Geochemistry and Petrologic Evolution of Felsic Volcanoes in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
This project uses geochemical studies to determine the origin of volcanic rocks from Marie Byrd Land (MBL), Antarctica. Surprisingly, adjacent volcanoes in the MBL have dramatically different compositions, ranging from phonolite to trachyte to rhyolite. This diversity offers an opportunity to constrain the processes responsible for generating silica oversaturated and undersaturated magmas in a single geologic setting. Previous work suggests that the most obvious and simplest explanation--crustal contamination--is not a significant factor, and that polybaric fractional crystallization is the major cause. This study evaluates these factors through analyses and interpretation of trace and rare earth element abundances, as well as Sr and Nd isotopic ratios.
The broader impacts include outreach programs to the Girl Scouts of America, and dissemination of results through publications and meetings.
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