{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Geochemistry"}
[{"awards": "1841228 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(163.5074 -77.5789)"], "date_created": "Mon, 28 Oct 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes aqueous chemistry of water from the hyporheic zone in Wales Stream, Taylor Valley, Antarctica, just upstream from New Harbor Camp. Data includes major ions, nutrients, trace elements, stable iron isotopes, and stable isotopes of water.", "east": 163.5074, "geometry": ["POINT(163.5074 -77.5789)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Nutrients; Stable Isotopes; Taylor Valley; Trace Elements", "locations": "Taylor Valley; Antarctica", "north": -77.5789, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Gardner, Christopher B.", "project_titles": "Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010483", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.5789, "title": "Hyporheic zone geochemistry of Wales Stream, Taylor Valley, Antarctica", "uid": "601847", "west": 163.5074}, {"awards": "1744871 Robinson, Rebecca", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((100 -62,104.4 -62,108.8 -62,113.2 -62,117.6 -62,122 -62,126.4 -62,130.8 -62,135.2 -62,139.6 -62,144 -62,144 -64,144 -66,144 -68,144 -70,144 -72,144 -74,144 -76,144 -78,144 -80,144 -82,139.6 -82,135.2 -82,130.8 -82,126.4 -82,122 -82,117.6 -82,113.19999999999999 -82,108.8 -82,104.4 -82,100 -82,100 -80,100 -78,100 -76,100 -74,100 -72,100 -70,100 -68,100 -66,100 -64,100 -62))"], "date_created": "Tue, 13 Aug 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes quantitative diatom assemblage data from 60 samples from IODP Site U1357B on the Adelie Basin. The record spans from 11,000 yBP to present.", "east": 144.0, "geometry": ["POINT(122 -72)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Geochemistry; Sediment; Wilkes Land", "locations": "Antarctica; Wilkes Land", "north": -62.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Dove, Isabel", "project_titles": "The nitrogen isotopic composition of diatom resting spores in Southern Ocean sediments: A source of bias and/or paleoenvironmental information?", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010234", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The nitrogen isotopic composition of diatom resting spores in Southern Ocean sediments: A source of bias and/or paleoenvironmental information?"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -82.0, "title": "Diatom assemblage from IODP Site U1357", "uid": "601818", "west": 100.0}, {"awards": "1744871 Robinson, Rebecca", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-80 -59,-76.8 -59,-73.6 -59,-70.4 -59,-67.2 -59,-64 -59,-60.8 -59,-57.599999999999994 -59,-54.4 -59,-51.2 -59,-48 -59,-48 -60.6,-48 -62.2,-48 -63.8,-48 -65.4,-48 -67,-48 -68.6,-48 -70.2,-48 -71.8,-48 -73.4,-48 -75,-51.2 -75,-54.4 -75,-57.6 -75,-60.8 -75,-64 -75,-67.2 -75,-70.4 -75,-73.6 -75,-76.8 -75,-80 -75,-80 -73.4,-80 -71.8,-80 -70.2,-80 -68.6,-80 -67,-80 -65.4,-80 -63.8,-80 -62.2,-80 -60.6,-80 -59))"], "date_created": "Tue, 13 Aug 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes measurements of diatom-bound nitrogen isotopic composition (d15Ndb; \u2030 vs air), bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotopic composition (d15Nbulk; \u2030 vs air), and total nitrogen (wt%) from 81 Holocene and late deglacial-aged samples from ODP Site 1098B on the western Antarctic Peninsula.", "east": -48.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-64 -67)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Cryosphere; Geochemistry; Sediment", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula", "north": -59.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Dove, Isabel; Jones, Colin; Kelly, Roger; Robinson, Rebecca", "project_titles": "The nitrogen isotopic composition of diatom resting spores in Southern Ocean sediments: A source of bias and/or paleoenvironmental information?", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010234", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The nitrogen isotopic composition of diatom resting spores in Southern Ocean sediments: A source of bias and/or paleoenvironmental information?"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -75.0, "title": "Diatom-bound and bulk sedimentary N isotopes from ODP Site 1098, Western Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "601816", "west": -80.0}, {"awards": "8020002 Kyle, Philip", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.6 -73,163.76 -73,163.92 -73,164.07999999999998 -73,164.23999999999998 -73,164.39999999999998 -73,164.56 -73,164.72 -73,164.88 -73,165.04 -73,165.2 -73,165.2 -73.05,165.2 -73.1,165.2 -73.15,165.2 -73.2,165.2 -73.25,165.2 -73.3,165.2 -73.35,165.2 -73.4,165.2 -73.45,165.2 -73.5,165.04 -73.5,164.88 -73.5,164.72 -73.5,164.56 -73.5,164.39999999999998 -73.5,164.23999999999998 -73.5,164.07999999999998 -73.5,163.92 -73.5,163.76 -73.5,163.6 -73.5,163.6 -73.45,163.6 -73.4,163.6 -73.35,163.6 -73.3,163.6 -73.25,163.6 -73.2,163.6 -73.15,163.6 -73.1,163.6 -73.05,163.6 -73))"], "date_created": "Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Ar/Ar age dates, electron microprobe analyses of mineral phase and geochemical analyses of rock samples are presented for samples collected at Mount Overlord and surrounded areas in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.", "east": 165.2, "geometry": ["POINT(164.39999999999998 -73.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Geochemistry; Mount Overlord", "locations": "Antarctica; Mount Overlord", "north": -73.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Kyle, Philip", "project_titles": "Petrogenesis of the McMurdo Volcanic Group and the Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle in Victoria Land, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010487", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Petrogenesis of the McMurdo Volcanic Group and the Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle in Victoria Land, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -73.5, "title": "Mount Overlord, northern Victoria Land. Age, mineralogical and geochemical data", "uid": "601799", "west": 163.6}, {"awards": "2042495 Blackburn, Terrence", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(157 -76)"], "date_created": "Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset represents geochemical analyses on sample PRR-50504, a chemical precipitate deposited beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and collected at Elephant Moraine. The data include U-series geochronological data, carbon and oxygen stable isotope data, Sr isotopic data, and laser ablation elemental analyses. This material is based on services provided by the Polar Rock Repository with support from the National Science Foundation, under Cooperative Agreement OPP-2137467.", "east": 157.0, "geometry": ["POINT(157 -76)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon; Carbon Isotopes; Cryosphere; East Antarctica; Elephant Moraine; Geochronology; Isotope Data; Opal; Oxygen Isotope; Sr; Subglacial; U", "locations": "East Antarctica; Antarctica; Elephant Moraine", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Piccione, Gavin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Reconstructing East Antarctica\u2019s Past Response to Climate using Subglacial Precipitates", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010192", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Reconstructing East Antarctica\u2019s Past Response to Climate using Subglacial Precipitates"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.0, "title": "U-series Geochronology, Isotope, and Elemental Geochemistry of a Subglacial Precipitate that Formed Across Termination III", "uid": "601781", "west": 157.0}, {"awards": "1745078 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"], "date_created": "Thu, 05 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes measurements of atmospheric methane from samples from the NEEM, GISP2 and WAIS Divide ice cores. All measurements were made at the Oregon State University Ice Core and Quaternary Geochemistry Laboratory (Corvallis, OR) using an established analytical system. 433 samples from the NEEM ice core were measured between 1420 and 1560m depths. A measurement uncertainty ranging from 2.8 to 4.2 ppb, depending on the measurement year, was determined from replicate samples. 340 samples from the GISP2 ice core were measured between 1740 and 2060m depths. A measurement uncertainty ranging from 3.1 to 3.4 ppb, depending on the measurement year, was determined from replicate samples. All GISP2 and NEEM data were corrected for excess methane contamination using the established relationship between excess methane and Ca2+ (Lee et al., 2020). Both corrected and uncorrected data are included in the publication. 340 samples from the GISP2 ice core were measured between 1957 and 3081m depths. A measurement uncertainty ranging from 3.1 to 3.4 ppb, depending on the measurement year, was determined from replicate samples. Depths reflect the mid-points of the depth range of each samples, which is typically ~8cm. All replicate measurements are included in the dataset.\r\n\r\nLee, J. E. et al. Excess methane in Greenland ice cores associated with high dust concentrations. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 270, 409-430 (2020).", "east": -112.05, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Greenland; Ice Core Records; Methane; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctica; Greenland", "north": -79.28, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Riddell-Young, Benjamin; Martin, Kaden; Rosen, Julia; Lee, James; Edwards, Jon S.; Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010416", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -79.28, "title": "Atmospheric methane across the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation from the GISP2, NEEM and WAIS Divide ice cores ", "uid": "601737", "west": -112.05}, {"awards": "1847067 Levy, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161 -76,161.34 -76,161.68 -76,162.02 -76,162.36 -76,162.7 -76,163.04 -76,163.38 -76,163.72 -76,164.06 -76,164.4 -76,164.4 -76.2,164.4 -76.4,164.4 -76.6,164.4 -76.8,164.4 -77,164.4 -77.2,164.4 -77.4,164.4 -77.6,164.4 -77.8,164.4 -78,164.06 -78,163.72 -78,163.38 -78,163.04 -78,162.7 -78,162.36 -78,162.02 -78,161.68 -78,161.34 -78,161 -78,161 -77.8,161 -77.6,161 -77.4,161 -77.2,161 -77,161 -76.8,161 -76.6,161 -76.4,161 -76.2,161 -76))"], "date_created": "Mon, 26 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains major ion data for surface and near-surface waters from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, determined through ion chromatography. Water types include snow and ice melt sources, streams and rivers, water track groundwater, pond water, and lake water. ", "east": 164.4, "geometry": ["POINT(162.7 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Levy, Joseph", "project_titles": "Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst \u0026 Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010286", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst \u0026 Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Surface Water Geochemistry from the McMurdo Dry Valleys", "uid": "601703", "west": 161.0}, {"awards": "1745078 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.086 -79.468)"], "date_created": "Wed, 26 Apr 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes ~60-year resolution measurements of the Carbon-13 isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Methane (\u03b413C-CH4) of gas bubbles from the WAIS Divide Ice Core. All measurements were made at the Oregon State University Ice Core and Quaternary Geochemistry Laboratory (Corvallis, OR) using a new methane stable isotope analytical system. The data includes depth-adjacent replicate samples (separated by no more than 0.3m of depth) and is split up into two sheets for the two different intervals measured (Heinrich Stadial 1 and Heinrich Stadial 5 / Dansgaard Oeschger Event 12). The data are displayed as a function of WAIS Divide depth and were corrected for gravitational and diffusional fractionation that occurs in the firn column according to Buizert et al., 2013. 1-sigma measurement uncertainty is also included and is determined from analytical uncertainty and uncertainties associated with diffusional and gravitational fractionation.\r\n\r\nThe manuscript presenting and analyzing these data is in preparation for publication as of April 2023. ", "east": -112.086, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.086 -79.468)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Methane; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -79.468, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Riddell-Young, Benjamin", "project_titles": "Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010416", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.468, "title": "Carbon-13 isotopic composition of atmospheric methane across Heinrich Stadials 1 and 5, and Dansgaard Oesgher Event 12, WAIS Divide Ice Core, Antarctica", "uid": "601683", "west": -112.086}, {"awards": "1543537 Priscu, John", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149.50134 -84.640287)"], "date_created": "Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains measurements of sediment porewater properties from cores collected from Mercer Subglacial Lake by the SALSA project. Included are: specific conductance; water stable isotopes (\u03b42H and \u03b418O); dissolved gases (methane and its stable isotopes \u03b413C and \u03b42H, ethylene, and ethane); and major anions and cations.", "east": -149.50134, "geometry": ["POINT(-149.50134 -84.640287)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Gas; Geochemistry; Glacier; Glaciology; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Methane; SALSA; Sediment Core; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Mercer Subglacial Lake", "north": -84.640287, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Dore, John; Michaud, Alexander; Skidmore, Mark; Tranter, Martyn; Steigmeyer, August; Science Team, SALSA", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010119", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -84.640287, "title": "Sediment porewater properties data from Mercer Subglacial Lake", "uid": "601664", "west": -149.50134}, {"awards": "1543537 Priscu, John", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149.50134 -84.640287)"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains water column biogeochemical properties measured on discrete samples collected from Mercer Subglacial Lake by the SALSA project. Data included are: specific conductance; carbonic acid system parameters (total alkalinity, total inorganic carbon, and pH); water stable isotopes (\u03b42H and \u03b418O); dissolved gases (oxygen, methane, nitrous oxide, and hydrogen); dissolved nutrients (ammonium, nitrite and phosphate), major anions (including nitrate) and cations; size-fractionated colloidal and dissolved trace elements); dissolved organic carbon; and microbial cell and virus-like particle counts.", "east": -149.50134, "geometry": ["POINT(-149.50134 -84.640287)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon; Cell Counts; Geochemistry; Glacier; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Microbes; Nutrients; SALSA; Stable Isotopes; Trace Elements; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctica; Mercer Subglacial Lake; Mercer Subglacial Lake", "north": -84.640287, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Dore, John; Skidmore, Mark; Hawkings, Jon; Steigmeyer, August; Li, Wei; Barker, Joel; Tranter, Martyn; Priscu, John; Science Team, SALSA", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010119", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -84.640287, "title": "Water column biogeochemical data from Mercer Subglacial Lake", "uid": "601663", "west": -149.50134}, {"awards": "2031442 Learman, Deric", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 08 Sep 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Shelf sediment samples were collected around the Antarctic Peninsular with the mega corer in 2020 (Nov. to Dec.). The sample locations and water depths are recorded in this dataset. These samples were used to collect data on organic matter (total organic carbon, total nitrogen, delta 13C (organic), delta 15N, and C to N ratios). Nutrient data (nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, and ammonia) and grain size analysis were collected on a subsample set (10). ", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Grain Size; Grain Size Analysis; Marine Geoscience; Marine Sediments; Organic Matter Geochemistry; Sediment Core Data; Shelf Sediments; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Weddell Sea; Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Learman, Deric", "project_titles": "RAPID: Meta-genomic and Transcriptomic Investigation of Complex Organic Matter Degradation in Antarctic Benthic Sediments", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010235", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RAPID: Meta-genomic and Transcriptomic Investigation of Complex Organic Matter Degradation in Antarctic Benthic Sediments"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Physical and geochemical data from shelf sediments near the Antartic Pennisula", "uid": "601607", "west": null}, {"awards": "1543344 Soreghan, Gerilyn", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162.322717 -77.417633,162.444362 -77.417633,162.566007 -77.417633,162.687652 -77.417633,162.80929700000002 -77.417633,162.93094200000002 -77.417633,163.052587 -77.417633,163.174232 -77.417633,163.295877 -77.417633,163.417522 -77.417633,163.539167 -77.417633,163.539167 -77.4501507,163.539167 -77.4826684,163.539167 -77.5151861,163.539167 -77.5477038,163.539167 -77.5802215,163.539167 -77.61273920000001,163.539167 -77.6452569,163.539167 -77.6777746,163.539167 -77.7102923,163.539167 -77.74281,163.417522 -77.74281,163.295877 -77.74281,163.174232 -77.74281,163.052587 -77.74281,162.93094200000002 -77.74281,162.80929700000002 -77.74281,162.687652 -77.74281,162.566007 -77.74281,162.444362 -77.74281,162.322717 -77.74281,162.322717 -77.7102923,162.322717 -77.6777746,162.322717 -77.6452569,162.322717 -77.61273920000001,162.322717 -77.5802215,162.322717 -77.5477038,162.322717 -77.5151861,162.322717 -77.4826684,162.322717 -77.4501507,162.322717 -77.417633))"], "date_created": "Tue, 16 Aug 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data file contains locations and descriptions of the samples collected for the NSF project titled \"Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems\". Data collected includes BET surface area, LPSA grain size, granulometry, mineralogy (XRD) and whole rock geochemistry (ICP-MS).", "east": 163.539167, "geometry": ["POINT(162.93094200000002 -77.5802215)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Anza Borrego; Iceland; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Norway; Peru; Puerto Rico; Taylor Valley; Washington; Wright Valley", "locations": "Anza Borrego; Puerto Rico; Iceland; Washington; Taylor Valley; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Peru; Norway; Antarctica; Wright Valley; Antarctica", "north": -77.417633, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Demirel-Floyd, Cansu", "project_titles": "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010181", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.74281, "title": "Data and metadata for \"Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems\"", "uid": "601599", "west": 162.322717}, {"awards": "1743643 Passchier, Sandra", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-42.933 -61.849)"], "date_created": "Wed, 22 Jun 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains measurements of major and trace elements on 190 samples of Eocene-Oligocene sediment from Ocean Drilling Program Site 696 drilled in 650 m water depth on the South Orkney Microcontinent. The composition of detrital, biogenic and authigenic sediment components was assessed via whole rock geochemistry of sediment samples. Instrument analysis was completed at Montclair State University.", "east": -42.933, "geometry": ["POINT(-42.933 -61.849)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciation; IODP 650; IODP 696; Paleoceanography; Provenance; Sediment Core Data; Weathering; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Weddell Sea; Antarctica", "north": -61.849, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Passchier, Sandra; Hojnacki, Victoria; Li, Xiaona; States, Abbey; Lepp, Allison", "project_titles": "Timing and Spatial Distribution of Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Sea-ice Formation across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010101", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Timing and Spatial Distribution of Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Sea-ice Formation across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -61.849, "title": "Major and trace element analyses of Eocene-Oligocene marine sediments from ODP Site 696, South Orkney Microcontinent", "uid": "601582", "west": -42.933}, {"awards": "1341432 Brzezinski, Mark", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-175 -54,-174 -54,-173 -54,-172 -54,-171 -54,-170 -54,-169 -54,-168 -54,-167 -54,-166 -54,-165 -54,-165 -55.3,-165 -56.6,-165 -57.9,-165 -59.2,-165 -60.5,-165 -61.8,-165 -63.1,-165 -64.4,-165 -65.7,-165 -67,-166 -67,-167 -67,-168 -67,-169 -67,-170 -67,-171 -67,-172 -67,-173 -67,-174 -67,-175 -67,-175 -65.7,-175 -64.4,-175 -63.1,-175 -61.8,-175 -60.5,-175 -59.2,-175 -57.9,-175 -56.6,-175 -55.3,-175 -54))"], "date_created": "Mon, 16 May 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains data for stable isotopes of silicon in pore water, interstitial water, sediments and CTD profiles.", "east": -165.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-170 -60.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biogenic Silica; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Lithogenic Silica; Marine Geoscience; NBP1702; Pore Water Biogeochemistry; Sediment; Silicon Cycle; Silicon Stable Isotope; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; Southern Ocean", "north": -54.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Closset, Ivia; Jones, Janice L.; Brzezinski, Mark", "project_titles": "Collaborative Proposal: A Field and Laboratory Examination of the Diatom N and Si Isotope Proxies: Implications for Assessing the Southern Ocean Biological Pump", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010083", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Proposal: A Field and Laboratory Examination of the Diatom N and Si Isotope Proxies: Implications for Assessing the Southern Ocean Biological Pump"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -67.0, "title": "Silicon concentration and isotopic composition measurements in seawater profiles, pore waters, interstitial waters and sediments from 67\u00b0S to 55\u00b0S latitude in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean", "uid": "601562", "west": -175.0}, {"awards": "1643248 Hall, Brenda; 0944150 Hall, Brenda", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((164 -78,164.04 -78,164.08 -78,164.12 -78,164.16 -78,164.2 -78,164.24 -78,164.28 -78,164.32 -78,164.36 -78,164.4 -78,164.4 -78.01,164.4 -78.02,164.4 -78.03,164.4 -78.04,164.4 -78.05,164.4 -78.06,164.4 -78.07,164.4 -78.08,164.4 -78.09,164.4 -78.1,164.36 -78.1,164.32 -78.1,164.28 -78.1,164.24 -78.1,164.2 -78.1,164.16 -78.1,164.12 -78.1,164.08 -78.1,164.04 -78.1,164 -78.1,164 -78.09,164 -78.08,164 -78.07,164 -78.06,164 -78.05,164 -78.04,164 -78.03,164 -78.02,164 -78.01,164 -78))"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Mar 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes 234U/230Th chronologic data for lacustrine carbonates associated with Marshall drift in Marshall Valley, Royal Society Range. These samples are from ice-dammed lake deposits associated with a grounded ice sheet that blocked the valley mouth. Sample chemistry was done at the University of Maine geochemistry laboratory. Processed samples were analyzed on a multicollector ICP-MS at the University of Oxford. Corrected ages reflect a detrital correction based on typical upper-crustal (230Th/232Th) values of 1.21 with a 50% assumed error.", "east": 164.4, "geometry": ["POINT(164.2 -78.05)"], "keywords": "234U/230Th Dating; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Last Glacial Maximum; Marshall Drift; Marshall Valley; MIS 6; Royal Society Range", "locations": "Royal Society Range; Antarctica; Marshall Valley", "north": -78.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Hall, Brenda", "project_titles": "Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming; Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010302", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles"}, {"proj_uid": "p0010301", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.1, "title": "Marshall Valley U-Series Data", "uid": "601528", "west": 164.0}, {"awards": "1643494 Saal, Alberto", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-68.074 -57.345,-66.6033 -57.345,-65.1326 -57.345,-63.6619 -57.345,-62.1912 -57.345,-60.7205 -57.345,-59.2498 -57.345,-57.7791 -57.345,-56.3084 -57.345,-54.8377 -57.345,-53.367 -57.345,-53.367 -58.1252,-53.367 -58.9054,-53.367 -59.6856,-53.367 -60.4658,-53.367 -61.246,-53.367 -62.0262,-53.367 -62.8064,-53.367 -63.5866,-53.367 -64.3668,-53.367 -65.147,-54.8377 -65.147,-56.3084 -65.147,-57.7791 -65.147,-59.2498 -65.147,-60.7205 -65.147,-62.1912 -65.147,-63.6619 -65.147,-65.1326 -65.147,-66.6033 -65.147,-68.074 -65.147,-68.074 -64.3668,-68.074 -63.5866,-68.074 -62.8064,-68.074 -62.0262,-68.074 -61.246,-68.074 -60.4658,-68.074 -59.6856,-68.074 -58.9054,-68.074 -58.1252,-68.074 -57.345))"], "date_created": "Mon, 07 Feb 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "", "east": -53.367, "geometry": ["POINT(-60.7205 -61.246)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Chemical Composition; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Isotope Data; Trace Elements", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula", "north": -57.345, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Saal, Alberto", "project_titles": "Magmatic Volatiles, Unraveling the Reservoirs and Processes of the Volcanism in the Antarctic Peninsula", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010196", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Magmatic Volatiles, Unraveling the Reservoirs and Processes of the Volcanism in the Antarctic Peninsula"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -65.147, "title": "Major, trace elements contents and radiogenic isotopes of erupted lavas Antarctic Peninsula and Phoenix Ridge", "uid": "601519", "west": -68.074}, {"awards": "1443585 Polito, Michael; 1826712 McMahon, Kelton; 1443424 McMahon, Kelton; 1443386 Emslie, Steven", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-37.33 -54.05,-37.192 -54.05,-37.054 -54.05,-36.916 -54.05,-36.778 -54.05,-36.64 -54.05,-36.502 -54.05,-36.364 -54.05,-36.226 -54.05,-36.088 -54.05,-35.95 -54.05,-35.95 -54.107,-35.95 -54.164,-35.95 -54.221,-35.95 -54.278,-35.95 -54.335,-35.95 -54.392,-35.95 -54.449,-35.95 -54.506,-35.95 -54.563,-35.95 -54.62,-36.088 -54.62,-36.226 -54.62,-36.364 -54.62,-36.502 -54.62,-36.64 -54.62,-36.778 -54.62,-36.916 -54.62,-37.054 -54.62,-37.192 -54.62,-37.33 -54.62,-37.33 -54.563,-37.33 -54.506,-37.33 -54.449,-37.33 -54.392,-37.33 -54.335,-37.33 -54.278,-37.33 -54.221,-37.33 -54.164,-37.33 -54.107,-37.33 -54.05))"], "date_created": "Thu, 13 Jan 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains radiometric dating measurements from two aquatic sediment cores excavated from two separate sites (Salisbury Plain and Gold Harbor) on South Georgia Island in February 2019. It also contains biological and geochemical sediment proxy values from both sediment cores, including total carbon (%), total nitrogen (%), number of penguin feathers and eggshell fragments, number of seal hairs, and \u03b413C and \u03b415N stable isotope values. Cores were sectioned at 1cm intervals, and radiometric dating analyses were conducted on sediment fractions \u003c850 \u00b5m by measuring for 210Pb and 226Ra (via 214Pb) by direct gamma counting using the high purity germanium planar detector in the Marine Geochemistry Laboratory at Louisiana State University (LSU). The 210Pbex profiles were used to calculate sedimentation rates using a steady state model that assumes constant rate of supply and constant sedimentation rate (Maiti et al., 2010). Geochemical analyses were performed on sediment fractions \u003c125 \u00b5m using an Elemental Analyzer-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS) in the Stable Isotope Ecology Lab at LSU. Biological counts of feathers and hairs were determined by enumeration using a dissecting microscope of sediment fractions \u003e1000 \u00b5m. The data set also includes sediment core excavation site names and coordinates, date of excavation, sediment depth and age, and carbon to nitrogen isotopic ratios. Details of the data set and all relevant methods are provided in Kristan et al., 2021.", "east": -35.95, "geometry": ["POINT(-36.64 -54.335)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Fur Seal; Elemental Concentrations; King Penguin; Population Dynamics; South Atlantic Ocean; South Georgia Island; Stable Isotope Analysis; Sub-Antarctic", "locations": "South Georgia Island; Sub-Antarctic; Antarctica; South Atlantic Ocean", "north": -54.05, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Kristan, Allyson; Maiti, Kanchan; McMahon, Kelton; Polito, Michael", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010047", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -54.62, "title": "Radiometric dating, geochemical proxies, and predator biological remains obtained from aquatic sediment cores on South Georgia Island.", "uid": "601509", "west": -37.33}, {"awards": "1644013 Gaetani, Glenn", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((164.1 -77.1,164.65 -77.1,165.2 -77.1,165.75 -77.1,166.3 -77.1,166.85 -77.1,167.4 -77.1,167.95 -77.1,168.5 -77.1,169.05 -77.1,169.6 -77.1,169.6 -77.235,169.6 -77.37,169.6 -77.505,169.6 -77.64,169.6 -77.775,169.6 -77.91,169.6 -78.045,169.6 -78.18,169.6 -78.315,169.6 -78.45,169.05 -78.45,168.5 -78.45,167.95 -78.45,167.4 -78.45,166.85 -78.45,166.3 -78.45,165.75 -78.45,165.2 -78.45,164.65 -78.45,164.1 -78.45,164.1 -78.315,164.1 -78.18,164.1 -78.045,164.1 -77.91,164.1 -77.775,164.1 -77.64,164.1 -77.505,164.1 -77.37,164.1 -77.235,164.1 -77.1))"], "date_created": "Wed, 12 Jan 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "G170 Raman Spectroscopy \u0026 Tomography Volumes of Melt Inclusions and Vapor Bubbles", "east": 169.6, "geometry": ["POINT(166.85 -77.775)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Melt Inclusions; Raman Spectroscopy; Ross Island; Vapor Bubbles; Volcanic", "locations": "Ross Island; Antarctica", "north": -77.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Gaetani, Glenn", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Determining Magma Storage Depths and Ascent Rates for the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica Using Diffusive Water Loss from Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusion", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010081", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Determining Magma Storage Depths and Ascent Rates for the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica Using Diffusive Water Loss from Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusion"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.45, "title": "G170 Raman Spectroscopy \u0026 Tomography Volumes of Melt Inclusions and Vapor Bubbles", "uid": "601508", "west": 164.1}, {"awards": "1644013 Gaetani, Glenn", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((164.1 -77.1,164.65 -77.1,165.2 -77.1,165.75 -77.1,166.3 -77.1,166.85 -77.1,167.4 -77.1,167.95 -77.1,168.5 -77.1,169.05 -77.1,169.6 -77.1,169.6 -77.235,169.6 -77.37,169.6 -77.505,169.6 -77.64,169.6 -77.775,169.6 -77.91,169.6 -78.045,169.6 -78.18,169.6 -78.315,169.6 -78.45,169.05 -78.45,168.5 -78.45,167.95 -78.45,167.4 -78.45,166.85 -78.45,166.3 -78.45,165.75 -78.45,165.2 -78.45,164.65 -78.45,164.1 -78.45,164.1 -78.315,164.1 -78.18,164.1 -78.045,164.1 -77.91,164.1 -77.775,164.1 -77.64,164.1 -77.505,164.1 -77.37,164.1 -77.235,164.1 -77.1))"], "date_created": "Wed, 12 Jan 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "G170 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analyses of Melt Inclusion Hydrogen Isotopes", "east": 169.6, "geometry": ["POINT(166.85 -77.775)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Hydrogen; Ion Mass Spectrometry; Ross Island", "locations": "Antarctica; Ross Island", "north": -77.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Gaetani, Glenn", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Determining Magma Storage Depths and Ascent Rates for the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica Using Diffusive Water Loss from Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusion", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010081", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Determining Magma Storage Depths and Ascent Rates for the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica Using Diffusive Water Loss from Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusion"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.45, "title": "G170 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analyses of Melt Inclusion Hydrogen Isotopes", "uid": "601507", "west": 164.1}, {"awards": "1341736 Adams, Byron; 1341631 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-177.4099 -84.4661,-177.08229 -84.4661,-176.75468 -84.4661,-176.42707 -84.4661,-176.09946 -84.4661,-175.77185 -84.4661,-175.44424 -84.4661,-175.11663 -84.4661,-174.78902 -84.4661,-174.46141 -84.4661,-174.1338 -84.4661,-174.1338 -84.56828,-174.1338 -84.67046,-174.1338 -84.77264,-174.1338 -84.87482,-174.1338 -84.977,-174.1338 -85.07918,-174.1338 -85.18136,-174.1338 -85.28354,-174.1338 -85.38572,-174.1338 -85.4879,-174.46141 -85.4879,-174.78902 -85.4879,-175.11663 -85.4879,-175.44424 -85.4879,-175.77185 -85.4879,-176.09946 -85.4879,-176.42707 -85.4879,-176.75468 -85.4879,-177.08229 -85.4879,-177.4099 -85.4879,-177.4099 -85.38572,-177.4099 -85.28354,-177.4099 -85.18136,-177.4099 -85.07918,-177.4099 -84.977,-177.4099 -84.87482,-177.4099 -84.77264,-177.4099 -84.67046,-177.4099 -84.56828,-177.4099 -84.4661))"], "date_created": "Sun, 03 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "We collected soil surface samples (n = 21) and depth profiles (n = 25) every 5 cm to refusal (up to 30 cm) from eleven ice-free areas along the Shackleton Glacier, a major outlet glacier of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). We measured meteoric 10Be concentrations, which were later used to estimate relative surface exposure ages of the soils from seven locations. ", "east": -174.1338, "geometry": ["POINT(-175.77185 -84.977)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Be-10; Beryllium-10; Cosmogenic Radionuclides; Geochemistry; Geomorphology; Shackleton Glacier; Surface Exposure Dates", "locations": "Shackleton Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -84.4661, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Diaz, Melisa A.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010140", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.4879, "title": "Meteoric 10Be data of soils from the Shackleton Glacier region", "uid": "601421", "west": -177.4099}, {"awards": "1341736 Adams, Byron; 1341631 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-177.3907 -84.46466667,-177.06501 -84.46466667,-176.73932 -84.46466667,-176.41363 -84.46466667,-176.08794 -84.46466667,-175.76225 -84.46466667,-175.43656 -84.46466667,-175.11087 -84.46466667,-174.78518 -84.46466667,-174.45949 -84.46466667,-174.1338 -84.46466667,-174.1338 -84.566988336,-174.1338 -84.669310002,-174.1338 -84.771631668,-174.1338 -84.873953334,-174.1338 -84.976275,-174.1338 -85.078596666,-174.1338 -85.180918332,-174.1338 -85.283239998,-174.1338 -85.385561664,-174.1338 -85.48788333,-174.45949 -85.48788333,-174.78518 -85.48788333,-175.11087 -85.48788333,-175.43656 -85.48788333,-175.76225 -85.48788333,-176.08794 -85.48788333,-176.41363 -85.48788333,-176.73932 -85.48788333,-177.06501 -85.48788333,-177.3907 -85.48788333,-177.3907 -85.385561664,-177.3907 -85.283239998,-177.3907 -85.180918332,-177.3907 -85.078596666,-177.3907 -84.976275,-177.3907 -84.873953334,-177.3907 -84.771631668,-177.3907 -84.669310002,-177.3907 -84.566988336,-177.3907 -84.46466667))"], "date_created": "Sat, 02 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Soil samples were collected from the Shackleton Glacier region, located in the Queen Maud Mountains during the 2017-2018 austral summer. A subset of 27 samples were analyzed for stable isotopes of S, N, C, and O in nitrate, sulfate, and (bi)carbonate. ). \u03b415N-NO3 values ranged from -47.8 to 20.4\u2030 and, while all \u039417O-NO3 values are positive, they ranged from 15.7 to 45.9\u2030. \u03b434S-SO4 and \u03b418O-SO4 values ranged from 12.5 and 17.9\u2030 and -14.5 to -7.1\u2030, respectively. Total inorganic carbon isotopes ((bi)carbonate) in bulk soil samples ranged from 0.2 to 8.5\u2030 for \u03b413C and -38.8 to -9.6\u2030 for \u03b418O.", "east": -174.1338, "geometry": ["POINT(-175.76225 -84.976275)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Nitrate; Shackleton Glacier; Stable Isotopes; Sulfate; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Antarctica; Transantarctic Mountains; Shackleton Glacier", "north": -84.46466667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Diaz, Melisa A.; Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010140", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.48788333, "title": "Shackleton Glacier region water-soluble salt isotopes", "uid": "601419", "west": -177.3907}, {"awards": "1341736 Adams, Byron; 1341631 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-177.4213 -84.4647,-177.08802 -84.4647,-176.75474 -84.4647,-176.42146 -84.4647,-176.08818 -84.4647,-175.7549 -84.4647,-175.42162 -84.4647,-175.08834 -84.4647,-174.75506 -84.4647,-174.42178 -84.4647,-174.0885 -84.4647,-174.0885 -84.56732,-174.0885 -84.66994,-174.0885 -84.77256,-174.0885 -84.87518,-174.0885 -84.9778,-174.0885 -85.08042,-174.0885 -85.18304,-174.0885 -85.28566,-174.0885 -85.38828,-174.0885 -85.4909,-174.42178 -85.4909,-174.75506 -85.4909,-175.08834 -85.4909,-175.42162 -85.4909,-175.7549 -85.4909,-176.08818 -85.4909,-176.42146 -85.4909,-176.75474 -85.4909,-177.08802 -85.4909,-177.4213 -85.4909,-177.4213 -85.38828,-177.4213 -85.28566,-177.4213 -85.18304,-177.4213 -85.08042,-177.4213 -84.9778,-177.4213 -84.87518,-177.4213 -84.77256,-177.4213 -84.66994,-177.4213 -84.56732,-177.4213 -84.4647))"], "date_created": "Sat, 02 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "During the 2017-2018 austral summer, 220 surface soil samples (~top 5 cm) were collected from 11 distinct ice-free areas (Roberts Massif, Schroeder Hill, Mt. Augustana, Bennett Platform, Mt. Heekin, Thanksgiving Valley, Taylor Nunatak, Mt. Franke, Mt. Wasko, Nilsen Peak, and Mt. Speed) along the Shackleton Glacier. Dried soils were leached at a 1:5 soil to DI water ratio, and the leachate was filtered through 0.4 \u00b5m Nucleopore membrane filters. The leachate was analyzed for anions (F-, Cl-, Br-, and SO42-) which were measured on a Dionex ICS-2100 ion chromatograph, cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Sr2+) which were measured on a PerkinElmer Optima 8300 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES), and nutrients (NO3- + NO2-, PO43-, H4SiO4, and NH3) which were measured on a Skalar San++ Automated Wet Chemistry Analyzer at The Ohio State University. Perchlorate (ClO4-) and chlorate (ClO3-) were measured using an ion chromatograph-tandem mass spectrometry technique (IC-MS/MS) at Texas Tech University. Accuracy was typically better than 5% for all major anions, cations, and nutrients, as determined by the NIST 1643e external reference standard and the 2015 USGS interlaboratory calibration standard (M-216), and better than 10% for perchlorate and chlorate, as determined by spike recoveries.", "east": -174.0885, "geometry": ["POINT(-175.7549 -84.9778)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Shackleton Glacier", "locations": "Shackleton Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -84.4647, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Diaz, Melisa A.; Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010140", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.4909, "title": "Shackleton Glacier region soil water-soluble geochemical data", "uid": "601418", "west": -177.4213}, {"awards": "0338157 Smith, Walker; 0338097 DiTullio, Giacomo", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -76,-179.7 -76,-179.4 -76,-179.1 -76,-178.8 -76,-178.5 -76,-178.2 -76,-177.9 -76,-177.6 -76,-177.3 -76,-177 -76,-177 -76.2,-177 -76.4,-177 -76.6,-177 -76.8,-177 -77,-177 -77.2,-177 -77.4,-177 -77.6,-177 -77.8,-177 -78,-177.3 -78,-177.6 -78,-177.9 -78,-178.2 -78,-178.5 -78,-178.8 -78,-179.1 -78,-179.4 -78,-179.7 -78,180 -78,178.5 -78,177 -78,175.5 -78,174 -78,172.5 -78,171 -78,169.5 -78,168 -78,166.5 -78,165 -78,165 -77.8,165 -77.6,165 -77.4,165 -77.2,165 -77,165 -76.8,165 -76.6,165 -76.4,165 -76.2,165 -76,166.5 -76,168 -76,169.5 -76,171 -76,172.5 -76,174 -76,175.5 -76,177 -76,178.5 -76,-180 -76))"], "date_created": "Thu, 25 Jun 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set was acquired with a Niskin Bottle Fluid Sampler during Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP0601 conducted in 2005 (Chief Scientist: Dr. Giacomo DiTullio). The data files are in XLS format and include Fluid Chemistry data that have been processed. The data was acquired as part of the project called Interaction of iron, light and CO2 on phytoplankton community dynamics in the Ross Sea. Funding was provided by NSF grants: ANT03-38097, ANT03-38157, ANT03-38164, and ANT03-38350.\r\n", "east": -177.0, "geometry": ["POINT(174 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Fluid Chemistry Data; Geochemistry; NBP0601; Niskin Bottle; Oceans; Ross Sea; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Southern Ocean; Water Measurements", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctica; Southern Ocean; Ross Sea; Ross Sea", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "DiTullio, Giacomo; Smith, Walker", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Interactive Effects of Iron, Light and Carbon Dioxide on Phytoplankton Community Dynamics in the Ross Sea", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000540", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Interactive Effects of Iron, Light and Carbon Dioxide on Phytoplankton Community Dynamics in the Ross Sea"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Processed Fluid Chemistry Data from the Ross Sea acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP0601", "uid": "601340", "west": 165.0}, {"awards": "0636806 Smith, Craig; 0636773 DeMaster, David", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-72 -59,-71 -59,-70 -59,-69 -59,-68 -59,-67 -59,-66 -59,-65 -59,-64 -59,-63 -59,-62 -59,-62 -59.95,-62 -60.9,-62 -61.85,-62 -62.8,-62 -63.75,-62 -64.7,-62 -65.65,-62 -66.6,-62 -67.55,-62 -68.5,-63 -68.5,-64 -68.5,-65 -68.5,-66 -68.5,-67 -68.5,-68 -68.5,-69 -68.5,-70 -68.5,-71 -68.5,-72 -68.5,-72 -67.55,-72 -66.6,-72 -65.65,-72 -64.7,-72 -63.75,-72 -62.8,-72 -61.85,-72 -60.9,-72 -59.95,-72 -59))"], "date_created": "Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set was acquired with a Box Core Sediment Sampler, Digital Camera, and Sediment Core Sampler during Laurence M. Gould expedition LMG0802 conducted in 2008. The data files are in Microsoft Excel format and include Species List, Species Abundance, and Sediment Geochemistry data that was processed after collection.", "east": -62.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-67 -63.75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Biota; Box Corer; Chlorophyll Concentration; LMG0802; Marcofauna; Megafauna; Oceans; R/v Laurence M. Gould; Seafloor Sampling; Species Abundance", "locations": "Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctica", "north": -59.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "Smith, Craig; DeMaster, David", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Benthic Faunal Feeding Dynamics on the Antarctic Shelf and the Effects of Global Climate Change on Bentho-Pelagic Coupling", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000552", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Benthic Faunal Feeding Dynamics on the Antarctic Shelf and the Effects of Global Climate Change on Bentho-Pelagic Coupling"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -68.5, "title": "Species List, Species Abundance, and Sediment Geochemistry processed data acquired during Laurence M. Gould expedition LMG0802", "uid": "601303", "west": -72.0}, {"awards": "1341680 Sletten, Ronald", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160.9 -76.7,161.08 -76.7,161.26 -76.7,161.44 -76.7,161.62 -76.7,161.8 -76.7,161.98 -76.7,162.16 -76.7,162.34 -76.7,162.52 -76.7,162.7 -76.7,162.7 -76.79,162.7 -76.88,162.7 -76.97,162.7 -77.06,162.7 -77.15,162.7 -77.24,162.7 -77.33,162.7 -77.42,162.7 -77.51,162.7 -77.6,162.52 -77.6,162.34 -77.6,162.16 -77.6,161.98 -77.6,161.8 -77.6,161.62 -77.6,161.44 -77.6,161.26 -77.6,161.08 -77.6,160.9 -77.6,160.9 -77.51,160.9 -77.42,160.9 -77.33,160.9 -77.24,160.9 -77.15,160.9 -77.06,160.9 -76.97,160.9 -76.88,160.9 -76.79,160.9 -76.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 27 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The dataset contains the cosmogenic nuclide values for Be-10 and Al-26 for a 30-m permafrost cores collected in Beacon Valley.", "east": 162.7, "geometry": ["POINT(161.8 -77.15)"], "keywords": "Aluminum-26; Antarctica; Be-10; Cosmogenic; Dry Valleys; Geochemistry; Permafrost", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -76.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Sletten, Ronald S.", "project_titles": "Ancient landscape-active Surfaces: Periglacial Hyperinflation in soils of Beacon Valley, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010068", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Ancient landscape-active Surfaces: Periglacial Hyperinflation in soils of Beacon Valley, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.6, "title": "Chemical and physical characterization of Beacon Valley and Victoria Valley permafrost cores", "uid": "601247", "west": 160.9}, {"awards": "1644073 DiTullio, Giacomo", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -72.45,-179.354 -72.45,-178.708 -72.45,-178.062 -72.45,-177.416 -72.45,-176.77 -72.45,-176.124 -72.45,-175.478 -72.45,-174.832 -72.45,-174.186 -72.45,-173.54 -72.45,-173.54 -73.068,-173.54 -73.686,-173.54 -74.304,-173.54 -74.922,-173.54 -75.54,-173.54 -76.158,-173.54 -76.776,-173.54 -77.394,-173.54 -78.012,-173.54 -78.63,-174.186 -78.63,-174.832 -78.63,-175.478 -78.63,-176.124 -78.63,-176.77 -78.63,-177.416 -78.63,-178.062 -78.63,-178.708 -78.63,-179.354 -78.63,180 -78.63,179.818 -78.63,179.636 -78.63,179.454 -78.63,179.272 -78.63,179.09 -78.63,178.908 -78.63,178.726 -78.63,178.544 -78.63,178.362 -78.63,178.18 -78.63,178.18 -78.012,178.18 -77.394,178.18 -76.776,178.18 -76.158,178.18 -75.54,178.18 -74.922,178.18 -74.304,178.18 -73.686,178.18 -73.068,178.18 -72.45,178.362 -72.45,178.544 -72.45,178.726 -72.45,178.908 -72.45,179.09 -72.45,179.272 -72.45,179.454 -72.45,179.636 -72.45,179.818 -72.45,-180 -72.45))"], "date_created": "Wed, 13 Nov 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Biogenic silica concentrations collected from CTD casts during RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean from December 2017-February 2018", "east": -173.54, "geometry": ["POINT(-177.68 -75.54)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biogenic Silica; Biogenic Silica Concentrations; Chemistry:Water; Geochemistry; NBP1801; Oceans; Ross Sea; R/v Nathaniel B. Palmer; Sea Water; Southern Ocean; Spectroscopy; Water Measurements; Water Samples", "locations": "Ross Sea; Southern Ocean; Antarctica", "north": -72.45, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Ditullio, Giacomo; Schanke, Nicole", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Cobalamin and Iron Co-Limitation Of Phytoplankton Species in Terra Nova Bay", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010045", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Cobalamin and Iron Co-Limitation Of Phytoplankton Species in Terra Nova Bay"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.63, "title": "Biogenic silica concentrations from the Ross Sea", "uid": "601225", "west": 178.18}, {"awards": "1245821 Brook, Edward J.; 1245659 Petrenko, Vasilii; 1246148 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((123.3 -75.1,127.138 -75.1,130.976 -75.1,134.814 -75.1,138.652 -75.1,142.49 -75.1,146.328 -75.1,150.166 -75.1,154.004 -75.1,157.842 -75.1,161.68 -75.1,161.68 -75.367,161.68 -75.634,161.68 -75.901,161.68 -76.168,161.68 -76.435,161.68 -76.702,161.68 -76.969,161.68 -77.236,161.68 -77.503,161.68 -77.77,157.842 -77.77,154.004 -77.77,150.166 -77.77,146.328 -77.77,142.49 -77.77,138.652 -77.77,134.814 -77.77,130.976 -77.77,127.138 -77.77,123.3 -77.77,123.3 -77.503,123.3 -77.236,123.3 -76.969,123.3 -76.702,123.3 -76.435,123.3 -76.168,123.3 -75.901,123.3 -75.634,123.3 -75.367,123.3 -75.1))"], "date_created": "Fri, 18 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Noble gas data from Taylor Glacier and EPICA Dome C (EDC) for mean ocean temperature reconstruction during the Last Interglacial. Also includes trace gas measurements of d18Oatm, CO2, and CH4 from Taylor Glacier from chronology construction. ", "east": 161.68, "geometry": ["POINT(142.49 -76.435)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon-14; Carbon Dioxide; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; CO2; Dome C Ice Core; Epica; Epica Dome C; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core Records; Isotope Data; Last Interglacial; Mass Spectrometer; Mass Spectrometry; Methane; Oxygen; Oxygen Isotope; Paleotemperature; Pleistocene; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Taylor Glacier", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica; Epica Dome C", "north": -75.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Shackleton, Sarah", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000283", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core; Dome C Ice Core", "south": -77.77, "title": "Last Interglacial Mean Ocean Temperature", "uid": "601218", "west": 123.3}, {"awards": "1246148 Severinghaus, Jeffrey; 1245659 Petrenko, Vasilii; 1245821 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(162.167 -77.733)"], "date_created": "Mon, 12 Aug 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "New ice cores retrieved from the Taylor Glacier (Antarctica) blue ice area contain ice and air spanning the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5-4 transition, a period of global cooling and ice sheet expansion. We determine chronologies for the ice and air bubbles in the new ice cores by visually matching variations in gas- and ice- phase tracers to preexisting ice core records. The chronologies reveal an ice age-gas age difference (\u0394age) approaching 10 ka during MIS 4, implying very low snow accumulation in the Taylor Glacier accumulation zone. A revised chronology for the analagous section of the Taylor Dome ice core (84 to 55 ka), located to the south of the Taylor Glacier accumulation zone, shows that \u0394age did not exceed 3 ka. The difference in \u0394age between the two records during MIS 4 is similar in magnitude but opposite in direction to what is observed at the Last Glacial Maximum. This relationship implies that a spatial gradient in snow accumulation existed across the Taylor Dome region during MIS 4 that was oriented in the opposite direction of the accumulation gradient during the Last Glacial Maximum.", "east": 162.167, "geometry": ["POINT(162.167 -77.733)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Blue Ice; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; CO2; Dust; Gas; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; Mass Spectrometer; Methane; Nitrogen Isotopes; Oxygen Isotope; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Taylor Dome; Antarctica", "north": -77.733, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Menking, James; Brook, Edward J.; Marcott, Shaun; Barker, Stephen; Shackleton, Sarah; Dyonisius, Michael; Petrenko, Vasilii; McConnell, Joseph; Rhodes, Rachel; Bauska, Thomas; Baggenstos, Daniel; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000283", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.733, "title": "Gas and Dust Measurements for Taylor Glacier and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "uid": "601198", "west": 162.167}, {"awards": "1144176 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162.250099 -77.719928,162.2519358 -77.719928,162.2537726 -77.719928,162.2556094 -77.719928,162.2574462 -77.719928,162.259283 -77.719928,162.2611198 -77.719928,162.2629566 -77.719928,162.2647934 -77.719928,162.2666302 -77.719928,162.268467 -77.719928,162.268467 -77.7201251,162.268467 -77.7203222,162.268467 -77.7205193,162.268467 -77.7207164,162.268467 -77.7209135,162.268467 -77.7211106,162.268467 -77.7213077,162.268467 -77.7215048,162.268467 -77.7217019,162.268467 -77.721899,162.2666302 -77.721899,162.2647934 -77.721899,162.2629566 -77.721899,162.2611198 -77.721899,162.259283 -77.721899,162.2574462 -77.721899,162.2556094 -77.721899,162.2537726 -77.721899,162.2519358 -77.721899,162.250099 -77.721899,162.250099 -77.7217019,162.250099 -77.7215048,162.250099 -77.7213077,162.250099 -77.7211106,162.250099 -77.7209135,162.250099 -77.7207164,162.250099 -77.7205193,162.250099 -77.7203222,162.250099 -77.7201251,162.250099 -77.719928))"], "date_created": "Tue, 07 May 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Blood Falls is a hypersaline, iron\u2010rich discharge at the terminus of the Taylor Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In November 2014, brine in a conduit within the glacier was penetrated and sampled using clean\u2010entry techniques and a thermoelectric melting probe called the IceMole. We analyzed the englacial brine sample for filterable iron (fFe), total Fe, major cations and anions, nutrients, organic carbon, and perchlorate. In addition, aliquots were analyzed for minor and trace elements and isotopes including \u03b4D and \u03b418O of water, \u03b434S and \u03b418O of sulfate, 234U, 238U, \u03b411B, 87Sr/86Sr, and \u03b481Br. These measurements were made in order to (1) determine the source and geochemical evolution of the brine and (2) compare the chemistry of the brine to that of nearby hypersaline lake waters and previous supraglacially sampled collections of Blood Falls outflow that were interpreted as end\u2010member brines.", "east": 162.268467, "geometry": ["POINT(162.259283 -77.7209135)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Subglacial Brine", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.719928, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.721899, "title": "The Geochemistry of englacial brine from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica.", "uid": "601179", "west": 162.250099}, {"awards": "1543031 Ivany, Linda", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-57 -64,-56.9 -64,-56.8 -64,-56.7 -64,-56.6 -64,-56.5 -64,-56.4 -64,-56.3 -64,-56.2 -64,-56.1 -64,-56 -64,-56 -64.05,-56 -64.1,-56 -64.15,-56 -64.2,-56 -64.25,-56 -64.3,-56 -64.35,-56 -64.4,-56 -64.45,-56 -64.5,-56.1 -64.5,-56.2 -64.5,-56.3 -64.5,-56.4 -64.5,-56.5 -64.5,-56.6 -64.5,-56.7 -64.5,-56.8 -64.5,-56.9 -64.5,-57 -64.5,-57 -64.45,-57 -64.4,-57 -64.35,-57 -64.3,-57 -64.25,-57 -64.2,-57 -64.15,-57 -64.1,-57 -64.05,-57 -64))"], "date_created": "Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Serially-sampled high-resolution organic carbon isotope data from middle Eocene (~42 Ma) driftwood preserved within the La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctica.", "east": -56.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-56.5 -64.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon Isotopes; Driftwood; Eocene; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Isotope Data; La Meseta Formation; Mass Spectrometer; Mass Spectrometry; Organic Carbon Isotopes; Seasonality; Seymour Island; Wood", "locations": "Antarctica; La Meseta Formation; Seymour Island", "north": -64.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Judd, Emily", "project_titles": "Seasonality, Summer Cooling, and Calibrating the Approach of the Icehouse in Late Eocene Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010025", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Seasonality, Summer Cooling, and Calibrating the Approach of the Icehouse in Late Eocene Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -64.5, "title": "Organic carbon isotope data from serially sampled Eocene driftwood from the La Meseta Fm., Seymour Island, Antarctica", "uid": "601173", "west": -57.0}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Tue, 19 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The data set contains FLIR thermal imaging of Blood Falls from December 9 through March 25 (power failure). ", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Infrared Imagery; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Taylor Glacier; Thermal Camera; Timelaps Images", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "FLIR thermal imaging data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601169", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains a short term integrated met station deployed about 300m from Blood Falls at the site of the FLIR and Time Lapse cameras.", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Meteorology; Taylor Glacier; Temperature; Weather Station Data; Wind Speed", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601168", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica, collected between January 2014 and January 2015.", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Photo; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier; Timelaps Images", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica", "uid": "601167", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains GPR data along multiple transects of the Blood Falls feature collected in November and Dcember 2013. ", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Terrestrial Radar Interferometry near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601166", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains GPR data along multiple transects of the Blood Falls feature collected in November and Dcember 2013. ", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Ground Penetrating Radar Data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601165", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains time-stamped time-lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature from approximately November 2013 through October 2014, capturing wintertime activity of the glacier. See readme for details. ", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Ablation Stake Data from of Taylor Glacier near Blood Falls", "uid": "601164", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1443710 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)"], "date_created": "Sat, 02 Feb 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes major atmospheric gas and gas isotope data from the SPICECORE project, which recovered a 1750-m ice core at the South Pole in 2015. 15N, 18O of O2, O2/N2, and Ar/N2 are included.", "east": 0.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Chemistry:gas; Chemistry:Gas; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Delta 18O; Dole Effect; Firn Thickness; Gas Isotopes; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Gravitational Settling; Ice; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core Records; Inert Gases; Nitrogen; Nitrogen Isotopes; Oxygen; Oxygen Isotope; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; SPICEcore", "locations": "South Pole; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctica", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010005", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "SPICEcore", "south": -90.0, "title": "South Pole (SPICECORE) 15N, 18O, O2/N2 and Ar/N2", "uid": "601152", "west": 0.0}, {"awards": "1144192 Tulaczyk, Slawek", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(162.2673 -77.722528)"], "date_created": "Wed, 28 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "", "east": 162.2673, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2673 -77.722528)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Borehole; Borehole Logging; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Temperature; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Temperature; Temperature Profiles", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.722528, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Tulaczyk, Slawek", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.722528, "title": "Ice Temperature in Shallow Boreholes Near Blood Falls at the Terminus of Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "uid": "601139", "west": 162.2673}, {"awards": "1543313 VanTongeren, Jill", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-55 -82,-54.5 -82,-54 -82,-53.5 -82,-53 -82,-52.5 -82,-52 -82,-51.5 -82,-51 -82,-50.5 -82,-50 -82,-50 -82.2,-50 -82.4,-50 -82.6,-50 -82.8,-50 -83,-50 -83.2,-50 -83.4,-50 -83.6,-50 -83.8,-50 -84,-50.5 -84,-51 -84,-51.5 -84,-52 -84,-52.5 -84,-53 -84,-53.5 -84,-54 -84,-54.5 -84,-55 -84,-55 -83.8,-55 -83.6,-55 -83.4,-55 -83.2,-55 -83,-55 -82.8,-55 -82.6,-55 -82.4,-55 -82.2,-55 -82))"], "date_created": "Mon, 29 Oct 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The dataset contains preliminary CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon ages for 4 samples from the Dufek Intrusion, as well as major element mineral compositions for samples throughout the stratigraphy.", "east": -50.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-52.5 -83)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemical Composition; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Crystallization; Dufek Complex; Geochemistry; Magma Chamber Procesess; Mass Spectrometry; Rocks; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Solid Earth; TIMS; Volcanic Deposits", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -82.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "VanTongeren, Jill", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Testing the Hypothesis that Bigger Magma Chambers Crystallize Faster", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000135", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Testing the Hypothesis that Bigger Magma Chambers Crystallize Faster"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -84.0, "title": "U-Pb ages and mineral compositions from Dufek Intrusion", "uid": "601132", "west": -55.0}, {"awards": "0732917 McCormick, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((299.4 -63.1,299.92 -63.1,300.44 -63.1,300.96 -63.1,301.48 -63.1,302 -63.1,302.52 -63.1,303.04 -63.1,303.56 -63.1,304.08 -63.1,304.6 -63.1,304.6 -63.29,304.6 -63.48,304.6 -63.67,304.6 -63.86,304.6 -64.05,304.6 -64.24,304.6 -64.43,304.6 -64.62,304.6 -64.81,304.6 -65,304.08 -65,303.56 -65,303.04 -65,302.52 -65,302 -65,301.48 -65,300.96 -65,300.44 -65,299.92 -65,299.4 -65,299.4 -64.81,299.4 -64.62,299.4 -64.43,299.4 -64.24,299.4 -64.05,299.4 -63.86,299.4 -63.67,299.4 -63.48,299.4 -63.29,299.4 -63.1))"], "date_created": "Sun, 17 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Ice-shelf loss along the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula over recent decades has brought new sources of carbon and energy to the marine benthos likely affecting sediment geochemistry and microbial community composition. To better understand the long-term effects of ice-shelf loss on benthic microbial communities, we conducted a five-station survey along a 160 km transect following the historic path of retreat of the Larsen A ice shelf. All microbial community sequence data is publicly available through the Metagenomics Analysis Server at Argonne National Laboratory (MG-RAST). The project title is \"Impact of ice-shelf loss on geochemical profiles and microbial community composition in marine sediments of the Larsen A embayment, Antarctic Peninsula\". A key word search using terms from this title at the MG-RAST portal (http://metagenomics.anl.gov/) will return the complete sample list. This submitted dataset summarizes the measured environmental parameters for these same samples (lat., long., water depth, sediment depth, pH, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, silicate, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium).", "east": 304.6, "geometry": ["POINT(-58 -64.05)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; LARISSA; Microbiology", "locations": "Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctica", "north": -63.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "McCormick, Michael", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine Ecosystems.", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010135", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine Ecosystems."}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -65.0, "title": "LARISSA: Impact of ice-shelf loss on geochemical profiles and microbial community composition in marine sediments of the Larsen A embayment, Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "601073", "west": 299.4}, {"awards": "1246378 Shevenell, Amelia", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-65.32 -64.15,-65.309 -64.15,-65.298 -64.15,-65.287 -64.15,-65.276 -64.15,-65.265 -64.15,-65.254 -64.15,-65.243 -64.15,-65.232 -64.15,-65.221 -64.15,-65.21 -64.15,-65.21 -64.186,-65.21 -64.222,-65.21 -64.258,-65.21 -64.294,-65.21 -64.33,-65.21 -64.366,-65.21 -64.402,-65.21 -64.438,-65.21 -64.474,-65.21 -64.51,-65.221 -64.51,-65.232 -64.51,-65.243 -64.51,-65.254 -64.51,-65.265 -64.51,-65.276 -64.51,-65.287 -64.51,-65.298 -64.51,-65.309 -64.51,-65.32 -64.51,-65.32 -64.474,-65.32 -64.438,-65.32 -64.402,-65.32 -64.366,-65.32 -64.33,-65.32 -64.294,-65.32 -64.258,-65.32 -64.222,-65.32 -64.186,-65.32 -64.15))"], "date_created": "Wed, 25 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "These are unpublished stable isotope data from a series of sediment cores collected during LMG12-11 and LMG13-11 down the axis of Anvers Trough. These records span the LMG to recent.", "east": -65.21, "geometry": ["POINT(-65.265 -64.33)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Anvers Trough; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Foraminifera; Geochemistry; Isotope; LMG1211; LMG1311; Marine Sediments; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctica; Anvers Trough", "north": -64.15, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Shevenell, Amelia", "project_titles": "Late Quaternary Evolution of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf System, Prydz Bay, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000381", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Late Quaternary Evolution of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf System, Prydz Bay, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -64.51, "title": "Anvers Trough Foraminifer Stable Isotope data", "uid": "601064", "west": -65.32}, {"awards": "1043522 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-112.085 -79.46,-112.0765 -79.46,-112.068 -79.46,-112.0595 -79.46,-112.051 -79.46,-112.0425 -79.46,-112.034 -79.46,-112.0255 -79.46,-112.017 -79.46,-112.0085 -79.46,-112 -79.46,-112 -79.4607,-112 -79.4614,-112 -79.4621,-112 -79.4628,-112 -79.4635,-112 -79.4642,-112 -79.4649,-112 -79.4656,-112 -79.4663,-112 -79.467,-112.0085 -79.467,-112.017 -79.467,-112.0255 -79.467,-112.034 -79.467,-112.0425 -79.467,-112.051 -79.467,-112.0595 -79.467,-112.068 -79.467,-112.0765 -79.467,-112.085 -79.467,-112.085 -79.4663,-112.085 -79.4656,-112.085 -79.4649,-112.085 -79.4642,-112.085 -79.4635,-112.085 -79.4628,-112.085 -79.4621,-112.085 -79.4614,-112.085 -79.4607,-112.085 -79.46))"], "date_created": "Fri, 15 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Data set contains stable isotope data set for methane in the WAIS Divide replicate core for the interval of 3009 to 2071 meters. These measurements were made by James Lee at the University of Bern as part of his PhD thesis and are the subject of a paper in preparation. ", "east": -112.