{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Mcmurdo Station"}
[{"awards": "2130663 Neff, Peter", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Thu, 18 May 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Final report of the 2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop, held virtually June 29 - July 1. The National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded workshop addressed questions around the value and feasibility of deploying a new optical fiber submarine cable system that would supply high-speed internet connectivity to McMurdo Station to address the severe network bandwidth bottlenecks that currently constrain scientific research in Antarctica.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Communication; Internet; Report", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Polar Cyberinfrastructure", "persons": "Andreasen, Julia; Roop, Heidi A; Pundsack, Jonathan W; Howe, Bruce; Jacobs, Gwen; Lassner, David; Yoshimi, Garrett; Timm, Kristin; Neff, Peter", "project_titles": "2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010389", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop Report", "uid": "601691", "west": null}, {"awards": "1644196 Cziko, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((162.647931 -77.000624,163.049652 -77.000624,163.451373 -77.000624,163.853094 -77.000624,164.254815 -77.000624,164.656536 -77.000624,165.058257 -77.000624,165.459978 -77.000624,165.861699 -77.000624,166.26342 -77.000624,166.665141 -77.000624,166.665141 -77.0856883,166.665141 -77.1707526,166.665141 -77.2558169,166.665141 -77.3408812,166.665141 -77.4259455,166.665141 -77.5110098,166.665141 -77.5960741,166.665141 -77.6811384,166.665141 -77.7662027,166.665141 -77.851267,166.26342 -77.851267,165.861699 -77.851267,165.459978 -77.851267,165.058257 -77.851267,164.656536 -77.851267,164.254815 -77.851267,163.853094 -77.851267,163.451373 -77.851267,163.049652 -77.851267,162.647931 -77.851267,162.647931 -77.7662027,162.647931 -77.6811384,162.647931 -77.5960741,162.647931 -77.5110098,162.647931 -77.4259455,162.647931 -77.3408812,162.647931 -77.2558169,162.647931 -77.1707526,162.647931 -77.0856883,162.647931 -77.000624))"], "date_created": "Sun, 03 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Nearshore benthic seawater temperature (plus pressure and salinity for some sites) in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica for 2017-2019. Data includes those from standalone temperature (sometimes pressure) for several sites around McMurdo Sound as well as data from the cabled McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory moored conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor at the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty. Data are from high precision SeaBird sensors (SBE56, SBE39, SBE19Plus and SBE37), with sample intervals from 90 sec to 15 min, depending on site. Sampled sites include Explorer\u0027s Cove at New Harbor, Cape Evans, Granite Harbor, and the McMurdo Station jetty. All sensors were deployed near or on the benthos at 20-25 m deep, in typical nearshore benthic fish and invertebrate habitat.", "east": 166.665141, "geometry": ["POINT(164.656536 -77.4259455)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic Ecology; CTD; Depth; McMurdo Sound; Oceanography; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Pressure; Salinity; Seawater Measurements; Seawater Temperature; Supercooling; Tides", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": -77.000624, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "persons": "Cziko, Paul", "project_titles": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010147", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.851267, "title": "High-resolution nearshore benthic seawater temperature from around McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)", "uid": "601420", "west": 162.647931}, {"awards": "1644196 Cziko, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Broadband underwater acoustic recordings from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory mooring near the seaward terminus of the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty. An omnidirectional Ocean Sonics icListen hydrophone (SB2-ETH, SN 1713) recorded continuously at 512 kilosamples/second (256 kHz Nyquist frequency; 24 bit) for 2 years. The hydrophone was mounted vertically on a steel strut (insulated with rubber sheet) at about 70 cm above the mud/gravel seabed at 21m deep, with the sloping 45\u00b0 rubble face of the jetty just behind the hydrophone. Temporal coverage is \u003e90%, with gaps and truncated files arising due to network and power outages and software bugs. The audio recordings are 10 minute WAV files, compressed using the lossless FLAC code (Free Lossless Audio Codec, xiph.org; about 33MB of data/minute compressed; 100MB/min uncompressed). The hydrophone was under thick (to 3 m) sea