Retrieval and Analysis of Extraterrestrial Particles from the Water Well at the South Pole Station, Antarctica
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End Date:
9316715 Taylor This award is for support to collect micrometeorites from the bottom of the new water well at South Pole Station, Antarctica. The large volume of firn and ice being melted provides the concentrating mechanism needed to collect large numbers of micrometeorites that occur in low concentrations in the ice. The first task of the project is to design a collection system to retrieve the micrometeorites from the bottom of the water well. The collector must be reliable, easy to operate, must collect all particles larger than 10 mm and should not contaminate the well's water quality. Following successful design and deployment of the collector, recovered particles will be catalogued and distributed to interested researchers. ***
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
Product Level:
0 (raw data)
Platforms and Instruments
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