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.0425 -79.4635)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.46, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Replicate Coring at WAIS Divide to Obtain Additional Samples at Events of High Scientific Interest", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000751", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Replicate Coring at WAIS Divide to Obtain Additional Samples at Events of High Scientific Interest"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.467, "title": "WAIS Divide Replicate Core Methane Isotopic Data Set", "uid": "601059", "west": -112.085}, {"awards": "1142069 Dunbar, Nelia; 1142007 Kurbatov, Andrei", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,216 -60,252 -60,288 -60,324 -60,360 -60,360 -63,360 -66,360 -69,360 -72,360 -75,360 -78,360 -81,360 -84,360 -87,360 -90,324 -90,288 -90,252 -90,216 -90,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,0 -87,0 -84,0 -81,0 -78,0 -75,0 -72,0 -69,0 -66,0 -63,0 -60))"], "date_created": "Wed, 13 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This collaborative interdisciplinary research project aims to consolidate, into a single user-friendly database, information about volcanic products detected in Antarctica. By consolidating information about volcanic sources, and physical and geochemical characteristics of volcanic products, this systematic data collection approach will improve the ability of researchers to identify volcanic ash, or tephra, from specific volcanic eruptions that may be spread over large areas in a geologically instantaneous amount of time. AntT database is designed to assist in the identification and cross-correlation of time intervals in various paleoclimate archives that contain volcanic layers from often unknown sources.", "east": 360.0, "geometry": ["POINT(180 -75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciology; Intracontinental Magmatism; IntraContinental Magmatism; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Tephra", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Dunbar, Nelia", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Developing an Antarctic Tephra Database for Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Research (AntT)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000328", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Developing an Antarctic Tephra Database for Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Research (AntT)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Antarctic Tephra Data Base AntT static web site ", "uid": "601052", "west": 0.0}, {"awards": "1043518 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-113 -79,-112.8 -79,-112.6 -79,-112.4 -79,-112.2 -79,-112 -79,-111.8 -79,-111.6 -79,-111.4 -79,-111.2 -79,-111 -79,-111 -79.1,-111 -79.2,-111 -79.3,-111 -79.4,-111 -79.5,-111 -79.6,-111 -79.7,-111 -79.8,-111 -79.9,-111 -80,-111.2 -80,-111.4 -80,-111.6 -80,-111.8 -80,-112 -80,-112.2 -80,-112.4 -80,-112.6 -80,-112.8 -80,-113 -80,-113 -79.9,-113 -79.8,-113 -79.7,-113 -79.6,-113 -79.5,-113 -79.4,-113 -79.3,-113 -79.2,-113 -79.1,-113 -79))"], "date_created": "Mon, 11 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Below we present the early Holocene discrete CH4 dataset from Siple Dome (SDMA), Antarctica, measured at Oregon State University (OSU) and Seoul National University (SNU) by discrete wet extraction technique. Analytical method is described in Grachev et al. (2009) and Mitchell et al. (2011) for OSU data, and Yang et al. (2017) for SNU data. SDMA CH4 composite record was constructed by combining OSU data for 7.6 - 9.0 ka and SNU data for 9.0 - 11.6 ka to maximize temporal resolution. SDMA gas chronology was synchronized to Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005 (GICC05) scale. For detailed description on synchronization and age uncertainty please refer to Yang et al. (2017).", "east": -111.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-112 -79.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Siple Dome; Antarctica", "north": -79.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Yang, Ji-Woong; Ahn, Jinho", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000185", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core; Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -80.0, "title": "Early Holocene methane records from Siple Dome, Antarctica", "uid": "601055", "west": -113.0}, {"awards": "1430550 Domack, Eugene", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((120 -66,120.1 -66,120.2 -66,120.3 -66,120.4 -66,120.5 -66,120.6 -66,120.7 -66,120.8 -66,120.9 -66,121 -66,121 -66.4,121 -66.8,121 -67.2,121 -67.6,121 -68,121 -68.4,121 -68.8,121 -69.2,121 -69.6,121 -70,120.9 -70,120.8 -70,120.7 -70,120.6 -70,120.5 -70,120.4 -70,120.3 -70,120.2 -70,120.1 -70,120 -70,120 -69.6,120 -69.2,120 -68.8,120 -68.4,120 -68,120 -67.6,120 -67.2,120 -66.8,120 -66.4,120 -66))"], "date_created": "Fri, 18 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Bulk sediment carbon and nitrogen data data for Paleocene sediments collected on Totten continental shelf, East Antarctica. ", "east": 121.0, "geometry": ["POINT(120.5 -68)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Geochemistry; Marine Sediments; NBP1402; Nitrogen; Oceans; Sabrina Coast; Sediment Core; Southern Ocean; Totten Glacier", "locations": "Sabrina Coast; Antarctica; Southern Ocean; Totten Glacier", "north": -66.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Smith, Catherine; Shevenell, Amelia; Domack, Eugene Walter", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000008", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -70.0, "title": "NBP14-02 JPC-55 Bulk Sediment Carbon and Nitrogen data", "uid": "601044", "west": 120.0}, {"awards": "0538657 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-113 -79,-112.8 -79,-112.6 -79,-112.4 -79,-112.2 -79,-112 -79,-111.8 -79,-111.6 -79,-111.4 -79,-111.2 -79,-111 -79,-111 -79.1,-111 -79.2,-111 -79.3,-111 -79.4,-111 -79.5,-111 -79.6,-111 -79.7,-111 -79.8,-111 -79.9,-111 -80,-111.2 -80,-111.4 -80,-111.6 -80,-111.8 -80,-112 -80,-112.2 -80,-112.4 -80,-112.6 -80,-112.8 -80,-113 -80,-113 -79.9,-113 -79.8,-113 -79.7,-113 -79.6,-113 -79.5,-113 -79.4,-113 -79.3,-113 -79.2,-113 -79.1,-113 -79))"], "date_created": "Fri, 18 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains measurements of d18Oatm (d18O of O2), d15N, dAr/N2, and dO2/N2 in gas bubbles from the WAIS Divide ice core. The time resolution is variable throughout the record but is ~100 years on average (from 65 ka to present). All measurements were made in the Noble Gas Isotope Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (La Jolla, CA). The data set includes all replicate measurements as well as replicate-mean values and a calculation of measurement precision (pooled standard deviation). The second sheet of this data set includes fitted d18Oatm curves for the past 50 ka from both the WAIS Divide and Siple Dome Antarctic ice cores, both on the WD2014 timescale (Buizert et al., 2015). The second sheet also includes calculations of the time derivative of d18Oatm and d e LAND in both ice cores individual as well as in a composite record. Details of the entire data set and all relevant methods are provided in Seltzer et al., 2017.", "east": -111.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-112 -79.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Gas; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -79.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Seltzer, Alan; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "project_titles": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000036", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -80.0, "title": "WAIS Divide d18Oatm and Siple Dome/WAIS Divide composite and individual delta epsilon LAND", "uid": "601041", "west": -113.0}, {"awards": "1142007 Kurbatov, Andrei", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"], "date_created": "Thu, 03 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains ice core tephra geochemical data from 5 temporal intervals in the RICE, WDC-06A, SPRESSO, and SPICE ice cores. The temporal intervals included are 1991 C.E., 1963 C.E., 1815 C.E., 1809 C.E., and 1257 C.E. These intervals are often analyzed for volcanic sulfate by ice core scientists. The volcanic events associated with these intervals caused global weather and climate phenomena and are often used by climate modelers as well to understand volcanic sulfate loading on the climate.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Intracontinental Magmatism; IntraContinental Magmatism; Tephra", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Developing an Antarctic Tephra Database for Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Research (AntT)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000328", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Developing an Antarctic Tephra Database for Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Research (AntT)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "SPICEcore", "south": -90.0, "title": "Antarctic Ice Core Tephra Analysis", "uid": "601038", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0636740 Kreutz, Karl", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.086 -79.468)"], "date_created": "Tue, 11 Jul 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "We present several related datasets from a 2012 snow pit and a 2013 firn core collected near the WAIS Divide field camp in West Antarctica. The data include soluble ions (sodium and non-sea-salt sulfate) and dust particle concentrations, as well as major oxide geochemistry of tephra grains isolated from snow samples. Based on these data, we found evidence of deposition from the 2011 Puyehue Cordon-Caulle (Chile) volcanic eruption at WAIS Divide.", "east": -112.086, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.086 -79.468)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Intracontinental Magmatism; IntraContinental Magmatism; Snow Pit; Tephra; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.468, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Koffman, Bess; Kreutz, Karl", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000040", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.468, "title": "Snowpit evidence of the 2011 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle (Chile) eruption in West Antarctica", "uid": "601036", "west": -112.086}, {"awards": "0839031 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.41425 -77.73489,161.486884 -77.73489,161.559518 -77.73489,161.632152 -77.73489,161.704786 -77.73489,161.77742 -77.73489,161.850054 -77.73489,161.922688 -77.73489,161.995322 -77.73489,162.067956 -77.73489,162.14059 -77.73489,162.14059 -77.747868,162.14059 -77.760846,162.14059 -77.773824,162.14059 -77.786802,162.14059 -77.79978,162.14059 -77.812758,162.14059 -77.825736,162.14059 -77.838714,162.14059 -77.851692,162.14059 -77.86467,162.067956 -77.86467,161.995322 -77.86467,161.922688 -77.86467,161.850054 -77.86467,161.77742 -77.86467,161.704786 -77.86467,161.632152 -77.86467,161.559518 -77.86467,161.486884 -77.86467,161.41425 -77.86467,161.41425 -77.851692,161.41425 -77.838714,161.41425 -77.825736,161.41425 -77.812758,161.41425 -77.79978,161.41425 -77.786802,161.41425 -77.773824,161.41425 -77.760846,161.41425 -77.747868,161.41425 -77.73489))"], "date_created": "Fri, 16 Jun 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Taylor Glacier Gas Isotope Data", "east": 162.14059, "geometry": ["POINT(161.77742 -77.79978)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Solid Earth; Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Transantarctic Mountains; Antarctica; Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.73489, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: A \"Horizontal Ice Core\" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000099", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: A \"Horizontal Ice Core\" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.86467, "title": "Taylor Glacier Gas Isotope Data", "uid": "601033", "west": 161.41425}, {"awards": "1141993 Rich, Jeremy", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-64.05 -64.77)"], "date_created": "Mon, 12 Jun 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "From winter to late summer during the 2013-2014 season at Palmer Station, Antarctica, we collected weekly to bi-weekly samples of the seawater intake to measure changes in bacterial community composition, based on sequencing 16S rRNA genes. Along with the sequences, we collected data on environmental parameters in the samples (chlorophyll a, bacterial production, salinity, nutrients, bacterial cell numbers, and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen).", "east": -64.05, "geometry": ["POINT(-64.05 -64.77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Bacteria; Biota; Genetic; Geochemistry; Palmer Station; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Sea Water; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Palmer Station; Southern Ocean", "north": -64.77, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Rich, Jeremy", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Microbial Community Assembly in Coastal Waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000409", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Microbial Community Assembly in Coastal Waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -64.77, "title": "Seasonal Succession of Bacterial Communities in Coastal Waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "601032", "west": -64.05}, {"awards": "1341360 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(106 -77.5)", "POINT(-112.08 -79.46)"], "date_created": "Mon, 05 Jun 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Seasonal 17O Isotope Data from Lake Vostok and WAIS Divide Snow Pits", "east": 106.0, "geometry": ["POINT(106 -77.5)", "POINT(-112.08 -79.46)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Snow Pit; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Lake Vostok", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce", "project_titles": "Development of a Laser Spectroscopy System for Analysis of 17Oexcess on Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000316", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Development of a Laser Spectroscopy System for Analysis of 17Oexcess on Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.46, "title": "Seasonal 17O Isotope Data from Lake Vostok and WAIS Divide Snow Pits", "uid": "601031", "west": -112.08}, {"awards": "1245659 Petrenko, Vasilii", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(161.71353 -77.75855)"], "date_created": "Wed, 24 May 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains measurements of paleoatmospheric 14C of methane (14CH4) for the Younger Dryas - Preboreal Transition from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, as well as a range of supporting data. The supporting data include [CH4], [CO], [14CO], sample ages, CH4 emissions and analysis of uncertainties.", "east": 161.71353, "geometry": ["POINT(161.71353 -77.75855)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Critical Zone; Geochemistry; Methane; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains; Younger Dryas", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains; Antarctica", "north": -77.75855, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Petrenko, Vasilii; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: A \"Horizontal Ice Core\" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000099", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: A \"Horizontal Ice Core\" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.75855, "title": "Measurements of 14C-methane for the Younger Dryas - Preboreal Transition from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "uid": "601029", "west": 161.71353}, {"awards": "0636740 Kreutz, Karl", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"], "date_created": "Thu, 27 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes discrete ICP-MS chemistry data generated at the University of Maine for the top 577 m of the WAIS Divide deep ice core (WDC06A). There are two parallel datasets, produced from a single set of samples that were melted continuously, collected by fraction collector and split manually (by pouring). The first set was acidified to 10% v/v nitric acid and allowed to leach for one month prior to analysis. These are referred to as \"total\" samples (see below). The second set were filtered using individual hand-held 0.45 um filters and syringes, then acidified to 10% v/v nitric acid and analyzed. These are referred to as \"dissolved\" samples. Reported depths are based on values assigned during melting; please note that these are subject to change. Please contact Karl and Bess if you plan to use the data or have any questions.", "east": -112.1115, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; ICP-MS; Isotope; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.481, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Kreutz, Karl", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000040", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.481, "title": "WAIS Divide WDC06A Discrete ICP-MS Chemistry", "uid": "601023", "west": -112.1115}, {"awards": "1246223 Hastings, Meredith", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"], "date_created": "Wed, 26 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains nitrate concentration and isotopic composition (d15N, d18O, D17O) measurements on the WAIS Divide WDC06A ice core.", "east": -112.1115, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Nitrate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.481, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Buffen, Aron; Hastings, Meredith", "project_titles": "Investigating Source, Chemistry and Climate changes using the Isotopic Composition of Nitrate in Antarctic Snow and Ice", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000399", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Investigating Source, Chemistry and Climate changes using the Isotopic Composition of Nitrate in Antarctic Snow and Ice"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.481, "title": "WAIS Divide WDC06A Nitrate Isotope Record", "uid": "601022", "west": -112.1115}, {"awards": "0838849 Bender, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((159.02 -76.67,159.057 -76.67,159.094 -76.67,159.131 -76.67,159.168 -76.67,159.205 -76.67,159.242 -76.67,159.279 -76.67,159.316 -76.67,159.353 -76.67,159.39 -76.67,159.39 -76.687,159.39 -76.704,159.39 -76.721,159.39 -76.738,159.39 -76.755,159.39 -76.772,159.39 -76.789,159.39 -76.806,159.39 -76.823,159.39 -76.84,159.353 -76.84,159.316 -76.84,159.279 -76.84,159.242 -76.84,159.205 -76.84,159.168 -76.84,159.131 -76.84,159.094 -76.84,159.057 -76.84,159.02 -76.84,159.02 -76.823,159.02 -76.806,159.02 -76.789,159.02 -76.772,159.02 -76.755,159.02 -76.738,159.02 -76.721,159.02 -76.704,159.02 -76.687,159.02 -76.67))"], "date_created": "Mon, 27 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Measurements of Ar isotopes (40Ar/38Ar/36Ar) and other gas species (18O/16O of O2, 15N/14N of N2, O2/N2 and Ar/N2 ratios) from ice cores drilled in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area", "east": 159.39, "geometry": ["POINT(159.205 -76.755)"], "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Argon; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope", "locations": "Allan Hills; Antarctica", "north": -76.67, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Higgins, John", "project_titles": "Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000148", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.84, "title": "Gas measurement from Higgins et al., 2015 - PNAS", "uid": "601014", "west": 159.02}, {"awards": "0538427 McConnell, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"], "date_created": "Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "A state-of-the-art continuous ice core analytical system was used to analyze samples from 0 to ~130 m depth of the recently collected intermediate core WDC05Q from West Antarctica. Interpretation of these records and publication of findings is ongoing.", "east": -112.1115, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"], "keywords": "Aerosol; Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.481, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "McConnell, Joseph", "project_titles": "Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000148", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.481, "title": "WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05Q", "uid": "601011", "west": -112.1115}, {"awards": "0538427 McConnell, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"], "date_created": "Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "A state-of-the-art continuous ice core analytical system was used to analyze samples from the firn portion (0 to ~70 m depth) of the recently collected intermediate core WDC05A from West Antarctica. Interpretation of these records and publication of findings is ongoing.", "east": -112.1115, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"], "keywords": "Aerosol; Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.481, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "McConnell, Joseph", "project_titles": "Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000148", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.481, "title": "WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05A", "uid": "601010", "west": -112.1115}, {"awards": "0538049 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.085 -79.5)"], "date_created": "Thu, 09 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contain oxygen isotopes of sulfate and nitrate and nitrogen isotopes of nitrate from the WAIS Divide ice core from the surface to 577 m depth at varying resolution", "east": -112.085, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.085 -79.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Nitrate; Oxygen Isotope; Sulfate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.5, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Alexander, Becky; Steig, Eric J.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000020", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.5, "title": "WAIS Divide sulfate and nitrate isotopes", "uid": "601007", "west": -112.085}, {"awards": "1245580 Castro, M. Clara", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(163.1833 -77.6767)", "POINT(162.3667 -77.7166)"], "date_created": "Mon, 30 Jan 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": 163.1833, "geometry": ["POINT(163.1833 -77.6767)", "POINT(162.3667 -77.7166)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Critical Zone; Geochemistry; Noble Gas; Paleoclimate; Ross Ice Shelf; Ross Sea; Taylor Valley", "locations": "Taylor Valley; Ross Ice Shelf; Ross Sea; Antarctica", "north": -77.6767, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Castro, M. Clara", "project_titles": "Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000388", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.7166, "title": "Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases", "uid": "600389", "west": 162.3667}, {"awards": "0838817 Kyle, Philip", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). Mount Erebus is Antarctica\u0027s most active volcano that has been in a persistent state of activity for at least the last 35 years. It has a unique geochemistry among the Earth\u0027s active volcanoes and is also unique in hosting a persistent convecting lake(s) of anorthclase phonolite magma in its summit crater. The relative simplicity of the magmatic system, consistency of activity, and accessibility of close-range observation make Erebus attractive as a target for extensive studies. Although the Erebus\u0027 seismicity and eruptive activity and processes are becoming increasingly well understood over years of research, there is a near total lack of understanding its deeper magmatic system. The primary goal of this proposal is to continue supporting the Mt. Erebus Volcano Observatory (MEVO III) improving our current understanding of the Erebus eruptive and non-eruptive magmatic system using an integrated approach from geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing observations. This goal can be grouped into the following fundamental research objectives: (a) to sustain year-round surveillance of on-going volcanic activity primarily using geophysical observatories; (b) to understand processes within the convecting conduit which feeds the persistent lava lakes; and (c) to understand the impact of Erebus eruptive activity upon the Antarctic environment. Continued reliance on students provides a broader impact to this proposed research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Cable Observatory; Intracontinental Magmatism; IntraContinental Magmatism; MEVO; Mount Erebus; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Ross Sea; Solid Earth; Volcano", "locations": "Ross Sea; Mount Erebus; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Kyle, Philip", "project_titles": "Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory III (MEVO III): Conduit Processes and Surveillance", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000488", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory III (MEVO III): Conduit Processes and Surveillance"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "MEVO", "south": null, "title": "Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory III (MEVO III): Conduit Processes and Surveillance", "uid": "600153", "west": null}, {"awards": "0839059 Powell, Ross", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-168.7 -82.3,-168.69 -82.3,-168.68 -82.3,-168.67 -82.3,-168.66 -82.3,-168.65 -82.3,-168.64 -82.3,-168.63 -82.3,-168.62 -82.3,-168.61 -82.3,-168.6 -82.3,-168.6 -82.31,-168.6 -82.32,-168.6 -82.33,-168.6 -82.34,-168.6 -82.35,-168.6 -82.36,-168.6 -82.37,-168.6 -82.38,-168.6 -82.39,-168.6 -82.4,-168.61 -82.4,-168.62 -82.4,-168.63 -82.4,-168.64 -82.4,-168.65 -82.4,-168.66 -82.4,-168.67 -82.4,-168.68 -82.4,-168.69 -82.4,-168.7 -82.4,-168.7 -82.39,-168.7 -82.38,-168.7 -82.37,-168.7 -82.36,-168.7 -82.35,-168.7 -82.34,-168.7 -82.33,-168.7 -82.32,-168.7 -82.31,-168.7 -82.3))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The LISSARD project (Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) is one of three research components of the WISSARD integrative initiative (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) that is being funded by the Antarctic Integrated System Science Program of NSF\u0027s Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Division. The overarching scientific objective of WISSARD is to assess the role of water beneath a West Antarctic ice stream in interlinked glaciological, geological, microbiological, geochemical, and oceanographic systems. The LISSARD component of WISSARD focuses on the role of active subglacial lakes in determining how fast the West Antarctic ice sheet loses mass to the global ocean and influences global sea level changes. The importance of Antarctic subglacial lakes has only been recently recognized, and the lakes have been identified as high priority targets for scientific investigations because of their unknown contributions to ice sheet stability under future global warming scenarios. LISSARD has several primary science goals: A) To provide an observational basis for improving treatments of subglacial hydrological and mechanical processes in models of ice sheet mass balance and stability; B) To reconstruct the past history of ice stream stability by analyzing archives of past basal water and ice flow variability contained in subglacial sediments, porewater, lake water, and basal accreted ice; C) To provide background understanding of subglacial lake environments to benefit RAGES and GBASE (the other two components of the WISSARD project); and D) To synthesize data and concepts developed as part of this project to determine whether subglacial lakes play an important role in (de)stabilizing Antarctic ice sheets. We propose an unprecedented synthesis of approaches to studying ice sheet processes, including: (1) satellite remote sensing, (2) surface geophysics, (3) borehole observations and measurements and, (4) basal and subglacial sampling.\nThe latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognized that the greatest uncertainties in assessing future global sea-level change stem from a poor understanding of ice sheet dynamics and ice sheet vulnerability to oceanic and atmospheric warming. Disintegration of the WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) alone would contribute 3-5 m to global sea-level rise, making WAIS a focus of scientific concern due to its potential susceptibility to internal or ocean-driven instability. The overall WISSARD project will test the overarching hypothesis that active water drainage connects various subglacial environments and exerts major control on ice sheet flow, geochemistry, metabolic and phylogenetic diversity, and biogeochemical transformations.\nSocietal Relevance: Global warming, melting of ice sheets and consequential sea-level rise are of high societal relevance. Science Resource Development: After a 9-year hiatus WISSARD will provide the US-science community with a renewed capability to access and study sub-ice sheet environments. Developing this technological infrastructure will benefit the broader science community and assets will be accessible for future use through the NSF-OPP drilling contractor. Furthermore, these projects will pioneer an approach implementing recommendations from the National Research Council committee on Principles of Environmental Stewardship for the Exploration and Study of Subglacial Environments (2007). Education and Outreach (E/O): These activities are grouped into four categories: i) increasing student participation in polar research by fully integrating them in our research programs; ii) introducing new investigators to the polar sciences by incorporating promising young investigators in our programs, iii) promotion of K-12 teaching and learning programs by incorporating various teachers and NSTA programs, and iv) reaching a larger public audience through such venues as popular science magazines, museum based activities and videography and documentary films. In summary, WISSARD will promote scientific exploration of Antarctica by conveying to the public the excitement of accessing and studying what may be some of the last unexplored aquatic environments on Earth, and which represent a potential analogue for extraterrestrial life habitats on Europa and Mars.", "east": -168.6, "geometry": ["POINT(-168.65 -82.35)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Diatom; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Lake Whillans; Paleoclimate; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean; Subglacial Lake; WISSARD", "locations": "Antarctica; Southern Ocean; Ross Sea; Lake Whillans", "north": -82.3, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Powell, Ross", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability \u0026 Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake \u0026 Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000105", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability \u0026 Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake \u0026 Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -82.4, "title": "Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)", "uid": "600154", "west": -168.7}, {"awards": "1043167 White, James", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.08 -79.47)"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to contribute one of the cornerstone analyses, stable isotopes of ice (Delta-D, Delta-O18) to the ongoing West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS) deep ice core. The WAIS Divide drilling project, a multi-institution project to obtain a continuous high resolution ice core record from central West Antarctica, reached a depth of 2560 m in early 2010; it is expected to take one or two more field seasons to reach the ice sheet bed (~3300 m), plus an additional four seasons for borehole logging and other activities including proposed replicate coring. The current proposal requests support to complete analyses on the WAIS Divide core to the base, where the age will be ~100,000 years or more. These analyses will form the basis for the investigation of a number of outstanding questions in climate and glaciology during the last glacial period, focused on the dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the relationship of West Antarctic climate to that of the Northern polar regions, the tropical Pacific, and the rest of the globe, on time scales ranging from years to tens of thousands of years. One new aspect of this work is the growing expertise at the University of Washington in climate modeling with isotope-tracer-enabled general circulation models, which will aid in the interpretation of the data. Another major new aspect is the completion and use of a high-resolution, semi-automated sampling system at the University of Colorado, which will permit the continuous analysis of isotope ratios via laser spectroscopy, at an effective resolution of ~2 cm or less, providing inter-annual time resolution for most of the core. Because continuous flow analyses of stable ice isotopes is a relatively new measurement, we will complement them with parallel measurements, every ~10-20 m, using traditional discrete sampling and analysis by mass spectrometry at the University of Washington. The intellectual merit and the overarching goal of the work are to see Inland WAIS become the reference ice isotope record for West Antarctica. The broader impacts of the work are that the data generated in this project pertain directly to policy-relevant and immediate questions of the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet, and thus past and future changes in sea level, as well as the nature of climate change in the high southern latitudes. The project will also contribute to the development of modern isotope analysis techniques using laser spectroscopy, with applications well beyond ice cores. The project will involve a graduate student and postdoc who will work with both P.I.s, and spend time at both institutions. Data will be made available rapidly through the Antarctic Glaciological Data Center, for use by other researchers and the public.", "east": -112.08, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.08 -79.47)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Snow Accumulation; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.47, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "White, James; Morris, Valerie; Vaughn, Bruce; Jones, Tyler R.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000078", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.47, "title": "Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core", "uid": "600169", "west": -112.08}, {"awards": "1250208 Friedlaender, Ari", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-80 -63,-78 -63,-76 -63,-74 -63,-72 -63,-70 -63,-68 -63,-66 -63,-64 -63,-62 -63,-60 -63,-60 -63.7,-60 -64.4,-60 -65.1,-60 -65.8,-60 -66.5,-60 -67.2,-60 -67.9,-60 -68.6,-60 -69.3,-60 -70,-62 -70,-64 -70,-66 -70,-68 -70,-70 -70,-72 -70,-74 -70,-76 -70,-78 -70,-80 -70,-80 -69.3,-80 -68.6,-80 -67.9,-80 -67.2,-80 -66.5,-80 -65.8,-80 -65.1,-80 -64.4,-80 -63.7,-80 -63))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Whales play a central role in the ecology and biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean. However, little is known regarding their distribution and behavior, in part because of challenges associated with studying these organisms from large research vessels. This research will take advantage of the unique opportunity presented by the 2012-2013 test run of the smaller, more mobile R/V Point Sur. This work will use the Point Sur to investigate humpback whales in the waters studied by the Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Station off the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Employing a combination of long-term satellite-linked tags and short-term suction cup tags, researchers will investigate the distribution, abundance and foraging behaviors of whales in this region. Whale biogeography will then be related to quantitative surveys of krill, their primary food source. Hypotheses regarding whale distribution and foraging strategies as well as physical oceanographic features will be tested. The WAP is undergoing some of the most dramatic warming on the planet, and a better understanding of the ecology of top predators is central to developing an understanding of the impacts of this change. Results will be widely disseminated through publications as well as through presentations at national and international meetings. In addition, raw data will be made available through open-access databases. Finally, this work will be coordinated with the extensive infrastructure of the Palmer LTER site, enabling outreach and educational activities.\n", "east": -60.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-70 -66.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Biota; Oceans; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean; Whales", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula", "north": -63.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Friedlaender, Ari; Johnston, David; Nowacek, Douglas", "project_titles": "RAPID: Linking the Movement Patterns and Foraging Behavior of Humpback Whales to their Prey across Multiple Spatial Scales within the LTER Study Region", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000666", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RAPID: Linking the Movement Patterns and Foraging Behavior of Humpback Whales to their Prey across Multiple Spatial Scales within the LTER Study Region"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -70.0, "title": "Linking the Movement Patterns and Foraging Behavior of Humpback Whales to their Prey across Multiple Spatial Scales within the LTER Study Region", "uid": "600151", "west": -80.0}, {"awards": "0839031 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(161.71965 -77.76165)"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to develop a precise gas-based chronology for an archive of large-volume samples of the ancient atmosphere, which would enable ultra-trace gas measurements that are currently precluded by sample size limitations of ice cores. The intellectual merit of the proposed work is that it will provide a critical test of the \u0027clathrate hypothesis\u0027 that methane clathrates contributed to the two abrupt atmospheric methane concentration increases during the last deglaciation 15 and 11 kyr ago. This approach employs large volumes of ice (\u003e1 ton) to measure carbon-14 on past atmospheric methane across the abrupt events. Carbon-14 is an ideal discriminator of fossil sources of methane to the atmosphere, because most methane sources (e.g., wetlands, termites, biomass burning) are rich in carbon-14, whereas clathrates and other fossil sources are devoid of carbon-14. The proposed work is a logical extension to Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, of an approach pioneered at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet over the past 7 years. The Greenland work found higher-than-expected carbon-14 values, likely due in part to contaminants stemming from the high impurity content of Greenland ice and the interaction of the ice with sediments from the glacier bed. The data also pointed to the possibility of a previously unknown process, in-situ cosmogenic production of carbon-14 methane (radiomethane) in the ice matrix. Antarctic ice in Taylor Glacier is orders of magnitude cleaner than the ice at the Greenland site, and is much colder and less stratigraphically disturbed, offering the potential for a clear resolution of this puzzle and a definitive test of the cosmogenic radiomethane hypothesis. Even if cosmogenic radiomethane in ice is found, it still may be possible to reconstruct atmospheric radiomethane with a correction enabled by a detailed understanding of the process, which will be sought by co-measuring carbon-14 in carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The broader impacts of the proposed work are that the clathrate test may shed light on the stability of the clathrate reservoir and its potential for climate feedbacks under human-induced warming. Development of Taylor Glacier as a \u0027horizontal ice core\u0027 would provide a community resource for other researchers. Education of one postdoc, one graduate student, and one undergraduate, would add to human resources. This award has field work in Antarctica.", "east": 161.71965, "geometry": ["POINT(161.71965 -77.76165)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cosmogenic; Geochemistry; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Radiocarbon; Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Antarctica; Transantarctic Mountains; Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.76165, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: A \"Horizontal Ice Core\" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000099", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: A \"Horizontal Ice Core\" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.76165, "title": "Measurements of in situ cosmogenic 14C from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "uid": "600165", "west": 161.71965}, {"awards": "1245821 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(162.167 -77.733)"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to use the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, ablation zone to collect ice samples for a range of paleoenvironmental studies. A record of carbon-14 of atmospheric methane (14CH4) will be obtained for the last deglaciation and the Early Holocene, together with a supporting record of CH4 stable isotopes. In-situ cosmogenic 14C content and partitioning of 14C between different species (14CH4, C-14 carbon monoxide (14CO) and C-14 carbon dioxide (14CO2)) will be determined with unprecedented precision in ice from the surface down to ~67 m. Further age-mapping of the ablating ice stratigraphy will take place using a combination of CH4, CO2, and delta 18O of oxygen gas and H2O stable isotopes. High precision, high-resolution records of CO2, delta 13C of CO2, nitrous oxide (N2O) and N2O isotopes will be obtained for the last deglaciation and intervals during the last glacial period. The potential of 14CO2 and Krypton-81 (81Kr) as absolute dating tools for glacial ice will be investigated. The intellectual merit of proposed work includes the fact that the response of natural methane sources to continuing global warming is uncertain, and available evidence is insufficient to rule out the possibility of catastrophic releases from large 14C-depleted reservoirs such as CH4 clathrates and permafrost. The proposed paleoatmospheric 14CH4 record will improve our understanding of the possible magnitude and timing of CH4 release from these reservoirs during a large climatic warming. A thorough understanding of in-situ cosmogenic 14C in glacial ice (production rates by different mechanisms and partitioning between species) is currently lacking. Such an understanding will likely enable the use of in-situ 14CO in ice at accumulation sites as a reliable, uncomplicated tracer of the past cosmic ray flux and possibly past solar activity, as well as the use of 14CO2 at both ice accumulation and ice ablation sites as an absolute dating tool. Significant gaps remain in our understanding of the natural carbon cycle, as well as in its responses to global climate change. The proposed high-resolution, high-precision records of delta 13C of CO2 would provide new information on carbon cycle changes both during times of rising CO2 in a warming climate and falling CO2 in a cooling climate. N2O is an important greenhouse gas that increased by ~30% during the last deglaciation. The causes of this increase are still largely uncertain, and the proposed high-precision record of N2O concentration and isotopes would provide further insights into N2O source changes in a warming world. The broader impacts of proposed work include an improvement in our understanding of the response of these greenhouse gas budgets to global warming and inform societally important model projections of future climate change. The continued age-mapping of Taylor Glacier ablation ice will add value to this high-quality, easily accessible archive of natural environmental variability. Establishing 14CO as a robust new tracer for past cosmic ray flux would inform paleoclimate studies and constitute a valuable contribution to the study of the societally important issue of climate change. The proposed work will contribute to the development of new laboratory and field analytical systems. The data from the study will be made available to the scientific community and the broad public through the NSIDC and NOAA Paleoclimatology data centers. 1 graduate student each will be trained at UR, OSU and SIO, and the work will contribute to the training of a postdoc at OSU. 3 UR undergraduates will be involved in fieldwork and research. The work will support a new, junior UR faculty member, Petrenko. All PIs have a strong history of and commitment to scientific outreach in the forms of media interviews, participation in filming of field projects, as well as speaking to schools and the public about their research, and will continue these activities as part of the proposed work. This award has field work in Antarctica.", "east": 162.167, "geometry": ["POINT(162.167 -77.733)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Geochemistry; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Taylor Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Transantarctic Mountains; Antarctica; Taylor Glacier", "north": -77.733, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000283", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.733, "title": "The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive", "uid": "600163", "west": 162.167}, {"awards": "0839107 Powell, Ross", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-163.7 -84,-163.68 -84,-163.66 -84,-163.64 -84,-163.62 -84,-163.6 -84,-163.58 -84,-163.56 -84,-163.54 -84,-163.52 -84,-163.5 -84,-163.5 -84.05,-163.5 -84.1,-163.5 -84.15,-163.5 -84.2,-163.5 -84.25,-163.5 -84.3,-163.5 -84.35,-163.5 -84.4,-163.5 -84.45,-163.5 -84.5,-163.52 -84.5,-163.54 -84.5,-163.56 -84.5,-163.58 -84.5,-163.6 -84.5,-163.62 -84.5,-163.64 -84.5,-163.66 -84.5,-163.68 -84.5,-163.7 -84.5,-163.7 -84.45,-163.7 -84.4,-163.7 -84.35,-163.7 -84.3,-163.7 -84.25,-163.7 -84.2,-163.7 -84.15,-163.7 -84.1,-163.7 -84.05,-163.7 -84))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The RAGES project (Robotic Access to Grounding zones for Exploration and Science) is one of three research components of the WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) integrative initiative that is being funded by the Antarctic Integrated System Science Program of NSF\u0027s Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Division. The overarching scientific objective of WISSARD is to assess the role of water beneath a West Antarctic ice stream in interlinked glaciological, geological, microbiological, geochemical, and oceanographic systems. The RAGES component of WISSARD concentrates on the stability of ice stream grounding zones (GZ), the area where the ice, ocean waters and glacial and sea floor sediment interact. Based on our present limited data and modeling efforts, GZs can be perturbed by (i) internal ice stream dynamics, (ii) filling/draining cycles of subglacial lakes, (iii) increased melting by warming ocean waters, and/or (iv) rates of subglacial sediment (till) supply to the GZ. GZs are seen as high priority targets to investigate due to their unknown contributions to ice sheet stability under future global warming scenarios. The three main science goals for RAGES are to assess: (a) West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) stability relative to the magnitudes of the four main variables listed above; (b) the degree to which grounding-zone sedimentary systems house important records of past WAIS dynamics; and (c) the importance of microbial activity and subglacial geochemical weathering in supplying nutrients to the WAIS grounding zone, the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS) cavity, and the highly productive Southern Ocean that may ultimately influence global biogeochemical cycles. The RAGES field sampling plan integrates surface geophysical surveys with borehole and subglacial sampling and measurements. The boreholes provide: (1) samples of subglacial water, sediments, and basal ice for biological, geochemical, glaciological, sedimentological, and micropaleontological analyses; (2) measures of subglacial and sub-ice-shelf cavity physical and chemical conditions and their spatial variability; and (3) data on sediment types, state and change of the subglacial water discharge, oceanography, and basal ice at the grounding line and within the nearby sub-ice-shelf cavity. Unique tools to be deployed include a multisensor Sub-Ice ROVer (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and long-term, sub-ice oceanographic moorings.\nThe latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognized that the greatest uncertainties in assessing future global sea-level change stem from a poor understanding of ice sheet dynamics and ice sheet vulnerability to oceanic and atmospheric warming. Disintegration of the WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) alone would contribute 3-5 m to global sea-level rise, making WAIS a focus of scientific concern due to its potential susceptibility to internal or ocean-driven instability. The overall WISSARD project will test the overarching hypothesis that active water drainage connects various subglacial environments and exerts major control on ice sheet flow, geochemistry, metabolic and phylogenetic diversity, and biogeochemical transformations.\nSocietal Relevance: Global warming, melting of ice sheets and consequential sea-level rise are of high societal relevance. Science Resource Development: After a 9-year hiatus WISSARD will provide the US-science community with a renewed capability to access and study sub-ice sheet environments. Developing this technological infrastructure will benefit the broader science community and assets will be accessible for future use through the NSF-OPP drilling contractor. The RAGES project represents a significant advance in polar technology by incorporating the use of complex new instrumentation like the Sub-Ice ROVer and subglacial ocean/lake mooring systems. Furthermore, these projects will pioneer an approach implementing recommendations from the National Research Council committee on Principles of Environmental Stewardship for the Exploration and Study of Subglacial Environments (2007). Education and Outreach (E/O): These activities are grouped into four categories: i) increasing student participation in polar research by fully integrating them in our research programs; ii) introducing new investigators to the polar sciences by incorporating promising young investigators in our programs, iii) promotion of K-12 teaching and learning programs by incorporating various teachers and NSTA programs, and iv) reaching a larger public audience through such venues as popular science magazines, museum based activities and videography and documentary films. In summary, WISSARD will promote scientific exploration of Antarctica by conveying to the public the excitement of accessing and studying what may be some of the last unexplored aquatic environments on Earth, and which represent a potential analogue for extraterrestrial life habitats on Europa and Mars.", "east": -163.5, "geometry": ["POINT(-163.6 -84.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciology; Oceans; Southern Ocean; WISSARD", "locations": "Antarctica; Southern Ocean", "north": -84.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Powell, Ross", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability \u0026 Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake \u0026 Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000105", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability \u0026 Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake \u0026 Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -84.5, "title": "Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats - Robotic Access to Grounding-zones for Exploration and Science (RAGES)", "uid": "600155", "west": -163.7}, {"awards": "0230316 White, James", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-134.43 -74.04)"], "date_created": "Tue, 24 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set consists of water isotope ratios from the Mt. Moulton ice-trench record, as well as data from the Taylor Dome, EPICA Dome C, Talos Dome, Vostok, and EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice cores.", "east": -134.43, "geometry": ["POINT(-134.43 -74.04)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Epica Dome C; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Mount Moulton; Paleoclimate; Talos Dome; Taylor Dome", "locations": "Epica Dome C; Talos Dome; Mount Moulton; Taylor Dome; Lake Vostok; Antarctica", "north": -74.04, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; White, James; Popp, Trevor", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Refining a 500-kry Climate Record From the Moulton Blue Ice Field in West Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000755", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Refining a 500-kry Climate Record From the Moulton Blue Ice Field in West Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -74.04, "title": "Mount Moulton Isotopes and Other Ice Core Data", "uid": "609640", "west": -134.43}, {"awards": "1043780 Aydin, Murat", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.1 -79.5)"], "date_created": "Tue, 27 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "These data contain the results of gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of 207 samples from the WAIS Divide 06A ice core. The trace gases found in the 207 samples are ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), n-butane (n-C4H10), carbonyl sulfide (COS), carbon disulfide (CS2), methyl chloride (CH3Cl), and methyl bromide (CH3Br).\u00a0", "east": -112.1, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.1 -79.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric", "project_titles": "Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements in the Deep West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000055", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements in the Deep West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.5, "title": "Ultra-trace Measurements in the WAIS Divide 06A Ice Core", "uid": "609659", "west": -112.1}, {"awards": "0538657 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-38.5 -76.2)"], "date_created": "Tue, 27 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains the results of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) performed on an archive of the GISP2 ice core containing the rapid climate warming of Dansgaard-Oeschger Event 21.", "east": -38.5, "geometry": ["POINT(-38.5 -76.2)"], "keywords": "Arctic; Geochemistry; GISP; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Arctic", "north": -76.2, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Haines, Skylar; Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "project_titles": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000036", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.2, "title": "Ultra-High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Results: DO-21 Rapid Warming Event", "uid": "609635", "west": -38.5}, {"awards": "1042883 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"], "date_created": "Tue, 27 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains the results of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) performed on an archive of the Siple Dome A ice core containing the rapid climate warming of Dansgaard-Oeschger Event 21.", "east": -148.82, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; ICP-MS; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.66, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Haines, Skylar; Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "project_titles": "Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000193", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.66, "title": "LA-ICP-MS Results: 3 Siple Dome A Glacial Age Archives", "uid": "609636", "west": -148.82}, {"awards": "0538657 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.08 -79.47)"], "date_created": "Tue, 20 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is a low-resolution set of measurements of d15N of N2 and d18O of O2, along with dO2/N and dAr/N2 supporting data, in the WAIS Divide 3405 m long ice core recovered in 2011. Data are distributed via FTP.", "east": -112.08, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.08 -79.47)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.47, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "project_titles": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000036", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.47, "title": "Low-res d15N and d18O of O2 in the WAIS Divide 06A Deep Core", "uid": "609660", "west": -112.08}, {"awards": "0739766 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.08 -79.46)"], "date_created": "Tue, 06 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The data are measurements of carbon dioxide (CO\u003csub\u003e2\u003c/sub\u003e) from the WAIS Divide Ice Core, WDC06A, Antarctica.", "east": -112.08, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.08 -79.46)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.46, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.; Marcott, Shaun", "project_titles": "Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change: The WAIS Divide Ice Core Record", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000044", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change: The WAIS Divide Ice Core Record"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.46, "title": "WAIS Divide Ice Core CO2", "uid": "609651", "west": -112.08}, {"awards": "1042883 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-161.53 -79.39)"], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Sep 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes three Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core samples drilled on Roosevelt Island, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. The RICE elements analyzed were: Sr, Cd, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Pb, Bi, U, As, Li, I, Al, S, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Na, Mg, Cu, Zn, and K verses depth.", "east": -161.53, "geometry": ["POINT(-161.53 -79.39)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; ICP-MS; Roosevelt Island; Ross Ice Shelf", "locations": "Antarctica; Roosevelt Island; Ross Ice Shelf", "north": -79.39, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V.", "project_titles": "Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000193", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -79.39, "title": "Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Ice Core ICP-MS data", "uid": "609621", "west": -161.53}, {"awards": "1043518 Brook, Edward J.; 0944552 Brook, Edward J.; 0839093 McConnell, Joseph; 1142166 McConnell, Joseph; 1142041 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"], "date_created": "Thu, 23 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains methane concentrations from a West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core obtained by an online, continuous technique (Stowasser, et al. 2012). \u003cbr\u003e\u003c/br\u003e IMPORTANT NOTE: The experiment-time-integrated data are made available as a comprehensive archive of WAIS-Divide methane measurements. In the vast majority of cases the 2-yearly spline fit will be the most suitable for your application (Rhodes_Science_2015_WD_CH4_noaa-wdc-paleo (8).xlsx or Rhodes_Science_2015_WD_CH4_noaa-wdc-paleo.txt). \u003cbr\u003e \u003c/br\u003e For more detailed information on the 2 yearly cubic smoothing spline please refer to references listed, in particular, the Supplementary Material of Rhodes et al. (2015).", "east": -112.05, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.28, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "McConnell, Joseph; Brook, Edward J.; Rhodes, Rachel", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000185", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.28, "title": "Continuous, Ultra-high Resolution WAIS-Divide Ice Core Methane Record 9.8-67.2 ka BP", "uid": "609628", "west": -112.05}, {"awards": "0636740 Kreutz, Karl", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jun 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Measurements of a suite of trace elements in snow pit samples from WAIS Divide, Antarctica.", "east": -112.05, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Trace Elements; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.28, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Kreutz, Karl", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000040", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.28, "title": "Snowpit Chemistry - Methods Comparison, WAIS Divide, Antarctica", "uid": "609620", "west": -112.05}, {"awards": "1043092 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"], "date_created": "Tue, 28 Apr 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains complete low resolution (0.25 to 100 cm) oxygen isotope data from the WAIS Divide Ice Core WDC06A, 0 to 3404.7 m depth. Also included is the WDC2014 timescale.", "east": -112.05, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.28, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000010", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.28, "title": "WAIS Divide WDC06A Oxygen Isotope Record", "uid": "609629", "west": -112.05}, {"awards": "0229314 Stone, John", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-136.32 -85.38,-135.136 -85.38,-133.952 -85.38,-132.768 -85.38,-131.584 -85.38,-130.4 -85.38,-129.216 -85.38,-128.032 -85.38,-126.848 -85.38,-125.664 -85.38,-124.48 -85.38,-124.48 -85.493,-124.48 -85.606,-124.48 -85.719,-124.48 -85.832,-124.48 -85.945,-124.48 -86.058,-124.48 -86.171,-124.48 -86.284,-124.48 -86.397,-124.48 -86.51,-125.664 -86.51,-126.848 -86.51,-128.032 -86.51,-129.216 -86.51,-130.4 -86.51,-131.584 -86.51,-132.768 -86.51,-133.952 -86.51,-135.136 -86.51,-136.32 -86.51,-136.32 -86.397,-136.32 -86.284,-136.32 -86.171,-136.32 -86.058,-136.32 -85.945,-136.32 -85.832,-136.32 -85.719,-136.32 -85.606,-136.32 -85.493,-136.32 -85.38))"], "date_created": "Mon, 30 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains site, sample, and analytical data from which to calculate cosmogenic nuclide-based exposure ages for glacial deposits adjacent to Reedy Glacier, Antarctica. The data are formatted as input for the CRONUS online exposure-age calculator (http://www.hess.ess.edu/), which determines the exposure age from the cosmogenic Beryllium-10 and Aluminum-26 production rates.", "east": -124.48, "geometry": ["POINT(-130.4 -85.945)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Cosmogenic; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Reedy Glacier; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description", "locations": "Antarctica; Reedy Glacier", "north": -85.38, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Stone, John", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Late Quaternary History of Reedy Glacier", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000029", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Late Quaternary History of Reedy Glacier"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -86.51, "title": "Reedy Glacier Exposure Ages, Antarctica", "uid": "609601", "west": -136.32}, {"awards": "0944659 Kiene, Ronald", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-160 -68,-159 -68,-158 -68,-157 -68,-156 -68,-155 -68,-154 -68,-153 -68,-152 -68,-151 -68,-150 -68,-150 -69,-150 -70,-150 -71,-150 -72,-150 -73,-150 -74,-150 -75,-150 -76,-150 -77,-150 -78,-151 -78,-152 -78,-153 -78,-154 -78,-155 -78,-156 -78,-157 -78,-158 -78,-159 -78,-160 -78,-160 -77,-160 -76,-160 -75,-160 -74,-160 -73,-160 -72,-160 -71,-160 -70,-160 -69,-160 -68))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Spectacular blooms of Phaeocystis antarctica in the Ross Sea, Antarctica are the source of some of the world\u0027s highest concentrations of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and its volatile degradation product, dimethylsulfide (DMS). The flux of DMS from the oceans to the atmosphere in this region and its subsequent gas phase oxidation generates aerosols that have a strong influence on cloud properties and possibly climate. In the oceans, DMS and DMSP are quantitatively significant components of the carbon, sulfur, and energy flows in marine food webs, especially in the Ross Sea. Despite its central role in carbon and sulfur biogeochemistry in the Ross Sea, surprisingly little is known about the physiological functions of DMSP in P. Antarctica. The research will isolate and characterize DMSP lyases from P. antarctica, with the goal of obtaining amino acid and gene sequence information on these important enzymes. The physiological studies will focus on the effects of varying intensities of photosynthetically active radiation, with and without ultraviolet radiation as these are factors that we have found to be important controls on DMSP and DMS dynamics. The research also will examine the effects of prolonged darkness on the dynamics of DMSP and related compounds in P. antarctica, as survival of this species during the dark Antarctic winter and at sub-euphotic depths appears to be an important part of the Phaeocystis? ecology. A unique aspect of this work is the focus on measurements of intracellular MSA, which if detected, would provide strong evidence for in vivo radical scavenging functions for methyl sulfur compounds. The study will advance understanding of what controls DMSP cycling and ultimately DMS emissions from the Ross Sea and also provide information on what makes P. antarctica so successful in this extreme environment. The research will directly benefit and build on several interrelated ocean-atmosphere programs including the International Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) program. The PIs will participate in several activities involving K-12 education, High School teacher training, public education and podcasting through the auspices of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Discovery Hall program and SUNY ESF. Two graduate students will be employed full time, and six undergraduates (2 each summer) will be trained as part of this project.\n", "east": -150.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-155 -73)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Oceans; Ross Sea", "locations": "Antarctica; Ross Sea", "north": -68.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Kiene, Ronald", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000085", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica", "uid": "600150", "west": -160.0}, {"awards": "1142156 Marschall, Horst", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-6.44 -71.93,-5.378 -71.93,-4.316 -71.93,-3.254 -71.93,-2.192 -71.93,-1.13 -71.93,-0.068 -71.93,0.994 -71.93,2.056 -71.93,3.118 -71.93,4.18 -71.93,4.18 -71.998,4.18 -72.066,4.18 -72.134,4.18 -72.202,4.18 -72.27,4.18 -72.338,4.18 -72.406,4.18 -72.474,4.18 -72.542,4.18 -72.61,3.118 -72.61,2.056 -72.61,0.994 -72.61,-0.068 -72.61,-1.13 -72.61,-2.192 -72.61,-3.254 -72.61,-4.316 -72.61,-5.378 -72.61,-6.44 -72.61,-6.44 -72.542,-6.44 -72.474,-6.44 -72.406,-6.44 -72.338,-6.44 -72.27,-6.44 -72.202,-6.44 -72.134,-6.44 -72.066,-6.44 -71.998,-6.44 -71.93))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Geochemical studies of single mineral grains in rocks can be probed to reconstruct the history of our planet. The mineral zircon (ZrSiO4) is of unique importance in that respect because of its reliability as a geologic clock due to its strong persistence against weathering, transport and changes in temperature and pressure. Uranium-Lead (U-Pb) dating of zircon grains is, perhaps, the most frequently employed method of extracting time information on geologic processes that shaped the continental crust, and has been used to constrain the evolution of continents and mountain belts through time. In addition, the isotopic composition of the element Hafnium (Hf) in zircon is used to date when the continental crust was generated by extraction of magma from the underlying mantle. Melting of rocks in the mantle and deep in the continental crust are key processes in the evolution of the continents, and they are recorded in the Hf isotopic signatures of zircon. Although the analytical procedures for U-Pb dating and Hf isotope analyses of zircon are robust now, our understanding of zircon growth and its exchange of elements and isotopes with its surrounding rock or magma are still underdeveloped. The focus of the proposed study, therefore, is to unravel the evolution of zircon Hf isotopes in rocks that were formed deep in the Earth\u0027s crust, and more specifically, to apply these isotopic methods to rocks collected in Dronning Maud Land (DML), East Antarctica.\n\nDronning Maud Land (DML) occupied a central location during the formation of supercontinents - large landmasses made up of all the continents that exist today - more than 500 million years ago. It is currently thought that supercontinents were formed and dismembered five or six times throughout Earth\u0027s history. The area of DML is key for understanding the formation history of the last two supercontinents. The boundaries of continents that were merged to form those supercontinents are most likely hidden in DML. In this study, the isotopic composition of zircon grains recovered from DML rocks will be employed to identify these boundaries across an extensive section through the area. The rock samples were collected by the investigator during a two-month expedition to Antarctica in the austral summer of 2007-2008. The results of dating and isotope analyses of zircon of the different DML crustal domains will deliver significant insight into the regional geology of East Antarctica and its previous northern extension into Africa. This has significance for the reconstruction of the supercontinents and defining the continental boundaries in DML.