{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Mcmurdo"}
[{"awards": "1745130 Moran, Amy", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Sat, 04 Jan 2025 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Counts of Odontaster along 50-m transects at the McMurdo Intake Jetty (2019, 2020) and Cinder Cones (2022), including incidence of SSWS and staging of each visibly affected individual starfish.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; McMurdo; McMurdo Sound", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; McMurdo; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Moran, Amy; Thurber, Andrew", "project_titles": "Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development ", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010187", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development "}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Survey Metadata. All counts of Odontaster validus from SSWS surveys at the McMurdo Intake Jetty and Cinder Cones", "uid": "601869", "west": null}, {"awards": "1745130 Moran, Amy", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166 -77,166.08 -77,166.16 -77,166.24 -77,166.32 -77,166.4 -77,166.48000000000002 -77,166.56 -77,166.64000000000001 -77,166.72 -77,166.8 -77,166.8 -77.09,166.8 -77.18,166.8 -77.27,166.8 -77.36,166.8 -77.45,166.8 -77.54,166.8 -77.63000000000001,166.8 -77.72,166.8 -77.81,166.8 -77.9,166.72 -77.9,166.64000000000001 -77.9,166.56 -77.9,166.48000000000002 -77.9,166.4 -77.9,166.32 -77.9,166.24 -77.9,166.16 -77.9,166.08 -77.9,166 -77.9,166 -77.81,166 -77.72,166 -77.63000000000001,166 -77.54,166 -77.45,166 -77.36,166 -77.27,166 -77.18,166 -77.09,166 -77))"], "date_created": "Thu, 02 Jan 2025 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Temperature and conductivity measurements collected from Hobo loggers deployed ~3cm from the benthos at six sites around McMurdo Sound in 2021-2022 at depths of 20-30 m. ", "east": 166.8, "geometry": ["POINT(166.4 -77.45)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; McMurdo Sound; Salinity; Temperature", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Moran, Amy", "project_titles": "Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development ", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010187", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development "}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.9, "title": "Benthic seawater temperature and conductivity measurements at six sites in McMurdo Sound", "uid": "601870", "west": 166.0}, {"awards": "1841228 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(163.4863 -77.5607)"], "date_created": "Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Detailed water chemistry data from a collection of water samples at the delta of Commonwealth stream in Taylor Valley, Antarctica at even intervals across the day in 2020. The samples have been analyzed using a handheld meter for pH and temperature, ion chromatography for major ions, ICP-MS for iron concentrations", "east": 163.4863, "geometry": ["POINT(163.4863 -77.5607)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Commonwealth Stream; Cryosphere; Diel; Inlandwaters; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Stream Chemistry; Water Chemisty", "locations": "Commonwealth Stream; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.5607, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Gardner, Christopher B.", "project_titles": "Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010483", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.5607, "title": "Commonwealth Stream Diel Water Chemistry", "uid": "601844", "west": 163.4863}, {"awards": "1246463 Burns, Jennifer", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.6 -75,163.2 -75,163.8 -75,164.4 -75,165 -75,165.6 -75,166.2 -75,166.8 -75,167.4 -75,168 -75,168 -75.4,168 -75.8,168 -76.2,168 -76.6,168 -77,168 -77.4,168 -77.8,168 -78.2,168 -78.6,168 -79,167.4 -79,166.8 -79,166.2 -79,165.6 -79,165 -79,164.4 -79,163.8 -79,163.2 -79,162.6 -79,162 -79,162 -78.6,162 -78.2,162 -77.8,162 -77.4,162 -77,162 -76.6,162 -76.2,162 -75.8,162 -75.4,162 -75))"], "date_created": "Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Weddell seal metabolic hormone data. Body composition data were generated following protocols described in Shero et al. 2014. Serum hormone concentrations were determined using immunoassays. IGF binding protein concentrations were determined using protocols described in Richmond et al. 2010", "east": 168.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Hormones; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea; Weddell Seal", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Kirkham, Amy", "project_titles": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000229", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -79.0, "title": "Weddell seal metabolic hormone data", "uid": "601840", "west": 162.0}, {"awards": "2336354 Juarez Rivera, Marisol; 1937748 Sumner, Dawn", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(163.1146 -77.6078)"], "date_created": "Wed, 02 Oct 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains measurements of microbial mat thickness and number of laminae from Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Holes were melted through the ice cover of Lake Fryxell, which allowed tethered divers to collect benthic microbial mats (non-liftoff and liftoff) and microbial mats at the ice-water interface (float mats). Benthic non-liftoff and liftoff mat samples were collected from 4.3 m (n=4), 6.1 m (n=4), and 7.9 m (n=4) depths. Float mats were collected from the ice-water interface above 4.3 m (n=4), 6.1 m (n=4), and 7.9 m (n=5) depths. The mats were dissected along vertical cross sections in the field to measure mat thickness and number of laminae. Additional funding for this work was provided by the NASA Solar System Workings Program (Award #80NSSC22K0709).", "east": 163.1146, "geometry": ["POINT(163.1146 -77.6078)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Dry Valleys; Lake Fryxell; Laminae; Microbial Mat; Thickness", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Lake Fryxell; Antarctica; Antarctica", "north": -77.6078, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Juarez Rivera, Marisol; Mackey, Tyler; Hawes, Ian; Paul, Ann; Sumner, Dawn", "project_titles": "RAPID: Is Biomass Mobilization at Ice-covered Lake Fryxell, Antarctica reaching a Critical Threshold?; Seasonal Primary Productivity and Nitrogen Cycling in Photosynthetic Mats, Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010467", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RAPID: Is Biomass Mobilization at Ice-covered Lake Fryxell, Antarctica reaching a Critical Threshold?"}, {"proj_uid": "p0010219", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Seasonal Primary Productivity and Nitrogen Cycling in Photosynthetic Mats, Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.6078, "title": "Lake Fryxell 2022-2023 benthic microbial mat thickness and number of laminae", "uid": "601839", "west": 163.1146}, {"awards": "1640481 Rotella, Jay; 2147553 Rotella, Jay", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.8 -75,163.6 -75,164.4 -75,165.2 -75,166 -75,166.8 -75,167.6 -75,168.4 -75,169.2 -75,170 -75,170 -75.38,170 -75.76,170 -76.14,170 -76.52,170 -76.9,170 -77.28,170 -77.66,170 -78.03999999999999,170 -78.42,170 -78.8,169.2 -78.8,168.4 -78.8,167.6 -78.8,166.8 -78.8,166 -78.8,165.2 -78.8,164.4 -78.8,163.6 -78.8,162.8 -78.8,162 -78.8,162 -78.42,162 -78.03999999999999,162 -77.66,162 -77.28,162 -76.9,162 -76.52,162 -76.14,162 -75.76,162 -75.38,162 -75))"], "date_created": "Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Erebus Bay population of Weddell seals in the Ross Sea of Antarctica is the most southerly breeding population of mammal in the world, closely associated with persistent shore-fast ice, and one that has been intensively studied since 1969. The resulting long-term database, which includes data for over 29,000 marked individuals, contains detailed population information that provides an excellent opportunity to study linkages between environmental conditions and demographic processes in the Antarctic. The study population is of special interest as the Ross Sea is one of the most productive areas of the Southern Ocean and one of the most pristine marine environments on the planet. The study provides long-term demographic data for individual seals. The Access database contains information for 3 types of data on Weddell seals for the period 1969-2023. (1) Mark-recapture Data with resighting records for all individuals tagged in and around the McMurdo Sound area, as well as seals tagged at White Island; (2) Mass Dynamics Data contains physical masses and photographic records and measurements that include the date, ID number, sex, age class, weight (if successfully collected), and perspectives from which photographs were collected for each sampling occurrence; and (3) Research Procedures Data contains records of handling and research procedures conducted on Erebus Bay Weddell seals by various research teams in recent years.\r\n\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e", "east": 170.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166 -76.9)"], "keywords": "AMD; Amd/Us; Antarctica; Cryosphere; McMurdo Sound; Population Dynamics; USA/NSF; USAP-DC; Weddell Seal", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Rotella, Jay", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Drivers and Role of Immigration in the Dynamics of the Largest Population of Weddell Seals in Antarctica under Changing Conditions; The consequences of maternal effects and environmental conditions on offspring success in an Antarctic predator", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010198", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The consequences of maternal effects and environmental conditions on offspring success in an Antarctic predator"}, {"proj_uid": "p0010361", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Drivers and Role of Immigration in the Dynamics of the Largest Population of Weddell Seals in Antarctica under Changing Conditions"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.8, "title": "Demographic data for Weddell Seal colonies in Erebus Bay through the 2023 Antarctic field season", "uid": "601837", "west": 162.0}, {"awards": "2023355 Schmandt, Brandon", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"], "date_created": "Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This catalog/dataset contains 60,006 seismic events between magnitude (Mw) -1.0 and 4.5. It was obtained using publicly available seismic data from 2000 through 2020. The catalog was generated using a workflow that includes new and established software for earthquake detection (Mousavi et al., 2020; Woollam et al., 2022), association (Zhang et al., 2019), location (Lomax et al., 2000, 2009) and magnitude estimation (Satriano, 2022). Events in the catalog are located near volcanoes, outlet glaciers, ice shelves, and within the continental interior. The catalog thus includes events from diverse source processes (cryospheric, volcanic, and tectonic). Preliminary observations include thousands of events near Mount Erebus, Ross Island, and the McMurdo Sound region, repeated seismic events at Ice Streams or large glaciers, and deep long period events in Marie Byrd Land Executive Committee Range. The file contains the latitude, longitude, depth, origin time, Magnitude, errors in the locations and the RMS. More details of the data set and all relevant methods can be found in Pena Castro et al., 2024.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Earthquakes; Icequakes; Volcanic Events", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Pena Castro, Andres", "project_titles": "EAGER: Lowering the detection threshold of Antarctic seismicity to reveal undiscovered intraplate deformation", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010450", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "EAGER: Lowering the detection threshold of Antarctic seismicity to reveal undiscovered intraplate deformation"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "A seismic catalog for the southernmost continent", "uid": "601805", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "8020002 Kyle, Philip", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.6 -73,163.76 -73,163.92 -73,164.07999999999998 -73,164.23999999999998 -73,164.39999999999998 -73,164.56 -73,164.72 -73,164.88 -73,165.04 -73,165.2 -73,165.2 -73.05,165.2 -73.1,165.2 -73.15,165.2 -73.2,165.2 -73.25,165.2 -73.3,165.2 -73.35,165.2 -73.4,165.2 -73.45,165.2 -73.5,165.04 -73.5,164.88 -73.5,164.72 -73.5,164.56 -73.5,164.39999999999998 -73.5,164.23999999999998 -73.5,164.07999999999998 -73.5,163.92 -73.5,163.76 -73.5,163.6 -73.5,163.6 -73.45,163.6 -73.4,163.6 -73.35,163.6 -73.3,163.6 -73.25,163.6 -73.2,163.6 -73.15,163.6 -73.1,163.6 -73.05,163.6 -73))"], "date_created": "Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Ar/Ar age dates, electron microprobe analyses of mineral phase and geochemical analyses of rock samples are presented for samples collected at Mount Overlord and surrounded areas in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.", "east": 165.2, "geometry": ["POINT(164.39999999999998 -73.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Geochemistry; Mount Overlord", "locations": "Mount Overlord; Antarctica", "north": -73.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Kyle, Philip", "project_titles": "Petrogenesis of the McMurdo Volcanic Group and the Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle in Victoria Land, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010487", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Petrogenesis of the McMurdo Volcanic Group and the Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle in Victoria Land, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -73.5, "title": "Mount Overlord, northern Victoria Land. Age, mineralogical and geochemical data", "uid": "601799", "west": 163.6}, {"awards": "2044924 Barrett, John", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.70776367188 -77.519802097166,161.899475097661 -77.519802097166,162.091186523442 -77.519802097166,162.282897949223 -77.519802097166,162.474609375004 -77.519802097166,162.666320800785 -77.519802097166,162.858032226566 -77.519802097166,163.049743652347 -77.519802097166,163.241455078128 -77.519802097166,163.433166503909 -77.519802097166,163.62487792969 -77.519802097166,163.62487792969 -77.54867059480199,163.62487792969 -77.57753909243799,163.62487792969 -77.606407590074,163.62487792969 -77.63527608771,163.62487792969 -77.664144585346,163.62487792969 -77.69301308298199,163.62487792969 -77.72188158061799,163.62487792969 -77.750750078254,163.62487792969 -77.77961857589,163.62487792969 -77.808487073526,163.433166503909 -77.808487073526,163.241455078128 -77.808487073526,163.049743652347 -77.808487073526,162.858032226566 -77.808487073526,162.666320800785 -77.808487073526,162.474609375004 -77.808487073526,162.282897949223 -77.808487073526,162.091186523442 -77.808487073526,161.899475097661 -77.808487073526,161.70776367188 -77.808487073526,161.70776367188 -77.77961857589,161.70776367188 -77.750750078254,161.70776367188 -77.72188158061799,161.70776367188 -77.69301308298199,161.70776367188 -77.664144585346,161.70776367188 -77.63527608771,161.70776367188 -77.606407590074,161.70776367188 -77.57753909243799,161.70776367188 -77.54867059480199,161.70776367188 -77.519802097166))"], "date_created": "Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Microbial communities are the primary drivers of carbon cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Dense microbial mats, consisting mainly of photosynthetic cyanobacteria, occupy aquatic areas associated with streams and lakes. Other microbial communities also occur at lower densities as patchy surface biological soil crusts (biocrusts) across the terrestrial landscape. Multispectral satellite data have been used to model microbial mat abundance in high-density areas like stream and lake margins, but no previous studies had investigated the lower detection limits of biocrusts. Here, we describe remote sensing and field-based survey and sampling approaches to study the detectability and distribution of biocrusts in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Using a combination of multi- and hyperspectral tools and spectral linear unmixing, we modeled the abundances of biocrust in eastern Taylor Valley. Our spectral approaches can detect low masses of biocrust material in laboratory microcosms down to biocrust concentrations of 1% by mass. These techniques also distinguish the spectra of biocrust from both surface rock and mineral signatures from orbit. We found that biocrusts are present throughout the soils of eastern Taylor Valley and are associated with diverse underlying soil communities. The densest biocrust communities identified in this study had total organic carbon 5x greater than the content of typical arid soils. The most productive biocrusts were located downslope of melting snowpacks in unique soil ecosystems that are distinct from the surrounding arid landscape. There are similarities between the snowpack and stream sediment communities (high diversity of soil invertebrates) as well as their ecosystem properties (e.g., persistence of liquid water, high transfer of available nutrients, lower salinity from flushing) compared to the typical arid terrestrial ecosystem of the dry valleys. Our approach extends the capability of orbital remote sensing of photosynthetic communities out of the aquatic margins and into the drier soils which comprise most of this landscape. This interdisciplinary work is critical for measuring and monitoring terrestrial carbon stocks and predicting future ecosystem dynamics in this currently water-limited but increasingly dynamic Antarctic landscape, which is particularly climate-sensitive and difficult to access.\r\n", "east": 163.62487792969, "geometry": ["POINT(162.666320800785 -77.664144585346)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon; Cryosphere; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Snow", "locations": "McMurdo Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.519802097166, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Barrett, John", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -77.808487073526, "title": "Hyperspectral reflectance values and biophysicochemical properties of biocrusts and soils in the Fryxell Basin, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "uid": "601773", "west": 161.70776367188}, {"awards": "1744999 Todgham, Anne", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "In this study we examined aerobic metabolic capacity in three species, Trematomus bernacchii, T. pennellii and T. newnesi, and between two life stages, juvenile and adult, by assessing mitochondrial function of permeabilized cardiac fibers.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Todgham, Anne; Mandic, Milica; Frazier, Amanda; Naslund, Andrew", "project_titles": "Interacting Stressors: Metabolic Capacity to Acclimate under Ocean Warming and CO2- Acidification in Early Developmental Stages of Antarctic Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010241", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Interacting Stressors: Metabolic Capacity to Acclimate under Ocean Warming and CO2- Acidification in Early Developmental Stages of Antarctic Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "A comparative and ontogenetic examination of mitochondrial function in Antarctic notothenioid species", "uid": "601766", "west": null}, {"awards": "1744999 Todgham, Anne", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Tue, 06 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset records temperature preference of two species of Antarctic nototheniod fishes, as described in the draft manuscript \u2018Naslund et al. (Forthcoming 2024) Differential temperature preferences exhibited in the juvenile Antarctic notothenioids Trematomus bernacchii and Trematomus pennellii.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica; Ross Sea", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Todgham, Anne; Naslund, Andrew; Zillig, Ken; Mandic, Milica; Frazier, Amanda", "project_titles": "Interacting Stressors: Metabolic Capacity to Acclimate under Ocean Warming and CO2- Acidification in Early Developmental Stages of Antarctic Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010241", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Interacting Stressors: Metabolic Capacity to Acclimate under Ocean Warming and CO2- Acidification in Early Developmental Stages of Antarctic Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Differential temperature preferences exhibited in the juvenile Antarctic notothenioids Trematomus bernacchii and Trematomus pennellii", "uid": "601765", "west": null}, {"awards": "0739512 Walker, Sally; 1745064 Perez-Huerta, Alberto; 1745057 Walker, Sally; 1745080 Gillikin, David", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Adamussium colbecki is a large thin-shelled scallop common in Antarctic waters and well represented in the fossil record. Shell nitrogen isotopes in carbonate bound organic matter (d15NCBOM) have the potential to record sea ice state over time. Recent studies illustrated that d15NCBOM values provide a similar proxy as soft tissue d15N values which are in turn are predicably related to food d15N values (Gillikin et al., 2017, GCA, 200, 55\u201366, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.12.008). Sea-ice organic N should have higher d15N values compared to open water organics due to nitrate draw down in the ice (Fripiat et al., 2014, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 28, 115\u2013130, doi:10.1002/2013GB004729). To test this hypothesis we analyzed A. colbecki shells from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails, western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. These sites have different sea ice states: persistent (multiannual) sea ice at Explorers Cove and annual sea ice (that melts out every year) at Bay of Sails. Six adults shells collected at these sites in 2008 (3 from each site) and two juveniles collected in 2016 from Explorers Cove were be serially sampled for d15NCBOM values from the growing shell margin to the umbo. d15NCBOM values from Explorers Cove with persistent sea ice cover were consistently higher (+10 \u00b1 0.7 \u2030) than those from Bay of Sails where the sea ice melts out every year (+8 \u00b1 0.5 \u2030; t-test p\u003c0.0001). d15NCBOM data from Mid- to Late Holocene shells that grew in these locations will also be presented. We posit that nitrogen isotopes in A. colbecki shells have a high potential to record sea ice cover.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Adamussium Colbecki; Antarctica; Biota; Carbon Isotopes; Explorers Cove; Nitrogen Isotopes; Oxygen Isotope; Scallop", "locations": "Explorers Cove; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Gillikin, David; Puhalski, Emma; Camarra, Steve; Cronin, Kelly; Verheyden, Anouk; Walker, Sally", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores; Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000203", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores"}, {"proj_uid": "p0010238", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen isotopes in the shell of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki as a proxy for sea ice cover in Antarctica.", "uid": "601764", "west": null}, {"awards": "1745080 Gillikin, David; 0739512 Walker, Sally; 1745057 Walker, Sally; 1341612 Bowser, Samuel; 1745064 Perez-Huerta, Alberto", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163 -77.2,163.2 -77.2,163.4 -77.2,163.6 -77.2,163.8 -77.2,164 -77.2,164.2 -77.2,164.4 -77.2,164.6 -77.2,164.8 -77.2,165 -77.2,165 -77.25,165 -77.3,165 -77.35000000000001,165 -77.4,165 -77.45,165 -77.5,165 -77.55,165 -77.60000000000001,165 -77.65,165 -77.7,164.8 -77.7,164.6 -77.7,164.4 -77.7,164.2 -77.7,164 -77.7,163.8 -77.7,163.6 -77.7,163.4 -77.7,163.2 -77.7,163 -77.7,163 -77.65,163 -77.60000000000001,163 -77.55,163 -77.5,163 -77.45,163 -77.4,163 -77.35000000000001,163 -77.3,163 -77.25,163 -77.2))"], "date_created": "Fri, 12 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen sampled from 6 adult and 2 juvenile Adamussium colbecki valves. Three of the adults were collected live from Bay of Sails. Three of the adults and the two juveniles were collected from Explorers Cove. ", "east": 165.0, "geometry": ["POINT(164 -77.45)"], "keywords": "Adamussium Colbecki; Antarctica; Bay Of Sails; Carbon; Explorers Cove; McMurdo Sound; Oxygen; Stable Isotopes", "locations": "Antarctica; Explorers Cove; Bay Of Sails; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.2, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Cronin, Kelly; Gillikin, David; Puhalski, Emma; Camarra, Steve; Andrus, Fred; Perez-Huerta, Alberto; Verheyden, Anouk; Bowser, Samuel S.; Walker, Sally", "project_titles": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010238", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.7, "title": "Stable isotopes of Oxygen and Carbon in Adamissium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails", "uid": "601761", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "1745130 Moran, Amy", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163 -76,163.3 -76,163.6 -76,163.9 -76,164.2 -76,164.5 -76,164.8 -76,165.1 -76,165.4 -76,165.7 -76,166 -76,166 -76.2,166 -76.4,166 -76.6,166 -76.8,166 -77,166 -77.2,166 -77.4,166 -77.6,166 -77.8,166 -78,165.7 -78,165.4 -78,165.1 -78,164.8 -78,164.5 -78,164.2 -78,163.9 -78,163.6 -78,163.3 -78,163 -78,163 -77.8,163 -77.6,163 -77.4,163 -77.2,163 -77,163 -76.8,163 -76.6,163 -76.4,163 -76.2,163 -76))"], "date_created": "Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Measurements of the longest diameters of 17 eggs of Colossendeis megalonyx, laid on October 25 2021 and photographed on October 27 2021.", "east": 166.0, "geometry": ["POINT(164.5 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Moran, Amy", "project_titles": "Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development ", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010187", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development "}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Egg diameters of Colossendeis megalonyx", "uid": "601717", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "1745130 Moran, Amy", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.66 -77.84,166.661 -77.84,166.662 -77.84,166.66299999999998 -77.84,166.664 -77.84,166.665 -77.84,166.666 -77.84,166.667 -77.84,166.66799999999998 -77.84,166.66899999999998 -77.84,166.67 -77.84,166.67 -77.84100000000001,166.67 -77.842,166.67 -77.843,166.67 -77.844,166.67 -77.845,166.67 -77.846,166.67 -77.847,166.67 -77.848,166.67 -77.84899999999999,166.67 -77.85,166.66899999999998 -77.85,166.66799999999998 -77.85,166.667 -77.85,166.666 -77.85,166.665 -77.85,166.664 -77.85,166.66299999999998 -77.85,166.662 -77.85,166.661 -77.85,166.66 -77.85,166.66 -77.84899999999999,166.66 -77.848,166.66 -77.847,166.66 -77.846,166.66 -77.845,166.66 -77.844,166.66 -77.843,166.66 -77.842,166.66 -77.84100000000001,166.66 -77.84))"], "date_created": "Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This video shows the behavior of an adult of Colossendeis megalonyx around a recently-deposited egg mass from a mating group of the same species. The egg mass is indicated by a white circle and label that appears close to the beginning of the video. The adult can be seen manipulating the egg mass with its ovigerous legs (long, with scoop at the end) and palps (shorter). Next to the adult and egg mass are two other Colossendeis in mating posture. The video was taken by Graham Lobert on November 1, 2021 on a GoPro Hero Black at a timelapse rate of one frame per second, played back at 30 fps. The egg mass is approximately three cm across the short diameter.", "east": 166.67, "geometry": ["POINT(166.665 -77.845)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo; Pycnogonida; Sea Spider", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo", "north": -77.84, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Moran, Amy; Lobert, Graham", "project_titles": "Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development ", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010187", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development "}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.85, "title": "Video of Colossendeis megalonyx behavior around egg mass", "uid": "601716", "west": 166.66}, {"awards": "1847067 Levy, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161 -76,161.34 -76,161.68 -76,162.02 -76,162.36 -76,162.7 -76,163.04 -76,163.38 -76,163.72 -76,164.06 -76,164.4 -76,164.4 -76.2,164.4 -76.4,164.4 -76.6,164.4 -76.8,164.4 -77,164.4 -77.2,164.4 -77.4,164.4 -77.6,164.4 -77.8,164.4 -78,164.06 -78,163.72 -78,163.38 -78,163.04 -78,162.7 -78,162.36 -78,162.02 -78,161.68 -78,161.34 -78,161 -78,161 -77.8,161 -77.6,161 -77.4,161 -77.2,161 -77,161 -76.8,161 -76.6,161 -76.4,161 -76.2,161 -76))"], "date_created": "Mon, 26 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains major ion data for surface and near-surface waters from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, determined through ion chromatography. Water types include snow and ice melt sources, streams and rivers, water track groundwater, pond water, and lake water. ", "east": 164.4, "geometry": ["POINT(162.7 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Levy, Joseph", "project_titles": "Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst \u0026 Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010286", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst \u0026 Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Surface Water Geochemistry from the McMurdo Dry Valleys", "uid": "601703", "west": 161.0}, {"awards": "2130663 Neff, Peter", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 18 May 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Final report of the 2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop, held virtually June 29 - July 1. The National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded workshop addressed questions around the value and feasibility of deploying a new optical fiber submarine cable system that would supply high-speed internet connectivity to McMurdo Station to address the severe network bandwidth bottlenecks that currently constrain scientific research in Antarctica.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Communication; Internet; Report", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Polar Cyberinfrastructure", "persons": "Andreasen, Julia; Roop, Heidi A; Pundsack, Jonathan W; Howe, Bruce; Jacobs, Gwen; Lassner, David; Yoshimi, Garrett; Timm, Kristin; Neff, Peter", "project_titles": "2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010389", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop Report", "uid": "601691", "west": null}, {"awards": "1847067 Levy, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160.6263 -77.575,160.91780999999997 -77.575,161.20932 -77.575,161.50083 -77.575,161.79234 -77.575,162.08384999999998 -77.575,162.37536 -77.575,162.66687000000002 -77.575,162.95838 -77.575,163.24989 -77.575,163.5414 -77.575,163.5414 -77.6003,163.5414 -77.6256,163.5414 -77.65090000000001,163.5414 -77.67620000000001,163.5414 -77.70150000000001,163.5414 -77.7268,163.5414 -77.7521,163.5414 -77.7774,163.5414 -77.8027,163.5414 -77.828,163.24989 -77.828,162.95838 -77.828,162.66687000000002 -77.828,162.37536 -77.828,162.08384999999998 -77.828,161.79234 -77.828,161.50083 -77.828,161.20932 -77.828,160.91780999999997 -77.828,160.6263 -77.828,160.6263 -77.8027,160.6263 -77.7774,160.6263 -77.7521,160.6263 -77.7268,160.6263 -77.70150000000001,160.6263 -77.67620000000001,160.6263 -77.65090000000001,160.6263 -77.6256,160.6263 -77.6003,160.6263 -77.575))"], "date_created": "Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains soil properties data from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, focused on the properties of water tracks and adjacent dry soils. The dataset is surface and near-surface soil sample data, including sample location, water content by weight, organic matter content by weight, soluble salt extract composition by ion, and cation exchange extract concentrations from the soils. ", "east": 163.5414, "geometry": ["POINT(162.08384999999998 -77.70150000000001)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cation Exchange; Chemistry:soil; Chemistry:Soil; Dry Valleys; Organic Matter; Salt; Soil", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.575, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Levy, Joseph", "project_titles": "Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst \u0026 Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010286", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst \u0026 Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.828, "title": "Biogeochemical measurements of water tracks and adjacent dry soils from the McMurdo Dry Valleys", "uid": "601684", "west": 160.6263}, {"awards": "1744993 Higgins, John", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((159.16667 -76.66667,159.19167000000002 -76.66667,159.21667000000002 -76.66667,159.24167 -76.66667,159.26667 -76.66667,159.29167 -76.66667,159.31667000000002 -76.66667,159.34167000000002 -76.66667,159.36667 -76.66667,159.39167 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.67333599999999,159.41667 -76.680002,159.41667 -76.686668,159.41667 -76.693334,159.41667 -76.69999999999999,159.41667 -76.706666,159.41667 -76.713332,159.41667 -76.71999799999999,159.41667 -76.726664,159.41667 -76.73333,159.39167 -76.73333,159.36667 -76.73333,159.34167000000002 -76.73333,159.31667000000002 -76.73333,159.29167 -76.73333,159.26667 -76.73333,159.24167 -76.73333,159.21667000000002 -76.73333,159.19167000000002 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.726664,159.16667 -76.71999799999999,159.16667 -76.713332,159.16667 -76.706666,159.16667 -76.69999999999999,159.16667 -76.693334,159.16667 -76.686668,159.16667 -76.680002,159.16667 -76.67333599999999,159.16667 -76.66667))"], "date_created": "Fri, 03 Mar 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This document details the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) collection activities carried out by I. Nesbitt in the Allan Hills during the 2019-2020 field season. This document is intended as an informal catalogue of the fild work and post-processing activities performed at the Allan Hills and later at McMurdo and elsewhere. It contains preliminary post-processing and analysis only. Any interpretation made and presented in this report based on the data herein is subject to change pending further examination. GPR was used to examine sub-ice bedrock topography and the stratigraphic relationship between two shallow ice core drill sites (CMC1 and CMC2), as well as to explore potential future drill sites. In accordance with. the project\u0027s objective to drill and analyze ancient ice at relatively shallow depths, the two main features of interest in this study are 1) bedrock topographic features in which ancient ice could be trapped, and 2) englacial stratigraphic layers, especially those which may represent large age discontinuities.", "east": 159.41667, "geometry": ["POINT(159.29167 -76.69999999999999)"], "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; GPR; Ice Core; Report", "locations": "Antarctica; Allan Hills", "north": -76.66667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Nesbitt, Ian; Brook, Edward J.", "project_titles": "Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area ", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010253", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area "}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Allan Hills", "south": -76.73333, "title": "I-165-M GPR Field Report 2019-2020", "uid": "601669", "west": 159.16667}, {"awards": "1543539 Liwanag, Heather", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "These data were collected in 2017 and 2019 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Included are reported dose of sedation drugs administered to Weddell seal pups during a longitudinal study at 4 age timepoints during early devleopment. Vital signs including heart rate (HR) and respiration rate (RR) during sedation are included, as are reactions to the drugs, such as if and how many apnea events were recorded, whether an animal exhibited cyanosis. \r\nThis study was conducted with ethical approval from NOAA Fisheries under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (permit # 21006-01), the Antarctic Conservation Act (permit # 2018-013 M#1) and the California Polytechnic University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (#1605 and 1904).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Weddell Seal", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Pearson, Linnea", "project_titles": "RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010144", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Sedation dose and response", "uid": "601631", "west": null}, {"awards": "1738913 Scambos, Ted", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-105.6 -75.05,-105.58 -75.05,-105.56 -75.05,-105.53999999999999 -75.05,-105.52 -75.05,-105.5 -75.05,-105.48 -75.05,-105.46000000000001 -75.05,-105.44 -75.05,-105.42 -75.05,-105.4 -75.05,-105.4 -75.05499999999999,-105.4 -75.06,-105.4 -75.065,-105.4 -75.07,-105.4 -75.07499999999999,-105.4 -75.08,-105.4 -75.085,-105.4 -75.08999999999999,-105.4 -75.095,-105.4 -75.1,-105.42 -75.1,-105.44 -75.1,-105.46000000000001 -75.1,-105.48 -75.1,-105.5 -75.1,-105.52 -75.1,-105.53999999999999 -75.1,-105.56 -75.1,-105.58 -75.1,-105.6 -75.1,-105.6 -75.095,-105.6 -75.08999999999999,-105.6 -75.085,-105.6 -75.08,-105.6 -75.07499999999999,-105.6 -75.07,-105.6 -75.065,-105.6 -75.06,-105.6 -75.05499999999999,-105.6 -75.05))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Dec 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "CTD data (date-time, device ID, conductivity, raw temperature, pressure, and salinity) for four CTD units recorded as they were lowered through the ice-shelf boreholes at the two sites and into the underlying ocean during installation. Cavity AMIGOS-III station CTDs were installed on 30-31 December 2019 (earlier data are from a salt-water tank in McMurdo); Channel AMIGOS-III CTDs were installed on 12 January 2020.", "east": -105.4, "geometry": ["POINT(-105.5 -75.07499999999999)"], "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Antarctica; CTD; Ice Shelf", "locations": "Amundsen Sea; Antarctica", "north": -75.05, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "SCAMBOS, Ted", "project_titles": "NSF-NERC The Future of Thwaites Glacier and its Contribution to Sea-level Rise Science Coordination Office", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010127", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "NSF-NERC The Future of Thwaites Glacier and its Contribution to Sea-level Rise Science Coordination Office"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Thwaites (ITGC)", "south": -75.1, "title": "Profile CTD Data During Installation of AMIGOS-III Cavity and Channel On-Ice Moorings", "uid": "601623", "west": -105.6}, {"awards": "1643248 Hall, Brenda", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163 -78.2,163.05 -78.2,163.1 -78.2,163.15 -78.2,163.2 -78.2,163.25 -78.2,163.3 -78.2,163.35 -78.2,163.4 -78.2,163.45 -78.2,163.5 -78.2,163.5 -78.21000000000001,163.5 -78.22,163.5 -78.23,163.5 -78.24,163.5 -78.25,163.5 -78.26,163.5 -78.27,163.5 -78.28,163.5 -78.28999999999999,163.5 -78.3,163.45 -78.3,163.4 -78.3,163.35 -78.3,163.3 -78.3,163.25 -78.3,163.2 -78.3,163.15 -78.3,163.1 -78.3,163.05 -78.3,163 -78.3,163 -78.28999999999999,163 -78.28,163 -78.27,163 -78.26,163 -78.25,163 -78.24,163 -78.23,163 -78.22,163 -78.21000000000001,163 -78.2))"], "date_created": "Fri, 21 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes beryllium-10 surface exposure data collected in conjunction with a glacial history project in the Walcott Bay region of southern McMurdo Sound. The data are presented in the conventional CRONUS input format.", "east": 163.5, "geometry": ["POINT(163.25 -78.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Beryllium-10; Exposure Age; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; McMurdo Sound; Royal Society Range; Walcott Glacier", "locations": "Walcott Glacier; McMurdo Sound; Antarctica; Royal Society Range; Royal Society Range", "north": -78.2, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Hall, Brenda", "project_titles": "Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010301", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.3, "title": "Walcott Glacier Exposure Data", "uid": "601616", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "1543344 Soreghan, Gerilyn", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162.322717 -77.417633,162.444362 -77.417633,162.566007 -77.417633,162.687652 -77.417633,162.80929700000002 -77.417633,162.93094200000002 -77.417633,163.052587 -77.417633,163.174232 -77.417633,163.295877 -77.417633,163.417522 -77.417633,163.539167 -77.417633,163.539167 -77.4501507,163.539167 -77.4826684,163.539167 -77.5151861,163.539167 -77.5477038,163.539167 -77.5802215,163.539167 -77.61273920000001,163.539167 -77.6452569,163.539167 -77.6777746,163.539167 -77.7102923,163.539167 -77.74281,163.417522 -77.74281,163.295877 -77.74281,163.174232 -77.74281,163.052587 -77.74281,162.93094200000002 -77.74281,162.80929700000002 -77.74281,162.687652 -77.74281,162.566007 -77.74281,162.444362 -77.74281,162.322717 -77.74281,162.322717 -77.7102923,162.322717 -77.6777746,162.322717 -77.6452569,162.322717 -77.61273920000001,162.322717 -77.5802215,162.322717 -77.5477038,162.322717 -77.5151861,162.322717 -77.4826684,162.322717 -77.4501507,162.322717 -77.417633))"], "date_created": "Tue, 16 Aug 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data file contains locations and descriptions of the samples collected for the NSF project titled \"Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems\". Data collected includes BET surface area, LPSA grain size, granulometry, mineralogy (XRD) and whole rock geochemistry (ICP-MS).", "east": 163.539167, "geometry": ["POINT(162.93094200000002 -77.5802215)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Anza Borrego; Iceland; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Norway; Peru; Puerto Rico; Taylor Valley; Washington; Wright Valley", "locations": "Taylor Valley; Antarctica; Peru; Norway; Anza Borrego; Puerto Rico; Iceland; Washington; Antarctica; Wright Valley; McMurdo Dry Valleys", "north": -77.417633, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Demirel-Floyd, Cansu", "project_titles": "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010181", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.74281, "title": "Data and metadata for \"Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems\"", "uid": "601599", "west": 162.322717}, {"awards": "1246463 Burns, Jennifer", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.6 -75,163.2 -75,163.8 -75,164.4 -75,165 -75,165.6 -75,166.2 -75,166.8 -75,167.4 -75,168 -75,168 -75.4,168 -75.8,168 -76.2,168 -76.6,168 -77,168 -77.4,168 -77.8,168 -78.2,168 -78.6,168 -79,167.4 -79,166.8 -79,166.2 -79,165.6 -79,165 -79,164.4 -79,163.8 -79,163.2 -79,162.6 -79,162 -79,162 -78.6,162 -78.2,162 -77.8,162 -77.4,162 -77,162 -76.6,162 -76.2,162 -75.8,162 -75.4,162 -75))"], "date_created": "Tue, 05 Jul 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The profound impacts that maternal provisioning of finite energy resources has on offspring survival have been extensively studied across mammals. However, in addition to calories, we tested whether high hemoprotein concentrations in diving mammals necessitates exceptional female-to-pup iron transfer. To answer this question adult female Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) were handled across the austral summer. This included post-partum females during lactation and post-weaning. To demonstrate that any observed changes in iron dynamics were due to lactation, equivalent skip-breeding females (i.e., that did not produce a pup) were also handled. We measured numerous indices of iron mobilization (ferritin, serum iron, total-iron-binding-capacity, transferrin saturation, milk iron concentration), hemoprotein concentrations, and oxygen stores.", "east": 168.