{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Oden"}
[{"awards": "1043454 Kooyman, Gerald", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-172.642 -72.55,-170.9074 -72.55,-169.1728 -72.55,-167.4382 -72.55,-165.7036 -72.55,-163.969 -72.55,-162.2344 -72.55,-160.4998 -72.55,-158.7652 -72.55,-157.0306 -72.55,-155.296 -72.55,-155.296 -73.0743,-155.296 -73.5986,-155.296 -74.1229,-155.296 -74.6472,-155.296 -75.1715,-155.296 -75.6958,-155.296 -76.2201,-155.296 -76.7444,-155.296 -77.2687,-155.296 -77.793,-157.0306 -77.793,-158.7652 -77.793,-160.4998 -77.793,-162.2344 -77.793,-163.969 -77.793,-165.7036 -77.793,-167.4382 -77.793,-169.1728 -77.793,-170.9074 -77.793,-172.642 -77.793,-172.642 -77.2687,-172.642 -76.7444,-172.642 -76.2201,-172.642 -75.6958,-172.642 -75.1715,-172.642 -74.6472,-172.642 -74.1229,-172.642 -73.5986,-172.642 -73.0743,-172.642 -72.55))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The emperor penguin dives deeper and longer, fasts longer, and endures the harshest weather conditions of all diving birds. It spends about four and half months per annum deep in Antarctic pack ice away from shore and stations, and thus is largely unavailable for study. This time includes preparation for the molt, and travel to the colony to breed, a time period in which great swings in body weight occur. This study will fill an important gap in what we know about the biology of the annual cycle of the emperor by examining the molt-post molt period. The P.I. proposes to traverse the Amundsen and Bellingshausen seas on the Oden, to locate and tag emperor penguins during the molt season. The objectives are to (1) Place satellite tags on 20 adult post molt birds to determine their route, rate of travel, and diving behavior as they return back to their breeding colonies, (2) Obtain an index of body condition, (3) Collect guano to determine the type of food consumed by emperor penguins in the region, (4) Conduct shipboard surveys to sight and plot the location and abundance of adult and juvenile birds on the ship\u0027s track. The PI hypothesizes that bird dives will be shallow during the initial post-molt phase, and that food will consist primarily of krill; that there will be differential dispersal of birds from the Ross Sea vs. Marie Byrd Land, with Ross Sea birds traveling farther; and that the greatest adult mortality occurs during the molt and early post molt period. Broader impacts include training of a post doc, a graduate student, and an aquarium volunteer. The P.I. also will present findings through a website, through public lectures, and in collaboration with the Birch aquarium.\n", "east": -155.296, "geometry": ["POINT(-163.969 -75.1715)"], "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Biota; Oceans; Penguin; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Amundsen Sea; Southern Ocean", "north": -72.55, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Kooyman, Gerald", "project_titles": "Pre and post molt biology of emperor penguins - Oden trans - Ross / Amundsen Sea cruise", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000325", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Pre and post molt biology of emperor penguins - Oden trans - Ross / Amundsen Sea cruise"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.793, "title": "Pre and Post Molt Biology of Emperor Penguins - Oden Trans - Ross / Amundsen Sea Cruise", "uid": "600149", "west": -172.642}, {"awards": "0839053 Ackley, Stephen", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -67.05,-170.9866 -67.05,-161.9732 -67.05,-152.9598 -67.05,-143.9464 -67.05,-134.933 -67.05,-125.9196 -67.05,-116.9062 -67.05,-107.8928 -67.05,-98.8794 -67.05,-89.866 -67.05,-89.866 -68.1033,-89.866 -69.1566,-89.866 -70.2099,-89.866 -71.2632,-89.866 -72.3165,-89.866 -73.3698,-89.866 -74.4231,-89.866 -75.4764,-89.866 -76.5297,-89.866 -77.583,-98.8794 -77.583,-107.8928 -77.583,-116.9062 -77.583,-125.9196 -77.583,-134.933 -77.583,-143.9464 -77.583,-152.9598 -77.583,-161.9732 -77.583,-170.9866 -77.583,180 -77.583,178.57 -77.583,177.14 -77.583,175.71 -77.583,174.28 -77.583,172.85 -77.583,171.42 -77.583,169.99 -77.583,168.56 -77.583,167.13 -77.583,165.7 -77.583,165.7 -76.5297,165.7 -75.4764,165.7 -74.4231,165.7 -73.3698,165.7 -72.3165,165.7 -71.2632,165.7 -70.2099,165.7 -69.1566,165.7 -68.1033,165.7 -67.05,167.13 -67.05,168.56 -67.05,169.99 -67.05,171.42 -67.05,172.85 -67.05,174.28 -67.05,175.71 -67.05,177.14 -67.05,178.57 -67.05,-180 -67.05))"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Several aspect of the seasonal melting and reformation cycle of Antarctic sea ice appear to be divergent from those occurring in the Arctic. This is most clearly demonstrated by the dramatic diminishing extent and thinning of the Arctic sea ice, to be contrasted to the changes in Antarctic sea-ice extent, which recently (decadaly) shows small increases. Current climate models do not resolve this discrepancy which likely results from both a lack of relevant observational sea-ice data in the Antarctic, along with inadequacies in the physical parameterization of sea-ice properties in climate models. Researchers will take advantage of the cruise track of the I/B Oden during transit through the Antarctic sea-ice zones in the region of the Bellingshausen, Amundsen and Ross (BAR) seas on a cruise to McMurdo Station. Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, the BAR region is of considerable scientific interest as being one of the last under described and perhaps unexploited marine ecosystems left on the planet. A series of on station and underway observations of sea ice properties will be undertaken, thematically linked to broader questions of summer ice survival and baseline physical properties (e.g. estimates of heat and salt fluxes). In situ spatiotemporal variability of sea-ice cover extent, thickness and snow cover depths will be observed.\n", "east": 165.7, "geometry": ["POINT(-142.083 -72.3165)"], "keywords": "Ice Core Records; Oceans; Oden; OSO1011; Sea Ice; Sea Ice Salinity; Sea Ice Thickness; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean", "north": -67.05, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Ackley, Stephen", "project_titles": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000676", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.583, "title": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)", "uid": "600106", "west": -89.866}, {"awards": "0836061 Dennett, Mark", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-170 -69,-163 -69,-156 -69,-149 -69,-142 -69,-135 -69,-128 -69,-121 -69,-114 -69,-107 -69,-100 -69,-100 -70,-100 -71,-100 -72,-100 -73,-100 -74,-100 -75,-100 -76,-100 -77,-100 -78,-100 -79,-107 -79,-114 -79,-121 -79,-128 -79,-135 -79,-142 -79,-149 -79,-156 -79,-163 -79,-170 -79,-170 -78,-170 -77,-170 -76,-170 -75,-170 -74,-170 -73,-170 -72,-170 -71,-170 -70,-170 -69))"], "date_created": "Sat, 01 Jan 2011 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Convincing evidence now confirms that polar regions are changing rapidly in response to human activities. Changes in sea ice extent and thickness will have profound implications for productivity, food webs and carbon fluxes at high latitudes, since sea ice biota are a significant source of biogenic matter for the ecosystem. While sea ice is often thought to be a barrier to gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, it more likely functions as a source or sink for climate-active gases such as carbon dioxide and ozone-depleting organohalogens, due in part to activities of microbes embedded in the sea ice matrix. This project brings together experienced US and Swedish investigators to examine the controls by sea-ice biota on the production and degradation of key climate-active gases in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. We hypothesize that 1) the physical properties of the sea-ice environment will determine the community structure and activities of the sea ice biota; 2) the productivity, biomass, physiological state and species composition of ice algae will determine the production of specific classes of organic carbon, including organohalogens; 3) heterotrophic co-metabolism within the ice will break down these compounds to some extent, depending on the microbial community structure and productivity, and 4) the sea ice to atmosphere fluxes of CO2 and organohalogens will be inversely related. This project will build close scientific collaborations between US and Swedish researchers and also train young scientists, including members of underrepresented groups. Dissemination of results will include the scientific literature, and public outreach venues including interactions with a PolarTrec teacher.", "east": -100.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-135 -74)"], "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Antarctica; Biota; Oceans; Oden; Oden2008; Plankton; Sea Ice; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Antarctica; Amundsen Sea", "north": -69.