[{"awards": "1744649 Christianson, Knut", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-120 -85.5,-117.5 -85.5,-115 -85.5,-112.5 -85.5,-110 -85.5,-107.5 -85.5,-105 -85.5,-102.5 -85.5,-100 -85.5,-97.5 -85.5,-95 -85.5,-95 -85.62,-95 -85.74,-95 -85.86,-95 -85.98,-95 -86.1,-95 -86.22,-95 -86.34,-95 -86.46000000000001,-95 -86.58,-95 -86.7,-97.5 -86.7,-100 -86.7,-102.5 -86.7,-105 -86.7,-107.5 -86.7,-110 -86.7,-112.5 -86.7,-115 -86.7,-117.5 -86.7,-120 -86.7,-120 -86.58,-120 -86.46000000000001,-120 -86.34,-120 -86.22,-120 -86.1,-120 -85.98,-120 -85.86,-120 -85.74,-120 -85.62,-120 -85.5))", "dataset_titles": "Hercules Dome ApRES Data; Hercules Dome High-Frequency Impulse Ice-Penetrating Radar Data; Hercules Dome Ice-Penetrating Radar Swath Topographies; Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets; ITASE Impulse Radar Hercules Dome to South Pole", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601606", "doi": "10.15784/601606", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Ice Penetrating Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Christianson, Knut", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601606"}, {"dataset_uid": "601712", "doi": "10.15784/601712", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Hercules Dome; Ice Penetrating Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Hoffman, Andrew; Christianson, Knut; Jacobel, Robert; Welch, Brian", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "ITASE Impulse Radar Hercules Dome to South Pole", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601712"}, {"dataset_uid": "601711", "doi": "10.15784/601711", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Hercules Dome; Ice Penetrating Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Christianson, Knut; Hoffman, Andrew; Holschuh, Nicholas; Paden, John", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "Hercules Dome Ice-Penetrating Radar Swath Topographies", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601711"}, {"dataset_uid": "601739", "doi": "10.15784/601739", "keywords": "Antarctica; Apres; Crystal Orientation Fabric; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Hercules Dome; Ice Dynamic; Ice Penetrating Radar; Radar Interferometry; Radar Polarimetry", "people": "Erwin, Emma; Hills, Benjamin; Holschuh, Nicholas; Hoffman, Andrew; Fudge, Tyler J; Horlings, Annika; Steig, Eric J.; Christianson, Knut", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "Hercules Dome ApRES Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601739"}, {"dataset_uid": "601710", "doi": "10.15784/601710", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Hercules Dome; Ice Penetrating Radar; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Hills, Benjamin; O\u0027Connor, Gemma; Horlings, Annika; Holschuh, Nicholas; Christian, John; Hoffman, Andrew; Christianson, Knut", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "Hercules Dome Ice Core", "title": "Hercules Dome High-Frequency Impulse Ice-Penetrating Radar Data", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601710"}], "date_created": "Tue, 02 Aug 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The response of the Antarctic ice sheet to climate change is a central issue in projecting global sea-level rise. While much attention is focused on the ongoing rapid changes at the coastal margin of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, obtaining records of past ice-sheet and climate change is the only way to constrain how an ice sheet changes over millennial timescales. Whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period (~130,000 to 116,000 years ago), when temperatures were slightly warmer than today, remains a major unsolved problem in Antarctic glaciology. Hercules Dome is an ice divide located at the intersection of the East Antarctic and West Antarctic ice sheets. It is ideally situated to record the glaciological and climatic effects of changes in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This project will establish whether Hercules Dome experienced major changes in flow due to changes in the elevation of the two ice sheets. The project will also ascertain whether Hercules Domes is a suitable site from which to recover climate records from the last interglacial period. These records could be used to determine whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during that period. The project will support two early-career researchers and train students at the University of Washington. Results will be communicated through outreach programs in coordination the Ice Drilling Project Office, the University of Washington\u0027s annual Polar Science Weekend in Seattle, and art-science collaboration.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis project will develop a history of ice dynamics at the intersection of the East and West Antarctic ice sheets, and ascertain whether the site is suitable for a deep ice-coring operation. Ice divides provide a unique opportunity to assess the stability of past ice flow. The low deviatoric stresses and non-linearity of ice flow causes an arch (a \"Raymond Bump\") in the internal layers beneath a stable ice divide. This information can be used to determine the duration of steady ice flow. Due to the slow horizontal ice-flow velocities, ice divides also preserve old ice with internal layering that reflects past flow conditions caused by divide migration. Hercules Dome is an ice divide that is well positioned to retain information of past variations in the geometry of both the East and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. This dome is also the most promising location at which to recover an ice core that can be used to determine whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period. Limited ice-penetrating radar data collected along a previous scientific surface traverse indicate well-preserved englacial stratigraphy and evidence suggestive of a Raymond Bump, but the previous survey was not sufficiently extensive to allow thorough characterization or determination of past changes in ice dynamics. This project will conduct a dedicated survey to map the englacial stratigraphy and subglacial topography as well as basal properties at Hercules Dome. The project will use ground-based ice-penetrating radar to 1) image internal layers and the ice-sheet basal interface, 2) accurately measure englacial attenuation, and 3) determine englacial vertical strain rates. The radar data will be combined with GPS observations for detailed topography and surface velocities and ice-flow modeling to constrain the basal characteristics and the history of past ice flow.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": -95.0, "geometry": "POINT(-107.5 -86.1)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "West Antarctica; ICE DEPTH/THICKNESS; East Antarctica", "locations": "West Antarctica; East Antarctica", "north": -85.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Christianson, Knut; Hoffman, Andrew; Holschuh, Nicholas", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -86.7, "title": "Ice Dynamics at the Intersection of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets", "uid": "p0010359", "west": -120.0}, {"awards": "2032421 Kim, Hyomin; 2031554 Chartier, Alex", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -75,-144 -75,-108 -75,-72 -75,-36 -75,0 -75,36 -75,72 -75,108 -75,144 -75,180 -75,180 -76.5,180 -78,180 -79.5,180 -81,180 -82.5,180 -84,180 -85.5,180 -87,180 -88.5,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -88.5,-180 -87,-180 -85.5,-180 -84,-180 -82.5,-180 -81,-180 -79.5,-180 -78,-180 -76.5,-180 -75))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Fri, 31 Dec 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The deep polar cap is unique in that it contains \"open\" magnetic field lines connecting directly to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). These provide a direct pathway for solar wind energy into the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Important on large scales is the spatial extent of the polar cap, controlled by ionospheric convection and demarcated by the OCB. Observations of that boundary serve the important role of validating magnetic field models. In addition, ULF waves in the polar cap may be related to direct penetration of solar wind. Ionospheric density enhancement, tongue of ionization (TOI), and irregularities causing RF signal scintillations in the polar cap are very important and yet underexplored areas of studies. Motivated by the compelling science in the underexplored polar region, we propose to investigate M-I coupling processes, ionospheric irregularities inside the polar cap and their space weather impacts by establishing a new ground-based network that will be deployed in the Antarctic polar cap region. The goal of this investigation is to establish a spatially extensive ground-based observational record of coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (M-I) dynamics in the deep polar cap. This is to be achieved using three new Autonomous Geophysical Observatories (AGOs) along the Jang Bogo \u2013 Dome C supply route (deployment and maintenance paid for by Korea Polar Research Institute \u2013 KOPRI). ", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Amd/Us; USA/NSF; Jang Bogo Station; Jang Bogo Station And A Traverse Route On The Antarctic Plateau; USAP-DC; FIELD SURVEYS; MAGNETIC FIELDS/MAGNETIC CURRENTS; AURORAE; AMD", "locations": "Jang Bogo Station And A Traverse Route On The Antarctic Plateau; Jang Bogo Station", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences; Antarctic Instrumentation and Facilities; Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Kim, Hyomin; Perry, Gareth; Chartier, Alex", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Investigation of Deep Polar Cap Dynamics Using an Autonomous Instrument Network", "uid": "p0010288", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1842021 Campbell, Seth", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-168 -82,-162.3 -82,-156.6 -82,-150.9 -82,-145.2 -82,-139.5 -82,-133.8 -82,-128.1 -82,-122.4 -82,-116.7 -82,-111 -82,-111 -82.5,-111 -83,-111 -83.5,-111 -84,-111 -84.5,-111 -85,-111 -85.5,-111 -86,-111 -86.5,-111 -87,-116.7 -87,-122.4 -87,-128.1 -87,-133.8 -87,-139.5 -87,-145.2 -87,-150.9 -87,-156.6 -87,-162.3 -87,-168 -87,-168 -86.5,-168 -86,-168 -85.5,-168 -85,-168 -84.5,-168 -84,-168 -83.5,-168 -83,-168 -82.5,-168 -82))", "dataset_titles": "2017 GPR Observations of the Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams; Whillans and Mercer Shear Margin Ice Flow simulation in ISSM", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601404", "doi": "10.15784/601404", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciology; Ice Sheet Flow Model; Ice Shelf Dynamics; Mercer Ice Stream; Model Data; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Whillans Ice Stream", "people": "Kaluzienski, Lynn", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Whillans and Mercer Shear Margin Ice Flow simulation in ISSM", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601404"}, {"dataset_uid": "601403", "doi": "10.15784/601403", "keywords": "Antarctica; Crevasses; Glaciology; GPR; GPS; Ice Sheet Flow Model; Ice Shelf Dynamics; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Whillans Ice Stream", "people": "Kaluzienski, Lynn", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "2017 GPR Observations of the Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601403"}], "date_created": "Mon, 14 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Siple Coast in West Antarctica has undergone significant glacier changes over the last millenium. Several ice streams--rapidly moving streams of ice bordered by slow-moving ice--exist in this region that feeds into the Ross Ice Shelf. A long-term slowdown of Whillans Ice Stream appears to be occurring, and this is affecting the zone between the Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams. However, the consistency of this slowdown and resulting changes to the shear margin between the two ice streams are unknown. Shear zone stability represents a potentially critical control on mass balance of ice sheets, especially in regions of fast ice flow where basal shear stress is minimal. This project is therefore focused on understanding the spatial and temporal change of ice flow kinematics, shear margin structure, and shear margin location between Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams. A collateral benefit of and driver for this as a RAPID project is to test a method for assessing where crevassing will develop in this zone of steep velocity gradients. Such a method may benefit not only near-term field-project planning in the 2018-19 field season, but also planning for future fieldwork and traverses.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThe team will use velocity estimates derived from available remote sensing datasets to determine transient velocity patterns and shifts in the shear-zone location over the last 20 years. This velocity time series will be incorporated into a large-scale ice-sheet model to estimate ice-sheet susceptibility to changing boundary conditions over the next century based on likely regional ice-flux scenarios. This approach is an extension of recent work conducted by the team that shows promise for predicting areas of changing high strain rates indicative of an active glacier shear margin. The ultimate objectives are to characterize the flow field of merging ice streams over time and investigate lateral boundary migration. This will provide a better understanding of shear-margin control on ice-shelf and up-glacier stability.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award reflects NSF\u0027s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation\u0027s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.", "east": -111.0, "geometry": "POINT(-139.5 -84.5)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS; Whillans Ice Stream; USAP-DC; Amd/Us; USA/NSF; GLACIER MOTION/ICE SHEET MOTION; MODELS; AMD", "locations": "Whillans Ice Stream", "north": -82.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Polar Special Initiatives; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Campbell, Seth; Koons, Peter", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; OTHER \u003e MODELS \u003e MODELS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -87.0, "title": "RAPID Proposal: Constraining kinematics of the Whillans/Mercer Ice Stream Confluence", "uid": "p0010145", "west": -168.0}, {"awards": null, "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Compilation of ice temperature measurements at 10 m depth from international traverses 1957-1996.