Collaborative Research: Thermospheric Neutral Wind Observation from the Antarctic Peninsula
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). This project will deploy a new Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) at the U.S. Palmer Station located in the Antarctic Peninsula. The FPI will observe mesospheric and thermospheric neutral winds and temperatures using multiple nightglow emissions (OH, 892 nm, 87 km; O 557.7 nm, 97 km; O 630 nm, 250 km; and O2 (0-1) 865 nm, 94 km). The project's team will collaborate with Australian scientists who operate similar FPI instruments at their Antarctic stations Mawson and Davis to jointly analyze the neutral wind and temperature data distributions over the continent and address the following scientific problems: (1) Thermospheric neutral winds effects on the Weddell Sea Anomaly, (2) Non-migrating tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, (3) Lower thermospheric meridional wind circulation and mesosphere wind shear, (4) High-latitude geomagnetic field effects on the mid-latitude thermosphere, and (4) Conjugacy studies of the mesosphere and thermosphere with the incoherent scatter radar and FPI observations from Millstone Hill, Massachusetts. The fieldwork and analysis efforts associated with this project are highly suitable for involvement and research training of graduate students.
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