborative Research: New insights into the Holocene methane budget from dual isotope systematics and a high resolution record of the interpolar gradient
Methane Isotopes from the WAIS Divide Ice Core

2009-12-01 Sowers, Todd A. Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site
US ITASE Stable Isotope Data, Antarctica

2009-10-01 Steig, Eric J. Stable Isotope Studies at West Antarctic ITASE Sites
Digital Imaging for Siple Dome Ice Core Analysis, Antarctica

2009-09-03 Alley, Richard; Fitzpatrick, Joan; Spencer, Matthew Digital Imaging for Ice Core Analysis
McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research (MCM LTER) Core Glacier Mass Balance Data, Antarctica

2009-08-31 Fountain, Andrew; Nylen, Thomas; Basagic, Hassan; Lyons, W. Berry; Langevin, Paul SGER Proposal:Glaciological change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the WAIS Drilling Site, Antarctica

2009-07-30 Saltzman, Eric Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site
Optical Logging for Dust and Microbes in Boreholes in Glacial Ice

2009-07-29 Bay, Ryan Optical Logging for Dust and Microbes in Boreholes in Glacial Ice
Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd Ice Cores, Antarctica

2009-07-17 Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Nitrogen and oxygen gas isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd ice cores
Late Holocene Climate Variability, Dry Valleys, Antarctica

2009-07-01 Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A. Dry Valleys Late Holocene Climate Variability
Antarctic Radar Echograms and Derived Ice Thickness Data from CReSIS

2009-07-01 Gogineni, Prasad ITR/SI+AP: A Mobile Sensor Web for Polar Ice Sheet Measurements
Atmospheric Mixing Ratios of Hydroperoxides above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

2009-06-16 McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger; Frey, Markus Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse
Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from West Antarctica

2009-06-01 McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger; Frey, Markus Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse
Singular Value Decomposition Analysis of Ice Sheet Model Output Fields

2009-05-30 Hulbe, Christina; Daescu, Dacian N. Collaborative Research: IPY, The Next Generation: A Community Ice Sheet Model for Scientists and Educators With Demonstration Experiments in Amundsen Sea Embayment Region
Glaciological Investigations of the Bulge and Trunk of Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica

2009-03-26 Jacobel, Robert Collaborative Research: Is Ice Stream C Restarting? Glaciological Investigations of the 'Bulge' and the Trunk of Ice Stream C, West Antartica
Antarctic Subglacial Lake Classification Inventory

2009-02-06 Blankenship, Donald D.; Holt, John W.; Carter, Sasha P. Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites

2009-01-01 Steig, Eric J. Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites
Laboratory Study of Stick-Slip Behavior and Deformation Mechanics of Subglacial Till

2009-01-01 Marone, Chris; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar Laboratory Study of Stick-Slip Behavior and Deformation Mechanics of Subglacial Till
Solar activity during the last millennium, estimated from cosmogenic in-situ C14 in South Pole and GISP2 ice cores

2009-01-01 Lal, Devendra Solar Activity during the Last Millennium, Estimated from Cosmogenic in-situ 14C in South Pole and GISP2 Ice Cores
Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica

2009-01-01 Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica
Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores

2009-01-01 Walker, Sally Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past
Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores
GISP2 (D Core) Helium Isotopes from Interplanetary Dust

2008-12-16 Brook, Edward J.; Kurz, Mark D. High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change
GISP2 (D Core) Methane Concentration Data

2008-12-16 Brook, Edward J. High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change
Ross Ice Shelf Firn Temperature, Antarctica

2008-12-15 Scambos, Ted; Muto, Atsu; Sergienko, Olga; MacAyeal, Douglas Collaborative Research of Earth's Largest Icebergs
Ice Shelf Rift Time-Lapse Photography, Antarctica

2008-11-11 Brunt, Kelly; MacAyeal, Douglas Collaborative Research of Earth's Largest Icebergs
Methyl Chloride Measurements from the Siple Dome A Deep Core, Antarctica

2008-10-22 Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores
Continuous GPS (static) Data from the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica

2008-10-01 Brunt, Kelly; King, Matthew; MacAyeal, Douglas Collaborative Research of Earth's Largest Icebergs
Airborne Laser Altimetry of the Thwaites Glacier Catchment, West Antarctica

