{"dp_type": "Project", "free_text": "Englacial"}
[{"awards": "0087144 Conway, Howard", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-150 -83.5,-148 -83.5,-146 -83.5,-144 -83.5,-142 -83.5,-140 -83.5,-138 -83.5,-136 -83.5,-134 -83.5,-132 -83.5,-130 -83.5,-130 -83.65,-130 -83.8,-130 -83.95,-130 -84.1,-130 -84.25,-130 -84.4,-130 -84.55,-130 -84.7,-130 -84.85,-130 -85,-132 -85,-134 -85,-136 -85,-138 -85,-140 -85,-142 -85,-144 -85,-146 -85,-148 -85,-150 -85,-150 -84.85,-150 -84.7,-150 -84.55,-150 -84.4,-150 -84.25,-150 -84.1,-150 -83.95,-150 -83.8,-150 -83.65,-150 -83.5))", "dataset_titles": "Impulse HF radar data from Conway Ridge", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601810", "doi": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Siple Coast", "people": "Christianson, Knut; Hoffman, Andrew; Conway, Howard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Impulse HF radar data from Conway Ridge", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601810"}], "date_created": "Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Marine ice sheets are low-pass filters of climate variability that take centuries to adjust to interior and near-terminus changes in mass balance. Constraining these century-scale changes from satellite observations that span only the last 40 years is challenging. Here, we take a different approach of carefully synthesizing different data sets to infer changes in the configurations of van der Veen and Mercer Ice Streams on the Siple Coast over the past 3000 years from englacial features encoded in ice-penetrating radar data. Englacial radar data from Conway Ridge reveal smooth, surface conformal layers overlying disrupted stratigraphy that suggest the van der Veen Ice Stream was 40 km wider over 3000 years ago. Englacial layer dating indicates that the ice stream narrowed to its present configuration between $\\sim3000$ and $\\sim1000$ years ago. Similarly disrupted stratigraphy and buried crevasses suggest that ice flowing from Mercer to Whillans Ice Stream across the northwestern tip of the ridge slowed shortly after. Using an ice-flow model capable of simulating shear margin migration, we evaluate whether small changes in ice thickness can lead to large changes in shear margin location. Our results suggest that the tip of Conway Ridge is sensitive to thinning and thickening, and that when the basal strength at the tip of the ridge increases with the height above flotation, the ice sheet shear margins can change quickly.", "east": -130.0, "geometry": "POINT(-140 -84.25)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GLACIER ELEVATION/ICE SHEET ELEVATION; Siple Coast", "locations": "Siple Coast", "north": -83.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Hoffman, Andrew; Conway, Howard", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.0, "title": "Glacial History of Ridge AB, West Antarctica", "uid": "p0010470", "west": -150.0}, {"awards": "2317927 Hills, Benjamin", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Radar Reflectivity at Whillans Ice Plain", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200401", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.11201199", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Zenodo", "science_program": null, "title": "Radar Reflectivity at Whillans Ice Plain", "url": "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11201199"}], "date_created": "Mon, 07 Aug 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Ice flow is resisted by frictional forces that keep a glacier from immediately sliding into the ocean. Friction comes in two varieties: internal friction within the ice column which resists ice deformation and basal friction which resists ice sliding over its bedrock substrate. Partitioning between internal and basal friction is difficult since both have similar expressions at the most common target for data collection?the ice-sheet surface. However, understanding this partitioning is important because the physical processes that control internal and basal friction act and evolve at different timescales. This project combines spaceborne remote sensing observations from the ice-sheet surface with ice-penetrating radar data that images the internal structure of the ice sheet in order to partition the contribution of each source of friction. Results will advance the fundamental understanding of ice flow and will strengthen projections of future sea-level rise. Broader Impacts of the project include facilitating data reuse for the ice-sheet research community; the strategy for distributing the software toolkit includes student mentorship and hackathon teaching.\r\n\r\nThe researcher will expand the impact of existing ice-penetrating datasets by 1) developing new open-source algorithms for extraction of englacial stratigraphy; 2) creating stratigraphy data products that can be assimilated into future studies of ice motion; and 3) using statistical analyses to integrate radar datasets into larger-scale interpretations with remote sensing datasets of ice-surface velocity, altimetry, climate variables, and model-derived basal friction. The computational tools developed as part of this effort will be integrated and released as a reusable software toolkit for ice-penetrating radar data analysis. The toolkit will be validated and tested by deployment to cloud-hosted JupyterHub instances, which will serve as a singular interface to access radar and remote sensing data, load them into a unified framework, step through a predefined processing flow, and carry out statistical analyses. In some areas, the imaged englacial stratigraphy will deviate from the ice-dynamic setting expected based on surface measurements alone. There, the internal dynamics (or ice-dynamic history) are inconsistent with the surface dynamics, likely because internal friction is poorly constrained and misattributed to basal friction instead. This work will develop the data and statistical tools for constraining internal friction from ice-penetrating radar, making those data products and tools available for future work.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GLACIER MOTION/ICE SHEET MOTION; BT-67; Antarctica; GLACIER TOPOGRAPHY/ICE SHEET TOPOGRAPHY; DHC-6; ICE SHEETS", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Post Doc/Travel", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Hills, Benjamin", "platforms": "AIR-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PROPELLER \u003e BT-67; AIR-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PROPELLER \u003e DHC-6", "repo": "Zenodo", "repositories": "Zenodo", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Postdoctoral Fellowship: OPP-PRF: Disentangling Ice-sheet Internal and Basal Processes through Novel Ice-penetrating Radar Integration Built on Scalable, Cloud-based Infrastructure", "uid": "p0010428", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "2037963 Smith, Heidi", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Tue, 11 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Glacial ice cores serve as a museum back in time, providing detailed records of past climatic conditions. In addition to chronological records such as temperature, chemistry and gas composition, ice provides a unique environment for preserving microbes and other biological materials through time. These microbes provide invaluable insight into the physiological capabilities necessary for survival in the Earths cryosphere and other icy planetary bodies, yet little is known about them. This award supports fundamental research into the activity of microbes in ice, and directly supports major research priorities regarding Antarctic biota identified in the 2015 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report, A Strategic Vision for NSF Investments in Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research. The broader impacts of this work are that it will be relevant to researchers across paleoclimate and biological fields. It will support two early career researchers, a graduate and an undergraduate student who will conduct laboratory analyses, participate in outreach activities, publish papers in scientific journals and present at conferences. \r\n\r\nThis work will use previously collected ice cores to investigate englacial microbial activity from the Holocene back to the Last Glacial Maximum from the blue ice area of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. The proposal identified making significant contributions to 1) investing how Antarctic organisms evolve and adapt to changing environment, 2) understanding how microbes alter the preservation of paleorecord-relevant gas and trace element information in ice cores, and 3) identifying microbial life in cores and their activity in relation to dust depositional events. Two recently developed complementary techniques (bio-orthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging and deuterium isotope probing) in combination with Raman Confocal Microspectroscopy will be used to assess and quantify microbial activity in ice. During phase one of the project, these methods will be optimized using deaccessioned ice cores available at the National Science Foundations Ice Core Facility. In phase two, ice cores in a time series from the Taylor Glacier will be analyzed for geochemistry and microbial activity. Research results will provide a comprehensive view of englacial microbial communities, including their metabolic diversity and activity, and the effect of geochemical parameters on microbial assemblages from different climate periods. Given the dearth of information available on englacial microbial communities, the results of this research will be of particular significance.\r\n\r\nThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Microbial Activity; LABORATORY; Paleoclimate; CAMP; Taylor Glacier; Microbiology; Alaska; ICE CORE RECORDS", "locations": "CAMP; Alaska; Taylor Glacier", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Smith, Heidi; Foreman, Christine; Dieser, Markus", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Life in Ice: Probing Microbial Englacial Activity through Time", "uid": "p0010385", "west": null}, {"awards": "1744649 Christianson, Knut", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-120 -85.5,-117.5 -85.5,-115 -85.5,-112.5 -85.5,-110 -85.5,-107.5 -85.5,-105 -85.5,-102.5 -85.5,-100 -85.5,-97.5 -85.5,-95 -85.5,-95 -85.62,-95 -85.74,-95 -85.86,-95 -85.98,-95 -86.1,-95 -86.22,-95 -86.34,-95 -86.46000000000001,-95 -86.58,-95 -86.7,-97.5 -86.7,-100 -86.7,-102.5 -86.7,-105 -86.7,-107.5 -86.7,-110 -86.7,-112.5 -86.7,-115 -86.7,-117.5 -86.7,-120 -86.7,-120 -86.58,-120 -86.46000000000001,-120 -86.34,-120 -86.22,-120 -86.1,-120 -85.98,-120 -85.86,-120 -85.74,-120 -85.62,-120 -85.5))", "dataset_titles": "Hercules Dome ApRES Data; Hercules Dome High-Frequency Impulse Ice-Penetrating Radar Data; Hercules Dome Ice-Penetrating Radar Swath Topographies; Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets; ITASE Impulse Radar Hercules Dome to South Pole", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601711", "doi": "10.15784/601711", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Hercules Dome; Ice Penetrating Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Holschuh, Nicholas; Hoffman, Andrew; Paden, John; Christianson, Knut", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "Hercules Dome Ice-Penetrating Radar Swath Topographies", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601711"}, {"dataset_uid": "601606", "doi": "10.15784/601606", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Ice Penetrating Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Christianson, Knut", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601606"}, {"dataset_uid": "601710", "doi": "10.15784/601710", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Hercules Dome; Ice Penetrating Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Horlings, Annika; Hoffman, Andrew; Holschuh, Nicholas; O\u0027Connor, Gemma; Hills, Benjamin; Christianson, Knut; Christian, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "Hercules Dome High-Frequency Impulse Ice-Penetrating Radar Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601710"}, {"dataset_uid": "601712", "doi": "10.15784/601712", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Hercules Dome; Ice Penetrating Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Welch, Brian; Hoffman, Andrew; Christianson, Knut; Jacobel, Robert", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "ITASE Impulse Radar Hercules Dome to South Pole", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601712"}, {"dataset_uid": "601739", "doi": "10.15784/601739", "keywords": "Antarctica; Apres; Crystal Orientation Fabric; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Hercules Dome; Ice Dynamic; Ice Penetrating Radar; Radar Interferometry; Radar Polarimetry", "people": "Steig, Eric J.; Fudge, Tyler J; Hoffman, Andrew; Holschuh, Nicholas; Hills, Benjamin; Erwin, Emma; Horlings, Annika; Christianson, Knut", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "Hercules Dome ApRES Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601739"}], "date_created": "Tue, 02 Aug 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The response of the Antarctic ice sheet to climate change is a central issue in projecting global sea-level rise. While much attention is focused on the ongoing rapid changes at the coastal margin of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, obtaining records of past ice-sheet and climate change is the only way to constrain how an ice sheet changes over millennial timescales. Whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period (~130,000 to 116,000 years ago), when temperatures were slightly warmer than today, remains a major unsolved problem in Antarctic glaciology. Hercules Dome is an ice divide located at the intersection of the East Antarctic and West Antarctic ice sheets. It is ideally situated to record the glaciological and climatic effects of changes in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This project will establish whether Hercules Dome experienced major changes in flow due to changes in the elevation of the two ice sheets. The project will also ascertain whether Hercules Domes is a suitable site from which to recover climate records from the last interglacial period. These records could be used to determine whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during that period. The project will support two early-career researchers and train students at the University of Washington. Results will be communicated through outreach programs in coordination the Ice Drilling Project Office, the University of Washington\u0027s annual Polar Science Weekend in Seattle, and art-science collaboration.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis project will develop a history of ice dynamics at the intersection of the East and West Antarctic ice sheets, and ascertain whether the site is suitable for a deep ice-coring operation. Ice divides provide a unique opportunity to assess the stability of past ice flow. The low deviatoric stresses and non-linearity of ice flow causes an arch (a \"Raymond Bump\") in the internal layers beneath a stable ice divide. This information can be used to determine the duration of steady ice flow. Due to the slow horizontal ice-flow velocities, ice divides also preserve old ice with internal layering that reflects past flow conditions caused by divide migration. Hercules Dome is an ice divide that is well positioned to retain information of past variations in the geometry of both the East and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. This dome is also the most promising location at which to recover an ice core that can be used to determine whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period. Limited ice-penetrating radar data collected along a previous scientific surface traverse indicate well-preserved englacial stratigraphy and evidence suggestive of a Raymond Bump, but the previous survey was not sufficiently extensive to allow thorough characterization or determination of past changes in ice dynamics. This project will conduct a dedicated survey to map the englacial stratigraphy and subglacial topography as well as basal properties at Hercules Dome. The project will use ground-based ice-penetrating radar to 1) image internal layers and the ice-sheet basal interface, 2) accurately measure englacial attenuation, and 3) determine englacial vertical strain rates. The radar data will be combined with GPS observations for detailed topography and surface velocities and ice-flow modeling to constrain the basal characteristics and the history of past ice flow.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": -95.0, "geometry": "POINT(-107.5 -86.1)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "West Antarctica; ICE DEPTH/THICKNESS; East Antarctica", "locations": "West Antarctica; East Antarctica", "north": -85.