{"dp_type": "Project", "free_text": "Paleoclimate"}
[{"awards": "2423761 Blackburn, Terrence", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Tue, 14 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Non-technical abstract\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eEarth\u2019s climatic changes have been recorded in the ice core collected from the Antarctic ice sheet. While these records provide a high resolution view of how polar temperatures changed through time, it is not always clear what Earth process influence Antarctic climate. One likely contributor to Antarctic temperature changes is the cyclic changes in Earth\u2019s orientation as it orbits the sun. These so-called Milankovitch cycles control the amount and pattern of sunlight reaching the polar regions, that in turn result in periods of climatic warming or cooling. While the orbital variations and control on incoming solar energy remain well understood, how they influence Antarctic climate remains unresolved. It is the goal of this project to determine how variations in Earth\u2019s orbit may be locally influencing Antarctic temperatures. The researchers on this project are pursing this goal by identifying periods of past ice melting on the surface of Antarctica using minerals that precipitate from the meltwaters that resulted from past warm periods. The timing of this past melting will be determined by radioisotopic dating of the minerals using the natural radioactive decay of uranium to thorium. By dating numerous samples, collected in past scientific expeditions throughout the Antarctic continent, these researchers aim to reconstruct the frequency and spatial pattern of past warming and in doing so, determine what aspect of Earth\u2019s orbital variations influences Antarctic ice loss.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eTechnical abstract\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eAntarctic ice cores provide high resolution records of Pleistocene Southern Hemisphere temperatures that show an overall coherence with Northern Hemisphere temperature variations. One explanation for this bi-hemispheric temperature covariance relies on changes in atmospheric CO2 that result from varying northern hemisphere insolation. An alternative posits that the apparent coherence of polar temperatures is due to the misleading covariance between northern hemisphere summer insolation and, the southern hemisphere summer duration. At present there is an insufficient understanding of the role that local insolation plays in Antarctic climate. The goal of this research project is to identify the temporal spatial patterns of solar forcing in Antarctica. To reach this goal, the project team will: 1) develop a way to identify periods of past surface melt production in Antarctica using U-Th dating of pedogenic carbonates; and 2) utilize the evidence of past surface melting to calibrate energy balance models and interrogate past Antarctic surface temperatures and; 3) compare the timing of Antarctic warm periods to potential solar forcing mechanisms such as peak summer insolation or summer duration. A means of identifying the spatial and temporal pattern at which local insolation influences Antarctic temperature would provide a transformative solution to the contradiction in current climate records.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award reflects NSF\u0027\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctic Ice Sheet; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS", "locations": "Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Blackburn, Terrence", "platforms": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "EAGER: Pedogenic Carbonates Record Insolation Driven Surface Melting in Antarctica", "uid": "p0010459", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0944018 Lazzara, Matthew; 0943952 Cassano, John", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Antarctic Automatic Weather Stations", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200375", "doi": "https://doi.org/10.48567/1hn2-nw60", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic Automatic Weather Stations", "url": "https://amrdcdata.ssec.wisc.edu/dataset?q=0944018+"}], "date_created": "Fri, 20 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Antarctic Automatic Weather Station (AWS) network, first commenced in 1978, is the most extensive meteorological observing system on the Antarctic continent, approaching its 30th year at many of its key sites. Its prime focus as a long term observational record is vital to the measurement of the near surface climatology of the Antarctic atmosphere. AWS units measure air-temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction at a nominal surface height of 3m. Other parameters such as relative humidity and snow accumulation may also be taken. Observational data from the AWS are collected via the DCS Argos system aboard either NOAA or MetOp polar orbiting satellites and thus made available globally, in near real time via the GTS (Global Telecommunications System), to operational and synoptic weather forecasters. The surface observations from the AWS network also are often used to check on satellite and remote sensing observations, and the simulations of Global Climate Models (GCMs). Research instances of its use in this project include continued development of the climatology of the Antarctic atmosphere and surface wind studies of the Ross Ice Shelf. The AWS observations benefit the broader earth system science community, supporting research activities ranging from paleoclimate studies to penguin phenology.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; DATA COLLECTIONS; SURFACE PRESSURE; HUMIDITY; AIR TEMPERATURE; FIELD SITES; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS; SURFACE WINDS; WEATHER STATIONS", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Lazzara, Matthew; Cassano, John", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e DATA COLLECTIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e WEATHER STATIONS", "repo": "Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center", "repositories": "Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Program", "uid": "p0010438", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "2231558 Smith, Nathan; 2231559 Tinto, Kirsteen", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Fri, 01 Sep 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "PUBLIC ABSTRACT \u2013 NSF 2231558/2231559\r\nCOLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: CONFERENCE: INTERDISCIPLINARY ANTARCTIC EARTH SCIENCE CONFERENCE \u0026 DEEP-FIELD PLANNING WORKSHOP\r\n\r\nThe unique Antarctic environment offers insight into processes and records not seen anywhere else on Earth, and is critical to understanding our planet\u2019s history and future. The remoteness and logistics of Antarctic science brings together researchers from diverse disciplines who otherwise wouldn\u2019t be presented with opportunities for collaboration, and often rarely attend the same academic conferences. The Interdisciplinary Antarctic Earth Science (IAES) conference is a biennial gathering that supports the collaboration of U.S. bio-, cryo-, geo-, and atmospheric science researchers working in the Antarctic. This proposal will support the next two IAES conferences to be held in 2022 and 2024, as well as a paired deep-field camp planning workshop. The IAES conference is important to the mission of the NSF in supporting interdisciplinary collaboration in the Antarctic earth sciences, but also fulfills recommendations by the National Academy for improving awareness, data sharing, and early career researcher mentoring and development. The size and scope of the IAES conference allow it to serve as a hub for novel, interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as an incubator for the development of the next generation of Antarctic earth scientists.\r\n\r\nThe goals of the IAES conference are to develop and deepen scientific collaborations across the Antarctic earth science community, and create a framework for future deep-field, as well as non-field-based research. The conference will share science through presentations of current research and keynote talks, broaden participation through welcoming new researchers from under-represented communities and disciplines, and deepen collaboration through interdisciplinary networking highlighting potential research connections, novel mentorship activities, and promoting data re-use, and application of remote sensing and modeling. Discussions resulting from the IAES conference will be used to develop white papers on future Antarctic collaborative research and deep-field camps based on community-driven research priorities. Community surveys and feedback will be solicited throughout the project to guide the future development of the IAES conference.\r\n", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GEOMORPHIC LANDFORMS/PROCESSES; GEOCHEMISTRY; California; ICE CORE RECORDS; ECOLOGICAL DYNAMICS; GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS", "locations": "California", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Smith, Nathan; Tinto, Kirsty", "platforms": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Conference: Interdisciplinary Antarctic Earth Science Conference \u0026 Deep-Field Planning Workshop", "uid": "p0010432", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1745078 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Atmospheric methane across the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation from the GISP2, NEEM and WAIS Divide ice cores ; Atmospheric methane interpolar difference and four-box troposphere model output across the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation; Carbon-13 and Deuterium isotopic composition of atmospheric methane across Heinrich Stadial 4, and Dansgaard Oesgher Event 8, WAIS Divide Replicate Ice Core, Antarctica; Carbon-13 isotopic composition of atmospheric methane across Heinrich Stadials 1 and 5, and Dansgaard Oesgher Event 12, WAIS Divide Ice Core, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601813", "doi": "10.15784/601813", "keywords": "Abrupt Climate Change; Antarctica; Atmospheric Gases; Biogeochemical Cycles; Carbon Cycle; Cryosphere; Greenhouse Gas; Methane; West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide", "people": "Iseli, Rene; Brook, Edward J.; Riddell-Young, Benjamin; Lee, James; Schmitt, Jochen; Fischer, Hubertus; Bauska, Thomas; Menking, Andy; Clark, Reid", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Carbon-13 and Deuterium isotopic composition of atmospheric methane across Heinrich Stadial 4, and Dansgaard Oesgher Event 8, WAIS Divide Replicate Ice Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601813"}, {"dataset_uid": "601736", "doi": "10.15784/601736", "keywords": "Antarctica; Greenland; Methane; Paleoclimate; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Edwards, Jon S.; M\u00fchl, Michaela; Schmitt, Jochen; Fischer, Hubertus; Blunier, Thomas; Buizert, Christo; Rosen, Julia; Martin, Kaden; Lee, James; Riddell-Young, Benjamin; Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Atmospheric methane interpolar difference and four-box troposphere model output across the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601736"}, {"dataset_uid": "601683", "doi": "10.15784/601683", "keywords": "Antarctica; Methane; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Riddell-Young, Benjamin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Carbon-13 isotopic composition of atmospheric methane across Heinrich Stadials 1 and 5, and Dansgaard Oesgher Event 12, WAIS Divide Ice Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601683"}, {"dataset_uid": "601737", "doi": "10.15784/601737", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Greenland; Ice Core Records; Methane; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Lee, James; Rosen, Julia; Martin, Kaden; Riddell-Young, Benjamin; Edwards, Jon S.; Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Atmospheric methane across the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation from the GISP2, NEEM and WAIS Divide ice cores ", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601737"}], "date_created": "Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project will develop methods to measure the ratios of carbon-13 to carbon-12, and heavy to light hydrogen in methane in air trapped in ice cores. The ratios of the different forms of carbon and hydrogen are \"fingerprints\" of different sources of this gas in the past--for example wetlands in the tropics versus methane frozen in the sea floor. Once the analysis method is developed, the measurements will be used to examine why methane changed abruptly in the past, both during the last ice age, and during previous warm periods. The data will be used to understand how methane sources like wildfires, methane hydrates, and wetlands respond to climate change. This information is needed to understand future risks of large changes in methane in the atmosphere as Earth warms. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe project involves two tasks. First, the investigators will build and test a gas extraction system for methane isotopic measurements using continuous flow methods, with the goal of equaling or bettering the precision attained by the few other laboratories that make these measurements. The system will be interfaced with existing mass spectrometers at Oregon State University. The system consists of a vacuum chamber and sequence of traps, purification columns, and furnaces that separate methane from other gases and convert it to carbon dioxide or hydrogen for mass spectrometry. Second, the team will measure the isotopic composition of methane across large changes in concentration associated with two past interglacial periods and during abrupt methane changes of the last ice age. These measurements will be used to understand if the main reason for these concentration changes is climate-driven changes in emissions from wetlands, or whether other sources are involved, for example methane hydrates or wildfires.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctic Ice Sheet; TRACE GASES/TRACE SPECIES; METHANE", "locations": "Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Brook, Edward", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores", "uid": "p0010416", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1841879 Aydin, Murat; 1841844 Steig, Eric; 1841858 Souney, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-105 -86)", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The goal of this project is to drill and recover an ice core from Hercules Dome, Antarctica. The geographic setting of Hercules Dome makes it well-situated to investigate changes in the size of the West Antarctic ice sheet over long time periods. The base of the West Antarctic ice sheet lies below sea level, which makes this part of Antarctica vulnerable to melting from the relatively warm deep water of the Southern Ocean. An important research question is whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during Earth\u0027s last prolonged warm period, about 125,000 years ago, when the ocean was warmer and sea level was several meters higher than today. Evidence for or against such a collapse will be recorded in the chemistry and physical properties of the ice. The Hercules Dome ice core will be obtained over three to four field seasons in Antarctica using efficient drilling technology. This grant includes support for project management, pre-drilling science community engagement, ice-core recovery, and education and outreach activities. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eHercules Dome is located at the edge of the East Antarctic ice sheet, south of the Transantarctic Mountains at 86 degrees South, 105 degrees West. Glaciological conditions at Hercules Dome are simple, with well-defined layering to the bed, optimal for the recovery of a deep ice core reaching to the last interglacial period at depths between 1600 and 2800 meters. An ice core from Hercules Dome will provide a research opportunity for ice-core analysts and others to make progress on a number of science priorities, including the environmental conditions of the last interglacial period, the history of gases and aerosols, and the magnitude and timing of changes in temperature and snow accumulation over the last 150,000 years. Together with the network of ice cores obtained by U.S. and international researchers over the last few decades, results from Hercules Dome will yield improved estimates of the boundary conditions necessary for the implementation and validation of ice-sheet models critical to the projection of future Antarctic ice-sheet change and sea level.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": -105.0, "geometry": "POINT(-105 -86)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "ICE SHEETS; Hercules Dome; FIELD SURVEYS; AIR TEMPERATURE; SNOW/ICE CHEMISTRY; GLACIER ELEVATION/ICE SHEET ELEVATION; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS", "locations": "Hercules Dome", "north": -86.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; Fudge, T. J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "south": -86.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: An Ice Core from Hercules Dome, East Antarctica", "uid": "p0010401", "west": -105.0}, {"awards": "2037963 Smith, Heidi", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Tue, 11 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Glacial ice cores serve as a museum back in time, providing detailed records of past climatic conditions. In addition to chronological records such as temperature, chemistry and gas composition, ice provides a unique environment for preserving microbes and other biological materials through time. These microbes provide invaluable insight into the physiological capabilities necessary for survival in the Earths cryosphere and other icy planetary bodies, yet little is known about them. This award supports fundamental research into the activity of microbes in ice, and directly supports major research priorities regarding Antarctic biota identified in the 2015 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report, A Strategic Vision for NSF Investments in Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research. The broader impacts of this work are that it will be relevant to researchers across paleoclimate and biological fields. It will support two early career researchers, a graduate and an undergraduate student who will conduct laboratory analyses, participate in outreach activities, publish papers in scientific journals and present at conferences. \r\n\r\nThis work will use previously collected ice cores to investigate englacial microbial activity from the Holocene back to the Last Glacial Maximum from the blue ice area of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. The proposal identified making significant contributions to 1) investing how Antarctic organisms evolve and adapt to changing environment, 2) understanding how microbes alter the preservation of paleorecord-relevant gas and trace element information in ice cores, and 3) identifying microbial life in cores and their activity in relation to dust depositional events. Two recently developed complementary techniques (bio-orthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging and deuterium isotope probing) in combination with Raman Confocal Microspectroscopy will be used to assess and quantify microbial activity in ice. During phase one of the project, these methods will be optimized using deaccessioned ice cores available at the National Science Foundations Ice Core Facility. In phase two, ice cores in a time series from the Taylor Glacier will be analyzed for geochemistry and microbial activity. Research results will provide a comprehensive view of englacial microbial communities, including their metabolic diversity and activity, and the effect of geochemical parameters on microbial assemblages from different climate periods. Given the dearth of information available on englacial microbial communities, the results of this research will be of particular significance.\r\n\r\nThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Microbial Activity; LABORATORY; Paleoclimate; CAMP; Taylor Glacier; Microbiology; Alaska; ICE CORE RECORDS", "locations": "CAMP; Alaska; Taylor Glacier", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Smith, Heidi; Foreman, Christine; Dieser, Markus", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Life in Ice: Probing Microbial Englacial Activity through Time", "uid": "p0010385", "west": null}, {"awards": "2026648 Tobin, Thomas; 2020728 Huber, Brian; 2025724 Harwood, David", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-56.93 -64.2,-56.894 -64.2,-56.858 -64.2,-56.822 -64.2,-56.786 -64.2,-56.75 -64.2,-56.714 -64.2,-56.678 -64.2,-56.642 -64.2,-56.606 -64.2,-56.57 -64.2,-56.57 -64.214,-56.57 -64.22800000000001,-56.57 -64.242,-56.57 -64.256,-56.57 -64.27000000000001,-56.57 -64.284,-56.57 -64.298,-56.57 -64.312,-56.57 -64.32600000000001,-56.57 -64.34,-56.606 -64.34,-56.642 -64.34,-56.678 -64.34,-56.714 -64.34,-56.75 -64.34,-56.786 -64.34,-56.822 -64.34,-56.858 -64.34,-56.894 -64.34,-56.93 -64.34,-56.93 -64.32600000000001,-56.93 -64.312,-56.93 -64.298,-56.93 -64.284,-56.93 -64.27000000000001,-56.93 -64.256,-56.93 -64.242,-56.93 -64.22800000000001,-56.93 -64.214,-56.93 -64.2))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Non-technical description: \u003cbr/\u003eThis 4-year project is evaluating evidence of extinction patterns and depositional conditions from a high southern latitude Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) outcrop section found on Seymore Island, in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. The team is using sediment samples collected below the weathering horizon to evaluate detailed sedimentary structures, geochemistry, and microfossils in targeted stratigraphic intervals. The study will help determine if the K-Pg mass extinction was a single or double phased event and whether Seymour Island region in the geological past was a restricted, suboxic marine environment or an open well-mixed shelf. The award includes an integrated plan for student training at all levels, enhanced by a highlighted partnership with a high school earth sciences teacher working in a school serving underrepresented students.\u003cbr/\u003eTechnical description:\u003cbr/\u003e The proposed research is applying multiple techniques to address an overarching research question for which recent studies are in disagreement: Is the fossil evidence from a unique outcropping on Seymour Island, Antarctica consistent with a single or double phased extinction? In a two-phased model, the first extinction would affect primarily benthic organisms and would have occurred ~150 kiloyears prior to a separate extinction at the K-Pg boundary. However, this early extinction could plausibly be explained by an unrecognized facies control that is obscured by surficial weathering. This team is using microfossil evidence with detailed sedimentary petrology and geochemistry data to evaluate if the fossil evidence from Seymour Island is consistent with a single or double phased extinction process. The team is using detailed sedimentary petrology and geochemistry methods to test for facies changes across the K-PG interval that would explain the apparent early extinction. Samples of core sedimentary foraminifera, siliceous microfossils, and calcareous nannofossils are being evaluated to provide a high-resolution stratigraphic resolution and to evaluate whether evidence for an early extinction is present. Additionally, the team is using multiple geochemical methods to evaluate whether there is evidence for intermittent anoxia or euxinia and/or physical restriction of the Seymore region basin. Data from this analysis will indicate if this region was a restricted, suboxic marine environment or an open well-mixed shelf.", "east": -56.57, "geometry": "POINT(-56.75 -64.27000000000001)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Seymour Island; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; SEDIMENTARY ROCKS; MICROFOSSILS; FIELD INVESTIGATION", "locations": "Seymour Island", "north": -64.2, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Tobin, Thomas; Totten, Rebecca", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -64.34, "title": "Collaborative Research: Coring Seymour Island (CSI) Antarctica: Evaluating Causes and Effects of the End Cretaceous Mass Extinction", "uid": "p0010377", "west": -56.93}, {"awards": "2149518 Fudge, Tyler", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "ALHIC2201 and ALHIC2302 3D ECM and Layer Orientations", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601854", "doi": "10.15784/601854", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere", "people": "Shackleton, Sarah; Fudge, T. J.; Kirkpatrick, Liam; Carter, Austin; Marks Peterson, Julia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "ALHIC2201 and ALHIC2302 3D ECM and Layer Orientations", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601854"}], "date_created": "Sun, 07 Aug 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Interpreting highly compressed portions of ice cores is increasingly important as projects target climate records in basal ice, and in ice recovered from blue-ice areas. This project will integrate precisely co-registered electrical conductivity measurements (ECM), hyperspectral imaging, laser ablation ICPMS measurements of impurities, and ice physical properties to investigate sub-cm chemical and physical variations in polar ice. This work will establish to what extent annual layer interpretations of polar ice with sub-cm layering is possible. Critical to resolving thin ice layers is understanding the across-core variations which may obscure or distort the vertical layering. Analyses will be focused on samples from WAIS Divide, SPICEcore, and GISP2, which have well established seasonal cycles that yielded benchmark timescales, as well a large diameter ice core from a blue ice area.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "ICE CORE RECORDS; Ice Core", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Fudge, T. J.; Fegyveresi, John M", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Testing Next Generation Measurement Techniques for Reconstruction of Paleoclimate Archives from Thin or Disturbed Ice Cores Sections", "uid": "p0010365", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "2012247 Groff, Dulcinea; 2012365 Johnston, David; 2012444 Cimino, Megan", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-65 -64.5,-64.8 -64.5,-64.6 -64.5,-64.4 -64.5,-64.2 -64.5,-64 -64.5,-63.8 -64.5,-63.6 -64.5,-63.4 -64.5,-63.2 -64.5,-63 -64.5,-63 -64.55,-63 -64.6,-63 -64.65,-63 -64.7,-63 -64.75,-63 -64.8,-63 -64.85,-63 -64.9,-63 -64.95,-63 -65,-63.2 -65,-63.4 -65,-63.6 -65,-63.8 -65,-64 -65,-64.2 -65,-64.4 -65,-64.6 -65,-64.8 -65,-65 -65,-65 -64.95,-65 -64.9,-65 -64.85,-65 -64.8,-65 -64.75,-65 -64.7,-65 -64.65,-65 -64.6,-65 -64.55,-65 -64.5))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Sun, 24 Jul 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is funded in whole or part under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law 117-2). \r\nPart I: Non-technical description: \r\nAdlie penguin colonies are declining and disappearing from the western Antarctic Peninsula. However, not all colonies in a certain area decline or disappear at the same rate. This research project will evaluate the influence of terrestrial surface properties on Adlie penguin colonies, leveraging five decades of research on seabirds near Palmer Station where an Adlie colony on Litchfield Island became extinct in 2007 while other colonies nearby are still present. The researchers will combine information obtained from remote sensing, UAS (Unoccupied Aircraft System, or drones) high-resolution maps, reconstruction of past moss banks and modeling with machine learning tools to define suitable penguin and peatbank moss habitats and explore the influence of microclimate on their distributions. In particular, the researchers are asking if guano from penguin colonies could act as fertilizers of moss banks in the presence of localized wind patters that can carry airborne nitrogen to the mosses. Modeling will relate penguin and peatbank moss spatial patterns to environmental variables and provide a greater understanding of how continued environmental change could impact these communities. The project allows for documentation of terrestrial Antarctic ecosystems in support of seabirds and provisioning of such information to the broader science community that seeks to study penguins, educating graduate and undergraduate students and a post-doctoral researcher. The research team includes two young women as Principal Investigators, one of them from an under-represented ethnic minority, first time Antarctic Principal Investigator, from an EPSCoR state (Wyoming), broadening participation in Antarctic research. Researchers will serve as student mentors through the Duke Bass Connections program entitled Biogeographic Assessment of Antarctic Coastal Habitats. This program supports an interdisciplinary team of graduate and undergraduate students collaborating with project faculty and experts on cutting-edge research bridging the classroom and the real world.\r\n\r\nPart II: Technical description: \r\nThis research aims to understand the changes at the microclimate scale (meters) by analyzing present and past Adlie penguin colonies and moss peatbanks in islands around Palmer Station in the western Antarctic Peninsula interlinked systems that are typically considered in isolation. By integrating in situ and remote data, this project will synthesize the drivers of biogeomorphology on small islands of the Antarctic Peninsula, a region of rapid change where plants and animals often co-occur and animal presence often determines the habitation of plants. A multi-disciplinary approach combine field measurements, remote sensing, UAS (Unoccupied Aircraft Systems) maps, paleoecology and modeling with machine learning to define suitable habitats and the influence of microclimates on penguin and peatbank distributions. The link between the two aspects of this study, peatbanks and penguins, is the potential source of nutrients for peat mosses from penguin guano. Peatbank and penguin distribution will be modeled and all models will be validated using in situ information from moss samples that will identify mechanistic processes. This project leverages 5 decades of seabird research in the area and high-definition remote sensing provided by the Polar Geospatial center to study the microclimate of Litchfield Island where an Adlie colony became extinct in 2007 when other colonies nearby are still present. The research team includes two early career women as Principal Investigators, one of them from an under-represented ethnic minority, first time Antarctic Principal Investigator, from an EPSCoR state (Wyoming). Researchers will serve as mentors for students through the Duke Bass Connections program entitled Biogeogrpahic Assessment of Antarctic Coastal Habitats which bridges the classroom and the real world.\r\n\r\nThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": -63.0, "geometry": "POINT(-64 -64.75)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Palmer Station; Antarctic Peninsula; COASTAL; STABLE ISOTOPES; TOPOGRAPHIC EFFECTS; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; MACROFOSSILS; PLANTS; PENGUINS; ISOTOPES; VISIBLE IMAGERY; RADIOCARBON; Anvers Island", "locations": "Antarctic Peninsula; Anvers Island; Palmer Station", "north": -64.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Groff, Dulcinea; Cimino, Megan; Johnston, David", "platforms": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -65.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Common Environmental Drivers Determine the Occupation Chronology of Ad\u00e9lie Penguins and Moss Peatbanks on the Western Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "p0010354", "west": -65.0}, {"awards": "1745068 Booth, Robert; 1745082 Beilman, David", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-64.4 -62.4,-63.910000000000004 -62.4,-63.42 -62.4,-62.93000000000001 -62.4,-62.440000000000005 -62.4,-61.95 -62.4,-61.46 -62.4,-60.97 -62.4,-60.480000000000004 -62.4,-59.99 -62.4,-59.5 -62.4,-59.5 -62.7,-59.5 -63,-59.5 -63.3,-59.5 -63.6,-59.5 -63.900000000000006,-59.5 -64.2,-59.5 -64.5,-59.5 -64.80000000000001,-59.5 -65.10000000000001,-59.5 -65.4,-59.99 -65.4,-60.480000000000004 -65.4,-60.97 -65.4,-61.46 -65.4,-61.95 -65.4,-62.440000000000005 -65.4,-62.93000000000001 -65.4,-63.42 -65.4,-63.910000000000004 -65.4,-64.4 -65.4,-64.4 -65.10000000000001,-64.4 -64.80000000000001,-64.4 -64.5,-64.4 -64.2,-64.4 -63.900000000000006,-64.4 -63.6,-64.4 -63.3,-64.4 -63,-64.4 -62.7,-64.4 -62.4))", "dataset_titles": "LMG2002 Expedtition Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200222", "doi": "10.7284/908802", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "LMG2002 Expedtition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/LMG2002"}], "date_created": "Fri, 10 Jun 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Warming on the western Antarctic Peninsula in the later 20th century has caused widespread changes in the cryosphere (ice and snow) and terrestrial ecosystems. These recent changes along with longer-term climate and ecosystem histories will be deciphered using peat deposits. Peat accumulation can be used to assess the rate of glacial retreat and provide insight into ecological processes on newly deglaciated landscapes in the Antarctic Peninsula. This project builds on data suggesting recent ecosystem transformations that are linked to past climate of the western Antarctic Peninsula and provide a timeline to assess the extent and rate of recent glacial change. The study will produce a climate record for the coastal low-elevation terrestrial region, which will refine the major climate shifts of up to 6 degrees C in the recent past (last 12,000 years). A novel terrestrial record of the recent glacial history will provide insight into observed changes in climate and sea-ice dynamics in the western Antarctic Peninsula and allow for comparison with off-shore climate records captured in sediments. Observations and discoveries from this project will be disseminated to local schools and science centers. The project provides training and career development for a postdoctoral scientist as well as graduate and undergraduate students.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe research presents a new systematic survey to reconstruct ecosystem and climate change for the coastal low-elevation areas on the western Antarctic Peninsula (AP) using proxy records preserved in late Holocene peat deposits. Moss and peat samples will be collected and analyzed to generate a comprehensive data set of late-Holocene climate change and ecosystem dynamics. The goal is to document and understand the transformations of landscape and terrestrial ecosystems on the western AP during the late Holocene. The testable hypothesis is that coastal regions have experienced greater climate variability than evidenced in ice-core records and that past warmth has facilitated dramatic ecosystem and cryosphere response. A primary product of the project is a robust reconstruction of late Holocene climate changes for coastal low-elevation terrestrial areas using multiple lines of evidence from peat-based biological and geochemical proxies, which will be used to compare with climate records derived from marine sediments and ice cores from the AP region. These data will be used to test several ideas related to novel peat-forming ecosystems (such as Antarctic hairgrass bogs) in past warmer climates and climate controls over ecosystem establishment and migration to help assess the nature of the Little Ice Age cooling and cryosphere response. The chronology of peat cores will be established by radiocarbon dating of macrofossils and Bayesian modeling. The high-resolution time series of ecosystem and climate changes will help put the observed recent changes into a long-term context to bridge climate dynamics over different time scales.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": -59.5, "geometry": "POINT(-61.95 -63.900000000000006)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "ECOSYSTEM FUNCTIONS; ISOTOPES; USAP-DC; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; SEDIMENTS; Amd/Us; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Antarctic Peninsula; AMD; TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS; USA/NSF; RADIOCARBON", "locations": "Antarctic Peninsula", "north": -62.4, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Beilman, David; Booth, Robert", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "R2R", "science_programs": null, "south": -65.4, "title": "Collaborative Research: Reconstructing Late Holocene Ecosystem and Climate Shifts from Peat Records in the Western Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "p0010337", "west": -64.4}, {"awards": "1947646 Shevenell, Amelia; 1947657 Dodd, Justin; 1947558 Leckie, Robert", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -72.5,-177.6 -72.5,-175.2 -72.5,-172.8 -72.5,-170.4 -72.5,-168 -72.5,-165.6 -72.5,-163.2 -72.5,-160.8 -72.5,-158.4 -72.5,-156 -72.5,-156 -73.15,-156 -73.8,-156 -74.45,-156 -75.1,-156 -75.75,-156 -76.4,-156 -77.05,-156 -77.7,-156 -78.35,-156 -79,-158.4 -79,-160.8 -79,-163.2 -79,-165.6 -79,-168 -79,-170.4 -79,-172.8 -79,-175.2 -79,-177.6 -79,180 -79,178.4 -79,176.8 -79,175.2 -79,173.6 -79,172 -79,170.4 -79,168.8 -79,167.2 -79,165.6 -79,164 -79,164 -78.35,164 -77.7,164 -77.05,164 -76.4,164 -75.75,164 -75.1,164 -74.45,164 -73.8,164 -73.15,164 -72.5,165.6 -72.5,167.2 -72.5,168.8 -72.5,170.4 -72.5,172 -72.5,173.6 -72.5,175.2 -72.5,176.8 -72.5,178.4 -72.5,-180 -72.5))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Wed, 08 Jun 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Presently, Antarctica\u0027s glaciers are melting as Earth\u0027s atmosphere and the Southern Ocean warm. Not much is known about how Antarctica\u0027s ice sheets might respond to ongoing and future warming, but such knowledge is important because Antarctica\u0027s ice sheets might raise global sea levels significantly with continued melting. Over time, mud accumulates on the sea floor around Antarctica that is composed of the skeletons and debris of microscopic marine organisms and sediment from the adjacent continent. As this mud is deposited, it creates a record of past environmental and ecological changes, including ocean depth, glacier advance and retreat, ocean temperature, ocean circulation, marine ecosystems, ocean chemistry, and continental weathering. Scientists interested in understanding how Antarctica\u0027s glaciers and ice sheets might respond to ongoing warming can use a variety of physical, biological, and chemical analyses of these mud archives to determine how long ago the mud was deposited and how the ice sheets, oceans, and marine ecosystems responded during intervals in the past when Earth\u0027s climate was warmer. In this project, researchers from the University of South Florida, University of Massachusetts, and Northern Illinois University will reconstruct the depth, ocean temperature, weathering and nutrient input, and marine ecosystems in the central Ross Sea from ~17 to 13 million years ago, when the warm Miocene Climate Optimum transitioned to a cooler interval with more extensive ice sheets. Record will be generated from new sediments recovered during the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 374 and legacy sequences recovered in the 1970?s during the Deep Sea Drilling Program. Results will be integrated into ice sheet and climate models to improve the accuracy of predictions. ", "east": -156.0, "geometry": "POINT(-176 -75.75)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Amd/Us; LABORATORY; AMD; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; Ross Sea; USAP-DC; USA/NSF", "locations": "Ross Sea", "north": -72.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Shevenell, Amelia", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -79.0, "title": "Collaborative Proposal: Miocene Climate Extremes: A Ross Sea Perspective from IODP Expedition 374 and DSDP Leg 28 Marine Sediments", "uid": "p0010335", "west": 164.0}, {"awards": "2019719 Brook, Edward", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "2019-2020 Allan Hills Field Report; 2022-23 Allan Hills Intermediate Ice Core Site Selection Field Report; 2023-2024 Allan Hills End-of-Season Science Report; Airborne Radar Data: 2022-23 (CXA1) flight based HDF5/matlab format data; Airborne Radar Data: 2022-23 (CXA1) transect based (science organized) unfocused data; Airborne Radar Data: 2023-24 (CXA2) flight based data HDF5/matlab format; Airborne Radar Data: 2023-24 (CXA2) transect based (science organized) unfocused data; ALHIC2201 and ALHIC2302 3D ECM and Layer Orientations; Allan Hills 2022-23 Shallow Ice Core Field Report; Allan Hills I-188 Field Season Report 2022-2023; Allan Hills ice water stable isotope record for dD, d18O; COLDEX Raw MARFA Ice Penetrating Radar data; NSF COLDEX 2022-23 Riegl Laser Altimeter Level 2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Triplets; NSF COLDEX 2023-24 Riegl Laser Altimeter Level 2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Triplets; Replicate O-17-excess by continuous flow laser spectroscopy for an ice core section at Summit, Greenland; Rising Seas: Representations of Antarctica, Climate Change, and Sea Level Rise in U.S. Newspaper Coverage; Snapshot record of CO2 and CH4 from the Allan Hills, Antarctica, ranging from 400,000 to 3 million years old", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200432", "doi": "10.18738/T8/XPMLCC", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Texas Data Repository", "science_program": null, "title": "Airborne Radar Data: 2022-23 (CXA1) transect based (science organized) unfocused data", "url": "https://dataverse.tdl.org/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.18738/T8/XPMLCC"}, {"dataset_uid": "200433", "doi": "10.18738/T8/FV6VNT", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Texas Data Repository", "science_program": null, "title": "Airborne Radar Data: 2023-24 (CXA2) transect based (science organized) unfocused data", "url": "https://dataverse.tdl.org/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.18738/T8/FV6VNT"}, {"dataset_uid": "601854", "doi": "10.15784/601854", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere", "people": "Shackleton, Sarah; Fudge, T. J.; Kirkpatrick, Liam; Carter, Austin; Marks Peterson, Julia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "ALHIC2201 and ALHIC2302 3D ECM and Layer Orientations", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601854"}, {"dataset_uid": "200420", "doi": "10.18738/T8/J38CO5", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "OPR", "science_program": null, "title": "Airborne Radar Data: 2022-23 (CXA1) flight based HDF5/matlab format data", "url": "https://data.cresis.ku.edu/data/rds/2022_Antarctica_BaslerMKB/"}, {"dataset_uid": "200419", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "University Digital Conservancy", "science_program": null, "title": "Rising Seas: Representations of Antarctica, Climate Change, and Sea Level Rise in U.S. Newspaper Coverage", "url": "https://hdl.handle.net/11299/265195"}, {"dataset_uid": "601863", "doi": null, "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere; Isotope Data", "people": "Higgins, John; Mayewski, Paul A.; Introne, Douglas; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Brook, Edward", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Allan Hills ice water stable isotope record for dD, d18O", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601863"}, {"dataset_uid": "601863", "doi": null, "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere; Isotope Data", "people": "Brook, Edward; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Higgins, John; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Introne, Douglas; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "Allan Hills ice water stable isotope record for dD, d18O", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601863"}, {"dataset_uid": "200421", "doi": "10.18738/T8/J38CO5", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "OPR", "science_program": null, "title": "Airborne Radar Data: 2023-24 (CXA2) flight based data HDF5/matlab format", "url": "https://data.cresis.ku.edu/data/rds/2023_Antarctica_BaslerMKB/"}, {"dataset_uid": "601697", "doi": "10.15784/601697", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Apres; Ice Core; Ice Penetrating Radar; Temperature Profiles", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Conway, Howard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "2022-23 Allan Hills Intermediate Ice Core Site Selection Field Report", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601697"}, {"dataset_uid": "601696", "doi": "10.15784/601696", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Shackleton, Sarah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Allan Hills 2022-23 Shallow Ice Core Field Report", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601696"}, {"dataset_uid": "601878", "doi": "10.15784/601878", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Blue Ice; Carbon Dioxide; Cryosphere; Methane", "people": "Brook, Edward; Hishamunda, Valens; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Shackleton, Sarah; Marks Peterson, Julia; Kalk, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "Snapshot record of CO2 and CH4 from the Allan Hills, Antarctica, ranging from 400,000 to 3 million years old", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601878"}, {"dataset_uid": "601768", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau", "people": "Blankenship, Donald D.; Young, Duncan A.; Buhl, Dillon; Ng, Gregory; Kempf, Scott D.; Chan, Kristian; Greenbaum, Jamin; Kerr, Megan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "COLDEX Raw MARFA Ice Penetrating Radar data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601768"}, {"dataset_uid": "601659", "doi": "10.15784/601659", "keywords": "Antarctica; Continuous Flow; Glaciology; Greenland; Ice Core Data; Laser Spectroscopy; Oxygen Isotope; Triple Oxygen Isotopes", "people": "Davidge, Lindsey", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "Replicate O-17-excess by continuous flow laser spectroscopy for an ice core section at Summit, Greenland", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601659"}, {"dataset_uid": "601826", "doi": "10.15784/601826", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere", "people": "Manos, John-Morgan; Epifanio, Jenna; Conway, Howard; Shaya, Margot; Horlings, Annika", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "Allan Hills I-188 Field Season Report 2022-2023", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601826"}, {"dataset_uid": "601824", "doi": "10.15784/601824", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Coldex; Cryosphere", "people": "Epifanio, Jenna; Mayo, Emalia; Marks Peterson, Julia; Higgins, John; Brook, Edward J.; Shackleton, Sarah; Carter, Austin; Manos, John-Morgan; Hudak, Abigail; Banerjee, Asmita; Morton, Elizabeth; Jayred, Michael; Goverman, Ashley", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "2023-2024 Allan Hills End-of-Season Science Report", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601824"}, {"dataset_uid": "601819", "doi": "10.15784/601819", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere", "people": "Epifanio, Jenna; Kuhl, Tanner; Morton, Elizabeth; Zajicek, Anna; Nesbitt, Ian; Carter, Austin; Higgins, John; Shackleton, Sarah; Morgan, Jacob", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "2019-2020 Allan Hills Field Report", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601819"}, {"dataset_uid": "200435", "doi": "10.18738/T8/PNBFOL", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Texas Data Repository", "science_program": null, "title": "NSF COLDEX 2023-24 Riegl Laser Altimeter Level 2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Triplets", "url": "https://doi.org/10.18738/T8/PNBFOL"}, {"dataset_uid": "200434", "doi": "10.18738/T8/99IEOG", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Texas Data Repository", "science_program": null, "title": "NSF COLDEX 2022-23 Riegl Laser Altimeter Level 2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Triplets", "url": "https://doi.org/10.18738/T8/99IEOG"}], "date_created": "Sat, 21 May 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Cores drilled through the Antarctic ice sheet provide a remarkable window on the evolution of Earth\u2019s climate and unique samples of the ancient atmosphere. The clear link between greenhouse gases and climate revealed by ice cores underpins much of the scientific understanding of climate change. Unfortunately, the existing data do not extend far enough back in time to reveal key features of climates warmer than today. COLDEX, the Center for Oldest Ice Exploration, will solve this problem by exploring Antarctica for sites to collect the oldest possible record of past climate recorded in the ice sheet. COLDEX will provide critical information for understanding how Earth\u2019s near-future climate may evolve and why climate varies over geologic time. New technologies will be developed for exploration and analysis that will have a long legacy for future research. An archive of old ice will stimulate new research for the next generations of polar scientists. COLDEX programs will galvanize that next generation of polar researchers, bring new results to other scientific disciplines and the public, and help to create a more inclusive and diverse scientific community.\r\n\r\nKnowledge of Earth\u2019s climate history is grounded in the geologic record. This knowledge is gained by measuring chemical, biological and physical properties of geologic materials that reflect elements of climate. Ice cores retrieved from polar ice sheets play a central role in this science and provide the best evidence for a strong link between atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate on geologic timescales. The goal of COLDEX is to extend the ice-core record of past climate to at least 1.5 million years by drilling and analyzing a continuous ice core in East Antarctica, and to much older times using discontinuous ice sections at the base and margin of the ice sheet. COLDEX will develop and deploy novel radar and melt-probe tools to rapidly explore the ice, use ice-sheet models to constrain where old ice is preserved, conduct ice coring, develop new analytical systems, and produce novel paleoclimate records from locations across East Antarctica. The search for Earth\u2019s oldest ice also provides a compelling narrative for disseminating information about past and future climate change and polar science to students, teachers, the media, policy makers and the public. COLDEX will engage and incorporate these groups through targeted professional development workshops, undergraduate research experiences, a comprehensive communication program, annual scientific meetings, scholarships, and broad collaboration nationally and internationally. COLDEX will provide a focal point for efforts to increase diversity in polar science by providing field, laboratory, mentoring and networking experiences for students and early career scientists from groups underrepresented in STEM, and by continuous engagement of the entire COLDEX community in developing a more inclusive scientific culture.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USA/NSF; AMD; Antarctica; Amd/Us; Coldex; USAP-DC; FIELD SURVEYS; ICE DEPTH/THICKNESS", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Polar Special Initiatives; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Brook, Edward J.; Neff, Peter", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "Texas Data Repository", "repositories": "OPR; Texas Data Repository; University Digital Conservancy; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "COLDEX", "south": -90.0, "title": "Center for Oldest Ice Exploration", "uid": "p0010321", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0342484 Harwood, David", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(167.083333 -77.888889)", "dataset_titles": "Particle-size measurements at 3-m intervals for AND-2A sediment core, McMurdo Sound", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601451", "doi": "10.15784/601451", "keywords": "Andrill; Antarctica; Continental Shelf; Diamict; McMurdo Sound; Miocene; Paleoclimate; Particle Size", "people": "Passchier, Sandra; Candice, Falk", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ANDRILL", "title": "Particle-size measurements at 3-m intervals for AND-2A sediment core, McMurdo Sound", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601451"}], "date_created": "Fri, 04 Feb 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "ANDRILL is a scientific drilling program to investigate Antarctica\u0027s role in global climate change over the last sixty million years. The approach integrates geophysical surveys, new drilling technology, multidisciplinary core analysis, and ice sheet modeling to address four scientific themes: (1) the history of Antarctica\u0027s climate and ice sheets; (2) the evolution of polar biota and ecosystems; (3) the timing and nature of major tectonic and volcanic episodes; and (4) the role of Antarctica in the Earth\u0027s ocean-climate system. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award initiates what may become a long-term program with drilling of two previously inaccessible sediment records beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf and in South McMurdo Sound. These stratigraphic records cover critical time periods in the development of Antarctica\u0027s major ice sheets. The McMurdo Ice Shelf site focuses on the Ross Ice Shelf, whose size is a sensitive indicator of global climate change. It has recently undergone major calving events, and there is evidence of a thousand-kilometer contraction since the last glacial maximum. As a generator of cold bottom water, the shelf may also play a key role in ocean circulation. The core obtained from this site will also offer insight into sub-ice shelf sedimentary, biologic, and oceanographic processes; the history of Ross Island volcanism; and the flexural response of the lithosphere to volcanic loading, which is important for geophysical and tectonic studies of the region.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe South McMurdo Sound site is located adjacent to the Dry Valleys, and focuses on the major ice sheet overlying East Antarctica. A debate persists regarding the stability of this ice sheet. Evidence from the Dry Valleys supports contradictory conclusions; a stable ice sheet for at least the last fifteen million years or an active ice sheet that cycled through expansions and contractions as recently as a few millions of years ago. Constraining this history is critical to deep-time models of global climate change. The sediment cores will be used to construct an overall glacial and interglacial history for the region; including documentation of sea-ice coverage, sea level, terrestrial vegetation, and melt-water discharge events. The core will also provide a general chronostratigraphic framework for regional seismic studies and help unravel the area\u0027s complex tectonic history.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe broader impacts of this project include formal and informal education, new research infrastructure, various forms of collaboration, and improving society\u0027s understanding of global climate change. Education is supported at the postdoctoral, graduate, undergraduate, and K-12 levels. Teachers and curriculum specialists are integrated into the research program, and a range of video resources will be produced, including a science documentary for television release. New research infrastructure includes equipment for core analysis and ice sheet modeling, as well as development of a unique drilling system to penetrate ice shelves. Drill development and the overall project are co-supported by international collaboration with scientists and the National Antarctic programs of New Zealand, Germany, and Italy. The program also forges new collaborations between research and primarily undergraduate institutions within the United States. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eAs key factors in sea-level rise and oceanic and atmospheric circulation, Antarctica\u0027s ice sheets are important to society\u0027s understanding of global climate change. ANDRILL offers new data on marine and terrestrial temperatures, and changes our understanding of extreme climate events like the formation of polar ice caps. Such data are critical to developing accurate models of the Earth\u0027s climatic future.", "east": 167.083333, "geometry": "POINT(167.083333 -77.888889)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "AMD; USAP-DC; FIELD SURVEYS; ICE SHEETS; USA/NSF; Amd/Us; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; Ross Ice Shelf; SEDIMENTS", "locations": "Ross Ice Shelf", "north": -77.888889, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Harwood, David; Levy, Richard", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ANDRILL", "south": -77.888889, "title": "Collaborative Research: ANDRILL - - Investigating Antarcticas Role in Cenozoic Global Environmental Change", "uid": "p0010297", "west": 167.083333}, {"awards": "2039419 Swanger, Kate", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((161 -77.3,161.2 -77.3,161.4 -77.3,161.6 -77.3,161.8 -77.3,162 -77.3,162.2 -77.3,162.4 -77.3,162.6 -77.3,162.8 -77.3,163 -77.3,163 -77.35,163 -77.4,163 -77.45,163 -77.5,163 -77.55,163 -77.6,163 -77.65,163 -77.7,163 -77.75,163 -77.8,162.8 -77.8,162.6 -77.8,162.4 -77.8,162.2 -77.8,162 -77.8,161.8 -77.8,161.6 -77.8,161.4 -77.8,161.2 -77.8,161 -77.8,161 -77.75,161 -77.7,161 -77.65,161 -77.6,161 -77.55,161 -77.5,161 -77.45,161 -77.4,161 -77.35,161 -77.3))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Thu, 16 Dec 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The McMurdo Dry Valleys are the largest ice-free region in Antarctica and home to a seasonally active hydrologic system, with streams and saline lakes. Streams are fed by summer meltwater from local glaciers and snowbanks. Therefore, streamflow is tied to summer climate conditions such as air temperatures, ground temperatures, winds, and incoming solar radiation. Based on 50 years of monitoring, summer stream activity has been observed to change, and it likely varied during the geologic past in response to regional climate change and fluctuating glaciers. Thus, deposits from these streams can address questions about past climate, meltwater, and lake level changes in this region. How did meltwater streamflow respond to past climate change? How did streamflow vary during periods of glacial advance and retreat? At what times did large lakes fill many of the valleys and what was their extent? The researchers plan to acquire a record of stream activity for the Dry Valleys that will span the three largest valleys and a time period of about 100,000 years. This record will come from a series of active and ancient alluvial fans that were deposited by streams as they flowed from valley sidewalls onto valley floors. The study will provide a long-term context with which to assess recent observed changes to stream activity and lake levels. The research will be led by two female mid-career investigators and contribute significantly to student research opportunities and education. The research will contribute to graduate and undergraduate education by including students in both field and laboratory research, as well as incorporating data and results into the classroom. The research will be disseminated to K-12 and non-scientific communities through outreach that includes professional development training for K-12 teachers in eastern Massachusetts, development of hands-on activities, visits to K-12 classrooms, and STEM education and literacy activities in North Carolina.\r\n\r\nThe PIs propose to constrain rates of fluvial deposition and periods of increased fluvial activity in the McMurdo Dry Valleys during the Holocene and late Pleistocene. During 50 years of hydrologic monitoring in the Dry Valleys, scientists have observed that streams exhibit significant response to summer conditions. Previous studies of glacial and lacustrine deposits indicate regional glacier advance in the Dry Valleys during recent interglacial periods and high lake levels during and after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), with potentially significant low and high stands during the Holocene. However, the geologic record of meltwater activity is poorly constrained. The PIs seek to develop the first spatially-extensive record of stream deposition in the Dry Valleys by analyzing and dating alluvial fans. Given that alluvial fans are deposited by summer meltwater streams in a relatively stable tectonic setting, this record will serve as a proxy of regional summer climate conditions. Meltwater streams are an important component of the regional hydrologic system, connecting glaciers to lakes and affecting ecosystems and soils. A record of fluvial deposition is key to understanding the relationship between past climate change and regional hydrology. The proposed research will include remote- and field-based mapping of alluvial fans, stream channels, and meltwater sources as well as modeling potential incoming solar radiation to the fans and moisture sources during the austral summer. In the field, the PIs will document stratigraphy, collect near-surface sediments from 25 fans across four valleys (Taylor, Pearse, Wright, and Victoria), and collect 2- to 3-m vertical cores of ice-cemented sediments from three alluvial fan complexes. The PIs will then conduct depositional dating of fluvial sands via optically stimulated luminescence, and analyze mineralogy and bulk major element chemistry with X-ray powder diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. From these analyses, the PIs propose to (1) determine the timing of local- to regional-scale periods of high fluvial deposition, (2) calculate depositional rates, and (3) constrain depositional environments and sediment provenance. Given that many of the alluvial fans occur below the hypothesized maximum extents of glacially-dammed lakes in Wright and Victoria valleys, detailed stratigraphy, sediment provenance, and OSL dating of these fans could shed light on ongoing debates regarding the timing and extent of LGM and post-LGM lakes. The work will support a postdoctoral researcher, a PhD student, and many undergraduate and master\u2019s students in cross-disciplinary research that spans stratigraphy, geochemistry, paleoclimatology and physics.", "east": 163.0, "geometry": "POINT(162 -77.55)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS; Amd/Us; SEDIMENTS; USA/NSF; AMD; Dry Valleys; USAP-DC", "locations": "Dry Valleys", "north": -77.3, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Swanger, Kate", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -77.8, "title": "Collaborative Research: Holocene and Late Pleistocene Stream Deposition in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica as a Proxy for Glacial Meltwater and Paleoclimate", "uid": "p0010285", "west": 161.0}, {"awards": "1936530 Carbotte, Suzanne; 2230824 Nitsche, Frank", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Fri, 05 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Samples and data obtained by researchers working in Antarctica are valuable, unique assets which typically require a substantial and expensive logistical effort to acquire. Preservation of these data increases the return on the significant public investment for acquisition, enabling future re-use for new analyses, and ensure that data behind scientific publications are available for others to review. The US Antarctic Program Data Center (USAP-DC) will provide an open-disciplinary hybrid repository for project metadata and the diverse research data obtained from the Antarctic region by NSF funded researchers for which other data repositories do not exist. In addition, a Project Catalog will provide a single online resource for the US Antarctic scientific community to manage information about their research activities and will link project metadata to the various distributed repositories where Antarctic data resides. In doing so, the USAP-DC will follow community best practices and standards to ensure data are citable, shareable, and discoverable. It will also facilitate registration of data descriptions into the Antarctic Master Directory to meet US goals for data sharing under the International Antarctic Treaty.\r\n\r\nWith full open access to interfaces to search for and download data, USAP-DC will make a wide range of data products resulting from NSF funded research in Antarctica available not only to the research community but also to the broader public. The data center is operated using community standards for metadata and data access which helps ensure data re-usability into the future. The new Project catalog, which is designed to support consolidation of information on research products of USAP awards over the lifetime of a project, will make it simpler for NSF program managers, but also for individual researchers and especially larger collaborative research groups to keep track of datasets and related information produced as part of their projects. Through tutorials and meetings at conferences USAP-DC will contribute to raise awareness and inform the research community, especially new investigators about data management best practices.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USA/NSF; Antarctica; Amd/Us; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS; COMPUTERS; ICE CORE RECORDS; SNOW/ICE; Database; ECOLOGICAL DYNAMICS; USAP-DC; OCEAN CHEMISTRY; AMD", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Polar Cyberinfrastructure; Polar Cyberinfrastructure", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Carbotte, Suzanne; Tinto, Kirsty; Nitsche, Frank O.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e MODELS \u003e COMPUTERS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Supporting Antarctic Research with Ongoing Operations and Development of the USAP-DC Project Catalog and Data Repository", "uid": "p0010274", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1744949 Campbell, Seth; 1744927 Mitrovica, Jerry; 1745015 Zimmerer, Matthew", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-145 -74,-141.6 -74,-138.2 -74,-134.8 -74,-131.4 -74,-128 -74,-124.6 -74,-121.2 -74,-117.8 -74,-114.4 -74,-111 -74,-111 -74.6,-111 -75.2,-111 -75.8,-111 -76.4,-111 -77,-111 -77.6,-111 -78.2,-111 -78.8,-111 -79.4,-111 -80,-114.4 -80,-117.8 -80,-121.2 -80,-124.6 -80,-128 -80,-131.4 -80,-134.8 -80,-138.2 -80,-141.6 -80,-145 -80,-145 -79.4,-145 -78.8,-145 -78.2,-145 -77.6,-145 -77,-145 -76.4,-145 -75.8,-145 -75.2,-145 -74.6,-145 -74))", "dataset_titles": "Mt. Waesche ground-penetrating radar data 2018-2019", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601490", "doi": "10.15784/601490", "keywords": "Antarctica; GPR; Mt. Waesche", "people": "Braddock, Scott", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Mt. Waesche ground-penetrating radar data 2018-2019", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601490"}], "date_created": "Fri, 22 Oct 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Projecting future changes in West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) volume and global sea level rise in response to anthropogenic climate warming requires dynamic ice sheet models, which are enhanced by testing and calibrating with geologic evidence. Successfully modeling WAIS behavior during past collapse events \r\nprovides a basis for predictions of future sea level change. Exposure ages of erratics and bedrock throughout west Antarctica constrain higher-than-present WAIS geometry during the LGM and the last deglaciation. Quantifying the past surface elevation from the interior of the ice sheet is especially useful as it directly constrains ice thickness and volume where most of the mass is located. Data that determines WAIS geometry during the last interglacial, the last time that climate was warmer than present and when global sea level was 3-6 m higher, is critical for empirically constraining changes in WAIS volume and its contribution to sea level, as well as, to calibrate ice sheet models. These datasets are essentially non-\r\nexistent, as such evidence is now covered by the WAIS. Initial results from ground-penetrating radar surveys indicate ice depths around 1200 m. ", "east": -111.0, "geometry": "POINT(-128 -77)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS; Mt. Waesche; USA/NSF; SNOW/ICE; GLACIER THICKNESS/ICE SHEET THICKNESS; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; LABORATORY; LAVA COMPOSITION/TEXTURE; Amd/Us; AMD; USAP-DC", "locations": "Mt. Waesche", "north": -74.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Braddock, Scott; Campbell, Seth; Ackert, Robert; Zimmerer, Matthew; Mitrovica, Jerry", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -80.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Constraining West Antarctic Ice Sheet elevation during the last interglacial", "uid": "p0010272", "west": -145.0}, {"awards": "2035637 Tabor, Clay; 2035580 Aarons, Sarah", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Concentration and flux of ice core dust from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area; Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions and associated d-excess of ice from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area.; Rare earth elemental concentrations of leached ice core dust from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area.; Strontium and neodymium isotope compositions of ice core dust from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601822", "doi": "10.15784/601822", "keywords": "ALHIC1903; Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere; Deuterium; Hydrogen; Ice; Ice Core Data; Isotope; Oxygen; Water", "people": "Carter, Austin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions and associated d-excess of ice from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area.", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601822"}, {"dataset_uid": "601820", "doi": "10.15784/601820", "keywords": "ALHIC1903; Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere; Dust; Ice Core Data; Isotope; Nd; Neodymium; Sr; Strontium", "people": "Carter, Austin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Strontium and neodymium isotope compositions of ice core dust from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area.", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601820"}, {"dataset_uid": "601821", "doi": "10.15784/601821", "keywords": "ALHIC1903; Allan Hills; Antarctica; Blue Ice; Cryosphere; Dust; Leach; Rare Earth Element", "people": "Carter, Austin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Rare earth elemental concentrations of leached ice core dust from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area.", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601821"}, {"dataset_uid": "601825", "doi": "10.15784/601825", "keywords": "Accumulation Rate; ALHIC1903; Allan Hills; Antarctica; Blue Ice; Concentration; Cryosphere; Dust; Flux", "people": "Carter, Austin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Concentration and flux of ice core dust from ALHIC1903 drilled at the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601825"}], "date_created": "Wed, 06 Oct 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The spatial extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the last interglacial period (129,000 to 116,000 years ago) is currently unknown, yet this information is fundamental to projections of the future stability of the ice sheet in a warming climate. Paleoclimate records and proxy evidence such as dust can inform on past environmental conditions and ice-sheet coverage. This project will combine new, high-sensitivity geochemical measurements of dust from Antarctic ice collected at Allan Hills with existing water isotope records to document climate and environmental changes through the last interglacial period. These changes will then be compared with Earth-system model simulations of dust and water isotopes to determine past conditions and constrain the sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to warming. The project will test the hypothesis that the uncharacteristically volcanic dust composition observed at another peripheral ice core site at Taylor Glacier during the last interglacial period is related to changes in the spatial extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.\r\n\r\nThis project aims to characterize mineral dust transport during the penultimate glacial-interglacial transition. The team will apply high-precision geochemical techniques to the high-volume, high-resolution ice core drilled at the Allan Hills site in combination with Earth system model simulations to: (1) determine if the volcanic dust signature found in interglacial ice from Taylor Glacier is also found at Allan Hills, (2) determine the likely dust source(s) to this site during the last interglacial, and (3) probe the atmospheric and environmental changes during the last interglacial with a diminished West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The team will develop a suite of measurements on previously drilled ice from Allan Hills, including isotopic compositions of Strontium and Neodymium, trace element concentrations, dust-size distribution, and imaging of ice-core dust to confirm the original signal observed and provide a broader spatial reconstruction of dust transport. In tandem, the team will conduct Earth system modeling with prognostic dust and water-isotope capability to test the sensitivity of dust transport under several plausible ice-sheet and freshwater-flux configurations. By comparing dust reconstruction and model simulations, the team aims to elucidate the driving mechanisms behind dust transport during the last interglacial period.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "MICROPARTICLE CONCENTRATION; FIELD SURVEYS; GEOCHEMISTRY; ICE EXTENT; Amd/Us; USA/NSF; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; AMD; Allan Hills; ICE CORE RECORDS; USAP-DC", "locations": "Allan Hills", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Aarons, Sarah; Tabor, Clay", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Peripheral East Antarctic ice as a unique recorder of climate variability during the Last Interglacial", "uid": "p0010270", "west": null}, {"awards": "2103032 Schmittner, Andreas", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Antarctic ice sheet is an important component of Earth\u2019s climate system, as it interacts with the atmosphere, the surrounding Southern Ocean, and the underlaying solid Earth. It is also the largest potential contributor to future sea level rise and a major uncertainty in climate projections. Climate change may trigger instabilities, which may lead to fast and irreversible collapse of parts of the ice sheet. However, very little is known about how interactions between the Antarctic ice sheet and the rest of the climate system affect its behavior, climate, and sea level, partly because most climate models currently do not have fully-interactive ice sheet components. This project investigates Antarctic ice-ocean interactions of the last 20,000 years. A novel numerical climate model will be constructed that includes an interactive Antarctic ice sheet, improving computational infrastructure for research. The model code will be made freely available to the public on a code-sharing site. Paleoclimate data will be synthesized and compared with simulations of the model. The model-data comparison will address three scientific hypotheses regarding past changes in deep ocean circulation, ice sheet, carbon, and sea level. The project will contribute to a better understanding of ice-ocean interactions and past climate variability.\r\n\r\nThis project will test suggestions that ice-ocean interactions have been important for setting deep ocean circulation and carbon storage during the Last Glacial Maximum and subsequent deglaciation. The new model will consist of three existing and well-tested components: (1) an isotope-enabled climate-carbon cycle model of intermediate complexity, (2) a model of the combined Antarctic ice sheet, solid Earth and sea level, and (3) an iceberg model. The coupling will include ocean temperature effects on basal melting of ice shelves, freshwater fluxes from the ice sheet to the ocean, and calving, transport and melting of icebergs. Once constructed and optimized, the model will be applied to simulate the Last Glacial Maximum and subsequent deglaciation. Differences between model versions with full, partial or no coupling will be used to investigate the effects of ice-ocean interactions on the Meridional Overturning Circulation, deep ocean carbon storage and ice sheet fluctuations. Paleoclimate data synthesis will include temperature, carbon and nitrogen isotopes, radiocarbon ages, protactinium-thorium ratios, neodymium isotopes, carbonate ion, dissolved oxygen, relative sea level and terrestrial cosmogenic ages into one multi-proxy database with a consistent updated chronology. The project will support an early-career scientist, one graduate student, undergraduate students, and new and ongoing national and international collaborations. Outreach activities in collaboration with a local science museum will benefit rural communities in Oregon by improving their climate literacy.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "ICE CORE RECORDS; Amd/Us; USA/NSF; OCEAN TEMPERATURE; GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS; BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES; MODELS; AMD; United States Of America; OCEAN CURRENTS; ICEBERGS; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS", "locations": "United States Of America", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Schmittner, Andreas; Haight, Andrew ; Clark, Peter", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e MODELS \u003e MODELS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Investigating Antarctic Ice Sheet-Ocean-Carbon Cycle Interactions During the Last Deglaciation", "uid": "p0010256", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "2114786 Warnock, Jonathan", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The potential for future sea level rise from melting and collapse of Antarctic ice sheets and glaciers is concerning. We can improve our understanding of how water is exchanged between Antarctic ice sheets and the ocean by studying how ice sheets behaved in past climates, especially conditions that were similar to or warmer than those at present. For this project, the research team will document Antarctica\u2019s response across an interval when Earth transitioned from the warm Pliocene into the Pleistocene ice ages by combining marine and land evidence for glacier variations from sites near the Antarctic Peninsula, complimented by detailed work on timescales and fossil evidence for environmental change. An important goal is to test whether Antarctica\u2019s glaciers changed at the same time as glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere as Earth\u0027s most recent Ice Age intensified, or alternatively responded to regional climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere. Eleven investigators from seven US institutions, as well as Argentine collaborators, will study new sediment cores from the International Ocean Discovery Program, as well as legacy cores from that program and on-land outcrops on James Ross Island. The group embraces a vertically integrated research program that allows high school, undergraduate, graduate, post-docs and faculty to work together on the same projects. This structure leverages the benefits of near-peer mentoring and the development of a robust collaborative research network while allowing all participants to take ownership of different parts of the project. All members of the team are firmly committed to attracting researchers from under-represented groups and will do this through existing channels as well as via co-creating programming that centers the perspectives of diverse students in conversations about sea-level rise and climate change.\r\nThe proposed research seeks to understand phasing between Northern and Southern Hemisphere glacier and climate changes, as a means to understand drivers and teleconnections. The dynamics of past Antarctic glaciation can be studied using the unique isotope geochemical and mineralogic fingerprints from glacial sectors tied to a well-constrained time model for the stratigraphic successions. The proposed work would further refine the stratigraphic context through coupled biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic work. The magnitude of iceberg calving and paths of icebergs will be revealed using the flux, geochemical and mineralogic signatures, and 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb geochronology of ice-rafted detritus. These provenance tracers will establish which sectors of Antarctica\u2019s ice sheets are more vulnerable to collapse, and the timing and pacing of these events will be revealed by their stratigraphic context. Additionally, the team will work with Argentine collaborators to connect the marine and terrestrial records by studying glacier records intercalated with volcanic flows on James Ross Island. These new constraints will be integrated with a state of the art ice-sheet model to link changes in ice dynamics with their underlying causes. Together, these tight stratigraphic constraints, geochemical signatures, and ice-sheet model simulations will provide a means to compare to the global records of climate change, understand their primary drivers, and elucidate the role of the Antarctic ice sheet in a major, global climatic shift from the Pliocene into the Pleistocene.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "MICROFOSSILS; FIELD SURVEYS; Weddell Sea Embayment; USA/NSF; SEA ICE; USAP-DC; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE; AMD; Amd/Us", "locations": "Weddell Sea Embayment", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Warnock, Jonathan", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Linking Marine and Terrestrial Sedimentary Evidence for Plio-pleistocene Variability of Weddell Embayment and Antarctic Peninsula Glaciation", "uid": "p0010260", "west": null}, {"awards": "1745006 Brook, Edward J.; 1745007 Mayewski, Paul; 0838843 Kurbatov, Andrei; 1744993 Higgins, John; 1744832 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((159.16667 -76.66667,159.19167 -76.66667,159.21667 -76.66667,159.24167 -76.66667,159.26667 -76.66667,159.29167 -76.66667,159.31667 -76.66667,159.34167 -76.66667,159.36667 -76.66667,159.39167 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.673336,159.41667 -76.680002,159.41667 -76.686668,159.41667 -76.693334,159.41667 -76.7,159.41667 -76.706666,159.41667 -76.713332,159.41667 -76.719998,159.41667 -76.726664,159.41667 -76.73333,159.39167 -76.73333,159.36667 -76.73333,159.34167 -76.73333,159.31667 -76.73333,159.29167 -76.73333,159.26667 -76.73333,159.24167 -76.73333,159.21667 -76.73333,159.19167 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.726664,159.16667 -76.719998,159.16667 -76.713332,159.16667 -76.706666,159.16667 -76.7,159.16667 -76.693334,159.16667 -76.686668,159.16667 -76.680002,159.16667 -76.673336,159.16667 -76.66667))", "dataset_titles": "Allan Hills 2022-23 Shallow Ice Core Field Report; Allan Hills CMC3 ice core d18Oatm, d15N, dO2/N2, dAr/N2, d40/36Ar, d40/38Ar 2021 \u0026 2022; Allan Hills Stable Water Isotopes; CO2 and CH4 from Allan Hills ice cores ALHIC1901, 1902, and 1903; Heavy noble gases (Ar/Xe/Kr) from ALHIC1901, 1902, and 1903; I-165-M GPR Field Report 2019-2020; MOT data (Xe/Kr) from Allan Hills ice cores ALHIC1901, 1902, and 1903; Snapshot record of CO2 and CH4 from the Allan Hills, Antarctica, ranging from 400,000 to 3 million years old", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601896", "doi": null, "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Ch4; CO2; Cryosphere; Glaciology; Glaciology; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records", "people": "Higgins, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "CO2 and CH4 from Allan Hills ice cores ALHIC1901, 1902, and 1903", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601896"}, {"dataset_uid": "609541", "doi": "10.7265/N5NP22DF", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Isotope", "people": "Introne, Douglas; Spaulding, Nicole; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Allan Hills Stable Water Isotopes", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609541"}, {"dataset_uid": "601620", "doi": "10.15784/601620", "keywords": "18O; Allan Hills; Allan Hills Blue Ice; Antarctica; Blue Ice; Delta 15N; Delta 18O; Dole Effect; Firn Thickness; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Chronology; Ice Core Records", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Allan Hills CMC3 ice core d18Oatm, d15N, dO2/N2, dAr/N2, d40/36Ar, d40/38Ar 2021 \u0026 2022", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601620"}, {"dataset_uid": "601669", "doi": "10.15784/601669", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; GPR; Ice Core; Report", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Nesbitt, Ian", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "I-165-M GPR Field Report 2019-2020", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601669"}, {"dataset_uid": "601897", "doi": null, "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere; Glaciology; Ice Core Data; MOT; Ocean Temperature; Paleoclimate; Xe/Kr", "people": "Higgins, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "MOT data (Xe/Kr) from Allan Hills ice cores ALHIC1901, 1902, and 1903", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601897"}, {"dataset_uid": "601895", "doi": null, "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Cryosphere; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Noble Gas", "people": "Higgins, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Heavy noble gases (Ar/Xe/Kr) from ALHIC1901, 1902, and 1903", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601895"}, {"dataset_uid": "601878", "doi": "10.15784/601878", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Blue Ice; Carbon Dioxide; Cryosphere; Methane", "people": "Brook, Edward; Hishamunda, Valens; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Shackleton, Sarah; Marks Peterson, Julia; Kalk, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "COLDEX", "title": "Snapshot record of CO2 and CH4 from the Allan Hills, Antarctica, ranging from 400,000 to 3 million years old", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601878"}, {"dataset_uid": "601696", "doi": "10.15784/601696", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Shackleton, Sarah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Allan Hills 2022-23 Shallow Ice Core Field Report", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601696"}], "date_created": "Fri, 27 Aug 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": " Between about 2.8-0.9 Ma, Earth\u2019s climate was characterized by 40 kyr cycles, driven or paced by changes in the tilt of Earth\u2019s spin axis. Much is known about the 40k world from studies of deep-sea sediments, but our understanding of climate change during this period and the transition between the 40kyr glacial cycles from 2.8-0.9 Ma and the 100kyr glacial cycles of the last 0.9 Myr is incomplete because we lack records of Antarctic climate and direct records of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. We propose to address these issues by building on our recent studies of \u003e1 Ma ice discovered in shallow ice cores in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA), Antarctica. During the 2015-2016 field season we recovered ice from two nearby drill cores that dates to \u003e 2 million years in age using the 40Ar/38Ar ratio of the trapped gases. Our discovery of ice of this antiquity in two cores demonstrates that there is gas-record quality ice from the 40k world in the Allan Hills BIA. To further characterize the composition of Earth\u2019s atmosphere and Antarctic climate during the 40k world we request support for two field seasons to drill new large-volume (4\u201d or 9\u201d diameter) ice cores at sites where we have previously identified \u003e1 Ma ice and nearby sites where ground penetrating radar has identified bedrock features conducive to the preservation of old ice. ", "east": 159.41667, "geometry": "POINT(159.29167 -76.7)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "AMD; USAP-DC; SNOW/ICE; Allan Hills; FIELD SURVEYS; USA/NSF; Amd/Us; LABORATORY", "locations": "Allan Hills", "north": -76.66667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Brook, Edward J.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Higgins, John", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Allan Hills", "south": -76.73333, "title": "Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area ", "uid": "p0010253", "west": 159.16667}, {"awards": "1745057 Walker, Sally; 1745064 Perez-Huerta, Alberto; 1745080 Gillikin, David", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Analysis of striae groups and interstrial increments from Adamussium colbecki valves from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails; Annual growth of Adamussium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails; Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores; Nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen isotopes in the shell of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki as a proxy for sea ice cover in Antarctica.; Stable isotopes of Oxygen and Carbon in Adamissium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600077", "doi": "10.15784/600077", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description", "people": "Walker, Sally", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600077"}, {"dataset_uid": "601761", "doi": "10.15784/601761", "keywords": "Adamussium Colbecki; Antarctica; Bay Of Sails; Carbon; Explorers Cove; McMurdo Sound; Oxygen; Stable Isotopes", "people": "Puhalski, Emma; Camarra, Steve; Andrus, Fred; Perez-Huerta, Alberto; Verheyden, Anouk; Bowser, Samuel S.; Gillikin, David; Cronin, Kelly; Walker, Sally", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Stable isotopes of Oxygen and Carbon in Adamissium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601761"}, {"dataset_uid": "601468", "doi": "10.15784/601468", "keywords": "Adamussium Colbecki; Antarctica; Growth; McMurdo Sound; Shell Fish", "people": "Walker, Sally; Cronin, Kelly", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Annual growth of Adamussium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601468"}, {"dataset_uid": "601469", "doi": "10.15784/601469", "keywords": "Adamussium Colbecki; Antarctica; McMurdo", "people": "Cronin, Kelly; Walker, Sally", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Analysis of striae groups and interstrial increments from Adamussium colbecki valves from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601469"}, {"dataset_uid": "601764", "doi": null, "keywords": "Adamussium Colbecki; Antarctica; Biota; Carbon Isotopes; Explorers Cove; Nitrogen Isotopes; Oxygen Isotope; Scallop", "people": "Cronin, Kelly; Verheyden, Anouk; Walker, Sally; Gillikin, David; Camarra, Steve; Puhalski, Emma", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen isotopes in the shell of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki as a proxy for sea ice cover in Antarctica.", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601764"}], "date_created": "Fri, 06 Aug 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The goal of this project is to discover whether the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, provides a guide to sea-ice conditions in nearshore Antarctica today and in the past. Scallops may grow slower and live longer in habitats where sea ice persists for many years, limited by food, compared to habitats where sea ice melts out annually. Also, the chemicals retained in the shell during growth may provide crucial habitat information related to not only changing sea-ice conditions but also the type of food, whether it is recycled from the seafloor or produced by algae blooming when sea ice has melted. Unlocking the ecological imprint captured within the shell of the Antarctic Scallop will increase our understanding of changing sea-ice conditions in Antarctica. Further, because the Antarctic scallop had relatives living at the time when the Antarctic ice sheet first appeared, the scallop shell record may contain information on the stability of the ice sheet and the history of Antarctic shallow seas. Funding will also be integral for training a new generation of geoscientists in fossil and chemical forensics related to shallow sea habitats in Antarctica.\r\n\r\nScallops are worldwide in distribution, are integral for structuring marine communities have an extensive fossil record dating to the late Devonian, and are increasingly recognized as important paleoenvironmental proxies because they are generally well preserved in the sediment and rock record. The primary goal of this project is to assess the differences in growth, lifespan, and chemistry (stable isotopes, trace elements) archived in the shell of the Antarctic scallop that may be indicative of two ice states: persistent (multiannual) sea ice at Explorers Cove (EC) and annual sea ice (that melts out every year) at Bay of Sails (BOS), western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. This project will investigate growth and lifespan proxies (physical and geochemical) and will use high-resolution records of stable oxygen isotopes to determine if a melt-water signal is archived in A. colbecki shells and whether that signal captures the differing ice behavior at two sites (EC versus BOS). Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in association with trace elements will be used to examine subannual productivity spikes indicative of phytoplankton blooms, which are predicted to be more pronounced during open ocean conditions. Small growth increments in the outer calcite layer will be assessed to determine if they represent fortnightly growth, if so, they could provide a high-resolution proxy for monthly environmental processes. Unlocking the environmental archive preserved in A. colbecki shells may prove to be an important proxy for understanding changing sea-ice conditions in Antarctica\u0027s past. Funding will support a Ph.D. student and undergraduates from multiple institutions working on independent research projects. Web content focused on Antarctic marine communities will be designed for museum outreach, reaching thousands of middle-school children each year.\r\n", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Amd/Us; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; AMD; Dry Valleys; USAP-DC; LABORATORY; USA/NSF", "locations": "Dry Valleys", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Walker, Sally; Gillikin, David; Perez-Huerta, Alberto; Andrus, Fred", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past", "uid": "p0010238", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1341304 Sidor, Christian; 1341376 Tabor, Neil; 1341475 Smith, Nathan; 1341645 Makovicky, Peter; 2001033 Makovicky, Peter", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -84,-178 -84,-176 -84,-174 -84,-172 -84,-170 -84,-168 -84,-166 -84,-164 -84,-162 -84,-160 -84,-160 -84.3,-160 -84.6,-160 -84.9,-160 -85.2,-160 -85.5,-160 -85.8,-160 -86.1,-160 -86.4,-160 -86.7,-160 -87,-162 -87,-164 -87,-166 -87,-168 -87,-170 -87,-172 -87,-174 -87,-176 -87,-178 -87,180 -87,178.5 -87,177 -87,175.5 -87,174 -87,172.5 -87,171 -87,169.5 -87,168 -87,166.5 -87,165 -87,165 -86.7,165 -86.4,165 -86.1,165 -85.8,165 -85.5,165 -85.2,165 -84.9,165 -84.6,165 -84.3,165 -84,166.5 -84,168 -84,169.5 -84,171 -84,172.5 -84,174 -84,175.5 -84,177 -84,178.5 -84,-180 -84))", "dataset_titles": "Lower Triassic Antarctic vertebrate fossils at Field Museum, Chicago, IL", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601511", "doi": "10.15784/601511", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Fremouw Formation; Lystrosaurus; Permo-Triassic Extinction; Prolacerta; Sample Location; Thrinaxofon; Triassic", "people": "Makovicky, Peter", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Lower Triassic Antarctic vertebrate fossils at Field Museum, Chicago, IL", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601511"}], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project will advance our understanding of Antarctic life during the Permian and Triassic. We will apply an interdisciplinary approach to address relationships between environmental change, faunal composition, and biogeographic patterns in the context of the high-latitude strata preserved in the Buckley and Fremouw formations in the Shackleton Glacier region. We will use multiple types of data to assess paleoenvironment, including: 1) paleosol morphology; 2) paleosol geochemistry; 3) pedogenic organic matter; and 4) fossil wood chronology and stable isotopes. The Fremouw Formation of Antarctica preserves the highest paleolatitude tetrapod fauna of the entire Triassic (~70\u00b0 S) and thus has the potential to shed important light on the evolution of polar life during the early Mesozoic. We will collect new fossils from known localities to understand the relationship between Antarctic and southern African tetrapod faunas. Furthermore, we will refine the stratigraphic, sedimentological, and geochronological framework for these Mesozoic faunas, which will include using U/Pb detrital zircon dating to provide the first dates for these vertebrate assemblages. In the lab, we will examine the biology of Triassic vertebrates from Antarctica by comparing their bone and tusk histology to conspecifics from lower paleolatitudes. In addition, we will test Bergmann\u2019s Rule with six species (viz. Lystrosaurus curvatus, L. maccaigi, L. murrayi, Prolacerta broomi, Procolophon trigoniceps, and Thrinaxodon liorhinus). The Early Triassic presents a unique opportunity to perform such investigations as there is no other geologic interval in which species occurring in Antarctica can be compared to conspecifics across a range of paleolatitudes.", "east": -160.0, "geometry": "POINT(-177.5 -85.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "REPTILES; FIELD SURVEYS; USA/NSF; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; Triassic; USAP-DC; TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS; MACROFOSSILS; Amd/Us; Fossils; Shackleton Glacier; LAND RECORDS; ANIMALS/VERTEBRATES; AMD", "locations": "Shackleton Glacier", "north": -84.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Sidor, Christian; Smith, Nathan; Makovicky, Peter; Tabor, Neil", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -87.