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Dennett, Mark", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Controls on climate-active gases by Amundsen Sea ice biota", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000137", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Controls on climate-active gases by Amundsen Sea ice biota"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -79.0, "title": "Controls on Climate-Active Gases by Amundsen Sea Ice Biota", "uid": "600091", "west": -170.0}, {"awards": "0838838 Evenson, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-165.89 -56.02,-150.571 -56.02,-135.252 -56.02,-119.933 -56.02,-104.614 -56.02,-89.295 -56.02,-73.976 -56.02,-58.657 -56.02,-43.338 -56.02,-28.019 -56.02,-12.7 -56.02,-12.7 -58.203,-12.7 -60.386,-12.7 -62.569,-12.7 -64.752,-12.7 -66.935,-12.7 -69.118,-12.7 -71.301,-12.7 -73.484,-12.7 -75.667,-12.7 -77.85,-28.019 -77.85,-43.338 -77.85,-58.657 -77.85,-73.976 -77.85,-89.295 -77.85,-104.614 -77.85,-119.933 -77.85,-135.252 -77.85,-150.571 -77.85,-165.89 -77.85,-165.89 -75.667,-165.89 -73.484,-165.89 -71.301,-165.89 -69.118,-165.89 -66.935,-165.89 -64.752,-165.89 -62.569,-165.89 -60.386,-165.89 -58.203,-165.89 -56.02))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "We determined a set of cosmic ray response functions for the ice Cherenkov detector used by the surface air shower IceTop, part of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole. At the same time we measured the response function of moderated neutron detectors that are now in use in conjunction with IceTop. We did this by means of a global latitude survey conducted with a detector identical to the IceTop sensors built in a freezer van installed on the Swedish icebreaker Oden. The freezer van also housed the moderated neutron detectors. Cosmic rays shower data were recorded on the Oden voyage from Sweden to McMurdo and return during the 2009-2010 austral summer season. Reliance on student observers and data analysts enhanced the broader impact of this research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission.", "east": -12.7, "geometry": ["POINT(-89.295 -66.935)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Cosmic Ray; Cosmos; Icecube; Oden; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; Southern Ocean", "north": -56.02, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Tilav, Serap; Evenson, Paul; Bieber, John; Clem, John", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000516", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.85, "title": "Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector", "uid": "600098", "west": -165.89}, {"awards": "0836112 Smith, Walker", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-170 -69,-163 -69,-156 -69,-149 -69,-142 -69,-135 -69,-128 -69,-121 -69,-114 -69,-107 -69,-100 -69,-100 -70,-100 -71,-100 -72,-100 -73,-100 -74,-100 -75,-100 -76,-100 -77,-100 -78,-100 -79,-107 -79,-114 -79,-121 -79,-128 -79,-135 -79,-142 -79,-149 -79,-156 -79,-163 -79,-170 -79,-170 -78,-170 -77,-170 -76,-170 -75,-170 -74,-170 -73,-170 -72,-170 -71,-170 -70,-170 -69))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Convincing evidence now confirms that polar regions are changing rapidly in response to human activities. Changes in sea ice extent and thickness will have profound implications for productivity, food webs and carbon fluxes at high latitudes, since sea ice biota are a significant source of biogenic matter for the ecosystem. While sea ice is often thought to be a barrier to gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, it more likely functions as a source or sink for climate-active gases such as carbon dioxide and ozone-depleting organohalogens, due in part to activities of microbes embedded in the sea ice matrix. This project brings together experienced US and Swedish investigators to examine the controls by sea-ice biota on the production and degradation of key climate-active gases in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. We hypothesize that 1) the physical properties of the sea-ice environment will determine the community structure and activities of the sea ice biota; 2) the productivity, biomass, physiological state and species composition of ice algae will determine the production of specific classes of organic carbon, including organohalogens; 3) heterotrophic co-metabolism within the ice will break down these compounds to some extent, depending on the microbial community structure and productivity, and 4) the sea ice to atmosphere fluxes of CO2 and organohalogens will be inversely related. This project will build close scientific collaborations between US and Swedish researchers and also train young scientists, including members of underrepresented groups. Dissemination of results will include the scientific literature, and public outreach venues including interactions with a PolarTrec teacher.\n", "east": -100.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-135 -74)"], "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Antarctica; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CTD Data; Oceans; Oden; Oden2008; Sea Ice; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean; Amundsen Sea", "north": -69.