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601325", "doi": "10.15784/601325", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Compilation of ice temperature measurements at 10 m depth from international traverses 1957-1996.", "url": "http://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601325"}], "date_created": "Wed, 20 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": null, "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctica; Firn Temperature Measurements", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Scambos, Ted", "platforms": null, "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": null, "uid": null, "west": null}, {"awards": "1245915 Ray, Laura", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Ground Penetrating Radar Grid Survey of the McMurdo Shear Zone", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601102", "doi": "10.15784/601102", "keywords": "Antarctica; Firn; Folds; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice", "people": "Arcone, Steven; Walker, Ben; Ray, Laura; Lever, Jim; Koons, Peter; Kaluzienski, Lynn", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ground Penetrating Radar Grid Survey of the McMurdo Shear Zone", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601102"}], "date_created": "Thu, 27 Sep 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports an integrated field observation, remote sensing and numerical modeling study of the McMurdo Shear Zone (SZ). The SZ is a 5-10 km wide strip of heavily crevassed ice that separates the McMurdo and Ross ice shelves, and is an important region of lateral support for the Ross Ice Shelf. Previous radar and remote sensing studies reveal an enigmatic picture of the SZ in which crevasses detected at depth have no apparent surface expression, and have orientations which are possibly inconsistent with the observed flow field. In the proposed work, we seek to test the hypothesis that the SZ is a zone of chaotic Lagrangian mixing with (intersecting) buried crevasses which leads to rheological instability, potentially allowing large scale velocity discontinuities. The work will involve detailed field-based observations of crevasse distributions and structure using ground-penetrating radar, and GPS and remote sensing observations of the flow and stress field in the SZ. Because of the hazardous nature of the SZ, the radar surveys will be conducted largely with the aid of a lightweight robotic vehicle. Observations will be used to develop a finite element model of ice shelf shear margin behavior. The intellectual merit of this project is an increased understanding of ice shelf shear margin dynamics. Shear margins play a key role in ice shelf stability, and ice shelves in turn modulate the flux of ice from the ice sheet across the grounding line to the ocean. Insights from this project will improve large-scale models being developed to predict ice sheet evolution and future rates of sea level rise, which are topics of enormous societal concern. The broader impacts of the project include an improved basis for US Antarctic Program logistics planning as well as numerous opportunities to engage K-12 students in scientific discovery. Intensified crevassing in the shear zone between the Ross and McMurdo ice shelves would preclude surface crossing by heavy traverse vehicles which would lead to increased costs of delivering fuel to South Pole and a concomitant loss of flight time provided by heavy-lift aircraft for science missions on the continent. Our multidisciplinary research combining glaciology, numerical modeling, and robotics engineering is an engaging way to show how robotics can assist scientists in collecting hazardous field measurements. Our outreach activities will leverage Dartmouth\u0027s current NSF GK-12 program, build on faculty-educator relationships established during University of Maine\u0027s recent GK-12 program, and incorporate project results into University of Maine\u0027s IDEAS initiative, which integrates computational modeling with the existing science curriculum at the middle school level. This award has field work in Antarctica.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "NOT APPLICABLE; USAP-DC", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Ray, Laura", "platforms": "OTHER \u003e NOT APPLICABLE \u003e NOT APPLICABLE", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Flow and Fracture Dynamics in an Ice Shelf Lateral Margin: Observations and Modeling of the McMurdo Shear Zone", "uid": "p0000701", "west": null}, {"awards": "1142085 Alley, Richard", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Firn-temperature time series in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "601050", "doi": "10.15784/601050", "keywords": "Antarctica; Borehole Logging; Dronning Maud Land; Firn; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Physical Properties; Snow; Temperature", "people": "Muto, Atsu", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Firn-temperature time series in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601050"}], "date_created": "Mon, 11 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Alley/1142085\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eThis award supports a project to continue the collection and analyses of firn temperature data from three automated firn thermal profiling units deployed in Dronning Maud Land sector of East Antarctica as part of the Norway-US IPY Traverse project between 2007 and 2009. The intellectual merits of this project are as follows: 1) to constrain and improve the parameterization of firn thermal properties (thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity) that are required for the borehole paleothermometry, 2) to study the change in firn temperature since the deployment of thermal profiling units ~5 years ago and derive the surface temperature trend for that time period, and 3) to compare and contrast the surface temperatures and their trends derived from the measured firn temperatures and satellite thermal infrared data for the past three decades. The project also involves acquiring and deploying an automated system to record transient temperatures at multiple depths in the top 16 meters of the shallow borehole at Dome Fuji, to provide useful data and to prepare for the possibility of conducting temperature-logging in the existing deep (3035 m) and shallow (112 m) boreholes at Dome Fuji in the near future. The preparation of the shallow borehole and the installation of the automated system will be carried out by collaborators from the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) in 2012-13 Antarctic field season. The data collected by this automated system will be used to constrain the thermal properties of upper firn layer at Dome Fuji, as well as comparing with data from other sites, increasing the geographic extent of these studies. The broader impacts of the project include presentation of results at scientific conferences and publication of results in peer-reviewed journals. Public outreach will include targeted work with science teachers and middle school students.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Alley, Richard", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Revealing Late Holocence Climate Variability in Antarctica from Borehole Paleothermometry", "uid": "p0000440", "west": null}, {"awards": "1043454 Kooyman, Gerald", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-172.642 -72.55,-170.9074 -72.55,-169.1728 -72.55,-167.4382 -72.55,-165.7036 -72.55,-163.969 -72.55,-162.2344 -72.55,-160.4998 -72.55,-158.7652 -72.55,-157.0306 -72.55,-155.296 -72.55,-155.296 -73.0743,-155.296 -73.5986,-155.296 -74.1229,-155.296 -74.6472,-155.296 -75.1715,-155.296 -75.6958,-155.296 -76.2201,-155.296 -76.7444,-155.296 -77.2687,-155.296 -77.793,-157.0306 -77.793,-158.7652 -77.793,-160.4998 -77.793,-162.2344 -77.793,-163.969 -77.793,-165.7036 -77.793,-167.4382 -77.793,-169.1728 -77.793,-170.9074 -77.793,-172.642 -77.793,-172.642 -77.2687,-172.642 -76.7444,-172.642 -76.2201,-172.642 -75.6958,-172.642 -75.1715,-172.642 -74.6472,-172.642 -74.1229,-172.642 -73.5986,-172.642 -73.0743,-172.642 -72.55))", "dataset_titles": "NBP1302 data; Pre and Post Molt Biology of Emperor Penguins - Oden Trans - Ross / Amundsen Sea Cruise", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600149", "doi": "10.15784/600149", "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Biota; Oceans; Penguin; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "people": "Kooyman, Gerald", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Pre and Post Molt Biology of Emperor Penguins - Oden Trans - Ross / Amundsen Sea Cruise", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600149"}, {"dataset_uid": "000179", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "NBP1302 data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP1302"}], "date_created": "Sat, 12 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The emperor penguin dives deeper and longer, fasts longer, and endures the harshest weather conditions of all diving birds. It spends about four and half months per annum deep in Antarctic pack ice away from shore and stations, and thus is largely unavailable for study. This time includes preparation for the molt, and travel to the colony to breed, a time period in which great swings in body weight occur. This study will fill an important gap in what we know about the biology of the annual cycle of the emperor by examining the molt-post molt period. The P.I. proposes to traverse the Amundsen and Bellingshausen seas on the Oden, to locate and tag emperor penguins during the molt season. The objectives are to (1) Place satellite tags on 20 adult post molt birds to determine their route, rate of travel, and diving behavior as they return back to their breeding colonies, (2) Obtain an index of body condition, (3) Collect guano to determine the type of food consumed by emperor penguins in the region, (4) Conduct shipboard surveys to sight and plot the location and abundance of adult and juvenile birds on the ship\u0027s track. The PI hypothesizes that bird dives will be shallow during the initial post-molt phase, and that food will consist primarily of krill; that there will be differential dispersal of birds from the Ross Sea vs. Marie Byrd Land, with Ross Sea birds traveling farther; and that the greatest adult mortality occurs during the molt and early post molt period. Broader impacts include training of a post doc, a graduate student, and an aquarium volunteer. The P.I. also will present findings through a website, through public lectures, and in collaboration with the Birch aquarium.", "east": -155.296, "geometry": "POINT(-163.969 -75.1715)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e FLUOROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e PROFILERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e RECORDERS/LOGGERS \u003e AWS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e XBT; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e ECHO SOUNDERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MBES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e THERMOSALINOGRAPHS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "R/V NBP; Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -72.55, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Kooyman, Gerald", "platforms": "Not provided; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "R2R; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.793, "title": "Pre and post molt biology of emperor penguins - Oden trans - Ross / Amundsen Sea cruise", "uid": "p0000325", "west": -172.642}, {"awards": "0944653 Forster, Richard", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-119.4 -78.1,-118.46000000000001 -78.1,-117.52000000000001 -78.1,-116.58 -78.1,-115.64 -78.1,-114.7 -78.1,-113.76 -78.1,-112.82000000000001 -78.1,-111.88 -78.1,-110.94 -78.1,-110 -78.1,-110 -78.28999999999999,-110 -78.47999999999999,-110 -78.67,-110 -78.86,-110 -79.05,-110 -79.24,-110 -79.42999999999999,-110 -79.62,-110 -79.81,-110 -80,-110.94 -80,-111.88 -80,-112.82000000000001 -80,-113.76 -80,-114.7 -80,-115.64 -80,-116.58 -80,-117.52000000000001 -80,-118.46000000000001 -80,-119.4 -80,-119.4 -79.81,-119.4 -79.62,-119.4 -79.42999999999999,-119.4 -79.24,-119.4 -79.05,-119.4 -78.86,-119.4 -78.67,-119.4 -78.47999999999999,-119.4 -78.28999999999999,-119.4 -78.1))", "dataset_titles": "Annual Satellite Era Accumulation Patterns Over WAIS Divide: A Study Using Shallow Ice Cores, Near-Surface Radars and Satellites", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600146", "doi": "10.15784/600146", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Antarctica; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Radar; WAIS Divide; WAIS Divide Ice Core", "people": "Forster, Richard", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "title": "Annual Satellite Era Accumulation Patterns Over WAIS Divide: A Study Using Shallow Ice Cores, Near-Surface Radars and Satellites", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600146"}], "date_created": "Fri, 20 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to broaden the knowledge of annual accumulation patterns over the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by processing existing near-surface radar data taken on the US ITASE traverse in 2000 and by gathering and validating new ultra/super-high-frequency (UHF) radar images of near surface layers (to depths of ~15 m), expanding abilities to monitor recent annual accumulation patterns from point source ice cores to radar lines. Shallow (15 m) ice cores will be collected in conjunction with UHF radar images to confirm that radar echoed returns correspond with annual layers, and/or sub-annual density changes in the near-surface snow, as determined from ice core stable isotopes. This project will additionally improve accumulation monitoring from space-borne instruments by comparing the spatial-radar-derived-annual accumulation time series to the passive microwave time series dating back over 3 decades and covering most of Antarctica. The intellectual merit of this project is that mapping the spatial and temporal variations in accumulation rates over the Antarctic ice sheet is essential for understanding ice sheet responses to climate forcing. Antarctic precipitation rate is projected to increase up to 20% in the coming century from the predicted warming. Accumulation is a key component for determining ice sheet mass balance and, hence, sea level rise, yet our ability to measure annual accumulation variability over the past 5 decades (satellite era) is mostly limited to point-source ice cores. Developing a radar and ice core derived annual accumulation dataset will provide validation data for space-born remote sensing algorithms, climate models and, additionally, establish accumulation trends. The broader impacts of the project are that it will advance discovery and understanding within the climatology, glaciology and remote sensing communities by verifying the use of UHF radars to monitor annual layers as determined by visual, chemical and isotopic analysis from corresponding shallow ice cores and will provide a dataset of annual to near-annual accumulation measurements over the past ~5 decades across WAIS divide from existing radar data and proposed radar data. By determining if temporal changes in the passive microwave signal are correlated with temporal changes in accumulation will help assess the utility of passive microwave remote sensing to monitor accumulation rates over ice sheets for future decades. The project will promote teaching, training and learning, and increase representation of underrepresented groups by becoming involved in the NASA History of Winter project and Thermochron Mission and by providing K-12 teachers with training to monitor snow accumulation and temperature here in the US, linking polar research to the student?s backyard. The project will train both undergraduate and graduate students in polar research and will encouraging young investigators to become involved in careers in science. In particular, two REU students will participate in original research projects as part of this larger project, from development of a hypothesis to presentation and publication of the results. The support of a new, young woman scientist will help to increase gender diversity in polar research.", "east": -110.0, "geometry": "POINT(-114.7 -79.05)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Not provided", "locations": null, "north": -78.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Forster, Richard", "platforms": "Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -80.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Annual satellite era accumulation patterns over WAIS Divide: A study using shallow ice cores, near-surface radars and satellites", "uid": "p0000079", "west": -119.4}, {"awards": "1146554 Rack, Frank", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((153.694 -77.89028,155.025433 -77.89028,156.356866 -77.89028,157.688299 -77.89028,159.019732 -77.89028,160.351165 -77.89028,161.682598 -77.89028,163.014031 -77.89028,164.345464 -77.89028,165.676897 -77.89028,167.00833 -77.89028,167.00833 -78.525252,167.00833 -79.160224,167.00833 -79.795196,167.00833 -80.430168,167.00833 -81.06514,167.00833 -81.700112,167.00833 -82.335084,167.00833 -82.970056,167.00833 -83.605028,167.00833 -84.24,165.676897 -84.24,164.345464 -84.24,163.014031 -84.24,161.682598 -84.24,160.351165 -84.24,159.019732 -84.24,157.688299 -84.24,156.356866 -84.24,155.025433 -84.24,153.694 -84.24,153.694 -83.605028,153.694 -82.970056,153.694 -82.335084,153.694 -81.700112,153.694 -81.06514,153.694 -80.430168,153.694 -79.795196,153.694 -79.160224,153.694 -78.525252,153.694 -77.89028))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award provides support for \"EAGER: Handbook of Hot Water Drill System (HWDS) Design Considerations and Best Practices\" from the Antarctic Integrated System Science within the Office of Polar Programs. More and more science projects are proposing to use hot-water drilling systems (HWDS) to rapidly and/or cleanly access glacial and subglacial systems. To date the hot-water drill systems have been developed in isolation, and no attempt has been made to gather information about the different systems in one place. This proposal requests funds to document existing HWDS, and to then assess the design, testing, and development of a hot-water drill system that will be integrated with the evolving over-ice traverse capability of the USAP program.