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Understanding the evolution of high-latitude Permo-Triassic paleoenvironments and their vertebrate communities", "uid": "p0010213", "west": 165.0}, {"awards": "1744970 Shevenell, Amelia", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((120 -66,120.1 -66,120.2 -66,120.3 -66,120.4 -66,120.5 -66,120.6 -66,120.7 -66,120.8 -66,120.9 -66,121 -66,121 -66.1,121 -66.2,121 -66.3,121 -66.4,121 -66.5,121 -66.6,121 -66.7,121 -66.8,121 -66.9,121 -67,120.9 -67,120.8 -67,120.7 -67,120.6 -67,120.5 -67,120.4 -67,120.3 -67,120.2 -67,120.1 -67,120 -67,120 -66.9,120 -66.8,120 -66.7,120 -66.6,120 -66.5,120 -66.4,120 -66.3,120 -66.2,120 -66.1,120 -66))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Tue, 22 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "At present, Antarctica\u2019s glaciers are melting as the Southern Ocean warms. While glacial retreat in West Antarctica is linked to ocean warming, less is known about the response of East Antarctica\u2019s glaciers. Totten Glacier, located on the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica is presently retreating. Totten\u2019s retreat is important because it is associated with warm ocean waters and because the glacier drains part of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet that contains enough ice to raise global sea levels ~3.5 meters. Mud accumulating on the seafloor around Antarctica is composed of sediment from the adjacent continent, as well as the skeletons and debris from microscopic marine organisms. As mud accumulates, so does a record of past environmental changes, including ocean temperatures and the advance and retreat of glaciers. Scientists use a variety of physical and chemical analyses to determine how long ago this mud was deposited, the temperature of the ocean at that location through time, and the relative location of glacial ice. In this project, researchers from the University of South Florida will refine and test new geochemical thermometers to better understand the influence of ocean temperatures on East Antarctic glacier extent over the last ~16,000 years. Results will be integrated into ice sheet and climate models to improve the accuracy of predictions.", "east": 121.0, "geometry": "POINT(120.5 -66.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "SEDIMENTS; FIELD INVESTIGATION; USA/NSF; USAP-DC; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; Sabrina Coast; AMD; Amd/Us", "locations": "Sabrina Coast", "north": -66.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Shevenell, Amelia", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -67.0, "title": "Deglacial to Recent Paleoceanography of the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: A Multi-proxy Study of Ice-ocean Interactions at the Outlet of the Aurora Subglacial Basin", "uid": "p0010194", "west": 120.0}, {"awards": "1060080 TBD", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Particle-size distributions of Pliocene sediment from IODP Site U1359", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601450", "doi": "10.15784/601450", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Particle-size distributions of Pliocene sediment from IODP Site U1359", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601450"}], "date_created": "Mon, 14 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Ice-Rafting; Marine Geoscience; Paleoclimate; Particle Size; Sediment Core Data; Wilkes Land", "locations": "Wilkes Land; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Rosenberg, Jessica; Passchier, Sandra; Hansen, Melissa A.", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "1908399 Bizimis, Michael; 1908548 Feakins, Sarah", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((74.787 -67.27617,74.816483 -67.27617,74.845966 -67.27617,74.875449 -67.27617,74.904932 -67.27617,74.934415 -67.27617,74.963898 -67.27617,74.993381 -67.27617,75.022864 -67.27617,75.052347 -67.27617,75.08183 -67.27617,75.08183 -67.31817,75.08183 -67.36017,75.08183 -67.40217,75.08183 -67.44417,75.08183 -67.48617,75.08183 -67.52817,75.08183 -67.57017,75.08183 -67.61217,75.08183 -67.65417,75.08183 -67.69617,75.052347 -67.69617,75.022864 -67.69617,74.993381 -67.69617,74.963898 -67.69617,74.934415 -67.69617,74.904932 -67.69617,74.875449 -67.69617,74.845966 -67.69617,74.816483 -67.69617,74.787 -67.69617,74.787 -67.65417,74.787 -67.61217,74.787 -67.57017,74.787 -67.52817,74.787 -67.48617,74.787 -67.44417,74.787 -67.40217,74.787 -67.36017,74.787 -67.31817,74.787 -67.27617))", "dataset_titles": "Ejtibbett/EOTproxymodel: Proxy Model Comparison for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition [Computational Notebook]; Paleoceanography and biomarker data from the Antarctic Peninsula over the past 37-3 million years; Prydz Bay East Antarctica, biomarkers and pollen, 36-33 million years; Sabrina Coast East Antarctica, Pollen and Biomarker Data from 59-38 million years ago; Southern High Latitude Temperature Proxies from the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene [Dataset]", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200317", "doi": "10.25921/n9kg-yw91", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NCEI", "science_program": null, "title": "Paleoceanography and biomarker data from the Antarctic Peninsula over the past 37-3 million years", "url": "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/35613"}, {"dataset_uid": "200334", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.7254786", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Zenodo", "science_program": null, "title": "Ejtibbett/EOTproxymodel: Proxy Model Comparison for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition [Computational Notebook]", "url": "https://zenodo.org/record/7254786#.Y2BLAeTMI2w"}, {"dataset_uid": "200206", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NCEI", "science_program": null, "title": "Prydz Bay East Antarctica, biomarkers and pollen, 36-33 million years", "url": "https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo-search/study/32052"}, {"dataset_uid": "200335", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.7254536", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Zenodo", "science_program": null, "title": "Southern High Latitude Temperature Proxies from the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene [Dataset]", "url": "https://zenodo.org/record/7254536#.Y2BLgOTMI2w"}, {"dataset_uid": "200259", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NCEI", "science_program": null, "title": "Sabrina Coast East Antarctica, Pollen and Biomarker Data from 59-38 million years ago", "url": "https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/34772"}], "date_created": "Sat, 05 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The East Antarctic Ice Sheet holds the largest volume of freshwater on the planet, in total enough to raise sea level by almost two hundred feet. Even minor adjustments in the volume of ice stored have major implications for coastlines and climates around the world. The question motivating this project is how did the ice grow to cover the continent over thirty million years ago when Antarctica changed from a warmer environment to an ice-covered southern continent? The seafloor of Prydz Bay, a major drainage basin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), has been drilled previously to recover sediments dating from millions of years prior to and across the time when inception of continental ice sheets occurred in Antarctica. The last remnants of plant material found as \u0027biomarkers\u0027 in the ocean sediments record the chemical signatures of rain and snowfall that fed the plants and later the expanding glaciers. Sediment carried by glaciers was also deposited on the seafloor and can be analyzed to discover how glaciers flowed across the landscape. Here, the researchers will identify precipitation changes that result from, and drive, ice sheet growth. This study will gather data and further analyze samples from the seafloor sediment archives of the International Ocean Discovery Program\u0027s (IODP) core repositories. Ultimately these findings can help inform temperature-precipitation-ice linkages within climate and ice sheet models. The project will support the training of three female, early career scientists (PhD \u0026 MS students, and research technician) and both PIs and the PhD student will continue their engagement with broadening participation efforts (e.g., Women in Science and Engineering Program; local chapters of Society for the advancement of Native Americans and Chicanos in Science and other access programs) to recruit undergraduate student participants from underrepresented minorities at both campuses and from local community colleges. Antarctic earth science education materials will be assisted by professional illustrations to be open access and used in public education and communication efforts to engage local communities in Los Angeles CA and Columbia SC. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe researchers at the University of Southern California and the University of South Carolina will together study the penultimate moment of the early Cenozoic greenhouse climate state: the ~4 million years of global cooling that culminated in the Eocene/Oligocene transition (~34 Ma). Significant gaps remain in the understanding of the conditions that preceded ice expansion on Antarctica. In particular, the supply of raw material for ice sheets (i.e., moisture) and the timing, frequency, and duration of precursor glaciations is poorly constrained. This collaborative proposal combines organic and inorganic proxies to examine how Antarctic hydroclimate changed during the greenhouse to icehouse transition. The central hypothesis is that the hydrological cycle weakened as cooling proceeded. Plant-wax hydrogen and carbon isotopes (hydroclimate proxies) and Hf-Nd isotopes of lithogenous and hydrogenous sediments (mechanical weathering proxies) respond strongly and rapidly to precipitation and glacial advance. This detailed and sensitive combined approach will test whether there were hidden glaciations (and/or warm events) that punctuated the pre-icehouse interval. Studies will be conducted on Prydz Bay marine sediment cores in a depositional area for products of weathering and erosion that were (and are) transported through Lambert Graben from the center of Antarctica. The project will yield proxy information about the presence of plants and the hydroclimate of Antarctica and the timing of glacial advance, and is expected to show drying associated with cooling and ice-sheet growth. The dual approach will untangle climate signals from changes in fluvial versus glacial erosion of plant biomarkers. This proposal is potentially transformative because the combination of organic and inorganic proxies can reveal rapid transitions in aridity and glacial expansion, that may have been missed in slower-response proxies and more distal archives. The research is significant as hydroclimate seems to be a key player in the temperature-cryosphere hysteresis.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": 75.08183, "geometry": "POINT(74.934415 -67.48617)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "MICROFOSSILS; Prydz Bay; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; Sabrina Coast; DROUGHT/PRECIPITATION RECONSTRUCTION; ISOTOPES; AIR TEMPERATURE RECONSTRUCTION", "locations": "Prydz Bay; Sabrina Coast", "north": -67.27617, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Feakins, Sarah; Scher, Howard", "platforms": null, "repo": "NCEI", "repositories": "NCEI; Zenodo", "science_programs": null, "south": -67.69617, "title": "Collaborative Research: Organic and Inorganic Geochemical Investigation of Hydrologic Change in East Antarctica in the 4 Million Years Before Full Glaciation", "uid": "p0010143", "west": 74.787}, {"awards": "1443213 Kaplan, Michael; 1443433 Licht, Kathy", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((159 -83.8,159.5 -83.8,160 -83.8,160.5 -83.8,161 -83.8,161.5 -83.8,162 -83.8,162.5 -83.8,163 -83.8,163.5 -83.8,164 -83.8,164 -83.87,164 -83.94,164 -84.01,164 -84.08,164 -84.15,164 -84.22,164 -84.29,164 -84.36,164 -84.43,164 -84.5,163.5 -84.5,163 -84.5,162.5 -84.5,162 -84.5,161.5 -84.5,161 -84.5,160.5 -84.5,160 -84.5,159.5 -84.5,159 -84.5,159 -84.43,159 -84.36,159 -84.29,159 -84.22,159 -84.15,159 -84.08,159 -84.01,159 -83.94,159 -83.87,159 -83.8))", "dataset_titles": "10Be and 26Al cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure data; 3He input data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601375", "doi": "10.15784/601375", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cosmogenic Dating; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Schaefer, Joerg; Kaplan, Michael; Winckler, Gisela", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "10Be and 26Al cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601375"}, {"dataset_uid": "601376", "doi": "10.15784/601376", "keywords": "Antarctica; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Winckler, Gisela; Kaplan, Michael; Schaefer, Joerg", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "3He input data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601376"}], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Sep 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Sediments deposited by the Antarctic ice sheet are an archive of its history with time and help geologists to determine how the remote interior of the ice sheet has changed over the past several hundred thousand years. This project will focus on the formation and dynamics of moraines (accumulations of dirt and rocks that are incorporated in the glacier surface or have been pushed along by the glacier as it moves) near the blue ice area of Mt. Achernar in the central Transantarctic Mountains in Antarctica.. The study will improve basic understanding of the formation of these moraines. Fieldwork at the site will focus on imaging the internal structure of the moraine to determine the processes by which it, and others like it, form over time. Additional analyses will include measurements of ice flow and collection of rock samples to determine the timing of debris deposition and the changes in the sources of sediments from deep within the Antarctic continent. The project will provide both graduate and undergraduate students training in paleoclimate studies, geology, and numerical modeling approaches. The broader impacts of the proposed work include hands on training in the Earth Sciences for graduate and undergraduate students, collaboration with colleagues in New Zealand and Sweden to provide an international research experience for students from the US, and three educational modules to be delivered by student researchers regarding Antarctica\u0027s role in global environments. The research is societally relevant and multidisciplinary and the topics are ideal for sharing with the public. All research findings will be made publicly available to others via timely publication in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals and all data will be submitted to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, and excess samples will be provided to the U.S. Polar Rock Repository.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eDirect observations of ice sheet history from the margins of Antarctica\u0027s polar plateau are essential for testing numerical ice sheet models, and the laterally extensive, blue-ice moraines of the Mt. Achernar Moraine complex in the central Transantarctic Mountains contain a unique and nearly untapped direct, quasi-continuous record of ice sheet change over multiple glacial cycles. The project objectives include improved understanding of processes and rates of blue ice moraine formation, as well as identifying the topographic, glaciological, and climatic controls on their evolution. Data to be collected with fieldwork in Antarctica include: imaging of internal ice structure with ground-penetrating radar, measurement of ice flow velocity and direction with a global positioning system (GPS) array, analysis of debris concentration and composition in glacier ice, state-of-the-art cosmogenic multi-nuclide analyses to determine exposure ages of moraine debris, mapping of trimlines and provenance analysis. Numerical model simulations, constrained by field data, will be used to evaluate the factors influencing changes in glacier flow that potentially impact the accumulation of the moraine debris. All together, the new data and modeling efforts will improve conceptual models of blue ice moraine formation, and thereby make them a more valuable proxy for developing a better understanding of the history of the ice sheet.", "east": 164.0, "geometry": "POINT(161.5 -84.15)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "SEDIMENTS; GLACIAL PROCESSES; Mt. Achernar; ABLATION ZONES/ACCUMULATION ZONES; GLACIER ELEVATION/ICE SHEET ELEVATION; Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Transantarctic Mountains; GLACIATION; USAP-DC; ICE MOTION; AMD; LABORATORY; Amd/Us", "locations": "Transantarctic Mountains; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Mt. Achernar; Antarctica", "north": -83.8, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Kaplan, Michael; Schaefer, Joerg; Winckler, Gisela; Licht, Kathy", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -84.5, "title": "Collaborative Research: Multidisciplinary Analysis of Antarctic Blue Ice Moraine Formation and their Potential as Climate Archives over Multiple Glacial Cycles", "uid": "p0010131", "west": 159.0}, {"awards": "1543453 Lyons, W. Berry; 1543405 Leventer, Amy; 1543537 Priscu, John; 1543441 Fricker, Helen; 1543396 Christner, Brent; 1543347 Rosenheim, Brad", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-163.611 -84.33543,-162.200034 -84.33543,-160.789068 -84.33543,-159.378102 -84.33543,-157.967136 -84.33543,-156.55617 -84.33543,-155.145204 -84.33543,-153.734238 -84.33543,-152.323272 -84.33543,-150.912306 -84.33543,-149.50134 -84.33543,-149.50134 -84.3659157,-149.50134 -84.3964014,-149.50134 -84.4268871,-149.50134 -84.4573728,-149.50134 -84.4878585,-149.50134 -84.5183442,-149.50134 -84.5488299,-149.50134 -84.5793156,-149.50134 -84.6098013,-149.50134 -84.640287,-150.912306 -84.640287,-152.323272 -84.640287,-153.734238 -84.640287,-155.145204 -84.640287,-156.55617 -84.640287,-157.967136 -84.640287,-159.378102 -84.640287,-160.789068 -84.640287,-162.200034 -84.640287,-163.611 -84.640287,-163.611 -84.6098013,-163.611 -84.5793156,-163.611 -84.5488299,-163.611 -84.5183442,-163.611 -84.4878585,-163.611 -84.4573728,-163.611 -84.4268871,-163.611 -84.3964014,-163.611 -84.3659157,-163.611 -84.33543))", "dataset_titles": "Antarctica - PI Continuous - GZ01-WIS_GroundingZone_01 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset; Antarctica - PI Continuous - GZ13-WIS_GroundingZone_13 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset; Antarctica - PI Continuous - LA02-WIS_LAKES_02 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset; Antarctica - PI Continuous - LA06-WIS_LAKES_06 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset; Antarctica - PI Continuous - LA07-WIS_LAKES_07 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset; Antarctica - PI Continuous - LA09-WIS_LAKES_09 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset; Bistatic Radar Sounding of Whillans Ice Stream, Antarctica and Store Glacier, Greenland; CTD data from Mercer Subglacial Lake and access borehole; Discrete bulk sediment properties data from Mercer Subglacial Lake; Isotopic data from Whillans Ice Stream grounding zone, West Antarctica; Mercer Subglacial Lake radiocarbon and stable isotope data ; Mercer Subglacial Lake (SLM) microbial composition: 16S rRNA genes (Sequence Read Archive; BioProject: PRJNA790995); Mercer Subglacial Lake (SLM) noble gas and isotopic data; Mercer Subglacial Lake water column viral metagenomic sequencing; Salsa sediment cores; Sediment porewater properties data from Mercer Subglacial Lake; Water column biogeochemical data from Mercer Subglacial Lake", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601657", "doi": "10.15784/601657", "keywords": "Antarctica; Conductivity; CTD; Depth; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Hot Water Drill; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Physical Properties; SALSA; Subglacial Lake; Temperature", "people": "Rosenheim, Brad; Leventer, Amy; Priscu, John; Dore, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "CTD data from Mercer Subglacial Lake and access borehole", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601657"}, {"dataset_uid": "200246", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "OSU-MGR", "science_program": null, "title": "Salsa sediment cores", "url": "https://osu-mgr.org"}, {"dataset_uid": "601360", "doi": "10.15784/601360", "keywords": "Antarctica; Radiocarbon; Sediment; Whillans Ice Stream", "people": "Venturelli, Ryan A", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WISSARD", "title": "Isotopic data from Whillans Ice Stream grounding zone, West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601360"}, {"dataset_uid": "200282", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NCBI GenBank", "science_program": null, "title": "Mercer Subglacial Lake (SLM) microbial composition: 16S rRNA genes (Sequence Read Archive; BioProject: PRJNA790995)", "url": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/?term=PRJNA790995"}, {"dataset_uid": "601498", "doi": "10.15784/601498", "keywords": "Antarctica; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Noble Gas", "people": "Gardner, Christopher B.; Lyons, W. Berry", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Mercer Subglacial Lake (SLM) noble gas and isotopic data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601498"}, {"dataset_uid": "601472", "doi": "10.15784/601472", "keywords": "Antarctica; Bistatic Radar; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPS Data; Greenland; Lake Whillans; Radar; Store Glacier; Whillans Ice Stream; WISSARD", "people": "MacKie, Emma; Christoffersen, Poul; Bienert, Nicole; Schroeder, Dustin; Siegfried, Matthew; Peters, Sean; Dawson, Eliza", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WISSARD", "title": "Bistatic Radar Sounding of Whillans Ice Stream, Antarctica and Store Glacier, Greenland", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601472"}, {"dataset_uid": "200212", "doi": "10.7283/PT0Q-JB95", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctica - PI Continuous - GZ01-WIS_GroundingZone_01 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset", "url": "https://www.unavco.org/data/doi/10.7283/PT0Q-JB95"}, {"dataset_uid": "200213", "doi": "10.7283/F7BB-JH05", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctica - PI Continuous - GZ13-WIS_GroundingZone_13 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset", "url": "https://www.unavco.org/data/doi/10.7283/F7BB-JH05"}, {"dataset_uid": "200214", "doi": "10.7283/YW8Z-TK03", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctica - PI Continuous - LA02-WIS_LAKES_02 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset", "url": "https://www.unavco.org/data/doi/10.7283/YW8Z-TK03"}, {"dataset_uid": "601672", "doi": "10.15784/601672", "keywords": "Antarctica; Isotope; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Radiocarbon; Subglacial Lake", "people": "Rosenheim, Brad; Venturelli, Ryan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Mercer Subglacial Lake radiocarbon and stable isotope data ", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601672"}, {"dataset_uid": "200215", "doi": "10.7283/C503-KS23", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctica - PI Continuous - LA06-WIS_LAKES_06 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset", "url": "https://www.unavco.org/data/doi/10.7283/C503-KS23"}, {"dataset_uid": "200216", "doi": "10.7283/F8NH-CV04", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctica - PI Continuous - LA07-WIS_LAKES_07 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset", "url": "https://www.unavco.org/data/doi/10.7283/F8NH-CV04"}, {"dataset_uid": "200217", "doi": "10.7283/3JMY-Y504", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctica - PI Continuous - LA09-WIS_LAKES_09 P.S. - GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset", "url": "https://www.unavco.org/data/doi/10.7283/3JMY-Y504"}, {"dataset_uid": "200342", "doi": null, "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "GenBank", "science_program": null, "title": "Mercer Subglacial Lake water column viral metagenomic sequencing", "url": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/biosample/32811410"}, {"dataset_uid": "601664", "doi": "10.15784/601664", "keywords": "Antarctica; Gas; Geochemistry; Glacier; Glaciology; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Methane; SALSA; Sediment Core; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Dore, John; Science Team, SALSA; Steigmeyer, August; Tranter, Martyn; Skidmore, Mark; Michaud, Alexander", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Sediment porewater properties data from Mercer Subglacial Lake", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601664"}, {"dataset_uid": "601663", "doi": "10.15784/601663", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon; Cell Counts; Geochemistry; Glacier; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Microbes; Nutrients; SALSA; Stable Isotopes; Trace Elements; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Barker, Joel; Li, Wei; Tranter, Martyn; Priscu, John; Science Team, SALSA; Steigmeyer, August; Dore, John; Skidmore, Mark; Hawkings, Jon", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Water column biogeochemical data from Mercer Subglacial Lake", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601663"}, {"dataset_uid": "601661", "doi": "10.15784/601661", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon; Glacier; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Iron; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Mineralogy; Particle Size; Physical Properties; SALSA; Sediment Core; Sulfur; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Science Team, SALSA; Skidmore, Mark; Venturelli, Ryan A; Hawkings, Jon; Michaud, Alexander; Campbell, Timothy; Dore, John; Tranter, Martyn", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Discrete bulk sediment properties data from Mercer Subglacial Lake", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601661"}], "date_created": "Thu, 16 Jul 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Antarctic subglacial environment remains one of the least explored regions on Earth. This project will examine the physical and biological characteristics of Subglacial Lake Mercer, a lake that lies 1200m beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This study will address key questions relating to the stability of the ice sheet, the subglacial hydrological system, and the deep-cold subglacial biosphere. The education and outreach component aims to widely disseminate results to the scientific community and to the general public through short films, a blog, and a website.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eSubglacial Lake Mercer is one of the larger hydrologically active lakes in the southern basin of the Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica. It receives about 25 percent of its water from East Antarctica with the remainder originating from West Antarctica, is influenced by drain/fill cycles in a lake immediately upstream (Subglacial Lake Conway), and lies about 100 km upstream of the present grounding line of the Ross Ice Shelf. This site will yield information on the history of the Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams, and on grounding line migration. The integrated study will include direct sampling of basal ice, water, and sediment from the lake in concert with surface geophysical surveys over a three-year period to define the hydrological connectivity among lakes on the Whillans Ice Plain and their flow paths to the sea. The geophysical surveys will furnish information on subglacial hydrology, aid the site selection for hot-water drilling, and provide spatial context for interpreting findings. The hot-water-drilled boreholes will be used to collect basal ice samples, provide access for direct measurement of subglacial physical, chemical, and biological conditions in the water column and sediments, and to explore the subglacial water cavities using a remotely operated vehicle equipped with sensors, cameras, and sampling equipment. Data collected from this study will address the overarching hypothesis \\\"Contemporary biodiversity and carbon cycling in hydrologically-active subglacial environments associated with the Mercer and Whillans ice streams are regulated by the mineralization and cycling of relict marine organic matter and through interactions among ice, rock, water, and sediments\\\". The project will be undertaken by a collaborative team of scientists, with expertise in microbiology, biogeochemistry, hydrology, geophysics, glaciology, marine geology, paleoceanography, and science communication.", "east": -149.50134, "geometry": "POINT(-156.55617 -84.4878585)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "SEDIMENTS; Antarctica; ISOTOPES; Subglacial Lake; USAP-DC; VIRUSES; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; BACTERIA/ARCHAEA; LABORATORY; Radiocarbon; Whillans Ice Stream; AMD; SALSA; ECOSYSTEM FUNCTIONS; RADIOCARBON; FIELD INVESTIGATION; ICE MOTION; Mercer Ice Stream; Amd/Us; USA/NSF; GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS", "locations": "Antarctica; Mercer Ice Stream; Whillans Ice Stream", "north": -84.33543, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Instrumentation and Support; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Rosenheim, Brad; Fricker, Helen; Priscu, John; Leventer, Amy; Dore, John; Lyons, W. Berry; Christner, Brent", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "GenBank; NCBI GenBank; OSU-MGR; UNAVCO; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -84.640287, "title": "Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments", "uid": "p0010119", "west": -163.611}, {"awards": "1142167 Pettit, Erin; 1142035 Obbard, Rachel", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-112.3 -79.2,-112.2 -79.2,-112.1 -79.2,-112 -79.2,-111.9 -79.2,-111.8 -79.2,-111.7 -79.2,-111.6 -79.2,-111.5 -79.2,-111.4 -79.2,-111.3 -79.2,-111.3 -79.23,-111.3 -79.26,-111.3 -79.29,-111.3 -79.32,-111.3 -79.35,-111.3 -79.38,-111.3 -79.41,-111.3 -79.44,-111.3 -79.47,-111.3 -79.5,-111.4 -79.5,-111.5 -79.5,-111.6 -79.5,-111.7 -79.5,-111.8 -79.5,-111.9 -79.5,-112 -79.5,-112.1 -79.5,-112.2 -79.5,-112.3 -79.5,-112.3 -79.47,-112.3 -79.44,-112.3 -79.41,-112.3 -79.38,-112.3 -79.35,-112.3 -79.32,-112.3 -79.29,-112.3 -79.26,-112.3 -79.23,-112.3 -79.2))", "dataset_titles": "ApRES Firn Density Study; ApRES Vertical Strain Study; GPS Horizontal Strain Network; South Pole (SPICEcore) Borehole Deformation; WAIS Divide Borehole Deformation", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601314", "doi": "10.15784/601314", "keywords": "Acoustic Televiewer; Anisotropy; Antarctica; Borehole Logging; Deformation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Flow; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Borehole Deformation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601314"}, {"dataset_uid": "601315", "doi": "10.15784/601315", "keywords": "Acoustic Televiewer; Anisotropy; Antarctica; Borehole Logging; Deformation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Ice Flow; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole (SPICEcore) Borehole Deformation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601315"}, {"dataset_uid": "200141", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "GPS Horizontal Strain Network", "url": ""}, {"dataset_uid": "601322", "doi": "10.15784/601322", "keywords": "Antarctica; Firn; Firn Density; Glaciology; Ice Penetrating Radar; Phase Sensitive Radar; Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "ApRES Firn Density Study", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601322"}, {"dataset_uid": "601323", "doi": "10.15784/601323", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Penetrating Radar; Ice Strain; Phase Sensitive Radar; Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "ApRES Vertical Strain Study", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601323"}], "date_created": "Fri, 15 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to develop a better understanding of the relation between ice microstructure, impurities, and ice flow and their connection to climate history for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) ice core site. This work builds on several ongoing studies at Siple Dome in West Antarctica and Dome C in East Antarctica. It is well known that the microstructure of ice evolves with depth and time in an ice sheet. This evolution of microstructure depends on the ice flow field, temperature, and impurity content. The ice flow field, in turn, depends on microstructure, leading to feedbacks that create layered variation in microstructure that relates to climate and flow history. The research proposed here focuses on developing a better understanding of: 1) how ice microstructure evolves with time and stress in an ice sheet and how that relates to impurity content, temperature, and strain rate; 2) how variations in ice microstructure and impurity content affect ice flow patterns near ice divides (on both small (1cm to 1m) and large (1m to 100km) scales); and 3) in what ways is the spatial variability of ice microstructure and its effect on ice flow important for interpretation of climate history in the WAIS Divide ice core. The study will integrate existing ice core and borehole data with a detailed study of ice microstructure using Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) techniques and measurements of borehole deformation through time using Acoustic Televiewers. This will be the first study to combine these two novel techniques for studying the relation between microstructure and deformation and it will build on other data being collected as part of other WAIS Divide borehole logging projects (e.g. sonic velocity, optical dust logging, temperature and other measurements on the ice core including fabric measurements from thin section analyses as well as studies of ice chemistry and stable isotopes. The intellectual merit of the work is that it will improve interpretation of ice core data (especially information on past accumulation) and overall understanding of ice flow. The broader impacts are that the work will ultimately contribute to a better interpretation of ice core records for both paleoclimate studies and for ice flow history, both of which connect to the broader questions of the role of ice in the climate system. The work will also advance the careers of two early-career female scientists, including one with a hearing impairment disability. This project will support a PhD student at the UAF and provide research and field experience for two or three undergraduates at Dartmouth. The PIs plan to include a teacher on their field team and collaborate with UAF\u0027s \"From STEM to STEAM\" toward enhancing the connection between art and science.", "east": -111.3, "geometry": "POINT(-111.8 -79.35)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD INVESTIGATION; GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS; WAIS Divide; ICE CORE RECORDS; USAP-DC; GLACIER MOTION/ICE SHEET MOTION; Radar", "locations": "WAIS Divide", "north": -79.2, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Pettit, Erin; Obbard, Rachel", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "UNAVCO; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core; SPICEcore", "south": -79.5, "title": "Collaborative Research: VeLveT Ice - eVoLution of Fabric and Texture in Ice at WAIS Divide, West Antarctica", "uid": "p0010098", "west": -112.3}, {"awards": "1443268 Beard, Brian; 1443437 Carlson, Anders", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-80 -65,-79 -65,-78 -65,-77 -65,-76 -65,-75 -65,-74 -65,-73 -65,-72 -65,-71 -65,-70 -65,-70 -65.5,-70 -66,-70 -66.5,-70 -67,-70 -67.5,-70 -68,-70 -68.5,-70 -69,-70 -69.5,-70 -70,-71 -70,-72 -70,-73 -70,-74 -70,-75 -70,-76 -70,-77 -70,-78 -70,-79 -70,-80 -70,-80 -69.5,-80 -69,-80 -68.5,-80 -68,-80 -67.5,-80 -67,-80 -66.5,-80 -66,-80 -65.5,-80 -65))", "dataset_titles": "Radiogenic isotopes of ODP Site 178-1096; Sand content of ODP Site 178-1096", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200108", "doi": " doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.909407 ", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PANGAEA", "science_program": null, "title": "Radiogenic isotopes of ODP Site 178-1096", "url": "https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.909407"}, {"dataset_uid": "200109", "doi": " doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.909411", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PANGAEA", "science_program": null, "title": "Sand content of ODP Site 178-1096", "url": "https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.909411 "}], "date_created": "Fri, 31 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project developed sediment provenance proxies to trace the sources of sediment discharged by the WAIS to the continental rise. The WAIS erodes sediments from various West Antarctic geologic terranes that are deposited in adjacent drift sites. The geochemistry and magnetic properties of drift sediments reflect the tectono-metamorphic history of their source terranes. Deglaciation of a terrane during WAIS collapse should be detectable by the loss of the terrane\u2019s geochemical and magnetic signature in continental-rise detrital sediments. Continental shelf late-Holocene sediments from near the current WAIS groundling line were analyzed for silt- and claysize Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes and major-trace elements. The suite of cores spans from the eastern Ross Sea to the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and established the provenance signatures of the Ross and Amundsen Provinces of Marie Byrd Land, Pine Island Bay, Thurston Island/Eight Coast Block, Ellsworth-Whitmore Crustal Block, and Antarctic Peninsula terranes. Many of these terranes have similar tectono-metamorphic histories but Sr-Nd isotope data from detrital sediments suggest at least 3 distinct provenance signatures. This comprehensive grain-size-specific provenance data adds to on-going collection of glacial till mineral and bulk provenance data. An initial down core study of Ocean Drilling Program Site 1096 in the Bellingshausen Sea was used to assess the utility of these new grain-size-specific provenance proxies in documenting WAIS collapse. We found the presence of both the WAIS and APIS over the last 115,000 years, but absence of the WAIS before 115,000 years ago. This means that the WAIS was gone during the last interglacial period, an interval when sea level was at least 6 meters above present. ", "east": -70.0, "geometry": "POINT(-75 -67.5)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "West Antarctic Ice Sheet; GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS; West Antarctica; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; NOT APPLICABLE; USAP-DC; ISOTOPES; GEOCHEMISTRY; Bellingshausen Sea", "locations": "West Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctica; Bellingshausen Sea", "north": -65.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Anders, Carlson; Beard, Brian; Stoner, Joseph", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "PANGAEA", "repositories": "PANGAEA", "science_programs": null, "south": -70.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Development of a Suite of Proxies to Detect Past Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "uid": "p0010079", "west": -80.0}, {"awards": "1246111 Dalziel, Ian", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-44 -53,-42.9 -53,-41.8 -53,-40.7 -53,-39.6 -53,-38.5 -53,-37.4 -53,-36.3 -53,-35.2 -53,-34.1 -53,-33 -53,-33 -53.4,-33 -53.8,-33 -54.2,-33 -54.6,-33 -55,-33 -55.4,-33 -55.8,-33 -56.2,-33 -56.6,-33 -57,-34.1 -57,-35.2 -57,-36.3 -57,-37.4 -57,-38.5 -57,-39.6 -57,-40.7 -57,-41.8 -57,-42.9 -57,-44 -57,-44 -56.6,-44 -56.2,-44 -55.8,-44 -55.4,-44 -55,-44 -54.6,-44 -54.2,-44 -53.8,-44 -53.4,-44 -53))", "dataset_titles": "BAS Geological Collection: Central Scotia Sea (full data link not provided); Nathaniel B Palmer NBP 1408; South Georgia: SOG1, SOG2, SOG3", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200107", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "British Antarctic Survey", "science_program": null, "title": "BAS Geological Collection: Central Scotia Sea (full data link not provided)", "url": "https://www.bas.ac.uk/data/our-data/collections/geological-collections/"}, {"dataset_uid": "200105", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "South Georgia: SOG1, SOG2, SOG3", "url": "https://www.unavco.org/data/gps-gnss/gps-gnss.html"}, {"dataset_uid": "200106", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "MGDS", "science_program": null, "title": "Nathaniel B Palmer NBP 1408", "url": "http://www.marine-geo.org/tools/search/entry.php?id=NBP1408"}], "date_created": "Tue, 28 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eOpening of Drake Passage and the West Scotia Sea south of Tierra del Fuego broke the final continental barrier to onset of a complete Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Initiation of the ACC has been associated in time with a major, abrupt, drop in global temperatures and the rapid expansion of the Antarctic ice sheets at 33-34 Ma. Events leading to the formation of the Drake Passage gateway are poorly known. Understanding the tectonic evolution of the floor of the Central Scotia Sea (CSS) and the North Scotia Ridge is a key to this understanding. Previous work has demonstrated that superimposed constructs formed a volcanic arc that likely blocked direct eastward flow from the Pacific to the Atlantic through the opening Drake Passage gateway as the active South Sandwich arc does today. The PIs propose a cruise to test, develop and refine, with further targeted mapping and dredging, their theory of CSS tectonics and the influence it had on the onset and development of the ACC. In addition they propose an installation of GPS receiver to test their paleogeographic reconstructions and determine whether South Georgia is moving as part of the South American plate. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eA graduate student will be involved in all stages of the research. Undergraduate students will also be involved as watch-standers. A community college teacher will participate in the cruise. The PIs will have a website on which there will be images of the actual ocean floor dredging in operation. The teacher will participate with web and outreach support through PolarTREC. Results of the cruise are of broad interest to paleoceanographers, paleoclimate modelers and paleobiogeographers.A network of four continuous Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers was installed on the bedrock of South Georgia in the Southern Ocean in 2013 and 2014. An additional receiver on a concrete foundation provides a tie to a tide gauge, part of the United Kingdom South Atlantic Tide Gauge Network. The GNSS receivers have already provided data suggesting that the South Georgia microcontinent (SGM) is moving independent of both the South American plate to the north and the Scotia plate to the south. The data also demonstrate that the SGM is being uplifted. ", "east": -33.0, "geometry": "POINT(-38.5 -55)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Scotia Sea; PLATE BOUNDARIES; TECTONIC PROCESSES; NOT APPLICABLE; COASTAL ELEVATION; Southern Ocean; USAP-DC", "locations": "Scotia Sea; Southern Ocean", "north": -53.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Dalziel, Ian W.; Lawver, Lawrence; Krissek, Lawrence", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "British Antarctic Survey", "repositories": "British Antarctic Survey; MGDS; UNAVCO", "science_programs": null, "south": -57.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Role of the Central Scotia Sea Floor and North Scotia Ridge in the Onset and Development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current", "uid": "p0010078", "west": -44.0}, {"awards": "1443105 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(0 -90)", "dataset_titles": "Continuous-flow measurements of the complete water isotope ratios (D/H, 17O/16O, 18O/16) from the South Pole ice core; South Pole high resolution ice core water stable isotope record for dD, d18O; South Pole Ice Core Holocene Major Ion Dataset; South Pole Ice Core Sea Salt and Major Ions; SP19 Gas Chronology; Temperature, accumulation rate, and layer thinning from the South Pole ice core (SPC14)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601851", "doi": "10.15784/601851", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Records; Major Ion; Sea Ice; Sea Salt; Sodium; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Winski, Dominic A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole Ice Core Sea Salt and Major Ions", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601851"}, {"dataset_uid": "601380", "doi": "10.15784/601380", "keywords": "Antarctica; Ch4; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Ice Core Stratigraphy; Methane; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Epifanio, Jenna", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "SP19 Gas Chronology", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601380"}, {"dataset_uid": "601429", "doi": "10.15784/601429", "keywords": "Antarctica; Climate; Deuterium; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Hydrogen; Ice; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Oxygen; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; Stable Isotopes", "people": "Vaughn, Bruce; Morris, Valerie; White, James; Jones, Tyler R.; Steig, Eric J.; Kahle, Emma; Schauer, Andrew", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "Continuous-flow measurements of the complete water isotope ratios (D/H, 17O/16O, 18O/16) from the South Pole ice core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601429"}, {"dataset_uid": "601239", "doi": "10.15784/601239", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cavity Ring Down Spectrometers; Delta 18O; Delta Deuterium; Deuterium Isotopes; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Data; Oxygen Isotope; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Stable Isotopes", "people": "White, James; Morris, Valerie; Vaughn, Bruce; Kahle, Emma; Schauer, Andrew; Steig, Eric J.; Jones, Tyler R.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole high resolution ice core water stable isotope record for dD, d18O", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601239"}, {"dataset_uid": "601850", "doi": "10.15784/601850", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Records; Major Ion; Sea Ice; Sea Salt; Sodium; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Winski, Dominic A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole Ice Core Holocene Major Ion Dataset", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601850"}, {"dataset_uid": "601396", "doi": "10.15784/601396", "keywords": "Accumulation; Antarctica; Diffusion Length; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Ice Dynamic; Layer Thinning; Oxygen Isotope; South Pole; SPICEcore; Temperature", "people": "Jones, Tyler R.; White, James; Epifanio, Jenna; Buizert, Christo; Waddington, Edwin D.; Conway, Howard; Stevens, Max; Schauer, Andrew; Vaughn, Bruce; Morris, Valerie; Koutnik, Michelle; Fudge, T. J.; Steig, Eric J.; Kahle, Emma", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "Temperature, accumulation rate, and layer thinning from the South Pole ice core (SPC14)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601396"}], "date_created": "Sun, 17 Nov 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project will develop a record of the stable-isotope ratios of water from an ice core at the South Pole, Antarctica. Water-isotope ratio measurements provide a means to determine variability in temperature through time. South Pole is distinct from most other locations in Antarctica in showing no warming in recent decades, but little is known about temperature variability in this location prior to the installation of weather stations in 1957. The measurements made as part of this project will result in a much longer temperature record, extending at least 40,000 years, aiding our ability to understand what controls Antarctic climate, and improving projections of future Antarctic climate change. Data from this project will be critical to other investigators working on the South Pole ice core, and of general interest to other scientists and the public. Data will be provided rapidly to other investigators and made public as soon as possible.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis project will obtain records of the stable-isotope ratios of water on the ice core currently being obtained at South Pole. The core will reach a depth of 1500 m and an age of 40,000 years. The project will use laser spectroscopy to obtain both an ultra-high-resolution record of oxygen 18/16 and deuterium-hydrogen ratios, and a lower-resolution record of oxygen 17/16 ratios. The high-resolution measurements will be used to aid in dating the core, and to provide estimates of isotope diffusion that constrain the process of firn densification. The novel 17/16 measurement provides additional constraints on the isotope fractionation due to the temperature-dependent supersaturation ratio, which affects the fractionation of water during the liquid-solid condensate transition. Together, these techniques will allow for improved accuracy in the use of the water isotope ratios as proxies for ice-sheet temperature, sea-surface temperature, and atmospheric circulation. The result will be a record of decadal through centennial and millennial scale climate change in a climatically distinct region in East Antarctica that has not been previously sampled by deep ice coring. The project will support a graduate student who will be co-advised by faculty at the University of Washington and the University of Colorado, and will be involved in all aspects of the work.", "east": 0.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -90)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "SPICEcore; D18O; LABORATORY; OXYGEN ISOTOPE ANALYSIS; Oxygen Isotope; South Pole; USAP-DC; GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS; Antarctica; AMD; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; White, James", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "SPICEcore", "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Record of the Triple-oxygen Isotope and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Ice from an Ice Core at South Pole", "uid": "p0010065", "west": 0.0}, {"awards": "1443566 Bay, Ryan", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(90 -90)", "dataset_titles": "Laser Dust Logging of the South Pole Ice Core (SPICE)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601222", "doi": "10.15784/601222", "keywords": "Antarctica; Dust; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; SPICEcore", "people": "Bay, Ryan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "Laser Dust Logging of the South Pole Ice Core (SPICE)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601222"}], "date_created": "Thu, 31 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports the deployment and analysis of data from an oriented laser dust logger in the South Pole ice core borehole to complement study of the ice core record. Before the core is even processed, data from the borehole probe will immediately determine the depth-age relationship, augment 3D mapping of South Pole stratigraphy, aid in searches for the oldest ice in Antarctica, and reveal layers of volcanic or extraterrestrial fallout. Regarding the intellectual merit, the oriented borehole log will be essential for investigating features in the ice sheet that may have implications for ice core chronology, ice flow, ice sheet physical properties and stability in response to climate change. The tools and techniques developed in this program have applications in glaciology, biogeoscience and exploration of other planetary bodies. The program aims for a deeper understanding of the consequences and causes of abrupt climate change. The broader impacts of the project are that it will include outreach and education, providing a broad training ground for students and post-docs. Data and metadata will be made available through data centers and repositories such as the National Snow and Ice Data Center web portal. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe laser dust logger detects reproducible paleoclimate features at sub-centimeter depth scale. Dust logger data are being used for synchronizing records and dating any site on the continent, revealing accumulation anomalies and episodes of rapid ice sheet thinning, and discovering particulate horizons of special interest. In this project we will deploy a laser dust logger equipped with a magnetic compass to find direct evidence of preferentially oriented dust. Using optical scattering measurements from IceCube calibration studies at South Pole and borehole logs at WAIS Divide, we have detected a persistent anisotropy correlated with flow and crystal fabric which suggests that the majority of insoluble particulates must be located within ice grains. With typical concentrations of parts-per-billion, little is known about the location of impurities within the polycrystalline structure of polar ice. While soluble impurities are generally thought to concentrate at inter-grain boundaries and determine electrical conductivity, the fate of insoluble particulates is much less clear, and microscopic examinations are extremely challenging. These in situ borehole measurements will help to unravel intimate relationships between impurities, flow, and crystal fabric. Data from this project will further develop a unique record of South Pole surface roughness as a proxy for paleowind and provide new insights for understanding glacial radar propagation. This project has field work in Antarctica.", "east": 90.0, "geometry": "POINT(90 -90)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "NOT APPLICABLE; Antarctica; ICE CORE RECORDS; USAP-DC", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bay, Ryan", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Laser Dust Logging of a South Pole Ice Core", "uid": "p0010061", "west": 90.0}, {"awards": "1443336 Osterberg, Erich; 1443663 Cole-Dai, Jihong; 1443397 Kreutz, Karl", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-180 -90)", "dataset_titles": "Preliminary SPC14 high-resolution Fe and Mn biologically relevant and dissolved trace metal concentrations spanning -42 \u2013 54,300 years BP.; South Pole Ice Core Holocene Major Ion Dataset; South Pole Ice Core Sea Salt and Major Ions; South Pole ice core (SPC14) discrete methane data; South Pole (SPC14) microparticle concentration, mass concentration, flux, particle-size-distribution mode, and aspect ratio measurements; SPICEcore 400-480 m Major Ions SDSU; The South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) chronology and supporting data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601206", "doi": "10.15784/601206", "keywords": "Antarctica; Calcium (ca); Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Depth; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciochemistry; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; Ice Core Stratigraphy; Nitrate; Nitrogen Isotopes; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Epifanio, Jenna; Kreutz, Karl; Cox, Thomas S.; Thundercloud, Zayta; Cole-Dai, Jihong; Fegyveresi, John; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; McConnell, Joseph; Sigl, Michael; Souney, Joseph Jr.; Bay, Ryan; Buizert, Christo; Iverson, Nels; Osterberg, Erich; Waddington, Edwin D.; Alley, Richard; Jones, Tyler R.; Casey, Kimberly A.; Nicewonger, Melinda R.; Aydin, Murat; Ferris, David G.; Kahle, Emma; Morris, Valerie; Steig, Eric J.; Sowers, Todd A.; Beaudette, Ross; Brook, Edward J.; Ortman, Nikolas; Dunbar, Nelia; Fudge, T. J.; Winski, Dominic A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "The South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) chronology and supporting data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601206"}, {"dataset_uid": "601381", "doi": "10.15784/601381", "keywords": "Antarctica; Ch4; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; Methane; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Fudge, T. J.; Kennedy, Joshua A.; Ferris, David G.; Kalk, Michael; Hood, Ekaterina; Osterberg, Erich; Winski, Dominic A.; Steig, Eric J.; Kahle, Emma; Sowers, Todd A.; Edwards, Jon S.; Aydin, Murat; Kreutz, Karl; Buizert, Christo; Brook, Edward J.; Epifanio, Jenna; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole ice core (SPC14) discrete methane data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601381"}, {"dataset_uid": "601675", "doi": "10.15784/601675", "keywords": "Antarctica; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Kreutz, Karl", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "Preliminary SPC14 high-resolution Fe and Mn biologically relevant and dissolved trace metal concentrations spanning -42 \u2013 54,300 years BP.", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601675"}, {"dataset_uid": "601850", "doi": "10.15784/601850", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Records; Major Ion; Sea Ice; Sea Salt; Sodium; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Winski, Dominic A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole Ice Core Holocene Major Ion Dataset", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601850"}, {"dataset_uid": "601430", "doi": "10.15784/601430", "keywords": "Antarctica; Ions; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Cole-Dai, Jihong; Larrick, Carleigh", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "SPICEcore 400-480 m Major Ions SDSU", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601430"}, {"dataset_uid": "601851", "doi": "10.15784/601851", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Records; Major Ion; Sea Ice; Sea Salt; Sodium; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Winski, Dominic A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole Ice Core Sea Salt and Major Ions", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601851"}, {"dataset_uid": "601553", "doi": "10.15784/601553", "keywords": "Antarctica; Dust; Ice Core; South Pole", "people": "Kreutz, Karl", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole (SPC14) microparticle concentration, mass concentration, flux, particle-size-distribution mode, and aspect ratio measurements", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601553"}], "date_created": "Thu, 29 Aug 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This collaborative project explores the signatures and causes of natural climate change in the region surrounding Antarctica over the last 40,000 years as the Earth transitioned from an ice age into the modern warm period. The researchers will investigate how the wind belts that surround Antarctica changed in their strength and position through time, and document explosive volcanic eruptions and CO2 cycling in the Southern Ocean as potential climate forcing mechanisms over this interval. Understanding how and why the climate varied naturally in the past is critical for improving understanding of modern climate change and projections of future climate under higher levels of atmospheric CO2. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe investigators plan to conduct a suite of chemical measurements along the 1500m length of the South Pole Ice Core, including major ion and trace element concentrations, and microparticle (dust) concentrations and size distributions. These measurements will (1) extend the South Pole record of explosive volcanic eruptions to 40,000 years using sulfate and particle data; (2) establish the relative timing of climate changes in dust source regions of Patagonia, New Zealand, and Australia using dust flux data; (3) investigate changes in the strength and position of the westerly wind belt using dust size distribution data; and (4) quantify the flux of bioavailable trace metals deposited as dust to the Southern Ocean over time. These chemistry records will also be critical for creating the timescale that will be used by all researchers studying records from the South Pole core. The project will support four graduate students and several undergraduate students across three different institutions, and become a focus of the investigators\u0027 efforts to disseminate outcomes of climate change science to the broader community.", "east": -180.0, "geometry": "POINT(-180 -90)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; ICE CORE RECORDS; USAP-DC; Amd/Us; USA/NSF; LABORATORY; AMD", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Osterberg, Erich", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "SPICEcore", "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: South Pole Ice Core Chronology and Climate Records using Chemical and Microparticle Measurements", "uid": "p0010051", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1443420 Dodd, Justin", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((167.07 -77.87,167.073 -77.87,167.076 -77.87,167.079 -77.87,167.082 -77.87,167.085 -77.87,167.088 -77.87,167.091 -77.87,167.094 -77.87,167.097 -77.87,167.1 -77.87,167.1 -77.873,167.1 -77.876,167.1 -77.879,167.1 -77.882,167.1 -77.885,167.1 -77.888,167.1 -77.891,167.1 -77.894,167.1 -77.897,167.1 -77.9,167.097 -77.9,167.094 -77.9,167.091 -77.9,167.088 -77.9,167.085 -77.9,167.082 -77.9,167.079 -77.9,167.076 -77.9,167.073 -77.9,167.07 -77.9,167.07 -77.897,167.07 -77.894,167.07 -77.891,167.07 -77.888,167.07 -77.885,167.07 -77.882,167.07 -77.879,167.07 -77.876,167.07 -77.873,167.07 -77.87))", "dataset_titles": "Diatom Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene (~4.68 to 3.44 Ma) Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601220", "doi": "10.15784/601220", "keywords": "And-1B; Andrill; Antarctica; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Delta 18O; Diatom; Mass Spectrometer; Oxygen Isotope; Paleoclimate; Pliocene; Sediment; Wais Project; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Dodd, Justin; Abbott, Tirzah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ANDRILL", "title": "Diatom Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene (~4.68 to 3.44 Ma) Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601220"}], "date_created": "Tue, 06 Aug 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Abstract\u003cbr/\u003eDuring the Early Pliocene, 4.8 to 3.4 million years ago, warmer-than-present global temperatures resulted in a retreat of the Ross Ice Shelf and West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Understanding changes in ocean dynamics during times of reduced ice volume and increased temperatures in the geologic past will improve the predictive models for these conditions. The primary goal of the proposed research is to develop a new oxygen isotope record of Pliocene oceanographic conditions near the Antarctic continent. Oxygen isotope values from the carbonate tests of benthic foraminifera have become the global standard for paleo-oceanographic studies, but foraminifera are sparse in high-latitude sediment cores. This research will instead make use of oxygen isotope measurements from diatom silica preserved in a marine sediment core from the Ross Sea. The project is the first attempt at using this method and will advance understanding of global ocean dynamics and ice sheet-ocean interactions during the Pliocene. The project will foster the professional development of two early-career scientists and serve as training for graduate and undergraduate student researchers. The PIs will use this project to introduce High School students to polar/oceanographic research, as well as stable isotope geochemistry. Collaboration with teachers via NSTA and Polar Educators International will ensure the implementation of excellent STEM learning activities and curricula for younger students. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eTechnical Description\u003cbr/\u003eThis project will produce a high-resolution oxygen isotope record from well-dated diatom rich sediments that have been cross-correlated with global benthic foraminifera oxygen isotope records. Diatom silica frustules deposited during the Early Pliocene and recovered by the ANDRILL Project (AND-1B) provide ideal material for this objective. Diatomite unites in the AND-1B core are nearly pure, with little evidence of opal formation. A diatom oxygen isotope record from this core offers the potential to constrain lingering uncertainties about Ross Sea and Southern Ocean paleoceanography and Antarctic Ice Sheet history during a time of high atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Specifically, oxygen isotope variations will be used to constrain changes in the water temperature and/or freshwater flux in the Pliocene Ross Sea. Diatom species data from the AND-1B core have been used to infer variations in the extent and duration of seasonal sea ice coverage, sea surface temperatures, and mid-water advection onto the continental shelf. However, the diatom oxygen isotope record will provide the first direct measure of water/oxygen isotope values at the Antarctic continental margin during the Pliocene.", "east": 167.1, "geometry": "POINT(167.085 -77.885)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "OXYGEN ISOTOPES; USAP-DC; Antarctica; NOT APPLICABLE", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.87, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Dodd, Justin; Scherer, Reed Paul; Warnock, Jonathan", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ANDRILL", "south": -77.9, "title": "Diatom and Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography", "uid": "p0010042", "west": 167.07}, {"awards": "1543267 Brook, Edward J.; 1543229 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Multi-site ice core Krypton stable isotope ratios; Noble Gas Data from recent ice in Antarctica for 86Kr problem", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601394", "doi": "10.15784/601394", "keywords": "Antarctica; Bruce Plateau; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Greenland Ice Cap; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Records; James Ross Island; Krypton; Law Dome; Low Dome Ice Core; Roosevelt Island; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; SPICEcore; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Bertler, Nancy; Shackleton, Sarah; Pyne, Rebecca L.; Mosley-Thompson, Ellen; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Mulvaney, Robert; Bereiter, Bernhard; Buizert, Christo; Etheridge, David; Baggenstos, Daniel", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Multi-site ice core Krypton stable isotope ratios", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601394"}, {"dataset_uid": "601394", "doi": "10.15784/601394", "keywords": "Antarctica; Bruce Plateau; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Greenland Ice Cap; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Records; James Ross Island; Krypton; Law Dome; Low Dome Ice Core; Roosevelt Island; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; SPICEcore; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Mulvaney, Robert; Bertler, Nancy; Bereiter, Bernhard; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Etheridge, David; Buizert, Christo; Shackleton, Sarah; Mosley-Thompson, Ellen; Baggenstos, Daniel; Brook, Edward J.; Pyne, Rebecca L.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Multi-site ice core Krypton stable isotope ratios", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601394"}, {"dataset_uid": "601394", "doi": "10.15784/601394", "keywords": "Antarctica; Bruce Plateau; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Greenland Ice Cap; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Records; James Ross Island; Krypton; Law Dome; Low Dome Ice Core; Roosevelt Island; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; SPICEcore; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Shackleton, Sarah; Mosley-Thompson, Ellen; Baggenstos, Daniel; Bereiter, Bernhard; Etheridge, David; Bertler, Nancy; Pyne, Rebecca L.; Mulvaney, Robert; Buizert, Christo", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "Multi-site ice core Krypton stable isotope ratios", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601394"}, {"dataset_uid": "601195", "doi": "10.15784/601195", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Data; Krypton; Noble Gas; Xenon", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Shackleton, Sarah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Noble Gas Data from recent ice in Antarctica for 86Kr problem", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601195"}], "date_created": "Wed, 10 Jul 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Overview: The funded work investigated whether ice core 86Kr acts as a proxy for barometric pressure variability, and whether this proxy can be used in Antarctic ice cores to infer past movement of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) westerly winds. Pressure variations drive macroscopic air movement in the firn column, which reduces the gravitational isotopic enrichment of slow-diffusing gases (such as Kr). The 86Kr deviation from gravitational equilibrium (denoted D86Kr) thus reflects the magnitude of pressure variations (among other things). Atmospheric reanalysis data suggest that pressure variability over Antarctica is linked to the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index and the position of the SH westerly winds. Preliminary data from the WAIS Divide ice core show a large excursion in D86Kr during the last deglaciation (20-9 ka before present). In this project the investigators (1) performed high-precision 86Kr analysis on ice core and firn air samples to establish whether D86Kr is linked to pressure variability; (2) Refined the deglacial WAIS Divide record of Kr isotopes; (3) Investigated the role of pressure variability in firn air transport using firn air models with firn microtomography data and Lattice- Boltzmann modeling; and (4) Investigated how barometric pressure variability in Antarctica is linked to the SAM index and the position/strength of the SH westerlies in past and present climates using GCM and reanalysis data. A key finding was that D86Kr in recent ice samples (e.g. last 50 years) from a broad spatial array of sites in Antarctica and Greenland showed a significant correlation with directly measured barometric pressure variability at the ice core site. This strongly supports the hypothesis that 86Kr can be used as a paleo-proxy for storminess.\r\nIntellectual Merit: The SH westerlies are a key component of the global climate system; they are an important control on the global oceanic overturning circulation and possibly on atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Poleward movement of the SH westerlies during the last deglaciation has been hypothesized, yet evidence from proxy and modeling studies remains inconclusive. The funded work could provide valuable new constraints on deglacial movement of the SH westerlies. This record can be compared to high-resolution CO2 data from the same core, allowing us to test hypotheses that link CO2 to the SH westerlies. Climate proxies are at the heart of paleoclimate research. The funded work has apparently led to the discovery of a completely new proxy, opening up exciting new research possibilities and increasing the scientific value of existing ice cores. Once validated, the 86Kr proxy could be applied to other time periods as well, providing a long-term perspective on the movement of the SH westerlies. The funded work has furthermore provided valuable new insights into firn air transport. \r\n\r\nBroader impact: The Southern Ocean is presently an important sink of atmospheric CO2, thereby reducing the warming associated with anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Stratospheric ozone depletion and greenhouse warming have displaced the SH westerlies poleward, with potential consequences for the future magnitude of this oceanic carbon uptake. The funded work may provide a paleo-perspective on past movement of the SH westerlies and its link to atmospheric CO2, which could guide projections of future oceanic CO2 uptake, with strong societal benefits. The awarded funds supported and trained an early-career postdoctoral scholar at OSU, and fostered (international) collaboration. Data from the study will be available to the scientific community and the broad public through recognized data centers. During this project the PI and senior personnel have continued their commitment to public outreach through media interviews and speaking to schools and the public about their work. The PI provides services to the community by chairing the IPICS (International Partnership in Ice Core Sciences) working group and organizing annual PIRE (Partnerships in International Research and Education) workshops.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USA/NSF; FIRN; ICE CORE RECORDS; USAP-DC; Greenland; Xenon; Noble Gas; Ice Core; Amd/Us; Antarctica; AMD; LABORATORY; Krypton; ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE", "locations": "Greenland; Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative research: Kr-86 as a proxy for barometric pressure variability and movement of the SH westerlies during the last\r\ndeglaciation", "uid": "p0010037", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1246357 Bart, Philip", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "NBP1502 Cruise Geophysics and underway data; NBP1502 YoYo camera benthic images from Ross Sea", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601182", "doi": "10.15784/601182", "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic; Benthic Images; Benthos; Bentic Fauna; Camera Tow; Marine Geoscience; Marine Sediments; NBP1502; Photo; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Ross Sea; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Southern Ocean; Yoyo Camera", "people": "Bart, Philip", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1502 YoYo camera benthic images from Ross Sea", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601182"}, {"dataset_uid": "000245", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1502 Cruise Geophysics and underway data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP1502"}], "date_created": "Mon, 03 Jun 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit:\n\nEvidence from the eastern Ross Sea continental shelf indicates that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet advanced and retreated during the last glacial cycle, but it is unclear whether the ice sheet advanced to the shelf edge or just to the middle shelf. These two end-member scenarios offer different interpretations as to why, how, and when the West Antarctic Ice Sheet oscillated. The PI proposes to acquire seismic, multibeam, and core data from Whales Deep, to evaluate the timing and duration of two advances of grounded ice to the outer and middle shelf of the Whales Deep Basin, a West Antarctic Ice Sheet paleo ice stream trough in eastern Ross Sea. Grounding events are represented by seismically resolvable Grounding Zone Wedges. The PI will collect radiocarbon dates on in situ benthic foraminifera from the grounding zone diamict as well as ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon dates on acid insoluble organics from open-marine mud overlying the grounding zone diamict. Using these data the PI will calculate the duration of the two grounding events. Furthermore, the PI will test a numerical model prediction that West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat must have involved melting at the marine terminus of the ice sheet. Pore-water from the grounding zone diamict will be extracted from piston cores to determine salinity and \u03b418O values that should indicate if significant melting occurred at the grounding line.\n\nBroader impacts:\n\nThe data collected will provide constraints on the timing and pattern of Last Glacial Maximum advance and retreat that can be incorporated into interpretations of ice-surface elevation changes. The proposed activities will provide valuable field and research training to undergraduate/graduate students and a Louisiana high-school science teacher. The research will be interactively shared with middle- and high-school science students and with visitors to the LSU Museum of Natural Science Weekend-Science Program. ", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e AIRGUN ARRAYS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e LONG STREAMERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MSBS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e CAMERAS \u003e CAMERA; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e FLUOROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e ECHO SOUNDERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MBES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e THERMOSALINOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "STRATIGRAPHIC SEQUENCE; R/V NBP; Ross Sea; Antarctica; MICROFOSSILS; RADIOCARBON; PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; SEDIMENTS; Southern Ocean; OCEANS; GEOSCIENTIFIC INFORMATION", "locations": "Antarctica; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bart, Philip; Steinberg, Deborah", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "R2R; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Timing and Duration of the LGM and Post-LGM Grounding Events in Whales Deep Paleo Ice Stream, Eastern Ross Sea Middle Continental Shelf", "uid": "p0000877", "west": null}, {"awards": "1543031 Ivany, Linda", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "NetCDF outputs from middle Eocene climate simulation using the GENESIS global circulation model ; Organic carbon isotope data from serially sampled Eocene driftwood from the La Meseta Fm., Seymour ; Oxygen isotope data from serially sampled Eocene bivalves from the La Meseta Fm., Seymour Island, Antarctica ", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601175", "doi": "10.15784/601175 ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Climate Model; Computer Model; Eocene; Genesis; Global Circulation Model; Modeling; Model Output; Seasonality; Temperature", "people": "Judd, Emily", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NetCDF outputs from middle Eocene climate simulation using the GENESIS global circulation model ", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601175"}, {"dataset_uid": "601173", "doi": "10.15784/601173 ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon Isotopes; Driftwood; Eocene; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Isotope Data; La Meseta Formation; Mass Spectrometer; Mass Spectrometry; Organic Carbon Isotopes; Seasonality; Seymour Island; Wood", "people": "Judd, Emily", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Organic carbon isotope data from serially sampled Eocene driftwood from the La Meseta Fm., Seymour ", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601173"}, {"dataset_uid": "601174", "doi": "10.15784/601174", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Bivalves; Cucullaea; Eocene; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Isotope Data; La Meseta Formation; Mass Spectrometer; Mass Spectrometry; Oxygen Isotope; Paleotemperature; Retrotapes; Seasonality; Seymour Island", "people": "Judd, Emily", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Oxygen isotope data from serially sampled Eocene bivalves from the La Meseta Fm., Seymour Island, Antarctica ", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601174"}], "date_created": "Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "In order to understand what environmental conditions might look like for future generations, we need to turn to archives of past times when the world was indeed warmer, before anyone was around to commit them to collective memory. The geologic record of Earth\u0027s past offers a glimpse of what could be in store for the future. Research by Ivany and her team looks to Antarctica during a time of past global warmth to see how seasonality of temperature and rainfall in coastal settings are likely to change in the future. They will use the chemistry of fossils (a natural archive of these variables) to test a provocative hypothesis about near-monsoonal conditions in the high latitudes when the oceans are warm. If true, we can expect high-latitude shipping lanes to become more hazardous and fragile marine ecosystems adapted to constant cold temperatures to suffer. With growing information about how human activities are likely to affect the planet in the future, we will be able to make more informed decisions about policies today. This research involves an international team of scholars, including several women scientists, training of graduate students, and a public museum exhibit to educate children about how we study Earth\u0027s ancient climate and what we can learn from it.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eAntarctica is key to an understanding how Earth?s climate system works under conditions of elevated CO2. The poles are the most sensitive regions on the planet to climate change, and the equator-to-pole temperature gradient and the degree to which high-latitude warming is amplified are important components for climate models to capture. Accurate proxy data with good age control are therefore critical for testing numerical models and establishing global patterns. The La Meseta Formation on Seymour Island is the only documented marine section from the globally warm Eocene Epoch exposed in outcrop on the continent; hence its climate record is integral to studies of warming. Early data suggest the potential for strongly seasonal precipitation and runoff in coastal settings. This collaboration among paleontologists, geochemists, and climate modelers will test this using seasonally resolved del-18O data from fossil shallow marine bivalves to track the evolution of seasonality through the section, in combination with independent proxies for the composition of summer precipitation (leaf wax del-D) and local seawater (clumped isotopes). The impact of the anticipated salinity stratification on regional climate will be evaluated in the context of numerical climate model simulations. In addition to providing greater clarity on high-latitude conditions during this time of high CO2, the combination of proxy and model results will provide insights about how Eocene warmth may have been maintained and how subsequent cooling came about. As well, a new approach to the analysis of shell carbonates for 87Sr/86Sr will allow refinements in age control so as to allow correlation of this important section with other regions to clarify global climate gradients. The project outlined here will develop new and detailed paleoclimate records from existing samples using well-tuned as well as newer proxies applied here in novel ways. Seasonal extremes are climate parameters generally inaccessible to most studies but critical to an understanding of climate change; these are possible to resolve in this well-preserved, accretionary-macrofossil-bearing section. This is an integrated study that links marine and terrestrial climate records for a key region of the planet across the most significant climate transition in the Cenozoic.", "east": -56.0, "geometry": "POINT(-56.5 -64.25)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS; USAP-DC; ISOTOPES; NOT APPLICABLE; MACROFOSSILS; Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -64.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Ivany, Linda; Lu, Zunli; Junium, Christopher; Samson, Scott", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -64.5, "title": "Seasonality, Summer Cooling, and Calibrating the Approach of the Icehouse in Late Eocene Antarctica", "uid": "p0010025", "west": -57.0}, {"awards": "0839142 Tulaczyk, Slawek; 0839107 Powell, Ross; 0838947 Tulaczyk, Slawek; 0838855 Jacobel, Robert; 0838763 Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; 0838764 Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; 0839059 Powell, Ross", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Basal melt rates of the Ross Ice Shelf near the Whillans Ice Stream grounding line; Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD); Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats - Robotic Access to Grounding-zones for Exploration and Science (RAGES); IRIS ID#s 201035, 201162, 201205; IRIS offers free and open access to a comprehensive data store of raw geophysical time-series data collected from a large variety of sensors, courtesy of a vast array of US and International scientific networks, including seismometers (permanent and temporary), tilt and strain meters, infrasound, temperature, atmospheric pressure and gravimeters, to support basic research aimed at imaging the Earth\u0027s interior.; Paleogene marine and terrestrial development of the West Antarctic Rift System: Biomarker Data Set; Paleogene marine and terrestrial development of the West Antarctic Rift System: Palynomorph Data Set; Radar Studies of Subglacial Lake Whillans and the Whillans Ice Stream Grounding Zone; The IRIS DMC archives and distributes data to support the seismological research community.; UNAVCO ID#s WHL1, WHL2, LA02, LA09 (full data link not provided)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609594", "doi": "10.7265/N54J0C2W", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; GPS; Radar; Whillans Ice Stream", "people": "Jacobel, Robert", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Radar Studies of Subglacial Lake Whillans and the Whillans Ice Stream Grounding Zone", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609594"}, {"dataset_uid": "001406", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "IRIS", "science_program": null, "title": "The IRIS DMC archives and distributes data to support the seismological research community.", "url": "http://ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/"}, {"dataset_uid": "001405", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "IRIS", "science_program": null, "title": "IRIS offers free and open access to a comprehensive data store of raw geophysical time-series data collected from a large variety of sensors, courtesy of a vast array of US and International scientific networks, including seismometers (permanent and temporary), tilt and strain meters, infrasound, temperature, atmospheric pressure and gravimeters, to support basic research aimed at imaging the Earth\u0027s interior.", "url": "http://www.iris.edu/hq/data_and_software"}, {"dataset_uid": "601234", "doi": "10.15784/601234", "keywords": "ACL; Antarctica; Biomarker; BIT Index; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Stream; Whillans Ice Stream; WISSARD", "people": "Baudoin, Patrick; Askin, Rosemary; Coenen, Jason; Scherer, Reed Paul; Warny, Sophie; Casta\u00f1eda, Isla", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WISSARD", "title": "Paleogene marine and terrestrial development of the West Antarctic Rift System: Biomarker Data Set", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601234"}, {"dataset_uid": "601245", "doi": "10.15784/601245", "keywords": "Antarctica; Pollen; West Antarctica; WISSARD", "people": "Askin, Rosemary; Scherer, Reed Paul; Casta\u00f1eda, Isla; Coenen, Jason; Baudoin, Patrick; Warny, Sophie", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WISSARD", "title": "Paleogene marine and terrestrial development of the West Antarctic Rift System: Palynomorph Data Set", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601245"}, {"dataset_uid": "601122", "doi": "10.15784/601122", "keywords": "Antarctica; Flexure Zone; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Shelf; Ice-Shelf Basal Melting; Ice-Shelf Strain Rate", "people": "Begeman, Carolyn", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WISSARD", "title": "Basal melt rates of the Ross Ice Shelf near the Whillans Ice Stream grounding line", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601122"}, {"dataset_uid": "600155", "doi": "10.15784/600155", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciology; Oceans; Southern Ocean; WISSARD", "people": "Powell, Ross", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats - Robotic Access to Grounding-zones for Exploration and Science (RAGES)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600155"}, {"dataset_uid": "600154", "doi": "10.15784/600154", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Diatom; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Lake Whillans; Paleoclimate; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean; Subglacial Lake; WISSARD", "people": "Powell, Ross", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600154"}, {"dataset_uid": "000150", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "UNAVCO ID#s WHL1, WHL2, LA02, LA09 (full data link not provided)", "url": "http://www.unavco.org/"}, {"dataset_uid": "000148", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "IRIS", "science_program": null, "title": "IRIS ID#s 201035, 201162, 201205", "url": "http://ds.iris.edu/"}], "date_created": "Mon, 10 Sep 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). The LISSARD project (Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) is one of three research components of the WISSARD integrative initiative (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) that is being funded by the Antarctic Integrated System Science Program of NSF\u0027s Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Division. The overarching scientific objective of WISSARD is to assess the role of water beneath a West Antarctic ice stream in interlinked glaciological, geological, microbiological, geochemical, and oceanographic systems. The LISSARD component of WISSARD focuses on the role of active subglacial lakes in determining how fast the West Antarctic ice sheet loses mass to the global ocean and influences global sea level changes. The importance of Antarctic subglacial lakes has only been recently recognized, and the lakes have been identified as high priority targets for scientific investigations because of their unknown contributions to ice sheet stability under future global warming scenarios. LISSARD has several primary science goals: A) To provide an observational basis for improving treatments of subglacial hydrological and mechanical processes in models of ice sheet mass balance and stability; B) To reconstruct the past history of ice stream stability by analyzing archives of past basal water and ice flow variability contained in subglacial sediments, porewater, lake water, and basal accreted ice; C) To provide background understanding of subglacial lake environments to benefit RAGES and GBASE (the other two components of the WISSARD project); and D) To synthesize data and concepts developed as part of this project to determine whether subglacial lakes play an important role in (de)stabilizing Antarctic ice sheets. We propose an unprecedented synthesis of approaches to studying ice sheet processes, including: (1) satellite remote sensing, (2) surface geophysics, (3) borehole observations and measurements and, (4) basal and subglacial sampling. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eINTELLECTUAL MERIT: The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognized that the greatest uncertainties in assessing future global sea-level change stem from a poor understanding of ice sheet dynamics and ice sheet vulnerability to oceanic and atmospheric warming. Disintegration of the WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) alone would contribute 3-5 m to global sea-level rise, making WAIS a focus of scientific concern due to its potential susceptibility to internal or ocean-driven instability. The overall WISSARD project will test the overarching hypothesis that active water drainage connects various subglacial environments and exerts major control on ice sheet flow, geochemistry, metabolic and phylogenetic diversity, and biogeochemical transformations. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBROADER IMPACTS: Societal Relevance: Global warming, melting of ice sheets and consequential sea-level rise are of high societal relevance. Science Resource Development: After a 9-year hiatus WISSARD will provide the US-science community with a renewed capability to access and study sub-ice sheet environments. Developing this technological infrastructure will benefit the broader science community and assets will be accessible for future use through the NSF-OPP drilling contractor. Furthermore, these projects will pioneer an approach implementing recommendations from the National Research Council committee on Principles of Environmental Stewardship for the Exploration and Study of Subglacial Environments (2007). Education and Outreach (E/O): These activities are grouped into four categories: i) increasing student participation in polar research by fully integrating them in our research programs; ii) introducing new investigators to the polar sciences by incorporating promising young investigators in our programs, iii) promotion of K-12 teaching and learning programs by incorporating various teachers and NSTA programs, and iv) reaching a larger public audience through such venues as popular science magazines, museum based activities and videography and documentary films. In summary, WISSARD will promote scientific exploration of Antarctica by conveying to the public the excitement of accessing and studying what may be some of the last unexplored aquatic environments on Earth, and which represent a potential analogue for extraterrestrial life habitats on Europa and Mars.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e SEISMOMETERS \u003e SEISMOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e SEISMOMETERS \u003e SEISMOMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; Ice Penetrating Radar; Antarctic; Subglacial Lake; Subglacial Hydrology; Grounding Line; Sea Level Rise; Bed Reflectivity; Ice Sheet Stability; Stability; Radar; Sub-Ice-Shelf; Geophysics; Biogeochemical; LABORATORY; Sediment; Sea Floor Sediment; Ice Thickness; Model; Ice Stream Stability; Basal Ice; SATELLITES; Ice Sheet Thickness; Subglacial; Antarctica; NOT APPLICABLE; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Ice Sheet; FIELD SURVEYS; Surface Elevation; Geochemistry; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Not provided", "locations": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Tulaczyk, Slawek; Fisher, Andrew; Powell, Ross; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Jacobel, Robert; Scherer, Reed Paul", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e SATELLITES", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "IRIS; UNAVCO; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WISSARD", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability \u0026 Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake \u0026 Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)", "uid": "p0000105", "west": null}, {"awards": "1443232 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((110 -89,117 -89,124 -89,131 -89,138 -89,145 -89,152 -89,159 -89,166 -89,173 -89,180 -89,180 -89.1,180 -89.2,180 -89.3,180 -89.4,180 -89.5,180 -89.6,180 -89.7,180 -89.8,180 -89.9,180 -90,173 -90,166 -90,159 -90,152 -90,145 -90,138 -90,131 -90,124 -90,117 -90,110 -90,110 -89.9,110 -89.8,110 -89.7,110 -89.6,110 -89.5,110 -89.4,110 -89.3,110 -89.2,110 -89.1,110 -89))", "dataset_titles": "AC-ECM for SPICEcore; ECM (DC and AC) multi-track data and images from 2016 processing season", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601189", "doi": " 10.15784/601189 ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Electrical Conductivity; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; SPICEcore; Volcanic", "people": "Waddington, Edwin D.; Fudge, T. J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "AC-ECM for SPICEcore", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601189"}, {"dataset_uid": "601366", "doi": "10.15784/601366", "keywords": "Antarctica", "people": "Fudge, T. J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "ECM (DC and AC) multi-track data and images from 2016 processing season", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601366"}], "date_created": "Tue, 08 May 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Ice cores record detailed histories of past climate variations. The South Pole ice core will allow investigation of atmospheric trace gases and fill an important gap in understanding the pattern of climate variability across Antarctica. An accurate timescale that assigns an age to the ice at each depth in the core is essential to interpretation of the ice-core records. This work will use electrical methods to identify volcanic eruptions throughout the past ~40,000 years in the core by detecting the enhanced electrical conductance in those layers due to volcanic impurities in the ice. These eruptions will be pattern-matched to other cores across Antarctica, synchronizing the timing of climate variations among cores and allowing the precise timescales developed for other Antarctic ice cores to be transferred to the South Pole ice core. The well-dated records of volcanic forcing will be combined with records of atmospheric gases, stable water-isotopes, and aerosols to better understand the large natural climate variations of the past 40,000 years. \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003eThe electrical conductance method and dielectric profiling measurements will be made along the length of each section of the South Pole ice core at the National Ice Core Lab. These measurements will help to establish a timescale for the core. Electrical measurements will provide a continuous record of volcanic events for the entire core including through the brittle ice (550-1250m representing ~10,000-20,000 year-old ice) where the core quality and thin annual layers may prevent continuous melt analysis and cause discrete measurements to miss volcanic events. The electrical measurements also produce a 2-D image of the electrical layering on a longitudinal cut surface of each core. These data will be used to identify any irregular or absent layering that would indicate a stratigraphic disturbance in the core. A robust chronology is essential to interpretation of the paleoclimate records from the South Pole ice core. The investigators will engage teachers through talks and webinars with the National Science Teachers Association and will share information with the public at events such as Polar Science Weekend at the Pacific Science Center. Results will be disseminated through publications and conference presentations and the data will be archived and publicly available.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(145 -89.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; USA/NSF; Amd/Us; AMD; LABORATORY", "locations": null, "north": -89.