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Smith, Walker", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Controls on climate-active gases by Amundsen Sea ice biota", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000137", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Controls on climate-active gases by Amundsen Sea ice biota"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -79.0, "title": "Controls on Climate-Active Gases by Amundsen Sea Ice Biota", "uid": "600092", "west": -170.0}, {"awards": "0741380 Smith, Walker", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-160 -65,-154 -65,-148 -65,-142 -65,-136 -65,-130 -65,-124 -65,-118 -65,-112 -65,-106 -65,-100 -65,-100 -66.1,-100 -67.2,-100 -68.3,-100 -69.4,-100 -70.5,-100 -71.6,-100 -72.7,-100 -73.8,-100 -74.9,-100 -76,-106 -76,-112 -76,-118 -76,-124 -76,-130 -76,-136 -76,-142 -76,-148 -76,-154 -76,-160 -76,-160 -74.9,-160 -73.8,-160 -72.7,-160 -71.6,-160 -70.5,-160 -69.4,-160 -68.3,-160 -67.2,-160 -66.1,-160 -65))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The research will examine the relative importance of the physical and chemical controls on phytoplankton dynamics and carbon flux in continental margin regions of the Southern Ocean, and elucidate mechanisms by which plankton populations and carbon export might be altered by climate change. We specifically will address (1) how the phytoplankton on the continental margins of the southern Ocean respond to spatial and temporal changes in temperature, light, iron supply, and carbon dioxide levels, (2) how these factors initiate changes in phytoplankton assemblage structure, and (3) how carbon export and the efficiency of the biological pump are impacted by the biomass and composition of the phytoplankton. Two regions of study (the Amundsen and Ross Seas) will be investigated, one well studied (Ross Sea) and one poorly described (Amundsen Sea). It is hypothesized that each region will have markedly different physical forcing, giving rise to distinct chemical conditions and therefore biological responses. As such, the comparison of the two may give us insights into the mechanisms of how Antarctic continental margins will respond under changing environmental conditions. Broader impacts include participation by an international graduate student from Brazil, outreach via seminars to the general public, collaboration with the teachers-in-residence on the cruise, development of a cruise web site and interactive email exchanges with local middle school students while at sea.", "east": -100.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-130 -70.5)"], "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Chemistry:fluid; Chemistry:Fluid; CTD Data; Geochemistry; Oceans; Oden; OSO2007; Sea Surface; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Sea Surface; Amundsen Sea; Southern Ocean", "north": -65.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Smith, Walker", "project_titles": "Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas:", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000217", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas:"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.0, "title": "Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas", "uid": "600085", "west": -160.0}, {"awards": "0742057 Gallager, Scott", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-168.291 -64.846,-165.018 -64.846,-161.745 -64.846,-158.472 -64.846,-155.199 -64.846,-151.926 -64.846,-148.653 -64.846,-145.38 -64.846,-142.107 -64.846,-138.834 -64.846,-135.561 -64.846,-135.561 -66.0269,-135.561 -67.2078,-135.561 -68.3887,-135.561 -69.5696,-135.561 -70.7505,-135.561 -71.9314,-135.561 -73.1123,-135.561 -74.2932,-135.561 -75.4741,-135.561 -76.655,-138.834 -76.655,-142.107 -76.655,-145.38 -76.655,-148.653 -76.655,-151.926 -76.655,-155.199 -76.655,-158.472 -76.655,-161.745 -76.655,-165.018 -76.655,-168.291 -76.655,-168.291 -75.4741,-168.291 -74.2932,-168.291 -73.1123,-168.291 -71.9314,-168.291 -70.7505,-168.291 -69.5696,-168.291 -68.3887,-168.291 -67.2078,-168.291 -66.0269,-168.291 -64.846))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The research will continue and extend the study in the Southern Ocean that was initiated during the Oden Southern Ocean 2006 expedition in collaboration with Swedish scientist Mellissa Chierici. We will quantify carbon flux through the food web in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) by measuring size fractionated primary and secondary production, grazing and carbon flux through nanoplankton (2-20 um), microplankton (20-200um), and mesoplankton (200-2000 um). Community structure, species abundance and size specific grazing rates will be quantified