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165 -77)"], "keywords": "Aerobic; Antarctica; Dive Capacity; Iron; McMurdo Sound; Weddell Seal", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Shero, Michelle", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Physiological and Genetic Correlates of Reproductive Success in High- versus Low-Quality Weddell seals; The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010369", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Physiological and Genetic Correlates of Reproductive Success in High- versus Low-Quality Weddell seals"}, {"proj_uid": "p0000229", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -79.0, "title": "Weddell seal iron dynamics and oxygen stores across lactation", "uid": "601587", "west": 162.0}, {"awards": "1246463 Burns, Jennifer", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(165 -77)"], "date_created": "Mon, 09 May 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes dive records from Weddell seals located in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica from the austral summers of 1978, 1979, and 1981 using Kooyman-Billups Time Depth Recorders. The data were recovered from photocopied paper scrolls using a code package (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14025657). This recovery process involved record scanning, image processing, and bias correction such that the historic data are directly comparable with dive data from modern instruments. This dataset contains the scanned images of the paper dive records (KBTDR_record_scans) and comma-separated value files of the dive data after recovery (KBTDR_data). Only records from McMurdo Sound were recovered, but record scans from Terra Nova Bay and White Island are also provided for future long-term studies on diving behavior. ", "east": 165.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Diving Behavior; McMurdo Sound; Weddell Seal", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Tsai, EmmaLi", "project_titles": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000229", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.0, "title": "1970s - 1980s Kooyman-Billups TDR Dive Records from Weddell Seals in McMurdo Sound", "uid": "601560", "west": 165.0}, {"awards": "0944150 Hall, Brenda", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.5 -77.3,163.65 -77.3,163.8 -77.3,163.95 -77.3,164.1 -77.3,164.25 -77.3,164.4 -77.3,164.55 -77.3,164.7 -77.3,164.85 -77.3,165 -77.3,165 -77.39,165 -77.48,165 -77.57,165 -77.66,165 -77.75,165 -77.84,165 -77.93,165 -78.02,165 -78.11,165 -78.2,164.85 -78.2,164.7 -78.2,164.55 -78.2,164.4 -78.2,164.25 -78.2,164.1 -78.2,163.95 -78.2,163.8 -78.2,163.65 -78.2,163.5 -78.2,163.5 -78.11,163.5 -78.02,163.5 -77.93,163.5 -77.84,163.5 -77.75,163.5 -77.66,163.5 -77.57,163.5 -77.48,163.5 -77.39,163.5 -77.3))"], "date_created": "Wed, 20 Apr 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains radiocarbon dates of benthic algal (cyanobacterial) mats within moraines associated with Ross Sea drift on the headlands of the Royal Society Range and covers the time period ~12-20 ka.", "east": 165.0, "geometry": ["POINT(164.25 -77.75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Last Glacial Maximum; McMurdo Sound; Radiocarbon Dates; Ross Sea Drift; Royal Society Range", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Royal Society Range; Royal Society Range; Antarctica; Ross Sea Drift", "north": -77.3, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Hall, Brenda", "project_titles": "Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010302", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.2, "title": "Royal Society Range Headland Moraine Belt Radiocarbon Data", "uid": "601555", "west": 163.5}, {"awards": "0944150 Hall, Brenda", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.7 -77.9,163.79 -77.9,163.88 -77.9,163.97 -77.9,164.06 -77.9,164.15 -77.9,164.24 -77.9,164.33 -77.9,164.42 -77.9,164.51 -77.9,164.6 -77.9,164.6 -77.91,164.6 -77.92,164.6 -77.93,164.6 -77.94,164.6 -77.95,164.6 -77.96,164.6 -77.97,164.6 -77.98,164.6 -77.99,164.6 -78,164.51 -78,164.42 -78,164.33 -78,164.24 -78,164.15 -78,164.06 -78,163.97 -78,163.88 -78,163.79 -78,163.7 -78,163.7 -77.99,163.7 -77.98,163.7 -77.97,163.7 -77.96,163.7 -77.95,163.7 -77.94,163.7 -77.93,163.7 -77.92,163.7 -77.91,163.7 -77.9))"], "date_created": "Wed, 20 Apr 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes radiocarbon dates of benthic algal mats associated with last glacial maximum Ross Sea drift in Salmon Valley, Royal Society Range.", "east": 164.6, "geometry": ["POINT(164.15 -77.95)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Last Glacial Maximum; McMurdo Sound; Radiocarbon Dates; Ross Sea Drift; Royal Society Range", "locations": "Ross Sea Drift; McMurdo Sound; Royal Society Range; Antarctica", "north": -77.9, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Hall, Brenda", "project_titles": "Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010302", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Salmon Valley Radiocarbon Data", "uid": "601556", "west": 163.7}, {"awards": "1543539 Liwanag, Heather", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Fri, 18 Feb 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Oxygen consumption of Weddell seal pups (n = 8) placed in a metabolic chamber filed with air or water. Data were collected during 2017 and 2019. Each pup was measured every 2 weeks starting from 1 week of age to 7 weeks of age, resulting in 4 age timepoints. ", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Metabolic Rate; Thermoregulation; Weddell Seal", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Pearson, Linnea", "project_titles": "RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010144", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "metabolic measurements", "uid": "601524", "west": null}, {"awards": "1745057 Walker, Sally", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.4 -77.3,163.46 -77.3,163.52 -77.3,163.58 -77.3,163.64 -77.3,163.7 -77.3,163.76 -77.3,163.82 -77.3,163.88 -77.3,163.94 -77.3,164 -77.3,164 -77.33,164 -77.36,164 -77.39,164 -77.42,164 -77.45,164 -77.48,164 -77.51,164 -77.54,164 -77.57,164 -77.6,163.94 -77.6,163.88 -77.6,163.82 -77.6,163.76 -77.6,163.7 -77.6,163.64 -77.6,163.58 -77.6,163.52 -77.6,163.46 -77.6,163.4 -77.6,163.4 -77.57,163.4 -77.54,163.4 -77.51,163.4 -77.48,163.4 -77.45,163.4 -77.42,163.4 -77.39,163.4 -77.36,163.4 -77.33,163.4 -77.3))"], "date_created": "Thu, 12 Aug 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes measurements of shell growth between striae (small, comarginal ridges on valve surfaces) and visual analysis of striae groups. The script analyses the variation among striae groups, and time series analysis of interstrial increments. ", "east": 164.0, "geometry": ["POINT(163.7 -77.45)"], "keywords": "Adamussium Colbecki; Antarctica; McMurdo", "locations": "McMurdo; Antarctica", "north": -77.3, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Cronin, Kelly; Walker, Sally", "project_titles": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010238", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.6, "title": "Analysis of striae groups and interstrial increments from Adamussium colbecki valves from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails", "uid": "601469", "west": 163.4}, {"awards": "1745057 Walker, Sally", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.4 -77.3,163.46 -77.3,163.52 -77.3,163.58 -77.3,163.64 -77.3,163.7 -77.3,163.76 -77.3,163.82 -77.3,163.88 -77.3,163.94 -77.3,164 -77.3,164 -77.33,164 -77.36,164 -77.39,164 -77.42,164 -77.45,164 -77.48,164 -77.51,164 -77.54,164 -77.57,164 -77.6,163.94 -77.6,163.88 -77.6,163.82 -77.6,163.76 -77.6,163.7 -77.6,163.64 -77.6,163.58 -77.6,163.52 -77.6,163.46 -77.6,163.4 -77.6,163.4 -77.57,163.4 -77.54,163.4 -77.51,163.4 -77.48,163.4 -77.45,163.4 -77.42,163.4 -77.39,163.4 -77.36,163.4 -77.33,163.4 -77.3))"], "date_created": "Wed, 11 Aug 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains yearly growth increments (mm) of live-collected Adamussium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails in Western McMurdo Sound. Annual growth is delineated by annuli (external growth bands; see Cronin et al., 2020). Straight length measurements were taken with digital calipers from umbo to ventral margin along the central axis. The purpose of data collection was to compare growth and lifespan of A. colbecki under annual and multiannual sea ice. ", "east": 164.0, "geometry": ["POINT(163.7 -77.45)"], "keywords": "Adamussium Colbecki; Antarctica; Growth; McMurdo Sound; Shell Fish", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.3, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Cronin, Kelly; Walker, Sally", "project_titles": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010238", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.6, "title": "Annual growth of Adamussium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails", "uid": "601468", "west": 163.4}, {"awards": "0838842 Passchier, Sandra", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(167.0833 -77.8889)"], "date_created": "Mon, 14 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains measurements of particle-size distributions on four intervals of diamicitites from ANDRILL Site AND-2A. Carbonate, and organic matter were removed through addition of 10mL aliquots of 30% H2O2 and 2mL aliquots of 10% HCl to ~50-100mL suspension on a hot plate. Dispersion was through heating with sodium pyrophosphate. Samples were measured on a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 with a Hydro 2000MU (A) accessory, using a Refractive index of 1.544 (Quartz) and an absorption coefficient of 0.9. Results are in (vol. %) per size class, with diameter range equivalent to the diameter of spheres with the same volume as measured particles.", "east": 167.0833, "geometry": ["POINT(167.0833 -77.8889)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Miocene; Particle Size; Pleistocene; Pliocene", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.8889, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Passchier, Sandra; Hansen, Melissa A.", "project_titles": "Determining Middle Miocene through Pliocene Changes in Paleo Ice-flow and Basal Ice Conditions in East Antarctica through Sedimentological Analyses of Core Samples", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000147", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Determining Middle Miocene through Pliocene Changes in Paleo Ice-flow and Basal Ice Conditions in East Antarctica through Sedimentological Analyses of Core Samples"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ANDRILL", "south": -77.8889, "title": "Particle-size measurements for diamictites AND-2A sediment core, McMurdo Sound", "uid": "601452", "west": 167.0833}, {"awards": "0342484 Harwood, David", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(167 -78)"], "date_created": "Mon, 14 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains measurements of particle-size distributions on sediment from ANDRILL Site AND-2A. Carbonate, and organic matter were removed through addition of 10mL aliquots of 30% H2O2 and 2mL aliquots of 10% HCl to ~50-100mL suspension on a hot plate. Dispersion was through heating with sodium pyrophosphate. Samples were measured on a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 with a Hydro 2000MU (A) accessory, using a Refractive index of 1.544 (Quartz) and an absorption coefficient of 0.9. Results are in (vol. %) per size class, with diameter range equivalent to the diameter of spheres with the same volume as measured particles.", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(167 -78)"], "keywords": "Andrill; Antarctica; Continental Shelf; Diamict; McMurdo Sound; Miocene; Paleoclimate; Particle Size", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -78.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Passchier, Sandra; Candice, Falk", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: ANDRILL - - Investigating Antarcticas Role in Cenozoic Global Environmental Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010297", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: ANDRILL - - Investigating Antarcticas Role in Cenozoic Global Environmental Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ANDRILL", "south": -78.0, "title": "Particle-size measurements at 3-m intervals for AND-2A sediment core, McMurdo Sound", "uid": "601451", "west": 167.0}, {"awards": "1543539 Liwanag, Heather", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166 -77)"], "date_created": "Fri, 26 Feb 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains dive records from 18 Weddell seal pups collected during 2017 and 2019. Additionally, there are weather data taken during the same time period from a temporary weather station at Turtle Rock.", "east": 166.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Weddell Seal", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Pearson, Linnea; Weitzner, Emma; Liwanag, Heather", "project_titles": "RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010144", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.0, "title": "TDR and weather data", "uid": "601435", "west": 166.0}, {"awards": null, "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Wed, 20 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Monthly climatology data from 2002 recorded at McMurdo Weather Station.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo", "locations": "McMurdo; Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Noojin, Matthew", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "McMurdo Weather Station Climatology Data (2002)", "uid": "601426", "west": null}, {"awards": "1644196 Cziko, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162.647931 -77.000624,163.049652 -77.000624,163.451373 -77.000624,163.853094 -77.000624,164.254815 -77.000624,164.656536 -77.000624,165.058257 -77.000624,165.459978 -77.000624,165.861699 -77.000624,166.26342 -77.000624,166.665141 -77.000624,166.665141 -77.0856883,166.665141 -77.1707526,166.665141 -77.2558169,166.665141 -77.3408812,166.665141 -77.4259455,166.665141 -77.5110098,166.665141 -77.5960741,166.665141 -77.6811384,166.665141 -77.7662027,166.665141 -77.851267,166.26342 -77.851267,165.861699 -77.851267,165.459978 -77.851267,165.058257 -77.851267,164.656536 -77.851267,164.254815 -77.851267,163.853094 -77.851267,163.451373 -77.851267,163.049652 -77.851267,162.647931 -77.851267,162.647931 -77.7662027,162.647931 -77.6811384,162.647931 -77.5960741,162.647931 -77.5110098,162.647931 -77.4259455,162.647931 -77.3408812,162.647931 -77.2558169,162.647931 -77.1707526,162.647931 -77.0856883,162.647931 -77.000624))"], "date_created": "Sun, 03 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Nearshore benthic seawater temperature (plus pressure and salinity for some sites) in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica for 2017-2019. Data includes those from standalone temperature (sometimes pressure) for several sites around McMurdo Sound as well as data from the cabled McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory moored conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor at the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty. Data are from high precision SeaBird sensors (SBE56, SBE39, SBE19Plus and SBE37), with sample intervals from 90 sec to 15 min, depending on site. Sampled sites include Explorer\u0027s Cove at New Harbor, Cape Evans, Granite Harbor, and the McMurdo Station jetty. All sensors were deployed near or on the benthos at 20-25 m deep, in typical nearshore benthic fish and invertebrate habitat.", "east": 166.665141, "geometry": ["POINT(164.656536 -77.4259455)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic Ecology; CTD; Depth; McMurdo Sound; Oceanography; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Pressure; Salinity; Seawater Measurements; Seawater Temperature; Supercooling; Tides", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.000624, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "persons": "Cziko, Paul", "project_titles": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010147", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.851267, "title": "High-resolution nearshore benthic seawater temperature from around McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)", "uid": "601420", "west": 162.647931}, {"awards": "1644196 Cziko, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Long-term images taken by the camera from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory mooring in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during its 2-year deployment (2017-2019). The mooring was situated at the seawater terminus of the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty at 21 m deep, typically under thick sea ice cover. The automated 360\u00b0 pan-tilt-zoom (ptz) camera, inside of an air-filled self-cleaning dome, was programmed to move to 42 ptz \"waypoints\" every hour and take a still 1920x1080 JPG image for archiving. Lights, oriented in one direction only, illuminated a rock/rubble slope for much of each winter, when there was no natural illumination. The camera was situated on a concrete block, which elevated the camera about 1m off of the seabed. Motile and sessile benthic biota, including notothenioid fishes, anemones, pycnogonids, asteroids, soft-corals, sponges, and nudibranchs are commonly seen in the images. Some ptz waypoints survey the water column and underside of the sea ice, capturing also the presence of larval/juvenile fishes and other plankton/nekton in the water column. Maximum intervals between subsequent images from the same ptz waypoint were about 1 hour, though many waypoints were captured at somewhat higher frequency. Interval images, taken at 5-min intervals irrespective of camera orientation, were also captured. Images are occasionally obscured/impacted by the camera dome\u0027s wiper, darkness, low visibility, minor fouling of the camera dome, and out-of-focus lens elements. ", "east": 166.6645, "geometry": ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic Ecology; Benthic Invertebrates; Biota; McMurdo Sound; Notothenioid; Notothenioid Fishes; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Rocky Reef Community; Soft-Bottom Community; Timelaps Images", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.851, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "persons": "Cziko, Paul", "project_titles": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010147", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.851, "title": "Long-term underwater images from around a single mooring site in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)", "uid": "601417", "west": 166.6645}, {"awards": "1644196 Cziko, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Broadband underwater acoustic recordings from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory mooring near the seaward terminus of the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty. An omnidirectional Ocean Sonics icListen hydrophone (SB2-ETH, SN 1713) recorded continuously at 512 kilosamples/second (256 kHz Nyquist frequency; 24 bit) for 2 years. The hydrophone was mounted vertically on a steel strut (insulated with rubber sheet) at about 70 cm above the mud/gravel seabed at 21m deep, with the sloping 45\u00b0 rubble face of the jetty just behind the hydrophone. Temporal coverage is \u003e90%, with gaps and truncated files arising due to network and power outages and software bugs. The audio recordings are 10 minute WAV files, compressed using the lossless FLAC code (Free Lossless Audio Codec, xiph.org; about 33MB of data/minute compressed; 100MB/min uncompressed). The hydrophone was under thick (to 3 m) sea ice cover for the majority of the dataset. The majority of the recorded biological sounds were produced by Weddell seals. Orca were present intermittently (~10 days total) in January-March in both summers. Known non-biological sounds include irregular low-intensity, broad-spectrum clicks and cracks from the sea ice cover, occasional wind noise, a 1.5-s gurgle with components to 200kHz every 90s from the CTD\u2019s pump, a broad-spectrum mechanical sound for 3 min every 4 h from the observatory\u0027s underwater camera cleaning system, low-intensity whines (about 18, 58, 83, and 130 kHz, though variable over the dataset) thought to be from the station seawater pumps (\u003e100 m away within the jetty\u2019s well casing), and intermittent noises from tracked-vehicles and helicopters (September\u2013February), SCUBA divers (October\u2013December), and ships (January). Given hosting limitations, only every 6th file (roughly 10min/hour) has been archived here. Additional data can be obtained by contacting the primary author of the dataset, who will maintain it for as long as possible. Audio spectrogram images (PNGs) at three frequency ranges (three stacked panels per image, upper limits of 2.5, 25, and 256 kHz) from the entire dataset (all data, not subsampled) are also archived separately.", "east": 166.6645, "geometry": ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Bioacoustics; Biota; Hydroacoustics; Killer Whales; Leptonychotes Weddellii; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Orcinus Orca; Sea Ice; Weddell Seal; Whales", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.851, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "persons": "Cziko, Paul", "project_titles": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010147", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.851, "title": "Long-term broadband underwater acoustic recordings from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)", "uid": "601416", "west": 166.6645}, {"awards": "0733025 Blankenship, Donald; 1443690 Young, Duncan; 0941678 ; 0424589 Gogineni, S. Prasad", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((114 -74,115.2 -74,116.4 -74,117.6 -74,118.8 -74,120 -74,121.2 -74,122.4 -74,123.6 -74,124.8 -74,126 -74,126 -74.3,126 -74.6,126 -74.9,126 -75.2,126 -75.5,126 -75.8,126 -76.1,126 -76.4,126 -76.7,126 -77,124.8 -77,123.6 -77,122.4 -77,121.2 -77,120 -77,118.8 -77,117.6 -77,116.4 -77,115.2 -77,114 -77,114 -76.7,114 -76.4,114 -76.1,114 -75.8,114 -75.5,114 -75.2,114 -74.9,114 -74.6,114 -74.3,114 -74))"], "date_created": "Fri, 18 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The data set published here consists of 26 ice-penetrating radar IRHs (internal reflecting horizons) which were traced across multiple ice-penetrating radar surveys that deployed several generations of modern ice-penetrating radar sounders over a decade, between 2008 and 2018, over the Dome C region of the East Antarctic Plateau. The data set is associated to publication: Cavitte, M. G. P, Young, D. A, Mulvaney, R., Ritz, C., Greenbaum, J. S., Ng, G., Kempf, S. D., Quartini, E., Muldoon, G. R., Paden, J., Frezzotti, M., Roberts, J. L. , Tozer, C. R. , Schroeder, D. M. and Blankenship, D. D. A detailed radiostratigraphic data set for the central East Antarctic Plateau spanning from the Holocene to the mid-Pleistocene, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4759\u20134777, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4759-2021.\r\n\r\nWe can subdivide the radar sounders used into three sets. The primary set was collected by the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) and the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) as part of the ICECAP project) between 2008 and 2015. This includes the Oldest Ice candidate A (OIA) survey flown by ICECAP in January 2016. Data were collected with the High Capacity Airborne Radar Sounder (HiCARS) 1 \u0026 2 and its Multifrequency Airborne Radar-sounder for Full-phase Assessment (MARFA) descendant. The data was collected from a DC-3T Basler which operated from Concordia Station. \r\n\r\nThe second set consists of the Vostok-Dome C airborne radar transect was flown by the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) at the University of Kansas using the Multi-Channel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder (MCoRDS) in a single flight line in 2013. A P-3 Orion operating from McMurdo Station collected these data as part of NASA Operation Ice Bridge. \r\n\r\nThe third set consists of a subset of the LDC ground-based radar survey, towed behind a PistenBully PB300 tractor, collected by the Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice (BE-OI) European Consortium using the British Antarctic Survey\u2019s (BAS) Deep Looking Radio Echo Sounder (DELORES) radar system. Each IRH has been traced in all three radar sets and is published here as a single csv and netcdf file. Formats are self-documented in these csv/netcdf files. \r\n\r\nWhere HiCARS and MCoRDS radar transects are used, the IRH is provided at a 1 km spatial resolution, where DELORES radar transects are used, the IRH is provided at a 250 m spatial resolution. \r\n\r\nThe 26 IRHs published here were traced semi-automatically by first author Marie Cavitte, using Landmark\u0027s Decision Space Desktop software and its built-in picker. \r\n\r\nThe IRHs are dated at the EDC ice core using the AICC2012 timescale (Veres et al., 2013; Bazin et al., 2013). \r\n\r\nIce core ages are transferred onto the IRHs on radar transect MCM/JKB1a/EDMC01a at distance_m (column in the data sets) = 110.153 m along the transect. That radar point of closest approach is 94\u2009m away from the ice core site. Depth and age uncertainties associated to each IRH are quantified n the associated publication: Cavitte, M. G. P, Young, D. A, Mulvaney, R., Ritz, C., Greenbaum, J. S., Ng, G., Kempf, S. D., Quartini, E., Muldoon, G. R., Paden, J., Frezzotti, M., Roberts, J. L. , Tozer, C. R. , Schroeder, D. M. and Blankenship, D. D. A detailed radiostratigraphic data set for the central East Antarctic Plateau spanning from the Holocene to the mid-Pleistocene, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4759\u20134777, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4759-2021. \r\n\n\r\n\r\nBesides NSF this dataset is the result of additional support from NERC grant - NE/D003733/1, NASA grants - NX08AN68G, NNX09AR52G, NNX11AD33G, NNX13AD53A, and funding from the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation.\n\n\\nNote that the dataset was archived before the accompanying paper was officially published. The abstract and dataset description has been updated to cite the correct reference to the ESSD paper (Cavitte et al., 2021) after the paper was published. The headers of the actual data files contain only a placeholder to this reference.", "east": 126.0, "geometry": ["POINT(120 -75.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; ICECAP; Ice Penetrating Radar; Internal Reflecting Horizons", "locations": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau", "north": -74.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Cavitte, Marie G. P; Young, Duncan A.; Mulvaney, Robert; Ritz, Catherine; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Kempf, Scott D.; Quartini, Enrica; Muldoon, Gail R.; Paden, John; Frezzotti, Massimo; Roberts, Jason; Tozer, Carly; Schroeder, Dustin; Blankenship, Donald D.", "project_titles": "Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS); Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP); IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000102", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)"}, {"proj_uid": "p0000719", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP)"}, {"proj_uid": "p0010115", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": -77.0, "title": "Ice-penetrating radar internal stratigraphy over Dome C and the wider East Antarctic Plateau", "uid": "601411", "west": 114.0}, {"awards": "1644187 Tulaczyk, Slawek", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161 -76.9,161.75 -76.9,162.5 -76.9,163.25 -76.9,164 -76.9,164.75 -76.9,165.5 -76.9,166.25 -76.9,167 -76.9,167.75 -76.9,168.5 -76.9,168.5 -77.04,168.5 -77.18,168.5 -77.32,168.5 -77.46,168.5 -77.6,168.5 -77.74,168.5 -77.88,168.5 -78.02,168.5 -78.16,168.5 -78.3,167.75 -78.3,167 -78.3,166.25 -78.3,165.5 -78.3,164.75 -78.3,164 -78.3,163.25 -78.3,162.5 -78.3,161.75 -78.3,161 -78.3,161 -78.16,161 -78.02,161 -77.88,161 -77.74,161 -77.6,161 -77.46,161 -77.32,161 -77.18,161 -77.04,161 -76.9))"], "date_created": "Sat, 12 Sep 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": " The ANTAEM survey was carried out in the period November 12th to 28th, 2018, with the SkyTEM 312 system. Twenty-one missions (flights) were conducted over 11 production days of helicopter service, resulting in a total of approximately ~3400 line km of data. The SkyTEM system records data from take-off until landing resulting in multiple lines converging to the landing pads in McMurdo and at Marble Point. The production without overlapping lines adds up to approximately 2900 line km. The flight speed was approximately 120 km/h at a target flight altitude of ~50 m (sensor height), but the actual sensor height varies depending on the terrain. The surveys were carried out with a Bell 212 helicopter, which carried the SkyTEM sensor as a sling load. The SkyTEM system was configured in a standard two-moment setup (low moment, LM and high moment, HM). Areas with extremely resistive dry and/or frozen sediment/bedrock, and glacier ice often produce EM-signals with amplitudes below the detection level of the system. Data from these low signal environments cannot be inverted into resistivity models. Data with strong induced polarization effects cannot be inverted for resistivity either. These data were discharged in this standard data delivery. \r\n The EM-data and inversion result (resistivity models) are delivered in the SkyTEM2018_dat.xyz and SkyTEM2018_inv.xyz files respectably. The RECORD number in the two files links data and model together. EM-data and data uncertainty for data entering inversion. Info stated in file Header: NAN value, Data unit, Coordinate system, Gate times. The SkyTEM system uses at High-Low moment data recording cycle, therefore only a subset of the total 40 time gates are preset for each moment. The standard lateral constraints inversion (LCI), delivered in the SkyTEM2018_inv.xyz file, was carried out with a smooth 30 layered resistivity model discretized to a depth of 500 m. A depth of investigation (DOI) was estimated for each resistivity model.\r\n", "east": 168.5, "geometry": ["POINT(164.75 -77.6)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Hydrology; Ice Shelf; McMurdo; Permafrost", "locations": "McMurdo; Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -76.9, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Tulaczyk, Slawek", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Antarctic Airborne ElectroMagnetics (ANTAEM) - Revealing Subsurface Water in Coastal Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010129", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Antarctic Airborne ElectroMagnetics (ANTAEM) - Revealing Subsurface Water in Coastal Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.3, "title": "ANTAEM project airborne EM resistivity data from McMurdo Region", "uid": "601373", "west": 161.0}, {"awards": "1246463 Burns, Jennifer", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(165 -77)"], "date_created": "Tue, 23 Jun 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "For Figures 2 and 4 In Beltran et al. PNAS", "east": 165.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165 -77)"], "keywords": "Animal Behavior Observation; Antarctica; Biota; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea; Seal Dive Data; Weddell Seal", "locations": "Ross Sea; McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Burns, Jennifer", "project_titles": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000229", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.0, "title": "Seasonal Dive Data ", "uid": "601338", "west": 165.0}, {"awards": "0231006 DeVries, Arthur; 1142158 Cheng, Chi-Hing", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163 -76.5,163.5 -76.5,164 -76.5,164.5 -76.5,165 -76.5,165.5 -76.5,166 -76.5,166.5 -76.5,167 -76.5,167.5 -76.5,168 -76.5,168 -76.63,168 -76.76,168 -76.89,168 -77.02,168 -77.15,168 -77.28,168 -77.41,168 -77.54,168 -77.67,168 -77.8,167.5 -77.8,167 -77.8,166.5 -77.8,166 -77.8,165.5 -77.8,165 -77.8,164.5 -77.8,164 -77.8,163.5 -77.8,163 -77.8,163 -77.67,163 -77.54,163 -77.41,163 -77.28,163 -77.15,163 -77.02,163 -76.89,163 -76.76,163 -76.63,163 -76.5))"], "date_created": "Wed, 08 Apr 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Benthic seawater temperature (within 10cm of the bottom) from near the McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica saltwater intake jetty. Data collected at two nearby locations: On muddy bottom at base of artificial rock jetty (~25m depth), and ~50m west of the Jetty in sponge/spicule mat habitat (~40m depth).", "east": 168.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165.5 -77.15)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic; McMurdo Sound; Mcmurdo Station; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Temperature Probe; Water Temperature", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -76.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Cheng, Chi-Hing; Cziko, Paul; Devries, Arthur", "project_titles": "Antarctic Notothenioid Fish Freeze Avoidance and Genome-wide Evolution for Life in the Cold", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010091", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Antarctic Notothenioid Fish Freeze Avoidance and Genome-wide Evolution for Life in the Cold"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.8, "title": "High-resolution benthic seawater temperature record 1999-2012 (25-40m depth) from near intake jetty at McMurdo Station, Antarctica", "uid": "601275", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "1443420 Dodd, Justin", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(167.083333 -77.888889)"], "date_created": "Sun, 27 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Andrill-1B (AND-1B) sediment core from under the Ross Ice Shelf in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, recovered a mid to late Pliocene (~4.68 to 3.44 Ma) age diatomite unit with d18Odiatom values that range from +32.6 to +37.6 \u2030 (n=50 ", "east": 167.083333, "geometry": ["POINT(167.083333 -77.888889)"], "keywords": "And-1B; Andrill; Antarctica; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Delta 18O; Diatom; Mass Spectrometer; Oxygen Isotope; Paleoclimate; Pliocene; Sediment; Wais Project; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctica", "north": -77.888889, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Dodd, Justin; Abbott, Tirzah", "project_titles": "Diatom and Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010042", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Diatom and Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ANDRILL", "south": -77.888889, "title": "Diatom Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene (~4.68 to 3.44 Ma) Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography", "uid": "601220", "west": 167.083333}, {"awards": "1144176 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162.250099 -77.719928,162.2519358 -77.719928,162.2537726 -77.719928,162.2556094 -77.719928,162.2574462 -77.719928,162.259283 -77.719928,162.2611198 -77.719928,162.2629566 -77.719928,162.2647934 -77.719928,162.2666302 -77.719928,162.268467 -77.719928,162.268467 -77.7201251,162.268467 -77.7203222,162.268467 -77.7205193,162.268467 -77.7207164,162.268467 -77.7209135,162.268467 -77.7211106,162.268467 -77.7213077,162.268467 -77.7215048,162.268467 -77.7217019,162.268467 -77.721899,162.2666302 -77.721899,162.2647934 -77.721899,162.2629566 -77.721899,162.2611198 -77.721899,162.259283 -77.721899,162.2574462 -77.721899,162.2556094 -77.721899,162.2537726 -77.721899,162.2519358 -77.721899,162.250099 -77.721899,162.250099 -77.7217019,162.250099 -77.7215048,162.250099 -77.7213077,162.250099 -77.7211106,162.250099 -77.7209135,162.250099 -77.7207164,162.250099 -77.7205193,162.250099 -77.7203222,162.250099 -77.7201251,162.250099 -77.719928))"], "date_created": "Tue, 07 May 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Blood Falls is a hypersaline, iron\u2010rich discharge at the terminus of the Taylor Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In November 2014, brine in a conduit within the glacier was penetrated and sampled using clean\u2010entry techniques and a thermoelectric melting probe called the IceMole. We analyzed the englacial brine sample for filterable iron (fFe), total Fe, major cations and anions, nutrients, organic carbon, and perchlorate. In addition, aliquots were analyzed for minor and trace elements and isotopes including \u03b4D and \u03b418O of water, \u03b434S and \u03b418O of sulfate, 234U, 238U, \u03b411B, 87Sr/86Sr, and \u03b481Br. These measurements were made in order to (1) determine the source and geochemical evolution of the brine and (2) compare the chemistry of the brine to that of nearby hypersaline lake waters and previous supraglacially sampled collections of Blood Falls outflow that were interpreted as end\u2010member brines.", "east": 162.268467, "geometry": ["POINT(162.259283 -77.7209135)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Subglacial Brine", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.719928, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.721899, "title": "The Geochemistry of englacial brine from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica.", "uid": "601179", "west": 162.250099}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Tue, 19 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The data set contains FLIR thermal imaging of Blood Falls from December 9 through March 25 (power failure). ", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Infrared Imagery; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Taylor Glacier; Thermal Camera; Timelaps Images", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "FLIR thermal imaging data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601169", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains a short term integrated met station deployed about 300m from Blood Falls at the site of the FLIR and Time Lapse cameras.", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Meteorology; Taylor Glacier; Temperature; Weather Station Data; Wind Speed", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601168", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica, collected between January 2014 and January 2015.", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Photo; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier; Timelaps Images", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica", "uid": "601167", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains GPR data along multiple transects of the Blood Falls feature collected in November and Dcember 2013. ", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Terrestrial Radar Interferometry near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601166", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains GPR data along multiple transects of the Blood Falls feature collected in November and Dcember 2013. ", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Ground Penetrating Radar Data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601165", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains time-stamped time-lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature from approximately November 2013 through October 2014, capturing wintertime activity of the glacier. See readme for details. ", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Ablation Stake Data from of Taylor Glacier near Blood Falls", "uid": "601164", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1341485 Woods, H. Arthur", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.85 -77.6,164.134 -77.6,164.418 -77.6,164.702 -77.6,164.986 -77.6,165.27 -77.6,165.554 -77.6,165.838 -77.6,166.122 -77.6,166.406 -77.6,166.69 -77.6,166.69 -77.624,166.69 -77.648,166.69 -77.672,166.69 -77.696,166.69 -77.72,166.69 -77.744,166.69 -77.768,166.69 -77.792,166.69 -77.816,166.69 -77.84,166.406 -77.84,166.122 -77.84,165.838 -77.84,165.554 -77.84,165.27 -77.84,164.986 -77.84,164.702 -77.84,164.418 -77.84,164.134 -77.84,163.85 -77.84,163.85 -77.816,163.85 -77.792,163.85 -77.768,163.85 -77.744,163.85 -77.72,163.85 -77.696,163.85 -77.672,163.85 -77.648,163.85 -77.624,163.85 -77.6))"], "date_created": "Sat, 22 Dec 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Raw data from Lane, SJ, AL Moran, CM Shishido, BW Tobalske, HA Woods (2018) Cuticular gas exchange by Antarctic sea spiders. Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb.177568 doi: 10.1242/jeb.177568.