[{"awards": "1043217 Zagorodnov, Victor", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing at Windless Bight", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609604", "doi": "10.7265/N5V122QS", "keywords": "Antarctica; Ice Shelf; McMurdo Sound; Mooring; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Ross Ice Shelf; Southern Ocean", "people": "Zagorodnov, Victor; Holland, David; Tyler, Scott W.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing at Windless Bight", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609604"}], "date_created": "Tue, 05 May 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Abstract\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eResearchers will explore the use of a distributed temperature sensing monitoring system (DTS), using fiber-optical (FO) technology, as the basis of a sustainable, sub-ice cavity sensing array. FO cable systems, such as may be deployed through a hot-water drilled hole through an ice shelf, passing through the underlying cavity to the sea floor, are capable of measuring temperatures down fiber at 1 meter intervals, and at time frequencies as high as 15 seconds. DTS FO systems operate via optical time domain reflectometry along the fiber waveguide using inelastic backscatter of coherent laser light as a probe beam in the FO environment.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe introduction of new technologies to the harsh environmental conditions of the Antarctic are often associated with high risk. However, the potential rewards of this approach (e.g. multiyear capability, minimal submerged mechanical or electrical components that may fail, relative simplicity of deployment and measurement principle, yet yielding distributed real time and spatial observation) are attractive enough to conduct a pilot project at a field-ready location (McMurdo). \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eCurrent indications are that the instability of some of the world\u0027s largest ice sheets located around the Antarctic and Greenland may be caused by the presence of warming, deep ocean waters, shoaling over continental shelves, and melting the underside of floating ice shelves. Additional knowledge of the temporal and spatial variability of the temperature fields underneath terminal ice shelves, such as those draining the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, are needed to accurately project future global climate effects on ice-shelf ocean interactions, and in order to inform societal and technological aspects of adaption to changing sea-level.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PRESSURE/HEIGHT METERS \u003e PRESSURE SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e TEMPERATURE LOGGERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e TEMPERATURE SENSORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; Conservative Temperature; MOORINGS; Ice Shelf Temperature; Ocean Temperature", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Zagorodnov, Victor; Holland, David; Tyler, Scott W.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e BUOYS \u003e MOORED \u003e MOORINGS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Application of Distributed Temperature Sensors (DTS) for Antarctic Ice Shelves and Cavities", "uid": "p0000183", "west": null}, {"awards": "0944199 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "WAIS Divide Sonic Log Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609592", "doi": "10.7265/N5T72FD2", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Sonic Log; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Matsuoka, Kenichi; Waddington, Edwin D.; Kluskiewicz, Dan; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; McCarthy, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Sonic Log Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609592"}], "date_created": "Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0944199/Matsuoka\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to test the hypothesis that abrupt changes in fabric exist and are associated with both climate transitions and volcanic eruptions. It requires depth-continuous measurements of the fabric. By lowering a new logging tool into the WAIS Divide borehole after the completion of the core drilling, this project will measure acoustic-wave speeds as a function of depth and interpret it in terms of ice fabrics. This interpretation will be guided by ice-core-measured fabrics at sparse depths. This project will apply established analytical techniques for the ice-sheet logging and estimate depth profiles of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds at short intervals (~ 1 m). Previous logging projects measured only compressional-wave speeds averaged over typically 5-7 m intervals. Thus the new logger will enable more precise fabric interpretations. Fabric measurements using thin sections have revealed distinct fabric patterns separated by less than several meters; fabric measurements over a shorter period are crucial. At the WAIS Divide borehole, six two-way logging runs will be made with different observational parameters so that multiple wave-propagation modes will be identified, yielding estimates of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds. Each run takes approximately 24 hours to complete; we propose to occupy the boreholes in total eight days. The logging at WAIS Divide is temporarily planned in December 2011, but the timing is not critical. This project?s scope is limited to the completion of the logging and fabric interpretations. Results will be immediately shared with other WAIS Divide researchers. Direct benefits of this data sharing include guiding further thin-section analysis of the fabric, deriving a precise thinning function that retrieves more accurate accumulation history and depth-age scales. The PIs of this project have conducted radar and seismic surveys in this area and this project will provide a ground truth for these regional remote-sensing assessments of the ice interior. In turn, these remote sensing means can extend the results from the borehole to larger parts of the central West Antarctica. This project supports education for two graduate students for geophysics, glaciology, paleoclimate, and polar logistics. The instrument that will be acquired in this project can be used at other boreholes for ice-fabric characterizations and for englacial hydrology (wetness of temperate ice).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e PROBES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "WAIS Divide; GROUND STATIONS; Western Divide Core; Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctic Ice Sheet; WAIS Divide", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Matsuoka, Kenichi; Kluskiewicz, Dan; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; McCarthy, Michael; Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative research: acoustic logging of the WAIS Divide borehole", "uid": "p0000051", "west": null}, {"awards": "9725057 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-76.1 -77.68,-53.253 -77.68,-30.406 -77.68,-7.559 -77.68,15.288 -77.68,38.135 -77.68,60.982 -77.68,83.829 -77.68,106.676 -77.68,129.523 -77.68,152.37 -77.68,152.37 -78.912,152.37 -80.144,152.37 -81.376,152.37 -82.608,152.37 -83.84,152.37 -85.072,152.37 -86.304,152.37 -87.536,152.37 -88.768,152.37 -90,129.523 -90,106.676 -90,83.829 -90,60.982 -90,38.135 -90,15.288 -90,-7.559 -90,-30.406 -90,-53.253 -90,-76.1 -90,-76.1 -88.768,-76.1 -87.536,-76.1 -86.304,-76.1 -85.072,-76.1 -83.84,-76.1 -82.608,-76.1 -81.376,-76.1 -80.144,-76.1 -78.912,-76.1 -77.68))", "dataset_titles": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data; US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data, Version 1", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601559", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; Solid Earth; Wais Project", "people": "Dixon, Daniel A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data, Version 1", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601559"}, {"dataset_uid": "609273", "doi": "10.7265/N51V5BXR", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; Solid Earth; WAIS", "people": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Dixon, Daniel A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) Glaciochemical Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609273"}], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9725057 Mayewski This award is for support for a Science Management Office (SMO) for the United States component of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE). The broad aim of US ITASE is to develop an understanding of the last 200 years of past West Antarctic climate and environmental change. ITASE is a multidisciplinary program that integrates remote sensing, meteorology, ice coring, surface glaciology and geophysics. In addition to the formation of a science management office, this award supports a series of annual workshops to coordinate the science projects that will be involved in ITASE and the logistics base needed to undertake ground-based sampling in West Antarctica.", "east": 152.37, "geometry": "POINT(38.135 -83.84)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "US ITASE; Not provided; ITASE; GROUND STATIONS; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "locations": null, "north": -77.68, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Dixon, Daniel A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "Science Management for the United States Component of the International Trans-Antarctic Expedition", "uid": "p0000221", "west": -76.1}, {"awards": "0839119 Wu, Qian", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-68.1 -63.8,-67.29 -63.8,-66.48 -63.8,-65.67 -63.8,-64.86 -63.8,-64.05 -63.8,-63.24 -63.8,-62.43 -63.8,-61.62 -63.8,-60.81 -63.8,-60 -63.8,-60 -64.1,-60 -64.4,-60 -64.7,-60 -65,-60 -65.3,-60 -65.6,-60 -65.9,-60 -66.2,-60 -66.5,-60 -66.8,-60.81 -66.8,-61.62 -66.8,-62.43 -66.8,-63.24 -66.8,-64.05 -66.8,-64.86 -66.8,-65.67 -66.8,-66.48 -66.8,-67.29 -66.8,-68.1 -66.8,-68.1 -66.5,-68.1 -66.2,-68.1 -65.9,-68.1 -65.6,-68.1 -65.3,-68.1 -65,-68.1 -64.7,-68.1 -64.4,-68.1 -64.1,-68.1 -63.8))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). This project will deploy a new Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) at the U.S. Palmer Station located in the Antarctic Peninsula. The FPI will observe mesospheric and thermospheric neutral winds and temperatures using multiple nightglow emissions (OH, 892 nm, 87 km; O 557.7 nm, 97 km; O 630 nm, 250 km; and O2 (0-1) 865 nm, 94 km). The project\u0027s team will collaborate with Australian scientists who operate similar FPI instruments at their Antarctic stations Mawson and Davis to jointly analyze the neutral wind and temperature data distributions over the continent and address the following scientific problems: (1) Thermospheric neutral winds effects on the Weddell Sea Anomaly, (2) Non-migrating tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, (3) Lower thermospheric meridional wind circulation and mesosphere wind shear, (4) High-latitude geomagnetic field effects on the mid-latitude thermosphere, and (4) Conjugacy studies of the mesosphere and thermosphere with the incoherent scatter radar and FPI observations from Millstone Hill, Massachusetts. The fieldwork and analysis efforts associated with this project are highly suitable for involvement and research training of graduate students.", "east": -60.0, "geometry": "POINT(-64.05 -65.3)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e INTERFEROMETERS \u003e FPI", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "GROUND STATIONS; Thermospheric Winds; Fpi", "locations": null, "north": -63.8, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Wu, Qian", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -66.8, "title": "Collaborative Research: Thermospheric Neutral Wind Observation from the Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "p0000472", "west": -68.1}, {"awards": "9911617 Blankenship, Donald; 9319379 Blankenship, Donald", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Antarctic Aerogeophysics Data; Antarctic Subglacial Lake Classification Inventory; RBG - Robb Glacier Survey; SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey airborne radar data; SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey bed elevation data; SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey Gravity data; SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey ice thickness data; SOAR-Lake Vostok survey magnetic anomaly data; SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey surface elevation data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601604", "doi": "10.15784/601604", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Antarctica; Bed Elevation; Geophysics; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Surface Elevation; Ice Thickness; Robb Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains", "people": "Bell, Robin; Young, Duncan A.; Buck, W. Roger; Blankenship, Donald D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "RBG - Robb Glacier Survey", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601604"}, {"dataset_uid": "601300", "doi": "10.1594/IEDA/306568", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Airplane; Antarctica; East Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Lake Vostok; Navigation; Radar; SOAR; Subglacial Lakes", "people": "Bell, Robin; Studinger, Michael S.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey airborne radar data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601300"}, {"dataset_uid": "601299", "doi": "10.1594/IEDA/306565", "keywords": "Airborne Laser Altimeters; Airborne Laser Altimetry; Airborne Radar; Airplane; Antarctica; Bed Elevation; Bedrock Elevation; Digital Elevation Model; East Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Sheet; Lake Vostok; Radar; Radar Echo Sounder; SOAR", "people": "Bell, Robin; Studinger, Michael S.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey bed elevation data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601299"}, {"dataset_uid": "601298", "doi": "10.1594/IEDA/306566", "keywords": "Airborne Altimetry; Airborne Laser Altimeters; Airborne Radar; Airplane; Antarctica; East Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Sheet; Ice Sheet Elevation; Ice Surface; Lake Vostok; Radar Echo Sounder; SOAR; Surface Elevation", "people": "Bell, Robin; Studinger, Michael S.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey surface elevation data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601298"}, {"dataset_uid": "601297", "doi": "10.1594/IEDA/306567", "keywords": "Airborne Laser Altimeters; Airborne Radar; Airplane; Antarctica; East Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Sheet; Ice Stratigraphy; Ice Thickness; Ice Thickness Distribution; Lake Vostok; Radar; Radar Altimetry; Radar Echo Sounder; SOAR; Subglacial Lake", "people": "Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey ice thickness data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601297"}, {"dataset_uid": "601296", "doi": " 10.1594/IEDA/306564", "keywords": "Airborne Magnetic; Airplane; Antarctica; East Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Lake Vostok; Magnetic; Magnetic Anomaly; Magnetometer; Potential Field; SOAR; Solid Earth", "people": "Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "SOAR-Lake Vostok survey magnetic anomaly data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601296"}, {"dataset_uid": "601295", "doi": "10.1594/IEDA/306563", "keywords": "Airborne Gravity; Airplane; Antarctica; East Antarctica; Free Air Gravity; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Gravimeter; Gravity; Lake Vostok; Potential Field; Solid Earth", "people": "Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "SOAR-Lake Vostok Survey Gravity data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601295"}, {"dataset_uid": "609240", "doi": "", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Antarctica; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Navigation; Potential Field; SOAR; Solid Earth", "people": "Dalziel, Ian W.; Morse, David L.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Holt, John W.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic Aerogeophysics Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609240"}, {"dataset_uid": "609336", "doi": "10.7265/N5CN71VX", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Subglacial Lake", "people": "Blankenship, Donald D.; Holt, John W.; Carter, Sasha P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic Subglacial Lake Classification Inventory", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609336"}], "date_created": "Fri, 06 Feb 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9911617\u003cbr/\u003eBlankenship\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award, provided jointly by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program, the Antarctic Glaciology Program, and the Polar Research Support Section of the Office of Polar Programs, provides funds for continuation of the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR). From July 1994 to July 2000, SOAR served as a facility to accomplish aerogeophysical research in Antarctica under an agreement between the University of Texas at Austin and the National Science Foundation\u0027s Office of Polar Programs (NSF/OPP). SOAR operated and maintained an aerogeophysical instrument package that consists of an ice-penetrating radar sounder, a laser altimeter, a gravimeter and a magnetometer that are tightly integrated with each other as well as with the aircraft\u0027s avionics and power packages. An array of aircraft and ground-based GPS receivers supported kinematic differential positioning using carrier-phase observations. SOAR activities included: developing aerogeophysical research projects with NSF/OPP investigators; upgrading of the aerogeophysical instrumentation package to accommodate new science projects and advances in technology; fielding this instrument package to accomplish SOAR-developed projects; and management, reduction, and analysis of the acquired aerogeophysical data. In pursuit of 9 NSF-OPP funded aerogeophysical research projects (involving 14 investigators from 9 institutions), SOAR carried out six field campaigns over a six-year period and accomplished approximately 200,000 line kilometers of aerogeophysical surveying over both East and West Antarctica in 377 flights.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports SOAR to undertake a one year and 8 month program of aerogeophysical activities that are consistent with continuing U.S. support for geophysical research in Antarctica. \u003cbr/\u003e- SOAR will conduct an aerogeophysical campaign during the 200/01 austral summer to accomplish surveys for two SOAR-developed projects: \"Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Studies\" (Co-PI\u0027s Bell and Studinger, LDEO); and \"Collaborative Research: Seismic Investigation of the Deep Continental Structure Across the East-West Antarctic Boundary\" (Co-PI\u0027s Weins, Washington U. and Anandakrishnan, U. Alabama). After configuration and testing of the survey aircraft in McMurdo, SOAR will conduct survey flights from an NSF-supported base adjacent to the Russian Station above Lake Vostok and briefly occupy one or two remote bases on the East Antarctic ice sheet.