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Christianson, Knut; Hoffman, Andrew; Holschuh, Nicholas", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -86.7, "title": "Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets", "uid": "p0010359", "west": -120.0}, {"awards": "2049332 Chu, Wing Yin", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -75,-175 -75,-170 -75,-165 -75,-160 -75,-155 -75,-150 -75,-145 -75,-140 -75,-135 -75,-130 -75,-130 -76.1,-130 -77.2,-130 -78.3,-130 -79.4,-130 -80.5,-130 -81.6,-130 -82.7,-130 -83.8,-130 -84.9,-130 -86,-135 -86,-140 -86,-145 -86,-150 -86,-155 -86,-160 -86,-165 -86,-170 -86,-175 -86,180 -86,177.5 -86,175 -86,172.5 -86,170 -86,167.5 -86,165 -86,162.5 -86,160 -86,157.5 -86,155 -86,155 -84.9,155 -83.8,155 -82.7,155 -81.6,155 -80.5,155 -79.4,155 -78.3,155 -77.2,155 -76.1,155 -75,157.5 -75,160 -75,162.5 -75,165 -75,167.5 -75,170 -75,172.5 -75,175 -75,177.5 -75,-180 -75))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Wed, 15 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Ice shelves play a critical role in restricting the seaward flow of grounded ice by providing buttressing at their bases and sides. Processes that affect the long-term stability of ice shelves can therefore impact the future contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to global sea-level rise. Ross Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf on Earth, and it buttresses massive areas of West and East Antarctica. Previous studies of modern ice velocity indicate that Ross Ice Shelf\u2019s mass loss is roughly balanced by its mass gain. However, more recent remote sensing observations extended further back in time reveal the ice shelf is likely not in steady-state, including possible long-term thinning since the late 90s. Therefore, to accurately interpret modern days ice shelf changes, long-term observations are critical to evaluate how these short-term variations fit into the historical context of ice shelf variability. This project examines over four decades (1971 \u2013 2017) of historical and modern airborne radar sounding observations of the Ross Ice Shelf to investigate ice-shelf changes on the decadal timescales. The researchers will process, calibrate, and analyze radar data collected during the 1971-79 SPRI/NSF/TUD campaign and compare them against modern observations from both the 2011-17 NASA Operation IceBridge/NSF CReSIS and the 2015-17 ROSETTA-Ice surveys. They will estimate basal melt rates by examining changes in ice-shelf thickness. They will determine other important basal melt metrics, including ice shelf roughness, englacial temperature, and marine ice formation. This project will support the education of a Ph.D. student from each of the institutions. This project will also support the training of undergraduate and high school researchers more generally in the field of radioglaciology and Antarctic sciences.", "east": -130.0, "geometry": "POINT(-167.5 -80.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS; Antarctic Ice Sheet; GLACIER THICKNESS/ICE SHEET THICKNESS; USAP-DC; AMD; Transantarctic Mountains; Amd/Us; Siple Coast; GLACIER TOPOGRAPHY/ICE SHEET TOPOGRAPHY; FIELD SURVEYS; USA/NSF; Ross Ice Shelf", "locations": "Ross Ice Shelf; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Siple Coast; Transantarctic Mountains", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Chu, Winnie; Siegfried, Matt; Schroeder, Dustin", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -86.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Four Decades of Ross Ice Shelf Subsurface Change with Historical and Modern Radar Sounding Data", "uid": "p0010265", "west": 155.0}, {"awards": "1739027 Tulaczyk, Slawek", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-125 -73,-122.1 -73,-119.2 -73,-116.3 -73,-113.4 -73,-110.5 -73,-107.6 -73,-104.7 -73,-101.8 -73,-98.9 -73,-96 -73,-96 -73.7,-96 -74.4,-96 -75.1,-96 -75.8,-96 -76.5,-96 -77.2,-96 -77.9,-96 -78.6,-96 -79.3,-96 -80,-98.9 -80,-101.8 -80,-104.7 -80,-107.6 -80,-110.5 -80,-113.4 -80,-116.3 -80,-119.2 -80,-122.1 -80,-125 -80,-125 -79.3,-125 -78.6,-125 -77.9,-125 -77.2,-125 -76.5,-125 -75.8,-125 -75.1,-125 -74.4,-125 -73.7,-125 -73))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Thu, 24 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project contributes to the joint initiative launched by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.K. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to substantially improve decadal and longer-term projections of ice loss and sea-level rise originating from Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica. Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) could raise the global sea level by about 5 meters (16 feet) and the scientific community considers it the most significant risk for coastal environments and cities. The risk arises from the deep, marine setting of WAIS. Although scientists have been aware of the precarious setting of this ice sheet since the early 1970s, it is only now that the flow of ice in several large drainage basins is undergoing dynamic change consistent with a potentially irreversible disintegration. Understanding WAIS stability and enabling more accurate prediction of sea-level rise through computer simulation are two of the key objectives facing the polar science community today. This project will directly address both objectives by: (1) using state-of-the-art technologies to observe rapidly deforming parts of Thwaites Glacier that may have significant control over the future evolution of WAIS, and (2) using these new observations to improve ice-sheet models used to predict future sea-level rise. This project brings together a multidisciplinary team of UK and US scientists. This international collaboration will result in new understanding of natural processes that may lead to the collapse of the WAIS and will boost infrastructure for research and education by creating a multidisciplinary network of scientists. This team will mentor three postdoctoral researchers, train four Ph.D. students and integrate undergraduate students in this research project.\r\n\r\nThe project will test the overarching hypothesis that shear-margin dynamics may exert powerful control on the future evolution of ice flow in Thwaites Drainage Basin. To test the hypothesis, the team will set up an ice observatory at two sites on the eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier. The team argues that weak topographic control makes this shear margin susceptible to outward migration and, possibly, sudden jumps in response to the drawdown of inland ice when the grounding line of Thwaites retreats. The ice observatory is designed to produce new and comprehensive constraints on englacial properties, including ice deformation rates, ice crystal fabric, ice viscosity, ice temperature, ice water content and basal melt rates. The ice observatory will also establish basal conditions, including thickness and porosity of the till layer and the deeper marine sediments, if any. Furthermore, the team will develop new knowledge with an emphasis on physical processes, including direct assessment of the spatial and temporal scales on which these processes operate. Seismic surveys will be carried out in 2D and 3D using wireless geophones. A network of broadband seismometers will identify icequakes produced by crevassing and basal sliding. Autonomous radar systems with phased arrays will produce sequential images of rapidly deforming internal layers in 3D while potentially also revealing the geometry of a basal water system. Datasets will be incorporated into numerical models developed on different spatial scales. One will focus specifically on shear-margin dynamics, the other on how shear-margin dynamics can influence ice flow in the whole drainage basin. Upon completion, the project aims to have confirmed whether the eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier can migrate rapidly, as hypothesized, and if so what the impacts will be in terms of sea-level rise in this century and beyond.\r\n", "east": -96.0, "geometry": "POINT(-110.5 -76.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD INVESTIGATION; GLACIER MOTION/ICE SHEET MOTION; Thwaites Glacier; USAP-DC; USA/NSF; Magmatic Volatiles; AMD; GLACIER MASS BALANCE/ICE SHEET MASS BALANCE; ICE SHEETS; Amd/Us", "locations": "Thwaites Glacier", "north": -73.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Tulaczyk, Slawek", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION", "repositories": null, "science_programs": "Thwaites (ITGC)", "south": -80.0, "title": "NSF-NERC: Thwaites Interdisciplinary Margin Evolution (TIME): The Role of Shear Margin Dynamics in the Future Evolution of the Thwaites Drainage Basin", "uid": "p0010199", "west": -125.0}, {"awards": "1443690 Young, Duncan", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((95 -68,100.5 -68,106 -68,111.5 -68,117 -68,122.5 -68,128 -68,133.5 -68,139 -68,144.5 -68,150 -68,150 -70.2,150 -72.4,150 -74.6,150 -76.8,150 -79,150 -81.2,150 -83.4,150 -85.6,150 -87.8,150 -90,144.5 -90,139 -90,133.5 -90,128 -90,122.5 -90,117 -90,111.5 -90,106 -90,100.5 -90,95 -90,95 -87.8,95 -85.6,95 -83.4,95 -81.2,95 -79,95 -76.8,95 -74.6,95 -72.4,95 -70.2,95 -68))", "dataset_titles": "Airborne potential fields data from Titan Dome, Antarctica; ICECAP Basal Interface Specularity Content Profiles: IPY and OIB; ICECAP: Gridded boundary conditions for Little Dome C, Antarctica, and extracted subglacial lake locations; ICECAP: High resolution survey of the Little Dome C region in support of the IPICS Old Ice goal; ICECAP radargrams in support of the international old ice search at Dome C - 2016; Ice-penetrating radar internal stratigraphy over Dome C and the wider East Antarctic Plateau; SPICECAP/ICECAP II Instrument Measurements (LASER, MAGNETICS and POSITIONING); Titan Dome, East Antarctica, Aerogeophysical Survey", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601463", "doi": "10.15784/601463", "keywords": "Antarctica; Epica Dome C; ICECAP; Ice Penetrating Radar; Subglacial Lake", "people": "Roberts, Jason; Young, Duncan A.; Ritz, Catherine; Frezzotti, Massimo; Quartini, Enrica; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Tozer, Carly; Steinhage, Daniel; Urbini, Stefano; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Van Ommen, Tas; Blankenship, Donald D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Dome C Ice Core", "title": "ICECAP: Gridded boundary conditions for Little Dome C, Antarctica, and extracted subglacial lake locations", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601463"}, {"dataset_uid": "601461", "doi": "10.15784/601461", "keywords": "Antarctica; ICECAP; Titan Dome", "people": "Jingxue, Guo; Blankenship, Donald D.; Young, Duncan A.; Greenbaum, Jamin; Bo, Sun", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Airborne potential fields data from Titan Dome, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601461"}, {"dataset_uid": "200235", "doi": "10.26179/jydx-yz69", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "AADC", "science_program": null, "title": "SPICECAP/ICECAP II Instrument Measurements (LASER, MAGNETICS and POSITIONING)", "url": "https://data.aad.gov.au/metadata/records/AAS_4346_ICECAP_OIA_Level1B_AEROGEOPHYSICS"}, {"dataset_uid": "200233", "doi": "http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.26179/5wkf-7361", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "AADC", "science_program": null, "title": "ICECAP radargrams in support of the international old ice search at Dome C - 2016", "url": "https://data.aad.gov.au/metadata/records/AAS_4346_ICECAP_OIA_RADARGRAMS"}, {"dataset_uid": "601355", "doi": "10.15784/601355", "keywords": "Aerogeophysics; Antarctica; Bed Elevation; Bed Reflectivity; Epica Dome C; Ice Thickness", "people": "Tozer, Carly; Beem, Lucas H.; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Richter, Thomas; van Ommen, Tas; Blankenship, Donald D.; Roberts, Jason; Young, Duncan A.; Habbal, Feras; Kempf, Scott D.; Ritz, Catherine; Quartini, Enrica", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Dome C Ice Core", "title": "ICECAP: High resolution survey of the Little Dome C region in support of the IPICS Old Ice goal", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601355"}, {"dataset_uid": "601411", "doi": "10.15784/601411", "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; ICECAP; Ice Penetrating Radar; Internal Reflecting Horizons", "people": "Quartini, Enrica; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Young, Duncan A.; Mulvaney, Robert; Ritz, Catherine; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Kempf, Scott D.; Muldoon, Gail R.; Paden, John; Frezzotti, Massimo; Roberts, Jason; Tozer, Carly; Schroeder, Dustin; Blankenship, Donald D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Dome C Ice Core", "title": "Ice-penetrating radar internal stratigraphy over Dome C and the wider East Antarctic Plateau", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601411"}, {"dataset_uid": "601437", "doi": "10.15784/601437", "keywords": "Airborne Laser Altimetry; Airborne Radar; Airplane; Antarctica; Bedrock Elevation; East Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Thickness; Radar Echo Sounder; Surface Elevation; Titan Dome", "people": "Bo, Sun; Beem, Lucas H.; Young, Duncan A.; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Blankenship, Donald D.; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Young, Duncan; Jingxue, Guo", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Titan Dome, East Antarctica, Aerogeophysical Survey", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601437"}, {"dataset_uid": "601371", "doi": "10.15784/601371", "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctica; ICECAP; Ice Penetrating Radar; Radar Echo Sounder; Radar Echo Sounding; Subglacial Hydrology", "people": "Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Roberts, Jason; Siegert, Martin; van Ommen, Tas; Greenbaum, Jamin; Schroeder, Dustin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "ICECAP Basal Interface Specularity Content Profiles: IPY and OIB", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601371"}], "date_created": "Tue, 07 Jul 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This study focuses on processing and interpretation of internationally collected aerogeophysical data from the Southern Plateau of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The data include ice penetrating radar data, laser altimetry, gravity and magnetics. The project will provide information on geological trends under the ice, the topography and character of the ice/rock interface, and the stratigraphy of the ice. The project will also provide baseline site characterization for future drilling. Future drilling sites and deep ice cores for old ice require that the base of the ice sheet be frozen to the bed (i.e. no free water at the interface between rock and ice) and the assessment will map the extent of frozen vs. thawed areas. Specifically, three main outcomes are anticipated for this project. First, the study will provide an assessment of the viability of Titan Dome, a subglacial highland region located near South Pole, as a potential old ice drilling prospect. The assessment will include determining the hydraulic context of the bed by processing and interpreting the radar data, ice sheet mass balance through time by mapping englacial reflectors in the ice and connecting them to ice stratigraphy in the recent South Pole, and ice sheet geometry using laser altimetry. Second, the study will provide an assessment of the geological context of the Titan Dome region with respect to understanding regional geologic boundaries and the potential for bedrock sampling. For these two goals, we will use data opportunistically collected by China, and the recent PolarGAP dataset. Third, the study will provide an assessment of the risk posture for RAID site targeting in the Titan Dome region, and the Dome C region. This will use a high-resolution dataset the team collected previously at Dome C, an area similar to the coarser resolution data collected at Titan Dome, and will enable an understanding of what is missed by the wide lines spacing at Titan Dome. Specifically, we will model subglacial hydrology with and without the high resolution data, and statistically examine the detection of subglacial mountains (which could preserve old ice) and subglacial lakes (which could destroy old ice), as a function of line spacing.", "east": 150.0, "geometry": "POINT(122.5 -79)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e ALTIMETERS \u003e LIDAR/LASER ALTIMETERS \u003e LIDAR ALTIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e MAGNETIC FIELD/ELECTRIC FIELD INSTRUMENTS \u003e NUCLEAR PRECESSION MAGNETOMETER", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "BT-67; MAGNETIC ANOMALIES; Epica Dome C; GRAVITY ANOMALIES; GLACIER ELEVATION/ICE SHEET ELEVATION; GLACIER THICKNESS/ICE SHEET THICKNESS", "locations": "Epica Dome C", "north": -68.