2008-01-01 Young, Duncan A.; Kempf, Scott D.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Holt, John W.; Morse, David L. Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System
Comprehensive Biological Study of Vostok Accretion Ice

2008-01-01 Rogers, Scott O. Comprehensive Biological Study of Vostok Accretion Ice
Ablation Rates of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica

2007-12-01 Cuffey, Kurt M.; Bliss, Andrew; Kavanaugh, Jeffrey Collaborative Research: Dynamics and Climatic Response of the Taylor Glacier System
Surface Velocities of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica

2007-12-01 Cuffey, Kurt M.; Bliss, Andrew; Kavanaugh, Jeffrey; Aciego, Sarah Collaborative Research: Dynamics and Climatic Response of the Taylor Glacier System
Stable Isotopes of Ice on the Surface of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica

2007-11-28 Cuffey, Kurt M.; Bliss, Andrew; Kavanaugh, Jeffrey; Aciego, Sarah Collaborative Research: Dynamics and Climatic Response of the Taylor Glacier System
Antarctic Ice Cores: Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide

2007-11-10 Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret; Tatum, Cheryl Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores
Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Taylor Dome Ice Core, Antarctica

2007-11-05 Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2
Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Byrd Ice Core, Antarctica

2007-10-26 Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2
Trapped Gas Composition and Chronology of the Vostok Ice Core

2007-07-10 Bender, Michael; Suwa, Makoto Collaborative Research: Trapped Gas Composition and the Chronology of the Vostok Ice Core
Radar Investigations of Antarctic Ice Stream Margins, Siple Dome, 1998

2007-07-06 Nereson, Nadine A.; Raymond, Charles Internal Stratigraphy and Basal Conditions at the Margins ofActive Ice Streams of the Siple Coast, Antarctica
Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome A Ice Core

2007-05-31 Finkel, R. C.; Nishiizumi, Kunihiko Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome Ice Core
Antarctic Mean Annual Temperature Map

2007-04-04 Dixon, Daniel A. A Science Management Office for the U. S. Component of the International Trans Antarctic Expedition (US ITASE SMO)A Collaborative Pgrm of Research from S. Pole to N. Victoria Land
Vertical Strain at Siple Dome, Antarctica, 1999-2002

2007-02-22 Harrison, William; Morack, James; Waddington, Edwin D.; Pettit, Erin; Zumberge, Mark; Elsberg, Daniel Ice Dynamics, the Flow Law, and Vertical Strain at Siple Dome
Amundsen Sea Sector Data Set

2007-01-01 Fastook, James L. Airborne Geophysical Survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica (AGASEA)
Subglacial Topography: Airborne Geophysical Survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica

2006-10-25 Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Morse, David L.; Vaughan, David G.; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Young, Duncan A. Airborne Geophysical Survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica (AGASEA)
AWS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and Their Potential Effect on Ice Core Interpretation

2006-10-05 Fahnestock, Mark; Scambos, Ted; Haran, Terry; Bauer, Rob Collaborative Research: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and Their Potential Effect on Ice Core Interpretation
Compilation of Antarctic Radar Data, Siple Coast, 2000-2002

2005-12-15 Raymond, Charles; Conway, Howard; Catania, Ginny Collaborative Research:History and Evolution of the Siple Coast Ice Stream Systems as Recorded by Former Shear-Margin Scars
Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core: Carbonyl Sulfide (COS), Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), and Methyl Bromide (CH3Br)

2005-11-16 Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores
MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica 2003-2004 (MOA2004) Image Map

None 2005-11-02 Haran, Terry; Bohlander, Jennifer; Scambos, Ted; Painter, Thomas; Fahnestock, Mark No project link provided
Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Glaciochemical Analysis

2005-05-09 Mayewski, Paul A.; Kreutz, Karl; Twickler, Mark; Whitlow, Sallie; Meeker, Loren D. Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability
US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition 400 MHz Subsurface Radar Profiles

2005-05-01 Arcone, Steven High Resolution Radar Profiling of the Snow and Ice Stratigraphy beneath the ITASE Traverses, West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Ice Thickness and Internal Layer Depth Along the 2001 and 2002 US ITASE Traverses

2005-04-08 Jacobel, Robert Radar Studies of Internal Stratigraphy and Bedrock Topography along the US ITASE Traverse
US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE): GPR Profiles and Accumulation Mapping