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIntellectual Merit: A working handbook of best practices for hot-water drill design systems, including safety considerations, is long overdue, and will 1) provide suggestions for optimizing current systems; 2) contribute in the very near term to already funded projects such as WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access and Research Drilling); and 3) fit the long-term needs of the Antarctic science community who have identified rapid and clean access to glacial and subglaical environments as a top priority for the next decades. The collected information will be used for community education and training, will discuss potential design and operational trade-offs, and will identify ways to optimize the capabilities of an integrated USAP traverse and HWDS infrastructure. EAGER funding for this project is warranted because such a handbook has not been tried before, and needs to be shown to be doable prior to larger investments in such compilations. It fits the AISS (Antarctic Integrated System Science) program as an optimized HWDS will meet the needs of many different Antarctic research disciplines including biology, geology, glaciology, and oceanography.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader Impacts: The proposed work is being done on behalf of the Antarctic research community, and will seek to capture the knowledge of experienced hot-water drill engineers who are nearing retirement, and to educate the next generation of hot-water drillers and engineers. The PI indicates he will work with the owners of such systems both within the US and abroad. Identification of best practices in hot-water drilling will save several different Antarctic research communities significant time, effort, and funding in the future.", "east": 167.00833, "geometry": "POINT(160.351165 -81.06514)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e GRAVITY CORER; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e SEDIMENT CORERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PRESSURE/HEIGHT METERS \u003e PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SAMPLERS \u003e BOTTLES/FLASKS/JARS \u003e NISKIN BOTTLES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SAMPLERS \u003e FSI; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Hot Water Drill; Subglacial Lake; Ross Ice Shelf; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; FIELD SURVEYS; TRAVERSE; Clean Access Drilling; Drilling Parameters; FIELD INVESTIGATION; DRILLING PLATFORMS; Not provided; Antarctica; WISSARD; Whillans Ice Stream; FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Whillans Ice Stream; Ross Ice Shelf", "north": -77.89028, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Rack, Frank", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VEHICLES \u003e TRAVERSE; Not provided; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIXED PLATFORMS \u003e SURFACE \u003e DRILLING PLATFORMS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -84.24, "title": "EAGER: Handbook of Hot Water Drill System (HWDS) Design Considerations and Best Practices.", "uid": "p0000729", "west": 153.694}, {"awards": "0944600 Siddoway, Christine; 0944615 Brown, Michael", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-146.5 -76,-145.95 -76,-145.4 -76,-144.85 -76,-144.3 -76,-143.75 -76,-143.2 -76,-142.65 -76,-142.1 -76,-141.55 -76,-141 -76,-141 -76.15,-141 -76.3,-141 -76.45,-141 -76.6,-141 -76.75,-141 -76.9,-141 -77.05,-141 -77.2,-141 -77.35,-141 -77.5,-141.55 -77.5,-142.1 -77.5,-142.65 -77.5,-143.2 -77.5,-143.75 -77.5,-144.3 -77.5,-144.85 -77.5,-145.4 -77.5,-145.95 -77.5,-146.5 -77.5,-146.5 -77.35,-146.5 -77.2,-146.5 -77.05,-146.5 -76.9,-146.5 -76.75,-146.5 -76.6,-146.5 -76.45,-146.5 -76.3,-146.5 -76.15,-146.5 -76))", "dataset_titles": "Rock Samples collected from bedrock exposures, Ford Ranges, MBL", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200415", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Polar Rock Repository", "science_program": null, "title": "Rock Samples collected from bedrock exposures, Ford Ranges, MBL", "url": "http://bprc.osu.edu/rr/"}], "date_created": "Thu, 09 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: \u003cbr/\u003eThe northern Ford ranges in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, record events and processes that transformed a voluminous succession of Lower Paleozoic turbidites intruded by calc-alkaline plutonic rocks into differentiated continental crust along the margin of Gondwana. In this study the Fosdick migmatite?granite complex will be used to investigate crustal evolution through an integrated program of fieldwork, structural geology, petrology, mineral equilibria modeling, geochronology and geochemistry. The PIs propose detailed traverses at four sites within the complex to investigate Paleozoic and Mesozoic orogenic cycles. They will use petrological associations, structural geometry, and microstructures of host gneisses and leucogranites to distinguish the migration and coalescence patterns for remnant melt flow networks, and carry out detailed sampling for geochronology, geochemistry and isotope research. Mafic plutonic phases will be sampled to acquire information about mantle contributions at the source. Mineral equilibria modeling of source rocks and granite products, combined with in situ mineral dating, will be employed to resolve the P?T?t trajectories arising from thickening/thinning of crust during orogenic cycles and to investigate melting and melt loss history. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader impacts: \u003cbr/\u003eThis work involves research and educational initiatives for an early career female scientist, as well as Ph.D. and undergraduate students. Educational programs for high school audiences and undergraduate courses on interdisciplinary Antarctic science will be developed.", "east": -141.0, "geometry": "POINT(-143.75 -76.75)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Tectonic; TECTONICS; Transcurrent Faults; MAJOR ELEMENTS; Migmatite; Structural Geology; Gneiss Dome; Geochronology; AGE DETERMINATIONS; Detachment Faults; Marie Byrd Land", "locations": "Marie Byrd Land", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Siddoway, Christine; Brown, Mike", "platforms": null, "repo": "Polar Rock Repository", "repositories": "Polar Rock Repository", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.5, "title": "Collaborative research: Polyphase Orogenesis and Crustal Differentiation in West Antarctica", "uid": "p0000259", "west": -146.5}, {"awards": "0538103 Scambos, Ted; 0538495 Albert, Mary; 0537532 Liston, Glen; 0963924 Steig, Eric; 0538422 Hamilton, Gordon; 0538416 McConnell, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -72.01667,-161.74667 -72.01667,-143.49334 -72.01667,-125.24001 -72.01667,-106.98668 -72.01667,-88.73335 -72.01667,-70.48002 -72.01667,-52.22669 -72.01667,-33.97336 -72.01667,-15.72003 -72.01667,2.5333 -72.01667,2.5333 -73.815003,2.5333 -75.613336,2.5333 -77.411669,2.5333 -79.210002,2.5333 -81.008335,2.5333 -82.806668,2.5333 -84.605001,2.5333 -86.403334,2.5333 -88.201667,2.5333 -90,-15.72003 -90,-33.97336 -90,-52.22669 -90,-70.48002 -90,-88.73335 -90,-106.98668 -90,-125.24001 -90,-143.49334 -90,-161.74667 -90,180 -90,162.25333 -90,144.50666 -90,126.75999 -90,109.01332 -90,91.26665 -90,73.51998 -90,55.77331 -90,38.02664 -90,20.27997 -90,2.5333 -90,2.5333 -88.201667,2.5333 -86.403334,2.5333 -84.605001,2.5333 -82.806668,2.5333 -81.008335,2.5333 -79.210002,2.5333 -77.411669,2.5333 -75.613336,2.5333 -73.815003,2.5333 -72.01667,20.27997 -72.01667,38.02664 -72.01667,55.77331 -72.01667,73.51998 -72.01667,91.26665 -72.01667,109.01332 -72.01667,126.75999 -72.01667,144.50666 -72.01667,162.25333 -72.01667,-180 -72.01667))", "dataset_titles": "Ice Core Chemistry from the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica, IPY 2007-2009; Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica; This data set contains data from the publication Steig et al., Nature Geoscience, vol. 6, pages 372\u00e2\u20ac\u201c375 (doi:10.1038/ngeo1778), which includes isotope data from the Norway-US traverse in East Antarctica.", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001305", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "NSIDC", "science_program": null, "title": "This data set contains data from the publication Steig et al., Nature Geoscience, vol. 6, pages 372\u00e2\u20ac\u201c375 (doi:10.1038/ngeo1778), which includes isotope data from the Norway-US traverse in East Antarctica.", "url": "http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0536.html"}, {"dataset_uid": "000112", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Project website", "science_program": null, "title": "Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica", "url": "http://traverse.npolar.no/"}, {"dataset_uid": "609520", "doi": "10.7265/N5H41PC9", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; East Antarctica; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records", "people": "McConnell, Joseph", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Ice Core Chemistry from the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica, IPY 2007-2009", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609520"}], "date_created": "Wed, 23 Feb 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project of scientific investigations along two overland traverses in East Antarctica: one going from the Norwegian Troll Station (72deg. S, 2deg. E) to the United States South Pole Station (90deg. S, 0deg. E) in 2007-2008; and a return traverse starting at South Pole Station and ending at Troll Station by a different route in 2008-2009. The project will investigate climate change in East Antarctica, with the goals of understanding climate variability in Dronning Maud Land of East Antarctica on time scales of years to centuries and determining the surface and net mass balance of the ice sheet in this sector to understand its impact on sea level. The project will also investigate the impact of atmospheric and oceanic variability and human activities on the chemical composition of firn and ice in the region, and will revisit areas and sites first explored by traverses in the 1960\u0027s, for detection of possible changes and to establish benchmark datasets for future research efforts. In terms of broader impacts, the results of this study will add to understanding of climate variability in East Antarctica and its contribution to global sea level change. The project includes international exchange of graduate students between the institutions involved and international education of undergraduate students through classes taught by the PI\u0027s at UNIS in Svalbard. It involves extensive outreach to the general public both in Scandinavia and North America through the press, television, science museums, children\u0027s literature, and web sites. Active knowledge sharing and collaboration between pioneers in Antarctic glaciology from Norway and the US, with the international group of scientists and students involved in this project, provide a unique opportunity to explore the changes that half a century have made in climate proxies from East Antarctica, scientific tools, and the culture and people of science. The project is relevant to the International Polar Year (IPY) since it is a genuine collaboration between nations: the scientists involved have complementary expertise, and the logistics involved relies on assets unique to each nation. It is truly an endeavor that neither nation could accomplish alone. This project is a part of the Trans- Antarctic Scientific Traverse Expeditions Ice Divide of East Antarctica (TASTE-IDEA) which is also part of IPY.", "east": 2.5333, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CORERS \u003e CORING DEVICES; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e GPR; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMISTORS \u003e THERMISTORS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e FLUOROMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e PHOTOMETERS \u003e SPECTROPHOTOMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD INVESTIGATION; East Antarctic Plateau; FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS; Glaciology; LABORATORY; FIELD SURVEYS; Permeability; Ice Core; Climate Variability; Firn; Accumulation Rate; Mass Balance; Snow; Gravity; Ice Sheet; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Traverse; Not provided; Antarctic; Ice Core Chemistry; Antarctica; Density", "locations": "Antarctica; Antarctic; East Antarctic Plateau", "north": -72.01667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Courville, Zoe; Bell, Eric; Liston, Glen; Scambos, Ted; Hamilton, Gordon S.; McConnell, Joseph; Albert, Mary R.; Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "NSIDC", "repositories": "NSIDC; Project website; USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Norwegian-United States IPY Scientific Traverse: Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica", "uid": "p0000095", "west": 2.5333}, {"awards": "0337567 Jacobel, Robert", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((130 -78,133 -78,136 -78,139 -78,142 -78,145 -78,148 -78,151 -78,154 -78,157 -78,160 -78,160 -79.2,160 -80.4,160 -81.6,160 -82.8,160 -84,160 -85.2,160 -86.4,160 -87.6,160 -88.8,160 -90,157 -90,154 -90,151 -90,148 -90,145 -90,142 -90,139 -90,136 -90,133 -90,130 -90,130 -88.8,130 -87.6,130 -86.4,130 -85.2,130 -84,130 -82.8,130 -81.6,130 -80.4,130 -79.2,130 -78))", "dataset_titles": "Glaciological Investigations of the Bulge and Trunk of Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica; Radar Studies of Internal Stratigraphy and Bed Topography along the US ITASE-II Traverse", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609380", "doi": "10.7265/N5ZC80SH", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; Kamb Ice Stream", "people": "Jacobel, Robert", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Glaciological Investigations of the Bulge and Trunk of Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609380"}, {"dataset_uid": "609475", "doi": "10.7265/N5G73BMS", "keywords": "Antarctica; Elevation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Thickness; ITASE; South Pole; Taylor Dome", "people": "Jacobel, Robert", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "Radar Studies of Internal Stratigraphy and Bed Topography along the US ITASE-II Traverse", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609475"}], "date_created": "Wed, 20 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to test whether Kamb Ice Stream (formerly Ice Stream C (ISC)), an ice stream\u003cbr/\u003ethat is thought to have stopped ~150 years ago, may be already in the process of restarting. If yes, it will help establish what is the rate of ice stream reactivation and what mechanisms are controlling this rate. If there is no evidence for ongoing ice stream reactivation, the physical controls that are preventing it will be examined and alternative scenarios for near-future evolution of this ice stream will be explored. One such scenario is an increase in ice diversion toward the neighboring Whillans Ice Stream. Such diversion may help prevent a complete stoppage of Whillans Ice Stream,which has been slowing down for at least the last 24 years. This project will consist of two components: (1) field observations of bed properties,geometry of internal radar reflectors, as well as surface strain rates and velocity/topography changes using Ice-Penetrating Radar and differential Global Positioning System, (2) numerical modeling study of near future(~100-1000 years) evolution of Kamb Ice Stream. The field component will be focused on the bulge-to-trunk transition, which is located at the present time just downstream of the so-called camp UpC. Reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream should be reflected in a downstream migration of the bulge-trunk transition at possibly high rates (bulge migration rates of ~km/yr occur on surging mountain glaciers). The modeling\u003cbr/\u003ecomponent will be used to generate predictions regarding the near-future behavior of Kamb Ice Stream. This project will provide training opportunities for at least two undergraduate students (per year) at St. Olaf College and for one\u003cbr/\u003eundergraduate student (per year) at UCSC. This collaboration will bring together scientists from three different types of US institutions: (1) a liberal arts college (St.Olaf College), (2) a public research university (UCSC) and (3) a NASA research laboratory (JPL). The project will also help build a new glaciological research program at UCSC. Project results will be incorporated into undergraduate and graduate courses at UCSC and will be made available\u003cbr/\u003eto the general public and educators through downloadable graphics and animations posted on the research website of the UCSC PI. Field data resulting from the project will be posted in the Antarctic Glaciological Data Center for use by other investigators.", "east": 160.0, "geometry": "POINT(145 -84)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR ECHO SOUNDERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice; Antarctic Glaciations; Radar; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Radar Echo Sounder; Ice Sheet Thickness; Ice Stream; Ice Sheet Elevation; Not provided; Radar Echo Sounding; Ice Stratigraphy; Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Continental Ice Sheet; Ice Cap; Antarctic; US ITASE; FIELD SURVEYS; Ice Thickness; FIELD INVESTIGATION", "locations": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -78.