{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Provenance"}
[{"awards": "1743643 Passchier, Sandra", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-42.933 -61.849)"], "date_created": "Wed, 22 Jun 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains measurements of major and trace elements on 190 samples of Eocene-Oligocene sediment from Ocean Drilling Program Site 696 drilled in 650 m water depth on the South Orkney Microcontinent. The composition of detrital, biogenic and authigenic sediment components was assessed via whole rock geochemistry of sediment samples. Instrument analysis was completed at Montclair State University.", "east": -42.933, "geometry": ["POINT(-42.933 -61.849)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciation; IODP 650; IODP 696; Paleoceanography; Provenance; Sediment Core Data; Weathering; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Weddell Sea; Antarctica", "north": -61.849, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Passchier, Sandra; Hojnacki, Victoria; Li, Xiaona; States, Abbey; Lepp, Allison", "project_titles": "Timing and Spatial Distribution of Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Sea-ice Formation across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010101", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Timing and Spatial Distribution of Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Sea-ice Formation across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -61.849, "title": "Major and trace element analyses of Eocene-Oligocene marine sediments from ODP Site 696, South Orkney Microcontinent", "uid": "601582", "west": -42.933}, {"awards": "1443556 Thomson, Stuart", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -83.5,-178 -83.5,-176 -83.5,-174 -83.5,-172 -83.5,-170 -83.5,-168 -83.5,-166 -83.5,-164 -83.5,-162 -83.5,-160 -83.5,-160 -83.75,-160 -84,-160 -84.25,-160 -84.5,-160 -84.75,-160 -85,-160 -85.25,-160 -85.5,-160 -85.75,-160 -86,-162 -86,-164 -86,-166 -86,-168 -86,-170 -86,-172 -86,-174 -86,-176 -86,-178 -86,180 -86,179 -86,178 -86,177 -86,176 -86,175 -86,174 -86,173 -86,172 -86,171 -86,170 -86,170 -85.75,170 -85.5,170 -85.25,170 -85,170 -84.75,170 -84.5,170 -84.25,170 -84,170 -83.75,170 -83.5,171 -83.5,172 -83.5,173 -83.5,174 -83.5,175 -83.5,176 -83.5,177 -83.5,178 -83.5,179 -83.5,-180 -83.5))"], "date_created": "Tue, 13 Jul 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "List of supplementary tables from publication\r\nHe, J., Thomson, S.N., Reiners, P.W., Hemming, S.R., and Licht, K.J., 2021, Rapid erosion of the central Transantarctic Mountains at the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Evidence from skewed (U-Th)/He date distributions near Beardmore Glacier: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 567, p. 117009, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117009.\r\n\r\nSupp. Table 1 U-Th/He data\r\nSupp. Table 2 Trace and REE data\r\nSupp. Table 3 Compilation with elevation-weighted resampling\r\nSupp. Table 4 Summary statistics and sampling distribution of large-n samples and compilations.\r\nSupp. Table 5 Perpendicular distance of BAR and CMK sample to Kukri Peneplain\r\nSupp. Table 6 Compilation of apatite He data from east Antarctica used in Fig. 1\r\n", "east": -160.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-175 -84.75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Beardmore Glacier; Erosion; Landscape Evolution; Shackleton Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains; (U-Th)/He", "locations": "Shackleton Glacier; Transantarctic Mountains; Antarctica; Beardmore Glacier", "north": -83.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Thomson, Stuart; He, John; Reiners, Peter; Hemming, Sidney R.; Licht, Kathy", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: East Antarctic Glacial Landscape Evolution (EAGLE): A Study using Combined Thermochronology, Geochronology and Provenance Analysis", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010188", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: East Antarctic Glacial Landscape Evolution (EAGLE): A Study using Combined Thermochronology, Geochronology and Provenance Analysis"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -86.0, "title": "Apatite (U-Th)/He and TREE Data Central Transantarctic Mountains", "uid": "601462", "west": 170.0}, {"awards": "1724670 Williams, Trevor", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-70 -80,-65 -80,-60 -80,-55 -80,-50 -80,-45 -80,-40 -80,-35 -80,-30 -80,-25 -80,-20 -80,-20 -80.6,-20 -81.2,-20 -81.8,-20 -82.4,-20 -83,-20 -83.6,-20 -84.2,-20 -84.8,-20 -85.4,-20 -86,-25 -86,-30 -86,-35 -86,-40 -86,-45 -86,-50 -86,-55 -86,-60 -86,-65 -86,-70 -86,-70 -85.4,-70 -84.8,-70 -84.2,-70 -83.6,-70 -83,-70 -82.4,-70 -81.8,-70 -81.2,-70 -80.6,-70 -80))"], "date_created": "Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains 40Ar/39Ar measurements on detrital mineral grains from till in modern moraines at the edges of the Institute, Foundation, Academy, Recovery, and the Slessor glaciers / ice streams.", "east": -20.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-45 -83)"], "keywords": "40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology; Antarctica; Argon; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Detrital Minerals; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Marine Sediments; Mass Spectrometer; Provenance; R/v Polarstern; Sediment Core Data; Subglacial Till; Till; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Antarctica; Weddell Sea", "north": -80.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Williams, Trevor", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010128", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -86.0, "title": "Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment", "uid": "601377", "west": -70.0}, {"awards": "1724670 Williams, Trevor", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-65 -74,-61 -74,-57 -74,-53 -74,-49 -74,-45 -74,-41 -74,-37 -74,-33 -74,-29 -74,-25 -74,-25 -74.6,-25 -75.2,-25 -75.8,-25 -76.4,-25 -77,-25 -77.6,-25 -78.2,-25 -78.8,-25 -79.4,-25 -80,-29 -80,-33 -80,-37 -80,-41 -80,-45 -80,-49 -80,-53 -80,-57 -80,-61 -80,-65 -80,-65 -79.4,-65 -78.8,-65 -78.2,-65 -77.6,-65 -77,-65 -76.4,-65 -75.8,-65 -75.2,-65 -74.6,-65 -74))"], "date_created": "Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains 40Ar/39Ar measurements on detrital mineral grains from subglacial till and proximal glacimarine sediment from nine sediment cores along the front of the Filchner and Ronne Ice Shelves. ", "east": -25.