\u003cbr/\u003e- SOAR will reduce these aerogeophysical data and produce profiles and maps of surface elevation, bed elevation, gravity and magnetic field intensity. These results will be provided to the respective project investigators within nine months of conclusion of field activities. We will also submit a technical manuscript that describes these results to a refereed scientific journal and distribute these results to appropriate national geophysical data centers within approximately 24 months of completion of field activities.\u003cbr/\u003e- SOAR will standardize all previously reduced SOAR data products and transfer them to the appropriate national geophysical data centers by the end of this grant.\u003cbr/\u003e- SOAR will convene a workshop to establish a community consensus for future U.S. Antarctic aerogeophysical research. This workshop will be co-convened by Ian Dalziel and Richard Alley and will take place during the spring of 2001.\u003cbr/\u003e- SOAR will upgrade the existing SOAR in-field quality control procedures to serve as a web-based interface for efficient browsing of many low-level SOAR data streams.\u003cbr/\u003e- SOAR will repair and/or refurbish equipment that was used during the 2000/01 field campaign.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eSupport for SOAR is essential for accomplishing major geophysical investigations in Antarctica. Following data interpretation by the science teams, these data will provide valuable insights to the structure and evolution of the Antarctic continent.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e IMAGING RADARS \u003e IMAGING RADAR SYSTEMS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e LIDAR/LASER SOUNDERS \u003e LIDAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e MAGNETIC FIELD/ELECTRIC FIELD INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROTON MAGNETOMETER", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Sheet; Ice Sheet Elevation; Surface Winds; Snow Temperature; Atmospheric Pressure; Antarctic; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Surface Temperature Measurements; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Surface Wind Speed Measurements; Subglacial Topography; Atmospheric Humidity Measurements; Not provided; Aerogeophysics; FIELD SURVEYS; GROUND STATIONS; Antarctica; SOAR; Snow Temperature Measurements; West Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; East Antarctic Plateau", "locations": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; East Antarctic Plateau", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Carter, Sasha P.; Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Morse, David L.; Dalziel, Ian W.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Continuation of Activities for the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR)", "uid": "p0000125", "west": null}, {"awards": "0126057 Brook, Edward J.; 0512971 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Antarctic and Greenland Climate Change Comparison; GISP2 (B and D Core) Methane Concentrations; GISP2 (D Core) Helium Isotopes from Interplanetary Dust; GISP2 (D Core) Methane Concentration Data; Siple Dome Methane Record", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609253", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Stauffer, Bernhard; Chappellaz, Jerome; Brook, Edward J.; Blunier, Thomas", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic and Greenland Climate Change Comparison", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609253"}, {"dataset_uid": "609125", "doi": "", "keywords": "Arctic; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Greenland; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "GISP2 (B and D Core) Methane Concentrations", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609125"}, {"dataset_uid": "609361", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Kurz, Mark D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "GISP2 (D Core) Helium Isotopes from Interplanetary Dust", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609361"}, {"dataset_uid": "609360", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Arctic; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; GISP2; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "GISP2 (D Core) Methane Concentration Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609360"}, {"dataset_uid": "609124", "doi": "10.7265/N5KH0K8R", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Methane Record", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609124"}], "date_created": "Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports work on trapped gases in Antarctic and other ice cores for paleoenvironmental and chronological purposes. The project will complete a ~ 100,000 year, high-resolution record of atmospheric methane from the Siple Dome ice core and use these data to construct a precise chronology for climate events recorded by the Siple Dome record. In addition, the resolution of the GISP2 (Greenland) ice core record will be increased in some critical intervals to help with the Siple Dome chronology and that of future ice cores. Finally, an upgrade to the analytical capabilities of the laboratory, including increasing precision and throughput and decreasing sample size needed for ice core methane measurements will be an important goal of this work. The proposed work will contribute to the understanding of the timing of rapid climate change in the Northern and Southern hemispheres during the last glacial period, the evolution of the global methane budget in the late Quaternary, and the late Quaternary climate history of Antarctica. It will also improve our ability to generate methane records for future ice coring projects, and inform and enrich the educational and outreach activities of our laboratory.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotope; Siple Coast; WAISCORES; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Interplanetary Dust; FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; Ice Sheet; Snow; GROUND STATIONS; Gas Measurement; Ice Core; Siple; Antarctica; Methane; Glaciology; Stratigraphy; Siple Dome", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Blunier, Thomas; Chappellaz, Jerome; Stauffer, Bernhard; Kurz, Mark D.; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "High Resolution Records of Atmospheric Methane in Ice Cores and Implications for Late Quaternary Climate Change", "uid": "p0000034", "west": null}, {"awards": "0229546 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-178 -78)", "dataset_titles": "collection of nascent rift images and description of station deployment; Continuous GPS (static) Data from the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica; Giant Icebergs of the Ross Sea, in situ Drift and Weather Measurements, Antarctica; Iceberg Firn Temperatures, Antarctica; Iceberg Harmonic Tremor, Seismometer Data, Antarctica; Iceberg Satellite imagery from stations and ice shelves (full data link not provided); Iceberg Tiltmeter Measurements, Antarctica; Ice Shelf Rift Time-Lapse Photography, Antarctica; Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology; Nascent Iceberg Webcam Images available during the deployment period; Ross Ice Shelf Firn Temperature, Antarctica; The files contain a short header (number of data samples, sample rate, start time, stop time, channel title)The time series data then follow the header above.; This site mirrors the NSIDC website archive.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609352", "doi": "10.7265/N5M61H55", "keywords": "Glaciology; Iceberg; Oceans; Ross Ice Shelf; Sea Ice; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Southern Ocean; Temperature", "people": "Sergienko, Olga; Thom, Jonathan; MacAyeal, Douglas", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Iceberg Firn Temperatures, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609352"}, {"dataset_uid": "609353", "doi": "10.7265/N5GF0RFF", "keywords": "Glaciology; Iceberg; Oceans; Ross Ice Shelf; Sea Ice; Southern Ocean; Tiltmeter", "people": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Kim, Young-Jin; Bliss, Andrew", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Iceberg Tiltmeter Measurements, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609353"}, {"dataset_uid": "609351", "doi": "10.7265/N5QV3JGV", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Ross Ice Shelf", "people": "Brunt, Kelly; MacAyeal, Douglas", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Shelf Rift Time-Lapse Photography, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609351"}, {"dataset_uid": "609350", "doi": "10.7265/N5VM496K", "keywords": "AWS; Glaciology; GPS; Iceberg; Meteorology; Oceans; Ross Sea; Sea Ice; Southern Ocean; Weatherstation", "people": "Bassis, Jeremy; MacAyeal, Douglas; Aster, Richard; Okal, Emile", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Giant Icebergs of the Ross Sea, in situ Drift and Weather Measurements, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609350"}, {"dataset_uid": "609349", "doi": "10.7265/N5445JD6", "keywords": "Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciology; Iceberg; Oceans; Ross Sea; Sea Ice; Seismometer; Southern Ocean", "people": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Bassis, Jeremy; Okal, Emile; Aster, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Iceberg Harmonic Tremor, Seismometer Data, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609349"}, {"dataset_uid": "002504", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Project website", "science_program": null, "title": "Nascent Iceberg Webcam Images available during the deployment period", "url": "https://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/data/iceberg.html"}, {"dataset_uid": "001685", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "IRIS", "science_program": null, "title": "Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology", "url": "http://www.iris.edu/data/sources.htm"}, {"dataset_uid": "609347", "doi": "10.7265/N57W694M", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geodesy; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPS; Ross Ice Shelf; Southern Ocean", "people": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Brunt, Kelly; King, Matthew", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Continuous GPS (static) Data from the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609347"}, {"dataset_uid": "001684", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "AMRDC", "science_program": null, "title": "This site mirrors the NSIDC website archive.", "url": "http://uwamrc.ssec.wisc.edu/"}, {"dataset_uid": "001639", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Project website", "science_program": null, "title": "collection of nascent rift images and description of station deployment", "url": "http://thistle.org/nascent/index.shtml"}, {"dataset_uid": "001598", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "The files contain a short header (number of data samples, sample rate, start time, stop time, channel title)The time series data then follow the header above.", "url": "http://nsidc.org"}, {"dataset_uid": "609354", "doi": "10.7265/N5BP00Q3", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ross Ice Shelf; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Temperature", "people": "Scambos, Ted; MacAyeal, Douglas; Muto, Atsu; Sergienko, Olga", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ross Ice Shelf Firn Temperature, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609354"}, {"dataset_uid": "002568", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Project website", "science_program": null, "title": "Iceberg Satellite imagery from stations and ice shelves (full data link not provided)", "url": "http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/"}], "date_created": "Fri, 19 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports the study of the drift and break-up of Earth\u0027s largest icebergs, which were recently released into the Ross Sea of Antarctica as a result of calving from the Ross Ice Shelf. The scientific goals of the study are to determine the physics of iceberg motion within the dynamic context of ocean currents, winds, and sea ice, which determine the forces that drive iceberg motion, and the relationship between the iceberg and geographically and topographically determined pinning points on which the iceberg can ground. In addition, the processes by which icebergs influence the local environments (e.g., sea ice conditions near Antarctica, access to penguin rookeries, air-sea heat exchange and upwelling at iceberg margins, nutrient fluxes) will be studied. The processes by which icebergs generate globally far-reaching ocean acoustic signals that are detected within the global seismic (earthquake) sensing networks will also be studied. A featured element of the scientific research activity will be a field effort to deploy automatic weather stations, seismometer arrays and GPS-tracking stations on several of the largest icebergs presently adrift, or about to be adrift, in the Ross Sea. Data generated and relayed via satellite to home institutions in the Midwest will motivate theoretical analysis and computer simulation; and will be archived on an \"iceberg\" website (http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/amrc/iceberg.html) for access by scientists and the general public. At the most broad level, the study is justified by the fact that icebergs released by the Antarctic ice sheet represent the largest movements of fresh water within the natural environment (e.g., several of the icebergs to be studied, B15, C19 and others calved since 2000 CE, represent over 6000 cubic kilometers of fresh water-an amount roughly equivalent to 100 years of the flow of the Nile River). A better understanding of the impact of iceberg drift through the environment, and particularly the impact on ocean stratification and mixing, is essential to the understanding of the abrupt global climate changes witnessed by proxy during the ice age and of concern under conditions of future greenhouse warming. On a more specific level, the study will generate a knowledge base useful for the better management of Antarctic logistical resources (e.g., the shipping lanes to McMurdo Station) that can occasionally be influenced by adverse effects icebergs have on sea ice conditions.", "east": -178.0, "geometry": "POINT(-178 -78)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e HUMIDITY SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e TEMPERATURE SENSORS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS RECEIVERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e SEISMOMETERS \u003e SEISMOMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e MMS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e CAMERAS \u003e CAMERAS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e CAMERAS \u003e CAMERAS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e SEISMOMETERS \u003e SEISMOMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS RECEIVERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e TEMPERATURE LOGGERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e TEMPERATURE PROFILERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e TEMPERATURE SENSORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS; Pressure; AWS; Velocity Measurements; Firn Temperature Measurements; Ice Velocity; Seismology; Ice Sheet Elevation; Harmonic Tremor; Ice Shelf Temperature; Wind Speed; Iceberg; Ice Surface Elevation; Non-Volcanic Tremor; Not provided; Antarctic; Iceberg Tremor; Solar Radiation; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Ross Ice Shelf; Elevation; GPS; Temperature Profiles; Ice Shelf Rift Camera; GROUND STATIONS; Latitude; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Ice Shelf Weather; FIELD INVESTIGATION; ARWS; Surface Elevation; Ice Shelf Flow; Antarctica; FIELD SURVEYS; Camera; Seismometer; Iceberg Weather (aws); Ice Movement; Photo; Wind Direction; Iceberg Snow Accumulation; Tremor And Slow Slip Events; AWS Climate Data; Location; Iceberg Drift; Iceberg Collisions; Iceberg Tilt; Atmospheric Pressure; Iceberg Seismicity; Firn Temperature", "locations": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Ross Ice Shelf", "north": -78.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Okal, Emile; Aster, Richard; Bassis, Jeremy; Kim, Young-Jin; Bliss, Andrew; Sergienko, Olga; Thom, Jonathan; Scambos, Ted; Muto, Atsu; Brunt, Kelly; King, Matthew; Parker, Tim; Okal, Marianne; Cathles, Mac; MacAyeal, Douglas", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e ARWS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS; Not provided; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e NAVIGATION SATELLITES \u003e GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) \u003e GPS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "AMRDC; IRIS; NSIDC; Project website; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Collaborative Research of Earth\u0027s Largest Icebergs", "uid": "p0000117", "west": -178.0}, {"awards": "0337891 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(158 -77.666667)", "dataset_titles": "Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Byrd Ice Core, Antarctica; Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Taylor Dome Ice Core, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609315", "doi": "10.7265/N5542KJK", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Taylor Dome Ice Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609315"}, {"dataset_uid": "609314", "doi": "10.7265/N58W3B80", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Byrd Glacier; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "people": "Brook, Edward J.; Ahn, Jinho", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Byrd Ice Core", "title": "Atmospheric CO2 and Climate: Byrd Ice Core, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609314"}], "date_created": "Mon, 05 Nov 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports the development of a new laboratory capability in the U.S. to measure CO2 in ice cores and investigate millennial-scale changes in CO2 during the last glacial period using samples from the Byrd and Siple Dome ice cores. Both cores have precise relative chronologies based on correlation of methane and the isotopic composition of atmospheric oxygen with counterpart records from Greenland ice cores. The proposed work will therefore allow comparison of the timing of CO2 change, Antarctic temperature change, and Greenland temperature change on common time scales. Such comparisons are vital for evaluating models that explain changes in atmospheric CO2. The techniques being developed will also be available for future projects, specifically the proposed Inland WAIS ice core, for which a highly detailed CO2 record is a major objective, and studies greenhouse and other atmospheric gases and their isotopic composition for which dry extraction is necessary (stable isotopes in CO2, for example). There are many broad impacts of the proposed work. Ice core greenhouse gas records are central contributions of paleoclimatology to research and policy-making concerning global change. The proposed work will enhance those contributions by improving our understanding of the natural cycling of the most important greenhouse gas. It will contribute to the training of a postdoctoral researcher, who will be an integral part of an established research group and benefit from the diverse paleoclimate and geochemistry community at OSU. The PI teaches major and non-major undergraduate and graduate courses on climate and global change. The proposed work will enrich those courses and the courses will provide an opportunity for the postdoctoral researcher to participate in teaching by giving guest lectures. The PI also participates in a summer climate workshop for high school teachers at Washington State University and the proposed work will enrich that contribution. The extraction device that is built and the expertise gained in using it will be resources for the ice core community and available for future projects. Data will be made available through established national data center and the equipment designs will also be made available to other researchers.", "east": 158.0, "geometry": "POINT(158 -77.666667)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core; Climate Change; CO2; Atmospheric Chemistry; Atmospheric CO2; LABORATORY; Not provided; Ice Core Data; Climate; Ice Core Chemistry; Atmospheric Gases; Ice Core Gas Records; GROUND STATIONS; Climate Research", "locations": null, "north": -77.666667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Ahn, Jinho; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": -77.666667, "title": "Developing Dry Extraction of Ice Core Gases and Application to Millennial-Scale Variability in Atmospheric CO2", "uid": "p0000268", "west": 158.0}, {"awards": "0126343 Nishiizumi, Kunihiko", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-148.812 -81.6588)", "dataset_titles": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome A Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609307", "doi": "10.7265/N5XK8CGS", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Nishiizumi, Kunihiko; Finkel, R. C.