\n", "east": 4.18, "geometry": ["POINT(-1.13 -72.27)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Dronning Maud Land; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Solid Earth", "locations": "Antarctica; Dronning Maud Land", "north": -71.93, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Marschall, Horst", "project_titles": "Zircon Hf Isotopes and the Continental Evolution of Dronning Maud Land, East Antacrtica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000448", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Zircon Hf Isotopes and the Continental Evolution of Dronning Maud Land, East Antacrtica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -72.61, "title": "Zircon Hf Isotopes and the Continental Evolution of Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica", "uid": "600135", "west": -6.44}, {"awards": "0636731 Bender, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(160.35 -77.87)"], "date_created": "Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "These data describe the analyses of the elemental and isotopic composition of O2, N2, and Ar and total air content made on the trapped air from three shallow ice cores (\u003c34m depth) collected during the 2009 field campaign to Mullins Valley of the Dry Valleys, Antarctica.", "east": 160.35, "geometry": ["POINT(160.35 -77.87)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Dry Valleys; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Radar Interferometer", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.87, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Bender, Michael; Yau, Audrey M.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000039", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.87, "title": "Measurements of Trapped Air from Mullins Valley, Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "uid": "609597", "west": 160.35}, {"awards": "0636953 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(158.43 -77.48)"], "date_created": "Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes methyl chloride (CH\u003csub\u003e3\u003c/sub\u003eCI) measurements made on air extracted from 62 samples from the Taylor Dome M3C1 ice core in East Antarctica. CH\u003csub\u003e3\u003c/sub\u003eCI was measured in air from the Taylor Dome ice core to reconstruct an atmospheric record for the Holocene (11-0 kyr B.P.) and part of the last glacial period (50-30 kyr B.P.).", "east": 158.43, "geometry": ["POINT(158.43 -77.48)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Dome", "north": -77.48, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "project_titles": "Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000042", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": -77.48, "title": "Methyl Chloride Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core", "uid": "609600", "west": 158.43}, {"awards": "0636953 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(157.4 -77.44)"], "date_created": "Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The data set includes methyl bromide (CH3Br) measurements made on air extracted from 70 samples from the Taylor Dome M3C1 ice core. CH3Br was measured in air from the Taylor Dome ice core to reconstruct an atmospheric record for the Holocene (11-0 kyr B.P.) and part of the last glacial period (50-30 kyr B.P.).", "east": 157.4, "geometry": ["POINT(157.4 -77.44)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Taylor Dome; Antarctica", "north": -77.44, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "project_titles": "Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000042", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": -77.44, "title": "Methyl Bromide Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core", "uid": "609598", "west": 157.4}, {"awards": "0944764 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"], "date_created": "Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set provides a new CO2 record from the Siple Dome ice core, Antarctica, that covers 7.4-9.0 ka (thousand years) with 8- to 16-year resolution. A small, about 1-2 ppm, increase of atmospheric CO2 during the 8.2 ka event was observed. The increase is not significant when compared to other centennial variations in the Holocene that are not linked to large temperature changes. The results do not agree with leaf stomata records that suggest a CO2 decrease of up to ~25 ppm and imply that the sensitivity of atmospheric CO2 to the primarily northern hemisphere cooling of the 8.2 ka event was limited.", "east": -148.82, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; WAISCORES", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome; South Pole", "north": -81.66, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "project_titles": "Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000179", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.66, "title": "High-resolution Atmospheric CO2 during 7.4-9.0 ka", "uid": "609527", "west": -148.82}, {"awards": "0839066 Cole-Dai, Jihong", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.1 -79.5)"], "date_created": "Wed, 19 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The brittle ice section (577-1300 m) of the main WAIS Divide ice core (WDC06A) was analyzed for major ion concentrations with ion chromatography.", "east": -112.1, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.1 -79.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Ion Chromatograph; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Cole-Dai, Jihong", "project_titles": "Major Ion Chemical Analysis of Brittle Ice in the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000047", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Major Ion Chemical Analysis of Brittle Ice in the WAIS Divide Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.5, "title": "Major Ion Chemistry Data of WAIS Divide Ice Core Brittle Ice", "uid": "609546", "west": -112.1}, {"awards": "0636929 Bales, Roger", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.085 -79.467)"], "date_created": "Mon, 17 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains atmospheric mixing ratios of nitric oxide, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, methylhydroperoxide, and concentrations in surface snow and in snow pits of nitrate, nitrite, and hydrogen peroxide at the WAIS Divide deep ice-coring site.", "east": -112.085, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.085 -79.467)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.467, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Bales, Roger", "project_titles": "Atmospheric, Snow and Firn Chemistry Studies for Interpretation of WAIS-Divide Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000041", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Atmospheric, Snow and Firn Chemistry Studies for Interpretation of WAIS-Divide Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.467, "title": "Measurements of Air and Snow Photochemical Species at WAIS Divide, Antarctica", "uid": "609585", "west": -112.085}, {"awards": "0538578 Brook, Edward J.; 0944584 Sowers, Todd; 0538538 Sowers, Todd", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.0865 -79.4676)", "POINT(-38.5 72.6)"], "date_created": "Fri, 31 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set measures methane concentrations in ancient air trapped in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide and Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP2) ice cores; presenting two, high-resolution ice core methane records of the past 2500 years, one from each pole. These measurements were used to reconstruct the methane Inter-Polar Difference (IPD) during the late Holocene. Also included are model results of methane emissions that were presented in the manuscript describing this data set.", "east": -38.5, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.0865 -79.4676)", "POINT(-38.5 72.6)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Arctic; WAIS Divide", "north": 72.6, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mitchell, Logan E", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core.", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000025", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core."}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.4676, "title": "Late Holocene Methane Concentrations from WAIS Divide and GISP2", "uid": "609586", "west": -112.0865}, {"awards": "0538553 Cole-Dai, Jihong", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112 -79.5)"], "date_created": "Wed, 08 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains major ion concentrations from the chemical analysis of two WAIS Divide ice cores (WDC05Q, 0-114 m; WDC06A, 0-129 m). The analytical technique is Mettler-based Continuous Flow Analysis with online Ion Chromatography detection (CFA-IC). Depth resolution is approximately 2 cm per sample or per measurement.", "east": -112.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-112 -79.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Ion Chromatograph; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Cole-Dai, Jihong", "project_titles": "Major Ion Chemistry of WAIS Divide Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000035", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Major Ion Chemistry of WAIS Divide Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.5, "title": "Major Ion Concentrations in WDC05Q and WDC06A Ice Cores (WAIS Divide)", "uid": "609544", "west": -112.0}, {"awards": "1043740 Lenczewski, Melissa", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((165 -77.5,165.3 -77.5,165.6 -77.5,165.9 -77.5,166.2 -77.5,166.5 -77.5,166.8 -77.5,167.1 -77.5,167.4 -77.5,167.7 -77.5,168 -77.5,168 -77.6,168 -77.7,168 -77.8,168 -77.9,168 -78,168 -78.1,168 -78.2,168 -78.3,168 -78.4,168 -78.5,167.7 -78.5,167.4 -78.5,167.1 -78.5,166.8 -78.5,166.5 -78.5,166.2 -78.5,165.9 -78.5,165.6 -78.5,165.3 -78.5,165 -78.5,165 -78.4,165 -78.3,165 -78.2,165 -78.1,165 -78,165 -77.9,165 -77.8,165 -77.7,165 -77.6,165 -77.5))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The PI proposes to utilize computer models used by hydrogeologists to establish the fate and transport of contamination and determine the extent of drilling fluid contamination in the ANDRILL SMS core. For these models, previously collected logs of lithology, porosity, fracture density, fracture type, fracture orientation, drilling fluid loss, drilling fluid characteristics and temperature will be used as input parameters. In addition, biodegradation and sorption constants for the drilling fluid will be determined and incorporated into the models. Samples of drilling fluids used during coring as well as the return fluids were collected at the drill site using standard microbiological sampling techniques. Fluids will be tested at in situ temperatures under aerobic and anaerobic conditions to determine biodegradation constants. Sorption will be determined between the drilling fluids and core samples using standard isotherm methods. Geochemical and microbial fingerprints of the fluids and the changes during biodegradation will determine the potential impact of the drilling fluids on the isolated microbial communities and the geochemistry within various subsurface lithologic units beneath the southern McMurdo Sound in Antarctica. The results of this study could potentially provide guidelines on developing less detrimental methods for future exploration, if deemed necessary through this research.\nThis proposed project will train a graduate student. The methods developed for analyses of samples in this project will serve as a guide for future studies of similar interest and will improve the understanding of ecological impacts of geologic drilling in Antarctica. The results of this study will be used as a reference for comparison with future studies examining newly developed, and improved, sample collection methods in future exploratory drilling projects in pristine environments. The PI is new to Antarctic research.\n", "east": 168.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166.5 -78)"], "keywords": "Andrill; Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Drilling Fluid; Geochemistry; McMurdo; Ross Sea; Sediment Core", "locations": "McMurdo; Antarctica; Ross Sea", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Lenczewski, Melissa", "project_titles": "Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000468", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ANDRILL", "south": -78.5, "title": "Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)", "uid": "600129", "west": 165.0}, {"awards": "0838849 Bender, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((159.16667 -76.66667,159.19167 -76.66667,159.21667 -76.66667,159.24167 -76.66667,159.26667 -76.66667,159.29167 -76.66667,159.31667 -76.66667,159.34167 -76.66667,159.36667 -76.66667,159.39167 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.673336,159.41667 -76.680002,159.41667 -76.686668,159.41667 -76.693334,159.41667 -76.7,159.41667 -76.706666,159.41667 -76.713332,159.41667 -76.719998,159.41667 -76.726664,159.41667 -76.73333,159.39167 -76.73333,159.36667 -76.73333,159.34167 -76.73333,159.31667 -76.73333,159.29167 -76.73333,159.26667 -76.73333,159.24167 -76.73333,159.21667 -76.73333,159.19167 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.726664,159.16667 -76.719998,159.16667 -76.713332,159.16667 -76.706666,159.16667 -76.7,159.16667 -76.693334,159.16667 -76.686668,159.16667 -76.680002,159.16667 -76.673336,159.16667 -76.66667))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to generate an absolute timescale for the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA), and then to reconstruct details of past climate changes and greenhouse gas concentrations for certain time periods back to 2.5 Ma. Ice ages will be determined by applying emerging methods for absolute and relative dating of trapped air bubbles (based on Argon-40/Argon-38, delta-18O of O2, and the O2/N2 ratio). To demonstrate the potential of the Allan Hills BIAs as a paleoclimate archive trenches and ice cores will be collected for age intervals corresponding to 110-140 ka, 1 Ma, and 2.5 Ma. During the proposed two field seasons a total of 6x100 m and additional 15 m cores will be combined with trenching. The intellectual merit of the proposed activity is that the results of this work will extend the landmark work of EPICA and other deep ice coring efforts, which give records dating back to 0.8 Ma, and will complement work planned by IPICS to drill a continuous Antarctic ice core extending to 1.5 Ma. The results will help to advance understanding of major climate regimes and transitions that took place between 0-2.5 Ma, including the 40 kyr world and the mid-Pleistocene climate transition. A major long-term scientific goal is to provide a transformative approach to the collection of paleoclimate records by establishing an \u0027International Climate Park\u0027 in the Allan Hills BIA that would enable sampling of large quantities of known age ice as old as 2.5 Ma, by any interested American or foreign investigator. The broader impacts resulting from the proposed activity include training students who are well versed in advanced field, laboratory and numerical modeling methods combining geochemistry, glaciology, and paleoclimatology. We will include material relevant to our proposed research in our ongoing efforts in local education and in our outreach efforts for media. The University of Maine already has cyberinfrastructure, using state of the art web-based technology, which can provide a wide community of scientists with fast access to the results of our research. The work will contribute to the broad array of climate change studies that is informing worldwide understanding of natural and anthropogenic forced climate change, and the options for responding. This award has field work in Antarctica.\n", "east": 159.41667, "geometry": ["POINT(159.29167 -76.7)"], "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Solid Earth", "locations": "Antarctica; Allan Hills", "north": -76.66667, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Bender, Michael", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000046", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Allan Hills", "south": -76.73333, "title": "Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)", "uid": "600099", "west": 159.16667}, {"awards": "1043619 Hemming, Sidney", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -63.997,-179.7982 -63.997,-179.5964 -63.997,-179.3946 -63.997,-179.1928 -63.997,-178.991 -63.997,-178.7892 -63.997,-178.5874 -63.997,-178.3856 -63.997,-178.1838 -63.997,-177.982 -63.997,-177.982 -66.3324,-177.982 -68.6678,-177.982 -71.0032,-177.982 -73.3386,-177.982 -75.674,-177.982 -78.0094,-177.982 -80.3448,-177.982 -82.6802,-177.982 -85.0156,-177.982 -87.351,-178.1838 -87.351,-178.3856 -87.351,-178.5874 -87.351,-178.7892 -87.351,-178.991 -87.351,-179.1928 -87.351,-179.3946 -87.351,-179.5964 -87.351,-179.7982 -87.351,180 -87.351,172.54273 -87.351,165.08546 -87.351,157.62819 -87.351,150.17092 -87.351,142.71365 -87.351,135.25638 -87.351,127.79911 -87.351,120.34184 -87.351,112.88457 -87.351,105.4273 -87.351,105.4273 -85.0156,105.4273 -82.6802,105.4273 -80.3448,105.4273 -78.0094,105.4273 -75.674,105.4273 -73.3386,105.4273 -71.0032,105.4273 -68.6678,105.4273 -66.3324,105.4273 -63.997,112.88457 -63.997,120.34184 -63.997,127.79911 -63.997,135.25638 -63.997,142.71365 -63.997,150.17092 -63.997,157.62819 -63.997,165.08546 -63.997,172.54273 -63.997,-180 -63.997))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: The PIs proposed a provenance study of glacial deposits in the Ross Embayment that will provide a broad scale geochronologic survey of detrital minerals in till to help characterize bedrock beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet and constrain Antarctica?s glacial history. This project capitalizes on previous investments in field sampling. Analytical tools applied to single mineral grains extracted from existing collections of glacial till will generate ?fingerprints? of East Antarctic outlet glaciers and West Antarctic till to refine paleo-ice flow models for the Ross Embayment during the last glacial maximum, older records from ANDRILL cores, and to assess IRD sources in the Southern Ocean. New provenance tracers will include a suite of geochronological methods that together provide greater insights into the orogenic and erosional history the region. This project will include U/Pb of detrital zircons, (U-Th)/He on a subset of the U/Pb dated zircons, as well as Ar-Ar of detrital hornblende, mica and feldspars.\nBroader Impacts: This research will train one M.S. student at IUPUI, a Ph.D. student at Columbia, and several undergraduates at both institutions. Graduate students involved in the project will be involved in mentoring undergraduate researchers. Incorporation of research discoveries will be brought into the classroom by providing concrete examples and exercises at the appropriate level. Licht and Columbia graduate student E. Pierce are developing outreach projects with local secondary school teachers to investigate the provenance of glacial materials in their local areas. The research will have broad applicability to many fields.", "east": 105.4273, "geometry": ["POINT(143.72265 -75.674)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctica; Geochemistry; Ross Sea; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Southern Ocean; West Antarctica", "locations": "Southern Ocean; West Antarctica; East Antarctica; Antarctica; Ross Sea", "north": -63.997, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Hemming, Sidney R.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000333", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -87.351, "title": "East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains", "uid": "600124", "west": -177.982}, {"awards": "0636731 Bender, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -72.6,-176.887 -72.6,-173.774 -72.6,-170.661 -72.6,-167.548 -72.6,-164.435 -72.6,-161.322 -72.6,-158.209 -72.6,-155.096 -72.6,-151.983 -72.6,-148.87 -72.6,-148.87 -73.533,-148.87 -74.466,-148.87 -75.399,-148.87 -76.332,-148.87 -77.265,-148.87 -78.198,-148.87 -79.131,-148.87 -80.064,-148.87 -80.997,-148.87 -81.93,-151.983 -81.93,-155.096 -81.93,-158.209 -81.93,-161.322 -81.93,-164.435 -81.93,-167.548 -81.93,-170.661 -81.93,-173.774 -81.93,-176.887 -81.93,180 -81.93,174.335 -81.93,168.67 -81.93,163.005 -81.93,157.34 -81.93,151.675 -81.93,146.01 -81.93,140.345 -81.93,134.68 -81.93,129.015 -81.93,123.35 -81.93,123.35 -80.997,123.35 -80.064,123.35 -79.131,123.35 -78.198,123.35 -77.265,123.35 -76.332,123.35 -75.399,123.35 -74.466,123.35 -73.533,123.35 -72.6,129.015 -72.6,134.68 -72.6,140.345 -72.6,146.01 -72.6,151.675 -72.6,157.34 -72.6,163.005 -72.6,168.67 -72.6,174.335 -72.6,-180 -72.6))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project studies ancient ice buried in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The ice, which may approach ten million years in age, will be dated using argon and uranium radioisotope techniques. High-risk work, if successful it will offer the first and perhaps only samples of the Earth\u0027s atmosphere from millions of years in the past. These samples could offer critically important tests of paleoclimate records and proxies, as well as a glimpse into the characteristics of a past world much like the predicted future, warmer Earth. The broader impacts are graduate student education, and potentially contributing to society\u0027s understanding of global climate change and sea level rise.\n", "east": 123.35, "geometry": ["POINT(167.24 -77.265)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope Record; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Antarctica; Lake Vostok; Dry Valleys", "north": -72.6, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Bender, Michael", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000039", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -81.93, "title": "Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "uid": "600069", "west": -148.87}, {"awards": "0838970 Foreman, Christine", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(161.667 -77.117)"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Dissolved organic matter (DOM) comprises a significant pool of Earth\u0027s organic carbon that dwarfs the amount present in living aquatic organisms. The properties and reactivity of DOM are not well defined, and the evolution of autochthonous DOM from its precursor materials in freshwater has not been observed. Recent sampling of a supraglacial stream formed on the Cotton Glacier in the Transantarctic Mountains revealed DOM that more closely resembles an assemblage of recognizable precursor organic compounds, based upon its UV-VIS and fluorescence spectra. It is suggested that the DOM from this water evolved over time to resemble materials present in marine and many inland surface waters. The transient nature of the system i.e., it reforms seasonally, also prevents any accumulation of the refractory DOM present in most surface waters. Thus, the Cotton Glacier provides us with a unique environment to study the formation of DOM from precursor materials. An interdisciplinary team will study the biogeochemistry of this progenitor DOM and how microbes modify it. By focusing on the chemical composition of the DOM as it shifts from precursor material to the more humified fractions, the investigators will relate this transition to bioavailability, enzymatic activity, community composition and microbial growth efficiency. This project will support education at all levels, K-12, high school, undergraduate, graduate and post-doc and will increase participation by under-represented groups in science. Towards these goals, the investigators have established relationships with girls\u0027 schools and Native American programs. Additional outreach will be carried out in coordination with PolarTREC, PolarPalooza, and if possible, an Antarctic Artist and Writer.\n", "east": 161.667, "geometry": ["POINT(161.667 -77.117)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Microbiology", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.117, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Foreman, Christine", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Biogeochemical Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Fluvial System on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000458", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Biogeochemical Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Fluvial System on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.117, "title": "The Biogeochemical Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Fluvial System on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica", "uid": "600104", "west": 161.667}, {"awards": "0944686 Kieber, David", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-160 -68,-159 -68,-158 -68,-157 -68,-156 -68,-155 -68,-154 -68,-153 -68,-152 -68,-151 -68,-150 -68,-150 -69,-150 -70,-150 -71,-150 -72,-150 -73,-150 -74,-150 -75,-150 -76,-150 -77,-150 -78,-151 -78,-152 -78,-153 -78,-154 -78,-155 -78,-156 -78,-157 -78,-158 -78,-159 -78,-160 -78,-160 -77,-160 -76,-160 -75,-160 -74,-160 -73,-160 -72,-160 -71,-160 -70,-160 -69,-160 -68))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Spectacular blooms of Phaeocystis antarctica in the Ross Sea, Antarctica are the source of some of the world\u0027s highest concentrations of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and its volatile degradation product, dimethylsulfide (DMS). The flux of DMS from the oceans to the atmosphere in this region and its subsequent gas phase oxidation generates aerosols that have a strong influence on cloud properties and possibly climate. In the oceans, DMS and DMSP are quantitatively significant components of the carbon, sulfur, and energy flows in marine food webs, especially in the Ross Sea. Despite its central role in carbon and sulfur biogeochemistry in the Ross Sea, surprisingly little is known about the physiological functions of DMSP in P. antarctica. The research will isolate and characterize DMSP lyases from P. antarctica, with the goal of obtaining amino acid and gene sequence information on these important enzymes. The physiological studies will focus on the effects of varying intensities of photosynthetically active radiation, with and without ultraviolet radiation as these are factors that we have found to be important controls on DMSP and DMS dynamics. The research also will examine the effects of prolonged darkness on the dynamics of DMSP and related compounds in P. antarctica, as survival of this species during the dark Antarctic winter and at sub-euphotic depths appears to be an important part of the Phaeocystis\u0027 ecology. A unique aspect of this work is the focus on measurements of intracellular MSA, which if detected, would provide strong evidence for in vivo radical scavenging functions for methyl sulfur compounds. The study will advance understanding of what controls DMSP cycling and ultimately DMS emissions from the Ross Sea and also provide information on what makes P. antarctica so successful in this extreme environment. The research will directly benefit and build on several interrelated ocean-atmosphere programs including the International Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) program. The PIs will participate in several activities involving K-12 education, High School teacher training, public education and podcasting through the auspices of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Discovery Hall program and SUNY ESF. Two graduate students will be employed full time, and six undergraduates (2 each summer) will be trained as part of this project.\n", "east": -150.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-155 -73)"], "keywords": "Biota; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "north": -68.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Kieber, David John", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000085", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica", "uid": "600117", "west": -160.0}, {"awards": "0337933 Cole-Dai, Jihong", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)"], "date_created": "Tue, 19 Nov 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "A 180 m ice core drilled at South Pole in 2004/2005 was analyzed for concentrations of major ions at a depth resolution of approximately 2 cm. Measured ions are chloride, nitrate, sulfate, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. The bottom of the core has been dated to 1830 years before 2004.", "east": 0.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Ion Chromatograph; South Pole", "locations": "South Pole; Antarctica", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Cole-Dai, Jihong", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics through Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes in Volcanic Sulfate from South Pole Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000031", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics through Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes in Volcanic Sulfate from South Pole Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Major Ion Concentrations in 2004 South Pole Ice Core", "uid": "609542", "west": 0.0}, {"awards": "0838843 Kurbatov, Andrei", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((159 -75.67,159.025 -75.67,159.05 -75.67,159.075 -75.67,159.1 -75.67,159.125 -75.67,159.15 -75.67,159.175 -75.67,159.2 -75.67,159.225 -75.67,159.25 -75.67,159.25 -75.786,159.25 -75.902,159.25 -76.018,159.25 -76.134,159.25 -76.25,159.25 -76.366,159.25 -76.482,159.25 -76.598,159.25 -76.714,159.25 -76.83,159.225 -76.83,159.2 -76.83,159.175 -76.83,159.15 -76.83,159.125 -76.83,159.1 -76.83,159.075 -76.83,159.05 -76.83,159.025 -76.83,159 -76.83,159 -76.714,159 -76.598,159 -76.482,159 -76.366,159 -76.25,159 -76.134,159 -76.018,159 -75.902,159 -75.786,159 -75.67))"], "date_created": "Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes stable water isotope values at 10 m resolution along an approximately 5 km transect through the main icefield of the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, and at 15 cm within a 225 m core drilled at the midpoint of the transect.", "east": 159.25, "geometry": ["POINT(159.125 -76.25)"], "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Isotope", "locations": "Antarctica; Allan Hills", "north": -75.67, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Spaulding, Nicole; Mayewski, Paul A.; Introne, Douglas", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA); Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area ", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000046", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)"}, {"proj_uid": "p0010253", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area "}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Allan Hills", "south": -76.83, "title": "Allan Hills Stable Water Isotopes", "uid": "609541", "west": 159.0}, {"awards": "0944764 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)", "POINT(-119.83 -80.01)"], "date_created": "Thu, 08 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "During the last glacial period atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature in Antarctica varied in a similar fashion on millennial time scales, but previous work indicates that these changes were gradual. In a detailed analysis of one event, we now find that approximately half of the CO2 increase that occurred during the 1500 year cold period between Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) Events 8 and 9 happened rapidly, over less than two centuries. This rise in CO2 was synchronous with, or slightly later than, a rapid increase of Antarctic temperature inferred from stable isotopes.", "east": -119.83, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)", "POINT(-119.83 -80.01)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Byrd; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CO2; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Dome; Arctic", "north": -80.01, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "project_titles": "Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000179", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Byrd Ice Core", "south": -81.66, "title": "Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age", "uid": "609539", "west": -148.82}, {"awards": "0837883 Mayewski, Paul; 9725057 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-76.1 -77.68,-53.253 -77.68,-30.406 -77.68,-7.559 -77.68,15.288 -77.68,38.135 -77.68,60.982 -77.68,83.829 -77.68,106.676 -77.68,129.523 -77.68,152.37 -77.68,152.37 -78.912,152.37 -80.144,152.37 -81.376,152.37 -82.608,152.37 -83.84,152.37 -85.072,152.37 -86.304,152.37 -87.536,152.37 -88.768,152.37 -90,129.523 -90,106.676 -90,83.829 -90,60.982 -90,38.135 -90,15.288 -90,-7.559 -90,-30.406 -90,-53.253 -90,-76.1 -90,-76.1 -88.768,-76.1 -87.536,-76.1 -86.304,-76.1 -85.072,-76.1 -83.84,-76.1 -82.608,-76.1 -81.376,-76.1 -80.144,-76.1 -78.912,-76.1 -77.68))"], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains sub-annually resolved ice core chemistry data from various sites on the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) deployments. Researchers conducted experiments approximately every 30 - 300 km looking for clues representing climatic conditions over the past 200-1000+ years. Ice cores obtained for the glaciochemical component of the US ITASE research were analyzed for soluble major ion content and in some cases trace elements. Extreme events, such as volcanic eruptions, provide absolute age horizons within each core that are easily identified in chemical profiles. Our chemical analysis is also useful for quantifying anthropogenic impact, biogeochemical cycling, and for reconstructing past atmospheric circulation patterns.", "east": 152.37, "geometry": ["POINT(38.135 -83.84)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; Solid Earth; WAIS", "locations": "WAIS; Antarctica", "north": -77.68, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Dixon, Daniel A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "project_titles": "Science Management for the United States Component of the International Trans-Antarctic Expedition", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000221", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Science Management for the United States Component of the International Trans-Antarctic Expedition"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data", "uid": "609273", "west": -76.1}, {"awards": "0837988 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -65,-144 -65,-108 -65,-72 -65,-36 -65,0 -65,36 -65,72 -65,108 -65,144 -65,180 -65,180 -67.5,180 -70,180 -72.5,180 -75,180 -77.5,180 -80,180 -82.5,180 -85,180 -87.5,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87.5,-180 -85,-180 -82.5,-180 -80,-180 -77.5,-180 -75,-180 -72.5,-180 -70,-180 -67.5,-180 -65))"], "date_created": "Wed, 13 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes ice core water isotope data from Antarctic ice cores covering the last 200 to 2000 years.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -65.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Antarctic Climate Reconstruction Utilizing the US ITASE Ice Core Array (2009- 2012)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000180", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Antarctic Climate Reconstruction Utilizing the US ITASE Ice Core Array (2009- 2012)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "West Antarctica Ice Core and Climate Model Data", "uid": "609536", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1039365 Rimmer, Susan", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project studies the Permian-Triassic extinction event as recorded in sedimentary rocks from the Transantarctic Mountains of Antarctica. Two hundred and fifty million years ago most life on Earth was wiped out in a geologic instant. The cause is a subject of great debate. Researchers have identified a unique stratigraphic section near Shackleton glacier laid down during the extinction event. Organic matter from these deposits will be analyzed by density gradient centrifugation (DGC), which will offer detailed information on the carbon isotope composition. The age of these layers will be precisely dated by U/Pb-zircon-dating of intercalated volcanics. Combined, these results will offer detailed constraints on the timing and duration of carbon isotope excursions during the extinction, and offer insight into the coupling of marine and terrestrial carbon cycles. The broader impacts of this project include graduate and undergraduate student research, K12 outreach and teacher involvement, and societal relevance of the results, since the P/T extinction may have been caused by phenomena such as methane release, which could accompany global warming.\n", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Solid Earth; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Antarctica; Transantarctic Mountains", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Rimmer, Susan", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Permian -Triassic Transition in Antarctica: Evaluating the Rates and Variability of Carbon Isotope Fluctuatios in Terrestrial Organic Matter", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000507", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Permian -Triassic Transition in Antarctica: Evaluating the Rates and Variability of Carbon Isotope Fluctuatios in Terrestrial Organic Matter"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "The Permian-Triassic Transition in Antarctica: Evaluating the Rates and Variability of Carbon Isotope Fluctuations in Terrestrial Organic Matter", "uid": "600121", "west": null}, {"awards": "0739698 Doran, Peter; 0739681 Murray, Alison", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(161.931 -77.3885)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Lake Vida is the largest lake of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, with an approximately 20 m ice cover overlaying a brine of unknown depth with at least 7 times seawater salinity and temperatures below -10 degrees C year-round. Samples of brine collected from ice above the main water body contain 1) the highest nitrous oxide levels of any natural water body on Earth, 2) unusual geochemistry including anomalously high ammonia and iron concentrations, 3) high microbial counts with an unusual proportion (99%) of ultramicrobacteria. The microbial community is unique even compared to other Dry Valley Lakes. The research proposes to enter, for the first time the main brine body below the thick ice of Lake Vida and perform in situ measurements, collect samples of the brine column, and collect sediment cores from the lake bottom for detailed geochemical and microbiological analyses. The results will allow the characterization of present and past life in the lake, assessment of modern and past sedimentary processes, and determination of the lake\u0027s history. The research will be conducted by a multidisciplinary team that will uncover the biogeochemical processes associated with a non-photosynthetic microbial community isolated for a significant period of time. This research will address diversity, adaptive mechanisms and evolutionary processes in the context of the physical evolution of the environment of Lake Vida. Results will be widely disseminated through publications, presentations at national and international meetings, through the Subglacial Antarctic Lake Exploration (SALE) web site and the McMurdo LTER web site. The research will support three graduate students and three undergraduate research assistants. The results will be incorporated into a new undergraduate biogeosciences course at the University of Illinois at Chicago which has an extremely diverse student body, dominated by minorities.", "east": 161.931, "geometry": ["POINT(161.931 -77.3885)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Carbon-14; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dry Valleys; Geochronology; Ice Core Records; Lake Vida; Microbiology", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Lake Vida", "north": -77.3885, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Murray, Alison", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000485", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.3885, "title": "Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica", "uid": "600080", "west": 161.931}, {"awards": "0739648 Cary, Stephen", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(163 -77.5)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The glacial streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys have extensive cyanobacterial mats that are a probable source of fixed C and N to the Valleys. The research will examine the interplay between the microbial mats in the ephemeral glacial streams and the microbiota of the hyporheic soils (wetted soil zone) underlying and adjacent to those mats. It is hypothesized that the mats are important sources of organic carbon and fixed nitrogen for the soil communities of the hyporheic zone, and release dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) that serves the entire Dry Valley ecosystem. Field efforts will entail both observational and experimental components. Direct comparisons will be made between the mats and microbial populations underlying naturally rehydrated and desiccated mat areas, and between mat areas in the melt streams of the Adams and Miers Glaciers in Miers Valley. Both physiological and phylogenetic indices of the soil microbiota will be examined. Observations will include estimates of rates of mat carbon and nitrogen fixation, soil respiration and leucine and thymidine uptake (as measures of protein \u0026 DNA synthesis, respectively) by soil bacteria, bacterial densities and their molecular ecology. Experimental manipulations will include experimental re-wetting of soils and observations of the time course of response of the microbial community. The research will integrate modern molecular genetic approaches (ARISA-DNA fingerprinting and ultra deep 16S rDNA microbial phylogenetic analysis) with geochemistry to study the diversity, ecology, and function of microbial communities that thrive in these extreme environments. The broader impacts of the project include research and educational opportunities for graduate students and a postdoctoral associate. The P.I.s will involve undergraduates as work-study students and in REU programs, and will participate in educational and outreach programs.", "east": 163.0, "geometry": ["POINT(163 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Cell Counts; Dry Valleys; Microbiology", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Cary, S. Craig", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000476", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.5, "title": "Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams", "uid": "600079", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "0538416 McConnell, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-54.9 -73.7,-49.57 -73.7,-44.24 -73.7,-38.91 -73.7,-33.58 -73.7,-28.25 -73.7,-22.92 -73.7,-17.59 -73.7,-12.26 -73.7,-6.93 -73.7,-1.6 -73.7,-1.6 -74.61,-1.6 -75.52,-1.6 -76.43,-1.6 -77.34,-1.6 -78.25,-1.6 -79.16,-1.6 -80.07,-1.6 -80.98,-1.6 -81.89,-1.6 -82.8,-6.93 -82.8,-12.26 -82.8,-17.59 -82.8,-22.92 -82.8,-28.25 -82.8,-33.58 -82.8,-38.91 -82.8,-44.24 -82.8,-49.57 -82.8,-54.9 -82.8,-54.9 -81.89,-54.9 -80.98,-54.9 -80.07,-54.9 -79.16,-54.9 -78.25,-54.9 -77.34,-54.9 -76.43,-54.9 -75.52,-54.9 -74.61,-54.9 -73.7))"], "date_created": "Wed, 08 Aug 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set consists of sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations versus depth in seven ice cores that were obtained by the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica during the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2009. Additional glaciochemical analyses and a final depth-age scale will be added as these data become available.\n\nData are available via FTP.", "east": -1.6, "geometry": ["POINT(-28.25 -78.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; East Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records", "locations": "East Antarctica; Antarctica", "north": -73.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "McConnell, Joseph", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Norwegian-United States IPY Scientific Traverse: Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000095", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Norwegian-United States IPY Scientific Traverse: Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -82.8, "title": "Ice Core Chemistry from the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica, IPY 2007-2009", "uid": "609520", "west": -54.9}, {"awards": "0230288 Anastasio, Cort", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-123.3 -75.1)"], "date_created": "Tue, 26 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains light absorption coefficients for soluble chromophores (light-absorbing chemicals) and concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (HOOH) and nitrate (NO3-) in ten snow samples that were collected in 2003 at Dome C, Antarctica.\n\nData are available via FTP.", "east": -123.3, "geometry": ["POINT(-123.3 -75.1)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dome C Ice Core; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -75.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Anastasio, Cort; Robles, Tony", "project_titles": "Laboratory Studies of Photochemistry in Antarctic Snow and Ice", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000175", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Laboratory Studies of Photochemistry in Antarctic Snow and Ice"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": -75.1, "title": "Light Absorption Coefficients for Soluble Species in Snow, Dome C, Antarctica", "uid": "609519", "west": -123.3}, {"awards": "0538538 Sowers, Todd", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.086483 -79.46763)"], "date_created": "Thu, 19 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains a high-resolution history of atmospheric methane (CH4) concentrations in parts per billion (ppb) from approximately 60 to 11,300 years before present (ybp), obtained in 2010 from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Ice Core WDC06A. Gas age is derived from the WDC06A-5 ice age scale.\n\nData are available via FTP as a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx).", "east": -112.086483, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.086483 -79.46763)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.46763, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Sowers, Todd A.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core.", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000025", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core."}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.46763, "title": "Methane Concentrations from the WAIS Divide Ice Core (WDC06A), 60 to 11,300 ybp", "uid": "609509", "west": -112.086483}, {"awards": "0739781 Blythe, Ann", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((155.77667 -79.793335,156.208836 -79.793335,156.641002 -79.793335,157.073168 -79.793335,157.505334 -79.793335,157.9375 -79.793335,158.369666 -79.793335,158.801832 -79.793335,159.233998 -79.793335,159.666164 -79.793335,160.09833 -79.793335,160.09833 -79.8578345,160.09833 -79.922334,160.09833 -79.9868335,160.09833 -80.051333,160.09833 -80.1158325,160.09833 -80.180332,160.09833 -80.2448315,160.09833 -80.309331,160.09833 -80.3738305,160.09833 -80.43833,159.666164 -80.43833,159.233998 -80.43833,158.801832 -80.43833,158.369666 -80.43833,157.9375 -80.43833,157.505334 -80.43833,157.073168 -80.43833,156.641002 -80.43833,156.208836 -80.43833,155.77667 -80.43833,155.77667 -80.3738305,155.77667 -80.309331,155.77667 -80.2448315,155.77667 -80.180332,155.77667 -80.1158325,155.77667 -80.051333,155.77667 -79.9868335,155.77667 -79.922334,155.77667 -79.8578345,155.77667 -79.793335))"], "date_created": "Sun, 01 Jan 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project studies formation of the TransAntarctic Mountains (TAM) through numerical modeling based on cooling histories of apatite mineral grains. The TAM are the highest and longest rift-related mountain range in the world. Various models for their uplift have been proposed, the most provocative of which is that they are not uplifted, but instead are the eroded remnant of a plateau. This project evaluates that hypothesis by collecting apatites from around Byrd Glacier for fission track thermochronology. Results will be combined with a kinematic and thermal model to determine the TAM\u0027s structural evolution. The plateau model, if correct, implies that the Byrd Glacier originated not as a glacier-carved valley through the TAM, but as a river system flowing in the opposite direction. Given that the Byrd Glacier is a key drainage for the East Antarctic ice sheet, this result has important implications for ice sheet models and interpretation of both regional geology and sediment records. The main broader impacts are undergraduate research and a new collaboration between a primarily undergraduate and a research institution. Students will be involved in the field program, sample analyses, and numerical modeling.", "east": 160.09833, "geometry": ["POINT(157.9375 -80.1158325)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Fission Track Thermochronology; Geochemistry; Solid Earth; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Transantarctic Mountains; Antarctica", "north": -79.793335, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Blythe, Ann Elizabeth; Huerta, Audrey D.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Thermochronologic and modelling test for a Mesozoic West Antarctic Plateau", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000677", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Thermochronologic and modelling test for a Mesozoic West Antarctic Plateau"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -80.43833, "title": "Thermochronologic and modelling test for a Mesozoic West Antarctic Plateau", "uid": "600082", "west": 155.77667}, {"awards": "0739598 Aydin, Murat", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)", "POINT(112.09 -79.47)", "POINT(-38.3833 72.5833)"], "date_created": "Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains ethane, propane, and n-butane measurements in firn air from the South Pole and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide in Antarctica, and from Summit, Greenland. The WAIS Divide and South Pole samples were collected in December to January of of 2005/06 and 2008/09, respectively. The Summit firn was sampled in the summer of 2006. Analyses were conducted on a gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) system at the University of California, Irvine. Measurements and the associated uncertainties are reported as dry air molar mixing ratios in part per trillion (ppt). The reported measurements for each sampling depth represent a mean of multiple measurements on more than one flask in most cases.\n\nData are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls) format.", "east": 112.09, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)", "POINT(112.09 -79.47)", "POINT(-38.3833 72.5833)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Greenland; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; WAIS Divide", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide; Arctic; Greenland; South Pole", "north": 72.5833, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000162", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Alkanes in Firn Air Samples, Antarctica and Greenland", "uid": "609504", "west": -38.3833}, {"awards": "0636740 Kreutz, Karl", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-112.3 -79.433333)"], "date_created": "Tue, 15 Nov 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes major ion, trace element, microparticle and oxygen isotope (\u0026#948;18O) data for a snowpit dug and sampled in December 2008 near the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core site. The pit was dug approximately 4 km upwind from the drilling arch in the clean air sector of camp. Sampling was done using trace element clean techniques and all depths are in water equivalents. \n\nData are available via FTP in ASCII text (.txt) format.", "east": -112.3, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.3 -79.433333)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Isotope; Microparticle Concentration; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.433333, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Kreutz, Karl; Koffman, Bess", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000040", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.433333, "title": "WAIS Divide Snowpit Chemical and Isotope Measurements, Antarctica", "uid": "609506", "west": -112.3}, {"awards": "0520523 Brook, Edward J.; 0538578 Brook, Edward J.; 0538538 Sowers, Todd; 0538427 McConnell, Joseph; 0739780 Taylor, Kendrick", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"], "date_created": "Fri, 27 May 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set provides a high-precision and high-resolution record of atmospheric methane from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core WDC05A, spanning the years 1000 to 1800 C.E. The data include methane (CH4) concentration measurements and ice age chronology. Methane concentration data include mean sample depth, gas age, mean concentration, and concentrations from individual measurements, at a temporal resolution of approximately nine years. Ice chronology data include depth and ice age.\n\nData are available via FTP, in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format.", "east": 112.09, "geometry": ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.47, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "McConnell, Joseph; Brook, Edward J.; Mitchell, Logan E; Sowers, Todd A.; Taylor, Kendrick C.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000368", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.47, "title": "Methane Concentration and Chronology from the WAIS Divide Ice Core (WDC05A)", "uid": "609493", "west": 112.09}, {"awards": "0842639 Soreghan, Gerilyn", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-163.12865 -77.41693,-163.06062 -77.41693,-162.99259 -77.41693,-162.92456 -77.41693,-162.85653 -77.41693,-162.7885 -77.41693,-162.72047 -77.41693,-162.65244 -77.41693,-162.58441 -77.41693,-162.51638 -77.41693,-162.44835 -77.41693,-162.44835 -77.445495,-162.44835 -77.47406,-162.44835 -77.502625,-162.44835 -77.53119,-162.44835 -77.559755,-162.44835 -77.58832,-162.44835 -77.616885,-162.44835 -77.64545,-162.44835 -77.674015,-162.44835 -77.70258,-162.51638 -77.70258,-162.58441 -77.70258,-162.65244 -77.70258,-162.72047 -77.70258,-162.7885 -77.70258,-162.85653 -77.70258,-162.92456 -77.70258,-162.99259 -77.70258,-163.06062 -77.70258,-163.12865 -77.70258,-163.12865 -77.674015,-163.12865 -77.64545,-163.12865 -77.616885,-163.12865 -77.58832,-163.12865 -77.559755,-163.12865 -77.53119,-163.12865 -77.502625,-163.12865 -77.47406,-163.12865 -77.445495,-163.12865 -77.41693))"], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jan 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The proposed research seeks to test the hypothesis that chemical and physical weathering in proximal alluvial systems will show systematic and measurable variations between glacial and nonglacial systems. To accomplish this, the investigation will attempt to quantify the natural variation of chemical and physical weathering in granitoid-sourced proximal alluvial sediments in end-member glacial and nonglacial systems, when other, \u0027non-climatic\u0027 factors (e.g. provenance, drainage basin area and relief, sample grain size, sediment facies) are controlled. If chemical weathering in the proposed hot-humid, hot-arid, hot semi-arid nonglacial systems and the cool-wet, cold semi-arid, and cold-arid glacial systems show systematic variations, then chemical indices may be used to help differentiate paleoclimatic conditions. Continued reliance on students provides a broader impact of this proposed research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission.", "east": -162.44835, "geometry": ["POINT(-162.7885 -77.559755)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Critical Zone; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.41693, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Soreghan, Gerilyn; Elwood Madden, Megan", "project_titles": "Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000518", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.70258, "title": "Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record", "uid": "600110", "west": -163.12865}, {"awards": "0636319 Shaw, Timothy", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-51.9201 -57.5061,-50.99447 -57.5061,-50.06884 -57.5061,-49.14321 -57.5061,-48.21758 -57.5061,-47.29195 -57.5061,-46.36632 -57.5061,-45.44069 -57.5061,-44.51506 -57.5061,-43.58943 -57.5061,-42.6638 -57.5061,-42.6638 -58.03449,-42.6638 -58.56288,-42.6638 -59.09127,-42.6638 -59.61966,-42.6638 -60.14805,-42.6638 -60.67644,-42.6638 -61.20483,-42.6638 -61.73322,-42.6638 -62.26161,-42.6638 -62.79,-43.58943 -62.79,-44.51506 -62.79,-45.44069 -62.79,-46.36632 -62.79,-47.29195 -62.79,-48.21758 -62.79,-49.14321 -62.79,-50.06884 -62.79,-50.99447 -62.79,-51.9201 -62.79,-51.9201 -62.26161,-51.9201 -61.73322,-51.9201 -61.20483,-51.9201 -60.67644,-51.9201 -60.14805,-51.9201 -59.61966,-51.9201 -59.09127,-51.9201 -58.56288,-51.9201 -58.03449,-51.9201 -57.5061))"], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jan 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Atmospheric warming has been associated with retreating glaciers, disintegrating ice shelves, and the increasing prevalence of icebergs in the Southern Ocean over the last decade. Our preliminary study of two icebergs in the NW Weddell Sea, an area of high iceberg concentration, showed significant delivery of terrestrial material accompanied by significant enhancement of phytoplankton and zooplankton/micronekton abundance, and primary production surrounding the icebergs. We hypothesize that nutrient enrichment by free-drifting icebergs will increase primary production and sedimentation of organic carbon, thus increasing the draw-down and sequestration of CO2 in the Southern Ocean and impacting the global carbon cycle. Our research addresses the following questions:1) What is the relationship between the physical dynamics of free-drifting icebergs and the Fe and nutrient distributions of the surrounding water column? 2) What is the relationship between Fe and nutrient distributions associated with free-drifting icebergs and the organic carbon dynamics of the ice-attached and surrounding pelagic communities (microbes, zooplankton, micronekton)? 3) What is impact on the export flux of particulate organic carbon from the mixed layer? An interdisciplinary approach is proposed to examine iceberg structure and dynamics, biogeochemical processes, and carbon cycling that includes measurement of trace element, nutrient and radionuclide distributions; organic carbon dynamics mediated by microbial, ice-attached and zooplankton communities; and particulate organic carbon export fluxes. Results from this project will further our understanding of the relationship between climate change and carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean. Our findings will be incorporated into the Antarctic Research division of the Ocean Exploration Center (OEC) as part of the SIOExplorer: Digital Library Project. The OEC allows users to access content, which is classified to one of four levels: entry (grade K-6), student (grade 6-12), college, and research. Graduate students, undergraduates, teachers, and volunteers are important participants in the proposed field and laboratory work. For the K-12 level, a professional writer of children\u0027s books will participate in cruises to produce an account of the expedition and a daily interactive website.", "east": -42.6638, "geometry": ["POINT(-47.29195 -60.14805)"], "keywords": "Biota; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Oceans; Sea Ice; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Sea Surface; Weddell Sea; Southern Ocean", "north": -57.5061, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Shaw, Tim; Twining, Benjamin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Free Drifting Icebergs as Proliferation Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000511", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Free Drifting Icebergs as Proliferation Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -62.79, "title": "Free Drifting Icebergs as Proliferation Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean", "uid": "600064", "west": -51.9201}, {"awards": "0739491 Sowers, Todd", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 90,-144 90,-108 90,-72 90,-36 90,0 90,36 90,72 90,108 90,144 90,180 90,180 72,180 54,180 36,180 18,180 0,180 -18,180 -36,180 -54,180 -72,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -72,-180 -54,-180 -36,-180 -18,-180 0,-180 18,-180 36,-180 54,-180 72,-180 90))"], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jan 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains depth profiles for delta carbon-13 (\u0026#948;13C) and delta deuterium (\u0026#948;D) of methane (CH\u003csub\u003e4\u003c/sub\u003e) in South Pole firn air. The investigators obtained air samples from two boreholes during December 2008 and January 2009, and subsequently determined isotope ratios at 18 depths. The profiles represent a roughly 100-year history of the isotopic composition of CH\u003csub\u003e4\u003c/sub\u003e at South Pole Station (no depth-age model provided).\n\nData are available via FTP as an ASCII text file (.txt) and a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx).", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole", "locations": "South Pole; Antarctica", "north": 90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Sowers, Todd A.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000162", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Methane Isotopes in South Pole Firn Air, 2008", "uid": "609502", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0538520 Thiemens, Mark", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-114.216667 -78.916667)"], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Nov 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains measurements of multiple sulfur and oxygen isotopes from sulfates, from an ice core drilled at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide site in 2005. The initial sulfate measurements, analyzed in 2008 from the 70 meter WAIS 2005A core, are 12 meter averages and span the pre-industrial to industrial transition, from the late 1700s to 2005. This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core (WAISCORES) project.\n\nData are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format.", "east": -114.216667, "geometry": ["POINT(-114.216667 -78.916667)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -78.916667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Thiemens, Mark H.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000020", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.916667, "title": "Multiple Isotope Analysis of Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core", "uid": "609479", "west": -114.216667}, {"awards": "0636506 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-137.7 -75.7,-137.4 -75.7,-137.1 -75.7,-136.8 -75.7,-136.5 -75.7,-136.2 -75.7,-135.9 -75.7,-135.6 -75.7,-135.3 -75.7,-135 -75.7,-134.7 -75.7,-134.7 -75.773,-134.7 -75.846,-134.7 -75.919,-134.7 -75.992,-134.7 -76.065,-134.7 -76.138,-134.7 -76.211,-134.7 -76.284,-134.7 -76.357,-134.7 -76.43,-135 -76.43,-135.3 -76.43,-135.6 -76.43,-135.9 -76.43,-136.2 -76.43,-136.5 -76.43,-136.8 -76.43,-137.1 -76.43,-137.4 -76.43,-137.7 -76.43,-137.7 -76.357,-137.7 -76.284,-137.7 -76.211,-137.7 -76.138,-137.7 -76.065,-137.7 -75.992,-137.7 -75.919,-137.7 -75.846,-137.7 -75.773,-137.7 -75.7))"], "date_created": "Thu, 29 Jul 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains measurments from co-registered samples from a horizontal trench in the Mt. Moulton Blue Ice Area (BIA) in Antarctica. All 3795 co-registered samples were analyzed for their soluble major anion content by Ion Chromatography (IC) and for trace elements by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry . \n\nThe data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel format (.xls) and Microsoft Word document (.doc).", "east": -134.7, "geometry": ["POINT(-136.2 -76.065)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Mt Moulton; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Antarctica; Mt Moulton", "north": -75.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Korotkikh, Elena", "project_titles": "Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000209", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.43, "title": "Mt. Moulton Ice Trench Mass Spectrometry Data, Antarctica", "uid": "609472", "west": -137.7}, {"awards": "0636506 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-144.39 -89.93)"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jul 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains ion measurements from co-registered samples from the South Pole Remote Earth Science and Seismological Observatory (SPRESSO) ice core. The core was drilled during the 2002-2003 field season as part of the International Trans-Antarctic Science Expedition (ITASE). Samples were collected for ion chromatography, inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry and stable water isotope analysis. Parameters include measurements of ion concentrations in ice core samples.\n\nThe data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel format (.xls).", "east": -144.39, "geometry": ["POINT(-144.39 -89.93)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; South Pole; SPRESSO Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole", "north": -89.93, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Korotkikh, Elena", "project_titles": "Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000209", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -89.93, "title": "Ion Concentrations from SPRESSO Ice Core, Antarctica", "uid": "609471", "west": -144.39}, {"awards": "0440523 Baker, Ian; 9980379 Baker, Ian", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-38.466667 72.583333)", "POINT(-119.516667 -80.016667)", "POINT(106.8 -72.466667)"], "date_created": "Mon, 15 Feb 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains measurements of impurities and ions in three polar ice cores: the Vostok 5G ice core and the Byrd ice core from Antarctica, and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) D core. Parameters include sample depth, grain size, ion concentration, and ice core impurity information. Measurements were made using Ion Chromatography (IC), optical microscopy, and Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). \n\nData are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls)and Microsoft Word (.doc) formats.", "east": 106.8, "geometry": ["POINT(-38.466667 72.583333)", "POINT(-119.516667 -80.016667)", "POINT(106.8 -72.466667)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Byrd Glacier; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; Vostok Ice Core", "locations": "Arctic; Antarctica; Lake Vostok; Byrd Glacier", "north": 72.583333, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Baker, Ian; Obbard, Rachel", "project_titles": "The Physical Properties of the US ITASE Firn and Ice Cores from South Pole to Taylor Dome", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000289", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Physical Properties of the US ITASE Firn and Ice Cores from South Pole to Taylor Dome"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -80.016667, "title": "Microstructural Location and Composition of Impurities in Polar Ice Cores", "uid": "609436", "west": -119.516667}, {"awards": "0636543 Murray, Alison", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-51.98403 -57.58068,-51.042765 -57.58068,-50.1015 -57.58068,-49.160235 -57.58068,-48.21897 -57.58068,-47.277705 -57.58068,-46.33644 -57.58068,-45.395175 -57.58068,-44.45391 -57.58068,-43.512645 -57.58068,-42.57138 -57.58068,-42.57138 -58.10845,-42.57138 -58.63622,-42.57138 -59.16399,-42.57138 -59.69176,-42.57138 -60.21953,-42.57138 -60.7473,-42.57138 -61.27507,-42.57138 -61.80284,-42.57138 -62.33061,-42.57138 -62.85838,-43.512645 -62.85838,-44.45391 -62.85838,-45.395175 -62.85838,-46.33644 -62.85838,-47.277705 -62.85838,-48.21897 -62.85838,-49.160235 -62.85838,-50.1015 -62.85838,-51.042765 -62.85838,-51.98403 -62.85838,-51.98403 -62.33061,-51.98403 -61.80284,-51.98403 -61.27507,-51.98403 -60.7473,-51.98403 -60.21953,-51.98403 -59.69176,-51.98403 -59.16399,-51.98403 -58.63622,-51.98403 -58.10845,-51.98403 -57.58068))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Atmospheric warming has been associated with retreating glaciers, disintegrating ice shelves, and the increasing prevalence of icebergs in the Southern Ocean over the last decade. Our preliminary study of two icebergs in the NW Weddell Sea, an area of high iceberg concentration, showed significant delivery of terrestrial material accompanied by significant enhancement of phytoplankton and zooplankton/micronekton abundance, and primary production surrounding the icebergs. We hypothesize that nutrient enrichment by free-drifting icebergs will increase primary production and sedimentation of organic carbon, thus increasing the draw-down and sequestration of CO2 in the Southern Ocean and impacting the global carbon cycle. Our research addresses the following questions: 1) What is the relationship between the physical dynamics of free-drifting icebergs and the Fe and nutrient distributions of the surrounding water column? 2) What is the relationship between Fe and nutrient distributions associated with free-drifting icebergs and the organic carbon dynamics of the ice-attached and surrounding pelagic communities (microbes, zooplankton, micronekton)? 