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-45 -77)"], "keywords": "40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology; Antarctica; Argon; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Detrital Minerals; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Marine Sediments; Mass Spectrometer; Provenance; R/v Polarstern; Sediment Core Data; Subglacial Till; Till; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Antarctica; Weddell Sea", "north": -74.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Williams, Trevor", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010128", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -80.0, "title": "Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment", "uid": "601378", "west": -65.0}, {"awards": "1724670 Williams, Trevor", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-50 -62,-49 -62,-48 -62,-47 -62,-46 -62,-45 -62,-44 -62,-43 -62,-42 -62,-41 -62,-40 -62,-40 -62.3,-40 -62.6,-40 -62.9,-40 -63.2,-40 -63.5,-40 -63.8,-40 -64.1,-40 -64.4,-40 -64.7,-40 -65,-41 -65,-42 -65,-43 -65,-44 -65,-45 -65,-46 -65,-47 -65,-48 -65,-49 -65,-50 -65,-50 -64.7,-50 -64.4,-50 -64.1,-50 -63.8,-50 -63.5,-50 -63.2,-50 -62.9,-50 -62.6,-50 -62.3,-50 -62))"], "date_created": "Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains 40Ar/39Ar measurements on detrital mineral grains from ice-rafted detritus from sediment core PS1575-1 in the NW Weddell Sea. The depositional age of the sediments is approx. 0 to 300 ka. ", "east": -40.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-45 -63.5)"], "keywords": "40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology; Antarctica; Argon; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Detrital Minerals; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Marine Geoscience; Mass Spectrometer; Provenance; R/v Polarstern; Sediment Core Data; Subglacial Till; Till; Weddell Sea", "locations": "Weddell Sea; Antarctica", "north": -62.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Williams, Trevor", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010128", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -65.0, "title": "Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment", "uid": "601379", "west": -50.0}, {"awards": "1043619 Hemming, Sidney", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -63.997,-179.7982 -63.997,-179.5964 -63.997,-179.3946 -63.997,-179.1928 -63.997,-178.991 -63.997,-178.7892 -63.997,-178.5874 -63.997,-178.3856 -63.997,-178.1838 -63.997,-177.982 -63.997,-177.982 -66.3324,-177.982 -68.6678,-177.982 -71.0032,-177.982 -73.3386,-177.982 -75.674,-177.982 -78.0094,-177.982 -80.3448,-177.982 -82.6802,-177.982 -85.0156,-177.982 -87.351,-178.1838 -87.351,-178.3856 -87.351,-178.5874 -87.351,-178.7892 -87.351,-178.991 -87.351,-179.1928 -87.351,-179.3946 -87.351,-179.5964 -87.351,-179.7982 -87.351,180 -87.351,172.54273 -87.351,165.08546 -87.351,157.62819 -87.351,150.17092 -87.351,142.71365 -87.351,135.25638 -87.351,127.79911 -87.351,120.34184 -87.351,112.88457 -87.351,105.4273 -87.351,105.4273 -85.0156,105.4273 -82.6802,105.4273 -80.3448,105.4273 -78.0094,105.4273 -75.674,105.4273 -73.3386,105.4273 -71.0032,105.4273 -68.6678,105.4273 -66.3324,105.4273 -63.997,112.88457 -63.997,120.34184 -63.997,127.79911 -63.997,135.25638 -63.997,142.71365 -63.997,150.17092 -63.997,157.62819 -63.997,165.08546 -63.997,172.54273 -63.997,-180 -63.997))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: The PIs proposed a provenance study of glacial deposits in the Ross Embayment that will provide a broad scale geochronologic survey of detrital minerals in till to help characterize bedrock beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet and constrain Antarctica?s glacial history. This project capitalizes on previous investments in field sampling. Analytical tools applied to single mineral grains extracted from existing collections of glacial till will generate ?fingerprints? of East Antarctic outlet glaciers and West Antarctic till to refine paleo-ice flow models for the Ross Embayment during the last glacial maximum, older records from ANDRILL cores, and to assess IRD sources in the Southern Ocean. New provenance tracers will include a suite of geochronological methods that together provide greater insights into the orogenic and erosional history the region. This project will include U/Pb of detrital zircons, (U-Th)/He on a subset of the U/Pb dated zircons, as well as Ar-Ar of detrital hornblende, mica and feldspars.\nBroader Impacts: This research will train one M.S. student at IUPUI, a Ph.D. student at Columbia, and several undergraduates at both institutions. Graduate students involved in the project will be involved in mentoring undergraduate researchers. Incorporation of research discoveries will be brought into the classroom by providing concrete examples and exercises at the appropriate level. Licht and Columbia graduate student E. Pierce are developing outreach projects with local secondary school teachers to investigate the provenance of glacial materials in their local areas. The research will have broad applicability to many fields.", "east": 105.4273, "geometry": ["POINT(143.72265 -75.674)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctica; Geochemistry; Ross Sea; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Southern Ocean; West Antarctica", "locations": "West Antarctica; Southern Ocean; Ross Sea; Antarctica; East Antarctica", "north": -63.997, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Hemming, Sidney R.