{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Soil"}
[{"awards": "1947562 van Gestel, Natasja", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-64.0898264 -64.7704833,-64.08444765 -64.7704833,-64.07906890000001 -64.7704833,-64.07369015 -64.7704833,-64.0683114 -64.7704833,-64.06293265 -64.7704833,-64.0575539 -64.7704833,-64.05217515 -64.7704833,-64.04679639999999 -64.7704833,-64.04141765 -64.7704833,-64.0360389 -64.7704833,-64.0360389 -64.77082025,-64.0360389 -64.77115719999999,-64.0360389 -64.77149415,-64.0360389 -64.7718311,-64.0360389 -64.77216805,-64.0360389 -64.772505,-64.0360389 -64.77284195,-64.0360389 -64.7731789,-64.0360389 -64.77351585,-64.0360389 -64.7738528,-64.04141765 -64.7738528,-64.04679639999999 -64.7738528,-64.05217515 -64.7738528,-64.0575539 -64.7738528,-64.06293265 -64.7738528,-64.0683114 -64.7738528,-64.07369015 -64.7738528,-64.07906890000001 -64.7738528,-64.08444765 -64.7738528,-64.0898264 -64.7738528,-64.0898264 -64.77351585,-64.0898264 -64.7731789,-64.0898264 -64.77284195,-64.0898264 -64.772505,-64.0898264 -64.77216805,-64.0898264 -64.7718311,-64.0898264 -64.77149415,-64.0898264 -64.77115719999999,-64.0898264 -64.77082025,-64.0898264 -64.7704833))"], "date_created": "Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains soil temperature, soil moisture, and soil conductivity data in the vicinity of Palmer Station. TEROS12 sensors are installed in 40 plots that are distributed along an increasing primary productivity gradient (i.e., with increasing distance from the Marr Ice Piedmont glacier). The sensors are comprised of 5 cm long metal pins that are inserted straight down into the soil and hence, data are collected from the upper 0-5 cm of the soil. There are 4 sites along the gradient (site 1 is closest to the glacier and site 4 is farthest from the glacier), with ten plots at each site. Half of the plots at each site are plots that contain an open-top chamber and the other half of the plots are control (unwarmed) plots. Plot ids will contain \"W\" for warmed plots and \"C\" for control plots. Raw data from the loggers (logged every 20 minutes), as well as an R Markdown file is provided to facilitate reading in and displaying the daily average soil moisture and temperature data at the plot and at the treatment level for each productivity site. Loggers and sensors were installed in December 2022 and were downloaded in November (sites 2-4) and in December (site 1) of 2024. ", "east": -64.0360389, "geometry": ["POINT(-64.06293265 -64.77216805)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Conductivity; Cryosphere; Palmer Station; Soil; Temperature", "locations": "Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctica; Palmer Station", "north": -64.7704833, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "van Gestel, Natasja", "project_titles": "Antarctica as a Model System for Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Balance to Warming", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010251", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Antarctica as a Model System for Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Balance to Warming"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -64.7738528, "title": "Soil moisture and soil temperature data (0-5 cm) near Palmer Station, Antarctica", "uid": "601877", "west": -64.0898264}, {"awards": "1850988 Teets, Nicholas", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Environmental conditions are the major drivers of species distribution, and terrestrial Antarctica arguably presents the most dramatic challenges for its inhabitants. Many animals rely on acclimation to enhance their stress tolerance to face unfavorable conditions. Some animals can also rely on their phenotypic plasticity to respond to these unfavorable conditions without the need to slowly experience increasing levels of stress to enhance their stress tolerance (i.e., acclimate). Belgica antarctica can rely on both types of strategies, but since they evolved to live in a habitat with such dramatic environmental changes as Antarctica, they are very sensitive to any type of stress (e.g., a sudden drop in temperature, or a bout of high-speed wind). Studying the extent to which B. antarctica rely on each of these strategies to survive and how environmental variation can shape this species\u2019 biology across distinct populations (i.e., that might experience distinct selective pressures) is important to help us better understand how polyextremophiles adapt and evolve while inhabiting extreme environments. This project focused on studying freeze tolerance in B. antarctica populations populations within Cormorant Island that inhabited three distinct microhabitats over the course of the summer season (January-March).", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Belgica Antarctica; Cryosphere; Soil Temperature; Temperature", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Sousa Lima, Cleverson; Michel, Andrew; Hayward, Scott; Teets, Nicholas; Lima, Cleverson de Sousa", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Temporal and spatial stress tolerance variation in Belgica antarctica", "uid": "601874", "west": null}, {"awards": "2042495 Blackburn, Terrence; 1644171 Blackburn, Terrence", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.9 -77.65,161.96 -77.65,162.02 -77.65,162.08 -77.65,162.14000000000001 -77.65,162.2 -77.65,162.26 -77.65,162.32 -77.65,162.38 -77.65,162.44 -77.65,162.5 -77.65,162.5 -77.66000000000001,162.5 -77.67,162.5 -77.68,162.5 -77.69,162.5 -77.7,162.5 -77.71000000000001,162.5 -77.72,162.5 -77.73,162.5 -77.74,162.5 -77.75,162.44 -77.75,162.38 -77.75,162.32 -77.75,162.26 -77.75,162.2 -77.75,162.14000000000001 -77.75,162.08 -77.75,162.02 -77.75,161.96 -77.75,161.9 -77.75,161.9 -77.74,161.9 -77.73,161.9 -77.72,161.9 -77.71000000000001,161.9 -77.7,161.9 -77.69,161.9 -77.68,161.9 -77.67,161.9 -77.66000000000001,161.9 -77.65))"], "date_created": "Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains uranium and thorium isotopic compositions (U-234, U-235, U-238, Th-230, Th-232) and major element compositions (Al, K, Na, Ca, Fe, Mn, reported as oxides) for silicate sediments from glaciogenic drifts associated with advances of Taylor Glacier in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Isotopic measurements were obtained by ID-TIMS in the Keck Isotope Facility at UC Santa Cruz and elemental measurements were obtained by ICP-OES in the Plasma Analytical Laboratory. All measurements include fully propagated analytical and systematic (e.g. isotopic tracer) uncertainties. Chemical index of alteration was calculated from major element data. Prior to measurements, sediments were sieved to \u2264125 \u03bcm grain sizes, separated into quartz-feldspar-rich and clay-rich aliquots by hydraulic settling, and subjected to sequential chemical extractions (\"leaching\") prior to silicate digestion.", "east": 162.5, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.7)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cryosphere; Erosion; Isotope Data; Major Elements; Soil; Taylor Glacier; Taylor Valley", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica; Taylor Valley", "north": -77.65, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Edwards, Graham; Piccione, Gavin; Blackburn, Terrence; Tulaczyk, Slawek", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Reconstructing East Antarctica\u2019s Past Response to Climate using Subglacial Precipitates; U-Series Comminution Age Constraints on Taylor Valley Erosion", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010243", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "U-Series Comminution Age Constraints on Taylor Valley Erosion"}, {"proj_uid": "p0010192", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Reconstructing East Antarctica\u2019s Past Response to Climate using Subglacial Precipitates"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.75, "title": "U-Th isotopes and major elements in sediments from Taylor Valley, Antarctica", "uid": "601806", "west": 161.9}, {"awards": "2044924 Barrett, John", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.70776367188 -77.519802097166,161.899475097661 -77.519802097166,162.091186523442 -77.519802097166,162.282897949223 -77.519802097166,162.474609375004 -77.519802097166,162.666320800785 -77.519802097166,162.858032226566 -77.519802097166,163.049743652347 -77.519802097166,163.241455078128 -77.519802097166,163.433166503909 -77.519802097166,163.62487792969 -77.519802097166,163.62487792969 -77.54867059480199,163.62487792969 -77.57753909243799,163.62487792969 -77.606407590074,163.62487792969 -77.63527608771,163.62487792969 -77.664144585346,163.62487792969 -77.69301308298199,163.62487792969 -77.72188158061799,163.62487792969 -77.750750078254,163.62487792969 -77.77961857589,163.62487792969 -77.808487073526,163.433166503909 -77.808487073526,163.241455078128 -77.808487073526,163.049743652347 -77.808487073526,162.858032226566 -77.808487073526,162.666320800785 -77.808487073526,162.474609375004 -77.808487073526,162.282897949223 -77.808487073526,162.091186523442 -77.808487073526,161.899475097661 -77.808487073526,161.70776367188 -77.808487073526,161.70776367188 -77.77961857589,161.70776367188 -77.750750078254,161.70776367188 -77.72188158061799,161.70776367188 -77.69301308298199,161.70776367188 -77.664144585346,161.70776367188 -77.63527608771,161.70776367188 -77.606407590074,161.70776367188 -77.57753909243799,161.70776367188 -77.54867059480199,161.70776367188 -77.519802097166))"], "date_created": "Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Microbial communities are the primary drivers of carbon cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Dense microbial mats, consisting mainly of photosynthetic cyanobacteria, occupy aquatic areas associated with streams and lakes. Other microbial communities also occur at lower densities as patchy surface biological soil crusts (biocrusts) across the terrestrial landscape. Multispectral satellite data have been used to model microbial mat abundance in high-density areas like stream and lake margins, but no previous studies had investigated the lower detection limits of biocrusts. Here, we describe remote sensing and field-based survey and sampling approaches to study the detectability and distribution of biocrusts in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Using a combination of multi- and hyperspectral tools and spectral linear unmixing, we modeled the abundances of biocrust in eastern Taylor Valley. Our spectral approaches can detect low masses of biocrust material in laboratory microcosms down to biocrust concentrations of 1% by mass. These techniques also distinguish the spectra of biocrust from both surface rock and mineral signatures from orbit. We found that biocrusts are present throughout the soils of eastern Taylor Valley and are associated with diverse underlying soil communities. The densest biocrust communities identified in this study had total organic carbon 5x greater than the content of typical arid soils. The most productive biocrusts were located downslope of melting snowpacks in unique soil ecosystems that are distinct from the surrounding arid landscape. There are similarities between the snowpack and stream sediment communities (high diversity of soil invertebrates) as well as their ecosystem properties (e.g., persistence of liquid water, high transfer of available nutrients, lower salinity from flushing) compared to the typical arid terrestrial ecosystem of the dry valleys. Our approach extends the capability of orbital remote sensing of photosynthetic communities out of the aquatic margins and into the drier soils which comprise most of this landscape. This interdisciplinary work is critical for measuring and monitoring terrestrial carbon stocks and predicting future ecosystem dynamics in this currently water-limited but increasingly dynamic Antarctic landscape, which is particularly climate-sensitive and difficult to access.