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Fudge, T. J.; Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "SPICEcore", "south": -90.0, "title": "Using Electrical Conductance Measurements to Develop the South Pole Ice Core Chronology", "uid": "p0000378", "west": 110.0}, {"awards": "1246045 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -70,-144 -70,-108 -70,-72 -70,-36 -70,0 -70,36 -70,72 -70,108 -70,144 -70,180 -70,180 -72,180 -74,180 -76,180 -78,180 -80,180 -82,180 -84,180 -86,180 -88,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -88,-180 -86,-180 -84,-180 -82,-180 -80,-180 -78,-180 -76,-180 -74,-180 -72,-180 -70))", "dataset_titles": "Code for inference of fabric from sonic velocity and thin-section measurements.; Code for models involving stochastic treatment of ice fabric", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000244", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "GitHub", "science_program": null, "title": "Code for models involving stochastic treatment of ice fabric", "url": "https://github.com/mjhay/stochastic_fabric"}, {"dataset_uid": "000243", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "GitHub", "science_program": null, "title": "Code for inference of fabric from sonic velocity and thin-section measurements.", "url": "https://github.com/mjhay/neem_sonic_model"}], "date_created": "Mon, 02 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Waddington/1246045 \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to investigate the onset and growth of folds and other disturbances seen in the stratigraphic layers of polar ice sheets. The intellectual merit of the work is that it will lead to a better understanding of the grain-scale processes that control the development of these stratigraphic features in the ice and will help answer questions such as what processes can initiate such disturbances. Snow is deposited on polar ice sheets in layers that are generally flat, with thicknesses that vary slowly along the layers. However, ice cores and ice-penetrating radar show that in some cases, after conversion to ice, and following lengthy burial, the layers can become folded, develop pinch-and-swell structures (boudinage), and be sheared by ice flow, at scales ranging from centimeters to hundreds of meters. The processes causing these disturbances are still poorly understood. Disturbances appear to develop first at the ice-crystal scale, then cascade up to larger scales with continuing ice flow and strain. Crystal-scale processes causing distortions of cm-scale layers will be modeled using Elle, a microstructure-modeling package, and constrained by fabric thin-sections and grain-elongation measurements from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet divide ice-core. A full-stress continuum anisotropic ice-flow model coupled to an ice-fabric evolution model will be used to study bulk flow of anisotropic ice, to understand evolution and growth of flow disturbances on the meter and larger scale. Results from this study will assist in future ice-core site selection, and interpretation of stratigraphy in ice cores and radar, and will provide improved descriptions of rheology and stratigraphy for ice-sheet flow models.The broader impacts are that it will bring greater understanding to ice dynamics responsible for stratigraphic disturbance. This information is valuable to constrain depth-age relationships in ice cores for paleoclimate study. This will allow researchers to put current climate change in a more accurate context. This project will provide three years of support for a graduate student as well as support and research experience for an undergraduate research assistant; this will contribute to development of talent needed to address important future questions in glaciology and climate change. The research will be communicated to the public through outreach events and results from the study will be disseminated through public and professional meetings as well as journal publications. The project does not require field work in Antarctica.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "NOT APPLICABLE; USAP-DC", "locations": null, "north": -70.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "GitHub", "repositories": "GitHub", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Anisotropic Ice and Stratigraphic Disturbances", "uid": "p0000073", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1142108 Koch, Paul", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -55.1,-168.1 -55.1,-156.2 -55.1,-144.3 -55.1,-132.4 -55.1,-120.5 -55.1,-108.6 -55.1,-96.7 -55.1,-84.8 -55.1,-72.9 -55.1,-61 -55.1,-61 -57.4,-61 -59.7,-61 -62,-61 -64.3,-61 -66.6,-61 -68.9,-61 -71.2,-61 -73.5,-61 -75.8,-61 -78.1,-72.9 -78.1,-84.8 -78.1,-96.7 -78.1,-108.6 -78.1,-120.5 -78.1,-132.4 -78.1,-144.3 -78.1,-156.2 -78.1,-168.1 -78.1,180 -78.1,178.47 -78.1,176.94 -78.1,175.41 -78.1,173.88 -78.1,172.35 -78.1,170.82 -78.1,169.29 -78.1,167.76 -78.1,166.23 -78.1,164.7 -78.1,164.7 -75.8,164.7 -73.5,164.7 -71.2,164.7 -68.9,164.7 -66.6,164.7 -64.3,164.7 -62,164.7 -59.7,164.7 -57.4,164.7 -55.1,166.23 -55.1,167.76 -55.1,169.29 -55.1,170.82 -55.1,172.35 -55.1,173.88 -55.1,175.41 -55.1,176.94 -55.1,178.47 -55.1,-180 -55.1))", "dataset_titles": "Southern Ocean Pinnipeds", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000242", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "BCO-DMO", "science_program": null, "title": "Southern Ocean Pinnipeds", "url": "https://www.bco-dmo.org/project/726874"}], "date_created": "Wed, 28 Feb 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Building on previously funded NSF research, the use of paleobiological and paleogenetic data from mummified elephant seal carcasses found along the Dry Valleys and Victoria Land Coast in areas that today are too cold to support seal colonies (Mirougina leonina; southern elephant seals; SES) supports the former existence of these seals in this region. The occurrence and then subsequent disappearance of these SES colonies is consistent with major shifts in the Holocene climate to much colder conditions at the last ~1000 years BCE). \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eFurther analysis of the preserved remains of three other abundant pinnipeds ? crabeater (Lobodon carciophagus), Weddell (Leptonychotes weddelli) and leopard (Hydrurga leptonyx) will be studied to track changes in their population size (revealed by DNA analysis) and their diet (studied via stable isotope analysis). Combined with known differences in life history, preferred ice habitat and ecosystem sensitivity among these species, this paleoclimate proxy data will be used to assess their exposure and sensitivity to climate change in the Ross Sea region during the past ~1-2,000 years", "east": -61.0, "geometry": "POINT(-128.15 -66.6)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; NOT APPLICABLE", "locations": null, "north": -55.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Koch, Paul; Costa, Daniel; Hoelzel, A. Rus", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "BCO-DMO", "repositories": "BCO-DMO", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.1, "title": "Collaborative Research: Exploring the Vulnerability of Southern Ocean Pinnipeds to Climate Change - An Integrated Approach", "uid": "p0000410", "west": 164.7}, {"awards": "0732655 Mosley-Thompson, Ellen; 0732711 Smith, Craig; 0732602 Truffer, Martin; 0732625 Leventer, Amy; 0732983 Vernet, Maria; 0732651 Gordon, Arnold", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-68 -57.8,-66.78 -57.8,-65.56 -57.8,-64.34 -57.8,-63.12 -57.8,-61.9 -57.8,-60.68 -57.8,-59.46 -57.8,-58.24 -57.8,-57.02 -57.8,-55.8 -57.8,-55.8 -58.8,-55.8 -59.8,-55.8 -60.8,-55.8 -61.8,-55.8 -62.8,-55.8 -63.8,-55.8 -64.8,-55.8 -65.8,-55.8 -66.8,-55.8 -67.8,-57.02 -67.8,-58.24 -67.8,-59.46 -67.8,-60.68 -67.8,-61.9 -67.8,-63.12 -67.8,-64.34 -67.8,-65.56 -67.8,-66.78 -67.8,-68 -67.8,-68 -66.8,-68 -65.8,-68 -64.8,-68 -63.8,-68 -62.8,-68 -61.8,-68 -60.8,-68 -59.8,-68 -58.8,-68 -57.8))", "dataset_titles": "Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System (LARISSA) - Marine Ecosystems; Biology Species Abundance from the Larsen Ice Shelf acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expeditions NBP1001 and NBP1203; Bruce Plateau Accumulation O18 2009-1900; Easten Antarctic Peninsula Surface Sediment Diatom Data; LMG13-11 JKC-1 Paleoceanographic data; Macrofauna Species Abundance Raw Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1001; Megafauna Species Abundance Raw Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1001; NBP1001 cruise data; NBP1203 cruise data; Processed CTD Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1001; Processed CTD Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf near Antarctica acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1203; Processed ship-based LADCP Sonar Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1001; Processed ship-based LADCP Sonar Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf near Antarctica acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1203; Radioisotope data (C-14 and Pb-210) from bulk sediments, Larsen A Ice Shelf; Sediment samples (full data link not provided)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601306", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Biota; Box Corer; LARISSA; Larsen Ice Shelf; Macrofauna; NBP1001; Oceans; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Seafloor Sampling; Species Abundance", "people": "Smith, Craig", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "Macrofauna Species Abundance Raw Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1001", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601306"}, {"dataset_uid": "601348", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; CTD; CTD Data; LARISSA; Larsen Ice Shelf; NBP1203; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Salinity; Temperature", "people": "Gordon, Arnold; Huber, Bruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Processed CTD Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf near Antarctica acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1203", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601348"}, {"dataset_uid": "000226", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "MGDS", "science_program": null, "title": "Biology Species Abundance from the Larsen Ice Shelf acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expeditions NBP1001 and NBP1203", "url": "https://doi.org/10.1594/ieda/320821"}, {"dataset_uid": "600073", "doi": "10.15784/600073", "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Araon1304; Biota; LARISSA; Larsen B Ice Shelf; NBP1001; NBP1203; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Southern Ocean; Weddell Sea", "people": "Vernet, Maria", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System (LARISSA) - Marine Ecosystems", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600073"}, {"dataset_uid": "600167", "doi": "10.15784/600167", "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Bruce Plateau; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; LARISSA; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Snow Accumulation", "people": "Thompson, Lonnie G.; Mosley-Thompson, Ellen", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "Bruce Plateau Accumulation O18 2009-1900", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600167"}, {"dataset_uid": "601346", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Current Measurements; LADCP; Larsen Ice Shelf; NBP1001; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer", "people": "Gordon, Arnold; Huber, Bruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "Processed ship-based LADCP Sonar Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1001", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601346"}, {"dataset_uid": "601336", "doi": "10.15784/601336", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon-14; Larsen Ice Shelf; Lead-210; Marine Sediments; Radioisotope Analysis", "people": "DeMaster, David; Taylor, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "Radioisotope data (C-14 and Pb-210) from bulk sediments, Larsen A Ice Shelf", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601336"}, {"dataset_uid": "601211", "doi": "10.15784/601211", "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Benthos; Biota; Diatom; Geology/Geophysics - Other; LMG0502; Marine Geoscience; Marine Sediments; Microscope; NBP0003; NBP0107; NBP0603; NBP1203; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Surface Sediment", "people": "Leventer, Amy", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "Easten Antarctic Peninsula Surface Sediment Diatom Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601211"}, {"dataset_uid": "000145", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "AMGRF", "science_program": null, "title": "Sediment samples (full data link not provided)", "url": "http://arf.fsu.edu/"}, {"dataset_uid": "000142", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1001 cruise data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP1001"}, {"dataset_uid": "601485", "doi": "10.15784/601485", "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Delta 13C; Delta 18O; Paleoceanography; Temperature", "people": "Shevenell, Amelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "LMG13-11 JKC-1 Paleoceanographic data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601485"}, {"dataset_uid": "000143", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1203 cruise data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP1203"}, {"dataset_uid": "601347", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Current Measurements; LADCP; LARISSA; Larsen Ice Shelf; NBP1203; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer", "people": "Gordon, Arnold; Huber, Bruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Processed ship-based LADCP Sonar Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf near Antarctica acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1203", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601347"}, {"dataset_uid": "601305", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Biota; Box Corer; LARISSA; Larsen Ice Shelf; Macrofauna; Megafauna; NBP1001; Oceans; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Seafloor Sampling; Species Abundance", "people": "Smith, Craig", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "Megafauna Species Abundance Raw Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1001", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601305"}, {"dataset_uid": "601345", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; CTD; CTD Data; LARISSA; Larsen Ice Shelf; NBP1001; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Salinity; Temperature", "people": "Gordon, Arnold; Huber, Bruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "LARISSA", "title": "Processed CTD Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1001", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601345"}], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Feb 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Like no other region on Earth, the northern Antarctic Peninsula represents a spectacular natural laboratory of climate change and provides the opportunity to study the record of past climate and ecological shifts alongside the present-day changes in one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth. This award supports the cryospheric and oceano-graphic components of an integrated multi-disciplinary program to address these rapid and fundamental changes now taking place in Antarctic Peninsula (AP). By making use of a marine research platform (the RV NB Palmer and on-board helicopters) and additional logistical support from the Argentine Antarctic program, the project will bring glaciologists, oceanographers, marine geologists and biologists together, working collaboratively to address fundamentally interdisciplinary questions regarding climate change. The project will include gathering a new, high-resolution paleoclimate record from the Bruce Plateau of Graham Land, and using it to compare Holocene- and possibly glacial-epoch climate to the modern period; investigating the stability of the remaining Larsen Ice Shelf and rapid post-breakup glacier response ? in particular, the roles of surface melt and ice-ocean interactions in the speed-up and retreat; observing the contribution of, and response of, oceanographic systems to ice shelf disintegration and ice-glacier interactions. Helicopter support on board will allow access to a wide range of glacial and geological areas of interest adjacent to the Larsen embayment. At these locations, long-term in situ glacial monitoring, isostatic uplift, and ice flow GPS sites will be established, and high-resolution ice core records will be obtained using previously tested lightweight drilling equipment. Long-term monitoring of deep water outflow will, for the first time, be integrated into changes in ice shelf extent and thickness, bottom water formation, and multi-level circulation by linking near-source observations to distal sites of concentrated outflow. The broader impacts of this international, multidisciplinary effort are that it will significantly advance our understanding of linkages amongst the earth\u0027s systems in the Polar Regions, and are proposed with international participation (UK, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Argentina) and interdisciplinary engagement in the true spirit of the International Polar Year (IPY). It will also provide a means of engaging and educating the public in virtually all aspects of polar science and the effects of ongoing climate change. The research team has a long record of involving undergraduates in research, educating high-performing graduate students, and providing innovative and engaging outreach products to the K-12 education and public media forums. Moreover, forging the new links both in science and international Antarctic programs will provide a continuing legacy, beyond IPY, of improved understanding and cooperation in Antarctica.", "east": -55.8, "geometry": "POINT(-61.9 -62.8)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e BOX CORE; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e ICE AUGERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SNOW DENSITY CUTTER", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Paleoclimate; Megafauna; USAP-DC; AMD; Amd/Us; Antarctica; Climate Change; LABORATORY; Climate Variability; Multi-Disciplinary; Cryosphere; NBP1001; FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; Antarctic Peninsula; R/V NBP; FIELD INVESTIGATION; USA/NSF; Ice Core; Holocene", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula", "north": -57.8, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Truffer, Martin; Gordon, Arnold; Huber, Bruce; Mosley-Thompson, Ellen; Leventer, Amy; Vernet, Maria; Smith, Craig; Thompson, Lonnie G.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "AMGRF; MGDS; R2R; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "LARISSA", "south": -67.8, "title": "Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach -- Cryosphere and Oceans", "uid": "p0000101", "west": -68.0}, {"awards": "1143836 Leventer, Amy; 1143834 Huber, Bruce; 1143833 Orsi, Alejandro; 1430550 Domack, Eugene", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((116 -65.2,116.5 -65.2,117 -65.2,117.5 -65.2,118 -65.2,118.5 -65.2,119 -65.2,119.5 -65.2,120 -65.2,120.5 -65.2,121 -65.2,121 -65.38,121 -65.56,121 -65.74,121 -65.92,121 -66.1,121 -66.28,121 -66.46,121 -66.64,121 -66.82,121 -67,120.5 -67,120 -67,119.5 -67,119 -67,118.5 -67,118 -67,117.5 -67,117 -67,116.5 -67,116 -67,116 -66.82,116 -66.64,116 -66.46,116 -66.28,116 -66.1,116 -65.92,116 -65.74,116 -65.56,116 -65.38,116 -65.2))", "dataset_titles": "AU1402 Final UCTD data; AU1402 mooring data; Bottom photos from the Southern Ocean acquired during R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1402 ; NBP1402 diatom data; NBP1402 Final CTD data; NBP1402 Final UCTD data; NBP1402 JPC43 Diatom Data; NBP14-02 JPC-54 and JPC-55 Pollen Assemblage data; NBP14-02 JPC-55 Bulk Sediment Carbon and Nitrogen data; NBP14-02 JPC-55 foraminifer assemblage data; NBP1402 Lowered ADCP data; Near-bottom Videos from the Southern Ocean acquired during R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1402; Sabrina Coast mooring data - sediment trap mooring 2014", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601044", "doi": "10.15784/601044", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Geochemistry; Marine Sediments; NBP1402; Nitrogen; Oceans; Sabrina Coast; Sediment Core; Southern Ocean; Totten Glacier", "people": "Shevenell, Amelia; Domack, Eugene Walter; Smith, Catherine", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP14-02 JPC-55 Bulk Sediment Carbon and Nitrogen data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601044"}, {"dataset_uid": "601312", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic Images; Camera; East Antarctica; Marine Geoscience; NBP1402; Photo/video; Photo/Video; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sabrina Coast; Totten Glacier; Video Data; Yoyo Camera", "people": "Orsi, Alejandro; Shevenell, Amelia; Huber, Bruce; Gulick, Sean; Domack, Eugene Walter; Blankenship, Donald D.; Post, Alexandra; Leventer, Amy", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Near-bottom Videos from the Southern Ocean acquired during R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1402", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601312"}, {"dataset_uid": "601310", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic Images; Benthos; East Antarctica; Marine Geoscience; NBP1402; Photo; Photo/video; Photo/Video; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Totten Glacier; Yoyo Camera", "people": "Gulick, Sean; Post, Alexandra; Huber, Bruce; Leventer, Amy; Orsi, Alejandro; Shevenell, Amelia; Domack, Eugene Walter", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Bottom photos from the Southern Ocean acquired during R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1402 ", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601310"}, {"dataset_uid": "601067", "doi": "10.15784/601067", "keywords": "Antarctica; CTD Data; NBP1402; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Sabrina Coast; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "people": "Huber, Bruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1402 Final CTD data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601067"}, {"dataset_uid": "601046", "doi": "10.15784/601046", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Marine Sediments; NBP1402; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Pollen; Sabrina Coast; Sediment Core; Southern Ocean; Totten Glacier", "people": "Smith, Catherine; Domack, Eugene Walter; Shevenell, Amelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP14-02 JPC-54 and JPC-55 Pollen Assemblage data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601046"}, {"dataset_uid": "601148", "doi": "10.15784/601148", "keywords": "Antarctica; Au1402; Mooring; NBP1402; Oceans; Ocean Temperature; Physical Oceanography; R/v Aurora Australis; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sabrina Coast; Salinity; Southern Ocean; Temperature", "people": "Orsi, Alejandro", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "AU1402 mooring data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601148"}, {"dataset_uid": "601147", "doi": "10.15784/601147", "keywords": "Antarctica; CTD Data; NBP1402; Ocean Temperature; Physical Oceanography; Sabrina Coast; Salinity; Southern Ocean; Temperature; Underway CTD", "people": "Orsi, Alejandro", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "AU1402 Final UCTD data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601147"}, {"dataset_uid": "601146", "doi": "10.15784/601146", "keywords": "Antarctica; CTD Data; NBP1402; Oceans; Ocean Temperature; Physical Oceanography; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sabrina Coast; Salinity; Southern Ocean; Temperature", "people": "Orsi, Alejandro", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1402 Final UCTD data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601146"}, {"dataset_uid": "601042", "doi": "10.15784/601042", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Continental Margin; Foraminifera; NBP1402; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Sabrina Coast; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean; Totten Glacier", "people": "Leventer, Amy; Shevenell, Amelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP14-02 JPC-55 foraminifer assemblage data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601042"}, {"dataset_uid": "601845", "doi": "10.15784/601845", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Diatom; NBP1402; Totten Glacier", "people": "Leventer, Amy; NBP1402 science party, ", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1402 diatom data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601845"}, {"dataset_uid": "601440", "doi": "10.15784/601440", "keywords": "Antarctica; Diatom; Holocene; Jumbo Piston Corer; NBP1402; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sabrina Coast; Sediment Core Data; Species Abundance; Totten Glacier", "people": "Leventer, Amy", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1402 JPC43 Diatom Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601440"}, {"dataset_uid": "601068", "doi": "10.15784/601068", "keywords": "ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; Antarctica; NBP1402; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Sabrina Coast; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "people": "Huber, Bruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1402 Lowered ADCP data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601068"}, {"dataset_uid": "601069", "doi": "10.15784/601069", "keywords": "Antarctica; Mooring; NBP1402; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Sabrina Coast; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "people": "Huber, Bruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Sabrina Coast mooring data - sediment trap mooring 2014", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601069"}], "date_created": "Fri, 26 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project will investigate the marine component of the Totten Glacier and Moscow University Ice Shelf, East Antarctica. This system is of critical importance because it drains one-eighth of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and contains a volume equivalent to nearly 7 meters of potential sea level rise, greater than the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This nearly completely unexplored region is the single largest and least understood marine glacial system that is potentially unstable. Despite intense scrutiny of marine based systems in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, little is known about the Totten Glacier system. This study will add substantially to the meager oceanographic and marine geology and geophysics data available in this region, and will significantly advance understanding of this poorly understood glacial system and its potentially sensitive response to environmental change.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIndependent, space-based platforms indicate accelerating mass loss of the Totten system. Recent aerogeophysical surveys of the Aurora Subglacial Basin, which contains the deepest ice in Antarctica and drains into the Totten system, have provided the subglacial context for measured surface changes and show that the Totten Glacier has been the most significant drainage pathway for at least two previous ice flow regimes. However, the offshore context is far less understood. Limited physical oceanographic data from the nearby shelf/slope break indicate the presence of Modified Circumpolar Deep Water within a thick bottom layer at the mouth of a trough with apparent access to Totten Glacier, suggesting the possibility of sub-glacial bottom inflow of relatively warm water, a process considered to be responsible for West Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding line retreat. This project will conduct a ship-based marine geologic and geophysical survey of the region, combined with a physical oceanographic study, in order to evaluate both the recent and longer-term behavior of the glacial system and its relationship to the adjacent oceanographic system. This endeavor will complement studies of other Antarctic ice shelves, oceanographic studies near the Antarctic Peninsula, and ongoing development of ice sheet and other ocean models.", "east": 121.0, "geometry": "POINT(118.5 -66.1)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Totten Glacier; NBP1402; Sabrina Coast; LABORATORY; Diatom; R/V NBP; Amd/Us; Bottom Photos; R/V AA; Not provided; USAP-DC; AMD; USA/NSF", "locations": "Sabrina Coast; Totten Glacier", "north": -65.2, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Orsi, Alejandro; Huber, Bruce; Leventer, Amy; Domack, Eugene Walter", "platforms": "Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V AA; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -67.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics", "uid": "p0000008", "west": 116.0}, {"awards": "1245899 Kowalewski, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -70,-174 -70,-168 -70,-162 -70,-156 -70,-150 -70,-144 -70,-138 -70,-132 -70,-126 -70,-120 -70,-120 -71.5,-120 -73,-120 -74.5,-120 -76,-120 -77.5,-120 -79,-120 -80.5,-120 -82,-120 -83.5,-120 -85,-126 -85,-132 -85,-138 -85,-144 -85,-150 -85,-156 -85,-162 -85,-168 -85,-174 -85,180 -85,178 -85,176 -85,174 -85,172 -85,170 -85,168 -85,166 -85,164 -85,162 -85,160 -85,160 -83.5,160 -82,160 -80.5,160 -79,160 -77.5,160 -76,160 -74.5,160 -73,160 -71.5,160 -70,162 -70,164 -70,166 -70,168 -70,170 -70,172 -70,174 -70,176 -70,178 -70,-180 -70))", "dataset_titles": "Region Climate Model Output Plio-Pleistocene", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601080", "doi": "10.15784/601080", "keywords": "Antarctica; Climate Model; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Sheet Model; McMurdo; Paleoclimate; Ross Sea", "people": "Kowalewski, Douglas", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Region Climate Model Output Plio-Pleistocene", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601080"}], "date_created": "Tue, 16 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eThe PIs propose to complement the ANDRILL marine record with a terrestrial project that will provide chronological control for past fluctuations of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and alpine glaciers in McMurdo Sound. The project will develop high-resolution maps of drifts deposited from grounded marine-based ice and alpine glaciers on islands and peninsulas in McMurdo Sound. In addition, the PIs will acquire multi-clast/multi-nuclide cosmogenic analyses of these mapped drift sheets and alpine moraines and use regional climate modeling to shed light on the range of possible environmental conditions in the McMurdo region during periods of grounded ice expansion and recession. The PIs will make use of geological records for ice sheet and alpine glacier fluctuations preserved on the flanks of Mount Discovery, Black Island, and Brown Peninsula. Drifts deposited from grounded, marine-based ice will yield spatial constraints for former advances and retreats of the WAIS. Moraines from alpine glaciers, hypothesized to be of interglacial origin, could yield a first-order record of hydrologic change in the region. Synthesizing the field data, the team proposes to improve the resolution of existing regional-scale climate models for the Ross Embayment. The overall approach and anticipated results will provide the first steps towards linking the marine and terrestrial records in this critical sector of Antarctica.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eResults from the proposed work will be integrated with outreach programs at Boston University, Columbia University, and Worcester State University. The team will actively collaborate with the American Museum of Natural History to feature this project prominently in museum outreach. The team will also include a PolarTREC teacher as a member of the research team. The geomorphological results will be presented in 3D at Boston University?s Antarctic Digital Image Analyses Lab. The research will form the basis of a PhD dissertation at Boston University.", "east": -120.0, "geometry": "POINT(-160 -77.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -70.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Kowalewski, Douglas", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: West Antarctic Ice Sheet stability, Alpine Glaciation, and Climate Variability: a Terrestrial Perspective from Cosmogenic-nuclide Dating in McMurdo Sound", "uid": "p0000391", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "1425989 Sarmiento, Jorge", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -52.6153,-168.67689 -52.6153,-157.35378 -52.6153,-146.03067 -52.6153,-134.70756 -52.6153,-123.38445 -52.6153,-112.06134 -52.6153,-100.73823 -52.6153,-89.41512 -52.6153,-78.09201 -52.6153,-66.7689 -52.6153,-66.7689 -55.18958,-66.7689 -57.76386,-66.7689 -60.33814,-66.7689 -62.91242,-66.7689 -65.4867,-66.7689 -68.06098,-66.7689 -70.63526,-66.7689 -73.20954,-66.7689 -75.78382,-66.7689 -78.3581,-78.09201 -78.3581,-89.41512 -78.3581,-100.73823 -78.3581,-112.06134 -78.3581,-123.38445 -78.3581,-134.70756 -78.3581,-146.03067 -78.3581,-157.35378 -78.3581,-168.67689 -78.3581,180 -78.3581,178.62318 -78.3581,177.24636 -78.3581,175.86954 -78.3581,174.49272 -78.3581,173.1159 -78.3581,171.73908 -78.3581,170.36226 -78.3581,168.98544 -78.3581,167.60862 -78.3581,166.2318 -78.3581,166.2318 -75.78382,166.2318 -73.20954,166.2318 -70.63526,166.2318 -68.06098,166.2318 -65.4867,166.2318 -62.91242,166.2318 -60.33814,166.2318 -57.76386,166.2318 -55.18958,166.2318 -52.6153,167.60862 -52.6153,168.98544 -52.6153,170.36226 -52.6153,171.73908 -52.6153,173.1159 -52.6153,174.49272 -52.6153,175.86954 -52.6153,177.24636 -52.6153,178.62318 -52.6153,-180 -52.6153))", "dataset_titles": "Biogeochemical profiling float data from the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observation and Modeling (SOCCOM) program.UCSD Research Data Collections DOI:10.6075/J09021PC; Expedition Data; Model output NOAA GFDL CM2_6 Cant Hant storage", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601144", "doi": "10.15784/601144", "keywords": "Antarctica; Anthropogenic Heat; Atmosphere; Carbon Storage; Climate Change; Eddy; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Heat Budget; Modeling; Model Output; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Southern Ocean", "people": "Chen, Haidi", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Model output NOAA GFDL CM2_6 Cant Hant storage", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601144"}, {"dataset_uid": "000208", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Biogeochemical profiling float data from the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observation and Modeling (SOCCOM) program.UCSD Research Data Collections DOI:10.6075/J09021PC", "url": "http://library.ucsd.edu/dc/object/bb66239018"}, {"dataset_uid": "001369", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP1701"}], "date_created": "Fri, 29 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) project seeks to drive a transformative shift in our understanding of the crucial role of the Southern Ocean in taking up anthropogenic carbon and heat, and resupplying nutrients from the abyss to the surface. An observational program will generate vast amounts of new biogeochemical data that will provide a greatly improved view of the dynamics and ecosystem responses of the Southern Ocean. A modeling component will apply these observations to enhancing understanding of the current ocean, reducing uncertainty in projections of future carbon and nutrient cycles and climate.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBecause it serves as the primary gateway through which the intermediate, deep, and bottom waters of the ocean interact with the surface layers and thus the atmosphere, the Southern Ocean has a profound influence on the oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon and heat as well as nutrient resupply from the abyss to the surface. Yet it is the least observed and understood region of the world ocean. The oceanographic community is on the cusp of two major advances that have the potential to transform understanding of the Southern Ocean. The first is the development of new biogeochemical sensors mounted on autonomous profiling floats that allow sampling of ocean biogeochemistry and acidification in 3-dimensional space with a temporal resolution of five to ten days. The SOCCOM float program proposed will increase the average number of biogeochemical profiles measured per month in the Southern Ocean by ~10-30x. The second is that the climate modeling community now has the computational resources and physical understanding to develop fully coupled climate models that can represent crucial mesoscale processes in the Southern Ocean, as well as corresponding models that assimilate observations to produce a state estimate. Together with the observations, this new generation of models provides the tools to vastly improve understanding of Southern Ocean processes and the ability to quantitatively assess uptake of anthropogenic carbon and heat, as well as nutrient resupply, both today and into the future.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIn order to take advantage of the above technological and modeling breakthroughs, SOCCOM will implement the following research programs:\u003cbr/\u003e* Theme 1: Observations. Scripps Institution of Oceanography will lead a field program to expand the number of Southern Ocean autonomous profiling floats and equip them with sensors to measure pH, nitrate, and oxygen. The University of Washington and Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute will design, build, and oversee deployment of the floats. Scripps will also develop a mesoscale eddying Southern Ocean state estimate that assimilates physical and biogeochemical data into the MIT ocean general circulation model.\u003cbr/\u003e* Theme 2: Modeling. University of Arizona and Princeton University, together with NOAA\u0027s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), will use SOCCOM observations to develop data/model assessment metrics and next-generation model analysis and evaluation, with the goal of improving process level understanding and reducing the uncertainty in projections of our future climate.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eLed by Climate Central, an independent, non-profit journalism and research organization that promotes understanding of climate science, SOCCOM will collaborate with educators and media professionals to inform policymakers and the public about the challenges of climate change and its impacts on marine life in the context of the Southern Ocean. In addition, the integrated team of SOCCOM scientists and educators will:\u003cbr/\u003e* communicate data and results of the SOCCOM efforts quickly to the public through established data networks, publications, broadcast media, and a public portal;\u003cbr/\u003e* train a new generation of diverse ocean scientists, including undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows versed in field techniques, data calibration, modeling, and communication of research to non-scientists;\u003cbr/\u003e* transfer new sensor technology and related software to autonomous instrument providers and manufacturers to ensure that they become widely useable.", "east": -66.7689, "geometry": "POINT(-130.26855 -65.4867)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e FLUOROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e ECHO SOUNDERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MBES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e THERMOSALINOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; R/V NBP; NBP1701; CLIMATE MODELS", "locations": null, "north": -52.6153, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Instrumentation and Support; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Sarmiento, Jorge; Rynearson, Tatiana", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e MODELS \u003e CLIMATE MODELS; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "PI website; R2R; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.3581, "title": "Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM)", "uid": "p0000197", "west": 166.2318}, {"awards": "1246342 Fountain, Andrew; 1246203 Gooseff, Michael; 1245749 Levy, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((160.105465 -77.2119,160.7907435 -77.2119,161.476022 -77.2119,162.1613005 -77.2119,162.846579 -77.2119,163.5318575 -77.2119,164.217136 -77.2119,164.9024145 -77.2119,165.587693 -77.2119,166.2729715 -77.2119,166.95825 -77.2119,166.95825 -77.3189628,166.95825 -77.4260256,166.95825 -77.5330884,166.95825 -77.6401512,166.95825 -77.747214,166.95825 -77.8542768,166.95825 -77.9613396,166.95825 -78.0684024,166.95825 -78.1754652,166.95825 -78.282528,166.2729715 -78.282528,165.587693 -78.282528,164.9024145 -78.282528,164.217136 -78.282528,163.5318575 -78.282528,162.846579 -78.282528,162.1613005 -78.282528,161.476022 -78.282528,160.7907435 -78.282528,160.105465 -78.282528,160.105465 -78.1754652,160.105465 -78.0684024,160.105465 -77.9613396,160.105465 -77.8542768,160.105465 -77.747214,160.105465 -77.6401512,160.105465 -77.5330884,160.105465 -77.4260256,160.105465 -77.3189628,160.105465 -77.2119))", "dataset_titles": "2014-2015 lidar survey of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica; Active Layer Temperatures from Crescent Stream banks, Taylor Valley Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000209", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "OpenTopo", "science_program": null, "title": "2014-2015 lidar survey of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "url": "http://opentopo.sdsc.edu/datasetMetadata?otCollectionID=OT.112016.3294.1"}, {"dataset_uid": "601075", "doi": "10.15784/601075", "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Glaciology; Paleoclimate; Permafrost; Soil Temperature; Taylor Valley", "people": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Active Layer Temperatures from Crescent Stream banks, Taylor Valley Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601075"}], "date_created": "Wed, 20 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A Landscape on the Threshold of Change is supported by the Antarctic Integrated System Science (AISS) program in the Antarctic Sciences Section of the Division of Polar Programs within the Geosciences Directorate of the National Sciences Foundation (NSF). The funds will support the collection of state-of-the-art high resolution LIDAR (combining the terms light and radar) imagery of the Dry Valleys of Antarctica in the 2014/2015 Antarctic field season, with LIDAR data collection and processing being provided by the NSF-supported NCALM (National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping) facility. LIDAR images collected in 2014/2015 will be compared to images from 2001 in order to detect decadal change. Additional fieldwork will look at the distribution of buried massive ice, and the impacts that major changes like slumping are having on the biota. All field data will be used to improve models on energy balance, and hydrology.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIntellectual Merit: There have been dramatic changes over the past decade in the McMurdo Dry Valleys: rivers are incising by more than three meters, and thermokarst slumps are appearing near several streams and lakes. These observations have all been made by researchers in the field, but none of the changes have been mapped on a valley-wide scale. This award will provide a new baseline map for the entire Dry Valley system, with high-resolution imagery provided for the valley floors, and lower resolution imagery available for the higher elevation areas that are undergoing less change. The project will test the idea that sediment-covered ice is associated with the most dramatic changes, due to differential impacts of the increased solar radiation on sediment-covered compared to clean ice, and despite the current trend of slightly cooling air temperatures within the Dry Valleys. Information collected on the topography, coupled with the GPR determined buried ice distributions, will also be incorporated into improved energy and hydrological models. In addition to providing the new high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM), the project will ultimately result in identification of areas that are susceptible to sediment-enhanced melt-driven change, providing a powerful prediction tool for the impacts of climate change.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader Impacts: The new DEM will be immediately useful to a wide range of disciplines, and will provide a comprehensive new baseline against which future changes will be compared. The project will provide a tool for the whole community to use, and the investigators will work with the community to make them aware of the new assets via public presentations, and perhaps via a workshop. The map will have international interest, and will also serve as a tool for environmental managers to draw on as they consider conservation plans. Several undergraduate and graduate students will participate in the project, and one of the co-PIs is a new investigator. The imagery collected is expected to be of interest to the general public in addition to scientific researchers, and venues for outreach such as museum exhibits and the internet will be explored. The proposed work is synergistic with 1) the co-located McMurdo LTER program, and 2) the NCALM facility that is also funded by the Geosciences Directorate.", "east": 166.95825, "geometry": "POINT(163.5318575 -77.747214)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e ALTIMETERS \u003e LIDAR/LASER ALTIMETERS \u003e AIRBORNE LASER SCANNER", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; Antarctica; Not provided; LANDFORMS; NOT APPLICABLE", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.2119, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Levy, Joseph; Gooseff, Michael N.; Fountain, Andrew", "platforms": "Not provided; OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "OpenTopo", "repositories": "OpenTopo; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.282528, "title": "Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A landscape on the Threshold of Change", "uid": "p0000076", "west": 160.105465}, {"awards": "1246378 Shevenell, Amelia", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-65.32 -64.15,-65.309 -64.15,-65.298 -64.15,-65.287 -64.15,-65.276 -64.15,-65.265 -64.15,-65.254 -64.15,-65.243 -64.15,-65.232 -64.15,-65.221 -64.15,-65.21 -64.15,-65.21 -64.186,-65.21 -64.222,-65.21 -64.258,-65.21 -64.294,-65.21 -64.33,-65.21 -64.366,-65.21 -64.402,-65.21 -64.438,-65.21 -64.474,-65.21 -64.51,-65.221 -64.51,-65.232 -64.51,-65.243 -64.51,-65.254 -64.51,-65.265 -64.51,-65.276 -64.51,-65.287 -64.51,-65.298 -64.51,-65.309 -64.51,-65.32 -64.51,-65.32 -64.474,-65.32 -64.438,-65.32 -64.402,-65.32 -64.366,-65.32 -64.33,-65.32 -64.294,-65.32 -64.258,-65.32 -64.222,-65.32 -64.186,-65.32 -64.15))", "dataset_titles": "Anvers Trough Foraminifer Stable Isotope data; Geochemical and sedimentologic data from NBP01-01 JPC-34", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601064", "doi": "10.15784/601064", "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Anvers Trough; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Foraminifera; Geochemistry; Isotope; LMG1211; LMG1311; Marine Sediments; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "people": "Shevenell, Amelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Anvers Trough Foraminifer Stable Isotope data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601064"}, {"dataset_uid": "601180", "doi": "10.15784/601180", "keywords": "Antarctica; Be-10; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Grain Size; Late Quaternary; Magnetic Susceptibility; Mass Spectrometry; NBP0101; Paleoenvironment; Prydz Bay; Radiocarbon; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sediment; Sediment Core; Sediment Core Data", "people": "Shevenell, Amelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Geochemical and sedimentologic data from NBP01-01 JPC-34", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601180"}], "date_created": "Fri, 27 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eSouthern Ocean processes play an important role in Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate change. However, the direct influence of newly upwelled warm nutrient-rich Circumpolar Deep Water on the Antarctic cryosphere remains speculative. The PI proposes to test the hypothesis that Circumpolar Deep Water-derived ocean heat negatively impacts the mass-balance of Antarctica?s ice sheets during deglaciations using precisely dated late Quaternary paleoceanographic studies of Antarctic margin sediments and a suite of geochemical proxies measured on three existing glacial marine sediment cores from the Prydz Channel, Antarctica. Specifically, the PI will use these data to reconstruct the Late Quaternary history of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf system; evaluate the timing, speed, and style of retreat of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf system during the last deglaciation, and to assess the impact of Circumpolar Deep Water intrusions on the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf system in the Late Quaternary. Diatom bound radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence techniques will be used to obtain precise stratigraphic age control for the Prydz Channel siliceous muddy ooze intervals. In addition, the PI will measure sedimentary 10Be concentrations to determine the origin of the siliceous muddy ooze units and to track past changes in the position of the ice shelf front.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThis proposal will support an early career female scientist and will provide professional development and research experiences for women/minority graduate and undergraduate students. The PI will take advantage of USF?s Oceanography Camp for Girls.", "east": -65.21, "geometry": "POINT(-65.265 -64.33)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Amd/Us; R/V NBP; USAP-DC", "locations": null, "north": -64.15, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Shevenell, Amelia", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -64.51, "title": "Late Quaternary Evolution of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf System, Prydz Bay, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000381", "west": -65.32}, {"awards": "1246378 Shevenell, Amelia", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((70 -68,70.5 -68,71 -68,71.5 -68,72 -68,72.5 -68,73 -68,73.5 -68,74 -68,74.5 -68,75 -68,75 -68.2,75 -68.4,75 -68.6,75 -68.8,75 -69,75 -69.2,75 -69.4,75 -69.6,75 -69.8,75 -70,74.5 -70,74 -70,73.5 -70,73 -70,72.5 -70,72 -70,71.5 -70,71 -70,70.5 -70,70 -70,70 -69.8,70 -69.6,70 -69.4,70 -69.2,70 -69,70 -68.8,70 -68.6,70 -68.4,70 -68.2,70 -68))", "dataset_titles": "Anvers Trough Foraminifer Stable Isotope data; Geochemical and sedimentologic data from NBP01-01 JPC-34", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601064", "doi": "10.15784/601064", "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Anvers Trough; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Foraminifera; Geochemistry; Isotope; LMG1211; LMG1311; Marine Sediments; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "people": "Shevenell, Amelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Anvers Trough Foraminifer Stable Isotope data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601064"}, {"dataset_uid": "601180", "doi": "10.15784/601180", "keywords": "Antarctica; Be-10; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Grain Size; Late Quaternary; Magnetic Susceptibility; Mass Spectrometry; NBP0101; Paleoenvironment; Prydz Bay; Radiocarbon; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sediment; Sediment Core; Sediment Core Data", "people": "Shevenell, Amelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Geochemical and sedimentologic data from NBP01-01 JPC-34", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601180"}], "date_created": "Fri, 27 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eSouthern Ocean processes play an important role in Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate change. However, the direct influence of newly upwelled warm nutrient-rich Circumpolar Deep Water on the Antarctic cryosphere remains speculative. The PI proposes to test the hypothesis that Circumpolar Deep Water-derived ocean heat negatively impacts the mass-balance of Antarctica?s ice sheets during deglaciations using precisely dated late Quaternary paleoceanographic studies of Antarctic margin sediments and a suite of geochemical proxies measured on three existing glacial marine sediment cores from the Prydz Channel, Antarctica. Specifically, the PI will use these data to reconstruct the Late Quaternary history of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf system; evaluate the timing, speed, and style of retreat of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf system during the last deglaciation, and to assess the impact of Circumpolar Deep Water intrusions on the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf system in the Late Quaternary. Diatom bound radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence techniques will be used to obtain precise stratigraphic age control for the Prydz Channel siliceous muddy ooze intervals. In addition, the PI will measure sedimentary 10Be concentrations to determine the origin of the siliceous muddy ooze units and to track past changes in the position of the ice shelf front.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThis proposal will support an early career female scientist and will provide professional development and research experiences for women/minority graduate and undergraduate students. The PI will take advantage of USF?s Oceanography Camp for Girls.", "east": 75.0, "geometry": "POINT(72.5 -69)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Amd/Us; R/V NBP; USAP-DC", "locations": null, "north": -68.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Shevenell, Amelia", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -70.0, "title": "Late Quaternary Evolution of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf System, Prydz Bay, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000381", "west": 70.0}, {"awards": "1142007 Kurbatov, Andrei", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Antarctic Ice Core Tephra Analysis; Antarctic Tephra Data Base AntT static web site", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601052", "doi": "10.15784/601052", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciology; Intracontinental Magmatism; IntraContinental Magmatism; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Tephra", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia; Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic Tephra Data Base AntT static web site", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601052"}, {"dataset_uid": "601038", "doi": "10.15784/601038", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Intracontinental Magmatism; IntraContinental Magmatism; Tephra", "people": "Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "Antarctic Ice Core Tephra Analysis", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601038"}], "date_created": "Fri, 06 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Many key questions in climate research (e.g. relative timing of climate events in different geographic areas, climate-forcing mechanisms, natural threshold levels in the climate system) are dependent on accurate reconstructions of the temporal and spatial distribution of past rapid climate change events in continental, atmospheric, marine and polar realms. This collaborative interdisciplinary research project aims to consolidate, into a single user-friendly database, information about volcanic products detected in Antarctica. By consolidating information about volcanic sources, and physical and geochemical characteristics of volcanic products, this systematic data collection approach will improve the ability of researchers to identify volcanic ash, or tephra, from specific volcanic eruptions that may be spread over large areas in a geologically instantaneous amount of time. Development of this database will assist in the identification and cross-correlation of time intervals in various paleoclimate archives that contain volcanic layers from often unknown sources. The AntT project relies on a cyberinfrastructure framework developed in house through NSF funded CDI-Type I: CiiWork for data assimilation, interpretation and open distribution model. In addition to collection and integration of existing information about volcanic products, this project will focus on filling the information gaps about unique physico-chemical characteristics of very fine (\u003c3 micrometer) volcanic particles (cryptotephra) that are present in Antarctic ice cores. This component of research will involve improving analytical methodology for detecting cryptotephra layers in ice, and will train a new generation of scientists to apply an array of modern state?of?the-art instrumentation available to the project team. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe recognized importance of tephra in establishing a chronological framework for volcanic and sedimentary successions has already resulted in the development of robust regional tephrochronological frameworks (e.g. Europe, Kamchatka, New Zealand, Western North America). The AntT project will provide this framework for Antarctic tephrochronology, as needed for precise correlation records between Antarctic ice cores (e.g. WAIS Divide, RICE, ITASE) and global paleoclimate archives. The results of AntT will be of particular significance to climatologists, paleoclimatologists, atmospheric chemists, geochemists, climate modelers, solar-terrestrial physicists, environmental statisticians, and policy makers for designing solutions to mitigate or cope with likely future impacts of climate change events on modern society.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "NOT APPLICABLE", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Hartman, Laura; Wheatley, Sarah D.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Developing an Antarctic Tephra Database for Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Research (AntT)", "uid": "p0000328", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1542778 Alley, Richard", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "c-Axis Fabric of the South Pole Ice Core, SPC14; South Pole Ice Core (SPC14) Bubble Number-Density Data; South Pole Ice Core (SPIcecore) Visual Observations", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601088", "doi": "10.15784/601088", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; Visual Observations", "people": "Fegyveresi, John; Alley, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole Ice Core (SPIcecore) Visual Observations", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601088"}, {"dataset_uid": "601057", "doi": "10.15784/601057", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; South Pole; SPICEcore", "people": "Voigt, Donald E.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "c-Axis Fabric of the South Pole Ice Core, SPC14", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601057"}, {"dataset_uid": "601880", "doi": "10.15784/601880", "keywords": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Bubble Number Density; Cryosphere; Glaciers; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; NSF-ICF Microtome and Photography Stage; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties; Snow; South Pole", "people": "Fegyveresi, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "SPICEcore", "title": "South Pole Ice Core (SPC14) Bubble Number-Density Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601880"}], "date_created": "Fri, 29 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a three-year effort to study physical properties of the South Pole ice core to help provide a high-time-resolution history of trace gases and other paleoclimatic indicators from an especially cold site with high preservation potential for important signals. The physical-properties studies include visual inspection to identify any flow disturbances and for identifying annual layers and other features, and combined bubble, grain and ice crystal orientation studies to better understand the processes occurring in the ice that affect the climate record and the ice-sheet behavior. Success of these efforts will provide necessary support for dating and quality control to others studying the ice core, as well as determining the climate history of the site, flow state, and key physical processes in ice.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe intellectual merits of the project include better understanding of physical processes, paleoclimatic reconstruction, dating of the ice, and quality assurance. Visual inspection of the core will help identify evidence of flow disturbances that would disrupt the integrity of the climate record and will reveal volcanic horizons and other features of interest. Annual layer counting will be conducted to help estimate accumulation rate over time as recorded in the ice core. Measurements of C-axis fabric, grain size and shapes, and bubble characteristics will provide information about processes occurring in the ice sheet as well as the history of ice flow, current flow state and how the ice is flowing and how easily it will flow in the future. Analysis of this data in conjunction with microCT data will help to reveal grain-scale processes. The broader impacts of the project include support for an early-career, post-doctoral researcher, and improved paleoclimatic data of societal relevance. The results will be incorporated into the active program of education and outreach which have educated many students, members of the public and policy makers through the sharing of information and educational materials about all aspects of ice core science and paleoclimate.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Alley, Richard; Fegyveresi, John; Voigt, Donald E.", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "SPICEcore", "south": null, "title": "Climate History and Flow Processes from Physical Analyses of the SPICECORE South Pole Ice Core", "uid": "p0000141", "west": null}, {"awards": "1246190 Yu, Zicheng", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-69 -64,-68.1 -64,-67.2 -64,-66.3 -64,-65.4 -64,-64.5 -64,-63.6 -64,-62.7 -64,-61.8 -64,-60.9 -64,-60 -64,-60 -64.4,-60 -64.8,-60 -65.2,-60 -65.6,-60 -66,-60 -66.4,-60 -66.8,-60 -67.2,-60 -67.6,-60 -68,-60.9 -68,-61.8 -68,-62.7 -68,-63.6 -68,-64.5 -68,-65.4 -68,-66.3 -68,-67.2 -68,-68.1 -68,-69 -68,-69 -67.6,-69 -67.2,-69 -66.8,-69 -66.4,-69 -66,-69 -65.6,-69 -65.2,-69 -64.8,-69 -64.4,-69 -64))", "dataset_titles": "Late Holocene paleoecological and paleoclimatic data from moss peatbanks in the western Antarctic Peninsula", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601037", "doi": "10.15784/601037", "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Biota; Moss; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description", "people": "Yu, Zicheng", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Late Holocene paleoecological and paleoclimatic data from moss peatbanks in the western Antarctic Peninsula", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601037"}], "date_created": "Tue, 15 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eThis research will investigate how Antarctic peatbanks have responded to documented past warm climates on the Western Antarctic Peninsula over the last 1000 years. The work will extend understanding of climate controls on peat carbon accumulation to Antarctic peatbanks thus enabling a bi-polar perspective of ?first responder? ecosystem processes under warmer climate conditions. Understanding climate and ecosystem histories will help reveal processes and mechanisms that control the functioning of these and other polar ecosystems. Specifically, the investigators will evaluate outcomes of ?natural climate-warming experiments? that have occurred in the AP region at 65 degrees south over the last 1000 years. They will focus on two warm climate intervals in the Western Antarctic Peninsula: (1) the recent and ongoing warming of up to 6\u00c2\u00b0C in the last century, and (2) the Medieval Warm Period that occurred ~800 years ago. By collecting and analyzing peat cores and other biological and environmental data, the investigators will derive an independent temperature reconstruction from oxygen isotopes of moss cellulose over the last 1000 years to assess peatbank carbon response to documented warm climate conditions. The overall goal of the proposed project is to document formation ages and temporal changes in carbon-accumulating ecosystems over the last millennium in response to climate change as reconstructed from independent proxies. Also, their data will allow the investigators to understand the nature of reconstructed climate change in relation to atmosphere circulation and ocean conditions. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThis research is directly relevant to understanding polar processes affecting soil carbon dynamics and will support an early career researcher. This project will provide training for undergraduate students, graduate student and a postdoctoral fellow and will develop teaching modules and outreach activities on polar climate and ecosystem changes.", "east": -60.0, "geometry": "POINT(-64.5 -66)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -64.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Yu, Zicheng", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -68.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Response of Carbon Accumulation in Moss Peatbanks to Past Warm Climates in the Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "p0000341", "west": -69.0}, {"awards": "1341360 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(106 -77.5)", "dataset_titles": "Seasonal 17O Isotope Data from Lake Vostok and WAIS Divide Snow Pits", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601031", "doi": "10.15784/601031", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Snow Pit; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Seasonal 17O Isotope Data from Lake Vostok and WAIS Divide Snow Pits", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601031"}], "date_created": "Tue, 06 Jun 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Steig/1341360\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a two-year project to develop a method for rapid and precise measurements of the difference in 18O/16O and 17O/16O isotope ratios in water, referred to as the 17O-excess. Measurement of 17O-excess is a recent innovation in geochemistry, complementing traditional measurements of the ratios of hydrogen (D/H) and oxygen (18O/16O). Conventional measurements of 17O/16O are limited in number because of the time-consuming and laborious nature of the analyses, which involves the conversion of water to oxygen via fluorination, followed by high-precision mass spectrometry. This project will use a novel cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) system developed by a joint effort of the University of Washington and Picarro, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA), along with the Centre for Ice and Climate (Neils Bohr Institute, Copenhagen). The primary intellectual merit of the research is the improvement of the CRDS method for measurements of 17Oexcess of discrete samples of water, to obtain precision and accuracy competitive with conventional methods using mass spectrometry. This will be achieved by quantification of the effects of water vapor concentration variability and instrument memory, precise calibration of the instrument against standard waters, and improvements to the spectroscopic analyses. The CRDS system will also be coupled to continuous-flow systems for ice core analysis, in collaboration with the University of Colorado, Boulder. The goal is to have an operational system available for ice core processing associated with the next major U.S.-led ice core project at South Pole, in 2015-2017. The broader impacts of the research include the ability to measure 17O-excess in ambient atmospheric water vapor, which can be used to improve understanding of convection, moisture transport, and condensation. The instrument development work proposed here is relevant to research supported by several NSF-GEO programs, including Hydrology, Climate and Large Scale Dynamics, Paleoclimate, Atmosphere Chemistry, and both the Arctic and Antarctic Programs. This proposal will support a postdoctoral researcher.", "east": 106.0, "geometry": "POINT(106 -77.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -77.5, "title": "Development of a Laser Spectroscopy System for Analysis of 17Oexcess on Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000316", "west": 106.0}, {"awards": "1443260 Conway, Howard", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((159 -76.68,159.03 -76.68,159.06 -76.68,159.09 -76.68,159.12 -76.68,159.15 -76.68,159.18 -76.68,159.21 -76.68,159.24 -76.68,159.27 -76.68,159.3 -76.68,159.3 -76.697,159.3 -76.714,159.3 -76.731,159.3 -76.748,159.3 -76.765,159.3 -76.782,159.3 -76.799,159.3 -76.816,159.3 -76.833,159.3 -76.85,159.27 -76.85,159.24 -76.85,159.21 -76.85,159.18 -76.85,159.15 -76.85,159.12 -76.85,159.09 -76.85,159.06 -76.85,159.03 -76.85,159 -76.85,159 -76.833,159 -76.816,159 -76.799,159 -76.782,159 -76.765,159 -76.748,159 -76.731,159 -76.714,159 -76.697,159 -76.68))", "dataset_titles": "2015-2016 GPR Field Report for Allan Hills Shallow Ice Coring; Ground-based ice-penetrating radar profiles collected on the Allan Hills blue ice region", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601005", "doi": "10.15784/601005", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Navigation; Radar", "people": "Conway, Howard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Ground-based ice-penetrating radar profiles collected on the Allan Hills blue ice region", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601005"}, {"dataset_uid": "601668", "doi": "10.15784/601668", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; GPR; Ice Core; Report", "people": "MacKay, Sean; Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "2015-2016 GPR Field Report for Allan Hills Shallow Ice Coring", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601668"}], "date_created": "Tue, 02 May 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Marine paleoclimate archives show that approximately one million years ago Earth\u0027s climate transitioned from 40,000-year glacial /interglacial cycles to 100,000-year cycles. This award will support a study designed to map the distribution of one million year-old ice in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica using state-of-the-art ground penetrating radar. The Allen Hills was demonstrated to contain a continuous record of the past 400,000 years and is also the collection location of the oldest ice samples (990,000 years) yet recovered. The maps resulting from this study will be used to select an ice-core drilling site at which a million-plus year-old continuous record of climate could be recovered. Ice cores contain the only kind of record to directly capture atmospheric gases and aerosols, but no ice-core-based climate record yet extends continuously beyond the past 800,000 years. A million-plus year-old record will allow better understanding of the major mechanisms and driving forces of natural climate variability in a world with 100,000-year glacial/interglacial cycles. The project will support two early career scientists in collaboration with senior scientists, as well as a graduate student, and will conduct outreach to schools and the public.\r\nThe Allan Hills Blue Ice Area preserves a continuous climate record covering the last 400,000 years along an established glaciological flow line. Two kilometers to the east of this flow line, the oldest ice on Earth (~1 million years old) is found only 120 m below the surface. Meteorites collected in the area are reported to be as old as 1.8 million years, suggesting still older ice may be present. Combined, these data strongly suggest that the Allen Hills area could contain a continuous, well-resolved environmental record, spanning at least the last million years. As such, this area has been selected as an upcoming target for the new Intermediate Depth Ice Core Drill by the US Ice Core Working Group. This drill will recover a higher-quality core than previous dry drilling attempts. This project will conduct a comprehensive ground penetrating radar survey aimed at tracing the signature of the million-year-old ice layer throughout the region. The resulting map will be used to select a drill site from which an ice core containing the million-plus year-old continuous climate record will be collected. The proposed activities are a necessary precursor to the collection of the oldest known ice on Earth. Ice cores provide a robust reconstruction of past climate and extending this record beyond the 800,000 years currently available will open new opportunities to study the climate system. The data collected will also be used to investigate the bedrock and ice flow parameters favorable to the preservation of old ice, which may allow targeted investigation of other blue ice areas in Antarctica.", "east": 159.3, "geometry": "POINT(159.15 -76.765)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Allan Hills; FIELD SURVEYS; ICE SHEETS", "locations": "Allan Hills", "north": -76.68, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Conway, Howard", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Allan Hills", "south": -76.85, "title": "Collaborative Research: Allan HILLs Englacial Site (AHILLES) Selection", "uid": "p0000385", "west": 159.0}, {"awards": "0538049 Steig, Eric; 0538520 Thiemens, Mark", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.085 -79.5)", "dataset_titles": "Multiple Isotope Analysis of Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core; WAIS Divide sulfate and nitrate isotopes; WAIS ice core isotope data #387, 385 (full data link not provided)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "002512", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Project website", "science_program": null, "title": "WAIS ice core isotope data #387, 385 (full data link not provided)", "url": "http://www.waisdivide.unh.edu/"}, {"dataset_uid": "609479", "doi": "10.7265/N5BG2KXH", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Thiemens, Mark H.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Multiple Isotope Analysis of Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609479"}, {"dataset_uid": "601007", "doi": "10.15784/601007", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Nitrate; Oxygen Isotope; Sulfate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Steig, Eric J.; Alexander, Becky", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide sulfate and nitrate isotopes", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601007"}], "date_created": "Tue, 25 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0538520\u003cbr/\u003eThiemens\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to develop the first complete record of multiple isotope ratios of nitrate and sulfate covering the last ~100,000 years, from the deep ice core planned for the central ice divide of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS). The WAIS Divide ice core will be the highest resolution long ice core obtained from Antarctica and we can expect important complementary information to be available, including accurate knowledge of past accumulation rates, temperatures, and compounds such as H2O2, CO and CH4. These compounds play significant roles in global atmospheric chemistry and climate. Especially great potential lies in the use of multiple isotope signatures. The unique mass independent fractionation (MIF) 17O signature of ozone is observed in both nitrate and sulfate, due to the interaction of their precursors with ozone. The development of methods to measure the multiple-isotope composition of small samples of sulfate and nitrate makes continuous high resolution measurements on ice cores feasible for the first time. Recent work has shown that such measurements can be used to determine the hydroxyl radial (OH) and ozone (O3) concentrations in the paleoatmosphere as well as to apportion sulfate and nitrate sources. There is also considerable potential in using these isotope measurements to quantify post depositional changes. In the first two years, continuous measurements from the upper ~100-m of ice at WAIS divide will be obtained, to provide a detailed look at seasonal through centennial scale variability. In the third year, measurements will be made throughout the available depth of the deep core (expected to reach ~500 m at this time). The broader impacts of the project include applications to diverse fields including atmospheric chemistry, glaciology, meteorology, and paleoclimatology. Because nitrate and sulfate are important atmospheric pollutants, the results will also have direct and relevance to global environmental policy. This project will coincide with the International Polar Year (2007-2008), and contributes to goals of the IPY, which include the fostering of interdisciplinary research toward enhanced understanding of atmospheric chemistry and climate in the polar regions.", "east": -112.085, "geometry": "POINT(-112.085 -79.5)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotope Ratios; Temperature; Sulfate; West Antarctic; Paleoatmosphere; LABORATORY; Ice Core; Ice Core Data; Mass Independent Fractionation; FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; Accumulation Rate; Oxygen Isotope; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Ice Core Chemistry; Isotope", "locations": "West Antarctic", "north": -79.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Alexander, Becky; Steig, Eric J.; Thiemens, Mark H.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "Project website", "repositories": "Project website; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.5, "title": "Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core", "uid": "p0000020", "west": -112.085}, {"awards": "0538427 McConnell, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)", "dataset_titles": "Gas measurement from Higgins et al., 2015 - PNAS; WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from 1.5 to 577 m; WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05A; WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05Q; WAIS Divide Ice-Core Chronology from Intermediate Core WDC05A; WAIS Divide Ice-Core Chronology from Intermediate Core WDC05Q", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601010", "doi": "10.15784/601010", "keywords": "Aerosol; Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "McConnell, Joseph", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05A", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601010"}, {"dataset_uid": "601011", "doi": "10.15784/601011", "keywords": "Aerosol; Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "McConnell, Joseph", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05Q", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601011"}, {"dataset_uid": "601012", "doi": "10.15784/601012", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Snow Accumulation; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "McConnell, Joseph", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice-Core Chronology from Intermediate Core WDC05A", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601012"}, {"dataset_uid": "601009", "doi": "10.15784/601009", "keywords": "Aerosol; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "McConnell, Joseph", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from 1.5 to 577 m", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601009"}, {"dataset_uid": "601013", "doi": "10.15784/601013", "keywords": "Antarctica; Depth-Age-Model; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "McConnell, Joseph", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice-Core Chronology from Intermediate Core WDC05Q", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601013"}, {"dataset_uid": "601014", "doi": "10.15784/601014", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Argon; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope", "people": "Higgins, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Gas measurement from Higgins et al., 2015 - PNAS", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601014"}], "date_created": "Tue, 25 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0538427\u003cbr/\u003eMcConnell \u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to use unique, high-depth-resolution records of a range of elements, chemical species, and ice properties measured in two WAIS Divide shallow ice cores and one shallow British ice core from West Antarctic to address critical paleoclimate, environmental, and ice-sheet mass-balance questions. Recent development of the CFA-TE method for ice-core analysis presents the opportunity to develop high-resolution, broad-spectrum glaciochemical records at WAIS Divide at relatively modest cost. Together with CFA-TE measurements from Greenland and other Antarctic sites spanning recent decades to centuries, these rich data will open new avenues for using glaciochemical data to investigate environmental and global changes issues ranging from anthropogenic and volcanic-trace-element fallout to changes in hemispheric-scale circulation, biogeochemistry, rapid-climate-change events, long-term climate change, and ice-sheet mass balance. As part of the proposed research, collaborations with U.S., Argentine, and British researchers will be initiated and expanded to directly address three major IPY themes (i.e., present environmental status, past and present environmental and human change, and polar-global interactions). Included in the contributions from these international collaborators will be ice-core samples, ice-core and meteorological model data, and extensive expertise in Antarctic glaciology, climatology, meteorology, and biogeochemistry. The broader impacts of the work include the training of students. The project will partially support one Ph.D. student and hourly undergraduate involvement. Every effort will be made to attract students from underrepresented groups to these positions. To address the challenge of introducing results of scientific research to the public policy debate, we will continue efforts to publish findings in high visibility journals, provide research results to policy makers, and work with the NSF media office to reach the public through mass-media programs. K-12 teacher and classroom involvement will be realized through outreach to local schools and NSF\u0027s Teachers Experiencing the Antarctic and Arctic (or similar) program in collaboration with WAIS Divide and other polar researchers.", "east": -112.1115, "geometry": "POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -79.481, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bender, Michael; McConnell, Joseph", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.481, "title": "Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "uid": "p0000148", "west": -112.1115}, {"awards": "0944191 Taylor, Kendrick; 0944197 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -79,-173.3 -79,-166.6 -79,-159.9 -79,-153.2 -79,-146.5 -79,-139.8 -79,-133.1 -79,-126.4 -79,-119.7 -79,-113 -79,-113 -79.1,-113 -79.2,-113 -79.3,-113 -79.4,-113 -79.5,-113 -79.6,-113 -79.7,-113 -79.8,-113 -79.9,-113 -80,-119.7 -80,-126.4 -80,-133.1 -80,-139.8 -80,-146.5 -80,-153.2 -80,-159.9 -80,-166.6 -80,-173.3 -80,180 -80,150.9 -80,121.8 -80,92.7 -80,63.6 -80,34.5 -80,5.4 -80,-23.7 -80,-52.8 -80,-81.9 -80,-111 -80,-111 -79.9,-111 -79.8,-111 -79.7,-111 -79.6,-111 -79.5,-111 -79.4,-111 -79.3,-111 -79.2,-111 -79.1,-111 -79,-81.9 -79,-52.8 -79,-23.7 -79,5.4 -79,34.5 -79,63.6 -79,92.7 -79,121.8 -79,150.9 -79,-180 -79))", "dataset_titles": "Accumulation Rates from the WAIS Divide Ice Core; WAIS Divide Ice Core Electrical Conductance Measurements, Antarctica; WAIS Divide Multi Track Electrical Measurements; WD2014: Timescale for WAIS Divide Core 2006 A (WDC-06A)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601004", "doi": "10.15784/601004", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Snow Accumulation; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Conway, Howard; Buizert, Christo; Fudge, T. J.; Waddington, Edwin D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Accumulation Rates from the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601004"}, {"dataset_uid": "601172", "doi": "10.15784/601172", "keywords": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Electrical Conductivity; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core; Wais Project; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Fudge, T. J.; Taylor, Kendrick C.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "WAIS Divide Multi Track Electrical Measurements", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601172"}, {"dataset_uid": "609591", "doi": "10.7265/N5B56GPJ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Electrical Conductivity; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Taylor, Kendrick C.; Fudge, T. J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice Core Electrical Conductance Measurements, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609591"}, {"dataset_uid": "601015", "doi": "10.15784/601015", "keywords": "Antarctica; Depth-Age-Model; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Fudge, T. J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WD2014: Timescale for WAIS Divide Core 2006 A (WDC-06A)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601015"}], "date_created": "Tue, 25 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to help to establish the depth-age chronology and the histories of accumulation and ice dynamics for the WAIS Divide ice core. The depth-age relationship and the histories of accumulation and ice dynamics are coupled. An accurate age scale is needed to infer histories of accumulation rate and ice-thickness change using ice-flow models. In turn, the accumulation-rate history is needed to calculate the age difference of ice to determine the age of the trapped gases. The accumulation history is also needed to calculate atmospheric concentrations of impurities trapped in the ice and is an important characteristic of climate. The history of ice-thickness change is also fundamental to understanding the stability of the WAIS. The primary goals of the WAIS Divide ice core project are to investigate climate forcing by greenhouse gases, the initiation of climate changes, and the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS). An accurate age scale is fundamental for achieving these goals. The first objective of this project is to establish an annually resolved depth-age relationship for the past 40,000 years. This will be done by measuring variations in electrical conductivity along the ice core, which are caused by seasonal variations in chemistry. We expect to be able to resolve annual layers back to 40,000 years before present (3,000 m depth) using this method. The second objective is to search for stratigraphic disturbances in the core that would compromise the paleoclimate record. Irregular layering will be identified by measuring the electrical conductivity of the ice in a vertical plan through the core. The third objective is to derive a preliminary chronology for the entire core. For the deeper ice we will use an ice-flow model to interpolate between known age markers, such as dated volcanic horizons and tie points from the methane gas chronology. The fourth objective is to derive a refined chronology simultaneously with histories of accumulation and ice-sheet thickness. An ice-flow model and all available data will be used to formulate an inverse problem, in which we infer the most appropriate histories of accumulation and ice-thickness, together with estimates of uncertainties. The flow model associated with those preferred histories then produces the best estimate of the chronology. The research contributes directly to the primary goals of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative. The project will help develop the next generation of scientists through the education and training of one Ph.D. student and several undergraduate students. This project will result in instrumentation for measuring the electrical conductivity of ice cores being available at the National Ice Core Lab for other researchers to use on other projects. All collaborators are committed to fostering diversity and currently participate in scientific outreach and most participate in undergraduate education. Outreach will be accomplished through regularly scheduled community and K-12 outreach events at UW, talks and popular writing by the PIs, as well as through our respective press offices.", "east": -111.0, "geometry": "POINT(-112 -79.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Depth; National Ice Core Lab; Electrical Conductivity; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -79.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Conway, Howard; Fudge, T. J.; Taylor, Kendrick C.; Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -80.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core", "uid": "p0000026", "west": -113.0}, {"awards": "1245580 Castro, M. Clara", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(162.167 -77.733)", "dataset_titles": "Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600389", "doi": "10.15784/600389", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Critical Zone; Geochemistry; Noble Gas; Paleoclimate; Ross Ice Shelf; Ross Sea; Taylor Valley", "people": "Castro, M. Clara", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600389"}], "date_created": "Mon, 30 Jan 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eNoble gases in groundwater systems can indicate past climates in ice-free regions through estimation of noble gas temperatures. Traditional noble gas temperatures cannot be derived in ice-covered regions where water is not in contact with the atmosphere. The goal of the proposed work is to take advantage of noble gas properties in ice covered lakes at the ice/water interface to develop a new paleoclimate proxy with the potential to be routinely used in both polar and alpine glacial regions. The evolution of the Taylor Valley lakes is intimately connected to the dynamics of nearby glaciers, as well as the advance and retreat of the Ross Ice Shelf, both of which are dictated by climate change. The perennial ice cover of the lakes form at the water/ice interface and sublimate at the top rendering these lakes ideal to test and develop this new proxy. The proposed research involves conducting an extensive noble gas sampling campaign of lake water, stream water, ice covers and glacial ice. This data set, together with data continuously collected in the area will provide a solid basis to develop, test and refine mathematical models capable of accurately describing heavy noble gas concentration profiles as well as their overall inventory in the lakes over time. These will provide information on the occurrence of major climatic events while simultaneously providing temporal constraints on such events. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThe findings of this work will be inserted into a new class that the PI has created at the University of Michigan targeted at non-science majors. It will create research opportunities for 1-2 undergraduates each year and will support a PhD student. The outcomes of this research could have strong societal relevance.", "east": 162.167, "geometry": "POINT(162.167 -77.733)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -77.733, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Castro, M. Clara; Doran, Peter; Kenig, Fabien", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.733, "title": "Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases", "uid": "p0000388", "west": 162.167}, {"awards": "0539578 Alley, Richard; 0539232 Cuffey, Kurt", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(112.083 -79.467)", "dataset_titles": "Grain Size Full Population Dataset from WDC06A Core; Temperature Profile of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Deep Borehole; Temperature Reconstruction at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide; Updated (2017) bubble number-density, size, shape, and modeled paleoclimate data; WAIS Divide Ice Core Vertical Thin Section Low-resolution Digital Imagery; WAIS Divide Surface and Snow-pit Data, 2009-2013; WDC 06A Mean Grain Size Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609654", "doi": "10.7265/N5GM858X", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Thin Sections; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Cravens, Eric D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice Core Vertical Thin Section Low-resolution Digital Imagery", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609654"}, {"dataset_uid": "609655", "doi": "10.7265/N5VX0DG0", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Grain Size; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Fitzpatrick, Joan; Cravens, Eric D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Grain Size Full Population Dataset from WDC06A Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609655"}, {"dataset_uid": "601079", "doi": "10.15784/601079", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; AWS; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Meteorology; Physical Properties; Snow Pit; Temperature; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core; Weatherstation", "people": "Fegyveresi, John; Alley, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Surface and Snow-pit Data, 2009-2013", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601079"}, {"dataset_uid": "609656", "doi": "10.7265/N5MC8X08", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Grain Size; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Cravens, Eric D.; Fitzpatrick, Joan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "WDC 06A Mean Grain Size Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609656"}, {"dataset_uid": "609550", "doi": "10.7265/N5V69GJW", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Temperature; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Cuffey, Kurt M.; Clow, Gary D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Temperature Profile of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Deep Borehole", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609550"}, {"dataset_uid": "600377", "doi": "10.15784/600377", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Nitrogen; Paleoclimate; Temperature; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Cuffey, Kurt M.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Temperature Reconstruction at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600377"}, {"dataset_uid": "601224", "doi": "10.15784/601224", "keywords": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Bubble Number Density; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; NSF-ICF Microtome and Photography Stage; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide Ice Core; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Voigt, Donald E.; Fitzpatrick, Joan; Spencer, Matthew; Alley, Richard; Fegyveresi, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Updated (2017) bubble number-density, size, shape, and modeled paleoclimate data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601224"}], "date_created": "Thu, 12 Jan 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0539578\u003cbr/\u003eAlley \u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a five-year collaborative project to study the physical-properties of the planned deep ice core and the temperature of the ice in the divide region of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The intellectual merit of the proposed research is to provide fundamental information on the state of the ice sheet, to validate the integrity of the climate record, to help reconstruct the climate record, and to understand the flow state and history of the ice sheet. This information will initially be supplied to other investigators and then to the public and to appropriate databases, and will be published in the refereed scientific literature. The objectives of the proposed research are to aid in dating of the core through counting of annual layers, to identify any exceptionally warm intervals in the past through counting of melt layers, to learn as much as possible about the flow state and history of the ice through measurement of size, shape and arrangements of bubbles, clathrate inclusions, grains and their c-axes, to identify any flow disturbances through these indicators, and to learn the history of snow accumulation and temperature from analyses of bubbles and borehole temperatures combined with flow modeling and use of data from other collaborators. These results will then be synthesized and communicated. Failure to examine cores can lead to erroneous identification of flow features as climate changes, so careful examination is required. Independent reconstruction of accumulation rate provides important data on climate change, and improves confidence in interpretation of other climate indicators. Borehole temperatures are useful recorders of temperature history. Flow state and history are important in understanding climate history and potential contribution of ice to sea-level change. By contributing to all of these and additional issues, the proposed research will be of considerable value. The broader impacts of the research include making available to the public improved knowledge on societally central questions involving abrupt climate change and sea-level rise. The project will also contribute to the education of advanced students, will utilize results in education of introductory students, and will make vigorous efforts in outreach, informal science education, and supplying information to policy-makers as requested, thus contributing to a more-informed society.", "east": 112.083, "geometry": "POINT(112.083 -79.467)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e CAMERAS \u003e CAMERA; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "LABORATORY; WAIS Divide; Ice Core; Temperature Profiles; FIELD SURVEYS; Bubble Number Density; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Wais Divide-project", "locations": "WAIS Divide", "north": -79.467, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Fitzpatrick, Joan; Alley, Richard; Fegyveresi, John; Clow, Gary D.; Cuffey, Kurt M.; Cravens, Eric D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.467, "title": "Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core", "uid": "p0000038", "west": 112.083}, {"awards": "0947821 Ashworth, Allan", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -85.095235,-145.3719418 -85.095235,-110.7438836 -85.095235,-76.1158254 -85.095235,-41.4877672 -85.095235,-6.859709 -85.095235,27.7683492 -85.095235,62.3964074 -85.095235,97.0244656 -85.095235,131.6525238 -85.095235,166.280582 -85.095235,166.280582 -85.0996451,166.280582 -85.1040552,166.280582 -85.1084653,166.280582 -85.1128754,166.280582 -85.1172855,166.280582 -85.1216956,166.280582 -85.1261057,166.280582 -85.1305158,166.280582 -85.1349259,166.280582 -85.139336,131.6525238 -85.139336,97.0244656 -85.139336,62.3964074 -85.139336,27.7683492 -85.139336,-6.859709 -85.139336,-41.4877672 -85.139336,-76.1158254 -85.139336,-110.7438836 -85.139336,-145.3719418 -85.139336,180 -85.139336,178.6280582 -85.139336,177.2561164 -85.139336,175.8841746 -85.139336,174.5122328 -85.139336,173.140291 -85.139336,171.7683492 -85.139336,170.3964074 -85.139336,169.0244656 -85.139336,167.6525238 -85.139336,166.280582 -85.139336,166.280582 -85.1349259,166.280582 -85.1305158,166.280582 -85.1261057,166.280582 -85.1216956,166.280582 -85.1172855,166.280582 -85.1128754,166.280582 -85.1084653,166.280582 -85.1040552,166.280582 -85.0996451,166.280582 -85.095235,167.6525238 -85.095235,169.0244656 -85.095235,170.3964074 -85.095235,171.7683492 -85.095235,173.140291 -85.095235,174.5122328 -85.095235,175.8841746 -85.095235,177.2561164 -85.095235,178.6280582 -85.095235,-180 -85.095235))", "dataset_titles": "Neogene Paleoecology of the Beardmore Glacier Region", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600387", "doi": "10.15784/600387", "keywords": "Antarctica; Beardmore Glacier; Biota; Fossil; GPS; Oliver Bluffs; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Seeds; Solid Earth; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Ashworth, Allan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Neogene Paleoecology of the Beardmore Glacier Region", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600387"}], "date_created": "Thu, 12 Jan 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eThe primary goal of this project is to sample two beds in the Meyer Desert Formation, which are known to be especially fossiliferous containing plants, insects, other arthropods, freshwater mollusks, and fish. There is a possibility that the teeth and bones of a small marsupial could also be found. Previous studies have demonstrated that these horizons contain unique fossil assemblages that provide information used to reconstruct paleoenvironments and paleoclimate. The fossils represent organisms previously not found in Antarctica and consequently their study will lead to the development of new hypotheses concerning southern hemisphere biogeography. The new discoveries will also increase knowledge of paleoenvironments and paleoclimates as well as biogeographic relationships of the biota of the southern hemisphere. For some organisms, such as Nothofagus (Southern Beech) or the trechine groundbeetle, fossils would confirm that Antarctica was inhabited as part of Gondwana. For other fossils, such as the cyclorrhaphan fly or freshwater mollusks not expected to have inhabited Antarctica, the discoveries will require a reassessment of phylogenetic interpretations and a reinvestigation of the role of Antarctica in the evolutionary history of those organisms. The new fossil-based knowledge will require integration with interpretations from cladistics and molecular genetics to develop more comprehensive phylogenetic hypotheses for a range of organisms.