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome A Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609307"}], "date_created": "Mon, 12 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a three-year renewal project to complete measurement of cosmogenic nuclides in the Siple Dome ice core as part of the West Antarctic ice core program. The investigators will continue to measure profiles of Beryllium-10 (half-life = 1.5x10 6 years) and Chlorine-36 (half-life = 3.0x10 5 years) in the entire ice core which spans the time period from the present to about 100 kyr. It will be particularly instructive to compare the Antarctic record with the detailed Arctic record that was measured by these investigators as part of the GISP2 project. This comparison will help separate global from local effects at the different drill sites. Cosmogenic radionuclides in polar ice cores have been used to study the long-term variations in several important geophysical variables, including solar activity, geomagnetic field strength, atmospheric circulation, snow accumulation rates, and others. The time series of nuclide concentrations resulting from this work will be applied to several problem areas: perfecting the ice core chronology, deducing the history of solar activity, deducing the history of variations in the geomagnetic field, and studying the possible role of solar variations on climate. Comparison of Beryllium-10 and Chlorine-36 profiles in different cores will allow us to improve the ice core chronology and directly compare ice cores from different regions of the globe. Additional comparison with the Carbon-14 record will allow correlation of the ice core paleoenvironment record to other, Carbon-14 dated, paleoclimate records.", "east": -148.812, "geometry": "POINT(-148.812 -81.6588)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e AMS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ION CHROMATOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Chemistry; Antarctica; Ice Core; Cosmogenic Radionuclides; Chlorine-36; GROUND STATIONS; Beryllium-10; Siple Dome; West Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome; West Antarctica", "north": -81.6588, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Finkel, R. C.; Nishiizumi, Kunihiko", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.6588, "title": "Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Siple Dome Ice Core", "uid": "p0000358", "west": -148.812}, {"awards": "0125570 Scambos, Ted; 0125276 Albert, Mary", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Access AGDC data online by navigating to Data Sets. Data sets are arranged by Principal Investigators. Access data that are combined into multiple data sets, or compiled products.; AWS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and Their Potential Effect on Ice Core Interpretation; GPR and GPS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation; Snow and Firn Permeability: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation; The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center (AGDC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) archives and distributes Antarctic glaciological and cryospheric system data collected by the U.S. Antarctic Program.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609283", "doi": "10.7265/N5K935F3", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Meteorology; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Scambos, Ted; Bauer, Rob; Fahnestock, Mark; Haran, Terry", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "AWS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and Their Potential Effect on Ice Core Interpretation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609283"}, {"dataset_uid": "001669", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "Access AGDC data online by navigating to Data Sets. Data sets are arranged by Principal Investigators. Access data that are combined into multiple data sets, or compiled products.", "url": "http://nsidc.org/data/agdc_investigators.html"}, {"dataset_uid": "001343", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center (AGDC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) archives and distributes Antarctic glaciological and cryospheric system data collected by the U.S. Antarctic Program.", "url": "https://nsidc.org/data/agdc/"}, {"dataset_uid": "609282", "doi": "10.7265/N5Q23X5F", "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciology; GPR; GPS; Navigation; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Bauer, Rob; Scambos, Ted", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "GPR and GPS Data: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609282"}, {"dataset_uid": "609299", "doi": "10.7265/N5639MPD", "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciology; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Albert, Mary R.; Cathles, Mac; Courville, Zoe", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Snow and Firn Permeability: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609299"}], "date_created": "Wed, 04 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a program of field surveys of an area within the large, well-developed megadune field southeast of Vostok station. The objectives are to determine the physical characteristics of the firn across the dunes, including typical climate indicators such as stable isotopes and major chemical species, and to install instruments to measure the time variation of near-surface wind and temperature with depth, to test and refine hypotheses for megadune formation. Field study will consist of surface snowpit and shallow core sampling, ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiling, GPS topographic and ice motion surveys, AWS installation, accumulation/ ablation measurements, subsurface temperature, and firn permeability studies. Field work in two successive seasons is proposed. Continent-wide remote sensing studies of the dunes will be continued, using the new group of instruments that are now, or will shortly be available (e.g., MODIS, MISR, GLAS, AMSR). The earlier study of topographic, passive microwave, and SAR characteristics will be extended, with the intent of determining the relationships of dune amplitude and wavelength to climate parameters, and further development of models of dune formation. Diffusion, ventilation, and vapor transport processes within the dune firn will be modeled as well. A robust program of outreach is planned and reporting to inform both the public and scientists of the fundamental in-situ and remote sensing characteristics of these uniquely Antarctic features will be an important part of the work. Because of their extreme nature, their broad extent, and their potential impact on the climate record, it is important to improve our current understanding of these. Megadunes are a manifestation of an extreme terrestrial climate and may provide insight on past terrestrial climate, or to processes active on other planets. Megadunes are likely to represent an end-member in firn diagenesis, and as such, may have much to teach us about the processes involved.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e ICE AUGERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e SNOWPACK TEMPERATURE PROBE; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e PERMEAMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e CAMERAS \u003e CAMERAS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CURRENT/WIND METERS \u003e ANEMOMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS RECEIVERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e IMAGING RADARS \u003e SAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e GPR; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e AIR PERMEAMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CURRENT/WIND METERS \u003e ANEMOMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e RADIO \u003e ARGOS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PRESSURE/HEIGHT METERS \u003e PRESSURE SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMOMETERS \u003e THERMOMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e WIND PROFILERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e DENSIOMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e GAUGES \u003e BALANCE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Internal Layering; ICESAT; Vapor-Redeposition; Antarctic; Wind Speed; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Surface Morphology; Antarctica; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; ARWS; Polar Firn Air; Microstructure; Gas Diffusivity; WEATHER STATIONS; Surface Temperatures; RADARSAT-2; Ice Core; Wind Direction; AWS; Ice Sheet; Snow Pit; Dunefields; Climate Record; Megadunes; GROUND STATIONS; METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Density; Atmospheric Pressure; Firn Permeability; FIELD SURVEYS; Radar; Permeability; Field Survey; Firn Temperature Measurements; Snow Megadunes; Thermal Conductivity; LANDSAT; Firn; Ice Core Interpretation; East Antarctic Plateau; Not provided; Surface Winds; Sublimation; Snow Density; Ice Climate Record; Glaciology; Snow Permeability; Air Temperature; Paleoenvironment; Automated Weather Station", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctic; East Antarctic Plateau", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Courville, Zoe; Cathles, Mac; Scambos, Ted; Bauer, Rob; Fahnestock, Mark; Haran, Terry; Shuman, Christopher A.; Albert, Mary R.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e ARWS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e WEATHER STATIONS; Not provided; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e ICE, CLOUD AND LAND ELEVATION SATELLITE (ICESAT) \u003e ICESAT; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e LANDSAT \u003e LANDSAT; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e RADARSAT \u003e RADARSAT-2", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "NSIDC; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and Their Potential Effect on Ice Core Interpretation", "uid": "p0000587", "west": null}, {"awards": "0125761 Thiemens, Mark", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Atmospheric Nitrate Isotopic Analysis at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, A Twenty-Five Year Record", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609281", "doi": "10.7265/N5TT4NWF", "keywords": "Aerosol; Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; NBP1502; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole Station", "people": "Savarino, Joel; Thiemens, Mark H.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Atmospheric Nitrate Isotopic Analysis at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, A Twenty-Five Year Record", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609281"}], "date_created": "Tue, 27 Dec 2005 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a detailed laboratory analysis of the mass-independent isotopic composition of processes associated with atmospheric nitrate trapped in the snow pack at the South Pole. The project will specifically test if the oxygen isotopes 16O, 17O, 18O of nitrate can be used to probe the denitrification of the Antarctic stratosphere. Despite decades of research, there are several important issues in Antarctic atmospheric science, which are presently inadequately resolved. This includes quantification over time of the sources of nitrate aerosols. Today, little is known about the past denitrification of the stratosphere in high latitude regions. This lack of knowledge significantly limits our ability to understand the chemical state of ancient atmospheres and therefore evaluate present and past-coupled climate/atmosphere models. The role of nitrogen in environmental degradation is well known. This issue will also be addressed in this proposal. Atmospheric aerosols have now been shown to possess a mass-independent oxygen isotopic content. The proposed research will investigate the stable oxygen isotope ratios of nitrate in Antarctica both collected in real time and from the snow. Two periods of time will be covered. Full year nitrate aerosol collections, with week resolution time horizons, will be performed at the South Pole. Weekly aerosol collections will help us to identify any seasonal trend of the oxygen-17 excess anomaly, and eventually link this anomaly to the denitrification of the Antarctic stratosphere. This data set will also be used to test our assumption that the oxygen isotopic anomaly of nitrate is mainly formed in the stratosphere and is well preserved in the snow pack. If true, we will for the first time resolve an atmospheric signal extracted from a nitrate profile. The snow pit will allow us to see any trend in the data on a multiple decade timescale.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Snow; GROUND STATIONS; Ion Chemistry; South Pole; Not provided; Aerosol; Oxygen Isotope; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Snow Pit; Antarctica; Admundsen-Scott Station", "locations": "Antarctica; South Pole", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Savarino, Joel; Thiemens, Mark H.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "South Pole Atmospheric Nitrate Isotopic Analysis (SPANIA)", "uid": "p0000242", "west": null}, {"awards": "0338359 Saltzman, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "dataset_titles": "Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core: Carbonyl Sulfide (COS), Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), and Methyl Bromide (CH3Br); Antarctic Ice Cores: Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide; Ice Core Air Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements - SPRESSO Ice Core; Methane and Carbonyl Sulfide Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core Subsamples", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609313", "doi": "10.7265/N5DN430Q", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core; Ice Core Records; ITASE; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; South Pole; SPRESSO; SPRESSO Ice Core", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret; Tatum, Cheryl", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic Ice Cores: Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609313"}, {"dataset_uid": "609279", "doi": "10.7265/N53B5X3G", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core: Carbonyl Sulfide (COS), Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), and Methyl Bromide (CH3Br)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609279"}, {"dataset_uid": "609131", "doi": "10.7265/N5P848VP", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Methane; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Methane and Carbonyl Sulfide Analysis of Siple Dome Ice Core Subsamples", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609131"}, {"dataset_uid": "601357", "doi": "10.15784/601357", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmospheric Gases; Gas Measurement; Ice Core; Ice Core Gas Records; Trace Gases", "people": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Core Air Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements - SPRESSO Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601357"}], "date_created": "Wed, 16 Nov 2005 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports the analysis, in Antarctic ice cores, of the ozone depleting substances methyl bromide (CH3Br) and methyl chloride (CH3Cl), and the sulfur-containing gas, carbonyl sulfide (OCS). The broad scientific goal is to assess the level and variability of these gases in the preindustrial atmosphere. This information will allow testing of current models for sources and sinks of these gases from the atmosphere, and to indirectly assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on their biogeochemical cycles. Longer-term records will shed light on the climatic sensitivity of the atmospheric burden of these gases, and ultimately on the biogeochemical processes controlling them. These gases are present in ice at parts per trillion levels, and the current database consists entirely of a small number of measurements made in from a shallow ice core from Siple Dome, Antarctica. This project will involve studies of ice core samples from three Antarctic sites: Siple Station, Siple Dome, and South Pole. The sampling strategy is designed to accomplish several objectives: 1) to verify the atmospheric mixing ratios previously observed in shallow Siple Dome ice for OCS, CH3Br, and CH3Cl at sites with very different accumulation rates and surface temperatures; 2) to obtain a well-dated, high resolution record from a high accumulation rate site (Siple Station), that can provide overlap in mean gas age with Antarctic firn air samples; 3) explore Holocene variability in trace gas mixing ratios; and 4) to make the first measurements of these trace gases in Antarctic glacial ice. In terms of broader impact on society, this research will help to provide a stronger scientific basis for policy decisions regulating the production and use of ozone-depleting and climate-active gases. Specifically, the methyl bromide results will contribute to the current debate on the impact of recent regulation (via the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments) on atmospheric levels. Determination of pre-industrial atmospheric variability of ozone-depleting substances will help place more realistic constraints on scenarios used for future projections of stratospheric ozone and its climatic impacts. This research will involve the participation of both graduate and undergraduate students.", "east": -148.81, "geometry": "POINT(-148.81 -81.65)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core Gas Records; Carbonyl Sulfide; Siple Coast; Chloride; Trapped Gases; Snow; Ice Core Chemistry; Chromatography; Siple; GROUND STATIONS; Atmospheric Gases; Ozone Depletion; AWS Siple; Ice Sheet; Ice Core Data; Antarctica; Glaciology; West Antarctica; Atmospheric Chemistry; Ice Core; Stratigraphy; LABORATORY; Methane; Mass Spectrometer; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; WAISCORES; Msa; Mass Spectrometry; Not provided; Siple Dome; Gas Measurement", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Coast; Siple Dome; West Antarctica; Siple", "north": -81.65, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret; Tatum, Cheryl", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -81.65, "title": "Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores", "uid": "p0000032", "west": -148.81}, {"awards": "9316564 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Glaciochemical Analysis; Siple Dome Ice Core Chemistry and Ion Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609266", "doi": "10.7265/N5M906KG", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Snow Pit", "people": "Meeker, Loren D.; Twickler, Mark; Kreutz, Karl; Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Glaciochemical Analysis", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609266"}, {"dataset_uid": "609251", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Blunier, Thomas; Mayewski, Paul A.; Kreutz, Karl; Brook, Edward J.