\r\n\r\nThe file contains data on pore morphology, cuticle thickness, oxygen gradients across the cuticle, and estimated resistances of the cuticle to oxygen flux. Most of the sea spiders were collected near McMurdo Station, with a few extras collected at New Harbor, Antarctica.", "east": 166.69, "geometry": ["POINT(165.27 -77.72)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthos; Biota; Body Size; Cuticle; McMurdo Sound; Microelectrodes; Microscope; Microscopy; Oxygen; Pore; Respiration; Sea Spider; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Southern Ocean", "north": -77.6, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Woods, H. Arthur; Arthur Woods, H.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000007", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.84, "title": "Cuticle morphology and oxygen gradients of Antarctic sea spiders", "uid": "601145", "west": 163.85}, {"awards": "1341485 Woods, H. Arthur; 1341476 Moran, Amy", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.67 -77.85)"], "date_created": "Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains morphometric (mass, surface area, cuticle thickness, cuticle morphometrics) and physiological (oxygen consumption) data for Antarctic pycnognonids collected in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica .", "east": 166.67, "geometry": ["POINT(166.67 -77.85)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biomechanics; Biota; Cold Adaptation; McMurdo Sound; Metabolism; Oceans; Oxygen; Pycnogonida; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean; McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": -77.85, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Moran, Amy; Woods, H. Arthur; Tobalske, Bret", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000007", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.85, "title": "Physiological and biochemical measurements on Pycnogonida from McMurdo Sound", "uid": "601142", "west": 166.67}, {"awards": "1246202 Hofmann, Gretchen; 0944201 Hofmann, Gretchen", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.5281 -77.5715,163.84105 -77.5715,164.154 -77.5715,164.46695 -77.5715,164.7799 -77.5715,165.09285 -77.5715,165.4058 -77.5715,165.71875 -77.5715,166.0317 -77.5715,166.34465 -77.5715,166.6576 -77.5715,166.6576 -77.59928,166.6576 -77.62706,166.6576 -77.65484,166.6576 -77.68262,166.6576 -77.7104,166.6576 -77.73818,166.6576 -77.76596,166.6576 -77.79374,166.6576 -77.82152,166.6576 -77.8493,166.34465 -77.8493,166.0317 -77.8493,165.71875 -77.8493,165.4058 -77.8493,165.09285 -77.8493,164.7799 -77.8493,164.46695 -77.8493,164.154 -77.8493,163.84105 -77.8493,163.5281 -77.8493,163.5281 -77.82152,163.5281 -77.79374,163.5281 -77.76596,163.5281 -77.73818,163.5281 -77.7104,163.5281 -77.68262,163.5281 -77.65484,163.5281 -77.62706,163.5281 -77.59928,163.5281 -77.5715))"], "date_created": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset consists of measurements made of pH (total scale) and temperature at various sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica with autonomous DuraFET\u00ae - based pH sensors. Sensors logged every 4 hours and ran until batteries were exhausted. Sensors were calibrated with water samples following best practices from Dickson et al (2007). Details of select years from this dataset are provided in Kapsenberg et al(2015). ", "east": 166.6576, "geometry": ["POINT(165.09285 -77.7104)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Mcmurdo Station; Mooring; Oceans; Ocean Temperature; PH; Physical Oceanography; Ross Sea; Sea Surface Temperature; Seawater Measurements; Southern Ocean; Temperature", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea", "north": -77.5715, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Hoshijima, Umihiko; Hofmann, Gretchen; Kapsenberg, Lydia", "project_titles": "Ocean Acidification Seascape: Linking Natural Variability and Anthropogenic changes in pH and Temperature to Performance in Calcifying Antarctic Marine Invertebrates", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000390", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Ocean Acidification Seascape: Linking Natural Variability and Anthropogenic changes in pH and Temperature to Performance in Calcifying Antarctic Marine Invertebrates"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.8493, "title": "Nearshore pH, temperature, (salinity, depth) at mooring sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Overwinter 2011-2016", "uid": "601141", "west": 163.5281}, {"awards": "1144192 Tulaczyk, Slawek", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(162.2673 -77.722528)"], "date_created": "Wed, 28 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "", "east": 162.2673, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2673 -77.722528)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Borehole; Borehole Logging; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Temperature; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Temperature; Temperature Profiles", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.722528, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Tulaczyk, Slawek", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.722528, "title": "Ice Temperature in Shallow Boreholes Near Blood Falls at the Terminus of Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "uid": "601139", "west": 162.2673}, {"awards": "1141326 Rotella, Jay; 1640481 Rotella, Jay", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.8 -75,163.6 -75,164.4 -75,165.2 -75,166 -75,166.8 -75,167.6 -75,168.4 -75,169.2 -75,170 -75,170 -75.38,170 -75.76,170 -76.14,170 -76.52,170 -76.9,170 -77.28,170 -77.66,170 -78.03999999999999,170 -78.42,170 -78.8,169.2 -78.8,168.4 -78.8,167.6 -78.8,166.8 -78.8,166 -78.8,165.2 -78.8,164.4 -78.8,163.6 -78.8,162.8 -78.8,162 -78.8,162 -78.42,162 -78.03999999999999,162 -77.66,162 -77.28,162 -76.9,162 -76.52,162 -76.14,162 -75.76,162 -75.38,162 -75))"], "date_created": "Tue, 02 Oct 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Access database contains information for 3 types of data on Weddell seals for the period 1969-2017. (1) Mark-recapture Data with 278,723 resighting records for 25,589 different individuals tagged in and around the McMurdo Sound area, as well as 740 records from 162 seals tagged at White Island; (2) Mass Dynamics Data contains 5,737 physical masses and 1,271 photographic records and measurements that include the date, ID number, sex, age class, weight (if successfully collected), and perspectives from which photographs were collected for each sampling occurrence; and (3) Research Procedures Data contains 1,005 records of handling and research procedures conducted on Erebus Bay Weddell seals by various research teams in recent years.", "east": 170.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166 -76.9)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Sea Ice", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Rotella, Jay", "project_titles": "The Demographic Consequences of Environmental Variability and Individual Heterogeneity in Life-history Tactics of a Long-lived Antarctic Marine Predator", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000299", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Demographic Consequences of Environmental Variability and Individual Heterogeneity in Life-history Tactics of a Long-lived Antarctic Marine Predator"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.8, "title": "Demographic data for Weddell Seal colonies in Erebus Bay through the 2017 Antarctic field season", "uid": "601125", "west": 162.0}, {"awards": "1443126 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((165.911079 -77.872851,165.941267 -77.872851,165.971455 -77.872851,166.001643 -77.872851,166.031831 -77.872851,166.062019 -77.872851,166.092207 -77.872851,166.122395 -77.872851,166.152583 -77.872851,166.182771 -77.872851,166.212959 -77.872851,166.212959 -77.8781411,166.212959 -77.8834312,166.212959 -77.8887213,166.212959 -77.8940114,166.212959 -77.8993015,166.212959 -77.9045916,166.212959 -77.9098817,166.212959 -77.9151718,166.212959 -77.9204619,166.212959 -77.925752,166.182771 -77.925752,166.152583 -77.925752,166.122395 -77.925752,166.092207 -77.925752,166.062019 -77.925752,166.031831 -77.925752,166.001643 -77.925752,165.971455 -77.925752,165.941267 -77.925752,165.911079 -77.925752,165.911079 -77.9204619,165.911079 -77.9151718,165.911079 -77.9098817,165.911079 -77.9045916,165.911079 -77.8993015,165.911079 -77.8940114,165.911079 -77.8887213,165.911079 -77.8834312,165.911079 -77.8781411,165.911079 -77.872851))"], "date_created": "Tue, 04 Sep 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "During the melt seasons of 2015/6 and 2016/7, water pressure gages were deployed on the McMurdo Ice Shelf to observe water depth in supraglacial lakes and streams. This was done in support of research directed toward understanding how filling and draining supraglacial lakes would induce ice-shelf flexure and fracture.", "east": 166.212959, "geometry": ["POINT(166.062019 -77.8993015)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Shelf; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Subglacial And Supraglacial Water Depth; Supraglacial Lake; Supraglacial Meltwater; Water Depth", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.872851, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison", "project_titles": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000138", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.925752, "title": "Supraglacial Lake Depths on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica", "uid": "601116", "west": 165.911079}, {"awards": "1443126 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.152184 -77.902339,166.1559273 -77.902339,166.1596706 -77.902339,166.1634139 -77.902339,166.1671572 -77.902339,166.1709005 -77.902339,166.1746438 -77.902339,166.1783871 -77.902339,166.1821304 -77.902339,166.1858737 -77.902339,166.189617 -77.902339,166.189617 -77.9026372,166.189617 -77.9029354,166.189617 -77.9032336,166.189617 -77.9035318,166.189617 -77.90383,166.189617 -77.9041282,166.189617 -77.9044264,166.189617 -77.9047246,166.189617 -77.9050228,166.189617 -77.905321,166.1858737 -77.905321,166.1821304 -77.905321,166.1783871 -77.905321,166.1746438 -77.905321,166.1709005 -77.905321,166.1671572 -77.905321,166.1634139 -77.905321,166.1596706 -77.905321,166.1559273 -77.905321,166.152184 -77.905321,166.152184 -77.9050228,166.152184 -77.9047246,166.152184 -77.9044264,166.152184 -77.9041282,166.152184 -77.90383,166.152184 -77.9035318,166.152184 -77.9032336,166.152184 -77.9029354,166.152184 -77.9026372,166.152184 -77.902339))"], "date_created": "Fri, 31 Aug 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "During the Austral summer melt season of 2016-2017, an automatic camera was placed overlooking a surface lake feature on the McMurdo Ice Shelf. This camera created a time-lapse video (30 minute photograph time intervals) used to observe the filling and draining of the lake called Rift-Tip Lake located approximately 2 km from the McMurdo Ice Shelf ice front. The data was used in support of a field project to measure the flexural response of the McMurdo Ice Shelf (and ice shelves in general) to the filling and draining of supraglacial lakes. The time-lapse video begins 16 November 2016 and ends 27 January 2017.", "east": 166.189617, "geometry": ["POINT(166.1709005 -77.90383)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Shelf; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Supraglacial Meltwater", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.902339, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison", "project_titles": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000138", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.905321, "title": "Time-lapse video of McMurdo Ice Shelf surface melting and hydrology", "uid": "601113", "west": 166.152184}, {"awards": "1443126 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.02819 -77.887495,166.053634 -77.887495,166.079078 -77.887495,166.104522 -77.887495,166.129966 -77.887495,166.15541 -77.887495,166.180854 -77.887495,166.206298 -77.887495,166.231742 -77.887495,166.257186 -77.887495,166.28263 -77.887495,166.28263 -77.8926145,166.28263 -77.897734,166.28263 -77.9028535,166.28263 -77.907973,166.28263 -77.9130925,166.28263 -77.918212,166.28263 -77.9233315,166.28263 -77.928451,166.28263 -77.9335705,166.28263 -77.93869,166.257186 -77.93869,166.231742 -77.93869,166.206298 -77.93869,166.180854 -77.93869,166.15541 -77.93869,166.129966 -77.93869,166.104522 -77.93869,166.079078 -77.93869,166.053634 -77.93869,166.02819 -77.93869,166.02819 -77.9335705,166.02819 -77.928451,166.02819 -77.9233315,166.02819 -77.918212,166.02819 -77.9130925,166.02819 -77.907973,166.02819 -77.9028535,166.02819 -77.897734,166.02819 -77.8926145,166.02819 -77.887495))"], "date_created": "Tue, 24 Jul 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Over 2 Austral summer periods in 2015/6 and 2016/17, up to 12 geodetic GPS receivers were deployed on the McMurdo Ice Shelf to study its vertical deflection in response to moving meltwater loads. (5 GPS were deployed in 2015/16, 12 in 2016/17.) The GPS receivers and antennas were supplied by UNAVCO and were Trimble NetR9\u2019s and Zephyr Geodetic, respectively. The GPS receivers were stationary for the entire field seasons (were never moved). Following each field season, the GPS data were processed using MIT software called TRACK, which is part of the GAMIT package. The UNAVCO-run base station at McMurdo Station, approximately 16 km away from the field area, was used as part of the processing.", "east": 166.28263, "geometry": ["POINT(166.15541 -77.9130925)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPS; Ice Flow Velocity; Ice Shelf; Ice-Shelf Flexure; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Surface Melt", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.887495, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison", "project_titles": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000138", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.93869, "title": "McMurdo Ice Shelf GPS survey of vertical motion", "uid": "601107", "west": 166.02819}, {"awards": "1443126 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.521 -77.936)"], "date_created": "Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "An automatic weather station was operated on the McMurdo Ice Shelf near Pegasus Air Strip for 365 days from 24 January 2016 to 22 January 2017. The sensors consisted of temperature/RH at 2 m and 8 m (above surface), wind speed at 2 m and 8 m, 4-component radiometer, and wind direction. Time series provides averages for every 30 minutes of a 30 second sample scheme.", "east": 166.521, "geometry": ["POINT(166.521 -77.936)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Hydrology; Ice Shelf; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Surface Hydrology; Surface Mass Balance; Weather Station Data", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.936, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Banwell, Alison; MacAyeal, Douglas", "project_titles": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000138", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.936, "title": "McMurdo Ice Shelf AWS data", "uid": "601106", "west": 166.521}, {"awards": "1245915 Ray, Laura", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((168.36 -78.03,168.384 -78.03,168.408 -78.03,168.432 -78.03,168.456 -78.03,168.48 -78.03,168.504 -78.03,168.528 -78.03,168.552 -78.03,168.576 -78.03,168.6 -78.03,168.6 -78.035,168.6 -78.04,168.6 -78.045,168.6 -78.05,168.6 -78.055,168.6 -78.06,168.6 -78.065,168.6 -78.07,168.6 -78.075,168.6 -78.08,168.576 -78.08,168.552 -78.08,168.528 -78.08,168.504 -78.08,168.48 -78.08,168.456 -78.08,168.432 -78.08,168.408 -78.08,168.384 -78.08,168.36 -78.08,168.36 -78.075,168.36 -78.07,168.36 -78.065,168.36 -78.06,168.36 -78.055,168.36 -78.05,168.36 -78.045,168.36 -78.04,168.36 -78.035,168.36 -78.03))"], "date_created": "Thu, 07 Jun 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset is comprised of ground penetrating radar data (GSSI DZT format with DZG files for GPS location) of a 28 square km area conduced in the heavily crevassed McMurdo Shear Zone in two consecutive field seasons. A radar system comprised of a GSSI SIR-30 32-bit two-channel control unit and model 5103 \u201c400 MHz\u201d and Model 5106A \u201c200 MHz\u201d antenna units were used to conduct the GPR surveys. The radar system was mounted on a sled and towed by a robot. The robot surveyed the 5 x 5.7 km area on lines separated by 50-m and traveled from West to East and return. The 2014 survey was conducted between Oct 29, 2014 and Nov 9, 2014, and the 2015 survey was conducted between Oct 26, 2015 and Nov 1, 2015. The use of identical waypoints in each year provides an Eulerian sampling protocol, where sampled GPS locations remain fixed, but the ice moves between annual surveys. In 2014, the 400 MHz antenna imaged to a depth of 19 meters, and in 2015, the 400 MHz antenna imaged to a depth of 80 meters to examine englacial ice. In both years, the 200 MHz antenna imaged to a depth of 160 meters.", "east": 168.6, "geometry": ["POINT(168.48 -78.055)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Firn; Folds; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -78.03, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Ray, Laura; Arcone, Steven; Kaluzienski, Lynn; Koons, Peter; Lever, Jim; Walker, Ben", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Flow and Fracture Dynamics in an Ice Shelf Lateral Margin: Observations and Modeling of the McMurdo Shear Zone", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000701", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Flow and Fracture Dynamics in an Ice Shelf Lateral Margin: Observations and Modeling of the McMurdo Shear Zone"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.08, "title": "Ground Penetrating Radar Grid Survey of the McMurdo Shear Zone", "uid": "601102", "west": 168.36}, {"awards": "1245899 Kowalewski, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160 -70,168 -70,176 -70,184 -70,192 -70,200 -70,208 -70,216 -70,224 -70,232 -70,240 -70,240 -71.5,240 -73,240 -74.5,240 -76,240 -77.5,240 -79,240 -80.5,240 -82,240 -83.5,240 -85,232 -85,224 -85,216 -85,208 -85,200 -85,192 -85,184 -85,176 -85,168 -85,160 -85,160 -83.5,160 -82,160 -80.5,160 -79,160 -77.5,160 -76,160 -74.5,160 -73,160 -71.5,160 -70))"], "date_created": "Tue, 16 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Data here is output from regional climate modeling to shed light on the range of possible environmental conditions in the McMurdo region during periods of grounded ice expansion and recession during the Plio-Pleistocene.", "east": 240.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-160 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Climate Model; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Sheet Model; McMurdo; Paleoclimate; Ross Sea", "locations": "Ross Sea; McMurdo; Antarctica", "north": -70.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Kowalewski, Douglas", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: West Antarctic Ice Sheet stability, Alpine Glaciation, and Climate Variability: a Terrestrial Perspective from Cosmogenic-nuclide Dating in McMurdo Sound", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000391", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: West Antarctic Ice Sheet stability, Alpine Glaciation, and Climate Variability: a Terrestrial Perspective from Cosmogenic-nuclide Dating in McMurdo Sound"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.0, "title": "Region Climate Model Output Plio-Pleistocene", "uid": "601080", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "1246203 Gooseff, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.1778 -77.6233,163.17792 -77.6233,163.17804 -77.6233,163.17816 -77.6233,163.17828 -77.6233,163.1784 -77.6233,163.17852 -77.6233,163.17864 -77.6233,163.17876 -77.6233,163.17888 -77.6233,163.179 -77.6233,163.179 -77.63331,163.179 -77.64332,163.179 -77.65333,163.179 -77.66334,163.179 -77.67335,163.179 -77.68336,163.179 -77.69337,163.179 -77.70338,163.179 -77.71339,163.179 -77.7234,163.17888 -77.7234,163.17876 -77.7234,163.17864 -77.7234,163.17852 -77.7234,163.1784 -77.7234,163.17828 -77.7234,163.17816 -77.7234,163.17804 -77.7234,163.17792 -77.7234,163.1778 -77.7234,163.1778 -77.71339,163.1778 -77.70338,163.1778 -77.69337,163.1778 -77.68336,163.1778 -77.67335,163.1778 -77.66334,163.1778 -77.65333,163.1778 -77.64332,163.1778 -77.63331,163.1778 -77.6233))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "As a part of the project titled \"Collaborative Research: The McMurdo Dry Valleys: A landscape on the threshold of change\", we measured ground temperatures from 0-20cm at three stream bank positions (base, mid-slope, and top) at 4 locations along Crescent Stream in Taylor Valley - 2 on the east bank, 2 on the west bank. The goal was to evaluate differences in thermal conduction and temperature dynamics of the active layers of these locations, in particular, in a stream that has undergone extensive bank erosion since 2012 due to permafrost degradation. One of the datalogging stations had significant technical problems and has very little data compared to the almost 2 years of temperature date from the other 3 stations (2015-2017). ", "east": 163.179, "geometry": ["POINT(163.1784 -77.67335)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Glaciology; Paleoclimate; Permafrost; Soil Temperature; Taylor Valley", "locations": "Taylor Valley; Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -77.6233, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A landscape on the Threshold of Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000076", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A landscape on the Threshold of Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.7234, "title": "Active Layer Temperatures from Crescent Stream banks, Taylor Valley Antarctica", "uid": "601075", "west": 163.1778}, {"awards": "1141939 Lubin, Dan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.31 -77.5203,166.38265 -77.5203,166.4553 -77.5203,166.52795 -77.5203,166.6006 -77.5203,166.67325 -77.5203,166.7459 -77.5203,166.81855 -77.5203,166.8912 -77.5203,166.96385 -77.5203,167.0365 -77.5203,167.0365 -77.52527,167.0365 -77.53024,167.0365 -77.53521,167.0365 -77.54018,167.0365 -77.54515,167.0365 -77.55012,167.0365 -77.55509,167.0365 -77.56006,167.0365 -77.56503,167.0365 -77.57,166.96385 -77.57,166.8912 -77.57,166.81855 -77.57,166.7459 -77.57,166.67325 -77.57,166.6006 -77.57,166.52795 -77.57,166.4553 -77.57,166.38265 -77.57,166.31 -77.57,166.31 -77.56503,166.31 -77.56006,166.31 -77.55509,166.31 -77.55012,166.31 -77.54515,166.31 -77.54018,166.31 -77.53521,166.31 -77.53024,166.31 -77.52527,166.31 -77.5203))"], "date_created": "Tue, 12 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "In this project we made fundamental measurements of cloud optical and microphysical properties at Ross Island, Antarctica, using a versatile shortwave spectroradiometer (Panalytical, Inc.) acquired for atmospheric field research by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). This instrument measures downwelling spectral irradiance at the Earth surface in the wavelength interval 350-2200 nm. From this data set one can retrieve properties of coastal Antarctic stratiform clouds including optical depth, thermodynamic phase, liquid water droplet effective radius, and ice cloud effective particle size. The instrument was installed at Arrival Heights, and measurements were made from 10 October 2012 to 4 February 2013. Spectral data recorded in one-minute averages, with some gaps for instrument maintenance and data backup, and some occasional down time when the site was inaccessible. Active satellite remote sensing data (CloudSat and CALIPSO) were used for validation and interpretation of the spectroradiometer retrievals (Scott and Lubin 2014).\r\n\t\r\n\t\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eThere are two reasons why this measurement program remains timely. One straightforward reason involves the location of McMurdo Station, which is the US Antarctic Programs air transport entry point to the continent. Improvements in our knowledge of atmospheric physics in this region can eventually lead to improvements in numerical weather forecasting relevant to aviation. A second reason involves the recent advances in cloud microphysics for global climate model simulation. Mixed-phase cloud parameterizations have become very sophisticated, requiring validation with each new improvement. Traditional observational test cases - from the Arctic or mid-latitude storm systems - are often quite complex. A coastal Antarctic site at very high latitudes can provide more straightforward cases for testing current microphysical parameterizations. Over Ross Island aerosol and cloud nucleation sources are essentially all natural and oceanic, and cloud geometry is simple, while at the same time there is abundant supercooled cloud liquid water.\r\n\t\r\n\t\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eAncillary meteorological data from the McMurdo Weather Office are also included here for help in interpreting the spectroradiometer data, including rawinsonde profiles, surface weather observations from the active ice runway, and automated FMQ19 surface weather measurements from Williams Field and Pegasus runway. For interpretation of clear sky or nearly cloud-free irradiance spectra (i.e., when a large fraction of the irradiance is directional from the Sun and not diffused by clouds), we recommend consulting Meywerk and Ramanathan (1999) for information about the Panalytical instruments cosine response.", "east": 167.0365, "geometry": ["POINT(166.67325 -77.54515)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Meteorology; Radiosounding; Ross Island", "locations": "Antarctica; Ross Island", "north": -77.5203, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "Lubin, Dan", "project_titles": "Antarctic Cloud Physics: Fundamental Observations from Ross Island", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000327", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Antarctic Cloud Physics: Fundamental Observations from Ross Island"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.57, "title": "Shortwave Spectroradiometer Data from Ross Island, Antarctica", "uid": "601074", "west": 166.31}, {"awards": "1344349 Tulaczyk, Slawek", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.6 -77.4,162.14 -77.4,162.68 -77.4,163.22 -77.4,163.76 -77.4,164.3 -77.4,164.84 -77.4,165.38 -77.4,165.92 -77.4,166.46 -77.4,167 -77.4,167 -77.437,167 -77.474,167 -77.511,167 -77.548,167 -77.585,167 -77.622,167 -77.659,167 -77.696,167 -77.733,167 -77.77,166.46 -77.77,165.92 -77.77,165.38 -77.77,164.84 -77.77,164.3 -77.77,163.76 -77.77,163.22 -77.77,162.68 -77.77,162.14 -77.77,161.6 -77.77,161.6 -77.733,161.6 -77.696,161.6 -77.659,161.6 -77.622,161.6 -77.585,161.6 -77.548,161.6 -77.511,161.6 -77.474,161.6 -77.437,161.6 -77.4))"], "date_created": "Tue, 05 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains raw TEM data and inverted electrical resistivity data. The raw data were collected using a helicopter-borne sensor in November/December 2011 in collaboration with Drs. Esben Auken (University of Aarhus), Jill Mikucki (University of Tennessee - Knoxville) and Ross Virginia (Dartmouth College). Details on data collection and processing are provided in Mikucki et al. (2015) and Foley et al. (2015). We request that these two references be cited in any future publications based on the archived dataset. ", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(164.3 -77.585)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Electromagnetic Data; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; McMurdo", "locations": "McMurdo; Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -77.4, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Tulaczyk, Slawek", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: EAGER: Processing, Interpretation and Dissemination of the Proof-of-Concept Transient Electromagnetic Survey of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Region", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000329", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: EAGER: Processing, Interpretation and Dissemination of the Proof-of-Concept Transient Electromagnetic Survey of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Region"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "2011 Time-domain ElectroMagnetics data for McMurdo Dry Valleys", "uid": "601071", "west": 161.6}, {"awards": "1142122 Miller, Nathan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.5 -77.5,166.55 -77.5,166.6 -77.5,166.65 -77.5,166.7 -77.5,166.75 -77.5,166.8 -77.5,166.85 -77.5,166.9 -77.5,166.95 -77.5,167 -77.5,167 -77.55,167 -77.6,167 -77.65,167 -77.7,167 -77.75,167 -77.8,167 -77.85,167 -77.9,167 -77.95,167 -78,166.95 -78,166.9 -78,166.85 -78,166.8 -78,166.75 -78,166.7 -78,166.65 -78,166.6 -78,166.55 -78,166.5 -78,166.5 -77.95,166.5 -77.9,166.5 -77.85,166.5 -77.8,166.5 -77.75,166.5 -77.7,166.5 -77.65,166.5 -77.6,166.5 -77.55,166.5 -77.5))"], "date_created": "Mon, 07 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes data from the publication Flynn and Todgham 2017 - Thermal windows and metabolic performance curves in a developing Antarctic fish. Included are data on embryo survival, development, and metabolic rate.", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166.75 -77.75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Fish; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Ross Sea; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea; Antarctica", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Todgham, Anne; Miller, Nathan", "project_titles": "RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000411", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Thermal windows and metabolic performance curves in a developing Antarctic fish", "uid": "601040", "west": 166.5}, {"awards": "1142122 Miller, Nathan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166 -77.5,166.1 -77.5,166.2 -77.5,166.3 -77.5,166.4 -77.5,166.5 -77.5,166.6 -77.5,166.7 -77.5,166.8 -77.5,166.9 -77.5,167 -77.5,167 -77.55,167 -77.6,167 -77.65,167 -77.7,167 -77.75,167 -77.8,167 -77.85,167 -77.9,167 -77.95,167 -78,166.9 -78,166.8 -78,166.7 -78,166.6 -78,166.5 -78,166.4 -78,166.3 -78,166.2 -78,166.1 -78,166 -78,166 -77.95,166 -77.9,166 -77.85,166 -77.8,166 -77.75,166 -77.7,166 -77.65,166 -77.6,166 -77.55,166 -77.5))"], "date_created": "Mon, 07 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes data from the publication Davis et al - Antarctic emerald rockcod have the capacity to compensate for warming when uncoupled from CO2-acidification. Included are data on cardiorespiratory physiology, survival, metabolic rate, metabolic enzyme activity, behavior (scototaxis \u0026 activity) and seawater chemistry.", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166.5 -77.75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CTD Data; Fish; McMurdo Sound; Ocean Acidification; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Southern Ocean; Antarctica; Ross Sea", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Todgham, Anne; Miller, Nathan", "project_titles": "RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000411", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Antarctic emerald rockcod have the capacity to compensate for warming when uncoupled from CO2-acidification", "uid": "601039", "west": 166.0}, {"awards": "1142122 Miller, Nathan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.163 -76.665,166.2635 -76.665,166.364 -76.665,166.4645 -76.665,166.565 -76.665,166.6655 -76.665,166.766 -76.665,166.8665 -76.665,166.967 -76.665,167.0675 -76.665,167.168 -76.665,167.168 -76.782,167.168 -76.899,167.168 -77.016,167.168 -77.133,167.168 -77.25,167.168 -77.367,167.168 -77.484,167.168 -77.601,167.168 -77.718,167.168 -77.835,167.0675 -77.835,166.967 -77.835,166.8665 -77.835,166.766 -77.835,166.6655 -77.835,166.565 -77.835,166.4645 -77.835,166.364 -77.835,166.2635 -77.835,166.163 -77.835,166.163 -77.718,166.163 -77.601,166.163 -77.484,166.163 -77.367,166.163 -77.25,166.163 -77.133,166.163 -77.016,166.163 -76.899,166.163 -76.782,166.163 -76.665))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jun 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes data from the publication \"Flynn, et al. (2015) - Ocean acidification exerts negative effects under warming conditions in a developing Antarctic fish\". Included are data on embryo survival, development, metabolic rate, metabolic enzyme activity (citrate synthase), whole embryo osmolality and seawater chemistry.", "east": 167.168, "geometry": ["POINT(166.6655 -77.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CTD Data; Fish; McMurdo Sound; Ocean Acidification; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica; Southern Ocean; Ross Sea", "north": -76.665, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Miller, Nathan; Todgham, Anne; Davis, Brittany; Flynn, Erin", "project_titles": "RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000411", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.835, "title": "Physiological and biochemical measurements on Antarctic dragonfish (Gymnodraco acuticeps) from McMurdo Sound", "uid": "601026", "west": 166.163}, {"awards": "1443554 Buys, Emmanuel", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.163 -76.665,166.2635 -76.665,166.364 -76.665,166.4645 -76.665,166.565 -76.665,166.6655 -76.665,166.766 -76.665,166.8665 -76.665,166.967 -76.665,167.0675 -76.665,167.168 -76.665,167.168 -76.782,167.168 -76.899,167.168 -77.016,167.168 -77.133,167.168 -77.25,167.168 -77.367,167.168 -77.484,167.168 -77.601,167.168 -77.718,167.168 -77.835,167.0675 -77.835,166.967 -77.835,166.8665 -77.835,166.766 -77.835,166.6655 -77.835,166.565 -77.835,166.4645 -77.835,166.364 -77.835,166.2635 -77.835,166.163 -77.835,166.163 -77.718,166.163 -77.601,166.163 -77.484,166.163 -77.367,166.163 -77.25,166.163 -77.133,166.163 -77.016,166.163 -76.899,166.163 -76.782,166.163 -76.665))"], "date_created": "Sat, 27 May 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Weddell seal is a champion diving mammal - key elements of their physiological specializations to breath-hold are their ability for remarkable adjustment of their heart and blood vessel system, coordinating blood pressure and flow to specific body regions based on their metabolic requirements, and their ability to sustain periods without oxygen. The goal of this study is to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying the dive response, specifically, to study a signaling pathway that coordinates local blood flow. This dataset identifies what animals were sampled and the details of what biosamples were collected to test the hypothesis that signaling modifications prevent local blood vessel changes under low oxygen conditions, thereby allowing the centrally mediated diving reflex to override local perfusion control. The metadata also details cryopreserved cells and cell lines that can be used to study the molecular effects of low oxygen conditions in the laboratory", "east": 167.168, "geometry": ["POINT(166.6655 -77.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Seals", "locations": "Ross Sea; Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -76.665, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Hindle, Allyson; Buys, Emmanuel", "project_titles": "Unraveling the Genomic and Molecular Basis of the Dive Response: Nitric Oxide Signaling and Vasoregulation in the Weddell Seal", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000072", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Unraveling the Genomic and Molecular Basis of the Dive Response: Nitric Oxide Signaling and Vasoregulation in the Weddell Seal"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.835, "title": "Biosamples and observations from Weddell Seal colonies in McMurdo Sound during the 2015-2016 Antarctic field season", "uid": "601028", "west": 166.163}, {"awards": "1246463 Burns, Jennifer", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.55 -77.75)"], "date_created": "Wed, 24 May 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes an inventory of Weddell Seals captured by net, tagged, and observed at colonies in the Erebus Bay region of Antarctica during 4 austral field seasons between November 2013 and February 2017. Observations recorded include body mass, length, and molt category.", "east": 166.55, "geometry": ["POINT(166.55 -77.75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Ross Sea; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Seals", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea; Antarctica", "north": -77.75, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Burns, Jennifer", "project_titles": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000229", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.75, "title": "Specimen logs and observations from Weddell Seal colonies in Erebus Bay, 2013-2017", "uid": "601027", "west": 166.55}, {"awards": "1142122 Miller, Nathan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.163 -76.665,166.2635 -76.665,166.364 -76.665,166.4645 -76.665,166.565 -76.665,166.6655 -76.665,166.766 -76.665,166.8665 -76.665,166.967 -76.665,167.0675 -76.665,167.168 -76.665,167.168 -76.782,167.168 -76.899,167.168 -77.016,167.168 -77.133,167.168 -77.25,167.168 -77.367,167.168 -77.484,167.168 -77.601,167.168 -77.718,167.168 -77.835,167.0675 -77.835,166.967 -77.835,166.8665 -77.835,166.766 -77.835,166.6655 -77.835,166.565 -77.835,166.4645 -77.835,166.364 -77.835,166.2635 -77.835,166.163 -77.835,166.163 -77.718,166.163 -77.601,166.163 -77.484,166.163 -77.367,166.163 -77.25,166.163 -77.133,166.163 -77.016,166.163 -76.899,166.163 -76.782,166.163 -76.665))"], "date_created": "Sat, 20 May 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset includes data from the publication \"Davis, et al. (2016) - Juvenile Antarctic rockcod (Trematomus bernacchii) are physiologically robust to CO2-acidified seawater\". Included are data on cardiorespiratory physiology, survival, metabolic rate, metabolic enzyme activity (citrate synthase) and seawater chemistry.", "east": 167.168, "geometry": ["POINT(166.6655 -77.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Fish; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Southern Ocean; Antarctica; Ross Sea", "north": -76.665, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Miller, Nathan; Todgham, Anne; Davis, Brittany; Flynn, Erin", "project_titles": "RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000411", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.835, "title": "Physiological and biochemical measurements on juvenile Antarctic rockcod (Trematomus bernacchii) from McMurdo Sound", "uid": "601025", "west": 166.163}, {"awards": "1355533 Dayton, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163 -78,163.4 -78,163.8 -78,164.2 -78,164.6 -78,165 -78,165.4 -78,165.8 -78,166.2 -78,166.6 -78,167 -78,167 -78.05,167 -78.1,167 -78.15,167 -78.2,167 -78.25,167 -78.3,167 -78.35,167 -78.4,167 -78.45,167 -78.5,166.6 -78.5,166.2 -78.5,165.8 -78.5,165.4 -78.5,165 -78.5,164.6 -78.5,164.2 -78.5,163.8 -78.5,163.4 -78.5,163 -78.5,163 -78.45,163 -78.4,163 -78.35,163 -78.3,163 -78.25,163 -78.2,163 -78.15,163 -78.1,163 -78.05,163 -78))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Antarctic benthic communities are characterized by many species of sponges (Phylum Porifera), long thought to exhibit extremely slow demographic patterns of settlement, growth and reproduction. This project will analyze many hundreds of diver and remotely operated underwater vehicle photographs documenting a unique, episodic settlement event that occurred between 2000 and 2010 in McMurdo Sound that challenges this paradigm of slow growth. Artificial structures were placed on the seafloor between 1967 and 1974 at several sites, but no sponges were observed to settle on these structures until 2004. By 2010 some 40 species of sponges had settled and grown to be surprisingly large. Given the paradigm of slow settlement and growth supported by the long observation period (37 years, 1967-2004), this extraordinary large-scale settlement and rapid growth over just a 6-year time span is astonishing. This project utilizes image processing software (ImageJ) to obtain metrics (linear dimensions to estimate size, frequency, percent cover) for sponges and other fauna visible in the photographs. It uses R to conduct multidimensional scaling to ordinate community data and ANOSIM to test for differences of community data among sites and times and structures. It will also use SIMPER and ranked species abundances to discriminate species responsible for any differences.\nThis work focuses on Antarctic sponges, but the observations of massive episodic recruitment and growth are important to understanding seafloor communities worldwide. Ecosystems are composed of populations, and populations are ecologically described by their distribution and abundance. A little appreciated fact is that sponges often dominate marine communities, but because sponges are so hard to study, most workers focus on other groups such as corals, kelps, or bivalves. Because most sponges settle and grow slowly their life history is virtually unstudied. The assumption of relative stasis of the Antarctic seafloor community is common, and this project will shatter this paradigm by documenting a dramatic episodic event. Finally, the project takes advantage of old transects from the 1960s and 1970s and compares them with extensive 2010 surveys of the same habitats and sometimes the same intact transect lines, offering a long-term perspective of community change. The investigators will publish these results in peer-reviewed journals, give presentations to the general public and will involve students from local outreach programs, high schools, and undergraduates at UCSD to help with the analysis.", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165 -78.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Bentic Fauna; Biota; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Ross Sea; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean; Antarctica", "north": -78.