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Roberts, Jason; Bo, Sun", "platforms": "AIR-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PROPELLER \u003e BT-67", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "AADC; USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)", "uid": "p0010115", "west": 95.0}, {"awards": "1144192 Tulaczyk, Slawek; 1144177 Pettit, Erin; 1144176 Lyons, W. Berry; 1727387 Mikucki, Jill", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04000000000002 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.51999999999998 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.70700000000001,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.76299999999999,162.6 -77.77,162.51999999999998 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04000000000002 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.76299999999999,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.70700000000001,161.8 -77.7))", "dataset_titles": "Ablation Stake Data from of Taylor Glacier near Blood Falls; Antarctica Support 2014/2015 - C-528 Blood Falls GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset; Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Va. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Dataset/Seismic Network; FLIR thermal imaging data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier; Ground Penetrating Radar Data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier; Ice Temperature in Shallow Boreholes Near Blood Falls at the Terminus of Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica; NCBI short read archive -Metagenomic survey of Antarctic Groundwater; Terrestrial Radar Interferometry near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier; The Geochemistry of englacial brine from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica; Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica ; Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601179", "doi": "10.15784/601179", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Subglacial Brine", "people": "Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "The Geochemistry of englacial brine from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601179"}, {"dataset_uid": "601139", "doi": "10.15784/601139", "keywords": "Antarctica; Borehole; Borehole Logging; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Temperature; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Temperature; Temperature Profiles", "people": "Tulaczyk, Slawek", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Temperature in Shallow Boreholes Near Blood Falls at the Terminus of Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601139"}, {"dataset_uid": "200028", "doi": "10.7283/FCEN-8050", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "UNAVCO", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctica Support 2014/2015 - C-528 Blood Falls GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset", "url": "https://www.unavco.org/data/doi/10.7283/fcen-8050"}, {"dataset_uid": "200029", "doi": "10.7914/SN/YW_2013", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "IRIS", "science_program": null, "title": "Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Va. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Dataset/Seismic Network", "url": "http://www.fdsn.org/networks/detail/YW_2013/"}, {"dataset_uid": "200074", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NCBI GenBank", "science_program": null, "title": "NCBI short read archive -Metagenomic survey of Antarctic Groundwater", "url": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/?term=SRR6667787"}, {"dataset_uid": "601166", "doi": "10.15784/601166", "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Terrestrial Radar Interferometry near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601166"}, {"dataset_uid": "601168", "doi": "10.15784/601168", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Meteorology; Taylor Glacier; Temperature; Weather Station Data; Wind Speed", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601168"}, {"dataset_uid": "601169", "doi": "10.15784/601169", "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Infrared Imagery; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Taylor Glacier; Thermal Camera; Timelaps Images", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "FLIR thermal imaging data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601169"}, {"dataset_uid": "601164", "doi": "10.15784/601164", "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ablation Stake Data from of Taylor Glacier near Blood Falls", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601164"}, {"dataset_uid": "601165", "doi": "10.15784/601165", "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ground Penetrating Radar Data near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601165"}, {"dataset_uid": "601167", "doi": "10.15784/601167", "keywords": "Antarctica; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Photo; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Glacier; Timelaps Images", "people": "Pettit, Erin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Time Lapse imagery of the Blood Falls feature, Antarctica ", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601167"}], "date_created": "Wed, 28 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Recent discoveries of widespread liquid water and microbial ecosystems below the Antarctic ice sheets have generated considerable interest in studying Antarctic subglacial environments. Understanding subglacial hydrology, the persistence of life in extended isolation and the evolution and stability of subglacial habitats requires an integrated, interdisciplinary approach. The collaborative project, Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration (MIDGE) of the Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys will integrate geophysical measurements, molecular microbial ecology and geochemical analyses to explore a unique Antarctic subglacial system known as Blood Falls. Blood Falls is a hypersaline, subglacial brine that supports an active microbial community. The subglacial brine is released from a crevasse at the surface of the Taylor Glacier providing an accessible portal into an Antarctic subglacial ecosystem. Recent geochemical and molecular analyses support a marine source for the salts and microorganisms in Blood Falls. The last time marine waters inundated this part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys was during the Late Tertiary, which suggests the brine is ancient. Still, no direct samples have been collected from the subglacial source to Blood Falls and little is known about the origin of this brine or the amount of time it has been sealed below Taylor Glacier. Radar profiles collected near Blood Falls delineate a possible fault in the subglacial substrate that may help explain the localized and episodic nature of brine release. However it remains unclear what triggers the episodic release of brine exclusively at the Blood Falls crevasse or the extent to which the brine is altered as it makes its way to the surface. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe MIDGE project aims to determine the mechanism of brine release at Blood Falls, evaluate changes in the geochemistry and the microbial community within the englacial conduit and assess if Blood Falls waters have a distinct impact on the thermal and stress state of Taylor Glacier, one of the most studied polar glaciers in Antarctica. The geophysical study of the glaciological structure and mechanism of brine release will use GPR, GPS, and a small passive seismic network. Together with international collaborators, the \u0027Ice Mole\u0027 team from FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany (funded by the German Aerospace Center, DLR), MIDGE will develop and deploy innovative, minimally invasive technologies for clean access and brine sample retrieval from deep within the Blood Falls drainage system. These technologies will allow for the collection of samples of the brine away from the surface (up to tens of meters) for geochemical analyses and microbial structure-function experiments. There is concern over the contamination of pristine subglacial environments from chemical and biological materials inherent in the drilling process; and MIDGE will provide data on the efficacy of thermoelectric probes for clean access and retrieval of representative subglacial samples. Antarctic subglacial environments provide an excellent opportunity for researching survivability and adaptability of microbial life and are potential terrestrial analogues for life habitats on icy planetary bodies. The MIDGE project offers a portable, versatile, clean alternative to hot water and mechanical drilling and will enable the exploration of subglacial hydrology and ecosystem function while making significant progress towards developing technologies for minimally invasive and clean sampling of icy systems.", "east": 162.6, "geometry": "POINT(162.2 -77.735)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "NOT APPLICABLE; BACTERIA/ARCHAEA; USAP-DC", "locations": null, "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Instrumentation and Support; Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Tulaczyk, Slawek; Pettit, Erin; Lyons, W. Berry; Mikucki, Jill", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "IRIS; NCBI GenBank; UNAVCO; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "uid": "p0000002", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1142115 Dunbar, Nelia", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "No data submitted yet, but submission to Antarctic tephra database is planned", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "002571", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "in progress", "science_program": null, "title": "No data submitted yet, but submission to Antarctic tephra database is planned", "url": "http://www.tephrochronology.org/AntT/about.html"}], "date_created": "Sun, 10 Jun 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Dunbar/1142115\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to investigate the extremely rich volcanic record in the WAIS Divide ice core as part of this ongoing tephrochronology research in Antarctica. Ice cores in Polar Regions offer unparalleled records of earth\u0027s climate over the past 500,000 years. Accurate chronology of individual ice cores and chronological correlations between different ice cores is critically important to the interpretation of the climate record. The field of Antarctic tephrochronology has been progressing steadily, and is on the cusp of having a fully integrated tephra framework for large parts of the continent. Major advances in this field have been made due to the acquisition of a number of ice cores with strong volcanic records, improvement of analytical techniques and better characterization of source eruptions due in part to through studies of englacial tephra from several major blue ice areas. The intellectual merit of this work is that the tephrochonological studies will provide independently dated time-stratigraphic markers in the ice core, particularly for the deepest ice, linking tephra layers between the WAIS Divide core and the Siple Dome core which will allow detailed comparisons to be made of coastal and inland climate. It will also contribute to a better understanding of eruption magnitude, dispersal patterns and geochemical evolution of West Antarctic volcanoes. The work will also contribute to a new tephra dataset to the literature for use in future ice core studies. The broader impacts of this project fall into the areas of education, outreach and international cooperation. This project will employ one New Mexico Tech graduate student, but will also be featured in outreach programs for NMT undergraduates, as well as teacher and student groups and outreach for the general public in New Mexico. NMT is an Hispanic serving institution (25% Hispanic students) and also found by NSF to rank 15th nationwide in \"baccalaureate-origin\" institutions for doctoral recipients in science and engineering, thereby having a disproportionately large effect on producing Hispanic scientists and engineers. However, probably the most significant broader impact of this project will be the continued efforts of the PI in fostering and promoting of international cooperation in the tephra-in-ice community. Dunbar has been collaborating with European tephra researchers for a number of years, sharing data and working collaboratively on tephra correlations, and these activities have lead to, and will continue to promote, forward progress in integrating the Antarctic tephrochronology record. This proposal does not require field work in the Antarctic.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "NOT APPLICABLE; USAP-DC", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Dunbar, Nelia", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "in progress", "repositories": "in progress", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Tephrochronology of the WAIS Divide Ice Core: Linking Ice Cores through Volcanic Records", "uid": "p0000338", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1043784 Schwartz, Susan", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-160 -79,-158 -79,-156 -79,-154 -79,-152 -79,-150 -79,-148 -79,-146 -79,-144 -79,-142 -79,-140 -79,-140 -79.3,-140 -79.6,-140 -79.9,-140 -80.2,-140 -80.5,-140 -80.8,-140 -81.1,-140 -81.4,-140 -81.7,-140 -82,-142 -82,-144 -82,-146 -82,-148 -82,-150 -82,-152 -82,-154 -82,-156 -82,-158 -82,-160 -82,-160 -81.7,-160 -81.4,-160 -81.1,-160 -80.8,-160 -80.5,-160 -80.2,-160 -79.9,-160 -79.6,-160 -79.3,-160 -79))", "dataset_titles": "PASSCAL experiment 201205 (full data link not provided)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000194", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "IRIS", "science_program": null, "title": "PASSCAL experiment 201205 (full data link not provided)", "url": "http://ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/"}], "date_created": "Tue, 07 Nov 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award provides support for \"Investigating (Un)Stable Sliding of Whillans Ice Stream and Subglacial Water Dynamics Using Borehole Seismology: A proposed Component of the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access and Research Drilling\" from the Antarctic Integrated Systems Science (AISS) program in the Office of Polar Programs at NSF. The project will use the sounds naturally produced by the ice and subglacial water to understand the glacial dynamics of the Whillans Ice Stream located adjacent to the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIntellectual Merit: The transformative component of the project is that in addition to passive surface seismometers, the team will deploy a series of borehole seismometers. Englacial placement of the seismometers has not been done before, but is predicted to provide much better resolution (detection of smaller scale events as well as detection of a much wider range of frequencies) of the subglacial dynamics. In conjunction with the concurrent WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access and Research Drilling) project the team will be able to tie subglacial processes to temporal variations in ice stream dynamics and mass balance of the ice stream. The Whillans Ice Stream experiences large changes in ice velocity in response to tidally triggered stick-slip cycles as well as periodic filling and draining of subglacial Lake Whillans. The overall science goals include: improved understanding of basal sliding processes and role of sticky spots, subglacial lake hydrology, and dynamics of small earthquakes and seismic properties of ice and firn.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader Impact: Taken together, the research proposed here will provide information on basal controls of fast ice motion which has been recognized by the IPCC as necessary to make reliable predictions of future global sea-level rise. The information collected will therefore have broader implications for global society. The collected information will also be relevant to a better understanding of earthquakes. For outreach the project will work with the overall WISSARD outreach coordinator to deliver information to three audiences: the general public, middle school teachers, and middle school students. The project also provides funding for training of graduate students, and includes a female principal investigator.", "east": -140.0, "geometry": "POINT(-150 -80.5)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -79.