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "NCEI", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Ice Core Chemistry and Ion Data", "url": "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/2461"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9316564 Mayewski This award is for support for a three year program to provide a high resolution record of the Antarctic climate through the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of records of atmospheric chemical deposition taken from three ice cores located at sites within or immediately adjacent to the Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS). These cores include one from Taylor Dome, and two from West Antarctic locations identified as potential deep drilling sites for the WAISCORES program. Collection of the two West Antarctic cores is intended to be a lightweight dry-drilling operation to depths of ~ 200 m, which will provide records of \u003e 2 kyr. Glaciochemical analyses will focus on the major cations and anions found in the antarctic atmosphere, plus methanesulfonic acid and selected measurements of the hydrogen ion, aluminum, iron, and silica. These analyses, and companion stable isotope and particle measurements to be carried out by other investigators require \u003c 7% by volume of each core, leaving \u003e 90% for other investigators and storage at the U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory. These records are intended to solve a variety of scientific objectives while also providing spatial sampling and reconnaissance for future U.S. efforts in West Antarctica. ***", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e ION CHROMATOGRAPHS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Magnesium; GROUND STATIONS; Nitrate; Methane Sulfonic Acid; Sodium; Ice Core Chemistry; Ammonium (NH4); Sulfate; Ice Core; Chloride; Potassium (k); Calcium (ca)", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Kreutz, Karl; Twickler, Mark; Whitlow, Sallie; Blunier, Thomas; Dunbar, Nelia; Brook, Edward J.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Meeker, Loren D.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "NCEI; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS) Late Holocene Climate Variability", "uid": "p0000145", "west": null}, {"awards": "9017827 Lal, Devendra", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Dome C Ice Core Chemistry and Depth and Age Scale Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609243", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Depth-Age-Model; Dome C Ice Core; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "people": "Lorius, Claude; Lal, Devendra", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Dome C Ice Core", "title": "Dome C Ice Core Chemistry and Depth and Age Scale Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609243"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support of a study to establish a quantitative nuclear method for determination of Antarctic ablation and accumulation rates and to provide correction factors for the carbon 14 ages of ice samples dated using trapped carbon 14. Recent studies have established the presence of cosmogenic in-situ produced carbon 14 in polar ice. In conjunction with estimated carbon 14 production rates, measured concentrations of carbon 14 per gram of ice yield, ablation rates which are in good agreement with the values determined from stake measurements. Similar studies to determine accumulation rates have been tested and the estimates are consistent with previous studies. This study will expand the preliminary work done to date in order to improve the 14CO and 14CO2 vacuum extraction techniques, by lowering blank levels and by obtaining more complete separation of 14CO and 14CO2.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND STATIONS", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Lal, Devendra; Lorius, Claude; Lal, Devendra", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Nuclear Studies of Accumulating and Ablation Ice Using Cosmogenic 14c", "uid": "p0000152", "west": null}, {"awards": "9714687 Brook, Edward J.", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Byrd Ice Core Microparticle and Chemistry Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609247", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Byrd; Byrd Ice Core; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate", "people": "Thompson, Lonnie G.; Fluckiger, Jacqueline; Blunier, Thomas; Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Byrd Ice Core", "title": "Byrd Ice Core Microparticle and Chemistry Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609247"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program to make high resolution studies of variations in the concentration of methane, the oxygenisotope composition of paleoatmospheric oxygen, and the total gas content of deep Antarctic ice cores. Studies of the concentration and isotopic composition of air in the firn of the Antarctic ice sheet will also be continued. One objective of this work is to use the methane concentration and oxygen-isotope composition of oxygen of air in ice as time-stratigraphic markers for the precise intercorrelation of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores as well as the correlation of ice cores to other climatic records. A second objective is to use variations in the concentration and interhemispheric gradient of methane measured in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores to deduce changes in continental climates and biogeochemistry on which the atmospheric methane distribution depends. A third objective is to use data on the variability of total gas content in the Siple Dome ice core to reconstruct aspects of the glacial history of West Antarctica during the last glacial maximum. The fourth objective is to participate in collaborative studies of firn air chemistry at Vostok, Siple Dome, and South Pole which will yield much new information about gas trapping in ice as well as the concentration history and isotopic composition of greenhouse gases, oxygen, trace biogenic gases and trace anthropogenic gases during the last 100 years.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND STATIONS", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Blunier, Thomas; Fluckiger, Jacqueline; Thompson, Lonnie G.; Brook, Edward J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Studies of Trapped Gases in Firn and Ice from Antarctic Deep Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000168", "west": null}, {"awards": "8411018 Frisic, David", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Dominion Range Ice Core Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Density Data; Newall Glacier Ice Core and Snow Pit Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Stratigraphy; Newall Glacier Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1987 to 1989", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609248", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Beta Profiles; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Density; Dominion Range; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties", "people": "Watson, M. Scott; Sowers, Todd A.; Saltzman, Eric; Grootes, Pieter; Mayewski, Paul A.; Meese, Deb; Gow, Tony", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Dominion Range Ice Core Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Density Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609248"}, {"dataset_uid": "609088", "doi": "10.7265/N5JM27JP", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Newall Glacier; Paleoclimate; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Mayewski, Paul A.; Whitlow, Sallie", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Newall Glacier Snow Pit and Ice Core, 1987 to 1989", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609088"}, {"dataset_uid": "609249", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Newall Glacier; Paleoclimate; Physical Properties; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Statigraphy", "people": "Welch, Kathy A.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Newall Glacier Ice Core and Snow Pit Beta Profiles, Chemistry, and Stratigraphy", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609249"}], "date_created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Not available", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GROUND STATIONS", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Frisic, David; Meese, Deb; Gow, Tony; Saltzman, Eric; Mayewski, Paul A.; Sowers, Todd A.; Welch, Kathy A.; Grootes, Pieter; Watson, M. Scott; Grootes, Peiter", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Characterization of Climatic Events for the Last 2 x 103y through the Retrieval of Ice Cores from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "uid": "p0000169", "west": null}, {"awards": "0126286 McConnell, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -62.83,-144 -62.83,-108 -62.83,-72 -62.83,-36 -62.83,0 -62.83,36 -62.83,72 -62.83,108 -62.83,144 -62.83,180 -62.83,180 -65.547,180 -68.264,180 -70.981,180 -73.698,180 -76.415,180 -79.132,180 -81.849,180 -84.566,180 -87.283,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87.283,-180 -84.566,-180 -81.849,-180 -79.132,-180 -76.415,-180 -73.698,-180 -70.981,-180 -68.264,-180 -65.547,-180 -62.83))", "dataset_titles": "Siple Shallow Core Density Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609129", "doi": "10.7265/N52F7KCD", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Lamorey, Gregg W.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Siple Shallow Core Density Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609129"}], "date_created": "Mon, 19 Apr 2004 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award provides one year of support to use newly developed technology in which an ice-core melter is coupled with both an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) and a traditional Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system, to measure a continuous time series of chemical and trace element deposition on the Siple Dome ice core from West Antarctica. A coupled ice-core melter, ICP-MS, and CFA system will be used to measure concentrations of a number of elements, isotopes and chemical species at very high depth resolution (~2-cm) in the top 54 m of the Siple Dome A-core. Pilot data from analyses of ~6 m from the nearby but much lower accumulation J-core site at Siple Dome, together with more extensive results from Summit, Greenland, indicate that it will be possible to obtain exactly co-registered, high-quality records of at least 12 seasonally varying elements (sodium, magnesium, aluminum, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, rubidium, strontium, zirconium, barium, lead) and three other chemical species and ions (ammonium, nitrate, calcium ion) with this system. Under this proposed research, we will also add continuous measurements of sulfate to our system. Because more than sufficient core from Siple Dome for these depths is archived at the National Ice Core Laboratory, the proposed research will require no fieldwork. The continuous, very high-resolution, ~350-y record of these elemental tracers will enhance the value of previous chemical and isotopic measurements that have been made on the Siple Dome core and will be particularly valuable for comparisons between ice-core proxies and modern instrumental data related to El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as well as for validation of model simulations of atmospheric circulation. These data, and the expertise gained through this research, will be invaluable when this novel chemical analysis technology is eventually applied to deep ice-core records for the study of rapid climate-change events.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "WAISCORES; Siple Coast; Glaciology; Not provided; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Ice Core; Siple; Antarctica; Density; Snow; Ice Sheet; Siple Dome; Shallow Core; GROUND STATIONS; Stratigraphy", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": -62.83, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Lamorey, Gregg W.; McConnell, Joseph", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": -90.0, "title": "Continuous High Resolution Ice-Core Chemistry using ICP-MS at Siple Dome", "uid": "p0000159", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "9420648 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Siple Dome Ice Core Age-Depth Scales", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609130", "doi": "10.7265/N5T151KD", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Nereson, Nadine A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Ice Core Age-Depth Scales", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609130"}], "date_created": "Tue, 09 Sep 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a three year program to investigate the response of ice domes, such as Siple Dome in West Antarctica, to changing boundary conditions, for example as arising from fluctuations in thickness or position of bounding ice streams. A range of models will be used, from simple one-dimensional analytical models to coupled dynamic-thermodynamic flow models, to investigate the response of the ice dome to boundary forcing, and the record that boundary forcing can leave in the ice core record. Using radar, temperature, and ice core data from the currently funded field programs on Siple Dome, and ice flux and thickness values from the map view model as boundary conditions, a flow line across Siple Dome will be studied and possible ranges of time scales, the likely origin of ice near the bed, and the basal temperature conditions that exist now and existed in the past will be determined.The response of internal stratigraphy patterns to climate and dynamic forcing effects will be investigated and observed internal layers from ice cores will be used to infer the forcing history.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Sheet; Snow; Not provided; Stratigraphy; Shallow Core; Siple Coast; Antarctica; Ice Core; Siple Dome; Glaciology; Density; Siple; WAISCORES; GROUND STATIONS; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Nereson, Nadine A.; Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Ice Modelling Study of Siple Dome: WAIS Ice Dynamics, WAISCORES Paleoclimate and Ice Stream/Ice Dome Interactions", "uid": "p0000058", "west": null}, {"awards": "9419128 Stearns, Charles", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Three-Hourly Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Data, 1980-2000", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609111", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; AWS; Weatherstation", "people": "Weidner, George A.; Stearns, Charles R.; Keller, Linda M.; Lazzara, Matthew", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Three-Hourly Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Data, 1980-2000", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609111"}], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Aug 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9419128 Stearns This is a project to maintain and augment as necessary, the network of nearly fifty automatic weather stations established on the Antarctic continent and on several surrounding islands. These weather stations measure surface wind, pressure, temperature, humidity, and in some instances other atmospheric variables, such as snow accumulation and incident solar radiation, and report these via satellite to a number of ground stations. The data are used for operational weather forecasting in support of the United States Antarctic program, for climatological records, and for research purposes. The AWS network, which began as a small-scale program in 1980, has been extremely reliable and has proven indispensable for both forecasting and research purposes. ***", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CURRENT/WIND METERS \u003e ANEMOMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PRESSURE/HEIGHT METERS \u003e BAROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e HUMIDITY SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e TEMPERATURE SENSORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Surface Temperature Measurements; USAP-DC; Atmospheric Pressure; Automated Weather Station; Surface Winds; Near-Surface Air Temperatures; Surface Wind Speed Measurements; Atmospheric Humidity Measurements; AWS; Not provided; Snow Temperature; Surface Temperatures; Antarctica; Snow Temperature Measurements", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Lazzara, Matthew; Stearns, Charles R.; Weidner, George A.; Keller, Linda M.", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Continuation for the Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Climate Program 1995-1998", "uid": "p0000151", "west": null}, {"awards": "9526979 White, James", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Siple Dome Core Date from Measurement of the d18O of Paleoatmospheric Oxygen", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609123", "doi": "10.7265/N5TX3C95", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "White, James; Bender, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Core Date from Measurement of the d18O of Paleoatmospheric Oxygen", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609123"}], "date_created": "Mon, 16 Jun 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program to measure the stable isotope (deuterium to hydrogen and oxygen-18 to oxygen-16) concentrations of ice cores retrieved from Siple Dome as part of the West Antarctic ice sheet program. In addition, the deuterium excess of samples from the Taylor Dome ice core will be determined. This project will approach the question of rapid climate change using ice cores to determine the history of temperature changes, moisture source changes, and elevational changes in the West Antarctic ice sheet. Results from ice cores taken to date in the interior of Antarctica (East and West) are surprisingly lacking in indications of abrupt climate changes, such as those that have been observed in the GISP2 ice core from Summit, Greenland. This work will address the question of whether rapid climate changes, which are known to have occurred in other parts of the southern hemi-sphere, may have also occurred in the coastal regions of West Antarctica. There is some indication from existing records of isotopes in ice cores that the West Antarctic ice sheet may have flushed ice in the past (as evidenced by large changes in elevation of the ice sheet).