Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory: Operations, Science and Outreach (MEVO-OSO)
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Cite as
Kyle, P., & Oppenheimer, C. (2016) "Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory: Operations, Science and Outreach (MEVO-OSO)" U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP) Data Center. doi:
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Mt. Erebus is one of only a handful of volcanoes worldwide that have lava lakes with readily observable and nearly continuous Strombolian explosive activity. Erebus is also unique in having a permanent convecting lava lake of anorthoclase phonolite magma. Over the years significant infrastructure has been established at the summit of Mt. Erebus as part of the Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory (MEVO), which serves as a natural laboratory to study a wide range of volcanic processes, especially magma degassing associated with an open convecting magma conduit. The PI proposes to continue operating MEVO for a further five years. The fundamental fundamental research objectives are: to understand diffuse flank degassing by using distributed temperature sensing and gas measurements in ice caves, to understand conduit processes, and to examine the environmental impact of volcanic emissions from Erebus on atmospheric and cryospheric environments. To examine conduit processes the PI will make simultaneous observations with video records, thermal imaging, measurements of gas emission rates and gas compositions, seismic, and infrasound data.
An important aspect of Erebus research is the education and training of students. Both graduate and undergraduate students will have the opportunity to work on MEVO data and deploy to the field site. In addition, this proposal will support a middle or high school science teacher for two field seasons. The PI will also continue working with various media organizations and filmmakers.
This dataset contains video taken from a series of cameras that were installed at Shackleton's Cairn (-77.525337, 167.157509) looking into the lava lake. This dataset contains all such video taken between 2005 and 2011. Camera downlink depended on power at a relay station at the Cones site. The camera was operational during G-081 field seasons and often for a period of weeks or months thereafter.
Date Created:
USAP-DC (current)
- LDEO-LEGACY (original)
Spatial Extent(s)
West: 167.15334, East: 167.15334, South: -77.529724, North: -77.529724
Temporal Extent(s)
Start: 2012-09-15 - End: 2017-08-31
This dataset has been downloaded 1 time since March 2017 (based on unique date-IP combinations)