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Jacobel, Robert", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Is Ice Stream C Restarting? Glaciological Investigations of the \u0027Bulge\u0027 and the Trunk of Ice Stream C, West Antartica", "uid": "p0000192", "west": 130.0}, {"awards": "0338346 Cande, Steven; 0338317 Stock, Joann", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-179.9987 71.33822,-143.998893 71.33822,-107.999086 71.33822,-71.999279 71.33822,-35.999472 71.33822,0.000334999999978 71.33822,36.000142 71.33822,71.999949 71.33822,107.999756 71.33822,143.999563 71.33822,179.99937 71.33822,179.99937 59.8431,179.99937 48.34798,179.99937 36.85286,179.99937 25.35774,179.99937 13.86262,179.99937 2.3675,179.99937 -9.12762,179.99937 -20.62274,179.99937 -32.11786,179.99937 -43.61298,143.999563 -43.61298,107.999756 -43.61298,71.999949 -43.61298,36.000142 -43.61298,0.000335000000007 -43.61298,-35.999472 -43.61298,-71.999279 -43.61298,-107.999086 -43.61298,-143.998893 -43.61298,-179.9987 -43.61298,-179.9987 -32.11786,-179.9987 -20.62274,-179.9987 -9.12762,-179.9987 2.3675,-179.9987 13.86262,-179.9987 25.35774,-179.9987 36.85286,-179.9987 48.34798,-179.9987 59.8431,-179.9987 71.33822))", "dataset_titles": "Expedition Data; Expedition data of NBP0501", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001577", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0602"}, {"dataset_uid": "001652", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0406"}, {"dataset_uid": "001690", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0304B"}, {"dataset_uid": "001561", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0607A"}, {"dataset_uid": "001557", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0607C"}, {"dataset_uid": "001609", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0501B"}, {"dataset_uid": "001691", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0304C"}, {"dataset_uid": "001512", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0804"}, {"dataset_uid": "001660", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0403"}, {"dataset_uid": "002627", "doi": null, "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition data of NBP0501", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0501"}, {"dataset_uid": "001692", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0304D"}, {"dataset_uid": "001587", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP0507"}], "date_created": "Tue, 04 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project will utilize the R/VIB Nathaniel B. Palmer\u0027s transit cruises to collect marine geophysical data on targets-of-opportunity in the southern oceans. Because the Palmer generally traverses regions only sparsely surveyed with geophysical instruments, this project represents a cost-effective way to collect important new data. The work\u0027s focus is expanding our knowledge of plate motion histories for the Antarctic and surrounding plates. The ultimate goals are improving global plate reconstructions and gaining new insight into general plate kinematics and dynamics and lithospheric rheology. Only slight deviations from the straight routes are required, and we expect to operate on one cruise per year over the three years of the project. The first cruise from New Zealand to Chile will survey a flow line of Pacific-Antarctic plate motion along the Menard fracture zone, which crosses the East Pacific Rise at ~50 S latitude. Swath bathymetry, gravity, magnetics, and a small amount of seismic reflection profiling will be collected to determine the exact trace of the fracture zone and its relationship to the associated gravity anomaly seen in shipboard and satellite radar altimetry data. These observations are critical for precise plate reconstructions, and will provide GPS-navigated locations of a major fracture zone near the northern end of the Pacific-Antarctic boundary. These data will be used in combination with similar data from the Pitman fracture zone at the southwestern end of the plate boundary and magnetic anomalies from previous cruises near the Menard fracture zone to improve high-precision plate reconstructions and evaluate the limits of internal deformation of the Pacific and Antarctic plates. The science plan for cruises in following years will be designed once transit schedules are set. In terms of broader impacts, we plan to teach an on-board marine geophysics class to graduate and undergraduate students on two cruises. The class consists of daily classroom lectures about the instruments and data; several hours per day of watch standing and data processing; and work by each student on an independent research project. We expect to accommodate 15 students per class, including participants from primarily undergraduate institutions with high minority enrollments.", "east": 179.99937, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e CTD; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e MAGNETIC/MOTION SENSORS \u003e GRAVIMETERS \u003e GRAVIMETERS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PHOTON/OPTICAL DETECTORS \u003e TURBIDITY METERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e POSITIONING/NAVIGATION \u003e GPS \u003e GPS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e ADCP; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS \u003e MSBS; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SAMPLERS \u003e BOTTLES/FLASKS/JARS \u003e WATER BOTTLES", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "R/V NBP", "locations": null, "north": 71.33822, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Croon, Marcel; Stock, Joann; Miller, Alisa; Cande, Steven; Gordon, Arnold", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "R2R", "science_programs": null, "south": -43.61298, "title": "Collaborative Research: Collection of Marine Geophysical Data on Transits of the Nathaniel B. Palmer", "uid": "p0000121", "west": -179.9987}, {"awards": "0440414 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))", "dataset_titles": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "600042", "doi": "10.15784/600042", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Climate; Cryosphere; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; ITASE; Meteorology; Paleoclimate; Satellite Remote Sensing; Weather Station Data", "people": "Steig, Eric J.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/600042"}], "date_created": "Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to obtain stable isotope profiles from shallow (\u003c100 m) ice cores from East Antarctica, to add to the growing database of environmental proxy data collected under the auspices of the \"ITASE\" (International TransAntarctic Scientific Expedition) program. In Antarctica, the instrumental record of climate is particularly short (~40 years except in a few isolated locations on the coast), and ice core proxy data are the only means available for extending this record into the past. The use of stable isotopes of water (18-O/16-O and D/H ratios) from ice cores as proxies for temperature is well established for both very short (i.e. seasonal) and long timescales (centuries, millennia). Using multivariate regression methods and shallow ice cores from West Antarctica, a reconstruction of Antarctic climate over the last ~150 years has been developed which suggests the continent has been warming, on average, at a rate of ~0.2 K/century. Further improving these reconstructions is the chief motivation for further extending the US ITASE project. Ten to fifteen shallow (~ 100 m) from Victoria Land, East Antarctica will be obtained and analyzed. The core will be collected along a traverse route beginning at Taylor Dome and ending at the South Pole. Age-depth relationships for the cores will be determined through a combination of stable isotopes, visual stratigraphy and seasonal chemical signatures and marker horizons. Reconstructions of Antarctic climate obtained from these cores will be incorporated into the global network of paleoclimate information, which has been important in science, policy and educational contexts. The project will include graduate student and postdoctoral training and field experience.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": "POINT(0 -89.999)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "FIELD SURVEYS", "locations": null, "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites", "uid": "p0000202", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "9814810 Bales, Roger", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-124 -76,-120 -76,-116 -76,-112 -76,-108 -76,-104 -76,-100 -76,-96 -76,-92 -76,-88 -76,-84 -76,-84 -77.4,-84 -78.8,-84 -80.2,-84 -81.6,-84 -83,-84 -84.4,-84 -85.8,-84 -87.2,-84 -88.6,-84 -90,-88 -90,-92 -90,-96 -90,-100 -90,-104 -90,-108 -90,-112 -90,-116 -90,-120 -90,-124 -90,-124 -88.6,-124 -87.2,-124 -85.8,-124 -84.4,-124 -83,-124 -81.6,-124 -80.2,-124 -78.8,-124 -77.4,-124 -76))", "dataset_titles": "Atmospheric Mixing Ratios of Hydroperoxides above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from West Antarctica", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609394", "doi": "10.7265/N5PZ56RS", "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; ITASE; WAIS", "people": "Bales, Roger; McConnell, Joseph; Frey, Markus", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Atmospheric Mixing Ratios of Hydroperoxides above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609394"}, {"dataset_uid": "609392", "doi": "10.7265/N5TM7826", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Ice Core Records; Paleoclimate; WAIS", "people": "Frey, Markus; Bales, Roger; McConnell, Joseph", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from West Antarctica", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609392"}], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to improve understanding of atmospheric photochemistry over West Antarctica, as recorded in snow, firn and ice. Atmospheric and firn sampling will be undertaken as part of the U.S. International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) traverses. Measurements of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and formaldehyde (HCHO) will be made on these samples and a recently developed, physically based atmosphere-to-snow transfer model will be used to relate photochemical model estimates of these components to the concentrations of these parameters in the atmosphere and snow. The efficiency of atmosphere-to-snow transfer and the preservation of these components is strongly related to the rate and timing of snow accumulation. This information will be obtained by analyzing the concentration of seasonally dependent species such as hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid and stable isotopes of oxygen. Collection of samples along the US ITASE traverses will allow sampling at a wide variety of locations, reflecting both a number of different depositional environments and covering much of the West Antarctic region.", "east": -84.0, "geometry": "POINT(-104 -83)", "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e FLUORESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e CHEMICAL METERS/ANALYZERS \u003e GAS SENSORS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice Core; Ice Core Chemistry; FIELD INVESTIGATION; FIELD SURVEYS; Antarctica; West Antarctica; Antarctic; LABORATORY; Ice Core Gas Records; Not provided; Ice Core Data; Polar Firn Air; Hydrogen Peroxide; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Shallow Firn Air; US ITASE; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Snow Chemistry", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctica; Antarctic; Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -76.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bales, Roger; Frey, Markus; McConnell, Joseph", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Sub-Annual Snow Accumulation in West Antarctica: Participation in West Antarctic Traverse", "uid": "p0000253", "west": -124.0}, {"awards": "0440304 Jacobel, Robert", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "U.S. International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition web pages", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "000108", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "Project website", "science_program": null, "title": "U.S. International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition web pages", "url": "http://www2.umaine.edu/USITASE/index.html"}], "date_created": "Tue, 13 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to perform ice radar studies of bedrock topography and internal layers along the second US ITASE traverse corridor extending from Taylor Dome to South Pole on the inland side of the Transantarctic Mountains. The radar will provide information immediately available in the field on ice thickness and internal layer structure to help in the selection of core sites as the traverse proceeds. These data will also be useful in locating additional radar and surface studies to characterize the drainage divides between major outlet glaciers flowing through the mountains and possible changes in them through time. Information from the radar on bed roughness and basal reflectivity, together with images of internal layer deformation will enable us to study changes in the character of ice flow as tributaries merge to trunk flow and velocities increase. Areas where wind scour and sublimation have brought old ice close to the surface will be investigated. Based on our results from the first ITASE traverse, it is also likely that there will be findings of opportunity, phenomena we have not anticipated that are revealed by the radar as the result of a discovery-based traverse. The interdisciplinary science goals of US ITASE are designed to accommodate a variety of interactive research programs and data collected are available to a broad scientific community. US ITASE also supports an extensive program of public outreach and the education and training of future scientists will be central to all activities of this proposal. St. Olaf College is an undergraduate liberal arts institution that emphasizes student participation in scientific research. This award supports two undergraduate students as well as a research associate and a graduate student who will be part of the US ITASE field team.