3) What is impact on the export flux of particulate organic carbon from the mixed layer? An interdisciplinary approach is proposed to examine iceberg structure and dynamics, biogeochemical processes, and carbon cycling that includes measurement of trace element, nutrient and radionuclide distributions; organic carbon dynamics mediated by microbial, ice-attached and zooplankton communities; and particulate organic carbon export fluxes. Results from this project will further our understanding of the relationship between climate change and carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean. Our findings will be incorporated into the Antarctic Research division of the Ocean Exploration Center (OEC) as part of the SIOExplorer: Digital Library Project. The OEC allows users to access content, which is classified to one of four levels: entry (grade K-6), student (grade 6-12), college, and research. Graduate students, undergraduates, teachers, and volunteers are important participants in the proposed field and laboratory work. For the K-12 level, a professional writer of children\u0027s books will participate in cruises to produce an account of the expedition and a daily interactive website.", "east": -42.57138, "geometry": ["POINT(-47.277705 -60.21953)"], "keywords": "Biota; Geochemistry; NBP0902; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Sea Ice; Southern Ocean; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Weddell Sea", "north": -57.58068, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Murray, Alison", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Free Drifting Icebergs as Proliferation Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000511", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Free Drifting Icebergs as Proliferation Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -62.85838, "title": "Free-Drifting Icebergs as Proliferating Dispersion Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean", "uid": "600065", "west": -51.98403}, {"awards": "0538580 Hemming, Sidney", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((60 -60,72 -60,84 -60,96 -60,108 -60,120 -60,132 -60,144 -60,156 -60,168 -60,180 -60,180 -61,180 -62,180 -63,180 -64,180 -65,180 -66,180 -67,180 -68,180 -69,180 -70,168 -70,156 -70,144 -70,132 -70,120 -70,108 -70,96 -70,84 -70,72 -70,60 -70,60 -69,60 -68,60 -67,60 -66,60 -65,60 -64,60 -63,60 -62,60 -61,60 -60))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project studies sediment from the ocean floor to understand Antarctica\u0027s geologic history. Glacially eroded from the Antarctic continent, these sediments may offer insight into the 99% Antarctica covered by ice. The work\u0027s central focus is determining crust formation ages and thermal histories for three key areas of East Antarctica--Prydz Bay, eastern Weddell Sea, and Wilkes Land--through a combination of petrography, bulk sediment geochemistry and radiogenic isotopes, as well as isotope chronology of individual mineral grains. One specific objective is characterizing the composition of the Gamburtsev Mountains through studies of Eocene fluvial sediments from Prydz Bay. In addition to furthering our understanding of the hidden terrains of Antarctica, these terrigenous sediments will also serve as a natural laboratory to evaluate the effects of continental weathering on the Hf/Nd isotope systematics of seawater. An important broader impact of the project is providing exciting research projects for graduate and postdoctoral students using state of the art techniques in geochemistry.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(120 -65)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Isotope Data; Marine Sediments; Oceans; Prydz Bay; Solid Earth; Southern Ocean; Weddell Sea; Wilkes Land", "locations": "Prydz Bay; Weddell Sea; Wilkes Land; Southern Ocean; Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "van de Flierdt, Tina; Goldstein, Steven L.; Hemming, Sidney R.", "project_titles": "Antarctica\u0027s Geological History Reflected in Sedimentary Radiogenic Isotopes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000524", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Antarctica\u0027s Geological History Reflected in Sedimentary Radiogenic Isotopes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -70.0, "title": "Antarctica\u0027s Geological History Reflected in Sedimentary Radiogenic Isotopes", "uid": "600056", "west": 60.0}, {"awards": "0636730 Vernet, Maria", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-55 -52,-53.5 -52,-52 -52,-50.5 -52,-49 -52,-47.5 -52,-46 -52,-44.5 -52,-43 -52,-41.5 -52,-40 -52,-40 -53.3,-40 -54.6,-40 -55.9,-40 -57.2,-40 -58.5,-40 -59.8,-40 -61.1,-40 -62.4,-40 -63.7,-40 -65,-41.5 -65,-43 -65,-44.5 -65,-46 -65,-47.5 -65,-49 -65,-50.5 -65,-52 -65,-53.5 -65,-55 -65,-55 -63.7,-55 -62.4,-55 -61.1,-55 -59.8,-55 -58.5,-55 -57.2,-55 -55.9,-55 -54.6,-55 -53.3,-55 -52))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Atmospheric warming has been associated with retreating glaciers, disintegrating ice shelves, and the increasing prevalence of icebergs in the Southern Ocean over the last decade. Our preliminary study of two icebergs in the NW Weddell Sea, an area of high iceberg concentration, showed significant delivery of terrestrial material accompanied by significant enhancement of phytoplankton and zooplankton/micronekton abundance, and primary production surrounding the icebergs. We hypothesize that nutrient enrichment by free-drifting icebergs will increase primary production and sedimentation of organic carbon, thus increasing the draw-down and sequestration of CO2 in the Southern Ocean and impacting the global carbon cycle. Our research addresses the following questions: 1) What is the relationship between the physical dynamics of free-drifting icebergs and the Fe and nutrient distributions of the surrounding water column? 2) What is the relationship between Fe and nutrient distributions associated with free-drifting icebergs and the organic carbon dynamics of the ice-attached and surrounding pelagic communities (microbes, zooplankton, micronekton)? 3) What is impact on the export flux of particulate organic carbon from the mixed layer? An interdisciplinary approach is proposed to examine iceberg structure and dynamics, biogeochemical processes, and carbon cycling that includes measurement of trace element, nutrient and radionuclide distributions; organic carbon dynamics mediated by microbial, ice-attached and zooplankton communities; and particulate organic carbon export fluxes. Results from this project will further our understanding of the relationship between climate change and carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean. Our findings will be incorporated into the Antarctic Research division of the Ocean Exploration Center (OEC) as part of the SIOExplorer: Digital Library Project. The OEC allows users to access content, which is classified to one of four levels: entry (grade K-6), student (grade 6-12), college, and research. Graduate students, undergraduates, teachers, and volunteers are important participants in the proposed field and laboratory work. For the K-12 level, a professional writer of children\u0027s books will participate in cruises to produce an account of the expedition and a daily interactive website.\n", "east": -40.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-47.5 -58.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; NBP0902; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Sea Surface; Antarctica; Weddell Sea", "north": -52.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Vernet, Maria", "project_titles": "Collaborative Reseach: Free-drifting Icebergs as Proliferating Dispersion Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean.", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000532", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Reseach: Free-drifting Icebergs as Proliferating Dispersion Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean."}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -65.0, "title": "Free-drifting Icebergs as Proliferating Dispersion Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean", "uid": "600068", "west": -55.0}, {"awards": "0520523 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "POINT(-38.466667 73.583333)"], "date_created": "Wed, 09 Dec 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains methane measurements made in trapped air in the Holocene sections of two ice cores: the Siple Dome ice core in Antarctica, and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core in Greenland. The measurements were made at Oregon State University between 2007 and 2009. Measurements were made relative to the NOAA04 methane concentration scale using a working standard internally calibrated to NOAA certified air standards. Concentrations are corrected for gravitational fractionation and solubility effects in the melt-refreeze extraction. Data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls) format.", "east": -38.466667, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "POINT(-38.466667 73.583333)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome; Arctic", "north": 73.583333, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: New insights into the Holocene methane budget from dual isotope systematics and a high resolution record of the interpolar gradient", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000131", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: New insights into the Holocene methane budget from dual isotope systematics and a high resolution record of the interpolar gradient"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.65, "title": "Methane Measurements from the GISP2 and Siple Dome Ice Cores", "uid": "609440", "west": -148.81}, {"awards": "0440759 Sowers, Todd", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Dec 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes methane (CH4) isotope data from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core, WDC05A, in Antarctica. The data include depth, gas age, and the isotopic composition of methane (\u0026#8706;13C and \u0026#8706;D of CH4). The ice core was collected during the 2005-2006 Antarctic field season. The CH4 isotope data was generated in 2008 using wet extraction methodology. Samples span the last 1,000 years, at a resolution of about 15 years. Data for samples above 69 meters were from firn air, and data below 69 meters from ice. The dating of the ice was based on continuous chemical analyses above 69 meters and Electrical Conductivity/Dielectric Property (ECM/DEP) measurements from ice. Dating uncertainty is estimated to be better than five years.\n\nData are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls) tab delimited format", "east": 112.09, "geometry": ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Methane; Paleoclimate; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS Divide", "north": -79.47, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Sowers, Todd A.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000368", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.47, "title": "Methane Isotopes from the WAIS Divide Ice Core", "uid": "609435", "west": 112.09}, {"awards": "0196105 Steig, Eric; 0440414 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-130 -65,-125.8 -65,-121.6 -65,-117.4 -65,-113.2 -65,-109 -65,-104.8 -65,-100.6 -65,-96.4 -65,-92.2 -65,-88 -65,-88 -67.5,-88 -70,-88 -72.5,-88 -75,-88 -77.5,-88 -80,-88 -82.5,-88 -85,-88 -87.5,-88 -90,-92.2 -90,-96.4 -90,-100.6 -90,-104.8 -90,-109 -90,-113.2 -90,-117.4 -90,-121.6 -90,-125.8 -90,-130 -90,-130 -87.5,-130 -85,-130 -82.5,-130 -80,-130 -77.5,-130 -75,-130 -72.5,-130 -70,-130 -67.5,-130 -65))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes stable isotope measurements from snow pits, firn, and ice cores collected by the the US component of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition ( ITASE). The ITASE program aims to collect and interpret a continental-wide array of environmental parameters assembled through the coordinated efforts of scientists from several nations.\n\nThese data were collected between 1999 and 2007. The data have been compiled into single files for each sampling site, though in some cases a file contains data from more than one ice core or snow pit. Each file in the data set includes deuterium/hydrogen (\u0026#948;D) and/or 18-oxygen/16-oxygen (\u0026#948;18O) ratios, depths, and in some cases ice age or other information. Further details regarding the data are provided in each data file. Data are available via FTP in ASCII text format (.txt). Data were collected during five Antarctic field seasons from 1999 to 2007. Data from 1999 to 2002 are currently available. Data from 2003 to 2007 will be added in the future.", "east": -88.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-109 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; ITASE; Paleoclimate; WAIS", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS", "north": -65.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "project_titles": "Stable Isotope Studies at West Antarctic ITASE Sites", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000013", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Stable Isotope Studies at West Antarctic ITASE Sites"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "US ITASE Stable Isotope Data, Antarctica", "uid": "609425", "west": -130.0}, {"awards": "0440602 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"], "date_created": "Thu, 30 Jul 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains trace gas measurements of air extracted from ice core samples from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide A core (WAIS-D 05A). The WAIS A core was dry-drilled at the WAIS site during the 2005-2006 Antarctic field season. Data include trace gas species including ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), n-butane (n-C4H10), carbonyl sulfide (COS), carbon disulfide (CS2), methyl chloride (CH3Cl), methyl bromide (CH3Br), acetonitrile (CH3CN), and chlorofluorocarbon-12 (CFC-12), for 57 ice core samples. The data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls) file format.", "east": 112.09, "geometry": ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -79.47, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000368", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.47, "title": "Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the WAIS Drilling Site, Antarctica", "uid": "609412", "west": 112.09}, {"awards": "0440975 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-119.533333 -80.016667)"], "date_created": "Fri, 17 Jul 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set consists of Gas-isotopic data from the Siple Dome and and Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice cores covering roughly the last 100,000 years (100 ka), consisting of d15N (15N/14N) of N2, d18O (18O/16O) of O2, dO2/N2, and dAr/N2. Derived parameters include d18Oatm, d15N, dO2/N2, and dAr/N2. \n\nData are available via FTP as ASCII text files (.txt) and Microsoft Excel files (.xls).", "east": -119.533333, "geometry": ["POINT(-119.533333 -80.016667)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Byrd Glacier; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Arctic; Byrd Glacier; Siple Dome; Antarctica", "north": -80.016667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "project_titles": "Nitrogen and oxygen gas isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd ice cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000450", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Nitrogen and oxygen gas isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd ice cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -80.016667, "title": "Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd Ice Cores, Antarctica", "uid": "609407", "west": -119.533333}, {"awards": "9814810 Bales, Roger", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-124 -76,-120 -76,-116 -76,-112 -76,-108 -76,-104 -76,-100 -76,-96 -76,-92 -76,-88 -76,-84 -76,-84 -77.4,-84 -78.8,-84 -80.2,-84 -81.6,-84 -83,-84 -84.4,-84 -85.8,-84 -87.2,-84 -88.6,-84 -90,-88 -90,-92 -90,-96 -90,-100 -90,-104 -90,-108 -90,-112 -90,-116 -90,-120 -90,-124 -90,-124 -88.6,-124 -87.2,-124 -85.8,-124 -84.4,-124 -83,-124 -81.6,-124 -80.2,-124 -78.8,-124 -77.4,-124 -76))"], "date_created": "Tue, 16 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains atmospheric mixing ratios of hydrogen peroxide and methylhydroperoxide at 21 sites on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) were obtained from 2000 to 2003 during the US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) deployments. Sample location from the WAIS region (76-90\u00baS / 84-124\u00baW) were approximately 100-300 km apart and correspond to US ITASE ice core sites. At each site, ambient air from 1 m above the snow surface was sampled between two to five days. Atmospheric hydroperoxides (ROOH) were continuously scrubbed from the sample air with a glass coil scrubber and subsequently quantified using a fluorescence detection method.\n\nData are available via FTP as ASCII text files (.txt).", "east": -84.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-104 -83)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; ITASE; WAIS", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger; Frey, Markus", "project_titles": "Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000253", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Atmospheric Mixing Ratios of Hydroperoxides above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "uid": "609394", "west": -124.0}, {"awards": "9814810 Bales, Roger", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-124 -76,-120 -76,-116 -76,-112 -76,-108 -76,-104 -76,-100 -76,-96 -76,-92 -76,-88 -76,-84 -76,-84 -77.4,-84 -78.8,-84 -80.2,-84 -81.6,-84 -83,-84 -84.4,-84 -85.8,-84 -87.2,-84 -88.6,-84 -90,-88 -90,-92 -90,-96 -90,-100 -90,-104 -90,-108 -90,-112 -90,-116 -90,-120 -90,-124 -90,-124 -88.6,-124 -87.2,-124 -85.8,-124 -84.4,-124 -83,-124 -81.6,-124 -80.2,-124 -78.8,-124 -77.4,-124 -76))"], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains sub-annually resolved concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), snow, firn and ice from 23 sites on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS).", "east": -84.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-104 -83)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger; Frey, Markus", "project_titles": "Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000253", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from West Antarctica", "uid": "609392", "west": -124.0}, {"awards": "0338342 Foreman, Christine; 0338260 Chin, Yu-Ping", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.167 -77.55)"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a significant chemical component in aquatic systems because it acts as an important carbon source for microorganisms, absorbs harmful radiation in sunlight, is able to complex metals, and can participate in important biogeochemical reactions. This study will investigate the biogeochemical cycling of DOM in a small coastal Antarctic pond, Pony Lake, located on Cape Royds, Ross Island. Because there are no higher plants present at this site all of the DOM in this lake is derived from microorganisms. Thus, Pony Lake is an ideal site to study the effect of physical, chemical, and microbial processes on the composition and character of the DOM pool. Finally, Pony Lake is also an ideal site to collect an International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) fulvic acid standard. Unlike other IHSS standards, this standard will not contain DOM components derived from higher land plants. To better understand the role of physical influences, the project will study the changes in the DOM pool as the lake evolves from ice-covered to ice-free conditions during the summer, as well as the relationship of DOM to the observed turnover of dominant microbial communities in the lake. Scientists will also monitor changes in microbial abundance, diversity, and productivity that may occur during the ice to open-water transition period. This research will provide much needed information regarding the relationship between microbial diversity and DOM biogeochemistry. Middle school science students will be active participants in this project through the Internet, while scientists are in the field, and in the lab.", "east": 166.167, "geometry": ["POINT(166.167 -77.55)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Critical Zone; Ross Island; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Water Samples", "locations": "Ross Island; Antarctica", "north": -77.55, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Chin, Yu-Ping; Foreman, Christine", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter in Pony Lake, Ross Island", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000548", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter in Pony Lake, Ross Island"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.55, "title": "Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter in Pony Lake, Ross Island", "uid": "600168", "west": 166.167}, {"awards": "0440478 Tang, Kam", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Phaeocystis Antarctica is a widely distributed phytoplankton that forms dense blooms and aggregates in the Southern Ocean. This phytoplankton and plays important roles in polar ecology and biogeochemistry, in part because it is a dominant primary producer, a main component of organic matter vertical fluxes, and the principal producer of volatile organic sulfur in the region. Yet P. Antarctica is also one of the lesser known species in terms of its physiology, life history and trophic relationships with other organisms; furthermore, information collected on other Phaeocystis species and from different locations may not be applicable to P. Antarctica in the Ross Sea. P. Antarctica occurs mainly as two morphotypes: solitary cells and mucilaginous colonies, which differ significantly in size, architecture and chemical composition. Relative dominance between solitary cells and colonies determines not only the size spectrum of the population, but also its carbon dynamics, nutrient uptake and utilization. Conventional thinking of the planktonic trophic processes is also challenged by the fact that colony formation could effectively alter the predator-prey interactions and interspecific competition. However, the factors that regulate the differences between solitary and colonial forms of P. Antarctica are not well-understood. \n\nThe research objective of this proposal is therefore to address these over-arching questions: \n1. Do P. Antarctica solitary cells and colonies differ in growth, composition and photosynthetic rates? 2. How do nutrients and grazers affect colony development and size distribution of P. Antarctica? \n3. How do nutrients and grazers act synergistically to affect the long-term population dynamics of P. Antarctica? \n\nExperiments will be conducted in the McMurdo station with natural P. Antarctica assemblages and co-occurring grazers. Laboratory experiments will be conducted to study size-specific growth and photosynthetic rates of P. Antarctica, size-specific grazing mortality due to microzooplankton and mesozooplankton, the effects of macronutrients on the (nitrogen compounds) relative dominance of solitary cells and colonies, and the effects of micronutrient (Fe) and grazing related chemical signals on P. Antarctica colony development. Because this species is of critical importance in the Southern Ocean, and because this research will provide critical information on factors that regulate the role of P.Antarctica in food webs and biogeochemical cycles, a major gap in knowledge will be addressed. This project will train two marine science Ph.D. students. The investigators will also collaborate with the School of Education and a marine science museum to communicate polar science to a broader audience.", "east": 166.66267, "geometry": ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"], "keywords": "Biota; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Phytoplankton; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean; Zooplankton", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "north": -77.85067, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Smith, Walker; Tang, Kam", "project_titles": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000214", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.85067, "title": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial Forms of Phaeocystis Antarctica", "uid": "600043", "west": 166.66267}, {"awards": "0230276 Ward, Bess", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162 -77.2,162.16 -77.2,162.32 -77.2,162.48 -77.2,162.64 -77.2,162.8 -77.2,162.96 -77.2,163.12 -77.2,163.28 -77.2,163.44 -77.2,163.6 -77.2,163.6 -77.26,163.6 -77.32,163.6 -77.38,163.6 -77.44,163.6 -77.5,163.6 -77.56,163.6 -77.62,163.6 -77.68,163.6 -77.74,163.6 -77.8,163.44 -77.8,163.28 -77.8,163.12 -77.8,162.96 -77.8,162.8 -77.8,162.64 -77.8,162.48 -77.8,162.32 -77.8,162.16 -77.8,162 -77.8,162 -77.74,162 -77.68,162 -77.62,162 -77.56,162 -77.5,162 -77.44,162 -77.38,162 -77.32,162 -77.26,162 -77.2))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Denitrification is the main process by which fixed nitrogen is lost from ecosystems and the regulation of this process may directly affect primary production and carbon cycling over short and long time scales. Previous investigations of the role of bioactive metals in regulating denitrification in bacteria from permanently ice-covered Lake Bonney in the Taylor Valley of East Antarctica indicated that denitrifying bacteria can be negatively affected by metals such as copper, iron, cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel, silver and zinc; and that there is a distinct difference in denitrifying activity between the east and west lobes of the lake. \n\nLow iron concentrations were found to exacerbate the potential toxicity of the other metals, while silver has the potential to specifically inhibit denitrification because of its ability to interfere with copper binding in redox proteins, such as nitrite reductase and nitrous oxide reductase. High silver concentrations might prevent the functioning of nitrous oxide reductase in the same way that simple copper limitation does, thereby causing the buildup of nitrous oxide and resulting in a nonfunctional nitrogen cycle. Other factors, such as oxygen concentration, are likely also to affect bacterial activity in Lake Bonney.\n\nThis project will investigate silver toxicity, general metal toxicity and oxygen concentration to determine their effect on denitrification in the lake by using a suite of \u0027sentinel\u0027 strains of denitrifying bacteria (isolated from the lake) incubated in Lake Bonney water and subjected to various treatments. The physiological responses of these strains to changes in metal and oxygen concentration will be quantified by flow cytometric detection of single cell molecular probes whose sensitivity and interpretation have been optimized for the sentinel strains. Understanding the relationships between metals and denitrification is expected to enhance our understanding of not only Lake Bonney\u0027s unusual nitrogen cycle, but more generally, of the potential role of metals in the regulation of microbial nitrogen transformations. The broader impacts of this work include not only a better understanding of regional biogeochemistry and global perspectives on these processes; but also the training of graduate students and a substantial outreach effort for school children.", "east": 163.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.8 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; CTD Data; Dry Valleys; Lake Bonney; Lake Vanda; Microbiology; Taylor Valley", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Lake Bonney; Lake Vanda; Taylor Valley", "north": -77.2, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Ward, Bess", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: What Limits Denitrification and Bacterial Growth in Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica?", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000223", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: What Limits Denitrification and Bacterial Growth in Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica?"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.8, "title": "What Limits Denitrification and Bacterial Growth in Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica?", "uid": "600033", "west": 162.0}, {"awards": "0228842 Grew, Edward", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((76 -69.3,76.05 -69.3,76.1 -69.3,76.15 -69.3,76.2 -69.3,76.25 -69.3,76.3 -69.3,76.35 -69.3,76.4 -69.3,76.45 -69.3,76.5 -69.3,76.5 -69.32,76.5 -69.34,76.5 -69.36,76.5 -69.38,76.5 -69.4,76.5 -69.42,76.5 -69.44,76.5 -69.46,76.5 -69.48,76.5 -69.5,76.45 -69.5,76.4 -69.5,76.35 -69.5,76.3 -69.5,76.25 -69.5,76.2 -69.5,76.15 -69.5,76.1 -69.5,76.05 -69.5,76 -69.5,76 -69.48,76 -69.46,76 -69.44,76 -69.42,76 -69.4,76 -69.38,76 -69.36,76 -69.34,76 -69.32,76 -69.3))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, supports a project to investigate the role and fate of Boron in high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Larsemann Hills region of Antarctica. Trace elements provide valuable information on the changes sedimentary rocks undergo as temperature and pressure increase during burial. One such element, boron, is particularly sensitive to increasing temperature because of its affinity for aqueous fluids, which are lost as rocks are buried. Boron contents of unmetamorphosed pelitic sediments range from 20 to over 200 parts per million, but rarely exceed 5 parts per million in rocks subjected to conditions of the middle and lower crust, that is, temperatures of 700 degrees C or more in the granulite-facies, which is characterized by very low water activities at pressures of 5 to 10 kbar (18-35 km burial). Devolatization reactions with loss of aqueous fluid and partial melting with removal of melt have been cited as primary causes for boron depletion under granulite-facies conditions. Despite the pervasiveness of both these processes, rocks rich in boron are locally found in the granulite-facies, that is, there are mechanisms for retaining boron during the metamorphic process. The Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay, Antarctica, are a prime example. More than 20 lenses and layered bodies containing four borosilicate mineral species crop out over a 50 square kilometer area, which thus would be well suited for research on boron-rich granulite-facies metamorphic rocks. While most investigators have focused on the causes for loss of boron, this work will investigate how boron is retained during high-grade metamorphism. Field observations and mapping in the Larsemann Hills, chemical analyses of minerals and their host rocks, and microprobe age dating will be used to identify possible precursors and deduce how the precursor materials recrystallized into borosilicate rocks under granulite-facies conditions. \n\nThe working hypothesis is that high initial boron content facilitates retention of boron during metamorphism because above a certain threshold boron content, a mechanism \u0027kicks in\u0027 that facilitates retention of boron in metamorphosed rocks. For example, in a rock with large amounts of the borosilicate tourmaline, such as stratabound tourmalinite, the breakdown of tourmaline to melt could result in the formation of prismatine and grandidierite, two borosilicates found in the Larsemann Hills. This situation is rarely observed in rocks with modest boron content, in which breakdown of tourmaline releases boron into partial melts, which in turn remove boron when they leave the system. Stratabound tourmalinite is associated with manganese-rich quartzite, phosphorus-rich rocks and sulfide concentrations that could be diagnostic for recognizing a tourmalinite protolith in a highly metamorphosed complex where sedimentary features have been destroyed by deformation. Because partial melting plays an important role in the fate of boron during metamorphism, our field and laboratory research will focus on the relationship between the borosilicate units, granite pegmatites and other granitic intrusives. The results of our study will provide information on cycling of boron at deeper levels in the Earth\u0027s crust and on possible sources of boron for granites originating from deep-seated rocks. An undergraduate student will participate in the electron microprobe age-dating of monazite and xenotime as part of a senior project, thereby integrating the proposed research into the educational mission of the University of Maine. In response to a proposal for fieldwork, the Australian Antarctic Division, which maintains Davis station near the Larsemann Hills, has indicated that they will support the Antarctic fieldwork.", "east": 76.5, "geometry": ["POINT(76.25 -69.4)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Solid Earth", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -69.3, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Grew, Edward", "project_titles": "Boron in Antarctic granulite-facies rocks: under what conditions is boron retained in the middle crust?", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000431", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Boron in Antarctic granulite-facies rocks: under what conditions is boron retained in the middle crust?"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -69.5, "title": "Boron in Antarctic granulite-facies rocks: under what conditions is boron retained in the middle crust?", "uid": "600030", "west": 76.0}, {"awards": "0536526 Le Masurier, Wesley", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-136 -73,-133.4 -73,-130.8 -73,-128.2 -73,-125.6 -73,-123 -73,-120.4 -73,-117.8 -73,-115.2 -73,-112.6 -73,-110 -73,-110 -73.425,-110 -73.85,-110 -74.275,-110 -74.7,-110 -75.125,-110 -75.55,-110 -75.975,-110 -76.4,-110 -76.825,-110 -77.25,-112.6 -77.25,-115.2 -77.25,-117.8 -77.25,-120.4 -77.25,-123 -77.25,-125.6 -77.25,-128.2 -77.25,-130.8 -77.25,-133.4 -77.25,-136 -77.25,-136 -76.825,-136 -76.4,-136 -75.975,-136 -75.55,-136 -75.125,-136 -74.7,-136 -74.275,-136 -73.85,-136 -73.425,-136 -73))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project uses geochemical studies to determine the origin of volcanic rocks from Marie Byrd Land (MBL), Antarctica. Surprisingly, adjacent volcanoes in the MBL have dramatically different compositions, ranging from phonolite to trachyte to rhyolite. This diversity offers an opportunity to constrain the processes responsible for generating silica oversaturated and undersaturated magmas in a single geologic setting. Previous work suggests that the most obvious and simplest explanation--crustal contamination--is not a significant factor, and that polybaric fractional crystallization is the major cause. This study evaluates these factors through analyses and interpretation of trace and rare earth element abundances, as well as Sr and Nd isotopic ratios. The broader impacts include outreach programs to the Girl Scouts of America, and dissemination of results through publications and meetings.", "east": -110.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-123 -75.125)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Intracontinental Magmatism; IntraContinental Magmatism; Marie Byrd Land; Solid Earth", "locations": "Antarctica; Marie Byrd Land", "north": -73.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Le Masurier, Wesley", "project_titles": "Geochemistry and Petrologic Evolution of Felsic Volcanoes in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000534", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Geochemistry and Petrologic Evolution of Felsic Volcanoes in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.25, "title": "Geochemistry and Petrologic Evolution of Felsic Volcanoes in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica", "uid": "600051", "west": -136.0}, {"awards": "0538683 Lal, Devendra", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-180 -90)"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The principal aim of this research is to determine the precise manner in which solar activity has varied in the past 1000 years. During this period, four periods of very low solar activity have been identified: Wolf (1305-1345 AD), Spoerer (1418-1540 AD), Maunder (1645-1715), and one period of high solar activity (1100-1250 A.D.) have been deduced based on available historical records of sunspot numbers and aurora. Our proposal aims to study the solar activity during the past 1000 years in detail using a new method, based on studies of polar ice, as developed earlier (Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234, 335-349, 2005). The method is based on the fact that greater solar activity leads to production of greater magnetic fields in the heliosphere, which reduces the primary cosmic ray flux in the near Earth environment, and vice-versa. Consequently if one can measure the primary cosmic ray flux in the near Earth space, it becomes a direct measure of the solar activity. Lal et al. (Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234, 335-349, 2005) concluded that the best way of measuring the primary cosmic ray flux would be to measure the concentration of cosmogenic in-situ produced 14C in polar ice sheets, which was discovered by Lal et al. (Nature 346, 350-352, 1990). Following this idea Lal et al. (op. cit.) measured cosmogenic in-situ produced in 19 samples from the GISP 2 core covering time range of 375-31,250 yrs B.P. Their studies showed that there were two periods of very low solar activity in this time bracket (during 8500-9500 B.P and 27,000-32,000 B.P.), and one high solar activity period during 12,000-16,000 yrs B.P. In order to provide an independent check on the veracity of the new method, we decided to apply it to the historical period, \u003c 1000 yrs B.P. The inferred Solar activities based on the study of cosmogenic in-situ produced 14C in South Pole ice samples clearly establish that there was a period of high Solar activity during 1100-1250 A.D., and a period of very low solar activity during 1416-1534 A.D, designated as the Spoerer Minimum. These results however do not confirm the proposed dates for the Dalton and the Maunder Minimum periods, predicted to be 1795-1825 A.D. and 1654-1714 A.D. respectively. Instead, our studies show that there was a long duration period of low solar activity during 1750-1860 A.D. These results make it quite clear that we should carry out more studies to fully establish the temporal behavior of the Solar activity in the past 1000 yrs.", "east": -180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-180 -90)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon-14; Cosmos; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Solar Activity; South Pole", "locations": "South Pole; Antarctica", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Lal, Devendra", "project_titles": "Solar Activity during the Last Millennium, Estimated from Cosmogenic in-situ 14C in South Pole and GISP2 Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000555", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Solar Activity during the Last Millennium, Estimated from Cosmogenic in-situ 14C in South Pole and GISP2 Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Solar activity during the last millennium, estimated from cosmogenic in-situ C14 in South Pole and GISP2 ice cores", "uid": "600058", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0741380 Smith, Walker", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-160 -65,-154 -65,-148 -65,-142 -65,-136 -65,-130 -65,-124 -65,-118 -65,-112 -65,-106 -65,-100 -65,-100 -66.1,-100 -67.2,-100 -68.3,-100 -69.4,-100 -70.5,-100 -71.6,-100 -72.7,-100 -73.8,-100 -74.9,-100 -76,-106 -76,-112 -76,-118 -76,-124 -76,-130 -76,-136 -76,-142 -76,-148 -76,-154 -76,-160 -76,-160 -74.9,-160 -73.8,-160 -72.7,-160 -71.6,-160 -70.5,-160 -69.4,-160 -68.3,-160 -67.2,-160 -66.1,-160 -65))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The research will examine the relative importance of the physical and chemical controls on phytoplankton dynamics and carbon flux in continental margin regions of the Southern Ocean, and elucidate mechanisms by which plankton populations and carbon export might be altered by climate change. We specifically will address (1) how the phytoplankton on the continental margins of the southern Ocean respond to spatial and temporal changes in temperature, light, iron supply, and carbon dioxide levels, (2) how these factors initiate changes in phytoplankton assemblage structure, and (3) how carbon export and the efficiency of the biological pump are impacted by the biomass and composition of the phytoplankton. Two regions of study (the Amundsen and Ross Seas) will be investigated, one well studied (Ross Sea) and one poorly described (Amundsen Sea). It is hypothesized that each region will have markedly different physical forcing, giving rise to distinct chemical conditions and therefore biological responses. As such, the comparison of the two may give us insights into the mechanisms of how Antarctic continental margins will respond under changing environmental conditions. Broader impacts include participation by an international graduate student from Brazil, outreach via seminars to the general public, collaboration with the teachers-in-residence on the cruise, development of a cruise web site and interactive email exchanges with local middle school students while at sea.", "east": -100.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-130 -70.5)"], "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CTD Data; Geochemistry; Oceans; Oden; OSO2007; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Amundsen Sea; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean", "north": -65.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Smith, Walker", "project_titles": "Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas:", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000217", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas:"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.0, "title": "Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas", "uid": "600085", "west": -160.0}, {"awards": "0126057 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Ice Core Interplanetary Dust Helium Isotope Data Helium isotope data from Ice Cores at GISP2 (Greenland) and Vostok (Antarctica) as a proxy for extraterrestrial dust flux.\n", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; Vostok Ice Core", "locations": "Arctic; Antarctica; Lake Vostok", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.; Kurz, Mark D.", "project_titles": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000034", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "GISP2 (D Core) Helium Isotopes from Interplanetary Dust", "uid": "609361", "west": null}, {"awards": "0126057 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This ice core data is archived at the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology and is available through the Ice Core Data Gateway. The data includes methane data from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2). GISP2 is an ice core project that drilled through the Greenland ice sheet and 1.55 meters into bedrock. The ice core is 3053.44 meters in depth, the deepest ice core recovered in the world at the time. The ice core was completed in 1993 after five years of drilling.\n\nMethane concentrations were determined by GC-FID using standards calibrated by NOAA CMDL. \t\t\t\t\t\nThe gas age time scales and analytical techniques are described in further detail in the publication.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Dome; Arctic", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000034", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "GISP2 (D Core) Methane Concentration Data", "uid": "609360", "west": null}, {"awards": "0636953 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"], "date_created": "Wed, 22 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is an analysis of methyl chloride concentration measured in air extracted from ice core samples from the Siple Dome A deep core in West Antarctica. In total, forty six (46) ice samples, approximately 10-15 cm in length, were analyzed in this study. Data are available in Microsoft Excel format and are available via FTP.", "east": -148.82, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.66, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret", "project_titles": "Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000042", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.66, "title": "Methyl Chloride Measurements from the Siple Dome A Deep Core, Antarctica", "uid": "609356", "west": -148.82}, {"awards": "0338267 Gooseff, Michael", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 11 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": null, "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Hydrologic Controls over Biogeochemistry and Microbial Community Structure and Function across Terrestrial/Aquatic Interfaces in a Polar Desert", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000340", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Hydrologic Controls over Biogeochemistry and Microbial Community Structure and Function across Terrestrial/Aquatic Interfaces in a Polar Desert"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Hydrologic Margins Research Project, 2004-2008, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "uid": "600016", "west": null}, {"awards": "0125579 Cuffey, Kurt", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160 -77.83333,160.3 -77.83333,160.6 -77.83333,160.9 -77.83333,161.2 -77.83333,161.5 -77.83333,161.8 -77.83333,162.1 -77.83333,162.4 -77.83333,162.7 -77.83333,163 -77.83333,163 -77.849997,163 -77.866664,163 -77.883331,163 -77.899998,163 -77.916665,163 -77.933332,163 -77.949999,163 -77.966666,163 -77.983333,163 -78,162.7 -78,162.4 -78,162.1 -78,161.8 -78,161.5 -78,161.2 -78,160.9 -78,160.6 -78,160.3 -78,160 -78,160 -77.983333,160 -77.966666,160 -77.949999,160 -77.933332,160 -77.916665,160 -77.899998,160 -77.883331,160 -77.866664,160 -77.849997,160 -77.83333))"], "date_created": "Wed, 28 Nov 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains Oxygen and Deuterium isotope ratios for approximately 980 sites on the surface of the ablation zone of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. The data set gives latitude and longitude of collection, oxygen ratio (18/16) in per mil, and Deuterium ratio (H/D) in per mil. Data are in space-delimited ASCII text format and are available via FTP.", "east": 163.0, "geometry": ["POINT(161.5 -77.916665)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Isotope; Taylor Glacier", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -77.83333, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Cuffey, Kurt M.; Bliss, Andrew; Kavanaugh, Jeffrey; Aciego, Sarah", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Dynamics and Climatic Response of the Taylor Glacier System", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000084", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Dynamics and Climatic Response of the Taylor Glacier System"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Stable Isotopes of Ice on the Surface of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "uid": "609323", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "0338359 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-144.39 -89.93)"], "date_created": "Sat, 10 Nov 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is an analysis of methyl chloride (CH3Cl) and methyl bromide (CH3Br) in Antarctic ice core samples. Investigators reported mixing ratios of methyl chloride gas extracted from samples taken from the South Pole Remote Earth Science and Seismological Observatory (SPRESSO) core, drilled as part of the International Trans Antarctic Science Expedition (ITASE). This data covers an age range of 2159 - 140 years before present (Y.B.P.) where the year 2000 was used as present. Investigators analyzed trace gases in ice core samples from Siple Dome, West Antarctica (dry-drilled C core and deep, fluid-drilled A core) and from South Pole, Antarctica (300 m dry drilled SPRESSO core). Data are available in Microsoft Excel format and are available via FTP.", "east": -144.39, "geometry": ["POINT(-144.39 -89.93)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; SPRESSO; SPRESSO Ice Core", "locations": "South Pole; Antarctica", "north": -89.93, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret; Tatum, Cheryl", "project_titles": "Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000032", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -89.93, "title": "Antarctic Ice Cores: Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide", "uid": "609313", "west": -144.39}, {"awards": "0337891 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(158 -77.666667)"], "date_created": "Mon, 05 Nov 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Using new and existing ice core CO2 data from 65 - 30 ka BP a new chronology for Taylor Dome ice core CO2 is established and synchronized with Greenland ice core records to study how high latitude climate change and the carbon cycle were linked during the last glacial period. The new data and chronology should provide a better target for models attempting to explain CO2 variability and abrupt climate change.", "east": 158.0, "geometry": ["POINT(158 -77.666667)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Dome", "north": -77.666667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "project_titles": "Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000268", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": -77.666667, "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Taylor Dome Ice Core, Antarctica", "uid": "609315", "west": 158.0}, {"awards": "0337891 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-119.833611 -80.01)"], "date_created": "Fri, 26 Oct 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Reconstructions of ancient atmospheric CO2 variations help us better understand how the global carbon cycle and climate are linked. This data set compares CO2 variations on millennial time scales between 20,000 and 90,000 years with an Antarctic temperature proxy and records of abrupt climate change in the Northern hemisphere.", "east": -119.833611, "geometry": ["POINT(-119.833611 -80.01)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Byrd Glacier; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Antarctica; Byrd Glacier", "north": -80.01, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "project_titles": "Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000268", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Byrd Ice Core", "south": -80.01, "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Byrd Ice Core, Antarctica", "uid": "609314", "west": -119.833611}, {"awards": "9526556 Sowers, Todd", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.3023 -81.403)"], "date_created": "Mon, 09 Jul 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes records of the delta carbon-13 (\u0026delta;\u003csup\u003e13\u003c/sup\u003eC) of methane (CH\u003csub\u003e4\u003c/sub\u003e) in firn air from the South Pole and trapped in bubbles in a short ice core from Siple Dome, Antarctica. Using two firn air samples, one from January 1995 and the other from January 2001, investigators reconstructed records of the isotopic composition of paleoatmospheric methane covering the last 2 centuries, from 1820 to 2001. \n\nData are in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word formats and are available via FTP.", "east": -148.3023, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.3023 -81.403)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole", "locations": "Siple Dome; Antarctica; South Pole", "north": -81.403, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Sowers, Todd A.", "project_titles": "Constructing Paleoatmospheric Records of the Isotopic Composition of Methane and Nitrous Oxide", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000611", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Constructing Paleoatmospheric Records of the Isotopic Composition of Methane and Nitrous Oxide"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.403, "title": "Carbon-13 Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Methane in Firn Air, South Pole and Siple Dome, Antarctica", "uid": "609310", "west": -148.3023}, {"awards": "0126343 Nishiizumi, Kunihiko", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.812 -81.6588)"], "date_created": "Thu, 31 May 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes a record of cosmogenic radionuclide concentrations in the Siple Dome A ice core collected as part of the West Antarctic ice core program. The investigators measured profiles of both \u003csup\u003e10\u003c/sup\u003eBe (half-life = 1.5x10\u003csup\u003e6\u003c/sup\u003e years) and \u003csup\u003e36\u003c/sup\u003eCl (half-life = 3.0x10\u003csup\u003e5\u003c/sup\u003e years) in the entire ice core, which spans the time period from the present to about 100,000 years before present. These data are being used for perfecting the ice core chronology, deducing the history of solar activity, deducing the history of variations in the geomagnetic field, and studying the possible role of solar variations on climate. \n\nData are distributed as a PDF file and are available via FTP.", "east": -148.812, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.812 -81.6588)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.6588, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Finkel, R. C.; Nishiizumi, Kunihiko", "project_titles": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000358", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.6588, "title": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome A Ice Core", "uid": "609307", "west": -148.812}, {"awards": "0125761 Thiemens, Mark", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(139.2728 -89.9975)"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Nov 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains snow pit measurements of oxygen isotopes, \u003csup\u003e17\u003c/sup\u003eO and \u003csup\u003e18\u003c/sup\u003eO, in nitrate and ion concentrations, and surface measurements of oxygen isotopes in nitrate and in nitrate aerosols from the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica. The 6-meter snow pit provides investigators with a 25-year record of nitrate isotope variations and ion concentrations for a period spanning from 1979 to 2004. Monthly surface snow and weekly aerosol collections yield a year-long record of nitrate isotopic composition starting 01 December 2003 and ending 31 December 2004.\n\nLittle is known about the past denitrification of the stratosphere in high latitude regions. Such knowledge is important to understanding the chemical state of the ancient atmospheres and evaluating the present climate models. With this research, investigators aim to understand the denitrification of the Antarctic stratosphere and quantify the sources of nitrate aerosols over time.\n\nData are in Microsoft Excel format and are available via FTP.", "east": 139.2728, "geometry": ["POINT(139.2728 -89.9975)"], "keywords": "Aerosol; Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; NBP1502; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole Station", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole Station", "north": -89.9975, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Thiemens, Mark H.; Savarino, Joel", "project_titles": "South Pole Atmospheric Nitrate Isotopic Analysis (SPANIA)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000242", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "South Pole Atmospheric Nitrate Isotopic Analysis (SPANIA)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -89.9975, "title": "Atmospheric Nitrate Isotopic Analysis at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, A Twenty-Five Year Record", "uid": "609281", "west": 139.2728}, {"awards": "0230260 Bender, Michael; 0230452 Severinghaus, Jeffrey; 9725305 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)", "POINT(-148.767 -80.667)"], "date_created": "Thu, 17 Aug 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes gas ratios in polar firn air: O\u003csub\u003e2\u003c/sub\u003e/N\u003csub\u003e2\u003c/sub\u003e, \u003csup\u003e15\u003c/sup\u003eN/\u003csup\u003e14\u003c/sup\u003eN, \u003csup\u003e40\u003c/sup\u003eAr/N\u003csub\u003e2\u003c/sub\u003e, \u003csup\u003e40\u003c/sup\u003eAr/\u003csup\u003e36\u003c/sup\u003eAr, \u003csup\u003e40\u003c/sup\u003eAr/\u003csup\u003e38\u003c/sup\u003eAr, \u003csup\u003e84\u003c/sup\u003eKr/\u003csup\u003e36\u003c/sup\u003eAr, \u003csup\u003e132\u003c/sup\u003eXe/\u003csup\u003e36\u003c/sup\u003eAr, and \u003csup\u003e22\u003c/sup\u003eNe/\u003csup\u003e36\u003c/sup\u003eAr. Investigators sampled air from the permeable snowpack (firn) layer at two sites: Siple Dome, Antarctica in 1996 and at the South Pole in 2001. They observed and modeled the processes of gravitational settling, thermal fractionation, and preferential exclusion of small gas molecules from closed air bubbles. The purpose of this study was to understand these physical processes, which affect the composition of bubbles trapped in ice. By measuring these gas ratios in the ancient air preserved in bubbles trapped in ice, researchers can determine past atmospheric composition and local temperature changes along with the relative timing and magnitude of such events.\n\nThe data file is available in Microsoft Excel format. The research paper is available in PDF. Data and the research paper are available via FTP.", "east": 0.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)", "POINT(-148.767 -80.667)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole; Siple Dome", "north": -80.667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Battle, Mark; Bender, Michael", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Trapped Gas Composition and the Chronology of the Vostok Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000257", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Trapped Gas Composition and the Chronology of the Vostok Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -90.0, "title": "Firn Air Inert Gas and Oxygen Observations from Siple Dome, 1996, and the South Pole, 2001", "uid": "609290", "west": -148.767}, {"awards": "0338359 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.81 -81.65)"], "date_created": "Wed, 16 Nov 2005 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is part of the WAISCORES (West Antarctic Ice Sheet cores) project, research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and designed to improve understanding of how the West Antarctic ice sheet influences climate and sea level change. WAISCORES investigators acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. These data provide researchers with a record of natural climatic variability and anthropogenic influence on biogeochemical cycles. Because ice cores contain an archive of preindustrial air, a baseline can be established, and the extent of human impact on the climate can be ascertained. \n\nThis data set includes mixing ratios of carbonyl sulfide (COS), methyl chloride (CH3Cl), and methyl bromide (CH3Br). Data samples were retrieved from the Siple C ice core, which was drilled at 81.65\u00b0 S, 148.81\u00b0 W in December 1995. The core site sits 620 m above sea level near the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf where there is a mean annual temperature of -25.4 \u00b0C.\n\nData are available via FTP.", "east": -148.81, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.81 -81.65)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "locations": "Siple Dome; Antarctica", "north": -81.65, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "project_titles": "Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000032", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.65, "title": "Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core: Carbonyl Sulfide (COS), Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), and Methyl Bromide (CH3Br)", "uid": "609279", "west": -148.81}, {"awards": "9316564 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-119.562 -80.014)", "POINT(-118.045 -79.461)", "POINT(-116.333 -78.733)"], "date_created": "Mon, 09 May 2005 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) project provides a high-resolution record of atmospheric chemical deposition taken from several ice cores and snow pits located at sites within or immediately adjacent to the Ross Ice Drainage System. Three sites were visited during a 1995 traverse in inland West Antarctica. The traverse was 158 km, trending 26\u00b0 from Byrd Surface Camp. The core from site A (78\u00b044\u0027S, 116\u00b020\u0027W) is 148 m deep, the core from site B (79\u00b027.66\u0027S, 118\u00b002.68\u0027W) is 60 m deep, and the core from site C (80\u00b000.85\u0027S, 119\u00b033.73\u0027W) is 60 m deep. Glaciochemical analysis focuses on the major ions deposited from the antarctic atmosphere, including Na (sodium), NH4 (ammonium), K (potassium), Mg (magnesium), Ca (calcium), Cl (chloride), NO3 (nitrate), and SO4 (sulfate). Chemical analysis also includes methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and nssSO4 (non-sea salt sulfate). The data are available by FTP in ASCII text format and Excel files.", "east": -116.333, "geometry": ["POINT(-119.562 -80.014)", "POINT(-118.045 -79.461)", "POINT(-116.333 -78.733)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Snow Pit", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -78.733, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Kreutz, Karl; Twickler, Mark; Whitlow, Sallie; Meeker, Loren D.", "project_titles": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000145", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -80.014, "title": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Glaciochemical Analysis", "uid": "609266", "west": -119.562}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Fri, 27 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set consists of deuterioum isotope data obtained from Talos Dome ice core. Talos Dome is located on the edge of the East Antarctic plateau \nadjacent to the Victoria Land mountain. The Talos Dome (TD) firn core is 89 m and was drilled during a traverse by an Italian team in 1996.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Talos Dome", "locations": "Talos Dome; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Jouzel, Jean; Stenni, Barbara", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Talos Dome Ice Core Deuterium Isotope Data", "uid": "609252", "west": null}, {"awards": "0126057 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Fri, 27 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set compares global atmospheric concentration of methane from ice cores taken on the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland. The data come from multiple ice cores on each continent, including Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) and Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP) ice cores and the Byrd and Vostok cores from Antarctica. (The orignal dataset is located at ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/greenland/summit/grip/synchronization/)", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Vostok Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Blunier, Thomas; Stauffer, Bernhard; Chappellaz, Jerome; Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000034", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Antarctic and Greenland Climate Change Comparison", "uid": "609253", "west": null}, {"awards": "9725918 Brook, Edward J.; 9714687 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set consists of microparticle and chemistry data from Byrd Ice Core, the first ice core to reach bedrock in Antarctica. The core was drilled with a cable-suspended electromechanical rotary drill at Byrd Station, Antarctica. The vertical thickness of the ice was 2164 meters and more than 99 percent of the core was recovered. Cores were sought for investigations of the physical properties of the ice sheet, the nature of the ice-rock contact, and the composition of the underlying bedrock.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Byrd; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Blunier, Thomas; Fluckiger, Jacqueline; Thompson, Lonnie G.; Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Studies of Trapped Gases in Firn and Ice from Antarctic Deep Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000168", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Studies of Trapped Gases in Firn and Ice from Antarctic Deep Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Byrd Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Byrd Ice Core Microparticle and Chemistry Data", "uid": "609247", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes isotope and depth age data, and CO2 and CH4 data from the Dome C Antarctica ice core. This core is a 906 meter core that spans approximately 32,000 years. It was a thermally drilled core and was retrieved during the 1977-78 Antarctic field season as part of the International Antarctic Glaciological project.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Depth-Age-Model; Dome C Ice Core; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Lal, Devendra; Lorius, Claude", "project_titles": "Nuclear Studies of Accumulating and Ablation Ice Using Cosmogenic 14c", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000152", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Nuclear Studies of Accumulating and Ablation Ice Using Cosmogenic 14c"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Dome C Ice Core Chemistry and Depth and Age Scale Data", "uid": "609243", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes CO2 and CH4 records derived from three ice cores obtained at Law Dome, East Antarctica, from 1987 to 1993. Law Dome is a medium size, approximately circular, (200 km dia., 1390 m high) ice sheet situated at the edge of the main East Antarctic ice sheet. The data in this set include cores drilled between 1987 and 1993 to a depth of 1199.6.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Law Dome; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Law Dome; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Barnola, J. M.; Etheridge, David; Morgan, Vin", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Law Dome Ice Cores Chemistry Data", "uid": "609245", "west": null}, {"awards": "9316564 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes chemistry and ion data collected from a 150 m core recovered from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. The core was drilled during the 1994/1995 field season. Dating of the core was accomplished using annual signals preserved in several chemical species, beta activity profiles, and volcanic horizons. The resulting depth/age scale indicates an age of 1890 A.D. at 24 m, and 850 A.D. at 150 m depth.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Blunier, Thomas; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Brook, Edward J.; Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A.; Dunbar, Nelia", "project_titles": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000145", "repository": "NCEI", "title": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability"}], "repo": "NCEI", "repositories": "NCEI", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Siple Dome Ice Core Chemistry and Ion Data", "uid": "609251", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set consists of chemistry data obtained from a shallow core in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Major ion concentration values (Na, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4, MSA) were analyzed from the 20 meter ice core, which was drilled during the austral summer 1991-1992.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dronning Maud Land; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Antarctica; Dronning Maud Land", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie; Isaksson, Elisabeth", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Dronning Maud Land Ice Core Chemistry Data", "uid": "609250", "west": null}, {"awards": "8411018 Frisic, David; 8613786 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes beta profiles, chemistry, stratigraphy data, and density and temperature profiles collected from snow pits and two ice cores on the Newall Glacier. Snow pit and ice core data were collected between 1987 and 1989. Ice Core A was 175 meters long and core B was 150 meters long.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Newall Glacier; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Statigraphy", "locations": "Newall Glacier; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Welch, Kathy A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "project_titles": "Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000169", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Newall Glacier Ice Core and Snow Pit Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Stratigraphy", "uid": "609249", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains ice core chemistry, timescale, isotope, and temperature data analyzed by several investigators. In January 1998, the collaborative ice-drilling project between Russia, \nthe United States, and France at the Russian Vostok station in East Antarctica \nyielded the deepest ice core ever recovered, reaching a depth of 3,623 m. Preliminary data indicate the Vostok ice-core record \nextends through four climate cycles, with ice slightly older than 400 kyr.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties; Temperature; Vostok Ice Core", "locations": "Lake Vostok; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Lal, Devendra; Barnola, J. M.; Petit, Jean Robert; Jouzel, Jean; Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward J.; Bender, Michael; Fishcer, Hubertus; Blunier, Thomas; Ruddiman, William; Raymo, Maureen; Lorius, Claude; Chappellaz, Jerome", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Vostok Ice Core Chemistry, Timescale, Isotope, and Temperature Data", "uid": "609242", "west": null}, {"awards": "9615292 Wahlen, Martin", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes chemistry, ion, and istotope data from Taylor Dome, part of the East Antarctic ice sheet. Deep drilling at Taylor Dome successfully reached bedrock at a depth of 554 meters during the 1993-1994 austral summer. The Taylor Dome ice core is only the second core (after Vostok) to provide a stratigraphically undisturbed record through the entire last glacial cycle (the last 130,000 years or more).