using a variety of techniques both underway and at ice stations along the MIZ. The proposed cruise track extends across the Drake Passage to the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) with three station transects along a gradient from the open ocean through the marginal ice zone (MIZ) in the Bellinghausen and Amundsen Seas and into the Ross Sea Polynya. Ice stations along each transect will provide material to characterize production associated with annual ice. Underway measurements of primary and secondary production (chlorophyll, CDOM, microplankton, and mesoplankton) and hydrography (temperature, salinity, pH, DO, turbidity) will establish a baseline for future cruises and as support for other projects such as biogeochemical studies on carbon dioxide drawdown and trace metal work on primary production. The outcome of these measurements will be a description of nano to mesoplankton standing stocks, community structure, and carbon flux along the MIZ in the Bellinghausen and Amundsen Seas and the Ross Sea Polynya.", "east": -135.561, "geometry": ["POINT(-151.926 -70.7505)"], "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Biota; Microbiology; Navigation; Oceans; Oden; OSO2007; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean; Amundsen Sea", "north": -64.846, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Dennett, Mark; Gallager, Scott", "project_titles": "SGER: Primary and Secondary Production and Carbon Flux Through the Microbial Community Along the Western Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone on the Oden Southern Ocean 2007 Expeditions", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000563", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "SGER: Primary and Secondary Production and Carbon Flux Through the Microbial Community Along the Western Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone on the Oden Southern Ocean 2007 Expeditions"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -76.655, "title": "SGER: Primary and Secondary Production and Carbon Flux Through the Microbial Community Along the Western Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone on the Oden Southern Ocean 2007 Expeditions", "uid": "600086", "west": -168.291}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
Pre and Post Molt Biology of Emperor Penguins - Oden Trans - Ross / Amundsen Sea Cruise
1043454 |
2015-01-01 | Kooyman, Gerald |
Pre and post molt biology of emperor penguins - Oden trans - Ross / Amundsen Sea cruise |
The emperor penguin dives deeper and longer, fasts longer, and endures the harshest weather conditions of all diving birds. It spends about four and half months per annum deep in Antarctic pack ice away from shore and stations, and thus is largely unavailable for study. This time includes preparation for the molt, and travel to the colony to breed, a time period in which great swings in body weight occur. This study will fill an important gap in what we know about the biology of the annual cycle of the emperor by examining the molt-post molt period. The P.I. proposes to traverse the Amundsen and Bellingshausen seas on the Oden, to locate and tag emperor penguins during the molt season. The objectives are to (1) Place satellite tags on 20 adult post molt birds to determine their route, rate of travel, and diving behavior as they return back to their breeding colonies, (2) Obtain an index of body condition, (3) Collect guano to determine the type of food consumed by emperor penguins in the region, (4) Conduct shipboard surveys to sight and plot the location and abundance of adult and juvenile birds on the ship's track. The PI hypothesizes that bird dives will be shallow during the initial post-molt phase, and that food will consist primarily of krill; that there will be differential dispersal of birds from the Ross Sea vs. Marie Byrd Land, with Ross Sea birds traveling farther; and that the greatest adult mortality occurs during the molt and early post molt period. Broader impacts include training of a post doc, a graduate student, and an aquarium volunteer. The P.I. also will present findings through a website, through public lectures, and in collaboration with the Birch aquarium. | ["POLYGON((-172.642 -72.55,-170.9074 -72.55,-169.1728 -72.55,-167.4382 -72.55,-165.7036 -72.55,-163.969 -72.55,-162.2344 -72.55,-160.4998 -72.55,-158.7652 -72.55,-157.0306 -72.55,-155.296 -72.55,-155.296 -73.0743,-155.296 -73.5986,-155.296 -74.1229,-155.296 -74.6472,-155.296 -75.1715,-155.296 -75.6958,-155.296 -76.2201,-155.296 -76.7444,-155.296 -77.2687,-155.296 -77.793,-157.0306 -77.793,-158.7652 -77.793,-160.4998 -77.793,-162.2344 -77.793,-163.969 -77.793,-165.7036 -77.793,-167.4382 -77.793,-169.1728 -77.793,-170.9074 -77.793,-172.642 -77.793,-172.642 -77.2687,-172.642 -76.7444,-172.642 -76.2201,-172.642 -75.6958,-172.642 -75.1715,-172.642 -74.6472,-172.642 -74.1229,-172.642 -73.5986,-172.642 -73.0743,-172.642 -72.55))"] | ["POINT(-163.969 -75.1715)"] | false | false |
The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)
0839053 |
2013-01-01 | Ackley, Stephen |
The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11) |
Several aspect of the seasonal melting and reformation cycle of Antarctic sea ice appear to be divergent from those occurring in the Arctic. This is most clearly demonstrated by the dramatic diminishing extent and thinning of the Arctic sea ice, to be contrasted to the changes in Antarctic sea-ice extent, which recently (decadaly) shows small increases. Current climate models do not resolve this discrepancy which likely results from both a lack of relevant observational sea-ice data in the Antarctic, along with inadequacies in the physical parameterization of sea-ice properties in climate models. Researchers will take advantage of the cruise track of the I/B Oden during transit through the Antarctic sea-ice zones in the region of the Bellingshausen, Amundsen and Ross (BAR) seas on a cruise to McMurdo Station. Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, the BAR region is of considerable scientific interest as being one of the last under described and perhaps unexploited marine ecosystems left on the planet. A series of on station and underway observations of sea ice properties will be undertaken, thematically linked to broader questions of summer ice survival and baseline physical properties (e.g. estimates of heat and salt fluxes). In situ spatiotemporal variability of sea-ice cover extent, thickness and snow cover depths will be observed. | ["POLYGON((-180 -67.05,-170.9866 -67.05,-161.9732 -67.05,-152.9598 -67.05,-143.9464 -67.05,-134.933 -67.05,-125.9196 -67.05,-116.9062 -67.05,-107.8928 -67.05,-98.8794 -67.05,-89.866 -67.05,-89.866 -68.1033,-89.866 -69.1566,-89.866 -70.2099,-89.866 -71.2632,-89.866 -72.3165,-89.866 -73.3698,-89.866 -74.4231,-89.866 -75.4764,-89.866 -76.5297,-89.866 -77.583,-98.8794 -77.583,-107.8928 -77.583,-116.9062 -77.583,-125.9196 -77.583,-134.933 -77.583,-143.9464 -77.583,-152.9598 -77.583,-161.9732 -77.583,-170.9866 -77.583,180 -77.583,178.57 -77.583,177.14 -77.583,175.71 -77.583,174.28 -77.583,172.85 -77.583,171.42 -77.583,169.99 -77.583,168.56 -77.583,167.13 -77.583,165.7 -77.583,165.7 -76.5297,165.7 -75.4764,165.7 -74.4231,165.7 -73.3698,165.7 -72.3165,165.7 -71.2632,165.7 -70.2099,165.7 -69.1566,165.7 -68.1033,165.7 -67.05,167.13 -67.05,168.56 -67.05,169.99 -67.05,171.42 -67.05,172.85 -67.05,174.28 -67.05,175.71 -67.05,177.14 -67.05,178.57 -67.05,-180 -67.05))"] | ["POINT(-142.083 -72.3165)"] | false | false |
Controls on Climate-Active Gases by Amundsen Sea Ice Biota
0836061 |
2011-01-01 | Dennett, Mark |
Collaborative Research: Controls on climate-active gases by Amundsen Sea ice biota |
Convincing evidence now confirms that polar regions are changing rapidly in response to human activities. Changes in sea ice extent and thickness will have profound implications for productivity, food webs and carbon fluxes at high latitudes, since sea ice biota are a significant source of biogenic matter for the ecosystem. While sea ice is often thought to be a barrier to gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, it more likely functions as a source or sink for climate-active gases such as carbon dioxide and ozone-depleting organohalogens, due in part to activities of microbes embedded in the sea ice matrix. This project brings together experienced US and Swedish investigators to examine the controls by sea-ice biota on the production and degradation of key climate-active gases in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. We hypothesize that 1) the physical properties of the sea-ice environment will determine the community structure and activities of the sea ice biota; 2) the productivity, biomass, physiological state and species composition of ice algae will determine the production of specific classes of organic carbon, including organohalogens; 3) heterotrophic co-metabolism within the ice will break down these compounds to some extent, depending on the microbial community structure and productivity, and 4) the sea ice to atmosphere fluxes of CO2 and organohalogens will be inversely related. This project will build close scientific collaborations between US and Swedish researchers and also train young scientists, including members of underrepresented groups. Dissemination of results will include the scientific literature, and public outreach venues including interactions with a PolarTrec teacher. | ["POLYGON((-170 -69,-163 -69,-156 -69,-149 -69,-142 -69,-135 -69,-128 -69,-121 -69,-114 -69,-107 -69,-100 -69,-100 -70,-100 -71,-100 -72,-100 -73,-100 -74,-100 -75,-100 -76,-100 -77,-100 -78,-100 -79,-107 -79,-114 -79,-121 -79,-128 -79,-135 -79,-142 -79,-149 -79,-156 -79,-163 -79,-170 -79,-170 -78,-170 -77,-170 -76,-170 -75,-170 -74,-170 -73,-170 -72,-170 -71,-170 -70,-170 -69))"] | ["POINT(-135 -74)"] | false | false |
Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector
0838838 |
2010-01-01 | Tilav, Serap; Evenson, Paul; Bieber, John; Clem, John |
Collaborative Research: Measurement of Cosmic Ray Response Functions for an Ice Cherenkov Detector |
We determined a set of cosmic ray response functions for the ice Cherenkov detector used by the surface air shower IceTop, part of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole. At the same time we measured the response function of moderated neutron detectors that are now in use in conjunction with IceTop. We did this by means of a global latitude survey conducted with a detector identical to the IceTop sensors built in a freezer van installed on the Swedish icebreaker Oden. The freezer van also housed the moderated neutron detectors. Cosmic rays shower data were recorded on the Oden voyage from Sweden to McMurdo and return during the 2009-2010 austral summer season. Reliance on student observers and data analysts enhanced the broader impact of this research and firmly grounds this effort in its educational mission. | ["POLYGON((-165.89 -56.02,-150.571 -56.02,-135.252 -56.02,-119.933 -56.02,-104.614 -56.02,-89.295 -56.02,-73.976 -56.02,-58.657 -56.02,-43.338 -56.02,-28.019 -56.02,-12.7 -56.02,-12.7 -58.203,-12.7 -60.386,-12.7 -62.569,-12.7 -64.752,-12.7 -66.935,-12.7 -69.118,-12.7 -71.301,-12.7 -73.484,-12.7 -75.667,-12.7 -77.85,-28.019 -77.85,-43.338 -77.85,-58.657 -77.85,-73.976 -77.85,-89.295 -77.85,-104.614 -77.85,-119.933 -77.85,-135.252 -77.85,-150.571 -77.85,-165.89 -77.85,-165.89 -75.667,-165.89 -73.484,-165.89 -71.301,-165.89 -69.118,-165.89 -66.935,-165.89 -64.752,-165.89 -62.569,-165.89 -60.386,-165.89 -58.203,-165.89 -56.02))"] | ["POINT(-89.295 -66.935)"] | false | false |
Controls on Climate-Active Gases by Amundsen Sea Ice Biota
0836112 |
2010-01-01 | Smith, Walker |
Collaborative Research: Controls on climate-active gases by Amundsen Sea ice biota |
Convincing evidence now confirms that polar regions are changing rapidly in response to human activities. Changes in sea ice extent and thickness will have profound implications for productivity, food webs and carbon fluxes at high latitudes, since sea ice biota are a significant source of biogenic matter for the ecosystem. While sea ice is often thought to be a barrier to gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, it more likely functions as a source or sink for climate-active gases such as carbon dioxide and ozone-depleting organohalogens, due in part to activities of microbes embedded in the sea ice matrix. This project brings together experienced US and Swedish investigators to examine the controls by sea-ice biota on the production and degradation of key climate-active gases in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. We hypothesize that 1) the physical properties of the sea-ice environment will determine the community structure and activities of the sea ice biota; 2) the productivity, biomass, physiological state and species composition of ice algae will determine the production of specific classes of organic carbon, including organohalogens; 3) heterotrophic co-metabolism within the ice will break down these compounds to some extent, depending on the microbial community structure and productivity, and 4) the sea ice to atmosphere fluxes of CO2 and organohalogens will be inversely related. This project will build close scientific collaborations between US and Swedish researchers and also train young scientists, including members of underrepresented groups. Dissemination of results will include the scientific literature, and public outreach venues including interactions with a PolarTrec teacher. | ["POLYGON((-170 -69,-163 -69,-156 -69,-149 -69,-142 -69,-135 -69,-128 -69,-121 -69,-114 -69,-107 -69,-100 -69,-100 -70,-100 -71,-100 -72,-100 -73,-100 -74,-100 -75,-100 -76,-100 -77,-100 -78,-100 -79,-107 -79,-114 -79,-121 -79,-128 -79,-135 -79,-142 -79,-149 -79,-156 -79,-163 -79,-170 -79,-170 -78,-170 -77,-170 -76,-170 -75,-170 -74,-170 -73,-170 -72,-170 -71,-170 -70,-170 -69))"] | ["POINT(-135 -74)"] | false | false |
Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas
0741380 |
2009-01-01 | Smith, Walker |
Small Grants for Exploratory Research - Oceanographic Research in the Amundsen and Ross Seas: |