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Schwartz, Susan; Tulaczyk, Slawek", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "IRIS", "repositories": "IRIS", "science_programs": null, "south": -82.0, "title": "Investigating (Un)Stable Sliding of Whillians Ice Stream and Subglacial Water Dynamics Using Borehole Seismology: A Proposed Component of WISSARD", "uid": "p0000393", "west": -160.0}, {"awards": "1443260 Conway, Howard", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((159 -76.68,159.03 -76.68,159.06 -76.68,159.09 -76.68,159.12 -76.68,159.15 -76.68,159.18 -76.68,159.21 -76.68,159.24 -76.68,159.27 -76.68,159.3 -76.68,159.3 -76.697,159.3 -76.714,159.3 -76.731,159.3 -76.748,159.3 -76.765,159.3 -76.782,159.3 -76.799,159.3 -76.816,159.3 -76.833,159.3 -76.85,159.27 -76.85,159.24 -76.85,159.21 -76.85,159.18 -76.85,159.15 -76.85,159.12 -76.85,159.09 -76.85,159.06 -76.85,159.03 -76.85,159 -76.85,159 -76.833,159 -76.816,159 -76.799,159 -76.782,159 -76.765,159 -76.748,159 -76.731,159 -76.714,159 -76.697,159 -76.68))", "dataset_titles": "2015-2016 GPR Field Report for Allan Hills Shallow Ice Coring; Ground-based ice-penetrating radar profiles collected on the Allan Hills blue ice region", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601668", "doi": "10.15784/601668", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; GPR; Ice Core; Report", "people": "MacKay, Sean; Brook, Edward J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "2015-2016 GPR Field Report for Allan Hills Shallow Ice Coring", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601668"}, {"dataset_uid": "601005", "doi": "10.15784/601005", "keywords": "Allan Hills; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Navigation; Radar", "people": "Conway, Howard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Allan Hills", "title": "Ground-based ice-penetrating radar profiles collected on the Allan Hills blue ice region", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601005"}], "date_created": "Tue, 02 May 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Marine paleoclimate archives show that approximately one million years ago Earth\u0027s climate transitioned from 40,000-year glacial /interglacial cycles to 100,000-year cycles. This award will support a study designed to map the distribution of one million year-old ice in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica using state-of-the-art ground penetrating radar. The Allen Hills was demonstrated to contain a continuous record of the past 400,000 years and is also the collection location of the oldest ice samples (990,000 years) yet recovered. The maps resulting from this study will be used to select an ice-core drilling site at which a million-plus year-old continuous record of climate could be recovered. Ice cores contain the only kind of record to directly capture atmospheric gases and aerosols, but no ice-core-based climate record yet extends continuously beyond the past 800,000 years. A million-plus year-old record will allow better understanding of the major mechanisms and driving forces of natural climate variability in a world with 100,000-year glacial/interglacial cycles. The project will support two early career scientists in collaboration with senior scientists, as well as a graduate student, and will conduct outreach to schools and the public.\r\nThe Allan Hills Blue Ice Area preserves a continuous climate record covering the last 400,000 years along an established glaciological flow line. Two kilometers to the east of this flow line, the oldest ice on Earth (~1 million years old) is found only 120 m below the surface. Meteorites collected in the area are reported to be as old as 1.8 million years, suggesting still older ice may be present. Combined, these data strongly suggest that the Allen Hills area could contain a continuous, well-resolved environmental record, spanning at least the last million years. As such, this area has been selected as an upcoming target for the new Intermediate Depth Ice Core Drill by the US Ice Core Working Group. This drill will recover a higher-quality core than previous dry drilling attempts. This project will conduct a comprehensive ground penetrating radar survey aimed at tracing the signature of the million-year-old ice layer throughout the region. The resulting map will be used to select a drill site from which an ice core containing the million-plus year-old continuous climate record will be collected. The proposed activities are a necessary precursor to the collection of the oldest known ice on Earth. Ice cores provide a robust reconstruction of past climate and extending this record beyond the 800,000 years currently available will open new opportunities to study the climate system. The data collected will also be used to investigate the bedrock and ice flow parameters favorable to the preservation of old ice, which may allow targeted investigation of other blue ice areas in Antarctica.", "east": 159.3, "geometry": "POINT(159.15 -76.765)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Allan Hills; FIELD SURVEYS; ICE SHEETS", "locations": "Allan Hills", "north": -76.68, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Conway, Howard", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Allan Hills", "south": -76.85, "title": "Collaborative Research: Allan HILLs Englacial Site (AHILLES) Selection", "uid": "p0000385", "west": 159.0}, {"awards": "1043761 Young, Duncan", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-145 -74,-141.6 -74,-138.2 -74,-134.8 -74,-131.4 -74,-128 -74,-124.6 -74,-121.2 -74,-117.8 -74,-114.4 -74,-111 -74,-111 -74.6,-111 -75.2,-111 -75.8,-111 -76.4,-111 -77,-111 -77.6,-111 -78.2,-111 -78.8,-111 -79.4,-111 -80,-114.4 -80,-117.8 -80,-121.2 -80,-124.6 -80,-128 -80,-131.4 -80,-134.8 -80,-138.2 -80,-141.6 -80,-145 -80,-145 -79.4,-145 -78.8,-145 -78.2,-145 -77.6,-145 -77,-145 -76.4,-145 -75.8,-145 -75.2,-145 -74.6,-145 -74))", "dataset_titles": "AGASEA 4.7 ka Englacial Isochron over the Thwaites Glacier Catchment; Geophysical Investigations of Marie Byrd Land Lithospheric Evolution (GIMBLE) Airborne VHF Radar Transects: 2012/2013 and 2014/2015; Gravity disturbance data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GGCMG2); Ice thickness and related data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GR2HI2); Magnetic anomaly data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GMGEO2)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601001", "doi": "10.15784/601001", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Antarctica; Gimble; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Thickness; Marie Byrd Land; Navigation; Radar", "people": "Young, Duncan A.; Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice thickness and related data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GR2HI2)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601001"}, {"dataset_uid": "601003", "doi": "10.15784/601003", "keywords": "Antarctica; Gimble; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Gravity; Marie Byrd Land; Navigation; Potential Field; Solid Earth", "people": "Blankenship, Donald D.; Holt, John W.; Young, Duncan A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Gravity disturbance data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GGCMG2)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601003"}, {"dataset_uid": "601002", "doi": "10.15784/601002", "keywords": "Antarctica; Gimble; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Magnetic; Marie Byrd Land; Navigation; Potential Field; Solid Earth", "people": "Blankenship, Donald D.; Holt, John W.; Young, Duncan A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Magnetic anomaly data over central Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (GIMBLE.GMGEO2)", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601002"}, {"dataset_uid": "601673", "doi": "10.15784/601673", "keywords": "Antarchitecture; Antarctica; Ice Penetrating Radar; Isochron; Layers; Radar; Radioglaciology; Thwaites Glacier", "people": "Jackson, Charles; Muldoon, Gail R.; Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "AGASEA 4.7 ka Englacial Isochron over the Thwaites Glacier Catchment", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601673"}, {"dataset_uid": "200407", "doi": "10.18738/T8/BMXUHX", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Texas Data Repository", "science_program": null, "title": "Geophysical Investigations of Marie Byrd Land Lithospheric Evolution (GIMBLE) Airborne VHF Radar Transects: 2012/2013 and 2014/2015", "url": "https://doi.org/10.18738/T8/BMXUHX"}], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eThe PIs propose to use airborne geophysics to provide detailed geophysical mapping over the Marie Byrd Land dome of West Antarctica. They will use a Basler equipped with advanced ice penetrating radar, a magnetometer, an airborne gravimeter and laser altimeter. They will test models of Marie Byrd Land lithospheric evolution in three ways: 1) constrain bedrock topography and crustal structure of central Marie Byrd Land for the first time; 2) map subglacial geomorphology of Marie Byrd Land to constrain landscape evolution; and 3) map the distribution of subglacial volcanic centers and identify active sources. Marie Byrd Land is one of the few parts of West Antarctica whose bedrock lies above sea level; as such, it has a key role to play in the formation and decay of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), and thus on eustatic sea level change during the Neogene. Several lines of evidence suggest that the topography of Marie Byrd Land has changed over the course of the Cenozoic, with significant implications for the origin and evolution of the ice sheet.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThis work will have important implications for both the cryospheric and geodynamic communities. These data will also leverage results from the POLENET project. The PIs will train both graduate and undergraduate students in the interpretation of large geophysical datasets providing them with the opportunity to co-author peer-reviewed papers and present their work to the broader science community. This research will also support a young female researcher. The PIs will conduct informal education using their Polar Studies website and contribute formally to K-12 curriculum development. The research will incorporate microblogging and data access to allow the project?s first-order hypothesis to be confirmed or denied in public.", "east": -111.0, "geometry": "POINT(-128 -77)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e HICARS1; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e ALTIMETERS \u003e LIDAR/LASER ALTIMETERS \u003e LIDAR ALTIMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e MAGNETIC FIELD/ELECTRIC FIELD INSTRUMENTS \u003e NUCLEAR PRECESSION MAGNETOMETER; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e CMG-GT-1A", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "BT-67; Marie Byrd Land; ICE SHEETS", "locations": "Marie Byrd Land", "north": -74.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Young, Duncan A.; Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D.", "platforms": "AIR-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PROPELLER \u003e BT-67", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "Texas Data Repository; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -80.0, "title": "Geophysical Investigations of Marie Byrd Land Lithospheric Evolution (GIMBLE)", "uid": "p0000435", "west": -145.0}, {"awards": "1039982 Anandakrishnan, Sridhar", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Seismological Data at IRIS (full data link not provided)", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000170", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "IRIS", "science_program": null, "title": "Seismological Data at IRIS (full data link not provided)", "url": "http://ds.iris.edu/"}], "date_created": "Mon, 23 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eKnowledge of englacial and subglacial conditions are critical for ice sheet models and predictions of sea-level change. Some of the critical variables that are poorly known but essential for improving flow models and predictions of sea-level change are: basal roughness, subglacial sedimentary and hydrologic conditions, and the temporal and spatial variability of the ice sheet flow field. Seismic reflection and refraction imaging and dense arrays of continuously operating GPS receivers can determine these parameters. The PIs propose to develop a network of wirelessly interconnected geophysical sensors (geoPebble) that will allow glaciologists to carry out these experiments simultaneously. This sensor web will provide a new way of imaging the ice sheet that is not possible with current instruments. With this sensor web, the PIs will extend the range of existing instruments from 2D to 3D, from low resolution to high resolution, but more importantly, all the geophysical measurements will be conducted synchronously. By the end of the proposal period the PIs will produce a network of 150-200 geoPebbles that will be available for NSF-sponsored glaciology research projects. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eImproved knowledge of the flow law of ice, the sliding of glaciers and ice streams, and paleoclimate history will contribute to assessments of the potential for abrupt ice-sheet mass change, with consequent sea-level effects and significant societal impacts. This improved modeling ability will be a direct consequence of better knowledge of the physical properties of ice sheets, which this project will facilitate. The development effort will be integrated with the undergraduate education program via the capstone design classes in EE and the senior thesis requirement in Geoscience. The PIs will also form a cohort of first-year and sophomore students who will work in their labs from the beginning of the project to develop specifications through the commissioning of the network.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Bilen, Sven; Urbina, Julio", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "IRIS", "repositories": "IRIS", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "MRI: Development of a Wirelessly-Connected Network of Seismometers and GPS Instruments for Polar and Geophysical Research", "uid": "p0000405", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "0944199 Waddington, Edwin", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "WAIS Divide Sonic Log Data", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609592", "doi": "10.7265/N5T72FD2", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Physical Properties; Sonic Log; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Waddington, Edwin D.; Kluskiewicz, Dan; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; McCarthy, Michael; Matsuoka, Kenichi", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "WAIS Divide Sonic Log Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609592"}], "date_created": "Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "0944199/Matsuoka\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to test the hypothesis that abrupt changes in fabric exist and are associated with both climate transitions and volcanic eruptions. It requires depth-continuous measurements of the fabric. By lowering a new logging tool into the WAIS Divide borehole after the completion of the core drilling, this project will measure acoustic-wave speeds as a function of depth and interpret it in terms of ice fabrics. This interpretation will be guided by ice-core-measured fabrics at sparse depths. This project will apply established analytical techniques for the ice-sheet logging and estimate depth profiles of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds at short intervals (~ 1 m). Previous logging projects measured only compressional-wave speeds averaged over typically 5-7 m intervals. Thus the new logger will enable more precise fabric interpretations. Fabric measurements using thin sections have revealed distinct fabric patterns separated by less than several meters; fabric measurements over a shorter period are crucial. At the WAIS Divide borehole, six two-way logging runs will be made with different observational parameters so that multiple wave-propagation modes will be identified, yielding estimates of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds. Each run takes approximately 24 hours to complete; we propose to occupy the boreholes in total eight days. The logging at WAIS Divide is temporarily planned in December 2011, but the timing is not critical. This project?s scope is limited to the completion of the logging and fabric interpretations. Results will be immediately shared with other WAIS Divide researchers. Direct benefits of this data sharing include guiding further thin-section analysis of the fabric, deriving a precise thinning function that retrieves more accurate accumulation history and depth-age scales. The PIs of this project have conducted radar and seismic surveys in this area and this project will provide a ground truth for these regional remote-sensing assessments of the ice interior. In turn, these remote sensing means can extend the results from the borehole to larger parts of the central West Antarctica. This project supports education for two graduate students for geophysics, glaciology, paleoclimate, and polar logistics. The instrument that will be acquired in this project can be used at other boreholes for ice-fabric characterizations and for englacial hydrology (wetness of temperate ice).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROBES \u003e PROBES", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "WAIS Divide; GROUND STATIONS; Western Divide Core; Antarctic Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctic Ice Sheet; WAIS Divide", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Matsuoka, Kenichi; Kluskiewicz, Dan; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; McCarthy, Michael; Waddington, Edwin D.