\r\n", "east": 163.62487792969, "geometry": ["POINT(162.666320800785 -77.664144585346)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon; Cryosphere; McMurdo Dry Valleys; Snow", "locations": "McMurdo Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.519802097166, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Barrett, John", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -77.808487073526, "title": "Hyperspectral reflectance values and biophysicochemical properties of biocrusts and soils in the Fryxell Basin, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "uid": "601773", "west": 161.70776367188}, {"awards": "1847067 Levy, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160.6263 -77.575,160.91780999999997 -77.575,161.20932 -77.575,161.50083 -77.575,161.79234 -77.575,162.08384999999998 -77.575,162.37536 -77.575,162.66687000000002 -77.575,162.95838 -77.575,163.24989 -77.575,163.5414 -77.575,163.5414 -77.6003,163.5414 -77.6256,163.5414 -77.65090000000001,163.5414 -77.67620000000001,163.5414 -77.70150000000001,163.5414 -77.7268,163.5414 -77.7521,163.5414 -77.7774,163.5414 -77.8027,163.5414 -77.828,163.24989 -77.828,162.95838 -77.828,162.66687000000002 -77.828,162.37536 -77.828,162.08384999999998 -77.828,161.79234 -77.828,161.50083 -77.828,161.20932 -77.828,160.91780999999997 -77.828,160.6263 -77.828,160.6263 -77.8027,160.6263 -77.7774,160.6263 -77.7521,160.6263 -77.7268,160.6263 -77.70150000000001,160.6263 -77.67620000000001,160.6263 -77.65090000000001,160.6263 -77.6256,160.6263 -77.6003,160.6263 -77.575))"], "date_created": "Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains soil properties data from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, focused on the properties of water tracks and adjacent dry soils. The dataset is surface and near-surface soil sample data, including sample location, water content by weight, organic matter content by weight, soluble salt extract composition by ion, and cation exchange extract concentrations from the soils. ", "east": 163.5414, "geometry": ["POINT(162.08384999999998 -77.70150000000001)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cation Exchange; Chemistry:soil; Chemistry:Soil; Dry Valleys; Organic Matter; Salt; Soil", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.575, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Levy, Joseph", "project_titles": "Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst \u0026 Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010286", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst \u0026 Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.828, "title": "Biogeochemical measurements of water tracks and adjacent dry soils from the McMurdo Dry Valleys", "uid": "601684", "west": 160.6263}, {"awards": "1341631 Lyons, W. Berry; 1341736 Adams, Byron", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-177.4099 -84.4661,-177.08229 -84.4661,-176.75468 -84.4661,-176.42707 -84.4661,-176.09946 -84.4661,-175.77185 -84.4661,-175.44424 -84.4661,-175.11663 -84.4661,-174.78902 -84.4661,-174.46141 -84.4661,-174.1338 -84.4661,-174.1338 -84.56828,-174.1338 -84.67046,-174.1338 -84.77264,-174.1338 -84.87482,-174.1338 -84.977,-174.1338 -85.07918,-174.1338 -85.18136,-174.1338 -85.28354,-174.1338 -85.38572,-174.1338 -85.4879,-174.46141 -85.4879,-174.78902 -85.4879,-175.11663 -85.4879,-175.44424 -85.4879,-175.77185 -85.4879,-176.09946 -85.4879,-176.42707 -85.4879,-176.75468 -85.4879,-177.08229 -85.4879,-177.4099 -85.4879,-177.4099 -85.38572,-177.4099 -85.28354,-177.4099 -85.18136,-177.4099 -85.07918,-177.4099 -84.977,-177.4099 -84.87482,-177.4099 -84.77264,-177.4099 -84.67046,-177.4099 -84.56828,-177.4099 -84.4661))"], "date_created": "Sun, 03 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "We collected soil surface samples (n = 21) and depth profiles (n = 25) every 5 cm to refusal (up to 30 cm) from eleven ice-free areas along the Shackleton Glacier, a major outlet glacier of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). We measured meteoric 10Be concentrations, which were later used to estimate relative surface exposure ages of the soils from seven locations. ", "east": -174.1338, "geometry": ["POINT(-175.77185 -84.977)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Be-10; Beryllium-10; Cosmogenic Radionuclides; Geochemistry; Geomorphology; Shackleton Glacier; Surface Exposure Dates", "locations": "Antarctica; Shackleton Glacier", "north": -84.4661, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Diaz, Melisa A.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010140", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.4879, "title": "Meteoric 10Be data of soils from the Shackleton Glacier region", "uid": "601421", "west": -177.4099}, {"awards": "1341736 Adams, Byron; 1341631 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-177.3907 -84.46466667,-177.06501 -84.46466667,-176.73932 -84.46466667,-176.41363 -84.46466667,-176.08794 -84.46466667,-175.76225 -84.46466667,-175.43656 -84.46466667,-175.11087 -84.46466667,-174.78518 -84.46466667,-174.45949 -84.46466667,-174.1338 -84.46466667,-174.1338 -84.566988336,-174.1338 -84.669310002,-174.1338 -84.771631668,-174.1338 -84.873953334,-174.1338 -84.976275,-174.1338 -85.078596666,-174.1338 -85.180918332,-174.1338 -85.283239998,-174.1338 -85.385561664,-174.1338 -85.48788333,-174.45949 -85.48788333,-174.78518 -85.48788333,-175.11087 -85.48788333,-175.43656 -85.48788333,-175.76225 -85.48788333,-176.08794 -85.48788333,-176.41363 -85.48788333,-176.73932 -85.48788333,-177.06501 -85.48788333,-177.3907 -85.48788333,-177.3907 -85.385561664,-177.3907 -85.283239998,-177.3907 -85.180918332,-177.3907 -85.078596666,-177.3907 -84.976275,-177.3907 -84.873953334,-177.3907 -84.771631668,-177.3907 -84.669310002,-177.3907 -84.566988336,-177.3907 -84.46466667))"], "date_created": "Sat, 02 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Soil samples were collected from the Shackleton Glacier region, located in the Queen Maud Mountains during the 2017-2018 austral summer. A subset of 27 samples were analyzed for stable isotopes of S, N, C, and O in nitrate, sulfate, and (bi)carbonate. ). \u03b415N-NO3 values ranged from -47.8 to 20.4\u2030 and, while all \u039417O-NO3 values are positive, they ranged from 15.7 to 45.9\u2030. \u03b434S-SO4 and \u03b418O-SO4 values ranged from 12.5 and 17.9\u2030 and -14.5 to -7.1\u2030, respectively. Total inorganic carbon isotopes ((bi)carbonate) in bulk soil samples ranged from 0.2 to 8.5\u2030 for \u03b413C and -38.8 to -9.6\u2030 for \u03b418O.", "east": -174.1338, "geometry": ["POINT(-175.76225 -84.976275)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Nitrate; Shackleton Glacier; Stable Isotopes; Sulfate; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Shackleton Glacier; Antarctica; Transantarctic Mountains", "north": -84.46466667, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Diaz, Melisa A.; Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010140", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.48788333, "title": "Shackleton Glacier region water-soluble salt isotopes", "uid": "601419", "west": -177.3907}, {"awards": "1341736 Adams, Byron; 1341631 Lyons, W. Berry", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-177.4213 -84.4647,-177.08802 -84.4647,-176.75474 -84.4647,-176.42146 -84.4647,-176.08818 -84.4647,-175.7549 -84.4647,-175.42162 -84.4647,-175.08834 -84.4647,-174.75506 -84.4647,-174.42178 -84.4647,-174.0885 -84.4647,-174.0885 -84.56732,-174.0885 -84.66994,-174.0885 -84.77256,-174.0885 -84.87518,-174.0885 -84.9778,-174.0885 -85.08042,-174.0885 -85.18304,-174.0885 -85.28566,-174.0885 -85.38828,-174.0885 -85.4909,-174.42178 -85.4909,-174.75506 -85.4909,-175.08834 -85.4909,-175.42162 -85.4909,-175.7549 -85.4909,-176.08818 -85.4909,-176.42146 -85.4909,-176.75474 -85.4909,-177.08802 -85.4909,-177.4213 -85.4909,-177.4213 -85.38828,-177.4213 -85.28566,-177.4213 -85.18304,-177.4213 -85.08042,-177.4213 -84.9778,-177.4213 -84.87518,-177.4213 -84.77256,-177.4213 -84.66994,-177.4213 -84.56732,-177.4213 -84.4647))"], "date_created": "Sat, 02 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "During the 2017-2018 austral summer, 220 surface soil samples (~top 5 cm) were collected from 11 distinct ice-free areas (Roberts Massif, Schroeder Hill, Mt. Augustana, Bennett Platform, Mt. Heekin, Thanksgiving Valley, Taylor Nunatak, Mt. Franke, Mt. Wasko, Nilsen Peak, and Mt. Speed) along the Shackleton Glacier. Dried soils were leached at a 1:5 soil to DI water ratio, and the leachate was filtered through 0.4 \u00b5m Nucleopore membrane filters. The leachate was analyzed for anions (F-, Cl-, Br-, and SO42-) which were measured on a Dionex ICS-2100 ion chromatograph, cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Sr2+) which were measured on a PerkinElmer Optima 8300 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES), and nutrients (NO3- + NO2-, PO43-, H4SiO4, and NH3) which were measured on a Skalar San++ Automated Wet Chemistry Analyzer at The Ohio State University. Perchlorate (ClO4-) and chlorate (ClO3-) were measured using an ion chromatograph-tandem mass spectrometry technique (IC-MS/MS) at Texas Tech University. Accuracy was typically better than 5% for all major anions, cations, and nutrients, as determined by the NIST 1643e external reference standard and the 2015 USGS interlaboratory calibration standard (M-216), and better than 10% for perchlorate and chlorate, as determined by spike recoveries.", "east": -174.0885, "geometry": ["POINT(-175.7549 -84.9778)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Geochemistry; Shackleton Glacier", "locations": "Antarctica; Shackleton Glacier", "north": -84.4647, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Diaz, Melisa A.; Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010140", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -85.4909, "title": "Shackleton Glacier region soil water-soluble geochemical data", "uid": "601418", "west": -177.4213}, {"awards": "1443585 Polito, Michael; 1443386 Emslie, Steven; 1443424 McMahon, Kelton; 1826712 McMahon, Kelton", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-54.67855 -63.434067)"], "date_created": "Fri, 24 Jul 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set focuses on ornithogenic soils excavated from a test pit located in an active colony of Pygoscelis spp. penguins on Platter Island in the Danger Islands archipelago along the northeastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula in December 2015. It contains radiocarbon dates of recovered penguin tissues and the estimated age of ornithogenic soils by depth. It also contains measurements of carbon (\u03b413C) and nitrogen (\u03b415N) stable isotope values of Pygoscelis spp. penguins eggshell membrane and feather samples and Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) hair sample recovered from these ornithogenic soils. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) was used to obtain radiocarbon dates at the Woods Hole National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility. Radiocarbon Dates were corrected for the marine carbon reservoir effect and calibrated to calendar years before present (cal years BP) using a \u0394R of 750\u2009\u00b1\u200950 years and the MARINE13 calibration curve in Calib 7.04. The rbacon package ver. in R was used to estimate age at depth of each soil level expressed as years relative to the common era (CE). Stable isotope analyses were conducted using an elemental analyzer coupled to a continuous flow stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer at Louisiana State University. The data set also includes associated data such as excavation date, location, site names, latitude/longitude, species, date of excavation, tissue used for radiocarbon dating, and carbon to nitrogen ratios. Details of the data set and all relevant methods are provided in Kalvakaalva et. al., 2020.", "east": -54.67855, "geometry": ["POINT(-54.67855 -63.434067)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Arctocephalus Gazella; Carbon; Holocene; Nitrogen; Paleoecology; Penguin; Pygoscelis Spp.; Stable Isotope Analysis; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctica; Weddell Sea", "north": -63.434067, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Kalvakaalva, Rohit; Clucas, Gemma; Herman, Rachael; Polito, Michael", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010047", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -63.434067, "title": "Radiocarbon dating and stable isotope values of penguin and seal tissues recovered from ornithogenic soils on Platter Island, Danger Islands Archipelago, Antarctic Peninsula in December 2015.", "uid": "601364", "west": -54.67855}, {"awards": "1341680 Sletten, Ronald", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160.9 -76.7,161.08 -76.7,161.26 -76.7,161.44 -76.7,161.62 -76.7,161.8 -76.7,161.98 -76.7,162.16 -76.7,162.34 -76.7,162.52 -76.7,162.7 -76.7,162.7 -76.79,162.7 -76.88,162.7 -76.97,162.7 -77.06,162.7 -77.15,162.7 -77.24,162.7 -77.33,162.7 -77.42,162.7 -77.51,162.7 -77.6,162.52 -77.6,162.34 -77.6,162.16 -77.6,161.98 -77.6,161.8 -77.6,161.62 -77.6,161.44 -77.6,161.26 -77.6,161.08 -77.6,160.9 -77.6,160.9 -77.51,160.9 -77.42,160.9 -77.33,160.9 -77.24,160.9 -77.15,160.9 -77.06,160.9 -76.97,160.9 -76.88,160.9 -76.79,160.9 -76.