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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
Chemical composition data for Himantothallus grandifolius

2025-01-21 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Chemical composition data for Sarcopeltis antarctica

2025-01-21 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Chemical composition data for Iridaea

2025-01-21 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Chemical composition data for Desmarestia menziesii

2025-01-21 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Benthic seawater temperature and conductivity measurements at six sites in McMurdo Sound

2025-01-02 Moran, Amy Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development
Physical and geochemical data from shelf sediments eastern Antarctica

2024-12-16 Learman, Deric Collaborative Research: ANT LIA: Connecting Metagenome Potential to Microbial Function: Investigating Microbial Degradation of Complex Organic Matter Antarctic Benthic Sediments
Lake Fryxell 2022-2023 benthic microbial mat thickness and number of laminae

2024-10-02 Juarez Rivera, Marisol; Mackey, Tyler; Hawes, Ian; Paul, Ann; Sumner, Dawn Seasonal Primary Productivity and Nitrogen Cycling in Photosynthetic Mats, Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys
RAPID: Is Biomass Mobilization at Ice-covered Lake Fryxell, Antarctica reaching a Critical Threshold?
Underwater transect videos used for 2020 and 2023 community analyses

2024-06-04 Amsler, Charles Assemblage-wide effects of ocean acidification and ocean warming on ecologically important macroalgal-associated crustaceans in Antarctica
Nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen isotopes in the shell of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki as a proxy for sea ice cover in Antarctica.

2024-02-05 Gillikin, David; Puhalski, Emma; Camarra, Steve; Cronin, Kelly; Verheyden, Anouk; Walker, Sally Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores
Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past
Macroalgal species collected along horizontal transect components

2023-08-30 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Landsat Sea Ice/Cloud classifications surrounding project study sites

2023-01-11 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Carbon and nitrogen isotope data along a gradient at the Antarctic Peninsula

2023-01-10 Iken, Katrin Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Modelled Solar Irradiance for Western Antarctic Pennisula

2023-01-06 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Five year mean annual and summer sea ice concentration grids for the Western Antarctic Peninsula from AMSR2, National Ice Center Charts and the Sea Ice Index

2023-01-05 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Gridded sea ice concentrations from National Ice Center (NIC) Charts 2014-2019 for Western Antarctic Peninsula

2022-12-29 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Sea Ice Concentration Timeseries for study sites

2022-12-29 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Average global horizontal solar irradiance at study sites

2022-12-29 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
VIIRS KD(490) diffuse attenuation coefficients for study sites

2022-12-29 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Computed fetch for project study sites

2022-12-29 Klein, Andrew Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Plocamium reproductive system data and R code

2022-11-22 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula - continuing
Plocamium transect and transplant data

2022-11-22 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula - continuing
Underwater video transect community analysis data

2022-11-17 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Underwater transect videos used for community analyses

2022-09-23 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Physical and geochemical data from shelf sediments near the Antartic Pennisula

2022-09-08 Learman, Deric RAPID: Meta-genomic and Transcriptomic Investigation of Complex Organic Matter Degradation in Antarctic Benthic Sediments
Salmon Valley Radiocarbon Data

2022-04-20 Hall, Brenda Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Royal Society Range Headland Moraine Belt Radiocarbon Data

2022-04-20 Hall, Brenda Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
LMG13-11 JKC-1 Paleoceanographic data

2021-11-15 Shevenell, Amelia Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach -- Cryosphere and Oceans
High-resolution nearshore benthic seawater temperature from around McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)

2021-01-03 Cziko, Paul Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes
Long-term underwater images from around a single mooring site in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)

2020-12-29 Cziko, Paul Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes
Radioisotope data (C-14 and Pb-210) from bulk sediments, Larsen A Ice Shelf

2020-06-19 DeMaster, David; Taylor, Richard Using Radiochemical Data from Collapsed Ice Shelf Sediments to Understand the Nature and Timing of the Benthic Response to High-Latitude Climate Change
Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach -- Cryosphere and Oceans
Latitude and longitude data for project study sites

2020-06-04 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: Sea ice as a driver of Antarctic benthic macroalgal community composition and nearshore trophic connectivity
Labile Organic Carbon distributions on the West Antarctic Peninsula Shelf

2020-05-11 DeMaster, David; Taylor, Richard; Smith, Craig; Isla, Enrique; Thomas, Carrie Collaborative Research: Benthic Faunal Feeding Dynamics on the Antarctic Shelf and the Effects of Global Climate Change on Bentho-Pelagic Coupling
Using Radiochemical Data from Collapsed Ice Shelf Sediments to Understand the Nature and Timing of the Benthic Response to High-Latitude Climate Change
Bottom photos from the Southern Ocean acquired during R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1402

2020-05-01 Leventer, Amy; Post, Alexandra; Domack, Eugene Walter; Gulick, Sean; Huber, Bruce; Orsi, Alejandro; Shevenell, Amelia Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
Species Abundance Data from the Larsen Ice Shelf Ice acquired during R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1203

2020-05-01 Smith, Craig Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine Ecosystems.
Using Radiochemical Data from Collapsed Ice Shelf Sediments to Understand the Nature and Timing of the Benthic Response to High-Latitude Climate Change
Processed Camera Images acquired during the Laurence M. Gould expedition LMG1311

2020-05-01 Domack, Eugene Walter Continuation of the LARISSA Continuous GPS Network in View of Observed Dynamic Response to Antarctic Peninsula Ice Mass Balance and Required Geologic Constraints
Near-bottom Videos from the Southern Ocean acquired during R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1402