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": null, "title": "Collaborative research: acoustic logging of the WAIS Divide borehole", "uid": "p0000051", "west": null}, {"awards": "0636724 Blankenship, Donald; 0758274 Parizek, Byron", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-110.058 -74.0548,-109.57993 -74.0548,-109.10186 -74.0548,-108.62379 -74.0548,-108.14572 -74.0548,-107.66765 -74.0548,-107.18958 -74.0548,-106.71151 -74.0548,-106.23344 -74.0548,-105.75537 -74.0548,-105.2773 -74.0548,-105.2773 -74.31383,-105.2773 -74.57286,-105.2773 -74.83189,-105.2773 -75.09092,-105.2773 -75.34995,-105.2773 -75.60898,-105.2773 -75.86801,-105.2773 -76.12704,-105.2773 -76.38607,-105.2773 -76.6451,-105.75537 -76.6451,-106.23344 -76.6451,-106.71151 -76.6451,-107.18958 -76.6451,-107.66765 -76.6451,-108.14572 -76.6451,-108.62379 -76.6451,-109.10186 -76.6451,-109.57993 -76.6451,-110.058 -76.6451,-110.058 -76.38607,-110.058 -76.12704,-110.058 -75.86801,-110.058 -75.60898,-110.058 -75.34995,-110.058 -75.09092,-110.058 -74.83189,-110.058 -74.57286,-110.058 -74.31383,-110.058 -74.0548))", "dataset_titles": "Access to data; AGASEA 4.7 ka Englacial Isochron over the Thwaites Glacier Catchment; AGASEA Ice Thickness Profile Data from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica; Airborne Laser Altimetry of the Thwaites Glacier Catchment, West Antarctica; ICECAP Basal Interface Specularity Content Profiles: IPY and OIB; Subglacial water flow paths under Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica; Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609334", "doi": "10.7265/N5HD7SK8", "keywords": "AGASEA; Airborne Altimetry; Antarctica; Elevation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Thwaites Glacier", "people": "Kempf, Scott D.; Holt, John W.; Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Morse, David L.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Airborne Laser Altimetry of the Thwaites Glacier Catchment, West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609334"}, {"dataset_uid": "601371", "doi": "10.15784/601371", "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctica; ICECAP; Ice Penetrating Radar; Radar Echo Sounder; Radar Echo Sounding; Subglacial Hydrology", "people": "Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Roberts, Jason; Siegert, Martin; van Ommen, Tas; Greenbaum, Jamin; Schroeder, Dustin", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "ICECAP Basal Interface Specularity Content Profiles: IPY and OIB", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601371"}, {"dataset_uid": "601673", "doi": "10.15784/601673", "keywords": "Antarchitecture; Antarctica; Ice Penetrating Radar; Isochron; Layers; Radar; Radioglaciology; Thwaites Glacier", "people": "Jackson, Charles; Muldoon, Gail R.; Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "AGASEA 4.7 ka Englacial Isochron over the Thwaites Glacier Catchment", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601673"}, {"dataset_uid": "609517", "doi": "10.7265/N5W95730", "keywords": "AGASEA; Airborne Radar; Amundsen Sea; Antarctica; Elevation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Thickness", "people": "Kempf, Scott D.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Young, Duncan A.; Holt, John W.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "AGASEA Ice Thickness Profile Data from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609517"}, {"dataset_uid": "609619", "doi": "10.7265/N58913TN", "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Sheet Model; Thwaites Glacier", "people": "Holt, John W.; Parizek, Byron R.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Dupont, Todd K.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609619"}, {"dataset_uid": "000248", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "Access to data", "url": "http://nsidc.org/data/netcdf/tools.html"}, {"dataset_uid": "609518", "doi": "10.7265/N5RJ4GC8", "keywords": "AGASEA; Airborne Radar; Antarctica; Elevation; Flow Paths; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Thwaites Glacier", "people": "Blankenship, Donald D.; Young, Duncan A.; Carter, Sasha P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Subglacial water flow paths under Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609518"}, {"dataset_uid": "002536", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NASA", "science_program": null, "title": "Access to data", "url": "http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply/"}], "date_created": "Tue, 15 May 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a three-year study to isolate essential physical processes affecting Thwaites Glacier (TG) in the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) of West Antarctica using a suite of existing numerical models in conjunction with existing and International Polar Year (IPY)-proposed data sets. Four different models will be utilized to explore the effects of embayment geometry, ice-shelf buttressing, basal-stress distribution, surface mass balance, surface climate, and inland dynamic perturbations on the present and future dynamics of TG. This particular collection of models is ideally suited for the broad nature of this investigation, as they incorporate efficient and complementary simplifications of the stress field (shallow-ice and shelf-stream), system geometry (1-d and 2-d plan-view and flowline; depth-integrated and depth-dependent), and mass-momentum energy coupling (mechanical and thermo-mechanical). The models will be constrained and validated by data sets (including regional maps of ice thickness, surface elevation, basal topography, ice surface velocity, and potential fields) and geophysical data analyses (including increasing the spatial resolution of surface elevations, improving regional estimates of geothermal flux, and characterizing the sub-glacial interface of grounded ice as well as the grounding-zone transition between grounded and floating ice). The intellectual merit of the research focuses on several of the NSF Glaciology program\u0027s emphases, including: ice dynamics, numerical modeling, and remote sensing of ice sheets. In addition, the research directly addresses the following specific NSF objectives: \"investigation of the physics of fast glacier flow with emphasis on processes at glacier beds\"; \"investigation of ice-shelf stability\"; and \"identification and quantification of the feedback between ice dynamics and climate change\". The broader impacts of this research effort will help answer societally relevant questions of future ice sheet stability and sea-level change. The research also will aid in the early career development of two young investigators and will contribute to the education of both graduate and undergraduate students directly involved in the research, and results will be incorporated into courses and informal presentations.", "east": -105.2773, "geometry": "POINT(-107.66765 -75.34995)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e ALTIMETERS \u003e RADAR ALTIMETERS \u003e ALTIMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e RADIO \u003e INS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Sheet Thickness; Ice Sheet Elevation; Glacier Dynamics; Ice Stream; Numerical Model; West Antarctic; Surface Elevation; Basal Rheology; Ice Surface Velocity; Embayment Geometry; Amundsen Sea; Hydrology; FIELD SURVEYS; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Glacier; Subglacial; DHC-6; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Model Output; Surface Climate; Glaciers; Basal Topography; Grounding Zone; Model Input Data; Airborne Laser Altimeters; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Thwaites Glacier; Airborne Laser Altimetry; Diagnostic; Ice-Shelf Buttressing; Ice Sheet; Prognostic; Glacier Surface; Airborne Radar Sounding; Digital Elevation Model; Ice Dynamic; Antarctica; Altimetry; Antarctica (agasea); Bed Elevation; Basal Stress; LABORATORY", "locations": "Antarctica; Thwaites Glacier; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctic; Amundsen Sea", "north": -74.0548, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Carter, Sasha P.; Dupont, Todd K.; Holt, John W.; Morse, David L.; Parizek, Byron R.; Young, Duncan A.; Kempf, Scott D.; Blankenship, Donald D.", "platforms": "AIR-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PROPELLER \u003e DHC-6; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "NASA; NSIDC; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.6451, "title": "Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System", "uid": "p0000174", "west": -110.058}, {"awards": "0338151 Raymond, Charles", "bounds_geometry": "POINT(-112.086 -79.468)", "dataset_titles": "Englacial Layers and Attenuation Rates across the Ross and Amundsen Sea Ice-Flow Divide (WAIS Divide), West Antarctica; Surface Elevation and Ice Thickness, Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609470", "doi": "10.7265/N5416V0W", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Radar; WAIS Divide", "people": "Matsuoka, Kenichi; Raymond, Charles", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Englacial Layers and Attenuation Rates across the Ross and Amundsen Sea Ice-Flow Divide (WAIS Divide), West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609470"}, {"dataset_uid": "609119", "doi": "10.7265/N5BZ63ZH", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Airplane; Antarctica; Elevation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Marie Byrd Land", "people": "Wilson, Douglas S.; Luyendyk, Bruce P.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Surface Elevation and Ice Thickness, Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609119"}], "date_created": "Tue, 11 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports an investigation of spatial variations of ice temperature and subglacial conditions using available ice-penetrating radar data around a future deep ice coring site near the Ross and Amundsen flow divide of West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Besides geometry of reflection layers the focus will be on intensities of radar echoes from within ice deeper than several hundred meters and will also examine echoes from the bed. Preliminary studies on theory and comparison with Japanese radar data from East Antarctica suggest that large spatial variations of the vertical gradient of radar echoes from within ice exist and are caused primarily by ice temperature and secondarily by crystal-orientation fabric. The hypothesis that the vertical gradient is a proxy of ice temperature will be tested. The project will utilize an existing data set from the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research in Antarctica (SOAR) and will complement work already underway at University of Texas to analyze the radar data. The project will provide undergraduate research experience with an emphasis on computer analysis of time series and large data sets as well as development of web-based resource of results and methods and will support an international collaboration between US and Japan through discussions on the preliminary results from their study sites. Practical procedures developed through this study will be downloadable from the project\u0027s web site in the third year and will allow investigation of other ice sheets using existing radar data sets. This project will contribute to the interpretation of the future inland West Antarctic ice core and will help in the understanding of ice sheet history and climate change.", "east": -112.086, "geometry": "POINT(-112.086 -79.468)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e ALTIMETERS \u003e RADAR ALTIMETERS \u003e ALTIMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e LIDAR/LASER SOUNDERS \u003e LASERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e ALTIMETERS \u003e RADAR ALTIMETERS \u003e RADAR ALTIMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR ECHO SOUNDERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "SOAR; Ice Sheet Elevation; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Layers; USAP-DC; West Antarctic; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Amundsen; Ice Sheet; Airborne Laser Altimetry; Ice Surface; Not provided; Ice Penetrating Radar; Ice Sheet Thickness; Ice Extent; Ice Surface Elevation; Ice Cover; Ice Deformation; FIELD SURVEYS; Antarctica; Ground Ice; Subglacial; Reflection Layers; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Ice Surface Temperature; LABORATORY; Amundsen Flow Divide; Radar Echo Sounding; Internal Layering; Radar Altimetry; Ice; Radar Echoes; Englacial; Crystal Orientation Fabric; Ice Thickness; Altimetry; Ice Temperature; Radar Echo Sounder; Ice Thickness Distribution", "locations": "Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctica; West Antarctic; Amundsen; Amundsen Flow Divide; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -79.468, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Raymond, Charles; Matsuoka, Kenichi; Luyendyk, Bruce P.; Wilson, Douglas S.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -79.468, "title": "Glaciological Characteristics of the Ross/Amundsen Sea Ice-flow Divide Deduced by a New Analysis of Ice-penetrating Radar Data", "uid": "p0000017", "west": -112.086}, {"awards": "0230197 Holt, John", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "AGASEA 4.7 ka Englacial Isochron over the Thwaites Glacier Catchment; Amundsen Sea Sector Data Set; Subglacial Topography: Airborne Geophysical Survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609292", "doi": "10.7265/N59W0CDC", "keywords": "AGASEA; Airborne Radar; Amundsen Sea; Antarctica; Elevation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Solid Earth", "people": "Vaughan, David G.; Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Young, Duncan A.; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Morse, David L.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Subglacial Topography: Airborne Geophysical Survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609292"}, {"dataset_uid": "609312", "doi": "10.7265/N5J9649Q", "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Antarctica; Elevation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology", "people": "Fastook, James L.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Amundsen Sea Sector Data Set", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609312"}, {"dataset_uid": "601673", "doi": "10.15784/601673", "keywords": "Antarchitecture; Antarctica; Ice Penetrating Radar; Isochron; Layers; Radar; Radioglaciology; Thwaites Glacier", "people": "Jackson, Charles; Muldoon, Gail R.; Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "AGASEA 4.7 ka Englacial Isochron over the Thwaites Glacier Catchment", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601673"}], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a comprehensive aerogeophysical survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) in West Antarctica. The University of Texas will join forces with the British Antarctic Survey to use both US and UK aircraft and instrumentation to achieve this survey. Analyses of the new aerogeophysical\u003cbr/\u003edata will result in the generation of maps of ice sheet surface, volume and bottom-interface characteristics. These maps will support the efforts of a community of US and international researchers to assess the present and predict the future behavior of the ice sheet in the ASE.\u003cbr/\u003eThe West Antarctic ice sheet has been the subject of intensive interdisciplinary study by both the European and U.S. scientific communities since it was recognized to be a potential source for up to 5 meters of sea\u003cbr/\u003elevel rise, possibly on short timescales. In terms of ice discharge, the ASE is the largest drainage system in West Antarctica. Yet it has been comparatively unstudied, primarily due to its remoteness from logistical\u003cbr/\u003ecenters. The ASE is the only major drainage to exhibit significant elevation change over the period of available satellite observations. Present knowledge of the ice thickness and subglacial boundary conditions in the ASE are insufficient to understand its evolution or its sensitivity to climatic change.\u003cbr/\u003eThe results from our surveys are required to achieve the fundamental research objectives outlined by the US scientific community in an ASE Science Plan. The surveys and analyses will be achieved through international collaboration and will involve graduate students, undergraduates and high school apprentices.\u003cbr/\u003eThrough its potential for influencing sea level, the future behavior of the ASE is of primary societal importance. Given the substantial public and scientific interest that recent reports of change in West Antarctica have generated, we expect fundamental research in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, enabled by our surveys, will have widespread impact.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR ECHO SOUNDERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e ALTIMETERS \u003e RADAR ALTIMETERS \u003e RADAR ALTIMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Thwaites Glacier; Ice Velocity; Ablation; Amundsen Sea; Pine Island Glacier; Elevation; Antarctica (agasea); Ice Sheet Elevation; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Ice Temperature; Amundsen Basin; Subglacial Topography; Ice Melt; West Antarctica; Velocity Measurements; Snow Accumulation; Antarctica; Bedrock Elevation; Modeling", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctica; Amundsen Basin; Pine Island Glacier; Thwaites Glacier; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Amundsen Sea", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Blankenship, Donald D.; Fastook, James L.; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Holt, John W.; Morse, David L.; Vaughan, David G.; Young, Duncan A.", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Airborne Geophysical Survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica (AGASEA)", "uid": "p0000243", "west": -180.0}]