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR ECHO SOUNDERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e GPR", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "US ITASE; Stratigraphy; Radar; Antarctica; FIELD SURVEYS; Us Itase Ii; Bed Topography; Not provided; Internal Layers; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Taylor Dome; Transantarctic Mountains; West Antarctica; Traverse", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctica; Transantarctic Mountains; Taylor Dome", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Jacobel, Robert", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided", "repo": "Project website", "repositories": "Project website", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Radar Studies of Internal Stratigraphy and Bed Topography along the US ITASE-II Traverse", "uid": "p0000116", "west": null}, {"awards": "0229573 Mayewski, Paul", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Antarctic Mean Annual Temperature Map", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609318", "doi": "10.7265/N51C1TTV", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Temperature", "people": "Dixon, Daniel A.", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Antarctic Mean Annual Temperature Map", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609318"}], "date_created": "Wed, 04 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a science management office for a pilot ice-core drilling and analysis program to test the feasibility of obtaining well-dated, high-resolution isotope and chemistry records from East Antarctica. Shallow ice cores will be obtained from two locations: 1) ~100 km from South Pole towards the Pole of Inaccessibility, as an extension of the Byrd Station-to-South Pole ITASE traverse [International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition]; 2) at Taylor Dome, near the original deep coring site, and (3) possibly at AGO 3 and AGO 4 as part of a logistics traverse to these sites. All of the cores collected will be sampled at very high resolution (~1/2 cm) and analyzed for major ions. Results from this calibration work, along with those from another project that is analyzing stable isotopes will be used to help plan a program of larger scope, with the objective of mapping the spatial expression of climate variability in East Antarctica. Funds are also provided to organize a community workshop for coordination of the second phase of US ITASE and for one workshop per year for two years dedicated to writing and preparation of scientific papers from phase one of US ITASE. In addition, route selection activities for the follow-on traverse activities in East Antarctica will be conducted using satellite image mapping. A summary document will be produced and made available to the community to help with planning of related field programs (e.g. deep ice radar, firn radar profiling, atmospheric chemistry, ice coring, snow surface properties for satellite observations, ice surface elevation and mass balance).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMOCOUPLES \u003e THERMOCOUPLES; IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY SENSORS \u003e THERMOMETERS \u003e THERMOMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctica; FIELD INVESTIGATION; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Antarctic; Temperature; East Antarctic Plateau; FIELD SURVEYS; Antarctica; Not provided", "locations": "Antarctic; Antarctica; Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctica; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; East Antarctic Plateau", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Dixon, Daniel A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; Not provided", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "A Science Management Office for the U. S. Component of the International Trans Antarctic Expedition (US ITASE SMO)A Collaborative Pgrm of Research from S. Pole to N. Victoria Land", "uid": "p0000199", "west": null}, {"awards": "0230378 Kanagaratnam, Pannirselvam", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-112.224 -79.3385,-112.1245 -79.3385,-112.025 -79.3385,-111.9255 -79.3385,-111.826 -79.3385,-111.7265 -79.3385,-111.627 -79.3385,-111.5275 -79.3385,-111.428 -79.3385,-111.3285 -79.3385,-111.229 -79.3385,-111.229 -79.35475,-111.229 -79.371,-111.229 -79.38725,-111.229 -79.4035,-111.229 -79.41975,-111.229 -79.436,-111.229 -79.45225,-111.229 -79.4685,-111.229 -79.48475,-111.229 -79.501,-111.3285 -79.501,-111.428 -79.501,-111.5275 -79.501,-111.627 -79.501,-111.7265 -79.501,-111.826 -79.501,-111.9255 -79.501,-112.025 -79.501,-112.1245 -79.501,-112.224 -79.501,-112.224 -79.48475,-112.224 -79.4685,-112.224 -79.45225,-112.224 -79.436,-112.224 -79.41975,-112.224 -79.4035,-112.224 -79.38725,-112.224 -79.371,-112.224 -79.35475,-112.224 -79.3385))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Wed, 18 Oct 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to build and test a 12-18 GHz radar system with a plane wave antenna. This is a wideband radar operating over a frequency range of 12 to 18 GHz to detect near-surface internal firn layers of the ice sheet with better than 10 cm resolution to a depth of approximately 7 m. These measurements will allow determination of spatially continuous snow accumulation rate in the firn, which would be useful along a traverse and is of critical importance to the validation of CryoSat and ICESAT satellite missions aimed at assessing the current state of mass balance of the polar ice sheets. The antenna system planned for the radar is relatively compact, and will be located on the sledge carrying the radar systems. The broad scientific focus of this project will be to investigate important glacial processes relevant to ice sheet mass balance. The new radar will allow the characterization (with high depth resolution) of the spatial variability of snow accumulation rate along a traverse route for interpreting data from CryoSat and ICESAT missions. As part of this project, we will institute a strong outreach program involving K-12 education and a minority institution of higher education. We currently work closely with the Advanced Learning Technology Program (ALTec) at the University of Kansas to develop interactive, resource-based lessons for use on-line by students of all grade levels, and we will develop new resources related to this project. We currently have an active research and education collaboration with faculty and undergraduate students at neighboring Haskell Indian Nations University, in Lawrence, Kansas, and we will expand our collaboration to include this project.", "east": -111.229, "geometry": "POINT(-111.7265 -79.41975)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e GPR", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Firn; Cryosat; Plane Wave Antenna; Glacial Processes; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; Icesat; FIELD INVESTIGATION; Radar; LABORATORY; Snow Accumulation; Mass Balance; FIELD SURVEYS", "locations": null, "north": -79.3385, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Kanagaratnam, Pannirselvam; Braaten, David; Bauer, Rob", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD INVESTIGATION; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e FIELD SITES \u003e FIELD SURVEYS; LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Not provided; OTHER \u003e PHYSICAL MODELS \u003e LABORATORY", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -79.501, "title": "High Resolution Ice Thickness and Plane Wave Mapping of Near-Surface Layers", "uid": "p0000731", "west": -112.224}, {"awards": "0126149 Liu, Hongxing", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Access to Antarctic coastline coverage and reference documents; Access to Antarctic snow zone coverage and reference documents; Access to boundary file and reference documents; Access to ice velocity data and reference documents; Access to snow melt extent image files and reference documents", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "001352", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Access to Antarctic snow zone coverage and reference documents", "url": "http://geog.tamu.edu/~liu/research/download.htm"}, {"dataset_uid": "001779", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Access to ice velocity data and reference documents", "url": "http://geog.tamu.edu/~liu/research/download.htm"}, {"dataset_uid": "001640", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Access to snow melt extent image files and reference documents", "url": "http://geog.tamu.edu/~liu/research/download.htm"}, {"dataset_uid": "001350", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Access to boundary file and reference documents", "url": "http://geog.tamu.edu/~liu/research/download.htm"}, {"dataset_uid": "001351", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "PI website", "science_program": null, "title": "Access to Antarctic coastline coverage and reference documents", "url": "http://geog.tamu.edu/~liu/research/download.htm"}], "date_created": "Tue, 15 Aug 2006 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to characterize the morphology, ice motion velocity and mass balance of Lambert Glacier, Antarctica using state-of-the-art remote sensing and GIS techniques. Lambert Glacier is the largest ice stream in the world. Because of its size, it plays a fundamental role in the study of glacial dynamics and mass budget in response to present and future climate changes. Along with the bedrock topography and ice thickness data derived from airborne radio echo soundings and snow accumulation data compiled from ground-based measurements, the dynamic behavior and mass balance of the Lambert glacial basin in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment will be examined. Specific objectives are to: (1) Extract two-dimensional ice velocity field over the entire Lambert glacial basin using speckle matching and differential interferometric SAR (InSAR) techniques, and produce a full coverage of radar coherence map over the drainage basin. With the ice velocity data, calculate the strain rate field from the initiation areas of the ice stream onto the Amery Ice Shelf; (2) Derive high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) over the Lambert glacial drainage basin using SAR stereo, differential interferometric SAR, and GLAS laser altimetry techniques. Based on the DEM, extract ice divides and ice flow directions, delineate the snow catchment basin, and calculate the balance deformation velocity and the basal shear stress; (3) Interpolate traverse ice thickness data collected by Australian and Russian airborne radio echo sounding surveys into a regular grid, and derive a regular grid of bedrock topography in combination with the DEM; (4) Integrate newly derived ice velocity and ice thickness data as well as snow accumulation rate data compiled from previous ground-based measurements into a geographic information system (GIS), and calculate the mass flux through the ice stream at the grounding lines and net mass balance throughout the drainage basin. With these new measurements and calculations derived from advanced remote sensing techniques, we will be able to improve our understanding of dynamic behavior and current mass balance status of the Lambert glacial basin, gain an insight on the relationship between ice mass change and the variation in regional and global climate at decadal scale, and provide an evaluation on the issue of whether the Lambert glacier basin is subject to surging in the context of future climate change.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e IMAGING SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e SMMR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e IMAGING SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e SSM/I; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e IMAGING RADARS \u003e IFSAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e IMAGING RADARS \u003e SAR", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "DEM; Not provided; RADARSAT-1", "locations": null, "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Liu, Hongxing; Jezek, Kenneth", "platforms": "Not provided; OTHER \u003e MODELS \u003e DEM; SPACE-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES \u003e RADARSAT \u003e RADARSAT-1", "repo": "PI website", "repositories": "PI website", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "High-Resolution Modeling of Surface Topography, Ice Motion, and Mass Balance in the Lambert Glacial Basin using Radar Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques", "uid": "p0000204", "west": null}, {"awards": "0088035 Arcone, Steven", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-135 -75,-130.5 -75,-126 -75,-121.5 -75,-117 -75,-112.5 -75,-108 -75,-103.5 -75,-99 -75,-94.5 -75,-90 -75,-90 -76.5,-90 -78,-90 -79.5,-90 -81,-90 -82.5,-90 -84,-90 -85.5,-90 -87,-90 -88.5,-90 -90,-94.5 -90,-99 -90,-103.5 -90,-108 -90,-112.5 -90,-117 -90,-121.5 -90,-126 -90,-130.5 -90,-135 -90,-135 -88.5,-135 -87,-135 -85.5,-135 -84,-135 -82.5,-135 -81,-135 -79.5,-135 -78,-135 -76.5,-135 -75))", "dataset_titles": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition 400 MHz Subsurface Radar Profiles; US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE): GPR Profiles and Accumulation Mapping", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609269", "doi": "10.7265/N5GH9FV6", "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPR; ITASE; WAIS", "people": "Kaspari, Susan; Arcone, Steven; Mayewski, Paul A.; Hamilton, Gordon S.; Spikes, Vandy Blue", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE): GPR Profiles and Accumulation Mapping", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609269"}, {"dataset_uid": "609254", "doi": "10.7265/N58050J7", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Antarctica; Elevation; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; ITASE; Radar; WAIS", "people": "Arcone, Steven", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition 400 MHz Subsurface Radar Profiles", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609254"}], "date_created": "Sun, 01 May 2005 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports continued acquisition of high resolution, radar reflection profiles of the snow and ice stratigraphy between core sites planned along traverse routes of the U.S. component of the International\u003cbr/\u003eTrans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (U.S.-ITASE). The purpose is to use the profiles to establish the structure and continuity of firn stratigraphic horizons over hundreds of kilometers and to quantitatively\u003cbr/\u003eassess topographic and ice movement effects upon snow deposition. Other objectives are to establish the climatic extent that a single site represents and to investigate the cause of firn reflections. The radar\u003cbr/\u003ewill also be used to identify crevasses ahead of the traverse vehicles in order to protect the safety of the scientists and support personnel on the traverse. Collaboration with other ITASE investigators will use the radar horizons as continuous isochronic references fixed by the core dating to calculate historical snow accumulation rates. The primary radar system uses 400-MHz (center frequency) short-pulse antennas, which (with processing) gives the penetration of 50-70 meters. This is the depth which is required to exceed the 200-year deposition horizon along the traverse routes. Profiles at 200 MHz will also be recorded if depths greater than 70 meters are of interest. Processing will be accomplished by data compression (stacking) to reveal long distance stratigraphic deformation, range gain corrections to give proper weight to signal amplitudes, and GPS corrections to adjust the records for the present ice sheet topography. Near surface stratigraphy will allow topographic and ice movement effects to be separated. This work is critical to the success of the U.S.-ITASE program.", "east": -90.0, "geometry": "POINT(-112.5 -82.5)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR ECHO SOUNDERS; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e GPR", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Ice; Radar Echo Sounder; USAP-DC; US ITASE; Ice Cover; West Antarctic Ice Sheet; Snow Accumulation; CRREL; Antarctic Ice Sheet; Radar; Ice Surveys; ITASE; Ice Sheet; Radar Echo Sounding; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Ice Thickness; Mass Balance", "locations": "Antarctic Ice Sheet; West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Spikes, Vandy Blue; Arcone, Steven; Kaspari, Susan; Hamilton, Gordon S.; Mayewski, Paul A.