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Dayton, Paul", "project_titles": "EAGER: A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000401", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "EAGER: A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.5, "title": "A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization", "uid": "600164", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "1043217 Zagorodnov, Victor; 1043395 Holland, David; 1043154 Tyler, Scott", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(167.5333 -77.76667)"], "date_created": "Tue, 05 May 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Fiber-optic equipped moorings for Raman backscatter Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) were installed at Windless Bight, Antarctica in November 2011. Continuous-in-space measurements of temperature were recorded every meter along the mooring.", "east": 167.5333, "geometry": ["POINT(167.5333 -77.76667)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Ice Shelf; McMurdo Sound; Mooring; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Ross Ice Shelf; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean; McMurdo Sound; Ross Ice Shelf; Antarctica", "north": -77.76667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Holland, David; Tyler, Scott W.; Zagorodnov, Victor", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Application of Distributed Temperature Sensors (DTS) for Antarctic Ice Shelves and Cavities", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000183", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Application of Distributed Temperature Sensors (DTS) for Antarctic Ice Shelves and Cavities"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.76667, "title": "Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing at Windless Bight", "uid": "609604", "west": 167.5333}, {"awards": "1343649 Levy, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162.852 -77.6111,162.9893 -77.6111,163.1266 -77.6111,163.2639 -77.6111,163.4012 -77.6111,163.5385 -77.6111,163.6758 -77.6111,163.8131 -77.6111,163.9504 -77.6111,164.0877 -77.6111,164.225 -77.6111,164.225 -77.65331,164.225 -77.69552,164.225 -77.73773,164.225 -77.77994,164.225 -77.82215,164.225 -77.86436,164.225 -77.90657,164.225 -77.94878,164.225 -77.99099,164.225 -78.0332,164.0877 -78.0332,163.9504 -78.0332,163.8131 -78.0332,163.6758 -78.0332,163.5385 -78.0332,163.4012 -78.0332,163.2639 -78.0332,163.1266 -78.0332,162.9893 -78.0332,162.852 -78.0332,162.852 -77.99099,162.852 -77.94878,162.852 -77.90657,162.852 -77.86436,162.852 -77.82215,162.852 -77.77994,162.852 -77.73773,162.852 -77.69552,162.852 -77.65331,162.852 -77.6111))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The PIs propose to quantify the hillslope water, solute, and carbon budgets for Taylor Valley in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, using water tracks to investigate near-surface geological processes and challenge the paradigm that shallow groundwater is minimal or non-exixtant. Water tracks are linear zones of high soil moisture that route shallow groundwater downslope in permafrost dominated soils. Four hypotheses will be tested: 1) water tracks are important pathways for water and solute transport; 2) water tracks transport more dissolved silica than streams in Taylor Valley indicating they are the primary site of chemical weathering for cold desert soils and bedrock; 3) water tracks that drain highland terrains are dominated by humidity-separated brines while water tracks that drain lowland terrains are dominated by marine aerosols; 4) water tracks are the sites of the highest terrestrial soil carbon concentrations and the strongest CO2 fluxes in Taylor Valley and their carbon content increases with soil age, while carbon flux decreases with age. To test these hypotheses the PIs will carry out a suite of field measurements supported by modeling and remote sensing. They will install shallow permafrost wells in water tracks that span the range of geological, climatological, and topographic conditions in Taylor Valley. Multifrequency electromagnetic induction sounding of the upper ~1 m of the permafrost will create the first comprehensive map of soil moisture in Taylor Valley, and will permit direct quantification of water track discharge across the valley. The carbon contents of water track soils will be measured and linked to global carbon dynamics.\n\nNon-science majors at Oregon State University will be integrated into the proposed research through a new Global Environmental Change course focusing on the scientific method in Antarctica. Three undergraduate students, members of underrepresented minorities, will be entrained in the research, will contribute to all aspects of field and laboratory science, and will present results at national meetings.\n", "east": 164.225, "geometry": ["POINT(163.5385 -77.82215)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:soil; Chemistry:Soil; Critical Zone; Dry Valleys; Permafrost; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Well Measurements", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -77.6111, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Levy, Joseph", "project_titles": "Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000407", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0332, "title": "Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica", "uid": "600139", "west": 162.852}, {"awards": "1332492 Lohmann, Rainer", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Many persistent organic pollutants (POPs), though banned in the U.S. since the 1970s, remain in the environment and continue to reach hitherto pristine regions such as the Arctic and Antarctic. The overall goals of this RAPID project are to better understand the remobilization of POPs from melting glaciers in the Antarctic, and their transfer into the food-web. Legacy POPs have characteristic chemical signatures that will be used ascertain the origin of POPs in the Antarctic atmosphere and marine food-web. Samples that were collected in 2010 will be analyzed for a wide range of legacy POPs, and their behavior will be contrasted with results for emerging contaminants. The intellectual merit of the proposed research combines (a) the use of chemical signatures to assess whether melting glaciers are releasing legacy POPs back into the Antarctic marine ecosystem, and (b) a better understanding of the food-web dynamics of legacy POPs versus emerging organic pollutants.\n\nThe broader impacts of the proposed research project will include the training of the next generation of scientists through support for a graduate student and a postdoctoral scholar. As well, this work will result in a better understanding of the relationship between pollutants, trophic food web ecology and global climate change in the pristine Antarctic ecosystem.\n", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Animal Tracking; Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Atmosphere; Biota; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Human Dimensions; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Palmer Station; Pollution; Ross Sea; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Seals; Southern Ocean; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Antarctic Peninsula; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea; Palmer Station; Antarctica; Weddell Sea", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Lohmann, Rainer", "project_titles": "RAPID: Origin of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Antarctic Atmosphere, Snow and Marine Food WEB", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000344", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "RAPID: Origin of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Antarctic Atmosphere, Snow and Marine Food WEB"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Origin of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Antarctic Atmosphere, Snow and Marine Food Web", "uid": "600138", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0838937 Costa, Daniel", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.7 -75,163.4 -75,164.1 -75,164.8 -75,165.5 -75,166.2 -75,166.9 -75,167.6 -75,168.3 -75,169 -75,169 -75.3,169 -75.6,169 -75.9,169 -76.2,169 -76.5,169 -76.8,169 -77.1,169 -77.4,169 -77.7,169 -78,168.3 -78,167.6 -78,166.9 -78,166.2 -78,165.5 -78,164.8 -78,164.1 -78,163.4 -78,162.7 -78,162 -78,162 -77.7,162 -77.4,162 -77.1,162 -76.8,162 -76.5,162 -76.2,162 -75.9,162 -75.6,162 -75.3,162 -75))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Marine mammals of the Southern Ocean have evolved diverse life history patterns and foraging strategies to accommodate extreme fluctuations in the physical and biological environment. In light of ongoing climate change and the dramatic shifts in the extent and persistence of sea ice in the Ross Sea, it is critical to understand how Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, a key apex predator, select and utilize foraging habitats. Recent advances in satellite-linked animal-borne conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) tags make it possible to simultaneously collect data on seal locations, their diving patterns, and the temperature and salinity profiles of the water columns they utilize. In other ecosystems, such data have revealed that marine predators selectively forage in areas where currents and fronts serve to locally concentrate prey resources, and that these conditions are required to sustain populations. Weddell seals will be studied in McMurdo Sound and at Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea and will provide the first new data on Weddell seal winter diving behavior and habitat use in almost two decades. The relationship between an animal\u0027s diving behavior and physical habitat has enormous potential to enhance monitoring studies and to provide insight into how changes in ice conditions (due either to warming or the impact of large icebergs, such as B15) might impact individual time budgets and foraging success. The second thrust of this project is to use the profiles obtained from CTD seal tags to model the physical oceanography of this region. Current mathematical models of physical oceanographic processes in the Southern Ocean are directed at better understanding the role that it plays in global climate processes, and the linkages between physical and biological oceanographic processes. However, these efforts are limited by the scarcity of oceanographic data at high latitudes in the winter months; CTD tags deployed on animals will collect data at sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to improve data density. The project will contribute to two IPY endorsed initiatives: MEOP (Marine Mammals as Explorers of the Ocean Pole to Pole) and CAML (Census of Antarctic Marine Life). In addition, the highly visual nature of the data and analysis lends itself to public and educational display and outreach, particularly as they relate to global climate change, and we have collaborations with undergraduate and graduate training programs, the Seymour Marine Discovery Center, and the ARMADA program to foster these broader impacts.\n", "east": 169.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165.5 -76.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Oceans; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Ross Sea; Antarctica; Southern Ocean", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Costa, Daniel", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000661", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea", "uid": "600025", "west": 162.0}, {"awards": "1043740 Lenczewski, Melissa", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((165 -77.5,165.3 -77.5,165.6 -77.5,165.9 -77.5,166.2 -77.5,166.5 -77.5,166.8 -77.5,167.1 -77.5,167.4 -77.5,167.7 -77.5,168 -77.5,168 -77.6,168 -77.7,168 -77.8,168 -77.9,168 -78,168 -78.1,168 -78.2,168 -78.3,168 -78.4,168 -78.5,167.7 -78.5,167.4 -78.5,167.1 -78.5,166.8 -78.5,166.5 -78.5,166.2 -78.5,165.9 -78.5,165.6 -78.5,165.3 -78.5,165 -78.5,165 -78.4,165 -78.3,165 -78.2,165 -78.1,165 -78,165 -77.9,165 -77.8,165 -77.7,165 -77.6,165 -77.5))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The PI proposes to utilize computer models used by hydrogeologists to establish the fate and transport of contamination and determine the extent of drilling fluid contamination in the ANDRILL SMS core. For these models, previously collected logs of lithology, porosity, fracture density, fracture type, fracture orientation, drilling fluid loss, drilling fluid characteristics and temperature will be used as input parameters. In addition, biodegradation and sorption constants for the drilling fluid will be determined and incorporated into the models. Samples of drilling fluids used during coring as well as the return fluids were collected at the drill site using standard microbiological sampling techniques. Fluids will be tested at in situ temperatures under aerobic and anaerobic conditions to determine biodegradation constants. Sorption will be determined between the drilling fluids and core samples using standard isotherm methods. Geochemical and microbial fingerprints of the fluids and the changes during biodegradation will determine the potential impact of the drilling fluids on the isolated microbial communities and the geochemistry within various subsurface lithologic units beneath the southern McMurdo Sound in Antarctica. The results of this study could potentially provide guidelines on developing less detrimental methods for future exploration, if deemed necessary through this research.\nThis proposed project will train a graduate student. The methods developed for analyses of samples in this project will serve as a guide for future studies of similar interest and will improve the understanding of ecological impacts of geologic drilling in Antarctica. The results of this study will be used as a reference for comparison with future studies examining newly developed, and improved, sample collection methods in future exploratory drilling projects in pristine environments. The PI is new to Antarctic research.\n", "east": 168.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166.5 -78)"], "keywords": "Andrill; Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Drilling Fluid; Geochemistry; McMurdo; Ross Sea; Sediment Core", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo; Ross Sea", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Lenczewski, Melissa", "project_titles": "Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000468", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ANDRILL", "south": -78.5, "title": "Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)", "uid": "600129", "west": 165.0}, {"awards": "1045215 Gooseff, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160 -77.25,160.5 -77.25,161 -77.25,161.5 -77.25,162 -77.25,162.5 -77.25,163 -77.25,163.5 -77.25,164 -77.25,164.5 -77.25,165 -77.25,165 -77.375,165 -77.5,165 -77.625,165 -77.75,165 -77.875,165 -78,165 -78.125,165 -78.25,165 -78.375,165 -78.5,164.5 -78.5,164 -78.5,163.5 -78.5,163 -78.5,162.5 -78.5,162 -78.5,161.5 -78.5,161 -78.5,160.5 -78.5,160 -78.5,160 -78.375,160 -78.25,160 -78.125,160 -78,160 -77.875,160 -77.75,160 -77.625,160 -77.5,160 -77.375,160 -77.25))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: Until recently, wetted soils in the Dry Valleys were generally only found adjacent to streams and lakes. Since the warm austral summer of 2002, numerous \"wet spots\" have been observed far from shorelines on relatively flat valley floor locations and as downslope fingers of flow on valley walls. The source of the water to wet these soils is unclear, as is the spatial and temporal pattern of occurrence from year to year. Their significance is potentially great as enhanced soil moisture may change the thermodynamics, hydrology, and erosion rate of surface soils, and facilitate transport of materials that had previously been stable. These changes to the soil active layer could significantly modify permafrost and ground ice stability within the Dry Valleys. The PIs seek to investigate these changes to address two competing hypotheses: that the source of water to these ?wet spots? is ground ice melt and that the source of this water is snowmelt. The PIs will document the spatiotemporal dynamics of these wet areas using high frequency remote sensing data from QuickBird and WorldView satellites to document the occurrence, dimensions, and growth of wet spots during the 2010-\u00ad11 and 2011-\u00ad12 austral summers. They will test their hypotheses by determining whether wet spots recur in the same locations in each season, and they will compare present to past distribution using archived imagery. They will also determine whether spatial snow accumulation patterns and temporal ablation patterns are coincident with wet spot formation. Broader impacts: One graduate student will be trained on this project. Findings will be reported at scientific meetings and published in peer reviewed journals. They will also develop a teaching module on remote sensing applications to hydrology for the Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement and an innovative prototype project designed to leverage public participation in mapping wet spots and snow patches across the Dry Valleys through the use of social media and mobile computing applications.\n", "east": 165.0, "geometry": ["POINT(162.5 -77.875)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Climate; Critical Zone; Dry Valleys; Radar; Soil Moisture", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.25, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "project_titles": "EAGER: Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000471", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "EAGER: Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.5, "title": "Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape", "uid": "600131", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "1354231 Kowalewski, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-160 -70,-156 -70,-152 -70,-148 -70,-144 -70,-140 -70,-136 -70,-132 -70,-128 -70,-124 -70,-120 -70,-120 -71.5,-120 -73,-120 -74.5,-120 -76,-120 -77.5,-120 -79,-120 -80.5,-120 -82,-120 -83.5,-120 -85,-124 -85,-128 -85,-132 -85,-136 -85,-140 -85,-144 -85,-148 -85,-152 -85,-156 -85,-160 -85,-160 -83.5,-160 -82,-160 -80.5,-160 -79,-160 -77.5,-160 -76,-160 -74.5,-160 -73,-160 -71.5,-160 -70))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: Neogene sediment records recovered by ANDRILL suggest multiple events of open water conditions and elevated sea surface temperatures at times when terrestrial data from the McMurdo Dry Valleys indicate hyper arid, cold, desert conditions. Interpretation of the ANDRILL data suggests the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is highly sensitive to changes in Pliocene sea surface temperatures and this conclusion has been supported by recent Global Circulation Model results for the early to mid Pliocene. The PIs propose to model paleo-ice configurations and warm orbits associated with a WAIS collapse to assess potential climate change in East Antarctica. During such episodes of polar warmth they propose to answer: What is the limit of ablation along the East Antarctic Ice Sheet?; Are relict landforms in the Dry Valleys susceptible to modification from increase in maximum summertime temperatures?; and Is there sufficient increase in minimum wintertime temperatures to sustain a tundra environment in the Dry Valleys? Integration of depositional records and model outputs have the potential to test the performance of numerical models currently under development as part of ANDRILL; reconcile inconsistencies between marine and terrestrial paleoclimate records in high Southern Latitudes; and improve understanding of Antarctic climate and ice volume sensitivity to forcing for both the East Antarctic and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. Broader impacts: Results from this study have the potential to be used widely by the research community. Outreach to local elementary schools from other funded efforts will continue and be extended to homeschooled students. A Post Doc will be supported as part of this award.\n", "east": -120.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-140 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Model Data; Paleoclimate; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Transantarctic Mountains; Antarctica", "north": -70.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Kowalewski, Douglas", "project_titles": "Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000463", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.0, "title": "Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains", "uid": "600140", "west": -160.0}, {"awards": "0732804 McPhee, Miles", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.25 -77.42)"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Integrated and System Science Program has made this award to support an interdisciplinary study of the effects of the ocean on the stability of glacial ice in the most dynamic region the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, namely the Pine Island Glacier in the Amundsen Sea Embayment. The collaborative project builds on the knowledge gained by the highly successful West Antarctic Ice Sheet program and is being jointly sponsored with NASA. Recent observations indicate a significant ice loss, equivalent to 10% of the ongoing increase in sea-level rise, in this region. These changes are largest along the coast and propagate rapidly inland, indicating the critical impact of the ocean on ice sheet stability in the region. While a broad range of remote sensing and ground-based instrumentation is available to characterize changes of the ice surface and internal structure (deformation, ice motion, melt) and the shape of the underlying sediment and rock bed, instrumentation has yet to be successfully deployed for observing boundary layer processes of the ocean cavity which underlies the floating ice shelf and where rapid melting is apparently occurring. Innovative, mini ocean sensors that can be lowered through boreholes in the ice shelf (about 500 m thick) will be developed and deployed to automatically provide ocean profiling information over at least three years. Their data will be transmitted through a conducting cable frozen in the borehole to the surface where it will be further transmitted via satellite to a laboratory in the US. Geophysical and remote sensing methods (seismic, GPS, altimetry, stereo imaging, radar profiling) will be applied to map the geometry of the ice shelf, the shape of the sub ice-shelf cavity, the ice surface geometry and deformations within the glacial ice. To integrate the seismic, glaciological and oceanographic observations, a new 3-dimensional coupled ice-ocean model is being developed which will be the first of its kind. NASA is supporting satellite based research and the deployment of a robotic-camera system to explore the environment in the ocean cavity underlying the ice shelf and NSF is supporting all other aspects of this study. \n\nBroader impacts: This project is motivated by the potential societal impacts of rapid sea level rise and should result in critically needed improvements in characterizing and predicting the behavior of coupled ocean-ice systems. It is a contribution to the International Polar Year and was endorsed by the International Council for Science as a component of the \u0027Multidisciplinary Study of the Amundsen Sea Embayment\u0027 proposal #258 of the honeycomb of endorsed IPY activities. The research involves substantial international partnerships with the British Antarctic Survey and the University of Bristol in the UK. The investigators will partner with the previously funded \u0027Polar Palooza\u0027 education and outreach program in addition to undertaking a diverse set of outreach activities of their own. Eight graduate students and one undergraduate as well as one post doc will be integrated into this research project.\n", "east": 166.25, "geometry": ["POINT(166.25 -77.42)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; McMurdo; Meteorology; Oceans; Ross Island; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Ross Island; McMurdo; Southern Ocean; Antarctica", "north": -77.42, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "McPhee, Miles G.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research; IPY: Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000043", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research; IPY: Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.42, "title": "Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea Sector of West Antarctica", "uid": "600072", "west": 166.25}, {"awards": "0839053 Ackley, Stephen", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -67.05,-170.9866 -67.05,-161.9732 -67.05,-152.9598 -67.05,-143.9464 -67.05,-134.933 -67.05,-125.9196 -67.05,-116.9062 -67.05,-107.8928 -67.05,-98.8794 -67.05,-89.866 -67.05,-89.866 -68.1033,-89.866 -69.1566,-89.866 -70.2099,-89.866 -71.2632,-89.866 -72.3165,-89.866 -73.3698,-89.866 -74.4231,-89.866 -75.4764,-89.866 -76.5297,-89.866 -77.583,-98.8794 -77.583,-107.8928 -77.583,-116.9062 -77.583,-125.9196 -77.583,-134.933 -77.583,-143.9464 -77.583,-152.9598 -77.583,-161.9732 -77.583,-170.9866 -77.583,180 -77.583,178.57 -77.583,177.14 -77.583,175.71 -77.583,174.28 -77.583,172.85 -77.583,171.42 -77.583,169.99 -77.583,168.56 -77.583,167.13 -77.583,165.7 -77.583,165.7 -76.5297,165.7 -75.4764,165.7 -74.4231,165.7 -73.3698,165.7 -72.3165,165.7 -71.2632,165.7 -70.2099,165.7 -69.1566,165.7 -68.1033,165.7 -67.05,167.13 -67.05,168.56 -67.05,169.99 -67.05,171.42 -67.05,172.85 -67.05,174.28 -67.05,175.71 -67.05,177.14 -67.05,178.57 -67.05,-180 -67.05))"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Several aspect of the seasonal melting and reformation cycle of Antarctic sea ice appear to be divergent from those occurring in the Arctic. This is most clearly demonstrated by the dramatic diminishing extent and thinning of the Arctic sea ice, to be contrasted to the changes in Antarctic sea-ice extent, which recently (decadaly) shows small increases. Current climate models do not resolve this discrepancy which likely results from both a lack of relevant observational sea-ice data in the Antarctic, along with inadequacies in the physical parameterization of sea-ice properties in climate models. Researchers will take advantage of the cruise track of the I/B Oden during transit through the Antarctic sea-ice zones in the region of the Bellingshausen, Amundsen and Ross (BAR) seas on a cruise to McMurdo Station. Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, the BAR region is of considerable scientific interest as being one of the last under described and perhaps unexploited marine ecosystems left on the planet. A series of on station and underway observations of sea ice properties will be undertaken, thematically linked to broader questions of summer ice survival and baseline physical properties (e.g. estimates of heat and salt fluxes). In situ spatiotemporal variability of sea-ice cover extent, thickness and snow cover depths will be observed.\n", "east": 165.7, "geometry": ["POINT(-142.083 -72.3165)"], "keywords": "Ice Core Records; Oceans; Oden; OSO1011; Sea Ice; Sea Ice Salinity; Sea Ice Thickness; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean", "north": -67.05, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Ackley, Stephen", "project_titles": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000676", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.583, "title": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)", "uid": "600106", "west": -89.866}, {"awards": "0838892 Burns, Jennifer", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.7 -75,163.4 -75,164.1 -75,164.8 -75,165.5 -75,166.2 -75,166.9 -75,167.6 -75,168.3 -75,169 -75,169 -75.3,169 -75.6,169 -75.9,169 -76.2,169 -76.5,169 -76.8,169 -77.1,169 -77.4,169 -77.7,169 -78,168.3 -78,167.6 -78,166.9 -78,166.2 -78,165.5 -78,164.8 -78,164.1 -78,163.4 -78,162.7 -78,162 -78,162 -77.7,162 -77.4,162 -77.1,162 -76.8,162 -76.5,162 -76.2,162 -75.9,162 -75.6,162 -75.3,162 -75))"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Marine mammals of the Southern Ocean have evolved diverse life history patterns and foraging strategies to accommodate extreme fluctuations in the physical and biological environment. In light of ongoing climate change and the dramatic shifts in the extent and persistence of sea ice in the Ross Sea, it is critical to understand how Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, a key apex predator, select and utilize foraging habitats. Recent advances in satellite-linked animal-borne conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) tags make it possible to simultaneously collect data on seal locations, their diving patterns, and the temperature and salinity profiles of the water columns they utilize. In other ecosystems, such data have revealed that marine predators selectively forage in areas where currents and fronts serve to locally concentrate prey resources, and that these conditions are required to sustain populations. Weddell seals will be studied in McMurdo Sound and at Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea and will provide the first new data on Weddell seal winter diving behavior and habitat use in almost two decades. The relationship between an animal\u0027s diving behavior and physical habitat has enormous potential to enhance monitoring studies and to provide insight into how changes in ice conditions (due either to warming or the impact of large icebergs, such as B15) might impact individual time budgets and foraging success. The second thrust of this project is to use the profiles obtained from CTD seal tags to model the physical oceanography of this region. Current mathematical models of physical oceanographic processes in the Southern Ocean are directed at better understanding the role that it plays in global climate processes, and the linkages between physical and biological oceanographic processes. However, these efforts are limited by the scarcity of oceanographic data at high latitudes in the winter months; CTD tags deployed on animals will collect data at sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to improve data density. The project will contribute to two IPY endorsed initiatives: MEOP (Marine Mammals as Explorers of the Ocean Pole to Pole) and CAML (Census of Antarctic Marine Life). In addition, the highly visual nature of the data and analysis lends itself to public and educational display and outreach, particularly as they relate to global climate change, and we have collaborations with undergraduate and graduate training programs, the Seymour Marine Discovery Center, and the ARMADA program to foster these broader impacts.", "east": 169.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165.5 -76.5)"], "keywords": "Biota; Oceans; Ross Sea; Seals; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Ross Sea", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Burns, Jennifer", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000661", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea", "uid": "600101", "west": 162.0}, {"awards": "0838850 Gooseff, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-163.3 -77.62,-163.202 -77.62,-163.104 -77.62,-163.006 -77.62,-162.908 -77.62,-162.81 -77.62,-162.712 -77.62,-162.614 -77.62,-162.516 -77.62,-162.418 -77.62,-162.32 -77.62,-162.32 -77.631,-162.32 -77.642,-162.32 -77.653,-162.32 -77.664,-162.32 -77.675,-162.32 -77.686,-162.32 -77.697,-162.32 -77.708,-162.32 -77.719,-162.32 -77.73,-162.418 -77.73,-162.516 -77.73,-162.614 -77.73,-162.712 -77.73,-162.81 -77.73,-162.908 -77.73,-163.006 -77.73,-163.104 -77.73,-163.202 -77.73,-163.3 -77.73,-163.3 -77.719,-163.3 -77.708,-163.3 -77.697,-163.3 -77.686,-163.3 -77.675,-163.3 -77.664,-163.3 -77.653,-163.3 -77.642,-163.3 -77.631,-163.3 -77.62))"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Two models have been proposed to describe controls over microbial biogeography. One model proposes that microbes are ubiquitously distributed across the global environment, and that environmental conditions select for taxa physiologically adapted to local physical conditions. An alternative model predicts that dispersal is the important limitation to the distribution of microorganisms and that spatial heterogeneity of microbial communities is a result of both dispersal and local environmental limitations. According to both models, spatial heterogeneity of microbial communities may be especially pronounced in extreme ecosystems where the environmental selection for organisms with suitable physiology is most strongly manifest. We propose that Antarctic terrestrial environments are ideal places to examine microbial biogeography for 3 reasons: 1) the pristine nature and remoteness of Antarctica minimizes the prevalence of exotic species dispersed through human vectors; 2) the extreme conditions of Antarctic environments provide a strong environmental filter which limits the establishment of non-indigenous taxa; and 3) extreme heterogeneity in the terrestrial environment provides natural gradients of soil conditions (temperature, water and nutrient availability). In the proposed research we will investigate the influence of snow on the composition and spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and linked biogeochemical cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. We will conduct fieldwork at the landscape scale (repeated remote sensing to characterize snow distribution), at the valley and patch scales (quantify snow patch ablation, microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling in subnivian soils). We hypothesize that snow patches play an important role in structuring the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and their associated ecosystem functioning because of the physical and hydrological influences that snow patches have on the soil environment. The research will contribute to greater public awareness of the importance of polar research to fundamental questions of biology, ecology and hydrology through direct linkages with International Antarctic Institute public outreach activities, including dissemination of web-based learning units on environmental science and microbiology, targeted as resources for secondary and post-secondary educators. Three graduate students, one postdoctoral scholar and multiple undergraduates will participate in the research activities.\n", "east": -162.32, "geometry": ["POINT(-162.81 -77.675)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Critical Zone; Mps-1 Water Potential Sensor; Physical Properties; Soil Moisture; Soil Temperature", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.62, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000489", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.73, "title": "The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys", "uid": "600100", "west": -163.3}, {"awards": "0739698 Doran, Peter; 0739681 Murray, Alison", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(161.931 -77.3885)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Lake Vida is the largest lake of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, with an approximately 20 m ice cover overlaying a brine of unknown depth with at least 7 times seawater salinity and temperatures below -10 degrees C year-round. Samples of brine collected from ice above the main water body contain 1) the highest nitrous oxide levels of any natural water body on Earth, 2) unusual geochemistry including anomalously high ammonia and iron concentrations, 3) high microbial counts with an unusual proportion (99%) of ultramicrobacteria. The microbial community is unique even compared to other Dry Valley Lakes. The research proposes to enter, for the first time the main brine body below the thick ice of Lake Vida and perform in situ measurements, collect samples of the brine column, and collect sediment cores from the lake bottom for detailed geochemical and microbiological analyses. The results will allow the characterization of present and past life in the lake, assessment of modern and past sedimentary processes, and determination of the lake\u0027s history. The research will be conducted by a multidisciplinary team that will uncover the biogeochemical processes associated with a non-photosynthetic microbial community isolated for a significant period of time. This research will address diversity, adaptive mechanisms and evolutionary processes in the context of the physical evolution of the environment of Lake Vida. Results will be widely disseminated through publications, presentations at national and international meetings, through the Subglacial Antarctic Lake Exploration (SALE) web site and the McMurdo LTER web site. The research will support three graduate students and three undergraduate research assistants. The results will be incorporated into a new undergraduate biogeosciences course at the University of Illinois at Chicago which has an extremely diverse student body, dominated by minorities.", "east": 161.931, "geometry": ["POINT(161.931 -77.3885)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Carbon-14; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Dry Valleys; Geochronology; Ice Core Records; Lake Vida; Microbiology", "locations": "Antarctica; Lake Vida; Dry Valleys", "north": -77.3885, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Murray, Alison", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000485", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.3885, "title": "Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica", "uid": "600080", "west": 161.931}, {"awards": "0739648 Cary, Stephen", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(163 -77.5)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The glacial streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys have extensive cyanobacterial mats that are a probable source of fixed C and N to the Valleys. The research will examine the interplay between the microbial mats in the ephemeral glacial streams and the microbiota of the hyporheic soils (wetted soil zone) underlying and adjacent to those mats. It is hypothesized that the mats are important sources of organic carbon and fixed nitrogen for the soil communities of the hyporheic zone, and release dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) that serves the entire Dry Valley ecosystem. Field efforts will entail both observational and experimental components. Direct comparisons will be made between the mats and microbial populations underlying naturally rehydrated and desiccated mat areas, and between mat areas in the melt streams of the Adams and Miers Glaciers in Miers Valley. Both physiological and phylogenetic indices of the soil microbiota will be examined. Observations will include estimates of rates of mat carbon and nitrogen fixation, soil respiration and leucine and thymidine uptake (as measures of protein \u0026 DNA synthesis, respectively) by soil bacteria, bacterial densities and their molecular ecology. Experimental manipulations will include experimental re-wetting of soils and observations of the time course of response of the microbial community. The research will integrate modern molecular genetic approaches (ARISA-DNA fingerprinting and ultra deep 16S rDNA microbial phylogenetic analysis) with geochemistry to study the diversity, ecology, and function of microbial communities that thrive in these extreme environments. The broader impacts of the project include research and educational opportunities for graduate students and a postdoctoral associate. The P.I.s will involve undergraduates as work-study students and in REU programs, and will participate in educational and outreach programs.", "east": 163.0, "geometry": ["POINT(163 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Cell Counts; Dry Valleys; Microbiology", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Cary, S. Craig", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000476", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.5, "title": "Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams", "uid": "600079", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "0538479 Seibel, Brad", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166 -77,166.1 -77,166.2 -77,166.3 -77,166.4 -77,166.5 -77,166.6 -77,166.7 -77,166.8 -77,166.9 -77,167 -77,167 -77.1,167 -77.2,167 -77.3,167 -77.4,167 -77.5,167 -77.6,167 -77.7,167 -77.8,167 -77.9,167 -78,166.9 -78,166.8 -78,166.7 -78,166.6 -78,166.5 -78,166.4 -78,166.3 -78,166.2 -78,166.1 -78,166 -78,166 -77.9,166 -77.8,166 -77.7,166 -77.6,166 -77.5,166 -77.4,166 -77.3,166 -77.2,166 -77.1,166 -77))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have resulted in greater oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide can impact marine organisms both via decreased carbonate saturation that affects calcification rates and via disturbance to acid-base (metabolic) physiology. Pteropod molluscs (Thecosomata) form shells made of aragonite, a type of calcium carbonate that is highly soluble, suggesting that these organisms may be particularly sensitive to increasing carbon dioxide and reduced carbonate ion concentration. Thecosome pteropods, which dominate the calcium carbonate export south of the Antarctic Polar Front, will be the first major group of marine calcifying organisms to experience carbonate undersaturation within parts of their present-day geographical ranges as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. An unusual, co-evolved relationship between thecosomes and their specialized gymnosome predators provides a unique backdrop against which to assess the physiological and ecological importance of elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Pteropods are functionally important components of the Antarctic ecosystem with potential to influence phytoplankton stocks, carbon export, and dimethyl sulfide levels that, in turn, influence global climate through ocean-atmosphere feedback loops. The research will quantify the impact of elevated carbon dioxide on a dominant aragonitic pteropod, Limacina helicina, and its specialist predator, the gymnosome Clione antarctica, in the Ross Sea through laboratory experimentation. Results will be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific understanding in this field. The project involves collaboration between researchers at a predominantly undergraduate institution with a significant enrollment of students that are typically underrepresented in the research environment (California State University San Marcos - CSUSM) and at a Ph.D.