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 27 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The dataset contains the cosmogenic nuclide values for Be-10 and Al-26 for a 30-m permafrost cores collected in Beacon Valley.", "east": 162.7, "geometry": ["POINT(161.8 -77.15)"], "keywords": "Aluminum-26; Antarctica; Be-10; Cosmogenic; Dry Valleys; Geochemistry; Permafrost", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -76.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Sletten, Ronald S.", "project_titles": "Ancient landscape-active Surfaces: Periglacial Hyperinflation in soils of Beacon Valley, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010068", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Ancient landscape-active Surfaces: Periglacial Hyperinflation in soils of Beacon Valley, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.6, "title": "Chemical and physical characterization of Beacon Valley and Victoria Valley permafrost cores", "uid": "601247", "west": 160.9}, {"awards": "1443424 McMahon, Kelton; 1826712 McMahon, Kelton; 1443585 Polito, Michael; 1443386 Emslie, Steven", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-59 -62,-58.9 -62,-58.8 -62,-58.7 -62,-58.6 -62,-58.5 -62,-58.4 -62,-58.3 -62,-58.2 -62,-58.1 -62,-58 -62,-58 -62.1,-58 -62.2,-58 -62.3,-58 -62.4,-58 -62.5,-58 -62.6,-58 -62.7,-58 -62.8,-58 -62.9,-58 -63,-58.1 -63,-58.2 -63,-58.3 -63,-58.4 -63,-58.5 -63,-58.6 -63,-58.7 -63,-58.8 -63,-58.9 -63,-59 -63,-59 -62.9,-59 -62.8,-59 -62.7,-59 -62.6,-59 -62.5,-59 -62.4,-59 -62.3,-59 -62.2,-59 -62.1,-59 -62))"], "date_created": "Tue, 24 Sep 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Radiocarbon dates from pygoscelid penguin tissues from ornithogenic soils and beach deposits at Stranger Point, King George (25 de Mayo) Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Uncorrected dates are in radiocarbon years before present (BP); calibrated dates were corrected for the marine carbon reservoir effect (delta R = 700 +/- 50 years) and calibrated with Calib 7.0.4 to provide 2\u03c3 ranges in calendar years BP. All dates except were completed at the Woods Hole National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility and are designated with OS numbers. Localities include ancient penguin breedings sites (mounds, M), active colonies (I9, B3), and a mid-Holocene marine beach deposit (Pingfo 1).", "east": -58.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-58.5 -62.5)"], "keywords": "Abandoned Colonies; Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Beach Deposit; Geochronology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Holocene; Penguin; Radiocarbon; Radiocarbon Dates; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Stranger Point", "locations": "Antarctica; Stranger Point; Antarctic Peninsula", "north": -62.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Emslie, Steven", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010047", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -63.0, "title": "Radiocarbon dates from pygoscelid penguin tissues excavated at Stranger Point, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "601212", "west": -59.0}, {"awards": "1246203 Gooseff, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.1778 -77.6233,163.17792 -77.6233,163.17804 -77.6233,163.17816 -77.6233,163.17828 -77.6233,163.1784 -77.6233,163.17852 -77.6233,163.17864 -77.6233,163.17876 -77.6233,163.17888 -77.6233,163.179 -77.6233,163.179 -77.63331,163.179 -77.64332,163.179 -77.65333,163.179 -77.66334,163.179 -77.67335,163.179 -77.68336,163.179 -77.69337,163.179 -77.70338,163.179 -77.71339,163.179 -77.7234,163.17888 -77.7234,163.17876 -77.7234,163.17864 -77.7234,163.17852 -77.7234,163.1784 -77.7234,163.17828 -77.7234,163.17816 -77.7234,163.17804 -77.7234,163.17792 -77.7234,163.1778 -77.7234,163.1778 -77.71339,163.1778 -77.70338,163.1778 -77.69337,163.1778 -77.68336,163.1778 -77.67335,163.1778 -77.66334,163.1778 -77.65333,163.1778 -77.64332,163.1778 -77.63331,163.1778 -77.6233))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "As a part of the project titled \"Collaborative Research: The McMurdo Dry Valleys: A landscape on the threshold of change\", we measured ground temperatures from 0-20cm at three stream bank positions (base, mid-slope, and top) at 4 locations along Crescent Stream in Taylor Valley - 2 on the east bank, 2 on the west bank. The goal was to evaluate differences in thermal conduction and temperature dynamics of the active layers of these locations, in particular, in a stream that has undergone extensive bank erosion since 2012 due to permafrost degradation. One of the datalogging stations had significant technical problems and has very little data compared to the almost 2 years of temperature date from the other 3 stations (2015-2017). ", "east": 163.179, "geometry": ["POINT(163.1784 -77.67335)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Glaciology; Paleoclimate; Permafrost; Soil Temperature; Taylor Valley", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys; Taylor Valley", "north": -77.6233, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A landscape on the Threshold of Change", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000076", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A landscape on the Threshold of Change"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.7234, "title": "Active Layer Temperatures from Crescent Stream banks, Taylor Valley Antarctica", "uid": "601075", "west": 163.1778}, {"awards": "0944282 Hasiotis, Stephen", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(175 -86)"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This proposal will study the diversity, abundance, and tiering patterns of ichnofossils in continental and marine deposits of the Beacon Supergroup in the Beardmore Glacier Area (BGA). The PIs will focus on continental strata that contain a variety of ichnofossils and paleosols. Ichnofossils will be evaluated for their architectural and surficial morphologies, and will be compared to modern and ancient traces to interpret the tracemaker behavior and paleoenvironmental setting. Distribution of ichnofossils within these units may indicate the effect of lateral variability of pedogenesis, the magnitude and frequency of depositional events, and the amount of moisture within the sediment, as well as the effects of climate change. The paleoclimatic significance of ichnofossils will be determined by comparing the burrow size, occurrence, tiering, and pedogenic significance of ichnofossils in measured sections of stratigraphic units deposited during global warming and cooling episodes. Comparisons will be made between BGA formations to stratigraphically equivalent rocks deposited at low paleolatitudes with previously determined paleoclimatic settings. The objectives of this project are to address two major questions: what differences existed in ichnodiversity, abundance, and tiering in marine and continental deposits between high- and low-paleolatitudes, and was there a dearth of habitat usage in continental deposits during the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic, particularly in fluvial and lacustrine environments compared to the habitat usage in the marine realm at that time?\nThis study will enhance the ability to interpret paleoenvironments to the subenvironmental scale, understand the evolution of soil biota and ecosystems at high paleolatitudes, determine the role of organisms in soil formation at high paleolatitudes, explore the effects of climate change on the body size and diversity of organisms in the soil communities, and develop new tools to interpret paleoclimate in high latitudes. There is a strong education component associated with this proposal.", "east": 175.0, "geometry": ["POINT(175 -86)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Beardmore Glacier; Biota; Fossil; Paleoclimate; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Antarctica; Beardmore Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains", "north": -86.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Hasiotis, Stephen", "project_titles": "Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000423", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -86.0, "title": "Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica", "uid": "600156", "west": 175.0}, {"awards": "1343649 Levy, Joseph", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162.852 -77.6111,162.9893 -77.6111,163.1266 -77.6111,163.2639 -77.6111,163.4012 -77.6111,163.5385 -77.6111,163.6758 -77.6111,163.8131 -77.6111,163.9504 -77.6111,164.0877 -77.6111,164.225 -77.6111,164.225 -77.65331,164.225 -77.69552,164.225 -77.73773,164.225 -77.77994,164.225 -77.82215,164.225 -77.86436,164.225 -77.90657,164.225 -77.94878,164.225 -77.99099,164.225 -78.0332,164.0877 -78.0332,163.9504 -78.0332,163.8131 -78.0332,163.6758 -78.0332,163.5385 -78.0332,163.4012 -78.0332,163.2639 -78.0332,163.1266 -78.0332,162.9893 -78.0332,162.852 -78.0332,162.852 -77.99099,162.852 -77.94878,162.852 -77.90657,162.852 -77.86436,162.852 -77.82215,162.852 -77.77994,162.852 -77.73773,162.852 -77.69552,162.852 -77.65331,162.852 -77.6111))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The PIs propose to quantify the hillslope water, solute, and carbon budgets for Taylor Valley in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, using water tracks to investigate near-surface geological processes and challenge the paradigm that shallow groundwater is minimal or non-exixtant. Water tracks are linear zones of high soil moisture that route shallow groundwater downslope in permafrost dominated soils. Four hypotheses will be tested: 1) water tracks are important pathways for water and solute transport; 2) water tracks transport more dissolved silica than streams in Taylor Valley indicating they are the primary site of chemical weathering for cold desert soils and bedrock; 3) water tracks that drain highland terrains are dominated by humidity-separated brines while water tracks that drain lowland terrains are dominated by marine aerosols; 4) water tracks are the sites of the highest terrestrial soil carbon concentrations and the strongest CO2 fluxes in Taylor Valley and their carbon content increases with soil age, while carbon flux decreases with age. To test these hypotheses the PIs will carry out a suite of field measurements supported by modeling and remote sensing. They will install shallow permafrost wells in water tracks that span the range of geological, climatological, and topographic conditions in Taylor Valley. Multifrequency electromagnetic induction sounding of the upper ~1 m of the permafrost will create the first comprehensive map of soil moisture in Taylor Valley, and will permit direct quantification of water track discharge across the valley. The carbon contents of water track soils will be measured and linked to global carbon dynamics.