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Project Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Dataset Links and Repositories | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible | |||||
Glacial History of Ridge AB, West Antarctica
0087144 |
2024-07-22 | Hoffman, Andrew; Conway, Howard |
Marine ice sheets are low-pass filters of climate variability that take centuries to adjust to interior and near-terminus changes in mass balance. Constraining these century-scale changes from satellite observations that span only the last 40 years is challenging. Here, we take a different approach of carefully synthesizing different data sets to infer changes in the configurations of van der Veen and Mercer Ice Streams on the Siple Coast over the past 3000 years from englacial features encoded in ice-penetrating radar data. Englacial radar data from Conway Ridge reveal smooth, surface conformal layers overlying disrupted stratigraphy that suggest the van der Veen Ice Stream was 40 km wider over 3000 years ago. Englacial layer dating indicates that the ice stream narrowed to its present configuration between $\sim3000$ and $\sim1000$ years ago. Similarly disrupted stratigraphy and buried crevasses suggest that ice flowing from Mercer to Whillans Ice Stream across the northwestern tip of the ridge slowed shortly after. Using an ice-flow model capable of simulating shear margin migration, we evaluate whether small changes in ice thickness can lead to large changes in shear margin location. Our results suggest that the tip of Conway Ridge is sensitive to thinning and thickening, and that when the basal strength at the tip of the ridge increases with the height above flotation, the ice sheet shear margins can change quickly. | POLYGON((-150 -83.5,-148 -83.5,-146 -83.5,-144 -83.5,-142 -83.5,-140 -83.5,-138 -83.5,-136 -83.5,-134 -83.5,-132 -83.5,-130 -83.5,-130 -83.65,-130 -83.8,-130 -83.95,-130 -84.1,-130 -84.25,-130 -84.4,-130 -84.55,-130 -84.7,-130 -84.85,-130 -85,-132 -85,-134 -85,-136 -85,-138 -85,-140 -85,-142 -85,-144 -85,-146 -85,-148 -85,-150 -85,-150 -84.85,-150 -84.7,-150 -84.55,-150 -84.4,-150 -84.25,-150 -84.1,-150 -83.95,-150 -83.8,-150 -83.65,-150 -83.5)) | POINT(-140 -84.25) | false | false | |||||
Postdoctoral Fellowship: OPP-PRF: Disentangling Ice-sheet Internal and Basal Processes through Novel Ice-penetrating Radar Integration Built on Scalable, Cloud-based Infrastructure
2317927 |
2023-08-07 | Hills, Benjamin |
Ice flow is resisted by frictional forces that keep a glacier from immediately sliding into the ocean. Friction comes in two varieties: internal friction within the ice column which resists ice deformation and basal friction which resists ice sliding over its bedrock substrate. Partitioning between internal and basal friction is difficult since both have similar expressions at the most common target for data collection?the ice-sheet surface. However, understanding this partitioning is important because the physical processes that control internal and basal friction act and evolve at different timescales. This project combines spaceborne remote sensing observations from the ice-sheet surface with ice-penetrating radar data that images the internal structure of the ice sheet in order to partition the contribution of each source of friction. Results will advance the fundamental understanding of ice flow and will strengthen projections of future sea-level rise. Broader Impacts of the project include facilitating data reuse for the ice-sheet research community; the strategy for distributing the software toolkit includes student mentorship and hackathon teaching. The researcher will expand the impact of existing ice-penetrating datasets by 1) developing new open-source algorithms for extraction of englacial stratigraphy; 2) creating stratigraphy data products that can be assimilated into future studies of ice motion; and 3) using statistical analyses to integrate radar datasets into larger-scale interpretations with remote sensing datasets of ice-surface velocity, altimetry, climate variables, and model-derived basal friction. The computational tools developed as part of this effort will be integrated and released as a reusable software toolkit for ice-penetrating radar data analysis. The toolkit will be validated and tested by deployment to cloud-hosted JupyterHub instances, which will serve as a singular interface to access radar and remote sensing data, load them into a unified framework, step through a predefined processing flow, and carry out statistical analyses. In some areas, the imaged englacial stratigraphy will deviate from the ice-dynamic setting expected based on surface measurements alone. There, the internal dynamics (or ice-dynamic history) are inconsistent with the surface dynamics, likely because internal friction is poorly constrained and misattributed to basal friction instead. This work will develop the data and statistical tools for constraining internal friction from ice-penetrating radar, making those data products and tools available for future work. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||
Life in Ice: Probing Microbial Englacial Activity through Time
2037963 |
2022-10-11 | Smith, Heidi; Foreman, Christine; Dieser, Markus | No dataset link provided | Glacial ice cores serve as a museum back in time, providing detailed records of past climatic conditions. In addition to chronological records such as temperature, chemistry and gas composition, ice provides a unique environment for preserving microbes and other biological materials through time. These microbes provide invaluable insight into the physiological capabilities necessary for survival in the Earths cryosphere and other icy planetary bodies, yet little is known about them. This award supports fundamental research into the activity of microbes in ice, and directly supports major research priorities regarding Antarctic biota identified in the 2015 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report, A Strategic Vision for NSF Investments in Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research. The broader impacts of this work are that it will be relevant to researchers across paleoclimate and biological fields. It will support two early career researchers, a graduate and an undergraduate student who will conduct laboratory analyses, participate in outreach activities, publish papers in scientific journals and present at conferences. This work will use previously collected ice cores to investigate englacial microbial activity from the Holocene back to the Last Glacial Maximum from the blue ice area of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. The proposal identified making significant contributions to 1) investing how Antarctic organisms evolve and adapt to changing environment, 2) understanding how microbes alter the preservation of paleorecord-relevant gas and trace element information in ice cores, and 3) identifying microbial life in cores and their activity in relation to dust depositional events. Two recently developed complementary techniques (bio-orthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging and deuterium isotope probing) in combination with Raman Confocal Microspectroscopy will be used to assess and quantify microbial activity in ice. During phase one of the project, these methods will be optimized using deaccessioned ice cores available at the National Science Foundations Ice Core Facility. In phase two, ice cores in a time series from the Taylor Glacier will be analyzed for geochemistry and microbial activity. Research results will provide a comprehensive view of englacial microbial communities, including their metabolic diversity and activity, and the effect of geochemical parameters on microbial assemblages from different climate periods. Given the dearth of information available on englacial microbial communities, the results of this research will be of particular significance. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | None | None | false | false | |||||
Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets
1744649 |
2022-08-02 | Christianson, Knut; Hoffman, Andrew; Holschuh, Nicholas | The response of the Antarctic ice sheet to climate change is a central issue in projecting global sea-level rise. While much attention is focused on the ongoing rapid changes at the coastal margin of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, obtaining records of past ice-sheet and climate change is the only way to constrain how an ice sheet changes over millennial timescales. Whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period (~130,000 to 116,000 years ago), when temperatures were slightly warmer than today, remains a major unsolved problem in Antarctic glaciology. Hercules Dome is an ice divide located at the intersection of the East Antarctic and West Antarctic ice sheets. It is ideally situated to record the glaciological and climatic effects of changes in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This project will establish whether Hercules Dome experienced major changes in flow due to changes in the elevation of the two ice sheets. The project will also ascertain whether Hercules Domes is a suitable site from which to recover climate records from the last interglacial period. These records could be used to determine whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during that period. The project will support two early-career researchers and train students at the University of Washington. Results will be communicated through outreach programs in coordination the Ice Drilling Project Office, the University of Washington's annual Polar Science Weekend in Seattle, and art-science collaboration.<br/><br/>This project will develop a history of ice dynamics at the intersection of the East and West Antarctic ice sheets, and ascertain whether the site is suitable for a deep ice-coring operation. Ice divides provide a unique opportunity to assess the stability of past ice flow. The low deviatoric stresses and non-linearity of ice flow causes an arch (a "Raymond Bump") in the internal layers beneath a stable ice divide. This information can be used to determine the duration of steady ice flow. Due to the slow horizontal ice-flow velocities, ice divides also preserve old ice with internal layering that reflects past flow conditions caused by divide migration. Hercules Dome is an ice divide that is well positioned to retain information of past variations in the geometry of both the East and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. This dome is also the most promising location at which to recover an ice core that can be used to determine whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period. Limited ice-penetrating radar data collected along a previous scientific surface traverse indicate well-preserved englacial stratigraphy and evidence suggestive of a Raymond Bump, but the previous survey was not sufficiently extensive to allow thorough characterization or determination of past changes in ice dynamics. This project will conduct a dedicated survey to map the englacial stratigraphy and subglacial topography as well as basal properties at Hercules Dome. The project will use ground-based ice-penetrating radar to 1) image internal layers and the ice-sheet basal interface, 2) accurately measure englacial attenuation, and 3) determine englacial vertical strain rates. The radar data will be combined with GPS observations for detailed topography and surface velocities and ice-flow modeling to constrain the basal characteristics and the history of past ice flow.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. | POLYGON((-120 -85.5,-117.5 -85.5,-115 -85.5,-112.5 -85.5,-110 -85.5,-107.5 -85.5,-105 -85.5,-102.5 -85.5,-100 -85.5,-97.5 -85.5,-95 -85.5,-95 -85.62,-95 -85.74,-95 -85.86,-95 -85.98,-95 -86.1,-95 -86.22,-95 -86.34,-95 -86.46000000000001,-95 -86.58,-95 -86.7,-97.5 -86.7,-100 -86.7,-102.5 -86.7,-105 -86.7,-107.5 -86.7,-110 -86.7,-112.5 -86.7,-115 -86.7,-117.5 -86.7,-120 -86.7,-120 -86.58,-120 -86.46000000000001,-120 -86.34,-120 -86.22,-120 -86.1,-120 -85.98,-120 -85.86,-120 -85.74,-120 -85.62,-120 -85.5)) | POINT(-107.5 -86.1) | false | false | ||||||
Collaborative Research: Investigating Four Decades of Ross Ice Shelf Subsurface Change with Historical and Modern Radar Sounding Data
2049332 |
2021-09-15 | Chu, Winnie; Siegfried, Matt; Schroeder, Dustin | No dataset link provided | Ice shelves play a critical role in restricting the seaward flow of grounded ice by providing buttressing at their bases and sides. Processes that affect the long-term stability of ice shelves can therefore impact the future contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to global sea-level rise. Ross Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf on Earth, and it buttresses massive areas of West and East Antarctica. Previous studies of modern ice velocity indicate that Ross Ice Shelf’s mass loss is roughly balanced by its mass gain. However, more recent remote sensing observations extended further back in time reveal the ice shelf is likely not in steady-state, including possible long-term thinning since the late 90s. Therefore, to accurately interpret modern days ice shelf changes, long-term observations are critical to evaluate how these short-term variations fit into the historical context of ice shelf variability. This project examines over four decades (1971 – 2017) of historical and modern airborne radar sounding observations of the Ross Ice Shelf to investigate ice-shelf changes on the decadal timescales. The researchers will process, calibrate, and analyze radar data collected during the 1971-79 SPRI/NSF/TUD campaign and compare them against modern observations from both the 2011-17 NASA Operation IceBridge/NSF CReSIS and the 2015-17 ROSETTA-Ice surveys. They will estimate basal melt rates by examining changes in ice-shelf thickness. They will determine other important basal melt metrics, including ice shelf roughness, englacial temperature, and marine ice formation. This project will support the education of a Ph.D. student from each of the institutions. This project will also support the training of undergraduate and high school researchers more generally in the field of radioglaciology and Antarctic sciences. | POLYGON((-180 -75,-175 -75,-170 -75,-165 -75,-160 -75,-155 -75,-150 -75,-145 -75,-140 -75,-135 -75,-130 -75,-130 -76.1,-130 -77.2,-130 -78.3,-130 -79.4,-130 -80.5,-130 -81.6,-130 -82.7,-130 -83.8,-130 -84.9,-130 -86,-135 -86,-140 -86,-145 -86,-150 -86,-155 -86,-160 -86,-165 -86,-170 -86,-175 -86,180 -86,177.5 -86,175 -86,172.5 -86,170 -86,167.5 -86,165 -86,162.5 -86,160 -86,157.5 -86,155 -86,155 -84.9,155 -83.8,155 -82.7,155 -81.6,155 -80.5,155 -79.4,155 -78.3,155 -77.2,155 -76.1,155 -75,157.5 -75,160 -75,162.5 -75,165 -75,167.5 -75,170 -75,172.5 -75,175 -75,177.5 -75,-180 -75)) | POINT(-167.5 -80.5) | false | false | |||||
NSF-NERC: Thwaites Interdisciplinary Margin Evolution (TIME): The Role of Shear Margin Dynamics in the Future Evolution of the Thwaites Drainage Basin
1739027 |