-granting institution (University of Rhode Island - URI). The program will promote education and learning through the joint education of undergraduate students and graduate students at CSUSM and URI as part of a research team, as well as through the teaching activities of the principal investigators. Dr. Keating, CSUSM professor of science education, will participate in the McMurdo fieldwork and lead the outreach opportunities for the project.", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166.5 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Biota; CO2; Mcmurdo Station; Oceans; Ross Island; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Shell Fish; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Ross Island; Southern Ocean", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Seibel, Brad", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000694", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea", "uid": "600055", "west": 166.0}, {"awards": "0838838 Evenson, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-165.89 -56.02,-150.571 -56.02,-135.252 -56.02,-119.933 -56.02,-104.614 -56.02,-89.295 -56.02,-73.976 -56.02,-58.657 -56.02,-43.338 -56.02,-28.019 -56.02,-12.7 -56.02,-12.7 -58.203,-12.7 -60.386,-12.7 -62.569,-12.7 -64.752,-12.7 -66.935,-12.7 -69.118,-12.7 -71.301,-12.7 -73.484,-12.7 -75.667,-12.7 -77.85,-28.019 -77.85,-43.338 -77.85,-58.657 -77.85,-73.976 -77.85,-89.295 -77.85,-104.614 -77.85,-119.933 -77.85,-135.252 -77.85,-150.571 -77.85,-165.89 -77.85,-165.89 -75.667,-165.89 -73.484,-165.89 -71.301,-165.89 -69.118,-165.89 -66.935,-165.89 -64.752,-165.89 -62.569,-165.89 -60.386,-165.89 -58.203,-165.89 -56.02))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "We determined a set of cosmic ray response functions for the ice Cherenkov detector used by the surface air shower IceTop, part of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole. At the same time we measured the response function of moderated neutron detectors that are now in use in conjunction with IceTop. We did this by means of a global latitude survey conducted with a detector identical to the IceTop sensors built in a freezer van installed on the Swedish icebreaker Oden. The freezer van also housed the moderated neutron detectors. Cosmic rays shower data were recorded on the Oden voyage from Sweden to McMurdo and return during the 2009-2010 austral summer season. Reliance on student observers and data analysts enhanced the broader impact of this research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission.", "east": -12.7, "geometry": ["POINT(-89.295 -66.935)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Cosmic Ray; Cosmos; Icecube; Oden; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; Southern Ocean", "north": -56.02, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Tilav, Serap; Evenson, Paul; Bieber, John; Clem, John", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000516", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.85, "title": "Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector", "uid": "600098", "west": -165.89}, {"awards": "0649609 Horning, Markus", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((165.975 -77.54,166.0631 -77.54,166.1512 -77.54,166.2393 -77.54,166.3274 -77.54,166.4155 -77.54,166.5036 -77.54,166.5917 -77.54,166.6798 -77.54,166.7679 -77.54,166.856 -77.54,166.856 -77.5709,166.856 -77.6018,166.856 -77.6327,166.856 -77.6636,166.856 -77.6945,166.856 -77.7254,166.856 -77.7563,166.856 -77.7872,166.856 -77.8181,166.856 -77.849,166.7679 -77.849,166.6798 -77.849,166.5917 -77.849,166.5036 -77.849,166.4155 -77.849,166.3274 -77.849,166.2393 -77.849,166.1512 -77.849,166.0631 -77.849,165.975 -77.849,165.975 -77.8181,165.975 -77.7872,165.975 -77.7563,165.975 -77.7254,165.975 -77.6945,165.975 -77.6636,165.975 -77.6327,165.975 -77.6018,165.975 -77.5709,165.975 -77.54))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The primary objectives of this research are to investigate the proximate effects of aging on diving capability in the Weddell Seal and to describe mechanisms by which aging may influence foraging ecology, through physiology and behavior. This model pinniped species has been the focus of three decades of research in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Compared to the knowledge of pinniped diving physiology and ecology during early development and young adulthood, little is known about individuals nearing the upper limit of their normal reproductive age range. Evolutionary aging theories predict that elderly diving seals should exhibit senescence. This should be exacerbated by surges in the generation of oxygen free radicals via hypoxia-reoxygenation during breath-hold diving and hunting, which are implicated in age-related damage to cellular mitochondria. Surprisingly, limited observations of non-threatened pinniped populations indicate that senescence does not occur to a level where reproductive output is affected. The ability of pinnipeds to avoid apparent senescence raises two major questions: what specific physiological and morphological changes occur with advancing age in pinnipeds; and what subtle adjustments are made by these animals to cope with such changes? This investigation will focus on specific, functional physiological and behavioral changes relating to dive capability with advancing age. Data will be compared between Weddell seals in the peak, and near the end, of their reproductive age range. The investigators will quantify age-related changes in general health and body condition, combined with fine scale assessments of external and internal ability to do work in the form of diving. Specifically, patterns of muscle morphology, oxidant status and oxygen storage with age will be examined. The effects of age on skeletal muscular function and exercise performance will also be examined. The investigators hypothesize that senescence does occur in Weddell seals at the level of small-scale, proximate physiological effects and performance, but that behavioral plasticity allows for a given degree of compensation. Broader impacts include the training of students and outreach activities including interviews and articles written for the popular media. This study should also establish diving seals as a novel model for the study of cardiovascular and muscular physiology of aging and develop a foundation for similar research on other species. Advancement of the understanding of aging by medical science has been impressive in recent years but basic mammalian aging is an area of study the still requires considerable effort. The development of new models for the study of aging has tremendous potential benefits to society at large.", "east": 166.856, "geometry": ["POINT(166.4155 -77.6945)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; McMurdo; Oceans; Seals; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; Southern Ocean; McMurdo", "north": -77.54, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Horning, Markus", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Aging in Weddell Seals: Proximate Mechanisms of Age-Related Changes in Adaptations to Breath-Hold Hunting in an Extreme Environment", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000487", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Aging in Weddell Seals: Proximate Mechanisms of Age-Related Changes in Adaptations to Breath-Hold Hunting in an Extreme Environment"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.849, "title": "Aging in Weddell Seals: Proximate Mechanisms of Age-Related Changes in Adaptations to Breath-Hold Hunting in an Extreme Environment", "uid": "600071", "west": 165.975}, {"awards": "0086645 Fountain, Andrew", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.04 -77.3,161.239 -77.3,161.438 -77.3,161.637 -77.3,161.836 -77.3,162.035 -77.3,162.234 -77.3,162.433 -77.3,162.632 -77.3,162.831 -77.3,163.03 -77.3,163.03 -77.378,163.03 -77.456,163.03 -77.534,163.03 -77.612,163.03 -77.69,163.03 -77.768,163.03 -77.846,163.03 -77.924,163.03 -78.002,163.03 -78.08,162.831 -78.08,162.632 -78.08,162.433 -78.08,162.234 -78.08,162.035 -78.08,161.836 -78.08,161.637 -78.08,161.438 -78.08,161.239 -78.08,161.04 -78.08,161.04 -78.002,161.04 -77.924,161.04 -77.846,161.04 -77.768,161.04 -77.69,161.04 -77.612,161.04 -77.534,161.04 -77.456,161.04 -77.378,161.04 -77.3))"], "date_created": "Mon, 31 Aug 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "As part of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) project in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, a systematic sampling program has been undertaken to monitor mass balance of the Taylor Valley glaciers. Data were collected from the Canada, Commonwealth, Howard, Hughes, Suess and Taylor glaciers, located in the Taylor Valley of Antarctica. Monitoring the changes in these measurements over time provides a record of mass balance, and aids in determining the role of glaciers in the polar hydrologic cycle.", "east": 163.03, "geometry": ["POINT(162.035 -77.69)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; LTER; LTER Mcmurdo Dry Valleys", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.3, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Fountain, Andrew; Nylen, Thomas; Basagic, Hassan; Lyons, W. Berry; Langevin, Paul", "project_titles": "SGER Proposal:Glaciological change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000541", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "SGER Proposal:Glaciological change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.08, "title": "McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research (MCM LTER) Core Glacier Mass Balance Data, Antarctica", "uid": "609421", "west": 161.04}, {"awards": "0440478 Tang, Kam", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Phaeocystis Antarctica is a widely distributed phytoplankton that forms dense blooms and aggregates in the Southern Ocean. This phytoplankton and plays important roles in polar ecology and biogeochemistry, in part because it is a dominant primary producer, a main component of organic matter vertical fluxes, and the principal producer of volatile organic sulfur in the region. Yet P. Antarctica is also one of the lesser known species in terms of its physiology, life history and trophic relationships with other organisms; furthermore, information collected on other Phaeocystis species and from different locations may not be applicable to P. Antarctica in the Ross Sea. P. Antarctica occurs mainly as two morphotypes: solitary cells and mucilaginous colonies, which differ significantly in size, architecture and chemical composition. Relative dominance between solitary cells and colonies determines not only the size spectrum of the population, but also its carbon dynamics, nutrient uptake and utilization. Conventional thinking of the planktonic trophic processes is also challenged by the fact that colony formation could effectively alter the predator-prey interactions and interspecific competition. However, the factors that regulate the differences between solitary and colonial forms of P. Antarctica are not well-understood. \n\nThe research objective of this proposal is therefore to address these over-arching questions: \n1. Do P. Antarctica solitary cells and colonies differ in growth, composition and photosynthetic rates? 2. How do nutrients and grazers affect colony development and size distribution of P. Antarctica? \n3. How do nutrients and grazers act synergistically to affect the long-term population dynamics of P. Antarctica? \n\nExperiments will be conducted in the McMurdo station with natural P. Antarctica assemblages and co-occurring grazers. Laboratory experiments will be conducted to study size-specific growth and photosynthetic rates of P. Antarctica, size-specific grazing mortality due to microzooplankton and mesozooplankton, the effects of macronutrients on the (nitrogen compounds) relative dominance of solitary cells and colonies, and the effects of micronutrient (Fe) and grazing related chemical signals on P. Antarctica colony development. Because this species is of critical importance in the Southern Ocean, and because this research will provide critical information on factors that regulate the role of P.Antarctica in food webs and biogeochemical cycles, a major gap in knowledge will be addressed. This project will train two marine science Ph.D. students. The investigators will also collaborate with the School of Education and a marine science museum to communicate polar science to a broader audience.", "east": 166.66267, "geometry": ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"], "keywords": "Biota; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Phytoplankton; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean; Zooplankton", "locations": "Southern Ocean; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea", "north": -77.85067, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Smith, Walker; Tang, Kam", "project_titles": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000214", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.85067, "title": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial Forms of Phaeocystis Antarctica", "uid": "600043", "west": 166.66267}, {"awards": "0634682 Kanatous, Shane", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160 -77,160.7 -77,161.4 -77,162.1 -77,162.8 -77,163.5 -77,164.2 -77,164.9 -77,165.6 -77,166.3 -77,167 -77,167 -77.1,167 -77.2,167 -77.3,167 -77.4,167 -77.5,167 -77.6,167 -77.7,167 -77.8,167 -77.9,167 -78,166.3 -78,165.6 -78,164.9 -78,164.2 -78,163.5 -78,162.8 -78,162.1 -78,161.4 -78,160.7 -78,160 -78,160 -77.9,160 -77.8,160 -77.7,160 -77.6,160 -77.5,160 -77.4,160 -77.3,160 -77.2,160 -77.1,160 -77))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "During the past three decades, intensive field studies have revealed much about the behavior, physiology, life history, and population dynamics of the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) population of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. These animals are marine predators that are highly adapted for an aquatic life in shore-fast and pack ice habitats. They must locate and capture sparsely distributed under the ice. Most of what is known about their diving behavior is based on studies of adult animals with little known about the development or the genetic controls of diving behavior of young animals. The goal of this project is to examine the temporal development of aerobic capacity, lipid metabolism and oxygen stores in the skeletal muscles of young Weddell seals and to determine which aspects of the cellular environment are important in the regulation of these adaptations during maturation. This project builds on past results to investigate the molecular controls that underlie the development of these adaptations. The first objective is to further characterize the ontogenetic changes in muscle aerobic capacity, lipid metabolism and myoglobin concentration and distribution using enzymatic, immuno-histochemical and myoglobin assays in newly weaned, subadult, and adult seals. The second objective is to determine the molecular controls that regulate these changes in aerobic capacity, fiber type distribution and myoglobin in skeletal muscles during maturation. Through subtractive hybridization and subsequent analysis, differences in mRNA populations in the swimming muscles of the different age classes of Weddell seals will be determined. These techniques will allow for the identification of the proteins and transcription factors that influence the ontogenetic changes in myoglobin concentration, fiber type distribution and aerobic capacity. These results will increase our understanding of both the ontogeny and molecular mechanisms by which young seals acquire the physiological capabilities to make deep (up to 700 m) and long aerobic dives (ca 20 min). This study will advance knowledge of the molecular regulation for the adaptations that enable active skeletal muscle to function under hypoxic conditions; this has a broader application for human medicine especially in regards to cardiac and pulmonary disease. Additional broader impacts include the participation of underrepresented scientists and a continuation of a website in collaboration with the Science Teachers Access to Resources at Southwestern University (STARS Program) which involves weekly updates about research efforts during the field season, weekly questions/answer session involving students and teachers, and updates on research results throughout the year.", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(163.5 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Oceans; Seals; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Lyons, W. Berry; Kanatous, Shane", "project_titles": "The Molecular Signals that Regulate the Ontogeny of Aerobic Capacity, Lipid Metabolism and Elevated Myoglobin Concentrations in the Skeletal Muscles of Weddell Seals", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000536", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Molecular Signals that Regulate the Ontogeny of Aerobic Capacity, Lipid Metabolism and Elevated Myoglobin Concentrations in the Skeletal Muscles of Weddell Seals"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "The Molecular Signals that Regulate the Ontogeny of Aerobic Capacity, Lipid Metabolism and Elevated Myoglobin Concentrations in the Skeletal Muscles of Weddell Seals", "uid": "600063", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "0739452 Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161 -76,161.2 -76,161.4 -76,161.6 -76,161.8 -76,162 -76,162.2 -76,162.4 -76,162.6 -76,162.8 -76,163 -76,163 -76.2,163 -76.4,163 -76.6,163 -76.8,163 -77,163 -77.2,163 -77.4,163 -77.6,163 -77.8,163 -78,162.8 -78,162.6 -78,162.4 -78,162.2 -78,162 -78,161.8 -78,161.6 -78,161.4 -78,161.2 -78,161 -78,161 -77.8,161 -77.6,161 -77.4,161 -77.2,161 -77,161 -76.8,161 -76.6,161 -76.4,161 -76.2,161 -76))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project seeks to answer a simple question: how old are potholes and related geomorphic features found in the uplands of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica? Some research suggests that they are over ten million years old and date the growth of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the world\u0027s largest. However, some evidence suggests that these are young, erosional features that continuing to evolve to this day. This project uses cosmogenic nuclide dating to determine the age of the pothole floors. The results are important for determining the ice sheet?s history and interpreting the O-isotope record from the marine sediment cores, key records of global climate. Broader impacts include K12 outreach and incorporation of outcomes into university courses.", "east": 163.0, "geometry": ["POINT(162 -77)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cosmogenic Dating; Dry Valleys; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy", "project_titles": "Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000461", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica", "uid": "600074", "west": 161.0}, {"awards": "0739512 Walker, Sally", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project answers a simple question: why are there so few fossils in sediment cores from Antarctica\u0027s continental shelf? Antarctica\u0027s benthos are as biologically rich as those of the tropics. Shell-secreting organisms should have left a trail throughout geologic time, but have not. This trail is particularly important because these organisms record regional climate in ways that are critical to interpreting the global climate record. This study uses field experiments and targeted observations of modern benthic systems to examine the biases inflicted by fossil preservation. By examining a spectrum of ice-affected habitats, this project provides paleoenvironmental insights into carbonate preservation, sedimentation rates, and burial processes; and will provide new approaches to reconstructing the Cenozoic history of Antarctica. Broader impacts include graduate and undergraduate research and education, development of undergraduate curricula to link art and science, K12 outreach, public outreach via the web, and societal relevance through improved understanding of records of global climate change.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Walker, Sally", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores; Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010238", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past"}, {"proj_uid": "p0000203", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores", "uid": "600077", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0739620 Bieber, John", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This proposal seeks funding to continue the neutron monitor observations at McMurdo for at least 4 years of operation - through the next solar activity maximum predicted in 2011-12. The neutron monitor in McMurdo is a crucial element of the \u0027Spaceship Earth\u0027 array - a 12-station multi-national network of neutron monitors optimized to measure the angular distribution of relativistic solar cosmic rays. McMurdo has the southernmost viewing direction of any neutron monitor station in the World, thereby providing a critical three-dimensional perspective on the cosmic ray distribution measured by the global array. Data returned from McMurdo and other \u0027Spaceship Earth\u0027 stations will enable the advanced understanding of the acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles, and of the transient and long-term modulation of galactic cosmic rays by the Sun. From the historical occurrence rates, continuing McMurdo observations through the solar activity maximum would allow to detect new relativistic solar particle events. Neutron monitors can play a direct role in forecasting and specifying solar wind disturbances, thus improving the capability to forecast major space weather events for the societal benefit. For example, providing the cosmic rays Ground-Level Enhancement (GLE) alerts is of direct relevance to aviation flights over high latitudes where these events can pose health hazards.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Cosmic Ray; McMurdo; Neutron Monitor", "locations": "McMurdo; Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Evenson, Paul; Bieber, John", "project_titles": "Cosmic Ray Observations in McMurdo", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000679", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Cosmic Ray Observations in McMurdo"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Cosmic Ray Observations in McMurdo", "uid": "600078", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0739693 Ashworth, Allan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160 -77,160.2 -77,160.4 -77,160.6 -77,160.8 -77,161 -77,161.2 -77,161.4 -77,161.6 -77,161.8 -77,162 -77,162 -77.1,162 -77.2,162 -77.3,162 -77.4,162 -77.5,162 -77.6,162 -77.7,162 -77.8,162 -77.9,162 -78,161.8 -78,161.6 -78,161.4 -78,161.2 -78,161 -78,160.8 -78,160.6 -78,160.4 -78,160.2 -78,160 -78,160 -77.9,160 -77.8,160 -77.7,160 -77.6,160 -77.5,160 -77.4,160 -77.3,160 -77.2,160 -77.1,160 -77))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project studies the last vestiges of life in Antarctica from exceptionally well-preserved fossils of tundra life--mosses, diatoms, ostracods, Nothofagus leaves, wood, and insect remains recently discovered in ancient lake sediments from the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The area will be studied by an interdisciplinary team to elucidate information about climate and biogeography. These deposits offer unique and direct information about the characteristics of Antarctica during a key period in its history, the time when it was freezing. This information is critical for correlation with indirect proxies, such as though obtained from drill cores, for climate and state of the ice sheet. The results will also help understand the origin and migration of similar organisms found in South America, India and Australia. In terms of broader impacts, this project supports an early career researcher, undergraduate and graduate student research, various forms of outreach to K12 students, and extensive international collaboration. The work also has societal relevance in that the outcomes will offer direct constraints on Antarctica\u0027s ice sheet during a time with atmospheric CO2 contents similar to those of the earth in the coming centuries, and thus may help predictive models of sea level rise.", "east": 162.0, "geometry": ["POINT(161 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochronology; Geology/Geophysics - Other; GPS; Solid Earth", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Ashworth, Allan; Lewis, Adam", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Integrating Geomorphological and Paleoecological Studies to Reconstruct Neogene Environments of the Transantarctic Mountains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000188", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Integrating Geomorphological and Paleoecological Studies to Reconstruct Neogene Environments of the Transantarctic Mountains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Integrating Geomorphological and Paleoecological Studies to Reconstruct Neogene Environments of the Transantarctic Mountains", "uid": "600081", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": "0338267 Gooseff, Michael", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 11 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": null, "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Hydrologic Controls over Biogeochemistry and Microbial Community Structure and Function across Terrestrial/Aquatic Interfaces in a Polar Desert", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000340", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Hydrologic Controls over Biogeochemistry and Microbial Community Structure and Function across Terrestrial/Aquatic Interfaces in a Polar Desert"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Hydrologic Margins Research Project, 2004-2008, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "uid": "600016", "west": null}, {"awards": "0238281 Marsh, Adam", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163 -77,163.4 -77,163.8 -77,164.2 -77,164.6 -77,165 -77,165.4 -77,165.8 -77,166.2 -77,166.6 -77,167 -77,167 -77.1,167 -77.2,167 -77.3,167 -77.4,167 -77.5,167 -77.6,167 -77.7,167 -77.8,167 -77.9,167 -78,166.6 -78,166.2 -78,165.8 -78,165.4 -78,165 -78,164.6 -78,164.2 -78,163.8 -78,163.4 -78,163 -78,163 -77.9,163 -77.8,163 -77.7,163 -77.6,163 -77.5,163 -77.4,163 -77.3,163 -77.2,163 -77.1,163 -77))"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Although we envision the coastal margins of Antarctica as an extreme environment challenging to the existence of life, there are many marine invertebrates that are adapted to live and thrive under the sea ice. For two field seasons, the SCUBA diving activities of this project routinely involved photographing these animals in all the dive locations as a way to document what we observed as the dominant organisms at each site. Ice diving is very strenuous for humans, and often the constraints of managing the work on a dive, monitoring air reserves, tracking proximity to the dive hole, and the 50 minute exposure to subfreezing temperatures limits a divers ability to \"catalog\" observations that are not essential to the current dive plan. The photographs archived here have provided the project\u0027s dive team with the ability to \"debrief\" following a dive and more or less reenact the dive by moving through the photograph images. Studying these images often served as a visual trigger for divers to recall more specific observations and in many cases details in the photographs were captured without the photographer (A. Marsh) realizing that they were there (such as small, cryptic species hiding in a shadow until the strobe light fires for the photo, illuminating these secondary subjects). These photographs are intended to serve as a record of what organisms we encountered in the McMurdo Sound area in 2004 and 2005. All photographs were taken with a Nikon D-70 in a polycarbonate underwater housing using either a 18 mm (wide) or 60 mm (macro) lens.", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Southern Ocean", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Southern Ocean; Antarctica", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Marsh, Adam G.", "project_titles": "CAREER: Genomic Networks for Cold-Adaptation in Embryos of Polar Marine Invertebrates", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000240", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "CAREER: Genomic Networks for Cold-Adaptation in Embryos of Polar Marine Invertebrates"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Marine Invertebrates of McMurdo Sound", "uid": "600034", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "9977306 Ryan, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 19 Jun 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": null, "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Ryan, Jeffrey", "project_titles": "The Role of the Forearc in Subduction Zone Chemical Cycles: Elemental and Isotopic Signatures of Forearc Serpentinites, ODP Leg 125", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000244", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Role of the Forearc in Subduction Zone Chemical Cycles: Elemental and Isotopic Signatures of Forearc Serpentinites, ODP Leg 125"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "B-Be-Li Abundance and Isotope Data: Mt. Erebus-McMurdo Volcanics", "uid": "600020", "west": null}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
Survey Metadata. All counts of Odontaster validus from SSWS surveys at the McMurdo Intake Jetty and Cinder Cones
1745130 |
2025-01-04 | Moran, Amy; Thurber, Andrew |
Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development |
Counts of Odontaster along 50-m transects at the McMurdo Intake Jetty (2019, 2020) and Cinder Cones (2022), including incidence of SSWS and staging of each visibly affected individual starfish. | [] | [] | false | false |
Benthic seawater temperature and conductivity measurements at six sites in McMurdo Sound
1745130 |
2025-01-02 | Moran, Amy |
Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development |
Temperature and conductivity measurements collected from Hobo loggers deployed ~3cm from the benthos at six sites around McMurdo Sound in 2021-2022 at depths of 20-30 m. | ["POLYGON((166 -77,166.08 -77,166.16 -77,166.24 -77,166.32 -77,166.4 -77,166.48000000000002 -77,166.56 -77,166.64000000000001 -77,166.72 -77,166.8 -77,166.8 -77.09,166.8 -77.18,166.8 -77.27,166.8 -77.36,166.8 -77.45,166.8 -77.54,166.8 -77.63000000000001,166.8 -77.72,166.8 -77.81,166.8 -77.9,166.72 -77.9,166.64000000000001 -77.9,166.56 -77.9,166.48000000000002 -77.9,166.4 -77.9,166.32 -77.9,166.24 -77.9,166.16 -77.9,166.08 -77.9,166 -77.9,166 -77.81,166 -77.72,166 -77.63000000000001,166 -77.54,166 -77.45,166 -77.36,166 -77.27,166 -77.18,166 -77.09,166 -77))"] | ["POINT(166.4 -77.45)"] | false | false |
Commonwealth Stream Diel Water Chemistry
1841228 |
2024-10-15 | Gardner, Christopher B. |
Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea |
Detailed water chemistry data from a collection of water samples at the delta of Commonwealth stream in Taylor Valley, Antarctica at even intervals across the day in 2020. The samples have been analyzed using a handheld meter for pH and temperature, ion chromatography for major ions, ICP-MS for iron concentrations | ["POINT(163.4863 -77.5607)"] | ["POINT(163.4863 -77.5607)"] | false | false |
Weddell seal metabolic hormone data
1246463 |
2024-10-04 | Kirkham, Amy |
The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals |
Weddell seal metabolic hormone data. Body composition data were generated following protocols described in Shero et al. 2014. Serum hormone concentrations were determined using immunoassays. IGF binding protein concentrations were determined using protocols described in Richmond et al. 2010 | ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.6 -75,163.2 -75,163.8 -75,164.4 -75,165 -75,165.6 -75,166.2 -75,166.8 -75,167.4 -75,168 -75,168 -75.4,168 -75.8,168 -76.2,168 -76.6,168 -77,168 -77.4,168 -77.8,168 -78.2,168 -78.6,168 -79,167.4 -79,166.8 -79,166.2 -79,165.6 -79,165 -79,164.4 -79,163.8 -79,163.2 -79,162.6 -79,162 -79,162 -78.6,162 -78.2,162 -77.8,162 -77.4,162 -77,162 -76.6,162 -76.2,162 -75.8,162 -75.4,162 -75))"] | ["POINT(165 -77)"] | false | false |
Lake Fryxell 2022-2023 benthic microbial mat thickness and number of laminae
2336354 1937748 |
2024-10-02 | Juarez Rivera, Marisol; Mackey, Tyler; Hawes, Ian; Paul, Ann; Sumner, Dawn |
RAPID: Is Biomass Mobilization at Ice-covered Lake Fryxell, Antarctica reaching a Critical Threshold? Seasonal Primary Productivity and Nitrogen Cycling in Photosynthetic Mats, Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This dataset contains measurements of microbial mat thickness and number of laminae from Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Holes were melted through the ice cover of Lake Fryxell, which allowed tethered divers to collect benthic microbial mats (non-liftoff and liftoff) and microbial mats at the ice-water interface (float mats). Benthic non-liftoff and liftoff mat samples were collected from 4.3 m (n=4), 6.1 m (n=4), and 7.9 m (n=4) depths. Float mats were collected from the ice-water interface above 4.3 m (n=4), 6.1 m (n=4), and 7.9 m (n=5) depths. The mats were dissected along vertical cross sections in the field to measure mat thickness and number of laminae. Additional funding for this work was provided by the NASA Solar System Workings Program (Award #80NSSC22K0709). | ["POINT(163.1146 -77.6078)"] | ["POINT(163.1146 -77.6078)"] | false | false |
Demographic data for Weddell Seal colonies in Erebus Bay through the 2023 Antarctic field season
1640481 2147553 |
2024-09-27 | Rotella, Jay |
The consequences of maternal effects and environmental conditions on offspring success in an Antarctic predator Collaborative Research: The Drivers and Role of Immigration in the Dynamics of the Largest Population of Weddell Seals in Antarctica under Changing Conditions |
The Erebus Bay population of Weddell seals in the Ross Sea of Antarctica is the most southerly breeding population of mammal in the world, closely associated with persistent shore-fast ice, and one that has been intensively studied since 1969. The resulting long-term database, which includes data for over 29,000 marked individuals, contains detailed population information that provides an excellent opportunity to study linkages between environmental conditions and demographic processes in the Antarctic. The study population is of special interest as the Ross Sea is one of the most productive areas of the Southern Ocean and one of the most pristine marine environments on the planet. The study provides long-term demographic data for individual seals. The Access database contains information for 3 types of data on Weddell seals for the period 1969-2023. (1) Mark-recapture Data with resighting records for all individuals tagged in and around the McMurdo Sound area, as well as seals tagged at White Island; (2) Mass Dynamics Data contains physical masses and photographic records and measurements that include the date, ID number, sex, age class, weight (if successfully collected), and perspectives from which photographs were collected for each sampling occurrence; and (3) Research Procedures Data contains records of handling and research procedures conducted on Erebus Bay Weddell seals by various research teams in recent years. <br/><br/> | ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.8 -75,163.6 -75,164.4 -75,165.2 -75,166 -75,166.8 -75,167.6 -75,168.4 -75,169.2 -75,170 -75,170 -75.38,170 -75.76,170 -76.14,170 -76.52,170 -76.9,170 -77.28,170 -77.66,170 -78.03999999999999,170 -78.42,170 -78.8,169.2 -78.8,168.4 -78.8,167.6 -78.8,166.8 -78.8,166 -78.8,165.2 -78.8,164.4 -78.8,163.6 -78.8,162.8 -78.8,162 -78.8,162 -78.42,162 -78.03999999999999,162 -77.66,162 -77.28,162 -76.9,162 -76.52,162 -76.14,162 -75.76,162 -75.38,162 -75))"] | ["POINT(166 -76.9)"] | false | false |
A seismic catalog for the southernmost continent
2023355 |
2024-06-26 | Pena Castro, Andres |
EAGER: Lowering the detection threshold of Antarctic seismicity to reveal undiscovered intraplate deformation |
This catalog/dataset contains 60,006 seismic events between magnitude (Mw) -1.0 and 4.5. It was obtained using publicly available seismic data from 2000 through 2020. The catalog was generated using a workflow that includes new and established software for earthquake detection (Mousavi et al., 2020; Woollam et al., 2022), association (Zhang et al., 2019), location (Lomax et al., 2000, 2009) and magnitude estimation (Satriano, 2022). Events in the catalog are located near volcanoes, outlet glaciers, ice shelves, and within the continental interior. The catalog thus includes events from diverse source processes (cryospheric, volcanic, and tectonic). Preliminary observations include thousands of events near Mount Erebus, Ross Island, and the McMurdo Sound region, repeated seismic events at Ice Streams or large glaciers, and deep long period events in Marie Byrd Land Executive Committee Range. The file contains the latitude, longitude, depth, origin time, Magnitude, errors in the locations and the RMS. More details of the data set and all relevant methods can be found in Pena Castro et al., 2024. | ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
Mount Overlord, northern Victoria Land. Age, mineralogical and geochemical data
8020002 |
2024-06-13 | Kyle, Philip |
Petrogenesis of the McMurdo Volcanic Group and the Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle in Victoria Land, Antarctica |
Ar/Ar age dates, electron microprobe analyses of mineral phase and geochemical analyses of rock samples are presented for samples collected at Mount Overlord and surrounded areas in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. | ["POLYGON((163.6 -73,163.76 -73,163.92 -73,164.07999999999998 -73,164.23999999999998 -73,164.39999999999998 -73,164.56 -73,164.72 -73,164.88 -73,165.04 -73,165.2 -73,165.2 -73.05,165.2 -73.1,165.2 -73.15,165.2 -73.2,165.2 -73.25,165.2 -73.3,165.2 -73.35,165.2 -73.4,165.2 -73.45,165.2 -73.5,165.04 -73.5,164.88 -73.5,164.72 -73.5,164.56 -73.5,164.39999999999998 -73.5,164.23999999999998 -73.5,164.07999999999998 -73.5,163.92 -73.5,163.76 -73.5,163.6 -73.5,163.6 -73.45,163.6 -73.4,163.6 -73.35,163.6 -73.3,163.6 -73.25,163.6 -73.2,163.6 -73.15,163.6 -73.1,163.6 -73.05,163.6 -73))"] | ["POINT(164.39999999999998 -73.25)"] | false | false |
Hyperspectral reflectance values and biophysicochemical properties of biocrusts and soils in the Fryxell Basin, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
2044924 |
2024-04-03 | Barrett, John | No project link provided | Microbial communities are the primary drivers of carbon cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Dense microbial mats, consisting mainly of photosynthetic cyanobacteria, occupy aquatic areas associated with streams and lakes. Other microbial communities also occur at lower densities as patchy surface biological soil crusts (biocrusts) across the terrestrial landscape. Multispectral satellite data have been used to model microbial mat abundance in high-density areas like stream and lake margins, but no previous studies had investigated the lower detection limits of biocrusts. Here, we describe remote sensing and field-based survey and sampling approaches to study the detectability and distribution of biocrusts in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Using a combination of multi- and hyperspectral tools and spectral linear unmixing, we modeled the abundances of biocrust in eastern Taylor Valley. Our spectral approaches can detect low masses of biocrust material in laboratory microcosms down to biocrust concentrations of 1% by mass. These techniques also distinguish the spectra of biocrust from both surface rock and mineral signatures from orbit. We found that biocrusts are present throughout the soils of eastern Taylor Valley and are associated with diverse underlying soil communities. The densest biocrust communities identified in this study had total organic carbon 5x greater than the content of typical arid soils. The most productive biocrusts were located downslope of melting snowpacks in unique soil ecosystems that are distinct from the surrounding arid landscape. There are similarities between the snowpack and stream sediment communities (high diversity of soil invertebrates) as well as their ecosystem properties (e.g., persistence of liquid water, high transfer of available nutrients, lower salinity from flushing) compared to the typical arid terrestrial ecosystem of the dry valleys. Our approach extends the capability of orbital remote sensing of photosynthetic communities out of the aquatic margins and into the drier soils which comprise most of this landscape. This interdisciplinary work is critical for measuring and monitoring terrestrial carbon stocks and predicting future ecosystem dynamics in this currently water-limited but increasingly dynamic Antarctic landscape, which is particularly climate-sensitive and difficult to access. | ["POLYGON((161.70776367188 -77.519802097166,161.899475097661 -77.519802097166,162.091186523442 -77.519802097166,162.282897949223 -77.519802097166,162.474609375004 -77.519802097166,162.666320800785 -77.519802097166,162.858032226566 -77.519802097166,163.049743652347 -77.519802097166,163.241455078128 -77.519802097166,163.433166503909 -77.519802097166,163.62487792969 -77.519802097166,163.62487792969 -77.54867059480199,163.62487792969 -77.57753909243799,163.62487792969 -77.606407590074,163.62487792969 -77.63527608771,163.62487792969 -77.664144585346,163.62487792969 -77.69301308298199,163.62487792969 -77.72188158061799,163.62487792969 -77.750750078254,163.62487792969 -77.77961857589,163.62487792969 -77.808487073526,163.433166503909 -77.808487073526,163.241455078128 -77.808487073526,163.049743652347 -77.808487073526,162.858032226566 -77.808487073526,162.666320800785 -77.808487073526,162.474609375004 -77.808487073526,162.282897949223 -77.808487073526,162.091186523442 -77.808487073526,161.899475097661 -77.808487073526,161.70776367188 -77.808487073526,161.70776367188 -77.77961857589,161.70776367188 -77.750750078254,161.70776367188 -77.72188158061799,161.70776367188 -77.69301308298199,161.70776367188 -77.664144585346,161.70776367188 -77.63527608771,161.70776367188 -77.606407590074,161.70776367188 -77.57753909243799,161.70776367188 -77.54867059480199,161.70776367188 -77.519802097166))"] | ["POINT(162.666320800785 -77.664144585346)"] | false | false |
A comparative and ontogenetic examination of mitochondrial function in Antarctic notothenioid species
1744999 |
2024-02-07 | Todgham, Anne; Mandic, Milica; Frazier, Amanda; Naslund, Andrew |
Interacting Stressors: Metabolic Capacity to Acclimate under Ocean Warming and CO2- Acidification in Early Developmental Stages of Antarctic Fishes |
In this study we examined aerobic metabolic capacity in three species, Trematomus bernacchii, T. pennellii and T. newnesi, and between two life stages, juvenile and adult, by assessing mitochondrial function of permeabilized cardiac fibers. | [] | [] | false | false |
Differential temperature preferences exhibited in the juvenile Antarctic notothenioids Trematomus bernacchii and Trematomus pennellii
