Collaborative Research: Testing Next Generation Measurement Techniques for Reconstruction of Paleoclimate Archives from Thin or Disturbed Ice Cores Sections
Short Title:
Next Generation Ice Core Facility Instrumentation
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Interpreting highly compressed portions of ice cores is increasingly important as projects target climate records in basal ice, and in ice recovered from blue-ice areas. This project will integrate precisely co-registered electrical conductivity measurements (ECM), hyperspectral imaging, laser ablation ICPMS measurements of impurities, and ice physical properties to investigate sub-cm chemical and physical variations in polar ice. This work will establish to what extent annual layer interpretations of polar ice with sub-cm layering is possible. Critical to resolving thin ice layers is understanding the across-core variations which may obscure or distort the vertical layering. Analyses will be focused on samples from WAIS Divide, SPICEcore, and GISP2, which have well established seasonal cycles that yielded benchmark timescales, as well a large diameter ice core from a blue ice area.
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0 (raw data)
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