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThe discovery of fossils in Antarctica and implications for climate change has proven to be popular with the media. This attention will help disseminate the results of this study. Before the field season, the PI will work with local media and with area schools to set up field interviews and web casts from Antarctica. The project will also involve the training of a graduate student in the field and in the follow up studies of the fossils in the laboratory.", "east": 166.280582, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -85.095235, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Ashworth, Allan", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.139336, "title": "Neogene Paleoecology of the Beardmore Glacier Region", "uid": "p0000424", "west": 166.280582}, {"awards": "1043167 White, James; 1043092 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.08 -79.47)", "dataset_titles": "Resampling of Deep Polar Ice Cores using Information Theory; Seasonal temperatures in West Antarctica during the Holocene ; Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core; WAIS Divide Ice Core Discrete CH4 (80-3403m)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601741", "doi": "10.15784/601741", "keywords": "Antarctica; Ch4; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Methane; WAIS", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Sowers, Todd A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice Core Discrete CH4 (80-3403m)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601741"}, {"dataset_uid": "601603", "doi": "10.15784/601603", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Seasonality; Seasonal Temperatures; Temperature; Water Isotopes; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Jones, Tyler R.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Seasonal temperatures in West Antarctica during the Holocene ", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601603"}, {"dataset_uid": "601365", "doi": "10.15784/601365", "keywords": "Antarctica; Delta 18O; Isotope; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Jones, Tyler R.; White, James; Vaughn, Bruce; Garland, Joshua; Morris, Valerie", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Resampling of Deep Polar Ice Cores using Information Theory", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601365"}, {"dataset_uid": "600169", "doi": "10.15784/600169", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Snow Accumulation; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Jones, Tyler R.; White, James; Vaughn, Bruce; Morris, Valerie", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600169"}, {"dataset_uid": "601274", "doi": "10.15784/601274", "keywords": "Antarctica; Delta 18O; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Price, Michael; Morris, Valerie; White, James; Vaughn, Bruce; Bradley, Elizabeth; Garland, Joshua; Jones, Tyler R.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601274"}], "date_created": "Thu, 15 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Steig/1043092\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to contribute one of the cornerstone analyses, stable isotopes of ice (Delta-D, Delta-O18) to the ongoing West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS) deep ice core. The WAIS Divide drilling project, a multi-institution project to obtain a continuous high resolution ice core record from central West Antarctica, reached a depth of 2560 m in early 2010; it is expected to take one or two more field seasons to reach the ice sheet bed (~3300 m), plus an additional four seasons for borehole logging and other activities including proposed replicate coring. The current proposal requests support to complete analyses on the WAIS Divide core to the base, where the age will be ~100,000 years or more. These analyses will form the basis for the investigation of a number of outstanding questions in climate and glaciology during the last glacial period, focused on the dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the relationship of West Antarctic climate to that of the Northern polar regions, the tropical Pacific, and the rest of the globe, on time scales ranging from years to tens of thousands of years. One new aspect of this work is the growing expertise at the University of Washington in climate modeling with isotope-tracer-enabled general circulation models, which will aid in the interpretation of the data. Another major new aspect is the completion and use of a high-resolution, semi-automated sampling system at the University of Colorado, which will permit the continuous analysis of isotope ratios via laser spectroscopy, at an effective resolution of ~2 cm or less, providing inter-annual time resolution for most of the core. Because continuous flow analyses of stable ice isotopes is a relatively new measurement, we will complement them with parallel measurements, every ~10-20 m, using traditional discrete sampling and analysis by mass spectrometry at the University of Washington. The intellectual merit and the overarching goal of the work are to see Inland WAIS become the reference ice isotope record for West Antarctica. The broader impacts of the work are that the data generated in this project pertain directly to policy-relevant and immediate questions of the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet, and thus past and future changes in sea level, as well as the nature of climate change in the high southern latitudes. The project will also contribute to the development of modern isotope analysis techniques using laser spectroscopy, with applications well beyond ice cores. The project will involve a graduate student and postdoc who will work with both P.I.s, and spend time at both institutions. Data will be made available rapidly through the Antarctic Glaciological Data Center, for use by other researchers and the public.", "east": -112.08, "geometry": "POINT(-112.08 -79.47)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "LABORATORY", "locations": null, "north": -79.47, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "White, James; Vaughn, Bruce; Jones, Tyler R.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.47, "title": "Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core", "uid": "p0000078", "west": -112.08}, {"awards": "1043580 Reusch, David", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -47,-144 -47,-108 -47,-72 -47,-36 -47,0 -47,36 -47,72 -47,108 -47,144 -47,180 -47,180 -51.3,180 -55.6,180 -59.9,180 -64.2,180 -68.5,180 -72.8,180 -77.1,180 -81.4,180 -85.7,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -85.7,-180 -81.4,-180 -77.1,-180 -72.8,-180 -68.5,-180 -64.2,-180 -59.9,-180 -55.6,-180 -51.3,-180 -47))", "dataset_titles": "Decoding \u0026 Predicting Antarctic Surface Melt Dynamics with Observations, Regional Atmospheric Modeling and GCMs", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600386", "doi": "10.15784/600386", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Atmospheric Model; Climate Model; Meteorology; Paleoclimate", "people": "Reusch, David", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Decoding \u0026 Predicting Antarctic Surface Melt Dynamics with Observations, Regional Atmospheric Modeling and GCMs", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600386"}, {"dataset_uid": "600166", "doi": "10.15784/600166", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Climate Model; Meteorology; Surface Melt", "people": "Reusch, David", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Decoding \u0026 Predicting Antarctic Surface Melt Dynamics with Observations, Regional Atmospheric Modeling and GCMs", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600166"}], "date_created": "Thu, 28 Jul 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The presence of ice ponds from surface melting of glacial ice can be a significant threshold in assessing the stability of ice sheets, and their overall response to a warming climate. Snow melt has a much reduced albedo, leading to additional seasonal melting from warming insolation. Water run-off not only contributes to the mass loss of ice sheets directly, but meltwater reaching the glacial ice bed may lubricate faster flow of ice sheets towards the ocean. Surficial meltwater may also reach the grounding lines of glacial ice through the wedging open of existing crevasses. The occurrence and amount of meltwater refreeze has even been suggested as a paleo proxy of near-surface atmospheric temperature regimes. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eUsing contemporary remote sensing (microwave) satellite assessment of surface melt occurrence and extent, the predictive skill of regional meteorological models and reanalyses (e.g. WRF, ERA-Interim) to describe the synoptic conditions favourable to surficial melt is to be investigated. Statistical approaches and pattern recognition techniques are argued to provide a context for projecting future ice sheet change. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe previous Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4) commented on our lack of understanding of ice-sheet mass balance processes in polar regions and the potential for sea-level change. The IPPC suggested that the forthcoming AR5 efforts highlight regional cryosphere modeling efforts, such as is proposed here.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -47.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Reusch, David; Lampkin, Derrick", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Decoding \u0026 Predicting Antarctic Surface Melt Dynamics with Observations, Regional Atmospheric Modeling and GCMs", "uid": "p0000447", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0944282 Hasiotis, Stephen", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(175 -86)", "dataset_titles": "Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600156", "doi": "10.15784/600156", "keywords": "Antarctica; Beardmore Glacier; Biota; Fossil; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Hasiotis, Stephen", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600156"}], "date_created": "Fri, 03 Jun 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eThis proposal will study the diversity, abundance, and tiering patterns of ichnofossils in continental and marine deposits of the Beacon Supergroup in the Beardmore Glacier Area (BGA). The PIs will focus on continental strata that contain a variety of ichnofossils and paleosols. Ichnofossils will be evaluated for their architectural and surficial morphologies, and will be compared to modern and ancient traces to interpret the tracemaker behavior and paleoenvironmental setting. Distribution of ichnofossils within these units may indicate the effect of lateral variability of pedogenesis, the magnitude and frequency of depositional events, and the amount of moisture within the sediment, as well as the effects of climate change. The paleoclimatic significance of ichnofossils will be determined by comparing the burrow size, occurrence, tiering, and pedogenic significance of ichnofossils in measured sections of stratigraphic units deposited during global warming and cooling episodes. Comparisons will be made between BGA formations to stratigraphically equivalent rocks deposited at low paleolatitudes with previously determined paleoclimatic settings. The objectives of this project are to address two major questions: what differences existed in ichnodiversity, abundance, and tiering in marine and continental deposits between high- and low-paleolatitudes, and was there a dearth of habitat usage in continental deposits during the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic, particularly in fluvial and lacustrine environments compared to the habitat usage in the marine realm at that time? \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThis study will enhance the ability to interpret paleoenvironments to the subenvironmental scale, understand the evolution of soil biota and ecosystems at high paleolatitudes, determine the role of organisms in soil formation at high paleolatitudes, explore the effects of climate change on the body size and diversity of organisms in the soil communities, and develop new tools to interpret paleoclimate in high latitudes. There is a strong education component associated with this proposal.", "east": 175.0, "geometry": "POINT(175 -86)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -86.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Hasiotis, Stephen", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -86.0, "title": "Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000423", "west": 175.0}, {"awards": "0838936 Brook, Edward J.; 0839031 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(161.75 -77.75)", "dataset_titles": "Measurements of 14C-methane for the Younger Dryas - Preboreal Transition from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica; Measurements of in situ cosmogenic 14C from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica; Taylor Glacier chemistry data and Taylor Dome TD2015 time scale; Taylor Glacier CO2 record; Taylor Glacier Gas Isotope Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601033", "doi": "10.15784/601033", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Solid Earth; Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Taylor Glacier Gas Isotope Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601033"}, {"dataset_uid": "000158", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NCEI", "science_program": null, "title": "Taylor Glacier CO2 record", "url": "ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/antarctica/taylor/taylor2016d13co2.txt"}, {"dataset_uid": "600165", "doi": "10.15784/600165", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cosmogenic; Geochemistry; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Radiocarbon; Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Measurements of in situ cosmogenic 14C from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600165"}, {"dataset_uid": "601029", "doi": "10.15784/601029", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Critical Zone; Geochemistry; Methane; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains; Younger Dryas", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Petrenko, Vasilii", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Measurements of 14C-methane for the Younger Dryas - Preboreal Transition from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601029"}, {"dataset_uid": "601103", "doi": "10.15784/601103", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Horizontal Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Taylor Glacier chemistry data and Taylor Dome TD2015 time scale", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601103"}], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Severinghaus/0839031 \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to develop a precise gas-based chronology for an archive of large-volume samples of the ancient atmosphere, which would enable ultra-trace gas measurements that are currently precluded by sample size limitations of ice cores. The intellectual merit of the proposed work is that it will provide a critical test of the \"clathrate hypothesis\" that methane clathrates contributed to the two abrupt atmospheric methane concentration increases during the last deglaciation 15 and 11 kyr ago. This approach employs large volumes of ice (\u003e1 ton) to measure carbon-14 on past atmospheric methane across the abrupt events. Carbon-14 is an ideal discriminator of fossil sources of methane to the atmosphere, because most methane sources (e.g., wetlands, termites, biomass burning) are rich in carbon-14, whereas clathrates and other fossil sources are devoid of carbon-14. The proposed work is a logical extension to Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, of an approach pioneered at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet over the past 7 years. The Greenland work found higher-than-expected carbon-14 values, likely due in part to contaminants stemming from the high impurity content of Greenland ice and the interaction of the ice with sediments from the glacier bed. The data also pointed to the possibility of a previously unknown process, in-situ cosmogenic production of carbon-14 methane (radiomethane) in the ice matrix. Antarctic ice in Taylor Glacier is orders of magnitude cleaner than the ice at the Greenland site, and is much colder and less stratigraphically disturbed, offering the potential for a clear resolution of this puzzle and a definitive test of the cosmogenic radiomethane hypothesis. Even if cosmogenic radiomethane in ice is found, it still may be possible to reconstruct atmospheric radiomethane with a correction enabled by a detailed understanding of the process, which will be sought by co-measuring carbon-14 in carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The broader impacts of the proposed work are that the clathrate test may shed light on the stability of the clathrate reservoir and its potential for climate feedbacks under human-induced warming. Development of Taylor Glacier as a \"horizontal ice core\" would provide a community resource for other researchers. Education of one postdoc, one graduate student, and one undergraduate, would add to human resources. This award has field work in Antarctica.", "east": 161.75, "geometry": "POINT(161.75 -77.75)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "NOT APPLICABLE; Not provided; USAP-DC", "locations": null, "north": -77.75, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e PLEISTOCENE", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "platforms": "Not provided; OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "NCEI; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.75, "title": "Collaborative Research: A \"Horizontal Ice Core\" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000099", "west": 161.75}, {"awards": "1142162 Stone, John", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-104.14 -81.07,-102.24 -81.07,-100.34 -81.07,-98.44 -81.07,-96.54 -81.07,-94.64 -81.07,-92.74 -81.07,-90.84 -81.07,-88.94 -81.07,-87.04 -81.07,-85.14 -81.07,-85.14 -81.207,-85.14 -81.344,-85.14 -81.481,-85.14 -81.618,-85.14 -81.755,-85.14 -81.892,-85.14 -82.029,-85.14 -82.166,-85.14 -82.303,-85.14 -82.44,-87.04 -82.44,-88.94 -82.44,-90.84 -82.44,-92.74 -82.44,-94.64 -82.44,-96.54 -82.44,-98.44 -82.44,-100.34 -82.44,-102.24 -82.44,-104.14 -82.44,-104.14 -82.303,-104.14 -82.166,-104.14 -82.029,-104.14 -81.892,-104.14 -81.755,-104.14 -81.618,-104.14 -81.481,-104.14 -81.344,-104.14 -81.207,-104.14 -81.07))", "dataset_titles": "Cosmogenic nuclide data at ICE-D; Glacial-interglacial History of West Antarctic Nunataks and Site Reconnaissance for Subglacial Bedrock Sampling", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200299", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "ICE-D", "science_program": null, "title": "Cosmogenic nuclide data at ICE-D", "url": "https://version2.ice-d.org/antarctica/nsf/"}, {"dataset_uid": "600162", "doi": "10.15784/600162", "keywords": "Antarctica; Be-10; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Cosmogenic Dating; Glaciology; Nunataks; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Whitmore Mountains", "people": "Stone, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Glacial-interglacial History of West Antarctic Nunataks and Site Reconnaissance for Subglacial Bedrock Sampling", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600162"}], "date_created": "Wed, 16 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "1142162/Stone\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to conduct a reconnaissance geological and radar-sounding study of promising sites in West Antarctica as a prelude to a future project to conduct subglacial cosmogenic nuclide measurements. Field work will take place in the Whitmore Mountains, close to the WAIS divide, and on the Nash and Pirrit Hills, downflow from the divide in the Weddell Sea drainage. At each site geological indicators of higher (and lower) ice levels in the past will be mapped and evidence of subglacial erosion or its absence will be documented. Elevation transects of both glacial erratics and adjacent bedrock samples will be collected to establish the timing of recent deglaciation at the sites and provide a complement to similar measurements on material from depth transects obtained by future subglacial drilling. At each site, bedrock ridges will be traced into the subsurface with closely-spaced ice-penetrating radar surveys, using a combination of instruments and frequencies to obtain meter-scale surface detail, using synthetic aperture techniques. Collectively the results will define prospective sites for subglacial sampling, and maximize the potential information to be obtained from such samples in future studies. The intellectual merit of this project is that measurements of cosmogenic nuclides in subglacial bedrock hold promise for resolving the questions of whether the West Antarctic ice sheet collapsed completely in the past, whether it is prone to repeated large deglaciations, and if so, what is their magnitude and frequency. Such studies will require careful choice of targets, to locate sites where bedrock geology is favorable, cosmogenic nuclide records are likely to have been protected from subglacial erosion, and the local ice-surface response is indicative of large-scale ice sheet behavior. The broader impacts of this work include helping to determine whether subglacial surfaces in West Antarctica were ever exposed to cosmic rays, which will provide unambiguous evidence for or against a smaller ice sheet in the past. This is an important step towards establishing whether the WAIS is vulnerable to collapse in future, and will ultimately help to address uncertainty in forecasting sea level change. The results will also provide ground truth for models of ice-sheet dynamics and long-term ice sheet evolution, and will help researchers use these models to identify paleoclimate conditions responsible for WAIS deglaciation. The education and training of students (both undergraduate and graduate students) will play an important role in the project, which will involve Antarctic fieldwork, technically challenging labwork, data collection and interpretation, and communication of the outcome to scientists and the general public.", "east": -85.14, "geometry": "POINT(-94.64 -81.755)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided; Antarctica; ICE SHEETS", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -81.07, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Stone, John; Conway, Howard; Winebrenner, Dale", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "ICE-D", "repositories": "ICE-D; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -82.44, "title": "Glacial-interglacial History of West Antarctic Nunataks and Site Reconnaissance for Subglacial Bedrock Sampling", "uid": "p0000335", "west": -104.14}, {"awards": "1043518 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.08648 -79.46763)", "dataset_titles": "Continuous, Ultra-high Resolution WAIS-Divide Ice Core Methane Record 9.8-67.2 ka BP; Early Holocene methane records from Siple Dome, Antarctica; Methan record", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000176", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NCEI", "science_program": null, "title": "Methan record", "url": "https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/paleoclimatology-data/datasets/ice-core"}, {"dataset_uid": "609628", "doi": "10.7265/N5JM27K4", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; McConnell, Joseph; Rhodes, Rachel", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Continuous, Ultra-high Resolution WAIS-Divide Ice Core Methane Record 9.8-67.2 ka BP", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609628"}, {"dataset_uid": "601055", "doi": "10.15784/601055", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Ahn, Jinho; Yang, Ji-Woong", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Early Holocene methane records from Siple Dome, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601055"}, {"dataset_uid": "601055", "doi": "10.15784/601055", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Yang, Ji-Woong; Ahn, Jinho", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Early Holocene methane records from Siple Dome, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601055"}], "date_created": "Tue, 12 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "1043500/Sowers\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to develop a 50 yr resolution methane data set that will play a pivotal role in developing the WAIS Divide timescale as well as providing a common stratigraphic framework for comparing climate records from Greenland and West Antarctica. Even higher resolution data are proposed for key intervals to assist in precisely defining the phasing of abrupt climate change between the hemispheres. Concurrent analysis of a suit of samples from both the WAIS Divide and GISP-2 cores throughout the last 110,000 years is also proposed, to establish the interpolar methan (CH4) gradient that will be used to identify geographic areas responsible for the climate related methane emission changes. The intellectual merit of the proposed work is that it will provide chronological control needed to examine the timing of changes in climate proxies, and critical chronological ties to the Greenland ice core records via methane variations. One main objective is to understand the interpolar timing of millennial-scale climate change. This is an important scientific goal relevant to understanding climate change mechanisms in general. The proposed work will help establish a chronological framework for addressing these issues. In addition, this proposal addresses the question of what methane sources were active during the ice age, through the work on the interpolar methane gradient. This work is directed at the fundamental question of what part of the biosphere controlled past methane variations, and is important for developing more sophisticated understanding of those variations. The broader impacts of the work are that the ultra-high resolution CH4 record will directly benefit all ice core paleoclimate research and the chronological refinements will impact paleoclimate studies that rely on ice core timescales for correlation purposes. The project will support both graduate and undergraduate students and the PIs will participate in outreach to the public.", "east": -112.08648, "geometry": "POINT(-112.08648 -79.46763)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e INFRARED LASER SPECTROSCOPY", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "WAIS Divide; Not provided; LABORATORY; Wais Divide-project; Methane Concentration", "locations": "WAIS Divide", "north": -79.46763, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Rhodes, Rachel; Brook, Edward J.; McConnell, Joseph", "platforms": "Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "NCEI", "repositories": "NCEI; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.46763, "title": "Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core", "uid": "p0000185", "west": -112.08648}, {"awards": "0948247 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-123.35 -75.1)", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Wed, 06 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Pettit/0948247\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to study of the relationship between fabric and climate for the ice near the EPICA Dome C ice core site, East Antarctica. The work builds on an ongoing study at Siple Dome, West Antarctica and takes advantage of collaborations with European scientists and access to the Dome C borehole to make measurements of sonic velocity. The intellectual merit of the project is that a better understanding of how fabric preserves past climate information can improve models of the ice flow near ice core sites and the interpreta-tion of ice core data (particularly paleo-accumulation), and it may allow us to extract climate information directly from fabric data. In addition, because ice deformation is sensitive to the orientation of crystals, ice flow patterns are sensitive to the fabric. Thus, variations in the fabric between glacial and interglacial ice can affect how ice deforms and how fabric in the ice sheet develops. The Dome C site is particularly important for answering these questions, because the ice core shows evidence of eight glacial cycles, not just one as found at Siple Dome or the Greenland sites. The research will improve the understanding of the proxy relationship between sonic-velocity data and fabric; will help to model the pattern of ice flow caused by the fabric variation between glacial and interglacial time periods using these data, existing ice core chemistry and existing and new thin section data, improved surface strain data, and borehole deformation data; and will help to better understand the positive feedback mechanism that enhances fabric (and corresponding rheological) variability through a focused study of several climate transitions and the associated fabric changes. Borehole compressional-wave sonic-velocity will be measured which will complement the sonic-velocity data that already exist for boreholes in Greenland and West Antarctica. These will be the first sonic-velocity measurements in East Antarctica and the first measurements that extend for more than a single glacial/interglacial transition. The project will ultimately contribute to better interpretation of ice core records for both paleoclimate studies and for ice flow history, both of which connect to the broader questions of the role of ice in the climate system. This project will also strengthen the international collaborations within the paleoclimate and ice sheet modeling communities. This project will partially support a graduate student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks who is currently working on modeling ice including anisotropy and it will support the growth of a young scientist through a Post-Doc position. This Post Doc will gain important experience collaborating with the EPICA scientists in studying the climate-fabric relationship. Erin Pettit is active in field-science education for high school students, under-graduates, teachers, and adults. This project will help support the continued development and enhancement of Girls on Ice a program that encourages young women to explore science and the natural world.", "east": -123.35, "geometry": "POINT(-123.35 -75.1)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "LABORATORY; Crystals; Deformation; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Model; Sonic Logger; Ice Flow; Rheology; FIELD SURVEYS; Borehole; Climate; Ice Fabric; Antarctica; Interglacial", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -75.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Pettit, Erin; Hansen, Sharon", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -75.1, "title": "The Relationship between Climate and Ice Rheology at Dome C, East Antarctica", "uid": "p0000708", "west": -123.35}, {"awards": "1039982 Anandakrishnan, Sridhar", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Seismological Data at IRIS (full data link not provided)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000170", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "IRIS", "science_program": null, "title": "Seismological Data at IRIS (full data link not provided)", "url": "http://ds.iris.edu/"}], "date_created": "Mon, 23 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eKnowledge of englacial and subglacial conditions are critical for ice sheet models and predictions of sea-level change. Some of the critical variables that are poorly known but essential for improving flow models and predictions of sea-level change are: basal roughness, subglacial sedimentary and hydrologic conditions, and the temporal and spatial variability of the ice sheet flow field. Seismic reflection and refraction imaging and dense arrays of continuously operating GPS receivers can determine these parameters. The PIs propose to develop a network of wirelessly interconnected geophysical sensors (geoPebble) that will allow glaciologists to carry out these experiments simultaneously. This sensor web will provide a new way of imaging the ice sheet that is not possible with current instruments. With this sensor web, the PIs will extend the range of existing instruments from 2D to 3D, from low resolution to high resolution, but more importantly, all the geophysical measurements will be conducted synchronously. By the end of the proposal period the PIs will produce a network of 150-200 geoPebbles that will be available for NSF-sponsored glaciology research projects. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eImproved knowledge of the flow law of ice, the sliding of glaciers and ice streams, and paleoclimate history will contribute to assessments of the potential for abrupt ice-sheet mass change, with consequent sea-level effects and significant societal impacts. This improved modeling ability will be a direct consequence of better knowledge of the physical properties of ice sheets, which this project will facilitate. The development effort will be integrated with the undergraduate education program via the capstone design classes in EE and the senior thesis requirement in Geoscience. The PIs will also form a cohort of first-year and sophomore students who will work in their labs from the beginning of the project to develop specifications through the commissioning of the network.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Bilen, Sven; Urbina, Julio", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "IRIS", "repositories": "IRIS", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "MRI: Development of a Wirelessly-Connected Network of Seismometers and GPS Instruments for Polar and Geophysical Research", "uid": "p0000405", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1141936 Foreman, Christine", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(112.085 -79.467)", "dataset_titles": "Molecular Level Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Microbial Diversity in the WAIS Divide Replicate Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600133", "doi": "10.15784/600133", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Genetic Sequences; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Foreman, Christine", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Molecular Level Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Microbial Diversity in the WAIS Divide Replicate Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600133"}], "date_created": "Thu, 05 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a detailed, molecular level characterization of dissolved organic carbon and microbes in Antarctic ice cores. Using the most modern biological (genomic), geochemical techniques, and advanced chemical instrumentation researchers will 1) optimize protocols for collecting, extracting and amplifying DNA from deep ice cores suitable for use in next generation pyrosequencing; 2) determine the microbial diversity within the ice core; and 3) obtain and analyze detailed molecular characterizations of the carbon in the ice by ultrahigh resolution Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS). With this pilot study investigators will be able to quantify the amount of material (microbial biomass and carbon) required to perform these characterizations, which is needed to inform future ice coring projects. The ultimate goal will be to develop protocols that maximize the yield, while minimizing the amount of ice required. The broader impacts include education and outreach at both the local and national levels. As a faculty mentor with the American Indian Research Opportunities and BRIDGES programs at Montana State University, Foreman will serve as a mentor to a Native American student in the lab during the summer months. Susan Kelly is an Education and Outreach Coordinator with a MS degree in Geology and over 10 years of experience in science outreach. She will coordinate efforts for comprehensive educational collaboration with the Hardin School District on the Crow Indian Reservation in South-central Montana.", "east": 112.085, "geometry": "POINT(112.085 -79.467)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ADS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Dissolved Organic Carbon; Microbes; Ice Core; Not provided; Pyrosequencing; Microbial Diversity; Molecular; WAIS Divide; LABORATORY; FIELD SURVEYS; Antarctic; FIELD INVESTIGATION; DNA", "locations": "Antarctic; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.467, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Foreman, Christine", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.467, "title": "Molecular Level Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Microbial Diversity in the WAIS Divide Replicate Core", "uid": "p0000342", "west": 112.085}, {"awards": "1146399 Sidor, Christian", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((162.41 -84.27,163.409 -84.27,164.408 -84.27,165.407 -84.27,166.406 -84.27,167.405 -84.27,168.404 -84.27,169.403 -84.27,170.402 -84.27,171.401 -84.27,172.4 -84.27,172.4 -84.353,172.4 -84.436,172.4 -84.519,172.4 -84.602,172.4 -84.685,172.4 -84.768,172.4 -84.851,172.4 -84.934,172.4 -85.017,172.4 -85.1,171.401 -85.1,170.402 -85.1,169.403 -85.1,168.404 -85.1,167.405 -85.1,166.406 -85.1,165.407 -85.1,164.408 -85.1,163.409 -85.1,162.41 -85.1,162.41 -85.017,162.41 -84.934,162.41 -84.851,162.41 -84.768,162.41 -84.685,162.41 -84.602,162.41 -84.519,162.41 -84.436,162.41 -84.353,162.41 -84.27))", "dataset_titles": "Preparation of Vertebrate Fossils from the Triassic of Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600144", "doi": "10.15784/600144", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Fossil; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Transantarctic Mountains; Triassic", "people": "Sidor, Christian", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Preparation of Vertebrate Fossils from the Triassic of Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600144"}], "date_created": "Tue, 27 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eThe PI requests support for preparation of a large collection of vertebrate fossils recently recovered from the Central Transantarctic Mountains (CTAM) of Antarctica. These fossils will be used to place early Mesozoic Antarctic dinosaurs and other vertebrates into a global evolutionary, biogeographic, and faunal context; assess the degree of endemism in Triassic vertebrate faunas of Antarctica; constrain temporal relationships of the Triassic Antarctic vertebrate faunas; and refine the stratigraphic context for the Triassic Antarctic vertebrate assemblages to establish a paleoenvironmental framework. The lower and middle Triassic fossils offer a rare window on life in terrestrial environments at high-latitudes immediately after the Permian mass extinction. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThe PI will use their fossils to educate the public about the geologic, climatic, and biologic history of Antarctica by visiting local schools. They will create and publish at least two new videos to the Burke Museum blog that relate the graduate student?s experience of fieldwork in Antarctica. They will also update the Antarctica section on the UWBM \"Explore Your World\" website with images and findings from their field season.", "east": 172.4, "geometry": "POINT(167.405 -84.685)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -84.27, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Sidor, Christian", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.1, "title": "Preparation of Vertebrate Fossils from the Triassic of Antarctica", "uid": "p0000418", "west": 162.41}, {"awards": "1042883 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "LA-ICP-MS Results: 3 Siple Dome A Glacial Age Archives; Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Ice Core ICP-MS data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609636", "doi": "10.7265/N5WS8R6H", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; ICP-MS; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Haines, Skylar", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "LA-ICP-MS Results: 3 Siple Dome A Glacial Age Archives", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609636"}, {"dataset_uid": "609621", "doi": "10.7265/N52J68SQ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; ICP-MS; Roosevelt Island; Ross Ice Shelf", "people": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Beers, Thomas M.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Ice Core ICP-MS data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609621"}], "date_created": "Tue, 27 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "1042883/Mayewski\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to analyze a deep ice core which will be drilled by a New Zealand research team at Roosevelt Island. The objectives are to process the ice core at very high resolution to (a) better understand phasing sequences in Arctic/Antarctic abrupt climate change, even at the level of individual storm events; (b) determine the impact of changes in the Westerlies and the Amundsen Sea Low on past/present/future climate change; (c) determine how sea ice extent has varied in the area; (d) compare the response of West Antarctica climate to other regions during glacial/interglacial cycles; and (e) determine how climate of the Ross Sea Embayment changed during the transition from Ross Ice Sheet to Ross Ice Shelf. The intellectual merit of the RICE deep ice core project is that it is expected to provide a 30kyr long (and possibly 150kyr long) extremely high-resolution view of climate change in the Ross Sea Embayment Region and data essential to test and understand critical questions that have emerged as a consequence of the recent synthesis of Antarctic and Southern Ocean climate change presented in the Scientific Commission for Antarctic Research document: Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (ACCE, 2009). Ice core processing and analysis will be performed jointly by University of Maine and the collaborators from New Zealand. Co-registered sampling for all chemical analyses will be accomplished by a joint laboratory effort at the IGNS NZ ice core facility using a continuous melter system developed by the University of Maine. The RICE deep ice core record will provide information necessary in unraveling the significance of multi-millennial underpinning for climate change and in the understanding of observed and projected climate change in light of current dramatic human impact on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. The broader impacts of the project include the fact that two CCI graduate students will be funded through the project, and will be involved in all aspects of field research, core sampling, sample processing, analytical and numerical analyses, data interpretation, writing of manuscripts, and presentation of results at national and international conferences. Data and ideas developed in this project and associated work will be used in several courses taught at the University of Maine. Innovative cyberinfrastructure will be incorporated into this work and ground breaking analytical technologies, and data access/storage tools will be used.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e LA-ICP-MS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e ICP-MS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "LABORATORY", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Haines, Skylar; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Beers, Thomas M.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014)", "uid": "p0000193", "west": null}, {"awards": "1245659 Petrenko, Vasilii; 1245821 Brook, Edward J.; 1246148 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(162.167 -77.733)", "dataset_titles": "Gas and Dust Measurements for Taylor Glacier and Taylor Dome Ice Cores; Last Interglacial Mean Ocean Temperature; Mean Ocean Temperature in Marine Isotope Stage 4; Measurements of 14CH4 and 14CO in ice from Taylor Glacier: Last Deglaciation; N2O Concentration and Isotope Data for 74-59 ka from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica; Taylor Glacier CO2 Isotope Data 74-59 kyr; Taylor Glacier Noble Gases - Younger Dryas; The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601176", "doi": "10.15784/601176", "keywords": "Antarctica; CO2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Methane; Noble Gas; Noble Gas Isotopes; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier; Younger Dryas", "people": "Shackleton, Sarah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Taylor Glacier Noble Gases - Younger Dryas", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601176"}, {"dataset_uid": "601198", "doi": "10.15784/601198", "keywords": "Antarctica; Blue Ice; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; CO2; Dust; Gas; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Mass Spectrometer; Methane; Nitrogen Isotopes; Oxygen Isotope; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Marcott, Shaun; Brook, Edward J.; Menking, James; Baggenstos, Daniel; Bauska, Thomas; Rhodes, Rachel; McConnell, Joseph; Petrenko, Vasilii; Dyonisius, Michael; Shackleton, Sarah; Barker, Stephen", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Gas and Dust Measurements for Taylor Glacier and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601198"}, {"dataset_uid": "600163", "doi": "10.15784/600163", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Geochemistry; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600163"}, {"dataset_uid": "601398", "doi": "10.15784/601398", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core Records; Marine Isotope Stage 4; MIS 4; Nitrous Oxide; Pleistocene; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Petrenko, Vasilii; Menking, James; Brook, Edward J.; Schilt, Adrian; Shackleton, Sarah; Dyonisius, Michael; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "N2O Concentration and Isotope Data for 74-59 ka from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601398"}, {"dataset_uid": "601218", "doi": "10.15784/601218", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon-14; Carbon Dioxide; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; CO2; Dome C Ice Core; Epica; Epica Dome C; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core Records; Isotope Data; Last Interglacial; Mass Spectrometer; Mass Spectrometry; Methane; Oxygen; Oxygen Isotope; Paleotemperature; Pleistocene; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Shackleton, Sarah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Dome C Ice Core", "title": "Last Interglacial Mean Ocean Temperature", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601218"}, {"dataset_uid": "601218", "doi": "10.15784/601218", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon-14; Carbon Dioxide; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; CO2; Dome C Ice Core; Epica; Epica Dome C; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core Records; Isotope Data; Last Interglacial; Mass Spectrometer; Mass Spectrometry; Methane; Oxygen; Oxygen Isotope; Paleotemperature; Pleistocene; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Shackleton, Sarah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Last Interglacial Mean Ocean Temperature", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601218"}, {"dataset_uid": "601600", "doi": "10.15784/601600", "keywords": "Antarctica; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Shackleton, Sarah; Menking, James; Bauska, Thomas; Buffen, Aron; Brook, Edward J.; Barker, Stephen; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Dyonisius, Michael; Petrenko, Vasilii; Menking, Andy", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Taylor Glacier CO2 Isotope Data 74-59 kyr", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601600"}, {"dataset_uid": "601260", "doi": "10.15784/601260", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon-14; Cosmogenic; Ice Core; Methane", "people": "Petrenko, Vasilii; Dyonisius, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Measurements of 14CH4 and 14CO in ice from Taylor Glacier: Last Deglaciation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601260"}, {"dataset_uid": "601415", "doi": "10.15784/601415", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciology; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Paleotemperature; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Shackleton, Sarah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Mean Ocean Temperature in Marine Isotope Stage 4", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601415"}], "date_created": "Mon, 13 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to use the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, ablation zone to collect ice samples for a range of paleoenvironmental studies. A record of carbon-14 of atmospheric methane (14CH4) will be obtained for the last deglaciation and the Early Holocene, together with a supporting record of CH4 stable isotopes. In-situ cosmogenic 14C content and partitioning of 14C between different species (14CH4, C-14 carbon monoxide (14CO) and C-14 carbon dioxide (14CO2)) will be determined with unprecedented precision in ice from the surface down to ~67 m. Further age-mapping of the ablating ice stratigraphy will take place using a combination of CH4, CO2, \u0026#948;18O of oxygen gas and H2O stable isotopes. High precision, high-resolution records of CO2, \u0026#948;13C of CO2, nitrous oxide (N2O) and N2O isotopes will be obtained for the last deglaciation and intervals during the last glacial period. The potential of 14CO2 and Krypton-81 (81Kr) as absolute dating tools for glacial ice will be investigated. The intellectual merit of proposed work includes the fact that the response of natural methane sources to continuing global warming is uncertain, and available evidence is insufficient to rule out the possibility of catastrophic releases from large 14C-depleted reservoirs such as CH4 clathrates and permafrost. The proposed paleoatmospheric 14CH4 record will improve our understanding of the possible magnitude and timing of CH4 release from these reservoirs during a large climatic warming. A thorough understanding of in-situ cosmogenic 14C in glacial ice (production rates by different mechanisms and partitioning between species) is currently lacking. Such an understanding will likely enable the use of in-situ 14CO in ice at accumulation sites as a reliable, uncomplicated tracer of the past cosmic ray flux and possibly past solar activity, as well as the use of 14CO2 at both ice accumulation and ice ablation sites as an absolute dating tool. Significant gaps remain in our understanding of the natural carbon cycle, as well as in its responses to global climate change. The proposed high-resolution, high-precision records of \u0026#948;13C of CO2 would provide new information on carbon cycle changes both during times of rising CO2 in a warming climate and falling CO2 in a cooling climate. N2O is an important greenhouse gas that increased by ~30% during the last deglaciation. The causes of this increase are still largely uncertain, and the proposed high-precision record of N2O concentration and isotopes would provide further insights into N2O source changes in a warming world. The broader impacts of proposed work include an improvement in our understanding of the response of these greenhouse gas budgets to global warming and inform societally important model projections of future climate change. The continued age-mapping of Taylor Glacier ablation ice will add value to this high-quality, easily accessible archive of natural environmental variability. Establishing 14CO as a robust new tracer for past cosmic ray flux would inform paleoclimate studies and constitute a valuable contribution to the study of the societally important issue of climate change. The proposed work will contribute to the development of new laboratory and field analytical systems. The data from the study will be made available to the scientific community and the broad public through the NSIDC and NOAA Paleoclimatology data centers. 1 graduate student each will be trained at UR, OSU and SIO, and the work will contribute to the training of a postdoc at OSU. 3 UR undergraduates will be involved in fieldwork and research. The work will support a new, junior UR faculty member, Petrenko. All PIs have a strong history of and commitment to scientific outreach in the forms of media interviews, participation in filming of field projects, as well as speaking to schools and the public about their research, and will continue these activities as part of the proposed work. This award has field work in Antarctica.", "east": 162.167, "geometry": "POINT(162.167 -77.733)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided; USAP-DC; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Stratigraphy; FIELD SURVEYS; Antarctica; Paleoenvironment; Methane; Ice Core; Carbon Dioxide; FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS; Stable Isotopes; Ablation Zone; Taylor Glacier; Nitrous Oxide; USA/NSF; LABORATORY; AMD; Cosmogenic; Amd/Us", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -77.733, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Petrenko, Vasilii; Brook, Edward J.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; PETRENKO, VASILLI", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": -77.733, "title": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive", "uid": "p0000283", "west": 162.167}, {"awards": "1043522 Brook, Edward J.; 1043421 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.09 -79.47)", "dataset_titles": "WAIS Divide Replicate Core Methane Isotopic Data Set", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601059", "doi": "10.15784/601059", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Replicate Core Methane Isotopic Data Set", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601059"}], "date_created": "Mon, 13 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "1043421/Severinghaus\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to obtain samples of ice in selected intervals for replication and verification of the validity and spatial representativeness of key results in the WAIS Divide ice core, and to obtain additional ice samples in areas of intense scientific interest where demand is high. The US Ice Core Working Group recommended in 2003 that NSF pursue the means to take replicate samples, termed \"replicate coring\". This recommendation was part of an agreement to reduce the diameter of the (then) new drilling system (the DISC drill) core to 12.2 cm to lighten logistics burdens, and the science community accepted the reduction in ice sample with the understanding that replicate coring would be able to provide extra sample volume in key intervals. The WAIS Divide effort would particularly benefit from replicate coring, because of the unique quality of the expected gas record and the large samples needed for gases and gas isotopes; thus this proposal to employ replicate coring at WAIS Divide. In addition, scientific demand for ice samples has been, and will continue to be, very unevenly distributed, with the ice core archive being completely depleted in depth intervals of high scientific interest (abrupt climate changes, volcanic sulfate horizons, meteor impact horizons, for example). The broader impacts of the proposed research may include identification of leads and lags between Greenland, tropical, and Antarctic climate change, enabling critical tests of hypotheses for the mechanism of abrupt climate change. Improved understanding of volcanic impacts on atmospheric chemistry and climate may also emerge. This understanding may ultimately help improve climate models and prediction of the Earth System feedback response to ongoing human perturbation in coming centuries. Outreach and public education about climate change are integral components of the PIs\u0027 activities and the proposed work will enhance these efforts. Broader impacts also include education and training of 2 postdoctoral scholars and 1 graduate student, and invaluable field experience for the graduate and undergraduate students who will likely make up the core processing team at WAIS Divide.", "east": -112.09, "geometry": "POINT(-112.09 -79.47)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Ice Core Gas Records; Firn Air Isotopes; LABORATORY; FIELD SURVEYS; Mass Spectrometry; Not provided; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Ice Core; WAIS Divide", "locations": "WAIS Divide", "north": -79.47, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -79.47, "title": "Collaborative Research: Replicate Coring at WAIS Divide to Obtain Additional Samples at Events of High Scientific Interest", "uid": "p0000751", "west": -112.09}, {"awards": "0838843 Kurbatov, Andrei; 0838849 Bender, Michael", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((159.16667 -76.66667,159.19167 -76.66667,159.21667 -76.66667,159.24167 -76.66667,159.26667 -76.66667,159.29167 -76.66667,159.31667 -76.66667,159.34167 -76.66667,159.36667 -76.66667,159.39167 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.673336,159.41667 -76.680002,159.41667 -76.686668,159.41667 -76.693334,159.41667 -76.7,159.41667 -76.706666,159.41667 -76.713332,159.41667 -76.719998,159.41667 -76.726664,159.41667 -76.73333,159.39167 -76.73333,159.36667 -76.73333,159.34167 -76.73333,159.31667 -76.73333,159.29167 -76.73333,159.26667 -76.73333,159.24167 -76.73333,159.21667 -76.73333,159.19167 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.726664,159.16667 -76.719998,159.16667 -76.713332,159.16667 -76.706666,159.16667 -76.7,159.16667 -76.693334,159.16667 -76.686668,159.16667 -76.680002,159.16667 -76.673336,159.16667 -76.66667))", "dataset_titles": "Allan Hills Stable Water Isotopes; Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600099", "doi": "10.15784/600099", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Solid Earth", "people": "Bender, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600099"}, {"dataset_uid": "609541", "doi": "10.7265/N5NP22DF", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Isotope", "people": "Introne, Douglas; Spaulding, Nicole; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Allan Hills Stable Water Isotopes", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609541"}], "date_created": "Wed, 10 Dec 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to generate an absolute timescale for the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA), and then to reconstruct details of past climate changes and greenhouse gas concentrations for certain time periods back to 2.5 Ma. Ice ages will be determined by applying emerging methods for absolute and relative dating of trapped air bubbles (based on Argon-40/Argon-38, delta-18O of O2, and the O2/N2 ratio). To demonstrate the potential of the Allan Hills BIAs as a paleoclimate archive trenches and ice cores will be collected for age intervals corresponding to 110-140 ka, 1 Ma, and 2.5 Ma. During the proposed two field seasons a total of 6x100 m and additional 15 m cores will be combined with trenching. The intellectual merit of the proposed activity is that the results of this work will extend the landmark work of EPICA and other deep ice coring efforts, which give records dating back to 0.8 Ma, and will complement work planned by IPICS to drill a continuous Antarctic ice core extending to 1.5 Ma. The results will help to advance understanding of major climate regimes and transitions that took place between 0-2.5 Ma, including the 40 kyr world and the mid-Pleistocene climate transition. A major long-term scientific goal is to provide a transformative approach to the collection of paleoclimate records by establishing an \"International Climate Park\" in the Allan Hills BIA that would enable sampling of large quantities of known age ice as old as 2.5 Ma, by any interested American or foreign investigator. The broader impacts resulting from the proposed activity include training students who are well versed in advanced field, laboratory and numerical modeling methods combining geochemistry, glaciology, and paleoclimatology. We will include material relevant to our proposed research in our ongoing efforts in local education and in our outreach efforts for media. The University of Maine already has cyberinfrastructure, using state of the art web-based technology, which can provide a wide community of scientists with fast access to the results of our research. The work will contribute to the broad array of climate change studies that is informing worldwide understanding of natural and anthropogenic forced climate change, and the options for responding. This award has field work in Antarctica.", "east": 159.41667, "geometry": "POINT(159.29167 -76.7)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LABORATORY; Deuterium Isotopes; Not provided; Oxygen Isotope", "locations": null, "north": -76.66667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Spaulding, Nicole; Introne, Douglas; Bender, Michael; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Allan Hills", "south": -76.73333, "title": "Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)", "uid": "p0000046", "west": 159.16667}, {"awards": "1043092 Steig, Eric; 1043167 White, James", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "17O excess from WAIS Divide, 0 to 25 ka BP; WAIS Divide Ice Core Discrete CH4 (80-3403m); WAIS Divide WDC06A Oxygen Isotope Record", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609629", "doi": "10.7265/N5GT5K41", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Steig, Eric J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide WDC06A Oxygen Isotope Record", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609629"}, {"dataset_uid": "601741", "doi": "10.15784/601741", "keywords": "Antarctica; Ch4; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Methane; WAIS", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Sowers, Todd A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice Core Discrete CH4 (80-3403m)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601741"}, {"dataset_uid": "601413", "doi": "10.15784/601413", "keywords": "Antarctica; Ice Core; Oxygen Isotope; WAIS Divide", "people": "Schoenemann, Spruce; Steig, Eric J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "17O excess from WAIS Divide, 0 to 25 ka BP", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601413"}], "date_created": "Sat, 06 Dec 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to contribute one of the cornerstone analyses, stable isotopes of ice (Delta-D, Delta-O18) to the ongoing West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS) deep ice core. The WAIS Divide drilling project, a multi-institution project to obtain a continuous high resolution ice core record from central West Antarctica, reached a depth of 2560 m in early 2010; it is expected to take one or two more field seasons to reach the ice sheet bed (~3300 m), plus an additional four seasons for borehole logging and other activities including proposed replicate coring. The current proposal requests support to complete analyses on the WAIS Divide core to the base, where the age will be ~100,000 years or more. These analyses will form the basis for the investigation of a number of outstanding questions in climate and glaciology during the last glacial period, focused on the dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the relationship of West Antarctic climate to that of the Northern polar regions, the tropical Pacific, and the rest of the globe, on time scales ranging from years to tens of thousands of years. One new aspect of this work is the growing expertise at the University of Washington in climate modeling with isotope-tracer-enabled general circulation models, which will aid in the interpretation of the data. Another major new aspect is the completion and use of a high-resolution, semi-automated sampling system at the University of Colorado, which will permit the continuous analysis of isotope ratios via laser spectroscopy, at an effective resolution of ~2 cm or less, providing inter-annual time resolution for most of the core. Because continuous flow analyses of stable ice isotopes is a relatively new measurement, we will complement them with parallel measurements, every ~10-20 m, using traditional discrete sampling and analysis by mass spectrometry at the University of Washington. The intellectual merit and the overarching goal of the work are to see Inland WAIS become the reference ice isotope record for West Antarctica. The broader impacts of the work are that the data generated in this project pertain directly to policy-relevant and immediate questions of the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet, and thus past and future changes in sea level, as well as the nature of climate change in the high southern latitudes. The project will also contribute to the development of modern isotope analysis techniques using laser spectroscopy, with applications well beyond ice cores. The project will involve a graduate student and postdoc who will work with both P.I.s, and spend time at both institutions. Data will be made available rapidly through the Antarctic Glaciological Data Center, for use by other researchers and the public.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e INFRARED LASER SPECTROSCOPY; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e INFRARED LASER SPECTROSCOPY", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "AMD; ANALYTICAL LAB; USAP-DC; Amd/Us; LABORATORY; ICE CORE RECORDS; Antarctica; Wais Divide-project; FIELD SURVEYS; USA/NSF", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY; PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e PLEISTOCENE", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e ANALYTICAL LAB; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core", "uid": "p0000010", "west": null}, {"awards": "1241460 Barbeau, David; 1241574 Hemming, Sidney", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-67 -63.2,-65.97 -63.2,-64.94 -63.2,-63.91 -63.2,-62.88 -63.2,-61.85 -63.2,-60.82 -63.2,-59.79 -63.2,-58.76 -63.2,-57.73 -63.2,-56.7 -63.2,-56.7 -63.54,-56.7 -63.88,-56.7 -64.22,-56.7 -64.56,-56.7 -64.9,-56.7 -65.24,-56.7 -65.58,-56.7 -65.92,-56.7 -66.26,-56.7 -66.6,-57.73 -66.6,-58.76 -66.6,-59.79 -66.6,-60.82 -66.6,-61.85 -66.6,-62.88 -66.6,-63.91 -66.6,-64.94 -66.6,-65.97 -66.6,-67 -66.6,-67 -66.26,-67 -65.92,-67 -65.58,-67 -65.24,-67 -64.9,-67 -64.56,-67 -64.22,-67 -63.88,-67 -63.54,-67 -63.2))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Wed, 03 Dec 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eRecent geochemical, sequence stratigraphic, and integrated investigations of marine strata from several continental margins and ocean basins suggest that ephemeral ice sheets may have existed on Antarctica during parts of the Cretaceous and early Paleogene. However, atmospheric carbon dioxide estimates for this time are as much as four times modern levels. With such greenhouse conditions, the presence of Antarctic ice sheets would imply that our current understanding of Earth?s climate system, and specifically the interpreted thresholds of Antarctic glaciation and deglaciation should be reconsidered. The proposed research will compare the quantity and provenance of Cretaceous sediments in the Larsen basin of the eastern Antarctic Peninsula with the exhumation chronology and composition of potential sediment source terranes on the peninsula and in adjacent regions. New outcrop stratigraphic analyses with improvements in the age models from radioisotopic approaches will be integrated to determine the amount of detrital sediment fluxed to the Larsen basin between key chronostratigraphic surfaces. Microtextural analysis of quartz sand and silt grains will help determine whether the Larsen basin detrital sediment originated from glacial weathering. These preliminary results will test the viability of the proposed approach to assess the controversial Cretaceous Antarctic glaciation hypothesis.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThe proposed work will partially support a PhD, a MSc, and three undergraduate students at the University of South Carolina. The PIs will publicize this work through volunteer speaking engagements and the development of videos and podcasts. They also commit to prompt publication of the results and timely submission of data to archives. The development/improvement of the Larsen basin age model will benefit ongoing research in paleobiology, paleoclimate and biogeography. Development of the glauconite K-Ar and Rb-Sr chronometers could be an important outcome beyond the direct scope of the proposed research.", "east": -56.7, "geometry": "POINT(-61.85 -64.9)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e ELECTRON MICROPROBES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e ICP-MS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e LA-ICP-MS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MC-ICP-MS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e IRMS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided; Noble-Gas Mass Spectrometer; Antarctic Peninsula", "locations": "Antarctic Peninsula", "north": -63.2, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": "PROTEROZOIC; PHANEROZOIC \u003e PALEOZOIC; PHANEROZOIC \u003e MESOZOIC; PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC; PHANEROZOIC \u003e MESOZOIC \u003e CRETACEOUS; PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e PALEOGENE", "persons": "Barbeau, David; Hemming, Sidney R.; Barbeau, David Jr", "platforms": "Not provided", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -66.6, "title": "Collaborative Research: EAGER: Evaluating the Larsen basin\u0027s suitability for testing the Cretaceous Glaciation Hypothesis", "uid": "p0000369", "west": -67.0}, {"awards": "0943934 Taylor, Edith; 0943935 Isbell, John", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Portal to search geologic sample collections, Polar Rock Repository, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University; Portal to search paleobotanical collections, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001402", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Portal to search paleobotanical collections, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas", "url": "http://biodiversity.ku.edu/paleobotany/collections/collections-search"}, {"dataset_uid": "002567", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Portal to search paleobotanical collections, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas", "url": "http://biodiversity.ku.edu/paleobotany/collections/collections-search"}, {"dataset_uid": "001377", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PRR", "science_program": null, "title": "Portal to search geologic sample collections, Polar Rock Repository, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University", "url": "http://research.bpcrc.osu.edu/rr/"}], "date_created": "Tue, 23 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit:\u003cbr/\u003eThe focus of this proposal is to collect fossil plants and palynomorphs from Permian-Triassic (P-T) rocks of the central Transantarctic Mountains (CTM), together with detailed data on sedimentologic and paleoecologic depositional environments. Fossil plants are important climate proxies that offer a unique window into the past, and the CTM fossils are an important source of data on the ways that plants responded to a strongly seasonal, polar light regime during a time of global change. The proposed project uses paleobotanical expertise, integrated with detailed sedimentology and stratigraphy, to reconstruct Permian-Triassic plant communities and their paleoenvironments. This interdisciplinary approach could uncover details of Antarctica?s complex late Paleozoic and Mesozoic environmental and climatic history which included: 1) deglaciation, 2) development and evolution of a post-glacial landscape and biota, 3) environmental and biotic change associated with the end-Permian mass extinction, 4) environmental recovery in the earliest Triassic, 5) strong, possible runaway Triassic greenhouse, and 6) widespread orogenesis and development of a foreland basin system. The PIs will collect compression floras both quantitatively and qualitatively to obtain biodiversity and abundance data. Since silicified wood is also present, the PIs will analyze tree rings and growth in a warm, high-latitude environment for which there is no modern analogue. Fossil plants from the CTM can provide biological and environmental information to: 1) interpret paleoclimate when Gondwana moved from icehouse to greenhouse conditions; 2) trace floral evolution across the P-T boundary; 3) reconstruct Antarctic plant life; 4) further understanding of plant adaptations to high latitudes. The Intellectual Merit of the research includes: 1) tracing floral evolution after the retreat of glaciers; 2) examining floral composition and diversity across the PTB; and 3) obtaining data on the recovery of these ecosystems in the Early Triassic, as well as changes in floral cover and diversity in the Early-Middle Triassic. Antarctica is the only place on Earth that includes extensive outcrops of terrestrial rocks, combined with widespread and well-preserved plant fossils, which spans this crucial time period.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts:\u003cbr/\u003eThe broader impacts include public outreach; teaching, and mentoring of women and underrepresented students; mentoring graduate student, postdoctoral, and new faculty women; development of an inquiry-based workshop on Antarctic paleoclimate with the Division of Education, KU Natural History Museum; continuing support of workshops for middle school girls in science via the Expanding Your Horizons Program, Emporia State University, and the TRIO program, KU; exploring Antarctic geosciences through video/computer links from McMurdo Station and satellite phone conferences from the field with K-12 science classes in Wisconsin and Kansas, and through participation in the NSF Research Experiences for Teachers program at the University of Wisconsin.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS; LABORATORY; Transanatarctic Basin; Paleobotany; Fossil Plants; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Sedimentology; Late Paleozoic Ice Age; Not provided; Central Transantarctic Mountains; Beardmore Glacier", "locations": "Transanatarctic Basin; Central Transantarctic Mountains; Beardmore Glacier", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e PALEOZOIC \u003e PERMIAN; PHANEROZOIC \u003e MESOZOIC \u003e TRIASSIC; PHANEROZOIC \u003e PALEOZOIC \u003e PERMIAN; PHANEROZOIC \u003e MESOZOIC \u003e TRIASSIC", "persons": "Isbell, John", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "PI website", "repositories": "PI website; PRR", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Antarctic Ecosystems across the Permian-Triassic Boundary: Integrating Paleobotany, Sedimentology, and Paleoecology", "uid": "p0000372", "west": null}, {"awards": "0944199 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "WAIS Divide Sonic Log Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609592", "doi": "10.7265/N5T72FD2", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Sonic Log; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Kluskiewicz, Dan; Waddington, Edwin D.; McCarthy, Michael; Matsuoka, Kenichi", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Sonic Log Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609592"}], "date_created": "Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0944199/Matsuoka\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to test the hypothesis that abrupt changes in fabric exist and are associated with both climate transitions and volcanic eruptions. It requires depth-continuous measurements of the fabric. By lowering a new logging tool into the WAIS Divide borehole after the completion of the core drilling, this project will measure acoustic-wave speeds as a function of depth and interpret it in terms of ice fabrics. This interpretation will be guided by ice-core-measured fabrics at sparse depths. This project will apply established analytical techniques for the ice-sheet logging and estimate depth profiles of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds at short intervals (~ 1 m). Previous logging projects measured only compressional-wave speeds averaged over typically 5-7 m intervals. Thus the new logger will enable more precise fabric interpretations. Fabric measurements using thin sections have revealed distinct fabric patterns separated by less than several meters; fabric measurements over a shorter period are crucial. At the WAIS Divide borehole, six two-way logging runs will be made with different observational parameters so that multiple wave-propagation modes will be identified, yielding estimates of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds. Each run takes approximately 24 hours to complete; we propose to occupy the boreholes in total eight days. The logging at WAIS Divide is temporarily planned in December 2011, but the timing is not critical. This project?s scope is limited to the completion of the logging and fabric interpretations. Results will be immediately shared with other WAIS Divide researchers. Direct benefits of this data sharing include guiding further thin-section analysis of the fabric, deriving a precise thinning function that retrieves more accurate accumulation history and depth-age scales. The PIs of this project have conducted radar and seismic surveys in this area and this project will provide a ground truth for these regional remote-sensing assessments of the ice interior. In turn, these remote sensing means can extend the results from the borehole to larger parts of the central West Antarctica. This project supports education for two graduate students for geophysics, glaciology, paleoclimate, and polar logistics. The instrument that will be acquired in this project can be used at other boreholes for ice-fabric characterizations and for englacial hydrology (wetness of temperate ice).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e PROBES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "WAIS Divide; GROUND STATIONS; Western Divide Core; Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctic Ice Sheet; WAIS Divide", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Matsuoka, Kenichi; Kluskiewicz, Dan; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; McCarthy, Michael; Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative research: acoustic logging of the WAIS Divide borehole", "uid": "p0000051", "west": null}, {"awards": "1354231 Kowalewski, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -70,-174 -70,-168 -70,-162 -70,-156 -70,-150 -70,-144 -70,-138 -70,-132 -70,-126 -70,-120 -70,-120 -71.5,-120 -73,-120 -74.5,-120 -76,-120 -77.5,-120 -79,-120 -80.5,-120 -82,-120 -83.5,-120 -85,-126 -85,-132 -85,-138 -85,-144 -85,-150 -85,-156 -85,-162 -85,-168 -85,-174 -85,180 -85,178 -85,176 -85,174 -85,172 -85,170 -85,168 -85,166 -85,164 -85,162 -85,160 -85,160 -83.5,160 -82,160 -80.5,160 -79,160 -77.5,160 -76,160 -74.5,160 -73,160 -71.5,160 -70,162 -70,164 -70,166 -70,168 -70,170 -70,172 -70,174 -70,176 -70,178 -70,-180 -70))", "dataset_titles": "Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600140", "doi": "10.15784/600140", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Model Data; Paleoclimate; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Kowalewski, Douglas", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600140"}], "date_created": "Thu, 28 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eNeogene sediment records recovered by ANDRILL suggest multiple events of open water conditions and elevated sea surface temperatures at times when terrestrial data from the McMurdo Dry Valleys indicate hyper arid, cold, desert conditions. Interpretation of the ANDRILL data suggests the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is highly sensitive to changes in Pliocene sea surface temperatures and this conclusion has been supported by recent Global Circulation Model results for the early to mid Pliocene. The PIs propose to model paleo-ice configurations and warm orbits associated with a WAIS collapse to assess potential climate change in East Antarctica. During such episodes of polar warmth they propose to answer: What is the limit of ablation along the East Antarctic Ice Sheet?; Are relict landforms in the Dry Valleys susceptible to modification from increase in maximum summertime temperatures?; and Is there sufficient increase in minimum wintertime temperatures to sustain a tundra environment in the Dry Valleys? Integration of depositional records and model outputs have the potential to test the performance of numerical models currently under development as part of ANDRILL; reconcile inconsistencies between marine and terrestrial paleoclimate records in high Southern Latitudes; and improve understanding of Antarctic climate and ice volume sensitivity to forcing for both the East Antarctic and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eResults from this study have the potential to be used widely by the research community. Outreach to local elementary schools from other funded efforts will continue and be extended to homeschooled students. A Post Doc will be supported as part of this award.", "east": -120.0, "geometry": "POINT(-160 -77.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -70.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Kowalewski, Douglas", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.0, "title": "Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains", "uid": "p0000463", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "0539578 Alley, Richard", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Bubble Number-density Data and Modeled Paleoclimates", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609538", "doi": "10.7265/N5JW8BTJ", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Bubble Number-density Data and Modeled Paleoclimates", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609538"}], "date_created": "Thu, 14 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Air Bubbles; Antarctica; Camera; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Alley, Richard; Fegyveresi, John", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "0839066 Cole-Dai, Jihong", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Major Ion Chemistry Data of WAIS Divide Ice Core Brittle Ice", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609546", "doi": "10.7265/N5RF5S0D", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Ion Chromatograph; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Cole-Dai, Jihong", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Major Ion Chemistry Data of WAIS Divide Ice Core Brittle Ice", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609546"}], "date_created": "Wed, 19 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Cole-Dai/0839066\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to make continuous major ion analyses in the West Antarctica Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS Divide) ice core by sampling the brittle ice zone (approximately from 500 m to 1500 m). The intellectual merit of the project is that these will likely be the only chemical measurements on the brittle ice zone and, therefore, will bridge the gap in the expected continuous records of climate, ice sheet dynamics and biological evolution based on chemical measurements. High resolution sampling and analysis, probably on selected portions and depth intervals in the brittle ice zone, will help with the independent, high-precision dating of the WAIS Divide core and contribute to the achievement of the major objectives of the WAIS Divide project?development of high resolution climate records with which to investigate issues of climate forcing by greenhouse gases and the role of Antarctica and Southern Hemisphere in the global climate system. Planned collaboration with other WAIS Divide investigators will develop the longest and most detailed volcanic record from Antarctica ice cores. The broader impacts of this project include a contribution to enhancing our knowledge of the climate system. Such improvements in understanding of the global climate system and the ability to predict the magnitude and uncertainty of future changes are highly relevant to the global community. The project will support post-doctoral scientists and graduate students, including those from under-represented groups, will contribute to education, an help to train future scientists and promote diversity in research and education. Public outreach activities of this project will contribute to informal science education of school age children in the Eastern South Dakota region.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ION CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Paleoclimate; LABORATORY; Ions; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; WAISCORES; Ion Chromatograph; Not provided; Ice Core", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "NOT APPLICABLE", "persons": "Cole-Dai, Jihong", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Major Ion Chemical Analysis of Brittle Ice in the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "uid": "p0000047", "west": null}, {"awards": "1043367 Aciego, Sarah", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Fri, 01 Nov 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Aciego/1043367\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports the development of a new method for determining the absolute age of samples from deep ice cores. The project will: (1) prove the efficacy of the Uranium-series dating method on a high accumulation rate ice core, and (2) address the uncertainties in the age dating of the EPICA Dronning-Maud Land (EDML) ice core in the lower 300 m. The well-dated upper section of the ice core (down to 150,000 years at 2415.7 m) will provide excellent constraints to validate the ages determined by the U-series method. After verification, and possible adjustments to the laboratory chemistry, the method will be applied to a suite of ice samples of unknown age in the lower part of the EDML ice core. Within the lower 300 m of this ice core, the climate records are disturbed by tilting and folding of the ice, and, due to the uncertainties in how the ice has flowed, it is impossible to determine if accurate age dates can be obtained to access the record of climate change, or if mixing of the ice is too incoherent. As part of the methodology, the PI will measure surface area of dust included in the ice using a gas adsorption technique developed for ultra-small samples; these measurements will be made on a BET nano-scale which is to be purchased from the funding of this project. Intellectual Merit: The proposed research will contribute to our understanding of geophysical processes that fold and tilt ice. This will allow new paleoclimate records to be recovered from ice cores that have been physically deformed and disturbed and previously did not permit accurate dating. Broader Impacts: This funding will provide support for one PhD graduate student and contribute to their training as a researcher in geochemistry and paleoclimate studies. The PI will teach classes in earth surface processes (including glaciology) and in advanced isotope geochemistry. Work related to this research will be integrated as a teaching tool into the classroom to provide a hands-on, relevant learning experience. Furthermore, samples examined as part of this research will be made available from the AWI archive in Bremerhaven, Germany as part of the collaboration between the PI in the United States and the European ice core community.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Instrumentation and Support; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Aciego, Sarah", "platforms": "Not provided", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Detangling Flow Regimes and Paleoclimate in the Deepest Section of the EDML Ice Core using U-series Ages.", "uid": "p0000712", "west": null}, {"awards": "0724929 Simms, Alexander", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Optically Stimulated Luminescence Ages of Raised Beaches; Optically stimulated luminescence-dated raised beaches from the western Antarctic Peninsula; Relative sea-level history of Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula derived from optically stimulated luminescence-dated beach cobbles.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000232", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PANGAEA", "science_program": null, "title": "Relative sea-level history of Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula derived from optically stimulated luminescence-dated beach cobbles.", "url": "https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.818537"}, {"dataset_uid": "000231", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PANGAEA", "science_program": null, "title": "Optically stimulated luminescence-dated raised beaches from the western Antarctic Peninsula", "url": "https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.818518"}, {"dataset_uid": "600026", "doi": "10.15784/600026", "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth", "people": "Simms, Alexander", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Optically Stimulated Luminescence Ages of Raised Beaches", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600026"}], "date_created": "Fri, 23 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This Small Grant for Exploratory Research explores the possibility of dating beach deposits on the Antarctic Peninsula using Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL). This area is undergoing uplift in response to glacial retreat, and dating these deposits will allow for estimations of ice sheet thickness during the last glacial maximum through the creation of new sea level curves. Accurate reconstructions of ice sheet size are critical to predicting sea level rise in response to global warming. In terms of other broader impacts, this project supports a graduate student, who is learning cutting edge analytical techniques while applying them to questions of global climate change.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Sea Level; Not provided; Paleoclimate", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Simms, Alexander", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "PANGAEA", "repositories": "PANGAEA; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "SGER: Testing the use of OSL dating of beach deposits along the Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "p0000266", "west": null}, {"awards": "0944764 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age; High-resolution Atmospheric CO2 during 7.4-9.0 ka", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609539", "doi": "10.7265/N5F47M23", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Byrd; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CO2; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609539"}, {"dataset_uid": "609539", "doi": "10.7265/N5F47M23", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Byrd; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CO2; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Ahn, Jinho; Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Byrd Ice Core", "title": "Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609539"}, {"dataset_uid": "609527", "doi": "10.7265/N5QF8QT5", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; WAISCORES", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "High-resolution Atmospheric CO2 during 7.4-9.0 ka", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609527"}, {"dataset_uid": "609539", "doi": "10.7265/N5F47M23", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Byrd; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CO2; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609539"}], "date_created": "Thu, 08 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to create new, unprecedented high-resolution atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) records spanning intervals of abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period and the early Holocene. The proposed work will utilize high-precision methods on existing ice cores from high accumulation sites such as Siple Dome and Byrd Station, Antarctica and will improve our understanding of how fast CO2 can change naturally, how its variations are linked with climate, and, combined with a coupled climate-carbon cycle model, will clarify the role of terrestrial and oceanic processes during past abrupt changes of climate and CO2. The intellectual merit of this work is that CO2 is the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas and understanding its past variations, its sources and sinks, and how they are linked to climate change is a major goal of the climate research community. This project will produce high quality data on centennial to multi-decadal time scales. Such high-resolution work has not been conducted before because of insufficient analytical precision, slow experimental procedures in previous studies, or lack of available samples. The proposed research will complement future high-resolution studies from WAIS Divide ice cores and will provide ice core CO2 records for the target age intervals, which are in the zone of clathrate formation in the WAIS ice cores. Clathrate hydrate is a phase composed of air and ice. CO2 analyses have historically been less precise in clathrate ice than in ?bubbly ice? such as the Siple Dome ice core that will be analyzed in the proposed project. High quality, high-resolution results from specific intervals in Siple Dome that we propose to analyze will provide important data for verifying the WAIS Divide record. The broader impacts of the work are that current models show a large uncertainty of future climate-carbon cycle interactions. The results of this proposed work will be used for testing coupled carbon cycle-climate models and may contribute to reducing this uncertainty. The project will contribute to the training of several undergraduate students and a full-time technician. Both will learn analytical techniques and the basic science involved. Minorities and female students will be highly encouraged to participate in this project. Outreach efforts will include participation in news media interviews, at a local festival celebrating art, science and technology, and giving seminar presentations in the US and foreign countries. The OSU ice core laboratory has begun a collaboration with a regional science museum and is developing ideas to build an exhibition booth to make public be aware of climate change and ice core research. All data will be archived at the National Snow and Ice Data Center and at other similar archives per the OPP data policy.