2020-05-01 Leventer, Amy; Post, Alexandra; Blankenship, Donald D.; Domack, Eugene Walter; Gulick, Sean; Huber, Bruce; Orsi, Alejandro; Shevenell, Amelia Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
Species List, Species Abundance, and Sediment Geochemistry processed data acquired during Laurence M. Gould expedition LMG0802

2020-04-30 Smith, Craig; DeMaster, David Collaborative Research: Benthic Faunal Feeding Dynamics on the Antarctic Shelf and the Effects of Global Climate Change on Bentho-Pelagic Coupling
Bottom Photographs from the Antarctic Peninsula acquired during R/V Laurence M. Gould expedition LMG1703

2020-04-30 Girton, James Collaborative Research: Pathways of Circumpolar Deep Water to West Antarctica from Profiling Float and Satellite Measurements
High-resolution benthic seawater temperature record 1999-2012 (25-40m depth) from near intake jetty at McMurdo Station, Antarctica

2020-04-08 Cheng, Chi-Hing; Cziko, Paul; Devries, Arthur Antarctic Notothenioid Fish Freeze Avoidance and Genome-wide Evolution for Life in the Cold
Yoyo camera survey transects, King George Island and Bransfield Strait

2019-08-12 Smith, Craig; Ziegler, Amanda RAPID: Collaborative Research: Marine Ecosystem Response to the Larsen C Ice-Shelf Breakout: "Time zero"
NBP1502 YoYo camera benthic images from Ross Sea

2019-06-03 Bart, Philip Timing and Duration of the LGM and Post-LGM Grounding Events in Whales Deep Paleo Ice Stream, Eastern Ross Sea Middle Continental Shelf
CTD stations and logs for Araon 2018 ANA08D expedition to Larson C

2019-04-29 Pan, B. Jack; Vernet, Maria RAPID: Collaborative Research: Marine Ecosystem Response to the Larsen C Ice-Shelf Breakout: "Time zero"
Response time data for snails escaping from predatory sea stars

2019-03-13 Schram, Julie; Amsler, Charles The effects of ocean acidification and rising sea surface temperatures on shallow-water benthic organisms in Antarctica
Data from Amsler et al. 2019 Antarctic Science, doi:10.1017/S0954102019000014

2019-03-04 Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula - continuing
Weddell seal summer diving behavior

2018-11-24 Beltran, Roxanne; Burns, Jennifer The Cost of A New Fur Coat: Interactions between Molt and Reproduction in Weddell Seals
DeMaster Compiled Larsen Ice Shelf and the West Antarctic Peninsula C14 Data

2018-02-03 DeMaster, David Using Radiochemical Data from Collapsed Ice Shelf Sediments to Understand the Nature and Timing of the Benthic Response to High-Latitude Climate Change
LARISSA: Impact of ice-shelf loss on geochemical profiles and microbial community composition in marine sediments of the Larsen A embayment, Antarctic Peninsula

2017-12-17 McCormick, Michael Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine Ecosystems.
Data from Schram et al. 2017 MEPS
2017-10-20 Amsler, Charles; Schram, Julie The effects of ocean acidification and rising sea surface temperatures on shallow-water benthic organisms in Antarctica
Climate Change and Predatory Invasion of the Antarctic Benthos

2017-01-10 Aronson, Richard Collaborative Research: Climate Change and Predatory Invasion of the Antarctic Benthos
Climate Change and Predatory Invasion of the Antarctic Benthos

2016-01-01 Aronson, Richard Collaborative Research: Climate Change and Predatory Invasion of the Antarctic Benthos
A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization

2016-01-01 Dayton, Paul EAGER: A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization
The effects of ocean acidification and rising sea surface temperatures on shallow-water benthic organisms in Antarctica

2015-01-01 McClintock, James; Amsler, Charles; Angus, Robert The effects of ocean acidification and rising sea surface temperatures on shallow-water benthic organisms in Antarctica
Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System (LARISSA) - Marine Ecosystems

2014-01-01 Vernet, Maria Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach -- Cryosphere and Oceans
The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula

2011-01-01 McClintock, James; Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula
Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula - continuing
The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula

2011-01-01 Baker, Bill Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula
Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula - continuing
The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula

2010-01-01 Baker, Bill Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula
Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula - continuing
The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula

2010-01-01 McClintock, James; Amsler, Charles Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula
Collaborative Research: The Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Macroalgae and Invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula - continuing
Relevance of Planktonic Larval Dispersal to Endemism and Biogeography of Antarctic Benthic Invertebrates

2010-01-01 Scheltema, Rudolf Collaborative Research: Relevance of Planktonic Larval Dispersal to Endemism and Biogeography of Antarctic Benthic Invertebrates
Abandoned Elephant Seal Colonies in Antarctica: Integration of Genetic, Isotopic, and Geologic Approaches toward Understanding Holocene Environmental Change

2010-01-01 Koch, Paul Collaborative Research: Abandoned Elephant Seal Colonies in Antarctica: Integration of Genetic, Isotopic, and Geologic Approaches toward Understanding Holocene Environmental Change
Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores

2009-01-01 Furbish, David; Miller, Molly Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores
Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores

2009-01-01 Walker, Sally Collaborative Research: Linking Modern Benthic Communities and Taphonomic Processes to the Stratigraphic Record of Antarctic Cores
Collaborative research: The Antarctic Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past