2021-06-24 | Tulaczyk, Slawek | No dataset link provided | This project contributes to the joint initiative launched by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.K. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to substantially improve decadal and longer-term projections of ice loss and sea-level rise originating from Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica. Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) could raise the global sea level by about 5 meters (16 feet) and the scientific community considers it the most significant risk for coastal environments and cities. The risk arises from the deep, marine setting of WAIS. Although scientists have been aware of the precarious setting of this ice sheet since the early 1970s, it is only now that the flow of ice in several large drainage basins is undergoing dynamic change consistent with a potentially irreversible disintegration. Understanding WAIS stability and enabling more accurate prediction of sea-level rise through computer simulation are two of the key objectives facing the polar science community today. This project will directly address both objectives by: (1) using state-of-the-art technologies to observe rapidly deforming parts of Thwaites Glacier that may have significant control over the future evolution of WAIS, and (2) using these new observations to improve ice-sheet models used to predict future sea-level rise. This project brings together a multidisciplinary team of UK and US scientists. This international collaboration will result in new understanding of natural processes that may lead to the collapse of the WAIS and will boost infrastructure for research and education by creating a multidisciplinary network of scientists. This team will mentor three postdoctoral researchers, train four Ph.D. students and integrate undergraduate students in this research project. The project will test the overarching hypothesis that shear-margin dynamics may exert powerful control on the future evolution of ice flow in Thwaites Drainage Basin. To test the hypothesis, the team will set up an ice observatory at two sites on the eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier. The team argues that weak topographic control makes this shear margin susceptible to outward migration and, possibly, sudden jumps in response to the drawdown of inland ice when the grounding line of Thwaites retreats. The ice observatory is designed to produce new and comprehensive constraints on englacial properties, including ice deformation rates, ice crystal fabric, ice viscosity, ice temperature, ice water content and basal melt rates. The ice observatory will also establish basal conditions, including thickness and porosity of the till layer and the deeper marine sediments, if any. Furthermore, the team will develop new knowledge with an emphasis on physical processes, including direct assessment of the spatial and temporal scales on which these processes operate. Seismic surveys will be carried out in 2D and 3D using wireless geophones. A network of broadband seismometers will identify icequakes produced by crevassing and basal sliding. Autonomous radar systems with phased arrays will produce sequential images of rapidly deforming internal layers in 3D while potentially also revealing the geometry of a basal water system. Datasets will be incorporated into numerical models developed on different spatial scales. One will focus specifically on shear-margin dynamics, the other on how shear-margin dynamics can influence ice flow in the whole drainage basin. Upon completion, the project aims to have confirmed whether the eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier can migrate rapidly, as hypothesized, and if so what the impacts will be in terms of sea-level rise in this century and beyond. | POLYGON((-125 -73,-122.1 -73,-119.2 -73,-116.3 -73,-113.4 -73,-110.5 -73,-107.6 -73,-104.7 -73,-101.8 -73,-98.9 -73,-96 -73,-96 -73.7,-96 -74.4,-96 -75.1,-96 -75.8,-96 -76.5,-96 -77.2,-96 -77.9,-96 -78.6,-96 -79.3,-96 -80,-98.9 -80,-101.8 -80,-104.7 -80,-107.6 -80,-110.5 -80,-113.4 -80,-116.3 -80,-119.2 -80,-122.1 -80,-125 -80,-125 -79.3,-125 -78.6,-125 -77.9,-125 -77.2,-125 -76.5,-125 -75.8,-125 -75.1,-125 -74.4,-125 -73.7,-125 -73)) | POINT(-110.5 -76.5) | false | false | |||||
Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)
1443690 |
2020-07-07 | Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Roberts, Jason; Bo, Sun | This study focuses on processing and interpretation of internationally collected aerogeophysical data from the Southern Plateau of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The data include ice penetrating radar data, laser altimetry, gravity and magnetics. The project will provide information on geological trends under the ice, the topography and character of the ice/rock interface, and the stratigraphy of the ice. The project will also provide baseline site characterization for future drilling. Future drilling sites and deep ice cores for old ice require that the base of the ice sheet be frozen to the bed (i.e. no free water at the interface between rock and ice) and the assessment will map the extent of frozen vs. thawed areas. Specifically, three main outcomes are anticipated for this project. First, the study will provide an assessment of the viability of Titan Dome, a subglacial highland region located near South Pole, as a potential old ice drilling prospect. The assessment will include determining the hydraulic context of the bed by processing and interpreting the radar data, ice sheet mass balance through time by mapping englacial reflectors in the ice and connecting them to ice stratigraphy in the recent South Pole, and ice sheet geometry using laser altimetry. Second, the study will provide an assessment of the geological context of the Titan Dome region with respect to understanding regional geologic boundaries and the potential for bedrock sampling. For these two goals, we will use data opportunistically collected by China, and the recent PolarGAP dataset. Third, the study will provide an assessment of the risk posture for RAID site targeting in the Titan Dome region, and the Dome C region. This will use a high-resolution dataset the team collected previously at Dome C, an area similar to the coarser resolution data collected at Titan Dome, and will enable an understanding of what is missed by the wide lines spacing at Titan Dome. Specifically, we will model subglacial hydrology with and without the high resolution data, and statistically examine the detection of subglacial mountains (which could preserve old ice) and subglacial lakes (which could destroy old ice), as a function of line spacing. | POLYGON((95 -68,100.5 -68,106 -68,111.5 -68,117 -68,122.5 -68,128 -68,133.5 -68,139 -68,144.5 -68,150 -68,150 -70.2,150 -72.4,150 -74.6,150 -76.8,150 -79,150 -81.2,150 -83.4,150 -85.6,150 -87.8,150 -90,144.5 -90,139 -90,133.5 -90,128 -90,122.5 -90,117 -90,111.5 -90,106 -90,100.5 -90,95 -90,95 -87.8,95 -85.6,95 -83.4,95 -81.2,95 -79,95 -76.8,95 -74.6,95 -72.4,95 -70.2,95 -68)) | POINT(122.5 -79) | false | false | ||||||
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys
1144192 1144177 1144176 1727387 |
2018-11-28 | Tulaczyk, Slawek; Pettit, Erin; Lyons, W. Berry; Mikucki, Jill | Recent discoveries of widespread liquid water and microbial ecosystems below the Antarctic ice sheets have generated considerable interest in studying Antarctic subglacial environments. Understanding subglacial hydrology, the persistence of life in extended isolation and the evolution and stability of subglacial habitats requires an integrated, interdisciplinary approach. The collaborative project, Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration (MIDGE) of the Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys will integrate geophysical measurements, molecular microbial ecology and geochemical analyses to explore a unique Antarctic subglacial system known as Blood Falls. Blood Falls is a hypersaline, subglacial brine that supports an active microbial community. The subglacial brine is released from a crevasse at the surface of the Taylor Glacier providing an accessible portal into an Antarctic subglacial ecosystem. Recent geochemical and molecular analyses support a marine source for the salts and microorganisms in Blood Falls. The last time marine waters inundated this part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys was during the Late Tertiary, which suggests the brine is ancient. Still, no direct samples have been collected from the subglacial source to Blood Falls and little is known about the origin of this brine or the amount of time it has been sealed below Taylor Glacier. Radar profiles collected near Blood Falls delineate a possible fault in the subglacial substrate that may help explain the localized and episodic nature of brine release. However it remains unclear what triggers the episodic release of brine exclusively at the Blood Falls crevasse or the extent to which the brine is altered as it makes its way to the surface. <br/><br/>The MIDGE project aims to determine the mechanism of brine release at Blood Falls, evaluate changes in the geochemistry and the microbial community within the englacial conduit and assess if Blood Falls waters have a distinct impact on the thermal and stress state of Taylor Glacier, one of the most studied polar glaciers in Antarctica. The geophysical study of the glaciological structure and mechanism of brine release will use GPR, GPS, and a small passive seismic network. Together with international collaborators, the 'Ice Mole' team from FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany (funded by the German Aerospace Center, DLR), MIDGE will develop and deploy innovative, minimally invasive technologies for clean access and brine sample retrieval from deep within the Blood Falls drainage system. These technologies will allow for the collection of samples of the brine away from the surface (up to tens of meters) for geochemical analyses and microbial structure-function experiments. There is concern over the contamination of pristine subglacial environments from chemical and biological materials inherent in the drilling process; and MIDGE will provide data on the efficacy of thermoelectric probes for clean access and retrieval of representative subglacial samples. Antarctic subglacial environments provide an excellent opportunity for researching survivability and adaptability of microbial life and are potential terrestrial analogues for life habitats on icy planetary bodies. The MIDGE project offers a portable, versatile, clean alternative to hot water and mechanical drilling and will enable the exploration of subglacial hydrology and ecosystem function while making significant progress towards developing technologies for minimally invasive and clean sampling of icy systems. | POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04000000000002 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.51999999999998 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.70700000000001,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.76299999999999,162.6 -77.77,162.51999999999998 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04000000000002 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.76299999999999,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.70700000000001,161.8 -77.7)) | POINT(162.2 -77.735) | false | false | ||||||
Tephrochronology of the WAIS Divide Ice Core: Linking Ice Cores through Volcanic Records
1142115 |
2018-06-10 | Dunbar, Nelia |
Dunbar/1142115<br/><br/>This award supports a project to investigate the extremely rich volcanic record in the WAIS Divide ice core as part of this ongoing tephrochronology research in Antarctica. Ice cores in Polar Regions offer unparalleled records of earth's climate over the past 500,000 years. Accurate chronology of individual ice cores and chronological correlations between different ice cores is critically important to the interpretation of the climate record. The field of Antarctic tephrochronology has been progressing steadily, and is on the cusp of having a fully integrated tephra framework for large parts of the continent. Major advances in this field have been made due to the acquisition of a number of ice cores with strong volcanic records, improvement of analytical techniques and better characterization of source eruptions due in part to through studies of englacial tephra from several major blue ice areas. The intellectual merit of this work is that the tephrochonological studies will provide independently dated time-stratigraphic markers in the ice core, particularly for the deepest ice, linking tephra layers between the WAIS Divide core and the Siple Dome core which will allow detailed comparisons to be made of coastal and inland climate. It will also contribute to a better understanding of eruption magnitude, dispersal patterns and geochemical evolution of West Antarctic volcanoes. The work will also contribute to a new tephra dataset to the literature for use in future ice core studies. The broader impacts of this project fall into the areas of education, outreach and international cooperation. This project will employ one New Mexico Tech graduate student, but will also be featured in outreach programs for NMT undergraduates, as well as teacher and student groups and outreach for the general public in New Mexico. NMT is an Hispanic serving institution (25% Hispanic students) and also found by NSF to rank 15th nationwide in "baccalaureate-origin" institutions for doctoral recipients in science and engineering, thereby having a disproportionately large effect on producing Hispanic scientists and engineers. However, probably the most significant broader impact of this project will be the continued efforts of the PI in fostering and promoting of international cooperation in the tephra-in-ice community. Dunbar has been collaborating with European tephra researchers for a number of years, sharing data and working collaboratively on tephra correlations, and these activities have lead to, and will continue to promote, forward progress in integrating the Antarctic tephrochronology record. This proposal does not require field work in the Antarctic. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||
Investigating (Un)Stable Sliding of Whillians Ice Stream and Subglacial Water Dynamics Using Borehole Seismology: A Proposed Component of WISSARD
1043784 |
2017-11-07 | Schwartz, Susan; Tulaczyk, Slawek |
This award provides support for "Investigating (Un)Stable Sliding of Whillans Ice Stream and Subglacial Water Dynamics Using Borehole Seismology: A proposed Component of the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access and Research Drilling" from the Antarctic Integrated Systems Science (AISS) program in the Office of Polar Programs at NSF. The project will use the sounds naturally produced by the ice and subglacial water to understand the glacial dynamics of the Whillans Ice Stream located adjacent to the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica.<br/><br/>Intellectual Merit: The transformative component of the project is that in addition to passive surface seismometers, the team will deploy a series of borehole seismometers. Englacial placement of the seismometers has not been done before, but is predicted to provide much better resolution (detection of smaller scale events as well as detection of a much wider range of frequencies) of the subglacial dynamics. In conjunction with the concurrent WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access and Research Drilling) project the team will be able to tie subglacial processes to temporal variations in ice stream dynamics and mass balance of the ice stream. The Whillans Ice Stream experiences large changes in ice velocity in response to tidally triggered stick-slip cycles as well as periodic filling and draining of subglacial Lake Whillans. The overall science goals include: improved understanding of basal sliding processes and role of sticky spots, subglacial lake hydrology, and dynamics of small earthquakes and seismic properties of ice and firn.<br/><br/>Broader Impact: Taken together, the research proposed here will provide information on basal controls of fast ice motion which has been recognized by the IPCC as necessary to make reliable predictions of future global sea-level rise. The information collected will therefore have broader implications for global society. The collected information will also be relevant to a better understanding of earthquakes. For outreach the project will work with the overall WISSARD outreach coordinator to deliver information to three audiences: the general public, middle school teachers, and middle school students. The project also provides funding for training of graduate students, and includes a female principal investigator. | POLYGON((-160 -79,-158 -79,-156 -79,-154 -79,-152 -79,-150 -79,-148 -79,-146 -79,-144 -79,-142 -79,-140 -79,-140 -79.3,-140 -79.6,-140 -79.9,-140 -80.2,-140 -80.5,-140 -80.8,-140 -81.1,-140 -81.4,-140 -81.7,-140 -82,-142 -82,-144 -82,-146 -82,-148 -82,-150 -82,-152 -82,-154 -82,-156 -82,-158 -82,-160 -82,-160 -81.7,-160 -81.4,-160 -81.1,-160 -80.8,-160 -80.5,-160 -80.2,-160 -79.9,-160 -79.6,-160 -79.3,-160 -79)) | POINT(-150 -80.5) | false | false | |||||
Collaborative Research: Allan HILLs Englacial Site (AHILLES) Selection
1443260 |
2017-05-02 | Conway, Howard |