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; LABORATORY; WAISCORES; GROUND STATIONS; Siple Coast; Glaciology; Snow; D18O; Isotope; Thermometry; Ice Sheet; Siple; Accumulation; Ice Core; Siple Dome; Stratigraphy; Densification; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "White, James; Bender, Michael", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Isotopic Measurements on the WAIS/Siple Dome Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000063", "west": null}, {"awards": "9615347 Conway, Howard", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Roosevelt Island Bedrock and Surface Elevations; Roosevelt Island Ice Core Density and Beta Count Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609140", "doi": "10.7265/N51J97NB", "keywords": "Antarctica; Elevation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Roosevelt Island; Solid Earth", "people": "Conway, Howard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Roosevelt Island Bedrock and Surface Elevations", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609140"}, {"dataset_uid": "609139", "doi": "10.7265/N55718ZW", "keywords": "Antarctica; Beta Count; Density; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Roosevelt Island", "people": "Conway, Howard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Roosevelt Island Ice Core Density and Beta Count Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609139"}], "date_created": "Fri, 23 May 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for two years of support to perform radar investigations across former shear margins at Roosevelt Island and Ice Stream C in order to measure changes in the configuration and continuity of internal layers and the bed. The broad goal of these investigations is to gain an understanding of ice stream flow and the timing and mechanisms of ice stream shutdown. A high-resolution short-pulse radar system will be used for detailed examination of the uppermost hundred meters of the firn and ice, and a monopulse sounding-radar system will be used to image the rest of the ice column (including internal layers) and the bed. Changes in the shape and continuity of layers will be used to interpret mechanisms and modes of ice stream flow including the possible migration of stagnation fronts and rates of shut-down. Variations in bed reflectivity will be used to deduce basal hydrology conditions across lineations. Accumulation rates deduced from snow pits and shallow cores will be used to estimate near-surface depth-age profiles. Improved understanding of ice stream history opens the possibility of linking changes in the West Antarctic ice sheet with the geologic evidence from Northern Victoria Land and the ocean record of the retreat of the grounding line in the Ross Sea.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e ALTIMETERS \u003e RADAR ALTIMETERS \u003e RA; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR ECHO SOUNDERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Radioactive Decay; Radar Echo Sounder; Antarctica; Radar Altimetry; Densification; Bedrock Elevation; Ice Sheet Elevation; Satellite Radar Data; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Radar; Ice Core; Snow Stratigraphy; Terrain Elevation; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Stable Isotopes; Ice Surface Elevation; Surface Elevation; Glaciology; Snow Densification; Ice Core Data; GROUND STATIONS; Not provided; Altimetry; Antarctic; Ice Core Stratigraphy; Ice Stratigraphy", "locations": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Conway, Howard", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Radar Investigations of Former Shear Margins: Roosevelt Island and Ice Stream C", "uid": "p0000164", "west": null}, {"awards": "9615554 Fitzpatrick, Joan", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Digital Images of Thin Sections from Siple Dome; Digital Imaging for Siple Dome Ice Core Analysis, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609127", "doi": "10.7265/N59Z92T4", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Fitzpatrick, Joan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Digital Images of Thin Sections from Siple Dome", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609127"}, {"dataset_uid": "609413", "doi": "10.7265/N5XG9P2G", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core", "people": "Spencer, Matthew; Alley, Richard; Fitzpatrick, Joan", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Digital Imaging for Siple Dome Ice Core Analysis, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609413"}], "date_created": "Wed, 14 May 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for two years to develop the technology and methodology for digitizing the photographs and analyzing the thin sections from ice cores. In addition, the application of digital technology for whole-core stratigraphy, using digital photography, image enhancement and image processing will be investigated. The thin section analysis will be piloted with samples already in hand from the Taylor Dome ice core. If successful, these techniques will be applied to samples from the Siple Dome ice core, in cooperation with Principal Investigators already funded to retrieve and examine these sections. The original digital images with all original data annotation files will be distributed to Siple Dome principal investigators for their use in the interpretation of their own data. All software and hardware acquired for this project will become part of the permanent equipment inventory at the U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory and will be available for use by clients at the facility.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e CAMERAS \u003e CAMERAS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciology; Ice Sheet; Siple; Ice Core; Stratigraphy; GROUND STATIONS; Siple Dome; WAISCORES; Trapped Air Bubbles; Photo; Snow; Density; Volcanic Deposits; Not provided; Ice Core Data; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Siple Coast; Chemical Composition", "locations": "Siple Dome; Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Fitzpatrick, Joan; Alley, Richard; Spencer, Matthew", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Digital Imaging for Ice Core Analysis", "uid": "p0000011", "west": null}, {"awards": "9527262 Gow, Anthony", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Physical and Structural Properties of the Siple Dome Ice Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609128", "doi": "10.7265/N5668B34", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Meese, Deb; Gow, Tony", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Physical and Structural Properties of the Siple Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609128"}], "date_created": "Wed, 14 May 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program to investigate the visual stratigraphy, index physical properties, relaxation characteristics and crystalline structure of ice cores from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. This investigation will include measurements of a time-priority nature that must be initiated at the drill site on freshly-drilled cores. This will be especially true of cores from the brittle ice zone, which is expected to comprise a significant fraction of the ice core. The brittle zone includes ice in which relaxation , resulting from the release of confining pressure is maximized and leads to significant changes in the mechanical condition of the core that must be considered in relation to the processing and analysis of ice samples for entrapped gas and chemical studies. This relaxation will be monitored via precision density measurements made initially at the drill site and repeated at intervals back in the U.S. Other studies will include measurement of the annual layering in the core to as great a depth as visual stratigraphy can be deciphered, crystal size measurements as a function of depth and age, c-axis fabric studies, and analysis of the physical properties of any debris-bearing basal ice and its relationship to the underlying bedrock. Only through careful documentation and analysis of these key properties can we hope to accurately assess the dynamic state of the ice and the age-depth relationships essential to deciphering the paleoclimate record at this location.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Siple Dome; Antarctica; Stratigraphy; Ice Sheet; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Density; Siple; Chemical Composition; Volcanic Deposits; Siple Coast; WAISCORES; Not provided; GROUND STATIONS; Pico; Ice Core; Tephra; Fabric; Glaciology; Snow", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Gow, Tony; Meese, Deb", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Physical and Structural Properties of the Siple Dome Core", "uid": "p0000064", "west": null}, {"awards": "9526420 Taylor, Kendrick", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Siple Dome Cores Electrical Measurement Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609133", "doi": "10.7265/N5DR2SDN", "keywords": "Antarctica; Electrical Conductivity; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Taylor, Kendrick C.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Siple Dome Cores Electrical Measurement Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609133"}], "date_created": "Thu, 08 May 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for the measurement of electrical and optical properties of the Siple Dome ice core. The electrical methods can be used to determine the concentration of the hydrogen ions and the concentration of a weighted sum of all ions. The electrical measurements can resolve features as small as 1 cm. The albedo of the core is also measured with a laser system that can resolve features as small as 0.5 cm. The high spatial resolution of these methods makes them ideal for resolving narrow features in the core, which can be missed in larger composite samples. The measurements will be particularly useful for assisting to date the core and to identify short duration features in the record, such as volcanic eruptions. These measurements will also provide useful information for assessing the temporal variability of Holocene accumulation rate and atmospheric circulation.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Densification; Siple Dome; Glaciology; Snow; Thermometry; WAISCORES; Electrical; Isotope; GROUND STATIONS; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; Ice Sheet; Siple Coast; Ice Core; Siple; Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Taylor, Kendrick C.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Electrical and Optical Measurements on the Siple Dome Ice Core", "uid": "p0000163", "west": null}, {"awards": "9526572 Bales, Roger", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Snow-atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609122", "doi": "10.7265/N5ZP441W", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; WAISCORES", "people": "McConnell, Joseph; Bales, Roger", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Snow-atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609122"}], "date_created": "Thu, 11 Jul 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program of measurements to improve our understanding of the relationship between formaldehyde (HCHO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the atmosphere and the concentrations of the same species in Antarctic snow, firn and ice. This work aims to relate changes in concentrations in the snow, firn and ice to corresponding changes in tropospheric chemistry. Atmospheric and firn sampling for formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide at one or more of the WAIS ice core drilling sites will be undertaken and controlled laboratory studies to estimate thermodynamic and rate parameters will be performed. In addition, this work will involve modeling of atmosphere-snow exchange processes to infer the \"transfer function\" for reactive species at the sites and atmospheric photochemical modeling to relate changes in concentrations of formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide in snow, firn and ice to atmospheric oxidation capacity. This work will contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between atmospheric concentrations of various species and those same species measured in snow and ice samples.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Siple Dome; Antarctica; Isotope; WAISCORES; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; GROUND STATIONS; Snow; Glaciology; LABORATORY; Siple; Siple Coast; Thermometry; Hydrogen Peroxide; Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bales, Roger; McConnell, Joseph", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Snow-Atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Deposited Chemical Species in West Antarctica", "uid": "p0000060", "west": null}, {"awards": "9615167 Dunbar, Nelia; 9527373 Dunbar, Nelia", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Blue Ice Tephra II - Brimstone Peak; Blue Ice Tephra II - Mt. DeWitt; Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores; Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609110", "doi": "10.7265/N50P0WXF", "keywords": "Antarctica; Backscattered Electron Images; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; WAIS", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609110"}, {"dataset_uid": "609114", "doi": "10.7265/N5MG7MDK", "keywords": "Antarctica; Blue Ice; Brimstone Peak; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Petrography; Tephra", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Blue Ice Tephra II - Brimstone Peak", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609114"}, {"dataset_uid": "609110", "doi": "10.7265/N50P0WXF", "keywords": "Antarctica; Backscattered Electron Images; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; WAIS", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Tephra in Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609110"}, {"dataset_uid": "609115", "doi": "10.7265/N5GQ6VPV", "keywords": "Antarctica; Blue Ice; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Mount Dewitt; Petrography; Tephra", "people": "Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Blue Ice Tephra II - Mt. DeWitt", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609115"}, {"dataset_uid": "609126", "doi": "10.7265/N5FQ9TJG", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Tephra; WAIS; WAISCORES", "people": "Zielinski, Gregory; Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609126"}, {"dataset_uid": "609126", "doi": "10.7265/N5FQ9TJG", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome Ice Core; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Tephra; WAIS; WAISCORES", "people": "Zielinski, Gregory; Dunbar, Nelia", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Volcanic Records in the Siple and Taylor Dome Ice Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609126"}], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jun 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Dunbar/Kyle OPP 9527373 Zielinski OPP 9527824 Abstract The Antarctic ice sheets are ideal places to preserve a record the volcanic ash (tephra) layers and chemical aerosol signatures of volcanic eruptions. This record, which is present both in areas of bare blue ice, as well as in deep ice cores, consists of a combination of local eruptions, as well as eruptions from more distant volcanic sources from which glassy shards can be chemically fingerprinted and related to a source volcano. Field work carried out during the 1994/1995 Antarctic field season in the Allan Hills area of Antarctica, and subsequent microbeam chemical analysis and 40Ar/39Ar dating has shown that tephra layers in deep Antarctic ice preserve a coherent, systematic stratigraphy, and can be successfully mapped, dated, chemically fingerprinted and tied to source volcanoes. The combination of chemical fingerprinting of glass shards, and chemical analysis of volcanic aerosols associated with ash layers will allow establishment of a high-resolution chronology of local and distant volcanism that can help understand patterns of significant explosive volcanisms and atmospheric loading and climactic effects associated with volcanic eruptions. Correlation of individual tephra layers, or sets of layers, in blue ice areas, which have been identified in many places the Transantarctic Mountains, will allow the geometry of ice flow in these areas to be better understood and will provide a useful basis for interpreting ice core records.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e ELECTRON MICROPROBES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; Siple Coast; Sulfur Dioxide; Siple Dome; Taylor Dome; Chlorine; WAISCORES; Ice Core; Tephra; Geochemistry; Volcanic Deposits; GROUND STATIONS; Brimstone Peak; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Magnesium Oxide; Glaciology; Mount Dewitt; Silicon Dioxide; Glass Shards; Ice Sheet; Siple; Nickel Oxide; Potassium Dioxide; Not provided; Manganese Oxide; Volcanic; Snow; Nitrogen; Iron Oxide; Titanium Dioxide; Stratigraphy; Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome; Taylor Dome; Brimstone Peak; Mount Dewitt", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Dunbar, Nelia; Zielinski, Gregory", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Volcanic Record in Antarctic Ice: Implications for Climatic and Eruptive History and Ice Sheet Dynamics of the South Polar Region", "uid": "p0000065", "west": null}, {"awards": "9615292 Wahlen, Martin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Carbon-Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum; Taylor Dome Ice Core Chemistry, Ion, and Isotope Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609246", "doi": "", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Sowers, Todd A.; Brook, Edward J.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Steig, Eric J.; Indermuhle, A.; Smith, Jesse", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "title": "Taylor Dome Ice Core Chemistry, Ion, and Isotope Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609246"}, {"dataset_uid": "609108", "doi": "10.7265/N54F1NN5", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Taylor Dome; Taylor Dome Ice Core", "people": "Wahlen, Martin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Carbon-Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609108"}], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support of a program to reconstruct the record of atmospheric carbon dioxide (and the carbon-13 isotopes of carbon dioxide) over several intervals, including the Last Glacial Maximum-Holocene transition, interstadial episodes, the mid-Holocene, the last 1000 years and the penultimate glacial period, using ice from the Taylor Dome and Vostok ice cores. The major objective of this study is to investigate the phase relationship between variations of the greenhouse gases occluded in the ice cores and temperature changes (indicated by oxygen and deuterium isotopes) during the last deglaciation. In addition, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 1000 years and during the mid-Holocene will be determined in these cores.