\n\nNon-science majors at Oregon State University will be integrated into the proposed research through a new Global Environmental Change course focusing on the scientific method in Antarctica. Three undergraduate students, members of underrepresented minorities, will be entrained in the research, will contribute to all aspects of field and laboratory science, and will present results at national meetings.\n", "east": 164.225, "geometry": ["POINT(163.5385 -77.82215)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:soil; Chemistry:Soil; Critical Zone; Dry Valleys; Permafrost; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Well Measurements", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -77.6111, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Levy, Joseph", "project_titles": "Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000407", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0332, "title": "Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica", "uid": "600139", "west": 162.852}, {"awards": "1045215 Gooseff, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160 -77.25,160.5 -77.25,161 -77.25,161.5 -77.25,162 -77.25,162.5 -77.25,163 -77.25,163.5 -77.25,164 -77.25,164.5 -77.25,165 -77.25,165 -77.375,165 -77.5,165 -77.625,165 -77.75,165 -77.875,165 -78,165 -78.125,165 -78.25,165 -78.375,165 -78.5,164.5 -78.5,164 -78.5,163.5 -78.5,163 -78.5,162.5 -78.5,162 -78.5,161.5 -78.5,161 -78.5,160.5 -78.5,160 -78.5,160 -78.375,160 -78.25,160 -78.125,160 -78,160 -77.875,160 -77.75,160 -77.625,160 -77.5,160 -77.375,160 -77.25))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: Until recently, wetted soils in the Dry Valleys were generally only found adjacent to streams and lakes. Since the warm austral summer of 2002, numerous \"wet spots\" have been observed far from shorelines on relatively flat valley floor locations and as downslope fingers of flow on valley walls. The source of the water to wet these soils is unclear, as is the spatial and temporal pattern of occurrence from year to year. Their significance is potentially great as enhanced soil moisture may change the thermodynamics, hydrology, and erosion rate of surface soils, and facilitate transport of materials that had previously been stable. These changes to the soil active layer could significantly modify permafrost and ground ice stability within the Dry Valleys. The PIs seek to investigate these changes to address two competing hypotheses: that the source of water to these ?wet spots? is ground ice melt and that the source of this water is snowmelt. The PIs will document the spatiotemporal dynamics of these wet areas using high frequency remote sensing data from QuickBird and WorldView satellites to document the occurrence, dimensions, and growth of wet spots during the 2010-\u00ad11 and 2011-\u00ad12 austral summers. They will test their hypotheses by determining whether wet spots recur in the same locations in each season, and they will compare present to past distribution using archived imagery. They will also determine whether spatial snow accumulation patterns and temporal ablation patterns are coincident with wet spot formation. Broader impacts: One graduate student will be trained on this project. Findings will be reported at scientific meetings and published in peer reviewed journals. They will also develop a teaching module on remote sensing applications to hydrology for the Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement and an innovative prototype project designed to leverage public participation in mapping wet spots and snow patches across the Dry Valleys through the use of social media and mobile computing applications.\n", "east": 165.0, "geometry": ["POINT(162.5 -77.875)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Climate; Critical Zone; Dry Valleys; Radar; Soil Moisture", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.25, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "project_titles": "EAGER: Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000471", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "EAGER: Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.5, "title": "Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape", "uid": "600131", "west": 160.0}, {"awards": null, "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160.666667 -77.833333,160.681667 -77.833333,160.696667 -77.833333,160.711667 -77.833333,160.726667 -77.833333,160.741667 -77.833333,160.756667 -77.833333,160.771667 -77.833333,160.786667 -77.833333,160.801667 -77.833333,160.816667 -77.833333,160.816667 -77.8399997,160.816667 -77.8466664,160.816667 -77.8533331,160.816667 -77.8599998,160.816667 -77.8666665,160.816667 -77.8733332,160.816667 -77.8799999,160.816667 -77.8866666,160.816667 -77.8933333,160.816667 -77.9,160.801667 -77.9,160.786667 -77.9,160.771667 -77.9,160.756667 -77.9,160.741667 -77.9,160.726667 -77.9,160.711667 -77.9,160.696667 -77.9,160.681667 -77.9,160.666667 -77.9,160.666667 -77.8933333,160.666667 -77.8866666,160.666667 -77.8799999,160.666667 -77.8733332,160.666667 -77.8666665,160.666667 -77.8599998,160.666667 -77.8533331,160.666667 -77.8466664,160.666667 -77.8399997,160.666667 -77.833333))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set is comprised of four surveyed valleys focusing on the depth to ground ice in the high-elevation Quartermain Mountains in the Beacon Valley area: University Valley, Farnell Valley, and two unnamed valleys north of University Valley, which we will call Valley North and Valley 2 North. To date it is only in the high-elevation Dry Valleys that the climatic conditions are dry and cold enough that cryotic (always below 0\u0026deg;C) yet dry soil is found over ice-cemented ground (McKay et al. 1998), (Bockheim 2007). The data provide a qualitative and quantitative contribution towards understanding the type and distribution of ground ice in the Quartermain Mountains at a high spatial resolution. The measurements can be used to improve and validate models of ice stability and distribution. This data set contains observations of depth to ice-cemented ground, based on 475 measurements at 147 sites. Note that the measurements represent the thickness of the active layer plus any dry permafrost layer, which is ubiquitous in this region, and not just the thickness of the active layer.", "east": 160.816667, "geometry": ["POINT(160.741667 -77.8666665)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Critical Zone; Dry Valleys; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Permafrost; Soil", "locations": "Dry Valleys; Antarctica", "north": -77.833333, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Marinova, Margarita M.; McKay, Christopher P.", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -77.9, "title": "Depths to Ice-cemented Soils in High-elevation Quartermain Mountains, Dry Valleys, Antarctica", "uid": "609529", "west": 160.666667}, {"awards": "0838850 Gooseff, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-163.3 -77.62,-163.202 -77.62,-163.104 -77.62,-163.006 -77.62,-162.908 -77.62,-162.81 -77.62,-162.712 -77.62,-162.614 -77.62,-162.516 -77.62,-162.418 -77.62,-162.32 -77.62,-162.32 -77.631,-162.32 -77.642,-162.32 -77.653,-162.32 -77.664,-162.32 -77.675,-162.32 -77.686,-162.32 -77.697,-162.32 -77.708,-162.32 -77.719,-162.32 -77.73,-162.418 -77.73,-162.516 -77.73,-162.614 -77.73,-162.712 -77.73,-162.81 -77.73,-162.908 -77.73,-163.006 -77.73,-163.104 -77.73,-163.202 -77.73,-163.3 -77.73,-163.3 -77.719,-163.3 -77.708,-163.3 -77.697,-163.3 -77.686,-163.3 -77.675,-163.3 -77.664,-163.3 -77.653,-163.3 -77.642,-163.3 -77.631,-163.3 -77.62))"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Two models have been proposed to describe controls over microbial biogeography. One model proposes that microbes are ubiquitously distributed across the global environment, and that environmental conditions select for taxa physiologically adapted to local physical conditions. An alternative model predicts that dispersal is the important limitation to the distribution of microorganisms and that spatial heterogeneity of microbial communities is a result of both dispersal and local environmental limitations. According to both models, spatial heterogeneity of microbial communities may be especially pronounced in extreme ecosystems where the environmental selection for organisms with suitable physiology is most strongly manifest. We propose that Antarctic terrestrial environments are ideal places to examine microbial biogeography for 3 reasons: 1) the pristine nature and remoteness of Antarctica minimizes the prevalence of exotic species dispersed through human vectors; 2) the extreme conditions of Antarctic environments provide a strong environmental filter which limits the establishment of non-indigenous taxa; and 3) extreme heterogeneity in the terrestrial environment provides natural gradients of soil conditions (temperature, water and nutrient availability). In the proposed research we will investigate the influence of snow on the composition and spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and linked biogeochemical cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. We will conduct fieldwork at the landscape scale (repeated remote sensing to characterize snow distribution), at the valley and patch scales (quantify snow patch ablation, microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling in subnivian soils). We hypothesize that snow patches play an important role in structuring the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and their associated ecosystem functioning because of the physical and hydrological influences that snow patches have on the soil environment. The research will contribute to greater public awareness of the importance of polar research to fundamental questions of biology, ecology and hydrology through direct linkages with International Antarctic Institute public outreach activities, including dissemination of web-based learning units on environmental science and microbiology, targeted as resources for secondary and post-secondary educators. Three graduate students, one postdoctoral scholar and multiple undergraduates will participate in the research activities.\n", "east": -162.32, "geometry": ["POINT(-162.81 -77.675)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Critical Zone; Mps-1 Water Potential Sensor; Physical Properties; Soil Moisture; Soil Temperature", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.62, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Gooseff, Michael N.