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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
U-Th isotopes and major elements in sediments from Taylor Valley, Antarctica

2024-07-01 Edwards, Graham; Piccione, Gavin; Blackburn, Terrence; Tulaczyk, Slawek Collaborative Research: Reconstructing East Antarctica’s Past Response to Climate using Subglacial Precipitates
U-Series Comminution Age Constraints on Taylor Valley Erosion
ODP Site 1098 deglacial diatom assemblage

2024-04-24 Dove, Isabel The nitrogen isotopic composition of diatom resting spores in Southern Ocean sediments: A source of bias and/or paleoenvironmental information?
Dissolved nutrients, cell counts, and nitrogen isotope measurements from Chaetoceros socialis culture experiments

2023-08-30 Dove, Isabel The nitrogen isotopic composition of diatom resting spores in Southern Ocean sediments: A source of bias and/or paleoenvironmental information?
2022-23 Allan Hills Intermediate Ice Core Site Selection Field Report

2023-06-16 Conway, Howard; Brook, Edward Center for Oldest Ice Exploration
Allan Hills 2022-23 Shallow Ice Core Field Report

2023-06-16 Shackleton, Sarah; Brook, Edward Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop Report

2023-05-18 Neff, P.; Andreasen, Julia; Roop, Heidi A; Pundsack, Jonathan W; Howe, Bruce; Jacobs, Gwen; Lassner, David; Yoshimi, Garrett; Timm, Kristin 2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science
I-165-M GPR Field Report 2019-2020

2023-03-03 Nesbitt, Ian; Brook, Edward Collaborative research: Snapshots of Early and Mid-Pleistocene Climate and Atmospheric Composition from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
2015-2016 GPR Field Report for Allan Hills Shallow Ice Coring

2023-03-03 MacKay, Sean; Brook, Edward Collaborative Research: Allan HILLs Englacial Site (AHILLES) Selection
Computed fetch for project study sites

2022-12-29 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Sedation dose and response

2022-12-13 Pearson, Linnea RUI: Growing Up on Ice: Physiological Adaptations and Developmental Plasticity in Weddell Seal Pups Across Two Extreme Physical Environments
AMIGOS-III Cavity and Channel Snow Height and Thermistor Snow Temperature Data

2022-03-29 Scambos, Ted NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment
Visala WXT520 weather station data at the Cavity and Channel AMIGOS-III sites

2022-03-28 Scambos, Ted NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment
AMIGOS-IIIc "Channel" Aquadopp current data Jan 2020 - Mar 2021

2022-03-28 Scambos, Ted NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment
AMIGOS-IIIa "Cavity" Aquadopp current data Jan 2020 - Mar 2021

2022-03-28 Scambos, Ted NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment
AMIGOS-IIIc "Channel" Seabird CTD data Jan 2020 - Dec 2021

2022-03-26 Scambos, Ted NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment
AMIGOS-IIIa "Cavity" Seabird CTD data Jan 2020 - Dec 2021

2022-03-26 Scambos, Ted NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment
Effects of acute warming on cardiovascular performance of Antarctic fishes

2020-12-18 Joyce, William; Farrell, Anthony; Axelsson, Michael; Egginton, Stuart; Crockett, Elizabeth; O'Brien, Kristin Collaborative Research: The Physiological and Biochemical Underpinnings of Thermal Tolerance in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes
Adrenergic and adenosinergic regulation of the cardiovascular system in the Antarctic icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus

2020-12-18 Joyce, Michael; Axelsson, Michael; Farrell, Anthony; Egginton, Stuart; O'Brien, Kristin Collaborative Research: The Physiological and Biochemical Underpinnings of Thermal Tolerance in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes
The rise and fall of an ancient Adelie penguin 'supercolony' at Cape Adare, Antarctica

2020-06-02 McKenzie, Ashley; Patterson, William; Emslie, Steven Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators
SPC14 carbonyl sulfide, methyl chloride, and methyl bromide measurements from South Pole, Antarctica

2020-04-01 Aydin, Murat Carbonyl Sulfide, Methyl Chloride, and Methyl Bromide Measurements in the New Intermediate-depth South Pole Ice Core
Cosmogenic nuclide data from glacial deposits along the Liv Glacier coast

2019-11-21 Stone, John Collaborative Research: High-resolution Reconstruction of Holocene Deglaciation in the Southern Ross Embayment
Report on Antarctic surface hydrology workshop, LDEO, 2018

2019-03-22 Kingslake, Jonathan; Trusel, Luke; Banwell, Alison; Bell, Robin; Das, Indrani; DeConto, Robert; Tedesco, Marco; Lenaerts, Jan; Schoof, Christian Workshop on Antarctic Surface Hydrology and Future Ice-shelf Stability
AU1402 Final UCTD data

2018-12-24 Orsi, Alejandro Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
NBP1402 Final UCTD data

2018-12-23 Orsi, Alejandro Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
Ross Sea unconformities digital grids in depth and two-way time

2018-05-25 Sorlien, Christopher; Wilson, Douglas S. Subsidence, Tilting, Sedimentation, and Oligocene-middle Miocene paleo-depth of Ross Sea
NBP1402 Final CTD data

2017-11-10 Huber, Bruce Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
WAIS Divide WDC06A Discrete ICP-MS Chemistry

2017-04-27 Kreutz, Karl Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
Temperature Reconstruction at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide

2017-01-12 Cuffey, Kurt M. Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake and Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)

2016-01-01 Powell, Ross Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)
Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats - Robotic Access to Grounding-zones for Exploration and Science (RAGES)

2016-01-01 Powell, Ross Collaborative Research: Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability & Subglacial Life Habitats in W Antarctica - Lake & Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (LISSARD)
Temperature Profile of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Deep Borehole

2014-04-30 Cuffey, Kurt M.; Clow, Gary D. Collaborative Research: Physical Properties of the WAIS Divide Deep Core
Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape

2014-01-01 Gooseff, Michael N. EAGER: Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape
Heard Island Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change - 2003/04 Fieldwork

None 2013-12-19 Truffer, Martin No project link provided
Alternative Nutritional Strategies in Antarctic Protists

2013-01-01 Gast, Rebecca Collaborative Research: Alternative Nutritional Strategies in Antarctic Protists
Alkanes in Firn Air Samples, Antarctica and Greenland

2011-11-30 Aydin, Murat; Saltzman, Eric Collaborative Research: Methane Isotopes, Hydrocarbons, and other Trace Gases in South Pole Firn Air
Microparticle, Conductivity, and Density Measurements from the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core, Antarctica

2011-10-01 Kreutz, Karl; Hamilton, Gordon S.; Breton, Daniel; Koffman, Bess Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
Historic Perspectives on Climate and Biogeography from Deep-Sea Corals in the Drake Passage

2011-01-01 Robinson, Laura Collaborative Research: Historic Perspectives on Climate and Biogeography from Deep-sea Corals in the Drake Passage
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Measurements on the Weddell Sea Drifting Station

2010-01-01 Andreas, Edgar Atmospheric Boundary Layer Measurements on the Weddell Sea Drifting Station
Radium and Thorium isotope data summaries from AMLR and NBP cruises to the Antarctic in 2006

None 2009-03-26 None No project link provided
Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region

2009-01-01 Emslie, Steven Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region
Antarctic Ice Cores: Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide

2007-11-10 Saltzman, Eric; Aydin, Murat; Williams, Margaret; Tatum, Cheryl Methyl chloride and methyl bromide in Antarctic ice cores
Ice Thickness and Internal Layer Depth Along the 2001 and 2002 US ITASE Traverses

2005-04-08 Jacobel, Robert Radar Studies of Internal Stratigraphy and Bedrock Topography along the US ITASE Traverse
Ice Thickness and Surface Elevation, Southeastern Ross Embayment, West Antarctica

2004-03-17 Blankenship, Donald D.; Finn, C. A.; Morse, David L.; Peters, M. E.; Kempf, Scott D.; Hodge, S. M.; Behrendt, J. C.; Brozena, J. M.; Studinger, Michael S.; Bell, Robin Corridor Aerogeophysics of the Southeastern Ross Transect Zone (CASERTZ), Antarctica