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "High Resolution Radar Profiling of the Snow and Ice Stratigraphy beneath the ITASE Traverses, West Antarctic Ice Sheet", "uid": "p0000146", "west": -135.0}, {"awards": "9814574 Jacobel, Robert", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-120 -80,-115.6 -80,-111.2 -80,-106.8 -80,-102.4 -80,-98 -80,-93.6 -80,-89.2 -80,-84.8 -80,-80.4 -80,-76 -80,-76 -81,-76 -82,-76 -83,-76 -84,-76 -85,-76 -86,-76 -87,-76 -88,-76 -89,-76 -90,-80.4 -90,-84.8 -90,-89.2 -90,-93.6 -90,-98 -90,-102.4 -90,-106.8 -90,-111.2 -90,-115.6 -90,-120 -90,-120 -89,-120 -88,-120 -87,-120 -86,-120 -85,-120 -84,-120 -83,-120 -82,-120 -81,-120 -80))", "dataset_titles": "Ice Thickness and Internal Layer Depth Along the 2001 and 2002 US ITASE Traverses", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609264", "doi": "10.7265/N5R20Z9T", "keywords": "Airborne Radar; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; ITASE; WAIS", "people": "Welch, Brian; Jacobel, Robert", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": "ITASE", "title": "Ice Thickness and Internal Layer Depth Along the 2001 and 2002 US ITASE Traverses", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609264"}], "date_created": "Fri, 08 Apr 2005 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a program of radar studies of internal stratigraphy and bedrock topography along the traverses for the U.S. component of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE). The radar will provide information immediately available in the field on ice thickness and internal layer structure to help in the selection of core sites as the traverse proceeds. These data will also be useful in siting deeper millennial scale cores planned at less frequent intervals along the traverse, and in the selection of the location for the deep inland core planned for the future. In addition to continuous coverage along the traverse route, more detailed studies on a grid surrounding each of the core locations will be made to better characterize accumulation and bedrock topography in each area. This proposal is complimentary to the one submitted by the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), which proposes a high frequency radar to examine the shallower portion of the record down to approximately 60 meters, including the presence of near-surface crevasses. The radar proposed herein is most sensitive at depths below 60 meters and can depict deep bedrock and internal layers to a substantial fraction of the ice thickness.", "east": -76.0, "geometry": "POINT(-98 -85)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR; EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR SOUNDERS \u003e RADAR ECHO SOUNDERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "US ITASE; Traverses; West Antarctica; Radar Echo Sounder; GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS; Radar Echo Sounding; Antarctica; Depth; Ice Thickness; Radar", "locations": "Antarctica; West Antarctica", "north": -80.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "paleo_time": "PHANEROZOIC \u003e CENOZOIC \u003e QUATERNARY \u003e HOLOCENE", "persons": "Jacobel, Robert; Welch, Brian", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "Radar Studies of Internal Stratigraphy and Bedrock Topography along the US ITASE Traverse", "uid": "p0000595", "west": -120.0}, {"awards": "9222121 Dalziel, Ian", "bounds_geometry": null, "dataset_titles": "Concentration and Isotopic Composition of O2 and N2 in Trapped Gases of the Vostok Ice Core", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "609107", "doi": "10.7265/N5862DCW", "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Geochemistry; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Lake Vostok; Paleoclimate; UPLC-Q-TOF; Vostok Ice Core", "people": "Bender, Michael", "repository": "USAP-DC", "science_program": null, "title": "Concentration and Isotopic Composition of O2 and N2 in Trapped Gases of the Vostok Ice Core", "url": "https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/609107"}], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports an in situ and short traverse seismic reflection/refraction and magnetotelluric experiment in West Antarctica. This collaborative experiment involves four awards at four institutions. The four-fold purpose is 1) to investigate part of the Byrd Subglacial Basin, 2) to test techniques for this work that could be done in a long traverse, 3) to determine the viability of the magnetotelluric method on a thick (electrically resistive) ice sheet, and 4) to evaluate the relative merits of refraction with wide reflection versus reflection with narrow refraction seismic studies in imaging the lithosphere. The geophysical techniques that will be employed are capable of imaging the ice sheet, the continental lithosphere, and the upper mantle, as well as determining physical properties of parts of the lithosphere and mantle. Investigations of outcrop geology over the last thirty years in West Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains have lead to recent interpretations that the crust is made up of many different lithospheric blocks. Seismic reflection work is the only way to image the crust in detail and the refraction work is the only way to determine physical properties of the layers and blocks defined by the reflection work. The magnetotelluric work is scientifically risky because it may not yield useful information when used over the electrically resistive ice sheet; however, if it works it has the potential to image molten rock in the crust and upper mantle. In a continental rift region such as West Antarctica, the presence of melt in the lithosphere is likely and, if documented, has very important ramifications to ice sheet dynamics. Research work supported by this award is expected to provide constraints to models of a range of crustal processes from models of ice sheet dynamics to tectonic and kinematic models of lithospheric thinning and rifting.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "instruments": "IN SITU/LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS \u003e SPECTROMETERS/RADIOMETERS \u003e MASS SPECTROMETERS", "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Isotope; Vostok; USAP-DC; Antarctica; Trapped Gases; Ice Core; Glaciology; Nitrogen; GROUND STATIONS", "locations": "Antarctica; Vostok", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Bender, Michael; Dalziel, Ian W.", "platforms": "LAND-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e PERMANENT LAND SITES \u003e GROUND STATIONS", "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Collaborative Research: Seismic Traverse of the Byrd Subglacial Basin-Field Test", "uid": "p0000150", "west": null}]
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The response of the Antarctic ice sheet to climate change is a central issue in projecting global sea-level rise. While much attention is focused on the ongoing rapid changes at the coastal margin of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, obtaining records of past ice-sheet and climate change is the only way to constrain how an ice sheet changes over millennial timescales. Whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period (~130,000 to 116,000 years ago), when temperatures were slightly warmer than today, remains a major unsolved problem in Antarctic glaciology. Hercules Dome is an ice divide located at the intersection of the East Antarctic and West Antarctic ice sheets. It is ideally situated to record the glaciological and climatic effects of changes in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This project will establish whether Hercules Dome experienced major changes in flow due to changes in the elevation of the two ice sheets. The project will also ascertain whether Hercules Domes is a suitable site from which to recover climate records from the last interglacial period. These records could be used to determine whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during that period. The project will support two early-career researchers and train students at the University of Washington. Results will be communicated through outreach programs in coordination the Ice Drilling Project Office, the University of Washington's annual Polar Science Weekend in Seattle, and art-science collaboration.<br/><br/>This project will develop a history of ice dynamics at the intersection of the East and West Antarctic ice sheets, and ascertain whether the site is suitable for a deep ice-coring operation. Ice divides provide a unique opportunity to assess the stability of past ice flow. The low deviatoric stresses and non-linearity of ice flow causes an arch (a "Raymond Bump") in the internal layers beneath a stable ice divide. This information can be used to determine the duration of steady ice flow. Due to the slow horizontal ice-flow velocities, ice divides also preserve old ice with internal layering that reflects past flow conditions caused by divide migration. Hercules Dome is an ice divide that is well positioned to retain information of past variations in the geometry of both the East and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. This dome is also the most promising location at which to recover an ice core that can be used to determine whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period. Limited ice-penetrating radar data collected along a previous scientific surface traverse indicate well-preserved englacial stratigraphy and evidence suggestive of a Raymond Bump, but the previous survey was not sufficiently extensive to allow thorough characterization or determination of past changes in ice dynamics. This project will conduct a dedicated survey to map the englacial stratigraphy and subglacial topography as well as basal properties at Hercules Dome. The project will use ground-based ice-penetrating radar to 1) image internal layers and the ice-sheet basal interface, 2) accurately measure englacial attenuation, and 3) determine englacial vertical strain rates. The radar data will be combined with GPS observations for detailed topography and surface velocities and ice-flow modeling to constrain the basal characteristics and the history of past ice flow.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
The deep polar cap is unique in that it contains "open" magnetic field lines connecting directly to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). These provide a direct pathway for solar wind energy into the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Important on large scales is the spatial extent of the polar cap, controlled by ionospheric convection and demarcated by the OCB. Observations of that boundary serve the important role of validating magnetic field models. In addition, ULF waves in the polar cap may be related to direct penetration of solar wind. Ionospheric density enhancement, tongue of ionization (TOI), and irregularities causing RF signal scintillations in the polar cap are very important and yet underexplored areas of studies. Motivated by the compelling science in the underexplored polar region, we propose to investigate M-I coupling processes, ionospheric irregularities inside the polar cap and their space weather impacts by establishing a new ground-based network that will be deployed in the Antarctic polar cap region. The goal of this investigation is to establish a spatially extensive ground-based observational record of coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (M-I) dynamics in the deep polar cap. This is to be achieved using three new Autonomous Geophysical Observatories (AGOs) along the Jang Bogo – Dome C supply route (deployment and maintenance paid for by Korea Polar Research Institute – KOPRI).
The Siple Coast in West Antarctica has undergone significant glacier changes over the last millenium. Several ice streams--rapidly moving streams of ice bordered by slow-moving ice--exist in this region that feeds into the Ross Ice Shelf. A long-term slowdown of Whillans Ice Stream appears to be occurring, and this is affecting the zone between the Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams. However, the consistency of this slowdown and resulting changes to the shear margin between the two ice streams are unknown. Shear zone stability represents a potentially critical control on mass balance of ice sheets, especially in regions of fast ice flow where basal shear stress is minimal. This project is therefore focused on understanding the spatial and temporal change of ice flow kinematics, shear margin structure, and shear margin location between Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams. A collateral benefit of and driver for this as a RAPID project is to test a method for assessing where crevassing will develop in this zone of steep velocity gradients. Such a method may benefit not only near-term field-project planning in the 2018-19 field season, but also planning for future fieldwork and traverses.<br/><br/>The team will use velocity estimates derived from available remote sensing datasets to determine transient velocity patterns and shifts in the shear-zone location over the last 20 years. This velocity time series will be incorporated into a large-scale ice-sheet model to estimate ice-sheet susceptibility to changing boundary conditions over the next century based on likely regional ice-flux scenarios. This approach is an extension of recent work conducted by the team that shows promise for predicting areas of changing high strain rates indicative of an active glacier shear margin. The ultimate objectives are to characterize the flow field of merging ice streams over time and investigate lateral boundary migration. This will provide a better understanding of shear-margin control on ice-shelf and up-glacier stability.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
This award supports an integrated field observation, remote sensing and numerical modeling study of the McMurdo Shear Zone (SZ). The SZ is a 5-10 km wide strip of heavily crevassed ice that separates the McMurdo and Ross ice shelves, and is an important region of lateral support for the Ross Ice Shelf. Previous radar and remote sensing studies reveal an enigmatic picture of the SZ in which crevasses detected at depth have no apparent surface expression, and have orientations which are possibly inconsistent with the observed flow field. In the proposed work, we seek to test the hypothesis that the SZ is a zone of chaotic Lagrangian mixing with (intersecting) buried crevasses which leads to rheological instability, potentially allowing large scale velocity discontinuities. The work will involve detailed field-based observations of crevasse distributions and structure using ground-penetrating radar, and GPS and remote sensing observations of the flow and stress field in the SZ. Because of the hazardous nature of the SZ, the radar surveys will be conducted largely with the aid of a lightweight robotic vehicle. Observations will be used to develop a finite element model of ice shelf shear margin behavior. The intellectual merit of this project is an increased understanding of ice shelf shear margin dynamics. Shear margins play a key role in ice shelf stability, and ice shelves in turn modulate the flux of ice from the ice sheet across the grounding line to the ocean. Insights from this project will improve large-scale models being developed to predict ice sheet evolution and future rates of sea level rise, which are topics of enormous societal concern. The broader impacts of the project include an improved basis for US Antarctic Program logistics planning as well as numerous opportunities to engage K-12 students in scientific discovery. Intensified crevassing in the shear zone between the Ross and McMurdo ice shelves would preclude surface crossing by heavy traverse vehicles which would lead to increased costs of delivering fuel to South Pole and a concomitant loss of flight time provided by heavy-lift aircraft for science missions on the continent. Our multidisciplinary research combining glaciology, numerical modeling, and robotics engineering is an engaging way to show how robotics can assist scientists in collecting hazardous field measurements. Our outreach activities will leverage Dartmouth's current NSF GK-12 program, build on faculty-educator relationships established during University of Maine's recent GK-12 program, and incorporate project results into University of Maine's IDEAS initiative, which integrates computational modeling with the existing science curriculum at the middle school level. This award has field work in Antarctica.