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "USAP-DC; Ice Core; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Carbon; Trapped Gases; Glaciology; GROUND STATIONS; Taylor Dome; Carbon Dioxide; Isotope; Antarctica; Nitrogen", "locations": "Antarctica; Taylor Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; Wahlen, Martin; Smith, Jesse; Brook, Edward J.; Indermuhle, A.; Mayewski, Paul A.; Sowers, Todd A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores", "uid": "p0000153", "west": null}, {"awards": "9222121 Dalziel, Ian", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Concentration and Isotopic Composition of O2 and N2 in Trapped Gases of the Vostok Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609107", "doi": "10.7265/N5862DCW", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; UPLC-Q-TOF; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Bender, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Concentration and Isotopic Composition of O2 and N2 in Trapped Gases of the Vostok Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609107"}], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports an in situ and short traverse seismic reflection/refraction and magnetotelluric experiment in West Antarctica. This collaborative experiment involves four awards at four institutions. The four-fold purpose is 1) to investigate part of the Byrd Subglacial Basin, 2) to test techniques for this work that could be done in a long traverse, 3) to determine the viability of the magnetotelluric method on a thick (electrically resistive) ice sheet, and 4) to evaluate the relative merits of refraction with wide reflection versus reflection with narrow refraction seismic studies in imaging the lithosphere. The geophysical techniques that will be employed are capable of imaging the ice sheet, the continental lithosphere, and the upper mantle, as well as determining physical properties of parts of the lithosphere and mantle. Investigations of outcrop geology over the last thirty years in West Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains have lead to recent interpretations that the crust is made up of many different lithospheric blocks. Seismic reflection work is the only way to image the crust in detail and the refraction work is the only way to determine physical properties of the layers and blocks defined by the reflection work. The magnetotelluric work is scientifically risky because it may not yield useful information when used over the electrically resistive ice sheet; however, if it works it has the potential to image molten rock in the crust and upper mantle. In a continental rift region such as West Antarctica, the presence of melt in the lithosphere is likely and, if documented, has very important ramifications to ice sheet dynamics. Research work supported by this award is expected to provide constraints to models of a range of crustal processes from models of ice sheet dynamics to tectonic and kinematic models of lithospheric thinning and rifting.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotope; Vostok; USAP-DC; Antarctica; Trapped Gases; Ice Core; Glaciology; Nitrogen; GROUND STATIONS", "locations": "Antarctica; Vostok", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bender, Michael; Dalziel, Ian W.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Seismic Traverse of the Byrd Subglacial Basin-Field Test", "uid": "p0000150", "west": null}, {"awards": "9526601 Albert, Mary", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Snow and Firn Temperature and Permeability Measurements from Siple Dome, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609100", "doi": "10.7265/N5S46PVZ", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciology; Permeability; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Temperature", "people": "Albert, Mary R.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Snow and Firn Temperature and Permeability Measurements from Siple Dome, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609100"}], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Dec 2001 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to examine the physical processes that affect the manner in which heat, vapor and chemical species in air are incorporated into snow and polar firn. The processes include advection, diffusion, and the effects of solar radiation penetration into the snow. An understanding of these processes is important because they control the rate at which reactive and non-reactive chemical species in the atmosphere become incorporated into the snow, firn, and polar ice, and thus will affect interpretation of polar ice core data. Currently, the interpretation of polar ice core data assumes that diffusion controls the rate at which chemical species are incorporated into firn. This project will determine whether ventilation, or advection of the species by air movement in the firn, and radiation penetration processes have a significant effect. Field studies at the two West Antarctic ice sheet deep drilling sites will be conducted to determine the spatial and temporal extent for key parameters, and boundary conditions needed to model the advection, conduction, and radiation transmission/absorption processes. An existing multidimensional numerical model is being expanded to simulate the processes and to serve as the basis for ongoing and future work in transport and distribution of reactive chemical species.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e PERMEAMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMOMETERS \u003e THERMOMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Glaciology; Antarctica; Snow Permeability; Firn Permeability; USAP-DC; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; GROUND STATIONS; Snow Properties; Snow Temperature; Siple Dome; Firn Temperature", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Albert, Mary R.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Near-Surface Processes Affecting Gas Exchange: West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "uid": "p0000061", "west": null}, {"awards": "9725305 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Firn Air Isotope and Temperature Measurements from Siple Dome and South Pole", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609098", "doi": "10.7265/N51N7Z2P", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Isotope; Paleoclimate; Siple Dome; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; South Pole; Temperature", "people": "Battle, Mark; Grachev, Alexi; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Firn Air Isotope and Temperature Measurements from Siple Dome and South Pole", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609098"}], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "9725305 Severinghaus This award supports a project to develop and apply a new technique for quantifying temperature changes in the past based on the thermodynamic principle of thermal diffusion, in which gas mixtures in a temperature gradient become fractionated. Air in polar firn is fractionated by temperature gradients induced by abrupt climate change, and a record of this air is preserved in bubbles in the ice. The magnitude of the abrupt temperature change, the precise relative timing, and an estimate of the absolute temperature change can be determined. By providing a gas-phase stratigraphic marker of temperature change, the phasing of methane (with decadal precision) and hence widespread climate change (relative to local polar temperature changes) can be determined (across five abrupt warming events during the last glacial period).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SAMPLERS \u003e BOTTLES/FLASKS/JARS \u003e FLASKS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotopic History; GROUND STATIONS; Thermal Diffusion; Firn Temperature Measurements; Not provided; Oxygen Isotope; Trapped Air Bubbles; Shallow Firn Air; Firn Air Isotope Measurements; Seasonal Temperature Gradients; Mass Spectrometry; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Thermal Fractionation; Polar Firn Air; Isotopic Anomalies; Xenon; Atmospheric Gases; Argon Isotopes; Siple Dome; Krypton; Nitrogen Isotopes; Seasonal Temperature Changes; Antarctica; Ice Core Gas Records; Firn Air Isotopes; Mass Spectrometer; South Pole; Firn Isotopes; Borehole", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple Dome; South Pole", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Battle, Mark; Grachev, Alexi; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Thermal Fractionation of Firn Air and the Ice Core Record of Abrupt Interstadial Climate Change", "uid": "p0000160", "west": null}, {"awards": "9526374 Alley, Richard", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Visible Stratigraphic Dating, Siple Dome and Upstream C Cores", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609121", "doi": "10.7265/N53F4MHS", "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Siple Dome; Siple Dome Ice Core; WAISCORES", "people": "Alley, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "title": "Visible Stratigraphic Dating, Siple Dome and Upstream C Cores", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609121"}], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 1997 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award is for support for a program of physical and visible studies on the shallow and deep ice cores to be retrieved from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. Visible examination of ice cores has proven to be a powerful technique for dating and paleoclimatic interpretation. Recent examination of a shallow core from Siple Dome indicates that annual-layer dating is possible and that visible examination will contribute significantly to the dating effort at Siple Dome. Once ages are obtained, distances between layers provide snow accumulation after correction for density variations and ice flow thinning. Thin- section examination of the core will contribute to understanding the visible stratigraphy, and will reveal c-axis fabrics which are related to past ice deformation. The results of this study should include a better understanding of rapid climate change in the Antarctic and should contribute to knowledge of the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Siple; Ice Sheet; Isotope; Stratigraphy; GROUND STATIONS; Accumulation; Siple Dome; WAISCORES; Densification; Antarctica; Siple Coast; Thermometry; Snow; Not provided; Bubble; Glaciology", "locations": "Antarctica; Siple; Siple Coast; Siple Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Alley, Richard", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Siple Dome Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Physical Properties of the Siple Dome Deep Ice Core", "uid": "p0000059", "west": null}, {"awards": "0636873 Lazzara, Matthew", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-71 85,-65.8 85,-60.6 85,-55.4 85,-50.2 85,-45 85,-39.8 85,-34.6 85,-29.4 85,-24.2 85,-19 85,-19 82.5,-19 80,-19 77.5,-19 75,-19 72.5,-19 70,-19 67.5,-19 65,-19 62.5,-19 60,-24.2 60,-29.4 60,-34.6 60,-39.8 60,-45 60,-50.2 60,-55.4 60,-60.6 60,-65.8 60,-71 60,-71 62.5,-71 65,-71 67.5,-71 70,-71 72.5,-71 75,-71 77.5,-71 80,-71 82.5,-71 85))", "dataset_titles": "Access data.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001302", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "AMRDC", "science_program": null, "title": "Access data.", "url": "ftp://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu"}], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This is a three-year project to maintain and augment as necessary, the network of approximately fifty automatic weather stations established on the antarctic continent and on several surrounding islands. These weather stations measure surface wind, pressure, temperature, humidity, and in some instances other atmospheric variables, such as snow accumulation and incident solar radiation, and report these via satellite to a number of ground stations. The data are used for operational weather forecasting in support of the United States Antarctic program, for global forecasting through the WMO Global Telecommunications System, for climatological records, and for research purposes. The AWS network, which began as a small-scale program in 1980, has been extremely reliable and has proven indispensable for both forecasting and research purposes.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e GAUGES \u003e ADG; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CURRENT/WIND METERS \u003e ANEMOMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PRESSURE/HEIGHT METERS \u003e BAROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e HUMIDITY SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e SNOWPACK TEMPERATURE PROBE; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e TEMPERATURE SENSORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e RADIO \u003e ARGOS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Automated Weather Station; FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS; Antarctica; AWS", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Lazzara, Matthew; Costanza, Carol", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS", "repo": "AMRDC", "repositories": "AMRDC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Program: 2007-2010", "uid": "p0000284", "west": -180.0}]
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Abstract<br/><br/>Researchers will explore the use of a distributed temperature sensing monitoring system (DTS), using fiber-optical (FO) technology, as the basis of a sustainable, sub-ice cavity sensing array. FO cable systems, such as may be deployed through a hot-water drilled hole through an ice shelf, passing through the underlying cavity to the sea floor, are capable of measuring temperatures down fiber at 1 meter intervals, and at time frequencies as high as 15 seconds. DTS FO systems operate via optical time domain reflectometry along the fiber waveguide using inelastic backscatter of coherent laser light as a probe beam in the FO environment.<br/><br/>The introduction of new technologies to the harsh environmental conditions of the Antarctic are often associated with high risk. However, the potential rewards of this approach (e.g. multiyear capability, minimal submerged mechanical or electrical components that may fail, relative simplicity of deployment and measurement principle, yet yielding distributed real time and spatial observation) are attractive enough to conduct a pilot project at a field-ready location (McMurdo). <br/><br/>Current indications are that the instability of some of the world's largest ice sheets located around the Antarctic and Greenland may be caused by the presence of warming, deep ocean waters, shoaling over continental shelves, and melting the underside of floating ice shelves. Additional knowledge of the temporal and spatial variability of the temperature fields underneath terminal ice shelves, such as those draining the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, are needed to accurately project future global climate effects on ice-shelf ocean interactions, and in order to inform societal and technological aspects of adaption to changing sea-level.
0944199/Matsuoka<br/><br/>This award supports a project to test the hypothesis that abrupt changes in fabric exist and are associated with both climate transitions and volcanic eruptions. It requires depth-continuous measurements of the fabric. By lowering a new logging tool into the WAIS Divide borehole after the completion of the core drilling, this project will measure acoustic-wave speeds as a function of depth and interpret it in terms of ice fabrics. This interpretation will be guided by ice-core-measured fabrics at sparse depths. This project will apply established analytical techniques for the ice-sheet logging and estimate depth profiles of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds at short intervals (~ 1 m). Previous logging projects measured only compressional-wave speeds averaged over typically 5-7 m intervals. Thus the new logger will enable more precise fabric interpretations. Fabric measurements using thin sections have revealed distinct fabric patterns separated by less than several meters; fabric measurements over a shorter period are crucial. At the WAIS Divide borehole, six two-way logging runs will be made with different observational parameters so that multiple wave-propagation modes will be identified, yielding estimates of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds. Each run takes approximately 24 hours to complete; we propose to occupy the boreholes in total eight days. The logging at WAIS Divide is temporarily planned in December 2011, but the timing is not critical. This project?s scope is limited to the completion of the logging and fabric interpretations. Results will be immediately shared with other WAIS Divide researchers. Direct benefits of this data sharing include guiding further thin-section analysis of the fabric, deriving a precise thinning function that retrieves more accurate accumulation history and depth-age scales. The PIs of this project have conducted radar and seismic surveys in this area and this project will provide a ground truth for these regional remote-sensing assessments of the ice interior. In turn, these remote sensing means can extend the results from the borehole to larger parts of the central West Antarctica. This project supports education for two graduate students for geophysics, glaciology, paleoclimate, and polar logistics. The instrument that will be acquired in this project can be used at other boreholes for ice-fabric characterizations and for englacial hydrology (wetness of temperate ice).
9725057 Mayewski This award is for support for a Science Management Office (SMO) for the United States component of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE). The broad aim of US ITASE is to develop an understanding of the last 200 years of past West Antarctic climate and environmental change. ITASE is a multidisciplinary program that integrates remote sensing, meteorology, ice coring, surface glaciology and geophysics. In addition to the formation of a science management office, this award supports a series of annual workshops to coordinate the science projects that will be involved in ITASE and the logistics base needed to undertake ground-based sampling in West Antarctica.
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). This project will deploy a new Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) at the U.S. Palmer Station located in the Antarctic Peninsula. The FPI will observe mesospheric and thermospheric neutral winds and temperatures using multiple nightglow emissions (OH, 892 nm, 87 km; O 557.7 nm, 97 km; O 630 nm, 250 km; and O2 (0-1) 865 nm, 94 km). The project's team will collaborate with Australian scientists who operate similar FPI instruments at their Antarctic stations Mawson and Davis to jointly analyze the neutral wind and temperature data distributions over the continent and address the following scientific problems: (1) Thermospheric neutral winds effects on the Weddell Sea Anomaly, (2) Non-migrating tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, (3) Lower thermospheric meridional wind circulation and mesosphere wind shear, (4) High-latitude geomagnetic field effects on the mid-latitude thermosphere, and (4) Conjugacy studies of the mesosphere and thermosphere with the incoherent scatter radar and FPI observations from Millstone Hill, Massachusetts. The fieldwork and analysis efforts associated with this project are highly suitable for involvement and research training of graduate students.