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000489", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.73, "title": "The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys", "uid": "600100", "west": -163.3}, {"awards": "0739648 Cary, Stephen", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(163 -77.5)"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The glacial streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys have extensive cyanobacterial mats that are a probable source of fixed C and N to the Valleys. The research will examine the interplay between the microbial mats in the ephemeral glacial streams and the microbiota of the hyporheic soils (wetted soil zone) underlying and adjacent to those mats. It is hypothesized that the mats are important sources of organic carbon and fixed nitrogen for the soil communities of the hyporheic zone, and release dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) that serves the entire Dry Valley ecosystem. Field efforts will entail both observational and experimental components. Direct comparisons will be made between the mats and microbial populations underlying naturally rehydrated and desiccated mat areas, and between mat areas in the melt streams of the Adams and Miers Glaciers in Miers Valley. Both physiological and phylogenetic indices of the soil microbiota will be examined. Observations will include estimates of rates of mat carbon and nitrogen fixation, soil respiration and leucine and thymidine uptake (as measures of protein \u0026 DNA synthesis, respectively) by soil bacteria, bacterial densities and their molecular ecology. Experimental manipulations will include experimental re-wetting of soils and observations of the time course of response of the microbial community. The research will integrate modern molecular genetic approaches (ARISA-DNA fingerprinting and ultra deep 16S rDNA microbial phylogenetic analysis) with geochemistry to study the diversity, ecology, and function of microbial communities that thrive in these extreme environments. The broader impacts of the project include research and educational opportunities for graduate students and a postdoctoral associate. The P.I.s will involve undergraduates as work-study students and in REU programs, and will participate in educational and outreach programs.", "east": 163.0, "geometry": ["POINT(163 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Cell Counts; Dry Valleys; Microbiology", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -77.5, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Cary, S. Craig", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000476", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.5, "title": "Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams", "uid": "600079", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "0125098 Emslie, Steven", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-50 -60,-29 -60,-8 -60,13 -60,34 -60,55 -60,76 -60,97 -60,118 -60,139 -60,160 -60,160 -63,160 -66,160 -69,160 -72,160 -75,160 -78,160 -81,160 -84,160 -87,160 -90,139 -90,118 -90,97 -90,76 -90,55 -90,34 -90,13 -90,-8 -90,-29 -90,-50 -90,-50 -87,-50 -84,-50 -81,-50 -78,-50 -75,-50 -72,-50 -69,-50 -66,-50 -63,-50 -60))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project will build on previous studies to investigate the occupation history and diet of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, with excavations of abandoned and active penguin colonies. Numerous active and abandoned colonies exist on the Victoria Land coast, from Cape Adare to Marble Point will be sampled. Some of these sites have been radiocarbon-dated and indicate a long occupation history for Adelie penguins extending to 13,000 years before present (B. P.). The material recovered from excavations, as demonstrated from previous investigations, will include penguin bones, tissue, and eggshell fragments as well as abundant remains of prey (fish bones, otoliths, squid beaks) preserved in ornithogenic (formed from bird guano) soils. These organic remains will be quantified and subjected to radiocarbon analyses to obtain a colonization history of penguins in this region. Identification of prey remains in the sediments will allow assessment of penguin diet. \n\nOther data (ancient DNA) from these sites will be analyzed through collaboration with New Zealand scientists. Past climatic conditions will be interpreted from published ice-core and marine-sediment records. These data will be used to test the hypothesis that Adelie penguins respond to climate change, past and present, in a predictable manner. In addition, the hypothesis that Adelie penguins alter their diet in accordance with climate, sea-ice conditions, and other marine environmental variables along a latitudinal gradient will be tested. Graduate and undergraduate students will be involved in this project and a project Web site will be developed to report results and maintain educational interaction between the PI and students at local middle and high schools in Wilmington, NC.", "east": 160.0, "geometry": ["POINT(55 -75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Biota; Geochronology; Oceans; Paleoclimate; Penguin; Radiocarbon; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Ross Sea; Southern Ocean; Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Emslie, Steven", "project_titles": "Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000220", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -90.0, "title": "Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region", "uid": "600028", "west": -50.0}, {"awards": "0636629 Kurz, Mark", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((160.7 -77.8,161.06 -77.8,161.42 -77.8,161.78 -77.8,162.14 -77.8,162.5 -77.8,162.86 -77.8,163.22 -77.8,163.58 -77.8,163.94 -77.8,164.3 -77.8,164.3 -77.86,164.3 -77.92,164.3 -77.98,164.3 -78.04,164.3 -78.1,164.3 -78.16,164.3 -78.22,164.3 -78.28,164.3 -78.34,164.3 -78.4,163.94 -78.4,163.58 -78.4,163.22 -78.4,162.86 -78.4,162.5 -78.4,162.14 -78.4,161.78 -78.4,161.42 -78.4,161.06 -78.4,160.7 -78.4,160.7 -78.34,160.7 -78.28,160.7 -78.22,160.7 -78.16,160.7 -78.1,160.7 -78.04,160.7 -77.98,160.7 -77.92,160.7 -77.86,160.7 -77.8))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This project uses cosmogenic nuclide dating and LIDAR studies of surface roughness to understand weathering and landscape evolution in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The work focuses on two processes: cryoturbation of frozen soils and the development of patterned, frozen ground on ancient lava flows. The approach includes innovative uses of He3 profiling. Results will also be applied to understanding the glacial history of the Dry Valleys. There are potential applications to understanding the history of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and the formation of Martian landscapes. The broader impacts include graduate student education. As well, the work may contribute to our understanding of the history of the Antarctic ice sheets, which is important to modeling their behavior during global climate change.", "east": 164.3, "geometry": ["POINT(162.5 -78.1)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cosmogenic Radionuclides; Dry Valleys; Geology/Geophysics - Other; Glaciology; LIDAR; Navigation; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description", "locations": "Antarctica; Dry Valleys", "north": -77.8, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Soule, S. Adam; Kurz, Mark D.", "project_titles": "Periglacial Landscape Evolution in Antarctic Lava Flows and Glacial Tills", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000559", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Periglacial Landscape Evolution in Antarctic Lava Flows and Glacial Tills"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.4, "title": "Periglacial Landscape Evolution in Antarctic Lava Flows and Glacial Tills", "uid": "600066", "west": 160.7}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
Soil moisture and soil temperature data (0-5 cm) near Palmer Station, Antarctica
1947562 |
2025-01-03 | van Gestel, Natasja |
Antarctica as a Model System for Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Balance to Warming |
This data set contains soil temperature, soil moisture, and soil conductivity data in the vicinity of Palmer Station. TEROS12 sensors are installed in 40 plots that are distributed along an increasing primary productivity gradient (i.e., with increasing distance from the Marr Ice Piedmont glacier). The sensors are comprised of 5 cm long metal pins that are inserted straight down into the soil and hence, data are collected from the upper 0-5 cm of the soil. There are 4 sites along the gradient (site 1 is closest to the glacier and site 4 is farthest from the glacier), with ten plots at each site. Half of the plots at each site are plots that contain an open-top chamber and the other half of the plots are control (unwarmed) plots. Plot ids will contain "W" for warmed plots and "C" for control plots. Raw data from the loggers (logged every 20 minutes), as well as an R Markdown file is provided to facilitate reading in and displaying the daily average soil moisture and temperature data at the plot and at the treatment level for each productivity site. Loggers and sensors were installed in December 2022 and were downloaded in November (sites 2-4) and in December (site 1) of 2024. | ["POLYGON((-64.0898264 -64.7704833,-64.08444765 -64.7704833,-64.07906890000001 -64.7704833,-64.07369015 -64.7704833,-64.0683114 -64.7704833,-64.06293265 -64.7704833,-64.0575539 -64.7704833,-64.05217515 -64.7704833,-64.04679639999999 -64.7704833,-64.04141765 -64.7704833,-64.0360389 -64.7704833,-64.0360389 -64.77082025,-64.0360389 -64.77115719999999,-64.0360389 -64.77149415,-64.0360389 -64.7718311,-64.0360389 -64.77216805,-64.0360389 -64.772505,-64.0360389 -64.77284195,-64.0360389 -64.7731789,-64.0360389 -64.77351585,-64.0360389 -64.7738528,-64.04141765 -64.7738528,-64.04679639999999 -64.7738528,-64.05217515 -64.7738528,-64.0575539 -64.7738528,-64.06293265 -64.7738528,-64.0683114 -64.7738528,-64.07369015 -64.7738528,-64.07906890000001 -64.7738528,-64.08444765 -64.7738528,-64.0898264 -64.7738528,-64.0898264 -64.77351585,-64.0898264 -64.7731789,-64.0898264 -64.77284195,-64.0898264 -64.772505,-64.0898264 -64.77216805,-64.0898264 -64.7718311,-64.0898264 -64.77149415,-64.0898264 -64.77115719999999,-64.0898264 -64.77082025,-64.0898264 -64.7704833))"] | ["POINT(-64.06293265 -64.77216805)"] | false | false |
Temporal and spatial stress tolerance variation in Belgica antarctica
1850988 |
2025-01-03 | Sousa Lima, Cleverson; Michel, Andrew; Hayward, Scott; Teets, Nicholas; Lima, Cleverson de Sousa | No project link provided | Environmental conditions are the major drivers of species distribution, and terrestrial Antarctica arguably presents the most dramatic challenges for its inhabitants. Many animals rely on acclimation to enhance their stress tolerance to face unfavorable conditions. Some animals can also rely on their phenotypic plasticity to respond to these unfavorable conditions without the need to slowly experience increasing levels of stress to enhance their stress tolerance (i.e., acclimate). Belgica antarctica can rely on both types of strategies, but since they evolved to live in a habitat with such dramatic environmental changes as Antarctica, they are very sensitive to any type of stress (e.g., a sudden drop in temperature, or a bout of high-speed wind). Studying the extent to which B. antarctica rely on each of these strategies to survive and how environmental variation can shape this species’ biology across distinct populations (i.e., that might experience distinct selective pressures) is important to help us better understand how polyextremophiles adapt and evolve while inhabiting extreme environments. This project focused on studying freeze tolerance in B. antarctica populations populations within Cormorant Island that inhabited three distinct microhabitats over the course of the summer season (January-March). | [] | [] | false | false |
U-Th isotopes and major elements in sediments from Taylor Valley, Antarctica
2042495 1644171 |
2024-07-01 | Edwards, Graham; Piccione, Gavin; Blackburn, Terrence; Tulaczyk, Slawek |
U-Series Comminution Age Constraints on Taylor Valley Erosion Collaborative Research: Reconstructing East Antarctica’s Past Response to Climate using Subglacial Precipitates |
This dataset contains uranium and thorium isotopic compositions (U-234, U-235, U-238, Th-230, Th-232) and major element compositions (Al, K, Na, Ca, Fe, Mn, reported as oxides) for silicate sediments from glaciogenic drifts associated with advances of Taylor Glacier in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Isotopic measurements were obtained by ID-TIMS in the Keck Isotope Facility at UC Santa Cruz and elemental measurements were obtained by ICP-OES in the Plasma Analytical Laboratory. All measurements include fully propagated analytical and systematic (e.g. isotopic tracer) uncertainties. Chemical index of alteration was calculated from major element data. Prior to measurements, sediments were sieved to ≤125 μm grain sizes, separated into quartz-feldspar-rich and clay-rich aliquots by hydraulic settling, and subjected to sequential chemical extractions ("leaching") prior to silicate digestion. | ["POLYGON((161.9 -77.65,161.96 -77.65,162.02 -77.65,162.08 -77.65,162.14000000000001 -77.65,162.2 -77.65,162.26 -77.65,162.32 -77.65,162.38 -77.65,162.44 -77.65,162.5 -77.65,162.5 -77.66000000000001,162.5 -77.67,162.5 -77.68,162.5 -77.69,162.5 -77.7,162.5 -77.71000000000001,162.5 -77.72,162.5 -77.73,162.5 -77.74,162.5 -77.75,162.44 -77.75,162.38 -77.75,162.32 -77.75,162.26 -77.75,162.2 -77.75,162.14000000000001 -77.75,162.08 -77.75,162.02 -77.75,161.96 -77.75,161.9 -77.75,161.9 -77.74,161.9 -77.73,161.9 -77.72,161.9 -77.71000000000001,161.9 -77.7,161.9 -77.69,161.9 -77.68,161.9 -77.67,161.9 -77.66000000000001,161.9 -77.65))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.7)"] | false | false |