2005-04-06 Spikes, Vandy Blue; Hamilton, Gordon S.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Arcone, Steven; Kaspari, Susan High Resolution Radar Profiling of the Snow and Ice Stratigraphy beneath the ITASE Traverses, West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Margin Migration Rates and Dynamics: Siple Coast Ice Streams

2005-03-17 Truffer, Martin; Echelmeyer, Keith A. Margin Migration Rates and Margin Dynamics of the Siple Coast Ice Streams
Ice Fabric Characteristics: Siple Dome, A Core

2005-03-02 Wilen, Larry Collaborative Research: Fabric and Texture Characteristics of Micro-Physical Processes in Ice
Talos Dome Ice Core Deuterium Isotope Data

None 2004-08-27 Jouzel, Jean; Stenni, Barbara No project link provided
Antarctic and Greenland Climate Change Comparison

2004-08-27 Blunier, Thomas; Stauffer, Bernhard; Chappellaz, Jerome; Brook, Edward J. High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change
Byrd Ice Core Microparticle and Chemistry Data

2004-08-26 Blunier, Thomas; Fluckiger, Jacqueline; Thompson, Lonnie G.; Brook, Edward J. Collaborative Research: Studies of Trapped Gases in Firn and Ice from Antarctic Deep Ice Cores
Dome C Ice Core Chemistry and Depth and Age Scale Data

None 2004-08-26 Lal, Devendra; Lorius, Claude Nuclear Studies of Accumulating and Ablation Ice Using Cosmogenic 14c
Law Dome Ice Cores Chemistry Data

None 2004-08-26 Barnola, J. M.; Etheridge, David; Morgan, Vin No project link provided
Siple Dome Ice Core Chemistry and Ion Data

2004-08-26 Blunier, Thomas; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Brook, Edward J.; Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A.; Dunbar, Nelia Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability
Dronning Maud Land Ice Core Chemistry Data

None 2004-08-26 Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie; Isaksson, Elisabeth No project link provided
Newall Glacier Ice Core and Snow Pit Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Stratigraphy

2004-08-26 Welch, Kathy A.; Mayewski, Paul A. Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Vostok Ice Core Chemistry, Timescale, Isotope, and Temperature Data

None 2004-08-26 Lal, Devendra; Barnola, J. M.; Petit, Jean Robert; Jouzel, Jean; Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward J.; Bender, Michael; Fishcer, Hubertus; Blunier, Thomas; Ruddiman, William; Raymo, Maureen; Lorius, Claude; Chappellaz, Jerome No project link provided
Taylor Dome Ice Core Chemistry, Ion, and Isotope Data

2004-08-26 Smith, Jesse; Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward J.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Steig, Eric J.; Indermuhle, A. Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores
Dominion Range Ice Core Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Density Data

2004-08-26 Sowers, Todd A.; Saltzman, Eric; Watson, M. Scott; Grootes, Pieter; Mayewski, Paul A.; Meese, Deb; Gow, Tony Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C Ice Core Data

None 2004-08-26 Wolff, Eric W.; Monnin, Eric; Fluckiger, Jacqueline No project link provided
Antarctic Aerogeophysics Data

2004-07-13 Blankenship, Donald D.; Morse, David L.; Holt, John W.; Dalziel, Ian W. Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)
Sulfate-Based Volcanic Record from South Pole Ice Core

2004-04-09 Cole-Dai, Jihong A Sulfate-based Volcanic Record from South Pole Ice Cores
Antarctic Ice Velocity Data

None 2004-03-23 Bindschadler, Robert; Raymond, Charles No project link provided
Ice Thickness and Surface Elevation, Southeastern Ross Embayment, West Antarctica

2004-03-17 Blankenship, Donald D.; Finn, C. A.; Morse, David L.; Peters, M. E.; Kempf, Scott D.; Hodge, S. M.; Behrendt, J. C.; Brozena, J. M.; Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin Corridor Aerogeophysics of the Southeastern Ross Transect Zone (CASERTZ), Antarctica
Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core

2004-03-09 Saltzman, Eric; Dioumaeva, Irina; Finley, Brandon Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core
Atmospheric CO2 Trapped in the Ice Core from Siple Dome, Antarctica