9911617<br/>Blankenship<br/><br/>This award, provided jointly by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program, the Antarctic Glaciology Program, and the Polar Research Support Section of the Office of Polar Programs, provides funds for continuation of the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR). From July 1994 to July 2000, SOAR served as a facility to accomplish aerogeophysical research in Antarctica under an agreement between the University of Texas at Austin and the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs (NSF/OPP). SOAR operated and maintained an aerogeophysical instrument package that consists of an ice-penetrating radar sounder, a laser altimeter, a gravimeter and a magnetometer that are tightly integrated with each other as well as with the aircraft's avionics and power packages. An array of aircraft and ground-based GPS receivers supported kinematic differential positioning using carrier-phase observations. SOAR activities included: developing aerogeophysical research projects with NSF/OPP investigators; upgrading of the aerogeophysical instrumentation package to accommodate new science projects and advances in technology; fielding this instrument package to accomplish SOAR-developed projects; and management, reduction, and analysis of the acquired aerogeophysical data. In pursuit of 9 NSF-OPP funded aerogeophysical research projects (involving 14 investigators from 9 institutions), SOAR carried out six field campaigns over a six-year period and accomplished approximately 200,000 line kilometers of aerogeophysical surveying over both East and West Antarctica in 377 flights.<br/><br/>This award supports SOAR to undertake a one year and 8 month program of aerogeophysical activities that are consistent with continuing U.S. support for geophysical research in Antarctica. <br/>- SOAR will conduct an aerogeophysical campaign during the 200/01 austral summer to accomplish surveys for two SOAR-developed projects: "Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Studies" (Co-PI's Bell and Studinger, LDEO); and "Collaborative Research: Seismic Investigation of the Deep Continental Structure Across the East-West Antarctic Boundary" (Co-PI's Weins, Washington U. and Anandakrishnan, U. Alabama). After configuration and testing of the survey aircraft in McMurdo, SOAR will conduct survey flights from an NSF-supported base adjacent to the Russian Station above Lake Vostok and briefly occupy one or two remote bases on the East Antarctic ice sheet.<br/>- SOAR will reduce these aerogeophysical data and produce profiles and maps of surface elevation, bed elevation, gravity and magnetic field intensity. These results will be provided to the respective project investigators within nine months of conclusion of field activities. We will also submit a technical manuscript that describes these results to a refereed scientific journal and distribute these results to appropriate national geophysical data centers within approximately 24 months of completion of field activities.<br/>- SOAR will standardize all previously reduced SOAR data products and transfer them to the appropriate national geophysical data centers by the end of this grant.<br/>- SOAR will convene a workshop to establish a community consensus for future U.S. Antarctic aerogeophysical research. This workshop will be co-convened by Ian Dalziel and Richard Alley and will take place during the spring of 2001.<br/>- SOAR will upgrade the existing SOAR in-field quality control procedures to serve as a web-based interface for efficient browsing of many low-level SOAR data streams.<br/>- SOAR will repair and/or refurbish equipment that was used during the 2000/01 field campaign.<br/><br/>Support for SOAR is essential for accomplishing major geophysical investigations in Antarctica. Following data interpretation by the science teams, these data will provide valuable insights to the structure and evolution of the Antarctic continent.
This award supports work on trapped gases in Antarctic and other ice cores for paleoenvironmental and chronological purposes. The project will complete a ~ 100,000 year, high-resolution record of atmospheric methane from the Siple Dome ice core and use these data to construct a precise chronology for climate events recorded by the Siple Dome record. In addition, the resolution of the GISP2 (Greenland) ice core record will be increased in some critical intervals to help with the Siple Dome chronology and that of future ice cores. Finally, an upgrade to the analytical capabilities of the laboratory, including increasing precision and throughput and decreasing sample size needed for ice core methane measurements will be an important goal of this work. The proposed work will contribute to the understanding of the timing of rapid climate change in the Northern and Southern hemispheres during the last glacial period, the evolution of the global methane budget in the late Quaternary, and the late Quaternary climate history of Antarctica. It will also improve our ability to generate methane records for future ice coring projects, and inform and enrich the educational and outreach activities of our laboratory.
This award supports the study of the drift and break-up of Earth's largest icebergs, which were recently released into the Ross Sea of Antarctica as a result of calving from the Ross Ice Shelf. The scientific goals of the study are to determine the physics of iceberg motion within the dynamic context of ocean currents, winds, and sea ice, which determine the forces that drive iceberg motion, and the relationship between the iceberg and geographically and topographically determined pinning points on which the iceberg can ground. In addition, the processes by which icebergs influence the local environments (e.g., sea ice conditions near Antarctica, access to penguin rookeries, air-sea heat exchange and upwelling at iceberg margins, nutrient fluxes) will be studied. The processes by which icebergs generate globally far-reaching ocean acoustic signals that are detected within the global seismic (earthquake) sensing networks will also be studied. A featured element of the scientific research activity will be a field effort to deploy automatic weather stations, seismometer arrays and GPS-tracking stations on several of the largest icebergs presently adrift, or about to be adrift, in the Ross Sea. Data generated and relayed via satellite to home institutions in the Midwest will motivate theoretical analysis and computer simulation; and will be archived on an "iceberg" website (http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/amrc/iceberg.html) for access by scientists and the general public. At the most broad level, the study is justified by the fact that icebergs released by the Antarctic ice sheet represent the largest movements of fresh water within the natural environment (e.g., several of the icebergs to be studied, B15, C19 and others calved since 2000 CE, represent over 6000 cubic kilometers of fresh water-an amount roughly equivalent to 100 years of the flow of the Nile River). A better understanding of the impact of iceberg drift through the environment, and particularly the impact on ocean stratification and mixing, is essential to the understanding of the abrupt global climate changes witnessed by proxy during the ice age and of concern under conditions of future greenhouse warming. On a more specific level, the study will generate a knowledge base useful for the better management of Antarctic logistical resources (e.g., the shipping lanes to McMurdo Station) that can occasionally be influenced by adverse effects icebergs have on sea ice conditions.
This award supports the development of a new laboratory capability in the U.S. to measure CO2 in ice cores and investigate millennial-scale changes in CO2 during the last glacial period using samples from the Byrd and Siple Dome ice cores. Both cores have precise relative chronologies based on correlation of methane and the isotopic composition of atmospheric oxygen with counterpart records from Greenland ice cores. The proposed work will therefore allow comparison of the timing of CO2 change, Antarctic temperature change, and Greenland temperature change on common time scales. Such comparisons are vital for evaluating models that explain changes in atmospheric CO2. The techniques being developed will also be available for future projects, specifically the proposed Inland WAIS ice core, for which a highly detailed CO2 record is a major objective, and studies greenhouse and other atmospheric gases and their isotopic composition for which dry extraction is necessary (stable isotopes in CO2, for example). There are many broad impacts of the proposed work. Ice core greenhouse gas records are central contributions of paleoclimatology to research and policy-making concerning global change. The proposed work will enhance those contributions by improving our understanding of the natural cycling of the most important greenhouse gas. It will contribute to the training of a postdoctoral researcher, who will be an integral part of an established research group and benefit from the diverse paleoclimate and geochemistry community at OSU. The PI teaches major and non-major undergraduate and graduate courses on climate and global change. The proposed work will enrich those courses and the courses will provide an opportunity for the postdoctoral researcher to participate in teaching by giving guest lectures. The PI also participates in a summer climate workshop for high school teachers at Washington State University and the proposed work will enrich that contribution. The extraction device that is built and the expertise gained in using it will be resources for the ice core community and available for future projects. Data will be made available through established national data center and the equipment designs will also be made available to other researchers.
This award supports a three-year renewal project to complete measurement of cosmogenic nuclides in the Siple Dome ice core as part of the West Antarctic ice core program. The investigators will continue to measure profiles of Beryllium-10 (half-life = 1.5x10 6 years) and Chlorine-36 (half-life = 3.0x10 5 years) in the entire ice core which spans the time period from the present to about 100 kyr. It will be particularly instructive to compare the Antarctic record with the detailed Arctic record that was measured by these investigators as part of the GISP2 project. This comparison will help separate global from local effects at the different drill sites. Cosmogenic radionuclides in polar ice cores have been used to study the long-term variations in several important geophysical variables, including solar activity, geomagnetic field strength, atmospheric circulation, snow accumulation rates, and others. The time series of nuclide concentrations resulting from this work will be applied to several problem areas: perfecting the ice core chronology, deducing the history of solar activity, deducing the history of variations in the geomagnetic field, and studying the possible role of solar variations on climate. Comparison of Beryllium-10 and Chlorine-36 profiles in different cores will allow us to improve the ice core chronology and directly compare ice cores from different regions of the globe. Additional comparison with the Carbon-14 record will allow correlation of the ice core paleoenvironment record to other, Carbon-14 dated, paleoclimate records.
This award supports a program of field surveys of an area within the large, well-developed megadune field southeast of Vostok station. The objectives are to determine the physical characteristics of the firn across the dunes, including typical climate indicators such as stable isotopes and major chemical species, and to install instruments to measure the time variation of near-surface wind and temperature with depth, to test and refine hypotheses for megadune formation. Field study will consist of surface snowpit and shallow core sampling, ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiling, GPS topographic and ice motion surveys, AWS installation, accumulation/ ablation measurements, subsurface temperature, and firn permeability studies. Field work in two successive seasons is proposed. Continent-wide remote sensing studies of the dunes will be continued, using the new group of instruments that are now, or will shortly be available (e.g., MODIS, MISR, GLAS, AMSR). The earlier study of topographic, passive microwave, and SAR characteristics will be extended, with the intent of determining the relationships of dune amplitude and wavelength to climate parameters, and further development of models of dune formation. Diffusion, ventilation, and vapor transport processes within the dune firn will be modeled as well. A robust program of outreach is planned and reporting to inform both the public and scientists of the fundamental in-situ and remote sensing characteristics of these uniquely Antarctic features will be an important part of the work. Because of their extreme nature, their broad extent, and their potential impact on the climate record, it is important to improve our current understanding of these. Megadunes are a manifestation of an extreme terrestrial climate and may provide insight on past terrestrial climate, or to processes active on other planets. Megadunes are likely to represent an end-member in firn diagenesis, and as such, may have much to teach us about the processes involved.
This award supports a detailed laboratory analysis of the mass-independent isotopic composition of processes associated with atmospheric nitrate trapped in the snow pack at the South Pole. The project will specifically test if the oxygen isotopes 16O, 17O, 18O of nitrate can be used to probe the denitrification of the Antarctic stratosphere. Despite decades of research, there are several important issues in Antarctic atmospheric science, which are presently inadequately resolved. This includes quantification over time of the sources of nitrate aerosols. Today, little is known about the past denitrification of the stratosphere in high latitude regions. This lack of knowledge significantly limits our ability to understand the chemical state of ancient atmospheres and therefore evaluate present and past-coupled climate/atmosphere models. The role of nitrogen in environmental degradation is well known. This issue will also be addressed in this proposal. Atmospheric aerosols have now been shown to possess a mass-independent oxygen isotopic content. The proposed research will investigate the stable oxygen isotope ratios of nitrate in Antarctica both collected in real time and from the snow. Two periods of time will be covered. Full year nitrate aerosol collections, with week resolution time horizons, will be performed at the South Pole. Weekly aerosol collections will help us to identify any seasonal trend of the oxygen-17 excess anomaly, and eventually link this anomaly to the denitrification of the Antarctic stratosphere. This data set will also be used to test our assumption that the oxygen isotopic anomaly of nitrate is mainly formed in the stratosphere and is well preserved in the snow pack. If true, we will for the first time resolve an atmospheric signal extracted from a nitrate profile. The snow pit will allow us to see any trend in the data on a multiple decade timescale.
This award supports the analysis, in Antarctic ice cores, of the ozone depleting substances methyl bromide (CH3Br) and methyl chloride (CH3Cl), and the sulfur-containing gas, carbonyl sulfide (OCS). The broad scientific goal is to assess the level and variability of these gases in the preindustrial atmosphere. This information will allow testing of current models for sources and sinks of these gases from the atmosphere, and to indirectly assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on their biogeochemical cycles. Longer-term records will shed light on the climatic sensitivity of the atmospheric burden of these gases, and ultimately on the biogeochemical processes controlling them. These gases are present in ice at parts per trillion levels, and the current database consists entirely of a small number of measurements made in from a shallow ice core from Siple Dome, Antarctica. This project will involve studies of ice core samples from three Antarctic sites: Siple Station, Siple Dome, and South Pole. The sampling strategy is designed to accomplish several objectives: 1) to verify the atmospheric mixing ratios previously observed in shallow Siple Dome ice for OCS, CH3Br, and CH3Cl at sites with very different accumulation rates and surface temperatures; 2) to obtain a well-dated, high resolution record from a high accumulation rate site (Siple Station), that can provide overlap in mean gas age with Antarctic firn air samples; 3) explore Holocene variability in trace gas mixing ratios; and 4) to make the first measurements of these trace gases in Antarctic glacial ice. In terms of broader impact on society, this research will help to provide a stronger scientific basis for policy decisions regulating the production and use of ozone-depleting and climate-active gases. Specifically, the methyl bromide results will contribute to the current debate on the impact of recent regulation (via the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments) on atmospheric levels. Determination of pre-industrial atmospheric variability of ozone-depleting substances will help place more realistic constraints on scenarios used for future projections of stratospheric ozone and its climatic impacts. This research will involve the participation of both graduate and undergraduate students.
9316564 Mayewski This award is for support for a three year program to provide a high resolution record of the Antarctic climate through the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of records of atmospheric chemical deposition taken from three ice cores located at sites within or immediately adjacent to the Ross Ice Drainage System (RIDS). These cores include one from Taylor Dome, and two from West Antarctic locations identified as potential deep drilling sites for the WAISCORES program. Collection of the two West Antarctic cores is intended to be a lightweight dry-drilling operation to depths of ~ 200 m, which will provide records of > 2 kyr. Glaciochemical analyses will focus on the major cations and anions found in the antarctic atmosphere, plus methanesulfonic acid and selected measurements of the hydrogen ion, aluminum, iron, and silica. These analyses, and companion stable isotope and particle measurements to be carried out by other investigators require < 7% by volume of each core, leaving > 90% for other investigators and storage at the U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory. These records are intended to solve a variety of scientific objectives while also providing spatial sampling and reconnaissance for future U.S. efforts in West Antarctica. ***
This award is for support of a study to establish a quantitative nuclear method for determination of Antarctic ablation and accumulation rates and to provide correction factors for the carbon 14 ages of ice samples dated using trapped carbon 14. Recent studies have established the presence of cosmogenic in-situ produced carbon 14 in polar ice. In conjunction with estimated carbon 14 production rates, measured concentrations of carbon 14 per gram of ice yield, ablation rates which are in good agreement with the values determined from stake measurements. Similar studies to determine accumulation rates have been tested and the estimates are consistent with previous studies. This study will expand the preliminary work done to date in order to improve the 14CO and 14CO2 vacuum extraction techniques, by lowering blank levels and by obtaining more complete separation of 14CO and 14CO2.
This award is for support for a program to make high resolution studies of variations in the concentration of methane, the oxygenisotope composition of paleoatmospheric oxygen, and the total gas content of deep Antarctic ice cores. Studies of the concentration and isotopic composition of air in the firn of the Antarctic ice sheet will also be continued. One objective of this work is to use the methane concentration and oxygen-isotope composition of oxygen of air in ice as time-stratigraphic markers for the precise intercorrelation of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores as well as the correlation of ice cores to other climatic records. A second objective is to use variations in the concentration and interhemispheric gradient of methane measured in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores to deduce changes in continental climates and biogeochemistry on which the atmospheric methane distribution depends. A third objective is to use data on the variability of total gas content in the Siple Dome ice core to reconstruct aspects of the glacial history of West Antarctica during the last glacial maximum. The fourth objective is to participate in collaborative studies of firn air chemistry at Vostok, Siple Dome, and South Pole which will yield much new information about gas trapping in ice as well as the concentration history and isotopic composition of greenhouse gases, oxygen, trace biogenic gases and trace anthropogenic gases during the last 100 years.