Hyperspectral reflectance values and biophysicochemical properties of biocrusts and soils in the Fryxell Basin, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
2044924 |
2024-04-03 | Barrett, John | No project link provided | Microbial communities are the primary drivers of carbon cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Dense microbial mats, consisting mainly of photosynthetic cyanobacteria, occupy aquatic areas associated with streams and lakes. Other microbial communities also occur at lower densities as patchy surface biological soil crusts (biocrusts) across the terrestrial landscape. Multispectral satellite data have been used to model microbial mat abundance in high-density areas like stream and lake margins, but no previous studies had investigated the lower detection limits of biocrusts. Here, we describe remote sensing and field-based survey and sampling approaches to study the detectability and distribution of biocrusts in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Using a combination of multi- and hyperspectral tools and spectral linear unmixing, we modeled the abundances of biocrust in eastern Taylor Valley. Our spectral approaches can detect low masses of biocrust material in laboratory microcosms down to biocrust concentrations of 1% by mass. These techniques also distinguish the spectra of biocrust from both surface rock and mineral signatures from orbit. We found that biocrusts are present throughout the soils of eastern Taylor Valley and are associated with diverse underlying soil communities. The densest biocrust communities identified in this study had total organic carbon 5x greater than the content of typical arid soils. The most productive biocrusts were located downslope of melting snowpacks in unique soil ecosystems that are distinct from the surrounding arid landscape. There are similarities between the snowpack and stream sediment communities (high diversity of soil invertebrates) as well as their ecosystem properties (e.g., persistence of liquid water, high transfer of available nutrients, lower salinity from flushing) compared to the typical arid terrestrial ecosystem of the dry valleys. Our approach extends the capability of orbital remote sensing of photosynthetic communities out of the aquatic margins and into the drier soils which comprise most of this landscape. This interdisciplinary work is critical for measuring and monitoring terrestrial carbon stocks and predicting future ecosystem dynamics in this currently water-limited but increasingly dynamic Antarctic landscape, which is particularly climate-sensitive and difficult to access. | ["POLYGON((161.70776367188 -77.519802097166,161.899475097661 -77.519802097166,162.091186523442 -77.519802097166,162.282897949223 -77.519802097166,162.474609375004 -77.519802097166,162.666320800785 -77.519802097166,162.858032226566 -77.519802097166,163.049743652347 -77.519802097166,163.241455078128 -77.519802097166,163.433166503909 -77.519802097166,163.62487792969 -77.519802097166,163.62487792969 -77.54867059480199,163.62487792969 -77.57753909243799,163.62487792969 -77.606407590074,163.62487792969 -77.63527608771,163.62487792969 -77.664144585346,163.62487792969 -77.69301308298199,163.62487792969 -77.72188158061799,163.62487792969 -77.750750078254,163.62487792969 -77.77961857589,163.62487792969 -77.808487073526,163.433166503909 -77.808487073526,163.241455078128 -77.808487073526,163.049743652347 -77.808487073526,162.858032226566 -77.808487073526,162.666320800785 -77.808487073526,162.474609375004 -77.808487073526,162.282897949223 -77.808487073526,162.091186523442 -77.808487073526,161.899475097661 -77.808487073526,161.70776367188 -77.808487073526,161.70776367188 -77.77961857589,161.70776367188 -77.750750078254,161.70776367188 -77.72188158061799,161.70776367188 -77.69301308298199,161.70776367188 -77.664144585346,161.70776367188 -77.63527608771,161.70776367188 -77.606407590074,161.70776367188 -77.57753909243799,161.70776367188 -77.54867059480199,161.70776367188 -77.519802097166))"] | ["POINT(162.666320800785 -77.664144585346)"] | false | false |
Biogeochemical measurements of water tracks and adjacent dry soils from the McMurdo Dry Valleys
1847067 |
2023-05-01 | Levy, Joseph |
Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst & Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy |
This dataset contains soil properties data from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, focused on the properties of water tracks and adjacent dry soils. The dataset is surface and near-surface soil sample data, including sample location, water content by weight, organic matter content by weight, soluble salt extract composition by ion, and cation exchange extract concentrations from the soils. | ["POLYGON((160.6263 -77.575,160.91780999999997 -77.575,161.20932 -77.575,161.50083 -77.575,161.79234 -77.575,162.08384999999998 -77.575,162.37536 -77.575,162.66687000000002 -77.575,162.95838 -77.575,163.24989 -77.575,163.5414 -77.575,163.5414 -77.6003,163.5414 -77.6256,163.5414 -77.65090000000001,163.5414 -77.67620000000001,163.5414 -77.70150000000001,163.5414 -77.7268,163.5414 -77.7521,163.5414 -77.7774,163.5414 -77.8027,163.5414 -77.828,163.24989 -77.828,162.95838 -77.828,162.66687000000002 -77.828,162.37536 -77.828,162.08384999999998 -77.828,161.79234 -77.828,161.50083 -77.828,161.20932 -77.828,160.91780999999997 -77.828,160.6263 -77.828,160.6263 -77.8027,160.6263 -77.7774,160.6263 -77.7521,160.6263 -77.7268,160.6263 -77.70150000000001,160.6263 -77.67620000000001,160.6263 -77.65090000000001,160.6263 -77.6256,160.6263 -77.6003,160.6263 -77.575))"] | ["POINT(162.08384999999998 -77.70150000000001)"] | false | false |
Meteoric 10Be data of soils from the Shackleton Glacier region
1341631 1341736 |
2021-01-03 | Diaz, Melisa A. |
Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains |
We collected soil surface samples (n = 21) and depth profiles (n = 25) every 5 cm to refusal (up to 30 cm) from eleven ice-free areas along the Shackleton Glacier, a major outlet glacier of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). We measured meteoric 10Be concentrations, which were later used to estimate relative surface exposure ages of the soils from seven locations. | ["POLYGON((-177.4099 -84.4661,-177.08229 -84.4661,-176.75468 -84.4661,-176.42707 -84.4661,-176.09946 -84.4661,-175.77185 -84.4661,-175.44424 -84.4661,-175.11663 -84.4661,-174.78902 -84.4661,-174.46141 -84.4661,-174.1338 -84.4661,-174.1338 -84.56828,-174.1338 -84.67046,-174.1338 -84.77264,-174.1338 -84.87482,-174.1338 -84.977,-174.1338 -85.07918,-174.1338 -85.18136,-174.1338 -85.28354,-174.1338 -85.38572,-174.1338 -85.4879,-174.46141 -85.4879,-174.78902 -85.4879,-175.11663 -85.4879,-175.44424 -85.4879,-175.77185 -85.4879,-176.09946 -85.4879,-176.42707 -85.4879,-176.75468 -85.4879,-177.08229 -85.4879,-177.4099 -85.4879,-177.4099 -85.38572,-177.4099 -85.28354,-177.4099 -85.18136,-177.4099 -85.07918,-177.4099 -84.977,-177.4099 -84.87482,-177.4099 -84.77264,-177.4099 -84.67046,-177.4099 -84.56828,-177.4099 -84.4661))"] | ["POINT(-175.77185 -84.977)"] | false | false |
Shackleton Glacier region water-soluble salt isotopes
1341736 1341631 |
2021-01-02 | Diaz, Melisa A.; Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B. |
Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains |
Soil samples were collected from the Shackleton Glacier region, located in the Queen Maud Mountains during the 2017-2018 austral summer. A subset of 27 samples were analyzed for stable isotopes of S, N, C, and O in nitrate, sulfate, and (bi)carbonate. ). δ15N-NO3 values ranged from -47.8 to 20.4‰ and, while all Δ17O-NO3 values are positive, they ranged from 15.7 to 45.9‰. δ34S-SO4 and δ18O-SO4 values ranged from 12.5 and 17.9‰ and -14.5 to -7.1‰, respectively. Total inorganic carbon isotopes ((bi)carbonate) in bulk soil samples ranged from 0.2 to 8.5‰ for δ13C and -38.8 to -9.6‰ for δ18O. | ["POLYGON((-177.3907 -84.46466667,-177.06501 -84.46466667,-176.73932 -84.46466667,-176.41363 -84.46466667,-176.08794 -84.46466667,-175.76225 -84.46466667,-175.43656 -84.46466667,-175.11087 -84.46466667,-174.78518 -84.46466667,-174.45949 -84.46466667,-174.1338 -84.46466667,-174.1338 -84.566988336,-174.1338 -84.669310002,-174.1338 -84.771631668,-174.1338 -84.873953334,-174.1338 -84.976275,-174.1338 -85.078596666,-174.1338 -85.180918332,-174.1338 -85.283239998,-174.1338 -85.385561664,-174.1338 -85.48788333,-174.45949 -85.48788333,-174.78518 -85.48788333,-175.11087 -85.48788333,-175.43656 -85.48788333,-175.76225 -85.48788333,-176.08794 -85.48788333,-176.41363 -85.48788333,-176.73932 -85.48788333,-177.06501 -85.48788333,-177.3907 -85.48788333,-177.3907 -85.385561664,-177.3907 -85.283239998,-177.3907 -85.180918332,-177.3907 -85.078596666,-177.3907 -84.976275,-177.3907 -84.873953334,-177.3907 -84.771631668,-177.3907 -84.669310002,-177.3907 -84.566988336,-177.3907 -84.46466667))"] | ["POINT(-175.76225 -84.976275)"] | false | false |
Shackleton Glacier region soil water-soluble geochemical data
1341736 1341631 |
2021-01-02 | Diaz, Melisa A.; Lyons, W. Berry; Gardner, Christopher B. |
Collaborative Research: The Role of Glacial History on the Structure and Functioning of Ecological Communities in the Shackleton Glacier Region of the Transantarctic Mountains |
During the 2017-2018 austral summer, 220 surface soil samples (~top 5 cm) were collected from 11 distinct ice-free areas (Roberts Massif, Schroeder Hill, Mt. Augustana, Bennett Platform, Mt. Heekin, Thanksgiving Valley, Taylor Nunatak, Mt. Franke, Mt. Wasko, Nilsen Peak, and Mt. Speed) along the Shackleton Glacier. Dried soils were leached at a 1:5 soil to DI water ratio, and the leachate was filtered through 0.4 µm Nucleopore membrane filters. The leachate was analyzed for anions (F-, Cl-, Br-, and SO42-) which were measured on a Dionex ICS-2100 ion chromatograph, cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Sr2+) which were measured on a PerkinElmer Optima 8300 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES), and nutrients (NO3- + NO2-, PO43-, H4SiO4, and NH3) which were measured on a Skalar San++ Automated Wet Chemistry Analyzer at The Ohio State University. Perchlorate (ClO4-) and chlorate (ClO3-) were measured using an ion chromatograph-tandem mass spectrometry technique (IC-MS/MS) at Texas Tech University. Accuracy was typically better than 5% for all major anions, cations, and nutrients, as determined by the NIST 1643e external reference standard and the 2015 USGS interlaboratory calibration standard (M-216), and better than 10% for perchlorate and chlorate, as determined by spike recoveries. | ["POLYGON((-177.4213 -84.4647,-177.08802 -84.4647,-176.75474 -84.4647,-176.42146 -84.4647,-176.08818 -84.4647,-175.7549 -84.4647,-175.42162 -84.4647,-175.08834 -84.4647,-174.75506 -84.4647,-174.42178 -84.4647,-174.0885 -84.4647,-174.0885 -84.56732,-174.0885 -84.66994,-174.0885 -84.77256,-174.0885 -84.87518,-174.0885 -84.9778,-174.0885 -85.08042,-174.0885 -85.18304,-174.0885 -85.28566,-174.0885 -85.38828,-174.0885 -85.4909,-174.42178 -85.4909,-174.75506 -85.4909,-175.08834 -85.4909,-175.42162 -85.4909,-175.7549 -85.4909,-176.08818 -85.4909,-176.42146 -85.4909,-176.75474 -85.4909,-177.08802 -85.4909,-177.4213 -85.4909,-177.4213 -85.38828,-177.4213 -85.28566,-177.4213 -85.18304,-177.4213 -85.08042,-177.4213 -84.9778,-177.4213 -84.87518,-177.4213 -84.77256,-177.4213 -84.66994,-177.4213 -84.56732,-177.4213 -84.4647))"] | ["POINT(-175.7549 -84.9778)"] | false | false |
Radiocarbon dating and stable isotope values of penguin and seal tissues recovered from ornithogenic soils on Platter Island, Danger Islands Archipelago, Antarctic Peninsula in December 2015.