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e CO2 ANALYZERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; CO2 Concentrations; Ice Core Gas Age; CO2 Uncertainty; LABORATORY; Ice Core Depth; Not provided; CH4 Concentrations", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "NOT APPLICABLE; NOT APPLICABLE", "persons": "Ahn, Jinho; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change", "uid": "p0000179", "west": null}, {"awards": "9725057 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-76.1 -77.68,-53.253 -77.68,-30.406 -77.68,-7.559 -77.68,15.288 -77.68,38.135 -77.68,60.982 -77.68,83.829 -77.68,106.676 -77.68,129.523 -77.68,152.37 -77.68,152.37 -78.912,152.37 -80.144,152.37 -81.376,152.37 -82.608,152.37 -83.84,152.37 -85.072,152.37 -86.304,152.37 -87.536,152.37 -88.768,152.37 -90,129.523 -90,106.676 -90,83.829 -90,60.982 -90,38.135 -90,15.288 -90,-7.559 -90,-30.406 -90,-53.253 -90,-76.1 -90,-76.1 -88.768,-76.1 -87.536,-76.1 -86.304,-76.1 -85.072,-76.1 -83.84,-76.1 -82.608,-76.1 -81.376,-76.1 -80.144,-76.1 -78.912,-76.1 -77.68))", "dataset_titles": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data; US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data, Version 1", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601559", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; Solid Earth; Wais Project", "people": "Dixon, Daniel A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data, Version 1", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601559"}, {"dataset_uid": "609273", "doi": "10.7265/N51V5BXR", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; Solid Earth; WAIS", "people": "Dixon, Daniel A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609273"}], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9725057 Mayewski This award is for support for a Science Management Office (SMO) for the United States component of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE). The broad aim of US ITASE is to develop an understanding of the last 200 years of past West Antarctic climate and environmental change. ITASE is a multidisciplinary program that integrates remote sensing, meteorology, ice coring, surface glaciology and geophysics. In addition to the formation of a science management office, this award supports a series of annual workshops to coordinate the science projects that will be involved in ITASE and the logistics base needed to undertake ground-based sampling in West Antarctica.", "east": 152.37, "geometry": "POINT(38.135 -83.84)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "US ITASE; Not provided; ITASE; GROUND STATIONS; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "locations": null, "north": -77.68, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Dixon, Daniel A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "Science Management for the United States Component of the International Trans-Antarctic Expedition", "uid": "p0000221", "west": -76.1}, {"awards": "0738975 Baker, Ian", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Siple Dome A (SDMA) Grain Orientation 640 - 790 Meters", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609526", "doi": "10.7265/N53T9F5X", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; WAISCORES", "people": "Sieg, Katherine; Baker, Ian; Obbard, Rachel", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome A (SDMA) Grain Orientation 640 - 790 Meters", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609526"}], "date_created": "Mon, 26 Nov 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to fully characterize the microstructure in ice cores, in particular the microstructural locations of impurities, grain orientations and strain gradients. This work will complement the optical observations, electrical conductivity measurement, and precise, detailed measurements of the soluble ion and gas contents that are performed by others. Linking the concentrations of soluble ions and gases, measured to a few parts per billion, to the optically determined annual layer structure and the stable isotope data in ice cores has enabled a great deal to be established about the concentrations and depth/age distributions of particles, trace gases and impurities for several polar ice cores. Ice core studies carried out by several groups contribute immensely to our understanding of paleoclimate and, to our ability to predict future climate change. The work will build on previous measurements and technique development in this area, as well as focusing on new techniques to characterize ice cores. The work will use both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and confocal scanning optical microscopy coupled with Raman spectroscopy (RS) to determine the microstructural locations of impurities and correlate this information with depth/age, and impurity type and concentration for several polar ice cores. The Broader Impacts of the proposed work are that knowledge of the location of impurities coupled with the grain orientation (both c- and a-axis) and grain misorientation information will allow paleoclimatologists to better interpret ice core data and other scientists to understand and model the physical and mechanical properties of natural ice sheets. Other Broader Impacts of the work are that the work will be performed and lead to the education of a Ph.D. student. At the end of the project, as well as the knowledge gained from coursework, the graduate student will have experience in ice core specimen preparation and characterization using scanning electron microscopy, x-ray microanalysis, confocal scanning microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and ion chromatography. Results from the research will be published in refereed journals, presented at conferences, and placed on a web page.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FEI Xl30 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope - Field Emission Gun (esem - Feg); LABORATORY; Electron Backscatter Diffraction", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Baker, Ian; Obbard, Rachel; Sieg, Katherine", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Advanced Microstructural Characterization of Polar Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000178", "west": null}, {"awards": "0739743 Bay, Ryan", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(123.35 -75.1)", "dataset_titles": "Dome C optical logging data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000234", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Dome C optical logging data", "url": "http://icecube.berkeley.edu/~bay/edc99/"}], "date_created": "Wed, 27 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Bay 0739743\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to make high-resolution logs of dust and ash in the Dome C borehole using an optical dust logger. Logging at 20-50 cm/sec, in a matter of hours, mm-scale depth resolution of dust concentration and volcanic ash layers over the entire 3270 m borehole back to ~800 ka can be provided. The logger probes an area of order m2 of the horizon compared to the ~0.02 m2 core, greatly suppressing depositional noise and making the technique immune to core damage or loss. The method achieves unprecedented resolution of climate variations for matching or comparing ice core records, can detect particulate layers from explosive fallout which are invisible or missing in the core, and often reveals subtle trend changes which can elude standard core analyses. With the highly resolved dust record, it is expected to find new synchronous age markers between East Antarctica, West Antarctica and Greenland. The data could be instrumental in unifying global climate records, or resolving mysteries such as the transition from 41-kyr glacial cycles to apparent 100-kyr cycles. The project will extend previous finding, which make the most convincing case to date for a causal relationship between explosive volcanic events and abrupt climate change on millennial timescales. A search will also be made for evidence that some of the worldwide explosive fallout events that have been identified may have resulted from impacts by comets or asteroids. The investigators will evaluate the reliability of terrestrial impact crater records and the possibility that Earth impacts are considerably more frequent than is generally appreciated. Better understanding of the factors which force abrupt climate changes, the recurrence rate and triggering mechanisms of large volcanic eruptions, and the frequency of Gt to Tt-energy bolide impacts are of vital interest for civilization. The work plan for 2008-11 comprises modifying and testing of existing hardware in year one; logging field work, most likely in year two; data analysis and publication of results in year three. Because the EPICA collaborators will provide a suitable logging winch onsite, the logistical needs of this project are modest and can be accommodated by Twin Otter from McMurdo. The proposal is in the spirit of the International Polar Year (IPY) by forging an international collaboration with potential societal benefit. The project will provide interdisciplinary training to students and postdoctoral fellows from the U.S. and other countries.", "east": 123.35, "geometry": "POINT(123.35 -75.1)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e OPTICAL DUST LOGGERS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Ash Layer; LABORATORY; Not provided; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Climate; Antarctica; Ice Core; Bolides; Borehole; Climate Change; Paleoclimate; FIELD SURVEYS; Volcanic", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -75.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bay, Ryan", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "PI website", "repositories": "PI website", "science_programs": null, "south": -75.1, "title": "Dust Logging at Dome C for Abrupt Climate Changes, Large Volcanic Eruptions and Bolide Impacts", "uid": "p0000717", "west": 123.35}, {"awards": "0440819 Taylor, Kendrick", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(112.1 -79.46667)", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Tue, 19 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project that is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS Divide) program; which is a multi-disciplinary multi-institutional program to investigate the causes of natural changes in climate, the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on sea level, and the biology of deep ice. The WAIS Divide core will be unique among Antarctic ice cores in that it will have discernable annual layers for the last 40,000 years. A critical element of the program is to determine the age of the ice so that the climate proxies measured on the core can be interpreted in terms of age, not just depth. This project will make electrical measurements that can identify the annual layers. This information will be combined with information from other investigators to develop an annually resolved timescale over the last 40,000 years. This timescale will be the foundation on which the recent climate records are interpreted. Electrical measurements will also be used to produce two-dimensional images of the ice core stratigraphy; allowing sections of the core with abnormal stratigraphy to be identified. The broader impacts of this project include exposing a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students to ice core research and assisting the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C to develop a paleoclimate/ice core display.", "east": 112.1, "geometry": "POINT(112.1 -79.46667)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Annual Layers; Time Scale; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Stratigraphy; FIELD SURVEYS; Glaciology; Electrical Measurements; Antarctic; Not provided; Ice Sheet; Ice Core; LABORATORY; Climate Proxies", "locations": "Antarctic", "north": -79.46667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Taylor, Kendrick C.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -79.46667, "title": "Investigation of the Stratigraphy and Time Scale of the WAIS Divide Ice Core Using Electrical Methods", "uid": "p0000373", "west": 112.1}, {"awards": "1043528 Alley, Richard; 1043313 Spencer, Matthew", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(112.1166 -79.4666)", "dataset_titles": "Average Annual Layer Thickness of the WAIS Divide Ice Core from Visual Stratigraphy; C-axis Fabric from Physical Properties Samples of the WAIS Divide Ice Core; Updated (2017) bubble number-density, size, shape, and modeled paleoclimate data; WAIS Divide 580m Bubble and Grain Hybrid Data; WAIS Divide Surface and Snow-pit Data, 2009-2013", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601224", "doi": "10.15784/601224", "keywords": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Bubble Number Density; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; NSF-ICF Microtome and Photography Stage; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide Ice Core; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Voigt, Donald E.; Fitzpatrick, Joan; Spencer, Matthew; Alley, Richard; Fegyveresi, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Updated (2017) bubble number-density, size, shape, and modeled paleoclimate data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601224"}, {"dataset_uid": "601079", "doi": "10.15784/601079", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; AWS; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Meteorology; Physical Properties; Snow Pit; Temperature; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core; Weatherstation", "people": "Fegyveresi, John; Alley, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Surface and Snow-pit Data, 2009-2013", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601079"}, {"dataset_uid": "609605", "doi": "10.7265/N5W093VM", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Fitzpatrick, Joan; Alley, Richard; Voigt, Donald E.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "C-axis Fabric from Physical Properties Samples of the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609605"}, {"dataset_uid": "601087", "doi": "10.15784/601087", "keywords": "Air Bubbles; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Ice Strain; Physical Ice Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Strain", "people": "Fegyveresi, John; Alley, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide 580m Bubble and Grain Hybrid Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601087"}, {"dataset_uid": "609603", "doi": "10.7265/N53J39X3", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Spencer, Matthew", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Average Annual Layer Thickness of the WAIS Divide Ice Core from Visual Stratigraphy", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609603"}], "date_created": "Tue, 19 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "1043528/Alley\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to complete the physical-properties studies of the WAIS Divide deep ice core, now being collected in West Antarctica. Ongoing work funded by NSF, under a grant that is ending, has produced visible stratigraphy dating, inspection of the core for any melt layers, volcanic horizons, flow disturbances or other features, analysis of bubble number-densities allowing reconstruction of a two-millennial cooling trend in the latter Holocene at the site, characterization of other bubble characteristics (size, etc.), density studies, characterization of snow-surface changes at the site, preliminary c-axis studies, and more. The current proposal seeks to complete this work, once the rest of the core is recovered. The intellectual merit of the proposed activity starts with quality assurance for the core, by visual detection of any evidence of flow disturbances that would disrupt the integrity of the climate record. Inspection will also reveal any melt layers, volcanic horizons, etc. Annual-layer dating will be conducted; thus far, the visible strata have not been as useful as some other indicators, but the possibility (based on experience in Greenland) that visible examination will allow detection of thinner annual layers than other techniques motivates the effort. Bubble number-density will be used to reconstruct temperature changes through the rest of the bubbly part of the core, providing important paleoclimatic data for earlier parts of the Holocene. Coordinated interpretation of c-axis fabrics, grain sizes and shapes, and bubble characteristics will be used to learn about the history of ice flow, the processes of ice flow, and the softness of the ice for additional deformation. Analysis of surface data already collected will improve interpretation of the layering of the core. It is possible that the annual-layer dating will not be sufficiently successful, and that the core will be undisturbed with no melt layers; if so, then these efforts will not yield major publications. However, success of the other efforts should produce improved understanding of the history and stability of the ice sheet, and key processes controlling these, and the quality assurance provided by the visual examination is important for the project as a whole. The broader impacts of the proposed activity include education of a PhD student and multiple undergraduates, and research opportunities for a junior faculty member at an undergraduate institution. The proposed activity will help support an especially vigorous education and outreach effort providing undergraduate instruction for over 1000 students per year, reaching thousands more citizens and many policymakers, and preparing educational materials used at many levels.", "east": 112.1166, "geometry": "POINT(112.1166 -79.4666)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e VISUAL OBSERVATIONS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e MICROSCOPES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ACFA; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE; NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Annual Layer Thickness; Ice Core; Visual Observations; Bubble; LABORATORY; Bubble Density; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Physical Properties; Stratigraphy; Climate Record; Annual Layers; Ice Fabric; C-axis; Model; WAIS Divide; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; FIELD SURVEYS; Melt Layers; Wais Divide-project; Not provided", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica; Antarctic", "north": -79.4666, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Spencer, Matthew; Alley, Richard; Fitzpatrick, Joan; Voigt, Donald E.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.4666, "title": "Collaborative Research: Continued Study of Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core", "uid": "p0000027", "west": 112.1166}, {"awards": "0636767 Dunbar, Nelia; 0636740 Kreutz, Karl", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(112.11666 -79.46666)", "dataset_titles": "Microparticle, Conductivity, and Density Measurements from the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core, Antarctica; Snowpit Chemistry - Methods Comparison, WAIS Divide, Antarctica; Snowpit evidence of the 2011 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle (Chile) eruption in West Antarctica; WAIS Divide Microparticle Concentration and Size Distribution, 0-2400 ka; WAIS Divide Snowpit Chemical and Isotope Measurements, Antarctica; WAIS Divide WDC06A Discrete ICP-MS Chemistry", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609499", "doi": "10.7265/N5K07264", "keywords": "Antarctica; Density; Electrical Conductivity; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Microparticle Concentration; Physical Properties; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Hamilton, Gordon S.; Breton, Daniel; Kreutz, Karl; Koffman, Bess", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Microparticle, Conductivity, and Density Measurements from the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609499"}, {"dataset_uid": "601036", "doi": "10.15784/601036", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Intracontinental Magmatism; IntraContinental Magmatism; Snow Pit; Tephra; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Koffman, Bess; Kreutz, Karl", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Snowpit evidence of the 2011 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle (Chile) eruption in West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601036"}, {"dataset_uid": "609506", "doi": "10.7265/N5SJ1HHN", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Isotope; Microparticle Concentration; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Kreutz, Karl; Koffman, Bess", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Snowpit Chemical and Isotope Measurements, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609506"}, {"dataset_uid": "601023", "doi": "10.15784/601023", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; ICP-MS; Isotope; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Kreutz, Karl", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide WDC06A Discrete ICP-MS Chemistry", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601023"}, {"dataset_uid": "609620", "doi": "10.7265/N5Q81B1X", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Trace Elements; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Koffman, Bess; Kreutz, Karl", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Snowpit Chemistry - Methods Comparison, WAIS Divide, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609620"}, {"dataset_uid": "609616", "doi": "10.7265/N5KK98QZ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Dust; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Particle Size; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Kreutz, Karl; Koffman, Bess", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Microparticle Concentration and Size Distribution, 0-2400 ka", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609616"}], "date_created": "Tue, 19 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to perform continuous microparticle concentration and size distribution measurements (using coulter counter and state-of-the-art laser detector methods), analysis of biologically relevant trace elements associated with microparticles (Fe, Zn, Co, Cd, Cu), and tephra measurements on the WAIS Divide ice core. This initial three-year project includes analysis of ice core spanning the instrumental (~1850-present) to mid- Holocene (~5000 years BP) period, with sample resolution ranging from subannual to decadal. The intellectual merit of the project is that it will help in establishing the relationships among climate, atmospheric aerosols from terrestrial and volcanic sources, ocean biogeochemistry, and greenhouse gases on several timescales which remain a fundamental problem in paleoclimatology. The atmospheric mineral dust plays an important but uncertain role in direct radiative forcing, and the microparticle datasets produced in this project will allow us to examine changes in South Pacific aerosol loading, atmospheric dynamics, and dust source area climate. The phasing of changes in aerosol properties within Antarctica, throughout the Southern Hemisphere, and globally is unclear, largely due to the limited number of annually dated records extending into the glacial period and the lack of a\u003cbr/\u003etephra framework to correlate records. The broader impacts of the proposed research are an interdisciplinary approach to climate science problems, and will contribute to several WAIS Divide science themes as well as the broader paleoclimate and oceanographic communities. Because the research topics have a large and direct societal relevance, the project will form a centerpiece of various outreach efforts at UMaine and NMT including institution websites, public speaking, local K-12 school interaction, media interviews and news releases, and popular literature. At least one PhD student and one MS student will be directly supported by this project, including fieldwork, core processing, laboratory analysis, and data interpretation/publication. We expect that one graduate student per year will apply for a core handler/assistant driller position through the WAIS Divide Science Coordination Office, and that undergraduate student involvement will result in several Capstone experience projects (a UMaine graduation requirement). Data and ideas generated from the project will be integrated into undergraduate and graduate course curricula at both institutions.", "east": 112.11666, "geometry": "POINT(112.11666 -79.46666)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ION CHROMATOGRAPHS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e PARTICLE DETECTORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e ELECTRON MICROPROBES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e LOPC-PMS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e ICP-MS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e ICE CORE MELTER; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e PARTICLE DETECTORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Dust; Tephra; Radiative Forcing; Greenhouse Gas; West Antarctica; Atmospheric Aerosols; Oxygen Isotope; Not provided; WAIS Divide; Snow Pit; Ice Core Chemistry; Microparticle; Wais Divide-project; Microparticles Size; Paleoclimate; LABORATORY; Ice Core Data; Atmospheric Dynamics; Antarctica; FIELD SURVEYS; Ice Core; Trace Elements; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Holocene; Isotope; Snow Chemistry", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide; West Antarctica", "north": -79.46666, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Koffman, Bess; Kreutz, Karl; Breton, Daniel; Dunbar, Nelia; Hamilton, Gordon S.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.46666, "title": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core", "uid": "p0000040", "west": 112.11666}, {"awards": "0739766 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.08 -79.47)", "dataset_titles": "WAIS Divide Ice Core CO2", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609651", "doi": "10.7265/N5DV1GTZ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Marcott, Shaun; Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice Core CO2", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609651"}], "date_created": "Wed, 30 May 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Brook 0739766\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to create a 25,000-year high-resolution record of atmospheric CO2 from the WAIS Divide ice core. The site has high ice accumulation rate, relatively cold temperatures, and annual layering that should be preserved back to 40,000 years, all prerequisite for preserving a high quality, well-dated CO2 record. The new record will be used to examine relationships between Antarctic climate, Northern Hemisphere climate, and atmospheric CO2 on glacial-interglacial to centennial time scales, at unprecedented temporal resolution. The intellectual merit of the proposed work is simply that CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas that humans directly impact, and understanding the sources, sinks, and controls of atmospheric CO2 is a major goal for the global scientific community. Accurate chronology and detailed records are primary requirements for developing and testing models that explain and predict CO2 variability. The proposed work has several broader impacts. It contributes to the training of a post-doctoral researcher, who will transfer to a research faculty position during the award period and who will participate in graduate teaching and guest lecture in undergraduate courses. An undergraduate researcher will gain valuable lab training and conduct independent research. Bringing the results of\u003cbr/\u003ethe proposed work to the classroom will enrich courses taught by the PI. Outreach efforts will expose pre-college students to ice core research. The proposed work will enhance the laboratory facilities for ice core research at OSU, insuring that the capability for CO2 measurements exists for future projects. All data will be archived at the National Snow and Ice Data Center and other similar archives, per OPP policy. Highly significant results will be disseminated to the news media through OSU?s very effective News and Communications group. Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas that humans are directly changing. Understanding how CO2 and climate are linked on all time scales is necessary for predicting the future behavior of the carbon cycle and climate system, primarily to insure that the appropriate processes are represented in carbon cycle/climate models. Part of the proposed work emphasizes the relationship of CO2 and abrupt climate change. Understanding how future abrupt change might impact the carbon cycle is an important issue for society.", "east": -112.08, "geometry": "POINT(-112.08 -79.47)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Carbon Dioxide; FIELD INVESTIGATION; CO2; Wais Divide-project; Ice Core; Antarctica; Climate; Gas Chromatography; Antarctic Ice Core; LABORATORY", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -79.47, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Marcott, Shaun; Ahn, Jinho; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.47, "title": "Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change: The WAIS Divide Ice Core Record", "uid": "p0000044", "west": -112.08}, {"awards": "0538578 Brook, Edward J.; 0538538 Sowers, Todd", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Late Holocene Methane Concentrations from WAIS Divide and GISP2; Methane Concentrations from the WAIS Divide Ice Core (WDC06A), 60 to 11,300 ybp; The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center (AGDC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) archives and distributes Antarctic glaciological and cryospheric system data collected by the U.S. Antarctic Program.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001303", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center (AGDC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) archives and distributes Antarctic glaciological and cryospheric system data collected by the U.S. Antarctic Program.", "url": "https://nsidc.org/data/agdc"}, {"dataset_uid": "609509", "doi": "10.7265/N5J1013R", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Sowers, Todd A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Methane Concentrations from the WAIS Divide Ice Core (WDC06A), 60 to 11,300 ybp", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609509"}, {"dataset_uid": "609586", "doi": "10.7265/N5W66HQQ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Mitchell, Logan E", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Late Holocene Methane Concentrations from WAIS Divide and GISP2", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609586"}], "date_created": "Thu, 19 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Sowers/Brook\u003cbr/\u003e0538538\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to develop a high-resolution (every 50 yr) methane data set that will play a pivotal role in developing the timescale for the new deep ice core being drilled at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS Divde) site as well as providing a common stratigraphic framework for comparing climate records from Greenland and WAIS Divide. Certain key intervals will be measured at even higher resolution to assist in precisely defining the phasing of abrupt climate change between the northern and southern hemispheres. Concurrent analysis of a suit of samples from both the WAIS Divide and GISP2 ice cores throughout the last 110kyr is also proposed, to establish the inter-hemispheric methane gradient which will be used to identify geographic areas responsible for the climate-related methane emission changes. A large gas measurement inter-calibration of numerous laboratories, utilizing both compressed air cylinders and WAIS Divide ice core samples, will also be performed. The intellectual merit of the proposed work is that it will provide the chronological control needed to examine the timing of changes in climate proxies, and critical chronological ties to the Greenland ice core records via methane variations. In addition, the project addresses the question of what methane sources were active during the ice age and will help to answer the fundamental question of what part of the biosphere controlled past methane variations. The broader impact of the proposed work is that it will directly benefit all ice core paleoclimate research and will impact the paleoclimate studies that rely on ice core timescales for correlation purposes. The project will also support a Ph.D. student at Oregon State University who will have the opportunity to be involved in a major new ice coring effort with international elements. Undergraduates at Penn State will gain valuable laboratory experience and participate fully in the project. The proposed work will underpin the WAIS Divide chronology, which will be fundamental to all graduate student projects that involve the core. The international inter-calibration effort will strengthen ties between research institutions on four continents and will be conducted as part of the International Polar Year research agenda.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Ch4; West Antarctica; Wais Divide-project; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; FIELD INVESTIGATION; FIELD SURVEYS; Methane Concentration; Methane; Ice Core; WAIS Divide; Antarctic; LABORATORY", "locations": "Antarctic; WAIS Divide; Antarctica; West Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE; NOT APPLICABLE; PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Lee, James; Buizert, Christo; Brook, Edward J.; Mitchell, Logan E; Sowers, Todd A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "NSIDC", "repositories": "NSIDC; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core.", "uid": "p0000025", "west": null}, {"awards": "0940650 Pettit, Erin; 0636996 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-165 -75,-159 -75,-153 -75,-147 -75,-141 -75,-135 -75,-129 -75,-123 -75,-117 -75,-111 -75,-105 -75,-105 -76,-105 -77,-105 -78,-105 -79,-105 -80,-105 -81,-105 -82,-105 -83,-105 -84,-105 -85,-111 -85,-117 -85,-123 -85,-129 -85,-135 -85,-141 -85,-147 -85,-153 -85,-159 -85,-165 -85,-165 -84,-165 -83,-165 -82,-165 -81,-165 -80,-165 -79,-165 -78,-165 -77,-165 -76,-165 -75))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Fri, 16 Mar 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Pettit/0636795\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to constrain the accumulation rate, thickness, and temperature history for Siple Dome using a vertical velocity profile that includes the effects of an evolving fabric on deformation through time, to invert the depth-profile of fabric determined from sonic velocity measurements and grain size observed in thin sections in Siple Dome for the surface temperature and accumulation rate changes in the past, focusing on the apparent abrupt climate change events at 22ka and 15ka. The intellectual merit of the work is that it will extract past climate information from a number of physical properties of the deep ice using a coupled fabric evolution and ice-sheet flow model. The focus will be on the deep ice-age ice at Siple Dome, where the ice-core record shows puzzling signals and where modeling results imply intriguing deformation patterns. The method will also be applied to the records from Byrd Station and Taylor Dome to ultimately form a basis for future analysis of the West Antarctic Divide core. The broader impacts of the project are that it will ultimately contribute to our understanding of the effects of anisotropy on ice flow dynamics in West Antarctica. It will contribute to our understanding of the connection between ice flow and the paleoclimate record in ice cores, particularly with respect to the relationship between the chemical record and ice deformation. And it will contribute a new ice-flow model that includes the effects of anisotropy and fabric evolution. The project will also contribute to advancing the career of a new, young, female investigator and will support a couple of graduate students. Finally, the work will encouraging diversity in the physical sciences by directly helping to support the Girls on Ice a program that encourages young women to explore science and the natural world.", "east": -105.0, "geometry": "POINT(-135 -80)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "LABORATORY; FIELD SURVEYS; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Vertical Velocity; COMPUTERS; Ice Core; Firn; Accumulation Rate; Siple Dome; Ice Thickness; Abrupt Climate Change; Ice Temperature; Metamorphism; Anisotropy; Antarctica", "locations": "Siple Dome; Antarctica", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Pettit, Erin; Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; OTHER \u003e MODELS \u003e COMPUTERS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -85.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Anisotropy, Abrupt Climate Change, and the Deep Ice in West Antarctica", "uid": "p0000741", "west": -165.0}, {"awards": "1048343 Warny, Sophie", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Palynological samples list", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601151", "doi": "10.15784/601151", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciology; Marine Geoscience; Marine Sediments; Microscope; Microscopy; Paleoclimate; Pollen", "people": "Warny, Sophie", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Palynological samples list", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601151"}], "date_created": "Sat, 10 Dec 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eThe PI proposes a high-resolution paleoenvironmental study of pollen, spore, fresh-water algae, and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages to investigate the palynological record of sudden warming events in the Antarctic as recorded by the ANDRILL SMS drill core and terrestrial sections. These data will be used to derive causal mechanisms for these rapid climate events. Terrestrial samples will be obtained at various altitudes in the Dry Valleys region. The pollen and spores will provide data on atmospheric conditions, while the algae will provide data on sea-surface conditions. These data will help identify the triggers for sudden climatic shifts. If they are caused by changes in oceanic currents, a signal will be visible in the dinocyst assemblages first as currents influence their distribution. Conversely, if these shifts are triggered by atmospheric factors, then the shifts will first affect plants and be visible in the pollen record.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThe PI proposes a suite of activities to bring field-based climate change research to a broader audience. The PI will advise a diverse group of students and educators. The palynological data collected as part of this research will be utilized, in part, to develop new lectures on Antarctic palynology and these new lectures will be made available via a collaboration with the LSU HHMI program. In addition, the PI will direct three Louisiana middle-school teachers as they pursue a Masters of Natural Science for science educators. These teachers will help the PI develop a professional development program for science teachers. Community-based activities will be organized to raise science awareness and alert students and the public of opportunities in science.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "MICROFOSSILS; NOT APPLICABLE", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Warny, Sophie", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WISSARD; ANDRILL; SHALDRIL", "south": -75.0, "title": "CAREER: Deciphering Antarctic Climate Variability during the Temperate/Polar Transition and Improving Climate Change Literacy in Louisiana through a Companion Outreach Program", "uid": "p0000311", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0944474 Robinson, Laura", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-70.5 -54.5,-66.95 -54.5,-63.4 -54.5,-59.85 -54.5,-56.3 -54.5,-52.75 -54.5,-49.2 -54.5,-45.65 -54.5,-42.1 -54.5,-38.55 -54.5,-35 -54.5,-35 -55.2,-35 -55.9,-35 -56.6,-35 -57.3,-35 -58,-35 -58.7,-35 -59.4,-35 -60.1,-35 -60.8,-35 -61.5,-38.55 -61.5,-42.1 -61.5,-45.65 -61.5,-49.2 -61.5,-52.75 -61.5,-56.3 -61.5,-59.85 -61.5,-63.4 -61.5,-66.95 -61.5,-70.5 -61.5,-70.5 -60.8,-70.5 -60.1,-70.5 -59.4,-70.5 -58.7,-70.5 -58,-70.5 -57.3,-70.5 -56.6,-70.5 -55.9,-70.5 -55.2,-70.5 -54.5))", "dataset_titles": "Expedition Data; Historic Perspectives on Climate and Biogeography from Deep-Sea Corals in the Drake Passage", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600114", "doi": "10.15784/600114", "keywords": "Biota; Corals; Cruise Report; Drake Passage; NBP1103; Oceans; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "people": "Robinson, Laura", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Historic Perspectives on Climate and Biogeography from Deep-Sea Corals in the Drake Passage", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600114"}, {"dataset_uid": "001451", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP1103"}], "date_created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Polar oceans are the main sites of deep-water formation and are critical to the exchange of heat and carbon between the deep ocean and the atmosphere. This award ?Historic perspectives on climate and biogeography from deep-sea corals in the Drake Passage? will address the following specific research questions: What was the radiocarbon content of the Southern Ocean during the last glacial maximum and during past rapid climate change events? and What are the major controls on the past and present distribution of cold-water corals within the Drake Passage and adjacent continental shelves? Testing these overall questions will allow the researchers to better understand how processes in the Southern Ocean are linked to climate change over millennia. This award is being funded by the Antarctic Earth Sciences Program of NSF?s Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Division. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eINTELLECTUAL MERIT: The skeletons of deep-sea corals are abundant in the Southern Ocean, and can be dated using U-series techniques making them a useful archive of oceanographic history. By pairing U-series and radiocarbon analyses the awardees can reconstruct the radiocarbon content of seawater in the past, allowing them to address the research questions raised above. Collection of living deep-sea corals along with environmental data will allow them to address the broader biogeography questions posed above as well. The awardees are uniquely qualified to answer these questions in their respective labs via cutting edge technologies, and they have shown promising results from a preliminary pilot cruise to the area in 2008.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBROADER IMPACTS: Societal Relevance: The proposed paleoclimate research will make significant advances toward constraining the Southern Ocean?s influence on global climate, specifically it should help set the bounds for the upper limits on how fast the ocean circulation might change in this region of the world, which is of high societal relevance in this era of changing climate. Education and Outreach (E/O): These activities are grouped into four categories: i) increasing student participation in polar research by fully integrating undergraduate through post-doctoral students into research programs; ii) promotion of K-12 teaching and learning programs by providing information via a cruise website and in-school talks, iii) making the data collected available to the wider research community via data archives such as Seamounts Online and the Seamount Biogeographic Network and iv) reaching a larger public audience through such venues as interviews in the popular media.", "east": -35.0, "geometry": "POINT(-52.75 -58)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "R/V NBP", "locations": null, "north": -54.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Robinson, Laura", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "R2R; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -61.5, "title": "Collaborative Research: Historic Perspectives on Climate and Biogeography from Deep-sea Corals in the Drake Passage", "uid": "p0000514", "west": -70.5}, {"awards": "0739491 Sowers, Todd; 0739598 Aydin, Murat", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Alkanes in Firn Air Samples, Antarctica and Greenland; Methane Isotopes in South Pole Firn Air, 2008", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609504", "doi": "10.7265/N5X9287C", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Greenland; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; WAIS Divide", "people": "Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Alkanes in Firn Air Samples, Antarctica and Greenland", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609504"}, {"dataset_uid": "609502", "doi": "10.7265/N55T3HFP", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole", "people": "Sowers, Todd A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Methane Isotopes in South Pole Firn Air, 2008", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609502"}], "date_created": "Thu, 18 Aug 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to make measurements of methane and other trace gases in firn air collected at South Pole, Antarctica. The analyses will include: methane isotopes (delta-13CH4 and delta-DCH4), light non-methane hydrocarbons (ethane, propane, and n-butane), sulfur gases (COS, CS2), and methyl halides (CH3Cl and CH3Br). The atmospheric burdens of these trace gases reflect changes in atmospheric OH, biomass burning, biogenic activity in terrestrial, oceanic, and wetland ecosystems, and industrial/agricultural activity. The goal of this project is to develop atmospheric histories for these trace gases over the last century through examination of depth profiles of these gases in South Pole firn air. The project will involve two phases: 1) a field campaign at South Pole, Antarctica to drill two firn holes and fill a total of ~200 flasks from depths reaching 120 m, 2) analysis of firn air at University of California, Irvine, Penn State University, and several other collaborating laboratories. Atmospheric histories will be inferred from the measurements using a one dimensional advective/diffusive model of firn air transport. This study will provide new information about the recent changes in atmospheric levels of these gases, providing about a 90 year long time series record that connects the earlier surface and firn air measurements to present day. The project will also explore the possibility of in- situ production of light non-methane hydrocarbons in firn air that is relevant to the interpretation of ice core records. The broader impacts of this research are that it has the potential for significant societal impact by improving our understanding of climate change and man\u0027s input to the atmosphere. The results of this work will be disseminated through the peer review process, and will contribute to environmental assessments, such as the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Climate Assessment and the Word Meteorological Organization (WMO) Stratospheric Ozone Assessment. This research will provide educational opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students, and will contribute to a teacher training program for K-12 teachers in minority school districts.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GC-MS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD INVESTIGATION; Isotope; Firn Air Chemistry; Firn Air Isotope Measurements; Not provided; LABORATORY; South Pole; Firn; Delta 13C; Carbon-13; Mass Spectrometer; Deuterium; Mass Spectrometry; Firn Air Samples; Carbon; Gas Chromatography; Polar Firn Air; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Methane; Antarctica; Firn Air Isotopes; Delta Deuterium; FIELD SURVEYS; Firn Air; Chromatography; Methane Isotopes; Carbon Isotopes; Stable Isotopes", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric; Sowers, Todd A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air", "uid": "p0000162", "west": null}, {"awards": "0902957 Robinson, Laura", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-70.5 -54.5,-66.95 -54.5,-63.4 -54.5,-59.85 -54.5,-56.3 -54.5,-52.75 -54.5,-49.2 -54.5,-45.65 -54.5,-42.1 -54.5,-38.55 -54.5,-35 -54.5,-35 -55.2,-35 -55.9,-35 -56.6,-35 -57.3,-35 -58,-35 -58.7,-35 -59.4,-35 -60.1,-35 -60.8,-35 -61.5,-38.55 -61.5,-42.1 -61.5,-45.65 -61.5,-49.2 -61.5,-52.75 -61.5,-56.3 -61.5,-59.85 -61.5,-63.4 -61.5,-66.95 -61.5,-70.5 -61.5,-70.5 -60.8,-70.5 -60.1,-70.5 -59.4,-70.5 -58.7,-70.5 -58,-70.5 -57.3,-70.5 -56.6,-70.5 -55.9,-70.5 -55.2,-70.5 -54.5))", "dataset_titles": "LGM and Deglacial Radiocarbon from U-series Dated Drake Passage Deep-sea Corals", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600111", "doi": "10.15784/600111", "keywords": "Biota; Corals; Drake Passage; Geochronology; NBP0805; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Radiocarbon; Southern Ocean", "people": "Robinson, Laura", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "LGM and Deglacial Radiocarbon from U-series Dated Drake Passage Deep-sea Corals", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600111"}], "date_created": "Tue, 28 Jun 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). The proposal seeks funds to continue a follow-up analytical work of deep-sea corals collected in the Drake Passage during a research cruise. The project\u0027s goal is paleo-climate research looking to constrain the depth structure and time evolution of the radiocarbon content of the Southern Ocean during the glacial and deglaciation. Radiocarbon is a versatile tracer of past climate; its radioactive decay provides an internal clock with which to assess the rates of processes, and it can be used to trace the movement of carbon through the Earth\u0027s system. It enters the ocean through air-sea gas exchange, so processes that limits this will, therefore, reduce the radiocarbon content of both surface and deep waters. The Southern Ocean is a critical location for exchange of heat and carbon between the deep-ocean and atmospheric reservoirs, and the deep waters formed there fill large volumes of the global deep and intermediate oceans. As strong currents tend to scour away sediments, carbonate preservation is limited, and radiocarbon reservoir ages are poorly constrained, many traditional paleoceanographic techniques become impractical. It is proposed to alleviate these difficulties analyzing the chemical composition of deep-sea coral skeletons. Their aragonitic skeletons can be precisely dated using U-series decay, and when coupled with radiocarbon analyses will allow to calculate the C14/C12 ratio of the past water column.", "east": -35.0, "geometry": "POINT(-52.75 -58)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -54.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Robinson, Laura", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -61.5, "title": "LGM and Deglacial Radiocarbon from U-series Dated Drake Passage Deep-sea Corals", "uid": "p0000519", "west": -70.5}, {"awards": "9909367 Leventer, Amy", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((26.27227 -42.81742,38.414467 -42.81742,50.556664 -42.81742,62.698861 -42.81742,74.841058 -42.81742,86.983255 -42.81742,99.125452 -42.81742,111.267649 -42.81742,123.409846 -42.81742,135.552043 -42.81742,147.69424 -42.81742,147.69424 -45.454494,147.69424 -48.091568,147.69424 -50.728642,147.69424 -53.365716,147.69424 -56.00279,147.69424 -58.639864,147.69424 -61.276938,147.69424 -63.914012,147.69424 -66.551086,147.69424 -69.18816,135.552043 -69.18816,123.409846 -69.18816,111.267649 -69.18816,99.125452 -69.18816,86.983255 -69.18816,74.841058 -69.18816,62.698861 -69.18816,50.556664 -69.18816,38.414467 -69.18816,26.27227 -69.18816,26.27227 -66.551086,26.27227 -63.914012,26.27227 -61.276938,26.27227 -58.639864,26.27227 -56.00279,26.27227 -53.365716,26.27227 -50.728642,26.27227 -48.091568,26.27227 -45.454494,26.27227 -42.81742))", "dataset_titles": "Diatom assemblages from Edward VIII Gulf, Kemp Coast, East Antarctica; NB0101 Expedition Data; Quantitative Diatom Assemblage Data from Iceberg Alley, Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica acquired during expedition NBP0101", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001879", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "NB0101 Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0101"}, {"dataset_uid": "601177", "doi": "10.15784/601177", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Diatom; East Antarctica; Microscopy; NBP0101; Oceans; Paleoceanography; Paleoclimate; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sediment Corer", "people": "Leventer, Amy", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Diatom assemblages from Edward VIII Gulf, Kemp Coast, East Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601177"}, {"dataset_uid": "601307", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Diatom; East Antarctica; Mac. Robertson Shelf; Marine Geoscience; Microscope; NBP0101; Paleoclimate; Piston Corer; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sediment Core; Species Abundance", "people": "Leventer, Amy", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Quantitative Diatom Assemblage Data from Iceberg Alley, Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica acquired during expedition NBP0101", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601307"}], "date_created": "Thu, 03 Mar 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, supports a multi-institutional, international (US - Australia) marine geologic and geophysical investigation of Prydz Bay and the MacRobertson Shelf, to be completed during an approximately 60-day cruise aboard the RVIB N.B. Palmer. The primary objective is to develop a record of climate and oceanographic change during the Quaternary, using sediment cores collected via kasten and jumbo piston coring. Core sites will be selected based on seismic profiling (Seabeam 2112 and Bathy2000). Recognition of the central role of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to global oceanic and atmospheric systems is based primarily on data collected along the West Antarctic margin, while similar extensive and high resolution data sets from the much more extensive East Antarctic margin are sparse. Goals of this project include (1) development of a century- to millennial-scale record of Holocene paleoenvironments, and (2) testing of hypotheses concerning the sedimentary record of previous glacial and interglacial events on the shelf, and evaluation of the timing and extent of maximum glaciation along this 500 km stretch of the East Antarctic margin. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eHigh-resolution seismic mapping and coring of sediments deposited in inner shelf depressions will be used to reconstruct Holocene paleoenvironments. In similar depositional settings in the Antarctic Peninsula and Ross Sea, sedimentary records demonstrate millennial- and century- scale variability in primary production and sea-ice extent during the Holocene, which have been linked to chronological periodicities in radiocarbon distribution, suggesting the possible role of solar variability in driving some changes in Holocene climate. Similar high-resolution Holocene records from the East Antarctic margin will be used to develop a circum-Antarctic suite of data regarding the response of southern glacial and oceanographic systems to late Quaternary climate change. In addition, these data will help us to evaluate the response of the East Antarctic margin to global warming. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eInitial surveys of the Prydz Channel - Amery Depression region reveal sequences deposited during previous Pleistocene interglacials. The upper Holocene and lower (undated) siliceous units can be traced over 15,000 km2 of the Prydz Channel, but more sub-bottom seismic reflection profiling in conjunction with dense coring over this region is needed to define the spatial distribution and extent of the units. Chronological work will determine the timing and duration of previous periods of glacial marine sedimentation on the East Antarctic margin during the late Pleistocene. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eAnalyses will focus on detailed sedimentologic, geochemical, micropaleontological, and paleomagnetic techniques. This multi-parameter approach is the most effective way to extract a valuable paleoenvironmental signal in these glacial marine sediments. These results are expected to lead to a significant advance in understanding of the behavior of the Antarctic ice-sheet and ocean system in the recent geologic past.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe combination of investigators, all with many years of experience working in high latitude marine settings, will provide an effective team to complete the project. University and College faculty (Principal Investigators on this project) will supervise a combination of undergraduate and post-graduate students involved in all stages of the project so that educational objectives will be met in tandem with the research goals of the project.", "east": 147.69424, "geometry": "POINT(86.983255 -56.00279)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "R/V NBP; USAP-DC", "locations": null, "north": -42.81742, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Leventer, Amy", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "R2R; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -69.18816, "title": "Quaternary Glacial History and Paleoenvironments of the East Antarctic Margin", "uid": "p0000609", "west": 26.27227}, {"awards": "0636731 Bender, Michael; 0636705 Marchant, David", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((160.48705 -77.84513,160.501913 -77.84513,160.516776 -77.84513,160.531639 -77.84513,160.546502 -77.84513,160.561365 -77.84513,160.576228 -77.84513,160.591091 -77.84513,160.605954 -77.84513,160.620817 -77.84513,160.63568 -77.84513,160.63568 -77.8515624,160.63568 -77.8579948,160.63568 -77.8644272,160.63568 -77.8708596,160.63568 -77.877292,160.63568 -77.8837244,160.63568 -77.8901568,160.63568 -77.8965892,160.63568 -77.9030216,160.63568 -77.909454,160.620817 -77.909454,160.605954 -77.909454,160.591091 -77.909454,160.576228 -77.909454,160.561365 -77.909454,160.546502 -77.909454,160.531639 -77.909454,160.516776 -77.909454,160.501913 -77.909454,160.48705 -77.909454,160.48705 -77.9030216,160.48705 -77.8965892,160.48705 -77.8901568,160.48705 -77.8837244,160.48705 -77.877292,160.48705 -77.8708596,160.48705 -77.8644272,160.48705 -77.8579948,160.48705 -77.8515624,160.48705 -77.84513))", "dataset_titles": "Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica; Measurements of Trapped Air from Mullins Valley, Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600069", "doi": "10.15784/600069", "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope Record; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate", "people": "Bender, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600069"}, {"dataset_uid": "609597", "doi": "10.7265/N50R9MBM", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Dry Valleys; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Radar Interferometer", "people": "Yau, Audrey M.; Bender, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Measurements of Trapped Air from Mullins Valley, Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609597"}], "date_created": "Thu, 03 Feb 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project studies ancient ice buried in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The ice, which may approach ten million years in age, will be dated using argon and uranium radioisotope techniques. High-risk work, if successful it will offer the first and perhaps only samples of the Earth\u0027s atmosphere from millions of years in the past. These samples could offer critically important tests of paleoclimate records and proxies, as well as a glimpse into the characteristics of a past world much like the predicted future, warmer Earth. The broader impacts are graduate student education, and potentially contributing to society\u0027s understanding of global climate change and sea level rise.", "east": 160.63568, "geometry": "POINT(160.561365 -77.877292)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Elemental Ratios; Oxygen Isotope; Not provided; Nitrogen Isotopes; LABORATORY; Argon Isotopes; FIELD INVESTIGATION", "locations": null, "north": -77.84513, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bender, Michael; Yau, Audrey M.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.909454, "title": "Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000039", "west": 160.48705}, {"awards": "0636506 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-137.7 -75.7,-137.4 -75.7,-137.1 -75.7,-136.8 -75.7,-136.5 -75.7,-136.2 -75.7,-135.9 -75.7,-135.6 -75.7,-135.3 -75.7,-135 -75.7,-134.7 -75.7,-134.7 -75.773,-134.7 -75.846,-134.7 -75.919,-134.7 -75.992,-134.7 -76.065,-134.7 -76.138,-134.7 -76.211,-134.7 -76.284,-134.7 -76.357,-134.7 -76.43,-135 -76.43,-135.3 -76.43,-135.6 -76.43,-135.9 -76.43,-136.2 -76.43,-136.5 -76.43,-136.8 -76.43,-137.1 -76.43,-137.4 -76.43,-137.7 -76.43,-137.7 -76.357,-137.7 -76.284,-137.7 -76.211,-137.7 -76.138,-137.7 -76.065,-137.7 -75.992,-137.7 -75.919,-137.7 -75.846,-137.7 -75.773,-137.7 -75.7))", "dataset_titles": "Ion Concentrations from SPRESSO Ice Core, Antarctica; Mt. Moulton Ice Trench Mass Spectrometry Data, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609472", "doi": "10.7265/N5VH5KSV", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Mt Moulton; Paleoclimate", "people": "Korotkikh, Elena; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Mt. Moulton Ice Trench Mass Spectrometry Data, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609472"}, {"dataset_uid": "609471", "doi": "10.7265/N508638J", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; South Pole; SPRESSO Ice Core", "people": "Korotkikh, Elena; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ion Concentrations from SPRESSO Ice Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609471"}], "date_created": "Thu, 29 Jul 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to examine an existing ice core of opportunity from South Pole (SPRESO core) to develop a 2000+ year long climate record. SPRESO ice core will be an annually dated, sub-annually-resolved reconstruction of past climate (atmospheric circulation, temperature, precipitation rate, and atmospheric chemistry) utilizing continuous, co-registered measurements (n=45) of: major ions, trace elements, and stable isotope series, plus selected sections for microparticle size and composition. The intellectual merit of this project relates to the fact that few 2000+ year records of this quality exist in Antarctica despite increasing scientific interest in this critical time period as the framework within which to understand modern climate. The scientific impact of this ice core investigation are that it will provide an in-depth understanding of climate variability; a baseline for assessing modern climate variability in the context of human activity; and a contribution to the prediction of future climate variability. The broader impact of this work is that the proposed research addresses important questions concerning the role of Antarctica in past, present, and future global change. Results will be translated into publicly accessible information through public lectures, media appearances, and an extensive outreach activity housed in our Institute. Our ice core activities provide a major basis for curriculum in K-12 and University plus a basis for several field and laboratory based graduate theses and undergraduate student projects. The project will support one PhD student for 3 years and undergraduate salaries. The Climate Change Institute has a long history of gender and ethnically diverse student and staff involvement in research.", "east": -134.7, "geometry": "POINT(-136.2 -76.065)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e ICP-MS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ION CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Interpretation; Ions; US ITASE; Explorations; LABORATORY; Ice Core Data; Ice Core; Ice Analysis; Ice; Not provided; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Laboratory Investigation; Field Investigations; Ice Core Chemistry; Horizontal Ice Core; Ice Chemistry; Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -75.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Korotkikh, Elena; Kreutz, Karl; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "platforms": "Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.43, "title": "Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context", "uid": "p0000209", "west": -137.7}, {"awards": "0538657 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Borehole Temperature Measurement in WDC05A in January 2008 and January 2009; d15N and d18O of air in the WAIS Divide ice core; Low-res d15N and d18O of O2 in the WAIS Divide 06A Deep Core; Ultra-High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Results: DO-21 Rapid Warming Event; WAIS Divide d18Oatm and Siple Dome/WAIS Divide composite and individual delta epsilon LAND", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601041", "doi": "10.15784/601041", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Gas; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Seltzer, Alan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide d18Oatm and Siple Dome/WAIS Divide composite and individual delta epsilon LAND", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601041"}, {"dataset_uid": "609660", "doi": "10.7265/N5S46PWD", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Low-res d15N and d18O of O2 in the WAIS Divide 06A Deep Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609660"}, {"dataset_uid": "609637", "doi": "10.7265/N5B27S7S", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Temperature; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Orsi, Anais J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Borehole Temperature Measurement in WDC05A in January 2008 and January 2009", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609637"}, {"dataset_uid": "609635", "doi": "10.7265/N51J97PS", "keywords": "Arctic; Geochemistry; GISP; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "people": "Haines, Skylar; Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ultra-High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Results: DO-21 Rapid Warming Event", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609635"}, {"dataset_uid": "601747", "doi": "10.15784/601747", "keywords": "Antarctica; Delta 15N; Delta 18O; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Nitrogen; Nitrogen Isotopes; Oxygen; Oxygen Isotope; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS; WAIS Divide", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "d15N and d18O of air in the WAIS Divide ice core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601747"}], "date_created": "Thu, 08 Jul 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0538657\u003cbr/\u003eSeveringhaus\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to develop high-resolution (20-yr) nitrogen and oxygen isotope records on trapped gases in the WAIS Divide ice core (Antarctica), with a comparison record for chronological purposes in the GISP2 (Greenland) ice core. The main scientific objective is to provide an independent temperature-change record for the past 100,000 years in West Antarctica that is not subject to the uncertainty inherent in ice isotopes (18O and deuterium), the classical paleothermometer. Nitrogen isotopes (Delta 15N) in air bubbles in glacial ice record rapid surface temperature change because of thermal fractionation of air in the porous firn layer, and this isotopic anomaly is recorded in bubbles as the firn becomes ice. Using this gas-based temperature-change record, in combination with methane data as interpolar stratigraphic markers, the proposed work will define the precise relative timing of abrupt warming in Greenland and abrupt cooling at the WAIS Divide site during the millennial-scale climatic oscillations of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (30-70 kyr BP) and the last glacial termination. The nitrogen isotope record also provides constraints on past firn thickness, which inform temperature and accumulation rate histories from the ice core. A search for possible solar-related cycles will be conducted with the WAIS Divide Holocene (Delta 15N.) Oxygen isotopes of O2 (Delta 18Oatm) are obtained as a byproduct of the (Delta 15N) measurement. The gas-isotopic records will enhance the value of other atmospheric gas measurements in WAIS Divide, which are expected to be of unprecedented quality. The high-resolution (Delta 18Oatm) records will provide chronological control for use by the international ice coring community and for surface glacier ice dating. Education of a graduate student, and training of a staff member in the laboratory, will contribute to the nation\u0027s human resource base. Outreach activities in the context of the International Polar Year will be enhanced. International collaboration is planned with the laboratory of LSCE, University of Paris.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e LA-ICP-MS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Borehole Temperature; LABORATORY; Depth; Not provided; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Wais Divide-project; Ice Core; WAIS Divide", "locations": "WAIS Divide", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e PLEISTOCENE", "persons": "Haines, Skylar; Mayewski, Paul A.; Orsi, Anais J.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate", "uid": "p0000036", "west": null}, {"awards": "0839042 Caffee, Marc", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.085 -79.467)", "dataset_titles": "Cosmogenic 10Be in WAIS Divide Ice core, 1190-2453 m; Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600383", "doi": "10.15784/600383", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cosmogenic Radionuclides; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Hydrothermal Vent; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Welten, Kees", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600383"}, {"dataset_uid": "601466", "doi": "10.15784/601466", "keywords": "Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "people": "Welten, Kees; Nishiizumi, Kunihiko; Caffee, M. W.; Woodruff, T. E.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Cosmogenic 10Be in WAIS Divide Ice core, 1190-2453 m", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601466"}], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jul 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Caffee/0839042 \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to measure the concentration of the cosmogenic radionuclide, Beryllium-10 in the deep WAIS divide ice core. Since cosmogenic radionuclides are one of the key parameters used for absolute dating of the ice core and deriving paleoaccumulation rates, it is essential that these measurements be made quickly and efficiently, and that the information is disseminated as soon as the results are available. The intellectual merit of the project is that it will allow a comparison to be made between the core from WAIS Divide and previously measured cosmogenic radionuclide records from Arctic ice cores, particularly GISP2 and GRIP This project will enable scientists to delineate those processes acting at a local level from those that produce global effects and will provide independent chronological markers to aid in the reconstruction of the WAIS Divide ice core chronology. The cosmogenic 10Be profile can also be used to investigate the possible role of solar activity on climate. The direct comparison of radionuclide concentrations with paleoclimate records in ice cores from different sites will provide more insight in the timing and magnitude of solar forcing of climate. The broader impacts of this project include: (i) the formation of a multi-disciplinary team of collaborators for the interpretation of future analyses of cosmogenic radionuclide data from the WAIS divide and other ice cores. (ii) the involvement and training of graduate and undergraduate students in the large scale project of climate research through detailed studies of ice samples. (iii) the opportunity to highlight to a wide range of lab visitors and students from local K-12 schools the importance of ice core and climate change studies.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award does not involve field work in Antarctica.", "east": -112.085, "geometry": "POINT(-112.085 -79.467)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e AMS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Ice Core; WAIS Divide; Antarctica; Not provided; Radionulides; Accelerator Mass Spectrometry; Cosmogenic", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.467, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Welten, Kees; Nishiizumi, Kunihiko; Caffee, Marc; Woodruff, Thomas", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.467, "title": "Collaborative Research: Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Deep WAIS Divide Core", "uid": "p0000103", "west": -112.085}, {"awards": "0538494 Meese, Debra", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Microstructural Location and Composition of Impurities in Polar Ice Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609436", "doi": "10.7265/N5DF6P5P", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Byrd Glacier; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Baker, Ian; Obbard, Rachel", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Microstructural Location and Composition of Impurities in Polar Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609436"}], "date_created": "Thu, 03 Jun 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0538494\u003cbr/\u003eMeese\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project for physical properties research on snow pits and firn/ice cores with specific objectives that include stratigraphic analysis including determination of accumulation rates, annual layers, depth hoar, ice and wind crusts and rates of grain growth with depth. Studies of firn densification rates and how these parameters relate to the meteorology and climatology over the last 200 years of snow accumulation in Antarctica will also be investigated. The project will also determine the seasonality of accumulation by co-registration of stratigraphy and chemistry and determination of chemical species at the grain boundaries, how these may change with depth/densification (and therefore temperature), precipitation, and may affect grain growth. Fabric analyses will be made, including variation with depth, location on undulations and if any variation exists with climate/chemistry. The large spatial coverage of the US ITASE program offers the opportunity to determine how these parameters are affected by a large range of temperature, precipitation and topographic effects. The intellectual merit of the project includes the fact that ITASE is the terrestrial equivalent of a polar research vessel that provides a unique, logistically efficient, multi-dimensional (x, y, z and time) view of the atmosphere, ice sheet and their histories. Physical properties measurements/ analyses are an integral part of understanding the dynamic processes to which the accumulated snow is subjected. Recent advancements in the field along with multiple core sites provide an excellent opportunity to gain a much broader understanding of the spatial, temporal and physical variables that impact firnification and the possible resultant impact on climatic interpretation. In terms of broader impacts, the data collected by US ITASE and its international ITASE partners is available to a broad scientific community. US ITASE has an extensive program of public outreach and provides significant opportunities for many students to experience multidisciplinary Antarctic research. A graduate student, a post-doctoral fellow and at least one undergraduate would be funded by this work. Dr. Meese is also a member of the New England Science Collaborative, an organization that educates the public on climate change based on recent scientific advancements.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e MICROSCOPES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPES", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "LABORATORY; Grain Growth; FIELD SURVEYS; Accumulation Rate; Firn Core; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Chemistry; Snow Pit; Depth Hoar; Firn Density; Ice Core; Not provided; Stratigraphic Analysis; Firn; US ITASE; Annual Layers", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Meese, Deb; MEESE, DEBRA", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "The Physical Properties of the US ITASE Firn and Ice Cores from South Pole to Taylor Dome", "uid": "p0000289", "west": null}, {"awards": "0125922 Anderson, John", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-69.84264 -52.35215,-68.086508 -52.35215,-66.330376 -52.35215,-64.574244 -52.35215,-62.818112 -52.35215,-61.06198 -52.35215,-59.305848 -52.35215,-57.549716 -52.35215,-55.793584 -52.35215,-54.037452 -52.35215,-52.28132 -52.35215,-52.28132 -53.546701,-52.28132 -54.741252,-52.28132 -55.935803,-52.28132 -57.130354,-52.28132 -58.324905,-52.28132 -59.519456,-52.28132 -60.714007,-52.28132 -61.908558,-52.28132 -63.103109,-52.28132 -64.29766,-54.037452 -64.29766,-55.793584 -64.29766,-57.549716 -64.29766,-59.305848 -64.29766,-61.06198 -64.29766,-62.818112 -64.29766,-64.574244 -64.29766,-66.330376 -64.29766,-68.086508 -64.29766,-69.84264 -64.29766,-69.84264 -63.103109,-69.84264 -61.908558,-69.84264 -60.714007,-69.84264 -59.519456,-69.84264 -58.324905,-69.84264 -57.130354,-69.84264 -55.935803,-69.84264 -54.741252,-69.84264 -53.546701,-69.84264 -52.35215))", "dataset_titles": "Expedition Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001571", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0602A"}, {"dataset_uid": "001602", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0502"}], "date_created": "Tue, 04 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, provides funds for a demonstration project to prove the viability of shallow ship-based geological drilling while simultaneously collecting useful cores for assessing the early history of the Antarctic ice sheets. For over three decades, U.S. scientists and their international colleagues exploring the shallow shelves and seas along the margins of Antarctic have been consistently frustrated by their inability to penetrate through the over-compacted glacial diamictons encountered at shallow sub bottom depths (within the upper 10 m) over these terrains. This is particularly frustrating because advanced high resolution seismic reflection techniques clearly show in many areas the presence of older successions of Neogene and even Paleogene sequences lying just beneath this thin veneer of diamictons. Until the means are developed to recover these sequences, a detailed history of the Antarctic ice sheets, which is an essential prerequisite to understanding Cenozoic paleoclimate and future climate change on a global scale, will remain an elusive and unobtainable goal. After four years of study and evaluation with the aid of a professional engineer (and over the course of two workshops), the SHALDRIL Committee, an interested group of U.S. scientists, has identified at least two diamond-coring systems deemed suitable for use on existing ice-breaking U.S. Antarctic Research Program vessels. The goal of this project is to employ diamond-coring technology on the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer in order to test out and demonstrate the feasibility of both ship-based diamond coring and down-hole logging. For this \"demonstration cruise\" coring will be attempted along a high-resolution seismic reflection profile on the continental shelf adjacent to Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, an area of high scientific interest in its own right. Here the well-defined geologic section is estimated to range from Eocene to Quaternary in age, effectively spanning the \"Greenhouse-Icehouse\" transition in the evolution of Antarctic/global climate. A complete record of this transition has yet to be obtained anywhere along the Antarctic margin. Following core recovery, this project will result in correlation of the paleoclimate records from the new cores with detailed fluctuations of the ice margin recorded at higher latitudes in the eastern Ross Sea by the recently concluded, fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project. If successful, this mobile and flexible drilling system will then be available to the broader scientific community for further research in paleoenvironmental conditions and other areas of science that are currently hindered by the present gap that exists in the US Antarctic Program\u0027s technical capability to explore the Antarctic shelves between the shore-line/fast-ice margin and the continental slope. SHALDRIL will be able to operate effectively in the \"no man\u0027s land\" that presently exists between the near shore (where the fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project was successful) and the upper slope (where the Ocean Drilling Program\u0027s vessel JOIDES Resolution becomes most efficient). This technological breakthrough will not only allow major outstanding scientific problems of the last three decades to be addressed, but will also favorably impact many current U.S. and SCAR (ICSU Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Antarctic or drilling-related initiatives, such as WAIS, ANTIME, ANDRILL, ANTEC, IMAGES, PAGES, GLOCHANT (including PICE), MARGINS, ODP, and STRATAFORM.", "east": -52.28132, "geometry": "POINT(-61.06198 -58.324905)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e ROCK CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e TURBIDITY METERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e ADCP; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MSBS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "R/V NBP", "locations": null, "north": -52.35215, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Anderson, John; Wellner, Julia", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "R2R", "science_programs": null, "south": -64.29766, "title": "Collaborative Research: SHALDRIL - A Demonstration Drilling Cruise to the James Ross Basin", "uid": "p0000571", "west": -69.84264}, {"awards": "0125480 Manley, Patricia", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Expedition Data; Expedition data of NBP0602A", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "002618", "doi": null, "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition data of NBP0602A", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0602A"}, {"dataset_uid": "001571", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0602A"}], "date_created": "Tue, 04 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, provides funds for a demonstration project to prove the viability of shallow ship-based geological drilling while simultaneously collecting useful cores for assessing the early history of the Antarctic ice sheets. For over three decades, U.S. scientists and their international colleagues exploring the shallow shelves and seas along the margins of Antarctic have been consistently frustrated by their inability to penetrate through the over-compacted glacial diamictons encountered at shallow sub bottom depths (within the upper 10 m) over these terrains. This is particularly frustrating because advanced high resolution seismic reflection techniques clearly show in many areas the presence of older successions of Neogene and even Paleogene sequences lying just beneath this thin veneer of diamictons. Until the means are developed to recover these sequences, a detailed history of the Antarctic ice sheets, which is an essential prerequisite to understanding Cenozoic paleoclimate and future climate change on a global scale, will remain an elusive and unobtainable goal. After four years of study and evaluation with the aid of a professional engineer (and over the course of two workshops), the SHALDRIL Committee, an interested group of U.S. scientists, has identified at least two diamond-coring systems deemed suitable for use on existing ice-breaking U.S. Antarctic Research Program vessels. The goal of this project is to employ diamond-coring technology on the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer in order to test out and demonstrate the feasibility of both ship-based diamond coring and down-hole logging. For this \"demonstration cruise\" coring will be attempted along a high-resolution seismic reflection profile on the continental shelf adjacent to Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, an area of high scientific interest in its own right. Here the well-defined geologic section is estimated to range from Eocene to Quaternary in age, effectively spanning the \"Greenhouse-Icehouse\" transition in the evolution of Antarctic/global climate. A complete record of this transition has yet to be obtained anywhere along the Antarctic margin. Following core recovery, this project will result in correlation of the paleoclimate records from the new cores with detailed fluctuations of the ice margin recorded at higher latitudes in the eastern Ross Sea by the recently concluded, fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project. If successful, this mobile and flexible drilling system will then be available to the broader scientific community for further research in paleoenvironmental conditions and other areas of science that are currently hindered by the present gap that exists in the US Antarctic Program\u0027s technical capability to explore the Antarctic shelves between the shore-line/fast-ice margin and the continental slope. SHALDRIL will be able to operate effectively in the \"no man\u0027s land\" that presently exists between the near shore (where the fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project was successful) and the upper slope (where the Ocean Drilling Program\u0027s vessel JOIDES Resolution becomes most efficient). This technological breakthrough will not only allow major outstanding scientific problems of the last three decades to be addressed, but will also favorably impact many current U.S. and SCAR (ICSU Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Antarctic or drilling-related initiatives, such as WAIS, ANTIME, ANDRILL, ANTEC, IMAGES, PAGES, GLOCHANT (including PICE), MARGINS, ODP, and STRATAFORM.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e ROCK CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e TURBIDITY METERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e ADCP; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MSBS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "R/V NBP", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Anderson, John", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "R2R", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: SHALDRIL - A Demonstration Drilling Cruise to the James Ross Basin", "uid": "p0000830", "west": null}, {"awards": "0125526 Wise, Sherwood", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Expedition Data; Expedition data of NBP0602A", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001571", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0602A"}, {"dataset_uid": "002616", "doi": null, "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition data of NBP0602A", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0602A"}], "date_created": "Tue, 04 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, provides funds for a demonstration project to prove the viability of shallow ship-based geological drilling while simultaneously collecting useful cores for assessing the early history of the Antarctic ice sheets. For over three decades, U.S. scientists and their international colleagues exploring the shallow shelves and seas along the margins of Antarctic have been consistently frustrated by their inability to penetrate through the over-compacted glacial diamictons encountered at shallow sub bottom depths (within the upper 10 m) over these terrains. This is particularly frustrating because advanced high resolution seismic reflection techniques clearly show in many areas the presence of older successions of Neogene and even Paleogene sequences lying just beneath this thin veneer of diamictons. Until the means are developed to recover these sequences, a detailed history of the Antarctic ice sheets, which is an essential prerequisite to understanding Cenozoic paleoclimate and future climate change on a global scale, will remain an elusive and unobtainable goal. After four years of study and evaluation with the aid of a professional engineer (and over the course of two workshops), the SHALDRIL Committee, an interested group of U.S. scientists, has identified at least two diamond-coring systems deemed suitable for use on existing ice-breaking U.S. Antarctic Research Program vessels. The goal of this project is to employ diamond-coring technology on the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer in order to test out and demonstrate the feasibility of both ship-based diamond coring and down-hole logging. For this \"demonstration cruise\" coring will be attempted along a high-resolution seismic reflection profile on the continental shelf adjacent to Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, an area of high scientific interest in its own right. Here the well-defined geologic section is estimated to range from Eocene to Quaternary in age, effectively spanning the \"Greenhouse-Icehouse\" transition in the evolution of Antarctic/global climate. A complete record of this transition has yet to be obtained anywhere along the Antarctic margin. Following core recovery, this project will result in correlation of the paleoclimate records from the new cores with detailed fluctuations of the ice margin recorded at higher latitudes in the eastern Ross Sea by the recently concluded, fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project. If successful, this mobile and flexible drilling system will then be available to the broader scientific community for further research in paleoenvironmental conditions and other areas of science that are currently hindered by the present gap that exists in the US Antarctic Program\u0027s technical capability to explore the Antarctic shelves between the shore-line/fast-ice margin and the continental slope. SHALDRIL will be able to operate effectively in the \"no man\u0027s land\" that presently exists between the near shore (where the fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project was successful) and the upper slope (where the Ocean Drilling Program\u0027s vessel JOIDES Resolution becomes most efficient). This technological breakthrough will not only allow major outstanding scientific problems of the last three decades to be addressed, but will also favorably impact many current U.S. and SCAR (ICSU Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Antarctic or drilling-related initiatives, such as WAIS, ANTIME, ANDRILL, ANTEC, IMAGES, PAGES, GLOCHANT (including PICE), MARGINS, ODP, and STRATAFORM.This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, provides funds for a demonstration project to prove the viability of shallow ship-based geological drilling while simultaneously collecting useful cores for assessing the early history of the Antarctic ice sheets. For over three decades, U.S. scientists and their international colleagues exploring the shallow shelves and seas along the margins of Antarctic have been consistently frustrated by their inability to penetrate through the over-compacted glacial diamictons encountered at shallow sub bottom depths (within the upper 10 m) over these terrains. This is particularly frustrating because advanced high resolution seismic reflection techniques clearly show in many areas the presence of older successions of Neogene and even Paleogene sequences lying just beneath this thin veneer of diamictons. Until the means are developed to recover these sequences, a detailed history of the Antarctic ice sheets, which is an essential prerequisite to understanding Cenozoic paleoclimate and future climate change on a global scale, will remain an elusive and unobtainable goal. After four years of study and evaluation with the aid of a professional engineer (and over the course of two workshops), the SHALDRIL Committee, an interested group of U.S. scientists, has identified at least two diamond-coring systems deemed suitable for use on existing ice-breaking U.S. Antarctic Research Program vessels. The goal of this project is to employ diamond-coring technology on the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer in order to test out and demonstrate the feasibility of both ship-based diamond coring and down-hole logging. For this \"demonstration cruise\" coring will be attempted along a high-resolution seismic reflection profile on the continental shelf adjacent to Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, an area of high scientific interest in its own right. Here the well-defined geologic section is estimated to range from Eocene to Quaternary in age, effectively spanning the \"Greenhouse-Icehouse\" transition in the evolution of Antarctic/global climate. A complete record of this transition has yet to be obtained anywhere along the Antarctic margin. Following core recovery, this project will result in correlation of the paleoclimate records from the new cores with detailed fluctuations of the ice margin recorded at higher latitudes in the eastern Ross Sea by the recently concluded, fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project. If successful, this mobile and flexible drilling system will then be available to the broader scientific community for further research in paleoenvironmental conditions and other areas of science that are currently hindered by the present gap that exists in the US Antarctic Program\u0027s technical capability to explore the Antarctic shelves between the shore-line/fast-ice margin and the continental slope. SHALDRIL will be able to operate effectively in the \"no man\u0027s land\" that presently exists between the near shore (where the fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project was successful) and the upper slope (where the Ocean Drilling Program\u0027s vessel JOIDES Resolution becomes most efficient). This technological breakthrough will not only allow major outstanding scientific problems of the last three decades to be addressed, but will also favorably impact many current U.S. and SCAR (ICSU Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Antarctic or drilling-related initiatives, such as WAIS, ANTIME, ANDRILL, ANTEC, IMAGES, PAGES, GLOCHANT (including PICE), MARGINS, ODP, and STRATAFORM.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e ROCK CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e TURBIDITY METERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e ADCP; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MSBS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "R/V NBP", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Anderson, John", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "R2R", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Proposal: SHALDRIL - A Demonstration Drilling Cruise to the James Ross Basin", "uid": "p0000828", "west": null}, {"awards": "0125562 Zachos, James", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Expedition Data; Expedition data of NBP0602A", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001571", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0602A"}, {"dataset_uid": "002617", "doi": null, "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition data of NBP0602A", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0602A"}], "date_created": "Tue, 04 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, provides funds for a demonstration project to prove the viability of shallow ship-based geological drilling while simultaneously collecting useful cores for assessing the early history of the Antarctic ice sheets. For over three decades, U.S. scientists and their international colleagues exploring the shallow shelves and seas along the margins of Antarctic have been consistently frustrated by their inability to penetrate through the over-compacted glacial diamictons encountered at shallow sub bottom depths (within the upper 10 m) over these terrains. This is particularly frustrating because advanced high resolution seismic reflection techniques clearly show in many areas the presence of older successions of Neogene and even Paleogene sequences lying just beneath this thin veneer of diamictons. Until the means are developed to recover these sequences, a detailed history of the Antarctic ice sheets, which is an essential prerequisite to understanding Cenozoic paleoclimate and future climate change on a global scale, will remain an elusive and unobtainable goal. After four years of study and evaluation with the aid of a professional engineer (and over the course of two workshops), the SHALDRIL Committee, an interested group of U.S. scientists, has identified at least two diamond-coring systems deemed suitable for use on existing ice-breaking U.S. Antarctic Research Program vessels. The goal of this project is to employ diamond-coring technology on the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer in order to test out and demonstrate the feasibility of both ship-based diamond coring and down-hole logging. For this \"demonstration cruise\" coring will be attempted along a high-resolution seismic reflection profile on the continental shelf adjacent to Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, an area of high scientific interest in its own right. Here the well-defined geologic section is estimated to range from Eocene to Quaternary in age, effectively spanning the \"Greenhouse-Icehouse\" transition in the evolution of Antarctic/global climate. A complete record of this transition has yet to be obtained anywhere along the Antarctic margin. Following core recovery, this project will result in correlation of the paleoclimate records from the new cores with detailed fluctuations of the ice margin recorded at higher latitudes in the eastern Ross Sea by the recently concluded, fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project. If successful, this mobile and flexible drilling system will then be available to the broader scientific community for further research in paleoenvironmental conditions and other areas of science that are currently hindered by the present gap that exists in the US Antarctic Program\u0027s technical capability to explore the Antarctic shelves between the shore-line/fast-ice margin and the continental slope. SHALDRIL will be able to operate effectively in the \"no man\u0027s land\" that presently exists between the near shore (where the fast-ice-based Cape Roberts Project was successful) and the upper slope (where the Ocean Drilling Program\u0027s vessel JOIDES Resolution becomes most efficient). This technological breakthrough will not only allow major outstanding scientific problems of the last three decades to be addressed, but will also favorably impact many current U.S. and SCAR (ICSU Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Antarctic or drilling-related initiatives, such as WAIS, ANTIME, ANDRILL, ANTEC, IMAGES, PAGES, GLOCHANT (including PICE), MARGINS, ODP, and STRATAFORM.