Alley/1142085<br/><br/>This award supports a project to continue the collection and analyses of firn temperature data from three automated firn thermal profiling units deployed in Dronning Maud Land sector of East Antarctica as part of the Norway-US IPY Traverse project between 2007 and 2009. The intellectual merits of this project are as follows: 1) to constrain and improve the parameterization of firn thermal properties (thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity) that are required for the borehole paleothermometry, 2) to study the change in firn temperature since the deployment of thermal profiling units ~5 years ago and derive the surface temperature trend for that time period, and 3) to compare and contrast the surface temperatures and their trends derived from the measured firn temperatures and satellite thermal infrared data for the past three decades. The project also involves acquiring and deploying an automated system to record transient temperatures at multiple depths in the top 16 meters of the shallow borehole at Dome Fuji, to provide useful data and to prepare for the possibility of conducting temperature-logging in the existing deep (3035 m) and shallow (112 m) boreholes at Dome Fuji in the near future. The preparation of the shallow borehole and the installation of the automated system will be carried out by collaborators from the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) in 2012-13 Antarctic field season. The data collected by this automated system will be used to constrain the thermal properties of upper firn layer at Dome Fuji, as well as comparing with data from other sites, increasing the geographic extent of these studies. The broader impacts of the project include presentation of results at scientific conferences and publication of results in peer-reviewed journals. Public outreach will include targeted work with science teachers and middle school students.
The emperor penguin dives deeper and longer, fasts longer, and endures the harshest weather conditions of all diving birds. It spends about four and half months per annum deep in Antarctic pack ice away from shore and stations, and thus is largely unavailable for study. This time includes preparation for the molt, and travel to the colony to breed, a time period in which great swings in body weight occur. This study will fill an important gap in what we know about the biology of the annual cycle of the emperor by examining the molt-post molt period. The P.I. proposes to traverse the Amundsen and Bellingshausen seas on the Oden, to locate and tag emperor penguins during the molt season. The objectives are to (1) Place satellite tags on 20 adult post molt birds to determine their route, rate of travel, and diving behavior as they return back to their breeding colonies, (2) Obtain an index of body condition, (3) Collect guano to determine the type of food consumed by emperor penguins in the region, (4) Conduct shipboard surveys to sight and plot the location and abundance of adult and juvenile birds on the ship's track. The PI hypothesizes that bird dives will be shallow during the initial post-molt phase, and that food will consist primarily of krill; that there will be differential dispersal of birds from the Ross Sea vs. Marie Byrd Land, with Ross Sea birds traveling farther; and that the greatest adult mortality occurs during the molt and early post molt period. Broader impacts include training of a post doc, a graduate student, and an aquarium volunteer. The P.I. also will present findings through a website, through public lectures, and in collaboration with the Birch aquarium.
This award supports a project to broaden the knowledge of annual accumulation patterns over the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by processing existing near-surface radar data taken on the US ITASE traverse in 2000 and by gathering and validating new ultra/super-high-frequency (UHF) radar images of near surface layers (to depths of ~15 m), expanding abilities to monitor recent annual accumulation patterns from point source ice cores to radar lines. Shallow (15 m) ice cores will be collected in conjunction with UHF radar images to confirm that radar echoed returns correspond with annual layers, and/or sub-annual density changes in the near-surface snow, as determined from ice core stable isotopes. This project will additionally improve accumulation monitoring from space-borne instruments by comparing the spatial-radar-derived-annual accumulation time series to the passive microwave time series dating back over 3 decades and covering most of Antarctica. The intellectual merit of this project is that mapping the spatial and temporal variations in accumulation rates over the Antarctic ice sheet is essential for understanding ice sheet responses to climate forcing. Antarctic precipitation rate is projected to increase up to 20% in the coming century from the predicted warming. Accumulation is a key component for determining ice sheet mass balance and, hence, sea level rise, yet our ability to measure annual accumulation variability over the past 5 decades (satellite era) is mostly limited to point-source ice cores. Developing a radar and ice core derived annual accumulation dataset will provide validation data for space-born remote sensing algorithms, climate models and, additionally, establish accumulation trends. The broader impacts of the project are that it will advance discovery and understanding within the climatology, glaciology and remote sensing communities by verifying the use of UHF radars to monitor annual layers as determined by visual, chemical and isotopic analysis from corresponding shallow ice cores and will provide a dataset of annual to near-annual accumulation measurements over the past ~5 decades across WAIS divide from existing radar data and proposed radar data. By determining if temporal changes in the passive microwave signal are correlated with temporal changes in accumulation will help assess the utility of passive microwave remote sensing to monitor accumulation rates over ice sheets for future decades. The project will promote teaching, training and learning, and increase representation of underrepresented groups by becoming involved in the NASA History of Winter project and Thermochron Mission and by providing K-12 teachers with training to monitor snow accumulation and temperature here in the US, linking polar research to the student?s backyard. The project will train both undergraduate and graduate students in polar research and will encouraging young investigators to become involved in careers in science. In particular, two REU students will participate in original research projects as part of this larger project, from development of a hypothesis to presentation and publication of the results. The support of a new, young woman scientist will help to increase gender diversity in polar research.
This award provides support for "EAGER: Handbook of Hot Water Drill System (HWDS) Design Considerations and Best Practices" from the Antarctic Integrated System Science within the Office of Polar Programs. More and more science projects are proposing to use hot-water drilling systems (HWDS) to rapidly and/or cleanly access glacial and subglacial systems. To date the hot-water drill systems have been developed in isolation, and no attempt has been made to gather information about the different systems in one place. This proposal requests funds to document existing HWDS, and to then assess the design, testing, and development of a hot-water drill system that will be integrated with the evolving over-ice traverse capability of the USAP program.<br/><br/>Intellectual Merit: A working handbook of best practices for hot-water drill design systems, including safety considerations, is long overdue, and will 1) provide suggestions for optimizing current systems; 2) contribute in the very near term to already funded projects such as WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access and Research Drilling); and 3) fit the long-term needs of the Antarctic science community who have identified rapid and clean access to glacial and subglaical environments as a top priority for the next decades. The collected information will be used for community education and training, will discuss potential design and operational trade-offs, and will identify ways to optimize the capabilities of an integrated USAP traverse and HWDS infrastructure. EAGER funding for this project is warranted because such a handbook has not been tried before, and needs to be shown to be doable prior to larger investments in such compilations. It fits the AISS (Antarctic Integrated System Science) program as an optimized HWDS will meet the needs of many different Antarctic research disciplines including biology, geology, glaciology, and oceanography.<br/><br/>Broader Impacts: The proposed work is being done on behalf of the Antarctic research community, and will seek to capture the knowledge of experienced hot-water drill engineers who are nearing retirement, and to educate the next generation of hot-water drillers and engineers. The PI indicates he will work with the owners of such systems both within the US and abroad. Identification of best practices in hot-water drilling will save several different Antarctic research communities significant time, effort, and funding in the future.
Intellectual Merit: <br/>The northern Ford ranges in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, record events and processes that transformed a voluminous succession of Lower Paleozoic turbidites intruded by calc-alkaline plutonic rocks into differentiated continental crust along the margin of Gondwana. In this study the Fosdick migmatite?granite complex will be used to investigate crustal evolution through an integrated program of fieldwork, structural geology, petrology, mineral equilibria modeling, geochronology and geochemistry. The PIs propose detailed traverses at four sites within the complex to investigate Paleozoic and Mesozoic orogenic cycles. They will use petrological associations, structural geometry, and microstructures of host gneisses and leucogranites to distinguish the migration and coalescence patterns for remnant melt flow networks, and carry out detailed sampling for geochronology, geochemistry and isotope research. Mafic plutonic phases will be sampled to acquire information about mantle contributions at the source. Mineral equilibria modeling of source rocks and granite products, combined with in situ mineral dating, will be employed to resolve the P?T?t trajectories arising from thickening/thinning of crust during orogenic cycles and to investigate melting and melt loss history. <br/><br/>Broader impacts: <br/>This work involves research and educational initiatives for an early career female scientist, as well as Ph.D. and undergraduate students. Educational programs for high school audiences and undergraduate courses on interdisciplinary Antarctic science will be developed.
This award supports a project of scientific investigations along two overland traverses in East Antarctica: one going from the Norwegian Troll Station (72deg. S, 2deg. E) to the United States South Pole Station (90deg. S, 0deg. E) in 2007-2008; and a return traverse starting at South Pole Station and ending at Troll Station by a different route in 2008-2009. The project will investigate climate change in East Antarctica, with the goals of understanding climate variability in Dronning Maud Land of East Antarctica on time scales of years to centuries and determining the surface and net mass balance of the ice sheet in this sector to understand its impact on sea level. The project will also investigate the impact of atmospheric and oceanic variability and human activities on the chemical composition of firn and ice in the region, and will revisit areas and sites first explored by traverses in the 1960's, for detection of possible changes and to establish benchmark datasets for future research efforts. In terms of broader impacts, the results of this study will add to understanding of climate variability in East Antarctica and its contribution to global sea level change. The project includes international exchange of graduate students between the institutions involved and international education of undergraduate students through classes taught by the PI's at UNIS in Svalbard. It involves extensive outreach to the general public both in Scandinavia and North America through the press, television, science museums, children's literature, and web sites. Active knowledge sharing and collaboration between pioneers in Antarctic glaciology from Norway and the US, with the international group of scientists and students involved in this project, provide a unique opportunity to explore the changes that half a century have made in climate proxies from East Antarctica, scientific tools, and the culture and people of science. The project is relevant to the International Polar Year (IPY) since it is a genuine collaboration between nations: the scientists involved have complementary expertise, and the logistics involved relies on assets unique to each nation. It is truly an endeavor that neither nation could accomplish alone. This project is a part of the Trans- Antarctic Scientific Traverse Expeditions Ice Divide of East Antarctica (TASTE-IDEA) which is also part of IPY.
This award supports a project to test whether Kamb Ice Stream (formerly Ice Stream C (ISC)), an ice stream<br/>that is thought to have stopped ~150 years ago, may be already in the process of restarting. If yes, it will help establish what is the rate of ice stream reactivation and what mechanisms are controlling this rate. If there is no evidence for ongoing ice stream reactivation, the physical controls that are preventing it will be examined and alternative scenarios for near-future evolution of this ice stream will be explored. One such scenario is an increase in ice diversion toward the neighboring Whillans Ice Stream. Such diversion may help prevent a complete stoppage of Whillans Ice Stream,which has been slowing down for at least the last 24 years. This project will consist of two components: (1) field observations of bed properties,geometry of internal radar reflectors, as well as surface strain rates and velocity/topography changes using Ice-Penetrating Radar and differential Global Positioning System, (2) numerical modeling study of near future(~100-1000 years) evolution of Kamb Ice Stream. The field component will be focused on the bulge-to-trunk transition, which is located at the present time just downstream of the so-called camp UpC. Reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream should be reflected in a downstream migration of the bulge-trunk transition at possibly high rates (bulge migration rates of ~km/yr occur on surging mountain glaciers). The modeling<br/>component will be used to generate predictions regarding the near-future behavior of Kamb Ice Stream. This project will provide training opportunities for at least two undergraduate students (per year) at St. Olaf College and for one<br/>undergraduate student (per year) at UCSC. This collaboration will bring together scientists from three different types of US institutions: (1) a liberal arts college (St.Olaf College), (2) a public research university (UCSC) and (3) a NASA research laboratory (JPL). The project will also help build a new glaciological research program at UCSC. Project results will be incorporated into undergraduate and graduate courses at UCSC and will be made available<br/>to the general public and educators through downloadable graphics and animations posted on the research website of the UCSC PI. Field data resulting from the project will be posted in the Antarctic Glaciological Data Center for use by other investigators.