2003-12-11 Ahn, Jinho; Wahlen, Martin; Deck, Bruce CO2 and Delta 13CO2 in Antarctic Ice Cores
Surface Elevation and Ice Thickness, Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica

2003-12-10 Luyendyk, Bruce P.; Wilson, Douglas S. Glaciological Characteristics of the Ross/Amundsen Sea Ice-flow Divide Deduced by a New Analysis of Ice-penetrating Radar Data
Central West Antarctic Glaciochemistry from Ice Cores

None 2003-10-16 Reusch, David No project link provided
Siple Dome Ice Core Age-Depth Scales

2003-09-09 Nereson, Nadine A. Ice Modelling Study of Siple Dome: WAIS Ice Dynamics, WAISCORES Paleoclimate and Ice Stream/Ice Dome Interactions
Siple Dome Highlights: Stable isotopes

None 2003-08-18 Steig, Eric J.; White, James No project link provided
Taylor Dome Ice Core Data

None 2003-08-18 Steig, Eric J.; White, James No project link provided
Siple Dome Methane Record

2003-08-18 Brook, Edward J. High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change
Ice Motion and Topography Near Margin Areas of Kamb Ice Stream, Antarctica

2003-08-01 Scambos, Ted; Catania, Ginny; Conway, Howard; Gades, Anthony; Raymond, Charles Collaborative Research: History and Evolution of the Siple Coast Ice Stream System as Recorded by Former Shear-Margin Scars
Roosevelt Island Bedrock and Surface Elevations

2003-05-23 Conway, Howard Radar Investigations of Former Shear Margins: Roosevelt Island and Ice Stream C
GISP2 (B and D Core) Methane Concentrations

2003-05-14 Brook, Edward J. High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change
Roosevelt Island Ice Core Density and Beta Count Data

2003-05-14 Conway, Howard Radar Investigations of Former Shear Margins: Roosevelt Island and Ice Stream C
Siple Shallow Core Density Data

2003-05-14 Lamorey, Gregg W. Continuous High Resolution Ice-Core Chemistry using ICP-MS at Siple Dome
Physical and Structural Properties of the Siple Dome Ice Cores

2003-05-14 Gow, Tony; Meese, Deb Physical and Structural Properties of the Siple Dome Core
Digital Images of Thin Sections from Siple Dome

2003-05-14 Fitzpatrick, Joan Digital Imaging for Ice Core Analysis
Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores

2003-05-14 Zielinski, Gregory; Dunbar, Nelia Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region
Siple Dome Cores Electrical Measurement Data

2003-05-08 Taylor, Kendrick C. Electrical and Optical Measurements on the Siple Dome Ice Core
Blue Ice Tephra II - Brimstone Peak

2003-02-18 Dunbar, Nelia Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region
Blue Ice Tephra II - Mt. DeWitt

2003-02-01 Dunbar, Nelia Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region
Snow-atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica

2002-07-11 McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger Snow-Atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica
WAISCORES Snow Pit Chemistry, Antarctica

2002-07-11 Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A. Siple Dome Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry and Regional Survey - A Contribution to the WAIS Initiative
Methane and Carbonyl Sulfide Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core Subsamples

2002-07-10 Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores
Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores

2002-06-01 Dunbar, Nelia Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region
Carbon-Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum

2002-01-01 Wahlen, Martin Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores
WAISCORES: Deep Ice Coring in West Antarctica

None 2002-01-01 Lamorey, Gregg W. No project link provided
Ice Velocity Data from Ice Stream C, West Antarctica

2001-12-01 Anandakrishnan, Sridhar Microearthquake Monitoring of Ice Stream C, West Antarctica: A Sensor for Sticky Spots
Images of Antarctic Ice Shelves

None 2001-01-01 Scambos, Ted; Raup, Bruce H.; Bohlander, Jennifer No project link provided
Newall Glacier Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1987 to 1989

None 1999-01-01 Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Siple Dome Glaciology and Ice Stream History 1994, 1996

1999-01-01 Jacobel, Robert Siple Dome Glaciology and Ice Stream History
Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, Ice Core, 1991 and 1992

None 1999-01-01 Whitlow, Sallie; Mayewski, Paul A. No project link provided
Visible Stratigraphic Dating, Siple Dome and Upstream C Cores

1997-01-01 Alley, Richard Physical Properties of the Siple Dome Deep Ice Core