This award provides one year of support to use newly developed technology in which an ice-core melter is coupled with both an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) and a traditional Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system, to measure a continuous time series of chemical and trace element deposition on the Siple Dome ice core from West Antarctica. A coupled ice-core melter, ICP-MS, and CFA system will be used to measure concentrations of a number of elements, isotopes and chemical species at very high depth resolution (~2-cm) in the top 54 m of the Siple Dome A-core. Pilot data from analyses of ~6 m from the nearby but much lower accumulation J-core site at Siple Dome, together with more extensive results from Summit, Greenland, indicate that it will be possible to obtain exactly co-registered, high-quality records of at least 12 seasonally varying elements (sodium, magnesium, aluminum, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, rubidium, strontium, zirconium, barium, lead) and three other chemical species and ions (ammonium, nitrate, calcium ion) with this system. Under this proposed research, we will also add continuous measurements of sulfate to our system. Because more than sufficient core from Siple Dome for these depths is archived at the National Ice Core Laboratory, the proposed research will require no fieldwork. The continuous, very high-resolution, ~350-y record of these elemental tracers will enhance the value of previous chemical and isotopic measurements that have been made on the Siple Dome core and will be particularly valuable for comparisons between ice-core proxies and modern instrumental data related to El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as well as for validation of model simulations of atmospheric circulation. These data, and the expertise gained through this research, will be invaluable when this novel chemical analysis technology is eventually applied to deep ice-core records for the study of rapid climate-change events.
This award is for support for a three year program to investigate the response of ice domes, such as Siple Dome in West Antarctica, to changing boundary conditions, for example as arising from fluctuations in thickness or position of bounding ice streams. A range of models will be used, from simple one-dimensional analytical models to coupled dynamic-thermodynamic flow models, to investigate the response of the ice dome to boundary forcing, and the record that boundary forcing can leave in the ice core record. Using radar, temperature, and ice core data from the currently funded field programs on Siple Dome, and ice flux and thickness values from the map view model as boundary conditions, a flow line across Siple Dome will be studied and possible ranges of time scales, the likely origin of ice near the bed, and the basal temperature conditions that exist now and existed in the past will be determined.The response of internal stratigraphy patterns to climate and dynamic forcing effects will be investigated and observed internal layers from ice cores will be used to infer the forcing history.
9419128 Stearns This is a project to maintain and augment as necessary, the network of nearly fifty automatic weather stations established on the Antarctic continent and on several surrounding islands. These weather stations measure surface wind, pressure, temperature, humidity, and in some instances other atmospheric variables, such as snow accumulation and incident solar radiation, and report these via satellite to a number of ground stations. The data are used for operational weather forecasting in support of the United States Antarctic program, for climatological records, and for research purposes. The AWS network, which began as a small-scale program in 1980, has been extremely reliable and has proven indispensable for both forecasting and research purposes. ***
This award is for support for a program to measure the stable isotope (deuterium to hydrogen and oxygen-18 to oxygen-16) concentrations of ice cores retrieved from Siple Dome as part of the West Antarctic ice sheet program. In addition, the deuterium excess of samples from the Taylor Dome ice core will be determined. This project will approach the question of rapid climate change using ice cores to determine the history of temperature changes, moisture source changes, and elevational changes in the West Antarctic ice sheet. Results from ice cores taken to date in the interior of Antarctica (East and West) are surprisingly lacking in indications of abrupt climate changes, such as those that have been observed in the GISP2 ice core from Summit, Greenland. This work will address the question of whether rapid climate changes, which are known to have occurred in other parts of the southern hemi-sphere, may have also occurred in the coastal regions of West Antarctica. There is some indication from existing records of isotopes in ice cores that the West Antarctic ice sheet may have flushed ice in the past (as evidenced by large changes in elevation of the ice sheet).
This award is for two years of support to perform radar investigations across former shear margins at Roosevelt Island and Ice Stream C in order to measure changes in the configuration and continuity of internal layers and the bed. The broad goal of these investigations is to gain an understanding of ice stream flow and the timing and mechanisms of ice stream shutdown. A high-resolution short-pulse radar system will be used for detailed examination of the uppermost hundred meters of the firn and ice, and a monopulse sounding-radar system will be used to image the rest of the ice column (including internal layers) and the bed. Changes in the shape and continuity of layers will be used to interpret mechanisms and modes of ice stream flow including the possible migration of stagnation fronts and rates of shut-down. Variations in bed reflectivity will be used to deduce basal hydrology conditions across lineations. Accumulation rates deduced from snow pits and shallow cores will be used to estimate near-surface depth-age profiles. Improved understanding of ice stream history opens the possibility of linking changes in the West Antarctic ice sheet with the geologic evidence from Northern Victoria Land and the ocean record of the retreat of the grounding line in the Ross Sea.
This award is for support for two years to develop the technology and methodology for digitizing the photographs and analyzing the thin sections from ice cores. In addition, the application of digital technology for whole-core stratigraphy, using digital photography, image enhancement and image processing will be investigated. The thin section analysis will be piloted with samples already in hand from the Taylor Dome ice core. If successful, these techniques will be applied to samples from the Siple Dome ice core, in cooperation with Principal Investigators already funded to retrieve and examine these sections. The original digital images with all original data annotation files will be distributed to Siple Dome principal investigators for their use in the interpretation of their own data. All software and hardware acquired for this project will become part of the permanent equipment inventory at the U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory and will be available for use by clients at the facility.
This award is for support for a program to investigate the visual stratigraphy, index physical properties, relaxation characteristics and crystalline structure of ice cores from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. This investigation will include measurements of a time-priority nature that must be initiated at the drill site on freshly-drilled cores. This will be especially true of cores from the brittle ice zone, which is expected to comprise a significant fraction of the ice core. The brittle zone includes ice in which relaxation , resulting from the release of confining pressure is maximized and leads to significant changes in the mechanical condition of the core that must be considered in relation to the processing and analysis of ice samples for entrapped gas and chemical studies. This relaxation will be monitored via precision density measurements made initially at the drill site and repeated at intervals back in the U.S. Other studies will include measurement of the annual layering in the core to as great a depth as visual stratigraphy can be deciphered, crystal size measurements as a function of depth and age, c-axis fabric studies, and analysis of the physical properties of any debris-bearing basal ice and its relationship to the underlying bedrock. Only through careful documentation and analysis of these key properties can we hope to accurately assess the dynamic state of the ice and the age-depth relationships essential to deciphering the paleoclimate record at this location.
This award is for support for the measurement of electrical and optical properties of the Siple Dome ice core. The electrical methods can be used to determine the concentration of the hydrogen ions and the concentration of a weighted sum of all ions. The electrical measurements can resolve features as small as 1 cm. The albedo of the core is also measured with a laser system that can resolve features as small as 0.5 cm. The high spatial resolution of these methods makes them ideal for resolving narrow features in the core, which can be missed in larger composite samples. The measurements will be particularly useful for assisting to date the core and to identify short duration features in the record, such as volcanic eruptions. These measurements will also provide useful information for assessing the temporal variability of Holocene accumulation rate and atmospheric circulation.
This award is for support for a program of measurements to improve our understanding of the relationship between formaldehyde (HCHO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the atmosphere and the concentrations of the same species in Antarctic snow, firn and ice. This work aims to relate changes in concentrations in the snow, firn and ice to corresponding changes in tropospheric chemistry. Atmospheric and firn sampling for formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide at one or more of the WAIS ice core drilling sites will be undertaken and controlled laboratory studies to estimate thermodynamic and rate parameters will be performed. In addition, this work will involve modeling of atmosphere-snow exchange processes to infer the "transfer function" for reactive species at the sites and atmospheric photochemical modeling to relate changes in concentrations of formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide in snow, firn and ice to atmospheric oxidation capacity. This work will contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between atmospheric concentrations of various species and those same species measured in snow and ice samples.
Dunbar/Kyle OPP 9527373 Zielinski OPP 9527824 Abstract The Antarctic ice sheets are ideal places to preserve a record the volcanic ash (tephra) layers and chemical aerosol signatures of volcanic eruptions. This record, which is present both in areas of bare blue ice, as well as in deep ice cores, consists of a combination of local eruptions, as well as eruptions from more distant volcanic sources from which glassy shards can be chemically fingerprinted and related to a source volcano. Field work carried out during the 1994/1995 Antarctic field season in the Allan Hills area of Antarctica, and subsequent microbeam chemical analysis and 40Ar/39Ar dating has shown that tephra layers in deep Antarctic ice preserve a coherent, systematic stratigraphy, and can be successfully mapped, dated, chemically fingerprinted and tied to source volcanoes. The combination of chemical fingerprinting of glass shards, and chemical analysis of volcanic aerosols associated with ash layers will allow establishment of a high-resolution chronology of local and distant volcanism that can help understand patterns of significant explosive volcanisms and atmospheric loading and climactic effects associated with volcanic eruptions. Correlation of individual tephra layers, or sets of layers, in blue ice areas, which have been identified in many places the Transantarctic Mountains, will allow the geometry of ice flow in these areas to be better understood and will provide a useful basis for interpreting ice core records.
This award is for support of a program to reconstruct the record of atmospheric carbon dioxide (and the carbon-13 isotopes of carbon dioxide) over several intervals, including the Last Glacial Maximum-Holocene transition, interstadial episodes, the mid-Holocene, the last 1000 years and the penultimate glacial period, using ice from the Taylor Dome and Vostok ice cores. The major objective of this study is to investigate the phase relationship between variations of the greenhouse gases occluded in the ice cores and temperature changes (indicated by oxygen and deuterium isotopes) during the last deglaciation. In addition, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 1000 years and during the mid-Holocene will be determined in these cores.
This award supports an in situ and short traverse seismic reflection/refraction and magnetotelluric experiment in West Antarctica. This collaborative experiment involves four awards at four institutions. The four-fold purpose is 1) to investigate part of the Byrd Subglacial Basin, 2) to test techniques for this work that could be done in a long traverse, 3) to determine the viability of the magnetotelluric method on a thick (electrically resistive) ice sheet, and 4) to evaluate the relative merits of refraction with wide reflection versus reflection with narrow refraction seismic studies in imaging the lithosphere. The geophysical techniques that will be employed are capable of imaging the ice sheet, the continental lithosphere, and the upper mantle, as well as determining physical properties of parts of the lithosphere and mantle. Investigations of outcrop geology over the last thirty years in West Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains have lead to recent interpretations that the crust is made up of many different lithospheric blocks. Seismic reflection work is the only way to image the crust in detail and the refraction work is the only way to determine physical properties of the layers and blocks defined by the reflection work. The magnetotelluric work is scientifically risky because it may not yield useful information when used over the electrically resistive ice sheet; however, if it works it has the potential to image molten rock in the crust and upper mantle. In a continental rift region such as West Antarctica, the presence of melt in the lithosphere is likely and, if documented, has very important ramifications to ice sheet dynamics. Research work supported by this award is expected to provide constraints to models of a range of crustal processes from models of ice sheet dynamics to tectonic and kinematic models of lithospheric thinning and rifting.
This award supports a project to examine the physical processes that affect the manner in which heat, vapor and chemical species in air are incorporated into snow and polar firn. The processes include advection, diffusion, and the effects of solar radiation penetration into the snow. An understanding of these processes is important because they control the rate at which reactive and non-reactive chemical species in the atmosphere become incorporated into the snow, firn, and polar ice, and thus will affect interpretation of polar ice core data. Currently, the interpretation of polar ice core data assumes that diffusion controls the rate at which chemical species are incorporated into firn. This project will determine whether ventilation, or advection of the species by air movement in the firn, and radiation penetration processes have a significant effect. Field studies at the two West Antarctic ice sheet deep drilling sites will be conducted to determine the spatial and temporal extent for key parameters, and boundary conditions needed to model the advection, conduction, and radiation transmission/absorption processes. An existing multidimensional numerical model is being expanded to simulate the processes and to serve as the basis for ongoing and future work in transport and distribution of reactive chemical species.
9725305 Severinghaus This award supports a project to develop and apply a new technique for quantifying temperature changes in the past based on the thermodynamic principle of thermal diffusion, in which gas mixtures in a temperature gradient become fractionated. Air in polar firn is fractionated by temperature gradients induced by abrupt climate change, and a record of this air is preserved in bubbles in the ice. The magnitude of the abrupt temperature change, the precise relative timing, and an estimate of the absolute temperature change can be determined. By providing a gas-phase stratigraphic marker of temperature change, the phasing of methane (with decadal precision) and hence widespread climate change (relative to local polar temperature changes) can be determined (across five abrupt warming events during the last glacial period).
This award is for support for a program of physical and visible studies on the shallow and deep ice cores to be retrieved from Siple Dome, West Antarctica. Visible examination of ice cores has proven to be a powerful technique for dating and paleoclimatic interpretation. Recent examination of a shallow core from Siple Dome indicates that annual-layer dating is possible and that visible examination will contribute significantly to the dating effort at Siple Dome. Once ages are obtained, distances between layers provide snow accumulation after correction for density variations and ice flow thinning. Thin- section examination of the core will contribute to understanding the visible stratigraphy, and will reveal c-axis fabrics which are related to past ice deformation. The results of this study should include a better understanding of rapid climate change in the Antarctic and should contribute to knowledge of the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
This is a three-year project to maintain and augment as necessary, the network of approximately fifty automatic weather stations established on the antarctic continent and on several surrounding islands. These weather stations measure surface wind, pressure, temperature, humidity, and in some instances other atmospheric variables, such as snow accumulation and incident solar radiation, and report these via satellite to a number of ground stations. The data are used for operational weather forecasting in support of the United States Antarctic program, for global forecasting through the WMO Global Telecommunications System, for climatological records, and for research purposes. The AWS network, which began as a small-scale program in 1980, has been extremely reliable and has proven indispensable for both forecasting and research purposes.