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000333", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -87.351, "title": "East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains", "uid": "600124", "west": -177.982}, {"awards": "0944475 Kaplan, Michael", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -84.1,-176.97 -84.1,-173.94 -84.1,-170.91 -84.1,-167.88 -84.1,-164.85 -84.1,-161.82 -84.1,-158.79 -84.1,-155.76 -84.1,-152.73 -84.1,-149.7 -84.1,-149.7 -84.43,-149.7 -84.76,-149.7 -85.09,-149.7 -85.42,-149.7 -85.75,-149.7 -86.08,-149.7 -86.41,-149.7 -86.74,-149.7 -87.07,-149.7 -87.4,-152.73 -87.4,-155.76 -87.4,-158.79 -87.4,-161.82 -87.4,-164.85 -87.4,-167.88 -87.4,-170.91 -87.4,-173.94 -87.4,-176.97 -87.4,180 -87.4,178.12 -87.4,176.24 -87.4,174.36 -87.4,172.48 -87.4,170.6 -87.4,168.72 -87.4,166.84 -87.4,164.96 -87.4,163.08 -87.4,161.2 -87.4,161.2 -87.07,161.2 -86.74,161.2 -86.41,161.2 -86.08,161.2 -85.75,161.2 -85.42,161.2 -85.09,161.2 -84.76,161.2 -84.43,161.2 -84.1,163.08 -84.1,164.96 -84.1,166.84 -84.1,168.72 -84.1,170.6 -84.1,172.48 -84.1,174.36 -84.1,176.24 -84.1,178.12 -84.1,-180 -84.1))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: The proposed work will investigate changes in the compositional variation of glacial tills over time across two concentric sequences of Pleistocene moraines located adjacent to the heads of East Antarctic outlet glaciers in the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM). The chronologic framework for this work will be generated from cosmogenic exposure ages of boulders on prominent morainal ridges. The PIs hypothesize that variations in till composition may indicate a change in ice flow direction or a change in the composition of the original source area, while ages of the moraines provide a long-term terrestrial perspective on ice sheet dynamics. Both results are vital for modeling experiments that aim to reconstruct the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and assess its role in the global climate system and its potential impact on global sea level rise. The variation of till compositions through time also allows for a more accurate interpretation of sediment cores from the Ross Sea and the Southern Ocean. Additionally, till exposures at the head of some East Antarctic outlet glaciers have been shown to contain subglacial material derived from East Antarctic bedrock, providing a window through the ice to view East Antarctica\u0027s inaccessible bedrock. Till samples will be collected from two well-preserved sequences of moraine crests at Mt. Howe (head of Scott Glacier) and Mt. Achernar (between Beardmore and Nimrod Glaciers). Each size fraction in glacial till provides potentially valuable information, and the PIs will measure the petrography of the clast and sand fractions, quantitative X-ray diffraction on the crushed \u003c2mm fraction, elemental abundance of the silt/clay fraction, and U/Pb of detrital zircons in the sand fraction. Data collection will rely on established methods previously used in this region and the PIs will also explore new methods to assess their efficacy. On the same moraines crests sampled for provenance studies, the PIs will sample for cosmogenic surface exposure analyses to provide a chronologic framework at the sites for provenance changes through time.\nBroader Impact: The proposed research involves graduate and undergraduate training in a diverse array of laboratory methods. Students and PIs will be make presentations to community and campus groups, as well as conduct interviews with local news outlets. The proposed work also establishes a new, potentially long-term, collaboration between scientists at IUPUI and LDEO and brings a new PI (Kaplan) into the field of Antarctic Earth Sciences.", "east": -149.7, "geometry": ["POINT(-174.25 -85.75)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Cosmogenic Dating; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Solid Earth; Transantarctic Mountains", "locations": "Antarctica; Transantarctic Mountains", "north": -84.1, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Kaplan, Michael", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Pleistocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet History as Recorded in Sediment Provenance and Chronology of High-elevation TAM Moraines", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000459", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Pleistocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet History as Recorded in Sediment Provenance and Chronology of High-elevation TAM Moraines"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -87.4, "title": "Pleistocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet History as Recorded in Sediment Provenance and Chronology of High-elevation TAM Moraines", "uid": "600115", "west": 161.2}, {"awards": "0944489 Williams, Trevor", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-55 -58,-33.2 -58,-11.4 -58,10.4 -58,32.2 -58,54 -58,75.8 -58,97.6 -58,119.4 -58,141.2 -58,163 -58,163 -60,163 -62,163 -64,163 -66,163 -68,163 -70,163 -72,163 -74,163 -76,163 -78,141.2 -78,119.4 -78,97.6 -78,75.8 -78,54 -78,32.2 -78,10.4 -78,-11.4 -78,-33.2 -78,-55 -78,-55 -76,-55 -74,-55 -72,-55 -70,-55 -68,-55 -66,-55 -64,-55 -62,-55 -60,-55 -58))"], "date_created": "Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Intellectual Merit: The PIs propose to study the stability and dynamics of the East Antarctic ice sheet during the Pliocene in the area of the Wilkes and Aurora subglacial basins. Models indicate the ice sheet is most sensitive to warming in these low-lying areas. This study is important as there is very little direct evidence about which parts of the East Antarctic ice sheet became unstable under warm conditions. In a pilot study the PIs have shown that the isotopic geochemical signature of downcore ice-rafted debris (IRD) can be linked to continental source areas indicating which parts of the ice sheet reached the coast and calved IRD-bearing icebergs. Their initial results suggest rapid iceberg discharge from the Wilkes Land and Adelie Land coastal areas at times in the late Miocene and early Pliocene. In this study the PIs will analyze IRD from IODP sediment cores collected on the continental rise off East Antarctica. By analyzing 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblende IRD grains, U-Pb ages of zircons, and Sm-Nd isotopes of the fine fraction of several IRD-rich layers for each core, they will be able to fingerprint continental source areas that indicate ice extent and dynamics on East Antarctica. The PIs will also carry out detailed studies across a few of these layers to characterize the anatomy of the ice-rafting event and better understand the mechanism of ice destabilization. Broader impacts: The data collected will be important for scientists in a broad variety of fields. The project will involve one undergraduate student and one summer intern at LDEO, and a graduate student at Imperial College London. The project will expose to cutting edge methodologies as well as an international research team. Data from the project will be deposited in the online databases (SedDB) and all results and methods will be made available to the scientific community through publications in peer-reviewed journals and attendance at international conferences\n", "east": 163.0, "geometry": ["POINT(54 -68)"], "keywords": "Geochronology; George V Land; IODP U1356; IODP U1361; Marine Sediments; ODP1165; Prydz Bay; Solid Earth; Southern Ocean; Wilkes Land", "locations": "Southern Ocean; George V Land; Prydz Bay; Wilkes Land", "north": -58.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Williams, Trevor; Hemming, Sidney R.", "project_titles": "History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet since the mid-Miocene: New Evidence from Provenance of Ice-rafted Debris", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000353", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet since the mid-Miocene: New Evidence from Provenance of Ice-rafted Debris"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet since the mid-Miocene: New Evidence from Provenance of Ice-rafted Debris", "uid": "600116", "west": -55.0}, {"awards": "0838722 Reiners, Peter", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((61.9 -67.28,63.218 -67.28,64.536 -67.28,65.854 -67.28,67.172 -67.28,68.49 -67.28,69.808 -67.28,71.126 -67.28,72.444 -67.28,73.762 -67.28,75.08 -67.28,75.08 -67.922,75.08 -68.564,75.08 -69.206,75.08 -69.848,75.08 -70.49,75.08 -71.132,75.08 -71.774,75.08 -72.416,75.08 -73.058,75.08 -73.7,73.762 -73.7,72.444 -73.7,71.126 -73.7,69.808 -73.7,68.49 -73.7,67.172 -73.7,65.854 -73.7,64.536 -73.7,63.218 -73.7,61.9 -73.7,61.9 -73.058,61.9 -72.416,61.9 -71.774,61.9 -71.132,61.9 -70.49,61.9 -69.848,61.9 -69.206,61.9 -68.564,61.9 -67.922,61.9 -67.28))"], "date_created": "Sun, 01 Jan 2012 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Much of the inventory of East Antarctic bedrock geochronology, as well as a record of its erosional history, is preserved in Cenozoic sediments around its margin. This project is to use these sediments to understand their sub-ice provenance and the erosional history of the shield by measuring ages of multiple geo- and thermochronometers on single detrital crystals and on multiple crystals in detrital clasts (U/Pb, fission-track, and (U-Th)/He dating of zircon and apatite, and 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende, mica, and feldspar). The combination of multi-chronometer ages in single grains and clasts provides a powerful fingerprint of bedrock sources, allowing us to trace provenance in Eocene fluvial sandstones through Quaternary diamicts around the margin. Multiple thermochronometric (cooling) ages in the same grains and clasts also allows us to interpret the timing and rates of erosion from these bedrock sources. Delineating a distribution of bedrock age units, their sediment transport connections, and their erosional histories over the Cenozoic, will in turn allow us to test tectonic models bearing on: (1) the origin of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, (2) fluvial and topographic evolution, and (3) the history of glacial growth and erosion.\n", "east": 75.08, "geometry": ["POINT(68.49 -70.49)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Fission Track Thermochronology; Gamburtsev Mountains; Geochronology; Marine Sediments; NBP0101; ODP1166; ODP739; Prydz Bay; Solid Earth; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Prydz Bay; Southern Ocean; Antarctica; Gamburtsev Mountains", "north": -67.28, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Gehrels, George; Reiners, Peter; Thomson, Stuart", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000506", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -73.7, "title": "Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology", "uid": "600093", "west": 61.9}, {"awards": "0838729 Hemming, Sidney", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-67.2 -58,-43.98 -58,-20.76 -58,2.46 -58,25.68 -58,48.9 -58,72.12 -58,95.34 -58,118.56 -58,141.78 -58,165 -58,165 -59.2,165 -60.4,165 -61.6,165 -62.8,165 -64,165 -65.2,165 -66.4,165 -67.6,165 -68.8,165 -70,141.78 -70,118.56 -70,95.34 -70,72.12 -70,48.9 -70,25.68 -70,2.46 -70,-20.76 -70,-43.98 -70,-67.2 -70,-67.2 -68.8,-67.2 -67.6,-67.2 -66.4,-67.2 -65.2,-67.2 -64,-67.2 -62.8,-67.2 -61.6,-67.2 -60.4,-67.2 -59.2,-67.2 -58))"], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jan 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Much of the inventory of East Antarctic bedrock geochronology, as well as a record of its erosional history, is preserved in Cenozoic sediments around its margin. This project is to use these sediments to understand their sub-ice provenance and the erosional history of the shield by measuring ages of multiple geo- and thermochronometers on single detrital crystals and on multiple crystals in detrital clasts (U/Pb, fission-track, and (U-Th)/He dating of zircon and apatite, and 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende, mica, and feldspar). The combination of multi-chronometer ages in single grains and clasts provides a powerful fingerprint of bedrock sources, allowing us to trace provenance in Eocene fluvial sandstones through Quaternary diamicts around the margin. Multiple thermochronometric (cooling) ages in the same grains and clasts also allows us to interpret the timing and rates of erosion from these bedrock sources. Delineating a distribution of bedrock age units, their sediment transport connections, and their erosional histories over the Cenozoic, will in turn allow us to test tectonic models bearing on: (1) the origin of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, (2) fluvial and topographic evolution, and (3) the history of glacial growth and erosion.", "east": 165.0, "geometry": ["POINT(48.9 -64)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Fission Track Thermochronology; Gamburtsev Mountains; Geochronology; Marine Sediments; Solid Earth; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Gamburtsev Mountains; Antarctica; Southern Ocean", "north": -58.