1744999 |
2024-02-06 | Todgham, Anne; Naslund, Andrew; Zillig, Ken; Mandic, Milica; Frazier, Amanda |
Interacting Stressors: Metabolic Capacity to Acclimate under Ocean Warming and CO2- Acidification in Early Developmental Stages of Antarctic Fishes |
This dataset records temperature preference of two species of Antarctic nototheniod fishes, as described in the draft manuscript ‘Naslund et al. (Forthcoming 2024) Differential temperature preferences exhibited in the juvenile Antarctic notothenioids Trematomus bernacchii and Trematomus pennellii. | [] | [] | false | false |
Nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen isotopes in the shell of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki as a proxy for sea ice cover in Antarctica.
0739512 1745064 1745057 1745080 |
2024-02-05 | Gillikin, David; Puhalski, Emma; Camarra, Steve; Cronin, Kelly; Verheyden, Anouk; Walker, Sally |
Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past |
Adamussium colbecki is a large thin-shelled scallop common in Antarctic waters and well represented in the fossil record. Shell nitrogen isotopes in carbonate bound organic matter (d15NCBOM) have the potential to record sea ice state over time. Recent studies illustrated that d15NCBOM values provide a similar proxy as soft tissue d15N values which are in turn are predicably related to food d15N values (Gillikin et al., 2017, GCA, 200, 55–66, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.12.008). Sea-ice organic N should have higher d15N values compared to open water organics due to nitrate draw down in the ice (Fripiat et al., 2014, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 28, 115–130, doi:10.1002/2013GB004729). To test this hypothesis we analyzed A. colbecki shells from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails, western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. These sites have different sea ice states: persistent (multiannual) sea ice at Explorers Cove and annual sea ice (that melts out every year) at Bay of Sails. Six adults shells collected at these sites in 2008 (3 from each site) and two juveniles collected in 2016 from Explorers Cove were be serially sampled for d15NCBOM values from the growing shell margin to the umbo. d15NCBOM values from Explorers Cove with persistent sea ice cover were consistently higher (+10 ± 0.7 ‰) than those from Bay of Sails where the sea ice melts out every year (+8 ± 0.5 ‰; t-test p<0.0001). d15NCBOM data from Mid- to Late Holocene shells that grew in these locations will also be presented. We posit that nitrogen isotopes in A. colbecki shells have a high potential to record sea ice cover. | [] | [] | false | false |
Stable isotopes of Oxygen and Carbon in Adamissium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails
1745080 0739512 1745057 1341612 1745064 |
2024-01-12 | Cronin, Kelly; Gillikin, David; Puhalski, Emma; Camarra, Steve; Andrus, Fred; Perez-Huerta, Alberto; Verheyden, Anouk; Bowser, Samuel S.; Walker, Sally |
Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past |
This dataset contains stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen sampled from 6 adult and 2 juvenile Adamussium colbecki valves. Three of the adults were collected live from Bay of Sails. Three of the adults and the two juveniles were collected from Explorers Cove. | ["POLYGON((163 -77.2,163.2 -77.2,163.4 -77.2,163.6 -77.2,163.8 -77.2,164 -77.2,164.2 -77.2,164.4 -77.2,164.6 -77.2,164.8 -77.2,165 -77.2,165 -77.25,165 -77.3,165 -77.35000000000001,165 -77.4,165 -77.45,165 -77.5,165 -77.55,165 -77.60000000000001,165 -77.65,165 -77.7,164.8 -77.7,164.6 -77.7,164.4 -77.7,164.2 -77.7,164 -77.7,163.8 -77.7,163.6 -77.7,163.4 -77.7,163.2 -77.7,163 -77.7,163 -77.65,163 -77.60000000000001,163 -77.55,163 -77.5,163 -77.45,163 -77.4,163 -77.35000000000001,163 -77.3,163 -77.25,163 -77.2))"] | ["POINT(164 -77.45)"] | false | false |
Egg diameters of Colossendeis megalonyx
1745130 |
2023-07-24 | Moran, Amy |
Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development |
Measurements of the longest diameters of 17 eggs of Colossendeis megalonyx, laid on October 25 2021 and photographed on October 27 2021. | ["POLYGON((163 -76,163.3 -76,163.6 -76,163.9 -76,164.2 -76,164.5 -76,164.8 -76,165.1 -76,165.4 -76,165.7 -76,166 -76,166 -76.2,166 -76.4,166 -76.6,166 -76.8,166 -77,166 -77.2,166 -77.4,166 -77.6,166 -77.8,166 -78,165.7 -78,165.4 -78,165.1 -78,164.8 -78,164.5 -78,164.2 -78,163.9 -78,163.6 -78,163.3 -78,163 -78,163 -77.8,163 -77.6,163 -77.4,163 -77.2,163 -77,163 -76.8,163 -76.6,163 -76.4,163 -76.2,163 -76))"] | ["POINT(164.5 -77)"] | false | false |
Video of Colossendeis megalonyx behavior around egg mass
1745130 |
2023-07-24 | Moran, Amy; Lobert, Graham |
Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development |
This video shows the behavior of an adult of Colossendeis megalonyx around a recently-deposited egg mass from a mating group of the same species. The egg mass is indicated by a white circle and label that appears close to the beginning of the video. The adult can be seen manipulating the egg mass with its ovigerous legs (long, with scoop at the end) and palps (shorter). Next to the adult and egg mass are two other Colossendeis in mating posture. The video was taken by Graham Lobert on November 1, 2021 on a GoPro Hero Black at a timelapse rate of one frame per second, played back at 30 fps. The egg mass is approximately three cm across the short diameter. | ["POLYGON((166.66 -77.84,166.661 -77.84,166.662 -77.84,166.66299999999998 -77.84,166.664 -77.84,166.665 -77.84,166.666 -77.84,166.667 -77.84,166.66799999999998 -77.84,166.66899999999998 -77.84,166.67 -77.84,166.67 -77.84100000000001,166.67 -77.842,166.67 -77.843,166.67 -77.844,166.67 -77.845,166.67 -77.846,166.67 -77.847,166.67 -77.848,166.67 -77.84899999999999,166.67 -77.85,166.66899999999998 -77.85,166.66799999999998 -77.85,166.667 -77.85,166.666 -77.85,166.665 -77.85,166.664 -77.85,166.66299999999998 -77.85,166.662 -77.85,166.661 -77.85,166.66 -77.85,166.66 -77.84899999999999,166.66 -77.848,166.66 -77.847,166.66 -77.846,166.66 -77.845,166.66 -77.844,166.66 -77.843,166.66 -77.842,166.66 -77.84100000000001,166.66 -77.84))"] | ["POINT(166.665 -77.845)"] | false | false |
Surface Water Geochemistry from the McMurdo Dry Valleys
1847067 |
2023-06-26 | Levy, Joseph |
Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst & Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy |
This dataset contains major ion data for surface and near-surface waters from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, determined through ion chromatography. Water types include snow and ice melt sources, streams and rivers, water track groundwater, pond water, and lake water. | ["POLYGON((161 -76,161.34 -76,161.68 -76,162.02 -76,162.36 -76,162.7 -76,163.04 -76,163.38 -76,163.72 -76,164.06 -76,164.4 -76,164.4 -76.2,164.4 -76.4,164.4 -76.6,164.4 -76.8,164.4 -77,164.4 -77.2,164.4 -77.4,164.4 -77.6,164.4 -77.8,164.4 -78,164.06 -78,163.72 -78,163.38 -78,163.04 -78,162.7 -78,162.36 -78,162.02 -78,161.68 -78,161.34 -78,161 -78,161 -77.8,161 -77.6,161 -77.4,161 -77.2,161 -77,161 -76.8,161 -76.6,161 -76.4,161 -76.2,161 -76))"] | ["POINT(162.7 -77)"] | false | false |
Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop Report
2130663 |
2023-05-18 | Andreasen, Julia; Roop, Heidi A; Pundsack, Jonathan W; Howe, Bruce; Jacobs, Gwen; Lassner, David; Yoshimi, Garrett; Timm, Kristin; Neff, Peter |
2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science |
Final report of the 2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop, held virtually June 29 - July 1. The National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded workshop addressed questions around the value and feasibility of deploying a new optical fiber submarine cable system that would supply high-speed internet connectivity to McMurdo Station to address the severe network bandwidth bottlenecks that currently constrain scientific research in Antarctica. | [] | [] | false | false |
Biogeochemical measurements of water tracks and adjacent dry soils from the McMurdo Dry Valleys
1847067 |
2023-05-01 | Levy, Joseph |
Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst & Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy |
This dataset contains soil properties data from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, focused on the properties of water tracks and adjacent dry soils. The dataset is surface and near-surface soil sample data, including sample location, water content by weight, organic matter content by weight, soluble salt extract composition by ion, and cation exchange extract concentrations from the soils. | ["POLYGON((160.6263 -77.575,160.91780999999997 -77.575,161.20932 -77.575,161.50083 -77.575,161.79234 -77.575,162.08384999999998 -77.575,162.37536 -77.575,162.66687000000002 -77.575,162.95838 -77.575,163.24989 -77.575,163.5414 -77.575,163.5414 -77.6003,163.5414 -77.6256,163.5414 -77.65090000000001,163.5414 -77.67620000000001,163.5414 -77.70150000000001,163.5414 -77.7268,163.5414 -77.7521,163.5414 -77.7774,163.5414 -77.8027,163.5414 -77.828,163.24989 -77.828,162.95838 -77.828,162.66687000000002 -77.828,162.37536 -77.828,162.08384999999998 -77.828,161.79234 -77.828,161.50083 -77.828,161.20932 -77.828,160.91780999999997 -77.828,160.6263 -77.828,160.6263 -77.8027,160.6263 -77.7774,160.6263 -77.7521,160.6263 -77.7268,160.6263 -77.70150000000001,160.6263 -77.67620000000001,160.6263 -77.65090000000001,160.6263 -77.6256,160.6263 -77.6003,160.6263 -77.575))"] | ["POINT(162.08384999999998 -77.70150000000001)"] | false | false |
I-165-M GPR Field Report 2019-2020
1744993 |
2023-03-03 | Nesbitt, Ian; Brook, Edward J. |
Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area |
This document details the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) collection activities carried out by I. Nesbitt in the Allan Hills during the 2019-2020 field season. This document is intended as an informal catalogue of the fild work and post-processing activities performed at the Allan Hills and later at McMurdo and elsewhere. It contains preliminary post-processing and analysis only. Any interpretation made and presented in this report based on the data herein is subject to change pending further examination. GPR was used to examine sub-ice bedrock topography and the stratigraphic relationship between two shallow ice core drill sites (CMC1 and CMC2), as well as to explore potential future drill sites. In accordance with. the project's objective to drill and analyze ancient ice at relatively shallow depths, the two main features of interest in this study are 1) bedrock topographic features in which ancient ice could be trapped, and 2) englacial stratigraphic layers, especially those which may represent large age discontinuities. | ["POLYGON((159.16667 -76.66667,159.19167000000002 -76.66667,159.21667000000002 -76.66667,159.24167 -76.66667,159.26667 -76.66667,159.29167 -76.66667,159.31667000000002 -76.66667,159.34167000000002 -76.66667,159.36667 -76.66667,159.39167 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.66667,159.41667 -76.67333599999999,159.41667 -76.680002,159.41667 -76.686668,159.41667 -76.693334,159.41667 -76.69999999999999,159.41667 -76.706666,159.41667 -76.713332,159.41667 -76.71999799999999,159.41667 -76.726664,159.41667 -76.73333,159.39167 -76.73333,159.36667 -76.73333,159.34167000000002 -76.73333,159.31667000000002 -76.73333,159.29167 -76.73333,159.26667 -76.73333,159.24167 -76.73333,159.21667000000002 -76.73333,159.19167000000002 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.73333,159.16667 -76.726664,159.16667 -76.71999799999999,159.16667 -76.713332,159.16667 -76.706666,159.16667 -76.69999999999999,159.16667 -76.693334,159.16667 -76.686668,159.16667 -76.680002,159.16667 -76.67333599999999,159.16667 -76.66667))"] | ["POINT(159.29167 -76.69999999999999)"] | false | false |
Sedation dose and response
1543539 |
2022-12-13 | Pearson, Linnea |
RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments |
These data were collected in 2017 and 2019 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Included are reported dose of sedation drugs administered to Weddell seal pups during a longitudinal study at 4 age timepoints during early devleopment. Vital signs including heart rate (HR) and respiration rate (RR) during sedation are included, as are reactions to the drugs, such as if and how many apnea events were recorded, whether an animal exhibited cyanosis. This study was conducted with ethical approval from NOAA Fisheries under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (permit # 21006-01), the Antarctic Conservation Act (permit # 2018-013 M#1) and the California Polytechnic University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (#1605 and 1904). | [] | [] | false | false |
Profile CTD Data During Installation of AMIGOS-III Cavity and Channel On-Ice Moorings
1738913 |
2022-12-01 | SCAMBOS, Ted |
NSF-NERC The Future of Thwaites Glacier and its Contribution to Sea-level Rise Science Coordination Office |
CTD data (date-time, device ID, conductivity, raw temperature, pressure, and salinity) for four CTD units recorded as they were lowered through the ice-shelf boreholes at the two sites and into the underlying ocean during installation. Cavity AMIGOS-III station CTDs were installed on 30-31 December 2019 (earlier data are from a salt-water tank in McMurdo); Channel AMIGOS-III CTDs were installed on 12 January 2020. | ["POLYGON((-105.6 -75.05,-105.58 -75.05,-105.56 -75.05,-105.53999999999999 -75.05,-105.52 -75.05,-105.5 -75.05,-105.48 -75.05,-105.46000000000001 -75.05,-105.44 -75.05,-105.42 -75.05,-105.4 -75.05,-105.4 -75.05499999999999,-105.4 -75.06,-105.4 -75.065,-105.4 -75.07,-105.4 -75.07499999999999,-105.4 -75.08,-105.4 -75.085,-105.4 -75.08999999999999,-105.4 -75.095,-105.4 -75.1,-105.42 -75.1,-105.44 -75.1,-105.46000000000001 -75.1,-105.48 -75.1,-105.5 -75.1,-105.52 -75.1,-105.53999999999999 -75.1,-105.56 -75.1,-105.58 -75.1,-105.6 -75.1,-105.6 -75.095,-105.6 -75.08999999999999,-105.6 -75.085,-105.6 -75.08,-105.6 -75.07499999999999,-105.6 -75.07,-105.6 -75.065,-105.6 -75.06,-105.6 -75.05499999999999,-105.6 -75.05))"] | ["POINT(-105.5 -75.07499999999999)"] | false | false |
Walcott Glacier Exposure Data
1643248 |
2022-10-21 | Hall, Brenda |
Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming |
This dataset includes beryllium-10 surface exposure data collected in conjunction with a glacial history project in the Walcott Bay region of southern McMurdo Sound. The data are presented in the conventional CRONUS input format. | ["POLYGON((163 -78.2,163.05 -78.2,163.1 -78.2,163.15 -78.2,163.2 -78.2,163.25 -78.2,163.3 -78.2,163.35 -78.2,163.4 -78.2,163.45 -78.2,163.5 -78.2,163.5 -78.21000000000001,163.5 -78.22,163.5 -78.23,163.5 -78.24,163.5 -78.25,163.5 -78.26,163.5 -78.27,163.5 -78.28,163.5 -78.28999999999999,163.5 -78.3,163.45 -78.3,163.4 -78.3,163.35 -78.3,163.3 -78.3,163.25 -78.3,163.2 -78.3,163.15 -78.3,163.1 -78.3,163.05 -78.3,163 -78.3,163 -78.28999999999999,163 -78.28,163 -78.27,163 -78.26,163 -78.25,163 -78.24,163 -78.23,163 -78.22,163 -78.21000000000001,163 -78.2))"] | ["POINT(163.25 -78.25)"] | false | false |
Data and metadata for "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems"
1543344 |
2022-08-16 | Demirel-Floyd, Cansu |
Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems |
This data file contains locations and descriptions of the samples collected for the NSF project titled "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems". Data collected includes BET surface area, LPSA grain size, granulometry, mineralogy (XRD) and whole rock geochemistry (ICP-MS). | ["POLYGON((162.322717 -77.417633,162.444362 -77.417633,162.566007 -77.417633,162.687652 -77.417633,162.80929700000002 -77.417633,162.93094200000002 -77.417633,163.052587 -77.417633,163.174232 -77.417633,163.295877 -77.417633,163.417522 -77.417633,163.539167 -77.417633,163.539167 -77.4501507,163.539167 -77.4826684,163.539167 -77.5151861,163.539167 -77.5477038,163.539167 -77.5802215,163.539167 -77.61273920000001,163.539167 -77.6452569,163.539167 -77.6777746,163.539167 -77.7102923,163.539167 -77.74281,163.417522 -77.74281,163.295877 -77.74281,163.174232 -77.74281,163.052587 -77.74281,162.93094200000002 -77.74281,162.80929700000002 -77.74281,162.687652 -77.74281,162.566007 -77.74281,162.444362 -77.74281,162.322717 -77.74281,162.322717 -77.7102923,162.322717 -77.6777746,162.322717 -77.6452569,162.322717 -77.61273920000001,162.322717 -77.5802215,162.322717 -77.5477038,162.322717 -77.5151861,162.322717 -77.4826684,162.322717 -77.4501507,162.322717 -77.417633))"] | ["POINT(162.93094200000002 -77.5802215)"] | false | false |
Weddell seal iron dynamics and oxygen stores across lactation
1246463 |
2022-07-05 | Shero, Michelle |
Collaborative Research: Physiological and Genetic Correlates of Reproductive Success in High- versus Low-Quality Weddell seals The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals |
The profound impacts that maternal provisioning of finite energy resources has on offspring survival have been extensively studied across mammals. However, in addition to calories, we tested whether high hemoprotein concentrations in diving mammals necessitates exceptional female-to-pup iron transfer. To answer this question adult female Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) were handled across the austral summer. This included post-partum females during lactation and post-weaning. To demonstrate that any observed changes in iron dynamics were due to lactation, equivalent skip-breeding females (i.e., that did not produce a pup) were also handled. We measured numerous indices of iron mobilization (ferritin, serum iron, total-iron-binding-capacity, transferrin saturation, milk iron concentration), hemoprotein concentrations, and oxygen stores. | ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.6 -75,163.2 -75,163.8 -75,164.4 -75,165 -75,165.6 -75,166.2 -75,166.8 -75,167.4 -75,168 -75,168 -75.4,168 -75.8,168 -76.2,168 -76.6,168 -77,168 -77.4,168 -77.8,168 -78.2,168 -78.6,168 -79,167.4 -79,166.8 -79,166.2 -79,165.6 -79,165 -79,164.4 -79,163.8 -79,163.2 -79,162.6 -79,162 -79,162 -78.6,162 -78.2,162 -77.8,162 -77.4,162 -77,162 -76.6,162 -76.2,162 -75.8,162 -75.4,162 -75))"] | ["POINT(165 -77)"] | false | false |
1970s - 1980s Kooyman-Billups TDR Dive Records from Weddell Seals in McMurdo Sound
1246463 |
2022-05-09 | Tsai, EmmaLi |
The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals |
This dataset includes dive records from Weddell seals located in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica from the austral summers of 1978, 1979, and 1981 using Kooyman-Billups Time Depth Recorders. The data were recovered from photocopied paper scrolls using a code package (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14025657). This recovery process involved record scanning, image processing, and bias correction such that the historic data are directly comparable with dive data from modern instruments. This dataset contains the scanned images of the paper dive records (KBTDR_record_scans) and comma-separated value files of the dive data after recovery (KBTDR_data). Only records from McMurdo Sound were recovered, but record scans from Terra Nova Bay and White Island are also provided for future long-term studies on diving behavior. | ["POINT(165 -77)"] | ["POINT(165 -77)"] | false | false |
Royal Society Range Headland Moraine Belt Radiocarbon Data
0944150 |
2022-04-20 | Hall, Brenda |
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles |
This dataset contains radiocarbon dates of benthic algal (cyanobacterial) mats within moraines associated with Ross Sea drift on the headlands of the Royal Society Range and covers the time period ~12-20 ka. | ["POLYGON((163.5 -77.3,163.65 -77.3,163.8 -77.3,163.95 -77.3,164.1 -77.3,164.25 -77.3,164.4 -77.3,164.55 -77.3,164.7 -77.3,164.85 -77.3,165 -77.3,165 -77.39,165 -77.48,165 -77.57,165 -77.66,165 -77.75,165 -77.84,165 -77.93,165 -78.02,165 -78.11,165 -78.2,164.85 -78.2,164.7 -78.2,164.55 -78.2,164.4 -78.2,164.25 -78.2,164.1 -78.2,163.95 -78.2,163.8 -78.2,163.65 -78.2,163.5 -78.2,163.5 -78.11,163.5 -78.02,163.5 -77.93,163.5 -77.84,163.5 -77.75,163.5 -77.66,163.5 -77.57,163.5 -77.48,163.5 -77.39,163.5 -77.3))"] | ["POINT(164.25 -77.75)"] | false | false |
Salmon Valley Radiocarbon Data
0944150 |
2022-04-20 | Hall, Brenda |
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles |
This dataset includes radiocarbon dates of benthic algal mats associated with last glacial maximum Ross Sea drift in Salmon Valley, Royal Society Range. | ["POLYGON((163.7 -77.9,163.79 -77.9,163.88 -77.9,163.97 -77.9,164.06 -77.9,164.15 -77.9,164.24 -77.9,164.33 -77.9,164.42 -77.9,164.51 -77.9,164.6 -77.9,164.6 -77.91,164.6 -77.92,164.6 -77.93,164.6 -77.94,164.6 -77.95,164.6 -77.96,164.6 -77.97,164.6 -77.98,164.6 -77.99,164.6 -78,164.51 -78,164.42 -78,164.33 -78,164.24 -78,164.15 -78,164.06 -78,163.97 -78,163.88 -78,163.79 -78,163.7 -78,163.7 -77.99,163.7 -77.98,163.7 -77.97,163.7 -77.96,163.7 -77.95,163.7 -77.94,163.7 -77.93,163.7 -77.92,163.7 -77.91,163.7 -77.9))"] | ["POINT(164.15 -77.95)"] | false | false |
metabolic measurements
1543539 |
2022-02-18 | Pearson, Linnea |
RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments |
Oxygen consumption of Weddell seal pups (n = 8) placed in a metabolic chamber filed with air or water. Data were collected during 2017 and 2019. Each pup was measured every 2 weeks starting from 1 week of age to 7 weeks of age, resulting in 4 age timepoints. | [] | [] | false | false |
Analysis of striae groups and interstrial increments from Adamussium colbecki valves from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails
1745057 |
2021-08-12 | Cronin, Kelly; Walker, Sally |
Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past |
This data set includes measurements of shell growth between striae (small, comarginal ridges on valve surfaces) and visual analysis of striae groups. The script analyses the variation among striae groups, and time series analysis of interstrial increments. | ["POLYGON((163.4 -77.3,163.46 -77.3,163.52 -77.3,163.58 -77.3,163.64 -77.3,163.7 -77.3,163.76 -77.3,163.82 -77.3,163.88 -77.3,163.94 -77.3,164 -77.3,164 -77.33,164 -77.36,164 -77.39,164 -77.42,164 -77.45,164 -77.48,164 -77.51,164 -77.54,164 -77.57,164 -77.6,163.94 -77.6,163.88 -77.6,163.82 -77.6,163.76 -77.6,163.7 -77.6,163.64 -77.6,163.58 -77.6,163.52 -77.6,163.46 -77.6,163.4 -77.6,163.4 -77.57,163.4 -77.54,163.4 -77.51,163.4 -77.48,163.4 -77.45,163.4 -77.42,163.4 -77.39,163.4 -77.36,163.4 -77.33,163.4 -77.3))"] | ["POINT(163.7 -77.45)"] | false | false |
Annual growth of Adamussium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails
1745057 |
2021-08-11 | Cronin, Kelly; Walker, Sally |
Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past |
This dataset contains yearly growth increments (mm) of live-collected Adamussium colbecki from Explorers Cove and Bay of Sails in Western McMurdo Sound. Annual growth is delineated by annuli (external growth bands; see Cronin et al., 2020). Straight length measurements were taken with digital calipers from umbo to ventral margin along the central axis. The purpose of data collection was to compare growth and lifespan of A. colbecki under annual and multiannual sea ice. | ["POLYGON((163.4 -77.3,163.46 -77.3,163.52 -77.3,163.58 -77.3,163.64 -77.3,163.7 -77.3,163.76 -77.3,163.82 -77.3,163.88 -77.3,163.94 -77.3,164 -77.3,164 -77.33,164 -77.36,164 -77.39,164 -77.42,164 -77.45,164 -77.48,164 -77.51,164 -77.54,164 -77.57,164 -77.6,163.94 -77.6,163.88 -77.6,163.82 -77.6,163.76 -77.6,163.7 -77.6,163.64 -77.6,163.58 -77.6,163.52 -77.6,163.46 -77.6,163.4 -77.6,163.4 -77.57,163.4 -77.54,163.4 -77.51,163.4 -77.48,163.4 -77.45,163.4 -77.42,163.4 -77.39,163.4 -77.36,163.4 -77.33,163.4 -77.3))"] | ["POINT(163.7 -77.45)"] | false | false |
Particle-size measurements for diamictites AND-2A sediment core, McMurdo Sound
0838842 |
2021-06-14 | Passchier, Sandra; Hansen, Melissa A. |
Determining Middle Miocene through Pliocene Changes in Paleo Ice-flow and Basal Ice Conditions in East Antarctica through Sedimentological Analyses of Core Samples |
This dataset contains measurements of particle-size distributions on four intervals of diamicitites from ANDRILL Site AND-2A. Carbonate, and organic matter were removed through addition of 10mL aliquots of 30% H2O2 and 2mL aliquots of 10% HCl to ~50-100mL suspension on a hot plate. Dispersion was through heating with sodium pyrophosphate. Samples were measured on a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 with a Hydro 2000MU (A) accessory, using a Refractive index of 1.544 (Quartz) and an absorption coefficient of 0.9. Results are in (vol. %) per size class, with diameter range equivalent to the diameter of spheres with the same volume as measured particles. | ["POINT(167.0833 -77.8889)"] | ["POINT(167.0833 -77.8889)"] | false | false |
Particle-size measurements at 3-m intervals for AND-2A sediment core, McMurdo Sound
0342484 |
2021-06-14 | Passchier, Sandra; Candice, Falk |
Collaborative Research: ANDRILL - - Investigating Antarcticas Role in Cenozoic Global Environmental Change |
This dataset contains measurements of particle-size distributions on sediment from ANDRILL Site AND-2A. Carbonate, and organic matter were removed through addition of 10mL aliquots of 30% H2O2 and 2mL aliquots of 10% HCl to ~50-100mL suspension on a hot plate. Dispersion was through heating with sodium pyrophosphate. Samples were measured on a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 with a Hydro 2000MU (A) accessory, using a Refractive index of 1.544 (Quartz) and an absorption coefficient of 0.9. Results are in (vol. %) per size class, with diameter range equivalent to the diameter of spheres with the same volume as measured particles. | ["POINT(167 -78)"] | ["POINT(167 -78)"] | false | false |
TDR and weather data
1543539 |
2021-02-26 | Pearson, Linnea; Weitzner, Emma; Liwanag, Heather |
RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments |
This dataset contains dive records from 18 Weddell seal pups collected during 2017 and 2019. Additionally, there are weather data taken during the same time period from a temporary weather station at Turtle Rock. | ["POINT(166 -77)"] | ["POINT(166 -77)"] | false | false |
McMurdo Weather Station Climatology Data (2002)
None | 2021-01-20 | Noojin, Matthew | No project link provided | Monthly climatology data from 2002 recorded at McMurdo Weather Station. | [] | [] | false | false |
High-resolution nearshore benthic seawater temperature from around McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)
1644196 |
2021-01-03 | Cziko, Paul |
Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes |
Nearshore benthic seawater temperature (plus pressure and salinity for some sites) in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica for 2017-2019. Data includes those from standalone temperature (sometimes pressure) for several sites around McMurdo Sound as well as data from the cabled McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory moored conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor at the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty. Data are from high precision SeaBird sensors (SBE56, SBE39, SBE19Plus and SBE37), with sample intervals from 90 sec to 15 min, depending on site. Sampled sites include Explorer's Cove at New Harbor, Cape Evans, Granite Harbor, and the McMurdo Station jetty. All sensors were deployed near or on the benthos at 20-25 m deep, in typical nearshore benthic fish and invertebrate habitat. | ["POLYGON((162.647931 -77.000624,163.049652 -77.000624,163.451373 -77.000624,163.853094 -77.000624,164.254815 -77.000624,164.656536 -77.000624,165.058257 -77.000624,165.459978 -77.000624,165.861699 -77.000624,166.26342 -77.000624,166.665141 -77.000624,166.665141 -77.0856883,166.665141 -77.1707526,166.665141 -77.2558169,166.665141 -77.3408812,166.665141 -77.4259455,166.665141 -77.5110098,166.665141 -77.5960741,166.665141 -77.6811384,166.665141 -77.7662027,166.665141 -77.851267,166.26342 -77.851267,165.861699 -77.851267,165.459978 -77.851267,165.058257 -77.851267,164.656536 -77.851267,164.254815 -77.851267,163.853094 -77.851267,163.451373 -77.851267,163.049652 -77.851267,162.647931 -77.851267,162.647931 -77.7662027,162.647931 -77.6811384,162.647931 -77.5960741,162.647931 -77.5110098,162.647931 -77.4259455,162.647931 -77.3408812,162.647931 -77.2558169,162.647931 -77.1707526,162.647931 -77.0856883,162.647931 -77.000624))"] | ["POINT(164.656536 -77.4259455)"] | false | false |
Long-term underwater images from around a single mooring site in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)
1644196 |
2020-12-29 | Cziko, Paul |
Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes |
Long-term images taken by the camera from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory mooring in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during its 2-year deployment (2017-2019). The mooring was situated at the seawater terminus of the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty at 21 m deep, typically under thick sea ice cover. The automated 360° pan-tilt-zoom (ptz) camera, inside of an air-filled self-cleaning dome, was programmed to move to 42 ptz "waypoints" every hour and take a still 1920x1080 JPG image for archiving. Lights, oriented in one direction only, illuminated a rock/rubble slope for much of each winter, when there was no natural illumination. The camera was situated on a concrete block, which elevated the camera about 1m off of the seabed. Motile and sessile benthic biota, including notothenioid fishes, anemones, pycnogonids, asteroids, soft-corals, sponges, and nudibranchs are commonly seen in the images. Some ptz waypoints survey the water column and underside of the sea ice, capturing also the presence of larval/juvenile fishes and other plankton/nekton in the water column. Maximum intervals between subsequent images from the same ptz waypoint were about 1 hour, though many waypoints were captured at somewhat higher frequency. Interval images, taken at 5-min intervals irrespective of camera orientation, were also captured. Images are occasionally obscured/impacted by the camera dome's wiper, darkness, low visibility, minor fouling of the camera dome, and out-of-focus lens elements. | ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"] | ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"] | false | false |
Long-term broadband underwater acoustic recordings from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)
1644196 |
2020-12-29 | Cziko, Paul |
Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes |
Broadband underwater acoustic recordings from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory mooring near the seaward terminus of the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty. An omnidirectional Ocean Sonics icListen hydrophone (SB2-ETH, SN 1713) recorded continuously at 512 kilosamples/second (256 kHz Nyquist frequency; 24 bit) for 2 years. The hydrophone was mounted vertically on a steel strut (insulated with rubber sheet) at about 70 cm above the mud/gravel seabed at 21m deep, with the sloping 45° rubble face of the jetty just behind the hydrophone. Temporal coverage is >90%, with gaps and truncated files arising due to network and power outages and software bugs. The audio recordings are 10 minute WAV files, compressed using the lossless FLAC code (Free Lossless Audio Codec, xiph.org; about 33MB of data/minute compressed; 100MB/min uncompressed). The hydrophone was under thick (to 3 m) sea ice cover for the majority of the dataset. The majority of the recorded biological sounds were produced by Weddell seals. Orca were present intermittently (~10 days total) in January-March in both summers. Known non-biological sounds include irregular low-intensity, broad-spectrum clicks and cracks from the sea ice cover, occasional wind noise, a 1.5-s gurgle with components to 200kHz every 90s from the CTD’s pump, a broad-spectrum mechanical sound for 3 min every 4 h from the observatory's underwater camera cleaning system, low-intensity whines (about 18, 58, 83, and 130 kHz, though variable over the dataset) thought to be from the station seawater pumps (>100 m away within the jetty’s well casing), and intermittent noises from tracked-vehicles and helicopters (September–February), SCUBA divers (October–December), and ships (January). Given hosting limitations, only every 6th file (roughly 10min/hour) has been archived here. Additional data can be obtained by contacting the primary author of the dataset, who will maintain it for as long as possible. Audio spectrogram images (PNGs) at three frequency ranges (three stacked panels per image, upper limits of 2.5, 25, and 256 kHz) from the entire dataset (all data, not subsampled) are also archived separately. | ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"] | ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"] | false | false |
Ice-penetrating radar internal stratigraphy over Dome C and the wider East Antarctic Plateau
0733025 1443690 0941678 0424589 |
2020-12-18 | Cavitte, Marie G. P; Young, Duncan A.; Mulvaney, Robert; Ritz, Catherine; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Kempf, Scott D.; Quartini, Enrica; Muldoon, Gail R.; Paden, John; Frezzotti, Massimo; Roberts, Jason; Tozer, Carly; Schroeder, Dustin; Blankenship, Donald D. |
Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP) Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP) |
The data set published here consists of 26 ice-penetrating radar IRHs (internal reflecting horizons) which were traced across multiple ice-penetrating radar surveys that deployed several generations of modern ice-penetrating radar sounders over a decade, between 2008 and 2018, over the Dome C region of the East Antarctic Plateau. The data set is associated to publication: Cavitte, M. G. P, Young, D. A, Mulvaney, R., Ritz, C., Greenbaum, J. S., Ng, G., Kempf, S. D., Quartini, E., Muldoon, G. R., Paden, J., Frezzotti, M., Roberts, J. L. , Tozer, C. R. , Schroeder, D. M. and Blankenship, D. D. A detailed radiostratigraphic data set for the central East Antarctic Plateau spanning from the Holocene to the mid-Pleistocene, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4759–4777, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4759-2021. We can subdivide the radar sounders used into three sets. The primary set was collected by the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) and the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) as part of the ICECAP project) between 2008 and 2015. This includes the Oldest Ice candidate A (OIA) survey flown by ICECAP in January 2016. Data were collected with the High Capacity Airborne Radar Sounder (HiCARS) 1 & 2 and its Multifrequency Airborne Radar-sounder for Full-phase Assessment (MARFA) descendant. The data was collected from a DC-3T Basler which operated from Concordia Station. The second set consists of the Vostok-Dome C airborne radar transect was flown by the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) at the University of Kansas using the Multi-Channel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder (MCoRDS) in a single flight line in 2013. A P-3 Orion operating from McMurdo Station collected these data as part of NASA Operation Ice Bridge. The third set consists of a subset of the LDC ground-based radar survey, towed behind a PistenBully PB300 tractor, collected by the Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice (BE-OI) European Consortium using the British Antarctic Survey’s (BAS) Deep Looking Radio Echo Sounder (DELORES) radar system. Each IRH has been traced in all three radar sets and is published here as a single csv and netcdf file. Formats are self-documented in these csv/netcdf files. Where HiCARS and MCoRDS radar transects are used, the IRH is provided at a 1 km spatial resolution, where DELORES radar transects are used, the IRH is provided at a 250 m spatial resolution. The 26 IRHs published here were traced semi-automatically by first author Marie Cavitte, using Landmark's Decision Space Desktop software and its built-in picker. The IRHs are dated at the EDC ice core using the AICC2012 timescale (Veres et al., 2013; Bazin et al., 2013). Ice core ages are transferred onto the IRHs on radar transect MCM/JKB1a/EDMC01a at distance_m (column in the data sets) = 110.153 m along the transect. That radar point of closest approach is 94 m away from the ice core site. Depth and age uncertainties associated to each IRH are quantified n the associated publication: Cavitte, M. G. P, Young, D. A, Mulvaney, R., Ritz, C., Greenbaum, J. S., Ng, G., Kempf, S. D., Quartini, E., Muldoon, G. R., Paden, J., Frezzotti, M., Roberts, J. L. , Tozer, C. R. , Schroeder, D. M. and Blankenship, D. D. A detailed radiostratigraphic data set for the central East Antarctic Plateau spanning from the Holocene to the mid-Pleistocene, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4759–4777, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4759-2021. Besides NSF this dataset is the result of additional support from NERC grant - NE/D003733/1, NASA grants - NX08AN68G, NNX09AR52G, NNX11AD33G, NNX13AD53A, and funding from the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation. \nNote that the dataset was archived before the accompanying paper was officially published. The abstract and dataset description has been updated to cite the correct reference to the ESSD paper (Cavitte et al., 2021) after the paper was published. The headers of the actual data files contain only a placeholder to this reference. | ["POLYGON((114 -74,115.2 -74,116.4 -74,117.6 -74,118.8 -74,120 -74,121.2 -74,122.4 -74,123.6 -74,124.8 -74,126 -74,126 -74.3,126 -74.6,126 -74.9,126 -75.2,126 -75.5,126 -75.8,126 -76.1,126 -76.4,126 -76.7,126 -77,124.8 -77,123.6 -77,122.4 -77,121.2 -77,120 -77,118.8 -77,117.6 -77,116.4 -77,115.2 -77,114 -77,114 -76.7,114 -76.4,114 -76.1,114 -75.8,114 -75.5,114 -75.2,114 -74.9,114 -74.6,114 -74.3,114 -74))"] | ["POINT(120 -75.5)"] | false | false |
ANTAEM project airborne EM resistivity data from McMurdo Region
1644187 |
2020-09-12 | Tulaczyk, Slawek |
Collaborative Research: Antarctic Airborne ElectroMagnetics (ANTAEM) - Revealing Subsurface Water in Coastal Antarctica |
The ANTAEM survey was carried out in the period November 12th to 28th, 2018, with the SkyTEM 312 system. Twenty-one missions (flights) were conducted over 11 production days of helicopter service, resulting in a total of approximately ~3400 line km of data. The SkyTEM system records data from take-off until landing resulting in multiple lines converging to the landing pads in McMurdo and at Marble Point. The production without overlapping lines adds up to approximately 2900 line km. The flight speed was approximately 120 km/h at a target flight altitude of ~50 m (sensor height), but the actual sensor height varies depending on the terrain. The surveys were carried out with a Bell 212 helicopter, which carried the SkyTEM sensor as a sling load. The SkyTEM system was configured in a standard two-moment setup (low moment, LM and high moment, HM). Areas with extremely resistive dry and/or frozen sediment/bedrock, and glacier ice often produce EM-signals with amplitudes below the detection level of the system. Data from these low signal environments cannot be inverted into resistivity models. Data with strong induced polarization effects cannot be inverted for resistivity either. These data were discharged in this standard data delivery. The EM-data and inversion result (resistivity models) are delivered in the SkyTEM2018_dat.xyz and SkyTEM2018_inv.xyz files respectably. The RECORD number in the two files links data and model together. EM-data and data uncertainty for data entering inversion. Info stated in file Header: NAN value, Data unit, Coordinate system, Gate times. The SkyTEM system uses at High-Low moment data recording cycle, therefore only a subset of the total 40 time gates are preset for each moment. The standard lateral constraints inversion (LCI), delivered in the SkyTEM2018_inv.xyz file, was carried out with a smooth 30 layered resistivity model discretized to a depth of 500 m. A depth of investigation (DOI) was estimated for each resistivity model. | ["POLYGON((161 -76.9,161.75 -76.9,162.5 -76.9,163.25 -76.9,164 -76.9,164.75 -76.9,165.5 -76.9,166.25 -76.9,167 -76.9,167.75 -76.9,168.5 -76.9,168.5 -77.04,168.5 -77.18,168.5 -77.32,168.5 -77.46,168.5 -77.6,168.5 -77.74,168.5 -77.88,168.5 -78.02,168.5 -78.16,168.5 -78.3,167.75 -78.3,167 -78.3,166.25 -78.3,165.5 -78.3,164.75 -78.3,164 -78.3,163.25 -78.3,162.5 -78.3,161.75 -78.3,161 -78.3,161 -78.16,161 -78.02,161 -77.88,161 -77.74,161 -77.6,161 -77.46,161 -77.32,161 -77.18,161 -77.04,161 -76.9))"] | ["POINT(164.75 -77.6)"] | false | false |
Seasonal Dive Data
1246463 |
2020-06-23 | Burns, Jennifer |
The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals |
For Figures 2 and 4 In Beltran et al. PNAS | ["POINT(165 -77)"] | ["POINT(165 -77)"] | false | false |
High-resolution benthic seawater temperature record 1999-2012 (25-40m depth) from near intake jetty at McMurdo Station, Antarctica
0231006 1142158 |
2020-04-08 | Cheng, Chi-Hing; Cziko, Paul; Devries, Arthur |
Antarctic Notothenioid Fish Freeze Avoidance and Genome-wide Evolution for Life in the Cold |
Benthic seawater temperature (within 10cm of the bottom) from near the McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica saltwater intake jetty. Data collected at two nearby locations: On muddy bottom at base of artificial rock jetty (~25m depth), and ~50m west of the Jetty in sponge/spicule mat habitat (~40m depth). | ["POLYGON((163 -76.5,163.5 -76.5,164 -76.5,164.5 -76.5,165 -76.5,165.5 -76.5,166 -76.5,166.5 -76.5,167 -76.5,167.5 -76.5,168 -76.5,168 -76.63,168 -76.76,168 -76.89,168 -77.02,168 -77.15,168 -77.28,168 -77.41,168 -77.54,168 -77.67,168 -77.8,167.5 -77.8,167 -77.8,166.5 -77.8,166 -77.8,165.5 -77.8,165 -77.8,164.5 -77.8,164 -77.8,163.5 -77.8,163 -77.8,163 -77.67,163 -77.54,163 -77.41,163 -77.28,163 -77.15,163 -77.02,163 -76.89,163 -76.76,163 -76.63,163 -76.5))"] | ["POINT(165.5 -77.15)"] | false | false |
Diatom Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene (~4.68 to 3.44 Ma) Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography
1443420 |
2019-10-27 | Dodd, Justin; Abbott, Tirzah |
Diatom and Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography |
The Andrill-1B (AND-1B) sediment core from under the Ross Ice Shelf in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, recovered a mid to late Pliocene (~4.68 to 3.44 Ma) age diatomite unit with d18Odiatom values that range from +32.6 to +37.6 ‰ (n=50 | ["POINT(167.083333 -77.888889)"] | ["POINT(167.083333 -77.888889)"] | false | false |
The Geochemistry of englacial brine from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica.