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e ROCK CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e TURBIDITY METERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e ADCP; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MSBS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "R/V NBP", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Anderson, John", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "R2R", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Proposal: SHALDRIL - A Demonstration Drilling Cruise to the James Ross Basin", "uid": "p0000829", "west": null}, {"awards": "0837988 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -65,-144 -65,-108 -65,-72 -65,-36 -65,0 -65,36 -65,72 -65,108 -65,144 -65,180 -65,180 -67.5,180 -70,180 -72.5,180 -75,180 -77.5,180 -80,180 -82.5,180 -85,180 -87.5,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87.5,-180 -85,-180 -82.5,-180 -80,-180 -77.5,-180 -75,-180 -72.5,-180 -70,-180 -67.5,-180 -65))", "dataset_titles": "West Antarctica Ice Core and Climate Model Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609536", "doi": "10.7265/N5QJ7F8B", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide", "people": "Steig, Eric J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "West Antarctica Ice Core and Climate Model Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609536"}], "date_created": "Fri, 30 Apr 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to reconstruct the past physical and chemical climate of Antarctica, with an emphasis on the region surrounding the Ross Sea Embayment, using \u003e60 ice cores collected in this region by US ITASE and by Australian, Brazilian, Chilean, and New Zealand ITASE teams. The ice core records are annually resolved and exceptionally well dated, and will provide, through the analyses of stable isotopes, major soluble ions and for some trace elements, instrumentally calibrated proxies for past temperature, precipitation, atmospheric circulation, chemistry of the atmosphere, sea ice extent, and volcanic activity. These records will be used to understand the role of solar, volcanic, and human forcing on Antarctic climate and to investigate the character of recent abrupt climate change over Antarctica in the context of broader Southern Hemisphere and global climate variability. The intellectual merit of the project is that ITASE has resulted in an array of ice core records, increasing the spatial resolution of observations of recent Antarctic climate variability by more than an order of magnitude and provides the basis for assessment of past and current change and establishes a framework for monitoring of future climate change in the Southern Hemisphere. This comes at a critical time as global record warming and other impacts are noted in the Southern Ocean, the Antarctic Peninsula, and on the Antarctic ice sheet. The broader impacts of the project are that Post-doctoral and graduate students involved in the project will benefit from exposure to observational and modeling approaches to climate change research and working meetings to be held at the two collaborating institutions plus other prominent climate change institutions. The results are of prime interest to the public and the media Websites hosted by the two collaborating institutions contain climate change position papers, scientific exchanges concerning current climate change issues, and scientific contribution series.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Deuterium Isotopes; Deuterium Excess; Not provided; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Wais Divide-project", "locations": null, "north": -65.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Antarctic Climate Reconstruction Utilizing the US ITASE Ice Core Array (2009- 2012)", "uid": "p0000180", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0335330 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-60 83,-55.8 83,-51.6 83,-47.4 83,-43.2 83,-39 83,-34.8 83,-30.6 83,-26.4 83,-22.2 83,-18 83,-18 80.5,-18 78,-18 75.5,-18 73,-18 70.5,-18 68,-18 65.5,-18 63,-18 60.5,-18 58,-22.2 58,-26.4 58,-30.6 58,-34.8 58,-39 58,-43.2 58,-47.4 58,-51.6 58,-55.8 58,-60 58,-60 60.5,-60 63,-60 65.5,-60 68,-60 70.5,-60 73,-60 75.5,-60 78,-60 80.5,-60 83))", "dataset_titles": "Borehole Optical Stratigraphy Modeling, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609468", "doi": "10.7265/N5H70CR5", "keywords": "Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Modeling Code", "people": "Fudge, T. J.; Hawley, Robert L.; Smith, Ben; Waddington, Edwin D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Borehole Optical Stratigraphy Modeling, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609468"}], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Apr 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a study of the physical nature and environmental origin of optical features (light and dark zones) observed by video in boreholes in polar ice. These features appear to include an annual signal, as well as longer period signals. Borehole logs exist from a previous project, and in this lab-based project the interpretation of these logs will be improved. The origin of the features is of broad interest to the ice-core community. If some components relate to changes in the depositional environment beyond seasonality, important climatic cycles may be seen. If some components relate to post-depositional reworking, insights will be gained into the physical processes that change snow and firn, and the implications for interpretation of the chemical record in terms of paleoclimate. In order to exploit these features to best advantage in future ice-core and climate-change research, the two principal objectives of this project are to determine what physically causes the optical differences that we see and to determine the environmental processes that give rise to these physical differences. In the laboratory at NICL the conditions of a log of a borehole wall will be re-created as closely as possible by running the borehole video camera along sections of ice core, making an optical log of light reflected from the core. Combinations of physical variables that are correlated with optical features will be identified. A radiative-transfer model will be used to aid in the interpretation of these measurements, and to determine the optimum configuration for an improved future logging tool. An attempt will be made to determine the origin of the features. Two broad possibilities exist: 1) temporal changes in the depositional environment, and 2) post-depositional reworking. This project represents an important step toward a new way of learning about paleoclimate with borehole optical methods. Broader impacts include enhancing the infrastructure for research and education, since this instrument will complement high-resolution continuous-melter chemistry techniques and provide a rapid way to log physical variables using optical features as a proxy for climate signals. Since no core is required for this method, it can be used in rapidly drilled access holes or where core quality is poor. This project will support a graduate student who will carry out this project under the direction of the Principal Investigator. K-12 education will be enhanced through an ongoing collaboration with a science and math teacher from a local middle school. International collaboration will be expanded through work on this project with colleagues at the Norwegian Polar Institute and broad dissemination of results will occur through a project website for the general public.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e OPTICAL DUST LOGGERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice; Stratigraphy; Optical; Glaciers; Polar Ice; Ice Microphysics; Snow; Firn; Climate Change; LABORATORY; Snow Stratigraphy; Borehole", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Smith, Ben; Waddington, Edwin D.; Hawley, Robert L.; Fudge, T. J.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Borehole Optical Stratigraphy: Ice Microphysics, Climate Change, and the Optical Properties of Firn", "uid": "p0000016", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0440817 Taylor, Kendrick", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "WAIS Divide Ice Core Images, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609375", "doi": "10.7265/N5348H8T", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Optical Images; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "McGwire, Kenneth C.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Ice Core Images, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609375"}], "date_created": "Wed, 10 Feb 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports the coordination of an interdisciplinary and multi institutional deep ice coring program in West Antarctica. The program will develop interrelated climate, ice dynamics, and biologic records focused on understanding interactions of global earth systems. The records will have a year-by-year chronology for the most recent 40,000 years. Lower temporal resolution records will extend to 100,000 years before present. The intellectual activity of this project includes enhancing our understanding of the natural mechanisms that cause climate change. The study site was selected to obtain the best possible material, available from anywhere, to determine the role of greenhouse gas in the last series of major climate changes. The project will study the how natural changes in greenhouse gas concentrations influence climate. The influence of sea ice and atmospheric circulation on climate changes will also be investigated. Other topics that will be investigated include the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on changes in sea level and the biology deep in the ice sheet. The broader impacts of this project include developing information required by other science communities to improve predictions of future climate change. The \u003cbr/\u003eproject will use mass media to explain climate, glaciology, and biology issues to a broad audience. The next generation of ice core investigators will be trained and there will be an emphasis on exposing a diverse group of students to climate, glaciology and biology research.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e CAMERAS \u003e CAMERAS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS; Antarctica; Not provided; Ice Core Data; West Antarctica; LABORATORY; Ice Core; FIELD INVESTIGATION", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "McGwire, Kenneth C.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Investigation of Climate, Ice Dynamics and Biology using a Deep Ice Core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Ice Divide", "uid": "p0000182", "west": null}, {"awards": "0520523 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Methane Measurements from the GISP2 and Siple Dome Ice Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609440", "doi": "10.7265/N58P5XFZ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Methane Measurements from the GISP2 and Siple Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609440"}], "date_created": "Wed, 09 Dec 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Not Available", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Methane; Greenland Ice Cap; Ice Core Data; Siple Dome; Not provided; Ice Core Gas Records; DRILLING PLATFORMS; LABORATORY; Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; Antarctica; Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2", "locations": "Antarctica; Greenland Ice Cap; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Arctic Natural Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIXED PLATFORMS \u003e SURFACE \u003e DRILLING PLATFORMS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: New insights into the Holocene methane budget from dual isotope systematics and a high resolution record of the interpolar gradient", "uid": "p0000131", "west": null}, {"awards": "0196105 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "US ITASE Stable Isotope Data, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609425", "doi": "10.7265/N5NZ85MD", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; ITASE; Paleoclimate; WAIS", "people": "Steig, Eric J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "US ITASE Stable Isotope Data, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609425"}], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Not Available", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e AMS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e LIDAR/LASER SPECTROMETERS \u003e PALMS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotope; Depth; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Chemistry; LABORATORY; Firn Isotopes; FIELD SURVEYS; Deuterium; Ice Age; Oxygen Isotope; Not provided", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": null, "title": "Stable Isotope Studies at West Antarctic ITASE Sites", "uid": "p0000013", "west": null}, {"awards": "0440414 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600042", "doi": "10.15784/600042", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Climate; Cryosphere; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; ITASE; Meteorology; Paleoclimate; Satellite Remote Sensing; Weather Station Data", "people": "Steig, Eric J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600042"}], "date_created": "Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to obtain stable isotope profiles from shallow (\u003c100 m) ice cores from East Antarctica, to add to the growing database of environmental proxy data collected under the auspices of the \"ITASE\" (International TransAntarctic Scientific Expedition) program. In Antarctica, the instrumental record of climate is particularly short (~40 years except in a few isolated locations on the coast), and ice core proxy data are the only means available for extending this record into the past. The use of stable isotopes of water (18-O/16-O and D/H ratios) from ice cores as proxies for temperature is well established for both very short (i.e. seasonal) and long timescales (centuries, millennia). Using multivariate regression methods and shallow ice cores from West Antarctica, a reconstruction of Antarctic climate over the last ~150 years has been developed which suggests the continent has been warming, on average, at a rate of ~0.2 K/century. Further improving these reconstructions is the chief motivation for further extending the US ITASE project. Ten to fifteen shallow (~ 100 m) from Victoria Land, East Antarctica will be obtained and analyzed. The core will be collected along a traverse route beginning at Taylor Dome and ending at the South Pole. Age-depth relationships for the cores will be determined through a combination of stable isotopes, visual stratigraphy and seasonal chemical signatures and marker horizons. Reconstructions of Antarctic climate obtained from these cores will be incorporated into the global network of paleoclimate information, which has been important in science, policy and educational contexts. The project will include graduate student and postdoctoral training and field experience.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites", "uid": "p0000202", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0125794 Price, P. Buford", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Optical Logging for Dust and Microbes in Boreholes in Glacial Ice", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609403", "doi": "10.7265/N59P2ZKB", "keywords": "Antarctica; Dust; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Microbiology; Optical Backscatter", "people": "Bay, Ryan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Optical Logging for Dust and Microbes in Boreholes in Glacial Ice", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609403"}], "date_created": "Wed, 29 Jul 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0125794\u003cbr/\u003ePrice\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports research in climatology, geosciences, and life in extreme environments to be carried out with a newly developed optical borehole logger. The logger fits into a fluid-filled borehole in glacial ice. It emits light at 370 nm in a horizontal plane in order to probe optical properties of particles embedded in the ice out to several meters from the borehole. After leaving the borehole, the light is partially absorbed and scattered by dust, biomolecules, or microbes. A fraction of the light is scattered back into the borehole and is detected by a system of seven phototubes, each of which collects light with high efficiency in a separate wavelength band. One of them collects light that scatters off of dust and air bubbles without wavelength shift, and serves as a dust logger. The other six are covered with notch filters that measure six different wavelength bands and measure the shape of the fluorescence spectrum of microbes and biomolecules. Thus, the same instrument serves as both a dust logger and a microbe logger. Applications include: 1) Precise chronologies and long-period solar variability. With a resolution of 1 to 2 cm for both GISP2 and Siple Dome, the logger will record annual dust maxima and evaluate claims of modulations of dust concentration with periods ranging from 11 yrs (the solar cycle) to 2300 yrs; 2) Volcanism and age-depth markers. Dozens of volcanic ash bands will be detectable and will serve as primary age-depth markers for other boreholes; 3) Microorganisms and biomolecules. The vertical distribution of living, dormant, and dead microbes can be logged, and searches for archaea and aeolian polyaromatic hydrocarbons can be made. The logging experiments will be carried out at Siple Dome and Dome C in Antarctica and at GISP2 and GRIP in Greenland.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e OPTICAL DUST LOGGERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Data; Not provided; Climate Research; Climate; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Climate Change; FIELD SURVEYS; LABORATORY; Paleoclimate; Ice Core; Volcanic", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Arctic Natural Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bay, Ryan", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Optical Logging for Dust and Microbes in Boreholes in Glacial Ice", "uid": "p0000156", "west": null}, {"awards": "0440975 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-119.533333 -80.016667)", "dataset_titles": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd Ice Cores, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609407", "doi": "10.7265/N55X26V0", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Byrd Glacier; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd Ice Cores, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609407"}], "date_created": "Fri, 17 Jul 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The award supports the development of high-resolution nitrogen and oxygen isotope records on trapped gases in the Byrd and Siple Dome ice cores, and the Holocene part of the GISP2 ice core. The primary scientific goals of this work are to understand the enigmatic d15N anomalies seen thus far in the Siple Dome record at 15.3 ka and 35 ka, and to find other events that may occur in both cores. At these events, d15N of trapped air approaches zero, implying little or no gravitational fractionation of gases in the firn layer at the time of formation of the ice. These events may represent times of low accumulation rate and arid meteorological conditions, and thus may contain valuable information about the climatic history of West Antarctica. Alternatively, they may stem from crevassing and thus may reveal ice-dynamical processes. Finding the events in the Byrd core, which is located 500 km from Siple Dome, would place powerful constraints on their origin and significance. A second major goal is to explore the puzzling absence of the abrupt warming event at 22 ka (seen at Siple Dome) in the nearby Byrd 18O/16O record in the ice (d18Oice), and search for a possible correlative signal in Byrd d15N. A third goal takes advantage of the fact that precise measurements of the oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric O2 (d18Oatm) are obtained as a byproduct of the d15N measurement. The proposed gas-isotopic measurements will underpin an integrated suite of West Antarctic climate and atmospheric gas records, which will ultimately include the WAIS Divide core. These records will help separate regional from global climate signals, and may place constraints on the cause of abrupt climate change. Education of two graduate students, and training of two staff members in the laboratory, contribute to the nation\u0027s human resource base. Education and outreach will be an important component of the project.", "east": -119.533333, "geometry": "POINT(-119.533333 -80.016667)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Firn Air Isotopes; Not provided; Nitrogen Isotopes; LABORATORY; Firn Isotopes; Paleoclimate; FIELD SURVEYS; Ice Core; Oxygen Isotope; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Siple Dome", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -80.016667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -80.016667, "title": "Nitrogen and oxygen gas isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd ice cores", "uid": "p0000450", "west": -119.533333}, {"awards": "0440711 Marchant, David", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((160 -76.5,160.45 -76.5,160.9 -76.5,161.35 -76.5,161.8 -76.5,162.25 -76.5,162.7 -76.5,163.15 -76.5,163.6 -76.5,164.05 -76.5,164.5 -76.5,164.5 -76.7,164.5 -76.9,164.5 -77.1,164.5 -77.3,164.5 -77.5,164.5 -77.7,164.5 -77.9,164.5 -78.1,164.5 -78.3,164.5 -78.5,164.05 -78.5,163.6 -78.5,163.15 -78.5,162.7 -78.5,162.25 -78.5,161.8 -78.5,161.35 -78.5,160.9 -78.5,160.45 -78.5,160 -78.5,160 -78.3,160 -78.1,160 -77.9,160 -77.7,160 -77.5,160 -77.3,160 -77.1,160 -76.9,160 -76.7,160 -76.5))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jul 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project studies ancient lake deposits from the western Dry Valleys of Antarctica. These deposits are particularly exciting because they preserve flora and fauna over seven million years in age that represent the last vestiges of ecosystems that dominated this area before formation of the modern East Antarctic ice sheet. Their unique nature offers a chance to bridge modern and ancient ecology. Formed along the margin of ancient alpine glaciers, these deposits contain layers of silt, clay, and volcanic ash; as well as freeze-dried remnants of mosses, insects, and diatoms. Geological and biological analyses provide a view of the ecological and environmental conditions during mid-to-late Miocene--seven to seventeen million years ago--which spans the critical period when the East Antarctic ice sheet transitioned to its present stable form. The results place the modern lakes of the Dry Valleys into a long-term evolutionary framework, and allow for correlation and dating comparisons with other fossil-rich deposits from the Transantarctic Mountains. Chemical fingerprinting and dating of volcanic glass shards will also help date fossil- and ash-bearing horizons in nearby marine cores, such as those to be collected under the ANDRILL program. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe broader impacts are education at the postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate levels; and collaboration between a research institution and primarily undergraduate institution. The work also improves our understanding of global climate change during a critical period in the Earth\u0027s history.", "east": 164.5, "geometry": "POINT(162.25 -77.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Paleoclimate; Not provided; Lacustrine; Tundra; Middle Miocene; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Vegetation; Fossil; Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Dry Valleys", "north": -76.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Marchant, David", "platforms": "Not provided", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -78.5, "title": "Collaborative Research: Deducing Late Neogene Antarctic Climate from Fossil-Rich Lacustrine Sediments in the Dry Valleys", "uid": "p0000186", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "0739700 Marchant, David; 0739693 Ashworth, Allan", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((160 -77,160.2 -77,160.4 -77,160.6 -77,160.8 -77,161 -77,161.2 -77,161.4 -77,161.6 -77,161.8 -77,162 -77,162 -77.1,162 -77.2,162 -77.3,162 -77.4,162 -77.5,162 -77.6,162 -77.7,162 -77.8,162 -77.9,162 -78,161.8 -78,161.6 -78,161.4 -78,161.2 -78,161 -78,160.8 -78,160.6 -78,160.4 -78,160.2 -78,160 -78,160 -77.9,160 -77.8,160 -77.7,160 -77.6,160 -77.5,160 -77.4,160 -77.3,160 -77.2,160 -77.1,160 -77))", "dataset_titles": "Integrating Geomorphological and Paleoecological Studies to Reconstruct Neogene Environments of the Transantarctic Mountains", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600081", "doi": "10.15784/600081", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochronology; Geology/Geophysics - Other; GPS; Solid Earth", "people": "Ashworth, Allan; Lewis, Adam", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Integrating Geomorphological and Paleoecological Studies to Reconstruct Neogene Environments of the Transantarctic Mountains", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600081"}], "date_created": "Mon, 22 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project studies the last vestiges of life in Antarctica from exceptionally well-preserved fossils of tundra life--mosses, diatoms, ostracods, Nothofagus leaves, wood, and insect remains recently discovered in ancient lake sediments from the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The area will be studied by an interdisciplinary team to elucidate information about climate and biogeography. These deposits offer unique and direct information about the characteristics of Antarctica during a key period in its history, the time when it was freezing. This information is critical for correlation with indirect proxies, such as though obtained from drill cores, for climate and state of the ice sheet. The results will also help understand the origin and migration of similar organisms found in South America, India and Australia.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIn terms of broader impacts, this project supports an early career researcher, undergraduate and graduate student research, various forms of outreach to K12 students, and extensive international collaboration. The work also has societal relevance in that the outcomes will offer direct constraints on Antarctica\u0027s ice sheet during a time with atmospheric CO2 contents similar to those of the earth in the coming centuries, and thus may help predictive models of sea level rise.", "east": 162.0, "geometry": "POINT(161 -77.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided; Antarctica; Vegetation; Paleoclimate; Middle Miocene; Tundra; Bu/es Data Repository; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Lacustrine; Fossil", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Dry Valleys", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Ashworth, Allan; Lewis, Adam", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Integrating Geomorphological and Paleoecological Studies to Reconstruct Neogene Environments of the Transantarctic Mountains", "uid": "p0000188", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "9814810 Bales, Roger", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-124 -76,-120 -76,-116 -76,-112 -76,-108 -76,-104 -76,-100 -76,-96 -76,-92 -76,-88 -76,-84 -76,-84 -77.4,-84 -78.8,-84 -80.2,-84 -81.6,-84 -83,-84 -84.4,-84 -85.8,-84 -87.2,-84 -88.6,-84 -90,-88 -90,-92 -90,-96 -90,-100 -90,-104 -90,-108 -90,-112 -90,-116 -90,-120 -90,-124 -90,-124 -88.6,-124 -87.2,-124 -85.8,-124 -84.4,-124 -83,-124 -81.6,-124 -80.2,-124 -78.8,-124 -77.4,-124 -76))", "dataset_titles": "Atmospheric Mixing Ratios of Hydroperoxides above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from West Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609392", "doi": "10.7265/N5TM7826", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS", "people": "Frey, Markus; Bales, Roger; McConnell, Joseph", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609392"}, {"dataset_uid": "609394", "doi": "10.7265/N5PZ56RS", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; ITASE; WAIS", "people": "Frey, Markus; McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Atmospheric Mixing Ratios of Hydroperoxides above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609394"}], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to improve understanding of atmospheric photochemistry over West Antarctica, as recorded in snow, firn and ice. Atmospheric and firn sampling will be undertaken as part of the U.S. International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) traverses. Measurements of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and formaldehyde (HCHO) will be made on these samples and a recently developed, physically based atmosphere-to-snow transfer model will be used to relate photochemical model estimates of these components to the concentrations of these parameters in the atmosphere and snow. The efficiency of atmosphere-to-snow transfer and the preservation of these components is strongly related to the rate and timing of snow accumulation. This information will be obtained by analyzing the concentration of seasonally dependent species such as hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid and stable isotopes of oxygen. Collection of samples along the US ITASE traverses will allow sampling at a wide variety of locations, reflecting both a number of different depositional environments and covering much of the West Antarctic region.", "east": -84.0, "geometry": "POINT(-104 -83)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e FLUORESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS SENSORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; FIELD INVESTIGATION; FIELD SURVEYS; Antarctica; West Antarctica; Antarctic; LABORATORY; Ice Core Gas Records; Not provided; Ice Core Data; Polar Firn Air; Hydrogen Peroxide; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Shallow Firn Air; US ITASE; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Snow Chemistry", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctica; Antarctic; Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bales, Roger; Frey, Markus; McConnell, Joseph", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse", "uid": "p0000253", "west": -124.0}, {"awards": "0739452 Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((161 -76,161.2 -76,161.4 -76,161.6 -76,161.8 -76,162 -76,162.2 -76,162.4 -76,162.6 -76,162.8 -76,163 -76,163 -76.2,163 -76.4,163 -76.6,163 -76.8,163 -77,163 -77.2,163 -77.4,163 -77.6,163 -77.8,163 -78,162.8 -78,162.6 -78,162.4 -78,162.2 -78,162 -78,161.8 -78,161.6 -78,161.4 -78,161.2 -78,161 -78,161 -77.8,161 -77.6,161 -77.4,161 -77.2,161 -77,161 -76.8,161 -76.6,161 -76.4,161 -76.2,161 -76))", "dataset_titles": "Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600074", "doi": "10.15784/600074", "keywords": "Antarctica; Cosmogenic Dating; Dry Valleys; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth", "people": "Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600074"}], "date_created": "Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project seeks to answer a simple question: how old are potholes and related geomorphic features found in the uplands of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica? Some research suggests that they are over ten million years old and date the growth of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the world?s largest. However, some evidence suggests that these are young, erosional features that continuing to evolve to this day. This project uses cosmogenic nuclide dating to determine the age of the pothole floors. The results are important for determining the ice sheet?s history and interpreting the O-isotope record from the marine sediment cores, key records of global climate. Broader impacts include K12 outreach and incorporation of outcomes into university courses.", "east": 163.0, "geometry": "POINT(162 -77)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica", "uid": "p0000461", "west": 161.0}, {"awards": "0538683 Lal, Devendra", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Solar activity during the last millennium, estimated from cosmogenic in-situ C14 in South Pole and GISP2 ice cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600058", "doi": "10.15784/600058", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon-14; Cosmos; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Solar Activity; South Pole", "people": "Lal, Devendra", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Solar activity during the last millennium, estimated from cosmogenic in-situ C14 in South Pole and GISP2 ice cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600058"}], "date_created": "Fri, 20 Feb 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0538683\u003cbr/\u003eLal\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to continue development of a new method for estimating solar activity in the past. It is based on measurements of the concentrations of in-situ produced C-14 in polar ice by cosmic rays, which depend only on (i) the cosmic ray flux, and (ii) ice accumulation rate. This is the only direct method available to date polar ice, since it does not involve any uncertain climatic transfer functions as are encountered in the applications of cosmogenic C-14 data in tree rings, or of Be-10 in ice and sediments. An important task is to improve on the temporal resolution during identified periods of high/low solar activity in the past 32 Kyr. The plan is to undertake a study of changes in the cosmic ray flux during the last millennium (1100-1825 A.D.), during which time 4 low and 1 high solar activity epoch has been identified from historical records. Sunspot data during most of these periods are sparse. Adequate ice samples are available from ice cores from the South Pole and from Summit, Greenland and a careful high resolution study of past solar activity levels during this period will be undertaken. The intellectual merit of the work includes providing independent verification of estimated solar activity levels from the two polar ice records of cosmic ray flux and greatly improve our understanding of solar-terrestrial relationships. \u003cbr/\u003eThe broader impacts include collaboration with other scientists who are experts in the application of the atmospheric cosmogenic C-14 and student training. Both undergraduates and a graduate student will be involved in the proposed research. Various forms of outreach will also be used to disseminate the results of this project, including public presentations and interactions with the media.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Lal, Devendra", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Solar Activity during the Last Millennium, Estimated from Cosmogenic in-situ 14C in South Pole and GISP2 Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000555", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0440602 Saltzman, Eric; 0440615 Brook, Edward J.; 0440759 Sowers, Todd; 0440509 Battle, Mark; 0440498 White, James; 0440701 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.085 -79.467)", "dataset_titles": "Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the WAIS Drilling Site, Antarctica; Ice Core Air Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements - SPRESSO Ice Core; Methane Isotopes from the WAIS Divide Ice Core; Surface Temperature Reconstruction from Borehole Temperature Measurement in WDC05A; WAIS ice core Methane Data, Carbon Dioxide Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609493", "doi": "10.7265/N5319SV3", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "McConnell, Joseph; Taylor, Kendrick C.; Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward J.; Mitchell, Logan E", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS ice core Methane Data, Carbon Dioxide Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609493"}, {"dataset_uid": "609638", "doi": "10.7265/N56971HF", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Temperature; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Orsi, Anais J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Surface Temperature Reconstruction from Borehole Temperature Measurement in WDC05A", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609638"}, {"dataset_uid": "609412", "doi": "10.7265/N5251G40", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Saltzman, Eric", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the WAIS Drilling Site, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609412"}, {"dataset_uid": "601357", "doi": "10.15784/601357", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmospheric Gases; Gas Measurement; Ice Core; Ice Core Gas Records; Trace Gases", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Core Air Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements - SPRESSO Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601357"}, {"dataset_uid": "609435", "doi": "10.7265/N5J67DW0", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Methane; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Sowers, Todd A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Methane Isotopes from the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609435"}], "date_created": "Tue, 03 Feb 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to measure the elemental and isotopic composition of firn air and occluded air in shallow boreholes and ice cores from the WAIS Divide site, the location of a deep ice-coring program planned for 2006-07 and subsequent seasons. The three primary objectives are: 1) to establish the nature of firn air movement and trapping at the site to aid interpretations of gas data from the deep core; 2) to expand the suite of atmospheric trace gas species that can be measured in ice and replicate existing records of other species; and 3) to inter-calibrate all collaborating labs to insure that compositional and isotopic data sets are inter-comparable. The program will be initiated with a shallow drilling program during the 05/06 field season which will recover two 300+m cores and firn air samples. The ice core and firn air will provide more than 700 years of atmospheric history that will be used to address a number of important questions related to atmospheric change over this time period. The research team consists of six US laboratories that also plan to participate in the deep core program. This collaborative research program has a number of advantages. First, the scientists will be able to coordinate sample allocation a priori to maximize the resolution and overlap of records of interrelated species. Second, sample registration will be exact, allowing direct comparison of all records. Third, a coherent data set will be produced at the same time and all PI.s will participate in interpreting and publishing the results. This will insure that the best possible understanding of gas records at the WAIS Divide site will be achieved, and that all work necessary to interpret the deep core is conducted in a timely fashion. The collaborative structure created by the proposal will encourage sharing of techniques, equipment, and ideas between the laboratories. The research will identify impacts of various industrial/agricultural activities and help to distinguish them from natural variations, and will include species for which there are no long records of anthropogenic impact. The work will also help to predict future atmospheric loadings. The project will contribute to training scientists at several levels, including seven undergraduates, two graduate students and one post doctoral fellow.", "east": -112.085, "geometry": "POINT(-112.085 -79.467)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GC-MS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e SPECTROMETERS \u003e SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SAMPLERS \u003e BOTTLES/FLASKS/JARS \u003e FLASKS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Chemistry; WAIS Divide; Firn; LABORATORY; Ice Core; Firn Air Isotope Measurements; Shallow Firn Air; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Ice Core Gas Records; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Firn Isotopes; Wais Divide-project; Gas Data; Polar Firn Air; Not provided; Trace Gas Species; Trapped Gases; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Deep Core; Ice Sheet; Gas; Firn Air Isotopes; FIELD SURVEYS; Air Samples; Atmospheric Gases; Isotope; Cores; Atmosphere; Ice Core Data; Surface Temperatures; Firn Air; Borehole; Antarctica", "locations": "West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.467, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC; PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE; PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Battle, Mark; Mischler, John; Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; White, James; Brook, Edward J.; Orsi, Anais J.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Sowers, Todd A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.467, "title": "Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site", "uid": "p0000368", "west": -112.085}, {"awards": "0125098 Emslie, Steven", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-50 -60,-29 -60,-8 -60,13 -60,34 -60,55 -60,76 -60,97 -60,118 -60,139 -60,160 -60,160 -63,160 -66,160 -69,160 -72,160 -75,160 -78,160 -81,160 -84,160 -87,160 -90,139 -90,118 -90,97 -90,76 -90,55 -90,34 -90,13 -90,-8 -90,-29 -90,-50 -90,-50 -87,-50 -84,-50 -81,-50 -78,-50 -75,-50 -72,-50 -69,-50 -66,-50 -63,-50 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600028", "doi": "10.15784/600028", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Geochronology; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Penguin; Radiocarbon; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "people": "Emslie, Steven", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600028"}], "date_created": "Sun, 01 Feb 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "#0125098\u003cbr/\u003eSteve Emslie\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eOccupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis project will build on previous studies to investigate the occupation history and diet of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, with excavations of abandoned and active penguin colonies. Numerous active and abandoned colonies exist on the Victoria Land coast, from Cape Adare to Marble Point will be sampled. Some of these sites have been radiocarbon-dated and indicate a long occupation history for Adelie penguins extending to 13,000 years before present (B. P.). The material recovered from excavations, as demonstrated from previous investigations, will include penguin bones, tissue, and eggshell fragments as well as abundant remains of prey (fish bones, otoliths, squid beaks) preserved in ornithogenic (formed from bird guano) soils. These organic remains will be quantified and subjected to radiocarbon analyses to obtain a colonization history of penguins in this region. Identification of prey remains in the sediments will allow assessment of penguin diet. Other data (ancient DNA) from these sites will be analyzed through collaboration with New Zealand scientists. Past climatic conditions will be interpreted from published ice-core and marine-sediment records. These data will be used to test the hypothesis that Adelie penguins respond to climate change, past and present, in a predictable manner. In addition, the hypothesis that Adelie penguins alter their diet in accordance with climate, sea-ice conditions, and other marine environmental variables along a latitudinal gradient will be tested. Graduate and undergraduate students will be involved in this project and a project Web site will be developed to report results and maintain educational interaction between the PI and students at local middle and high schools in Wilmington, NC.", "east": 160.0, "geometry": "POINT(55 -75)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Emslie, Steven", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region", "uid": "p0000220", "west": -50.0}, {"awards": "0230268 Anderson, Robert", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -50,-169 -50,-158 -50,-147 -50,-136 -50,-125 -50,-114 -50,-103 -50,-92 -50,-81 -50,-70 -50,-70 -51.5,-70 -53,-70 -54.5,-70 -56,-70 -57.5,-70 -59,-70 -60.5,-70 -62,-70 -63.5,-70 -65,-81 -65,-92 -65,-103 -65,-114 -65,-125 -65,-136 -65,-147 -65,-158 -65,-169 -65,180 -65,177 -65,174 -65,171 -65,168 -65,165 -65,162 -65,159 -65,156 -65,153 -65,150 -65,150 -63.5,150 -62,150 -60.5,150 -59,150 -57.5,150 -56,150 -54.5,150 -53,150 -51.5,150 -50,153 -50,156 -50,159 -50,162 -50,165 -50,168 -50,171 -50,174 -50,177 -50,-180 -50))", "dataset_titles": "Southern Ocean Deglacial Opal, Radionuclide, and Diatom Upwelling Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000199", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NCEI", "science_program": null, "title": "Southern Ocean Deglacial Opal, Radionuclide, and Diatom Upwelling Data", "url": "https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/8439"}], "date_created": "Mon, 12 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, supports a project to investigate the \"Silicic Acid Leakage Hypothesis\" as it relates to global carbon dioxide fluctuations during glacial-interglacial cycles.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIntellectual Merit\u003cbr/\u003eThis project will evaluate the burial rate of biogenic opal in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, both during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and during the Holocene, as a critical test of the \"Silicic Acid Leakage Hypothesis\". \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe \"Silicic Acid Leakage Hypothesis\" has been proposed recently to explain the glacial reduction in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere that has been reconstructed from Antarctic ice cores. Vast amounts of dissolved Si (silicic acid) are supplied to surface waters of the Southern Ocean by wind-driven upwelling of deep waters. Today, that dissolved Si is consumed almost quantitatively by diatoms who form skeletal structures composed of biogenic opal (a mineral form of silicon). According to the \"Silicic Acid Leakage Hypothesis\", environmental conditions in the Southern Ocean during glacial periods were unfavorable for diatom growth, leading to reduced (compared to interglacials) efficiency of dissolved Si utilization. Dissolved Si that was not consumed biologically in the glacial Southern ocean was then exported to the tropics in waters that sink in winter to depths of a few hundred meters along the northern fringes of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and return some decades later to the sunlit surface in tropical regions of wind-driven upwelling. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eAn increase in the amount of dissolved Si that \"leaks\" out of the Southern Ocean and later upwells at low latitudes could shift the global average composition of phytoplankton toward a greater abundance of diatoms and fewer CaCO3-secreting taxa (especially coccolithophorids). Consequences of such a taxonomic shift in the ocean\u0027s phytoplankton assemblage include:\u003cbr/\u003e a) an increase in the global average organic carbon/calcium carbonate ratio of particulate biogenic material sinking into the deep sea;\u003cbr/\u003e b) a reduction in the preservation and burial of calcium carbonate in marine sediments;\u003cbr/\u003e c) an increase in ocean alkalinity as a consequence of the first two changes mentioned above, and;\u003cbr/\u003e d) a lowering of atmospheric CO2 concentrations in response to increased alkalinity of ocean waters. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eA complete assessment of the Silicic acid leakage hypothesis will require an evaluation of: (1) Si utilization efficiencies using newly-developed stable isotopic techniques; (2) opal burial rates in low-latitude upwelling regions; and (3) opal burial rates in the Southern Ocean. This project addresses the last of these topics. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ePrevious work has shown that there was little change in opal burial rate between the LGM and the Holocene in the Atlantic and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean. Preliminary results (summarized in this proposal) suggest that the Pacific may have been different, however, in that opal burial rates in the Pacific sector seem to have been lower during the LGM than during the Holocene, allowing for the possibility of \"Si leakage\" from this region. However, available results are too sparse to make any quantitative conclusions at this time. For that reason, we propose to make a comprehensive evaluation of opal burial rates in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eSignificance and Broader Impacts\u003cbr/\u003eDetermining the mechanism(s) by which the ocean has regulated climate-related changes in the CO2 content of the atmosphere has been the focus of a substantial effort by paleoceanographers over the past two decades. The Silicic Acid Leakage Hypothesis is a viable new candidate mechanism that warrants further exploration and testing. Completion of the proposed work will contribute significantly to that effort. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eDuring the course of this work, several undergraduates will be exposed to paleoclimate research through their involvement in this project. Burckle and Anderson are both dedicated to the education and training of young scientists, and to the recruitment of women and under-represented minorities. To illustrate, two summer students (undergraduates) worked in Burckle\u0027s lab during the summer of 2002. One was a woman and the other (male) was a member of an under-represented minority. Anderson and Burckle will continue with similar recruitment efforts during the course of the proposed study. A minority student who has expressed an interest in working on this research during the summer of 2003 has already been identified.", "east": -70.0, "geometry": "POINT(-140 -57.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -50.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Anderson, Robert; Burckle, Lloyd", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "NCEI", "repositories": "NCEI", "science_programs": null, "south": -65.0, "title": "Opal Burial in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean: A Test of the \"Silicic Acid Leakage Hypothesis.\"", "uid": "p0000457", "west": 150.0}, {"awards": "0512971 Brook, Edward J.; 0126057 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Antarctic and Greenland Climate Change Comparison; GISP2 (B and D Core) Methane Concentrations; GISP2 (D Core) Helium Isotopes from Interplanetary Dust; GISP2 (D Core) Methane Concentration Data; Siple Dome Methane Record", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609253", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Chappellaz, Jerome; Blunier, Thomas; Brook, Edward J.; Stauffer, Bernhard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic and Greenland Climate Change Comparison", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609253"}, {"dataset_uid": "609125", "doi": "", "keywords": "Arctic; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Greenland; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "GISP2 (B and D Core) Methane Concentrations", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609125"}, {"dataset_uid": "609361", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Kurz, Mark D.; Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "GISP2 (D Core) Helium Isotopes from Interplanetary Dust", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609361"}, {"dataset_uid": "609360", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "GISP2 (D Core) Methane Concentration Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609360"}, {"dataset_uid": "609124", "doi": "10.7265/N5KH0K8R", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Methane Record", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609124"}], "date_created": "Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports work on trapped gases in Antarctic and other ice cores for paleoenvironmental and chronological purposes. The project will complete a ~ 100,000 year, high-resolution record of atmospheric methane from the Siple Dome ice core and use these data to construct a precise chronology for climate events recorded by the Siple Dome record. In addition, the resolution of the GISP2 (Greenland) ice core record will be increased in some critical intervals to help with the Siple Dome chronology and that of future ice cores. Finally, an upgrade to the analytical capabilities of the laboratory, including increasing precision and throughput and decreasing sample size needed for ice core methane measurements will be an important goal of this work. The proposed work will contribute to the understanding of the timing of rapid climate change in the Northern and Southern hemispheres during the last glacial period, the evolution of the global methane budget in the late Quaternary, and the late Quaternary climate history of Antarctica. It will also improve our ability to generate methane records for future ice coring projects, and inform and enrich the educational and outreach activities of our laboratory.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotope; Siple Coast; WAISCORES; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Interplanetary Dust; FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; Ice Sheet; Snow; GROUND STATIONS; Gas Measurement; Ice Core; Siple; Antarctica; Methane; Glaciology; Stratigraphy; Siple Dome", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Blunier, Thomas; Chappellaz, Jerome; Stauffer, Bernhard; Kurz, Mark D.; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change", "uid": "p0000034", "west": null}, {"awards": "0636953 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-148.82 -81.66)", "dataset_titles": "Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core; Ice Core Air Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements - Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core; Methyl Bromide Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core; Methyl Chloride Measurements from the Siple Dome A Deep Core, Antarctica; Methyl Chloride Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609599", "doi": "10.7265/N5S75D8P", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609599"}, {"dataset_uid": "609598", "doi": "10.7265/N5X0650D", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Methyl Bromide Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609598"}, {"dataset_uid": "609600", "doi": "10.7265/N5PG1PPB", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Methyl Chloride Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609600"}, {"dataset_uid": "609356", "doi": "10.7265/N56W9807", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret; Saltzman, Eric", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Methyl Chloride Measurements from the Siple Dome A Deep Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609356"}, {"dataset_uid": "601361", "doi": "10.15784/601361", "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbonyl Sulfide; Trace Gases", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Core Air Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements - Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601361"}], "date_created": "Wed, 22 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Saltzman/0636953\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to measure methyl chloride, methyl bromide, and carbonyl sulfide in air extracted from Antarctic ice cores. Previous measurements in firn air and shallow ice cores suggest that the ice archive contains paleo-atmospheric signals for these gases. The goal of this study is to extend these records throughout the Holocene and into the last Glacial period to examine the behavior of these trace gases over longer time scales and a wider range of climatic conditions. These studies are exploratory, and both the stability of these trace gases and the extent to which they may be impacted by in situ processes will be assessed. This project will involve sampling and analyzing archived ice core samples from the Siple Dome, Taylor Dome, Byrd, and Vostok ice cores. The ice core samples will be analyzed by dry extraction, with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with isotope dilution. The ice core measurements will generate new information about the range of natural variability of these trace gases in the atmosphere. The intellectual merit of this project is that this work will provide an improved basis for assessing the impact of anthropogenic activities on biogeochemical cycles, and new insight into the climatic sensitivity of the biogeochemical processes controlling atmospheric composition. The broader impact of this project is that there is a strong societal interest in understanding how man\u0027s activities impact the atmosphere, and how atmospheric chemistry may be altered by future climate change. The results of this study will contribute to the development of scenarios used for future projections of stratospheric ozone and climate change. In terms of human development, this project will support the doctoral dissertation of a graduate student in Earth System Science, and undergraduate research on polar ice core chemistry. This project will also contribute to the development of an Earth Sciences teacher training curriculum for high school teachers in the Orange County school system in collaboration with an established, NSF-sponsored Math and Science Partnership program (FOCUS).", "east": -148.82, "geometry": "POINT(-148.82 -81.66)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Methyl Bromide; Antarctic; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core Data; Carbonyl Sulfide; Methyl Chloride; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Siple Dome; Trace Gases; Ice Core Chemistry; Biogeochemical; Atmospheric Chemistry; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; LABORATORY; Ice Core; West Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Siple Dome; West Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -81.66, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE; PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE; PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core; Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.66, "title": "Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000042", "west": -148.82}, {"awards": "0228052 Kreutz, Karl", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((161.0434 -77.3002,161.241645 -77.3002,161.43989 -77.3002,161.638135 -77.3002,161.83638 -77.3002,162.034625 -77.3002,162.23287 -77.3002,162.431115 -77.3002,162.62936 -77.3002,162.827605 -77.3002,163.02585 -77.3002,163.02585 -77.3784846,163.02585 -77.4567692,163.02585 -77.5350538,163.02585 -77.6133384,163.02585 -77.691623,163.02585 -77.7699076,163.02585 -77.8481922,163.02585 -77.9264768,163.02585 -78.0047614,163.02585 -78.083046,162.827605 -78.083046,162.62936 -78.083046,162.431115 -78.083046,162.23287 -78.083046,162.034625 -78.083046,161.83638 -78.083046,161.638135 -78.083046,161.43989 -78.083046,161.241645 -78.083046,161.0434 -78.083046,161.0434 -78.0047614,161.0434 -77.9264768,161.0434 -77.8481922,161.0434 -77.7699076,161.0434 -77.691623,161.0434 -77.6133384,161.0434 -77.5350538,161.0434 -77.4567692,161.0434 -77.3784846,161.0434 -77.3002))", "dataset_titles": "Late Holocene Climate Variability, Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609399", "doi": "10.7265/N5FF3Q92", "keywords": "Antarctica; Borehole Temperature; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dry Valleys; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Mass Balance; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties", "people": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Kreutz, Karl", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Late Holocene Climate Variability, Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609399"}], "date_created": "Tue, 21 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to collect and develop high-resolution ice core records from the Dry Valleys region of Antarctica, and provide interpretations of interannual to decadal-scale climate variability during the last 2000 years (late Holocene). The project will test hypotheses related to ocean/atmosphere teleconnections (e.g., El Nino Southern Oscillation, Antarctic Oscillation) that may be responsible for major late Holocene climate events such as the Little Ice Age in the Southern Hemisphere. Conceptual and quantitative models of these processes in the Dry Valleys during the late Holocene are critical for understanding recent climate changes, and represent the main scientific merit of the project. We plan to collect intermediate-length ice cores (100-200m) at four sites along transects in Taylor Valley and Wright Valley, and analyze each core at high resolution for stable isotopes (d18O, dD), major ions (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, MSA), and trace elements (Al, Fe, S, Sr, B). A suite of statistical techniques will be applied to the multivariate glaciochemical dataset to identify chemical associations and to calibrate the time-series records with available instrumental data. Broader impacts of the project include: 1) contributions to several ongoing interdisciplinary Antarctic research programs; 2) graduate and undergraduate student involvement in field, laboratory, and data interpretation activities; 3) use of project data and ideas in several UMaine courses and outreach activities; and 4) data dissemination through peer-reviewed publications, UMaine and other paleoclimate data archive websites, and presentations at national and international meetings.", "east": 163.02585, "geometry": "POINT(162.034625 -77.691623)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MC-ICP-MS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e HUMIDITY SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PRESSURE/HEIGHT METERS \u003e PRESSURE SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e TEMPERATURE SENSORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Holocene; Climate Research; AWS Climate Data; Paleoclimate; Climate Variation; Dry Valleys; Wright Valley; Little Ice Age; Stable Isotopes; Glaciochemical; Ice Core; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Enso; Antarctic Oscillation; Climate; GPS; El Nino-Southern Oscillation; LABORATORY; Not provided; Climate Change; Ice Core Records; Antarctica; Taylor Valley; FIELD SURVEYS; Variability", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Taylor Valley; Wright Valley", "north": -77.3002, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Kreutz, Karl; Arcone, Steven; Mayewski, Paul A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e NAVIGATION SATELLITES \u003e GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) \u003e GPS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.083046, "title": "Dry Valleys Late Holocene Climate Variability", "uid": "p0000155", "west": 161.0434}, {"awards": "0124049 Berger, Glenn", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((161.4 -77.5,161.6 -77.5,161.8 -77.5,162 -77.5,162.20000000000002 -77.5,162.4 -77.5,162.6 -77.5,162.8 -77.5,163 -77.5,163.20000000000002 -77.5,163.4 -77.5,163.4 -77.52,163.4 -77.54,163.4 -77.56,163.4 -77.58,163.4 -77.6,163.4 -77.62,163.4 -77.64,163.4 -77.66,163.4 -77.68,163.4 -77.7,163.20000000000002 -77.7,163 -77.7,162.8 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.4 -77.7,162.20000000000002 -77.7,162 -77.7,161.8 -77.7,161.6 -77.7,161.4 -77.7,161.4 -77.68,161.4 -77.66,161.4 -77.64,161.4 -77.62,161.4 -77.6,161.4 -77.58,161.4 -77.56,161.4 -77.54,161.4 -77.52,161.4 -77.5))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Mon, 25 Aug 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0124049\u003cbr/\u003eBerger\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to add to the understanding of what drives glacial cycles. Most researchers agree that Milankovitch seasonal forcing paces the ice ages but how these insolation changes are leveraged into abrupt global climate change remains unknown. A current popular view is that the climate of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean leads that of the rest of the world by a couple thousand years at Termination I and by even greater margins during previous terminations. This project will integrate the geomorphological record of glacial history with a series of cores taken from the lake bottoms in the Dry Valleys of the McMurdo Sound region of Antarctica. Using a modified Livingstone corer, transects of long cores will be obtained from Lakes Fryxell, Bonney, Joyce, and Vanda. A multiparameter approach will be employed which is designed to extract the greatest possible amount of former water-level, glaciological, and paleoenvironmental data from Dry Valleys lakes. Estimates of hydrologic changes will come from different proxies, including grain size, stratigraphy, evaporite mineralogy, stable isotope and trace element chemistry, and diatom assemblage analysis. The chronology, necessary to integrate the cores with the geomorphological record, as well as for comparisons with Antarctic ice-core and glacial records, will come from Uranium-Thorium, Uranium-Helium, and Carbon-14 dating of carbonates, as well as luminescence sediment dating. Evaluation of the link between lake-level and climate will come from hydrological and energy-balance modelling. Combination of the more continuous lake-core sequences with the spatially extensive geomorphological record will result in an integrated Antarctic lake-level and paleoclimate dataset that extends back at least 30,000 years. This record will be compared to Dry Valleys glacier records and to the Antarctic ice cores to address questions of regional climate variability, and then to other Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere records to assess interhemispheric synchrony or asynchrony of climate change.", "east": 163.4, "geometry": "POINT(162.4 -77.6)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e LIDAR/LASER SOUNDERS \u003e LASERS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Stratigraphy; Climate Variability; Shoreline Deposits; Dry Valleys; Antarctic Lake-level; Luminescence Geochronology; Grain Size; Paleoclimate; Antarctica; LABORATORY; Lake Cores", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Berger, Glenn; Hall, Brenda; Doran, Peter", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -77.7, "title": "Collaborative Research: Millennial Scale Fluctuations of Dry Valleys Lakes: Implications for Regional Climate Variability and the Interhemispheric (a)Synchrony of Climate Change", "uid": "p0000219", "west": 161.4}, {"awards": "0917509 Spencer, Matthew; 0440447 Spencer, Matthew", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "dataset_titles": "Firn depth and bubble density for Siple Ice Core and other sites", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601746", "doi": "10.15784/601746", "keywords": "Antarctica; Density; Firn; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Spencer, Matthew", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Firn depth and bubble density for Siple Ice Core and other sites", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601746"}], "date_created": "Mon, 19 May 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a two-year collaborative effort to more fully understand the climatic history and physical properties of the Siple Dome, Antarctica deep ice core, to develop a new paleoclimatic technique based on bubble number-density, and to improve the U.S. capability to analyze ice-core physical properties rapidly and accurately. The Siple Dome ice core from West Antarctica is yielding important paleoclimatic insights, but has proven more difficult than some cores to interpret owing to the large iceflow effects on the paleoclimatic record. Paleoclimatic indicators that do not rely on iceflow corrections thus would be of value. The bubble number-density offers one such indicator, because it preserves information on mean temperature and accumulation rate during the transformation of firn to ice. We will focus on thin-section characteristics that are important to ice flow and the interpretation of the ice-core history, such as c-axis fabrics, and will use indicators that we have been developing, such as the correlation between grain elongation and the c-axis orientation, to gain additional information. To achieve this quickly and accurately, and to prepare for future projects, we propose to upgrade the automatic caxis- fabric analyzer that Wilen has built and housed at the National Ice Core Laboratory. The intellectual merit of the proposed activity includes improved estimates of paleoclimatic conditions in an important region, improved understanding of a new paleoclimatic research tool, greater understanding of ice flow and of linkages to physical properties, and a better instrument for further U.S. research in ice-core physical properties at the National Ice Core Laboratory. The broader impacts resulting from the proposed activity include providing better understanding of abrupt climate change and of ice flow, which eventually should help policy-makers, as well as an improved U.S. capability to analyze ice cores. The proposed research will assist the studies of two promising young scientists. Results of the research will be incorporated into courses and public outreach reaching at least hundreds or thousands of people per year.", "east": -148.81, "geometry": "POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Not provided; Ice Core; Ice Flow; Bubble Number Density; LABORATORY; Thin Sections; Paleoclimate; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Fabric; Siple Dome; Climate; Antarctica; Antarctic; FIELD SURVEYS", "locations": "Siple Dome; Antarctica; Antarctic", "north": -81.65, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Spencer, Matthew; Wilen, Larry", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -81.65, "title": "Collaborative Research: Combined Physical Property Measurements at Siple Dome", "uid": "p0000658", "west": -148.81}, {"awards": "0337891 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(158 -77.666667)", "dataset_titles": "Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Byrd Ice Core, Antarctica; Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Taylor Dome Ice Core, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609315", "doi": "10.7265/N5542KJK", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Taylor Dome Ice Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609315"}, {"dataset_uid": "609314", "doi": "10.7265/N58W3B80", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Byrd Glacier; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Byrd Ice Core", "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Byrd Ice Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609314"}], "date_created": "Mon, 05 Nov 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports the development of a new laboratory capability in the U.S. to measure CO2 in ice cores and investigate millennial-scale changes in CO2 during the last glacial period using samples from the Byrd and Siple Dome ice cores. Both cores have precise relative chronologies based on correlation of methane and the isotopic composition of atmospheric oxygen with counterpart records from Greenland ice cores. The proposed work will therefore allow comparison of the timing of CO2 change, Antarctic temperature change, and Greenland temperature change on common time scales. Such comparisons are vital for evaluating models that explain changes in atmospheric CO2. The techniques being developed will also be available for future projects, specifically the proposed Inland WAIS ice core, for which a highly detailed CO2 record is a major objective, and studies greenhouse and other atmospheric gases and their isotopic composition for which dry extraction is necessary (stable isotopes in CO2, for example). There are many broad impacts of the proposed work. Ice core greenhouse gas records are central contributions of paleoclimatology to research and policy-making concerning global change. The proposed work will enhance those contributions by improving our understanding of the natural cycling of the most important greenhouse gas. It will contribute to the training of a postdoctoral researcher, who will be an integral part of an established research group and benefit from the diverse paleoclimate and geochemistry community at OSU. The PI teaches major and non-major undergraduate and graduate courses on climate and global change. The proposed work will enrich those courses and the courses will provide an opportunity for the postdoctoral researcher to participate in teaching by giving guest lectures. The PI also participates in a summer climate workshop for high school teachers at Washington State University and the proposed work will enrich that contribution. The extraction device that is built and the expertise gained in using it will be resources for the ice core community and available for future projects. Data will be made available through established national data center and the equipment designs will also be made available to other researchers.", "east": 158.0, "geometry": "POINT(158 -77.666667)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core; Climate Change; CO2; Atmospheric Chemistry; Atmospheric CO2; LABORATORY; Not provided; Ice Core Data; Climate; Ice Core Chemistry; Atmospheric Gases; Ice Core Gas Records; GROUND STATIONS; Climate Research", "locations": null, "north": -77.666667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Ahn, Jinho; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": -77.666667, "title": "Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2", "uid": "p0000268", "west": 158.0}, {"awards": "9526556 Sowers, Todd", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-148.3023 -81.403)", "dataset_titles": "Carbon-13 Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Methane in Firn Air, South Pole and Siple Dome, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609310", "doi": "10.7265/N5ST7MR2", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole", "people": "Sowers, Todd A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Carbon-13 Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Methane in Firn Air, South Pole and Siple Dome, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609310"}], "date_created": "Mon, 09 Jul 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program to reconstruct records of the isotopic composition of paleoatmospheric methane and nitrous oxide covering the last 200,000 years. High resolution measurements of the carbon-13 isotopic composition of methane from shallow ice cores will help to determine the relative contributions of biogenic (wetlands, rice fields and ruminants) and abiogenic (biomass burning and natural gas) methane emissions which have caused the concentrations of this gas to increase at an exponential rate during the anthropogenic period. Isotopic data on methane and nitrous oxide over glacial/interglacial timescales will help determine the underlying cause of the large concentration variations that are known to occur. This project will make use of a new generation mass spectrometer which is capable of generating precise isotopic information on nanomolar quantities of methane and nitrous oxide, which means that samples can be 1000 times smaller than those needed for a standard isotope ratio instrument. The primary objective of the work is to further our understanding of the biogeochemical cycles of these two greenhouse gases throughout the anthropogenic period as well as over glacial interglacial timescales.", "east": -148.3023, "geometry": "POINT(-148.3023 -81.403)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core; Firn Air Isotope Measurements; Ice Core Chemistry; Firn Isotopes; Stable Isotopes; Methane; Carbon; Paleoclimate; LABORATORY; Siple Dome; Antarctica; Ice Core Data; Firn Air Isotopes; Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Siple Dome", "north": -81.403, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Sowers, Todd A.", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.403, "title": "Constructing Paleoatmospheric Records of the Isotopic Composition of Methane and Nitrous Oxide", "uid": "p0000611", "west": -148.3023}, {"awards": "0126146 Miller, Molly", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(171 -83.75)", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Wed, 20 Jun 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, provides funds for a study to investigate paleoenvironmental conditions during the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic in central interior Antarctica. The 4 km thick sequence of sedimentary rocks, known as the Beacon Supergroup, in the Beardmore Glacier area records 90 million years of Permian through Jurassic history of this high-paleolatitude sector of Gondwana. It accumulated in a foreland basin with a rate of subsidence approximately equal to the rate of deposition. The deposits have yielded diverse vertebrate fossils, in situ fossil forests, and exceptionally well preserved plant fossils. They give a unique glimpse of glacial, lake, and stream/river environments and ecosystems and preserve an unparalleled record of the depositional, paleoclimatic, and tectonic history of the area. The excellent work done to date provides a solid base of information on which to build understanding of conditions and processes.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis project is a collaborative study of this stratigraphic section that will integrate sedimentologic, paleontologic, and ichnologic observations to answer focused questions, including: (1) What are the stratigraphic architecture and alluvial facies of Upper Permian to Jurassic rocks in the Beardmore area?; (2) In what tectonostratigraphic setting were these rocks deposited?; (3) Did vertebrates inhabit the cold, near-polar, Permian floodplains, as indicated by vertebrate burrows, and can these burrows be used to identify, for the first time, the presence of small early mammals in Mesozoic deposits?; and (4) How did bottom-dwelling animals in lakes and streams use substrate ecospace, how did ecospace use at these high paleolatitudes differ from ecospace use in equivalent environments at low paleolatitudes, and what does burrow distribution reveal about seasonality of river flow and thus about paleoclimate? Answers to these questions will (1) clarify the paleoclimatic, basinal, and tectonic history of this part of Gondwana, (2) elucidate the colonization of near-polar ecosystems by vertebrates, (3) provide new information on the environmental and paleolatitudinal distributions of early mammals, and (4) allow semi-quantitative assessment of the activity and abundance of bottom-dwelling animals in different freshwater environments at high and low latitudes. In summary, this project will contribute significantly to an understanding of paleobiology and paleoecology at a high latitude floodplain setting during a time in Earth history when the climate was much different than today.", "east": 171.0, "geometry": "POINT(171 -83.75)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Beardmore Glacier; FIELD SURVEYS; Paleoclimate; Permian; Paleontology; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Sedimentologic; Ichnologic; Stratigraphic; Gondwana", "locations": "Beardmore Glacier", "north": -83.75, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e MESOZOIC \u003e JURASSIC; PHANEROZOIC \u003e PALEOZOIC \u003e PERMIAN; PHANEROZOIC \u003e MESOZOIC \u003e TRIASSIC", "persons": "Miller, Molly", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -83.75, "title": "Collaborative Research: Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic Fauna, Environment, Climate and Basinal History: Beardmore Glacier Area, Transantarctic Mountains", "uid": "p0000736", "west": 171.0}, {"awards": "0548918 van de Flierdt, Christina-Maria", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Thu, 07 Jun 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This Small Grant for Exploratory Research supports development of a geochemical technique to time the onset of glacial erosion from Antarctica\u0027s continental ice sheets. The technique pairs neodymium (Nd) and hafnium (Hf) isotope proxies from the authigenic (seawater-derived) ferromanganese phase precipitated in marine sediments. This technique promises to be a sensitive indicator of glacial erosion. Non-radiogenic Hf is contained in the mineral zircon, which can only be released by the abrasive grinding that accompanies glacial erosion. Previous attempts to develop this technique encountered difficulty due to the minute amounts of Hf involved and the difficulty in its extraction. The PIs have developed a new chemical protocol that should allow them to selectively extract authigenic Hf from bulk sediments. If successful, studies of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary from two drill cores the Weddell Sea and Kerguelen Plateau will be carried out. This boundary is considered the initiation point for formation of Antarctica\u0027s current ice sheets. If successful, this method will benefit scientists with interests as diverse as continental weathering, ocean circulation, Cenozoic paleoceanography and paleoclimate, and Antarctic geology. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe broader impacts of this work are development of a new analytical technique that may improve society\u0027s understanding of the potential for global climate change from the perspective of the deep time record.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Van De Flierdt, Christina-Maria", "platforms": "Not provided", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "SGER: Development of the Paired Authigenic Neodymium-Hafnium Isotope Weathering Tracer From Marine Sediments in the Circum Antarctic Realm", "uid": "p0000130", "west": null}, {"awards": "0126194 Harder, Susan", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Access to data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001336", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "Access to data", "url": "http://nsidc.org/data/agdc_investigators.html"}], "date_created": "Tue, 20 Feb 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a two-year project to continue work developing the techniques to make carbon monoxide (CO) measurements in ice core samples. Carbon monoxide is an important atmospheric chemical constituent as it is a primary sink for hydroxyl radical (OH) (and therefore influences the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere) and because the concentrations of three major greenhouses gases , carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) are directly tied to the concentration of CO. In light of recent anthropogenic increases in the emissions of CO, CO2, CH4 and NOx, it is desirable to understand this complex chemical system and the changes in the greenhouse forcing resulting from perturbation. Because it is difficult to test the accuracy of models for past and future conditions for which no direct atmospheric measurements of trace gas concentrations are available these measurements must be obtained in other ways. Polar ice cores provide a means to make these measurements. Further work is necessary to refine the analytical technique and additional measurements are necessary to investigate the accuracy of these results and to establish the nature of temporal trends in CO. It is anticipated that the CO record, combined with existing or new data for CO2, CH4 , N2O and other paleoclimate variables, will provide further constraints on model studies of the effect of changing atmospheric chemistry on greenhouse forcing.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Harder, Susan", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "NSIDC", "repositories": "NSIDC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Ice Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide", "uid": "p0000706", "west": null}, {"awards": "0126202 Blankenship, Donald; 0125579 Cuffey, Kurt", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((160 -77.6,160.25 -77.6,160.5 -77.6,160.75 -77.6,161 -77.6,161.25 -77.6,161.5 -77.6,161.75 -77.6,162 -77.6,162.25 -77.6,162.5 -77.6,162.5 -77.63,162.5 -77.66,162.5 -77.69,162.5 -77.72,162.5 -77.75,162.5 -77.78,162.5 -77.81,162.5 -77.84,162.5 -77.87,162.5 -77.9,162.25 -77.9,162 -77.9,161.75 -77.9,161.5 -77.9,161.25 -77.9,161 -77.9,160.75 -77.9,160.5 -77.9,160.25 -77.9,160 -77.9,160 -77.87,160 -77.84,160 -77.81,160 -77.78,160 -77.75,160 -77.72,160 -77.69,160 -77.66,160 -77.63,160 -77.6))", "dataset_titles": "Ablation Rates of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica; Stable Isotopes of Ice on the Surface of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica; Surface Velocities of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609326", "doi": "10.7265/N5N29TW8", "keywords": "Ablation Poles; Ablation Rates; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Cuffey, Kurt M.; Kavanaugh, Jeffrey; Bliss, Andrew", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ablation Rates of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609326"}, {"dataset_uid": "609324", "doi": "10.7265/N5RV0KM7", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Velocity; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Aciego, Sarah; Bliss, Andrew; Kavanaugh, Jeffrey; Cuffey, Kurt M.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Surface Velocities of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609324"}, {"dataset_uid": "609323", "doi": "10.7265/N5WM1BBZ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Isotope; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Kavanaugh, Jeffrey; Cuffey, Kurt M.; Bliss, Andrew; Aciego, Sarah", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Stable Isotopes of Ice on the Surface of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609323"}], "date_created": "Tue, 13 Feb 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to significantly improve our understanding of how Taylor Glacier flows and responds to climate changes. Taylor Glacier drains the Taylor Dome region of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and terminates in Taylor Valley, one of the Dry Valleys of Victoria Land. It provides a crucial and unique link between two intensively studied Antarctic environments: the Taylor Dome, from which a 130 kyr ice core paleoclimate record has recently been extracted, and the Dry Valleys, a pivotal Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site and a focus of research on geomorphology and glacial geology. The proposed work will thus make an important contribution to ongoing efforts to exploit the Taylor Dome - Dry Valleys system to build a uniquely comprehensive view of regional long-term environmental changes. The proposed work has two complementary components: field research and numerical modelling. Two field seasons will be used to measure velocity, surface strain rate, mass balance, ice thickness, glacier bed reflectance, and subglacial topography, along a nearly complete longitudinal transect of the Taylor Glacier, and along select cross-valley transects. This information will be used to constrain numerical models of ice and heat flow for the Taylor Dome - Taylor Glacier system. These calibrated models will be used to analyze the time-dependent response of the Taylor Glacier to climate changes. The synthesis of results will be aimed to improve understanding of the glacial geomorphology of Taylor Valley, and to illuminate impacts on the Taylor Valley lakes ecosystem. The project will have a major role in furthering the careers of a doctoral-level graduate student and a post-doctoral researcher.", "east": 162.5, "geometry": "POINT(161.25 -77.75)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS RECEIVERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Glacier; Glacier Surface; Glacier Surface Ablation; Ice Velocity; Velocity Measurements; Taylor Glacier; Isotope; GPS; Ice Sheet Elevation; Not provided; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Ice Surface Elevation; Ablation; Oxygen Isotope; Elevation; Deuterium; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Glacier Surface Ablation Rate; Surface Elevation", "locations": "Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.6, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bliss, Andrew; Kavanaugh, Jeffrey; Aciego, Sarah; Cuffey, Kurt M.; Morse, David L.; Blankenship, Donald D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e NAVIGATION SATELLITES \u003e GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) \u003e GPS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.9, "title": "Collaborative Research: Dynamics and Climatic Response of the Taylor Glacier System", "uid": "p0000084", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "0126270 Doran, Peter", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Mon, 05 Feb 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Polar Programs, provides funds for a study of sediment cores from the McMurdo Dry Valley lakes. The Dry Valley lakes have a long history of fluctuating levels reflecting regional climate change. The history of lake level fluctuations is generally known from the LGM to early Holocene through 14C dates of buried organic matter in paleolake deposits. However, the youngest paleolake deposits available are between 8000 to 9000 14C yr BP, suggesting that lake levels were at or below current levels for much of the Holocene. Thus, any information about the lake history and climate controls for the Holocene is largely contained in bottom sediments. This project will attempt to extract paleoclimatic information from sediment cores for a series of closed-basin dry valley lakes under study by the McMurdo LTER site. This work involves multiple approaches to dating the sediments and use of several climate proxy approaches to extract century to millennial scale chronologies from Antarctic lacustrine deposits. This research uses knowledge on lake processes gained over the past eight years by the LTER to calibrate climate proxies from lake sediments. Proxies for lake depth and ice thickness, which are largely controlled by summer climate, are the focus of this work. This study focuses on four key questions: 1. How sensitively do dry valley lake sediments record Holocene environmental and climate variability? 2. What is the paleoclimatic variability in the dry valleys on a century and millennial scale throughout the Holocene? Especially, is the 1200 yr evaporative event unique, or are there other such events in the record? 3. Does a mid-Holocene (7000 to 5000 yr BP) climate shift occur in the dry valleys as documented elsewhere in the polar regions? 4. Is there evidence, in the dry valley lake record of the 1500 yr Holocene periodicities recently recognized in the Taylor Dome record? Core collection will be performed with LTER support using a state-of-the-art percussion/piston corer system that has been used successfully to retrieve long cores (10 to 20 m) from other remote polar locations. Analyses to be done include algal pigments, biogenic silica, basic geochemistry, organic and inorganic carbon and nitrogen content, stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, carbonate phases, salt content and mineralogy, and grain size. In addition this project will pursue a multi-chronometer approach to assess the age of the core through optically-stimulated luminescence, 226Ra/230Th , 230Th/234U, and 14C techniques. New experimentation with U-series techniques will be performed to allow for greater precision in the dry valley lake sediments. Compound specific isotopes and lipid biomarkers , which are powerful tools for inferring past lake conditions, will also be assessed. Combined, these analyses will provide a new century to millennial scale continuous record of the Holocene climate change in the Ross Sea region.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY", "persons": "Doran, Peter", "platforms": "Not provided", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Paleoclimate Inferred from Lake Sediment Cores in Taylor Valley, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000092", "west": null}, {"awards": "9526566 Bindschadler, Robert", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Decadal-Length Composite West Antarctic Air Temperature Records", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609097", "doi": "10.7265/N55D8PS0", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Automated Weather Station; Meteorology; Temperature; West Antarctica", "people": "Stearns, Charles R.; Shuman, Christopher A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Decadal-Length Composite West Antarctic Air Temperature Records", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609097"}], "date_created": "Tue, 28 Nov 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a research program involving the use of passive microwave data to validate key paleoclimate indicators used in glaciologic research. The specific contributions of this research are: 1) to define the timing and spatial extent of hoar complexes, which may serve as visible, annual stratigraphic markers in ice cores, through a combination of satellite passive microwave data and field observations; and 2) to monitor temperature trends at the site with calibrated passive microwave brightness temperatures and to correlate these trends to proxy temperatures provided by oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope ratio profiles from snow pits and/or ice cores. The work will take place at Siple Dome, Antarctica as part of the field activities associated with the ice core drilling program there.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e IMAGING SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e SMMR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e IMAGING SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e SSM/I", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "West Antarctica; Near-Surface Air Temperatures; Surface Temperatures; Special Sensor Microwave/imager; Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures; Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer; SSM/I; SSMR; AWS Byrd Station; NIMBUS-7; Emissivity Modeling; Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Not provided; DMSP; AWS Siple; Automated Weather Station; AWS Lynn; AWS Lettau; AWS", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bindschadler, Robert; Shuman, Christopher A.; Stearns, Charles R.", "platforms": "Not provided; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e DEFENSE METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE PROGRAM (DMSP) \u003e DMSP; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e NIMBUS \u003e NIMBUS-7", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Passive Microwave Remote Sensing for Paleoclimate Indicators at Siple Dome, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000191", "west": null}, {"awards": "0230021 Sowers, Todd; 0230316 White, James; 0230348 Dunbar, Nelia", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(135.1333 -76.05)", "dataset_titles": "Mount Moulton Isotopes and Other Ice Core Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609640", "doi": "10.7265/N5FT8J0N", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Epica Dome C; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Mount Moulton; Paleoclimate; Talos Dome; Taylor Dome", "people": "White, James; Steig, Eric J.; Popp, Trevor", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Mount Moulton Isotopes and Other Ice Core Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609640"}], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Aug 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The summit crater of Mt. Moulton, in West Antarctica, contains a 600-m thick horizontally-exposed section of ice with intercalated tephra layers from nearby Mt Berlin. Argon-40/Argon-39 dating of the thick, near-source tephra indicates that the age of the horizontal ice section ranges between 15,000 and 492,000 years. Thus, the Mt Moulton site offers an unparalleled repository of ancient West Antarctic snow and trapped air that can be used to investigate West Antarctic climate over much of the past 500,000 years. The planar nature and consistent dips of the tephra layers suggests that, although the ice section has thinned, it is otherwise undeformed. The Mt. Moulton site was visited during the 1999/2000 field season, at which time a horizontal ice core representing approximately 400 meters of ice was collected, ranging in age from 15,000 to older than 480,000 years. In addition to this horizontal core, samples of ice at a range of depths were collected in order to test the quality of the climate record in the ice. Forty tephra layers intercalated in the ice were also collected in order to provide chronology for the ice section. The results of this first effort are extremely encouraging. Based on the d?18 O of ice, for example, there is clearly a useable record of past climate at Mt. Moulton extending back beyond 140,000 years. There is work to do, however, to realize the full potential of this horizontal ice core. The elemental and isotopic composition of trapped gases suggest some contamination with modern air, for example. As gas cross-dating of ice cores is the current standard by which climate records are intercompared, we need to understand why and how the gas record is compromised before adding Moulton to our arsenal of ice core paleoclimate records. This award supports a collaborative effort between three institutions with following objectives: 1) to evaluate more thoroughly the integrity of the climatic record through shallow drilling of the blue ice area, as well as the snow field upslope from the blue ice; 2) to improve the radioisotopic dating of specific tephra layers; 3) to obtain baseline information about modern snowfall deposition, mean annual temperature, and wind pumping around the summit of Mt. Moulton; and 4) to study how firn densification differs when surface accumulation changes from net accumulation to net ablation.", "east": 135.1333, "geometry": "POINT(135.1333 -76.05)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e ELECTRON MICROPROBES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "LABORATORY; Climate; Argon-40; 40Ar; Argon-39; FIELD SURVEYS; Chronology; Ice Core Gas Age; Gas Record; Ice Core; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Tephra; Mount Moulton; Not provided; Caldera; 39Ar; Stratigraphy; Ice Core Depth", "locations": "Mount Moulton", "north": -76.05, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "White, James; Popp, Trevor; Dunbar, Nelia; Sowers, Todd A.; Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.05, "title": "Collaborative Research: Refining a 500-kry Climate Record From the Moulton Blue Ice Field in West Antarctica", "uid": "p0000755", "west": 135.1333}, {"awards": "0126343 Nishiizumi, Kunihiko", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-148.812 -81.6588)", "dataset_titles": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome A Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609307", "doi": "10.7265/N5XK8CGS", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Nishiizumi, Kunihiko; Finkel, R. C.