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Taylor Dome; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Smith, Jesse; Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward J.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Steig, Eric J.; Indermuhle, A.", "project_titles": "Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000153", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Taylor Dome Ice Core Chemistry, Ion, and Isotope Data", "uid": "609246", "west": null}, {"awards": "8411018 Frisic, David; 8613786 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes beta profiles, chemistry, and density data obtained from Dominion Range ice cores. The Dominion Range is on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The chemistry data consists of the composition of oxygen-isotopes and trapped gasses. Other information includes ice thickness, mean annual net accumulation, and crystal size. The core samples were collected in the austral summer of 1984-85. \n", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Beta Profiles; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Density; Dominion Range; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties", "locations": "Antarctica; Dominion Range", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Sowers, Todd A.; Saltzman, Eric; Watson, M. Scott; Grootes, Pieter; Mayewski, Paul A.; Meese, Deb; Gow, Tony", "project_titles": "Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000169", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Dominion Range Ice Core Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Density Data", "uid": "609248", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is a collection of analyses done on the the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA)Dome C ice cores. The data include deuterium and other chemistry, insoluble dust, ice grain radius, dielectric profiling, electrical conductivity, and timescales.\n\nEPICA has completed one core in the Dome Concordia region (Core EDC96, started in 1996, 788 m length). Drilling is ongoing on a second core EDC99 (started in 1999, reached a depth of 3200 m during the 2002/2003 field season. The ice at this depth is estimated to be about 700,000 years old.)", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dome C Ice Core; Epica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Wolff, Eric W.; Monnin, Eric; Fluckiger, Jacqueline", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C Ice Core Data", "uid": "609244", "west": null}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-180 -90)"], "date_created": "Thu, 24 Jun 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Information from 6-meter snow pits dug close to the South Pole in\naustral summer 1988-1989 by the Glacier Research Group of the\nUniversity of New Hampshire (location - 38 km on grid 90 from South\nPole station - eastern margin of clean air sector) are available.\n\nMajor ion chemistry (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4), oxygen isotopes\n(I8O), H2O2, and beta from a 6-meter snow pit covering the period 1955\nto 1989 are included. Major ion chemistry for a series of surface snow\nsamples were also collected on the traverse to the pit.", "east": -180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-180 -90)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "South Pole Snow Pit, 1988 and 1989", "uid": "609086", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0087151 Cole-Dai, Jihong", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)"], "date_created": "Fri, 09 Apr 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains concentrations of soluble chemical species (ions) within a 120 m ice core retrieved at the South Pole station in 2001. The ice core was dated with annual resolution using annual layer counting. Investigators measured chemical species, ions, and volcanic deposits found in the cores. The analysis was conducted at South Dakota State University between 2001 and 2003. Data are available in Microsoft Excel or ASCII text format via FTP from NSIDC.", "east": 0.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Solid Earth; South Pole", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Cole-Dai, Jihong", "project_titles": "A Sulfate-based Volcanic Record from South Pole Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000167", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "A Sulfate-based Volcanic Record from South Pole Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Sulfate-Based Volcanic Record from South Pole Ice Core", "uid": "609215", "west": 0.0}, {"awards": "9615333 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.8 -81.7)"], "date_created": "Tue, 09 Mar 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is a continuous, high-resolution record of biogenic sulfur (methanesulfonate, known as MSA and CH3SO3-) in the 1000 m deep Siple Dome A (SDMA) core, covering 100,000 to 20 years BP. The analysis was done on between August 2002 and November 2003 at the University of California, Irvine. Investigators used a mass spectrometer to measure methanesulfonate. Measurements are given as MSA concentration at various depths. Estimated age of the ice at each depth is also given.\n\nThis project was a part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Cores (WAISCORES) project for deep ice coring in West Antarctica. WAISCORES is supported by the Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation (NSF).", "east": -148.8, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.8 -81.7)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "locations": "Siple Dome; Antarctica", "north": -81.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Dioumaeva, Irina; Finley, Brandon", "project_titles": "Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000251", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.7, "title": "Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core", "uid": "609201", "west": -148.8}, {"awards": "9980691 Wahlen, Martin", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Dec 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "These data are CO2 concentrations of the air occulded in Siple Dome ice core, Antarctica. The study was conducted between January 2001 and March 2003 on a deep ice core from Siple Dome Core A, located at 81.66 S, 148.82 W.", "east": -148.82, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CO2; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.66, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Ahn, Jinho; Wahlen, Martin; Deck, Bruce", "project_titles": "CO2 and Delta 13CO2 in Antarctic Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000166", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "CO2 and Delta 13CO2 in Antarctic Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.66, "title": "Atmospheric CO2 Trapped in the Ice Core from Siple Dome, Antarctica", "uid": "609202", "west": -148.82}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-120 -80,-118.5 -80,-117 -80,-115.5 -80,-114 -80,-112.5 -80,-111 -80,-109.5 -80,-108 -80,-106.5 -80,-105 -80,-105 -80.5,-105 -81,-105 -81.5,-105 -82,-105 -82.5,-105 -83,-105 -83.5,-105 -84,-105 -84.5,-105 -85,-106.5 -85,-108 -85,-109.5 -85,-111 -85,-112.5 -85,-114 -85,-115.5 -85,-117 -85,-118.5 -85,-120 -85,-120 -84.5,-120 -84,-120 -83.5,-120 -83,-120 -82.5,-120 -82,-120 -81.5,-120 -81,-120 -80.5,-120 -80))"], "date_created": "Thu, 16 Oct 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Glaciochemical and accumulation rate records developed from four ice cores in central West Antarctica are used to reconstruct former atmospheric circulation patterns in this region for the last 40 years with extended records (150-250 years) at two sites. The sites lie on a 200 km traverse from 82 degrees 22 minutes south, 119 degrees 17 minutes west to 81 degrees 22 minutes south, 107 degrees 17 minutes west, gaining elevation from 950 to 1930 m. The glaciochemical records represent the major ionic species present in Antarctic snow: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, nitrate, and sulfate.", "east": -105.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-112.5 -82.5)"], "keywords": "Accumulation Rate; Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; West Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctica", "north": -80.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Reusch, David", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -85.0, "title": "Central West Antarctic Glaciochemistry from Ice Cores", "uid": "609093", "west": -120.0}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Aug 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is part of the WAISCORES project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica.\n\nThis data set provides measurements of stable isotopes of water and deuterium excess for the Siple Dome ice cores. The shallow cores from Siple Dome were analyzed for isotopes with sub-annual temporal detail.", "east": -149.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; White, James", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.0, "title": "Siple Dome Highlights: Stable isotopes", "uid": "609134", "west": -149.0}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(158 -77)"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Aug 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The collection site is Taylor Dome, an ice-accumulation area on the East Antarctic ice sheet. The dome is a ridge about 20 x 80 km, which lies inland of the Transantarctic Mountains. Deep drilling by the Polar Ice Coring Office (PICO) at Taylor Dome reached bedrock at a depth of 554 meters during the 1993-1994 austral summer season.\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis data set includes mesurements of:\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cul\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eberyllium-10 (betd.txt)\u003c/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eoxygen isotopes (hi18o_td.txt and lo18o_td.txt)\u003c/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003edeuterium isotopes (deld_20cm.txt and deld_td.txt).\u003c/li\u003e\n\u003c/ul\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThese data were produced at the University of Washington from samples obtained in the field and via the University of New Hampshire automatic melting system. For beryllium, deuterium, and 20-cm oxygen isotope data, the st9810 ice age (kyB1950) timescale is used. For 0.5- to 1-m oxygen isotope data, the st9507 is used.\u003c/p\u003e", "east": 158.0, "geometry": ["POINT(158 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Taylor Dome; Antarctica", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; White, James", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": -77.0, "title": "Taylor Dome Ice Core Data", "uid": "609132", "west": 158.0}, {"awards": "0512971 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Aug 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is part of the WAISCORES project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica.\n\nBrooks measured methane in approximately 196 samples between 55.6 and 738.5 m (0-20 ka) in the Siple Dome ice core, and then extended the Siple Dome methane record at medium resolution down to about 860m, corresponding to an age of about 45 ka. The team compared the results with data from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) and the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP).", "east": -149.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000034", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.0, "title": "Siple Dome Methane Record", "uid": "609124", "west": -149.0}, {"awards": "0512971 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "date_created": "Wed, 14 May 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The data include methane data from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) B \u0026 D Cores. Gas ages were calculated according to the methods described in Brook et\nal. 1996, and are subject to change. Ice ages were calculated by by\nlinear interpolation from the Meese et al. timescale.\n", "east": -149.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "keywords": "Arctic; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Greenland; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate", "locations": "Arctic; Greenland", "north": -81.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000034", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -81.0, "title": "GISP2 (B and D Core) Methane Concentrations", "uid": "609125", "west": -149.0}, {"awards": "9527373 Dunbar, Nelia", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)", "POINT(158.7889 -77.95)"], "date_created": "Wed, 14 May 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is part of the WAISCORES project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica.\n\nThis data set includes backscattered electron images of tephra samples extracted from the Siple and Taylor Dome ice cores, as well as electron microprobe analyses of glass shards in cases where significant, compositionally-consistent glass populations were present. The data set also includes data on the amount of volcanically derived sulfate deposited on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and recorded in the Siple Dome ice core.", "east": 158.7889, "geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)", "POINT(158.7889 -77.95)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Tephra; WAIS; WAISCORES", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS", "north": -77.95, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Zielinski, Gregory; Dunbar, Nelia", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000065", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core; Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.0, "title": "Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "uid": "609126", "west": -149.0}, {"awards": "9527373 Dunbar, Nelia", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((158.55 -75.86,158.562 -75.86,158.574 -75.86,158.586 -75.86,158.598 -75.86,158.61 -75.86,158.622 -75.86,158.634 -75.86,158.646 -75.86,158.658 -75.86,158.67 -75.86,158.67 -75.864,158.67 -75.868,158.67 -75.872,158.67 -75.876,158.67 -75.88,158.67 -75.884,158.67 -75.888,158.67 -75.892,158.67 -75.896,158.67 -75.9,158.658 -75.9,158.646 -75.9,158.634 -75.9,158.622 -75.9,158.61 -75.9,158.598 -75.9,158.586 -75.9,158.574 -75.9,158.562 -75.9,158.55 -75.9,158.55 -75.896,158.55 -75.892,158.55 -75.888,158.55 -75.884,158.55 -75.88,158.55 -75.876,158.55 -75.872,158.55 -75.868,158.55 -75.864,158.55 -75.86))"], "date_created": "Tue, 18 Feb 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is the result of a study of volcanic ash and rock fragment (tephra) layers in exposed blue ice areas on Brimstone Peak (75.888S 158.55E) in East Antarctica. Tephra samples were collected between 15 November 1996 and 15 January 1997.\n\nThe Antarctic ice sheets preserve a record of the volcanic ash layers and chemical aerosol signatures of local and distant volcanic eruptions. Correlation of individual tephra layers, or sets of layers, in blue ice areas will allow a better understanding of the geometry of ice flow in these areas. Tephra layers in deep ice cores can also provide unique time-stratigraphic markers in cores that are difficult to date.\n\nData include the following information for each sample site: a general description, electron microprobe analysis, GPS location, neutron activation analysis, and a visual description of the petrography.Data are provided as Excel 97 data files, JPG map files, and GIF-formatted BSE images. Data are available via ftp.", "east": 158.67, "geometry": ["POINT(158.61 -75.88)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Blue Ice; Brimstone Peak; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Petrography; Tephra", "locations": "Brimstone Peak; Antarctica", "north": -75.86, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Dunbar, Nelia", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000065", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -75.9, "title": "Blue Ice Tephra II - Brimstone Peak", "uid": "609114", "west": 158.55}, {"awards": "9527373 Dunbar, Nelia", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-159.51 -77.12)"], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Feb 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is the result of a study of volcanic ash and rock fragment (tephra) layers in exposed blue ice areas on Mt. DeWitt, Antarctica (77.12 deg S, 159.51 deg E). Tephra samples were collected between 15 November 1996 and 15 January 1997.\n\nData include the following information for each sample site: a general description, electron microprobe analysis, GPS location, neutron activation analysis, and a visual description of the petrography. Data are provided as an Excel 97 data file, (this file is also divided into various text files) and TIF images. Data are available via ftp.\n\nAntarctic ice sheets preserve a record of the volcanic ash layers and chemical aerosol signatures of local and distant volcanic eruptions. Correlation of individual tephra layers, or sets of layers, in blue ice areas will allow a better understanding of the geometry of ice flow in these areas. Tephra layers in deep ice cores can also provide unique time-stratigraphic markers in cores that are difficult to date.", "east": -159.51, "geometry": ["POINT(-159.51 -77.12)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Blue Ice; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Mount Dewitt; Petrography; Tephra", "locations": "Mount Dewitt; Antarctica", "north": -77.12, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Dunbar, Nelia", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000065", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.12, "title": "Blue Ice Tephra II - Mt. DeWitt", "uid": "609115", "west": -159.51}, {"awards": "9526572 Bales, Roger", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Jul 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Cores (WAISCORES) project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed snow pit and core samples from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. This data set includes glaciochemical spatial variability data for six Siple Dome snow pits. Samples involved measuring hydrogen peroxide (H\u003csub\u003e2\u003c/sub\u003eO\u003csub\u003e2\u003c/sub\u003e) and formaldehyde (HCHO) in the air, snow, firn, and ice via suppressed ion chromatography. The data can be used to interpret changes in concentrations of these species recorded in ice cores. Data in this collection were obtained during two Antarctic field seasons in 1994 to 1995 and 1996 to 1997. Data are available via FTP in tab-delimited ASCII text (.dat, .txt) file format.", "east": -149.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAISCORES", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger", "project_titles": "Snow-Atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000060", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Snow-Atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -81.0, "title": "Snow-atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica", "uid": "609122", "west": -149.0}, {"awards": "9526449 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-149.11 -81.05,-149.05 -81.05,-148.99 -81.05,-148.93 -81.05,-148.87 -81.05,-148.81 -81.05,-148.75 -81.05,-148.69 -81.05,-148.63 -81.05,-148.57 -81.05,-148.51 -81.05,-148.51 -81.11,-148.51 -81.17,-148.51 -81.23,-148.51 -81.29,-148.51 -81.35,-148.51 -81.41,-148.51 -81.47,-148.51 -81.53,-148.51 -81.59,-148.51 -81.65,-148.57 -81.65,-148.63 -81.65,-148.69 -81.65,-148.75 -81.65,-148.81 -81.65,-148.87 -81.65,-148.93 -81.65,-148.99 -81.65,-149.05 -81.65,-149.11 -81.65,-149.11 -81.59,-149.11 -81.53,-149.11 -81.47,-149.11 -81.41,-149.11 -81.35,-149.11 -81.29,-149.11 -81.23,-149.11 -81.17,-149.11 -81.11,-149.11 -81.05))"], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Jul 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet cores (WAISCORES) project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed snow pit and core samples from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica.\n\nThis data set includes glaciochemical spatial variability data for Siple Dome snow pits B, E, F, G, H, and 1 through 6. Samples were analyzed for soluble ion content via suppressed ion chromatography. Each pit was sampled at 2 cm resolution for ion chemistry using clean procedures, and sampled again at 3 cm resolution for density calculations. Snow pit names and locations correspond to the 1996 to 1997 season shallow core sites.\n\nData in this collection were obtained during two Antarctic field seasons in 1994 to 1995 and 1996 to 1997. Data are available via FTP in space-delimited ASCII text (.dat) file format.", "east": -148.51, "geometry": ["POINT(-148.81 -81.35)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Snow Pit; WAIS; WAISCORES", "locations": "Antarctica; WAIS", "north": -81.05, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A.", "project_titles": "Siple Dome Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry and Regional Survey - A Contribution to the WAIS Initiative", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000012", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Siple Dome Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry and Regional Survey - A Contribution to the WAIS Initiative"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -81.65, "title": "WAISCORES Snow Pit Chemistry, Antarctica", "uid": "609420", "west": -149.11}, {"awards": "0338359 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "date_created": "Wed, 10 Jul 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet cores (WAISCORES) project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. Siple Dome ice cores were analyzed for methanesulfonate (MSA) and carbonyl sulfide (OCS). The methanesulfonate analysis was done on cores A-E and a hot water core, and the carbonyl sulfide analysis was done on 11 C cores. Methanesulfonate data include the sample identification number, depth, and methanesulfonate parts per billion (ppb) of each sample. Carbonyl sulfide data include the depth, OCS parts per trillion (ppt) of each sample, percent error, and gas age (years). Data are available via FTP in tab-delimited ASCII text (.dat, .txt) file format.", "east": -149.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "project_titles": "Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000032", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.0, "title": "Methane and Carbonyl Sulfide Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core Subsamples", "uid": "609131", "west": -149.0}, {"awards": "9615167 Dunbar, Nelia", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(158.71 -77.8)", "POINT(-148 -81)"], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jun 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set consists of electron microprobe geochemical analyses of glass shards sampled from Siple Dome and Taylor Dome ice cores during the 1999-2000 field season. Geochemical data are in tab-delimited ASCII and Excel formats. Backscattered electron images of tephra samples are in TIFF format. Data are available via ftp.", "east": 158.71, "geometry": ["POINT(158.71 -77.8)", "POINT(-148 -81)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Backscattered Electron Images; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; WAIS", "locations": "WAIS; Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -77.8, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Dunbar, Nelia", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000065", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core; Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.0, "title": "Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "uid": "609110", "west": -148.0}, {"awards": "9615292 Wahlen, Martin", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(158.71 -77.8)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "These data describe the concentration and carbon-isotopic composition (d13CO2) of atmospheric CO2 from air trapped in ice between 27,000 and 1,300 years before present from Taylor Dome, Antarctica. Data are used to investigate the causes of the CO2 concentration increase that occurred during the transition between the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. Data are in tab-delimited ASCII and Excel formats, and are available via ftp.", "east": 158.71, "geometry": ["POINT(158.71 -77.8)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Dome", "north": -77.8, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Wahlen, Martin", "project_titles": "Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000153", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.8, "title": "Carbon-Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum", "uid": "609108", "west": 158.71}, {"awards": "9222121 Dalziel, Ian; 9318121 Anandakrishnan, Sridhar", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(106.48 -72.28)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "These data describe the d18O of O2, d15N of N2, d18Oatm, and O2/N2 ratios of trapped gases in the Vostok ice core from East Antarctica. The investigator used a mass spectrometer to measure gas concentrations and isotopic compositions. Data extend to approximately 420,000 years ago. Two different age models are included.\n\nData are available in tab-delimited ASCII format via ftp.", "east": 106.48, "geometry": ["POINT(106.48 -72.28)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; UPLC-Q-TOF; Vostok Ice Core", "locations": "Lake Vostok; Antarctica", "north": -72.28, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Bender, Michael", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Seismic Traverse of the Byrd Subglacial Basin-Field Test", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000150", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Seismic Traverse of the Byrd Subglacial Basin-Field Test"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -72.28, "title": "Concentration and Isotopic Composition of O2 and N2 in Trapped Gases of the Vostok Ice Core", "uid": "609107", "west": 106.48}, {"awards": "9316715 Taylor, Susan", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Micrometeorites dated between 1100 A.D. to 1500 A.D. were collected from the bottom of the South Pole Water Well in December 1995. Element analyses of 181 cosmic glass spherule and micrometeorite samples are in ASCII text and Excel spreadsheet format. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of the spherules and micrometeorites are in TIFF format. Data are available via ftp.", "east": 0.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -90)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Cosmos; Geochemistry; Meteorite; Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Images; South Pole", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole", "north": -90.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Taylor, Susan", "project_titles": "Retrieval and Analysis of Extraterrestrial Particles from the Water Well at the South Pole Station, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000057", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Retrieval and Analysis of Extraterrestrial Particles from the Water Well at the South Pole Station, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Micrometeorites from the South Pole Water Well", "uid": "609113", "west": 0.0}, {"awards": "9725305 Severinghaus, Jeffrey; 9725918 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-102 -89.997)", "POINT(-148.767 -81.667)"], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes d15N, d18O/2, dO2/N2/4, d40Ar/4, d38/Ar/2,\nd84Kr/48, and d132Xe/96 values for air drawn from the top 15 to 50 m\nof firn at the South Pole (summer and winter 1998) and a site at Siple\nDome (summers 1996 and 1998). Data also include related firn\ntemperature measurements.\n\nThe objective of this research was to better understand thermal\nfractionation processes affecting records of atmospheric history from\nfirn and ice core gases. Recent work (e.g., Severinghaus and Brook,\n1999) has exploited trapped air in ice and deep firn as a record of\npast atmospheric composition and climate change. Interpretation of these paleoclimate archives is complicated by artifacts of thermal\ndiffusion, a process in which heavier gases migrate down temperature\ngradients toward colder regions in the firn. Seasonal temperature\nchange at the snow surface creates strong temperature gradients in the\ntop few meters of the firn, which cause isotopic fractionation of firn\ngases. A specific goal of this research is to identify any long-term\neffects of seasonal temperature fluctuations on firn air isotopic\nanomalies.", "east": -102.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-102 -89.997)", "POINT(-148.767 -81.667)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; Temperature", "locations": "South Pole; Siple Dome; Antarctica", "north": -81.667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Battle, Mark; Grachev, Alexi", "project_titles": "Thermal Fractionation of Firn Air and the Ice Core Record of Abrupt Interstadial Climate Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000160", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Thermal Fractionation of Firn Air and the Ice Core Record of Abrupt Interstadial Climate Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -89.997, "title": "Firn Air Isotope and Temperature Measurements from Siple Dome and South Pole", "uid": "609098", "west": -148.767}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(162 -77)"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Snow pit and ice core data from the Newall Glacier (location - 162 30\u0027\nEast, 77 35\u0027 South) were collected during 1987 and 1988. These include\ninformation on chemistry, Beta profiles and stratigraphy. Ice cores\nwere collected during the austral summer of 1988-1989 and contain\ninformation on chemistry, Pb- 210 profiles, density profiles and\ntemperature profiles. Core A was 175 meters long and core B was 150\nmeters long.\n\nThe snow pits were dug and sampled by the Glacier Research Group\n(GRG), using established protocols to prevent contamination. The\nsamples for major ion chemistry remained frozen until melted for\nanalysis in the GRG lab, located at the University of New Hampshire\n(UNH), and all core processing was done by GRG established protocols\nto prevent contamination. Major ions were analyzed using suppressed\nion chromatography.", "east": 162.0, "geometry": ["POINT(162 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Newall Glacier; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Antarctica; Newall Glacier", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie", "project_titles": "Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000169", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.0, "title": "Newall Glacier Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1987 to 1989", "uid": "609088", "west": 162.0}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166 -85)"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Information from snow pits and an ice core were collected at Dominion Range (location - 166 10\u0027 East, 85 15\u0027 South, elevation - 2,700m) in 1984-1985. The 6 meter snow pit was dug and sampled in 1984-1985 with a 3 cm sampling interval. Four 1 meter snow pits were dug and sampled in 1984-1985 with a 3 cm sampling interval. One core was drilled during the austral summer 1984-1985 with a depth of 160 meters.\n\nChemistry and density data were collected from the 1 meter pits. Chemistry, beta profile and density data were collected from the 6 meter snow pits. Chemistry (Na NH4, K, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4, MSA), particles and a lead-210 profile were collected from the ice core.", "east": 166.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166 -85)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dominion Range; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Dominion Range; Antarctica", "north": -85.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -85.0, "title": "Dominion Range Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1984 and 1985", "uid": "609087", "west": 166.0}, {"awards": "XXXXXXX Palais, Julie", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(65 -75)"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Major ion concentration values (Na, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4, MSA) were\nanalyzed from a 20-meter ice core drilled in Dronning Maud Land,\nAntarctica (location - 65 01\u0027 East, 75 00\u0027 South, elevation - 2,900 m\na.s.l.). The core was drilled during the austral summer\n1991-1992. Major ion analysis was by ion chromatography. The anions\nwere analyzed on a Dionex AS4A column; the cations on a Dionex CS12\ncolumn and MSA on a Dionex AS4 column. All used suppressed chromatography. Using established protocols to prevent contamination,\nthe core was processed into 3-centimeter pieces by the Glacier\nResearch Group at the University of New Hampshire\u0027s Climate Change\nResearch Center. The 3-cm pieces were kept frozen until major ion\nanalysis.", "east": 65.0, "geometry": ["POINT(65 -75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dronning Maud Land; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Antarctica; Dronning Maud Land", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Whitlow, Sallie; Mayewski, Paul A.", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -75.0, "title": "Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, Ice Core, 1991 and 1992", "uid": "609089", "west": 65.0}, {"awards": "9526374 Alley, Richard", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 1997 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet cores (WAISCORES) project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica.\n\nThis data set includes melt layers and annual layer data for Siple Dome cores A through J, and upstream core C (UpC). Cores were examined on a light table after the core had been sectioned longitudinally and samples removed for isotopic, chemical, and other analyses, and after the surface had been smoothed using a planer. Major stratigraphic features were noted, such as coarse-grained and fine-grained firn at shallow depths, and coarse-bubbled and fine-bubbled ice at greater depth. Melt layers were identified as bubble-free or nearly-bubble-free zones. Core lengths ranged from 30 to 133 meters.\n\nData in this collection were obtained in the summer of 1997. The data set is available via FTP as ACSII data (.dat), metadata (.meta) and text (.txt) files.", "east": -149.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-149 -81)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": -81.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Alley, Richard", "project_titles": "Physical Properties of the Siple Dome Deep Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000059", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Physical Properties of the Siple Dome Deep Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.0, "title": "Visible Stratigraphic Dating, Siple Dome and Upstream C Cores", "uid": "609121", "west": -149.0}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
Hyporheic zone geochemistry of Wales Stream, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
1841228 |
2024-10-28 | Gardner, Christopher B. |
Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea |
This dataset includes aqueous chemistry of water from the hyporheic zone in Wales Stream, Taylor Valley, Antarctica, just upstream from New Harbor Camp. Data includes major ions, nutrients, trace elements, stable iron isotopes, and stable isotopes of water. | ["POINT(163.5074 -77.5789)"] | ["POINT(163.5074 -77.5789)"] | false | false |
Diatom assemblage from IODP Site U1357
1744871 |
2024-08-13 | Dove, Isabel |
The nitrogen isotopic composition of diatom resting spores in Southern Ocean sediments: A source of bias and/or paleoenvironmental information? |
This dataset includes quantitative diatom assemblage data from 60 samples from IODP Site U1357B on the Adelie Basin. The record spans from 11,000 yBP to present. | ["POLYGON((100 -62,104.4 -62,108.8 -62,113.2 -62,117.6 -62,122 -62,126.4 -62,130.8 -62,135.2 -62,139.6 -62,144 -62,144 -64,144 -66,144 -68,144 -70,144 -72,144 -74,144 -76,144 -78,144 -80,144 -82,139.6 -82,135.2 -82,130.8 -82,126.4 -82,122 -82,117.6 -82,113.19999999999999 -82,108.8 -82,104.4 -82,100 -82,100 -80,100 -78,100 -76,100 -74,100 -72,100 -70,100 -68,100 -66,100 -64,100 -62))"] | ["POINT(122 -72)"] | false | false |
Diatom-bound and bulk sedimentary N isotopes from ODP Site 1098, Western Antarctic Peninsula
1744871 |
2024-08-13 | Dove, Isabel; Jones, Colin; Kelly, Roger; Robinson, Rebecca |
The nitrogen isotopic composition of diatom resting spores in Southern Ocean sediments: A source of bias and/or paleoenvironmental information? |
This dataset includes measurements of diatom-bound nitrogen isotopic composition (d15Ndb; ‰ vs air), bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotopic composition (d15Nbulk; ‰ vs air), and total nitrogen (wt%) from 81 Holocene and late deglacial-aged samples from ODP Site 1098B on the western Antarctic Peninsula. | ["POLYGON((-80 -59,-76.8 -59,-73.6 -59,-70.4 -59,-67.2 -59,-64 -59,-60.8 -59,-57.599999999999994 -59,-54.4 -59,-51.2 -59,-48 -59,-48 -60.6,-48 -62.2,-48 -63.8,-48 -65.4,-48 -67,-48 -68.6,-48 -70.2,-48 -71.8,-48 -73.4,-48 -75,-51.2 -75,-54.4 -75,-57.6 -75,-60.8 -75,-64 -75,-67.2 -75,-70.4 -75,-73.6 -75,-76.8 -75,-80 -75,-80 -73.4,-80 -71.8,-80 -70.2,-80 -68.6,-80 -67,-80 -65.4,-80 -63.8,-80 -62.2,-80 -60.6,-80 -59))"] | ["POINT(-64 -67)"] | false | false |
Mount Overlord, northern Victoria Land. Age, mineralogical and geochemical data
8020002 |
2024-06-13 | Kyle, Philip |
Petrogenesis of the McMurdo Volcanic Group and the Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle in Victoria Land, Antarctica |
Ar/Ar age dates, electron microprobe analyses of mineral phase and geochemical analyses of rock samples are presented for samples collected at Mount Overlord and surrounded areas in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. | ["POLYGON((163.6 -73,163.76 -73,163.92 -73,164.07999999999998 -73,164.23999999999998 -73,164.39999999999998 -73,164.56 -73,164.72 -73,164.88 -73,165.04 -73,165.2 -73,165.2 -73.05,165.2 -73.1,165.2 -73.15,165.2 -73.2,165.2 -73.25,165.2 -73.3,165.2 -73.35,165.2 -73.4,165.2 -73.45,165.2 -73.5,165.04 -73.5,164.88 -73.5,164.72 -73.5,164.56 -73.5,164.39999999999998 -73.5,164.23999999999998 -73.5,164.07999999999998 -73.5,163.92 -73.5,163.76 -73.5,163.6 -73.5,163.6 -73.45,163.6 -73.4,163.6 -73.35,163.6 -73.3,163.6 -73.25,163.6 -73.2,163.6 -73.15,163.6 -73.1,163.6 -73.05,163.6 -73))"] | ["POINT(164.39999999999998 -73.25)"] | false | false |
U-series Geochronology, Isotope, and Elemental Geochemistry of a Subglacial Precipitate that Formed Across Termination III
2042495 |
2024-04-30 | Piccione, Gavin |
Collaborative Research: Reconstructing East Antarctica’s Past Response to Climate using Subglacial Precipitates |
This dataset represents geochemical analyses on sample PRR-50504, a chemical precipitate deposited beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and collected at Elephant Moraine. The data include U-series geochronological data, carbon and oxygen stable isotope data, Sr isotopic data, and laser ablation elemental analyses. This material is based on services provided by the Polar Rock Repository with support from the National Science Foundation, under Cooperative Agreement OPP-2137467. | ["POINT(157 -76)"] | ["POINT(157 -76)"] | false | false |
Atmospheric methane across the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation from the GISP2, NEEM and WAIS Divide ice cores
1745078 |
2023-10-05 | Riddell-Young, Benjamin; Martin, Kaden; Rosen, Julia; Lee, James; Edwards, Jon S.; Brook, Edward J. |
Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores |
This dataset includes measurements of atmospheric methane from samples from the NEEM, GISP2 and WAIS Divide ice cores. All measurements were made at the Oregon State University Ice Core and Quaternary Geochemistry Laboratory (Corvallis, OR) using an established analytical system. 433 samples from the NEEM ice core were measured between 1420 and 1560m depths. A measurement uncertainty ranging from 2.8 to 4.2 ppb, depending on the measurement year, was determined from replicate samples. 340 samples from the GISP2 ice core were measured between 1740 and 2060m depths. A measurement uncertainty ranging from 3.1 to 3.4 ppb, depending on the measurement year, was determined from replicate samples. All GISP2 and NEEM data were corrected for excess methane contamination using the established relationship between excess methane and Ca2+ (Lee et al., 2020). Both corrected and uncorrected data are included in the publication. 340 samples from the GISP2 ice core were measured between 1957 and 3081m depths. A measurement uncertainty ranging from 3.1 to 3.4 ppb, depending on the measurement year, was determined from replicate samples. Depths reflect the mid-points of the depth range of each samples, which is typically ~8cm. All replicate measurements are included in the dataset. Lee, J. E. et al. Excess methane in Greenland ice cores associated with high dust concentrations. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 270, 409-430 (2020). | ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"] | ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"] | false | false |
Surface Water Geochemistry from the McMurdo Dry Valleys
1847067 |
2023-06-26 | Levy, Joseph |
Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst & Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy |
This dataset contains major ion data for surface and near-surface waters from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, determined through ion chromatography. Water types include snow and ice melt sources, streams and rivers, water track groundwater, pond water, and lake water. | ["POLYGON((161 -76,161.34 -76,161.68 -76,162.02 -76,162.36 -76,162.7 -76,163.04 -76,163.38 -76,163.72 -76,164.06 -76,164.4 -76,164.4 -76.2,164.4 -76.4,164.4 -76.6,164.4 -76.8,164.4 -77,164.4 -77.2,164.4 -77.4,164.4 -77.6,164.4 -77.8,164.4 -78,164.06 -78,163.72 -78,163.38 -78,163.04 -78,162.7 -78,162.36 -78,162.02 -78,161.68 -78,161.34 -78,161 -78,161 -77.8,161 -77.6,161 -77.4,161 -77.2,161 -77,161 -76.8,161 -76.6,161 -76.4,161 -76.2,161 -76))"] | ["POINT(162.7 -77)"] | false | false |
Carbon-13 isotopic composition of atmospheric methane across Heinrich Stadials 1 and 5, and Dansgaard Oesgher Event 12, WAIS Divide Ice Core, Antarctica
1745078 |
2023-04-26 | Riddell-Young, Benjamin |
Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores |
This dataset includes ~60-year resolution measurements of the Carbon-13 isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Methane (δ13C-CH4) of gas bubbles from the WAIS Divide Ice Core. All measurements were made at the Oregon State University Ice Core and Quaternary Geochemistry Laboratory (Corvallis, OR) using a new methane stable isotope analytical system. The data includes depth-adjacent replicate samples (separated by no more than 0.3m of depth) and is split up into two sheets for the two different intervals measured (Heinrich Stadial 1 and Heinrich Stadial 5 / Dansgaard Oeschger Event 12). The data are displayed as a function of WAIS Divide depth and were corrected for gravitational and diffusional fractionation that occurs in the firn column according to Buizert et al., 2013. 1-sigma measurement uncertainty is also included and is determined from analytical uncertainty and uncertainties associated with diffusional and gravitational fractionation. The manuscript presenting and analyzing these data is in preparation for publication as of April 2023. | ["POINT(-112.086 -79.468)"] | ["POINT(-112.086 -79.468)"] | false | false |
Sediment porewater properties data from Mercer Subglacial Lake
1543537 |
2023-02-03 | Dore, John; Michaud, Alexander; Skidmore, Mark; Tranter, Martyn; Steigmeyer, August; Science Team, SALSA |
Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments |
This dataset contains measurements of sediment porewater properties from cores collected from Mercer Subglacial Lake by the SALSA project. Included are: specific conductance; water stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O); dissolved gases (methane and its stable isotopes δ13C and δ2H, ethylene, and ethane); and major anions and cations. | ["POINT(-149.50134 -84.640287)"] | ["POINT(-149.50134 -84.640287)"] | false | false |
Water column biogeochemical data from Mercer Subglacial Lake
1543537 |
2023-02-01 | Dore, John; Skidmore, Mark; Hawkings, Jon; Steigmeyer, August; Li, Wei; Barker, Joel; Tranter, Martyn; Priscu, John; Science Team, SALSA |
Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments |
This dataset contains water column biogeochemical properties measured on discrete samples collected from Mercer Subglacial Lake by the SALSA project. Data included are: specific conductance; carbonic acid system parameters (total alkalinity, total inorganic carbon, and pH); water stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O); dissolved gases (oxygen, methane, nitrous oxide, and hydrogen); dissolved nutrients (ammonium, nitrite and phosphate), major anions (including nitrate) and cations; size-fractionated colloidal and dissolved trace elements); dissolved organic carbon; and microbial cell and virus-like particle counts. | ["POINT(-149.50134 -84.640287)"] | ["POINT(-149.50134 -84.640287)"] | false | false |
Physical and geochemical data from shelf sediments near the Antartic Pennisula
2031442 |
2022-09-08 | Learman, Deric |
RAPID: Meta-genomic and Transcriptomic Investigation of Complex Organic Matter Degradation in Antarctic Benthic Sediments |
Shelf sediment samples were collected around the Antarctic Peninsular with the mega corer in 2020 (Nov. to Dec.). The sample locations and water depths are recorded in this dataset. These samples were used to collect data on organic matter (total organic carbon, total nitrogen, delta 13C (organic), delta 15N, and C to N ratios). Nutrient data (nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, and ammonia) and grain size analysis were collected on a subsample set (10). | [] | [] | false | false |
Data and metadata for "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems"
1543344 |
2022-08-16 | Demirel-Floyd, Cansu |
Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems |
This data file contains locations and descriptions of the samples collected for the NSF project titled "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems". Data collected includes BET surface area, LPSA grain size, granulometry, mineralogy (XRD) and whole rock geochemistry (ICP-MS). | ["POLYGON((162.322717 -77.417633,162.444362 -77.417633,162.566007 -77.417633,162.687652 -77.417633,162.80929700000002 -77.417633,162.93094200000002 -77.417633,163.052587 -77.417633,163.174232 -77.417633,163.295877 -77.417633,163.417522 -77.417633,163.539167 -77.417633,163.539167 -77.4501507,163.539167 -77.4826684,163.539167 -77.5151861,163.539167 -77.5477038,163.539167 -77.5802215,163.539167 -77.61273920000001,163.539167 -77.6452569,163.539167 -77.6777746,163.539167 -77.7102923,163.539167 -77.74281,163.417522 -77.74281,163.295877 -77.74281,163.174232 -77.74281,163.052587 -77.74281,162.93094200000002 -77.74281,162.80929700000002 -77.74281,162.687652 -77.74281,162.566007 -77.74281,162.444362 -77.74281,162.322717 -77.74281,162.322717 -77.7102923,162.322717 -77.6777746,162.322717 -77.6452569,162.322717 -77.61273920000001,162.322717 -77.5802215,162.322717 -77.5477038,162.322717 -77.5151861,162.322717 -77.4826684,162.322717 -77.4501507,162.322717 -77.417633))"] | ["POINT(162.93094200000002 -77.5802215)"] | false | false |
Major and trace element analyses of Eocene-Oligocene marine sediments from ODP Site 696, South Orkney Microcontinent
1743643 |
2022-06-22 | Passchier, Sandra; Hojnacki, Victoria; Li, Xiaona; States, Abbey; Lepp, Allison |
Timing and Spatial Distribution of Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Sea-ice Formation across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition |
This dataset contains measurements of major and trace elements on 190 samples of Eocene-Oligocene sediment from Ocean Drilling Program Site 696 drilled in 650 m water depth on the South Orkney Microcontinent. The composition of detrital, biogenic and authigenic sediment components was assessed via whole rock geochemistry of sediment samples. Instrument analysis was completed at Montclair State University. | ["POINT(-42.933 -61.849)"] | ["POINT(-42.933 -61.849)"] | false | false |
Silicon concentration and isotopic composition measurements in seawater profiles, pore waters, interstitial waters and sediments from 67°S to 55°S latitude in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean
1341432 |
2022-05-16 | Closset, Ivia; Jones, Janice L.; Brzezinski, Mark |
Collaborative Proposal: A Field and Laboratory Examination of the Diatom N and Si Isotope Proxies: Implications for Assessing the Southern Ocean Biological Pump |
This dataset contains data for stable isotopes of silicon in pore water, interstitial water, sediments and CTD profiles. | ["POLYGON((-175 -54,-174 -54,-173 -54,-172 -54,-171 -54,-170 -54,-169 -54,-168 -54,-167 -54,-166 -54,-165 -54,-165 -55.3,-165 -56.6,-165 -57.9,-165 -59.2,-165 -60.5,-165 -61.8,-165 -63.1,-165 -64.4,-165 -65.7,-165 -67,-166 -67,-167 -67,-168 -67,-169 -67,-170 -67,-171 -67,-172 -67,-173 -67,-174 -67,-175 -67,-175 -65.7,-175 -64.4,-175 -63.1,-175 -61.8,-175 -60.5,-175 -59.2,-175 -57.9,-175 -56.6,-175 -55.3,-175 -54))"] | ["POINT(-170 -60.5)"] | false | false |
Marshall Valley U-Series Data
1643248 0944150 |
2022-03-01 | Hall, Brenda |
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming |
This dataset includes 234U/230Th chronologic data for lacustrine carbonates associated with Marshall drift in Marshall Valley, Royal Society Range. These samples are from ice-dammed lake deposits associated with a grounded ice sheet that blocked the valley mouth. Sample chemistry was done at the University of Maine geochemistry laboratory. Processed samples were analyzed on a multicollector ICP-MS at the University of Oxford. Corrected ages reflect a detrital correction based on typical upper-crustal (230Th/232Th) values of 1.21 with a 50% assumed error. | ["POLYGON((164 -78,164.04 -78,164.08 -78,164.12 -78,164.16 -78,164.2 -78,164.24 -78,164.28 -78,164.32 -78,164.36 -78,164.4 -78,164.4 -78.01,164.4 -78.02,164.4 -78.03,164.4 -78.04,164.4 -78.05,164.4 -78.06,164.4 -78.07,164.4 -78.08,164.4 -78.09,164.4 -78.1,164.36 -78.1,164.32 -78.1,164.28 -78.1,164.24 -78.1,164.2 -78.1,164.16 -78.1,164.12 -78.1,164.08 -78.1,164.04 -78.1,164 -78.1,164 -78.09,164 -78.08,164 -78.07,164 -78.06,164 -78.05,164 -78.04,164 -78.03,164 -78.02,164 -78.01,164 -78))"] | ["POINT(164.2 -78.05)"] | false | false |
Major, trace elements contents and radiogenic isotopes of erupted lavas Antarctic Peninsula and Phoenix Ridge
1643494 |
2022-02-07 | Saal, Alberto |
Magmatic Volatiles, Unraveling the Reservoirs and Processes of the Volcanism in the Antarctic Peninsula |
["POLYGON((-68.074 -57.345,-66.6033 -57.345,-65.1326 -57.345,-63.6619 -57.345,-62.1912 -57.345,-60.7205 -57.345,-59.2498 -57.345,-57.7791 -57.345,-56.3084 -57.345,-54.8377 -57.345,-53.367 -57.345,-53.367 -58.1252,-53.367 -58.9054,-53.367 -59.6856,-53.367 -60.4658,-53.367 -61.246,-53.367 -62.0262,-53.367 -62.8064,-53.367 -63.5866,-53.367 -64.3668,-53.367 -65.147,-54.8377 -65.147,-56.3084 -65.147,-57.7791 -65.147,-59.2498 -65.147,-60.7205 -65.147,-62.1912 -65.147,-63.6619 -65.147,-65.1326 -65.147,-66.6033 -65.147,-68.074 -65.147,-68.074 -64.3668,-68.074 -63.5866,-68.074 -62.8064,-68.074 -62.0262,-68.074 -61.246,-68.074 -60.4658,-68.074 -59.6856,-68.074 -58.9054,-68.074 -58.1252,-68.074 -57.345))"] | ["POINT(-60.7205 -61.246)"] | false | false | |
Radiometric dating, geochemical proxies, and predator biological remains obtained from aquatic sediment cores on South Georgia Island.
1443585 1826712 1443424 1443386 |
2022-01-13 | Kristan, Allyson; Maiti, Kanchan; McMahon, Kelton; Polito, Michael |
Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators |
This data set contains radiometric dating measurements from two aquatic sediment cores excavated from two separate sites (Salisbury Plain and Gold Harbor) on South Georgia Island in February 2019. It also contains biological and geochemical sediment proxy values from both sediment cores, including total carbon (%), total nitrogen (%), number of penguin feathers and eggshell fragments, number of seal hairs, and δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values. Cores were sectioned at 1cm intervals, and radiometric dating analyses were conducted on sediment fractions <850 µm by measuring for 210Pb and 226Ra (via 214Pb) by direct gamma counting using the high purity germanium planar detector in the Marine Geochemistry Laboratory at Louisiana State University (LSU). The 210Pbex profiles were used to calculate sedimentation rates using a steady state model that assumes constant rate of supply and constant sedimentation rate (Maiti et al., 2010). Geochemical analyses were performed on sediment fractions <125 µm using an Elemental Analyzer-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS) in the Stable Isotope Ecology Lab at LSU. Biological counts of feathers and hairs were determined by enumeration using a dissecting microscope of sediment fractions >1000 µm. The data set also includes sediment core excavation site names and coordinates, date of excavation, sediment depth and age, and carbon to nitrogen isotopic ratios. Details of the data set and all relevant methods are provided in Kristan et al., 2021. | ["POLYGON((-37.33 -54.05,-37.192 -54.05,-37.054 -54.05,-36.916 -54.05,-36.778 -54.05,-36.64 -54.05,-36.502 -54.05,-36.364 -54.05,-36.226 -54.05,-36.088 -54.05,-35.95 -54.05,-35.95 -54.107,-35.95 -54.164,-35.95 -54.221,-35.95 -54.278,-35.95 -54.335,-35.95 -54.392,-35.95 -54.449,-35.95 -54.506,-35.95 -54.563,-35.95 -54.62,-36.088 -54.62,-36.226 -54.62,-36.364 -54.62,-36.502 -54.62,-36.64 -54.62,-36.778 -54.62,-36.916 -54.62,-37.054 -54.62,-37.192 -54.62,-37.33 -54.62,-37.33 -54.563,-37.33 -54.506,-37.33 -54.449,-37.33 -54.392,-37.33 -54.335,-37.33 -54.278,-37.33 -54.221,-37.33 -54.164,-37.33 -54.107,-37.33 -54.05))"] | ["POINT(-36.64 -54.335)"] | false | false |
G170 Raman Spectroscopy & Tomography Volumes of Melt Inclusions and Vapor Bubbles
1644013 |
2022-01-12 | Gaetani, Glenn |
Collaborative Research: Determining Magma Storage Depths and Ascent Rates for the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica Using Diffusive Water Loss from Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusion |
G170 Raman Spectroscopy & Tomography Volumes of Melt Inclusions and Vapor Bubbles | ["POLYGON((164.1 -77.1,164.65 -77.1,165.2 -77.1,165.75 -77.1,166.3 -77.1,166.85 -77.1,167.4 -77.1,167.95 -77.1,168.5 -77.1,169.05 -77.1,169.6 -77.1,169.6 -77.235,169.6 -77.37,169.6 -77.505,169.6 -77.64,169.6 -77.775,169.6 -77.91,169.6 -78.045,169.6 -78.18,169.6 -78.315,169.6 -78.45,169.05 -78.45,168.5 -78.45,167.95 -78.45,167.4 -78.45,166.85 -78.45,166.3 -78.45,165.75 -78.45,165.2 -78.45,164.65 -78.45,164.1 -78.45,164.1 -78.315,164.1 -78.18,164.1 -78.045,164.1 -77.91,164.1 -77.775,164.1 -77.64,164.1 -77.505,164.1 -77.37,164.1 -77.235,164.1 -77.1))"] | ["POINT(166.85 -77.775)"] | false | false |
G170 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analyses of Melt Inclusion Hydrogen Isotopes
1644013 |
2022-01-12 | Gaetani, Glenn |
Collaborative Research: Determining Magma Storage Depths and Ascent Rates for the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica Using Diffusive Water Loss from Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusion |
G170 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analyses of Melt Inclusion Hydrogen Isotopes | ["POLYGON((164.1 -77.1,164.65 -77.1,165.2 -77.1,165.75 -77.1,166.3 -77.1,166.85 -77.1,167.4 -77.1,167.95 -77.1,168.5 -77.1,169.05 -77.1,169.6 -77.1,169.6 -77.235,169.6 -77.37,169.6 -77.505,169.6 -77.64,169.6 -77.775,169.6 -77.91,169.6 -78.045,169.6 -78.18,169.6 -78.315,169.6 -78.45,169.05 -78.45,168.5 -78.45,167.95 -78.45,167.4 -78.45,166.85 -78.45,166.3 -78.45,165.75 -78.45,165.2 -78.45,164.65 -78.45,164.1 -78.45,164.1 -78.315,164.1 -78.18,164.1 -78.045,164.1 -77.91,164.1 -77.775,164.1 -77.64,164.1 -77.505,164.1 -77.37,164.1 -77.235,164.1 -77.1))"] | ["POINT(166.85 -77.775)"] | false | false |
Meteoric 10Be data of soils from the Shackleton Glacier region
1341736 1341631 |
2021-01-03 | Diaz, Melisa A. |
Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains |
We collected soil surface samples (n = 21) and depth profiles (n = 25) every 5 cm to refusal (up to 30 cm) from eleven ice-free areas along the Shackleton Glacier, a major outlet glacier of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). We measured meteoric 10Be concentrations, which were later used to estimate relative surface exposure ages of the soils from seven locations. | ["POLYGON((-177.4099 -84.4661,-177.08229 -84.4661,-176.75468 -84.4661,-176.42707 -84.4661,-176.09946 -84.4661,-175.77185 -84.4661,-175.44424 -84.4661,-175.11663 -84.4661,-174.78902 -84.4661,-174.46141 -84.4661,-174.1338 -84.4661,-174.1338 -84.56828,-174.1338 -84.67046,-174.1338 -84.77264,-174.1338 -84.87482,-174.1338 -84.977,-174.1338 -85.07918,-174.1338 -85.18136,-174.1338 -85.28354,-174.1338 -85.38572,-174.1338 -85.4879,-174.46141 -85.4879,-174.78902 -85.4879,-175.11663 -85.4879,-175.44424 -85.4879,-175.77185 -85.4879,-176.09946 -85.4879,-176.42707 -85.4879,-176.75468 -85.4879,-177.08229 -85.4879,-177.4099 -85.4879,-177.4099 -85.38572,-177.4099 -85.28354,-177.4099 -85.18136,-177.4099 -85.07918,-177.4099 -84.977,-177.4099 -84.87482,-177.4099 -84.77264,-177.4099 -84.67046,-177.4099 -84.56828,-177.4099 -84.4661))"] | ["POINT(-175.77185 -84.977)"] | false | false |
Shackleton Glacier region water-soluble salt isotopes
1341736 1341631 |
2021-01-02 | Diaz, Melisa A.; Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B. |
Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains |
Soil samples were collected from the Shackleton Glacier region, located in the Queen Maud Mountains during the 2017-2018 austral summer. A subset of 27 samples were analyzed for stable isotopes of S, N, C, and O in nitrate, sulfate, and (bi)carbonate. ). δ15N-NO3 values ranged from -47.8 to 20.4‰ and, while all Δ17O-NO3 values are positive, they ranged from 15.7 to 45.9‰. δ34S-SO4 and δ18O-SO4 values ranged from 12.5 and 17.9‰ and -14.5 to -7.1‰, respectively. Total inorganic carbon isotopes ((bi)carbonate) in bulk soil samples ranged from 0.2 to 8.5‰ for δ13C and -38.8 to -9.6‰ for δ18O. | ["POLYGON((-177.3907 -84.46466667,-177.06501 -84.46466667,-176.73932 -84.46466667,-176.41363 -84.46466667,-176.08794 -84.46466667,-175.76225 -84.46466667,-175.43656 -84.46466667,-175.11087 -84.46466667,-174.78518 -84.46466667,-174.45949 -84.46466667,-174.1338 -84.46466667,-174.1338 -84.566988336,-174.1338 -84.669310002,-174.1338 -84.771631668,-174.1338 -84.873953334,-174.1338 -84.976275,-174.1338 -85.078596666,-174.1338 -85.180918332,-174.1338 -85.283239998,-174.1338 -85.385561664,-174.1338 -85.48788333,-174.45949 -85.48788333,-174.78518 -85.48788333,-175.11087 -85.48788333,-175.43656 -85.48788333,-175.76225 -85.48788333,-176.08794 -85.48788333,-176.41363 -85.48788333,-176.73932 -85.48788333,-177.06501 -85.48788333,-177.3907 -85.48788333,-177.3907 -85.385561664,-177.3907 -85.283239998,-177.3907 -85.180918332,-177.3907 -85.078596666,-177.3907 -84.976275,-177.3907 -84.873953334,-177.3907 -84.771631668,-177.3907 -84.669310002,-177.3907 -84.566988336,-177.3907 -84.46466667))"] | ["POINT(-175.76225 -84.976275)"] | false | false |
Shackleton Glacier region soil water-soluble geochemical data
1341736 1341631 |
2021-01-02 | Diaz, Melisa A.; Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B. |
Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains |
During the 2017-2018 austral summer, 220 surface soil samples (~top 5 cm) were collected from 11 distinct ice-free areas (Roberts Massif, Schroeder Hill, Mt. Augustana, Bennett Platform, Mt. Heekin, Thanksgiving Valley, Taylor Nunatak, Mt. Franke, Mt. Wasko, Nilsen Peak, and Mt. Speed) along the Shackleton Glacier. Dried soils were leached at a 1:5 soil to DI water ratio, and the leachate was filtered through 0.4 µm Nucleopore membrane filters. The leachate was analyzed for anions (F-, Cl-, Br-, and SO42-) which were measured on a Dionex ICS-2100 ion chromatograph, cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Sr2+) which were measured on a PerkinElmer Optima 8300 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES), and nutrients (NO3- + NO2-, PO43-, H4SiO4, and NH3) which were measured on a Skalar San++ Automated Wet Chemistry Analyzer at The Ohio State University. Perchlorate (ClO4-) and chlorate (ClO3-) were measured using an ion chromatograph-tandem mass spectrometry technique (IC-MS/MS) at Texas Tech University. Accuracy was typically better than 5% for all major anions, cations, and nutrients, as determined by the NIST 1643e external reference standard and the 2015 USGS interlaboratory calibration standard (M-216), and better than 10% for perchlorate and chlorate, as determined by spike recoveries. | ["POLYGON((-177.4213 -84.4647,-177.08802 -84.4647,-176.75474 -84.4647,-176.42146 -84.4647,-176.08818 -84.4647,-175.7549 -84.4647,-175.42162 -84.4647,-175.08834 -84.4647,-174.75506 -84.4647,-174.42178 -84.4647,-174.0885 -84.4647,-174.0885 -84.56732,-174.0885 -84.66994,-174.0885 -84.77256,-174.0885 -84.87518,-174.0885 -84.9778,-174.0885 -85.08042,-174.0885 -85.18304,-174.0885 -85.28566,-174.0885 -85.38828,-174.0885 -85.4909,-174.42178 -85.4909,-174.75506 -85.4909,-175.08834 -85.4909,-175.42162 -85.4909,-175.7549 -85.4909,-176.08818 -85.4909,-176.42146 -85.4909,-176.75474 -85.4909,-177.08802 -85.4909,-177.4213 -85.4909,-177.4213 -85.38828,-177.4213 -85.28566,-177.4213 -85.18304,-177.4213 -85.08042,-177.4213 -84.9778,-177.4213 -84.87518,-177.4213 -84.77256,-177.4213 -84.66994,-177.4213 -84.56732,-177.4213 -84.4647))"] | ["POINT(-175.7549 -84.9778)"] | false | false |
Processed Fluid Chemistry Data from the Ross Sea acquired during the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP0601
0338157 0338097 |
2020-06-25 | DiTullio, Giacomo; Smith, Walker |
Collaborative Research: Interactive Effects of Iron, Light and Carbon Dioxide on Phytoplankton Community Dynamics in the Ross Sea |
This data set was acquired with a Niskin Bottle Fluid Sampler during Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP0601 conducted in 2005 (Chief Scientist: Dr. Giacomo DiTullio). The data files are in XLS format and include Fluid Chemistry data that have been processed. The data was acquired as part of the project called Interaction of iron, light and CO2 on phytoplankton community dynamics in the Ross Sea. Funding was provided by NSF grants: ANT03-38097, ANT03-38157, ANT03-38164, and ANT03-38350. | ["POLYGON((-180 -76,-179.7 -76,-179.4 -76,-179.1 -76,-178.8 -76,-178.5 -76,-178.2 -76,-177.9 -76,-177.6 -76,-177.3 -76,-177 -76,-177 -76.2,-177 -76.4,-177 -76.6,-177 -76.8,-177 -77,-177 -77.2,-177 -77.4,-177 -77.6,-177 -77.8,-177 -78,-177.3 -78,-177.6 -78,-177.9 -78,-178.2 -78,-178.5 -78,-178.8 -78,-179.1 -78,-179.4 -78,-179.7 -78,180 -78,178.5 -78,177 -78,175.5 -78,174 -78,172.5 -78,171 -78,169.5 -78,168 -78,166.5 -78,165 -78,165 -77.8,165 -77.6,165 -77.4,165 -77.2,165 -77,165 -76.8,165 -76.6,165 -76.4,165 -76.2,165 -76,166.5 -76,168 -76,169.5 -76,171 -76,172.5 -76,174 -76,175.5 -76,177 -76,178.5 -76,-180 -76))"] | ["POINT(174 -77)"] | false | false |
Species List, Species Abundance, and Sediment Geochemistry processed data acquired during Laurence M. Gould expedition LMG0802
0636806 0636773 |
2020-04-30 | Smith, Craig; DeMaster, David |
Collaborative Research: Benthic Faunal Feeding Dynamics on the Antarctic Shelf and the Effects of Global Climate Change on Bentho-Pelagic Coupling |
This data set was acquired with a Box Core Sediment Sampler, Digital Camera, and Sediment Core Sampler during Laurence M. Gould expedition LMG0802 conducted in 2008. The data files are in Microsoft Excel format and include Species List, Species Abundance, and Sediment Geochemistry data that was processed after collection. | ["POLYGON((-72 -59,-71 -59,-70 -59,-69 -59,-68 -59,-67 -59,-66 -59,-65 -59,-64 -59,-63 -59,-62 -59,-62 -59.95,-62 -60.9,-62 -61.85,-62 -62.8,-62 -63.75,-62 -64.7,-62 -65.65,-62 -66.6,-62 -67.55,-62 -68.5,-63 -68.5,-64 -68.5,-65 -68.5,-66 -68.5,-67 -68.5,-68 -68.5,-69 -68.5,-70 -68.5,-71 -68.5,-72 -68.5,-72 -67.55,-72 -66.6,-72 -65.65,-72 -64.7,-72 -63.75,-72 -62.8,-72 -61.85,-72 -60.9,-72 -59.95,-72 -59))"] | ["POINT(-67 -63.75)"] | false | false |
Chemical and physical characterization of Beacon Valley and Victoria Valley permafrost cores
1341680 |
2020-01-27 | Sletten, Ronald S. |
Ancient landscape-active Surfaces: Periglacial Hyperinflation in soils of Beacon Valley, Antarctica |
The dataset contains the cosmogenic nuclide values for Be-10 and Al-26 for a 30-m permafrost cores collected in Beacon Valley. | ["POLYGON((160.9 -76.7,161.08 -76.7,161.26 -76.7,161.44 -76.7,161.62 -76.7,161.8 -76.7,161.98 -76.7,162.16 -76.7,162.34 -76.7,162.52 -76.7,162.7 -76.7,162.7 -76.79,162.7 -76.88,162.7 -76.97,162.7 -77.06,162.7 -77.15,162.7 -77.24,162.7 -77.33,162.7 -77.42,162.7 -77.51,162.7 -77.6,162.52 -77.6,162.34 -77.6,162.16 -77.6,161.98 -77.6,161.8 -77.6,161.62 -77.6,161.44 -77.6,161.26 -77.6,161.08 -77.6,160.9 -77.6,160.9 -77.51,160.9 -77.42,160.9 -77.33,160.9 -77.24,160.9 -77.15,160.9 -77.06,160.9 -76.97,160.9 -76.88,160.9 -76.79,160.9 -76.7))"] | ["POINT(161.8 -77.15)"] | false | false |
Biogenic silica concentrations from the Ross Sea
1644073 |
2019-11-13 | Ditullio, Giacomo; Schanke, Nicole |
Collaborative Research: Cobalamin and Iron Co-Limitation Of Phytoplankton Species in Terra Nova Bay |
Biogenic silica concentrations collected from CTD casts during RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean from December 2017-February 2018 | ["POLYGON((-180 -72.45,-179.354 -72.45,-178.708 -72.45,-178.062 -72.45,-177.416 -72.45,-176.77 -72.45,-176.124 -72.45,-175.478 -72.45,-174.832 -72.45,-174.186 -72.45,-173.54 -72.45,-173.54 -73.068,-173.54 -73.686,-173.54 -74.304,-173.54 -74.922,-173.54 -75.54,-173.54 -76.158,-173.54 -76.776,-173.54 -77.394,-173.54 -78.012,-173.54 -78.63,-174.186 -78.63,-174.832 -78.63,-175.478 -78.63,-176.124 -78.63,-176.77 -78.63,-177.416 -78.63,-178.062 -78.63,-178.708 -78.63,-179.354 -78.63,180 -78.63,179.818 -78.63,179.636 -78.63,179.454 -78.63,179.272 -78.63,179.09 -78.63,178.908 -78.63,178.726 -78.63,178.544 -78.63,178.362 -78.63,178.18 -78.63,178.18 -78.012,178.18 -77.394,178.18 -76.776,178.18 -76.158,178.18 -75.54,178.18 -74.922,178.18 -74.304,178.18 -73.686,178.18 -73.068,178.18 -72.45,178.362 -72.45,178.544 -72.45,178.726 -72.45,178.908 -72.45,179.09 -72.45,179.272 -72.45,179.454 -72.45,179.636 -72.45,179.818 -72.45,-180 -72.45))"] | ["POINT(-177.68 -75.54)"] | false | false |
Last Interglacial Mean Ocean Temperature
1245821 1245659 1246148 |
2019-10-18 | Shackleton, Sarah |
Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive |
Noble gas data from Taylor Glacier and EPICA Dome C (EDC) for mean ocean temperature reconstruction during the Last Interglacial. Also includes trace gas measurements of d18Oatm, CO2, and CH4 from Taylor Glacier from chronology construction. | ["POLYGON((123.3 -75.1,127.138 -75.1,130.976 -75.1,134.814 -75.1,138.652 -75.1,142.49 -75.1,146.328 -75.1,150.166 -75.1,154.004 -75.1,157.842 -75.1,161.68 -75.1,161.68 -75.367,161.68 -75.634,161.68 -75.901,161.68 -76.168,161.68 -76.435,161.68 -76.702,161.68 -76.969,161.68 -77.236,161.68 -77.503,161.68 -77.77,157.842 -77.77,154.004 -77.77,150.166 -77.77,146.328 -77.77,142.49 -77.77,138.652 -77.77,134.814 -77.77,130.976 -77.77,127.138 -77.77,123.3 -77.77,123.3 -77.503,123.3 -77.236,123.3 -76.969,123.3 -76.702,123.3 -76.435,123.3 -76.168,123.3 -75.901,123.3 -75.634,123.3 -75.367,123.3 -75.1))"] | ["POINT(142.49 -76.435)"] | false | false |
Gas and Dust Measurements for Taylor Glacier and Taylor Dome Ice Cores
1246148 1245659 1245821 |
2019-08-12 | Menking, James; Brook, Edward J.; Marcott, Shaun; Barker, Stephen; Shackleton, Sarah; Dyonisius, Michael; Petrenko, Vasilii; McConnell, Joseph; Rhodes, Rachel; Bauska, Thomas; Baggenstos, Daniel; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. |
Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive |
New ice cores retrieved from the Taylor Glacier (Antarctica) blue ice area contain ice and air spanning the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5-4 transition, a period of global cooling and ice sheet expansion. We determine chronologies for the ice and air bubbles in the new ice cores by visually matching variations in gas- and ice- phase tracers to preexisting ice core records. The chronologies reveal an ice age-gas age difference (Δage) approaching 10 ka during MIS 4, implying very low snow accumulation in the Taylor Glacier accumulation zone. A revised chronology for the analagous section of the Taylor Dome ice core (84 to 55 ka), located to the south of the Taylor Glacier accumulation zone, shows that Δage did not exceed 3 ka. The difference in Δage between the two records during MIS 4 is similar in magnitude but opposite in direction to what is observed at the Last Glacial Maximum. This relationship implies that a spatial gradient in snow accumulation existed across the Taylor Dome region during MIS 4 that was oriented in the opposite direction of the accumulation gradient during the Last Glacial Maximum. | ["POINT(162.167 -77.733)"] | ["POINT(162.167 -77.733)"] | false | false |
The Geochemistry of englacial brine from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica.
