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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
Hyporheic zone geochemistry of Wales Stream, Taylor Valley, Antarctica

2024-10-28 Gardner, Christopher B. Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea
Isotopic signature of massive buried ice, eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica

2024-10-28 Gardner, Christopher B. Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea
Commonwealth Stream Diel Water Chemistry

2024-10-15 Gardner, Christopher B. Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea
U-Th isotopes and major elements in sediments from Taylor Valley, Antarctica

2024-07-01 Edwards, Graham; Piccione, Gavin; Blackburn, Terrence; Tulaczyk, Slawek U-Series Comminution Age Constraints on Taylor Valley Erosion
Collaborative Research: Reconstructing East Antarctica’s Past Response to Climate using Subglacial Precipitates
Hyperspectral reflectance values and biophysicochemical properties of biocrusts and soils in the Fryxell Basin, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica

2024-04-03 Barrett, John No project link provided
Data and metadata for "Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems"

2022-08-16 Demirel-Floyd, Cansu Quantifying surface area in muds from the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for weathering in glacial systems
EAGER: Refining glacial lake history in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica with alternative geochronometers: Infrared Stimulated Luminescence data

2022-02-09 Doran, Peter; Stone, Michael EAGER: Refining glacial lake history in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica with alternative geochronometers
EAGER: Refining glacial lake history in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica with alternative geochronometers: in situ 14C data

2022-02-09 Doran, Peter; Stone, Michael EAGER: Refining glacial lake history in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica with alternative geochronometers
Active Layer Temperatures from Crescent Stream banks, Taylor Valley Antarctica

2017-12-18 Gooseff, Michael N. Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A landscape on the Threshold of Change
Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases
2017-01-30 Castro, M. Clara Developing a New Paleoclimate Proxy for Polar and Alpine Glacial Regions Based on Noble Gases
Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica

2015-01-01 Levy, Joseph Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research (MCM LTER) Core Glacier Mass Balance Data, Antarctica

2009-08-31 Fountain, Andrew; Nylen, Thomas; Basagic, Hassan; Lyons, W. Berry; Langevin, Paul SGER Proposal:Glaciological change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
What Limits Denitrification and Bacterial Growth in Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica?

2009-01-01 Ward, Bess Collaborative Research: What Limits Denitrification and Bacterial Growth in Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica?