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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
Impact of Climate Change on Pair-Bond Dynamics of Snow Petrels (Pagodroma nivea)

2024-09-16 jenouvrier, stephanie Polar Seabirds with Long-term Pair Bonds: Effects of Mating on Individual Fitness and Population Dynamics
The impact of boldness on demographic rates and lifehistory outcomes in the wandering albatross

2024-02-27 Joanie, Van de Walle; Jenouvrier, Stephanie NSFGEO-NERC: Integrating Individual Personality Differences in the Evolutionary Ecology of a Seabird in the Rapidly Changing Polar Environment
Causes and consequences of pair-bond disruption in a sex-skewed population of a long-lived monogamous seabird: the wandering Albatross

2022-02-04 Jenouvrier, Stephanie; Sun, Ruijiao; Barbraud, Christophe; Delord, Karine Polar Seabirds with Long-term Pair Bonds: Effects of Mating on Individual Fitness and Population Dynamics
Landfast ice: a major driver of reproductive success in a polar seabird

2022-01-24 Jenouvrier, Stephanie; Labrousse, Sara A Multi-scale Approach to Understanding Spatial and Population Variability in Emperor Penguins
A Multi-scale Approach to Understanding Spatial and Population Variability in Emperor Penguins
Adelie penguin resighting data 1997-2021 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2021-05-12 Ballard, Grant A Full Lifecycle Approach to Understanding Adélie Penguin Response to Changing Pack Ice Conditions in the Ross Sea.
Population Growth at the Southern Extreme: Effects of Early Life Conditions on Adelie penguin Individuals and Colonies
COLLABORATIVE: Geographic Structure of Adelie Penguin Colonies - Demography of Population Change
COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin banding data 1994-2021 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2021-05-11 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Geographic Structure of Adelie Penguin Colonies - Demography of Population Change
A Full Lifecycle Approach to Understanding Adélie Penguin Response to Changing Pack Ice Conditions in the Ross Sea.
Linking oceanographic conditions, migratory schedules and foraging behaviour during the non-breeding season to reproductive performance in a long-lived seabird

2018-12-03 Jenouvrier, Stephanie Linking Foraging Behaviors to Demography to understand Albatrosses Population Responses to Climate Change
Adelie penguin weighbridge data 1994-2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Daily weather observations 1996-2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin dive data 1999-2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin banding data 1994-2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin chick measurements 1996 - 2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin chick counts 1997-2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin diet data 1996 - 2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin Geolocation Sensor data 2003-2007 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin satellite position data 2000-2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Leopard Seal counts 1997-2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Adelie penguin resighting data 1997-2009 from the California Avian Data Center hosted by Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science

2009-05-19 Ballard, Grant COLLABORATIVE: Adelie Penguin Response to Climate Change at the Individual, Colony and Metapopulation Levels
Long-term Data Collection at Select Antarctic Peninsula Visitor Sites

2009-01-01 Naveen, Ronald Long-term Data Collection at Select Antarctic Peninsula Visitor Sites
Diving Physiology and Behavior of Emperor Penguins

2008-01-01 Ponganis, Paul Diving Physiology and Behavior of Emperor Penguins