1144176 |
2019-05-07 | Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B. |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Blood Falls is a hypersaline, iron‐rich discharge at the terminus of the Taylor Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In November 2014, brine in a conduit within the glacier was penetrated and sampled using clean‐entry techniques and a thermoelectric melting probe called the IceMole. We analyzed the englacial brine sample for filterable iron (fFe), total Fe, major cations and anions, nutrients, organic carbon, and perchlorate. In addition, aliquots were analyzed for minor and trace elements and isotopes including δD and δ18O of water, δ34S and δ18O of sulfate, 234U, 238U, δ11B, 87Sr/86Sr, and δ81Br. These measurements were made in order to (1) determine the source and geochemical evolution of the brine and (2) compare the chemistry of the brine to that of nearby hypersaline lake waters and previous supraglacially sampled collections of Blood Falls outflow that were interpreted as end‐member brines. | ["POLYGON((162.250099 -77.719928,162.2519358 -77.719928,162.2537726 -77.719928,162.2556094 -77.719928,162.2574462 -77.719928,162.259283 -77.719928,162.2611198 -77.719928,162.2629566 -77.719928,162.2647934 -77.719928,162.2666302 -77.719928,162.268467 -77.719928,162.268467 -77.7201251,162.268467 -77.7203222,162.268467 -77.7205193,162.268467 -77.7207164,162.268467 -77.7209135,162.268467 -77.7211106,162.268467 -77.7213077,162.268467 -77.7215048,162.268467 -77.7217019,162.268467 -77.721899,162.2666302 -77.721899,162.2647934 -77.721899,162.2629566 -77.721899,162.2611198 -77.721899,162.259283 -77.721899,162.2574462 -77.721899,162.2556094 -77.721899,162.2537726 -77.721899,162.2519358 -77.721899,162.250099 -77.721899,162.250099 -77.7217019,162.250099 -77.7215048,162.250099 -77.7213077,162.250099 -77.7211106,162.250099 -77.7209135,162.250099 -77.7207164,162.250099 -77.7205193,162.250099 -77.7203222,162.250099 -77.7201251,162.250099 -77.719928))"] | ["POINT(162.259283 -77.7209135)"] | false | false |
Organic carbon isotope data from serially sampled Eocene driftwood from the La Meseta Fm., Seymour Island, Antarctica
1543031 |
2019-04-22 | Judd, Emily |
Seasonality, Summer Cooling, and Calibrating the Approach of the Icehouse in Late Eocene Antarctica |
Serially-sampled high-resolution organic carbon isotope data from middle Eocene (~42 Ma) driftwood preserved within the La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctica. | ["POLYGON((-57 -64,-56.9 -64,-56.8 -64,-56.7 -64,-56.6 -64,-56.5 -64,-56.4 -64,-56.3 -64,-56.2 -64,-56.1 -64,-56 -64,-56 -64.05,-56 -64.1,-56 -64.15,-56 -64.2,-56 -64.25,-56 -64.3,-56 -64.35,-56 -64.4,-56 -64.45,-56 -64.5,-56.1 -64.5,-56.2 -64.5,-56.3 -64.5,-56.4 -64.5,-56.5 -64.5,-56.6 -64.5,-56.7 -64.5,-56.8 -64.5,-56.9 -64.5,-57 -64.5,-57 -64.45,-57 -64.4,-57 -64.35,-57 -64.3,-57 -64.25,-57 -64.2,-57 -64.15,-57 -64.1,-57 -64.05,-57 -64))"] | ["POINT(-56.5 -64.25)"] | false | false |
FLIR thermal imaging data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-19 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
The data set contains FLIR thermal imaging of Blood Falls from December 9 through March 25 (power failure). | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains a short term integrated met station deployed about 300m from Blood Falls at the site of the FLIR and Time Lapse cameras. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica, collected between January 2014 and January 2015. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Terrestrial Radar Interferometry near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains GPR data along multiple transects of the Blood Falls feature collected in November and Dcember 2013. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Ground Penetrating Radar Data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains GPR data along multiple transects of the Blood Falls feature collected in November and Dcember 2013. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Ablation Stake Data from of Taylor Glacier near Blood Falls
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains time-stamped time-lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature from approximately November 2013 through October 2014, capturing wintertime activity of the glacier. See readme for details. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
South Pole (SPICECORE) 15N, 18O, O2/N2 and Ar/N2
1443710 |
2019-02-02 | Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. |
Collaborative Research: Inert Gas and Methane Based Climate Records throughout the South Pole Deep Ice Core |
This data set includes major atmospheric gas and gas isotope data from the SPICECORE project, which recovered a 1750-m ice core at the South Pole in 2015. 15N, 18O of O2, O2/N2, and Ar/N2 are included. | ["POINT(0 -90)"] | ["POINT(0 -90)"] | false | false |
Ice Temperature in Shallow Boreholes Near Blood Falls at the Terminus of Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
1144192 |
2018-11-28 | Tulaczyk, Slawek |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
["POINT(162.2673 -77.722528)"] | ["POINT(162.2673 -77.722528)"] | false | false | |
U-Pb ages and mineral compositions from Dufek Intrusion
1543313 |
2018-10-29 | VanTongeren, Jill |
Collaborative Research: Testing the Hypothesis that Bigger Magma Chambers Crystallize Faster |
The dataset contains preliminary CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon ages for 4 samples from the Dufek Intrusion, as well as major element mineral compositions for samples throughout the stratigraphy. | ["POLYGON((-55 -82,-54.5 -82,-54 -82,-53.5 -82,-53 -82,-52.5 -82,-52 -82,-51.5 -82,-51 -82,-50.5 -82,-50 -82,-50 -82.2,-50 -82.4,-50 -82.6,-50 -82.8,-50 -83,-50 -83.2,-50 -83.4,-50 -83.6,-50 -83.8,-50 -84,-50.5 -84,-51 -84,-51.5 -84,-52 -84,-52.5 -84,-53 -84,-53.5 -84,-54 -84,-54.5 -84,-55 -84,-55 -83.8,-55 -83.6,-55 -83.4,-55 -83.2,-55 -83,-55 -82.8,-55 -82.6,-55 -82.4,-55 -82.2,-55 -82))"] | ["POINT(-52.5 -83)"] | false | false |
LARISSA: Impact of ice-shelf loss on geochemical profiles and microbial community composition in marine sediments of the Larsen A embayment, Antarctic Peninsula
0732917 |
2017-12-17 | McCormick, Michael |
Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine Ecosystems. |
Ice-shelf loss along the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula over recent decades has brought new sources of carbon and energy to the marine benthos likely affecting sediment geochemistry and microbial community composition. To better understand the long-term effects of ice-shelf loss on benthic microbial communities, we conducted a five-station survey along a 160 km transect following the historic path of retreat of the Larsen A ice shelf. All microbial community sequence data is publicly available through the Metagenomics Analysis Server at Argonne National Laboratory (MG-RAST). The project title is "Impact of ice-shelf loss on geochemical profiles and microbial community composition in marine sediments of the Larsen A embayment, Antarctic Peninsula". A key word search using terms from this title at the MG-RAST portal (http://metagenomics.anl.gov/) will return the complete sample list. This submitted dataset summarizes the measured environmental parameters for these same samples (lat., long., water depth, sediment depth, pH, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, silicate, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium). | ["POLYGON((299.4 -63.1,299.92 -63.1,300.44 -63.1,300.96 -63.1,301.48 -63.1,302 -63.1,302.52 -63.1,303.04 -63.1,303.56 -63.1,304.08 -63.1,304.6 -63.1,304.6 -63.29,304.6 -63.48,304.6 -63.67,304.6 -63.86,304.6 -64.05,304.6 -64.24,304.6 -64.43,304.6 -64.62,304.6 -64.81,304.6 -65,304.08 -65,303.56 -65,303.04 -65,302.52 -65,302 -65,301.48 -65,300.96 -65,300.44 -65,299.92 -65,299.4 -65,299.4 -64.81,299.4 -64.62,299.4 -64.43,299.4 -64.24,299.4 -64.05,299.4 -63.86,299.4 -63.67,299.4 -63.48,299.4 -63.29,299.4 -63.1))"] | ["POINT(-58 -64.05)"] | false | false |
Anvers Trough Foraminifer Stable Isotope data
1246378 |
2017-10-25 | Shevenell, Amelia |
Late Quaternary Evolution of the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf System, Prydz Bay, Antarctica |
These are unpublished stable isotope data from a series of sediment cores collected during LMG12-11 and LMG13-11 down the axis of Anvers Trough. These records span the LMG to recent. | ["POLYGON((-65.32 -64.15,-65.309 -64.15,-65.298 -64.15,-65.287 -64.15,-65.276 -64.15,-65.265 -64.15,-65.254 -64.15,-65.243 -64.15,-65.232 -64.15,-65.221 -64.15,-65.21 -64.15,-65.21 -64.186,-65.21 -64.222,-65.21 -64.258,-65.21 -64.294,-65.21 -64.33,-65.21 -64.366,-65.21 -64.402,-65.21 -64.438,-65.21 -64.474,-65.21 -64.51,-65.221 -64.51,-65.232 -64.51,-65.243 -64.51,-65.254 -64.51,-65.265 -64.51,-65.276 -64.51,-65.287 -64.51,-65.298 -64.51,-65.309 -64.51,-65.32 -64.51,-65.32 -64.474,-65.32 -64.438,-65.32 -64.402,-65.32 -64.366,-65.32 -64.33,-65.32 -64.294,-65.32 -64.258,-65.32 -64.222,-65.32 -64.186,-65.32 -64.15))"] | ["POINT(-65.265 -64.33)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide Replicate Core Methane Isotopic Data Set
1043522 |
2017-09-15 | Brook, Edward J. |
Collaborative Research: Replicate Coring at WAIS Divide to Obtain Additional Samples at Events of High Scientific Interest |
Data set contains stable isotope data set for methane in the WAIS Divide replicate core for the interval of 3009 to 2071 meters. These measurements were made by James Lee at the University of Bern as part of his PhD thesis and are the subject of a paper in preparation. | ["POLYGON((-112.085 -79.46,-112.0765 -79.46,-112.068 -79.46,-112.0595 -79.46,-112.051 -79.46,-112.0425 -79.46,-112.034 -79.46,-112.0255 -79.46,-112.017 -79.46,-112.0085 -79.46,-112 -79.46,-112 -79.4607,-112 -79.4614,-112 -79.4621,-112 -79.4628,-112 -79.4635,-112 -79.4642,-112 -79.4649,-112 -79.4656,-112 -79.4663,-112 -79.467,-112.0085 -79.467,-112.017 -79.467,-112.0255 -79.467,-112.034 -79.467,-112.0425 -79.467,-112.051 -79.467,-112.0595 -79.467,-112.068 -79.467,-112.0765 -79.467,-112.085 -79.467,-112.085 -79.4663,-112.085 -79.4656,-112.085 -79.4649,-112.085 -79.4642,-112.085 -79.4635,-112.085 -79.4628,-112.085 -79.4621,-112.085 -79.4614,-112.085 -79.4607,-112.085 -79.46))"] | ["POINT(-112.0425 -79.4635)"] | false | false |
Antarctic Tephra Data Base AntT static web site
1142069 1142007 |
2017-09-13 | Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Dunbar, Nelia |
Collaborative Research: Developing an Antarctic Tephra Database for Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Research (AntT) |
This collaborative interdisciplinary research project aims to consolidate, into a single user-friendly database, information about volcanic products detected in Antarctica. By consolidating information about volcanic sources, and physical and geochemical characteristics of volcanic products, this systematic data collection approach will improve the ability of researchers to identify volcanic ash, or tephra, from specific volcanic eruptions that may be spread over large areas in a geologically instantaneous amount of time. AntT database is designed to assist in the identification and cross-correlation of time intervals in various paleoclimate archives that contain volcanic layers from often unknown sources. | ["POLYGON((0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,216 -60,252 -60,288 -60,324 -60,360 -60,360 -63,360 -66,360 -69,360 -72,360 -75,360 -78,360 -81,360 -84,360 -87,360 -90,324 -90,288 -90,252 -90,216 -90,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,0 -87,0 -84,0 -81,0 -78,0 -75,0 -72,0 -69,0 -66,0 -63,0 -60))"] | ["POINT(180 -75)"] | false | false |
Early Holocene methane records from Siple Dome, Antarctica
1043518 |
2017-09-11 | Yang, Ji-Woong; Ahn, Jinho |
Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core |
Below we present the early Holocene discrete CH4 dataset from Siple Dome (SDMA), Antarctica, measured at Oregon State University (OSU) and Seoul National University (SNU) by discrete wet extraction technique. Analytical method is described in Grachev et al. (2009) and Mitchell et al. (2011) for OSU data, and Yang et al. (2017) for SNU data. SDMA CH4 composite record was constructed by combining OSU data for 7.6 - 9.0 ka and SNU data for 9.0 - 11.6 ka to maximize temporal resolution. SDMA gas chronology was synchronized to Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005 (GICC05) scale. For detailed description on synchronization and age uncertainty please refer to Yang et al. (2017). | ["POLYGON((-113 -79,-112.8 -79,-112.6 -79,-112.4 -79,-112.2 -79,-112 -79,-111.8 -79,-111.6 -79,-111.4 -79,-111.2 -79,-111 -79,-111 -79.1,-111 -79.2,-111 -79.3,-111 -79.4,-111 -79.5,-111 -79.6,-111 -79.7,-111 -79.8,-111 -79.9,-111 -80,-111.2 -80,-111.4 -80,-111.6 -80,-111.8 -80,-112 -80,-112.2 -80,-112.4 -80,-112.6 -80,-112.8 -80,-113 -80,-113 -79.9,-113 -79.8,-113 -79.7,-113 -79.6,-113 -79.5,-113 -79.4,-113 -79.3,-113 -79.2,-113 -79.1,-113 -79))"] | ["POINT(-112 -79.5)"] | false | false |
NBP14-02 JPC-55 Bulk Sediment Carbon and Nitrogen data
1430550 |
2017-08-18 | Smith, Catherine; Shevenell, Amelia; Domack, Eugene Walter |
Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics |
Bulk sediment carbon and nitrogen data data for Paleocene sediments collected on Totten continental shelf, East Antarctica. | ["POLYGON((120 -66,120.1 -66,120.2 -66,120.3 -66,120.4 -66,120.5 -66,120.6 -66,120.7 -66,120.8 -66,120.9 -66,121 -66,121 -66.4,121 -66.8,121 -67.2,121 -67.6,121 -68,121 -68.4,121 -68.8,121 -69.2,121 -69.6,121 -70,120.9 -70,120.8 -70,120.7 -70,120.6 -70,120.5 -70,120.4 -70,120.3 -70,120.2 -70,120.1 -70,120 -70,120 -69.6,120 -69.2,120 -68.8,120 -68.4,120 -68,120 -67.6,120 -67.2,120 -66.8,120 -66.4,120 -66))"] | ["POINT(120.5 -68)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide d18Oatm and Siple Dome/WAIS Divide composite and individual delta epsilon LAND
0538657 |
2017-08-18 | Seltzer, Alan; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. |
Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate |
This data set contains measurements of d18Oatm (d18O of O2), d15N, dAr/N2, and dO2/N2 in gas bubbles from the WAIS Divide ice core. The time resolution is variable throughout the record but is ~100 years on average (from 65 ka to present). All measurements were made in the Noble Gas Isotope Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (La Jolla, CA). The data set includes all replicate measurements as well as replicate-mean values and a calculation of measurement precision (pooled standard deviation). The second sheet of this data set includes fitted d18Oatm curves for the past 50 ka from both the WAIS Divide and Siple Dome Antarctic ice cores, both on the WD2014 timescale (Buizert et al., 2015). The second sheet also includes calculations of the time derivative of d18Oatm and d e LAND in both ice cores individual as well as in a composite record. Details of the entire data set and all relevant methods are provided in Seltzer et al., 2017. | ["POLYGON((-113 -79,-112.8 -79,-112.6 -79,-112.4 -79,-112.2 -79,-112 -79,-111.8 -79,-111.6 -79,-111.4 -79,-111.2 -79,-111 -79,-111 -79.1,-111 -79.2,-111 -79.3,-111 -79.4,-111 -79.5,-111 -79.6,-111 -79.7,-111 -79.8,-111 -79.9,-111 -80,-111.2 -80,-111.4 -80,-111.6 -80,-111.8 -80,-112 -80,-112.2 -80,-112.4 -80,-112.6 -80,-112.8 -80,-113 -80,-113 -79.9,-113 -79.8,-113 -79.7,-113 -79.6,-113 -79.5,-113 -79.4,-113 -79.3,-113 -79.2,-113 -79.1,-113 -79))"] | ["POINT(-112 -79.5)"] | false | false |
Antarctic Ice Core Tephra Analysis
1142007 |
2017-08-03 | Kurbatov, Andrei V. |
Collaborative Research: Developing an Antarctic Tephra Database for Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Research (AntT) |
This dataset contains ice core tephra geochemical data from 5 temporal intervals in the RICE, WDC-06A, SPRESSO, and SPICE ice cores. The temporal intervals included are 1991 C.E., 1963 C.E., 1815 C.E., 1809 C.E., and 1257 C.E. These intervals are often analyzed for volcanic sulfate by ice core scientists. The volcanic events associated with these intervals caused global weather and climate phenomena and are often used by climate modelers as well to understand volcanic sulfate loading on the climate. | ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
Snowpit evidence of the 2011 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle (Chile) eruption in West Antarctica
0636740 |
2017-07-11 | Koffman, Bess; Kreutz, Karl |
Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core |
We present several related datasets from a 2012 snow pit and a 2013 firn core collected near the WAIS Divide field camp in West Antarctica. The data include soluble ions (sodium and non-sea-salt sulfate) and dust particle concentrations, as well as major oxide geochemistry of tephra grains isolated from snow samples. Based on these data, we found evidence of deposition from the 2011 Puyehue Cordon-Caulle (Chile) volcanic eruption at WAIS Divide. | ["POINT(-112.086 -79.468)"] | ["POINT(-112.086 -79.468)"] | false | false |
Taylor Glacier Gas Isotope Data
0839031 |
2017-06-16 | Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. |
Collaborative Research: A "Horizontal Ice Core" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica |
Taylor Glacier Gas Isotope Data | ["POLYGON((161.41425 -77.73489,161.486884 -77.73489,161.559518 -77.73489,161.632152 -77.73489,161.704786 -77.73489,161.77742 -77.73489,161.850054 -77.73489,161.922688 -77.73489,161.995322 -77.73489,162.067956 -77.73489,162.14059 -77.73489,162.14059 -77.747868,162.14059 -77.760846,162.14059 -77.773824,162.14059 -77.786802,162.14059 -77.79978,162.14059 -77.812758,162.14059 -77.825736,162.14059 -77.838714,162.14059 -77.851692,162.14059 -77.86467,162.067956 -77.86467,161.995322 -77.86467,161.922688 -77.86467,161.850054 -77.86467,161.77742 -77.86467,161.704786 -77.86467,161.632152 -77.86467,161.559518 -77.86467,161.486884 -77.86467,161.41425 -77.86467,161.41425 -77.851692,161.41425 -77.838714,161.41425 -77.825736,161.41425 -77.812758,161.41425 -77.79978,161.41425 -77.786802,161.41425 -77.773824,161.41425 -77.760846,161.41425 -77.747868,161.41425 -77.73489))"] | ["POINT(161.77742 -77.79978)"] | false | false |
Seasonal Succession of Bacterial Communities in Coastal Waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula
1141993 |
2017-06-12 | Rich, Jeremy |
Collaborative Research: Microbial Community Assembly in Coastal Waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula |
From winter to late summer during the 2013-2014 season at Palmer Station, Antarctica, we collected weekly to bi-weekly samples of the seawater intake to measure changes in bacterial community composition, based on sequencing 16S rRNA genes. Along with the sequences, we collected data on environmental parameters in the samples (chlorophyll a, bacterial production, salinity, nutrients, bacterial cell numbers, and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen). | ["POINT(-64.05 -64.77)"] | ["POINT(-64.05 -64.77)"] | false | false |
Seasonal 17O Isotope Data from Lake Vostok and WAIS Divide Snow Pits
1341360 |
2017-06-05 | Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce |
Development of a Laser Spectroscopy System for Analysis of 17Oexcess on Ice Cores |
Seasonal 17O Isotope Data from Lake Vostok and WAIS Divide Snow Pits | ["POINT(106 -77.5)", "POINT(-112.08 -79.46)"] | ["POINT(106 -77.5)", "POINT(-112.08 -79.46)"] | false | false |
Measurements of 14C-methane for the Younger Dryas - Preboreal Transition from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
1245659 |
2017-05-24 | Petrenko, Vasilii; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. |
Collaborative Research: A "Horizontal Ice Core" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica |
This dataset contains measurements of paleoatmospheric 14C of methane (14CH4) for the Younger Dryas - Preboreal Transition from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, as well as a range of supporting data. The supporting data include [CH4], [CO], [14CO], sample ages, CH4 emissions and analysis of uncertainties. | ["POINT(161.71353 -77.75855)"] | ["POINT(161.71353 -77.75855)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide WDC06A Discrete ICP-MS Chemistry
0636740 |
2017-04-27 | Kreutz, Karl |
Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core |
This dataset includes discrete ICP-MS chemistry data generated at the University of Maine for the top 577 m of the WAIS Divide deep ice core (WDC06A). There are two parallel datasets, produced from a single set of samples that were melted continuously, collected by fraction collector and split manually (by pouring). The first set was acidified to 10% v/v nitric acid and allowed to leach for one month prior to analysis. These are referred to as "total" samples (see below). The second set were filtered using individual hand-held 0.45 um filters and syringes, then acidified to 10% v/v nitric acid and analyzed. These are referred to as "dissolved" samples. Reported depths are based on values assigned during melting; please note that these are subject to change. Please contact Karl and Bess if you plan to use the data or have any questions. | ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"] | ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide WDC06A Nitrate Isotope Record
1246223 |
2017-04-26 | Buffen, Aron; Hastings, Meredith |
Investigating Source, Chemistry and Climate changes using the Isotopic Composition of Nitrate in Antarctic Snow and Ice |
This dataset contains nitrate concentration and isotopic composition (d15N, d18O, D17O) measurements on the WAIS Divide WDC06A ice core. | ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"] | ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"] | false | false |
Gas measurement from Higgins et al., 2015 - PNAS
0838849 |
2017-03-27 | Higgins, John |
Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core |
Measurements of Ar isotopes (40Ar/38Ar/36Ar) and other gas species (18O/16O of O2, 15N/14N of N2, O2/N2 and Ar/N2 ratios) from ice cores drilled in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area | ["POLYGON((159.02 -76.67,159.057 -76.67,159.094 -76.67,159.131 -76.67,159.168 -76.67,159.205 -76.67,159.242 -76.67,159.279 -76.67,159.316 -76.67,159.353 -76.67,159.39 -76.67,159.39 -76.687,159.39 -76.704,159.39 -76.721,159.39 -76.738,159.39 -76.755,159.39 -76.772,159.39 -76.789,159.39 -76.806,159.39 -76.823,159.39 -76.84,159.353 -76.84,159.316 -76.84,159.279 -76.84,159.242 -76.84,159.205 -76.84,159.168 -76.84,159.131 -76.84,159.094 -76.84,159.057 -76.84,159.02 -76.84,159.02 -76.823,159.02 -76.806,159.02 -76.789,159.02 -76.772,159.02 -76.755,159.02 -76.738,159.02 -76.721,159.02 -76.704,159.02 -76.687,159.02 -76.67))"] | ["POINT(159.205 -76.755)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05Q
0538427 |
2017-03-23 | McConnell, Joseph |
Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core |
A state-of-the-art continuous ice core analytical system was used to analyze samples from 0 to ~130 m depth of the recently collected intermediate core WDC05Q from West Antarctica. Interpretation of these records and publication of findings is ongoing. | ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"] | ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide Ice-Core Aerosol Records from Intermediate Core WDC05A
0538427 |
2017-03-23 | McConnell, Joseph |
Trace and Ultra-Trace Chemistry Measurements of the WAIS Divide Ice Core |
A state-of-the-art continuous ice core analytical system was used to analyze samples from the firn portion (0 to ~70 m depth) of the recently collected intermediate core WDC05A from West Antarctica. Interpretation of these records and publication of findings is ongoing. | ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"] | ["POINT(-112.1115 -79.481)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide sulfate and nitrate isotopes
0538049 |
2017-03-09 | Alexander, Becky; Steig, Eric J. |
Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core |
This data set contain oxygen isotopes of sulfate and nitrate and nitrogen isotopes of nitrate from the WAIS Divide ice core from the surface to 577 m depth at varying resolution | ["POINT(-112.085 -79.5)"] | ["POINT(-112.085 -79.5)"] | false | false |
Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases
1245580 |
2017-01-30 | Castro, M. Clara |
Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases |
None | ["POINT(163.1833 -77.6767)", "POINT(162.3667 -77.7166)"] | ["POINT(163.1833 -77.6767)", "POINT(162.3667 -77.7166)"] | false | false |
Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory III (MEVO III): Conduit Processes and Surveillance
0838817 |
2016-01-01 | Kyle, Philip |
Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory III (MEVO III): Conduit Processes and Surveillance |
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). Mount Erebus is Antarctica's most active volcano that has been in a persistent state of activity for at least the last 35 years. It has a unique geochemistry among the Earth's active volcanoes and is also unique in hosting a persistent convecting lake(s) of anorthclase phonolite magma in its summit crater. The relative simplicity of the magmatic system, consistency of activity, and accessibility of close-range observation make Erebus attractive as a target for extensive studies. Although the Erebus' seismicity and eruptive activity and processes are becoming increasingly well understood over years of research, there is a near total lack of understanding its deeper magmatic system. The primary goal of this proposal is to continue supporting the Mt. Erebus Volcano Observatory (MEVO III) improving our current understanding of the Erebus eruptive and non-eruptive magmatic system using an integrated approach from geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing observations. This goal can be grouped into the following fundamental research objectives: (a) to sustain year-round surveillance of on-going volcanic activity primarily using geophysical observatories; (b) to understand processes within the convecting conduit which feeds the persistent lava lakes; and (c) to understand the impact of Erebus eruptive activity upon the Antarctic environment. Continued reliance on students provides a broader impact to this proposed research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission. | [] | [] | false | false |
Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)
0839059 |
2016-01-01 | Powell, Ross |
Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD) |
The LISSARD project (Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) is one of three research components of the WISSARD integrative initiative (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) that is being funded by the Antarctic Integrated System Science Program of NSF's Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Division. The overarching scientific objective of WISSARD is to assess the role of water beneath a West Antarctic ice stream in interlinked glaciological, geological, microbiological, geochemical, and oceanographic systems. The LISSARD component of WISSARD focuses on the role of active subglacial lakes in determining how fast the West Antarctic ice sheet loses mass to the global ocean and influences global sea level changes. The importance of Antarctic subglacial lakes has only been recently recognized, and the lakes have been identified as high priority targets for scientific investigations because of their unknown contributions to ice sheet stability under future global warming scenarios. LISSARD has several primary science goals: A) To provide an observational basis for improving treatments of subglacial hydrological and mechanical processes in models of ice sheet mass balance and stability; B) To reconstruct the past history of ice stream stability by analyzing archives of past basal water and ice flow variability contained in subglacial sediments, porewater, lake water, and basal accreted ice; C) To provide background understanding of subglacial lake environments to benefit RAGES and GBASE (the other two components of the WISSARD project); and D) To synthesize data and concepts developed as part of this project to determine whether subglacial lakes play an important role in (de)stabilizing Antarctic ice sheets. We propose an unprecedented synthesis of approaches to studying ice sheet processes, including: (1) satellite remote sensing, (2) surface geophysics, (3) borehole observations and measurements and, (4) basal and subglacial sampling. The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognized that the greatest uncertainties in assessing future global sea-level change stem from a poor understanding of ice sheet dynamics and ice sheet vulnerability to oceanic and atmospheric warming. Disintegration of the WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) alone would contribute 3-5 m to global sea-level rise, making WAIS a focus of scientific concern due to its potential susceptibility to internal or ocean-driven instability. The overall WISSARD project will test the overarching hypothesis that active water drainage connects various subglacial environments and exerts major control on ice sheet flow, geochemistry, metabolic and phylogenetic diversity, and biogeochemical transformations. Societal Relevance: Global warming, melting of ice sheets and consequential sea-level rise are of high societal relevance. Science Resource Development: After a 9-year hiatus WISSARD will provide the US-science community with a renewed capability to access and study sub-ice sheet environments. Developing this technological infrastructure will benefit the broader science community and assets will be accessible for future use through the NSF-OPP drilling contractor. Furthermore, these projects will pioneer an approach implementing recommendations from the National Research Council committee on Principles of Environmental Stewardship for the Exploration and Study of Subglacial Environments (2007). Education and Outreach (E/O): These activities are grouped into four categories: i) increasing student participation in polar research by fully integrating them in our research programs; ii) introducing new investigators to the polar sciences by incorporating promising young investigators in our programs, iii) promotion of K-12 teaching and learning programs by incorporating various teachers and NSTA programs, and iv) reaching a larger public audience through such venues as popular science magazines, museum based activities and videography and documentary films. In summary, WISSARD will promote scientific exploration of Antarctica by conveying to the public the excitement of accessing and studying what may be some of the last unexplored aquatic environments on Earth, and which represent a potential analogue for extraterrestrial life habitats on Europa and Mars. | ["POLYGON((-168.7 -82.3,-168.69 -82.3,-168.68 -82.3,-168.67 -82.3,-168.66 -82.3,-168.65 -82.3,-168.64 -82.3,-168.63 -82.3,-168.62 -82.3,-168.61 -82.3,-168.6 -82.3,-168.6 -82.31,-168.6 -82.32,-168.6 -82.33,-168.6 -82.34,-168.6 -82.35,-168.6 -82.36,-168.6 -82.37,-168.6 -82.38,-168.6 -82.39,-168.6 -82.4,-168.61 -82.4,-168.62 -82.4,-168.63 -82.4,-168.64 -82.4,-168.65 -82.4,-168.66 -82.4,-168.67 -82.4,-168.68 -82.4,-168.69 -82.4,-168.7 -82.4,-168.7 -82.39,-168.7 -82.38,-168.7 -82.37,-168.7 -82.36,-168.7 -82.35,-168.7 -82.34,-168.7 -82.33,-168.7 -82.32,-168.7 -82.31,-168.7 -82.3))"] | ["POINT(-168.65 -82.35)"] | false | false |
Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
1043167 |
2016-01-01 | White, James; Morris, Valerie; Vaughn, Bruce; Jones, Tyler R. |
Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core |
This award supports a project to contribute one of the cornerstone analyses, stable isotopes of ice (Delta-D, Delta-O18) to the ongoing West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS) deep ice core. The WAIS Divide drilling project, a multi-institution project to obtain a continuous high resolution ice core record from central West Antarctica, reached a depth of 2560 m in early 2010; it is expected to take one or two more field seasons to reach the ice sheet bed (~3300 m), plus an additional four seasons for borehole logging and other activities including proposed replicate coring. The current proposal requests support to complete analyses on the WAIS Divide core to the base, where the age will be ~100,000 years or more. These analyses will form the basis for the investigation of a number of outstanding questions in climate and glaciology during the last glacial period, focused on the dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the relationship of West Antarctic climate to that of the Northern polar regions, the tropical Pacific, and the rest of the globe, on time scales ranging from years to tens of thousands of years. One new aspect of this work is the growing expertise at the University of Washington in climate modeling with isotope-tracer-enabled general circulation models, which will aid in the interpretation of the data. Another major new aspect is the completion and use of a high-resolution, semi-automated sampling system at the University of Colorado, which will permit the continuous analysis of isotope ratios via laser spectroscopy, at an effective resolution of ~2 cm or less, providing inter-annual time resolution for most of the core. Because continuous flow analyses of stable ice isotopes is a relatively new measurement, we will complement them with parallel measurements, every ~10-20 m, using traditional discrete sampling and analysis by mass spectrometry at the University of Washington. The intellectual merit and the overarching goal of the work are to see Inland WAIS become the reference ice isotope record for West Antarctica. The broader impacts of the work are that the data generated in this project pertain directly to policy-relevant and immediate questions of the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet, and thus past and future changes in sea level, as well as the nature of climate change in the high southern latitudes. The project will also contribute to the development of modern isotope analysis techniques using laser spectroscopy, with applications well beyond ice cores. The project will involve a graduate student and postdoc who will work with both P.I.s, and spend time at both institutions. Data will be made available rapidly through the Antarctic Glaciological Data Center, for use by other researchers and the public. | ["POINT(-112.08 -79.47)"] | ["POINT(-112.08 -79.47)"] | false | false |
Linking the Movement Patterns and Foraging Behavior of Humpback Whales to their Prey across Multiple Spatial Scales within the LTER Study Region
1250208 |
2016-01-01 | Friedlaender, Ari; Johnston, David; Nowacek, Douglas |
RAPID: Linking the Movement Patterns and Foraging Behavior of Humpback Whales to their Prey across Multiple Spatial Scales within the LTER Study Region |
Whales play a central role in the ecology and biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean. However, little is known regarding their distribution and behavior, in part because of challenges associated with studying these organisms from large research vessels. This research will take advantage of the unique opportunity presented by the 2012-2013 test run of the smaller, more mobile R/V Point Sur. This work will use the Point Sur to investigate humpback whales in the waters studied by the Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Station off the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Employing a combination of long-term satellite-linked tags and short-term suction cup tags, researchers will investigate the distribution, abundance and foraging behaviors of whales in this region. Whale biogeography will then be related to quantitative surveys of krill, their primary food source. Hypotheses regarding whale distribution and foraging strategies as well as physical oceanographic features will be tested. The WAP is undergoing some of the most dramatic warming on the planet, and a better understanding of the ecology of top predators is central to developing an understanding of the impacts of this change. Results will be widely disseminated through publications as well as through presentations at national and international meetings. In addition, raw data will be made available through open-access databases. Finally, this work will be coordinated with the extensive infrastructure of the Palmer LTER site, enabling outreach and educational activities. | ["POLYGON((-80 -63,-78 -63,-76 -63,-74 -63,-72 -63,-70 -63,-68 -63,-66 -63,-64 -63,-62 -63,-60 -63,-60 -63.7,-60 -64.4,-60 -65.1,-60 -65.8,-60 -66.5,-60 -67.2,-60 -67.9,-60 -68.6,-60 -69.3,-60 -70,-62 -70,-64 -70,-66 -70,-68 -70,-70 -70,-72 -70,-74 -70,-76 -70,-78 -70,-80 -70,-80 -69.3,-80 -68.6,-80 -67.9,-80 -67.2,-80 -66.5,-80 -65.8,-80 -65.1,-80 -64.4,-80 -63.7,-80 -63))"] | ["POINT(-70 -66.5)"] | false | false |
Measurements of in situ cosmogenic 14C from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
0839031 |
2016-01-01 | Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. |
Collaborative Research: A "Horizontal Ice Core" for Large-Volume Samples of the Past Atmosphere, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica |
This award supports a project to develop a precise gas-based chronology for an archive of large-volume samples of the ancient atmosphere, which would enable ultra-trace gas measurements that are currently precluded by sample size limitations of ice cores. The intellectual merit of the proposed work is that it will provide a critical test of the 'clathrate hypothesis' that methane clathrates contributed to the two abrupt atmospheric methane concentration increases during the last deglaciation 15 and 11 kyr ago. This approach employs large volumes of ice (>1 ton) to measure carbon-14 on past atmospheric methane across the abrupt events. Carbon-14 is an ideal discriminator of fossil sources of methane to the atmosphere, because most methane sources (e.g., wetlands, termites, biomass burning) are rich in carbon-14, whereas clathrates and other fossil sources are devoid of carbon-14. The proposed work is a logical extension to Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, of an approach pioneered at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet over the past 7 years. The Greenland work found higher-than-expected carbon-14 values, likely due in part to contaminants stemming from the high impurity content of Greenland ice and the interaction of the ice with sediments from the glacier bed. The data also pointed to the possibility of a previously unknown process, in-situ cosmogenic production of carbon-14 methane (radiomethane) in the ice matrix. Antarctic ice in Taylor Glacier is orders of magnitude cleaner than the ice at the Greenland site, and is much colder and less stratigraphically disturbed, offering the potential for a clear resolution of this puzzle and a definitive test of the cosmogenic radiomethane hypothesis. Even if cosmogenic radiomethane in ice is found, it still may be possible to reconstruct atmospheric radiomethane with a correction enabled by a detailed understanding of the process, which will be sought by co-measuring carbon-14 in carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The broader impacts of the proposed work are that the clathrate test may shed light on the stability of the clathrate reservoir and its potential for climate feedbacks under human-induced warming. Development of Taylor Glacier as a 'horizontal ice core' would provide a community resource for other researchers. Education of one postdoc, one graduate student, and one undergraduate, would add to human resources. This award has field work in Antarctica. | ["POINT(161.71965 -77.76165)"] | ["POINT(161.71965 -77.76165)"] | false | false |
The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive
1245821 |
2016-01-01 | Brook, Edward J. |
Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive |
This award supports a project to use the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, ablation zone to collect ice samples for a range of paleoenvironmental studies. A record of carbon-14 of atmospheric methane (14CH4) will be obtained for the last deglaciation and the Early Holocene, together with a supporting record of CH4 stable isotopes. In-situ cosmogenic 14C content and partitioning of 14C between different species (14CH4, C-14 carbon monoxide (14CO) and C-14 carbon dioxide (14CO2)) will be determined with unprecedented precision in ice from the surface down to ~67 m. Further age-mapping of the ablating ice stratigraphy will take place using a combination of CH4, CO2, and delta 18O of oxygen gas and H2O stable isotopes. High precision, high-resolution records of CO2, delta 13C of CO2, nitrous oxide (N2O) and N2O isotopes will be obtained for the last deglaciation and intervals during the last glacial period. The potential of 14CO2 and Krypton-81 (81Kr) as absolute dating tools for glacial ice will be investigated. The intellectual merit of proposed work includes the fact that the response of natural methane sources to continuing global warming is uncertain, and available evidence is insufficient to rule out the possibility of catastrophic releases from large 14C-depleted reservoirs such as CH4 clathrates and permafrost. The proposed paleoatmospheric 14CH4 record will improve our understanding of the possible magnitude and timing of CH4 release from these reservoirs during a large climatic warming. A thorough understanding of in-situ cosmogenic 14C in glacial ice (production rates by different mechanisms and partitioning between species) is currently lacking. Such an understanding will likely enable the use of in-situ 14CO in ice at accumulation sites as a reliable, uncomplicated tracer of the past cosmic ray flux and possibly past solar activity, as well as the use of 14CO2 at both ice accumulation and ice ablation sites as an absolute dating tool. Significant gaps remain in our understanding of the natural carbon cycle, as well as in its responses to global climate change. The proposed high-resolution, high-precision records of delta 13C of CO2 would provide new information on carbon cycle changes both during times of rising CO2 in a warming climate and falling CO2 in a cooling climate. N2O is an important greenhouse gas that increased by ~30% during the last deglaciation. The causes of this increase are still largely uncertain, and the proposed high-precision record of N2O concentration and isotopes would provide further insights into N2O source changes in a warming world. The broader impacts of proposed work include an improvement in our understanding of the response of these greenhouse gas budgets to global warming and inform societally important model projections of future climate change. The continued age-mapping of Taylor Glacier ablation ice will add value to this high-quality, easily accessible archive of natural environmental variability. Establishing 14CO as a robust new tracer for past cosmic ray flux would inform paleoclimate studies and constitute a valuable contribution to the study of the societally important issue of climate change. The proposed work will contribute to the development of new laboratory and field analytical systems. The data from the study will be made available to the scientific community and the broad public through the NSIDC and NOAA Paleoclimatology data centers. 1 graduate student each will be trained at UR, OSU and SIO, and the work will contribute to the training of a postdoc at OSU. 3 UR undergraduates will be involved in fieldwork and research. The work will support a new, junior UR faculty member, Petrenko. All PIs have a strong history of and commitment to scientific outreach in the forms of media interviews, participation in filming of field projects, as well as speaking to schools and the public about their research, and will continue these activities as part of the proposed work. This award has field work in Antarctica. | ["POINT(162.167 -77.733)"] | ["POINT(162.167 -77.733)"] | false | false |
Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats - Robotic Access to Grounding-zones for Exploration and Science (RAGES)
0839107 |
2016-01-01 | Powell, Ross |
Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD) |
The RAGES project (Robotic Access to Grounding zones for Exploration and Science) is one of three research components of the WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) integrative initiative that is being funded by the Antarctic Integrated System Science Program of NSF's Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Division. The overarching scientific objective of WISSARD is to assess the role of water beneath a West Antarctic ice stream in interlinked glaciological, geological, microbiological, geochemical, and oceanographic systems. The RAGES component of WISSARD concentrates on the stability of ice stream grounding zones (GZ), the area where the ice, ocean waters and glacial and sea floor sediment interact. Based on our present limited data and modeling efforts, GZs can be perturbed by (i) internal ice stream dynamics, (ii) filling/draining cycles of subglacial lakes, (iii) increased melting by warming ocean waters, and/or (iv) rates of subglacial sediment (till) supply to the GZ. GZs are seen as high priority targets to investigate due to their unknown contributions to ice sheet stability under future global warming scenarios. The three main science goals for RAGES are to assess: (a) West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) stability relative to the magnitudes of the four main variables listed above; (b) the degree to which grounding-zone sedimentary systems house important records of past WAIS dynamics; and (c) the importance of microbial activity and subglacial geochemical weathering in supplying nutrients to the WAIS grounding zone, the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS) cavity, and the highly productive Southern Ocean that may ultimately influence global biogeochemical cycles. The RAGES field sampling plan integrates surface geophysical surveys with borehole and subglacial sampling and measurements. The boreholes provide: (1) samples of subglacial water, sediments, and basal ice for biological, geochemical, glaciological, sedimentological, and micropaleontological analyses; (2) measures of subglacial and sub-ice-shelf cavity physical and chemical conditions and their spatial variability; and (3) data on sediment types, state and change of the subglacial water discharge, oceanography, and basal ice at the grounding line and within the nearby sub-ice-shelf cavity. Unique tools to be deployed include a multisensor Sub-Ice ROVer (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and long-term, sub-ice oceanographic moorings. The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognized that the greatest uncertainties in assessing future global sea-level change stem from a poor understanding of ice sheet dynamics and ice sheet vulnerability to oceanic and atmospheric warming. Disintegration of the WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) alone would contribute 3-5 m to global sea-level rise, making WAIS a focus of scientific concern due to its potential susceptibility to internal or ocean-driven instability. The overall WISSARD project will test the overarching hypothesis that active water drainage connects various subglacial environments and exerts major control on ice sheet flow, geochemistry, metabolic and phylogenetic diversity, and biogeochemical transformations. Societal Relevance: Global warming, melting of ice sheets and consequential sea-level rise are of high societal relevance. Science Resource Development: After a 9-year hiatus WISSARD will provide the US-science community with a renewed capability to access and study sub-ice sheet environments. Developing this technological infrastructure will benefit the broader science community and assets will be accessible for future use through the NSF-OPP drilling contractor. The RAGES project represents a significant advance in polar technology by incorporating the use of complex new instrumentation like the Sub-Ice ROVer and subglacial ocean/lake mooring systems. Furthermore, these projects will pioneer an approach implementing recommendations from the National Research Council committee on Principles of Environmental Stewardship for the Exploration and Study of Subglacial Environments (2007). Education and Outreach (E/O): These activities are grouped into four categories: i) increasing student participation in polar research by fully integrating them in our research programs; ii) introducing new investigators to the polar sciences by incorporating promising young investigators in our programs, iii) promotion of K-12 teaching and learning programs by incorporating various teachers and NSTA programs, and iv) reaching a larger public audience through such venues as popular science magazines, museum based activities and videography and documentary films. In summary, WISSARD will promote scientific exploration of Antarctica by conveying to the public the excitement of accessing and studying what may be some of the last unexplored aquatic environments on Earth, and which represent a potential analogue for extraterrestrial life habitats on Europa and Mars. | ["POLYGON((-163.7 -84,-163.68 -84,-163.66 -84,-163.64 -84,-163.62 -84,-163.6 -84,-163.58 -84,-163.56 -84,-163.54 -84,-163.52 -84,-163.5 -84,-163.5 -84.05,-163.5 -84.1,-163.5 -84.15,-163.5 -84.2,-163.5 -84.25,-163.5 -84.3,-163.5 -84.35,-163.5 -84.4,-163.5 -84.45,-163.5 -84.5,-163.52 -84.5,-163.54 -84.5,-163.56 -84.5,-163.58 -84.5,-163.6 -84.5,-163.62 -84.5,-163.64 -84.5,-163.66 -84.5,-163.68 -84.5,-163.7 -84.5,-163.7 -84.45,-163.7 -84.4,-163.7 -84.35,-163.7 -84.3,-163.7 -84.25,-163.7 -84.2,-163.7 -84.15,-163.7 -84.1,-163.7 -84.05,-163.7 -84))"] | ["POINT(-163.6 -84.25)"] | false | false |
Mount Moulton Isotopes and Other Ice Core Data
0230316 |
2015-11-24 | Steig, Eric J.; White, James; Popp, Trevor |
Collaborative Research: Refining a 500-kry Climate Record From the Moulton Blue Ice Field in West Antarctica |
This data set consists of water isotope ratios from the Mt. Moulton ice-trench record, as well as data from the Taylor Dome, EPICA Dome C, Talos Dome, Vostok, and EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice cores. | ["POINT(-134.43 -74.04)"] | ["POINT(-134.43 -74.04)"] | false | false |
Ultra-trace Measurements in the WAIS Divide 06A Ice Core
1043780 |
2015-10-27 | Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric |
Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements in the Deep West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core |
These data contain the results of gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of 207 samples from the WAIS Divide 06A ice core. The trace gases found in the 207 samples are ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), n-butane (n-C4H10), carbonyl sulfide (COS), carbon disulfide (CS2), methyl chloride (CH3Cl), and methyl bromide (CH3Br). | ["POINT(-112.1 -79.5)"] | ["POINT(-112.1 -79.5)"] | false | false |
Ultra-High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Results: DO-21 Rapid Warming Event
0538657 |
2015-10-27 | Haines, Skylar; Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V. |
Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate |
This data set contains the results of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) performed on an archive of the GISP2 ice core containing the rapid climate warming of Dansgaard-Oeschger Event 21. | ["POINT(-38.5 -76.2)"] | ["POINT(-38.5 -76.2)"] | false | false |
LA-ICP-MS Results: 3 Siple Dome A Glacial Age Archives
1042883 |
2015-10-27 | Haines, Skylar; Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V. |
Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014) |
This data set contains the results of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) performed on an archive of the Siple Dome A ice core containing the rapid climate warming of Dansgaard-Oeschger Event 21. | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"] | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"] | false | false |
Low-res d15N and d18O of O2 in the WAIS Divide 06A Deep Core
0538657 |
2015-10-20 | Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. |
Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the WAIS Divide Ice Core as Constraints on Chronology, Temperature, and Accumulation Rate |
This data set is a low-resolution set of measurements of d15N of N2 and d18O of O2, along with dO2/N and dAr/N2 supporting data, in the WAIS Divide 3405 m long ice core recovered in 2011. Data are distributed via FTP. | ["POINT(-112.08 -79.47)"] | ["POINT(-112.08 -79.47)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide Ice Core CO2
0739766 |
2015-10-06 | Brook, Edward J.; Marcott, Shaun |
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change: The WAIS Divide Ice Core Record |
The data are measurements of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) from the WAIS Divide Ice Core, WDC06A, Antarctica. | ["POINT(-112.08 -79.46)"] | ["POINT(-112.08 -79.46)"] | false | false |
Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Ice Core ICP-MS data
1042883 |
2015-09-29 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Kurbatov, Andrei V. |
Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014) |
This data set includes three Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core samples drilled on Roosevelt Island, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. The RICE elements analyzed were: Sr, Cd, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Pb, Bi, U, As, Li, I, Al, S, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Na, Mg, Cu, Zn, and K verses depth. | ["POINT(-161.53 -79.39)"] | ["POINT(-161.53 -79.39)"] | false | false |
Continuous, Ultra-high Resolution WAIS-Divide Ice Core Methane Record 9.8-67.2 ka BP
1043518 0944552 0839093 1142166 1142041 |
2015-07-23 | McConnell, Joseph; Brook, Edward J.; Rhodes, Rachel |
Collaborative Research: Completing an ultra-high resolution methane record from the WAIS Divide ice core |
This data set contains methane concentrations from a West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core obtained by an online, continuous technique (Stowasser, et al. 2012). <br></br> IMPORTANT NOTE: The experiment-time-integrated data are made available as a comprehensive archive of WAIS-Divide methane measurements. In the vast majority of cases the 2-yearly spline fit will be the most suitable for your application (Rhodes_Science_2015_WD_CH4_noaa-wdc-paleo (8).xlsx or Rhodes_Science_2015_WD_CH4_noaa-wdc-paleo.txt). <br> </br> For more detailed information on the 2 yearly cubic smoothing spline please refer to references listed, in particular, the Supplementary Material of Rhodes et al. (2015). | ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"] | ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"] | false | false |
Snowpit Chemistry - Methods Comparison, WAIS Divide, Antarctica
0636740 |
2015-06-01 | Kreutz, Karl |
Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core |
Measurements of a suite of trace elements in snow pit samples from WAIS Divide, Antarctica. | ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"] | ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide WDC06A Oxygen Isotope Record
1043092 |
2015-04-28 | Steig, Eric J. |
Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core |
This data set contains complete low resolution (0.25 to 100 cm) oxygen isotope data from the WAIS Divide Ice Core WDC06A, 0 to 3404.7 m depth. Also included is the WDC2014 timescale. | ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"] | ["POINT(-112.05 -79.28)"] | false | false |
Reedy Glacier Exposure Ages, Antarctica
0229314 |
2015-03-30 | Stone, John |
Collaborative Research: Late Quaternary History of Reedy Glacier |
This data set contains site, sample, and analytical data from which to calculate cosmogenic nuclide-based exposure ages for glacial deposits adjacent to Reedy Glacier, Antarctica. The data are formatted as input for the CRONUS online exposure-age calculator (http://www.hess.ess.edu/), which determines the exposure age from the cosmogenic Beryllium-10 and Aluminum-26 production rates. | ["POLYGON((-136.32 -85.38,-135.136 -85.38,-133.952 -85.38,-132.768 -85.38,-131.584 -85.38,-130.4 -85.38,-129.216 -85.38,-128.032 -85.38,-126.848 -85.38,-125.664 -85.38,-124.48 -85.38,-124.48 -85.493,-124.48 -85.606,-124.48 -85.719,-124.48 -85.832,-124.48 -85.945,-124.48 -86.058,-124.48 -86.171,-124.48 -86.284,-124.48 -86.397,-124.48 -86.51,-125.664 -86.51,-126.848 -86.51,-128.032 -86.51,-129.216 -86.51,-130.4 -86.51,-131.584 -86.51,-132.768 -86.51,-133.952 -86.51,-135.136 -86.51,-136.32 -86.51,-136.32 -86.397,-136.32 -86.284,-136.32 -86.171,-136.32 -86.058,-136.32 -85.945,-136.32 -85.832,-136.32 -85.719,-136.32 -85.606,-136.32 -85.493,-136.32 -85.38))"] | ["POINT(-130.4 -85.945)"] | false | false |
Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica
0944659 |
2015-01-01 | Kiene, Ronald |
Collaborative Research: Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica |
Spectacular blooms of Phaeocystis antarctica in the Ross Sea, Antarctica are the source of some of the world's highest concentrations of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and its volatile degradation product, dimethylsulfide (DMS). The flux of DMS from the oceans to the atmosphere in this region and its subsequent gas phase oxidation generates aerosols that have a strong influence on cloud properties and possibly climate. In the oceans, DMS and DMSP are quantitatively significant components of the carbon, sulfur, and energy flows in marine food webs, especially in the Ross Sea. Despite its central role in carbon and sulfur biogeochemistry in the Ross Sea, surprisingly little is known about the physiological functions of DMSP in P. Antarctica. The research will isolate and characterize DMSP lyases from P. antarctica, with the goal of obtaining amino acid and gene sequence information on these important enzymes. The physiological studies will focus on the effects of varying intensities of photosynthetically active radiation, with and without ultraviolet radiation as these are factors that we have found to be important controls on DMSP and DMS dynamics. The research also will examine the effects of prolonged darkness on the dynamics of DMSP and related compounds in P. antarctica, as survival of this species during the dark Antarctic winter and at sub-euphotic depths appears to be an important part of the Phaeocystis? ecology. A unique aspect of this work is the focus on measurements of intracellular MSA, which if detected, would provide strong evidence for in vivo radical scavenging functions for methyl sulfur compounds. The study will advance understanding of what controls DMSP cycling and ultimately DMS emissions from the Ross Sea and also provide information on what makes P. antarctica so successful in this extreme environment. The research will directly benefit and build on several interrelated ocean-atmosphere programs including the International Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) program. The PIs will participate in several activities involving K-12 education, High School teacher training, public education and podcasting through the auspices of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Discovery Hall program and SUNY ESF. Two graduate students will be employed full time, and six undergraduates (2 each summer) will be trained as part of this project. | ["POLYGON((-160 -68,-159 -68,-158 -68,-157 -68,-156 -68,-155 -68,-154 -68,-153 -68,-152 -68,-151 -68,-150 -68,-150 -69,-150 -70,-150 -71,-150 -72,-150 -73,-150 -74,-150 -75,-150 -76,-150 -77,-150 -78,-151 -78,-152 -78,-153 -78,-154 -78,-155 -78,-156 -78,-157 -78,-158 -78,-159 -78,-160 -78,-160 -77,-160 -76,-160 -75,-160 -74,-160 -73,-160 -72,-160 -71,-160 -70,-160 -69,-160 -68))"] | ["POINT(-155 -73)"] | false | false |
Zircon Hf Isotopes and the Continental Evolution of Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
1142156 |
2015-01-01 | Marschall, Horst |
Zircon Hf Isotopes and the Continental Evolution of Dronning Maud Land, East Antacrtica |
Geochemical studies of single mineral grains in rocks can be probed to reconstruct the history of our planet. The mineral zircon (ZrSiO4) is of unique importance in that respect because of its reliability as a geologic clock due to its strong persistence against weathering, transport and changes in temperature and pressure. Uranium-Lead (U-Pb) dating of zircon grains is, perhaps, the most frequently employed method of extracting time information on geologic processes that shaped the continental crust, and has been used to constrain the evolution of continents and mountain belts through time. In addition, the isotopic composition of the element Hafnium (Hf) in zircon is used to date when the continental crust was generated by extraction of magma from the underlying mantle. Melting of rocks in the mantle and deep in the continental crust are key processes in the evolution of the continents, and they are recorded in the Hf isotopic signatures of zircon. Although the analytical procedures for U-Pb dating and Hf isotope analyses of zircon are robust now, our understanding of zircon growth and its exchange of elements and isotopes with its surrounding rock or magma are still underdeveloped. The focus of the proposed study, therefore, is to unravel the evolution of zircon Hf isotopes in rocks that were formed deep in the Earth's crust, and more specifically, to apply these isotopic methods to rocks collected in Dronning Maud Land (DML), East Antarctica. Dronning Maud Land (DML) occupied a central location during the formation of supercontinents - large landmasses made up of all the continents that exist today - more than 500 million years ago. It is currently thought that supercontinents were formed and dismembered five or six times throughout Earth's history. The area of DML is key for understanding the formation history of the last two supercontinents. The boundaries of continents that were merged to form those supercontinents are most likely hidden in DML. In this study, the isotopic composition of zircon grains recovered from DML rocks will be employed to identify these boundaries across an extensive section through the area. The rock samples were collected by the investigator during a two-month expedition to Antarctica in the austral summer of 2007-2008. The results of dating and isotope analyses of zircon of the different DML crustal domains will deliver significant insight into the regional geology of East Antarctica and its previous northern extension into Africa. This has significance for the reconstruction of the supercontinents and defining the continental boundaries in DML. | ["POLYGON((-6.44 -71.93,-5.378 -71.93,-4.316 -71.93,-3.254 -71.93,-2.192 -71.93,-1.13 -71.93,-0.068 -71.93,0.994 -71.93,2.056 -71.93,3.118 -71.93,4.18 -71.93,4.18 -71.998,4.18 -72.066,4.18 -72.134,4.18 -72.202,4.18 -72.27,4.18 -72.338,4.18 -72.406,4.18 -72.474,4.18 -72.542,4.18 -72.61,3.118 -72.61,2.056 -72.61,0.994 -72.61,-0.068 -72.61,-1.13 -72.61,-2.192 -72.61,-3.254 -72.61,-4.316 -72.61,-5.378 -72.61,-6.44 -72.61,-6.44 -72.542,-6.44 -72.474,-6.44 -72.406,-6.44 -72.338,-6.44 -72.27,-6.44 -72.202,-6.44 -72.134,-6.44 -72.066,-6.44 -71.998,-6.44 -71.93))"] | ["POINT(-1.13 -72.27)"] | false | false |
Measurements of Trapped Air from Mullins Valley, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
0636731 |
2014-11-26 | Bender, Michael; Yau, Audrey M. |
Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica |
These data describe the analyses of the elemental and isotopic composition of O2, N2, and Ar and total air content made on the trapped air from three shallow ice cores (<34m depth) collected during the 2009 field campaign to Mullins Valley of the Dry Valleys, Antarctica. | ["POINT(160.35 -77.87)"] | ["POINT(160.35 -77.87)"] | false | false |
Methyl Chloride Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core
0636953 |
2014-09-10 | Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat |
Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores |
This data set includes methyl chloride (CH<sub>3</sub>CI) measurements made on air extracted from 62 samples from the Taylor Dome M3C1 ice core in East Antarctica. CH<sub>3</sub>CI was measured in air from the Taylor Dome ice core to reconstruct an atmospheric record for the Holocene (11-0 kyr B.P.) and part of the last glacial period (50-30 kyr B.P.). | ["POINT(158.43 -77.48)"] | ["POINT(158.43 -77.48)"] | false | false |
Methyl Bromide Measurements in the Taylor Dome M3C1 Ice Core
0636953 |
2014-09-10 | Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat |
Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores |
The data set includes methyl bromide (CH3Br) measurements made on air extracted from 70 samples from the Taylor Dome M3C1 ice core. CH3Br was measured in air from the Taylor Dome ice core to reconstruct an atmospheric record for the Holocene (11-0 kyr B.P.) and part of the last glacial period (50-30 kyr B.P.). | ["POINT(157.4 -77.44)"] | ["POINT(157.4 -77.44)"] | false | false |
High-resolution Atmospheric CO2 during 7.4-9.0 ka
0944764 |
2014-06-25 | Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho |
Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change |
This data set provides a new CO2 record from the Siple Dome ice core, Antarctica, that covers 7.4-9.0 ka (thousand years) with 8- to 16-year resolution. A small, about 1-2 ppm, increase of atmospheric CO2 during the 8.2 ka event was observed. The increase is not significant when compared to other centennial variations in the Holocene that are not linked to large temperature changes. The results do not agree with leaf stomata records that suggest a CO2 decrease of up to ~25 ppm and imply that the sensitivity of atmospheric CO2 to the primarily northern hemisphere cooling of the 8.2 ka event was limited. | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"] | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"] | false | false |
Major Ion Chemistry Data of WAIS Divide Ice Core Brittle Ice
0839066 |
2014-03-19 | Cole-Dai, Jihong |
Major Ion Chemical Analysis of Brittle Ice in the WAIS Divide Ice Core |
The brittle ice section (577-1300 m) of the main WAIS Divide ice core (WDC06A) was analyzed for major ion concentrations with ion chromatography. | ["POINT(-112.1 -79.5)"] | ["POINT(-112.1 -79.5)"] | false | false |
Measurements of Air and Snow Photochemical Species at WAIS Divide, Antarctica
0636929 |
2014-03-17 | Bales, Roger |
Atmospheric, Snow and Firn Chemistry Studies for Interpretation of WAIS-Divide Cores |
This data set contains atmospheric mixing ratios of nitric oxide, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, methylhydroperoxide, and concentrations in surface snow and in snow pits of nitrate, nitrite, and hydrogen peroxide at the WAIS Divide deep ice-coring site. | ["POINT(-112.085 -79.467)"] | ["POINT(-112.085 -79.467)"] | false | false |
Late Holocene Methane Concentrations from WAIS Divide and GISP2
0538578 0944584 0538538 |
2014-01-31 | Mitchell, Logan E |
Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core. |