1443585 1443386 1443424 1826712 |
2020-07-24 | Kalvakaalva, Rohit; Clucas, Gemma; Herman, Rachael; Polito, Michael |
Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators |
This data set focuses on ornithogenic soils excavated from a test pit located in an active colony of Pygoscelis spp. penguins on Platter Island in the Danger Islands archipelago along the northeastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula in December 2015. It contains radiocarbon dates of recovered penguin tissues and the estimated age of ornithogenic soils by depth. It also contains measurements of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope values of Pygoscelis spp. penguins eggshell membrane and feather samples and Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) hair sample recovered from these ornithogenic soils. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) was used to obtain radiocarbon dates at the Woods Hole National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility. Radiocarbon Dates were corrected for the marine carbon reservoir effect and calibrated to calendar years before present (cal years BP) using a ΔR of 750 ± 50 years and the MARINE13 calibration curve in Calib 7.04. The rbacon package ver. in R was used to estimate age at depth of each soil level expressed as years relative to the common era (CE). Stable isotope analyses were conducted using an elemental analyzer coupled to a continuous flow stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer at Louisiana State University. The data set also includes associated data such as excavation date, location, site names, latitude/longitude, species, date of excavation, tissue used for radiocarbon dating, and carbon to nitrogen ratios. Details of the data set and all relevant methods are provided in Kalvakaalva et. al., 2020. | ["POINT(-54.67855 -63.434067)"] | ["POINT(-54.67855 -63.434067)"] | false | false |
Chemical and physical characterization of Beacon Valley and Victoria Valley permafrost cores
1341680 |
2020-01-27 | Sletten, Ronald S. |
Ancient landscape-active Surfaces: Periglacial Hyperinflation in soils of Beacon Valley, Antarctica |
The dataset contains the cosmogenic nuclide values for Be-10 and Al-26 for a 30-m permafrost cores collected in Beacon Valley. | ["POLYGON((160.9 -76.7,161.08 -76.7,161.26 -76.7,161.44 -76.7,161.62 -76.7,161.8 -76.7,161.98 -76.7,162.16 -76.7,162.34 -76.7,162.52 -76.7,162.7 -76.7,162.7 -76.79,162.7 -76.88,162.7 -76.97,162.7 -77.06,162.7 -77.15,162.7 -77.24,162.7 -77.33,162.7 -77.42,162.7 -77.51,162.7 -77.6,162.52 -77.6,162.34 -77.6,162.16 -77.6,161.98 -77.6,161.8 -77.6,161.62 -77.6,161.44 -77.6,161.26 -77.6,161.08 -77.6,160.9 -77.6,160.9 -77.51,160.9 -77.42,160.9 -77.33,160.9 -77.24,160.9 -77.15,160.9 -77.06,160.9 -76.97,160.9 -76.88,160.9 -76.79,160.9 -76.7))"] | ["POINT(161.8 -77.15)"] | false | false |
Radiocarbon dates from pygoscelid penguin tissues excavated at Stranger Point, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula
1443424 1826712 1443585 1443386 |
2019-09-24 | Emslie, Steven |
Collaborative Research: Investigating Holocene Shifts in the Diets and Paleohistory of Antarctic Krill Predators |
Radiocarbon dates from pygoscelid penguin tissues from ornithogenic soils and beach deposits at Stranger Point, King George (25 de Mayo) Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Uncorrected dates are in radiocarbon years before present (BP); calibrated dates were corrected for the marine carbon reservoir effect (delta R = 700 +/- 50 years) and calibrated with Calib 7.0.4 to provide 2σ ranges in calendar years BP. All dates except were completed at the Woods Hole National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility and are designated with OS numbers. Localities include ancient penguin breedings sites (mounds, M), active colonies (I9, B3), and a mid-Holocene marine beach deposit (Pingfo 1). | ["POLYGON((-59 -62,-58.9 -62,-58.8 -62,-58.7 -62,-58.6 -62,-58.5 -62,-58.4 -62,-58.3 -62,-58.2 -62,-58.1 -62,-58 -62,-58 -62.1,-58 -62.2,-58 -62.3,-58 -62.4,-58 -62.5,-58 -62.6,-58 -62.7,-58 -62.8,-58 -62.9,-58 -63,-58.1 -63,-58.2 -63,-58.3 -63,-58.4 -63,-58.5 -63,-58.6 -63,-58.7 -63,-58.8 -63,-58.9 -63,-59 -63,-59 -62.9,-59 -62.8,-59 -62.7,-59 -62.6,-59 -62.5,-59 -62.4,-59 -62.3,-59 -62.2,-59 -62.1,-59 -62))"] | ["POINT(-58.5 -62.5)"] | false | false |
Active Layer Temperatures from Crescent Stream banks, Taylor Valley Antarctica
1246203 |
2017-12-18 | Gooseff, Michael N. |
Collaborative Research: THE MCMURDO DRY VALLEYS: A landscape on the Threshold of Change |
As a part of the project titled "Collaborative Research: The McMurdo Dry Valleys: A landscape on the threshold of change", we measured ground temperatures from 0-20cm at three stream bank positions (base, mid-slope, and top) at 4 locations along Crescent Stream in Taylor Valley - 2 on the east bank, 2 on the west bank. The goal was to evaluate differences in thermal conduction and temperature dynamics of the active layers of these locations, in particular, in a stream that has undergone extensive bank erosion since 2012 due to permafrost degradation. One of the datalogging stations had significant technical problems and has very little data compared to the almost 2 years of temperature date from the other 3 stations (2015-2017). | ["POLYGON((163.1778 -77.6233,163.17792 -77.6233,163.17804 -77.6233,163.17816 -77.6233,163.17828 -77.6233,163.1784 -77.6233,163.17852 -77.6233,163.17864 -77.6233,163.17876 -77.6233,163.17888 -77.6233,163.179 -77.6233,163.179 -77.63331,163.179 -77.64332,163.179 -77.65333,163.179 -77.66334,163.179 -77.67335,163.179 -77.68336,163.179 -77.69337,163.179 -77.70338,163.179 -77.71339,163.179 -77.7234,163.17888 -77.7234,163.17876 -77.7234,163.17864 -77.7234,163.17852 -77.7234,163.1784 -77.7234,163.17828 -77.7234,163.17816 -77.7234,163.17804 -77.7234,163.17792 -77.7234,163.1778 -77.7234,163.1778 -77.71339,163.1778 -77.70338,163.1778 -77.69337,163.1778 -77.68336,163.1778 -77.67335,163.1778 -77.66334,163.1778 -77.65333,163.1778 -77.64332,163.1778 -77.63331,163.1778 -77.6233))"] | ["POINT(163.1784 -77.67335)"] | false | false |
Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
0944282 |
2016-01-01 | Hasiotis, Stephen |
Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica |
This proposal will study the diversity, abundance, and tiering patterns of ichnofossils in continental and marine deposits of the Beacon Supergroup in the Beardmore Glacier Area (BGA). The PIs will focus on continental strata that contain a variety of ichnofossils and paleosols. Ichnofossils will be evaluated for their architectural and surficial morphologies, and will be compared to modern and ancient traces to interpret the tracemaker behavior and paleoenvironmental setting. Distribution of ichnofossils within these units may indicate the effect of lateral variability of pedogenesis, the magnitude and frequency of depositional events, and the amount of moisture within the sediment, as well as the effects of climate change. The paleoclimatic significance of ichnofossils will be determined by comparing the burrow size, occurrence, tiering, and pedogenic significance of ichnofossils in measured sections of stratigraphic units deposited during global warming and cooling episodes. Comparisons will be made between BGA formations to stratigraphically equivalent rocks deposited at low paleolatitudes with previously determined paleoclimatic settings. The objectives of this project are to address two major questions: what differences existed in ichnodiversity, abundance, and tiering in marine and continental deposits between high- and low-paleolatitudes, and was there a dearth of habitat usage in continental deposits during the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic, particularly in fluvial and lacustrine environments compared to the habitat usage in the marine realm at that time? This study will enhance the ability to interpret paleoenvironments to the subenvironmental scale, understand the evolution of soil biota and ecosystems at high paleolatitudes, determine the role of organisms in soil formation at high paleolatitudes, explore the effects of climate change on the body size and diversity of organisms in the soil communities, and develop new tools to interpret paleoclimate in high latitudes. There is a strong education component associated with this proposal. | ["POINT(175 -86)"] | ["POINT(175 -86)"] | false | false |
Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
1343649 |
2015-01-01 | Levy, Joseph |
Cryptic Hydrology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Track Contributions to Water and Geochemical Budgets in Taylor Valley, Antarctica |
The PIs propose to quantify the hillslope water, solute, and carbon budgets for Taylor Valley in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, using water tracks to investigate near-surface geological processes and challenge the paradigm that shallow groundwater is minimal or non-exixtant. Water tracks are linear zones of high soil moisture that route shallow groundwater downslope in permafrost dominated soils. Four hypotheses will be tested: 1) water tracks are important pathways for water and solute transport; 2) water tracks transport more dissolved silica than streams in Taylor Valley indicating they are the primary site of chemical weathering for cold desert soils and bedrock; 3) water tracks that drain highland terrains are dominated by humidity-separated brines while water tracks that drain lowland terrains are dominated by marine aerosols; 4) water tracks are the sites of the highest terrestrial soil carbon concentrations and the strongest CO2 fluxes in Taylor Valley and their carbon content increases with soil age, while carbon flux decreases with age. To test these hypotheses the PIs will carry out a suite of field measurements supported by modeling and remote sensing. They will install shallow permafrost wells in water tracks that span the range of geological, climatological, and topographic conditions in Taylor Valley. Multifrequency electromagnetic induction sounding of the upper ~1 m of the permafrost will create the first comprehensive map of soil moisture in Taylor Valley, and will permit direct quantification of water track discharge across the valley. The carbon contents of water track soils will be measured and linked to global carbon dynamics. Non-science majors at Oregon State University will be integrated into the proposed research through a new Global Environmental Change course focusing on the scientific method in Antarctica. Three undergraduate students, members of underrepresented minorities, will be entrained in the research, will contribute to all aspects of field and laboratory science, and will present results at national meetings. | ["POLYGON((162.852 -77.6111,162.9893 -77.6111,163.1266 -77.6111,163.2639 -77.6111,163.4012 -77.6111,163.5385 -77.6111,163.6758 -77.6111,163.8131 -77.6111,163.9504 -77.6111,164.0877 -77.6111,164.225 -77.6111,164.225 -77.65331,164.225 -77.69552,164.225 -77.73773,164.225 -77.77994,164.225 -77.82215,164.225 -77.86436,164.225 -77.90657,164.225 -77.94878,164.225 -77.99099,164.225 -78.0332,164.0877 -78.0332,163.9504 -78.0332,163.8131 -78.0332,163.6758 -78.0332,163.5385 -78.0332,163.4012 -78.0332,163.2639 -78.0332,163.1266 -78.0332,162.9893 -78.0332,162.852 -78.0332,162.852 -77.99099,162.852 -77.94878,162.852 -77.90657,162.852 -77.86436,162.852 -77.82215,162.852 -77.77994,162.852 -77.73773,162.852 -77.69552,162.852 -77.65331,162.852 -77.6111))"] | ["POINT(163.5385 -77.82215)"] | false | false |
Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape
1045215 |
2014-01-01 | Gooseff, Michael N. |
EAGER: Are the Dry Valleys Getting Wetter? A Preliminary Assessment of Wetness Across the McMurdo Dry Valleys Landscape |
Intellectual Merit: Until recently, wetted soils in the Dry Valleys were generally only found adjacent to streams and lakes. Since the warm austral summer of 2002, numerous "wet spots" have been observed far from shorelines on relatively flat valley floor locations and as downslope fingers of flow on valley walls. The source of the water to wet these soils is unclear, as is the spatial and temporal pattern of occurrence from year to year. Their significance is potentially great as enhanced soil moisture may change the thermodynamics, hydrology, and erosion rate of surface soils, and facilitate transport of materials that had previously been stable. These changes to the soil active layer could significantly modify permafrost and ground ice stability within the Dry Valleys. The PIs seek to investigate these changes to address two competing hypotheses: that the source of water to these ?wet spots? is ground ice melt and that the source of this water is snowmelt. The PIs will document the spatiotemporal dynamics of these wet areas using high frequency remote sensing data from QuickBird and WorldView satellites to document the occurrence, dimensions, and growth of wet spots during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 austral summers. They will test their hypotheses by determining whether wet spots recur in the same locations in each season, and they will compare present to past distribution using archived imagery. They will also determine whether spatial snow accumulation patterns and temporal ablation patterns are coincident with wet spot formation. Broader impacts: One graduate student will be trained on this project. Findings will be reported at scientific meetings and published in peer reviewed journals. They will also develop a teaching module on remote sensing applications to hydrology for the Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement and an innovative prototype project designed to leverage public participation in mapping wet spots and snow patches across the Dry Valleys through the use of social media and mobile computing applications. | ["POLYGON((160 -77.25,160.5 -77.25,161 -77.25,161.5 -77.25,162 -77.25,162.5 -77.25,163 -77.25,163.5 -77.25,164 -77.25,164.5 -77.25,165 -77.25,165 -77.375,165 -77.5,165 -77.625,165 -77.75,165 -77.875,165 -78,165 -78.125,165 -78.25,165 -78.375,165 -78.5,164.5 -78.5,164 -78.5,163.5 -78.5,163 -78.5,162.5 -78.5,162 -78.5,161.5 -78.5,161 -78.5,160.5 -78.5,160 -78.5,160 -78.375,160 -78.25,160 -78.125,160 -78,160 -77.875,160 -77.75,160 -77.625,160 -77.5,160 -77.375,160 -77.25))"] | ["POINT(162.5 -77.875)"] | false | false |