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Hemming, Sidney R.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000506", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -70.0, "title": "Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology", "uid": "600094", "west": -67.2}, {"awards": "0842639 Soreghan, Gerilyn", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-163.12865 -77.41693,-163.06062 -77.41693,-162.99259 -77.41693,-162.92456 -77.41693,-162.85653 -77.41693,-162.7885 -77.41693,-162.72047 -77.41693,-162.65244 -77.41693,-162.58441 -77.41693,-162.51638 -77.41693,-162.44835 -77.41693,-162.44835 -77.445495,-162.44835 -77.47406,-162.44835 -77.502625,-162.44835 -77.53119,-162.44835 -77.559755,-162.44835 -77.58832,-162.44835 -77.616885,-162.44835 -77.64545,-162.44835 -77.674015,-162.44835 -77.70258,-162.51638 -77.70258,-162.58441 -77.70258,-162.65244 -77.70258,-162.72047 -77.70258,-162.7885 -77.70258,-162.85653 -77.70258,-162.92456 -77.70258,-162.99259 -77.70258,-163.06062 -77.70258,-163.12865 -77.70258,-163.12865 -77.674015,-163.12865 -77.64545,-163.12865 -77.616885,-163.12865 -77.58832,-163.12865 -77.559755,-163.12865 -77.53119,-163.12865 -77.502625,-163.12865 -77.47406,-163.12865 -77.445495,-163.12865 -77.41693))"], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jan 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The proposed research seeks to test the hypothesis that chemical and physical weathering in proximal alluvial systems will show systematic and measurable variations between glacial and nonglacial systems. To accomplish this, the investigation will attempt to quantify the natural variation of chemical and physical weathering in granitoid-sourced proximal alluvial sediments in end-member glacial and nonglacial systems, when other, \u0027non-climatic\u0027 factors (e.g. provenance, drainage basin area and relief, sample grain size, sediment facies) are controlled. If chemical weathering in the proposed hot-humid, hot-arid, hot semi-arid nonglacial systems and the cool-wet, cold semi-arid, and cold-arid glacial systems show systematic variations, then chemical indices may be used to help differentiate paleoclimatic conditions. Continued reliance on students provides a broader impact of this proposed research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission.", "east": -162.44835, "geometry": ["POINT(-162.7885 -77.559755)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; Chemistry:rock; Chemistry:Rock; Chemistry:sediment; Chemistry:Sediment; Critical Zone; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.41693, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Soreghan, Gerilyn; Elwood Madden, Megan", "project_titles": "Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000518", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.70258, "title": "Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record", "uid": "600110", "west": -163.12865}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
Major and trace element analyses of Eocene-Oligocene marine sediments from ODP Site 696, South Orkney Microcontinent
1743643 |
2022-06-22 | Passchier, Sandra; Hojnacki, Victoria; Li, Xiaona; States, Abbey; Lepp, Allison |
Timing and Spatial Distribution of Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Sea-ice Formation across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition |
This dataset contains measurements of major and trace elements on 190 samples of Eocene-Oligocene sediment from Ocean Drilling Program Site 696 drilled in 650 m water depth on the South Orkney Microcontinent. The composition of detrital, biogenic and authigenic sediment components was assessed via whole rock geochemistry of sediment samples. Instrument analysis was completed at Montclair State University. | ["POINT(-42.933 -61.849)"] | ["POINT(-42.933 -61.849)"] | false | false |
Apatite (U-Th)/He and TREE Data Central Transantarctic Mountains
1443556 |
2021-07-13 | Thomson, Stuart; He, John; Reiners, Peter; Hemming, Sidney R.; Licht, Kathy |
Collaborative Research: East Antarctic Glacial Landscape Evolution (EAGLE): A Study using Combined Thermochronology, Geochronology and Provenance Analysis |
List of supplementary tables from publication He, J., Thomson, S.N., Reiners, P.W., Hemming, S.R., and Licht, K.J., 2021, Rapid erosion of the central Transantarctic Mountains at the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Evidence from skewed (U-Th)/He date distributions near Beardmore Glacier: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 567, p. 117009, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117009. Supp. Table 1 U-Th/He data Supp. Table 2 Trace and REE data Supp. Table 3 Compilation with elevation-weighted resampling Supp. Table 4 Summary statistics and sampling distribution of large-n samples and compilations. Supp. Table 5 Perpendicular distance of BAR and CMK sample to Kukri Peneplain Supp. Table 6 Compilation of apatite He data from east Antarctica used in Fig. 1 | ["POLYGON((-180 -83.5,-178 -83.5,-176 -83.5,-174 -83.5,-172 -83.5,-170 -83.5,-168 -83.5,-166 -83.5,-164 -83.5,-162 -83.5,-160 -83.5,-160 -83.75,-160 -84,-160 -84.25,-160 -84.5,-160 -84.75,-160 -85,-160 -85.25,-160 -85.5,-160 -85.75,-160 -86,-162 -86,-164 -86,-166 -86,-168 -86,-170 -86,-172 -86,-174 -86,-176 -86,-178 -86,180 -86,179 -86,178 -86,177 -86,176 -86,175 -86,174 -86,173 -86,172 -86,171 -86,170 -86,170 -85.75,170 -85.5,170 -85.25,170 -85,170 -84.75,170 -84.5,170 -84.25,170 -84,170 -83.75,170 -83.5,171 -83.5,172 -83.5,173 -83.5,174 -83.5,175 -83.5,176 -83.5,177 -83.5,178 -83.5,179 -83.5,-180 -83.5))"] | ["POINT(-175 -84.75)"] | false | false |
Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment
1724670 |
2020-10-05 | Williams, Trevor |
Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance |
This dataset contains 40Ar/39Ar measurements on detrital mineral grains from till in modern moraines at the edges of the Institute, Foundation, Academy, Recovery, and the Slessor glaciers / ice streams. | ["POLYGON((-70 -80,-65 -80,-60 -80,-55 -80,-50 -80,-45 -80,-40 -80,-35 -80,-30 -80,-25 -80,-20 -80,-20 -80.6,-20 -81.2,-20 -81.8,-20 -82.4,-20 -83,-20 -83.6,-20 -84.2,-20 -84.8,-20 -85.4,-20 -86,-25 -86,-30 -86,-35 -86,-40 -86,-45 -86,-50 -86,-55 -86,-60 -86,-65 -86,-70 -86,-70 -85.4,-70 -84.8,-70 -84.2,-70 -83.6,-70 -83,-70 -82.4,-70 -81.8,-70 -81.2,-70 -80.6,-70 -80))"] | ["POINT(-45 -83)"] | false | false |
Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment
1724670 |
2020-10-05 | Williams, Trevor |
Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance |
This dataset contains 40Ar/39Ar measurements on detrital mineral grains from subglacial till and proximal glacimarine sediment from nine sediment cores along the front of the Filchner and Ronne Ice Shelves. | ["POLYGON((-65 -74,-61 -74,-57 -74,-53 -74,-49 -74,-45 -74,-41 -74,-37 -74,-33 -74,-29 -74,-25 -74,-25 -74.6,-25 -75.2,-25 -75.8,-25 -76.4,-25 -77,-25 -77.6,-25 -78.2,-25 -78.8,-25 -79.4,-25 -80,-29 -80,-33 -80,-37 -80,-41 -80,-45 -80,-49 -80,-53 -80,-57 -80,-61 -80,-65 -80,-65 -79.4,-65 -78.8,-65 -78.2,-65 -77.6,-65 -77,-65 -76.4,-65 -75.8,-65 -75.2,-65 -74.6,-65 -74))"] | ["POINT(-45 -77)"] | false | false |
Argon thermochronological data on detrital mineral grains from the Weddell Sea embayment
1724670 |
2020-10-05 | Williams, Trevor |
Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment using Sediment Provenance |
This dataset contains 40Ar/39Ar measurements on detrital mineral grains from ice-rafted detritus from sediment core PS1575-1 in the NW Weddell Sea. The depositional age of the sediments is approx. 0 to 300 ka. | ["POLYGON((-50 -62,-49 -62,-48 -62,-47 -62,-46 -62,-45 -62,-44 -62,-43 -62,-42 -62,-41 -62,-40 -62,-40 -62.3,-40 -62.6,-40 -62.9,-40 -63.2,-40 -63.5,-40 -63.8,-40 -64.1,-40 -64.4,-40 -64.7,-40 -65,-41 -65,-42 -65,-43 -65,-44 -65,-45 -65,-46 -65,-47 -65,-48 -65,-49 -65,-50 -65,-50 -64.7,-50 -64.4,-50 -64.1,-50 -63.8,-50 -63.5,-50 -63.2,-50 -62.9,-50 -62.6,-50 -62.3,-50 -62))"] | ["POINT(-45 -63.5)"] | false | false |
East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains
1043619 |
2014-01-01 | Hemming, Sidney R. |
Collaborative Research: East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains |
Intellectual Merit: The PIs proposed a provenance study of glacial deposits in the Ross Embayment that will provide a broad scale geochronologic survey of detrital minerals in till to help characterize bedrock beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet and constrain Antarctica?s glacial history. This project capitalizes on previous investments in field sampling. Analytical tools applied to single mineral grains extracted from existing collections of glacial till will generate ?fingerprints? of East Antarctic outlet glaciers and West Antarctic till to refine paleo-ice flow models for the Ross Embayment during the last glacial maximum, older records from ANDRILL cores, and to assess IRD sources in the Southern Ocean. New provenance tracers will include a suite of geochronological methods that together provide greater insights into the orogenic and erosional history the region. This project will include U/Pb of detrital zircons, (U-Th)/He on a subset of the U/Pb dated zircons, as well as Ar-Ar of detrital hornblende, mica and feldspars. Broader Impacts: This research will train one M.S. student at IUPUI, a Ph.D. student at Columbia, and several undergraduates at both institutions. Graduate students involved in the project will be involved in mentoring undergraduate researchers. Incorporation of research discoveries will be brought into the classroom by providing concrete examples and exercises at the appropriate level. Licht and Columbia graduate student E. Pierce are developing outreach projects with local secondary school teachers to investigate the provenance of glacial materials in their local areas. The research will have broad applicability to many fields. | ["POLYGON((-180 -63.997,-179.7982 -63.997,-179.5964 -63.997,-179.3946 -63.997,-179.1928 -63.997,-178.991 -63.997,-178.7892 -63.997,-178.5874 -63.997,-178.3856 -63.997,-178.1838 -63.997,-177.982 -63.997,-177.982 -66.3324,-177.982 -68.6678,-177.982 -71.0032,-177.982 -73.3386,-177.982 -75.674,-177.982 -78.0094,-177.982 -80.3448,-177.982 -82.6802,-177.982 -85.0156,-177.982 -87.351,-178.1838 -87.351,-178.3856 -87.351,-178.5874 -87.351,-178.7892 -87.351,-178.991 -87.351,-179.1928 -87.351,-179.3946 -87.351,-179.5964 -87.351,-179.7982 -87.351,180 -87.351,172.54273 -87.351,165.08546 -87.351,157.62819 -87.351,150.17092 -87.351,142.71365 -87.351,135.25638 -87.351,127.79911 -87.351,120.34184 -87.351,112.88457 -87.351,105.4273 -87.351,105.4273 -85.0156,105.4273 -82.6802,105.4273 -80.3448,105.4273 -78.0094,105.4273 -75.674,105.4273 -73.3386,105.4273 -71.0032,105.4273 -68.6678,105.4273 -66.3324,105.4273 -63.997,112.88457 -63.997,120.34184 -63.997,127.79911 -63.997,135.25638 -63.997,142.71365 -63.997,150.17092 -63.997,157.62819 -63.997,165.08546 -63.997,172.54273 -63.997,-180 -63.997))"] | ["POINT(143.72265 -75.674)"] | false | false |
Pleistocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet History as Recorded in Sediment Provenance and Chronology of High-elevation TAM Moraines
0944475 |
2014-01-01 | Kaplan, Michael |
Collaborative Research: Pleistocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet History as Recorded in Sediment Provenance and Chronology of High-elevation TAM Moraines |