The research will examine the relative importance of the physical and chemical controls on phytoplankton dynamics and carbon flux in continental margin regions of the Southern Ocean, and elucidate mechanisms by which plankton populations and carbon export might be altered by climate change. We specifically will address (1) how the phytoplankton on the continental margins of the southern Ocean respond to spatial and temporal changes in temperature, light, iron supply, and carbon dioxide levels, (2) how these factors initiate changes in phytoplankton assemblage structure, and (3) how carbon export and the efficiency of the biological pump are impacted by the biomass and composition of the phytoplankton. Two regions of study (the Amundsen and Ross Seas) will be investigated, one well studied (Ross Sea) and one poorly described (Amundsen Sea). It is hypothesized that each region will have markedly different physical forcing, giving rise to distinct chemical conditions and therefore biological responses. As such, the comparison of the two may give us insights into the mechanisms of how Antarctic continental margins will respond under changing environmental conditions. Broader impacts include participation by an international graduate student from Brazil, outreach via seminars to the general public, collaboration with the teachers-in-residence on the cruise, development of a cruise web site and interactive email exchanges with local middle school students while at sea. | ["POLYGON((-160 -65,-154 -65,-148 -65,-142 -65,-136 -65,-130 -65,-124 -65,-118 -65,-112 -65,-106 -65,-100 -65,-100 -66.1,-100 -67.2,-100 -68.3,-100 -69.4,-100 -70.5,-100 -71.6,-100 -72.7,-100 -73.8,-100 -74.9,-100 -76,-106 -76,-112 -76,-118 -76,-124 -76,-130 -76,-136 -76,-142 -76,-148 -76,-154 -76,-160 -76,-160 -74.9,-160 -73.8,-160 -72.7,-160 -71.6,-160 -70.5,-160 -69.4,-160 -68.3,-160 -67.2,-160 -66.1,-160 -65))"] | ["POINT(-130 -70.5)"] | false | false |
SGER: Primary and Secondary Production and Carbon Flux Through the Microbial Community Along the Western Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone on the Oden Southern Ocean 2007 Expeditions
0742057 |
2009-01-01 | Dennett, Mark; Gallager, Scott |
SGER: Primary and Secondary Production and Carbon Flux Through the Microbial Community Along the Western Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone on the Oden Southern Ocean 2007 Expeditions |
The research will continue and extend the study in the Southern Ocean that was initiated during the Oden Southern Ocean 2006 expedition in collaboration with Swedish scientist Mellissa Chierici. We will quantify carbon flux through the food web in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) by measuring size fractionated primary and secondary production, grazing and carbon flux through nanoplankton (2-20 um), microplankton (20-200um), and mesoplankton (200-2000 um). Community structure, species abundance and size specific grazing rates will be quantified using a variety of techniques both underway and at ice stations along the MIZ. The proposed cruise track extends across the Drake Passage to the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) with three station transects along a gradient from the open ocean through the marginal ice zone (MIZ) in the Bellinghausen and Amundsen Seas and into the Ross Sea Polynya. Ice stations along each transect will provide material to characterize production associated with annual ice. Underway measurements of primary and secondary production (chlorophyll, CDOM, microplankton, and mesoplankton) and hydrography (temperature, salinity, pH, DO, turbidity) will establish a baseline for future cruises and as support for other projects such as biogeochemical studies on carbon dioxide drawdown and trace metal work on primary production. The outcome of these measurements will be a description of nano to mesoplankton standing stocks, community structure, and carbon flux along the MIZ in the Bellinghausen and Amundsen Seas and the Ross Sea Polynya. | ["POLYGON((-168.291 -64.846,-165.018 -64.846,-161.745 -64.846,-158.472 -64.846,-155.199 -64.846,-151.926 -64.846,-148.653 -64.846,-145.38 -64.846,-142.107 -64.846,-138.834 -64.846,-135.561 -64.846,-135.561 -66.0269,-135.561 -67.2078,-135.561 -68.3887,-135.561 -69.5696,-135.561 -70.7505,-135.561 -71.9314,-135.561 -73.1123,-135.561 -74.2932,-135.561 -75.4741,-135.561 -76.655,-138.834 -76.655,-142.107 -76.655,-145.38 -76.655,-148.653 -76.655,-151.926 -76.655,-155.199 -76.655,-158.472 -76.655,-161.745 -76.655,-165.018 -76.655,-168.291 -76.655,-168.291 -75.4741,-168.291 -74.2932,-168.291 -73.1123,-168.291 -71.9314,-168.291 -70.7505,-168.291 -69.5696,-168.291 -68.3887,-168.291 -67.2078,-168.291 -66.0269,-168.291 -64.846))"] | ["POINT(-151.926 -70.7505)"] | false | false |