Marine paleoclimate archives show that approximately one million years ago Earth's climate transitioned from 40,000-year glacial /interglacial cycles to 100,000-year cycles. This award will support a study designed to map the distribution of one million year-old ice in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica using state-of-the-art ground penetrating radar. The Allen Hills was demonstrated to contain a continuous record of the past 400,000 years and is also the collection location of the oldest ice samples (990,000 years) yet recovered. The maps resulting from this study will be used to select an ice-core drilling site at which a million-plus year-old continuous record of climate could be recovered. Ice cores contain the only kind of record to directly capture atmospheric gases and aerosols, but no ice-core-based climate record yet extends continuously beyond the past 800,000 years. A million-plus year-old record will allow better understanding of the major mechanisms and driving forces of natural climate variability in a world with 100,000-year glacial/interglacial cycles. The project will support two early career scientists in collaboration with senior scientists, as well as a graduate student, and will conduct outreach to schools and the public. The Allan Hills Blue Ice Area preserves a continuous climate record covering the last 400,000 years along an established glaciological flow line. Two kilometers to the east of this flow line, the oldest ice on Earth (~1 million years old) is found only 120 m below the surface. Meteorites collected in the area are reported to be as old as 1.8 million years, suggesting still older ice may be present. Combined, these data strongly suggest that the Allen Hills area could contain a continuous, well-resolved environmental record, spanning at least the last million years. As such, this area has been selected as an upcoming target for the new Intermediate Depth Ice Core Drill by the US Ice Core Working Group. This drill will recover a higher-quality core than previous dry drilling attempts. This project will conduct a comprehensive ground penetrating radar survey aimed at tracing the signature of the million-year-old ice layer throughout the region. The resulting map will be used to select a drill site from which an ice core containing the million-plus year-old continuous climate record will be collected. The proposed activities are a necessary precursor to the collection of the oldest known ice on Earth. Ice cores provide a robust reconstruction of past climate and extending this record beyond the 800,000 years currently available will open new opportunities to study the climate system. The data collected will also be used to investigate the bedrock and ice flow parameters favorable to the preservation of old ice, which may allow targeted investigation of other blue ice areas in Antarctica. | POLYGON((159 -76.68,159.03 -76.68,159.06 -76.68,159.09 -76.68,159.12 -76.68,159.15 -76.68,159.18 -76.68,159.21 -76.68,159.24 -76.68,159.27 -76.68,159.3 -76.68,159.3 -76.697,159.3 -76.714,159.3 -76.731,159.3 -76.748,159.3 -76.765,159.3 -76.782,159.3 -76.799,159.3 -76.816,159.3 -76.833,159.3 -76.85,159.27 -76.85,159.24 -76.85,159.21 -76.85,159.18 -76.85,159.15 -76.85,159.12 -76.85,159.09 -76.85,159.06 -76.85,159.03 -76.85,159 -76.85,159 -76.833,159 -76.816,159 -76.799,159 -76.782,159 -76.765,159 -76.748,159 -76.731,159 -76.714,159 -76.697,159 -76.68)) | POINT(159.15 -76.765) | false | false | |||||
Geophysical Investigations of Marie Byrd Land Lithospheric Evolution (GIMBLE)
1043761 |
2015-12-01 | Young, Duncan A.; Holt, John W.; Blankenship, Donald D. | Intellectual Merit: <br/>The PIs propose to use airborne geophysics to provide detailed geophysical mapping over the Marie Byrd Land dome of West Antarctica. They will use a Basler equipped with advanced ice penetrating radar, a magnetometer, an airborne gravimeter and laser altimeter. They will test models of Marie Byrd Land lithospheric evolution in three ways: 1) constrain bedrock topography and crustal structure of central Marie Byrd Land for the first time; 2) map subglacial geomorphology of Marie Byrd Land to constrain landscape evolution; and 3) map the distribution of subglacial volcanic centers and identify active sources. Marie Byrd Land is one of the few parts of West Antarctica whose bedrock lies above sea level; as such, it has a key role to play in the formation and decay of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), and thus on eustatic sea level change during the Neogene. Several lines of evidence suggest that the topography of Marie Byrd Land has changed over the course of the Cenozoic, with significant implications for the origin and evolution of the ice sheet.<br/><br/>Broader impacts: <br/>This work will have important implications for both the cryospheric and geodynamic communities. These data will also leverage results from the POLENET project. The PIs will train both graduate and undergraduate students in the interpretation of large geophysical datasets providing them with the opportunity to co-author peer-reviewed papers and present their work to the broader science community. This research will also support a young female researcher. The PIs will conduct informal education using their Polar Studies website and contribute formally to K-12 curriculum development. The research will incorporate microblogging and data access to allow the project?s first-order hypothesis to be confirmed or denied in public. | POLYGON((-145 -74,-141.6 -74,-138.2 -74,-134.8 -74,-131.4 -74,-128 -74,-124.6 -74,-121.2 -74,-117.8 -74,-114.4 -74,-111 -74,-111 -74.6,-111 -75.2,-111 -75.8,-111 -76.4,-111 -77,-111 -77.6,-111 -78.2,-111 -78.8,-111 -79.4,-111 -80,-114.4 -80,-117.8 -80,-121.2 -80,-124.6 -80,-128 -80,-131.4 -80,-134.8 -80,-138.2 -80,-141.6 -80,-145 -80,-145 -79.4,-145 -78.8,-145 -78.2,-145 -77.6,-145 -77,-145 -76.4,-145 -75.8,-145 -75.2,-145 -74.6,-145 -74)) | POINT(-128 -77) | false | false | ||||||
MRI: Development of a Wirelessly-Connected Network of Seismometers and GPS Instruments for Polar and Geophysical Research
1039982 |
2015-11-23 | Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Bilen, Sven; Urbina, Julio |
Intellectual Merit: <br/>Knowledge of englacial and subglacial conditions are critical for ice sheet models and predictions of sea-level change. Some of the critical variables that are poorly known but essential for improving flow models and predictions of sea-level change are: basal roughness, subglacial sedimentary and hydrologic conditions, and the temporal and spatial variability of the ice sheet flow field. Seismic reflection and refraction imaging and dense arrays of continuously operating GPS receivers can determine these parameters. The PIs propose to develop a network of wirelessly interconnected geophysical sensors (geoPebble) that will allow glaciologists to carry out these experiments simultaneously. This sensor web will provide a new way of imaging the ice sheet that is not possible with current instruments. With this sensor web, the PIs will extend the range of existing instruments from 2D to 3D, from low resolution to high resolution, but more importantly, all the geophysical measurements will be conducted synchronously. By the end of the proposal period the PIs will produce a network of 150-200 geoPebbles that will be available for NSF-sponsored glaciology research projects. <br/><br/>Broader impacts: <br/>Improved knowledge of the flow law of ice, the sliding of glaciers and ice streams, and paleoclimate history will contribute to assessments of the potential for abrupt ice-sheet mass change, with consequent sea-level effects and significant societal impacts. This improved modeling ability will be a direct consequence of better knowledge of the physical properties of ice sheets, which this project will facilitate. The development effort will be integrated with the undergraduate education program via the capstone design classes in EE and the senior thesis requirement in Geoscience. The PIs will also form a cohort of first-year and sophomore students who will work in their labs from the beginning of the project to develop specifications through the commissioning of the network. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false | |||||
Collaborative research: acoustic logging of the WAIS Divide borehole
0944199 |
2014-09-03 | Matsuoka, Kenichi; Kluskiewicz, Dan; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; McCarthy, Michael; Waddington, Edwin D. |
0944199/Matsuoka<br/><br/>This award supports a project to test the hypothesis that abrupt changes in fabric exist and are associated with both climate transitions and volcanic eruptions. It requires depth-continuous measurements of the fabric. By lowering a new logging tool into the WAIS Divide borehole after the completion of the core drilling, this project will measure acoustic-wave speeds as a function of depth and interpret it in terms of ice fabrics. This interpretation will be guided by ice-core-measured fabrics at sparse depths. This project will apply established analytical techniques for the ice-sheet logging and estimate depth profiles of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds at short intervals (~ 1 m). Previous logging projects measured only compressional-wave speeds averaged over typically 5-7 m intervals. Thus the new logger will enable more precise fabric interpretations. Fabric measurements using thin sections have revealed distinct fabric patterns separated by less than several meters; fabric measurements over a shorter period are crucial. At the WAIS Divide borehole, six two-way logging runs will be made with different observational parameters so that multiple wave-propagation modes will be identified, yielding estimates of both compressional- and shear-wave speeds. Each run takes approximately 24 hours to complete; we propose to occupy the boreholes in total eight days. The logging at WAIS Divide is temporarily planned in December 2011, but the timing is not critical. This project?s scope is limited to the completion of the logging and fabric interpretations. Results will be immediately shared with other WAIS Divide researchers. Direct benefits of this data sharing include guiding further thin-section analysis of the fabric, deriving a precise thinning function that retrieves more accurate accumulation history and depth-age scales. The PIs of this project have conducted radar and seismic surveys in this area and this project will provide a ground truth for these regional remote-sensing assessments of the ice interior. In turn, these remote sensing means can extend the results from the borehole to larger parts of the central West Antarctica. This project supports education for two graduate students for geophysics, glaciology, paleoclimate, and polar logistics. The instrument that will be acquired in this project can be used at other boreholes for ice-fabric characterizations and for englacial hydrology (wetness of temperate ice). | None | None | false | false | |||||
Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics: Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System
0636724 0758274 |
2012-05-15 | Carter, Sasha P.; Dupont, Todd K.; Holt, John W.; Morse, David L.; Parizek, Byron R.; Young, Duncan A.; Kempf, Scott D.; Blankenship, Donald D. | This award supports a three-year study to isolate essential physical processes affecting Thwaites Glacier (TG) in the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) of West Antarctica using a suite of existing numerical models in conjunction with existing and International Polar Year (IPY)-proposed data sets. Four different models will be utilized to explore the effects of embayment geometry, ice-shelf buttressing, basal-stress distribution, surface mass balance, surface climate, and inland dynamic perturbations on the present and future dynamics of TG. This particular collection of models is ideally suited for the broad nature of this investigation, as they incorporate efficient and complementary simplifications of the stress field (shallow-ice and shelf-stream), system geometry (1-d and 2-d plan-view and flowline; depth-integrated and depth-dependent), and mass-momentum energy coupling (mechanical and thermo-mechanical). The models will be constrained and validated by data sets (including regional maps of ice thickness, surface elevation, basal topography, ice surface velocity, and potential fields) and geophysical data analyses (including increasing the spatial resolution of surface elevations, improving regional estimates of geothermal flux, and characterizing the sub-glacial interface of grounded ice as well as the grounding-zone transition between grounded and floating ice). The intellectual merit of the research focuses on several of the NSF Glaciology program's emphases, including: ice dynamics, numerical modeling, and remote sensing of ice sheets. In addition, the research directly addresses the following specific NSF objectives: "investigation of the physics of fast glacier flow with emphasis on processes at glacier beds"; "investigation of ice-shelf stability"; and "identification and quantification of the feedback between ice dynamics and climate change". The broader impacts of this research effort will help answer societally relevant questions of future ice sheet stability and sea-level change. The research also will aid in the early career development of two young investigators and will contribute to the education of both graduate and undergraduate students directly involved in the research, and results will be incorporated into courses and informal presentations. | POLYGON((-110.058 -74.0548,-109.57993 -74.0548,-109.10186 -74.0548,-108.62379 -74.0548,-108.14572 -74.0548,-107.66765 -74.0548,-107.18958 -74.0548,-106.71151 -74.0548,-106.23344 -74.0548,-105.75537 -74.0548,-105.2773 -74.0548,-105.2773 -74.31383,-105.2773 -74.57286,-105.2773 -74.83189,-105.2773 -75.09092,-105.2773 -75.34995,-105.2773 -75.60898,-105.2773 -75.86801,-105.2773 -76.12704,-105.2773 -76.38607,-105.2773 -76.6451,-105.75537 -76.6451,-106.23344 -76.6451,-106.71151 -76.6451,-107.18958 -76.6451,-107.66765 -76.6451,-108.14572 -76.6451,-108.62379 -76.6451,-109.10186 -76.6451,-109.57993 -76.6451,-110.058 -76.6451,-110.058 -76.38607,-110.058 -76.12704,-110.058 -75.86801,-110.058 -75.60898,-110.058 -75.34995,-110.058 -75.09092,-110.058 -74.83189,-110.058 -74.57286,-110.058 -74.31383,-110.058 -74.0548)) | POINT(-107.66765 -75.34995) | false | false | ||||||
Glaciological Characteristics of the Ross/Amundsen Sea Ice-flow Divide Deduced by a New Analysis of Ice-penetrating Radar Data
0338151 |
2010-05-11 | Raymond, Charles; Matsuoka, Kenichi; Luyendyk, Bruce P.; Wilson, Douglas S. | This award supports an investigation of spatial variations of ice temperature and subglacial conditions using available ice-penetrating radar data around a future deep ice coring site near the Ross and Amundsen flow divide of West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Besides geometry of reflection layers the focus will be on intensities of radar echoes from within ice deeper than several hundred meters and will also examine echoes from the bed. Preliminary studies on theory and comparison with Japanese radar data from East Antarctica suggest that large spatial variations of the vertical gradient of radar echoes from within ice exist and are caused primarily by ice temperature and secondarily by crystal-orientation fabric. The hypothesis that the vertical gradient is a proxy of ice temperature will be tested. The project will utilize an existing data set from the Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research in Antarctica (SOAR) and will complement work already underway at University of Texas to analyze the radar data. The project will provide undergraduate research experience with an emphasis on computer analysis of time series and large data sets as well as development of web-based resource of results and methods and will support an international collaboration between US and Japan through discussions on the preliminary results from their study sites. Practical procedures developed through this study will be downloadable from the project's web site in the third year and will allow investigation of other ice sheets using existing radar data sets. This project will contribute to the interpretation of the future inland West Antarctic ice core and will help in the understanding of ice sheet history and climate change. | POINT(-112.086 -79.468) | POINT(-112.086 -79.468) | false | false | ||||||
Airborne Geophysical Survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica (AGASEA)
0230197 |
2007-01-01 | Blankenship, Donald D.; Fastook, James L.; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Holt, John W.; Morse, David L.; Vaughan, David G.; Young, Duncan A. | This award supports a comprehensive aerogeophysical survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) in West Antarctica. The University of Texas will join forces with the British Antarctic Survey to use both US and UK aircraft and instrumentation to achieve this survey. Analyses of the new aerogeophysical<br/>data will result in the generation of maps of ice sheet surface, volume and bottom-interface characteristics. These maps will support the efforts of a community of US and international researchers to assess the present and predict the future behavior of the ice sheet in the ASE.<br/>The West Antarctic ice sheet has been the subject of intensive interdisciplinary study by both the European and U.S. scientific communities since it was recognized to be a potential source for up to 5 meters of sea<br/>level rise, possibly on short timescales. In terms of ice discharge, the ASE is the largest drainage system in West Antarctica. Yet it has been comparatively unstudied, primarily due to its remoteness from logistical<br/>centers. The ASE is the only major drainage to exhibit significant elevation change over the period of available satellite observations. Present knowledge of the ice thickness and subglacial boundary conditions in the ASE are insufficient to understand its evolution or its sensitivity to climatic change.<br/>The results from our surveys are required to achieve the fundamental research objectives outlined by the US scientific community in an ASE Science Plan. The surveys and analyses will be achieved through international collaboration and will involve graduate students, undergraduates and high school apprentices.<br/>Through its potential for influencing sea level, the future behavior of the ASE is of primary societal importance. Given the substantial public and scientific interest that recent reports of change in West Antarctica have generated, we expect fundamental research in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, enabled by our surveys, will have widespread impact. | POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60)) | POINT(0 -89.999) | false | false |