Intellectual Merit: The proposed work will investigate changes in the compositional variation of glacial tills over time across two concentric sequences of Pleistocene moraines located adjacent to the heads of East Antarctic outlet glaciers in the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM). The chronologic framework for this work will be generated from cosmogenic exposure ages of boulders on prominent morainal ridges. The PIs hypothesize that variations in till composition may indicate a change in ice flow direction or a change in the composition of the original source area, while ages of the moraines provide a long-term terrestrial perspective on ice sheet dynamics. Both results are vital for modeling experiments that aim to reconstruct the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and assess its role in the global climate system and its potential impact on global sea level rise. The variation of till compositions through time also allows for a more accurate interpretation of sediment cores from the Ross Sea and the Southern Ocean. Additionally, till exposures at the head of some East Antarctic outlet glaciers have been shown to contain subglacial material derived from East Antarctic bedrock, providing a window through the ice to view East Antarctica's inaccessible bedrock. Till samples will be collected from two well-preserved sequences of moraine crests at Mt. Howe (head of Scott Glacier) and Mt. Achernar (between Beardmore and Nimrod Glaciers). Each size fraction in glacial till provides potentially valuable information, and the PIs will measure the petrography of the clast and sand fractions, quantitative X-ray diffraction on the crushed <2mm fraction, elemental abundance of the silt/clay fraction, and U/Pb of detrital zircons in the sand fraction. Data collection will rely on established methods previously used in this region and the PIs will also explore new methods to assess their efficacy. On the same moraines crests sampled for provenance studies, the PIs will sample for cosmogenic surface exposure analyses to provide a chronologic framework at the sites for provenance changes through time. Broader Impact: The proposed research involves graduate and undergraduate training in a diverse array of laboratory methods. Students and PIs will be make presentations to community and campus groups, as well as conduct interviews with local news outlets. The proposed work also establishes a new, potentially long-term, collaboration between scientists at IUPUI and LDEO and brings a new PI (Kaplan) into the field of Antarctic Earth Sciences. | ["POLYGON((-180 -84.1,-176.97 -84.1,-173.94 -84.1,-170.91 -84.1,-167.88 -84.1,-164.85 -84.1,-161.82 -84.1,-158.79 -84.1,-155.76 -84.1,-152.73 -84.1,-149.7 -84.1,-149.7 -84.43,-149.7 -84.76,-149.7 -85.09,-149.7 -85.42,-149.7 -85.75,-149.7 -86.08,-149.7 -86.41,-149.7 -86.74,-149.7 -87.07,-149.7 -87.4,-152.73 -87.4,-155.76 -87.4,-158.79 -87.4,-161.82 -87.4,-164.85 -87.4,-167.88 -87.4,-170.91 -87.4,-173.94 -87.4,-176.97 -87.4,180 -87.4,178.12 -87.4,176.24 -87.4,174.36 -87.4,172.48 -87.4,170.6 -87.4,168.72 -87.4,166.84 -87.4,164.96 -87.4,163.08 -87.4,161.2 -87.4,161.2 -87.07,161.2 -86.74,161.2 -86.41,161.2 -86.08,161.2 -85.75,161.2 -85.42,161.2 -85.09,161.2 -84.76,161.2 -84.43,161.2 -84.1,163.08 -84.1,164.96 -84.1,166.84 -84.1,168.72 -84.1,170.6 -84.1,172.48 -84.1,174.36 -84.1,176.24 -84.1,178.12 -84.1,-180 -84.1))"] | ["POINT(-174.25 -85.75)"] | false | false |
History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet since the mid-Miocene: New Evidence from Provenance of Ice-rafted Debris
0944489 |
2014-01-01 | Williams, Trevor; Hemming, Sidney R. |
History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet since the mid-Miocene: New Evidence from Provenance of Ice-rafted Debris |
Intellectual Merit: The PIs propose to study the stability and dynamics of the East Antarctic ice sheet during the Pliocene in the area of the Wilkes and Aurora subglacial basins. Models indicate the ice sheet is most sensitive to warming in these low-lying areas. This study is important as there is very little direct evidence about which parts of the East Antarctic ice sheet became unstable under warm conditions. In a pilot study the PIs have shown that the isotopic geochemical signature of downcore ice-rafted debris (IRD) can be linked to continental source areas indicating which parts of the ice sheet reached the coast and calved IRD-bearing icebergs. Their initial results suggest rapid iceberg discharge from the Wilkes Land and Adelie Land coastal areas at times in the late Miocene and early Pliocene. In this study the PIs will analyze IRD from IODP sediment cores collected on the continental rise off East Antarctica. By analyzing 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblende IRD grains, U-Pb ages of zircons, and Sm-Nd isotopes of the fine fraction of several IRD-rich layers for each core, they will be able to fingerprint continental source areas that indicate ice extent and dynamics on East Antarctica. The PIs will also carry out detailed studies across a few of these layers to characterize the anatomy of the ice-rafting event and better understand the mechanism of ice destabilization. Broader impacts: The data collected will be important for scientists in a broad variety of fields. The project will involve one undergraduate student and one summer intern at LDEO, and a graduate student at Imperial College London. The project will expose to cutting edge methodologies as well as an international research team. Data from the project will be deposited in the online databases (SedDB) and all results and methods will be made available to the scientific community through publications in peer-reviewed journals and attendance at international conferences | ["POLYGON((-55 -58,-33.2 -58,-11.4 -58,10.4 -58,32.2 -58,54 -58,75.8 -58,97.6 -58,119.4 -58,141.2 -58,163 -58,163 -60,163 -62,163 -64,163 -66,163 -68,163 -70,163 -72,163 -74,163 -76,163 -78,141.2 -78,119.4 -78,97.6 -78,75.8 -78,54 -78,32.2 -78,10.4 -78,-11.4 -78,-33.2 -78,-55 -78,-55 -76,-55 -74,-55 -72,-55 -70,-55 -68,-55 -66,-55 -64,-55 -62,-55 -60,-55 -58))"] | ["POINT(54 -68)"] | false | false |
Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology
0838722 |
2012-01-01 | Gehrels, George; Reiners, Peter; Thomson, Stuart |