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome A Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609307"}], "date_created": "Mon, 12 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a three-year renewal project to complete measurement of cosmogenic nuclides in the Siple Dome ice core as part of the West Antarctic ice core program. The investigators will continue to measure profiles of Beryllium-10 (half-life = 1.5x10 6 years) and Chlorine-36 (half-life = 3.0x10 5 years) in the entire ice core which spans the time period from the present to about 100 kyr. It will be particularly instructive to compare the Antarctic record with the detailed Arctic record that was measured by these investigators as part of the GISP2 project. This comparison will help separate global from local effects at the different drill sites. Cosmogenic radionuclides in polar ice cores have been used to study the long-term variations in several important geophysical variables, including solar activity, geomagnetic field strength, atmospheric circulation, snow accumulation rates, and others. The time series of nuclide concentrations resulting from this work will be applied to several problem areas: perfecting the ice core chronology, deducing the history of solar activity, deducing the history of variations in the geomagnetic field, and studying the possible role of solar variations on climate. Comparison of Beryllium-10 and Chlorine-36 profiles in different cores will allow us to improve the ice core chronology and directly compare ice cores from different regions of the globe. Additional comparison with the Carbon-14 record will allow correlation of the ice core paleoenvironment record to other, Carbon-14 dated, paleoclimate records.", "east": -148.812, "geometry": "POINT(-148.812 -81.6588)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e AMS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ION CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Chemistry; Antarctica; Ice Core; Cosmogenic Radionuclides; Chlorine-36; GROUND STATIONS; Beryllium-10; Siple Dome; West Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome; West Antarctica", "north": -81.6588, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Finkel, R. C.; Nishiizumi, Kunihiko", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.6588, "title": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome Ice Core", "uid": "p0000358", "west": -148.812}, {"awards": "0230260 Bender, Michael; 0230448 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-75.34 86.6,-68.742 86.6,-62.144 86.6,-55.546 86.6,-48.948 86.6,-42.35 86.6,-35.752 86.6,-29.154 86.6,-22.556 86.6,-15.958 86.6,-9.36 86.6,-9.36 83.618,-9.36 80.636,-9.36 77.654,-9.36 74.672,-9.36 71.69,-9.36 68.708,-9.36 65.726,-9.36 62.744,-9.36 59.762,-9.36 56.78,-15.958 56.78,-22.556 56.78,-29.154 56.78,-35.752 56.78,-42.35 56.78,-48.948 56.78,-55.546 56.78,-62.144 56.78,-68.742 56.78,-75.34 56.78,-75.34 59.762,-75.34 62.744,-75.34 65.726,-75.34 68.708,-75.34 71.69,-75.34 74.672,-75.34 77.654,-75.34 80.636,-75.34 83.618,-75.34 86.6))", "dataset_titles": "Firn Air Inert Gas and Oxygen Observations from Siple Dome, 1996, and the South Pole, 2001; Trapped Gas Composition and Chronology of the Vostok Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609311", "doi": "10.7265/N5P26W12", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; Vostok; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Suwa, Makoto; Bender, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Trapped Gas Composition and Chronology of the Vostok Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609311"}, {"dataset_uid": "609290", "doi": "10.7265/N5FJ2DQC", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole", "people": "Battle, Mark; Bender, Michael; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Firn Air Inert Gas and Oxygen Observations from Siple Dome, 1996, and the South Pole, 2001", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609290"}], "date_created": "Wed, 18 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "High latitude deep ice cores contain fundamental records of polar temperatures, atmospheric dust loads (and continental aridity), greenhouse gas concentrations, the status of the biosphere, and other essential properties of past environments. An accurate chronology for these records is needed if their significance is to be fully realized. The dating challenge has stimulated efforts at orbital tuning. In this approach, one varies a timescale, within allowable limits, to optimize the match between a paleoenvironmental property and a curve of insolation through time. The ideal property would vary with time due to direct insolation forcing. It would be unaffected by complex climate feedbacks and teleconnections, and it would give a clean record with high signal/noise ratio. It is argued strongly that the O2/N2 ratio of ice core trapped gases is such a property, and evidence is presented that this property, whose atmospheric ratio is nearly constant, is tied to local summertime insolation. This award will support a project to analyze the O2/N2 ratios at 1 kyr intervals from ~ 115-400 ka in the Vostok ice core. Ancillary measurements will be made of Ar/N2, and Ne/N2 and heavy noble gas ratios, in order to understand bubble close-off fractionation and its manifestation in the Vostok trapped gas record. O2/N2 variations will be matched with summertime insolation at Vostok to achieve a high-accuracy chronology for the Vostok core. The Vostok and other correlatable climate records will then be reexamined to improve our understanding of the dynamics of Pleistocene climate change.", "east": 106.8, "geometry": "POINT(106.8 -72.4667)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SAMPLERS \u003e BOTTLES/FLASKS/JARS \u003e FLASKS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Ice Age; Shallow Firn Air; Firn Air Isotope Measurements; Polar Firn Air; Ice Sample Gas Integrity; Oxygen Isotope; Noble Gas; Ice Core Gas Records; Atmospheric Gases; Trapped Gases; Not provided; LABORATORY; Vostok; Firn Air Isotopes; Thermal Fractionation; Ice Core Chemistry; Trapped Air Bubbles; Ice Core; Antarctica; South Pole; Ice Core Data; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Gas Age; Firn Isotopes", "locations": "Antarctica; Vostok; Siple Dome; South Pole", "north": -72.4667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Battle, Mark; Bender, Michael; Suwa, Makoto; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -72.4667, "title": "Collaborative Research: Trapped Gas Composition and the Chronology of the Vostok Ice Core", "uid": "p0000257", "west": 106.8}, {"awards": "0125570 Scambos, Ted; 0125276 Albert, Mary", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Access AGDC data online by navigating to Data Sets. Data sets are arranged by Principal Investigators. Access data that are combined into multiple data sets, or compiled products.; AWS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and Their Potential Effect on Ice Core Interpretation; GPR and GPS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation; Snow and Firn Permeability: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation; The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center (AGDC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) archives and distributes Antarctic glaciological and cryospheric system data collected by the U.S. Antarctic Program.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609283", "doi": "10.7265/N5K935F3", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Meteorology; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Scambos, Ted; Fahnestock, Mark; Haran, Terry; Bauer, Rob", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "AWS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and Their Potential Effect on Ice Core Interpretation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609283"}, {"dataset_uid": "001669", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "Access AGDC data online by navigating to Data Sets. Data sets are arranged by Principal Investigators. Access data that are combined into multiple data sets, or compiled products.", "url": "http://nsidc.org/data/agdc_investigators.html"}, {"dataset_uid": "001343", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center (AGDC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) archives and distributes Antarctic glaciological and cryospheric system data collected by the U.S. Antarctic Program.", "url": "https://nsidc.org/data/agdc/"}, {"dataset_uid": "609282", "doi": "10.7265/N5Q23X5F", "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciology; GPR; GPS; Navigation; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Bauer, Rob; Scambos, Ted", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "GPR and GPS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609282"}, {"dataset_uid": "609299", "doi": "10.7265/N5639MPD", "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciology; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Courville, Zoe; Albert, Mary R.; Cathles, Mac", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Snow and Firn Permeability: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609299"}], "date_created": "Wed, 04 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a program of field surveys of an area within the large, well-developed megadune field southeast of Vostok station. The objectives are to determine the physical characteristics of the firn across the dunes, including typical climate indicators such as stable isotopes and major chemical species, and to install instruments to measure the time variation of near-surface wind and temperature with depth, to test and refine hypotheses for megadune formation. Field study will consist of surface snowpit and shallow core sampling, ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiling, GPS topographic and ice motion surveys, AWS installation, accumulation/ ablation measurements, subsurface temperature, and firn permeability studies. Field work in two successive seasons is proposed. Continent-wide remote sensing studies of the dunes will be continued, using the new group of instruments that are now, or will shortly be available (e.g., MODIS, MISR, GLAS, AMSR). The earlier study of topographic, passive microwave, and SAR characteristics will be extended, with the intent of determining the relationships of dune amplitude and wavelength to climate parameters, and further development of models of dune formation. Diffusion, ventilation, and vapor transport processes within the dune firn will be modeled as well. A robust program of outreach is planned and reporting to inform both the public and scientists of the fundamental in-situ and remote sensing characteristics of these uniquely Antarctic features will be an important part of the work. Because of their extreme nature, their broad extent, and their potential impact on the climate record, it is important to improve our current understanding of these. Megadunes are a manifestation of an extreme terrestrial climate and may provide insight on past terrestrial climate, or to processes active on other planets. Megadunes are likely to represent an end-member in firn diagenesis, and as such, may have much to teach us about the processes involved.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e ICE AUGERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e SNOWPACK TEMPERATURE PROBE; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e PERMEAMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e CAMERAS \u003e CAMERAS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CURRENT/WIND METERS \u003e ANEMOMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS RECEIVERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e IMAGING RADARS \u003e SAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e GPR; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e AIR PERMEAMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CURRENT/WIND METERS \u003e ANEMOMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e RADIO \u003e ARGOS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PRESSURE/HEIGHT METERS \u003e PRESSURE SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMOMETERS \u003e THERMOMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e WIND PROFILERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e DENSIOMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e GAUGES \u003e BALANCE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Internal Layering; ICESAT; Vapor-Redeposition; Antarctic; Wind Speed; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Surface Morphology; Antarctica; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; ARWS; Polar Firn Air; Microstructure; Gas Diffusivity; WEATHER STATIONS; Surface Temperatures; RADARSAT-2; Ice Core; Wind Direction; AWS; Ice Sheet; Snow Pit; Dunefields; Climate Record; Megadunes; GROUND STATIONS; METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Density; Atmospheric Pressure; Firn Permeability; FIELD SURVEYS; Radar; Permeability; Field Survey; Firn Temperature Measurements; Snow Megadunes; Thermal Conductivity; LANDSAT; Firn; Ice Core Interpretation; East Antarctic Plateau; Not provided; Surface Winds; Sublimation; Snow Density; Ice Climate Record; Glaciology; Snow Permeability; Air Temperature; Paleoenvironment; Automated Weather Station", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctic; East Antarctic Plateau", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Courville, Zoe; Cathles, Mac; Scambos, Ted; Bauer, Rob; Fahnestock, Mark; Haran, Terry; Shuman, Christopher A.; Albert, Mary R.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e ARWS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e WEATHER STATIONS; Not provided; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e ICE, CLOUD AND LAND ELEVATION SATELLITE (ICESAT) \u003e ICESAT; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e LANDSAT \u003e LANDSAT; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e RADARSAT \u003e RADARSAT-2", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "NSIDC; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and Their Potential Effect on Ice Core Interpretation", "uid": "p0000587", "west": null}, {"awards": "0088047 Bell, Robin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Tue, 03 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0088047\u003cbr/\u003eBell\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a two year project to address fundamental questions about the mass and energy flux through Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake in East Antarctica, sealed beneath almost 4 kilometers of ice. The project will involve developing lake circulation models, complemented by the analysis of new ice penetrating radar data over the lake and surrounding regions. This project will help to accurately define the regions of melting and freezing within the lake and help to provide an improved estimate of the form of the lake. The combined data analysis and modeling effort will provide a critical framework for developing international plans to sample the waters of Lake Vostok for biota and to recover sediments from Lake Vostok for paleoclimate studies.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Paleoclimate; Circulation Models; Lake Vostok; Data Analysis; Subglacial; Modeling; Not provided", "locations": "Lake Vostok", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bell, Robin; Tremblay, Bruno; Hohmann, Roland; Clarke, Garry; Studinger, Michael S.", "platforms": "Not provided", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Mass and Energy Fluxes Through Lake Vostok: Observations and Models", "uid": "p0000093", "west": null}, {"awards": "0338359 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "dataset_titles": "Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core: Carbonyl Sulfide (COS), Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), and Methyl Bromide (CH3Br); Antarctic Ice Cores: Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide; Ice Core Air Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements - SPRESSO Ice Core; Methane and Carbonyl Sulfide Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core Subsamples", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609313", "doi": "10.7265/N5DN430Q", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; SPRESSO; SPRESSO Ice Core", "people": "Williams, Margaret; Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Tatum, Cheryl", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic Ice Cores: Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609313"}, {"dataset_uid": "609279", "doi": "10.7265/N53B5X3G", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core: Carbonyl Sulfide (COS), Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), and Methyl Bromide (CH3Br)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609279"}, {"dataset_uid": "609131", "doi": "10.7265/N5P848VP", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Methane and Carbonyl Sulfide Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core Subsamples", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609131"}, {"dataset_uid": "601357", "doi": "10.15784/601357", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmospheric Gases; Gas Measurement; Ice Core; Ice Core Gas Records; Trace Gases", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Core Air Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements - SPRESSO Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601357"}], "date_created": "Wed, 16 Nov 2005 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports the analysis, in Antarctic ice cores, of the ozone depleting substances methyl bromide (CH3Br) and methyl chloride (CH3Cl), and the sulfur-containing gas, carbonyl sulfide (OCS). The broad scientific goal is to assess the level and variability of these gases in the preindustrial atmosphere. This information will allow testing of current models for sources and sinks of these gases from the atmosphere, and to indirectly assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on their biogeochemical cycles. Longer-term records will shed light on the climatic sensitivity of the atmospheric burden of these gases, and ultimately on the biogeochemical processes controlling them. These gases are present in ice at parts per trillion levels, and the current database consists entirely of a small number of measurements made in from a shallow ice core from Siple Dome, Antarctica. This project will involve studies of ice core samples from three Antarctic sites: Siple Station, Siple Dome, and South Pole. The sampling strategy is designed to accomplish several objectives: 1) to verify the atmospheric mixing ratios previously observed in shallow Siple Dome ice for OCS, CH3Br, and CH3Cl at sites with very different accumulation rates and surface temperatures; 2) to obtain a well-dated, high resolution record from a high accumulation rate site (Siple Station), that can provide overlap in mean gas age with Antarctic firn air samples; 3) explore Holocene variability in trace gas mixing ratios; and 4) to make the first measurements of these trace gases in Antarctic glacial ice. In terms of broader impact on society, this research will help to provide a stronger scientific basis for policy decisions regulating the production and use of ozone-depleting and climate-active gases. Specifically, the methyl bromide results will contribute to the current debate on the impact of recent regulation (via the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments) on atmospheric levels. Determination of pre-industrial atmospheric variability of ozone-depleting substances will help place more realistic constraints on scenarios used for future projections of stratospheric ozone and its climatic impacts. This research will involve the participation of both graduate and undergraduate students.", "east": -148.81, "geometry": "POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Gas Records; Carbonyl Sulfide; Siple Coast; Chloride; Trapped Gases; Snow; Ice Core Chemistry; Chromatography; Siple; GROUND STATIONS; Atmospheric Gases; Ozone Depletion; AWS Siple; Ice Sheet; Ice Core Data; Antarctica; Glaciology; West Antarctica; Atmospheric Chemistry; Ice Core; Stratigraphy; LABORATORY; Methane; Mass Spectrometer; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; WAISCORES; Msa; Mass Spectrometry; Not provided; Siple Dome; Gas Measurement", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Coast; Siple Dome; West Antarctica; Siple", "north": -81.65, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret; Tatum, Cheryl", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.65, "title": "Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores", "uid": "p0000032", "west": -148.81}, {"awards": "0135989 Wilen, Larry", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Ice Fabric Characteristics: Siple Dome, A Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609255", "doi": "10.7265/N54B2Z7V", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Wilen, Larry", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Ice Fabric Characteristics: Siple Dome, A Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609255"}], "date_created": "Wed, 02 Mar 2005 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0135989\u003cbr/\u003eWilen\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis is a collaborative proposal by Principal Investigators at the University of Washington and Ohio University. Detailed knowledge about the interactions between micro-structure of ice and its deformation is needed to assess the integrity of stratigraphic layering and the depth-age relationship in ice cores, which is essential for interpreting the paleoclimate record. The Principal Investigators will use micro-structure to study fabric, the orientation distribution of crystal c-axes, and texture, the size and shape of crystals. Numerical modeling of ice deformation is a useful tool in understanding these interactions. Accurate modeling of ice deformation is complicated by factors, such as the fabric, grain size, dynamic recrystallization, stress level, and precise knowledge of initial conditions. For example, ice fabric evolves as the ice is strained and the deformation depends on the fabric. This complicated feedback mechanism must be understood to correctly model ice deformation. In another example, the usual assumption is that the initial fabric is isotropic or random, but there are excellent examples of near-surface ice in the ice cores that are apparently not isotropic. One must know the initial fabric to calculate the deformation rate in ice sheets. Dr. Wilen will combine results of his new automatic fabric analyzer (AFA) with predictions of detailed ice deformation models (Dr. Thorsteinsson) to refine and better constrain such models. The AFA gives new information in thin sections because the precision and number of measured c-axis orientations are greatly improved. The Principal Investigators will analyze existing data and collect new data on fabric and texture from ice cores to address questions regarding near-surface fabric, deformation mechanisms, dynamic recrystallization, and potential sources of layer disturbances. The data will be used to constrain models of fabric evolution and recrystallization processes. With the more refined models, scientists can address different questions and important problems related to ice deformation and ice cores. For example, the recent agreement between the climate records from the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) and Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice cores of the upper-90%, and the disagreement in the lower-10% emphasizes the need to understand and predict the mechanisms and probable depths of disruption in these and future deep ice cores. Evidence suggests that the stratigraphic disturbances arise from the anisotropic nature of ice crystals at a variety of scales. To properly model the deformation of anisotropic ice, the influence of fabric on deformation must be well known.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Ice Core Data; Siple Dome; Ice Fabric; Ice Core; USAP-DC", "locations": "Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Arctic Natural Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Wilen, Larry", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Fabric and Texture Characteristics of Micro-Physical Processes in Ice", "uid": "p0000134", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Talos Dome Ice Core Deuterium Isotope Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609252", "doi": "", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Talos Dome Ice Core Deuterium Isotope Data", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609252"}], "date_created": "Fri, 27 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Talos Dome", "locations": "Talos Dome; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Stenni, Barbara; Jouzel, Jean", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Law Dome Ice Cores Chemistry Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609245", "doi": "", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Law Dome Ice Cores Chemistry Data", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609245"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Law Dome; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Law Dome; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Morgan, Vin; Etheridge, David; Barnola, J. M.", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Vostok Ice Core Chemistry, Timescale, Isotope, and Temperature Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609242", "doi": "", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Vostok Ice Core Chemistry, Timescale, Isotope, and Temperature Data", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609242"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties; Temperature; Vostok Ice Core", "locations": "Lake Vostok; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bender, Michael; Brook, Edward J.; Fishcer, Hubertus; Blunier, Thomas; Ruddiman, William; Raymo, Maureen; Lorius, Claude; Chappellaz, Jerome; Sowers, Todd A.; Jouzel, Jean; Petit, Jean Robert; Barnola, J. M.; Lal, Devendra", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C Ice Core Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609244", "doi": "", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Dome C Ice Core", "title": "European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C Ice Core Data", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609244"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dome C Ice Core; Epica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Fluckiger, Jacqueline; Monnin, Eric; Wolff, Eric W.", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "9714687 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Byrd Ice Core Microparticle and Chemistry Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609247", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Byrd; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Thompson, Lonnie G.; Fluckiger, Jacqueline; Blunier, Thomas", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Byrd Ice Core", "title": "Byrd Ice Core Microparticle and Chemistry Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609247"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program to make high resolution studies of variations in the concentration of methane, the oxygenisotope composition of paleoatmospheric oxygen, and the total gas content of deep Antarctic ice cores. Studies of the concentration and isotopic composition of air in the firn of the Antarctic ice sheet will also be continued. One objective of this work is to use the methane concentration and oxygen-isotope composition of oxygen of air in ice as time-stratigraphic markers for the precise intercorrelation of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores as well as the correlation of ice cores to other climatic records. A second objective is to use variations in the concentration and interhemispheric gradient of methane measured in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores to deduce changes in continental climates and biogeochemistry on which the atmospheric methane distribution depends. A third objective is to use data on the variability of total gas content in the Siple Dome ice core to reconstruct aspects of the glacial history of West Antarctica during the last glacial maximum. The fourth objective is to participate in collaborative studies of firn air chemistry at Vostok, Siple Dome, and South Pole which will yield much new information about gas trapping in ice as well as the concentration history and isotopic composition of greenhouse gases, oxygen, trace biogenic gases and trace anthropogenic gases during the last 100 years.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND STATIONS", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Blunier, Thomas; Fluckiger, Jacqueline; Thompson, Lonnie G.; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Studies of Trapped Gases in Firn and Ice from Antarctic Deep Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000168", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Dronning Maud Land Ice Core Chemistry Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609250", "doi": "", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Dronning Maud Land Ice Core Chemistry Data", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609250"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dronning Maud Land; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Antarctica; Dronning Maud Land", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Whitlow, Sallie; Mayewski, Paul A.; Isaksson, Elisabeth", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "8411018 Frisic, David", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Dominion Range Ice Core Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Density Data; Newall Glacier Ice Core and Snow Pit Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Stratigraphy; Newall Glacier Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1987 to 1989", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609248", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Beta Profiles; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Density; Dominion Range; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Gow, Tony; Meese, Deb; Mayewski, Paul A.; Grootes, Pieter; Watson, M. Scott; Sowers, Todd A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Dominion Range Ice Core Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Density Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609248"}, {"dataset_uid": "609088", "doi": "10.7265/N5JM27JP", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Newall Glacier; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Whitlow, Sallie; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Newall Glacier Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1987 to 1989", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609088"}, {"dataset_uid": "609249", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Newall Glacier; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Statigraphy", "people": "Welch, Kathy A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Newall Glacier Ice Core and Snow Pit Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Stratigraphy", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609249"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Not available", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND STATIONS", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Frisic, David; Meese, Deb; Gow, Tony; Saltzman, Eric; Mayewski, Paul A.; Sowers, Todd A.; Welch, Kathy A.; Grootes, Pieter; Watson, M. Scott; Grootes, Peiter", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000169", "west": null}, {"awards": "9316564 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Glaciochemical Analysis; Siple Dome Ice Core Chemistry and Ion Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609266", "doi": "10.7265/N5M906KG", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Snow Pit", "people": "Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A.; Meeker, Loren D.; Whitlow, Sallie; Twickler, Mark", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Glaciochemical Analysis", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609266"}, {"dataset_uid": "609251", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Dunbar, Nelia; Kreutz, Karl; Brook, Edward J.; Blunier, Thomas; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "NCEI", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Ice Core Chemistry and Ion Data", "url": "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/2461"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9316564 Mayewski This award is for support for a three year program to provide a high resolution record of the Antarctic climate through the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of records of atmospheric chemical deposition taken from three ice cores located at sites within or immediately adjacent to the Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS). These cores include one from Taylor Dome, and two from West Antarctic locations identified as potential deep drilling sites for the WAISCORES program. Collection of the two West Antarctic cores is intended to be a lightweight dry-drilling operation to depths of ~ 200 m, which will provide records of \u003e 2 kyr. Glaciochemical analyses will focus on the major cations and anions found in the antarctic atmosphere, plus methanesulfonic acid and selected measurements of the hydrogen ion, aluminum, iron, and silica. These analyses, and companion stable isotope and particle measurements to be carried out by other investigators require \u003c 7% by volume of each core, leaving \u003e 90% for other investigators and storage at the U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory. These records are intended to solve a variety of scientific objectives while also providing spatial sampling and reconnaissance for future U.S. efforts in West Antarctica. ***", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ION CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Magnesium; GROUND STATIONS; Nitrate; Methane Sulfonic Acid; Sodium; Ice Core Chemistry; Ammonium (NH4); Sulfate; Ice Core; Chloride; Potassium (k); Calcium (ca)", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Kreutz, Karl; Twickler, Mark; Whitlow, Sallie; Blunier, Thomas; Dunbar, Nelia; Brook, Edward J.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Meeker, Loren D.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "NCEI; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability", "uid": "p0000145", "west": null}, {"awards": "9017827 Lal, Devendra", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Dome C Ice Core Chemistry and Depth and Age Scale Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609243", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Depth-Age-Model; Dome C Ice Core; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "people": "Lal, Devendra; Lorius, Claude", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Dome C Ice Core", "title": "Dome C Ice Core Chemistry and Depth and Age Scale Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609243"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support of a study to establish a quantitative nuclear method for determination of Antarctic ablation and accumulation rates and to provide correction factors for the carbon 14 ages of ice samples dated using trapped carbon 14. Recent studies have established the presence of cosmogenic in-situ produced carbon 14 in polar ice. In conjunction with estimated carbon 14 production rates, measured concentrations of carbon 14 per gram of ice yield, ablation rates which are in good agreement with the values determined from stake measurements. Similar studies to determine accumulation rates have been tested and the estimates are consistent with previous studies. This study will expand the preliminary work done to date in order to improve the 14CO and 14CO2 vacuum extraction techniques, by lowering blank levels and by obtaining more complete separation of 14CO and 14CO2.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND STATIONS", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Lal, Devendra; Lorius, Claude; Lal, Devendra", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Nuclear Studies of Accumulating and Ablation Ice Using Cosmogenic 14c", "uid": "p0000152", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "South Pole Snow Pit, 1988 and 1989", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609086", "doi": "10.7265/N5T43R0R", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "South Pole Snow Pit, 1988 and 1989", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609086"}], "date_created": "Thu, 24 Jun 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "9615333 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-148.8 -81.7)", "dataset_titles": "Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609201", "doi": "10.7265/N5S180F1", "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Dioumaeva, Irina; Saltzman, Eric; Finley, Brandon", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609201"}], "date_created": "Tue, 09 Mar 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for four years of funding for a program of biogenic sulfur measurements on the Siple Dome ice core. Biogenic sulfur is a major aerosol-forming constituent of the atmosphere and has potentially important links to the earth\u0027s radiation budget. Previous work on the Vostok ice core has demonstrated a remarkable climate-related variability in biogenic sulfur, suggesting that the sulfur cycle may act to stabilize climate (keep the glacial atmosphere cool and the interglacial atmosphere warm) in the Southern Hemisphere. In this study, methane-sulfonate (MSA) will be measured on the Siple Dome ice core as part of the West Antarctic ice sheet program (WAIS). Siple Dome is located in a region which is strongly impacted by the incursion of marine air onto the Antarctic plateau. Because of its proximity to the coast and meteorological setting, it is expected that variability in high-latitude marine biogenic sulfur emissions should dominate the MSA record at this site. In addition to the deep ice core record, samples from shallow cores will also be analyzed to provide information about regional variability and decadal-to-centennial scale variability in the deposition of sulfur-containing aerosols from high latitude source regions over the past 200 years.", "east": -148.8, "geometry": "POINT(-148.8 -81.7)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS; Siple Dome; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Biogenic Sulfur; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Not provided; LABORATORY; Methane Sulfonate", "locations": "Siple Dome", "north": -81.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Dioumaeva, Irina; Finley, Brandon", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.7, "title": "Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core", "uid": "p0000251", "west": -148.8}, {"awards": "9980691 Wahlen, Martin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Atmospheric CO2 Trapped in the Ice Core from Siple Dome, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609202", "doi": "10.7265/N5N877Q9", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CO2; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Ahn, Jinho; Wahlen, Martin; Deck, Bruce", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Atmospheric CO2 Trapped in the Ice Core from Siple Dome, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609202"}], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Dec 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9980691\u003cbr/\u003eWahlen\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award is for support for three years of funding to reconstruct the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon-13 isotope (d13C) concentration in ice cores from Antarctica over several climatic periods. Samples from the Holocene, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)-Holocene transition and glacial stadial/interstadial episodes will be examined. Samples from the Siple Dome ice core drilled in 1998/99 will be made, in addition to measurements from the Taylor Dome and Vostok ice cores. The major objectives are to investigate the phase relationships between variations in the concentration of atmospheric CO2, its carbon isotope composition, and temperature changes (indicated by 18dO and dD of the ice) during deglaciations as well as across rapid climate change events (e.g. Dansgaard-Oeschger events). This will help to determine systematic changes in the global carbon cycle during and between different climatic periods, and to ascertain if the widely spread northern hemisphere temperature stadial/interstadial events produced a global atmospheric carbon dioxide signal. Proven experimental techniques will be used.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS; Siple Dome; Ice Core; USAP-DC; Carbon Dioxide", "locations": "Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Wahlen, Martin; Ahn, Jinho; Deck, Bruce", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "CO2 and Delta 13CO2 in Antarctic Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000166", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Central West Antarctic Glaciochemistry from Ice Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609093", "doi": "10.7265/N5959FHQ", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Central West Antarctic Glaciochemistry from Ice Cores", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609093"}], "date_created": "Thu, 16 Oct 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Accumulation Rate; Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; West Antarctica", "locations": "West Antarctica; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Reusch, David", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "9420648 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Siple Dome Ice Core Age-Depth Scales", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609130", "doi": "10.7265/N5T151KD", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Nereson, Nadine A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Ice Core Age-Depth Scales", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609130"}], "date_created": "Tue, 09 Sep 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a three year program to investigate the response of ice domes, such as Siple Dome in West Antarctica, to changing boundary conditions, for example as arising from fluctuations in thickness or position of bounding ice streams. A range of models will be used, from simple one-dimensional analytical models to coupled dynamic-thermodynamic flow models, to investigate the response of the ice dome to boundary forcing, and the record that boundary forcing can leave in the ice core record. Using radar, temperature, and ice core data from the currently funded field programs on Siple Dome, and ice flux and thickness values from the map view model as boundary conditions, a flow line across Siple Dome will be studied and possible ranges of time scales, the likely origin of ice near the bed, and the basal temperature conditions that exist now and existed in the past will be determined.The response of internal stratigraphy patterns to climate and dynamic forcing effects will be investigated and observed internal layers from ice cores will be used to infer the forcing history.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Sheet; Snow; Not provided; Stratigraphy; Shallow Core; Siple Coast; Antarctica; Ice Core; Siple Dome; Glaciology; Density; Siple; WAISCORES; GROUND STATIONS; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Nereson, Nadine A.; Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Ice Modelling Study of Siple Dome: WAIS Ice Dynamics, WAISCORES Paleoclimate and Ice Stream/Ice Dome Interactions", "uid": "p0000058", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Taylor Dome Ice Core Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609132", "doi": "10.7265/N5JH3J4C", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Taylor Dome Ice Core Data", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609132"}], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Aug 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Taylor Dome; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "White, James; Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Siple Dome Highlights: Stable isotopes", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609134", "doi": "10.7265/N59021PM", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Highlights: Stable isotopes", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609134"}], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Aug 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "locations": "Siple Dome; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "White, James; Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "9526979 White, James", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Siple Dome Core Date from Measurement of the d18O of Paleoatmospheric Oxygen", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609123", "doi": "10.7265/N5TX3C95", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Bender, Michael; White, James", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Core Date from Measurement of the d18O of Paleoatmospheric Oxygen", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609123"}], "date_created": "Mon, 16 Jun 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program to measure the stable isotope (deuterium to hydrogen and oxygen-18 to oxygen-16) concentrations of ice cores retrieved from Siple Dome as part of the West Antarctic ice sheet program. In addition, the deuterium excess of samples from the Taylor Dome ice core will be determined. This project will approach the question of rapid climate change using ice cores to determine the history of temperature changes, moisture source changes, and elevational changes in the West Antarctic ice sheet. Results from ice cores taken to date in the interior of Antarctica (East and West) are surprisingly lacking in indications of abrupt climate changes, such as those that have been observed in the GISP2 ice core from Summit, Greenland. This work will address the question of whether rapid climate changes, which are known to have occurred in other parts of the southern hemi-sphere, may have also occurred in the coastal regions of West Antarctica. There is some indication from existing records of isotopes in ice cores that the West Antarctic ice sheet may have flushed ice in the past (as evidenced by large changes in elevation of the ice sheet).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; LABORATORY; WAISCORES; GROUND STATIONS; Siple Coast; Glaciology; Snow; D18O; Isotope; Thermometry; Ice Sheet; Siple; Accumulation; Ice Core; Siple Dome; Stratigraphy; Densification; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "White, James; Bender, Michael", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Isotopic Measurements on the WAIS/Siple Dome Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000063", "west": null}, {"awards": "9527262 Gow, Anthony", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Physical and Structural Properties of the Siple Dome Ice Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609128", "doi": "10.7265/N5668B34", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Gow, Tony; Meese, Deb", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Physical and Structural Properties of the Siple Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609128"}], "date_created": "Wed, 14 May 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program to investigate the visual stratigraphy, index physical properties, relaxation characteristics and crystalline structure of ice cores from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. This investigation will include measurements of a time-priority nature that must be initiated at the drill site on freshly-drilled cores. This will be especially true of cores from the brittle ice zone, which is expected to comprise a significant fraction of the ice core. The brittle zone includes ice in which relaxation , resulting from the release of confining pressure is maximized and leads to significant changes in the mechanical condition of the core that must be considered in relation to the processing and analysis of ice samples for entrapped gas and chemical studies. This relaxation will be monitored via precision density measurements made initially at the drill site and repeated at intervals back in the U.S. Other studies will include measurement of the annual layering in the core to as great a depth as visual stratigraphy can be deciphered, crystal size measurements as a function of depth and age, c-axis fabric studies, and analysis of the physical properties of any debris-bearing basal ice and its relationship to the underlying bedrock. Only through careful documentation and analysis of these key properties can we hope to accurately assess the dynamic state of the ice and the age-depth relationships essential to deciphering the paleoclimate record at this location.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Siple Dome; Antarctica; Stratigraphy; Ice Sheet; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Density; Siple; Chemical Composition; Volcanic Deposits; Siple Coast; WAISCORES; Not provided; GROUND STATIONS; Pico; Ice Core; Tephra; Fabric; Glaciology; Snow", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Gow, Tony; Meese, Deb", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Physical and Structural Properties of the Siple Dome Core", "uid": "p0000064", "west": null}, {"awards": "9526449 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "WAISCORES Snow Pit Chemistry, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609420", "doi": "10.7265/N5SQ8XBR", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Snow Pit; WAIS; WAISCORES", "people": "Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "WAISCORES Snow Pit Chemistry, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609420"}], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Jul 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program of glaciochemical analyses of shallow and deep ice cores from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. Measurements that have been proposed include chloride, nitrate, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonium and methansulfonic acid. These measurements will provide information about past volcanic events, biomass source strength, sea ice fluctuations, atmospheric circulation, changes in ice-free areas and the environmental response to Earth orbit insolation changes and solar variability. The glaciochemical records from the Siple Dome core will be developed at a resolution sufficient to compare with the Summit, Greenland record, thus allowing a bipolar comparison of climate change event timing and magnitude. As part of this award, an international workshop will be held during the first year to formulate a science plan for the International Transantarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE), a program of regional surveys documenting the spatial distribution of properties measured in ice cores .", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ion Chemistry; Antarctic; Snow Chemistry; Stable Isotopes; Snow Density; Siple Dome; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "locations": "Antarctic; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Siple Dome Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry and Regional Survey - A Contribution to the WAIS Initiative", "uid": "p0000012", "west": null}, {"awards": "9615167 Dunbar, Nelia; 9527373 Dunbar, Nelia", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Blue Ice Tephra II - Brimstone Peak; Blue Ice Tephra II - Mt. DeWitt; Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores; Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609110", "doi": "10.7265/N50P0WXF", "keywords": "Antarctica; Backscattered Electron Images; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; WAIS", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609110"}, {"dataset_uid": "609114", "doi": "10.7265/N5MG7MDK", "keywords": "Antarctica; Blue Ice; Brimstone Peak; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Petrography; Tephra", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Blue Ice Tephra II - Brimstone Peak", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609114"}, {"dataset_uid": "609110", "doi": "10.7265/N50P0WXF", "keywords": "Antarctica; Backscattered Electron Images; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; WAIS", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609110"}, {"dataset_uid": "609115", "doi": "10.7265/N5GQ6VPV", "keywords": "Antarctica; Blue Ice; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Mount Dewitt; Petrography; Tephra", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Blue Ice Tephra II - Mt. DeWitt", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609115"}, {"dataset_uid": "609126", "doi": "10.7265/N5FQ9TJG", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Tephra; WAIS; WAISCORES", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia; Zielinski, Gregory", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609126"}, {"dataset_uid": "609126", "doi": "10.7265/N5FQ9TJG", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Tephra; WAIS; WAISCORES", "people": "Zielinski, Gregory; Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609126"}], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jun 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Dunbar/Kyle OPP 9527373 Zielinski OPP 9527824 Abstract The Antarctic ice sheets are ideal places to preserve a record the volcanic ash (tephra) layers and chemical aerosol signatures of volcanic eruptions. This record, which is present both in areas of bare blue ice, as well as in deep ice cores, consists of a combination of local eruptions, as well as eruptions from more distant volcanic sources from which glassy shards can be chemically fingerprinted and related to a source volcano. Field work carried out during the 1994/1995 Antarctic field season in the Allan Hills area of Antarctica, and subsequent microbeam chemical analysis and 40Ar/39Ar dating has shown that tephra layers in deep Antarctic ice preserve a coherent, systematic stratigraphy, and can be successfully mapped, dated, chemically fingerprinted and tied to source volcanoes. The combination of chemical fingerprinting of glass shards, and chemical analysis of volcanic aerosols associated with ash layers will allow establishment of a high-resolution chronology of local and distant volcanism that can help understand patterns of significant explosive volcanisms and atmospheric loading and climactic effects associated with volcanic eruptions. Correlation of individual tephra layers, or sets of layers, in blue ice areas, which have been identified in many places the Transantarctic Mountains, will allow the geometry of ice flow in these areas to be better understood and will provide a useful basis for interpreting ice core records.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e ELECTRON MICROPROBES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; Siple Coast; Sulfur Dioxide; Siple Dome; Taylor Dome; Chlorine; WAISCORES; Ice Core; Tephra; Geochemistry; Volcanic Deposits; GROUND STATIONS; Brimstone Peak; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Magnesium Oxide; Glaciology; Mount Dewitt; Silicon Dioxide; Glass Shards; Ice Sheet; Siple; Nickel Oxide; Potassium Dioxide; Not provided; Manganese Oxide; Volcanic; Snow; Nitrogen; Iron Oxide; Titanium Dioxide; Stratigraphy; Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome; Taylor Dome; Brimstone Peak; Mount Dewitt", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Dunbar, Nelia; Zielinski, Gregory", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region", "uid": "p0000065", "west": null}, {"awards": "9222121 Dalziel, Ian", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Concentration and Isotopic Composition of O2 and N2 in Trapped Gases of the Vostok Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609107", "doi": "10.7265/N5862DCW", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; UPLC-Q-TOF; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Bender, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Concentration and Isotopic Composition of O2 and N2 in Trapped Gases of the Vostok Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609107"}], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports an in situ and short traverse seismic reflection/refraction and magnetotelluric experiment in West Antarctica. This collaborative experiment involves four awards at four institutions. The four-fold purpose is 1) to investigate part of the Byrd Subglacial Basin, 2) to test techniques for this work that could be done in a long traverse, 3) to determine the viability of the magnetotelluric method on a thick (electrically resistive) ice sheet, and 4) to evaluate the relative merits of refraction with wide reflection versus reflection with narrow refraction seismic studies in imaging the lithosphere. The geophysical techniques that will be employed are capable of imaging the ice sheet, the continental lithosphere, and the upper mantle, as well as determining physical properties of parts of the lithosphere and mantle. Investigations of outcrop geology over the last thirty years in West Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains have lead to recent interpretations that the crust is made up of many different lithospheric blocks. Seismic reflection work is the only way to image the crust in detail and the refraction work is the only way to determine physical properties of the layers and blocks defined by the reflection work. The magnetotelluric work is scientifically risky because it may not yield useful information when used over the electrically resistive ice sheet; however, if it works it has the potential to image molten rock in the crust and upper mantle. In a continental rift region such as West Antarctica, the presence of melt in the lithosphere is likely and, if documented, has very important ramifications to ice sheet dynamics. Research work supported by this award is expected to provide constraints to models of a range of crustal processes from models of ice sheet dynamics to tectonic and kinematic models of lithospheric thinning and rifting.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotope; Vostok; USAP-DC; Antarctica; Trapped Gases; Ice Core; Glaciology; Nitrogen; GROUND STATIONS", "locations": "Antarctica; Vostok", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bender, Michael; Dalziel, Ian W.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Seismic Traverse of the Byrd Subglacial Basin-Field Test", "uid": "p0000150", "west": null}, {"awards": "9615292 Wahlen, Martin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Carbon-Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum; Taylor Dome Ice Core Chemistry, Ion, and Isotope Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609246", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Steig, Eric J.; Brook, Edward J.; Sowers, Todd A.; Smith, Jesse; Indermuhle, A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Taylor Dome Ice Core Chemistry, Ion, and Isotope Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609246"}, {"dataset_uid": "609108", "doi": "10.7265/N54F1NN5", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Wahlen, Martin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Carbon-Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609108"}], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support of a program to reconstruct the record of atmospheric carbon dioxide (and the carbon-13 isotopes of carbon dioxide) over several intervals, including the Last Glacial Maximum-Holocene transition, interstadial episodes, the mid-Holocene, the last 1000 years and the penultimate glacial period, using ice from the Taylor Dome and Vostok ice cores. The major objective of this study is to investigate the phase relationship between variations of the greenhouse gases occluded in the ice cores and temperature changes (indicated by oxygen and deuterium isotopes) during the last deglaciation. In addition, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 1000 years and during the mid-Holocene will be determined in these cores.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; Ice Core; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Carbon; Trapped Gases; Glaciology; GROUND STATIONS; Taylor Dome; Carbon Dioxide; Isotope; Antarctica; Nitrogen", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; Wahlen, Martin; Smith, Jesse; Brook, Edward J.; Indermuhle, A.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Sowers, Todd A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000153", "west": null}, {"awards": "9980538 Lohmann, Kyger", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-56 -64)", "dataset_titles": "Stable isotope and minor element proxies for Eocene climate of Seymour Island, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600019", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": "Lohmann, Kyger", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Stable isotope and minor element proxies for Eocene climate of Seymour Island, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600019"}], "date_created": "Mon, 11 Jun 2001 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, supports research for construction of a long-term record of climate during the late Cretaceous and early Paleogene to assess the annual seasonality in temperature on the coastal margin of Antarctica. Stable isotope and element compositions of well-preserved bivalve shells collected on Seymour Island will be the primary source of data used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. Seasonal temperature records collected through high-resolution sampling along growth structures in bivalve shells will allow seasonality to be assessed during different climate states and during periods of rapid climate change. In addition, high stratigraphic resolution will enable this project to detect the presence and frequency of short-lived thermal excursions that may have extended to such high latitudes.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eTo compile a reliable temporal record of paleoclimate, two major avenues of investigation will be undertaken: 1) precise stratigraphic (and therefore, temporal) placement of fossils over a large geographic area will be employed through the use of a graphical technique employing geometric projections; 2) stable isotope and elemental analyses will be performed to derive paleotemperatures and to evaluate diagenetic alteration of shell materials. To provide realistic comparisons of paleotemperatures across stratigraphic horizons, this study will focus on a single taxon, thus avoiding complications due to the mixing of faunal assemblages that have been encountered in previous studies of this region.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe near-shore marine fossil record on Seymour Island provides a unique opportunity to address many questions about the Antarctic paleoenvironment, including the relation between seasonality and different climate states, the influence of climate on biogeographic distribution of specific taxa, the effect of ice-volume changes on the stable isotope record from the late Cretaceous through the Eocene, and the plausibility of high-latitude bottom water formation during this time interval. In particular, information that will be collected concerning patterns of seasonality and the presence (or absence) of short-lived thermal excursions will be extremely valuable to an understanding of the response of high latitude sites during climate transitions from globally cool to globally warm conditions.", "east": -56.0, "geometry": "POINT(-56 -64)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Not provided; Bivalves; Geochemical Composition; Carbon Isotopes; Climate", "locations": null, "north": -64.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e PALEOGENE \u003e EOCENE", "persons": "Lohmann, Kyger; Barrera, Enriqueta", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -64.0, "title": "Evolution of Sea Surface Temperatures in the Coastal Antarctic Paleoenvironment During the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene", "uid": "p0000613", "west": -56.0}, {"awards": "9725305 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Firn Air Isotope and Temperature Measurements from Siple Dome and South Pole", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609098", "doi": "10.7265/N51N7Z2P", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; Temperature", "people": "Battle, Mark; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Grachev, Alexi", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Firn Air Isotope and Temperature Measurements from Siple Dome and South Pole", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609098"}], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9725305 Severinghaus This award supports a project to develop and apply a new technique for quantifying temperature changes in the past based on the thermodynamic principle of thermal diffusion, in which gas mixtures in a temperature gradient become fractionated. Air in polar firn is fractionated by temperature gradients induced by abrupt climate change, and a record of this air is preserved in bubbles in the ice. The magnitude of the abrupt temperature change, the precise relative timing, and an estimate of the absolute temperature change can be determined. By providing a gas-phase stratigraphic marker of temperature change, the phasing of methane (with decadal precision) and hence widespread climate change (relative to local polar temperature changes) can be determined (across five abrupt warming events during the last glacial period).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SAMPLERS \u003e BOTTLES/FLASKS/JARS \u003e FLASKS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotopic History; GROUND STATIONS; Thermal Diffusion; Firn Temperature Measurements; Not provided; Oxygen Isotope; Trapped Air Bubbles; Shallow Firn Air; Firn Air Isotope Measurements; Seasonal Temperature Gradients; Mass Spectrometry; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Thermal Fractionation; Polar Firn Air; Isotopic Anomalies; Xenon; Atmospheric Gases; Argon Isotopes; Siple Dome; Krypton; Nitrogen Isotopes; Seasonal Temperature Changes; Antarctica; Ice Core Gas Records; Firn Air Isotopes; Mass Spectrometer; South Pole; Firn Isotopes; Borehole", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome; South Pole", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Battle, Mark; Grachev, Alexi; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Thermal Fractionation of Firn Air and the Ice Core Record of Abrupt Interstadial Climate Change", "uid": "p0000160", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Dominion Range Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1984 and 1985", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609087", "doi": "10.7265/N5PC308D", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Dominion Range Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1984 and 1985", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609087"}], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dominion Range; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Dominion Range; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, Ice Core, 1991 and 1992", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609089", "doi": "10.7265/N5DZ067P", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, Ice Core, 1991 and 1992", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609089"}], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dronning Maud Land; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Antarctica; Dronning Maud Land", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Whitlow, Sallie; Mayewski, Paul A.", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "9526374 Alley, Richard", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Visible Stratigraphic Dating, Siple Dome and Upstream C Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609121", "doi": "10.7265/N53F4MHS", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Alley, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Visible Stratigraphic Dating, Siple Dome and Upstream C Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609121"}], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 1997 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program of physical and visible studies on the shallow and deep ice cores to be retrieved from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. Visible examination of ice cores has proven to be a powerful technique for dating and paleoclimatic interpretation. Recent examination of a shallow core from Siple Dome indicates that annual-layer dating is possible and that visible examination will contribute significantly to the dating effort at Siple Dome. Once ages are obtained, distances between layers provide snow accumulation after correction for density variations and ice flow thinning. Thin- section examination of the core will contribute to understanding the visible stratigraphy, and will reveal c-axis fabrics which are related to past ice deformation. The results of this study should include a better understanding of rapid climate change in the Antarctic and should contribute to knowledge of the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Siple; Ice Sheet; Isotope; Stratigraphy; GROUND STATIONS; Accumulation; Siple Dome; WAISCORES; Densification; Antarctica; Siple Coast; Thermometry; Snow; Not provided; Bubble; Glaciology", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Alley, Richard", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Physical Properties of the Siple Dome Deep Ice Core", "uid": "p0000059", "west": null}]
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Project Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Dataset Links and Repositories | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible | |||||||||||
EAGER: Pedogenic Carbonates Record Insolation Driven Surface Melting in Antarctica
2423761 |
2024-05-14 | Blackburn, Terrence | No dataset link provided | Non-technical abstract<br/><br/>Earth’s climatic changes have been recorded in the ice core collected from the Antarctic ice sheet. While these records provide a high resolution view of how polar temperatures changed through time, it is not always clear what Earth process influence Antarctic climate. One likely contributor to Antarctic temperature changes is the cyclic changes in Earth’s orientation as it orbits the sun. These so-called Milankovitch cycles control the amount and pattern of sunlight reaching the polar regions, that in turn result in periods of climatic warming or cooling. While the orbital variations and control on incoming solar energy remain well understood, how they influence Antarctic climate remains unresolved. It is the goal of this project to determine how variations in Earth’s orbit may be locally influencing Antarctic temperatures. The researchers on this project are pursing this goal by identifying periods of past ice melting on the surface of Antarctica using minerals that precipitate from the meltwaters that resulted from past warm periods. The timing of this past melting will be determined by radioisotopic dating of the minerals using the natural radioactive decay of uranium to thorium. By dating numerous samples, collected in past scientific expeditions throughout the Antarctic continent, these researchers aim to reconstruct the frequency and spatial pattern of past warming and in doing so, determine what aspect of Earth’s orbital variations influences Antarctic ice loss.<br/><br/>Technical abstract<br/><br/>Antarctic ice cores provide high resolution records of Pleistocene Southern Hemisphere temperatures that show an overall coherence with Northern Hemisphere temperature variations. One explanation for this bi-hemispheric temperature covariance relies on changes in atmospheric CO2 that result from varying northern hemisphere insolation. An alternative posits that the apparent coherence of polar temperatures is due to the misleading covariance between northern hemisphere summer insolation and, the southern hemisphere summer duration. At present there is an insufficient understanding of the role that local insolation plays in Antarctic climate. The goal of this research project is to identify the temporal spatial patterns of solar forcing in Antarctica. To reach this goal, the project team will: 1) develop a way to identify periods of past surface melt production in Antarctica using U-Th dating of pedogenic carbonates; and 2) utilize the evidence of past surface melting to calibrate energy balance models and interrogate past Antarctic surface temperatures and; 3) compare the timing of Antarctic warm periods to potential solar forcing mechanisms such as peak summer insolation or summer duration. A means of identifying the spatial and temporal pattern at which local insolation influences Antarctic temperature would provide a transformative solution to the contradiction in current climate records.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF''s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation''s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Program
0944018 0943952 |
2023-10-20 | Lazzara, Matthew; Cassano, John |
The Antarctic Automatic Weather Station (AWS) network, first commenced in 1978, is the most extensive meteorological observing system on the Antarctic continent, approaching its 30th year at many of its key sites. Its prime focus as a long term observational record is vital to the measurement of the near surface climatology of the Antarctic atmosphere. AWS units measure air-temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction at a nominal surface height of 3m. Other parameters such as relative humidity and snow accumulation may also be taken. Observational data from the AWS are collected via the DCS Argos system aboard either NOAA or MetOp polar orbiting satellites and thus made available globally, in near real time via the GTS (Global Telecommunications System), to operational and synoptic weather forecasters. The surface observations from the AWS network also are often used to check on satellite and remote sensing observations, and the simulations of Global Climate Models (GCMs). Research instances of its use in this project include continued development of the climatology of the Antarctic atmosphere and surface wind studies of the Ross Ice Shelf. The AWS observations benefit the broader earth system science community, supporting research activities ranging from paleoclimate studies to penguin phenology. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Conference: Interdisciplinary Antarctic Earth Science Conference & Deep-Field Planning Workshop
2231558 2231559 |
2023-09-01 | Smith, Nathan; Tinto, Kirsty | No dataset link provided | PUBLIC ABSTRACT – NSF 2231558/2231559 COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: CONFERENCE: INTERDISCIPLINARY ANTARCTIC EARTH SCIENCE CONFERENCE & DEEP-FIELD PLANNING WORKSHOP The unique Antarctic environment offers insight into processes and records not seen anywhere else on Earth, and is critical to understanding our planet’s history and future. The remoteness and logistics of Antarctic science brings together researchers from diverse disciplines who otherwise wouldn’t be presented with opportunities for collaboration, and often rarely attend the same academic conferences. The Interdisciplinary Antarctic Earth Science (IAES) conference is a biennial gathering that supports the collaboration of U.S. bio-, cryo-, geo-, and atmospheric science researchers working in the Antarctic. This proposal will support the next two IAES conferences to be held in 2022 and 2024, as well as a paired deep-field camp planning workshop. The IAES conference is important to the mission of the NSF in supporting interdisciplinary collaboration in the Antarctic earth sciences, but also fulfills recommendations by the National Academy for improving awareness, data sharing, and early career researcher mentoring and development. The size and scope of the IAES conference allow it to serve as a hub for novel, interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as an incubator for the development of the next generation of Antarctic earth scientists. The goals of the IAES conference are to develop and deepen scientific collaborations across the Antarctic earth science community, and create a framework for future deep-field, as well as non-field-based research. The conference will share science through presentations of current research and keynote talks, broaden participation through welcoming new researchers from under-represented communities and disciplines, and deepen collaboration through interdisciplinary networking highlighting potential research connections, novel mentorship activities, and promoting data re-use, and application of remote sensing and modeling. Discussions resulting from the IAES conference will be used to develop white papers on future Antarctic collaborative research and deep-field camps based on community-driven research priorities. Community surveys and feedback will be solicited throughout the project to guide the future development of the IAES conference. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||||||||
Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores
1745078 |
2023-05-01 | Brook, Edward | This project will develop methods to measure the ratios of carbon-13 to carbon-12, and heavy to light hydrogen in methane in air trapped in ice cores. The ratios of the different forms of carbon and hydrogen are "fingerprints" of different sources of this gas in the past--for example wetlands in the tropics versus methane frozen in the sea floor. Once the analysis method is developed, the measurements will be used to examine why methane changed abruptly in the past, both during the last ice age, and during previous warm periods. The data will be used to understand how methane sources like wildfires, methane hydrates, and wetlands respond to climate change. This information is needed to understand future risks of large changes in methane in the atmosphere as Earth warms. <br/><br/>The project involves two tasks. First, the investigators will build and test a gas extraction system for methane isotopic measurements using continuous flow methods, with the goal of equaling or bettering the precision attained by the few other laboratories that make these measurements. The system will be interfaced with existing mass spectrometers at Oregon State University. The system consists of a vacuum chamber and sequence of traps, purification columns, and furnaces that separate methane from other gases and convert it to carbon dioxide or hydrogen for mass spectrometry. Second, the team will measure the isotopic composition of methane across large changes in concentration associated with two past interglacial periods and during abrupt methane changes of the last ice age. These measurements will be used to understand if the main reason for these concentration changes is climate-driven changes in emissions from wetlands, or whether other sources are involved, for example methane hydrates or wildfires.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Collaborative Research: An Ice Core from Hercules Dome, East Antarctica
1841879 1841844 1841858 |
2023-02-06 | Steig, Eric J.; Fudge, T. J. | No dataset link provided | The goal of this project is to drill and recover an ice core from Hercules Dome, Antarctica. The geographic setting of Hercules Dome makes it well-situated to investigate changes in the size of the West Antarctic ice sheet over long time periods. The base of the West Antarctic ice sheet lies below sea level, which makes this part of Antarctica vulnerable to melting from the relatively warm deep water of the Southern Ocean. An important research question is whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during Earth's last prolonged warm period, about 125,000 years ago, when the ocean was warmer and sea level was several meters higher than today. Evidence for or against such a collapse will be recorded in the chemistry and physical properties of the ice. The Hercules Dome ice core will be obtained over three to four field seasons in Antarctica using efficient drilling technology. This grant includes support for project management, pre-drilling science community engagement, ice-core recovery, and education and outreach activities. <br/><br/>Hercules Dome is located at the edge of the East Antarctic ice sheet, south of the Transantarctic Mountains at 86 degrees South, 105 degrees West. Glaciological conditions at Hercules Dome are simple, with well-defined layering to the bed, optimal for the recovery of a deep ice core reaching to the last interglacial period at depths between 1600 and 2800 meters. An ice core from Hercules Dome will provide a research opportunity for ice-core analysts and others to make progress on a number of science priorities, including the environmental conditions of the last interglacial period, the history of gases and aerosols, and the magnitude and timing of changes in temperature and snow accumulation over the last 150,000 years. Together with the network of ice cores obtained by U.S. and international researchers over the last few decades, results from Hercules Dome will yield improved estimates of the boundary conditions necessary for the implementation and validation of ice-sheet models critical to the projection of future Antarctic ice-sheet change and sea level.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | POINT(-105 -86) | POINT(-105 -86) | false | false | |||||||||||
Life in Ice: Probing Microbial Englacial Activity through Time
2037963 |
2022-10-11 | Smith, Heidi; Foreman, Christine; Dieser, Markus | No dataset link provided | Glacial ice cores serve as a museum back in time, providing detailed records of past climatic conditions. In addition to chronological records such as temperature, chemistry and gas composition, ice provides a unique environment for preserving microbes and other biological materials through time. These microbes provide invaluable insight into the physiological capabilities necessary for survival in the Earths cryosphere and other icy planetary bodies, yet little is known about them. This award supports fundamental research into the activity of microbes in ice, and directly supports major research priorities regarding Antarctic biota identified in the 2015 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report, A Strategic Vision for NSF Investments in Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research. The broader impacts of this work are that it will be relevant to researchers across paleoclimate and biological fields. It will support two early career researchers, a graduate and an undergraduate student who will conduct laboratory analyses, participate in outreach activities, publish papers in scientific journals and present at conferences. This work will use previously collected ice cores to investigate englacial microbial activity from the Holocene back to the Last Glacial Maximum from the blue ice area of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. The proposal identified making significant contributions to 1) investing how Antarctic organisms evolve and adapt to changing environment, 2) understanding how microbes alter the preservation of paleorecord-relevant gas and trace element information in ice cores, and 3) identifying microbial life in cores and their activity in relation to dust depositional events. Two recently developed complementary techniques (bio-orthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging and deuterium isotope probing) in combination with Raman Confocal Microspectroscopy will be used to assess and quantify microbial activity in ice. During phase one of the project, these methods will be optimized using deaccessioned ice cores available at the National Science Foundations Ice Core Facility. In phase two, ice cores in a time series from the Taylor Glacier will be analyzed for geochemistry and microbial activity. Research results will provide a comprehensive view of englacial microbial communities, including their metabolic diversity and activity, and the effect of geochemical parameters on microbial assemblages from different climate periods. Given the dearth of information available on englacial microbial communities, the results of this research will be of particular significance. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | None | None | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Coring Seymour Island (CSI) Antarctica: Evaluating Causes and Effects of the End Cretaceous Mass Extinction
2026648 2020728 2025724 |
2022-09-15 | Tobin, Thomas; Totten, Rebecca | No dataset link provided | Non-technical description: <br/>This 4-year project is evaluating evidence of extinction patterns and depositional conditions from a high southern latitude Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) outcrop section found on Seymore Island, in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. The team is using sediment samples collected below the weathering horizon to evaluate detailed sedimentary structures, geochemistry, and microfossils in targeted stratigraphic intervals. The study will help determine if the K-Pg mass extinction was a single or double phased event and whether Seymour Island region in the geological past was a restricted, suboxic marine environment or an open well-mixed shelf. The award includes an integrated plan for student training at all levels, enhanced by a highlighted partnership with a high school earth sciences teacher working in a school serving underrepresented students.<br/>Technical description:<br/> The proposed research is applying multiple techniques to address an overarching research question for which recent studies are in disagreement: Is the fossil evidence from a unique outcropping on Seymour Island, Antarctica consistent with a single or double phased extinction? In a two-phased model, the first extinction would affect primarily benthic organisms and would have occurred ~150 kiloyears prior to a separate extinction at the K-Pg boundary. However, this early extinction could plausibly be explained by an unrecognized facies control that is obscured by surficial weathering. This team is using microfossil evidence with detailed sedimentary petrology and geochemistry data to evaluate if the fossil evidence from Seymour Island is consistent with a single or double phased extinction process. The team is using detailed sedimentary petrology and geochemistry methods to test for facies changes across the K-PG interval that would explain the apparent early extinction. Samples of core sedimentary foraminifera, siliceous microfossils, and calcareous nannofossils are being evaluated to provide a high-resolution stratigraphic resolution and to evaluate whether evidence for an early extinction is present. Additionally, the team is using multiple geochemical methods to evaluate whether there is evidence for intermittent anoxia or euxinia and/or physical restriction of the Seymore region basin. Data from this analysis will indicate if this region was a restricted, suboxic marine environment or an open well-mixed shelf. | POLYGON((-56.93 -64.2,-56.894 -64.2,-56.858 -64.2,-56.822 -64.2,-56.786 -64.2,-56.75 -64.2,-56.714 -64.2,-56.678 -64.2,-56.642 -64.2,-56.606 -64.2,-56.57 -64.2,-56.57 -64.214,-56.57 -64.22800000000001,-56.57 -64.242,-56.57 -64.256,-56.57 -64.27000000000001,-56.57 -64.284,-56.57 -64.298,-56.57 -64.312,-56.57 -64.32600000000001,-56.57 -64.34,-56.606 -64.34,-56.642 -64.34,-56.678 -64.34,-56.714 -64.34,-56.75 -64.34,-56.786 -64.34,-56.822 -64.34,-56.858 -64.34,-56.894 -64.34,-56.93 -64.34,-56.93 -64.32600000000001,-56.93 -64.312,-56.93 -64.298,-56.93 -64.284,-56.93 -64.27000000000001,-56.93 -64.256,-56.93 -64.242,-56.93 -64.22800000000001,-56.93 -64.214,-56.93 -64.2)) | POINT(-56.75 -64.27000000000001) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Testing Next Generation Measurement Techniques for Reconstruction of Paleoclimate Archives from Thin or Disturbed Ice Cores Sections
2149518 |
2022-08-07 | Fudge, T. J.; Fegyveresi, John M |
Interpreting highly compressed portions of ice cores is increasingly important as projects target climate records in basal ice, and in ice recovered from blue-ice areas. This project will integrate precisely co-registered electrical conductivity measurements (ECM), hyperspectral imaging, laser ablation ICPMS measurements of impurities, and ice physical properties to investigate sub-cm chemical and physical variations in polar ice. This work will establish to what extent annual layer interpretations of polar ice with sub-cm layering is possible. Critical to resolving thin ice layers is understanding the across-core variations which may obscure or distort the vertical layering. Analyses will be focused on samples from WAIS Divide, SPICEcore, and GISP2, which have well established seasonal cycles that yielded benchmark timescales, as well a large diameter ice core from a blue ice area. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Common Environmental Drivers Determine the Occupation Chronology of Adélie Penguins and Moss Peatbanks on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
2012247 2012365 2012444 |
2022-07-24 | Groff, Dulcinea; Cimino, Megan; Johnston, David | No dataset link provided | This award is funded in whole or part under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law 117-2). Part I: Non-technical description: Adlie penguin colonies are declining and disappearing from the western Antarctic Peninsula. However, not all colonies in a certain area decline or disappear at the same rate. This research project will evaluate the influence of terrestrial surface properties on Adlie penguin colonies, leveraging five decades of research on seabirds near Palmer Station where an Adlie colony on Litchfield Island became extinct in 2007 while other colonies nearby are still present. The researchers will combine information obtained from remote sensing, UAS (Unoccupied Aircraft System, or drones) high-resolution maps, reconstruction of past moss banks and modeling with machine learning tools to define suitable penguin and peatbank moss habitats and explore the influence of microclimate on their distributions. In particular, the researchers are asking if guano from penguin colonies could act as fertilizers of moss banks in the presence of localized wind patters that can carry airborne nitrogen to the mosses. Modeling will relate penguin and peatbank moss spatial patterns to environmental variables and provide a greater understanding of how continued environmental change could impact these communities. The project allows for documentation of terrestrial Antarctic ecosystems in support of seabirds and provisioning of such information to the broader science community that seeks to study penguins, educating graduate and undergraduate students and a post-doctoral researcher. The research team includes two young women as Principal Investigators, one of them from an under-represented ethnic minority, first time Antarctic Principal Investigator, from an EPSCoR state (Wyoming), broadening participation in Antarctic research. Researchers will serve as student mentors through the Duke Bass Connections program entitled Biogeographic Assessment of Antarctic Coastal Habitats. This program supports an interdisciplinary team of graduate and undergraduate students collaborating with project faculty and experts on cutting-edge research bridging the classroom and the real world. Part II: Technical description: This research aims to understand the changes at the microclimate scale (meters) by analyzing present and past Adlie penguin colonies and moss peatbanks in islands around Palmer Station in the western Antarctic Peninsula interlinked systems that are typically considered in isolation. By integrating in situ and remote data, this project will synthesize the drivers of biogeomorphology on small islands of the Antarctic Peninsula, a region of rapid change where plants and animals often co-occur and animal presence often determines the habitation of plants. A multi-disciplinary approach combine field measurements, remote sensing, UAS (Unoccupied Aircraft Systems) maps, paleoecology and modeling with machine learning to define suitable habitats and the influence of microclimates on penguin and peatbank distributions. The link between the two aspects of this study, peatbanks and penguins, is the potential source of nutrients for peat mosses from penguin guano. Peatbank and penguin distribution will be modeled and all models will be validated using in situ information from moss samples that will identify mechanistic processes. This project leverages 5 decades of seabird research in the area and high-definition remote sensing provided by the Polar Geospatial center to study the microclimate of Litchfield Island where an Adlie colony became extinct in 2007 when other colonies nearby are still present. The research team includes two early career women as Principal Investigators, one of them from an under-represented ethnic minority, first time Antarctic Principal Investigator, from an EPSCoR state (Wyoming). Researchers will serve as mentors for students through the Duke Bass Connections program entitled Biogeogrpahic Assessment of Antarctic Coastal Habitats which bridges the classroom and the real world. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | POLYGON((-65 -64.5,-64.8 -64.5,-64.6 -64.5,-64.4 -64.5,-64.2 -64.5,-64 -64.5,-63.8 -64.5,-63.6 -64.5,-63.4 -64.5,-63.2 -64.5,-63 -64.5,-63 -64.55,-63 -64.6,-63 -64.65,-63 -64.7,-63 -64.75,-63 -64.8,-63 -64.85,-63 -64.9,-63 -64.95,-63 -65,-63.2 -65,-63.4 -65,-63.6 -65,-63.8 -65,-64 -65,-64.2 -65,-64.4 -65,-64.6 -65,-64.8 -65,-65 -65,-65 -64.95,-65 -64.9,-65 -64.85,-65 -64.8,-65 -64.75,-65 -64.7,-65 -64.65,-65 -64.6,-65 -64.55,-65 -64.5)) | POINT(-64 -64.75) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Reconstructing Late Holocene Ecosystem and Climate Shifts from Peat Records in the Western Antarctic Peninsula
1745068 1745082 |
2022-06-10 | Beilman, David; Booth, Robert |
Warming on the western Antarctic Peninsula in the later 20th century has caused widespread changes in the cryosphere (ice and snow) and terrestrial ecosystems. These recent changes along with longer-term climate and ecosystem histories will be deciphered using peat deposits. Peat accumulation can be used to assess the rate of glacial retreat and provide insight into ecological processes on newly deglaciated landscapes in the Antarctic Peninsula. This project builds on data suggesting recent ecosystem transformations that are linked to past climate of the western Antarctic Peninsula and provide a timeline to assess the extent and rate of recent glacial change. The study will produce a climate record for the coastal low-elevation terrestrial region, which will refine the major climate shifts of up to 6 degrees C in the recent past (last 12,000 years). A novel terrestrial record of the recent glacial history will provide insight into observed changes in climate and sea-ice dynamics in the western Antarctic Peninsula and allow for comparison with off-shore climate records captured in sediments. Observations and discoveries from this project will be disseminated to local schools and science centers. The project provides training and career development for a postdoctoral scientist as well as graduate and undergraduate students.<br/><br/>The research presents a new systematic survey to reconstruct ecosystem and climate change for the coastal low-elevation areas on the western Antarctic Peninsula (AP) using proxy records preserved in late Holocene peat deposits. Moss and peat samples will be collected and analyzed to generate a comprehensive data set of late-Holocene climate change and ecosystem dynamics. The goal is to document and understand the transformations of landscape and terrestrial ecosystems on the western AP during the late Holocene. The testable hypothesis is that coastal regions have experienced greater climate variability than evidenced in ice-core records and that past warmth has facilitated dramatic ecosystem and cryosphere response. A primary product of the project is a robust reconstruction of late Holocene climate changes for coastal low-elevation terrestrial areas using multiple lines of evidence from peat-based biological and geochemical proxies, which will be used to compare with climate records derived from marine sediments and ice cores from the AP region. These data will be used to test several ideas related to novel peat-forming ecosystems (such as Antarctic hairgrass bogs) in past warmer climates and climate controls over ecosystem establishment and migration to help assess the nature of the Little Ice Age cooling and cryosphere response. The chronology of peat cores will be established by radiocarbon dating of macrofossils and Bayesian modeling. The high-resolution time series of ecosystem and climate changes will help put the observed recent changes into a long-term context to bridge climate dynamics over different time scales.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | POLYGON((-64.4 -62.4,-63.910000000000004 -62.4,-63.42 -62.4,-62.93000000000001 -62.4,-62.440000000000005 -62.4,-61.95 -62.4,-61.46 -62.4,-60.97 -62.4,-60.480000000000004 -62.4,-59.99 -62.4,-59.5 -62.4,-59.5 -62.7,-59.5 -63,-59.5 -63.3,-59.5 -63.6,-59.5 -63.900000000000006,-59.5 -64.2,-59.5 -64.5,-59.5 -64.80000000000001,-59.5 -65.10000000000001,-59.5 -65.4,-59.99 -65.4,-60.480000000000004 -65.4,-60.97 -65.4,-61.46 -65.4,-61.95 -65.4,-62.440000000000005 -65.4,-62.93000000000001 -65.4,-63.42 -65.4,-63.910000000000004 -65.4,-64.4 -65.4,-64.4 -65.10000000000001,-64.4 -64.80000000000001,-64.4 -64.5,-64.4 -64.2,-64.4 -63.900000000000006,-64.4 -63.6,-64.4 -63.3,-64.4 -63,-64.4 -62.7,-64.4 -62.4)) | POINT(-61.95 -63.900000000000006) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Proposal: Miocene Climate Extremes: A Ross Sea Perspective from IODP Expedition 374 and DSDP Leg 28 Marine Sediments
1947646 1947657 1947558 |