This data set measures methane concentrations in ancient air trapped in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide and Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP2) ice cores; presenting two, high-resolution ice core methane records of the past 2500 years, one from each pole. These measurements were used to reconstruct the methane Inter-Polar Difference (IPD) during the late Holocene. Also included are model results of methane emissions that were presented in the manuscript describing this data set. | ["POINT(-112.0865 -79.4676)", "POINT(-38.5 72.6)"] | ["POINT(-112.0865 -79.4676)", "POINT(-38.5 72.6)"] | false | false |
Major Ion Concentrations in WDC05Q and WDC06A Ice Cores (WAIS Divide)
0538553 |
2014-01-08 | Cole-Dai, Jihong |
Major Ion Chemistry of WAIS Divide Ice Core |
This data set contains major ion concentrations from the chemical analysis of two WAIS Divide ice cores (WDC05Q, 0-114 m; WDC06A, 0-129 m). The analytical technique is Mettler-based Continuous Flow Analysis with online Ion Chromatography detection (CFA-IC). Depth resolution is approximately 2 cm per sample or per measurement. | ["POINT(-112 -79.5)"] | ["POINT(-112 -79.5)"] | false | false |
Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)
1043740 |
2014-01-01 | Lenczewski, Melissa |
Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL) |
The PI proposes to utilize computer models used by hydrogeologists to establish the fate and transport of contamination and determine the extent of drilling fluid contamination in the ANDRILL SMS core. For these models, previously collected logs of lithology, porosity, fracture density, fracture type, fracture orientation, drilling fluid loss, drilling fluid characteristics and temperature will be used as input parameters. In addition, biodegradation and sorption constants for the drilling fluid will be determined and incorporated into the models. Samples of drilling fluids used during coring as well as the return fluids were collected at the drill site using standard microbiological sampling techniques. Fluids will be tested at in situ temperatures under aerobic and anaerobic conditions to determine biodegradation constants. Sorption will be determined between the drilling fluids and core samples using standard isotherm methods. Geochemical and microbial fingerprints of the fluids and the changes during biodegradation will determine the potential impact of the drilling fluids on the isolated microbial communities and the geochemistry within various subsurface lithologic units beneath the southern McMurdo Sound in Antarctica. The results of this study could potentially provide guidelines on developing less detrimental methods for future exploration, if deemed necessary through this research. This proposed project will train a graduate student. The methods developed for analyses of samples in this project will serve as a guide for future studies of similar interest and will improve the understanding of ecological impacts of geologic drilling in Antarctica. The results of this study will be used as a reference for comparison with future studies examining newly developed, and improved, sample collection methods in future exploratory drilling projects in pristine environments. The PI is new to Antarctic research. | ["POLYGON((165 -77.5,165.3 -77.5,165.6 -77.5,165.9 -77.5,166.2 -77.5,166.5 -77.5,166.8 -77.5,167.1 -77.5,167.4 -77.5,167.7 -77.5,168 -77.5,168 -77.6,168 -77.7,168 -77.8,168 -77.9,168 -78,168 -78.1,168 -78.2,168 -78.3,168 -78.4,168 -78.5,167.7 -78.5,167.4 -78.5,167.1 -78.5,166.8 -78.5,166.5 -78.5,166.2 -78.5,165.9 -78.5,165.6 -78.5,165.3 -78.5,165 -78.5,165 -78.4,165 -78.3,165 -78.2,165 -78.1,165 -78,165 -77.9,165 -77.8,165 -77.7,165 -77.6,165 -77.5))"] | ["POINT(166.5 -78)"] | false | false |
Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)
0838849 |
2014-01-01 | Bender, Michael |
Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA) |
This award supports a project to generate an absolute timescale for the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA), and then to reconstruct details of past climate changes and greenhouse gas concentrations for certain time periods back to 2.5 Ma. Ice ages will be determined by applying emerging methods for absolute and relative dating of trapped air bubbles (based on Argon-40/Argon-38, delta-18O of O2, and the O2/N2 ratio). To demonstrate the potential of the Allan Hills BIAs as a paleoclimate archive trenches and ice cores will be collected for age intervals corresponding to 110-140 ka, 1 Ma, and 2.5 Ma. During the proposed two field seasons a total of 6x100 m and additional 15 m cores will be combined with trenching. The intellectual merit of the proposed activity is that the results of this work will extend the landmark work of EPICA and other deep ice coring efforts, which give records dating back to 0.8 Ma, and will complement work planned by IPICS to drill a continuous Antarctic ice core extending to 1.5 Ma. The results will help to advance understanding of major climate regimes and transitions that took place between 0-2.5 Ma, including the 40 kyr world and the mid-Pleistocene climate transition. A major long-term scientific goal is to provide a transformative approach to the collection of paleoclimate records by establishing an 'International Climate Park' in the Allan Hills BIA that would enable sampling of large quantities of known age ice as old as 2.5 Ma, by any interested American or foreign investigator. The broader impacts resulting from the proposed activity include training students who are well versed in advanced field, laboratory and numerical modeling methods combining geochemistry, glaciology, and paleoclimatology. We will include material relevant to our proposed research in our ongoing efforts in local education and in our outreach efforts for media. The University of Maine already has cyberinfrastructure, using state of the art web-based technology, which can provide a wide community of scientists with fast access to the results of our research. The work will contribute to the broad array of climate change studies that is informing worldwide understanding of natural and anthropogenic forced climate change, and the options for responding. This award has field work in Antarctica. | ["POLYGON((159.16667 -76.66667,159.19167 -76.66667,159.21667 -76.66667,159.24167 -76.66667,159.26667 -76.66667,159.29167 -76.66667,159.31667 -76.66667,159.34167 -76.66667,159.36667 -76.66667,159.39167 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.673336,159.41667 -76.680002,159.41667 -76.686668,159.41667 -76.693334,159.41667 -76.7,159.41667 -76.706666,159.41667 -76.713332,159.41667 -76.719998,159.41667 -76.726664,159.41667 -76.73333,159.39167 -76.73333,159.36667 -76.73333,159.34167 -76.73333,159.31667 -76.73333,159.29167 -76.73333,159.26667 -76.73333,159.24167 -76.73333,159.21667 -76.73333,159.19167 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.726664,159.16667 -76.719998,159.16667 -76.713332,159.16667 -76.706666,159.16667 -76.7,159.16667 -76.693334,159.16667 -76.686668,159.16667 -76.680002,159.16667 -76.673336,159.16667 -76.66667))"] | ["POINT(159.29167 -76.7)"] | false | false |
East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains
1043619 |
2014-01-01 | Hemming, Sidney R. |
Collaborative Research: East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains |
Intellectual Merit: The PIs proposed a provenance study of glacial deposits in the Ross Embayment that will provide a broad scale geochronologic survey of detrital minerals in till to help characterize bedrock beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet and constrain Antarctica?s glacial history. This project capitalizes on previous investments in field sampling. Analytical tools applied to single mineral grains extracted from existing collections of glacial till will generate ?fingerprints? of East Antarctic outlet glaciers and West Antarctic till to refine paleo-ice flow models for the Ross Embayment during the last glacial maximum, older records from ANDRILL cores, and to assess IRD sources in the Southern Ocean. New provenance tracers will include a suite of geochronological methods that together provide greater insights into the orogenic and erosional history the region. This project will include U/Pb of detrital zircons, (U-Th)/He on a subset of the U/Pb dated zircons, as well as Ar-Ar of detrital hornblende, mica and feldspars. Broader Impacts: This research will train one M.S. student at IUPUI, a Ph.D. student at Columbia, and several undergraduates at both institutions. Graduate students involved in the project will be involved in mentoring undergraduate researchers. Incorporation of research discoveries will be brought into the classroom by providing concrete examples and exercises at the appropriate level. Licht and Columbia graduate student E. Pierce are developing outreach projects with local secondary school teachers to investigate the provenance of glacial materials in their local areas. The research will have broad applicability to many fields. | ["POLYGON((-180 -63.997,-179.7982 -63.997,-179.5964 -63.997,-179.3946 -63.997,-179.1928 -63.997,-178.991 -63.997,-178.7892 -63.997,-178.5874 -63.997,-178.3856 -63.997,-178.1838 -63.997,-177.982 -63.997,-177.982 -66.3324,-177.982 -68.6678,-177.982 -71.0032,-177.982 -73.3386,-177.982 -75.674,-177.982 -78.0094,-177.982 -80.3448,-177.982 -82.6802,-177.982 -85.0156,-177.982 -87.351,-178.1838 -87.351,-178.3856 -87.351,-178.5874 -87.351,-178.7892 -87.351,-178.991 -87.351,-179.1928 -87.351,-179.3946 -87.351,-179.5964 -87.351,-179.7982 -87.351,180 -87.351,172.54273 -87.351,165.08546 -87.351,157.62819 -87.351,150.17092 -87.351,142.71365 -87.351,135.25638 -87.351,127.79911 -87.351,120.34184 -87.351,112.88457 -87.351,105.4273 -87.351,105.4273 -85.0156,105.4273 -82.6802,105.4273 -80.3448,105.4273 -78.0094,105.4273 -75.674,105.4273 -73.3386,105.4273 -71.0032,105.4273 -68.6678,105.4273 -66.3324,105.4273 -63.997,112.88457 -63.997,120.34184 -63.997,127.79911 -63.997,135.25638 -63.997,142.71365 -63.997,150.17092 -63.997,157.62819 -63.997,165.08546 -63.997,172.54273 -63.997,-180 -63.997))"] | ["POINT(143.72265 -75.674)"] | false | false |
Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
0636731 |
2014-01-01 | Bender, Michael |
Collaborative Research: Dating and Paleoenvironmental Studies on Ancient Ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica |
This project studies ancient ice buried in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The ice, which may approach ten million years in age, will be dated using argon and uranium radioisotope techniques. High-risk work, if successful it will offer the first and perhaps only samples of the Earth's atmosphere from millions of years in the past. These samples could offer critically important tests of paleoclimate records and proxies, as well as a glimpse into the characteristics of a past world much like the predicted future, warmer Earth. The broader impacts are graduate student education, and potentially contributing to society's understanding of global climate change and sea level rise. | ["POLYGON((-180 -72.6,-176.887 -72.6,-173.774 -72.6,-170.661 -72.6,-167.548 -72.6,-164.435 -72.6,-161.322 -72.6,-158.209 -72.6,-155.096 -72.6,-151.983 -72.6,-148.87 -72.6,-148.87 -73.533,-148.87 -74.466,-148.87 -75.399,-148.87 -76.332,-148.87 -77.265,-148.87 -78.198,-148.87 -79.131,-148.87 -80.064,-148.87 -80.997,-148.87 -81.93,-151.983 -81.93,-155.096 -81.93,-158.209 -81.93,-161.322 -81.93,-164.435 -81.93,-167.548 -81.93,-170.661 -81.93,-173.774 -81.93,-176.887 -81.93,180 -81.93,174.335 -81.93,168.67 -81.93,163.005 -81.93,157.34 -81.93,151.675 -81.93,146.01 -81.93,140.345 -81.93,134.68 -81.93,129.015 -81.93,123.35 -81.93,123.35 -80.997,123.35 -80.064,123.35 -79.131,123.35 -78.198,123.35 -77.265,123.35 -76.332,123.35 -75.399,123.35 -74.466,123.35 -73.533,123.35 -72.6,129.015 -72.6,134.68 -72.6,140.345 -72.6,146.01 -72.6,151.675 -72.6,157.34 -72.6,163.005 -72.6,168.67 -72.6,174.335 -72.6,-180 -72.6))"] | ["POINT(167.24 -77.265)"] | false | false |
The Biogeochemical Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Fluvial System on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica
0838970 |
2014-01-01 | Foreman, Christine |
Collaborative Research: The Biogeochemical Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Fluvial System on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica |
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) comprises a significant pool of Earth's organic carbon that dwarfs the amount present in living aquatic organisms. The properties and reactivity of DOM are not well defined, and the evolution of autochthonous DOM from its precursor materials in freshwater has not been observed. Recent sampling of a supraglacial stream formed on the Cotton Glacier in the Transantarctic Mountains revealed DOM that more closely resembles an assemblage of recognizable precursor organic compounds, based upon its UV-VIS and fluorescence spectra. It is suggested that the DOM from this water evolved over time to resemble materials present in marine and many inland surface waters. The transient nature of the system i.e., it reforms seasonally, also prevents any accumulation of the refractory DOM present in most surface waters. Thus, the Cotton Glacier provides us with a unique environment to study the formation of DOM from precursor materials. An interdisciplinary team will study the biogeochemistry of this progenitor DOM and how microbes modify it. By focusing on the chemical composition of the DOM as it shifts from precursor material to the more humified fractions, the investigators will relate this transition to bioavailability, enzymatic activity, community composition and microbial growth efficiency. This project will support education at all levels, K-12, high school, undergraduate, graduate and post-doc and will increase participation by under-represented groups in science. Towards these goals, the investigators have established relationships with girls' schools and Native American programs. Additional outreach will be carried out in coordination with PolarTREC, PolarPalooza, and if possible, an Antarctic Artist and Writer. | ["POINT(161.667 -77.117)"] | ["POINT(161.667 -77.117)"] | false | false |
Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica
0944686 |
2014-01-01 | Kieber, David John |
Collaborative Research: Ecophysiology of DMSP and related compounds and their contributions to carbon and sulfur dynamics in Phaeocystis antarctica |
Spectacular blooms of Phaeocystis antarctica in the Ross Sea, Antarctica are the source of some of the world's highest concentrations of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and its volatile degradation product, dimethylsulfide (DMS). The flux of DMS from the oceans to the atmosphere in this region and its subsequent gas phase oxidation generates aerosols that have a strong influence on cloud properties and possibly climate. In the oceans, DMS and DMSP are quantitatively significant components of the carbon, sulfur, and energy flows in marine food webs, especially in the Ross Sea. Despite its central role in carbon and sulfur biogeochemistry in the Ross Sea, surprisingly little is known about the physiological functions of DMSP in P. antarctica. The research will isolate and characterize DMSP lyases from P. antarctica, with the goal of obtaining amino acid and gene sequence information on these important enzymes. The physiological studies will focus on the effects of varying intensities of photosynthetically active radiation, with and without ultraviolet radiation as these are factors that we have found to be important controls on DMSP and DMS dynamics. The research also will examine the effects of prolonged darkness on the dynamics of DMSP and related compounds in P. antarctica, as survival of this species during the dark Antarctic winter and at sub-euphotic depths appears to be an important part of the Phaeocystis' ecology. A unique aspect of this work is the focus on measurements of intracellular MSA, which if detected, would provide strong evidence for in vivo radical scavenging functions for methyl sulfur compounds. The study will advance understanding of what controls DMSP cycling and ultimately DMS emissions from the Ross Sea and also provide information on what makes P. antarctica so successful in this extreme environment. The research will directly benefit and build on several interrelated ocean-atmosphere programs including the International Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) program. The PIs will participate in several activities involving K-12 education, High School teacher training, public education and podcasting through the auspices of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Discovery Hall program and SUNY ESF. Two graduate students will be employed full time, and six undergraduates (2 each summer) will be trained as part of this project. | ["POLYGON((-160 -68,-159 -68,-158 -68,-157 -68,-156 -68,-155 -68,-154 -68,-153 -68,-152 -68,-151 -68,-150 -68,-150 -69,-150 -70,-150 -71,-150 -72,-150 -73,-150 -74,-150 -75,-150 -76,-150 -77,-150 -78,-151 -78,-152 -78,-153 -78,-154 -78,-155 -78,-156 -78,-157 -78,-158 -78,-159 -78,-160 -78,-160 -77,-160 -76,-160 -75,-160 -74,-160 -73,-160 -72,-160 -71,-160 -70,-160 -69,-160 -68))"] | ["POINT(-155 -73)"] | false | false |
Major Ion Concentrations in 2004 South Pole Ice Core
0337933 |
2013-11-19 | Cole-Dai, Jihong |
Collaborative Research: Investigating Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics through Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes in Volcanic Sulfate from South Pole Ice Cores |
A 180 m ice core drilled at South Pole in 2004/2005 was analyzed for concentrations of major ions at a depth resolution of approximately 2 cm. Measured ions are chloride, nitrate, sulfate, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. The bottom of the core has been dated to 1830 years before 2004. | ["POINT(0 -90)"] | ["POINT(0 -90)"] | false | false |
Allan Hills Stable Water Isotopes
0838843 |
2013-10-24 | Kurbatov, Andrei V.; Spaulding, Nicole; Mayewski, Paul A.; Introne, Douglas |
Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA) Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area |
This data set includes stable water isotope values at 10 m resolution along an approximately 5 km transect through the main icefield of the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, and at 15 cm within a 225 m core drilled at the midpoint of the transect. | ["POLYGON((159 -75.67,159.025 -75.67,159.05 -75.67,159.075 -75.67,159.1 -75.67,159.125 -75.67,159.15 -75.67,159.175 -75.67,159.2 -75.67,159.225 -75.67,159.25 -75.67,159.25 -75.786,159.25 -75.902,159.25 -76.018,159.25 -76.134,159.25 -76.25,159.25 -76.366,159.25 -76.482,159.25 -76.598,159.25 -76.714,159.25 -76.83,159.225 -76.83,159.2 -76.83,159.175 -76.83,159.15 -76.83,159.125 -76.83,159.1 -76.83,159.075 -76.83,159.05 -76.83,159.025 -76.83,159 -76.83,159 -76.714,159 -76.598,159 -76.482,159 -76.366,159 -76.25,159 -76.134,159 -76.018,159 -75.902,159 -75.786,159 -75.67))"] | ["POINT(159.125 -76.25)"] | false | false |
Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age
0944764 |
2013-08-08 | Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho |
Atmospheric CO2 and Abrupt Climate Change |
During the last glacial period atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature in Antarctica varied in a similar fashion on millennial time scales, but previous work indicates that these changes were gradual. In a detailed analysis of one event, we now find that approximately half of the CO2 increase that occurred during the 1500 year cold period between Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) Events 8 and 9 happened rapidly, over less than two centuries. This rise in CO2 was synchronous with, or slightly later than, a rapid increase of Antarctic temperature inferred from stable isotopes. | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)", "POINT(-119.83 -80.01)"] | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)", "POINT(-119.83 -80.01)"] | false | false |
US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data
0837883 9725057 |
2013-07-11 | Dixon, Daniel A.; Mayewski, Paul A. |
Science Management for the United States Component of the International Trans-Antarctic Expedition |
This data set contains sub-annually resolved ice core chemistry data from various sites on the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) deployments. Researchers conducted experiments approximately every 30 - 300 km looking for clues representing climatic conditions over the past 200-1000+ years. Ice cores obtained for the glaciochemical component of the US ITASE research were analyzed for soluble major ion content and in some cases trace elements. Extreme events, such as volcanic eruptions, provide absolute age horizons within each core that are easily identified in chemical profiles. Our chemical analysis is also useful for quantifying anthropogenic impact, biogeochemical cycling, and for reconstructing past atmospheric circulation patterns. | ["POLYGON((-76.1 -77.68,-53.253 -77.68,-30.406 -77.68,-7.559 -77.68,15.288 -77.68,38.135 -77.68,60.982 -77.68,83.829 -77.68,106.676 -77.68,129.523 -77.68,152.37 -77.68,152.37 -78.912,152.37 -80.144,152.37 -81.376,152.37 -82.608,152.37 -83.84,152.37 -85.072,152.37 -86.304,152.37 -87.536,152.37 -88.768,152.37 -90,129.523 -90,106.676 -90,83.829 -90,60.982 -90,38.135 -90,15.288 -90,-7.559 -90,-30.406 -90,-53.253 -90,-76.1 -90,-76.1 -88.768,-76.1 -87.536,-76.1 -86.304,-76.1 -85.072,-76.1 -83.84,-76.1 -82.608,-76.1 -81.376,-76.1 -80.144,-76.1 -78.912,-76.1 -77.68))"] | ["POINT(38.135 -83.84)"] | false | false |
West Antarctica Ice Core and Climate Model Data
0837988 |
2013-03-13 | Steig, Eric J. |
Collaborative Research: Antarctic Climate Reconstruction Utilizing the US ITASE Ice Core Array (2009- 2012) |
This data set includes ice core water isotope data from Antarctic ice cores covering the last 200 to 2000 years. | ["POLYGON((-180 -65,-144 -65,-108 -65,-72 -65,-36 -65,0 -65,36 -65,72 -65,108 -65,144 -65,180 -65,180 -67.5,180 -70,180 -72.5,180 -75,180 -77.5,180 -80,180 -82.5,180 -85,180 -87.5,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87.5,-180 -85,-180 -82.5,-180 -80,-180 -77.5,-180 -75,-180 -72.5,-180 -70,-180 -67.5,-180 -65))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
The Permian-Triassic Transition in Antarctica: Evaluating the Rates and Variability of Carbon Isotope Fluctuations in Terrestrial Organic Matter
1039365 |
2013-01-01 | Rimmer, Susan |
Collaborative Research: The Permian -Triassic Transition in Antarctica: Evaluating the Rates and Variability of Carbon Isotope Fluctuatios in Terrestrial Organic Matter |
This project studies the Permian-Triassic extinction event as recorded in sedimentary rocks from the Transantarctic Mountains of Antarctica. Two hundred and fifty million years ago most life on Earth was wiped out in a geologic instant. The cause is a subject of great debate. Researchers have identified a unique stratigraphic section near Shackleton glacier laid down during the extinction event. Organic matter from these deposits will be analyzed by density gradient centrifugation (DGC), which will offer detailed information on the carbon isotope composition. The age of these layers will be precisely dated by U/Pb-zircon-dating of intercalated volcanics. Combined, these results will offer detailed constraints on the timing and duration of carbon isotope excursions during the extinction, and offer insight into the coupling of marine and terrestrial carbon cycles. The broader impacts of this project include graduate and undergraduate student research, K12 outreach and teacher involvement, and societal relevance of the results, since the P/T extinction may have been caused by phenomena such as methane release, which could accompany global warming. | [] | [] | false | false |
Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica
0739698 0739681 |
2013-01-01 | Murray, Alison |
Collaborative Research: Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica |
Lake Vida is the largest lake of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, with an approximately 20 m ice cover overlaying a brine of unknown depth with at least 7 times seawater salinity and temperatures below -10 degrees C year-round. Samples of brine collected from ice above the main water body contain 1) the highest nitrous oxide levels of any natural water body on Earth, 2) unusual geochemistry including anomalously high ammonia and iron concentrations, 3) high microbial counts with an unusual proportion (99%) of ultramicrobacteria. The microbial community is unique even compared to other Dry Valley Lakes. The research proposes to enter, for the first time the main brine body below the thick ice of Lake Vida and perform in situ measurements, collect samples of the brine column, and collect sediment cores from the lake bottom for detailed geochemical and microbiological analyses. The results will allow the characterization of present and past life in the lake, assessment of modern and past sedimentary processes, and determination of the lake's history. The research will be conducted by a multidisciplinary team that will uncover the biogeochemical processes associated with a non-photosynthetic microbial community isolated for a significant period of time. This research will address diversity, adaptive mechanisms and evolutionary processes in the context of the physical evolution of the environment of Lake Vida. Results will be widely disseminated through publications, presentations at national and international meetings, through the Subglacial Antarctic Lake Exploration (SALE) web site and the McMurdo LTER web site. The research will support three graduate students and three undergraduate research assistants. The results will be incorporated into a new undergraduate biogeosciences course at the University of Illinois at Chicago which has an extremely diverse student body, dominated by minorities. | ["POINT(161.931 -77.3885)"] | ["POINT(161.931 -77.3885)"] | false | false |
Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams
0739648 |
2013-01-01 | Cary, S. Craig |
Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams |
The glacial streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys have extensive cyanobacterial mats that are a probable source of fixed C and N to the Valleys. The research will examine the interplay between the microbial mats in the ephemeral glacial streams and the microbiota of the hyporheic soils (wetted soil zone) underlying and adjacent to those mats. It is hypothesized that the mats are important sources of organic carbon and fixed nitrogen for the soil communities of the hyporheic zone, and release dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) that serves the entire Dry Valley ecosystem. Field efforts will entail both observational and experimental components. Direct comparisons will be made between the mats and microbial populations underlying naturally rehydrated and desiccated mat areas, and between mat areas in the melt streams of the Adams and Miers Glaciers in Miers Valley. Both physiological and phylogenetic indices of the soil microbiota will be examined. Observations will include estimates of rates of mat carbon and nitrogen fixation, soil respiration and leucine and thymidine uptake (as measures of protein & DNA synthesis, respectively) by soil bacteria, bacterial densities and their molecular ecology. Experimental manipulations will include experimental re-wetting of soils and observations of the time course of response of the microbial community. The research will integrate modern molecular genetic approaches (ARISA-DNA fingerprinting and ultra deep 16S rDNA microbial phylogenetic analysis) with geochemistry to study the diversity, ecology, and function of microbial communities that thrive in these extreme environments. The broader impacts of the project include research and educational opportunities for graduate students and a postdoctoral associate. The P.I.s will involve undergraduates as work-study students and in REU programs, and will participate in educational and outreach programs. | ["POINT(163 -77.5)"] | ["POINT(163 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Ice Core Chemistry from the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica, IPY 2007-2009
0538416 |
2012-08-08 | McConnell, Joseph |
Collaborative Research: Norwegian-United States IPY Scientific Traverse: Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica |
This data set consists of sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations versus depth in seven ice cores that were obtained by the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica during the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2009. Additional glaciochemical analyses and a final depth-age scale will be added as these data become available. Data are available via FTP. | ["POLYGON((-54.9 -73.7,-49.57 -73.7,-44.24 -73.7,-38.91 -73.7,-33.58 -73.7,-28.25 -73.7,-22.92 -73.7,-17.59 -73.7,-12.26 -73.7,-6.93 -73.7,-1.6 -73.7,-1.6 -74.61,-1.6 -75.52,-1.6 -76.43,-1.6 -77.34,-1.6 -78.25,-1.6 -79.16,-1.6 -80.07,-1.6 -80.98,-1.6 -81.89,-1.6 -82.8,-6.93 -82.8,-12.26 -82.8,-17.59 -82.8,-22.92 -82.8,-28.25 -82.8,-33.58 -82.8,-38.91 -82.8,-44.24 -82.8,-49.57 -82.8,-54.9 -82.8,-54.9 -81.89,-54.9 -80.98,-54.9 -80.07,-54.9 -79.16,-54.9 -78.25,-54.9 -77.34,-54.9 -76.43,-54.9 -75.52,-54.9 -74.61,-54.9 -73.7))"] | ["POINT(-28.25 -78.25)"] | false | false |
Light Absorption Coefficients for Soluble Species in Snow, Dome C, Antarctica
0230288 |
2012-06-26 | Anastasio, Cort; Robles, Tony |
Laboratory Studies of Photochemistry in Antarctic Snow and Ice |
This data set contains light absorption coefficients for soluble chromophores (light-absorbing chemicals) and concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (HOOH) and nitrate (NO3-) in ten snow samples that were collected in 2003 at Dome C, Antarctica. Data are available via FTP. | ["POINT(-123.3 -75.1)"] | ["POINT(-123.3 -75.1)"] | false | false |
Methane Concentrations from the WAIS Divide Ice Core (WDC06A), 60 to 11,300 ybp
0538538 |
2012-04-19 | Sowers, Todd A. |
Collaborative Research: Constructing an Ultra-high Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record for the Last 140,000 Years from WAIS Divide Core. |
This data set contains a high-resolution history of atmospheric methane (CH4) concentrations in parts per billion (ppb) from approximately 60 to 11,300 years before present (ybp), obtained in 2010 from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Ice Core WDC06A. Gas age is derived from the WDC06A-5 ice age scale. Data are available via FTP as a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx). | ["POINT(-112.086483 -79.46763)"] | ["POINT(-112.086483 -79.46763)"] | false | false |
Thermochronologic and modelling test for a Mesozoic West Antarctic Plateau
0739781 |
2012-01-01 | Blythe, Ann Elizabeth; Huerta, Audrey D. |
Collaborative Research: Thermochronologic and modelling test for a Mesozoic West Antarctic Plateau |
This project studies formation of the TransAntarctic Mountains (TAM) through numerical modeling based on cooling histories of apatite mineral grains. The TAM are the highest and longest rift-related mountain range in the world. Various models for their uplift have been proposed, the most provocative of which is that they are not uplifted, but instead are the eroded remnant of a plateau. This project evaluates that hypothesis by collecting apatites from around Byrd Glacier for fission track thermochronology. Results will be combined with a kinematic and thermal model to determine the TAM's structural evolution. The plateau model, if correct, implies that the Byrd Glacier originated not as a glacier-carved valley through the TAM, but as a river system flowing in the opposite direction. Given that the Byrd Glacier is a key drainage for the East Antarctic ice sheet, this result has important implications for ice sheet models and interpretation of both regional geology and sediment records. The main broader impacts are undergraduate research and a new collaboration between a primarily undergraduate and a research institution. Students will be involved in the field program, sample analyses, and numerical modeling. | ["POLYGON((155.77667 -79.793335,156.208836 -79.793335,156.641002 -79.793335,157.073168 -79.793335,157.505334 -79.793335,157.9375 -79.793335,158.369666 -79.793335,158.801832 -79.793335,159.233998 -79.793335,159.666164 -79.793335,160.09833 -79.793335,160.09833 -79.8578345,160.09833 -79.922334,160.09833 -79.9868335,160.09833 -80.051333,160.09833 -80.1158325,160.09833 -80.180332,160.09833 -80.2448315,160.09833 -80.309331,160.09833 -80.3738305,160.09833 -80.43833,159.666164 -80.43833,159.233998 -80.43833,158.801832 -80.43833,158.369666 -80.43833,157.9375 -80.43833,157.505334 -80.43833,157.073168 -80.43833,156.641002 -80.43833,156.208836 -80.43833,155.77667 -80.43833,155.77667 -80.3738305,155.77667 -80.309331,155.77667 -80.2448315,155.77667 -80.180332,155.77667 -80.1158325,155.77667 -80.051333,155.77667 -79.9868335,155.77667 -79.922334,155.77667 -79.8578345,155.77667 -79.793335))"] | ["POINT(157.9375 -80.1158325)"] | false | false |
Alkanes in Firn Air Samples, Antarctica and Greenland
0739598 |
2011-11-30 | Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric |
Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air |
This data set contains ethane, propane, and n-butane measurements in firn air from the South Pole and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide in Antarctica, and from Summit, Greenland. The WAIS Divide and South Pole samples were collected in December to January of of 2005/06 and 2008/09, respectively. The Summit firn was sampled in the summer of 2006. Analyses were conducted on a gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) system at the University of California, Irvine. Measurements and the associated uncertainties are reported as dry air molar mixing ratios in part per trillion (ppt). The reported measurements for each sampling depth represent a mean of multiple measurements on more than one flask in most cases. Data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls) format. | ["POINT(0 -90)", "POINT(112.09 -79.47)", "POINT(-38.3833 72.5833)"] | ["POINT(0 -90)", "POINT(112.09 -79.47)", "POINT(-38.3833 72.5833)"] | false | false |
WAIS Divide Snowpit Chemical and Isotope Measurements, Antarctica
0636740 |
2011-11-15 | Kreutz, Karl; Koffman, Bess |
Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core |
This dataset includes major ion, trace element, microparticle and oxygen isotope (δ18O) data for a snowpit dug and sampled in December 2008 near the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core site. The pit was dug approximately 4 km upwind from the drilling arch in the clean air sector of camp. Sampling was done using trace element clean techniques and all depths are in water equivalents. Data are available via FTP in ASCII text (.txt) format. | ["POINT(-112.3 -79.433333)"] | ["POINT(-112.3 -79.433333)"] | false | false |
Methane Concentration and Chronology from the WAIS Divide Ice Core (WDC05A)
0520523 0538578 0538538 0538427 0739780 |
2011-05-27 | McConnell, Joseph; Brook, Edward J.; Mitchell, Logan E; Sowers, Todd A.; Taylor, Kendrick C. |
Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site |
This data set provides a high-precision and high-resolution record of atmospheric methane from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core WDC05A, spanning the years 1000 to 1800 C.E. The data include methane (CH4) concentration measurements and ice age chronology. Methane concentration data include mean sample depth, gas age, mean concentration, and concentrations from individual measurements, at a temporal resolution of approximately nine years. Ice chronology data include depth and ice age. Data are available via FTP, in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format. | ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"] | ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"] | false | false |
Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record
0842639 |
2011-01-01 | Soreghan, Gerilyn; Elwood Madden, Megan |
Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record |
The proposed research seeks to test the hypothesis that chemical and physical weathering in proximal alluvial systems will show systematic and measurable variations between glacial and nonglacial systems. To accomplish this, the investigation will attempt to quantify the natural variation of chemical and physical weathering in granitoid-sourced proximal alluvial sediments in end-member glacial and nonglacial systems, when other, 'non-climatic' factors (e.g. provenance, drainage basin area and relief, sample grain size, sediment facies) are controlled. If chemical weathering in the proposed hot-humid, hot-arid, hot semi-arid nonglacial systems and the cool-wet, cold semi-arid, and cold-arid glacial systems show systematic variations, then chemical indices may be used to help differentiate paleoclimatic conditions. Continued reliance on students provides a broader impact of this proposed research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission. | ["POLYGON((-163.12865 -77.41693,-163.06062 -77.41693,-162.99259 -77.41693,-162.92456 -77.41693,-162.85653 -77.41693,-162.7885 -77.41693,-162.72047 -77.41693,-162.65244 -77.41693,-162.58441 -77.41693,-162.51638 -77.41693,-162.44835 -77.41693,-162.44835 -77.445495,-162.44835 -77.47406,-162.44835 -77.502625,-162.44835 -77.53119,-162.44835 -77.559755,-162.44835 -77.58832,-162.44835 -77.616885,-162.44835 -77.64545,-162.44835 -77.674015,-162.44835 -77.70258,-162.51638 -77.70258,-162.58441 -77.70258,-162.65244 -77.70258,-162.72047 -77.70258,-162.7885 -77.70258,-162.85653 -77.70258,-162.92456 -77.70258,-162.99259 -77.70258,-163.06062 -77.70258,-163.12865 -77.70258,-163.12865 -77.674015,-163.12865 -77.64545,-163.12865 -77.616885,-163.12865 -77.58832,-163.12865 -77.559755,-163.12865 -77.53119,-163.12865 -77.502625,-163.12865 -77.47406,-163.12865 -77.445495,-163.12865 -77.41693))"] | ["POINT(-162.7885 -77.559755)"] | false | false |
Free Drifting Icebergs as Proliferation Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean
0636319 |
2011-01-01 | Shaw, Tim; Twining, Benjamin |
Collaborative Research: Free Drifting Icebergs as Proliferation Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean |
Atmospheric warming has been associated with retreating glaciers, disintegrating ice shelves, and the increasing prevalence of icebergs in the Southern Ocean over the last decade. Our preliminary study of two icebergs in the NW Weddell Sea, an area of high iceberg concentration, showed significant delivery of terrestrial material accompanied by significant enhancement of phytoplankton and zooplankton/micronekton abundance, and primary production surrounding the icebergs. We hypothesize that nutrient enrichment by free-drifting icebergs will increase primary production and sedimentation of organic carbon, thus increasing the draw-down and sequestration of CO2 in the Southern Ocean and impacting the global carbon cycle. Our research addresses the following questions:1) What is the relationship between the physical dynamics of free-drifting icebergs and the Fe and nutrient distributions of the surrounding water column? 2) What is the relationship between Fe and nutrient distributions associated with free-drifting icebergs and the organic carbon dynamics of the ice-attached and surrounding pelagic communities (microbes, zooplankton, micronekton)? 3) What is impact on the export flux of particulate organic carbon from the mixed layer? An interdisciplinary approach is proposed to examine iceberg structure and dynamics, biogeochemical processes, and carbon cycling that includes measurement of trace element, nutrient and radionuclide distributions; organic carbon dynamics mediated by microbial, ice-attached and zooplankton communities; and particulate organic carbon export fluxes. Results from this project will further our understanding of the relationship between climate change and carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean. Our findings will be incorporated into the Antarctic Research division of the Ocean Exploration Center (OEC) as part of the SIOExplorer: Digital Library Project. The OEC allows users to access content, which is classified to one of four levels: entry (grade K-6), student (grade 6-12), college, and research. Graduate students, undergraduates, teachers, and volunteers are important participants in the proposed field and laboratory work. For the K-12 level, a professional writer of children's books will participate in cruises to produce an account of the expedition and a daily interactive website. | ["POLYGON((-51.9201 -57.5061,-50.99447 -57.5061,-50.06884 -57.5061,-49.14321 -57.5061,-48.21758 -57.5061,-47.29195 -57.5061,-46.36632 -57.5061,-45.44069 -57.5061,-44.51506 -57.5061,-43.58943 -57.5061,-42.6638 -57.5061,-42.6638 -58.03449,-42.6638 -58.56288,-42.6638 -59.09127,-42.6638 -59.61966,-42.6638 -60.14805,-42.6638 -60.67644,-42.6638 -61.20483,-42.6638 -61.73322,-42.6638 -62.26161,-42.6638 -62.79,-43.58943 -62.79,-44.51506 -62.79,-45.44069 -62.79,-46.36632 -62.79,-47.29195 -62.79,-48.21758 -62.79,-49.14321 -62.79,-50.06884 -62.79,-50.99447 -62.79,-51.9201 -62.79,-51.9201 -62.26161,-51.9201 -61.73322,-51.9201 -61.20483,-51.9201 -60.67644,-51.9201 -60.14805,-51.9201 -59.61966,-51.9201 -59.09127,-51.9201 -58.56288,-51.9201 -58.03449,-51.9201 -57.5061))"] | ["POINT(-47.29195 -60.14805)"] | false | false |
Methane Isotopes in South Pole Firn Air, 2008
0739491 |
2011-01-01 | Sowers, Todd A. |
Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air |
This data set contains depth profiles for delta carbon-13 (δ13C) and delta deuterium (δD) of methane (CH<sub>4</sub>) in South Pole firn air. The investigators obtained air samples from two boreholes during December 2008 and January 2009, and subsequently determined isotope ratios at 18 depths. The profiles represent a roughly 100-year history of the isotopic composition of CH<sub>4</sub> at South Pole Station (no depth-age model provided). Data are available via FTP as an ASCII text file (.txt) and a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx). | ["POLYGON((-180 90,-144 90,-108 90,-72 90,-36 90,0 90,36 90,72 90,108 90,144 90,180 90,180 72,180 54,180 36,180 18,180 0,180 -18,180 -36,180 -54,180 -72,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -72,-180 -54,-180 -36,-180 -18,-180 0,-180 18,-180 36,-180 54,-180 72,-180 90))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
Multiple Isotope Analysis of Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core
0538520 |
2010-11-01 | Thiemens, Mark H. |
Collaborative Research: Multiple-isotope Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core |
This data set contains measurements of multiple sulfur and oxygen isotopes from sulfates, from an ice core drilled at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide site in 2005. The initial sulfate measurements, analyzed in 2008 from the 70 meter WAIS 2005A core, are 12 meter averages and span the pre-industrial to industrial transition, from the late 1700s to 2005. This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core (WAISCORES) project. Data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format. | ["POINT(-114.216667 -78.916667)"] | ["POINT(-114.216667 -78.916667)"] | false | false |
Mt. Moulton Ice Trench Mass Spectrometry Data, Antarctica
0636506 |
2010-07-29 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Korotkikh, Elena |
Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context |
This data set contains measurments from co-registered samples from a horizontal trench in the Mt. Moulton Blue Ice Area (BIA) in Antarctica. All 3795 co-registered samples were analyzed for their soluble major anion content by Ion Chromatography (IC) and for trace elements by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry . The data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel format (.xls) and Microsoft Word document (.doc). | ["POLYGON((-137.7 -75.7,-137.4 -75.7,-137.1 -75.7,-136.8 -75.7,-136.5 -75.7,-136.2 -75.7,-135.9 -75.7,-135.6 -75.7,-135.3 -75.7,-135 -75.7,-134.7 -75.7,-134.7 -75.773,-134.7 -75.846,-134.7 -75.919,-134.7 -75.992,-134.7 -76.065,-134.7 -76.138,-134.7 -76.211,-134.7 -76.284,-134.7 -76.357,-134.7 -76.43,-135 -76.43,-135.3 -76.43,-135.6 -76.43,-135.9 -76.43,-136.2 -76.43,-136.5 -76.43,-136.8 -76.43,-137.1 -76.43,-137.4 -76.43,-137.7 -76.43,-137.7 -76.357,-137.7 -76.284,-137.7 -76.211,-137.7 -76.138,-137.7 -76.065,-137.7 -75.992,-137.7 -75.919,-137.7 -75.846,-137.7 -75.773,-137.7 -75.7))"] | ["POINT(-136.2 -76.065)"] | false | false |
Ion Concentrations from SPRESSO Ice Core, Antarctica
0636506 |
2010-07-01 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Korotkikh, Elena |
Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context |
This data set contains ion measurements from co-registered samples from the South Pole Remote Earth Science and Seismological Observatory (SPRESSO) ice core. The core was drilled during the 2002-2003 field season as part of the International Trans-Antarctic Science Expedition (ITASE). Samples were collected for ion chromatography, inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry and stable water isotope analysis. Parameters include measurements of ion concentrations in ice core samples. The data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel format (.xls). | ["POINT(-144.39 -89.93)"] | ["POINT(-144.39 -89.93)"] | false | false |
Microstructural Location and Composition of Impurities in Polar Ice Cores
0440523 9980379 |
2010-02-15 | Baker, Ian; Obbard, Rachel |
The Physical Properties of the US ITASE Firn and Ice Cores from South Pole to Taylor Dome |
This data set contains measurements of impurities and ions in three polar ice cores: the Vostok 5G ice core and the Byrd ice core from Antarctica, and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) D core. Parameters include sample depth, grain size, ion concentration, and ice core impurity information. Measurements were made using Ion Chromatography (IC), optical microscopy, and Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). Data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls)and Microsoft Word (.doc) formats. | ["POINT(-38.466667 72.583333)", "POINT(-119.516667 -80.016667)", "POINT(106.8 -72.466667)"] | ["POINT(-38.466667 72.583333)", "POINT(-119.516667 -80.016667)", "POINT(106.8 -72.466667)"] | false | false |
Free-Drifting Icebergs as Proliferating Dispersion Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean
0636543 |
2010-01-01 | Murray, Alison |
Collaborative Research: Free Drifting Icebergs as Proliferation Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean |
Atmospheric warming has been associated with retreating glaciers, disintegrating ice shelves, and the increasing prevalence of icebergs in the Southern Ocean over the last decade. Our preliminary study of two icebergs in the NW Weddell Sea, an area of high iceberg concentration, showed significant delivery of terrestrial material accompanied by significant enhancement of phytoplankton and zooplankton/micronekton abundance, and primary production surrounding the icebergs. We hypothesize that nutrient enrichment by free-drifting icebergs will increase primary production and sedimentation of organic carbon, thus increasing the draw-down and sequestration of CO2 in the Southern Ocean and impacting the global carbon cycle. Our research addresses the following questions: 1) What is the relationship between the physical dynamics of free-drifting icebergs and the Fe and nutrient distributions of the surrounding water column? 2) What is the relationship between Fe and nutrient distributions associated with free-drifting icebergs and the organic carbon dynamics of the ice-attached and surrounding pelagic communities (microbes, zooplankton, micronekton)? 3) What is impact on the export flux of particulate organic carbon from the mixed layer? An interdisciplinary approach is proposed to examine iceberg structure and dynamics, biogeochemical processes, and carbon cycling that includes measurement of trace element, nutrient and radionuclide distributions; organic carbon dynamics mediated by microbial, ice-attached and zooplankton communities; and particulate organic carbon export fluxes. Results from this project will further our understanding of the relationship between climate change and carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean. Our findings will be incorporated into the Antarctic Research division of the Ocean Exploration Center (OEC) as part of the SIOExplorer: Digital Library Project. The OEC allows users to access content, which is classified to one of four levels: entry (grade K-6), student (grade 6-12), college, and research. Graduate students, undergraduates, teachers, and volunteers are important participants in the proposed field and laboratory work. For the K-12 level, a professional writer of children's books will participate in cruises to produce an account of the expedition and a daily interactive website. | ["POLYGON((-51.98403 -57.58068,-51.042765 -57.58068,-50.1015 -57.58068,-49.160235 -57.58068,-48.21897 -57.58068,-47.277705 -57.58068,-46.33644 -57.58068,-45.395175 -57.58068,-44.45391 -57.58068,-43.512645 -57.58068,-42.57138 -57.58068,-42.57138 -58.10845,-42.57138 -58.63622,-42.57138 -59.16399,-42.57138 -59.69176,-42.57138 -60.21953,-42.57138 -60.7473,-42.57138 -61.27507,-42.57138 -61.80284,-42.57138 -62.33061,-42.57138 -62.85838,-43.512645 -62.85838,-44.45391 -62.85838,-45.395175 -62.85838,-46.33644 -62.85838,-47.277705 -62.85838,-48.21897 -62.85838,-49.160235 -62.85838,-50.1015 -62.85838,-51.042765 -62.85838,-51.98403 -62.85838,-51.98403 -62.33061,-51.98403 -61.80284,-51.98403 -61.27507,-51.98403 -60.7473,-51.98403 -60.21953,-51.98403 -59.69176,-51.98403 -59.16399,-51.98403 -58.63622,-51.98403 -58.10845,-51.98403 -57.58068))"] | ["POINT(-47.277705 -60.21953)"] | false | false |
Antarctica's Geological History Reflected in Sedimentary Radiogenic Isotopes
0538580 |
2010-01-01 | van de Flierdt, Tina; Goldstein, Steven L.; Hemming, Sidney R. |
Antarctica's Geological History Reflected in Sedimentary Radiogenic Isotopes |
This project studies sediment from the ocean floor to understand Antarctica's geologic history. Glacially eroded from the Antarctic continent, these sediments may offer insight into the 99% Antarctica covered by ice. The work's central focus is determining crust formation ages and thermal histories for three key areas of East Antarctica--Prydz Bay, eastern Weddell Sea, and Wilkes Land--through a combination of petrography, bulk sediment geochemistry and radiogenic isotopes, as well as isotope chronology of individual mineral grains. One specific objective is characterizing the composition of the Gamburtsev Mountains through studies of Eocene fluvial sediments from Prydz Bay. In addition to furthering our understanding of the hidden terrains of Antarctica, these terrigenous sediments will also serve as a natural laboratory to evaluate the effects of continental weathering on the Hf/Nd isotope systematics of seawater. An important broader impact of the project is providing exciting research projects for graduate and postdoctoral students using state of the art techniques in geochemistry. | ["POLYGON((60 -60,72 -60,84 -60,96 -60,108 -60,120 -60,132 -60,144 -60,156 -60,168 -60,180 -60,180 -61,180 -62,180 -63,180 -64,180 -65,180 -66,180 -67,180 -68,180 -69,180 -70,168 -70,156 -70,144 -70,132 -70,120 -70,108 -70,96 -70,84 -70,72 -70,60 -70,60 -69,60 -68,60 -67,60 -66,60 -65,60 -64,60 -63,60 -62,60 -61,60 -60))"] | ["POINT(120 -65)"] | false | false |
Free-drifting Icebergs as Proliferating Dispersion Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean
0636730 |
2010-01-01 | Vernet, Maria |
Collaborative Reseach: Free-drifting Icebergs as Proliferating Dispersion Sites of Iron Enrichment, Organic Carbon Production and Export in the Southern Ocean. |
Atmospheric warming has been associated with retreating glaciers, disintegrating ice shelves, and the increasing prevalence of icebergs in the Southern Ocean over the last decade. Our preliminary study of two icebergs in the NW Weddell Sea, an area of high iceberg concentration, showed significant delivery of terrestrial material accompanied by significant enhancement of phytoplankton and zooplankton/micronekton abundance, and primary production surrounding the icebergs. We hypothesize that nutrient enrichment by free-drifting icebergs will increase primary production and sedimentation of organic carbon, thus increasing the draw-down and sequestration of CO2 in the Southern Ocean and impacting the global carbon cycle. Our research addresses the following questions: 1) What is the relationship between the physical dynamics of free-drifting icebergs and the Fe and nutrient distributions of the surrounding water column? 2) What is the relationship between Fe and nutrient distributions associated with free-drifting icebergs and the organic carbon dynamics of the ice-attached and surrounding pelagic communities (microbes, zooplankton, micronekton)? 3) What is impact on the export flux of particulate organic carbon from the mixed layer? An interdisciplinary approach is proposed to examine iceberg structure and dynamics, biogeochemical processes, and carbon cycling that includes measurement of trace element, nutrient and radionuclide distributions; organic carbon dynamics mediated by microbial, ice-attached and zooplankton communities; and particulate organic carbon export fluxes. Results from this project will further our understanding of the relationship between climate change and carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean. Our findings will be incorporated into the Antarctic Research division of the Ocean Exploration Center (OEC) as part of the SIOExplorer: Digital Library Project. The OEC allows users to access content, which is classified to one of four levels: entry (grade K-6), student (grade 6-12), college, and research. Graduate students, undergraduates, teachers, and volunteers are important participants in the proposed field and laboratory work. For the K-12 level, a professional writer of children's books will participate in cruises to produce an account of the expedition and a daily interactive website. | ["POLYGON((-55 -52,-53.5 -52,-52 -52,-50.5 -52,-49 -52,-47.5 -52,-46 -52,-44.5 -52,-43 -52,-41.5 -52,-40 -52,-40 -53.3,-40 -54.6,-40 -55.9,-40 -57.2,-40 -58.5,-40 -59.8,-40 -61.1,-40 -62.4,-40 -63.7,-40 -65,-41.5 -65,-43 -65,-44.5 -65,-46 -65,-47.5 -65,-49 -65,-50.5 -65,-52 -65,-53.5 -65,-55 -65,-55 -63.7,-55 -62.4,-55 -61.1,-55 -59.8,-55 -58.5,-55 -57.2,-55 -55.9,-55 -54.6,-55 -53.3,-55 -52))"] | ["POINT(-47.5 -58.5)"] | false | false |
Methane Measurements from the GISP2 and Siple Dome Ice Cores
0520523 |
2009-12-09 | Brook, Edward J. |
Collaborative Research: New insights into the Holocene methane budget from dual isotope systematics and a high resolution record of the interpolar gradient |
This data set contains methane measurements made in trapped air in the Holocene sections of two ice cores: the Siple Dome ice core in Antarctica, and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core in Greenland. The measurements were made at Oregon State University between 2007 and 2009. Measurements were made relative to the NOAA04 methane concentration scale using a working standard internally calibrated to NOAA certified air standards. Concentrations are corrected for gravitational fractionation and solubility effects in the melt-refreeze extraction. Data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls) format. | ["POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "POINT(-38.466667 73.583333)"] | ["POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "POINT(-38.466667 73.583333)"] | false | false |
Methane Isotopes from the WAIS Divide Ice Core
0440759 |
2009-12-01 | Sowers, Todd A. |
Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site |
This data set includes methane (CH4) isotope data from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core, WDC05A, in Antarctica. The data include depth, gas age, and the isotopic composition of methane (∂13C and ∂D of CH4). The ice core was collected during the 2005-2006 Antarctic field season. The CH4 isotope data was generated in 2008 using wet extraction methodology. Samples span the last 1,000 years, at a resolution of about 15 years. Data for samples above 69 meters were from firn air, and data below 69 meters from ice. The dating of the ice was based on continuous chemical analyses above 69 meters and Electrical Conductivity/Dielectric Property (ECM/DEP) measurements from ice. Dating uncertainty is estimated to be better than five years. Data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls) tab delimited format | ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"] | ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"] | false | false |
US ITASE Stable Isotope Data, Antarctica
0196105 0440414 |
2009-10-01 | Steig, Eric J. |
Stable Isotope Studies at West Antarctic ITASE Sites |
This data set includes stable isotope measurements from snow pits, firn, and ice cores collected by the the US component of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition ( ITASE). The ITASE program aims to collect and interpret a continental-wide array of environmental parameters assembled through the coordinated efforts of scientists from several nations. These data were collected between 1999 and 2007. The data have been compiled into single files for each sampling site, though in some cases a file contains data from more than one ice core or snow pit. Each file in the data set includes deuterium/hydrogen (δD) and/or 18-oxygen/16-oxygen (δ18O) ratios, depths, and in some cases ice age or other information. Further details regarding the data are provided in each data file. Data are available via FTP in ASCII text format (.txt). Data were collected during five Antarctic field seasons from 1999 to 2007. Data from 1999 to 2002 are currently available. Data from 2003 to 2007 will be added in the future. | ["POLYGON((-130 -65,-125.8 -65,-121.6 -65,-117.4 -65,-113.2 -65,-109 -65,-104.8 -65,-100.6 -65,-96.4 -65,-92.2 -65,-88 -65,-88 -67.5,-88 -70,-88 -72.5,-88 -75,-88 -77.5,-88 -80,-88 -82.5,-88 -85,-88 -87.5,-88 -90,-92.2 -90,-96.4 -90,-100.6 -90,-104.8 -90,-109 -90,-113.2 -90,-117.4 -90,-121.6 -90,-125.8 -90,-130 -90,-130 -87.5,-130 -85,-130 -82.5,-130 -80,-130 -77.5,-130 -75,-130 -72.5,-130 -70,-130 -67.5,-130 -65))"] | ["POINT(-109 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the WAIS Drilling Site, Antarctica
0440602 |
2009-07-30 | Saltzman, Eric |
Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site |
This data set contains trace gas measurements of air extracted from ice core samples from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide A core (WAIS-D 05A). The WAIS A core was dry-drilled at the WAIS site during the 2005-2006 Antarctic field season. Data include trace gas species including ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), n-butane (n-C4H10), carbonyl sulfide (COS), carbon disulfide (CS2), methyl chloride (CH3Cl), methyl bromide (CH3Br), acetonitrile (CH3CN), and chlorofluorocarbon-12 (CFC-12), for 57 ice core samples. The data are available via FTP in Microsoft Excel (.xls) file format. | ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"] | ["POINT(112.09 -79.47)"] | false | false |
Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd Ice Cores, Antarctica
0440975 |
2009-07-17 | Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. |
Nitrogen and oxygen gas isotopes in the Siple Dome and Byrd ice cores |
This data set consists of Gas-isotopic data from the Siple Dome and and Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice cores covering roughly the last 100,000 years (100 ka), consisting of d15N (15N/14N) of N2, d18O (18O/16O) of O2, dO2/N2, and dAr/N2. Derived parameters include d18Oatm, d15N, dO2/N2, and dAr/N2. Data are available via FTP as ASCII text files (.txt) and Microsoft Excel files (.xls). | ["POINT(-119.533333 -80.016667)"] | ["POINT(-119.533333 -80.016667)"] | false | false |
Atmospheric Mixing Ratios of Hydroperoxides above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
9814810 |
2009-06-16 | McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger; Frey, Markus |
Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse |
This data set contains atmospheric mixing ratios of hydrogen peroxide and methylhydroperoxide at 21 sites on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) were obtained from 2000 to 2003 during the US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) deployments. Sample location from the WAIS region (76-90ºS / 84-124ºW) were approximately 100-300 km apart and correspond to US ITASE ice core sites. At each site, ambient air from 1 m above the snow surface was sampled between two to five days. Atmospheric hydroperoxides (ROOH) were continuously scrubbed from the sample air with a glass coil scrubber and subsequently quantified using a fluorescence detection method. Data are available via FTP as ASCII text files (.txt). | ["POLYGON((-124 -76,-120 -76,-116 -76,-112 -76,-108 -76,-104 -76,-100 -76,-96 -76,-92 -76,-88 -76,-84 -76,-84 -77.4,-84 -78.8,-84 -80.2,-84 -81.6,-84 -83,-84 -84.4,-84 -85.8,-84 -87.2,-84 -88.6,-84 -90,-88 -90,-92 -90,-96 -90,-100 -90,-104 -90,-108 -90,-112 -90,-116 -90,-120 -90,-124 -90,-124 -88.6,-124 -87.2,-124 -85.8,-124 -84.4,-124 -83,-124 -81.6,-124 -80.2,-124 -78.8,-124 -77.4,-124 -76))"] | ["POINT(-104 -83)"] | false | false |
Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from West Antarctica
9814810 |
2009-06-01 | McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger; Frey, Markus |
Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse |
This data set contains sub-annually resolved concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), snow, firn and ice from 23 sites on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS). | ["POLYGON((-124 -76,-120 -76,-116 -76,-112 -76,-108 -76,-104 -76,-100 -76,-96 -76,-92 -76,-88 -76,-84 -76,-84 -77.4,-84 -78.8,-84 -80.2,-84 -81.6,-84 -83,-84 -84.4,-84 -85.8,-84 -87.2,-84 -88.6,-84 -90,-88 -90,-92 -90,-96 -90,-100 -90,-104 -90,-108 -90,-112 -90,-116 -90,-120 -90,-124 -90,-124 -88.6,-124 -87.2,-124 -85.8,-124 -84.4,-124 -83,-124 -81.6,-124 -80.2,-124 -78.8,-124 -77.4,-124 -76))"] | ["POINT(-104 -83)"] | false | false |
Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter in Pony Lake, Ross Island
0338342 0338260 |
2009-01-01 | Chin, Yu-Ping; Foreman, Christine |
Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter in Pony Lake, Ross Island |
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a significant chemical component in aquatic systems because it acts as an important carbon source for microorganisms, absorbs harmful radiation in sunlight, is able to complex metals, and can participate in important biogeochemical reactions. This study will investigate the biogeochemical cycling of DOM in a small coastal Antarctic pond, Pony Lake, located on Cape Royds, Ross Island. Because there are no higher plants present at this site all of the DOM in this lake is derived from microorganisms. Thus, Pony Lake is an ideal site to study the effect of physical, chemical, and microbial processes on the composition and character of the DOM pool. Finally, Pony Lake is also an ideal site to collect an International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) fulvic acid standard. Unlike other IHSS standards, this standard will not contain DOM components derived from higher land plants. To better understand the role of physical influences, the project will study the changes in the DOM pool as the lake evolves from ice-covered to ice-free conditions during the summer, as well as the relationship of DOM to the observed turnover of dominant microbial communities in the lake. Scientists will also monitor changes in microbial abundance, diversity, and productivity that may occur during the ice to open-water transition period. This research will provide much needed information regarding the relationship between microbial diversity and DOM biogeochemistry. Middle school science students will be active participants in this project through the Internet, while scientists are in the field, and in the lab. | ["POINT(166.167 -77.55)"] | ["POINT(166.167 -77.55)"] | false | false |
Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial Forms of Phaeocystis Antarctica
0440478 |
2009-01-01 | Smith, Walker; Tang, Kam |
Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica |
Phaeocystis Antarctica is a widely distributed phytoplankton that forms dense blooms and aggregates in the Southern Ocean. This phytoplankton and plays important roles in polar ecology and biogeochemistry, in part because it is a dominant primary producer, a main component of organic matter vertical fluxes, and the principal producer of volatile organic sulfur in the region. Yet P. Antarctica is also one of the lesser known species in terms of its physiology, life history and trophic relationships with other organisms; furthermore, information collected on other Phaeocystis species and from different locations may not be applicable to P. Antarctica in the Ross Sea. P. Antarctica occurs mainly as two morphotypes: solitary cells and mucilaginous colonies, which differ significantly in size, architecture and chemical composition. Relative dominance between solitary cells and colonies determines not only the size spectrum of the population, but also its carbon dynamics, nutrient uptake and utilization. Conventional thinking of the planktonic trophic processes is also challenged by the fact that colony formation could effectively alter the predator-prey interactions and interspecific competition. However, the factors that regulate the differences between solitary and colonial forms of P. Antarctica are not well-understood. The research objective of this proposal is therefore to address these over-arching questions: 1. Do P. Antarctica solitary cells and colonies differ in growth, composition and photosynthetic rates? 2. How do nutrients and grazers affect colony development and size distribution of P. Antarctica? 3. How do nutrients and grazers act synergistically to affect the long-term population dynamics of P. Antarctica? Experiments will be conducted in the McMurdo station with natural P. Antarctica assemblages and co-occurring grazers. Laboratory experiments will be conducted to study size-specific growth and photosynthetic rates of P. Antarctica, size-specific grazing mortality due to microzooplankton and mesozooplankton, the effects of macronutrients on the (nitrogen compounds) relative dominance of solitary cells and colonies, and the effects of micronutrient (Fe) and grazing related chemical signals on P. Antarctica colony development. Because this species is of critical importance in the Southern Ocean, and because this research will provide critical information on factors that regulate the role of P.Antarctica in food webs and biogeochemical cycles, a major gap in knowledge will be addressed. This project will train two marine science Ph.D. students. The investigators will also collaborate with the School of Education and a marine science museum to communicate polar science to a broader audience. | ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"] | ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"] | false | false |
What Limits Denitrification and Bacterial Growth in Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica?