Depths to Ice-cemented Soils in High-elevation Quartermain Mountains, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
None | 2013-03-18 | Marinova, Margarita M.; McKay, Christopher P. | No project link provided | This data set is comprised of four surveyed valleys focusing on the depth to ground ice in the high-elevation Quartermain Mountains in the Beacon Valley area: University Valley, Farnell Valley, and two unnamed valleys north of University Valley, which we will call Valley North and Valley 2 North. To date it is only in the high-elevation Dry Valleys that the climatic conditions are dry and cold enough that cryotic (always below 0°C) yet dry soil is found over ice-cemented ground (McKay et al. 1998), (Bockheim 2007). The data provide a qualitative and quantitative contribution towards understanding the type and distribution of ground ice in the Quartermain Mountains at a high spatial resolution. The measurements can be used to improve and validate models of ice stability and distribution. This data set contains observations of depth to ice-cemented ground, based on 475 measurements at 147 sites. Note that the measurements represent the thickness of the active layer plus any dry permafrost layer, which is ubiquitous in this region, and not just the thickness of the active layer. | ["POLYGON((160.666667 -77.833333,160.681667 -77.833333,160.696667 -77.833333,160.711667 -77.833333,160.726667 -77.833333,160.741667 -77.833333,160.756667 -77.833333,160.771667 -77.833333,160.786667 -77.833333,160.801667 -77.833333,160.816667 -77.833333,160.816667 -77.8399997,160.816667 -77.8466664,160.816667 -77.8533331,160.816667 -77.8599998,160.816667 -77.8666665,160.816667 -77.8733332,160.816667 -77.8799999,160.816667 -77.8866666,160.816667 -77.8933333,160.816667 -77.9,160.801667 -77.9,160.786667 -77.9,160.771667 -77.9,160.756667 -77.9,160.741667 -77.9,160.726667 -77.9,160.711667 -77.9,160.696667 -77.9,160.681667 -77.9,160.666667 -77.9,160.666667 -77.8933333,160.666667 -77.8866666,160.666667 -77.8799999,160.666667 -77.8733332,160.666667 -77.8666665,160.666667 -77.8599998,160.666667 -77.8533331,160.666667 -77.8466664,160.666667 -77.8399997,160.666667 -77.833333))"] | ["POINT(160.741667 -77.8666665)"] | false | false |
The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
0838850 |
2013-01-01 | Gooseff, Michael N. |
Collaborative Research: The Role of Snow Patches on the Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys |
Two models have been proposed to describe controls over microbial biogeography. One model proposes that microbes are ubiquitously distributed across the global environment, and that environmental conditions select for taxa physiologically adapted to local physical conditions. An alternative model predicts that dispersal is the important limitation to the distribution of microorganisms and that spatial heterogeneity of microbial communities is a result of both dispersal and local environmental limitations. According to both models, spatial heterogeneity of microbial communities may be especially pronounced in extreme ecosystems where the environmental selection for organisms with suitable physiology is most strongly manifest. We propose that Antarctic terrestrial environments are ideal places to examine microbial biogeography for 3 reasons: 1) the pristine nature and remoteness of Antarctica minimizes the prevalence of exotic species dispersed through human vectors; 2) the extreme conditions of Antarctic environments provide a strong environmental filter which limits the establishment of non-indigenous taxa; and 3) extreme heterogeneity in the terrestrial environment provides natural gradients of soil conditions (temperature, water and nutrient availability). In the proposed research we will investigate the influence of snow on the composition and spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and linked biogeochemical cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. We will conduct fieldwork at the landscape scale (repeated remote sensing to characterize snow distribution), at the valley and patch scales (quantify snow patch ablation, microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling in subnivian soils). We hypothesize that snow patches play an important role in structuring the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and their associated ecosystem functioning because of the physical and hydrological influences that snow patches have on the soil environment. The research will contribute to greater public awareness of the importance of polar research to fundamental questions of biology, ecology and hydrology through direct linkages with International Antarctic Institute public outreach activities, including dissemination of web-based learning units on environmental science and microbiology, targeted as resources for secondary and post-secondary educators. Three graduate students, one postdoctoral scholar and multiple undergraduates will participate in the research activities. | ["POLYGON((-163.3 -77.62,-163.202 -77.62,-163.104 -77.62,-163.006 -77.62,-162.908 -77.62,-162.81 -77.62,-162.712 -77.62,-162.614 -77.62,-162.516 -77.62,-162.418 -77.62,-162.32 -77.62,-162.32 -77.631,-162.32 -77.642,-162.32 -77.653,-162.32 -77.664,-162.32 -77.675,-162.32 -77.686,-162.32 -77.697,-162.32 -77.708,-162.32 -77.719,-162.32 -77.73,-162.418 -77.73,-162.516 -77.73,-162.614 -77.73,-162.712 -77.73,-162.81 -77.73,-162.908 -77.73,-163.006 -77.73,-163.104 -77.73,-163.202 -77.73,-163.3 -77.73,-163.3 -77.719,-163.3 -77.708,-163.3 -77.697,-163.3 -77.686,-163.3 -77.675,-163.3 -77.664,-163.3 -77.653,-163.3 -77.642,-163.3 -77.631,-163.3 -77.62))"] | ["POINT(-162.81 -77.675)"] | false | false |
Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams
0739648 |
2013-01-01 | Cary, S. Craig |
Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobactrial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley Glacial Meltwater Streams |
The glacial streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys have extensive cyanobacterial mats that are a probable source of fixed C and N to the Valleys. The research will examine the interplay between the microbial mats in the ephemeral glacial streams and the microbiota of the hyporheic soils (wetted soil zone) underlying and adjacent to those mats. It is hypothesized that the mats are important sources of organic carbon and fixed nitrogen for the soil communities of the hyporheic zone, and release dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) that serves the entire Dry Valley ecosystem. Field efforts will entail both observational and experimental components. Direct comparisons will be made between the mats and microbial populations underlying naturally rehydrated and desiccated mat areas, and between mat areas in the melt streams of the Adams and Miers Glaciers in Miers Valley. Both physiological and phylogenetic indices of the soil microbiota will be examined. Observations will include estimates of rates of mat carbon and nitrogen fixation, soil respiration and leucine and thymidine uptake (as measures of protein & DNA synthesis, respectively) by soil bacteria, bacterial densities and their molecular ecology. Experimental manipulations will include experimental re-wetting of soils and observations of the time course of response of the microbial community. The research will integrate modern molecular genetic approaches (ARISA-DNA fingerprinting and ultra deep 16S rDNA microbial phylogenetic analysis) with geochemistry to study the diversity, ecology, and function of microbial communities that thrive in these extreme environments. The broader impacts of the project include research and educational opportunities for graduate students and a postdoctoral associate. The P.I.s will involve undergraduates as work-study students and in REU programs, and will participate in educational and outreach programs. | ["POINT(163 -77.5)"] | ["POINT(163 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region
0125098 |
2009-01-01 | Emslie, Steven |
Occupation History and Diet of Adelie Penguins in the Ross Sea Region |
This project will build on previous studies to investigate the occupation history and diet of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, with excavations of abandoned and active penguin colonies. Numerous active and abandoned colonies exist on the Victoria Land coast, from Cape Adare to Marble Point will be sampled. Some of these sites have been radiocarbon-dated and indicate a long occupation history for Adelie penguins extending to 13,000 years before present (B. P.). The material recovered from excavations, as demonstrated from previous investigations, will include penguin bones, tissue, and eggshell fragments as well as abundant remains of prey (fish bones, otoliths, squid beaks) preserved in ornithogenic (formed from bird guano) soils. These organic remains will be quantified and subjected to radiocarbon analyses to obtain a colonization history of penguins in this region. Identification of prey remains in the sediments will allow assessment of penguin diet. Other data (ancient DNA) from these sites will be analyzed through collaboration with New Zealand scientists. Past climatic conditions will be interpreted from published ice-core and marine-sediment records. These data will be used to test the hypothesis that Adelie penguins respond to climate change, past and present, in a predictable manner. In addition, the hypothesis that Adelie penguins alter their diet in accordance with climate, sea-ice conditions, and other marine environmental variables along a latitudinal gradient will be tested. Graduate and undergraduate students will be involved in this project and a project Web site will be developed to report results and maintain educational interaction between the PI and students at local middle and high schools in Wilmington, NC. | ["POLYGON((-50 -60,-29 -60,-8 -60,13 -60,34 -60,55 -60,76 -60,97 -60,118 -60,139 -60,160 -60,160 -63,160 -66,160 -69,160 -72,160 -75,160 -78,160 -81,160 -84,160 -87,160 -90,139 -90,118 -90,97 -90,76 -90,55 -90,34 -90,13 -90,-8 -90,-29 -90,-50 -90,-50 -87,-50 -84,-50 -81,-50 -78,-50 -75,-50 -72,-50 -69,-50 -66,-50 -63,-50 -60))"] | ["POINT(55 -75)"] | false | false |
Periglacial Landscape Evolution in Antarctic Lava Flows and Glacial Tills
0636629 |
2009-01-01 | Soule, S. Adam; Kurz, Mark D. |
Periglacial Landscape Evolution in Antarctic Lava Flows and Glacial Tills |
This project uses cosmogenic nuclide dating and LIDAR studies of surface roughness to understand weathering and landscape evolution in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The work focuses on two processes: cryoturbation of frozen soils and the development of patterned, frozen ground on ancient lava flows. The approach includes innovative uses of He3 profiling. Results will also be applied to understanding the glacial history of the Dry Valleys. There are potential applications to understanding the history of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and the formation of Martian landscapes. The broader impacts include graduate student education. As well, the work may contribute to our understanding of the history of the Antarctic ice sheets, which is important to modeling their behavior during global climate change. | ["POLYGON((160.7 -77.8,161.06 -77.8,161.42 -77.8,161.78 -77.8,162.14 -77.8,162.5 -77.8,162.86 -77.8,163.22 -77.8,163.58 -77.8,163.94 -77.8,164.3 -77.8,164.3 -77.86,164.3 -77.92,164.3 -77.98,164.3 -78.04,164.3 -78.1,164.3 -78.16,164.3 -78.22,164.3 -78.28,164.3 -78.34,164.3 -78.4,163.94 -78.4,163.58 -78.4,163.22 -78.4,162.86 -78.4,162.5 -78.4,162.14 -78.4,161.78 -78.4,161.42 -78.4,161.06 -78.4,160.7 -78.4,160.7 -78.34,160.7 -78.28,160.7 -78.22,160.7 -78.16,160.7 -78.1,160.7 -78.04,160.7 -77.98,160.7 -77.92,160.7 -77.86,160.7 -77.8))"] | ["POINT(162.5 -78.1)"] | false | false |