This project will utilize the R/VIB Nathaniel B. Palmer's transit cruises to collect marine geophysical data on targets-of-opportunity in the southern oceans. Because the Palmer generally traverses regions only sparsely surveyed with geophysical instruments, this project represents a cost-effective way to collect important new data. The work's focus is expanding our knowledge of plate motion histories for the Antarctic and surrounding plates. The ultimate goals are improving global plate reconstructions and gaining new insight into general plate kinematics and dynamics and lithospheric rheology. Only slight deviations from the straight routes are required, and we expect to operate on one cruise per year over the three years of the project. The first cruise from New Zealand to Chile will survey a flow line of Pacific-Antarctic plate motion along the Menard fracture zone, which crosses the East Pacific Rise at ~50 S latitude. Swath bathymetry, gravity, magnetics, and a small amount of seismic reflection profiling will be collected to determine the exact trace of the fracture zone and its relationship to the associated gravity anomaly seen in shipboard and satellite radar altimetry data. These observations are critical for precise plate reconstructions, and will provide GPS-navigated locations of a major fracture zone near the northern end of the Pacific-Antarctic boundary. These data will be used in combination with similar data from the Pitman fracture zone at the southwestern end of the plate boundary and magnetic anomalies from previous cruises near the Menard fracture zone to improve high-precision plate reconstructions and evaluate the limits of internal deformation of the Pacific and Antarctic plates. The science plan for cruises in following years will be designed once transit schedules are set. In terms of broader impacts, we plan to teach an on-board marine geophysics class to graduate and undergraduate students on two cruises. The class consists of daily classroom lectures about the instruments and data; several hours per day of watch standing and data processing; and work by each student on an independent research project. We expect to accommodate 15 students per class, including participants from primarily undergraduate institutions with high minority enrollments.
This award supports a project to obtain stable isotope profiles from shallow (<100 m) ice cores from East Antarctica, to add to the growing database of environmental proxy data collected under the auspices of the "ITASE" (International TransAntarctic Scientific Expedition) program. In Antarctica, the instrumental record of climate is particularly short (~40 years except in a few isolated locations on the coast), and ice core proxy data are the only means available for extending this record into the past. The use of stable isotopes of water (18-O/16-O and D/H ratios) from ice cores as proxies for temperature is well established for both very short (i.e. seasonal) and long timescales (centuries, millennia). Using multivariate regression methods and shallow ice cores from West Antarctica, a reconstruction of Antarctic climate over the last ~150 years has been developed which suggests the continent has been warming, on average, at a rate of ~0.2 K/century. Further improving these reconstructions is the chief motivation for further extending the US ITASE project. Ten to fifteen shallow (~ 100 m) from Victoria Land, East Antarctica will be obtained and analyzed. The core will be collected along a traverse route beginning at Taylor Dome and ending at the South Pole. Age-depth relationships for the cores will be determined through a combination of stable isotopes, visual stratigraphy and seasonal chemical signatures and marker horizons. Reconstructions of Antarctic climate obtained from these cores will be incorporated into the global network of paleoclimate information, which has been important in science, policy and educational contexts. The project will include graduate student and postdoctoral training and field experience.
This award supports a project to improve understanding of atmospheric photochemistry over West Antarctica, as recorded in snow, firn and ice. Atmospheric and firn sampling will be undertaken as part of the U.S. International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE) traverses. Measurements of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and formaldehyde (HCHO) will be made on these samples and a recently developed, physically based atmosphere-to-snow transfer model will be used to relate photochemical model estimates of these components to the concentrations of these parameters in the atmosphere and snow. The efficiency of atmosphere-to-snow transfer and the preservation of these components is strongly related to the rate and timing of snow accumulation. This information will be obtained by analyzing the concentration of seasonally dependent species such as hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid and stable isotopes of oxygen. Collection of samples along the US ITASE traverses will allow sampling at a wide variety of locations, reflecting both a number of different depositional environments and covering much of the West Antarctic region.
This award supports a project to perform ice radar studies of bedrock topography and internal layers along the second US ITASE traverse corridor extending from Taylor Dome to South Pole on the inland side of the Transantarctic Mountains. The radar will provide information immediately available in the field on ice thickness and internal layer structure to help in the selection of core sites as the traverse proceeds. These data will also be useful in locating additional radar and surface studies to characterize the drainage divides between major outlet glaciers flowing through the mountains and possible changes in them through time. Information from the radar on bed roughness and basal reflectivity, together with images of internal layer deformation will enable us to study changes in the character of ice flow as tributaries merge to trunk flow and velocities increase. Areas where wind scour and sublimation have brought old ice close to the surface will be investigated. Based on our results from the first ITASE traverse, it is also likely that there will be findings of opportunity, phenomena we have not anticipated that are revealed by the radar as the result of a discovery-based traverse. The interdisciplinary science goals of US ITASE are designed to accommodate a variety of interactive research programs and data collected are available to a broad scientific community. US ITASE also supports an extensive program of public outreach and the education and training of future scientists will be central to all activities of this proposal. St. Olaf College is an undergraduate liberal arts institution that emphasizes student participation in scientific research. This award supports two undergraduate students as well as a research associate and a graduate student who will be part of the US ITASE field team.
This award supports a science management office for a pilot ice-core drilling and analysis program to test the feasibility of obtaining well-dated, high-resolution isotope and chemistry records from East Antarctica. Shallow ice cores will be obtained from two locations: 1) ~100 km from South Pole towards the Pole of Inaccessibility, as an extension of the Byrd Station-to-South Pole ITASE traverse [International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition]; 2) at Taylor Dome, near the original deep coring site, and (3) possibly at AGO 3 and AGO 4 as part of a logistics traverse to these sites. All of the cores collected will be sampled at very high resolution (~1/2 cm) and analyzed for major ions. Results from this calibration work, along with those from another project that is analyzing stable isotopes will be used to help plan a program of larger scope, with the objective of mapping the spatial expression of climate variability in East Antarctica. Funds are also provided to organize a community workshop for coordination of the second phase of US ITASE and for one workshop per year for two years dedicated to writing and preparation of scientific papers from phase one of US ITASE. In addition, route selection activities for the follow-on traverse activities in East Antarctica will be conducted using satellite image mapping. A summary document will be produced and made available to the community to help with planning of related field programs (e.g. deep ice radar, firn radar profiling, atmospheric chemistry, ice coring, snow surface properties for satellite observations, ice surface elevation and mass balance).
Kanagaratnam, Pannirselvam; Braaten, David; Bauer, Rob
No dataset link provided
This award supports a project to build and test a 12-18 GHz radar system with a plane wave antenna. This is a wideband radar operating over a frequency range of 12 to 18 GHz to detect near-surface internal firn layers of the ice sheet with better than 10 cm resolution to a depth of approximately 7 m. These measurements will allow determination of spatially continuous snow accumulation rate in the firn, which would be useful along a traverse and is of critical importance to the validation of CryoSat and ICESAT satellite missions aimed at assessing the current state of mass balance of the polar ice sheets. The antenna system planned for the radar is relatively compact, and will be located on the sledge carrying the radar systems. The broad scientific focus of this project will be to investigate important glacial processes relevant to ice sheet mass balance. The new radar will allow the characterization (with high depth resolution) of the spatial variability of snow accumulation rate along a traverse route for interpreting data from CryoSat and ICESAT missions. As part of this project, we will institute a strong outreach program involving K-12 education and a minority institution of higher education. We currently work closely with the Advanced Learning Technology Program (ALTec) at the University of Kansas to develop interactive, resource-based lessons for use on-line by students of all grade levels, and we will develop new resources related to this project. We currently have an active research and education collaboration with faculty and undergraduate students at neighboring Haskell Indian Nations University, in Lawrence, Kansas, and we will expand our collaboration to include this project.
This award supports a project to characterize the morphology, ice motion velocity and mass balance of Lambert Glacier, Antarctica using state-of-the-art remote sensing and GIS techniques. Lambert Glacier is the largest ice stream in the world. Because of its size, it plays a fundamental role in the study of glacial dynamics and mass budget in response to present and future climate changes. Along with the bedrock topography and ice thickness data derived from airborne radio echo soundings and snow accumulation data compiled from ground-based measurements, the dynamic behavior and mass balance of the Lambert glacial basin in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment will be examined. Specific objectives are to: (1) Extract two-dimensional ice velocity field over the entire Lambert glacial basin using speckle matching and differential interferometric SAR (InSAR) techniques, and produce a full coverage of radar coherence map over the drainage basin. With the ice velocity data, calculate the strain rate field from the initiation areas of the ice stream onto the Amery Ice Shelf; (2) Derive high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) over the Lambert glacial drainage basin using SAR stereo, differential interferometric SAR, and GLAS laser altimetry techniques. Based on the DEM, extract ice divides and ice flow directions, delineate the snow catchment basin, and calculate the balance deformation velocity and the basal shear stress; (3) Interpolate traverse ice thickness data collected by Australian and Russian airborne radio echo sounding surveys into a regular grid, and derive a regular grid of bedrock topography in combination with the DEM; (4) Integrate newly derived ice velocity and ice thickness data as well as snow accumulation rate data compiled from previous ground-based measurements into a geographic information system (GIS), and calculate the mass flux through the ice stream at the grounding lines and net mass balance throughout the drainage basin. With these new measurements and calculations derived from advanced remote sensing techniques, we will be able to improve our understanding of dynamic behavior and current mass balance status of the Lambert glacial basin, gain an insight on the relationship between ice mass change and the variation in regional and global climate at decadal scale, and provide an evaluation on the issue of whether the Lambert glacier basin is subject to surging in the context of future climate change.
This award supports continued acquisition of high resolution, radar reflection profiles of the snow and ice stratigraphy between core sites planned along traverse routes of the U.S. component of the International<br/>Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (U.S.-ITASE). The purpose is to use the profiles to establish the structure and continuity of firn stratigraphic horizons over hundreds of kilometers and to quantitatively<br/>assess topographic and ice movement effects upon snow deposition. Other objectives are to establish the climatic extent that a single site represents and to investigate the cause of firn reflections. The radar<br/>will also be used to identify crevasses ahead of the traverse vehicles in order to protect the safety of the scientists and support personnel on the traverse. Collaboration with other ITASE investigators will use the radar horizons as continuous isochronic references fixed by the core dating to calculate historical snow accumulation rates. The primary radar system uses 400-MHz (center frequency) short-pulse antennas, which (with processing) gives the penetration of 50-70 meters. This is the depth which is required to exceed the 200-year deposition horizon along the traverse routes. Profiles at 200 MHz will also be recorded if depths greater than 70 meters are of interest. Processing will be accomplished by data compression (stacking) to reveal long distance stratigraphic deformation, range gain corrections to give proper weight to signal amplitudes, and GPS corrections to adjust the records for the present ice sheet topography. Near surface stratigraphy will allow topographic and ice movement effects to be separated. This work is critical to the success of the U.S.-ITASE program.
This award supports a program of radar studies of internal stratigraphy and bedrock topography along the traverses for the U.S. component of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (US ITASE). The radar will provide information immediately available in the field on ice thickness and internal layer structure to help in the selection of core sites as the traverse proceeds. These data will also be useful in siting deeper millennial scale cores planned at less frequent intervals along the traverse, and in the selection of the location for the deep inland core planned for the future. In addition to continuous coverage along the traverse route, more detailed studies on a grid surrounding each of the core locations will be made to better characterize accumulation and bedrock topography in each area. This proposal is complimentary to the one submitted by the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), which proposes a high frequency radar to examine the shallower portion of the record down to approximately 60 meters, including the presence of near-surface crevasses. The radar proposed herein is most sensitive at depths below 60 meters and can depict deep bedrock and internal layers to a substantial fraction of the ice thickness.
This award supports an in situ and short traverse seismic reflection/refraction and magnetotelluric experiment in West Antarctica. This collaborative experiment involves four awards at four institutions. The four-fold purpose is 1) to investigate part of the Byrd Subglacial Basin, 2) to test techniques for this work that could be done in a long traverse, 3) to determine the viability of the magnetotelluric method on a thick (electrically resistive) ice sheet, and 4) to evaluate the relative merits of refraction with wide reflection versus reflection with narrow refraction seismic studies in imaging the lithosphere. The geophysical techniques that will be employed are capable of imaging the ice sheet, the continental lithosphere, and the upper mantle, as well as determining physical properties of parts of the lithosphere and mantle. Investigations of outcrop geology over the last thirty years in West Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains have lead to recent interpretations that the crust is made up of many different lithospheric blocks. Seismic reflection work is the only way to image the crust in detail and the refraction work is the only way to determine physical properties of the layers and blocks defined by the reflection work. The magnetotelluric work is scientifically risky because it may not yield useful information when used over the electrically resistive ice sheet; however, if it works it has the potential to image molten rock in the crust and upper mantle. In a continental rift region such as West Antarctica, the presence of melt in the lithosphere is likely and, if documented, has very important ramifications to ice sheet dynamics. Research work supported by this award is expected to provide constraints to models of a range of crustal processes from models of ice sheet dynamics to tectonic and kinematic models of lithospheric thinning and rifting.