0230276 |
2009-01-01 | Ward, Bess |
Collaborative Research: What Limits Denitrification and Bacterial Growth in Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica? |
Denitrification is the main process by which fixed nitrogen is lost from ecosystems and the regulation of this process may directly affect primary production and carbon cycling over short and long time scales. Previous investigations of the role of bioactive metals in regulating denitrification in bacteria from permanently ice-covered Lake Bonney in the Taylor Valley of East Antarctica indicated that denitrifying bacteria can be negatively affected by metals such as copper, iron, cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel, silver and zinc; and that there is a distinct difference in denitrifying activity between the east and west lobes of the lake. Low iron concentrations were found to exacerbate the potential toxicity of the other metals, while silver has the potential to specifically inhibit denitrification because of its ability to interfere with copper binding in redox proteins, such as nitrite reductase and nitrous oxide reductase. High silver concentrations might prevent the functioning of nitrous oxide reductase in the same way that simple copper limitation does, thereby causing the buildup of nitrous oxide and resulting in a nonfunctional nitrogen cycle. Other factors, such as oxygen concentration, are likely also to affect bacterial activity in Lake Bonney. This project will investigate silver toxicity, general metal toxicity and oxygen concentration to determine their effect on denitrification in the lake by using a suite of 'sentinel' strains of denitrifying bacteria (isolated from the lake) incubated in Lake Bonney water and subjected to various treatments. The physiological responses of these strains to changes in metal and oxygen concentration will be quantified by flow cytometric detection of single cell molecular probes whose sensitivity and interpretation have been optimized for the sentinel strains. Understanding the relationships between metals and denitrification is expected to enhance our understanding of not only Lake Bonney's unusual nitrogen cycle, but more generally, of the potential role of metals in the regulation of microbial nitrogen transformations. The broader impacts of this work include not only a better understanding of regional biogeochemistry and global perspectives on these processes; but also the training of graduate students and a substantial outreach effort for school children. | ["POLYGON((162 -77.2,162.16 -77.2,162.32 -77.2,162.48 -77.2,162.64 -77.2,162.8 -77.2,162.96 -77.2,163.12 -77.2,163.28 -77.2,163.44 -77.2,163.6 -77.2,163.6 -77.26,163.6 -77.32,163.6 -77.38,163.6 -77.44,163.6 -77.5,163.6 -77.56,163.6 -77.62,163.6 -77.68,163.6 -77.74,163.6 -77.8,163.44 -77.8,163.28 -77.8,163.12 -77.8,162.96 -77.8,162.8 -77.8,162.64 -77.8,162.48 -77.8,162.32 -77.8,162.16 -77.8,162 -77.8,162 -77.74,162 -77.68,162 -77.62,162 -77.56,162 -77.5,162 -77.44,162 -77.38,162 -77.32,162 -77.26,162 -77.2))"] | ["POINT(162.8 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Boron in Antarctic granulite-facies rocks: under what conditions is boron retained in the middle crust?
0228842 |
2009-01-01 | Grew, Edward |
Boron in Antarctic granulite-facies rocks: under what conditions is boron retained in the middle crust? |
This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, supports a project to investigate the role and fate of Boron in high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Larsemann Hills region of Antarctica. Trace elements provide valuable information on the changes sedimentary rocks undergo as temperature and pressure increase during burial. One such element, boron, is particularly sensitive to increasing temperature because of its affinity for aqueous fluids, which are lost as rocks are buried. Boron contents of unmetamorphosed pelitic sediments range from 20 to over 200 parts per million, but rarely exceed 5 parts per million in rocks subjected to conditions of the middle and lower crust, that is, temperatures of 700 degrees C or more in the granulite-facies, which is characterized by very low water activities at pressures of 5 to 10 kbar (18-35 km burial). Devolatization reactions with loss of aqueous fluid and partial melting with removal of melt have been cited as primary causes for boron depletion under granulite-facies conditions. Despite the pervasiveness of both these processes, rocks rich in boron are locally found in the granulite-facies, that is, there are mechanisms for retaining boron during the metamorphic process. The Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay, Antarctica, are a prime example. More than 20 lenses and layered bodies containing four borosilicate mineral species crop out over a 50 square kilometer area, which thus would be well suited for research on boron-rich granulite-facies metamorphic rocks. While most investigators have focused on the causes for loss of boron, this work will investigate how boron is retained during high-grade metamorphism. Field observations and mapping in the Larsemann Hills, chemical analyses of minerals and their host rocks, and microprobe age dating will be used to identify possible precursors and deduce how the precursor materials recrystallized into borosilicate rocks under granulite-facies conditions. The working hypothesis is that high initial boron content facilitates retention of boron during metamorphism because above a certain threshold boron content, a mechanism 'kicks in' that facilitates retention of boron in metamorphosed rocks. For example, in a rock with large amounts of the borosilicate tourmaline, such as stratabound tourmalinite, the breakdown of tourmaline to melt could result in the formation of prismatine and grandidierite, two borosilicates found in the Larsemann Hills. This situation is rarely observed in rocks with modest boron content, in which breakdown of tourmaline releases boron into partial melts, which in turn remove boron when they leave the system. Stratabound tourmalinite is associated with manganese-rich quartzite, phosphorus-rich rocks and sulfide concentrations that could be diagnostic for recognizing a tourmalinite protolith in a highly metamorphosed complex where sedimentary features have been destroyed by deformation. Because partial melting plays an important role in the fate of boron during metamorphism, our field and laboratory research will focus on the relationship between the borosilicate units, granite pegmatites and other granitic intrusives. The results of our study will provide information on cycling of boron at deeper levels in the Earth's crust and on possible sources of boron for granites originating from deep-seated rocks. An undergraduate student will participate in the electron microprobe age-dating of monazite and xenotime as part of a senior project, thereby integrating the proposed research into the educational mission of the University of Maine. In response to a proposal for fieldwork, the Australian Antarctic Division, which maintains Davis station near the Larsemann Hills, has indicated that they will support the Antarctic fieldwork. | ["POLYGON((76 -69.3,76.05 -69.3,76.1 -69.3,76.15 -69.3,76.2 -69.3,76.25 -69.3,76.3 -69.3,76.35 -69.3,76.4 -69.3,76.45 -69.3,76.5 -69.3,76.5 -69.32,76.5 -69.34,76.5 -69.36,76.5 -69.38,76.5 -69.4,76.5 -69.42,76.5 -69.44,76.5 -69.46,76.5 -69.48,76.5 -69.5,76.45 -69.5,76.4 -69.5,76.35 -69.5,76.3 -69.5,76.25 -69.5,76.2 -69.5,76.15 -69.5,76.1 -69.5,76.05 -69.5,76 -69.5,76 -69.48,76 -69.46,76 -69.44,76 -69.42,76 -69.4,76 -69.38,76 -69.36,76 -69.34,76 -69.32,76 -69.3))"] | ["POINT(76.25 -69.4)"] | false | false |
Geochemistry and Petrologic Evolution of Felsic Volcanoes in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
0536526 |
2009-01-01 | Le Masurier, Wesley |
Geochemistry and Petrologic Evolution of Felsic Volcanoes in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica |
This project uses geochemical studies to determine the origin of volcanic rocks from Marie Byrd Land (MBL), Antarctica. Surprisingly, adjacent volcanoes in the MBL have dramatically different compositions, ranging from phonolite to trachyte to rhyolite. This diversity offers an opportunity to constrain the processes responsible for generating silica oversaturated and undersaturated magmas in a single geologic setting. Previous work suggests that the most obvious and simplest explanation--crustal contamination--is not a significant factor, and that polybaric fractional crystallization is the major cause. This study evaluates these factors through analyses and interpretation of trace and rare earth element abundances, as well as Sr and Nd isotopic ratios. The broader impacts include outreach programs to the Girl Scouts of America, and dissemination of results through publications and meetings. | ["POLYGON((-136 -73,-133.4 -73,-130.8 -73,-128.2 -73,-125.6 -73,-123 -73,-120.4 -73,-117.8 -73,-115.2 -73,-112.6 -73,-110 -73,-110 -73.425,-110 -73.85,-110 -74.275,-110 -74.7,-110 -75.125,-110 -75.55,-110 -75.975,-110 -76.4,-110 -76.825,-110 -77.25,-112.6 -77.25,-115.2 -77.25,-117.8 -77.25,-120.4 -77.25,-123 -77.25,-125.6 -77.25,-128.2 -77.25,-130.8 -77.25,-133.4 -77.25,-136 -77.25,-136 -76.825,-136 -76.4,-136 -75.975,-136 -75.55,-136 -75.125,-136 -74.7,-136 -74.275,-136 -73.85,-136 -73.425,-136 -73))"] | ["POINT(-123 -75.125)"] | false | false |
Solar activity during the last millennium, estimated from cosmogenic in-situ C14 in South Pole and GISP2 ice cores
0538683 |
2009-01-01 | Lal, Devendra |
Solar Activity during the Last Millennium, Estimated from Cosmogenic in-situ 14C in South Pole and GISP2 Ice Cores |
The principal aim of this research is to determine the precise manner in which solar activity has varied in the past 1000 years. During this period, four periods of very low solar activity have been identified: Wolf (1305-1345 AD), Spoerer (1418-1540 AD), Maunder (1645-1715), and one period of high solar activity (1100-1250 A.D.) have been deduced based on available historical records of sunspot numbers and aurora. Our proposal aims to study the solar activity during the past 1000 years in detail using a new method, based on studies of polar ice, as developed earlier (Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234, 335-349, 2005). The method is based on the fact that greater solar activity leads to production of greater magnetic fields in the heliosphere, which reduces the primary cosmic ray flux in the near Earth environment, and vice-versa. Consequently if one can measure the primary cosmic ray flux in the near Earth space, it becomes a direct measure of the solar activity. Lal et al. (Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234, 335-349, 2005) concluded that the best way of measuring the primary cosmic ray flux would be to measure the concentration of cosmogenic in-situ produced 14C in polar ice sheets, which was discovered by Lal et al. (Nature 346, 350-352, 1990). Following this idea Lal et al. (op. cit.) measured cosmogenic in-situ produced in 19 samples from the GISP 2 core covering time range of 375-31,250 yrs B.P. Their studies showed that there were two periods of very low solar activity in this time bracket (during 8500-9500 B.P and 27,000-32,000 B.P.), and one high solar activity period during 12,000-16,000 yrs B.P. In order to provide an independent check on the veracity of the new method, we decided to apply it to the historical period, < 1000 yrs B.P. The inferred Solar activities based on the study of cosmogenic in-situ produced 14C in South Pole ice samples clearly establish that there was a period of high Solar activity during 1100-1250 A.D., and a period of very low solar activity during 1416-1534 A.D, designated as the Spoerer Minimum. These results however do not confirm the proposed dates for the Dalton and the Maunder Minimum periods, predicted to be 1795-1825 A.D. and 1654-1714 A.D. respectively. Instead, our studies show that there was a long duration period of low solar activity during 1750-1860 A.D. These results make it quite clear that we should carry out more studies to fully establish the temporal behavior of the Solar activity in the past 1000 yrs. | ["POINT(-180 -90)"] | ["POINT(-180 -90)"] | false | false |
Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas
0741380 |
2009-01-01 | Smith, Walker |
Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas: |
The research will examine the relative importance of the physical and chemical controls on phytoplankton dynamics and carbon flux in continental margin regions of the Southern Ocean, and elucidate mechanisms by which plankton populations and carbon export might be altered by climate change. We specifically will address (1) how the phytoplankton on the continental margins of the southern Ocean respond to spatial and temporal changes in temperature, light, iron supply, and carbon dioxide levels, (2) how these factors initiate changes in phytoplankton assemblage structure, and (3) how carbon export and the efficiency of the biological pump are impacted by the biomass and composition of the phytoplankton. Two regions of study (the Amundsen and Ross Seas) will be investigated, one well studied (Ross Sea) and one poorly described (Amundsen Sea). It is hypothesized that each region will have markedly different physical forcing, giving rise to distinct chemical conditions and therefore biological responses. As such, the comparison of the two may give us insights into the mechanisms of how Antarctic continental margins will respond under changing environmental conditions. Broader impacts include participation by an international graduate student from Brazil, outreach via seminars to the general public, collaboration with the teachers-in-residence on the cruise, development of a cruise web site and interactive email exchanges with local middle school students while at sea. | ["POLYGON((-160 -65,-154 -65,-148 -65,-142 -65,-136 -65,-130 -65,-124 -65,-118 -65,-112 -65,-106 -65,-100 -65,-100 -66.1,-100 -67.2,-100 -68.3,-100 -69.4,-100 -70.5,-100 -71.6,-100 -72.7,-100 -73.8,-100 -74.9,-100 -76,-106 -76,-112 -76,-118 -76,-124 -76,-130 -76,-136 -76,-142 -76,-148 -76,-154 -76,-160 -76,-160 -74.9,-160 -73.8,-160 -72.7,-160 -71.6,-160 -70.5,-160 -69.4,-160 -68.3,-160 -67.2,-160 -66.1,-160 -65))"] | ["POINT(-130 -70.5)"] | false | false |
GISP2 (D Core) Helium Isotopes from Interplanetary Dust
0126057 |
2008-12-16 | Brook, Edward J.; Kurz, Mark D. |
High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change |
Ice Core Interplanetary Dust Helium Isotope Data Helium isotope data from Ice Cores at GISP2 (Greenland) and Vostok (Antarctica) as a proxy for extraterrestrial dust flux. | [] | [] | false | false |
GISP2 (D Core) Methane Concentration Data
0126057 |
2008-12-16 | Brook, Edward J. |
High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change |
This ice core data is archived at the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology and is available through the Ice Core Data Gateway. The data includes methane data from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2). GISP2 is an ice core project that drilled through the Greenland ice sheet and 1.55 meters into bedrock. The ice core is 3053.44 meters in depth, the deepest ice core recovered in the world at the time. The ice core was completed in 1993 after five years of drilling. Methane concentrations were determined by GC-FID using standards calibrated by NOAA CMDL. The gas age time scales and analytical techniques are described in further detail in the publication. | [] | [] | false | false |
Methyl Chloride Measurements from the Siple Dome A Deep Core, Antarctica
0636953 |
2008-10-22 | Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret |
Methyl Chloride, Methyl Bromide, and Carbonyl Sulfide in Deep Antarctic Ice Cores |
This data set is an analysis of methyl chloride concentration measured in air extracted from ice core samples from the Siple Dome A deep core in West Antarctica. In total, forty six (46) ice samples, approximately 10-15 cm in length, were analyzed in this study. Data are available in Microsoft Excel format and are available via FTP. | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"] | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"] | false | false |
Hydrologic Margins Research Project, 2004-2008, McMurdo Dry Valleys
0338267 |
2008-09-11 | Gooseff, Michael N. |
Collaborative Research: Hydrologic Controls over Biogeochemistry and Microbial Community Structure and Function across Terrestrial/Aquatic Interfaces in a Polar Desert |
None | [] | [] | false | false |
Stable Isotopes of Ice on the Surface of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
0125579 |
2007-11-28 | Cuffey, Kurt M.; Bliss, Andrew; Kavanaugh, Jeffrey; Aciego, Sarah |
Collaborative Research: Dynamics and Climatic Response of the Taylor Glacier System |
This data set contains Oxygen and Deuterium isotope ratios for approximately 980 sites on the surface of the ablation zone of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. The data set gives latitude and longitude of collection, oxygen ratio (18/16) in per mil, and Deuterium ratio (H/D) in per mil. Data are in space-delimited ASCII text format and are available via FTP. | ["POLYGON((160 -77.83333,160.3 -77.83333,160.6 -77.83333,160.9 -77.83333,161.2 -77.83333,161.5 -77.83333,161.8 -77.83333,162.1 -77.83333,162.4 -77.83333,162.7 -77.83333,163 -77.83333,163 -77.849997,163 -77.866664,163 -77.883331,163 -77.899998,163 -77.916665,163 -77.933332,163 -77.949999,163 -77.966666,163 -77.983333,163 -78,162.7 -78,162.4 -78,162.1 -78,161.8 -78,161.5 -78,161.2 -78,160.9 -78,160.6 -78,160.3 -78,160 -78,160 -77.983333,160 -77.966666,160 -77.949999,160 -77.933332,160 -77.916665,160 -77.899998,160 -77.883331,160 -77.866664,160 -77.849997,160 -77.83333))"] | ["POINT(161.5 -77.916665)"] | false | false |
Antarctic Ice Cores: Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide
0338359 |
2007-11-10 | Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret; Tatum, Cheryl |
Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores |
This data set is an analysis of methyl chloride (CH3Cl) and methyl bromide (CH3Br) in Antarctic ice core samples. Investigators reported mixing ratios of methyl chloride gas extracted from samples taken from the South Pole Remote Earth Science and Seismological Observatory (SPRESSO) core, drilled as part of the International Trans Antarctic Science Expedition (ITASE). This data covers an age range of 2159 - 140 years before present (Y.B.P.) where the year 2000 was used as present. Investigators analyzed trace gases in ice core samples from Siple Dome, West Antarctica (dry-drilled C core and deep, fluid-drilled A core) and from South Pole, Antarctica (300 m dry drilled SPRESSO core). Data are available in Microsoft Excel format and are available via FTP. | ["POINT(-144.39 -89.93)"] | ["POINT(-144.39 -89.93)"] | false | false |
Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Taylor Dome Ice Core, Antarctica
0337891 |
2007-11-05 | Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho |
Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2 |
Using new and existing ice core CO2 data from 65 - 30 ka BP a new chronology for Taylor Dome ice core CO2 is established and synchronized with Greenland ice core records to study how high latitude climate change and the carbon cycle were linked during the last glacial period. The new data and chronology should provide a better target for models attempting to explain CO2 variability and abrupt climate change. | ["POINT(158 -77.666667)"] | ["POINT(158 -77.666667)"] | false | false |
Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Byrd Ice Core, Antarctica
0337891 |
2007-10-26 | Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho |
Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2 |
Reconstructions of ancient atmospheric CO2 variations help us better understand how the global carbon cycle and climate are linked. This data set compares CO2 variations on millennial time scales between 20,000 and 90,000 years with an Antarctic temperature proxy and records of abrupt climate change in the Northern hemisphere. | ["POINT(-119.833611 -80.01)"] | ["POINT(-119.833611 -80.01)"] | false | false |
Carbon-13 Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Methane in Firn Air, South Pole and Siple Dome, Antarctica
9526556 |
2007-07-09 | Sowers, Todd A. |
Constructing Paleoatmospheric Records of the Isotopic Composition of Methane and Nitrous Oxide |
This data set includes records of the delta carbon-13 (δ<sup>13</sup>C) of methane (CH<sub>4</sub>) in firn air from the South Pole and trapped in bubbles in a short ice core from Siple Dome, Antarctica. Using two firn air samples, one from January 1995 and the other from January 2001, investigators reconstructed records of the isotopic composition of paleoatmospheric methane covering the last 2 centuries, from 1820 to 2001. Data are in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word formats and are available via FTP. | ["POINT(-148.3023 -81.403)"] | ["POINT(-148.3023 -81.403)"] | false | false |
Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome A Ice Core
0126343 |
2007-05-31 | Finkel, R. C.; Nishiizumi, Kunihiko |
Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome Ice Core |
This data set includes a record of cosmogenic radionuclide concentrations in the Siple Dome A ice core collected as part of the West Antarctic ice core program. The investigators measured profiles of both <sup>10</sup>Be (half-life = 1.5x10<sup>6</sup> years) and <sup>36</sup>Cl (half-life = 3.0x10<sup>5</sup> years) in the entire ice core, which spans the time period from the present to about 100,000 years before present. These data are being used for perfecting the ice core chronology, deducing the history of solar activity, deducing the history of variations in the geomagnetic field, and studying the possible role of solar variations on climate. Data are distributed as a PDF file and are available via FTP. | ["POINT(-148.812 -81.6588)"] | ["POINT(-148.812 -81.6588)"] | false | false |
Atmospheric Nitrate Isotopic Analysis at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, A Twenty-Five Year Record
0125761 |
2006-11-01 | Thiemens, Mark H.; Savarino, Joel |
South Pole Atmospheric Nitrate Isotopic Analysis (SPANIA) |
This data set contains snow pit measurements of oxygen isotopes, <sup>17</sup>O and <sup>18</sup>O, in nitrate and ion concentrations, and surface measurements of oxygen isotopes in nitrate and in nitrate aerosols from the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica. The 6-meter snow pit provides investigators with a 25-year record of nitrate isotope variations and ion concentrations for a period spanning from 1979 to 2004. Monthly surface snow and weekly aerosol collections yield a year-long record of nitrate isotopic composition starting 01 December 2003 and ending 31 December 2004. Little is known about the past denitrification of the stratosphere in high latitude regions. Such knowledge is important to understanding the chemical state of the ancient atmospheres and evaluating the present climate models. With this research, investigators aim to understand the denitrification of the Antarctic stratosphere and quantify the sources of nitrate aerosols over time. Data are in Microsoft Excel format and are available via FTP. | ["POINT(139.2728 -89.9975)"] | ["POINT(139.2728 -89.9975)"] | false | false |
Firn Air Inert Gas and Oxygen Observations from Siple Dome, 1996, and the South Pole, 2001
0230260 0230452 9725305 |
2006-08-17 | Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Battle, Mark; Bender, Michael |
Collaborative Research: Trapped Gas Composition and the Chronology of the Vostok Ice Core |
This data set includes gas ratios in polar firn air: O<sub>2</sub>/N<sub>2</sub>, <sup>15</sup>N/<sup>14</sup>N, <sup>40</sup>Ar/N<sub>2</sub>, <sup>40</sup>Ar/<sup>36</sup>Ar, <sup>40</sup>Ar/<sup>38</sup>Ar, <sup>84</sup>Kr/<sup>36</sup>Ar, <sup>132</sup>Xe/<sup>36</sup>Ar, and <sup>22</sup>Ne/<sup>36</sup>Ar. Investigators sampled air from the permeable snowpack (firn) layer at two sites: Siple Dome, Antarctica in 1996 and at the South Pole in 2001. They observed and modeled the processes of gravitational settling, thermal fractionation, and preferential exclusion of small gas molecules from closed air bubbles. The purpose of this study was to understand these physical processes, which affect the composition of bubbles trapped in ice. By measuring these gas ratios in the ancient air preserved in bubbles trapped in ice, researchers can determine past atmospheric composition and local temperature changes along with the relative timing and magnitude of such events. The data file is available in Microsoft Excel format. The research paper is available in PDF. Data and the research paper are available via FTP. | ["POINT(0 -90)", "POINT(-148.767 -80.667)"] | ["POINT(0 -90)", "POINT(-148.767 -80.667)"] | false | false |
Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core: Carbonyl Sulfide (COS), Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), and Methyl Bromide (CH3Br)
0338359 |
2005-11-16 | Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat |
Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores |
This data set is part of the WAISCORES (West Antarctic Ice Sheet cores) project, research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and designed to improve understanding of how the West Antarctic ice sheet influences climate and sea level change. WAISCORES investigators acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. These data provide researchers with a record of natural climatic variability and anthropogenic influence on biogeochemical cycles. Because ice cores contain an archive of preindustrial air, a baseline can be established, and the extent of human impact on the climate can be ascertained. This data set includes mixing ratios of carbonyl sulfide (COS), methyl chloride (CH3Cl), and methyl bromide (CH3Br). Data samples were retrieved from the Siple C ice core, which was drilled at 81.65° S, 148.81° W in December 1995. The core site sits 620 m above sea level near the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf where there is a mean annual temperature of -25.4 °C. Data are available via FTP. | ["POINT(-148.81 -81.65)"] | ["POINT(-148.81 -81.65)"] | false | false |
Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Glaciochemical Analysis
9316564 |
2005-05-09 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Kreutz, Karl; Twickler, Mark; Whitlow, Sallie; Meeker, Loren D. |
Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability |
The Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) project provides a high-resolution record of atmospheric chemical deposition taken from several ice cores and snow pits located at sites within or immediately adjacent to the Ross Ice Drainage System. Three sites were visited during a 1995 traverse in inland West Antarctica. The traverse was 158 km, trending 26° from Byrd Surface Camp. The core from site A (78°44'S, 116°20'W) is 148 m deep, the core from site B (79°27.66'S, 118°02.68'W) is 60 m deep, and the core from site C (80°00.85'S, 119°33.73'W) is 60 m deep. Glaciochemical analysis focuses on the major ions deposited from the antarctic atmosphere, including Na (sodium), NH4 (ammonium), K (potassium), Mg (magnesium), Ca (calcium), Cl (chloride), NO3 (nitrate), and SO4 (sulfate). Chemical analysis also includes methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and nssSO4 (non-sea salt sulfate). The data are available by FTP in ASCII text format and Excel files. | ["POINT(-119.562 -80.014)", "POINT(-118.045 -79.461)", "POINT(-116.333 -78.733)"] | ["POINT(-119.562 -80.014)", "POINT(-118.045 -79.461)", "POINT(-116.333 -78.733)"] | false | false |
Talos Dome Ice Core Deuterium Isotope Data
None | 2004-08-27 | Jouzel, Jean; Stenni, Barbara | No project link provided | This data set consists of deuterioum isotope data obtained from Talos Dome ice core. Talos Dome is located on the edge of the East Antarctic plateau adjacent to the Victoria Land mountain. The Talos Dome (TD) firn core is 89 m and was drilled during a traverse by an Italian team in 1996. | [] | [] | false | false |
Antarctic and Greenland Climate Change Comparison
0126057 |
2004-08-27 | Blunier, Thomas; Stauffer, Bernhard; Chappellaz, Jerome; Brook, Edward J. |
High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change |
This data set compares global atmospheric concentration of methane from ice cores taken on the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland. The data come from multiple ice cores on each continent, including Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) and Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP) ice cores and the Byrd and Vostok cores from Antarctica. (The orignal dataset is located at ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/greenland/summit/grip/synchronization/) | [] | [] | false | false |
Byrd Ice Core Microparticle and Chemistry Data
9725918 9714687 |
2004-08-26 | Blunier, Thomas; Fluckiger, Jacqueline; Thompson, Lonnie G.; Brook, Edward J. |
Collaborative Research: Studies of Trapped Gases in Firn and Ice from Antarctic Deep Ice Cores |
This data set consists of microparticle and chemistry data from Byrd Ice Core, the first ice core to reach bedrock in Antarctica. The core was drilled with a cable-suspended electromechanical rotary drill at Byrd Station, Antarctica. The vertical thickness of the ice was 2164 meters and more than 99 percent of the core was recovered. Cores were sought for investigations of the physical properties of the ice sheet, the nature of the ice-rock contact, and the composition of the underlying bedrock. | [] | [] | false | false |
Dome C Ice Core Chemistry and Depth and Age Scale Data
None | 2004-08-26 | Lal, Devendra; Lorius, Claude |
Nuclear Studies of Accumulating and Ablation Ice Using Cosmogenic 14c |
This data set includes isotope and depth age data, and CO2 and CH4 data from the Dome C Antarctica ice core. This core is a 906 meter core that spans approximately 32,000 years. It was a thermally drilled core and was retrieved during the 1977-78 Antarctic field season as part of the International Antarctic Glaciological project. | [] | [] | false | false |
Law Dome Ice Cores Chemistry Data
None | 2004-08-26 | Barnola, J. M.; Etheridge, David; Morgan, Vin | No project link provided | This data set includes CO2 and CH4 records derived from three ice cores obtained at Law Dome, East Antarctica, from 1987 to 1993. Law Dome is a medium size, approximately circular, (200 km dia., 1390 m high) ice sheet situated at the edge of the main East Antarctic ice sheet. The data in this set include cores drilled between 1987 and 1993 to a depth of 1199.6. | [] | [] | false | false |
Siple Dome Ice Core Chemistry and Ion Data
9316564 |
2004-08-26 | Blunier, Thomas; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Brook, Edward J.; Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A.; Dunbar, Nelia |
Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability |
This data set includes chemistry and ion data collected from a 150 m core recovered from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. The core was drilled during the 1994/1995 field season. Dating of the core was accomplished using annual signals preserved in several chemical species, beta activity profiles, and volcanic horizons. The resulting depth/age scale indicates an age of 1890 A.D. at 24 m, and 850 A.D. at 150 m depth. | [] | [] | false | false |
Dronning Maud Land Ice Core Chemistry Data
None | 2004-08-26 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie; Isaksson, Elisabeth | No project link provided | This data set consists of chemistry data obtained from a shallow core in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Major ion concentration values (Na, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4, MSA) were analyzed from the 20 meter ice core, which was drilled during the austral summer 1991-1992. | [] | [] | false | false |
Newall Glacier Ice Core and Snow Pit Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Stratigraphy
8411018 8613786 |
2004-08-26 | Welch, Kathy A.; Mayewski, Paul A. |
Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica |
This data set includes beta profiles, chemistry, stratigraphy data, and density and temperature profiles collected from snow pits and two ice cores on the Newall Glacier. Snow pit and ice core data were collected between 1987 and 1989. Ice Core A was 175 meters long and core B was 150 meters long. | [] | [] | false | false |
Vostok Ice Core Chemistry, Timescale, Isotope, and Temperature Data
None | 2004-08-26 | Lal, Devendra; Barnola, J. M.; Petit, Jean Robert; Jouzel, Jean; Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward J.; Bender, Michael; Fishcer, Hubertus; Blunier, Thomas; Ruddiman, William; Raymo, Maureen; Lorius, Claude; Chappellaz, Jerome | No project link provided | This data set contains ice core chemistry, timescale, isotope, and temperature data analyzed by several investigators. In January 1998, the collaborative ice-drilling project between Russia, the United States, and France at the Russian Vostok station in East Antarctica yielded the deepest ice core ever recovered, reaching a depth of 3,623 m. Preliminary data indicate the Vostok ice-core record extends through four climate cycles, with ice slightly older than 400 kyr. | [] | [] | false | false |
Taylor Dome Ice Core Chemistry, Ion, and Isotope Data
9615292 |
2004-08-26 | Smith, Jesse; Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward J.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Steig, Eric J.; Indermuhle, A. |
Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores |
This data set includes chemistry, ion, and istotope data from Taylor Dome, part of the East Antarctic ice sheet. Deep drilling at Taylor Dome successfully reached bedrock at a depth of 554 meters during the 1993-1994 austral summer. The Taylor Dome ice core is only the second core (after Vostok) to provide a stratigraphically undisturbed record through the entire last glacial cycle (the last 130,000 years or more). | [] | [] | false | false |
Dominion Range Ice Core Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Density Data
8411018 8613786 |
2004-08-26 | Sowers, Todd A.; Saltzman, Eric; Watson, M. Scott; Grootes, Pieter; Mayewski, Paul A.; Meese, Deb; Gow, Tony |
Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica |
This data set includes beta profiles, chemistry, and density data obtained from Dominion Range ice cores. The Dominion Range is on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The chemistry data consists of the composition of oxygen-isotopes and trapped gasses. Other information includes ice thickness, mean annual net accumulation, and crystal size. The core samples were collected in the austral summer of 1984-85. | [] | [] | false | false |
European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C Ice Core Data
None | 2004-08-26 | Wolff, Eric W.; Monnin, Eric; Fluckiger, Jacqueline | No project link provided | This data set is a collection of analyses done on the the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA)Dome C ice cores. The data include deuterium and other chemistry, insoluble dust, ice grain radius, dielectric profiling, electrical conductivity, and timescales. EPICA has completed one core in the Dome Concordia region (Core EDC96, started in 1996, 788 m length). Drilling is ongoing on a second core EDC99 (started in 1999, reached a depth of 3200 m during the 2002/2003 field season. The ice at this depth is estimated to be about 700,000 years old.) | [] | [] | false | false |
South Pole Snow Pit, 1988 and 1989
None | 2004-06-24 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie | No project link provided | Information from 6-meter snow pits dug close to the South Pole in austral summer 1988-1989 by the Glacier Research Group of the University of New Hampshire (location - 38 km on grid 90 from South Pole station - eastern margin of clean air sector) are available. Major ion chemistry (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4), oxygen isotopes (I8O), H2O2, and beta from a 6-meter snow pit covering the period 1955 to 1989 are included. Major ion chemistry for a series of surface snow samples were also collected on the traverse to the pit. | ["POINT(-180 -90)"] | ["POINT(-180 -90)"] | false | false |
Sulfate-Based Volcanic Record from South Pole Ice Core
0087151 |
2004-04-09 | Cole-Dai, Jihong |
A Sulfate-based Volcanic Record from South Pole Ice Cores |
This data set contains concentrations of soluble chemical species (ions) within a 120 m ice core retrieved at the South Pole station in 2001. The ice core was dated with annual resolution using annual layer counting. Investigators measured chemical species, ions, and volcanic deposits found in the cores. The analysis was conducted at South Dakota State University between 2001 and 2003. Data are available in Microsoft Excel or ASCII text format via FTP from NSIDC. | ["POINT(0 -90)"] | ["POINT(0 -90)"] | false | false |
Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core
9615333 |
2004-03-09 | Saltzman, Eric; Dioumaeva, Irina; Finley, Brandon |
Biogenic Sulfur in the Siple Dome Ice Core |
This data set is a continuous, high-resolution record of biogenic sulfur (methanesulfonate, known as MSA and CH3SO3-) in the 1000 m deep Siple Dome A (SDMA) core, covering 100,000 to 20 years BP. The analysis was done on between August 2002 and November 2003 at the University of California, Irvine. Investigators used a mass spectrometer to measure methanesulfonate. Measurements are given as MSA concentration at various depths. Estimated age of the ice at each depth is also given. This project was a part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Cores (WAISCORES) project for deep ice coring in West Antarctica. WAISCORES is supported by the Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation (NSF). | ["POINT(-148.8 -81.7)"] | ["POINT(-148.8 -81.7)"] | false | false |
Atmospheric CO2 Trapped in the Ice Core from Siple Dome, Antarctica
9980691 |
2003-12-11 | Ahn, Jinho; Wahlen, Martin; Deck, Bruce |
CO2 and Delta 13CO2 in Antarctic Ice Cores |
These data are CO2 concentrations of the air occulded in Siple Dome ice core, Antarctica. The study was conducted between January 2001 and March 2003 on a deep ice core from Siple Dome Core A, located at 81.66 S, 148.82 W. | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"] | ["POINT(-148.82 -81.66)"] | false | false |
Central West Antarctic Glaciochemistry from Ice Cores
None | 2003-10-16 | Reusch, David | No project link provided | Glaciochemical and accumulation rate records developed from four ice cores in central West Antarctica are used to reconstruct former atmospheric circulation patterns in this region for the last 40 years with extended records (150-250 years) at two sites. The sites lie on a 200 km traverse from 82 degrees 22 minutes south, 119 degrees 17 minutes west to 81 degrees 22 minutes south, 107 degrees 17 minutes west, gaining elevation from 950 to 1930 m. The glaciochemical records represent the major ionic species present in Antarctic snow: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, nitrate, and sulfate. | ["POLYGON((-120 -80,-118.5 -80,-117 -80,-115.5 -80,-114 -80,-112.5 -80,-111 -80,-109.5 -80,-108 -80,-106.5 -80,-105 -80,-105 -80.5,-105 -81,-105 -81.5,-105 -82,-105 -82.5,-105 -83,-105 -83.5,-105 -84,-105 -84.5,-105 -85,-106.5 -85,-108 -85,-109.5 -85,-111 -85,-112.5 -85,-114 -85,-115.5 -85,-117 -85,-118.5 -85,-120 -85,-120 -84.5,-120 -84,-120 -83.5,-120 -83,-120 -82.5,-120 -82,-120 -81.5,-120 -81,-120 -80.5,-120 -80))"] | ["POINT(-112.5 -82.5)"] | false | false |
Siple Dome Highlights: Stable isotopes
None | 2003-08-18 | Steig, Eric J.; White, James | No project link provided | This data set is part of the WAISCORES project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. This data set provides measurements of stable isotopes of water and deuterium excess for the Siple Dome ice cores. The shallow cores from Siple Dome were analyzed for isotopes with sub-annual temporal detail. | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | false | false |
Taylor Dome Ice Core Data
None | 2003-08-18 | Steig, Eric J.; White, James | No project link provided | The collection site is Taylor Dome, an ice-accumulation area on the East Antarctic ice sheet. The dome is a ridge about 20 x 80 km, which lies inland of the Transantarctic Mountains. Deep drilling by the Polar Ice Coring Office (PICO) at Taylor Dome reached bedrock at a depth of 554 meters during the 1993-1994 austral summer season. <p>This data set includes mesurements of:</p> <ul> <li>beryllium-10 (betd.txt)</li> <li>oxygen isotopes (hi18o_td.txt and lo18o_td.txt)</li> <li>deuterium isotopes (deld_20cm.txt and deld_td.txt).</li> </ul> <p>These data were produced at the University of Washington from samples obtained in the field and via the University of New Hampshire automatic melting system. For beryllium, deuterium, and 20-cm oxygen isotope data, the st9810 ice age (kyB1950) timescale is used. For 0.5- to 1-m oxygen isotope data, the st9507 is used.</p> | ["POINT(158 -77)"] | ["POINT(158 -77)"] | false | false |
Siple Dome Methane Record
0512971 |
2003-08-18 | Brook, Edward J. |
High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change |
This data set is part of the WAISCORES project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. Brooks measured methane in approximately 196 samples between 55.6 and 738.5 m (0-20 ka) in the Siple Dome ice core, and then extended the Siple Dome methane record at medium resolution down to about 860m, corresponding to an age of about 45 ka. The team compared the results with data from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) and the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP). | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | false | false |
GISP2 (B and D Core) Methane Concentrations
0512971 |
2003-05-14 | Brook, Edward J. |
High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change |
The data include methane data from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) B & D Cores. Gas ages were calculated according to the methods described in Brook et al. 1996, and are subject to change. Ice ages were calculated by by linear interpolation from the Meese et al. timescale. | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | false | false |
Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores
9527373 |
2003-05-14 | Zielinski, Gregory; Dunbar, Nelia |
Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region |
This data set is part of the WAISCORES project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. This data set includes backscattered electron images of tephra samples extracted from the Siple and Taylor Dome ice cores, as well as electron microprobe analyses of glass shards in cases where significant, compositionally-consistent glass populations were present. The data set also includes data on the amount of volcanically derived sulfate deposited on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and recorded in the Siple Dome ice core. | ["POINT(-149 -81)", "POINT(158.7889 -77.95)"] | ["POINT(-149 -81)", "POINT(158.7889 -77.95)"] | false | false |
Blue Ice Tephra II - Brimstone Peak
9527373 |
2003-02-18 | Dunbar, Nelia |
Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region |
This data set is the result of a study of volcanic ash and rock fragment (tephra) layers in exposed blue ice areas on Brimstone Peak (75.888S 158.55E) in East Antarctica. Tephra samples were collected between 15 November 1996 and 15 January 1997. The Antarctic ice sheets preserve a record of the volcanic ash layers and chemical aerosol signatures of local and distant volcanic eruptions. Correlation of individual tephra layers, or sets of layers, in blue ice areas will allow a better understanding of the geometry of ice flow in these areas. Tephra layers in deep ice cores can also provide unique time-stratigraphic markers in cores that are difficult to date. Data include the following information for each sample site: a general description, electron microprobe analysis, GPS location, neutron activation analysis, and a visual description of the petrography.Data are provided as Excel 97 data files, JPG map files, and GIF-formatted BSE images. Data are available via ftp. | ["POLYGON((158.55 -75.86,158.562 -75.86,158.574 -75.86,158.586 -75.86,158.598 -75.86,158.61 -75.86,158.622 -75.86,158.634 -75.86,158.646 -75.86,158.658 -75.86,158.67 -75.86,158.67 -75.864,158.67 -75.868,158.67 -75.872,158.67 -75.876,158.67 -75.88,158.67 -75.884,158.67 -75.888,158.67 -75.892,158.67 -75.896,158.67 -75.9,158.658 -75.9,158.646 -75.9,158.634 -75.9,158.622 -75.9,158.61 -75.9,158.598 -75.9,158.586 -75.9,158.574 -75.9,158.562 -75.9,158.55 -75.9,158.55 -75.896,158.55 -75.892,158.55 -75.888,158.55 -75.884,158.55 -75.88,158.55 -75.876,158.55 -75.872,158.55 -75.868,158.55 -75.864,158.55 -75.86))"] | ["POINT(158.61 -75.88)"] | false | false |
Blue Ice Tephra II - Mt. DeWitt
9527373 |
2003-02-01 | Dunbar, Nelia |
Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region |
This data set is the result of a study of volcanic ash and rock fragment (tephra) layers in exposed blue ice areas on Mt. DeWitt, Antarctica (77.12 deg S, 159.51 deg E). Tephra samples were collected between 15 November 1996 and 15 January 1997. Data include the following information for each sample site: a general description, electron microprobe analysis, GPS location, neutron activation analysis, and a visual description of the petrography. Data are provided as an Excel 97 data file, (this file is also divided into various text files) and TIF images. Data are available via ftp. Antarctic ice sheets preserve a record of the volcanic ash layers and chemical aerosol signatures of local and distant volcanic eruptions. Correlation of individual tephra layers, or sets of layers, in blue ice areas will allow a better understanding of the geometry of ice flow in these areas. Tephra layers in deep ice cores can also provide unique time-stratigraphic markers in cores that are difficult to date. | ["POINT(-159.51 -77.12)"] | ["POINT(-159.51 -77.12)"] | false | false |
Snow-atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica
9526572 |
2002-07-11 | McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger |
Snow-Atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica |
This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Cores (WAISCORES) project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed snow pit and core samples from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. This data set includes glaciochemical spatial variability data for six Siple Dome snow pits. Samples involved measuring hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) and formaldehyde (HCHO) in the air, snow, firn, and ice via suppressed ion chromatography. The data can be used to interpret changes in concentrations of these species recorded in ice cores. Data in this collection were obtained during two Antarctic field seasons in 1994 to 1995 and 1996 to 1997. Data are available via FTP in tab-delimited ASCII text (.dat, .txt) file format. | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | false | false |
WAISCORES Snow Pit Chemistry, Antarctica
9526449 |
2002-07-11 | Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A. |
Siple Dome Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry and Regional Survey - A Contribution to the WAIS Initiative |
This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet cores (WAISCORES) project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed snow pit and core samples from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. This data set includes glaciochemical spatial variability data for Siple Dome snow pits B, E, F, G, H, and 1 through 6. Samples were analyzed for soluble ion content via suppressed ion chromatography. Each pit was sampled at 2 cm resolution for ion chemistry using clean procedures, and sampled again at 3 cm resolution for density calculations. Snow pit names and locations correspond to the 1996 to 1997 season shallow core sites. Data in this collection were obtained during two Antarctic field seasons in 1994 to 1995 and 1996 to 1997. Data are available via FTP in space-delimited ASCII text (.dat) file format. | ["POLYGON((-149.11 -81.05,-149.05 -81.05,-148.99 -81.05,-148.93 -81.05,-148.87 -81.05,-148.81 -81.05,-148.75 -81.05,-148.69 -81.05,-148.63 -81.05,-148.57 -81.05,-148.51 -81.05,-148.51 -81.11,-148.51 -81.17,-148.51 -81.23,-148.51 -81.29,-148.51 -81.35,-148.51 -81.41,-148.51 -81.47,-148.51 -81.53,-148.51 -81.59,-148.51 -81.65,-148.57 -81.65,-148.63 -81.65,-148.69 -81.65,-148.75 -81.65,-148.81 -81.65,-148.87 -81.65,-148.93 -81.65,-148.99 -81.65,-149.05 -81.65,-149.11 -81.65,-149.11 -81.59,-149.11 -81.53,-149.11 -81.47,-149.11 -81.41,-149.11 -81.35,-149.11 -81.29,-149.11 -81.23,-149.11 -81.17,-149.11 -81.11,-149.11 -81.05))"] | ["POINT(-148.81 -81.35)"] | false | false |
Methane and Carbonyl Sulfide Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core Subsamples
0338359 |
2002-07-10 | Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat |
Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores |
This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet cores (WAISCORES) project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. Siple Dome ice cores were analyzed for methanesulfonate (MSA) and carbonyl sulfide (OCS). The methanesulfonate analysis was done on cores A-E and a hot water core, and the carbonyl sulfide analysis was done on 11 C cores. Methanesulfonate data include the sample identification number, depth, and methanesulfonate parts per billion (ppb) of each sample. Carbonyl sulfide data include the depth, OCS parts per trillion (ppt) of each sample, percent error, and gas age (years). Data are available via FTP in tab-delimited ASCII text (.dat, .txt) file format. | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | false | false |
Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores
9615167 |
2002-06-01 | Dunbar, Nelia |
Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region |
This data set consists of electron microprobe geochemical analyses of glass shards sampled from Siple Dome and Taylor Dome ice cores during the 1999-2000 field season. Geochemical data are in tab-delimited ASCII and Excel formats. Backscattered electron images of tephra samples are in TIFF format. Data are available via ftp. | ["POINT(158.71 -77.8)", "POINT(-148 -81)"] | ["POINT(158.71 -77.8)", "POINT(-148 -81)"] | false | false |
Carbon-Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum
9615292 |
2002-01-01 | Wahlen, Martin |
Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores |
These data describe the concentration and carbon-isotopic composition (d13CO2) of atmospheric CO2 from air trapped in ice between 27,000 and 1,300 years before present from Taylor Dome, Antarctica. Data are used to investigate the causes of the CO2 concentration increase that occurred during the transition between the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. Data are in tab-delimited ASCII and Excel formats, and are available via ftp. | ["POINT(158.71 -77.8)"] | ["POINT(158.71 -77.8)"] | false | false |
Concentration and Isotopic Composition of O2 and N2 in Trapped Gases of the Vostok Ice Core
9222121 9318121 |
2002-01-01 | Bender, Michael |
Collaborative Research: Seismic Traverse of the Byrd Subglacial Basin-Field Test |
These data describe the d18O of O2, d15N of N2, d18Oatm, and O2/N2 ratios of trapped gases in the Vostok ice core from East Antarctica. The investigator used a mass spectrometer to measure gas concentrations and isotopic compositions. Data extend to approximately 420,000 years ago. Two different age models are included. Data are available in tab-delimited ASCII format via ftp. | ["POINT(106.48 -72.28)"] | ["POINT(106.48 -72.28)"] | false | false |
Micrometeorites from the South Pole Water Well
9316715 |
2002-01-01 | Taylor, Susan |
Retrieval and Analysis of Extraterrestrial Particles from the Water Well at the South Pole Station, Antarctica |
Micrometeorites dated between 1100 A.D. to 1500 A.D. were collected from the bottom of the South Pole Water Well in December 1995. Element analyses of 181 cosmic glass spherule and micrometeorite samples are in ASCII text and Excel spreadsheet format. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of the spherules and micrometeorites are in TIFF format. Data are available via ftp. | ["POINT(0 -90)"] | ["POINT(0 -90)"] | false | false |
Firn Air Isotope and Temperature Measurements from Siple Dome and South Pole
9725305 9725918 |
2001-01-01 | Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Battle, Mark; Grachev, Alexi |
Thermal Fractionation of Firn Air and the Ice Core Record of Abrupt Interstadial Climate Change |
This data set includes d15N, d18O/2, dO2/N2/4, d40Ar/4, d38/Ar/2, d84Kr/48, and d132Xe/96 values for air drawn from the top 15 to 50 m of firn at the South Pole (summer and winter 1998) and a site at Siple Dome (summers 1996 and 1998). Data also include related firn temperature measurements. The objective of this research was to better understand thermal fractionation processes affecting records of atmospheric history from firn and ice core gases. Recent work (e.g., Severinghaus and Brook, 1999) has exploited trapped air in ice and deep firn as a record of past atmospheric composition and climate change. Interpretation of these paleoclimate archives is complicated by artifacts of thermal diffusion, a process in which heavier gases migrate down temperature gradients toward colder regions in the firn. Seasonal temperature change at the snow surface creates strong temperature gradients in the top few meters of the firn, which cause isotopic fractionation of firn gases. A specific goal of this research is to identify any long-term effects of seasonal temperature fluctuations on firn air isotopic anomalies. | ["POINT(-102 -89.997)", "POINT(-148.767 -81.667)"] | ["POINT(-102 -89.997)", "POINT(-148.767 -81.667)"] | false | false |
Newall Glacier Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1987 to 1989
None | 1999-01-01 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie |
Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica |
Snow pit and ice core data from the Newall Glacier (location - 162 30' East, 77 35' South) were collected during 1987 and 1988. These include information on chemistry, Beta profiles and stratigraphy. Ice cores were collected during the austral summer of 1988-1989 and contain information on chemistry, Pb- 210 profiles, density profiles and temperature profiles. Core A was 175 meters long and core B was 150 meters long. The snow pits were dug and sampled by the Glacier Research Group (GRG), using established protocols to prevent contamination. The samples for major ion chemistry remained frozen until melted for analysis in the GRG lab, located at the University of New Hampshire (UNH), and all core processing was done by GRG established protocols to prevent contamination. Major ions were analyzed using suppressed ion chromatography. | ["POINT(162 -77)"] | ["POINT(162 -77)"] | false | false |
Dominion Range Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1984 and 1985
None | 1999-01-01 | Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie | No project link provided | Information from snow pits and an ice core were collected at Dominion Range (location - 166 10' East, 85 15' South, elevation - 2,700m) in 1984-1985. The 6 meter snow pit was dug and sampled in 1984-1985 with a 3 cm sampling interval. Four 1 meter snow pits were dug and sampled in 1984-1985 with a 3 cm sampling interval. One core was drilled during the austral summer 1984-1985 with a depth of 160 meters. Chemistry and density data were collected from the 1 meter pits. Chemistry, beta profile and density data were collected from the 6 meter snow pits. Chemistry (Na NH4, K, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4, MSA), particles and a lead-210 profile were collected from the ice core. | ["POINT(166 -85)"] | ["POINT(166 -85)"] | false | false |
Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, Ice Core, 1991 and 1992
None | 1999-01-01 | Whitlow, Sallie; Mayewski, Paul A. | No project link provided | Major ion concentration values (Na, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4, MSA) were analyzed from a 20-meter ice core drilled in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica (location - 65 01' East, 75 00' South, elevation - 2,900 m a.s.l.). The core was drilled during the austral summer 1991-1992. Major ion analysis was by ion chromatography. The anions were analyzed on a Dionex AS4A column; the cations on a Dionex CS12 column and MSA on a Dionex AS4 column. All used suppressed chromatography. Using established protocols to prevent contamination, the core was processed into 3-centimeter pieces by the Glacier Research Group at the University of New Hampshire's Climate Change Research Center. The 3-cm pieces were kept frozen until major ion analysis. | ["POINT(65 -75)"] | ["POINT(65 -75)"] | false | false |
Visible Stratigraphic Dating, Siple Dome and Upstream C Cores
9526374 |
1997-01-01 | Alley, Richard |
Physical Properties of the Siple Dome Deep Ice Core |
This data set is part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet cores (WAISCORES) project, an NSF-funded project to understand the influence of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet on climate and sea level change. WAISCORES researchers acquired and analyzed ice cores from the Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, West Antarctica. This data set includes melt layers and annual layer data for Siple Dome cores A through J, and upstream core C (UpC). Cores were examined on a light table after the core had been sectioned longitudinally and samples removed for isotopic, chemical, and other analyses, and after the surface had been smoothed using a planer. Major stratigraphic features were noted, such as coarse-grained and fine-grained firn at shallow depths, and coarse-bubbled and fine-bubbled ice at greater depth. Melt layers were identified as bubble-free or nearly-bubble-free zones. Core lengths ranged from 30 to 133 meters. Data in this collection were obtained in the summer of 1997. The data set is available via FTP as ACSII data (.dat), metadata (.meta) and text (.txt) files. | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | ["POINT(-149 -81)"] | false | false |