1144176 |
2019-05-07 | Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B. |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Blood Falls is a hypersaline, iron‐rich discharge at the terminus of the Taylor Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In November 2014, brine in a conduit within the glacier was penetrated and sampled using clean‐entry techniques and a thermoelectric melting probe called the IceMole. We analyzed the englacial brine sample for filterable iron (fFe), total Fe, major cations and anions, nutrients, organic carbon, and perchlorate. In addition, aliquots were analyzed for minor and trace elements and isotopes including δD and δ18O of water, δ34S and δ18O of sulfate, 234U, 238U, δ11B, 87Sr/86Sr, and δ81Br. These measurements were made in order to (1) determine the source and geochemical evolution of the brine and (2) compare the chemistry of the brine to that of nearby hypersaline lake waters and previous supraglacially sampled collections of Blood Falls outflow that were interpreted as end‐member brines. | ["POLYGON((162.250099 -77.719928,162.2519358 -77.719928,162.2537726 -77.719928,162.2556094 -77.719928,162.2574462 -77.719928,162.259283 -77.719928,162.2611198 -77.719928,162.2629566 -77.719928,162.2647934 -77.719928,162.2666302 -77.719928,162.268467 -77.719928,162.268467 -77.7201251,162.268467 -77.7203222,162.268467 -77.7205193,162.268467 -77.7207164,162.268467 -77.7209135,162.268467 -77.7211106,162.268467 -77.7213077,162.268467 -77.7215048,162.268467 -77.7217019,162.268467 -77.721899,162.2666302 -77.721899,162.2647934 -77.721899,162.2629566 -77.721899,162.2611198 -77.721899,162.259283 -77.721899,162.2574462 -77.721899,162.2556094 -77.721899,162.2537726 -77.721899,162.2519358 -77.721899,162.250099 -77.721899,162.250099 -77.7217019,162.250099 -77.7215048,162.250099 -77.7213077,162.250099 -77.7211106,162.250099 -77.7209135,162.250099 -77.7207164,162.250099 -77.7205193,162.250099 -77.7203222,162.250099 -77.7201251,162.250099 -77.719928))"] | ["POINT(162.259283 -77.7209135)"] | false | false |
FLIR thermal imaging data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-19 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
The data set contains FLIR thermal imaging of Blood Falls from December 9 through March 25 (power failure). | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains a short term integrated met station deployed about 300m from Blood Falls at the site of the FLIR and Time Lapse cameras. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica, collected between January 2014 and January 2015. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Terrestrial Radar Interferometry near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains GPR data along multiple transects of the Blood Falls feature collected in November and Dcember 2013. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Ground Penetrating Radar Data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains GPR data along multiple transects of the Blood Falls feature collected in November and Dcember 2013. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Ablation Stake Data from of Taylor Glacier near Blood Falls
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains time-stamped time-lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature from approximately November 2013 through October 2014, capturing wintertime activity of the glacier. See readme for details. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
Cuticle morphology and oxygen gradients of Antarctic sea spiders
1341485 |
2018-12-22 | Woods, H. Arthur; Arthur Woods, H. |
Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida |
Raw data from Lane, SJ, AL Moran, CM Shishido, BW Tobalske, HA Woods (2018) Cuticular gas exchange by Antarctic sea spiders. Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb.177568 doi: 10.1242/jeb.177568. The file contains data on pore morphology, cuticle thickness, oxygen gradients across the cuticle, and estimated resistances of the cuticle to oxygen flux. Most of the sea spiders were collected near McMurdo Station, with a few extras collected at New Harbor, Antarctica. | ["POLYGON((163.85 -77.6,164.134 -77.6,164.418 -77.6,164.702 -77.6,164.986 -77.6,165.27 -77.6,165.554 -77.6,165.838 -77.6,166.122 -77.6,166.406 -77.6,166.69 -77.6,166.69 -77.624,166.69 -77.648,166.69 -77.672,166.69 -77.696,166.69 -77.72,166.69 -77.744,166.69 -77.768,166.69 -77.792,166.69 -77.816,166.69 -77.84,166.406 -77.84,166.122 -77.84,165.838 -77.84,165.554 -77.84,165.27 -77.84,164.986 -77.84,164.702 -77.84,164.418 -77.84,164.134 -77.84,163.85 -77.84,163.85 -77.816,163.85 -77.792,163.85 -77.768,163.85 -77.744,163.85 -77.72,163.85 -77.696,163.85 -77.672,163.85 -77.648,163.85 -77.624,163.85 -77.6))"] | ["POINT(165.27 -77.72)"] | false | false |
Physiological and biochemical measurements on Pycnogonida from McMurdo Sound
1341485 1341476 |
2018-12-07 | Moran, Amy; Woods, H. Arthur; Tobalske, Bret |
Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida |
This dataset contains morphometric (mass, surface area, cuticle thickness, cuticle morphometrics) and physiological (oxygen consumption) data for Antarctic pycnognonids collected in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica . | ["POINT(166.67 -77.85)"] | ["POINT(166.67 -77.85)"] | false | false |
Nearshore pH, temperature, (salinity, depth) at mooring sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Overwinter 2011-2016
1246202 0944201 |
2018-12-05 | Hoshijima, Umihiko; Hofmann, Gretchen; Kapsenberg, Lydia |
Ocean Acidification Seascape: Linking Natural Variability and Anthropogenic changes in pH and Temperature to Performance in Calcifying Antarctic Marine Invertebrates |
This dataset consists of measurements made of pH (total scale) and temperature at various sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica with autonomous DuraFET® - based pH sensors. Sensors logged every 4 hours and ran until batteries were exhausted. Sensors were calibrated with water samples following best practices from Dickson et al (2007). Details of select years from this dataset are provided in Kapsenberg et al(2015). | ["POLYGON((163.5281 -77.5715,163.84105 -77.5715,164.154 -77.5715,164.46695 -77.5715,164.7799 -77.5715,165.09285 -77.5715,165.4058 -77.5715,165.71875 -77.5715,166.0317 -77.5715,166.34465 -77.5715,166.6576 -77.5715,166.6576 -77.59928,166.6576 -77.62706,166.6576 -77.65484,166.6576 -77.68262,166.6576 -77.7104,166.6576 -77.73818,166.6576 -77.76596,166.6576 -77.79374,166.6576 -77.82152,166.6576 -77.8493,166.34465 -77.8493,166.0317 -77.8493,165.71875 -77.8493,165.4058 -77.8493,165.09285 -77.8493,164.7799 -77.8493,164.46695 -77.8493,164.154 -77.8493,163.84105 -77.8493,163.5281 -77.8493,163.5281 -77.82152,163.5281 -77.79374,163.5281 -77.76596,163.5281 -77.73818,163.5281 -77.7104,163.5281 -77.68262,163.5281 -77.65484,163.5281 -77.62706,163.5281 -77.59928,163.5281 -77.5715))"] | ["POINT(165.09285 -77.7104)"] | false | false |
Ice Temperature in Shallow Boreholes Near Blood Falls at the Terminus of Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
1144192 |
2018-11-28 | Tulaczyk, Slawek |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
["POINT(162.2673 -77.722528)"] | ["POINT(162.2673 -77.722528)"] | false | false | |
Demographic data for Weddell Seal colonies in Erebus Bay through the 2017 Antarctic field season
1141326 1640481 |
2018-10-02 | Rotella, Jay |
The Demographic Consequences of Environmental Variability and Individual Heterogeneity in Life-history Tactics of a Long-lived Antarctic Marine Predator |
The Access database contains information for 3 types of data on Weddell seals for the period 1969-2017. (1) Mark-recapture Data with 278,723 resighting records for 25,589 different individuals tagged in and around the McMurdo Sound area, as well as 740 records from 162 seals tagged at White Island; (2) Mass Dynamics Data contains 5,737 physical masses and 1,271 photographic records and measurements that include the date, ID number, sex, age class, weight (if successfully collected), and perspectives from which photographs were collected for each sampling occurrence; and (3) Research Procedures Data contains 1,005 records of handling and research procedures conducted on Erebus Bay Weddell seals by various research teams in recent years. | ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.8 -75,163.6 -75,164.4 -75,165.2 -75,166 -75,166.8 -75,167.6 -75,168.4 -75,169.2 -75,170 -75,170 -75.38,170 -75.76,170 -76.14,170 -76.52,170 -76.9,170 -77.28,170 -77.66,170 -78.03999999999999,170 -78.42,170 -78.8,169.2 -78.8,168.4 -78.8,167.6 -78.8,166.8 -78.8,166 -78.8,165.2 -78.8,164.4 -78.8,163.6 -78.8,162.8 -78.8,162 -78.8,162 -78.42,162 -78.03999999999999,162 -77.66,162 -77.28,162 -76.9,162 -76.52,162 -76.14,162 -75.76,162 -75.38,162 -75))"] | ["POINT(166 -76.9)"] | false | false |
Supraglacial Lake Depths on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
1443126 |
2018-09-04 | MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison |
Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability |
During the melt seasons of 2015/6 and 2016/7, water pressure gages were deployed on the McMurdo Ice Shelf to observe water depth in supraglacial lakes and streams. This was done in support of research directed toward understanding how filling and draining supraglacial lakes would induce ice-shelf flexure and fracture. | ["POLYGON((165.911079 -77.872851,165.941267 -77.872851,165.971455 -77.872851,166.001643 -77.872851,166.031831 -77.872851,166.062019 -77.872851,166.092207 -77.872851,166.122395 -77.872851,166.152583 -77.872851,166.182771 -77.872851,166.212959 -77.872851,166.212959 -77.8781411,166.212959 -77.8834312,166.212959 -77.8887213,166.212959 -77.8940114,166.212959 -77.8993015,166.212959 -77.9045916,166.212959 -77.9098817,166.212959 -77.9151718,166.212959 -77.9204619,166.212959 -77.925752,166.182771 -77.925752,166.152583 -77.925752,166.122395 -77.925752,166.092207 -77.925752,166.062019 -77.925752,166.031831 -77.925752,166.001643 -77.925752,165.971455 -77.925752,165.941267 -77.925752,165.911079 -77.925752,165.911079 -77.9204619,165.911079 -77.9151718,165.911079 -77.9098817,165.911079 -77.9045916,165.911079 -77.8993015,165.911079 -77.8940114,165.911079 -77.8887213,165.911079 -77.8834312,165.911079 -77.8781411,165.911079 -77.872851))"] | ["POINT(166.062019 -77.8993015)"] | false | false |
Time-lapse video of McMurdo Ice Shelf surface melting and hydrology
1443126 |
2018-08-31 | MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison |
Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability |
During the Austral summer melt season of 2016-2017, an automatic camera was placed overlooking a surface lake feature on the McMurdo Ice Shelf. This camera created a time-lapse video (30 minute photograph time intervals) used to observe the filling and draining of the lake called Rift-Tip Lake located approximately 2 km from the McMurdo Ice Shelf ice front. The data was used in support of a field project to measure the flexural response of the McMurdo Ice Shelf (and ice shelves in general) to the filling and draining of supraglacial lakes. The time-lapse video begins 16 November 2016 and ends 27 January 2017. | ["POLYGON((166.152184 -77.902339,166.1559273 -77.902339,166.1596706 -77.902339,166.1634139 -77.902339,166.1671572 -77.902339,166.1709005 -77.902339,166.1746438 -77.902339,166.1783871 -77.902339,166.1821304 -77.902339,166.1858737 -77.902339,166.189617 -77.902339,166.189617 -77.9026372,166.189617 -77.9029354,166.189617 -77.9032336,166.189617 -77.9035318,166.189617 -77.90383,166.189617 -77.9041282,166.189617 -77.9044264,166.189617 -77.9047246,166.189617 -77.9050228,166.189617 -77.905321,166.1858737 -77.905321,166.1821304 -77.905321,166.1783871 -77.905321,166.1746438 -77.905321,166.1709005 -77.905321,166.1671572 -77.905321,166.1634139 -77.905321,166.1596706 -77.905321,166.1559273 -77.905321,166.152184 -77.905321,166.152184 -77.9050228,166.152184 -77.9047246,166.152184 -77.9044264,166.152184 -77.9041282,166.152184 -77.90383,166.152184 -77.9035318,166.152184 -77.9032336,166.152184 -77.9029354,166.152184 -77.9026372,166.152184 -77.902339))"] | ["POINT(166.1709005 -77.90383)"] | false | false |
McMurdo Ice Shelf GPS survey of vertical motion
1443126 |
2018-07-24 | MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison |
Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability |
Over 2 Austral summer periods in 2015/6 and 2016/17, up to 12 geodetic GPS receivers were deployed on the McMurdo Ice Shelf to study its vertical deflection in response to moving meltwater loads. (5 GPS were deployed in 2015/16, 12 in 2016/17.) The GPS receivers and antennas were supplied by UNAVCO and were Trimble NetR9’s and Zephyr Geodetic, respectively. The GPS receivers were stationary for the entire field seasons (were never moved). Following each field season, the GPS data were processed using MIT software called TRACK, which is part of the GAMIT package. The UNAVCO-run base station at McMurdo Station, approximately 16 km away from the field area, was used as part of the processing. | ["POLYGON((166.02819 -77.887495,166.053634 -77.887495,166.079078 -77.887495,166.104522 -77.887495,166.129966 -77.887495,166.15541 -77.887495,166.180854 -77.887495,166.206298 -77.887495,166.231742 -77.887495,166.257186 -77.887495,166.28263 -77.887495,166.28263 -77.8926145,166.28263 -77.897734,166.28263 -77.9028535,166.28263 -77.907973,166.28263 -77.9130925,166.28263 -77.918212,166.28263 -77.9233315,166.28263 -77.928451,166.28263 -77.9335705,166.28263 -77.93869,166.257186 -77.93869,166.231742 -77.93869,166.206298 -77.93869,166.180854 -77.93869,166.15541 -77.93869,166.129966 -77.93869,166.104522 -77.93869,166.079078 -77.93869,166.053634 -77.93869,166.02819 -77.93869,166.02819 -77.9335705,166.02819 -77.928451,166.02819 -77.9233315,166.02819 -77.918212,166.02819 -77.9130925,166.02819 -77.907973,166.02819 -77.9028535,166.02819 -77.897734,166.02819 -77.8926145,166.02819 -77.887495))"] | ["POINT(166.15541 -77.9130925)"] | false | false |
McMurdo Ice Shelf AWS data
1443126 |
2018-07-20 | Banwell, Alison; MacAyeal, Douglas |
Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability |
An automatic weather station was operated on the McMurdo Ice Shelf near Pegasus Air Strip for 365 days from 24 January 2016 to 22 January 2017. The sensors consisted of temperature/RH at 2 m and 8 m (above surface), wind speed at 2 m and 8 m, 4-component radiometer, and wind direction. Time series provides averages for every 30 minutes of a 30 second sample scheme. | ["POINT(166.521 -77.936)"] | ["POINT(166.521 -77.936)"] | false | false |
Ground Penetrating Radar Grid Survey of the McMurdo Shear Zone
1245915 |
2018-06-07 | Ray, Laura; Arcone, Steven; Kaluzienski, Lynn; Koons, Peter; Lever, Jim; Walker, Ben |
Collaborative Research: Flow and Fracture Dynamics in an Ice Shelf Lateral Margin: Observations and Modeling of the McMurdo Shear Zone |
This dataset is comprised of ground penetrating radar data (GSSI DZT format with DZG files for GPS location) of a 28 square km area conduced in the heavily crevassed McMurdo Shear Zone in two consecutive field seasons. A radar system comprised of a GSSI SIR-30 32-bit two-channel control unit and model 5103 “400 MHz” and Model 5106A “200 MHz” antenna units were used to conduct the GPR surveys. The radar system was mounted on a sled and towed by a robot. The robot surveyed the 5 x 5.7 km area on lines separated by 50-m and traveled from West to East and return. The 2014 survey was conducted between Oct 29, 2014 and Nov 9, 2014, and the 2015 survey was conducted between Oct 26, 2015 and Nov 1, 2015. The use of identical waypoints in each year provides an Eulerian sampling protocol, where sampled GPS locations remain fixed, but the ice moves between annual surveys. In 2014, the 400 MHz antenna imaged to a depth of 19 meters, and in 2015, the 400 MHz antenna imaged to a depth of 80 meters to examine englacial ice. In both years, the 200 MHz antenna imaged to a depth of 160 meters. | ["POLYGON((168.36 -78.03,168.384 -78.03,168.408 -78.03,168.432 -78.03,168.456 -78.03,168.48 -78.03,168.504 -78.03,168.528 -78.03,168.552 -78.03,168.576 -78.03,168.6 -78.03,168.6 -78.035,168.6 -78.04,168.6 -78.045,168.6 -78.05,168.6 -78.055,168.6 -78.06,168.6 -78.065,168.6 -78.07,168.6 -78.075,168.6 -78.08,168.576 -78.08,168.552 -78.08,168.528 -78.08,168.504 -78.08,168.48 -78.08,168.456 -78.08,168.432 -78.08,168.408 -78.08,168.384 -78.08,168.36 -78.08,168.36 -78.075,168.36 -78.07,168.36 -78.065,168.36 -78.06,168.36 -78.055,168.36 -78.05,168.36 -78.045,168.36 -78.04,168.36 -78.035,168.36 -78.03))"] | ["POINT(168.48 -78.055)"] | false | false |
Region Climate Model Output Plio-Pleistocene
1245899 |
2018-01-16 | Kowalewski, Douglas |
Collaborative Research: West Antarctic Ice Sheet stability, Alpine Glaciation, and Climate Variability: a Terrestrial Perspective from Cosmogenic-nuclide Dating in McMurdo Sound |
Data here is output from regional climate modeling to shed light on the range of possible environmental conditions in the McMurdo region during periods of grounded ice expansion and recession during the Plio-Pleistocene. | ["POLYGON((160 -70,168 -70,176 -70,184 -70,192 -70,200 -70,208 -70,216 -70,224 -70,232 -70,240 -70,240 -71.5,240 -73,240 -74.5,240 -76,240 -77.5,240 -79,240 -80.5,240 -82,240 -83.5,240 -85,232 -85,224 -85,216 -85,208 -85,200 -85,192 -85,184 -85,176 -85,168 -85,160 -85,160 -83.5,160 -82,160 -80.5,160 -79,160 -77.5,160 -76,160 -74.5,160 -73,160 -71.5,160 -70))"] | ["POINT(-160 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Active Layer Temperatures from Crescent Stream banks, Taylor Valley Antarctica
1246203 |
2017-12-18 | Gooseff, Michael N. |
Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A landscape on the Threshold of Change |
As a part of the project titled "Collaborative Research: The McMurdo Dry Valleys: A landscape on the threshold of change", we measured ground temperatures from 0-20cm at three stream bank positions (base, mid-slope, and top) at 4 locations along Crescent Stream in Taylor Valley - 2 on the east bank, 2 on the west bank. The goal was to evaluate differences in thermal conduction and temperature dynamics of the active layers of these locations, in particular, in a stream that has undergone extensive bank erosion since 2012 due to permafrost degradation. One of the datalogging stations had significant technical problems and has very little data compared to the almost 2 years of temperature date from the other 3 stations (2015-2017). | ["POLYGON((163.1778 -77.6233,163.17792 -77.6233,163.17804 -77.6233,163.17816 -77.6233,163.17828 -77.6233,163.1784 -77.6233,163.17852 -77.6233,163.17864 -77.6233,163.17876 -77.6233,163.17888 -77.6233,163.179 -77.6233,163.179 -77.63331,163.179 -77.64332,163.179 -77.65333,163.179 -77.66334,163.179 -77.67335,163.179 -77.68336,163.179 -77.69337,163.179 -77.70338,163.179 -77.71339,163.179 -77.7234,163.17888 -77.7234,163.17876 -77.7234,163.17864 -77.7234,163.17852 -77.7234,163.1784 -77.7234,163.17828 -77.7234,163.17816 -77.7234,163.17804 -77.7234,163.17792 -77.7234,163.1778 -77.7234,163.1778 -77.71339,163.1778 -77.70338,163.1778 -77.69337,163.1778 -77.68336,163.1778 -77.67335,163.1778 -77.66334,163.1778 -77.65333,163.1778 -77.64332,163.1778 -77.63331,163.1778 -77.6233))"] | ["POINT(163.1784 -77.67335)"] | false | false |
Shortwave Spectroradiometer Data from Ross Island, Antarctica
1141939 |
2017-12-12 | Lubin, Dan |
Antarctic Cloud Physics: Fundamental Observations from Ross Island |
In this project we made fundamental measurements of cloud optical and microphysical properties at Ross Island, Antarctica, using a versatile shortwave spectroradiometer (Panalytical, Inc.) acquired for atmospheric field research by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). This instrument measures downwelling spectral irradiance at the Earth surface in the wavelength interval 350-2200 nm. From this data set one can retrieve properties of coastal Antarctic stratiform clouds including optical depth, thermodynamic phase, liquid water droplet effective radius, and ice cloud effective particle size. The instrument was installed at Arrival Heights, and measurements were made from 10 October 2012 to 4 February 2013. Spectral data recorded in one-minute averages, with some gaps for instrument maintenance and data backup, and some occasional down time when the site was inaccessible. Active satellite remote sensing data (CloudSat and CALIPSO) were used for validation and interpretation of the spectroradiometer retrievals (Scott and Lubin 2014). <br><br>There are two reasons why this measurement program remains timely. One straightforward reason involves the location of McMurdo Station, which is the US Antarctic Programs air transport entry point to the continent. Improvements in our knowledge of atmospheric physics in this region can eventually lead to improvements in numerical weather forecasting relevant to aviation. A second reason involves the recent advances in cloud microphysics for global climate model simulation. Mixed-phase cloud parameterizations have become very sophisticated, requiring validation with each new improvement. Traditional observational test cases - from the Arctic or mid-latitude storm systems - are often quite complex. A coastal Antarctic site at very high latitudes can provide more straightforward cases for testing current microphysical parameterizations. Over Ross Island aerosol and cloud nucleation sources are essentially all natural and oceanic, and cloud geometry is simple, while at the same time there is abundant supercooled cloud liquid water. <br><br>Ancillary meteorological data from the McMurdo Weather Office are also included here for help in interpreting the spectroradiometer data, including rawinsonde profiles, surface weather observations from the active ice runway, and automated FMQ19 surface weather measurements from Williams Field and Pegasus runway. For interpretation of clear sky or nearly cloud-free irradiance spectra (i.e., when a large fraction of the irradiance is directional from the Sun and not diffused by clouds), we recommend consulting Meywerk and Ramanathan (1999) for information about the Panalytical instruments cosine response. | ["POLYGON((166.31 -77.5203,166.38265 -77.5203,166.4553 -77.5203,166.52795 -77.5203,166.6006 -77.5203,166.67325 -77.5203,166.7459 -77.5203,166.81855 -77.5203,166.8912 -77.5203,166.96385 -77.5203,167.0365 -77.5203,167.0365 -77.52527,167.0365 -77.53024,167.0365 -77.53521,167.0365 -77.54018,167.0365 -77.54515,167.0365 -77.55012,167.0365 -77.55509,167.0365 -77.56006,167.0365 -77.56503,167.0365 -77.57,166.96385 -77.57,166.8912 -77.57,166.81855 -77.57,166.7459 -77.57,166.67325 -77.57,166.6006 -77.57,166.52795 -77.57,166.4553 -77.57,166.38265 -77.57,166.31 -77.57,166.31 -77.56503,166.31 -77.56006,166.31 -77.55509,166.31 -77.55012,166.31 -77.54515,166.31 -77.54018,166.31 -77.53521,166.31 -77.53024,166.31 -77.52527,166.31 -77.5203))"] | ["POINT(166.67325 -77.54515)"] | false | false |
2011 Time-domain ElectroMagnetics data for McMurdo Dry Valleys
1344349 |
2017-12-05 | Tulaczyk, Slawek |
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Processing, Interpretation and Dissemination of the Proof-of-Concept Transient Electromagnetic Survey of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Region |
This dataset contains raw TEM data and inverted electrical resistivity data. The raw data were collected using a helicopter-borne sensor in November/December 2011 in collaboration with Drs. Esben Auken (University of Aarhus), Jill Mikucki (University of Tennessee - Knoxville) and Ross Virginia (Dartmouth College). Details on data collection and processing are provided in Mikucki et al. (2015) and Foley et al. (2015). We request that these two references be cited in any future publications based on the archived dataset. | ["POLYGON((161.6 -77.4,162.14 -77.4,162.68 -77.4,163.22 -77.4,163.76 -77.4,164.3 -77.4,164.84 -77.4,165.38 -77.4,165.92 -77.4,166.46 -77.4,167 -77.4,167 -77.437,167 -77.474,167 -77.511,167 -77.548,167 -77.585,167 -77.622,167 -77.659,167 -77.696,167 -77.733,167 -77.77,166.46 -77.77,165.92 -77.77,165.38 -77.77,164.84 -77.77,164.3 -77.77,163.76 -77.77,163.22 -77.77,162.68 -77.77,162.14 -77.77,161.6 -77.77,161.6 -77.733,161.6 -77.696,161.6 -77.659,161.6 -77.622,161.6 -77.585,161.6 -77.548,161.6 -77.511,161.6 -77.474,161.6 -77.437,161.6 -77.4))"] | ["POINT(164.3 -77.585)"] | false | false |
Thermal windows and metabolic performance curves in a developing Antarctic fish
1142122 |
2017-08-07 | Todgham, Anne; Miller, Nathan |
RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes |
This dataset includes data from the publication Flynn and Todgham 2017 - Thermal windows and metabolic performance curves in a developing Antarctic fish. Included are data on embryo survival, development, and metabolic rate. | ["POLYGON((166.5 -77.5,166.55 -77.5,166.6 -77.5,166.65 -77.5,166.7 -77.5,166.75 -77.5,166.8 -77.5,166.85 -77.5,166.9 -77.5,166.95 -77.5,167 -77.5,167 -77.55,167 -77.6,167 -77.65,167 -77.7,167 -77.75,167 -77.8,167 -77.85,167 -77.9,167 -77.95,167 -78,166.95 -78,166.9 -78,166.85 -78,166.8 -78,166.75 -78,166.7 -78,166.65 -78,166.6 -78,166.55 -78,166.5 -78,166.5 -77.95,166.5 -77.9,166.5 -77.85,166.5 -77.8,166.5 -77.75,166.5 -77.7,166.5 -77.65,166.5 -77.6,166.5 -77.55,166.5 -77.5))"] | ["POINT(166.75 -77.75)"] | false | false |
Antarctic emerald rockcod have the capacity to compensate for warming when uncoupled from CO2-acidification
1142122 |
2017-08-07 | Todgham, Anne; Miller, Nathan |
RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes |
This dataset includes data from the publication Davis et al - Antarctic emerald rockcod have the capacity to compensate for warming when uncoupled from CO2-acidification. Included are data on cardiorespiratory physiology, survival, metabolic rate, metabolic enzyme activity, behavior (scototaxis & activity) and seawater chemistry. | ["POLYGON((166 -77.5,166.1 -77.5,166.2 -77.5,166.3 -77.5,166.4 -77.5,166.5 -77.5,166.6 -77.5,166.7 -77.5,166.8 -77.5,166.9 -77.5,167 -77.5,167 -77.55,167 -77.6,167 -77.65,167 -77.7,167 -77.75,167 -77.8,167 -77.85,167 -77.9,167 -77.95,167 -78,166.9 -78,166.8 -78,166.7 -78,166.6 -78,166.5 -78,166.4 -78,166.3 -78,166.2 -78,166.1 -78,166 -78,166 -77.95,166 -77.9,166 -77.85,166 -77.8,166 -77.75,166 -77.7,166 -77.65,166 -77.6,166 -77.55,166 -77.5))"] | ["POINT(166.5 -77.75)"] | false | false |
Physiological and biochemical measurements on Antarctic dragonfish (Gymnodraco acuticeps) from McMurdo Sound
1142122 |
2017-06-01 | Miller, Nathan; Todgham, Anne; Davis, Brittany; Flynn, Erin |
RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes |
This dataset includes data from the publication "Flynn, et al. (2015) - Ocean acidification exerts negative effects under warming conditions in a developing Antarctic fish". Included are data on embryo survival, development, metabolic rate, metabolic enzyme activity (citrate synthase), whole embryo osmolality and seawater chemistry. | ["POLYGON((166.163 -76.665,166.2635 -76.665,166.364 -76.665,166.4645 -76.665,166.565 -76.665,166.6655 -76.665,166.766 -76.665,166.8665 -76.665,166.967 -76.665,167.0675 -76.665,167.168 -76.665,167.168 -76.782,167.168 -76.899,167.168 -77.016,167.168 -77.133,167.168 -77.25,167.168 -77.367,167.168 -77.484,167.168 -77.601,167.168 -77.718,167.168 -77.835,167.0675 -77.835,166.967 -77.835,166.8665 -77.835,166.766 -77.835,166.6655 -77.835,166.565 -77.835,166.4645 -77.835,166.364 -77.835,166.2635 -77.835,166.163 -77.835,166.163 -77.718,166.163 -77.601,166.163 -77.484,166.163 -77.367,166.163 -77.25,166.163 -77.133,166.163 -77.016,166.163 -76.899,166.163 -76.782,166.163 -76.665))"] | ["POINT(166.6655 -77.25)"] | false | false |
Biosamples and observations from Weddell Seal colonies in McMurdo Sound during the 2015-2016 Antarctic field season
1443554 |
2017-05-27 | Hindle, Allyson; Buys, Emmanuel |
Unraveling the Genomic and Molecular Basis of the Dive Response: Nitric Oxide Signaling and Vasoregulation in the Weddell Seal |
The Weddell seal is a champion diving mammal - key elements of their physiological specializations to breath-hold are their ability for remarkable adjustment of their heart and blood vessel system, coordinating blood pressure and flow to specific body regions based on their metabolic requirements, and their ability to sustain periods without oxygen. The goal of this study is to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying the dive response, specifically, to study a signaling pathway that coordinates local blood flow. This dataset identifies what animals were sampled and the details of what biosamples were collected to test the hypothesis that signaling modifications prevent local blood vessel changes under low oxygen conditions, thereby allowing the centrally mediated diving reflex to override local perfusion control. The metadata also details cryopreserved cells and cell lines that can be used to study the molecular effects of low oxygen conditions in the laboratory | ["POLYGON((166.163 -76.665,166.2635 -76.665,166.364 -76.665,166.4645 -76.665,166.565 -76.665,166.6655 -76.665,166.766 -76.665,166.8665 -76.665,166.967 -76.665,167.0675 -76.665,167.168 -76.665,167.168 -76.782,167.168 -76.899,167.168 -77.016,167.168 -77.133,167.168 -77.25,167.168 -77.367,167.168 -77.484,167.168 -77.601,167.168 -77.718,167.168 -77.835,167.0675 -77.835,166.967 -77.835,166.8665 -77.835,166.766 -77.835,166.6655 -77.835,166.565 -77.835,166.4645 -77.835,166.364 -77.835,166.2635 -77.835,166.163 -77.835,166.163 -77.718,166.163 -77.601,166.163 -77.484,166.163 -77.367,166.163 -77.25,166.163 -77.133,166.163 -77.016,166.163 -76.899,166.163 -76.782,166.163 -76.665))"] | ["POINT(166.6655 -77.25)"] | false | false |
Specimen logs and observations from Weddell Seal colonies in Erebus Bay, 2013-2017
1246463 |
2017-05-24 | Burns, Jennifer |
The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals |
This dataset includes an inventory of Weddell Seals captured by net, tagged, and observed at colonies in the Erebus Bay region of Antarctica during 4 austral field seasons between November 2013 and February 2017. Observations recorded include body mass, length, and molt category. | ["POINT(166.55 -77.75)"] | ["POINT(166.55 -77.75)"] | false | false |
Physiological and biochemical measurements on juvenile Antarctic rockcod (Trematomus bernacchii) from McMurdo Sound
1142122 |
2017-05-20 | Miller, Nathan; Todgham, Anne; Davis, Brittany; Flynn, Erin |
RUI: Synergistic effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Larval Development in Antarctic Fishes |
This dataset includes data from the publication "Davis, et al. (2016) - Juvenile Antarctic rockcod (Trematomus bernacchii) are physiologically robust to CO2-acidified seawater". Included are data on cardiorespiratory physiology, survival, metabolic rate, metabolic enzyme activity (citrate synthase) and seawater chemistry. | ["POLYGON((166.163 -76.665,166.2635 -76.665,166.364 -76.665,166.4645 -76.665,166.565 -76.665,166.6655 -76.665,166.766 -76.665,166.8665 -76.665,166.967 -76.665,167.0675 -76.665,167.168 -76.665,167.168 -76.782,167.168 -76.899,167.168 -77.016,167.168 -77.133,167.168 -77.25,167.168 -77.367,167.168 -77.484,167.168 -77.601,167.168 -77.718,167.168 -77.835,167.0675 -77.835,166.967 -77.835,166.8665 -77.835,166.766 -77.835,166.6655 -77.835,166.565 -77.835,166.4645 -77.835,166.364 -77.835,166.2635 -77.835,166.163 -77.835,166.163 -77.718,166.163 -77.601,166.163 -77.484,166.163 -77.367,166.163 -77.25,166.163 -77.133,166.163 -77.016,166.163 -76.899,166.163 -76.782,166.163 -76.665))"] | ["POINT(166.6655 -77.25)"] | false | false |
A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization
1355533 |
2016-01-01 | Dayton, Paul |
EAGER: A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization |
Antarctic benthic communities are characterized by many species of sponges (Phylum Porifera), long thought to exhibit extremely slow demographic patterns of settlement, growth and reproduction. This project will analyze many hundreds of diver and remotely operated underwater vehicle photographs documenting a unique, episodic settlement event that occurred between 2000 and 2010 in McMurdo Sound that challenges this paradigm of slow growth. Artificial structures were placed on the seafloor between 1967 and 1974 at several sites, but no sponges were observed to settle on these structures until 2004. By 2010 some 40 species of sponges had settled and grown to be surprisingly large. Given the paradigm of slow settlement and growth supported by the long observation period (37 years, 1967-2004), this extraordinary large-scale settlement and rapid growth over just a 6-year time span is astonishing. This project utilizes image processing software (ImageJ) to obtain metrics (linear dimensions to estimate size, frequency, percent cover) for sponges and other fauna visible in the photographs. It uses R to conduct multidimensional scaling to ordinate community data and ANOSIM to test for differences of community data among sites and times and structures. It will also use SIMPER and ranked species abundances to discriminate species responsible for any differences. This work focuses on Antarctic sponges, but the observations of massive episodic recruitment and growth are important to understanding seafloor communities worldwide. Ecosystems are composed of populations, and populations are ecologically described by their distribution and abundance. A little appreciated fact is that sponges often dominate marine communities, but because sponges are so hard to study, most workers focus on other groups such as corals, kelps, or bivalves. Because most sponges settle and grow slowly their life history is virtually unstudied. The assumption of relative stasis of the Antarctic seafloor community is common, and this project will shatter this paradigm by documenting a dramatic episodic event. Finally, the project takes advantage of old transects from the 1960s and 1970s and compares them with extensive 2010 surveys of the same habitats and sometimes the same intact transect lines, offering a long-term perspective of community change. The investigators will publish these results in peer-reviewed journals, give presentations to the general public and will involve students from local outreach programs, high schools, and undergraduates at UCSD to help with the analysis. | ["POLYGON((163 -78,163.4 -78,163.8 -78,164.2 -78,164.6 -78,165 -78,165.4 -78,165.8 -78,166.2 -78,166.6 -78,167 -78,167 -78.05,167 -78.1,167 -78.15,167 -78.2,167 -78.25,167 -78.3,167 -78.35,167 -78.4,167 -78.45,167 -78.5,166.6 -78.5,166.2 -78.5,165.8 -78.5,165.4 -78.5,165 -78.5,164.6 -78.5,164.2 -78.5,163.8 -78.5,163.4 -78.5,163 -78.5,163 -78.45,163 -78.4,163 -78.35,163 -78.3,163 -78.25,163 -78.2,163 -78.15,163 -78.1,163 -78.05,163 -78))"] | ["POINT(165 -78.25)"] | false | false |
Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing at Windless Bight
1043217 1043395 1043154 |
2015-05-05 | Holland, David; Tyler, Scott W.; Zagorodnov, Victor |
Collaborative Research: Application of Distributed Temperature Sensors (DTS) for Antarctic Ice Shelves and Cavities |
Fiber-optic equipped moorings for Raman backscatter Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) were installed at Windless Bight, Antarctica in November 2011. Continuous-in-space measurements of temperature were recorded every meter along the mooring. | ["POINT(167.5333 -77.76667)"] | ["POINT(167.5333 -77.76667)"] | false | false |
Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
1343649 |
2015-01-01 | Levy, Joseph |
Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica |
The PIs propose to quantify the hillslope water, solute, and carbon budgets for Taylor Valley in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, using water tracks to investigate near-surface geological processes and challenge the paradigm that shallow groundwater is minimal or non-exixtant. Water tracks are linear zones of high soil moisture that route shallow groundwater downslope in permafrost dominated soils. Four hypotheses will be tested: 1) water tracks are important pathways for water and solute transport; 2) water tracks transport more dissolved silica than streams in Taylor Valley indicating they are the primary site of chemical weathering for cold desert soils and bedrock; 3) water tracks that drain highland terrains are dominated by humidity-separated brines while water tracks that drain lowland terrains are dominated by marine aerosols; 4) water tracks are the sites of the highest terrestrial soil carbon concentrations and the strongest CO2 fluxes in Taylor Valley and their carbon content increases with soil age, while carbon flux decreases with age. To test these hypotheses the PIs will carry out a suite of field measurements supported by modeling and remote sensing. They will install shallow permafrost wells in water tracks that span the range of geological, climatological, and topographic conditions in Taylor Valley. Multifrequency electromagnetic induction sounding of the upper ~1 m of the permafrost will create the first comprehensive map of soil moisture in Taylor Valley, and will permit direct quantification of water track discharge across the valley. The carbon contents of water track soils will be measured and linked to global carbon dynamics. Non-science majors at Oregon State University will be integrated into the proposed research through a new Global Environmental Change course focusing on the scientific method in Antarctica. Three undergraduate students, members of underrepresented minorities, will be entrained in the research, will contribute to all aspects of field and laboratory science, and will present results at national meetings. | ["POLYGON((162.852 -77.6111,162.9893 -77.6111,163.1266 -77.6111,163.2639 -77.6111,163.4012 -77.6111,163.5385 -77.6111,163.6758 -77.6111,163.8131 -77.6111,163.9504 -77.6111,164.0877 -77.6111,164.225 -77.6111,164.225 -77.65331,164.225 -77.69552,164.225 -77.73773,164.225 -77.77994,164.225 -77.82215,164.225 -77.86436,164.225 -77.90657,164.225 -77.94878,164.225 -77.99099,164.225 -78.0332,164.0877 -78.0332,163.9504 -78.0332,163.8131 -78.0332,163.6758 -78.0332,163.5385 -78.0332,163.4012 -78.0332,163.2639 -78.0332,163.1266 -78.0332,162.9893 -78.0332,162.852 -78.0332,162.852 -77.99099,162.852 -77.94878,162.852 -77.90657,162.852 -77.86436,162.852 -77.82215,162.852 -77.77994,162.852 -77.73773,162.852 -77.69552,162.852 -77.65331,162.852 -77.6111))"] | ["POINT(163.5385 -77.82215)"] | false | false |
Origin of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Antarctic Atmosphere, Snow and Marine Food Web
1332492 |
2015-01-01 | Lohmann, Rainer |
RAPID: Origin of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Antarctic Atmosphere, Snow and Marine Food WEB |
Many persistent organic pollutants (POPs), though banned in the U.S. since the 1970s, remain in the environment and continue to reach hitherto pristine regions such as the Arctic and Antarctic. The overall goals of this RAPID project are to better understand the remobilization of POPs from melting glaciers in the Antarctic, and their transfer into the food-web. Legacy POPs have characteristic chemical signatures that will be used ascertain the origin of POPs in the Antarctic atmosphere and marine food-web. Samples that were collected in 2010 will be analyzed for a wide range of legacy POPs, and their behavior will be contrasted with results for emerging contaminants. The intellectual merit of the proposed research combines (a) the use of chemical signatures to assess whether melting glaciers are releasing legacy POPs back into the Antarctic marine ecosystem, and (b) a better understanding of the food-web dynamics of legacy POPs versus emerging organic pollutants. The broader impacts of the proposed research project will include the training of the next generation of scientists through support for a graduate student and a postdoctoral scholar. As well, this work will result in a better understanding of the relationship between pollutants, trophic food web ecology and global climate change in the pristine Antarctic ecosystem. | ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea
0838937 |
2014-01-01 | Costa, Daniel |
Collaborative Research: Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea |
Marine mammals of the Southern Ocean have evolved diverse life history patterns and foraging strategies to accommodate extreme fluctuations in the physical and biological environment. In light of ongoing climate change and the dramatic shifts in the extent and persistence of sea ice in the Ross Sea, it is critical to understand how Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, a key apex predator, select and utilize foraging habitats. Recent advances in satellite-linked animal-borne conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) tags make it possible to simultaneously collect data on seal locations, their diving patterns, and the temperature and salinity profiles of the water columns they utilize. In other ecosystems, such data have revealed that marine predators selectively forage in areas where currents and fronts serve to locally concentrate prey resources, and that these conditions are required to sustain populations. Weddell seals will be studied in McMurdo Sound and at Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea and will provide the first new data on Weddell seal winter diving behavior and habitat use in almost two decades. The relationship between an animal's diving behavior and physical habitat has enormous potential to enhance monitoring studies and to provide insight into how changes in ice conditions (due either to warming or the impact of large icebergs, such as B15) might impact individual time budgets and foraging success. The second thrust of this project is to use the profiles obtained from CTD seal tags to model the physical oceanography of this region. Current mathematical models of physical oceanographic processes in the Southern Ocean are directed at better understanding the role that it plays in global climate processes, and the linkages between physical and biological oceanographic processes. However, these efforts are limited by the scarcity of oceanographic data at high latitudes in the winter months; CTD tags deployed on animals will collect data at sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to improve data density. The project will contribute to two IPY endorsed initiatives: MEOP (Marine Mammals as Explorers of the Ocean Pole to Pole) and CAML (Census of Antarctic Marine Life). In addition, the highly visual nature of the data and analysis lends itself to public and educational display and outreach, particularly as they relate to global climate change, and we have collaborations with undergraduate and graduate training programs, the Seymour Marine Discovery Center, and the ARMADA program to foster these broader impacts. | ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.7 -75,163.4 -75,164.1 -75,164.8 -75,165.5 -75,166.2 -75,166.9 -75,167.6 -75,168.3 -75,169 -75,169 -75.3,169 -75.6,169 -75.9,169 -76.2,169 -76.5,169 -76.8,169 -77.1,169 -77.4,169 -77.7,169 -78,168.3 -78,167.6 -78,166.9 -78,166.2 -78,165.5 -78,164.8 -78,164.1 -78,163.4 -78,162.7 -78,162 -78,162 -77.7,162 -77.4,162 -77.1,162 -76.8,162 -76.5,162 -76.2,162 -75.9,162 -75.6,162 -75.3,162 -75))"] | ["POINT(165.5 -76.5)"] | false | false |
Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)
1043740 |
2014-01-01 | Lenczewski, Melissa |
Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL) |
The PI proposes to utilize computer models used by hydrogeologists to establish the fate and transport of contamination and determine the extent of drilling fluid contamination in the ANDRILL SMS core. For these models, previously collected logs of lithology, porosity, fracture density, fracture type, fracture orientation, drilling fluid loss, drilling fluid characteristics and temperature will be used as input parameters. In addition, biodegradation and sorption constants for the drilling fluid will be determined and incorporated into the models. Samples of drilling fluids used during coring as well as the return fluids were collected at the drill site using standard microbiological sampling techniques. Fluids will be tested at in situ temperatures under aerobic and anaerobic conditions to determine biodegradation constants. Sorption will be determined between the drilling fluids and core samples using standard isotherm methods. Geochemical and microbial fingerprints of the fluids and the changes during biodegradation will determine the potential impact of the drilling fluids on the isolated microbial communities and the geochemistry within various subsurface lithologic units beneath the southern McMurdo Sound in Antarctica. The results of this study could potentially provide guidelines on developing less detrimental methods for future exploration, if deemed necessary through this research. This proposed project will train a graduate student. The methods developed for analyses of samples in this project will serve as a guide for future studies of similar interest and will improve the understanding of ecological impacts of geologic drilling in Antarctica. The results of this study will be used as a reference for comparison with future studies examining newly developed, and improved, sample collection methods in future exploratory drilling projects in pristine environments. The PI is new to Antarctic research. | ["POLYGON((165 -77.5,165.3 -77.5,165.6 -77.5,165.9 -77.5,166.2 -77.5,166.5 -77.5,166.8 -77.5,167.1 -77.5,167.4 -77.5,167.7 -77.5,168 -77.5,168 -77.6,168 -77.7,168 -77.8,168 -77.9,168 -78,168 -78.1,168 -78.2,168 -78.3,168 -78.4,168 -78.5,167.7 -78.5,167.4 -78.5,167.1 -78.5,166.8 -78.5,166.5 -78.5,166.2 -78.5,165.9 -78.5,165.6 -78.5,165.3 -78.5,165 -78.5,165 -78.4,165 -78.3,165 -78.2,165 -78.1,165 -78,165 -77.9,165 -77.8,165 -77.7,165 -77.6,165 -77.5))"] | ["POINT(166.5 -78)"] | false | false |
Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape
1045215 |
2014-01-01 | Gooseff, Michael N. |
EAGER: Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape |
Intellectual Merit: Until recently, wetted soils in the Dry Valleys were generally only found adjacent to streams and lakes. Since the warm austral summer of 2002, numerous "wet spots" have been observed far from shorelines on relatively flat valley floor locations and as downslope fingers of flow on valley walls. The source of the water to wet these soils is unclear, as is the spatial and temporal pattern of occurrence from year to year. Their significance is potentially great as enhanced soil moisture may change the thermodynamics, hydrology, and erosion rate of surface soils, and facilitate transport of materials that had previously been stable. These changes to the soil active layer could significantly modify permafrost and ground ice stability within the Dry Valleys. The PIs seek to investigate these changes to address two competing hypotheses: that the source of water to these ?wet spots? is ground ice melt and that the source of this water is snowmelt. The PIs will document the spatiotemporal dynamics of these wet areas using high frequency remote sensing data from QuickBird and WorldView satellites to document the occurrence, dimensions, and growth of wet spots during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 austral summers. They will test their hypotheses by determining whether wet spots recur in the same locations in each season, and they will compare present to past distribution using archived imagery. They will also determine whether spatial snow accumulation patterns and temporal ablation patterns are coincident with wet spot formation. Broader impacts: One graduate student will be trained on this project. Findings will be reported at scientific meetings and published in peer reviewed journals. They will also develop a teaching module on remote sensing applications to hydrology for the Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement and an innovative prototype project designed to leverage public participation in mapping wet spots and snow patches across the Dry Valleys through the use of social media and mobile computing applications. | ["POLYGON((160 -77.25,160.5 -77.25,161 -77.25,161.5 -77.25,162 -77.25,162.5 -77.25,163 -77.25,163.5 -77.25,164 -77.25,164.5 -77.25,165 -77.25,165 -77.375,165 -77.5,165 -77.625,165 -77.75,165 -77.875,165 -78,165 -78.125,165 -78.25,165 -78.375,165 -78.5,164.5 -78.5,164 -78.5,163.5 -78.5,163 -78.5,162.5 -78.5,162 -78.5,161.5 -78.5,161 -78.5,160.5 -78.5,160 -78.5,160 -78.375,160 -78.25,160 -78.125,160 -78,160 -77.875,160 -77.75,160 -77.625,160 -77.5,160 -77.375,160 -77.25))"] | ["POINT(162.5 -77.875)"] | false | false |
Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains
1354231 |
2014-01-01 | Kowalewski, Douglas |
Validating contrasting terrestrial climate-sensitive Pliocene deposits through high resolution modeling of paleo-environments in the Transantarctic Mountains |
Intellectual Merit: Neogene sediment records recovered by ANDRILL suggest multiple events of open water conditions and elevated sea surface temperatures at times when terrestrial data from the McMurdo Dry Valleys indicate hyper arid, cold, desert conditions. Interpretation of the ANDRILL data suggests the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is highly sensitive to changes in Pliocene sea surface temperatures and this conclusion has been supported by recent Global Circulation Model results for the early to mid Pliocene. The PIs propose to model paleo-ice configurations and warm orbits associated with a WAIS collapse to assess potential climate change in East Antarctica. During such episodes of polar warmth they propose to answer: What is the limit of ablation along the East Antarctic Ice Sheet?; Are relict landforms in the Dry Valleys susceptible to modification from increase in maximum summertime temperatures?; and Is there sufficient increase in minimum wintertime temperatures to sustain a tundra environment in the Dry Valleys? Integration of depositional records and model outputs have the potential to test the performance of numerical models currently under development as part of ANDRILL; reconcile inconsistencies between marine and terrestrial paleoclimate records in high Southern Latitudes; and improve understanding of Antarctic climate and ice volume sensitivity to forcing for both the East Antarctic and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. Broader impacts: Results from this study have the potential to be used widely by the research community. Outreach to local elementary schools from other funded efforts will continue and be extended to homeschooled students. A Post Doc will be supported as part of this award. | ["POLYGON((-160 -70,-156 -70,-152 -70,-148 -70,-144 -70,-140 -70,-136 -70,-132 -70,-128 -70,-124 -70,-120 -70,-120 -71.5,-120 -73,-120 -74.5,-120 -76,-120 -77.5,-120 -79,-120 -80.5,-120 -82,-120 -83.5,-120 -85,-124 -85,-128 -85,-132 -85,-136 -85,-140 -85,-144 -85,-148 -85,-152 -85,-156 -85,-160 -85,-160 -83.5,-160 -82,-160 -80.5,-160 -79,-160 -77.5,-160 -76,-160 -74.5,-160 -73,-160 -71.5,-160 -70))"] | ["POINT(-140 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea Sector of West Antarctica
0732804 |
2014-01-01 | McPhee, Miles G. |
Collaborative Research; IPY: Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica |
The Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Integrated and System Science Program has made this award to support an interdisciplinary study of the effects of the ocean on the stability of glacial ice in the most dynamic region the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, namely the Pine Island Glacier in the Amundsen Sea Embayment. The collaborative project builds on the knowledge gained by the highly successful West Antarctic Ice Sheet program and is being jointly sponsored with NASA. Recent observations indicate a significant ice loss, equivalent to 10% of the ongoing increase in sea-level rise, in this region. These changes are largest along the coast and propagate rapidly inland, indicating the critical impact of the ocean on ice sheet stability in the region. While a broad range of remote sensing and ground-based instrumentation is available to characterize changes of the ice surface and internal structure (deformation, ice motion, melt) and the shape of the underlying sediment and rock bed, instrumentation has yet to be successfully deployed for observing boundary layer processes of the ocean cavity which underlies the floating ice shelf and where rapid melting is apparently occurring. Innovative, mini ocean sensors that can be lowered through boreholes in the ice shelf (about 500 m thick) will be developed and deployed to automatically provide ocean profiling information over at least three years. Their data will be transmitted through a conducting cable frozen in the borehole to the surface where it will be further transmitted via satellite to a laboratory in the US. Geophysical and remote sensing methods (seismic, GPS, altimetry, stereo imaging, radar profiling) will be applied to map the geometry of the ice shelf, the shape of the sub ice-shelf cavity, the ice surface geometry and deformations within the glacial ice. To integrate the seismic, glaciological and oceanographic observations, a new 3-dimensional coupled ice-ocean model is being developed which will be the first of its kind. NASA is supporting satellite based research and the deployment of a robotic-camera system to explore the environment in the ocean cavity underlying the ice shelf and NSF is supporting all other aspects of this study. Broader impacts: This project is motivated by the potential societal impacts of rapid sea level rise and should result in critically needed improvements in characterizing and predicting the behavior of coupled ocean-ice systems. It is a contribution to the International Polar Year and was endorsed by the International Council for Science as a component of the 'Multidisciplinary Study of the Amundsen Sea Embayment' proposal #258 of the honeycomb of endorsed IPY activities. The research involves substantial international partnerships with the British Antarctic Survey and the University of Bristol in the UK. The investigators will partner with the previously funded 'Polar Palooza' education and outreach program in addition to undertaking a diverse set of outreach activities of their own. Eight graduate students and one undergraduate as well as one post doc will be integrated into this research project. | ["POINT(166.25 -77.42)"] | ["POINT(166.25 -77.42)"] | false | false |
The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)
0839053 |
2013-01-01 | Ackley, Stephen |
The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11) |
Several aspect of the seasonal melting and reformation cycle of Antarctic sea ice appear to be divergent from those occurring in the Arctic. This is most clearly demonstrated by the dramatic diminishing extent and thinning of the Arctic sea ice, to be contrasted to the changes in Antarctic sea-ice extent, which recently (decadaly) shows small increases. Current climate models do not resolve this discrepancy which likely results from both a lack of relevant observational sea-ice data in the Antarctic, along with inadequacies in the physical parameterization of sea-ice properties in climate models. Researchers will take advantage of the cruise track of the I/B Oden during transit through the Antarctic sea-ice zones in the region of the Bellingshausen, Amundsen and Ross (BAR) seas on a cruise to McMurdo Station. Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, the BAR region is of considerable scientific interest as being one of the last under described and perhaps unexploited marine ecosystems left on the planet. A series of on station and underway observations of sea ice properties will be undertaken, thematically linked to broader questions of summer ice survival and baseline physical properties (e.g. estimates of heat and salt fluxes). In situ spatiotemporal variability of sea-ice cover extent, thickness and snow cover depths will be observed. | ["POLYGON((-180 -67.05,-170.9866 -67.05,-161.9732 -67.05,-152.9598 -67.05,-143.9464 -67.05,-134.933 -67.05,-125.9196 -67.05,-116.9062 -67.05,-107.8928 -67.05,-98.8794 -67.05,-89.866 -67.05,-89.866 -68.1033,-89.866 -69.1566,-89.866 -70.2099,-89.866 -71.2632,-89.866 -72.3165,-89.866 -73.3698,-89.866 -74.4231,-89.866 -75.4764,-89.866 -76.5297,-89.866 -77.583,-98.8794 -77.583,-107.8928 -77.583,-116.9062 -77.583,-125.9196 -77.583,-134.933 -77.583,-143.9464 -77.583,-152.9598 -77.583,-161.9732 -77.583,-170.9866 -77.583,180 -77.583,178.57 -77.583,177.14 -77.583,175.71 -77.583,174.28 -77.583,172.85 -77.583,171.42 -77.583,169.99 -77.583,168.56 -77.583,167.13 -77.583,165.7 -77.583,165.7 -76.5297,165.7 -75.4764,165.7 -74.4231,165.7 -73.3698,165.7 -72.3165,165.7 -71.2632,165.7 -70.2099,165.7 -69.1566,165.7 -68.1033,165.7 -67.05,167.13 -67.05,168.56 -67.05,169.99 -67.05,171.42 -67.05,172.85 -67.05,174.28 -67.05,175.71 -67.05,177.14 -67.05,178.57 -67.05,-180 -67.05))"] | ["POINT(-142.083 -72.3165)"] | false | false |
Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea
0838892 |
2013-01-01 | Burns, Jennifer |
Collaborative Research: Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea |
Marine mammals of the Southern Ocean have evolved diverse life history patterns and foraging strategies to accommodate extreme fluctuations in the physical and biological environment. In light of ongoing climate change and the dramatic shifts in the extent and persistence of sea ice in the Ross Sea, it is critical to understand how Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, a key apex predator, select and utilize foraging habitats. Recent advances in satellite-linked animal-borne conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) tags make it possible to simultaneously collect data on seal locations, their diving patterns, and the temperature and salinity profiles of the water columns they utilize. In other ecosystems, such data have revealed that marine predators selectively forage in areas where currents and fronts serve to locally concentrate prey resources, and that these conditions are required to sustain populations. Weddell seals will be studied in McMurdo Sound and at Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea and will provide the first new data on Weddell seal winter diving behavior and habitat use in almost two decades. The relationship between an animal's diving behavior and physical habitat has enormous potential to enhance monitoring studies and to provide insight into how changes in ice conditions (due either to warming or the impact of large icebergs, such as B15) might impact individual time budgets and foraging success. The second thrust of this project is to use the profiles obtained from CTD seal tags to model the physical oceanography of this region. Current mathematical models of physical oceanographic processes in the Southern Ocean are directed at better understanding the role that it plays in global climate processes, and the linkages between physical and biological oceanographic processes. However, these efforts are limited by the scarcity of oceanographic data at high latitudes in the winter months; CTD tags deployed on animals will collect data at sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to improve data density. The project will contribute to two IPY endorsed initiatives: MEOP (Marine Mammals as Explorers of the Ocean Pole to Pole) and CAML (Census of Antarctic Marine Life). In addition, the highly visual nature of the data and analysis lends itself to public and educational display and outreach, particularly as they relate to global climate change, and we have collaborations with undergraduate and graduate training programs, the Seymour Marine Discovery Center, and the ARMADA program to foster these broader impacts. | ["POLYGON((162 -75,162.7 -75,163.4 -75,164.1 -75,164.8 -75,165.5 -75,166.2 -75,166.9 -75,167.6 -75,168.3 -75,169 -75,169 -75.3,169 -75.6,169 -75.9,169 -76.2,169 -76.5,169 -76.8,169 -77.1,169 -77.4,169 -77.7,169 -78,168.3 -78,167.6 -78,166.9 -78,166.2 -78,165.5 -78,164.8 -78,164.1 -78,163.4 -78,162.7 -78,162 -78,162 -77.7,162 -77.4,162 -77.1,162 -76.8,162 -76.5,162 -76.2,162 -75.9,162 -75.6,162 -75.3,162 -75))"] | ["POINT(165.5 -76.5)"] | false | false |
The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
0838850 |
2013-01-01 | Gooseff, Michael N. |
Collaborative Research: The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys |
Two models have been proposed to describe controls over microbial biogeography. One model proposes that microbes are ubiquitously distributed across the global environment, and that environmental conditions select for taxa physiologically adapted to local physical conditions. An alternative model predicts that dispersal is the important limitation to the distribution of microorganisms and that spatial heterogeneity of microbial communities is a result of both dispersal and local environmental limitations. According to both models, spatial heterogeneity of microbial communities may be especially pronounced in extreme ecosystems where the environmental selection for organisms with suitable physiology is most strongly manifest. We propose that Antarctic terrestrial environments are ideal places to examine microbial biogeography for 3 reasons: 1) the pristine nature and remoteness of Antarctica minimizes the prevalence of exotic species dispersed through human vectors; 2) the extreme conditions of Antarctic environments provide a strong environmental filter which limits the establishment of non-indigenous taxa; and 3) extreme heterogeneity in the terrestrial environment provides natural gradients of soil conditions (temperature, water and nutrient availability). In the proposed research we will investigate the influence of snow on the composition and spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and linked biogeochemical cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. We will conduct fieldwork at the landscape scale (repeated remote sensing to characterize snow distribution), at the valley and patch scales (quantify snow patch ablation, microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling in subnivian soils). We hypothesize that snow patches play an important role in structuring the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and their associated ecosystem functioning because of the physical and hydrological influences that snow patches have on the soil environment. The research will contribute to greater public awareness of the importance of polar research to fundamental questions of biology, ecology and hydrology through direct linkages with International Antarctic Institute public outreach activities, including dissemination of web-based learning units on environmental science and microbiology, targeted as resources for secondary and post-secondary educators. Three graduate students, one postdoctoral scholar and multiple undergraduates will participate in the research activities. | ["POLYGON((-163.3 -77.62,-163.202 -77.62,-163.104 -77.62,-163.006 -77.62,-162.908 -77.62,-162.81 -77.62,-162.712 -77.62,-162.614 -77.62,-162.516 -77.62,-162.418 -77.62,-162.32 -77.62,-162.32 -77.631,-162.32 -77.642,-162.32 -77.653,-162.32 -77.664,-162.32 -77.675,-162.32 -77.686,-162.32 -77.697,-162.32 -77.708,-162.32 -77.719,-162.32 -77.73,-162.418 -77.73,-162.516 -77.73,-162.614 -77.73,-162.712 -77.73,-162.81 -77.73,-162.908 -77.73,-163.006 -77.73,-163.104 -77.73,-163.202 -77.73,-163.3 -77.73,-163.3 -77.719,-163.3 -77.708,-163.3 -77.697,-163.3 -77.686,-163.3 -77.675,-163.3 -77.664,-163.3 -77.653,-163.3 -77.642,-163.3 -77.631,-163.3 -77.62))"] | ["POINT(-162.81 -77.675)"] | false | false |
Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica
0739698 0739681 |
2013-01-01 | Murray, Alison |
Collaborative Research: Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica |
Lake Vida is the largest lake of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, with an approximately 20 m ice cover overlaying a brine of unknown depth with at least 7 times seawater salinity and temperatures below -10 degrees C year-round. Samples of brine collected from ice above the main water body contain 1) the highest nitrous oxide levels of any natural water body on Earth, 2) unusual geochemistry including anomalously high ammonia and iron concentrations, 3) high microbial counts with an unusual proportion (99%) of ultramicrobacteria. The microbial community is unique even compared to other Dry Valley Lakes. The research proposes to enter, for the first time the main brine body below the thick ice of Lake Vida and perform in situ measurements, collect samples of the brine column, and collect sediment cores from the lake bottom for detailed geochemical and microbiological analyses. The results will allow the characterization of present and past life in the lake, assessment of modern and past sedimentary processes, and determination of the lake's history. The research will be conducted by a multidisciplinary team that will uncover the biogeochemical processes associated with a non-photosynthetic microbial community isolated for a significant period of time. This research will address diversity, adaptive mechanisms and evolutionary processes in the context of the physical evolution of the environment of Lake Vida. Results will be widely disseminated through publications, presentations at national and international meetings, through the Subglacial Antarctic Lake Exploration (SALE) web site and the McMurdo LTER web site. The research will support three graduate students and three undergraduate research assistants. The results will be incorporated into a new undergraduate biogeosciences course at the University of Illinois at Chicago which has an extremely diverse student body, dominated by minorities. | ["POINT(161.931 -77.3885)"] | ["POINT(161.931 -77.3885)"] | false | false |
Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams
0739648 |
2013-01-01 | Cary, S. Craig |
Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams |
The glacial streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys have extensive cyanobacterial mats that are a probable source of fixed C and N to the Valleys. The research will examine the interplay between the microbial mats in the ephemeral glacial streams and the microbiota of the hyporheic soils (wetted soil zone) underlying and adjacent to those mats. It is hypothesized that the mats are important sources of organic carbon and fixed nitrogen for the soil communities of the hyporheic zone, and release dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) that serves the entire Dry Valley ecosystem. Field efforts will entail both observational and experimental components. Direct comparisons will be made between the mats and microbial populations underlying naturally rehydrated and desiccated mat areas, and between mat areas in the melt streams of the Adams and Miers Glaciers in Miers Valley. Both physiological and phylogenetic indices of the soil microbiota will be examined. Observations will include estimates of rates of mat carbon and nitrogen fixation, soil respiration and leucine and thymidine uptake (as measures of protein & DNA synthesis, respectively) by soil bacteria, bacterial densities and their molecular ecology. Experimental manipulations will include experimental re-wetting of soils and observations of the time course of response of the microbial community. The research will integrate modern molecular genetic approaches (ARISA-DNA fingerprinting and ultra deep 16S rDNA microbial phylogenetic analysis) with geochemistry to study the diversity, ecology, and function of microbial communities that thrive in these extreme environments. The broader impacts of the project include research and educational opportunities for graduate students and a postdoctoral associate. The P.I.s will involve undergraduates as work-study students and in REU programs, and will participate in educational and outreach programs. | ["POINT(163 -77.5)"] | ["POINT(163 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea
0538479 |
2010-01-01 | Seibel, Brad |
Collaborative Research: Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea |
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have resulted in greater oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide can impact marine organisms both via decreased carbonate saturation that affects calcification rates and via disturbance to acid-base (metabolic) physiology. Pteropod molluscs (Thecosomata) form shells made of aragonite, a type of calcium carbonate that is highly soluble, suggesting that these organisms may be particularly sensitive to increasing carbon dioxide and reduced carbonate ion concentration. Thecosome pteropods, which dominate the calcium carbonate export south of the Antarctic Polar Front, will be the first major group of marine calcifying organisms to experience carbonate undersaturation within parts of their present-day geographical ranges as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. An unusual, co-evolved relationship between thecosomes and their specialized gymnosome predators provides a unique backdrop against which to assess the physiological and ecological importance of elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Pteropods are functionally important components of the Antarctic ecosystem with potential to influence phytoplankton stocks, carbon export, and dimethyl sulfide levels that, in turn, influence global climate through ocean-atmosphere feedback loops. The research will quantify the impact of elevated carbon dioxide on a dominant aragonitic pteropod, Limacina helicina, and its specialist predator, the gymnosome Clione antarctica, in the Ross Sea through laboratory experimentation. Results will be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific understanding in this field. The project involves collaboration between researchers at a predominantly undergraduate institution with a significant enrollment of students that are typically underrepresented in the research environment (California State University San Marcos - CSUSM) and at a Ph.D.-granting institution (University of Rhode Island - URI). The program will promote education and learning through the joint education of undergraduate students and graduate students at CSUSM and URI as part of a research team, as well as through the teaching activities of the principal investigators. Dr. Keating, CSUSM professor of science education, will participate in the McMurdo fieldwork and lead the outreach opportunities for the project. | ["POLYGON((166 -77,166.1 -77,166.2 -77,166.3 -77,166.4 -77,166.5 -77,166.6 -77,166.7 -77,166.8 -77,166.9 -77,167 -77,167 -77.1,167 -77.2,167 -77.3,167 -77.4,167 -77.5,167 -77.6,167 -77.7,167 -77.8,167 -77.9,167 -78,166.9 -78,166.8 -78,166.7 -78,166.6 -78,166.5 -78,166.4 -78,166.3 -78,166.2 -78,166.1 -78,166 -78,166 -77.9,166 -77.8,166 -77.7,166 -77.6,166 -77.5,166 -77.4,166 -77.3,166 -77.2,166 -77.1,166 -77))"] | ["POINT(166.5 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector
0838838 |
2010-01-01 | Tilav, Serap; Evenson, Paul; Bieber, John; Clem, John |
Collaborative Research: Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector |
We determined a set of cosmic ray response functions for the ice Cherenkov detector used by the surface air shower IceTop, part of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole. At the same time we measured the response function of moderated neutron detectors that are now in use in conjunction with IceTop. We did this by means of a global latitude survey conducted with a detector identical to the IceTop sensors built in a freezer van installed on the Swedish icebreaker Oden. The freezer van also housed the moderated neutron detectors. Cosmic rays shower data were recorded on the Oden voyage from Sweden to McMurdo and return during the 2009-2010 austral summer season. Reliance on student observers and data analysts enhanced the broader impact of this research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission. | ["POLYGON((-165.89 -56.02,-150.571 -56.02,-135.252 -56.02,-119.933 -56.02,-104.614 -56.02,-89.295 -56.02,-73.976 -56.02,-58.657 -56.02,-43.338 -56.02,-28.019 -56.02,-12.7 -56.02,-12.7 -58.203,-12.7 -60.386,-12.7 -62.569,-12.7 -64.752,-12.7 -66.935,-12.7 -69.118,-12.7 -71.301,-12.7 -73.484,-12.7 -75.667,-12.7 -77.85,-28.019 -77.85,-43.338 -77.85,-58.657 -77.85,-73.976 -77.85,-89.295 -77.85,-104.614 -77.85,-119.933 -77.85,-135.252 -77.85,-150.571 -77.85,-165.89 -77.85,-165.89 -75.667,-165.89 -73.484,-165.89 -71.301,-165.89 -69.118,-165.89 -66.935,-165.89 -64.752,-165.89 -62.569,-165.89 -60.386,-165.89 -58.203,-165.89 -56.02))"] | ["POINT(-89.295 -66.935)"] | false | false |
Aging in Weddell Seals: Proximate Mechanisms of Age-Related Changes in Adaptations to Breath-Hold Hunting in an Extreme Environment
0649609 |
2010-01-01 | Horning, Markus |
Collaborative Research: Aging in Weddell Seals: Proximate Mechanisms of Age-Related Changes in Adaptations to Breath-Hold Hunting in an Extreme Environment |
The primary objectives of this research are to investigate the proximate effects of aging on diving capability in the Weddell Seal and to describe mechanisms by which aging may influence foraging ecology, through physiology and behavior. This model pinniped species has been the focus of three decades of research in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Compared to the knowledge of pinniped diving physiology and ecology during early development and young adulthood, little is known about individuals nearing the upper limit of their normal reproductive age range. Evolutionary aging theories predict that elderly diving seals should exhibit senescence. This should be exacerbated by surges in the generation of oxygen free radicals via hypoxia-reoxygenation during breath-hold diving and hunting, which are implicated in age-related damage to cellular mitochondria. Surprisingly, limited observations of non-threatened pinniped populations indicate that senescence does not occur to a level where reproductive output is affected. The ability of pinnipeds to avoid apparent senescence raises two major questions: what specific physiological and morphological changes occur with advancing age in pinnipeds; and what subtle adjustments are made by these animals to cope with such changes? This investigation will focus on specific, functional physiological and behavioral changes relating to dive capability with advancing age. Data will be compared between Weddell seals in the peak, and near the end, of their reproductive age range. The investigators will quantify age-related changes in general health and body condition, combined with fine scale assessments of external and internal ability to do work in the form of diving. Specifically, patterns of muscle morphology, oxidant status and oxygen storage with age will be examined. The effects of age on skeletal muscular function and exercise performance will also be examined. The investigators hypothesize that senescence does occur in Weddell seals at the level of small-scale, proximate physiological effects and performance, but that behavioral plasticity allows for a given degree of compensation. Broader impacts include the training of students and outreach activities including interviews and articles written for the popular media. This study should also establish diving seals as a novel model for the study of cardiovascular and muscular physiology of aging and develop a foundation for similar research on other species. Advancement of the understanding of aging by medical science has been impressive in recent years but basic mammalian aging is an area of study the still requires considerable effort. The development of new models for the study of aging has tremendous potential benefits to society at large. | ["POLYGON((165.975 -77.54,166.0631 -77.54,166.1512 -77.54,166.2393 -77.54,166.3274 -77.54,166.4155 -77.54,166.5036 -77.54,166.5917 -77.54,166.6798 -77.54,166.7679 -77.54,166.856 -77.54,166.856 -77.5709,166.856 -77.6018,166.856 -77.6327,166.856 -77.6636,166.856 -77.6945,166.856 -77.7254,166.856 -77.7563,166.856 -77.7872,166.856 -77.8181,166.856 -77.849,166.7679 -77.849,166.6798 -77.849,166.5917 -77.849,166.5036 -77.849,166.4155 -77.849,166.3274 -77.849,166.2393 -77.849,166.1512 -77.849,166.0631 -77.849,165.975 -77.849,165.975 -77.8181,165.975 -77.7872,165.975 -77.7563,165.975 -77.7254,165.975 -77.6945,165.975 -77.6636,165.975 -77.6327,165.975 -77.6018,165.975 -77.5709,165.975 -77.54))"] | ["POINT(166.4155 -77.6945)"] | false | false |
McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research (MCM LTER) Core Glacier Mass Balance Data, Antarctica
0086645 |
2009-08-31 | Fountain, Andrew; Nylen, Thomas; Basagic, Hassan; Lyons, W. Berry; Langevin, Paul |
SGER Proposal:Glaciological change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica |
As part of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) project in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, a systematic sampling program has been undertaken to monitor mass balance of the Taylor Valley glaciers. Data were collected from the Canada, Commonwealth, Howard, Hughes, Suess and Taylor glaciers, located in the Taylor Valley of Antarctica. Monitoring the changes in these measurements over time provides a record of mass balance, and aids in determining the role of glaciers in the polar hydrologic cycle. | ["POLYGON((161.04 -77.3,161.239 -77.3,161.438 -77.3,161.637 -77.3,161.836 -77.3,162.035 -77.3,162.234 -77.3,162.433 -77.3,162.632 -77.3,162.831 -77.3,163.03 -77.3,163.03 -77.378,163.03 -77.456,163.03 -77.534,163.03 -77.612,163.03 -77.69,163.03 -77.768,163.03 -77.846,163.03 -77.924,163.03 -78.002,163.03 -78.08,162.831 -78.08,162.632 -78.08,162.433 -78.08,162.234 -78.08,162.035 -78.08,161.836 -78.08,161.637 -78.08,161.438 -78.08,161.239 -78.08,161.04 -78.08,161.04 -78.002,161.04 -77.924,161.04 -77.846,161.04 -77.768,161.04 -77.69,161.04 -77.612,161.04 -77.534,161.04 -77.456,161.04 -77.378,161.04 -77.3))"] | ["POINT(162.035 -77.69)"] | false | false |
Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial Forms of Phaeocystis Antarctica
0440478 |
2009-01-01 | Smith, Walker; Tang, Kam |
Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica |
Phaeocystis Antarctica is a widely distributed phytoplankton that forms dense blooms and aggregates in the Southern Ocean. This phytoplankton and plays important roles in polar ecology and biogeochemistry, in part because it is a dominant primary producer, a main component of organic matter vertical fluxes, and the principal producer of volatile organic sulfur in the region. Yet P. Antarctica is also one of the lesser known species in terms of its physiology, life history and trophic relationships with other organisms; furthermore, information collected on other Phaeocystis species and from different locations may not be applicable to P. Antarctica in the Ross Sea. P. Antarctica occurs mainly as two morphotypes: solitary cells and mucilaginous colonies, which differ significantly in size, architecture and chemical composition. Relative dominance between solitary cells and colonies determines not only the size spectrum of the population, but also its carbon dynamics, nutrient uptake and utilization. Conventional thinking of the planktonic trophic processes is also challenged by the fact that colony formation could effectively alter the predator-prey interactions and interspecific competition. However, the factors that regulate the differences between solitary and colonial forms of P. Antarctica are not well-understood. The research objective of this proposal is therefore to address these over-arching questions: 1. Do P. Antarctica solitary cells and colonies differ in growth, composition and photosynthetic rates? 2. How do nutrients and grazers affect colony development and size distribution of P. Antarctica? 3. How do nutrients and grazers act synergistically to affect the long-term population dynamics of P. Antarctica? Experiments will be conducted in the McMurdo station with natural P. Antarctica assemblages and co-occurring grazers. Laboratory experiments will be conducted to study size-specific growth and photosynthetic rates of P. Antarctica, size-specific grazing mortality due to microzooplankton and mesozooplankton, the effects of macronutrients on the (nitrogen compounds) relative dominance of solitary cells and colonies, and the effects of micronutrient (Fe) and grazing related chemical signals on P. Antarctica colony development. Because this species is of critical importance in the Southern Ocean, and because this research will provide critical information on factors that regulate the role of P.Antarctica in food webs and biogeochemical cycles, a major gap in knowledge will be addressed. This project will train two marine science Ph.D. students. The investigators will also collaborate with the School of Education and a marine science museum to communicate polar science to a broader audience. | ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"] | ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"] | false | false |
The Molecular Signals that Regulate the Ontogeny of Aerobic Capacity, Lipid Metabolism and Elevated Myoglobin Concentrations in the Skeletal Muscles of Weddell Seals
0634682 |
2009-01-01 | Lyons, W. Berry; Kanatous, Shane |
The Molecular Signals that Regulate the Ontogeny of Aerobic Capacity, Lipid Metabolism and Elevated Myoglobin Concentrations in the Skeletal Muscles of Weddell Seals |
During the past three decades, intensive field studies have revealed much about the behavior, physiology, life history, and population dynamics of the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) population of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. These animals are marine predators that are highly adapted for an aquatic life in shore-fast and pack ice habitats. They must locate and capture sparsely distributed under the ice. Most of what is known about their diving behavior is based on studies of adult animals with little known about the development or the genetic controls of diving behavior of young animals. The goal of this project is to examine the temporal development of aerobic capacity, lipid metabolism and oxygen stores in the skeletal muscles of young Weddell seals and to determine which aspects of the cellular environment are important in the regulation of these adaptations during maturation. This project builds on past results to investigate the molecular controls that underlie the development of these adaptations. The first objective is to further characterize the ontogenetic changes in muscle aerobic capacity, lipid metabolism and myoglobin concentration and distribution using enzymatic, immuno-histochemical and myoglobin assays in newly weaned, subadult, and adult seals. The second objective is to determine the molecular controls that regulate these changes in aerobic capacity, fiber type distribution and myoglobin in skeletal muscles during maturation. Through subtractive hybridization and subsequent analysis, differences in mRNA populations in the swimming muscles of the different age classes of Weddell seals will be determined. These techniques will allow for the identification of the proteins and transcription factors that influence the ontogenetic changes in myoglobin concentration, fiber type distribution and aerobic capacity. These results will increase our understanding of both the ontogeny and molecular mechanisms by which young seals acquire the physiological capabilities to make deep (up to 700 m) and long aerobic dives (ca 20 min). This study will advance knowledge of the molecular regulation for the adaptations that enable active skeletal muscle to function under hypoxic conditions; this has a broader application for human medicine especially in regards to cardiac and pulmonary disease. Additional broader impacts include the participation of underrepresented scientists and a continuation of a website in collaboration with the Science Teachers Access to Resources at Southwestern University (STARS Program) which involves weekly updates about research efforts during the field season, weekly questions/answer session involving students and teachers, and updates on research results throughout the year. | ["POLYGON((160 -77,160.7 -77,161.4 -77,162.1 -77,162.8 -77,163.5 -77,164.2 -77,164.9 -77,165.6 -77,166.3 -77,167 -77,167 -77.1,167 -77.2,167 -77.3,167 -77.4,167 -77.5,167 -77.6,167 -77.7,167 -77.8,167 -77.9,167 -78,166.3 -78,165.6 -78,164.9 -78,164.2 -78,163.5 -78,162.8 -78,162.1 -78,161.4 -78,160.7 -78,160 -78,160 -77.9,160 -77.8,160 -77.7,160 -77.6,160 -77.5,160 -77.4,160 -77.3,160 -77.2,160 -77.1,160 -77))"] | ["POINT(163.5 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica
0739452 |
2009-01-01 | Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy |
Landform Evolution in the Dry Valleys and its implications for Miocene-Pliocene Climate Change in Antarctica |
This project seeks to answer a simple question: how old are potholes and related geomorphic features found in the uplands of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica? Some research suggests that they are over ten million years old and date the growth of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the world's largest. However, some evidence suggests that these are young, erosional features that continuing to evolve to this day. This project uses cosmogenic nuclide dating to determine the age of the pothole floors. The results are important for determining the ice sheet?s history and interpreting the O-isotope record from the marine sediment cores, key records of global climate. Broader impacts include K12 outreach and incorporation of outcomes into university courses. | ["POLYGON((161 -76,161.2 -76,161.4 -76,161.6 -76,161.8 -76,162 -76,162.2 -76,162.4 -76,162.6 -76,162.8 -76,163 -76,163 -76.2,163 -76.4,163 -76.6,163 -76.8,163 -77,163 -77.2,163 -77.4,163 -77.6,163 -77.8,163 -78,162.8 -78,162.6 -78,162.4 -78,162.2 -78,162 -78,161.8 -78,161.6 -78,161.4 -78,161.2 -78,161 -78,161 -77.8,161 -77.6,161 -77.4,161 -77.2,161 -77,161 -76.8,161 -76.6,161 -76.4,161 -76.2,161 -76))"] | ["POINT(162 -77)"] | false | false |
Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores
0739512 |
2009-01-01 | Walker, Sally |
Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores |
This project answers a simple question: why are there so few fossils in sediment cores from Antarctica's continental shelf? Antarctica's benthos are as biologically rich as those of the tropics. Shell-secreting organisms should have left a trail throughout geologic time, but have not. This trail is particularly important because these organisms record regional climate in ways that are critical to interpreting the global climate record. This study uses field experiments and targeted observations of modern benthic systems to examine the biases inflicted by fossil preservation. By examining a spectrum of ice-affected habitats, this project provides paleoenvironmental insights into carbonate preservation, sedimentation rates, and burial processes; and will provide new approaches to reconstructing the Cenozoic history of Antarctica. Broader impacts include graduate and undergraduate research and education, development of undergraduate curricula to link art and science, K12 outreach, public outreach via the web, and societal relevance through improved understanding of records of global climate change. | ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
Cosmic Ray Observations in McMurdo
0739620 |
2009-01-01 | Evenson, Paul; Bieber, John |
Cosmic Ray Observations in McMurdo |
This proposal seeks funding to continue the neutron monitor observations at McMurdo for at least 4 years of operation - through the next solar activity maximum predicted in 2011-12. The neutron monitor in McMurdo is a crucial element of the 'Spaceship Earth' array - a 12-station multi-national network of neutron monitors optimized to measure the angular distribution of relativistic solar cosmic rays. McMurdo has the southernmost viewing direction of any neutron monitor station in the World, thereby providing a critical three-dimensional perspective on the cosmic ray distribution measured by the global array. Data returned from McMurdo and other 'Spaceship Earth' stations will enable the advanced understanding of the acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles, and of the transient and long-term modulation of galactic cosmic rays by the Sun. From the historical occurrence rates, continuing McMurdo observations through the solar activity maximum would allow to detect new relativistic solar particle events. Neutron monitors can play a direct role in forecasting and specifying solar wind disturbances, thus improving the capability to forecast major space weather events for the societal benefit. For example, providing the cosmic rays Ground-Level Enhancement (GLE) alerts is of direct relevance to aviation flights over high latitudes where these events can pose health hazards. | ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
Integrating Geomorphological and Paleoecological Studies to Reconstruct Neogene Environments of the Transantarctic Mountains
0739693 |
2009-01-01 | Ashworth, Allan; Lewis, Adam |
Collaborative Research: Integrating Geomorphological and Paleoecological Studies to Reconstruct Neogene Environments of the Transantarctic Mountains |
This project studies the last vestiges of life in Antarctica from exceptionally well-preserved fossils of tundra life--mosses, diatoms, ostracods, Nothofagus leaves, wood, and insect remains recently discovered in ancient lake sediments from the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The area will be studied by an interdisciplinary team to elucidate information about climate and biogeography. These deposits offer unique and direct information about the characteristics of Antarctica during a key period in its history, the time when it was freezing. This information is critical for correlation with indirect proxies, such as though obtained from drill cores, for climate and state of the ice sheet. The results will also help understand the origin and migration of similar organisms found in South America, India and Australia. In terms of broader impacts, this project supports an early career researcher, undergraduate and graduate student research, various forms of outreach to K12 students, and extensive international collaboration. The work also has societal relevance in that the outcomes will offer direct constraints on Antarctica's ice sheet during a time with atmospheric CO2 contents similar to those of the earth in the coming centuries, and thus may help predictive models of sea level rise. | ["POLYGON((160 -77,160.2 -77,160.4 -77,160.6 -77,160.8 -77,161 -77,161.2 -77,161.4 -77,161.6 -77,161.8 -77,162 -77,162 -77.1,162 -77.2,162 -77.3,162 -77.4,162 -77.5,162 -77.6,162 -77.7,162 -77.8,162 -77.9,162 -78,161.8 -78,161.6 -78,161.4 -78,161.2 -78,161 -78,160.8 -78,160.6 -78,160.4 -78,160.2 -78,160 -78,160 -77.9,160 -77.8,160 -77.7,160 -77.6,160 -77.5,160 -77.4,160 -77.3,160 -77.2,160 -77.1,160 -77))"] | ["POINT(161 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Hydrologic Margins Research Project, 2004-2008, McMurdo Dry Valleys
0338267 |
2008-09-11 | Gooseff, Michael N. |
Collaborative Research: Hydrologic Controls over Biogeochemistry and Microbial Community Structure and Function across Terrestrial/Aquatic Interfaces in a Polar Desert |
None | [] | [] | false | false |
Marine Invertebrates of McMurdo Sound
0238281 |
2008-01-01 | Marsh, Adam G. |
CAREER: Genomic Networks for Cold-Adaptation in Embryos of Polar Marine Invertebrates |
Although we envision the coastal margins of Antarctica as an extreme environment challenging to the existence of life, there are many marine invertebrates that are adapted to live and thrive under the sea ice. For two field seasons, the SCUBA diving activities of this project routinely involved photographing these animals in all the dive locations as a way to document what we observed as the dominant organisms at each site. Ice diving is very strenuous for humans, and often the constraints of managing the work on a dive, monitoring air reserves, tracking proximity to the dive hole, and the 50 minute exposure to subfreezing temperatures limits a divers ability to "catalog" observations that are not essential to the current dive plan. The photographs archived here have provided the project's dive team with the ability to "debrief" following a dive and more or less reenact the dive by moving through the photograph images. Studying these images often served as a visual trigger for divers to recall more specific observations and in many cases details in the photographs were captured without the photographer (A. Marsh) realizing that they were there (such as small, cryptic species hiding in a shadow until the strobe light fires for the photo, illuminating these secondary subjects). These photographs are intended to serve as a record of what organisms we encountered in the McMurdo Sound area in 2004 and 2005. All photographs were taken with a Nikon D-70 in a polycarbonate underwater housing using either a 18 mm (wide) or 60 mm (macro) lens. | ["POLYGON((163 -77,163.4 -77,163.8 -77,164.2 -77,164.6 -77,165 -77,165.4 -77,165.8 -77,166.2 -77,166.6 -77,167 -77,167 -77.1,167 -77.2,167 -77.3,167 -77.4,167 -77.5,167 -77.6,167 -77.7,167 -77.8,167 -77.9,167 -78,166.6 -78,166.2 -78,165.8 -78,165.4 -78,165 -78,164.6 -78,164.2 -78,163.8 -78,163.4 -78,163 -78,163 -77.9,163 -77.8,163 -77.7,163 -77.6,163 -77.5,163 -77.4,163 -77.3,163 -77.2,163 -77.1,163 -77))"] | ["POINT(165 -77.5)"] | false | false |
B-Be-Li Abundance and Isotope Data: Mt. Erebus-McMurdo Volcanics
9977306 |
2003-06-19 | Ryan, Jeffrey |
The Role of the Forearc in Subduction Zone Chemical Cycles: Elemental and Isotopic Signatures of Forearc Serpentinites, ODP Leg 125 |
[] | [] | false | false |