2022-06-08 | Shevenell, Amelia | No dataset link provided | Presently, Antarctica's glaciers are melting as Earth's atmosphere and the Southern Ocean warm. Not much is known about how Antarctica's ice sheets might respond to ongoing and future warming, but such knowledge is important because Antarctica's ice sheets might raise global sea levels significantly with continued melting. Over time, mud accumulates on the sea floor around Antarctica that is composed of the skeletons and debris of microscopic marine organisms and sediment from the adjacent continent. As this mud is deposited, it creates a record of past environmental and ecological changes, including ocean depth, glacier advance and retreat, ocean temperature, ocean circulation, marine ecosystems, ocean chemistry, and continental weathering. Scientists interested in understanding how Antarctica's glaciers and ice sheets might respond to ongoing warming can use a variety of physical, biological, and chemical analyses of these mud archives to determine how long ago the mud was deposited and how the ice sheets, oceans, and marine ecosystems responded during intervals in the past when Earth's climate was warmer. In this project, researchers from the University of South Florida, University of Massachusetts, and Northern Illinois University will reconstruct the depth, ocean temperature, weathering and nutrient input, and marine ecosystems in the central Ross Sea from ~17 to 13 million years ago, when the warm Miocene Climate Optimum transitioned to a cooler interval with more extensive ice sheets. Record will be generated from new sediments recovered during the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 374 and legacy sequences recovered in the 1970?s during the Deep Sea Drilling Program. Results will be integrated into ice sheet and climate models to improve the accuracy of predictions. | POLYGON((-180 -72.5,-177.6 -72.5,-175.2 -72.5,-172.8 -72.5,-170.4 -72.5,-168 -72.5,-165.6 -72.5,-163.2 -72.5,-160.8 -72.5,-158.4 -72.5,-156 -72.5,-156 -73.15,-156 -73.8,-156 -74.45,-156 -75.1,-156 -75.75,-156 -76.4,-156 -77.05,-156 -77.7,-156 -78.35,-156 -79,-158.4 -79,-160.8 -79,-163.2 -79,-165.6 -79,-168 -79,-170.4 -79,-172.8 -79,-175.2 -79,-177.6 -79,180 -79,178.4 -79,176.8 -79,175.2 -79,173.6 -79,172 -79,170.4 -79,168.8 -79,167.2 -79,165.6 -79,164 -79,164 -78.35,164 -77.7,164 -77.05,164 -76.4,164 -75.75,164 -75.1,164 -74.45,164 -73.8,164 -73.15,164 -72.5,165.6 -72.5,167.2 -72.5,168.8 -72.5,170.4 -72.5,172 -72.5,173.6 -72.5,175.2 -72.5,176.8 -72.5,178.4 -72.5,-180 -72.5)) | POINT(-176 -75.75) | false | false | |||||||||||
Center for Oldest Ice Exploration
2019719 |
2022-05-21 | Brook, Edward J.; Neff, Peter | Cores drilled through the Antarctic ice sheet provide a remarkable window on the evolution of Earth’s climate and unique samples of the ancient atmosphere. The clear link between greenhouse gases and climate revealed by ice cores underpins much of the scientific understanding of climate change. Unfortunately, the existing data do not extend far enough back in time to reveal key features of climates warmer than today. COLDEX, the Center for Oldest Ice Exploration, will solve this problem by exploring Antarctica for sites to collect the oldest possible record of past climate recorded in the ice sheet. COLDEX will provide critical information for understanding how Earth’s near-future climate may evolve and why climate varies over geologic time. New technologies will be developed for exploration and analysis that will have a long legacy for future research. An archive of old ice will stimulate new research for the next generations of polar scientists. COLDEX programs will galvanize that next generation of polar researchers, bring new results to other scientific disciplines and the public, and help to create a more inclusive and diverse scientific community. Knowledge of Earth’s climate history is grounded in the geologic record. This knowledge is gained by measuring chemical, biological and physical properties of geologic materials that reflect elements of climate. Ice cores retrieved from polar ice sheets play a central role in this science and provide the best evidence for a strong link between atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate on geologic timescales. The goal of COLDEX is to extend the ice-core record of past climate to at least 1.5 million years by drilling and analyzing a continuous ice core in East Antarctica, and to much older times using discontinuous ice sections at the base and margin of the ice sheet. COLDEX will develop and deploy novel radar and melt-probe tools to rapidly explore the ice, use ice-sheet models to constrain where old ice is preserved, conduct ice coring, develop new analytical systems, and produce novel paleoclimate records from locations across East Antarctica. The search for Earth’s oldest ice also provides a compelling narrative for disseminating information about past and future climate change and polar science to students, teachers, the media, policy makers and the public. COLDEX will engage and incorporate these groups through targeted professional development workshops, undergraduate research experiences, a comprehensive communication program, annual scientific meetings, scholarships, and broad collaboration nationally and internationally. COLDEX will provide a focal point for efforts to increase diversity in polar science by providing field, laboratory, mentoring and networking experiences for students and early career scientists from groups underrepresented in STEM, and by continuous engagement of the entire COLDEX community in developing a more inclusive scientific culture. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Collaborative Research: ANDRILL - - Investigating Antarcticas Role in Cenozoic Global Environmental Change
0342484 |
2022-02-04 | Harwood, David; Levy, Richard |
ANDRILL is a scientific drilling program to investigate Antarctica's role in global climate change over the last sixty million years. The approach integrates geophysical surveys, new drilling technology, multidisciplinary core analysis, and ice sheet modeling to address four scientific themes: (1) the history of Antarctica's climate and ice sheets; (2) the evolution of polar biota and ecosystems; (3) the timing and nature of major tectonic and volcanic episodes; and (4) the role of Antarctica in the Earth's ocean-climate system. <br/><br/>This award initiates what may become a long-term program with drilling of two previously inaccessible sediment records beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf and in South McMurdo Sound. These stratigraphic records cover critical time periods in the development of Antarctica's major ice sheets. The McMurdo Ice Shelf site focuses on the Ross Ice Shelf, whose size is a sensitive indicator of global climate change. It has recently undergone major calving events, and there is evidence of a thousand-kilometer contraction since the last glacial maximum. As a generator of cold bottom water, the shelf may also play a key role in ocean circulation. The core obtained from this site will also offer insight into sub-ice shelf sedimentary, biologic, and oceanographic processes; the history of Ross Island volcanism; and the flexural response of the lithosphere to volcanic loading, which is important for geophysical and tectonic studies of the region.<br/><br/>The South McMurdo Sound site is located adjacent to the Dry Valleys, and focuses on the major ice sheet overlying East Antarctica. A debate persists regarding the stability of this ice sheet. Evidence from the Dry Valleys supports contradictory conclusions; a stable ice sheet for at least the last fifteen million years or an active ice sheet that cycled through expansions and contractions as recently as a few millions of years ago. Constraining this history is critical to deep-time models of global climate change. The sediment cores will be used to construct an overall glacial and interglacial history for the region; including documentation of sea-ice coverage, sea level, terrestrial vegetation, and melt-water discharge events. The core will also provide a general chronostratigraphic framework for regional seismic studies and help unravel the area's complex tectonic history.<br/><br/>The broader impacts of this project include formal and informal education, new research infrastructure, various forms of collaboration, and improving society's understanding of global climate change. Education is supported at the postdoctoral, graduate, undergraduate, and K-12 levels. Teachers and curriculum specialists are integrated into the research program, and a range of video resources will be produced, including a science documentary for television release. New research infrastructure includes equipment for core analysis and ice sheet modeling, as well as development of a unique drilling system to penetrate ice shelves. Drill development and the overall project are co-supported by international collaboration with scientists and the National Antarctic programs of New Zealand, Germany, and Italy. The program also forges new collaborations between research and primarily undergraduate institutions within the United States. <br/><br/>As key factors in sea-level rise and oceanic and atmospheric circulation, Antarctica's ice sheets are important to society's understanding of global climate change. ANDRILL offers new data on marine and terrestrial temperatures, and changes our understanding of extreme climate events like the formation of polar ice caps. Such data are critical to developing accurate models of the Earth's climatic future. | POINT(167.083333 -77.888889) | POINT(167.083333 -77.888889) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Holocene and Late Pleistocene Stream Deposition in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica as a Proxy for Glacial Meltwater and Paleoclimate
2039419 |
2021-12-16 | Swanger, Kate | No dataset link provided | The McMurdo Dry Valleys are the largest ice-free region in Antarctica and home to a seasonally active hydrologic system, with streams and saline lakes. Streams are fed by summer meltwater from local glaciers and snowbanks. Therefore, streamflow is tied to summer climate conditions such as air temperatures, ground temperatures, winds, and incoming solar radiation. Based on 50 years of monitoring, summer stream activity has been observed to change, and it likely varied during the geologic past in response to regional climate change and fluctuating glaciers. Thus, deposits from these streams can address questions about past climate, meltwater, and lake level changes in this region. How did meltwater streamflow respond to past climate change? How did streamflow vary during periods of glacial advance and retreat? At what times did large lakes fill many of the valleys and what was their extent? The researchers plan to acquire a record of stream activity for the Dry Valleys that will span the three largest valleys and a time period of about 100,000 years. This record will come from a series of active and ancient alluvial fans that were deposited by streams as they flowed from valley sidewalls onto valley floors. The study will provide a long-term context with which to assess recent observed changes to stream activity and lake levels. The research will be led by two female mid-career investigators and contribute significantly to student research opportunities and education. The research will contribute to graduate and undergraduate education by including students in both field and laboratory research, as well as incorporating data and results into the classroom. The research will be disseminated to K-12 and non-scientific communities through outreach that includes professional development training for K-12 teachers in eastern Massachusetts, development of hands-on activities, visits to K-12 classrooms, and STEM education and literacy activities in North Carolina. The PIs propose to constrain rates of fluvial deposition and periods of increased fluvial activity in the McMurdo Dry Valleys during the Holocene and late Pleistocene. During 50 years of hydrologic monitoring in the Dry Valleys, scientists have observed that streams exhibit significant response to summer conditions. Previous studies of glacial and lacustrine deposits indicate regional glacier advance in the Dry Valleys during recent interglacial periods and high lake levels during and after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), with potentially significant low and high stands during the Holocene. However, the geologic record of meltwater activity is poorly constrained. The PIs seek to develop the first spatially-extensive record of stream deposition in the Dry Valleys by analyzing and dating alluvial fans. Given that alluvial fans are deposited by summer meltwater streams in a relatively stable tectonic setting, this record will serve as a proxy of regional summer climate conditions. Meltwater streams are an important component of the regional hydrologic system, connecting glaciers to lakes and affecting ecosystems and soils. A record of fluvial deposition is key to understanding the relationship between past climate change and regional hydrology. The proposed research will include remote- and field-based mapping of alluvial fans, stream channels, and meltwater sources as well as modeling potential incoming solar radiation to the fans and moisture sources during the austral summer. In the field, the PIs will document stratigraphy, collect near-surface sediments from 25 fans across four valleys (Taylor, Pearse, Wright, and Victoria), and collect 2- to 3-m vertical cores of ice-cemented sediments from three alluvial fan complexes. The PIs will then conduct depositional dating of fluvial sands via optically stimulated luminescence, and analyze mineralogy and bulk major element chemistry with X-ray powder diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. From these analyses, the PIs propose to (1) determine the timing of local- to regional-scale periods of high fluvial deposition, (2) calculate depositional rates, and (3) constrain depositional environments and sediment provenance. Given that many of the alluvial fans occur below the hypothesized maximum extents of glacially-dammed lakes in Wright and Victoria valleys, detailed stratigraphy, sediment provenance, and OSL dating of these fans could shed light on ongoing debates regarding the timing and extent of LGM and post-LGM lakes. The work will support a postdoctoral researcher, a PhD student, and many undergraduate and master’s students in cross-disciplinary research that spans stratigraphy, geochemistry, paleoclimatology and physics. | POLYGON((161 -77.3,161.2 -77.3,161.4 -77.3,161.6 -77.3,161.8 -77.3,162 -77.3,162.2 -77.3,162.4 -77.3,162.6 -77.3,162.8 -77.3,163 -77.3,163 -77.35,163 -77.4,163 -77.45,163 -77.5,163 -77.55,163 -77.6,163 -77.65,163 -77.7,163 -77.75,163 -77.8,162.8 -77.8,162.6 -77.8,162.4 -77.8,162.2 -77.8,162 -77.8,161.8 -77.8,161.6 -77.8,161.4 -77.8,161.2 -77.8,161 -77.8,161 -77.75,161 -77.7,161 -77.65,161 -77.6,161 -77.55,161 -77.5,161 -77.45,161 -77.4,161 -77.35,161 -77.3)) | POINT(162 -77.55) | false | false | |||||||||||
Supporting Antarctic Research with Ongoing Operations and Development of the USAP-DC Project Catalog and Data Repository
1936530 2230824 |
2021-11-05 | Carbotte, Suzanne; Tinto, Kirsty; Nitsche, Frank O. | No dataset link provided | Samples and data obtained by researchers working in Antarctica are valuable, unique assets which typically require a substantial and expensive logistical effort to acquire. Preservation of these data increases the return on the significant public investment for acquisition, enabling future re-use for new analyses, and ensure that data behind scientific publications are available for others to review. The US Antarctic Program Data Center (USAP-DC) will provide an open-disciplinary hybrid repository for project metadata and the diverse research data obtained from the Antarctic region by NSF funded researchers for which other data repositories do not exist. In addition, a Project Catalog will provide a single online resource for the US Antarctic scientific community to manage information about their research activities and will link project metadata to the various distributed repositories where Antarctic data resides. In doing so, the USAP-DC will follow community best practices and standards to ensure data are citable, shareable, and discoverable. It will also facilitate registration of data descriptions into the Antarctic Master Directory to meet US goals for data sharing under the International Antarctic Treaty. With full open access to interfaces to search for and download data, USAP-DC will make a wide range of data products resulting from NSF funded research in Antarctica available not only to the research community but also to the broader public. The data center is operated using community standards for metadata and data access which helps ensure data re-usability into the future. The new Project catalog, which is designed to support consolidation of information on research products of USAP awards over the lifetime of a project, will make it simpler for NSF program managers, but also for individual researchers and especially larger collaborative research groups to keep track of datasets and related information produced as part of their projects. Through tutorials and meetings at conferences USAP-DC will contribute to raise awareness and inform the research community, especially new investigators about data management best practices. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Constraining West Antarctic Ice Sheet elevation during the last interglacial
1744949 1744927 1745015 |
2021-10-22 | Braddock, Scott; Campbell, Seth; Ackert, Robert; Zimmerer, Matthew; Mitrovica, Jerry |
Projecting future changes in West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) volume and global sea level rise in response to anthropogenic climate warming requires dynamic ice sheet models, which are enhanced by testing and calibrating with geologic evidence. Successfully modeling WAIS behavior during past collapse events provides a basis for predictions of future sea level change. Exposure ages of erratics and bedrock throughout west Antarctica constrain higher-than-present WAIS geometry during the LGM and the last deglaciation. Quantifying the past surface elevation from the interior of the ice sheet is especially useful as it directly constrains ice thickness and volume where most of the mass is located. Data that determines WAIS geometry during the last interglacial, the last time that climate was warmer than present and when global sea level was 3-6 m higher, is critical for empirically constraining changes in WAIS volume and its contribution to sea level, as well as, to calibrate ice sheet models. These datasets are essentially non- existent, as such evidence is now covered by the WAIS. Initial results from ground-penetrating radar surveys indicate ice depths around 1200 m. | POLYGON((-145 -74,-141.6 -74,-138.2 -74,-134.8 -74,-131.4 -74,-128 -74,-124.6 -74,-121.2 -74,-117.8 -74,-114.4 -74,-111 -74,-111 -74.6,-111 -75.2,-111 -75.8,-111 -76.4,-111 -77,-111 -77.6,-111 -78.2,-111 -78.8,-111 -79.4,-111 -80,-114.4 -80,-117.8 -80,-121.2 -80,-124.6 -80,-128 -80,-131.4 -80,-134.8 -80,-138.2 -80,-141.6 -80,-145 -80,-145 -79.4,-145 -78.8,-145 -78.2,-145 -77.6,-145 -77,-145 -76.4,-145 -75.8,-145 -75.2,-145 -74.6,-145 -74)) | POINT(-128 -77) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Peripheral East Antarctic ice as a unique recorder of climate variability during the Last Interglacial
2035637 2035580 |
2021-10-06 | Aarons, Sarah; Tabor, Clay | The spatial extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the last interglacial period (129,000 to 116,000 years ago) is currently unknown, yet this information is fundamental to projections of the future stability of the ice sheet in a warming climate. Paleoclimate records and proxy evidence such as dust can inform on past environmental conditions and ice-sheet coverage. This project will combine new, high-sensitivity geochemical measurements of dust from Antarctic ice collected at Allan Hills with existing water isotope records to document climate and environmental changes through the last interglacial period. These changes will then be compared with Earth-system model simulations of dust and water isotopes to determine past conditions and constrain the sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to warming. The project will test the hypothesis that the uncharacteristically volcanic dust composition observed at another peripheral ice core site at Taylor Glacier during the last interglacial period is related to changes in the spatial extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This project aims to characterize mineral dust transport during the penultimate glacial-interglacial transition. The team will apply high-precision geochemical techniques to the high-volume, high-resolution ice core drilled at the Allan Hills site in combination with Earth system model simulations to: (1) determine if the volcanic dust signature found in interglacial ice from Taylor Glacier is also found at Allan Hills, (2) determine the likely dust source(s) to this site during the last interglacial, and (3) probe the atmospheric and environmental changes during the last interglacial with a diminished West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The team will develop a suite of measurements on previously drilled ice from Allan Hills, including isotopic compositions of Strontium and Neodymium, trace element concentrations, dust-size distribution, and imaging of ice-core dust to confirm the original signal observed and provide a broader spatial reconstruction of dust transport. In tandem, the team will conduct Earth system modeling with prognostic dust and water-isotope capability to test the sensitivity of dust transport under several plausible ice-sheet and freshwater-flux configurations. By comparing dust reconstruction and model simulations, the team aims to elucidate the driving mechanisms behind dust transport during the last interglacial period. | None | None | false | false | ||||||||||||
Investigating Antarctic Ice Sheet-Ocean-Carbon Cycle Interactions During the Last Deglaciation
2103032 |
2021-09-09 | Schmittner, Andreas; Haight, Andrew ; Clark, Peter | No dataset link provided | The Antarctic ice sheet is an important component of Earth’s climate system, as it interacts with the atmosphere, the surrounding Southern Ocean, and the underlaying solid Earth. It is also the largest potential contributor to future sea level rise and a major uncertainty in climate projections. Climate change may trigger instabilities, which may lead to fast and irreversible collapse of parts of the ice sheet. However, very little is known about how interactions between the Antarctic ice sheet and the rest of the climate system affect its behavior, climate, and sea level, partly because most climate models currently do not have fully-interactive ice sheet components. This project investigates Antarctic ice-ocean interactions of the last 20,000 years. A novel numerical climate model will be constructed that includes an interactive Antarctic ice sheet, improving computational infrastructure for research. The model code will be made freely available to the public on a code-sharing site. Paleoclimate data will be synthesized and compared with simulations of the model. The model-data comparison will address three scientific hypotheses regarding past changes in deep ocean circulation, ice sheet, carbon, and sea level. The project will contribute to a better understanding of ice-ocean interactions and past climate variability. This project will test suggestions that ice-ocean interactions have been important for setting deep ocean circulation and carbon storage during the Last Glacial Maximum and subsequent deglaciation. The new model will consist of three existing and well-tested components: (1) an isotope-enabled climate-carbon cycle model of intermediate complexity, (2) a model of the combined Antarctic ice sheet, solid Earth and sea level, and (3) an iceberg model. The coupling will include ocean temperature effects on basal melting of ice shelves, freshwater fluxes from the ice sheet to the ocean, and calving, transport and melting of icebergs. Once constructed and optimized, the model will be applied to simulate the Last Glacial Maximum and subsequent deglaciation. Differences between model versions with full, partial or no coupling will be used to investigate the effects of ice-ocean interactions on the Meridional Overturning Circulation, deep ocean carbon storage and ice sheet fluctuations. Paleoclimate data synthesis will include temperature, carbon and nitrogen isotopes, radiocarbon ages, protactinium-thorium ratios, neodymium isotopes, carbonate ion, dissolved oxygen, relative sea level and terrestrial cosmogenic ages into one multi-proxy database with a consistent updated chronology. The project will support an early-career scientist, one graduate student, undergraduate students, and new and ongoing national and international collaborations. Outreach activities in collaboration with a local science museum will benefit rural communities in Oregon by improving their climate literacy. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Linking Marine and Terrestrial Sedimentary Evidence for Plio-pleistocene Variability of Weddell Embayment and Antarctic Peninsula Glaciation
2114786 |
2021-09-09 | Warnock, Jonathan | No dataset link provided | The potential for future sea level rise from melting and collapse of Antarctic ice sheets and glaciers is concerning. We can improve our understanding of how water is exchanged between Antarctic ice sheets and the ocean by studying how ice sheets behaved in past climates, especially conditions that were similar to or warmer than those at present. For this project, the research team will document Antarctica’s response across an interval when Earth transitioned from the warm Pliocene into the Pleistocene ice ages by combining marine and land evidence for glacier variations from sites near the Antarctic Peninsula, complimented by detailed work on timescales and fossil evidence for environmental change. An important goal is to test whether Antarctica’s glaciers changed at the same time as glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere as Earth's most recent Ice Age intensified, or alternatively responded to regional climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere. Eleven investigators from seven US institutions, as well as Argentine collaborators, will study new sediment cores from the International Ocean Discovery Program, as well as legacy cores from that program and on-land outcrops on James Ross Island. The group embraces a vertically integrated research program that allows high school, undergraduate, graduate, post-docs and faculty to work together on the same projects. This structure leverages the benefits of near-peer mentoring and the development of a robust collaborative research network while allowing all participants to take ownership of different parts of the project. All members of the team are firmly committed to attracting researchers from under-represented groups and will do this through existing channels as well as via co-creating programming that centers the perspectives of diverse students in conversations about sea-level rise and climate change. The proposed research seeks to understand phasing between Northern and Southern Hemisphere glacier and climate changes, as a means to understand drivers and teleconnections. The dynamics of past Antarctic glaciation can be studied using the unique isotope geochemical and mineralogic fingerprints from glacial sectors tied to a well-constrained time model for the stratigraphic successions. The proposed work would further refine the stratigraphic context through coupled biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic work. The magnitude of iceberg calving and paths of icebergs will be revealed using the flux, geochemical and mineralogic signatures, and 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb geochronology of ice-rafted detritus. These provenance tracers will establish which sectors of Antarctica’s ice sheets are more vulnerable to collapse, and the timing and pacing of these events will be revealed by their stratigraphic context. Additionally, the team will work with Argentine collaborators to connect the marine and terrestrial records by studying glacier records intercalated with volcanic flows on James Ross Island. These new constraints will be integrated with a state of the art ice-sheet model to link changes in ice dynamics with their underlying causes. Together, these tight stratigraphic constraints, geochemical signatures, and ice-sheet model simulations will provide a means to compare to the global records of climate change, understand their primary drivers, and elucidate the role of the Antarctic ice sheet in a major, global climatic shift from the Pliocene into the Pleistocene. | None | None | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
1745006 1745007 0838843 1744993 1744832 |
2021-08-27 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Brook, Edward J.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Higgins, John | Between about 2.8-0.9 Ma, Earth’s climate was characterized by 40 kyr cycles, driven or paced by changes in the tilt of Earth’s spin axis. Much is known about the 40k world from studies of deep-sea sediments, but our understanding of climate change during this period and the transition between the 40kyr glacial cycles from 2.8-0.9 Ma and the 100kyr glacial cycles of the last 0.9 Myr is incomplete because we lack records of Antarctic climate and direct records of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. We propose to address these issues by building on our recent studies of >1 Ma ice discovered in shallow ice cores in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA), Antarctica. During the 2015-2016 field season we recovered ice from two nearby drill cores that dates to > 2 million years in age using the 40Ar/38Ar ratio of the trapped gases. Our discovery of ice of this antiquity in two cores demonstrates that there is gas-record quality ice from the 40k world in the Allan Hills BIA. To further characterize the composition of Earth’s atmosphere and Antarctic climate during the 40k world we request support for two field seasons to drill new large-volume (4” or 9” diameter) ice cores at sites where we have previously identified >1 Ma ice and nearby sites where ground penetrating radar has identified bedrock features conducive to the preservation of old ice. | POLYGON((159.16667 -76.66667,159.19167 -76.66667,159.21667 -76.66667,159.24167 -76.66667,159.26667 -76.66667,159.29167 -76.66667,159.31667 -76.66667,159.34167 -76.66667,159.36667 -76.66667,159.39167 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.673336,159.41667 -76.680002,159.41667 -76.686668,159.41667 -76.693334,159.41667 -76.7,159.41667 -76.706666,159.41667 -76.713332,159.41667 -76.719998,159.41667 -76.726664,159.41667 -76.73333,159.39167 -76.73333,159.36667 -76.73333,159.34167 -76.73333,159.31667 -76.73333,159.29167 -76.73333,159.26667 -76.73333,159.24167 -76.73333,159.21667 -76.73333,159.19167 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.726664,159.16667 -76.719998,159.16667 -76.713332,159.16667 -76.706666,159.16667 -76.7,159.16667 -76.693334,159.16667 -76.686668,159.16667 -76.680002,159.16667 -76.673336,159.16667 -76.66667)) | POINT(159.29167 -76.7) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past
1745057 1745064 1745080 |
2021-08-06 | Walker, Sally; Gillikin, David; Perez-Huerta, Alberto; Andrus, Fred | The goal of this project is to discover whether the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, provides a guide to sea-ice conditions in nearshore Antarctica today and in the past. Scallops may grow slower and live longer in habitats where sea ice persists for many years, limited by food, compared to habitats where sea ice melts out annually. Also, the chemicals retained in the shell during growth may provide crucial habitat information related to not only changing sea-ice conditions but also the type of food, whether it is recycled from the seafloor or produced by algae blooming when sea ice has melted. Unlocking the ecological imprint captured within the shell of the Antarctic Scallop will increase our understanding of changing sea-ice conditions in Antarctica. Further, because the Antarctic scallop had relatives living at the time when the Antarctic ice sheet first appeared, the scallop shell record may contain information on the stability of the ice sheet and the history of Antarctic shallow seas. Funding will also be integral for training a new generation of geoscientists in fossil and chemical forensics related to shallow sea habitats in Antarctica. Scallops are worldwide in distribution, are integral for structuring marine communities have an extensive fossil record dating to the late Devonian, and are increasingly recognized as important paleoenvironmental proxies because they are generally well preserved in the sediment and rock record. The primary goal of this project is to assess the differences in growth, lifespan, and chemistry (stable isotopes, trace elements) archived in the shell of the Antarctic scallop that may be indicative of two ice states: persistent (multiannual) sea ice at Explorers Cove (EC) and annual sea ice (that melts out every year) at Bay of Sails (BOS), western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. This project will investigate growth and lifespan proxies (physical and geochemical) and will use high-resolution records of stable oxygen isotopes to determine if a melt-water signal is archived in A. colbecki shells and whether that signal captures the differing ice behavior at two sites (EC versus BOS). Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in association with trace elements will be used to examine subannual productivity spikes indicative of phytoplankton blooms, which are predicted to be more pronounced during open ocean conditions. Small growth increments in the outer calcite layer will be assessed to determine if they represent fortnightly growth, if so, they could provide a high-resolution proxy for monthly environmental processes. Unlocking the environmental archive preserved in A. colbecki shells may prove to be an important proxy for understanding changing sea-ice conditions in Antarctica's past. Funding will support a Ph.D. student and undergraduates from multiple institutions working on independent research projects. Web content focused on Antarctic marine communities will be designed for museum outreach, reaching thousands of middle-school children each year. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Understanding the evolution of high-latitude Permo-Triassic paleoenvironments and their vertebrate communities
1341304 1341376 1341475 1341645 2001033 |
2021-06-29 | Sidor, Christian; Smith, Nathan; Makovicky, Peter; Tabor, Neil |
This project will advance our understanding of Antarctic life during the Permian and Triassic. We will apply an interdisciplinary approach to address relationships between environmental change, faunal composition, and biogeographic patterns in the context of the high-latitude strata preserved in the Buckley and Fremouw formations in the Shackleton Glacier region. We will use multiple types of data to assess paleoenvironment, including: 1) paleosol morphology; 2) paleosol geochemistry; 3) pedogenic organic matter; and 4) fossil wood chronology and stable isotopes. The Fremouw Formation of Antarctica preserves the highest paleolatitude tetrapod fauna of the entire Triassic (~70° S) and thus has the potential to shed important light on the evolution of polar life during the early Mesozoic. We will collect new fossils from known localities to understand the relationship between Antarctic and southern African tetrapod faunas. Furthermore, we will refine the stratigraphic, sedimentological, and geochronological framework for these Mesozoic faunas, which will include using U/Pb detrital zircon dating to provide the first dates for these vertebrate assemblages. In the lab, we will examine the biology of Triassic vertebrates from Antarctica by comparing their bone and tusk histology to conspecifics from lower paleolatitudes. In addition, we will test Bergmann’s Rule with six species (viz. Lystrosaurus curvatus, L. maccaigi, L. murrayi, Prolacerta broomi, Procolophon trigoniceps, and Thrinaxodon liorhinus). The Early Triassic presents a unique opportunity to perform such investigations as there is no other geologic interval in which species occurring in Antarctica can be compared to conspecifics across a range of paleolatitudes. | POLYGON((-180 -84,-178 -84,-176 -84,-174 -84,-172 -84,-170 -84,-168 -84,-166 -84,-164 -84,-162 -84,-160 -84,-160 -84.3,-160 -84.6,-160 -84.9,-160 -85.2,-160 -85.5,-160 -85.8,-160 -86.1,-160 -86.4,-160 -86.7,-160 -87,-162 -87,-164 -87,-166 -87,-168 -87,-170 -87,-172 -87,-174 -87,-176 -87,-178 -87,180 -87,178.5 -87,177 -87,175.5 -87,174 -87,172.5 -87,171 -87,169.5 -87,168 -87,166.5 -87,165 -87,165 -86.7,165 -86.4,165 -86.1,165 -85.8,165 -85.5,165 -85.2,165 -84.9,165 -84.6,165 -84.3,165 -84,166.5 -84,168 -84,169.5 -84,171 -84,172.5 -84,174 -84,175.5 -84,177 -84,178.5 -84,-180 -84)) | POINT(-177.5 -85.5) | false | false | |||||||||||
Deglacial to Recent Paleoceanography of the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: A Multi-proxy Study of Ice-ocean Interactions at the Outlet of the Aurora Subglacial Basin
1744970 |
2021-06-22 | Shevenell, Amelia | No dataset link provided | At present, Antarctica’s glaciers are melting as the Southern Ocean warms. While glacial retreat in West Antarctica is linked to ocean warming, less is known about the response of East Antarctica’s glaciers. Totten Glacier, located on the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica is presently retreating. Totten’s retreat is important because it is associated with warm ocean waters and because the glacier drains part of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet that contains enough ice to raise global sea levels ~3.5 meters. Mud accumulating on the seafloor around Antarctica is composed of sediment from the adjacent continent, as well as the skeletons and debris from microscopic marine organisms. As mud accumulates, so does a record of past environmental changes, including ocean temperatures and the advance and retreat of glaciers. Scientists use a variety of physical and chemical analyses to determine how long ago this mud was deposited, the temperature of the ocean at that location through time, and the relative location of glacial ice. In this project, researchers from the University of South Florida will refine and test new geochemical thermometers to better understand the influence of ocean temperatures on East Antarctic glacier extent over the last ~16,000 years. Results will be integrated into ice sheet and climate models to improve the accuracy of predictions. | POLYGON((120 -66,120.1 -66,120.2 -66,120.3 -66,120.4 -66,120.5 -66,120.6 -66,120.7 -66,120.8 -66,120.9 -66,121 -66,121 -66.1,121 -66.2,121 -66.3,121 -66.4,121 -66.5,121 -66.6,121 -66.7,121 -66.8,121 -66.9,121 -67,120.9 -67,120.8 -67,120.7 -67,120.6 -67,120.5 -67,120.4 -67,120.3 -67,120.2 -67,120.1 -67,120 -67,120 -66.9,120 -66.8,120 -66.7,120 -66.6,120 -66.5,120 -66.4,120 -66.3,120 -66.2,120 -66.1,120 -66)) | POINT(120.5 -66.5) | false | false | |||||||||||
1060080 |
2021-06-14 | Rosenberg, Jessica; Passchier, Sandra; Hansen, Melissa A. |
None | None | None | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Organic and Inorganic Geochemical Investigation of Hydrologic Change in East Antarctica in the 4 Million Years Before Full Glaciation
1908399 1908548 |
2020-12-05 | Feakins, Sarah; Scher, Howard | The East Antarctic Ice Sheet holds the largest volume of freshwater on the planet, in total enough to raise sea level by almost two hundred feet. Even minor adjustments in the volume of ice stored have major implications for coastlines and climates around the world. The question motivating this project is how did the ice grow to cover the continent over thirty million years ago when Antarctica changed from a warmer environment to an ice-covered southern continent? The seafloor of Prydz Bay, a major drainage basin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), has been drilled previously to recover sediments dating from millions of years prior to and across the time when inception of continental ice sheets occurred in Antarctica. The last remnants of plant material found as 'biomarkers' in the ocean sediments record the chemical signatures of rain and snowfall that fed the plants and later the expanding glaciers. Sediment carried by glaciers was also deposited on the seafloor and can be analyzed to discover how glaciers flowed across the landscape. Here, the researchers will identify precipitation changes that result from, and drive, ice sheet growth. This study will gather data and further analyze samples from the seafloor sediment archives of the International Ocean Discovery Program's (IODP) core repositories. Ultimately these findings can help inform temperature-precipitation-ice linkages within climate and ice sheet models. The project will support the training of three female, early career scientists (PhD & MS students, and research technician) and both PIs and the PhD student will continue their engagement with broadening participation efforts (e.g., Women in Science and Engineering Program; local chapters of Society for the advancement of Native Americans and Chicanos in Science and other access programs) to recruit undergraduate student participants from underrepresented minorities at both campuses and from local community colleges. Antarctic earth science education materials will be assisted by professional illustrations to be open access and used in public education and communication efforts to engage local communities in Los Angeles CA and Columbia SC. <br/><br/>The researchers at the University of Southern California and the University of South Carolina will together study the penultimate moment of the early Cenozoic greenhouse climate state: the ~4 million years of global cooling that culminated in the Eocene/Oligocene transition (~34 Ma). Significant gaps remain in the understanding of the conditions that preceded ice expansion on Antarctica. In particular, the supply of raw material for ice sheets (i.e., moisture) and the timing, frequency, and duration of precursor glaciations is poorly constrained. This collaborative proposal combines organic and inorganic proxies to examine how Antarctic hydroclimate changed during the greenhouse to icehouse transition. The central hypothesis is that the hydrological cycle weakened as cooling proceeded. Plant-wax hydrogen and carbon isotopes (hydroclimate proxies) and Hf-Nd isotopes of lithogenous and hydrogenous sediments (mechanical weathering proxies) respond strongly and rapidly to precipitation and glacial advance. This detailed and sensitive combined approach will test whether there were hidden glaciations (and/or warm events) that punctuated the pre-icehouse interval. Studies will be conducted on Prydz Bay marine sediment cores in a depositional area for products of weathering and erosion that were (and are) transported through Lambert Graben from the center of Antarctica. The project will yield proxy information about the presence of plants and the hydroclimate of Antarctica and the timing of glacial advance, and is expected to show drying associated with cooling and ice-sheet growth. The dual approach will untangle climate signals from changes in fluvial versus glacial erosion of plant biomarkers. This proposal is potentially transformative because the combination of organic and inorganic proxies can reveal rapid transitions in aridity and glacial expansion, that may have been missed in slower-response proxies and more distal archives. The research is significant as hydroclimate seems to be a key player in the temperature-cryosphere hysteresis.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | POLYGON((74.787 -67.27617,74.816483 -67.27617,74.845966 -67.27617,74.875449 -67.27617,74.904932 -67.27617,74.934415 -67.27617,74.963898 -67.27617,74.993381 -67.27617,75.022864 -67.27617,75.052347 -67.27617,75.08183 -67.27617,75.08183 -67.31817,75.08183 -67.36017,75.08183 -67.40217,75.08183 -67.44417,75.08183 -67.48617,75.08183 -67.52817,75.08183 -67.57017,75.08183 -67.61217,75.08183 -67.65417,75.08183 -67.69617,75.052347 -67.69617,75.022864 -67.69617,74.993381 -67.69617,74.963898 -67.69617,74.934415 -67.69617,74.904932 -67.69617,74.875449 -67.69617,74.845966 -67.69617,74.816483 -67.69617,74.787 -67.69617,74.787 -67.65417,74.787 -67.61217,74.787 -67.57017,74.787 -67.52817,74.787 -67.48617,74.787 -67.44417,74.787 -67.40217,74.787 -67.36017,74.787 -67.31817,74.787 -67.27617)) | POINT(74.934415 -67.48617) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Multidisciplinary Analysis of Antarctic Blue Ice Moraine Formation and their Potential as Climate Archives over Multiple Glacial Cycles
1443213 1443433 |
2020-09-29 | Kaplan, Michael; Schaefer, Joerg; Winckler, Gisela; Licht, Kathy |
Sediments deposited by the Antarctic ice sheet are an archive of its history with time and help geologists to determine how the remote interior of the ice sheet has changed over the past several hundred thousand years. This project will focus on the formation and dynamics of moraines (accumulations of dirt and rocks that are incorporated in the glacier surface or have been pushed along by the glacier as it moves) near the blue ice area of Mt. Achernar in the central Transantarctic Mountains in Antarctica.. The study will improve basic understanding of the formation of these moraines. Fieldwork at the site will focus on imaging the internal structure of the moraine to determine the processes by which it, and others like it, form over time. Additional analyses will include measurements of ice flow and collection of rock samples to determine the timing of debris deposition and the changes in the sources of sediments from deep within the Antarctic continent. The project will provide both graduate and undergraduate students training in paleoclimate studies, geology, and numerical modeling approaches. The broader impacts of the proposed work include hands on training in the Earth Sciences for graduate and undergraduate students, collaboration with colleagues in New Zealand and Sweden to provide an international research experience for students from the US, and three educational modules to be delivered by student researchers regarding Antarctica's role in global environments. The research is societally relevant and multidisciplinary and the topics are ideal for sharing with the public. All research findings will be made publicly available to others via timely publication in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals and all data will be submitted to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, and excess samples will be provided to the U.S. Polar Rock Repository.<br/><br/>Direct observations of ice sheet history from the margins of Antarctica's polar plateau are essential for testing numerical ice sheet models, and the laterally extensive, blue-ice moraines of the Mt. Achernar Moraine complex in the central Transantarctic Mountains contain a unique and nearly untapped direct, quasi-continuous record of ice sheet change over multiple glacial cycles. The project objectives include improved understanding of processes and rates of blue ice moraine formation, as well as identifying the topographic, glaciological, and climatic controls on their evolution. Data to be collected with fieldwork in Antarctica include: imaging of internal ice structure with ground-penetrating radar, measurement of ice flow velocity and direction with a global positioning system (GPS) array, analysis of debris concentration and composition in glacier ice, state-of-the-art cosmogenic multi-nuclide analyses to determine exposure ages of moraine debris, mapping of trimlines and provenance analysis. Numerical model simulations, constrained by field data, will be used to evaluate the factors influencing changes in glacier flow that potentially impact the accumulation of the moraine debris. All together, the new data and modeling efforts will improve conceptual models of blue ice moraine formation, and thereby make them a more valuable proxy for developing a better understanding of the history of the ice sheet. | POLYGON((159 -83.8,159.5 -83.8,160 -83.8,160.5 -83.8,161 -83.8,161.5 -83.8,162 -83.8,162.5 -83.8,163 -83.8,163.5 -83.8,164 -83.8,164 -83.87,164 -83.94,164 -84.01,164 -84.08,164 -84.15,164 -84.22,164 -84.29,164 -84.36,164 -84.43,164 -84.5,163.5 -84.5,163 -84.5,162.5 -84.5,162 -84.5,161.5 -84.5,161 -84.5,160.5 -84.5,160 -84.5,159.5 -84.5,159 -84.5,159 -84.43,159 -84.36,159 -84.29,159 -84.22,159 -84.15,159 -84.08,159 -84.01,159 -83.94,159 -83.87,159 -83.8)) | POINT(161.5 -84.15) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments
1543453 1543405 1543537 1543441 1543396 1543347 |
2020-07-16 | Rosenheim, Brad; Fricker, Helen; Priscu, John; Leventer, Amy; Dore, John; Lyons, W. Berry; Christner, Brent | The Antarctic subglacial environment remains one of the least explored regions on Earth. This project will examine the physical and biological characteristics of Subglacial Lake Mercer, a lake that lies 1200m beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This study will address key questions relating to the stability of the ice sheet, the subglacial hydrological system, and the deep-cold subglacial biosphere. The education and outreach component aims to widely disseminate results to the scientific community and to the general public through short films, a blog, and a website.<br/><br/>Subglacial Lake Mercer is one of the larger hydrologically active lakes in the southern basin of the Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica. It receives about 25 percent of its water from East Antarctica with the remainder originating from West Antarctica, is influenced by drain/fill cycles in a lake immediately upstream (Subglacial Lake Conway), and lies about 100 km upstream of the present grounding line of the Ross Ice Shelf. This site will yield information on the history of the Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams, and on grounding line migration. The integrated study will include direct sampling of basal ice, water, and sediment from the lake in concert with surface geophysical surveys over a three-year period to define the hydrological connectivity among lakes on the Whillans Ice Plain and their flow paths to the sea. The geophysical surveys will furnish information on subglacial hydrology, aid the site selection for hot-water drilling, and provide spatial context for interpreting findings. The hot-water-drilled boreholes will be used to collect basal ice samples, provide access for direct measurement of subglacial physical, chemical, and biological conditions in the water column and sediments, and to explore the subglacial water cavities using a remotely operated vehicle equipped with sensors, cameras, and sampling equipment. Data collected from this study will address the overarching hypothesis \"Contemporary biodiversity and carbon cycling in hydrologically-active subglacial environments associated with the Mercer and Whillans ice streams are regulated by the mineralization and cycling of relict marine organic matter and through interactions among ice, rock, water, and sediments\". The project will be undertaken by a collaborative team of scientists, with expertise in microbiology, biogeochemistry, hydrology, geophysics, glaciology, marine geology, paleoceanography, and science communication. | POLYGON((-163.611 -84.33543,-162.200034 -84.33543,-160.789068 -84.33543,-159.378102 -84.33543,-157.967136 -84.33543,-156.55617 -84.33543,-155.145204 -84.33543,-153.734238 -84.33543,-152.323272 -84.33543,-150.912306 -84.33543,-149.50134 -84.33543,-149.50134 -84.3659157,-149.50134 -84.3964014,-149.50134 -84.4268871,-149.50134 -84.4573728,-149.50134 -84.4878585,-149.50134 -84.5183442,-149.50134 -84.5488299,-149.50134 -84.5793156,-149.50134 -84.6098013,-149.50134 -84.640287,-150.912306 -84.640287,-152.323272 -84.640287,-153.734238 -84.640287,-155.145204 -84.640287,-156.55617 -84.640287,-157.967136 -84.640287,-159.378102 -84.640287,-160.789068 -84.640287,-162.200034 -84.640287,-163.611 -84.640287,-163.611 -84.6098013,-163.611 -84.5793156,-163.611 -84.5488299,-163.611 -84.5183442,-163.611 -84.4878585,-163.611 -84.4573728,-163.611 -84.4268871,-163.611 -84.3964014,-163.611 -84.3659157,-163.611 -84.33543)) | POINT(-156.55617 -84.4878585) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Collaborative Research: VeLveT Ice - eVoLution of Fabric and Texture in Ice at WAIS Divide, West Antarctica
1142167 1142035 |
2020-05-15 | Pettit, Erin; Obbard, Rachel |
This award supports a project to develop a better understanding of the relation between ice microstructure, impurities, and ice flow and their connection to climate history for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) ice core site. This work builds on several ongoing studies at Siple Dome in West Antarctica and Dome C in East Antarctica. It is well known that the microstructure of ice evolves with depth and time in an ice sheet. This evolution of microstructure depends on the ice flow field, temperature, and impurity content. The ice flow field, in turn, depends on microstructure, leading to feedbacks that create layered variation in microstructure that relates to climate and flow history. The research proposed here focuses on developing a better understanding of: 1) how ice microstructure evolves with time and stress in an ice sheet and how that relates to impurity content, temperature, and strain rate; 2) how variations in ice microstructure and impurity content affect ice flow patterns near ice divides (on both small (1cm to 1m) and large (1m to 100km) scales); and 3) in what ways is the spatial variability of ice microstructure and its effect on ice flow important for interpretation of climate history in the WAIS Divide ice core. The study will integrate existing ice core and borehole data with a detailed study of ice microstructure using Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) techniques and measurements of borehole deformation through time using Acoustic Televiewers. This will be the first study to combine these two novel techniques for studying the relation between microstructure and deformation and it will build on other data being collected as part of other WAIS Divide borehole logging projects (e.g. sonic velocity, optical dust logging, temperature and other measurements on the ice core including fabric measurements from thin section analyses as well as studies of ice chemistry and stable isotopes. The intellectual merit of the work is that it will improve interpretation of ice core data (especially information on past accumulation) and overall understanding of ice flow. The broader impacts are that the work will ultimately contribute to a better interpretation of ice core records for both paleoclimate studies and for ice flow history, both of which connect to the broader questions of the role of ice in the climate system. The work will also advance the careers of two early-career female scientists, including one with a hearing impairment disability. This project will support a PhD student at the UAF and provide research and field experience for two or three undergraduates at Dartmouth. The PIs plan to include a teacher on their field team and collaborate with UAF's "From STEM to STEAM" toward enhancing the connection between art and science. | POLYGON((-112.3 -79.2,-112.2 -79.2,-112.1 -79.2,-112 -79.2,-111.9 -79.2,-111.8 -79.2,-111.7 -79.2,-111.6 -79.2,-111.5 -79.2,-111.4 -79.2,-111.3 -79.2,-111.3 -79.23,-111.3 -79.26,-111.3 -79.29,-111.3 -79.32,-111.3 -79.35,-111.3 -79.38,-111.3 -79.41,-111.3 -79.44,-111.3 -79.47,-111.3 -79.5,-111.4 -79.5,-111.5 -79.5,-111.6 -79.5,-111.7 -79.5,-111.8 -79.5,-111.9 -79.5,-112 -79.5,-112.1 -79.5,-112.2 -79.5,-112.3 -79.5,-112.3 -79.47,-112.3 -79.44,-112.3 -79.41,-112.3 -79.38,-112.3 -79.35,-112.3 -79.32,-112.3 -79.29,-112.3 -79.26,-112.3 -79.23,-112.3 -79.2)) | POINT(-111.8 -79.35) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Development of a Suite of Proxies to Detect Past Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
1443268 1443437 |
2020-01-31 | Anders, Carlson; Beard, Brian; Stoner, Joseph |
This project developed sediment provenance proxies to trace the sources of sediment discharged by the WAIS to the continental rise. The WAIS erodes sediments from various West Antarctic geologic terranes that are deposited in adjacent drift sites. The geochemistry and magnetic properties of drift sediments reflect the tectono-metamorphic history of their source terranes. Deglaciation of a terrane during WAIS collapse should be detectable by the loss of the terrane’s geochemical and magnetic signature in continental-rise detrital sediments. Continental shelf late-Holocene sediments from near the current WAIS groundling line were analyzed for silt- and claysize Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes and major-trace elements. The suite of cores spans from the eastern Ross Sea to the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and established the provenance signatures of the Ross and Amundsen Provinces of Marie Byrd Land, Pine Island Bay, Thurston Island/Eight Coast Block, Ellsworth-Whitmore Crustal Block, and Antarctic Peninsula terranes. Many of these terranes have similar tectono-metamorphic histories but Sr-Nd isotope data from detrital sediments suggest at least 3 distinct provenance signatures. This comprehensive grain-size-specific provenance data adds to on-going collection of glacial till mineral and bulk provenance data. An initial down core study of Ocean Drilling Program Site 1096 in the Bellingshausen Sea was used to assess the utility of these new grain-size-specific provenance proxies in documenting WAIS collapse. We found the presence of both the WAIS and APIS over the last 115,000 years, but absence of the WAIS before 115,000 years ago. This means that the WAIS was gone during the last interglacial period, an interval when sea level was at least 6 meters above present. | POLYGON((-80 -65,-79 -65,-78 -65,-77 -65,-76 -65,-75 -65,-74 -65,-73 -65,-72 -65,-71 -65,-70 -65,-70 -65.5,-70 -66,-70 -66.5,-70 -67,-70 -67.5,-70 -68,-70 -68.5,-70 -69,-70 -69.5,-70 -70,-71 -70,-72 -70,-73 -70,-74 -70,-75 -70,-76 -70,-77 -70,-78 -70,-79 -70,-80 -70,-80 -69.5,-80 -69,-80 -68.5,-80 -68,-80 -67.5,-80 -67,-80 -66.5,-80 -66,-80 -65.5,-80 -65)) | POINT(-75 -67.5) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Role of the Central Scotia Sea Floor and North Scotia Ridge in the Onset and Development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
1246111 |
2020-01-28 | Dalziel, Ian W.; Lawver, Lawrence; Krissek, Lawrence |
Intellectual Merit: <br/>Opening of Drake Passage and the West Scotia Sea south of Tierra del Fuego broke the final continental barrier to onset of a complete Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Initiation of the ACC has been associated in time with a major, abrupt, drop in global temperatures and the rapid expansion of the Antarctic ice sheets at 33-34 Ma. Events leading to the formation of the Drake Passage gateway are poorly known. Understanding the tectonic evolution of the floor of the Central Scotia Sea (CSS) and the North Scotia Ridge is a key to this understanding. Previous work has demonstrated that superimposed constructs formed a volcanic arc that likely blocked direct eastward flow from the Pacific to the Atlantic through the opening Drake Passage gateway as the active South Sandwich arc does today. The PIs propose a cruise to test, develop and refine, with further targeted mapping and dredging, their theory of CSS tectonics and the influence it had on the onset and development of the ACC. In addition they propose an installation of GPS receiver to test their paleogeographic reconstructions and determine whether South Georgia is moving as part of the South American plate. <br/><br/>Broader impacts: <br/>A graduate student will be involved in all stages of the research. Undergraduate students will also be involved as watch-standers. A community college teacher will participate in the cruise. The PIs will have a website on which there will be images of the actual ocean floor dredging in operation. The teacher will participate with web and outreach support through PolarTREC. Results of the cruise are of broad interest to paleoceanographers, paleoclimate modelers and paleobiogeographers.A network of four continuous Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers was installed on the bedrock of South Georgia in the Southern Ocean in 2013 and 2014. An additional receiver on a concrete foundation provides a tie to a tide gauge, part of the United Kingdom South Atlantic Tide Gauge Network. The GNSS receivers have already provided data suggesting that the South Georgia microcontinent (SGM) is moving independent of both the South American plate to the north and the Scotia plate to the south. The data also demonstrate that the SGM is being uplifted. | POLYGON((-44 -53,-42.9 -53,-41.8 -53,-40.7 -53,-39.6 -53,-38.5 -53,-37.4 -53,-36.3 -53,-35.2 -53,-34.1 -53,-33 -53,-33 -53.4,-33 -53.8,-33 -54.2,-33 -54.6,-33 -55,-33 -55.4,-33 -55.8,-33 -56.2,-33 -56.6,-33 -57,-34.1 -57,-35.2 -57,-36.3 -57,-37.4 -57,-38.5 -57,-39.6 -57,-40.7 -57,-41.8 -57,-42.9 -57,-44 -57,-44 -56.6,-44 -56.2,-44 -55.8,-44 -55.4,-44 -55,-44 -54.6,-44 -54.2,-44 -53.8,-44 -53.4,-44 -53)) | POINT(-38.5 -55) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Record of the Triple-oxygen Isotope and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Ice from an Ice Core at South Pole
1443105 |
2019-11-17 | Steig, Eric J.; White, James | This project will develop a record of the stable-isotope ratios of water from an ice core at the South Pole, Antarctica. Water-isotope ratio measurements provide a means to determine variability in temperature through time. South Pole is distinct from most other locations in Antarctica in showing no warming in recent decades, but little is known about temperature variability in this location prior to the installation of weather stations in 1957. The measurements made as part of this project will result in a much longer temperature record, extending at least 40,000 years, aiding our ability to understand what controls Antarctic climate, and improving projections of future Antarctic climate change. Data from this project will be critical to other investigators working on the South Pole ice core, and of general interest to other scientists and the public. Data will be provided rapidly to other investigators and made public as soon as possible.<br/><br/>This project will obtain records of the stable-isotope ratios of water on the ice core currently being obtained at South Pole. The core will reach a depth of 1500 m and an age of 40,000 years. The project will use laser spectroscopy to obtain both an ultra-high-resolution record of oxygen 18/16 and deuterium-hydrogen ratios, and a lower-resolution record of oxygen 17/16 ratios. The high-resolution measurements will be used to aid in dating the core, and to provide estimates of isotope diffusion that constrain the process of firn densification. The novel 17/16 measurement provides additional constraints on the isotope fractionation due to the temperature-dependent supersaturation ratio, which affects the fractionation of water during the liquid-solid condensate transition. Together, these techniques will allow for improved accuracy in the use of the water isotope ratios as proxies for ice-sheet temperature, sea-surface temperature, and atmospheric circulation. The result will be a record of decadal through centennial and millennial scale climate change in a climatically distinct region in East Antarctica that has not been previously sampled by deep ice coring. The project will support a graduate student who will be co-advised by faculty at the University of Washington and the University of Colorado, and will be involved in all aspects of the work. | POINT(0 -90) | POINT(0 -90) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Laser Dust Logging of a South Pole Ice Core
1443566 |
2019-10-31 | Bay, Ryan |
This award supports the deployment and analysis of data from an oriented laser dust logger in the South Pole ice core borehole to complement study of the ice core record. Before the core is even processed, data from the borehole probe will immediately determine the depth-age relationship, augment 3D mapping of South Pole stratigraphy, aid in searches for the oldest ice in Antarctica, and reveal layers of volcanic or extraterrestrial fallout. Regarding the intellectual merit, the oriented borehole log will be essential for investigating features in the ice sheet that may have implications for ice core chronology, ice flow, ice sheet physical properties and stability in response to climate change. The tools and techniques developed in this program have applications in glaciology, biogeoscience and exploration of other planetary bodies. The program aims for a deeper understanding of the consequences and causes of abrupt climate change. The broader impacts of the project are that it will include outreach and education, providing a broad training ground for students and post-docs. Data and metadata will be made available through data centers and repositories such as the National Snow and Ice Data Center web portal. <br/><br/>The laser dust logger detects reproducible paleoclimate features at sub-centimeter depth scale. Dust logger data are being used for synchronizing records and dating any site on the continent, revealing accumulation anomalies and episodes of rapid ice sheet thinning, and discovering particulate horizons of special interest. In this project we will deploy a laser dust logger equipped with a magnetic compass to find direct evidence of preferentially oriented dust. Using optical scattering measurements from IceCube calibration studies at South Pole and borehole logs at WAIS Divide, we have detected a persistent anisotropy correlated with flow and crystal fabric which suggests that the majority of insoluble particulates must be located within ice grains. With typical concentrations of parts-per-billion, little is known about the location of impurities within the polycrystalline structure of polar ice. While soluble impurities are generally thought to concentrate at inter-grain boundaries and determine electrical conductivity, the fate of insoluble particulates is much less clear, and microscopic examinations are extremely challenging. These in situ borehole measurements will help to unravel intimate relationships between impurities, flow, and crystal fabric. Data from this project will further develop a unique record of South Pole surface roughness as a proxy for paleowind and provide new insights for understanding glacial radar propagation. This project has field work in Antarctica. | POINT(90 -90) | POINT(90 -90) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: South Pole Ice Core Chronology and Climate Records using Chemical and Microparticle Measurements
1443336 1443663 1443397 |
2019-08-29 | Osterberg, Erich | This collaborative project explores the signatures and causes of natural climate change in the region surrounding Antarctica over the last 40,000 years as the Earth transitioned from an ice age into the modern warm period. The researchers will investigate how the wind belts that surround Antarctica changed in their strength and position through time, and document explosive volcanic eruptions and CO2 cycling in the Southern Ocean as potential climate forcing mechanisms over this interval. Understanding how and why the climate varied naturally in the past is critical for improving understanding of modern climate change and projections of future climate under higher levels of atmospheric CO2. <br/><br/>The investigators plan to conduct a suite of chemical measurements along the 1500m length of the South Pole Ice Core, including major ion and trace element concentrations, and microparticle (dust) concentrations and size distributions. These measurements will (1) extend the South Pole record of explosive volcanic eruptions to 40,000 years using sulfate and particle data; (2) establish the relative timing of climate changes in dust source regions of Patagonia, New Zealand, and Australia using dust flux data; (3) investigate changes in the strength and position of the westerly wind belt using dust size distribution data; and (4) quantify the flux of bioavailable trace metals deposited as dust to the Southern Ocean over time. These chemistry records will also be critical for creating the timescale that will be used by all researchers studying records from the South Pole core. The project will support four graduate students and several undergraduate students across three different institutions, and become a focus of the investigators' efforts to disseminate outcomes of climate change science to the broader community. | POINT(-180 -90) | POINT(-180 -90) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Diatom and Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography
1443420 |
2019-08-06 | Dodd, Justin; Scherer, Reed Paul; Warnock, Jonathan |
Abstract<br/>During the Early Pliocene, 4.8 to 3.4 million years ago, warmer-than-present global temperatures resulted in a retreat of the Ross Ice Shelf and West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Understanding changes in ocean dynamics during times of reduced ice volume and increased temperatures in the geologic past will improve the predictive models for these conditions. The primary goal of the proposed research is to develop a new oxygen isotope record of Pliocene oceanographic conditions near the Antarctic continent. Oxygen isotope values from the carbonate tests of benthic foraminifera have become the global standard for paleo-oceanographic studies, but foraminifera are sparse in high-latitude sediment cores. This research will instead make use of oxygen isotope measurements from diatom silica preserved in a marine sediment core from the Ross Sea. The project is the first attempt at using this method and will advance understanding of global ocean dynamics and ice sheet-ocean interactions during the Pliocene. The project will foster the professional development of two early-career scientists and serve as training for graduate and undergraduate student researchers. The PIs will use this project to introduce High School students to polar/oceanographic research, as well as stable isotope geochemistry. Collaboration with teachers via NSTA and Polar Educators International will ensure the implementation of excellent STEM learning activities and curricula for younger students. <br/><br/>Technical Description<br/>This project will produce a high-resolution oxygen isotope record from well-dated diatom rich sediments that have been cross-correlated with global benthic foraminifera oxygen isotope records. Diatom silica frustules deposited during the Early Pliocene and recovered by the ANDRILL Project (AND-1B) provide ideal material for this objective. Diatomite unites in the AND-1B core are nearly pure, with little evidence of opal formation. A diatom oxygen isotope record from this core offers the potential to constrain lingering uncertainties about Ross Sea and Southern Ocean paleoceanography and Antarctic Ice Sheet history during a time of high atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Specifically, oxygen isotope variations will be used to constrain changes in the water temperature and/or freshwater flux in the Pliocene Ross Sea. Diatom species data from the AND-1B core have been used to infer variations in the extent and duration of seasonal sea ice coverage, sea surface temperatures, and mid-water advection onto the continental shelf. However, the diatom oxygen isotope record will provide the first direct measure of water/oxygen isotope values at the Antarctic continental margin during the Pliocene. | POLYGON((167.07 -77.87,167.073 -77.87,167.076 -77.87,167.079 -77.87,167.082 -77.87,167.085 -77.87,167.088 -77.87,167.091 -77.87,167.094 -77.87,167.097 -77.87,167.1 -77.87,167.1 -77.873,167.1 -77.876,167.1 -77.879,167.1 -77.882,167.1 -77.885,167.1 -77.888,167.1 -77.891,167.1 -77.894,167.1 -77.897,167.1 -77.9,167.097 -77.9,167.094 -77.9,167.091 -77.9,167.088 -77.9,167.085 -77.9,167.082 -77.9,167.079 -77.9,167.076 -77.9,167.073 -77.9,167.07 -77.9,167.07 -77.897,167.07 -77.894,167.07 -77.891,167.07 -77.888,167.07 -77.885,167.07 -77.882,167.07 -77.879,167.07 -77.876,167.07 -77.873,167.07 -77.87)) | POINT(167.085 -77.885) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative research: Kr-86 as a proxy for barometric pressure variability and movement of the SH westerlies during the last
1543267 1543229 |
2019-07-10 | Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Brook, Edward J. | Overview: The funded work investigated whether ice core 86Kr acts as a proxy for barometric pressure variability, and whether this proxy can be used in Antarctic ice cores to infer past movement of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) westerly winds. Pressure variations drive macroscopic air movement in the firn column, which reduces the gravitational isotopic enrichment of slow-diffusing gases (such as Kr). The 86Kr deviation from gravitational equilibrium (denoted D86Kr) thus reflects the magnitude of pressure variations (among other things). Atmospheric reanalysis data suggest that pressure variability over Antarctica is linked to the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index and the position of the SH westerly winds. Preliminary data from the WAIS Divide ice core show a large excursion in D86Kr during the last deglaciation (20-9 ka before present). In this project the investigators (1) performed high-precision 86Kr analysis on ice core and firn air samples to establish whether D86Kr is linked to pressure variability; (2) Refined the deglacial WAIS Divide record of Kr isotopes; (3) Investigated the role of pressure variability in firn air transport using firn air models with firn microtomography data and Lattice- Boltzmann modeling; and (4) Investigated how barometric pressure variability in Antarctica is linked to the SAM index and the position/strength of the SH westerlies in past and present climates using GCM and reanalysis data. A key finding was that D86Kr in recent ice samples (e.g. last 50 years) from a broad spatial array of sites in Antarctica and Greenland showed a significant correlation with directly measured barometric pressure variability at the ice core site. This strongly supports the hypothesis that 86Kr can be used as a paleo-proxy for storminess. Intellectual Merit: The SH westerlies are a key component of the global climate system; they are an important control on the global oceanic overturning circulation and possibly on atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Poleward movement of the SH westerlies during the last deglaciation has been hypothesized, yet evidence from proxy and modeling studies remains inconclusive. The funded work could provide valuable new constraints on deglacial movement of the SH westerlies. This record can be compared to high-resolution CO2 data from the same core, allowing us to test hypotheses that link CO2 to the SH westerlies. Climate proxies are at the heart of paleoclimate research. The funded work has apparently led to the discovery of a completely new proxy, opening up exciting new research possibilities and increasing the scientific value of existing ice cores. Once validated, the 86Kr proxy could be applied to other time periods as well, providing a long-term perspective on the movement of the SH westerlies. The funded work has furthermore provided valuable new insights into firn air transport. Broader impact: The Southern Ocean is presently an important sink of atmospheric CO2, thereby reducing the warming associated with anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Stratospheric ozone depletion and greenhouse warming have displaced the SH westerlies poleward, with potential consequences for the future magnitude of this oceanic carbon uptake. The funded work may provide a paleo-perspective on past movement of the SH westerlies and its link to atmospheric CO2, which could guide projections of future oceanic CO2 uptake, with strong societal benefits. The awarded funds supported and trained an early-career postdoctoral scholar at OSU, and fostered (international) collaboration. Data from the study will be available to the scientific community and the broad public through recognized data centers. During this project the PI and senior personnel have continued their commitment to public outreach through media interviews and speaking to schools and the public about their work. The PI provides services to the community by chairing the IPICS (International Partnership in Ice Core Sciences) working group and organizing annual PIRE (Partnerships in International Research and Education) workshops. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Timing and Duration of the LGM and Post-LGM Grounding Events in Whales Deep Paleo Ice Stream, Eastern Ross Sea Middle Continental Shelf
1246357 |
2019-06-03 | Bart, Philip; Steinberg, Deborah |
Intellectual Merit: Evidence from the eastern Ross Sea continental shelf indicates that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet advanced and retreated during the last glacial cycle, but it is unclear whether the ice sheet advanced to the shelf edge or just to the middle shelf. These two end-member scenarios offer different interpretations as to why, how, and when the West Antarctic Ice Sheet oscillated. The PI proposes to acquire seismic, multibeam, and core data from Whales Deep, to evaluate the timing and duration of two advances of grounded ice to the outer and middle shelf of the Whales Deep Basin, a West Antarctic Ice Sheet paleo ice stream trough in eastern Ross Sea. Grounding events are represented by seismically resolvable Grounding Zone Wedges. The PI will collect radiocarbon dates on in situ benthic foraminifera from the grounding zone diamict as well as ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon dates on acid insoluble organics from open-marine mud overlying the grounding zone diamict. Using these data the PI will calculate the duration of the two grounding events. Furthermore, the PI will test a numerical model prediction that West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat must have involved melting at the marine terminus of the ice sheet. Pore-water from the grounding zone diamict will be extracted from piston cores to determine salinity and δ18O values that should indicate if significant melting occurred at the grounding line. Broader impacts: The data collected will provide constraints on the timing and pattern of Last Glacial Maximum advance and retreat that can be incorporated into interpretations of ice-surface elevation changes. The proposed activities will provide valuable field and research training to undergraduate/graduate students and a Louisiana high-school science teacher. The research will be interactively shared with middle- and high-school science students and with visitors to the LSU Museum of Natural Science Weekend-Science Program. | None | None | false | false | |||||||||||
Seasonality, Summer Cooling, and Calibrating the Approach of the Icehouse in Late Eocene Antarctica
1543031 |
2019-04-23 | Ivany, Linda; Lu, Zunli; Junium, Christopher; Samson, Scott | In order to understand what environmental conditions might look like for future generations, we need to turn to archives of past times when the world was indeed warmer, before anyone was around to commit them to collective memory. The geologic record of Earth's past offers a glimpse of what could be in store for the future. Research by Ivany and her team looks to Antarctica during a time of past global warmth to see how seasonality of temperature and rainfall in coastal settings are likely to change in the future. They will use the chemistry of fossils (a natural archive of these variables) to test a provocative hypothesis about near-monsoonal conditions in the high latitudes when the oceans are warm. If true, we can expect high-latitude shipping lanes to become more hazardous and fragile marine ecosystems adapted to constant cold temperatures to suffer. With growing information about how human activities are likely to affect the planet in the future, we will be able to make more informed decisions about policies today. This research involves an international team of scholars, including several women scientists, training of graduate students, and a public museum exhibit to educate children about how we study Earth's ancient climate and what we can learn from it.<br/><br/>Antarctica is key to an understanding how Earth?s climate system works under conditions of elevated CO2. The poles are the most sensitive regions on the planet to climate change, and the equator-to-pole temperature gradient and the degree to which high-latitude warming is amplified are important components for climate models to capture. Accurate proxy data with good age control are therefore critical for testing numerical models and establishing global patterns. The La Meseta Formation on Seymour Island is the only documented marine section from the globally warm Eocene Epoch exposed in outcrop on the continent; hence its climate record is integral to studies of warming. Early data suggest the potential for strongly seasonal precipitation and runoff in coastal settings. This collaboration among paleontologists, geochemists, and climate modelers will test this using seasonally resolved del-18O data from fossil shallow marine bivalves to track the evolution of seasonality through the section, in combination with independent proxies for the composition of summer precipitation (leaf wax del-D) and local seawater (clumped isotopes). The impact of the anticipated salinity stratification on regional climate will be evaluated in the context of numerical climate model simulations. In addition to providing greater clarity on high-latitude conditions during this time of high CO2, the combination of proxy and model results will provide insights about how Eocene warmth may have been maintained and how subsequent cooling came about. As well, a new approach to the analysis of shell carbonates for 87Sr/86Sr will allow refinements in age control so as to allow correlation of this important section with other regions to clarify global climate gradients. The project outlined here will develop new and detailed paleoclimate records from existing samples using well-tuned as well as newer proxies applied here in novel ways. Seasonal extremes are climate parameters generally inaccessible to most studies but critical to an understanding of climate change; these are possible to resolve in this well-preserved, accretionary-macrofossil-bearing section. This is an integrated study that links marine and terrestrial climate records for a key region of the planet across the most significant climate transition in the Cenozoic. | None | POINT(-56.5 -64.25) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)
0839142 0839107 0838947 0838855 0838763 0838764 0839059 |
2018-09-10 | Tulaczyk, Slawek; Fisher, Andrew; Powell, Ross; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Jacobel, Robert; Scherer, Reed Paul | This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). The LISSARD project (Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) is one of three research components of the WISSARD integrative initiative (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) that is being funded by the Antarctic Integrated System Science Program of NSF's Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Division. The overarching scientific objective of WISSARD is to assess the role of water beneath a West Antarctic ice stream in interlinked glaciological, geological, microbiological, geochemical, and oceanographic systems. The LISSARD component of WISSARD focuses on the role of active subglacial lakes in determining how fast the West Antarctic ice sheet loses mass to the global ocean and influences global sea level changes. The importance of Antarctic subglacial lakes has only been recently recognized, and the lakes have been identified as high priority targets for scientific investigations because of their unknown contributions to ice sheet stability under future global warming scenarios. LISSARD has several primary science goals: A) To provide an observational basis for improving treatments of subglacial hydrological and mechanical processes in models of ice sheet mass balance and stability; B) To reconstruct the past history of ice stream stability by analyzing archives of past basal water and ice flow variability contained in subglacial sediments, porewater, lake water, and basal accreted ice; C) To provide background understanding of subglacial lake environments to benefit RAGES and GBASE (the other two components of the WISSARD project); and D) To synthesize data and concepts developed as part of this project to determine whether subglacial lakes play an important role in (de)stabilizing Antarctic ice sheets. We propose an unprecedented synthesis of approaches to studying ice sheet processes, including: (1) satellite remote sensing, (2) surface geophysics, (3) borehole observations and measurements and, (4) basal and subglacial sampling. <br/><br/>INTELLECTUAL MERIT: The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognized that the greatest uncertainties in assessing future global sea-level change stem from a poor understanding of ice sheet dynamics and ice sheet vulnerability to oceanic and atmospheric warming. Disintegration of the WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) alone would contribute 3-5 m to global sea-level rise, making WAIS a focus of scientific concern due to its potential susceptibility to internal or ocean-driven instability. The overall WISSARD project will test the overarching hypothesis that active water drainage connects various subglacial environments and exerts major control on ice sheet flow, geochemistry, metabolic and phylogenetic diversity, and biogeochemical transformations. <br/><br/>BROADER IMPACTS: Societal Relevance: Global warming, melting of ice sheets and consequential sea-level rise are of high societal relevance. Science Resource Development: After a 9-year hiatus WISSARD will provide the US-science community with a renewed capability to access and study sub-ice sheet environments. Developing this technological infrastructure will benefit the broader science community and assets will be accessible for future use through the NSF-OPP drilling contractor. Furthermore, these projects will pioneer an approach implementing recommendations from the National Research Council committee on Principles of Environmental Stewardship for the Exploration and Study of Subglacial Environments (2007). Education and Outreach (E/O): These activities are grouped into four categories: i) increasing student participation in polar research by fully integrating them in our research programs; ii) introducing new investigators to the polar sciences by incorporating promising young investigators in our programs, iii) promotion of K-12 teaching and learning programs by incorporating various teachers and NSTA programs, and iv) reaching a larger public audience through such venues as popular science magazines, museum based activities and videography and documentary films. In summary, WISSARD will promote scientific exploration of Antarctica by conveying to the public the excitement of accessing and studying what may be some of the last unexplored aquatic environments on Earth, and which represent a potential analogue for extraterrestrial life habitats on Europa and Mars. | None | None | false | false | ||||||||||||
Using Electrical Conductance Measurements to Develop the South Pole Ice Core Chronology
1443232 |
2018-05-08 | Fudge, T. J.; Waddington, Edwin D. |
Ice cores record detailed histories of past climate variations. The South Pole ice core will allow investigation of atmospheric trace gases and fill an important gap in understanding the pattern of climate variability across Antarctica. An accurate timescale that assigns an age to the ice at each depth in the core is essential to interpretation of the ice-core records. This work will use electrical methods to identify volcanic eruptions throughout the past ~40,000 years in the core by detecting the enhanced electrical conductance in those layers due to volcanic impurities in the ice. These eruptions will be pattern-matched to other cores across Antarctica, synchronizing the timing of climate variations among cores and allowing the precise timescales developed for other Antarctic ice cores to be transferred to the South Pole ice core. The well-dated records of volcanic forcing will be combined with records of atmospheric gases, stable water-isotopes, and aerosols to better understand the large natural climate variations of the past 40,000 years. <br/> <br/>The electrical conductance method and dielectric profiling measurements will be made along the length of each section of the South Pole ice core at the National Ice Core Lab. These measurements will help to establish a timescale for the core. Electrical measurements will provide a continuous record of volcanic events for the entire core including through the brittle ice (550-1250m representing ~10,000-20,000 year-old ice) where the core quality and thin annual layers may prevent continuous melt analysis and cause discrete measurements to miss volcanic events. The electrical measurements also produce a 2-D image of the electrical layering on a longitudinal cut surface of each core. These data will be used to identify any irregular or absent layering that would indicate a stratigraphic disturbance in the core. A robust chronology is essential to interpretation of the paleoclimate records from the South Pole ice core. The investigators will engage teachers through talks and webinars with the National Science Teachers Association and will share information with the public at events such as Polar Science Weekend at the Pacific Science Center. Results will be disseminated through publications and conference presentations and the data will be archived and publicly available. | POLYGON((110 -89,117 -89,124 -89,131 -89,138 -89,145 -89,152 -89,159 -89,166 -89,173 -89,180 -89,180 -89.1,180 -89.2,180 -89.3,180 -89.4,180 -89.5,180 -89.6,180 -89.7,180 -89.8,180 -89.9,180 -90,173 -90,166 -90,159 -90,152 -90,145 -90,138 -90,131 -90,124 -90,117 -90,110 -90,110 -89.9,110 -89.8,110 -89.7,110 -89.6,110 -89.5,110 -89.4,110 -89.3,110 -89.2,110 -89.1,110 -89)) | POINT(145 -89.5) | false | false | |||||||||||
Anisotropic Ice and Stratigraphic Disturbances
1246045 |
2018-04-02 | Waddington, Edwin D. |
Waddington/1246045 <br/><br/>This award supports a project to investigate the onset and growth of folds and other disturbances seen in the stratigraphic layers of polar ice sheets. The intellectual merit of the work is that it will lead to a better understanding of the grain-scale processes that control the development of these stratigraphic features in the ice and will help answer questions such as what processes can initiate such disturbances. Snow is deposited on polar ice sheets in layers that are generally flat, with thicknesses that vary slowly along the layers. However, ice cores and ice-penetrating radar show that in some cases, after conversion to ice, and following lengthy burial, the layers can become folded, develop pinch-and-swell structures (boudinage), and be sheared by ice flow, at scales ranging from centimeters to hundreds of meters. The processes causing these disturbances are still poorly understood. Disturbances appear to develop first at the ice-crystal scale, then cascade up to larger scales with continuing ice flow and strain. Crystal-scale processes causing distortions of cm-scale layers will be modeled using Elle, a microstructure-modeling package, and constrained by fabric thin-sections and grain-elongation measurements from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet divide ice-core. A full-stress continuum anisotropic ice-flow model coupled to an ice-fabric evolution model will be used to study bulk flow of anisotropic ice, to understand evolution and growth of flow disturbances on the meter and larger scale. Results from this study will assist in future ice-core site selection, and interpretation of stratigraphy in ice cores and radar, and will provide improved descriptions of rheology and stratigraphy for ice-sheet flow models.The broader impacts are that it will bring greater understanding to ice dynamics responsible for stratigraphic disturbance. This information is valuable to constrain depth-age relationships in ice cores for paleoclimate study. This will allow researchers to put current climate change in a more accurate context. This project will provide three years of support for a graduate student as well as support and research experience for an undergraduate research assistant; this will contribute to development of talent needed to address important future questions in glaciology and climate change. The research will be communicated to the public through outreach events and results from the study will be disseminated through public and professional meetings as well as journal publications. The project does not require field work in Antarctica. | POLYGON((-180 -70,-144 -70,-108 -70,-72 -70,-36 -70,0 -70,36 -70,72 -70,108 -70,144 -70,180 -70,180 -72,180 -74,180 -76,180 -78,180 -80,180 -82,180 -84,180 -86,180 -88,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -88,-180 -86,-180 -84,-180 -82,-180 -80,-180 -78,-180 -76,-180 -74,-180 -72,-180 -70)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Exploring the Vulnerability of Southern Ocean Pinnipeds to Climate Change - An Integrated Approach
1142108 |
2018-02-28 | Koch, Paul; Costa, Daniel; Hoelzel, A. Rus |
Building on previously funded NSF research, the use of paleobiological and paleogenetic data from mummified elephant seal carcasses found along the Dry Valleys and Victoria Land Coast in areas that today are too cold to support seal colonies (Mirougina leonina; southern elephant seals; SES) supports the former existence of these seals in this region. The occurrence and then subsequent disappearance of these SES colonies is consistent with major shifts in the Holocene climate to much colder conditions at the last ~1000 years BCE). <br/><br/>Further analysis of the preserved remains of three other abundant pinnipeds ? crabeater (Lobodon carciophagus), Weddell (Leptonychotes weddelli) and leopard (Hydrurga leptonyx) will be studied to track changes in their population size (revealed by DNA analysis) and their diet (studied via stable isotope analysis). Combined with known differences in life history, preferred ice habitat and ecosystem sensitivity among these species, this paleoclimate proxy data will be used to assess their exposure and sensitivity to climate change in the Ross Sea region during the past ~1-2,000 years | POLYGON((-180 -55.1,-168.1 -55.1,-156.2 -55.1,-144.3 -55.1,-132.4 -55.1,-120.5 -55.1,-108.6 -55.1,-96.7 -55.1,-84.8 -55.1,-72.9 -55.1,-61 -55.1,-61 -57.4,-61 -59.7,-61 -62,-61 -64.3,-61 -66.6,-61 -68.9,-61 -71.2,-61 -73.5,-61 -75.8,-61 -78.1,-72.9 -78.1,-84.8 -78.1,-96.7 -78.1,-108.6 -78.1,-120.5 -78.1,-132.4 -78.1,-144.3 -78.1,-156.2 -78.1,-168.1 -78.1,180 -78.1,178.47 -78.1,176.94 -78.1,175.41 -78.1,173.88 -78.1,172.35 -78.1,170.82 -78.1,169.29 -78.1,167.76 -78.1,166.23 -78.1,164.7 -78.1,164.7 -75.8,164.7 -73.5,164.7 -71.2,164.7 -68.9,164.7 -66.6,164.7 -64.3,164.7 -62,164.7 -59.7,164.7 -57.4,164.7 -55.1,166.23 -55.1,167.76 -55.1,169.29 -55.1,170.82 -55.1,172.35 -55.1,173.88 -55.1,175.41 -55.1,176.94 -55.1,178.47 -55.1,-180 -55.1)) | POINT(-128.15 -66.6) | false | false | |||||||||||
Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach -- Cryosphere and Oceans
0732655 0732711 0732602 0732625 0732983 0732651 |
2018-02-01 | Truffer, Martin; Gordon, Arnold; Huber, Bruce; Mosley-Thompson, Ellen; Leventer, Amy; Vernet, Maria; Smith, Craig; Thompson, Lonnie G. | Like no other region on Earth, the northern Antarctic Peninsula represents a spectacular natural laboratory of climate change and provides the opportunity to study the record of past climate and ecological shifts alongside the present-day changes in one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth. This award supports the cryospheric and oceano-graphic components of an integrated multi-disciplinary program to address these rapid and fundamental changes now taking place in Antarctic Peninsula (AP). By making use of a marine research platform (the RV NB Palmer and on-board helicopters) and additional logistical support from the Argentine Antarctic program, the project will bring glaciologists, oceanographers, marine geologists and biologists together, working collaboratively to address fundamentally interdisciplinary questions regarding climate change. The project will include gathering a new, high-resolution paleoclimate record from the Bruce Plateau of Graham Land, and using it to compare Holocene- and possibly glacial-epoch climate to the modern period; investigating the stability of the remaining Larsen Ice Shelf and rapid post-breakup glacier response ? in particular, the roles of surface melt and ice-ocean interactions in the speed-up and retreat; observing the contribution of, and response of, oceanographic systems to ice shelf disintegration and ice-glacier interactions. Helicopter support on board will allow access to a wide range of glacial and geological areas of interest adjacent to the Larsen embayment. At these locations, long-term in situ glacial monitoring, isostatic uplift, and ice flow GPS sites will be established, and high-resolution ice core records will be obtained using previously tested lightweight drilling equipment. Long-term monitoring of deep water outflow will, for the first time, be integrated into changes in ice shelf extent and thickness, bottom water formation, and multi-level circulation by linking near-source observations to distal sites of concentrated outflow. The broader impacts of this international, multidisciplinary effort are that it will significantly advance our understanding of linkages amongst the earth's systems in the Polar Regions, and are proposed with international participation (UK, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Argentina) and interdisciplinary engagement in the true spirit of the International Polar Year (IPY). It will also provide a means of engaging and educating the public in virtually all aspects of polar science and the effects of ongoing climate change. The research team has a long record of involving undergraduates in research, educating high-performing graduate students, and providing innovative and engaging outreach products to the K-12 education and public media forums. Moreover, forging the new links both in science and international Antarctic programs will provide a continuing legacy, beyond IPY, of improved understanding and cooperation in Antarctica. | POLYGON((-68 -57.8,-66.78 -57.8,-65.56 -57.8,-64.34 -57.8,-63.12 -57.8,-61.9 -57.8,-60.68 -57.8,-59.46 -57.8,-58.24 -57.8,-57.02 -57.8,-55.8 -57.8,-55.8 -58.8,-55.8 -59.8,-55.8 -60.8,-55.8 -61.8,-55.8 -62.8,-55.8 -63.8,-55.8 -64.8,-55.8 -65.8,-55.8 -66.8,-55.8 -67.8,-57.02 -67.8,-58.24 -67.8,-59.46 -67.8,-60.68 -67.8,-61.9 -67.8,-63.12 -67.8,-64.34 -67.8,-65.56 -67.8,-66.78 -67.8,-68 -67.8,-68 -66.8,-68 -65.8,-68 -64.8,-68 -63.8,-68 -62.8,-68 -61.8,-68 -60.8,-68 -59.8,-68 -58.8,-68 -57.8)) | POINT(-61.9 -62.8) | false | false | ||||||||||||
Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
1143836 1143834 1143833 1430550 |
2018-01-26 | Orsi, Alejandro; Huber, Bruce; Leventer, Amy; Domack, Eugene Walter | This pro |