Collaborative Research: Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology |
Much of the inventory of East Antarctic bedrock geochronology, as well as a record of its erosional history, is preserved in Cenozoic sediments around its margin. This project is to use these sediments to understand their sub-ice provenance and the erosional history of the shield by measuring ages of multiple geo- and thermochronometers on single detrital crystals and on multiple crystals in detrital clasts (U/Pb, fission-track, and (U-Th)/He dating of zircon and apatite, and 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende, mica, and feldspar). The combination of multi-chronometer ages in single grains and clasts provides a powerful fingerprint of bedrock sources, allowing us to trace provenance in Eocene fluvial sandstones through Quaternary diamicts around the margin. Multiple thermochronometric (cooling) ages in the same grains and clasts also allows us to interpret the timing and rates of erosion from these bedrock sources. Delineating a distribution of bedrock age units, their sediment transport connections, and their erosional histories over the Cenozoic, will in turn allow us to test tectonic models bearing on: (1) the origin of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, (2) fluvial and topographic evolution, and (3) the history of glacial growth and erosion. | ["POLYGON((61.9 -67.28,63.218 -67.28,64.536 -67.28,65.854 -67.28,67.172 -67.28,68.49 -67.28,69.808 -67.28,71.126 -67.28,72.444 -67.28,73.762 -67.28,75.08 -67.28,75.08 -67.922,75.08 -68.564,75.08 -69.206,75.08 -69.848,75.08 -70.49,75.08 -71.132,75.08 -71.774,75.08 -72.416,75.08 -73.058,75.08 -73.7,73.762 -73.7,72.444 -73.7,71.126 -73.7,69.808 -73.7,68.49 -73.7,67.172 -73.7,65.854 -73.7,64.536 -73.7,63.218 -73.7,61.9 -73.7,61.9 -73.058,61.9 -72.416,61.9 -71.774,61.9 -71.132,61.9 -70.49,61.9 -69.848,61.9 -69.206,61.9 -68.564,61.9 -67.922,61.9 -67.28))"] | ["POINT(68.49 -70.49)"] | false | false |
Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology
0838729 |
2011-01-01 | Hemming, Sidney R. |
Collaborative Research: Erosion History and Sediment Provenance of East Antarctica from Multi-method Detrital Geo- and Thermochronology |
Much of the inventory of East Antarctic bedrock geochronology, as well as a record of its erosional history, is preserved in Cenozoic sediments around its margin. This project is to use these sediments to understand their sub-ice provenance and the erosional history of the shield by measuring ages of multiple geo- and thermochronometers on single detrital crystals and on multiple crystals in detrital clasts (U/Pb, fission-track, and (U-Th)/He dating of zircon and apatite, and 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende, mica, and feldspar). The combination of multi-chronometer ages in single grains and clasts provides a powerful fingerprint of bedrock sources, allowing us to trace provenance in Eocene fluvial sandstones through Quaternary diamicts around the margin. Multiple thermochronometric (cooling) ages in the same grains and clasts also allows us to interpret the timing and rates of erosion from these bedrock sources. Delineating a distribution of bedrock age units, their sediment transport connections, and their erosional histories over the Cenozoic, will in turn allow us to test tectonic models bearing on: (1) the origin of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, (2) fluvial and topographic evolution, and (3) the history of glacial growth and erosion. | ["POLYGON((-67.2 -58,-43.98 -58,-20.76 -58,2.46 -58,25.68 -58,48.9 -58,72.12 -58,95.34 -58,118.56 -58,141.78 -58,165 -58,165 -59.2,165 -60.4,165 -61.6,165 -62.8,165 -64,165 -65.2,165 -66.4,165 -67.6,165 -68.8,165 -70,141.78 -70,118.56 -70,95.34 -70,72.12 -70,48.9 -70,25.68 -70,2.46 -70,-20.76 -70,-43.98 -70,-67.2 -70,-67.2 -68.8,-67.2 -67.6,-67.2 -66.4,-67.2 -65.2,-67.2 -64,-67.2 -62.8,-67.2 -61.6,-67.2 -60.4,-67.2 -59.2,-67.2 -58))"] | ["POINT(48.9 -64)"] | false | false |
Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record
0842639 |
2011-01-01 | Soreghan, Gerilyn; Elwood Madden, Megan |
Development of Quantitative Weathering Indicators in Proximal Alluvial Sediments to Assess Glacial Activity in the Rock Record |
The proposed research seeks to test the hypothesis that chemical and physical weathering in proximal alluvial systems will show systematic and measurable variations between glacial and nonglacial systems. To accomplish this, the investigation will attempt to quantify the natural variation of chemical and physical weathering in granitoid-sourced proximal alluvial sediments in end-member glacial and nonglacial systems, when other, 'non-climatic' factors (e.g. provenance, drainage basin area and relief, sample grain size, sediment facies) are controlled. If chemical weathering in the proposed hot-humid, hot-arid, hot semi-arid nonglacial systems and the cool-wet, cold semi-arid, and cold-arid glacial systems show systematic variations, then chemical indices may be used to help differentiate paleoclimatic conditions. Continued reliance on students provides a broader impact of this proposed research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission. | ["POLYGON((-163.12865 -77.41693,-163.06062 -77.41693,-162.99259 -77.41693,-162.92456 -77.41693,-162.85653 -77.41693,-162.7885 -77.41693,-162.72047 -77.41693,-162.65244 -77.41693,-162.58441 -77.41693,-162.51638 -77.41693,-162.44835 -77.41693,-162.44835 -77.445495,-162.44835 -77.47406,-162.44835 -77.502625,-162.44835 -77.53119,-162.44835 -77.559755,-162.44835 -77.58832,-162.44835 -77.616885,-162.44835 -77.64545,-162.44835 -77.674015,-162.44835 -77.70258,-162.51638 -77.70258,-162.58441 -77.70258,-162.65244 -77.70258,-162.72047 -77.70258,-162.7885 -77.70258,-162.85653 -77.70258,-162.92456 -77.70258,-162.99259 -77.70258,-163.06062 -77.70258,-163.12865 -77.70258,-163.12865 -77.674015,-163.12865 -77.64545,-163.12865 -77.616885,-163.12865 -77.58832,-163.12865 -77.559755,-163.12865 -77.53119,-163.12865 -77.502625,-163.12865 -77.47406,-163.12865 -77.445495,-163.12865 -77.41693))"] | ["POINT(-162.7885 -77.559755)"] | false | false |