ice cover for the majority of the dataset. The majority of the recorded biological sounds were produced by Weddell seals. Orca were present intermittently (~10 days total) in January-March in both summers. Known non-biological sounds include irregular low-intensity, broad-spectrum clicks and cracks from the sea ice cover, occasional wind noise, a 1.5-s gurgle with components to 200kHz every 90s from the CTD\u2019s pump, a broad-spectrum mechanical sound for 3 min every 4 h from the observatory\u0027s underwater camera cleaning system, low-intensity whines (about 18, 58, 83, and 130 kHz, though variable over the dataset) thought to be from the station seawater pumps (\u003e100 m away within the jetty\u2019s well casing), and intermittent noises from tracked-vehicles and helicopters (September\u2013February), SCUBA divers (October\u2013December), and ships (January). Given hosting limitations, only every 6th file (roughly 10min/hour) has been archived here. Additional data can be obtained by contacting the primary author of the dataset, who will maintain it for as long as possible. Audio spectrogram images (PNGs) at three frequency ranges (three stacked panels per image, upper limits of 2.5, 25, and 256 kHz) from the entire dataset (all data, not subsampled) are also archived separately.", "east": 166.6645, "geometry": ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Bioacoustics; Biota; Hydroacoustics; Killer Whales; Leptonychotes Weddellii; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Orcinus Orca; Sea Ice; Weddell Seal; Whales", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": -77.851, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "persons": "Cziko, Paul", "project_titles": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010147", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.851, "title": "Long-term broadband underwater acoustic recordings from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)", "uid": "601416", "west": 166.6645}, {"awards": "1644196 Cziko, Paul", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Long-term images taken by the camera from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory mooring in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during its 2-year deployment (2017-2019). The mooring was situated at the seawater terminus of the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty at 21 m deep, typically under thick sea ice cover. The automated 360\u00b0 pan-tilt-zoom (ptz) camera, inside of an air-filled self-cleaning dome, was programmed to move to 42 ptz \"waypoints\" every hour and take a still 1920x1080 JPG image for archiving. Lights, oriented in one direction only, illuminated a rock/rubble slope for much of each winter, when there was no natural illumination. The camera was situated on a concrete block, which elevated the camera about 1m off of the seabed. Motile and sessile benthic biota, including notothenioid fishes, anemones, pycnogonids, asteroids, soft-corals, sponges, and nudibranchs are commonly seen in the images. Some ptz waypoints survey the water column and underside of the sea ice, capturing also the presence of larval/juvenile fishes and other plankton/nekton in the water column. Maximum intervals between subsequent images from the same ptz waypoint were about 1 hour, though many waypoints were captured at somewhat higher frequency. Interval images, taken at 5-min intervals irrespective of camera orientation, were also captured. Images are occasionally obscured/impacted by the camera dome\u0027s wiper, darkness, low visibility, minor fouling of the camera dome, and out-of-focus lens elements. ", "east": 166.6645, "geometry": ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic Ecology; Benthic Invertebrates; Biota; McMurdo Sound; Notothenioid; Notothenioid Fishes; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Rocky Reef Community; Soft-Bottom Community; Timelaps Images", "locations": "McMurdo Sound; Antarctica", "north": -77.851, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Instrumentation and Support", "persons": "Cziko, Paul", "project_titles": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010147", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.851, "title": "Long-term underwater images from around a single mooring site in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)", "uid": "601417", "west": 166.6645}, {"awards": "0941678 ; 0424589 Gogineni, S. Prasad; 0733025 Blankenship, Donald; 1443690 Young, Duncan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((114 -74,115.2 -74,116.4 -74,117.6 -74,118.8 -74,120 -74,121.2 -74,122.4 -74,123.6 -74,124.8 -74,126 -74,126 -74.3,126 -74.6,126 -74.9,126 -75.2,126 -75.5,126 -75.8,126 -76.1,126 -76.4,126 -76.7,126 -77,124.8 -77,123.6 -77,122.4 -77,121.2 -77,120 -77,118.8 -77,117.6 -77,116.4 -77,115.2 -77,114 -77,114 -76.7,114 -76.4,114 -76.1,114 -75.8,114 -75.5,114 -75.2,114 -74.9,114 -74.6,114 -74.3,114 -74))"], "date_created": "Fri, 18 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The data set published here consists of 26 ice-penetrating radar IRHs (internal reflecting horizons) which were traced across multiple ice-penetrating radar surveys that deployed several generations of modern ice-penetrating radar sounders over a decade, between 2008 and 2018, over the Dome C region of the East Antarctic Plateau. The data set is associated to publication: Cavitte, M. G. P, Young, D. A, Mulvaney, R., Ritz, C., Greenbaum, J. S., Ng, G., Kempf, S. D., Quartini, E., Muldoon, G. R., Paden, J., Frezzotti, M., Roberts, J. L. , Tozer, C. R. , Schroeder, D. M. and Blankenship, D. D. A detailed radiostratigraphic data set for the central East Antarctic Plateau spanning from the Holocene to the mid-Pleistocene, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4759\u20134777, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4759-2021.\r\n\r\nWe can subdivide the radar sounders used into three sets. The primary set was collected by the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) and the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) as part of the ICECAP project) between 2008 and 2015. This includes the Oldest Ice candidate A (OIA) survey flown by ICECAP in January 2016. Data were collected with the High Capacity Airborne Radar Sounder (HiCARS) 1 \u0026 2 and its Multifrequency Airborne Radar-sounder for Full-phase Assessment (MARFA) descendant. The data was collected from a DC-3T Basler which operated from Concordia Station. \r\n\r\nThe second set consists of the Vostok-Dome C airborne radar transect was flown by the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) at the University of Kansas using the Multi-Channel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder (MCoRDS) in a single flight line in 2013. A P-3 Orion operating from McMurdo Station collected these data as part of NASA Operation Ice Bridge. \r\n\r\nThe third set consists of a subset of the LDC ground-based radar survey, towed behind a PistenBully PB300 tractor, collected by the Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice (BE-OI) European Consortium using the British Antarctic Survey\u2019s (BAS) Deep Looking Radio Echo Sounder (DELORES) radar system. Each IRH has been traced in all three radar sets and is published here as a single csv and netcdf file. Formats are self-documented in these csv/netcdf files. \r\n\r\nWhere HiCARS and MCoRDS radar transects are used, the IRH is provided at a 1 km spatial resolution, where DELORES radar transects are used, the IRH is provided at a 250 m spatial resolution. \r\n\r\nThe 26 IRHs published here were traced semi-automatically by first author Marie Cavitte, using Landmark\u0027s Decision Space Desktop software and its built-in picker. \r\n\r\nThe IRHs are dated at the EDC ice core using the AICC2012 timescale (Veres et al., 2013; Bazin et al., 2013). \r\n\r\nIce core ages are transferred onto the IRHs on radar transect MCM/JKB1a/EDMC01a at distance_m (column in the data sets) = 110.153 m along the transect. That radar point of closest approach is 94\u2009m away from the ice core site. Depth and age uncertainties associated to each IRH are quantified n the associated publication: Cavitte, M. G. P, Young, D. A, Mulvaney, R., Ritz, C., Greenbaum, J. S., Ng, G., Kempf, S. D., Quartini, E., Muldoon, G. R., Paden, J., Frezzotti, M., Roberts, J. L. , Tozer, C. R. , Schroeder, D. M. and Blankenship, D. D. A detailed radiostratigraphic data set for the central East Antarctic Plateau spanning from the Holocene to the mid-Pleistocene, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4759\u20134777, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4759-2021. \r\n\n\r\n\r\nBesides NSF this dataset is the result of additional support from NERC grant - NE/D003733/1, NASA grants - NX08AN68G, NNX09AR52G, NNX11AD33G, NNX13AD53A, and funding from the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation.\n\n\\nNote that the dataset was archived before the accompanying paper was officially published. The abstract and dataset description has been updated to cite the correct reference to the ESSD paper (Cavitte et al., 2021) after the paper was published. The headers of the actual data files contain only a placeholder to this reference.", "east": 126.0, "geometry": ["POINT(120 -75.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; ICECAP; Ice Penetrating Radar; Internal Reflecting Horizons", "locations": "Antarctica; East Antarctic Plateau", "north": -74.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences; Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Cavitte, Marie G. P; Young, Duncan A.; Mulvaney, Robert; Ritz, Catherine; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Kempf, Scott D.; Quartini, Enrica; Muldoon, Gail R.; Paden, John; Frezzotti, Massimo; Roberts, Jason; Tozer, Carly; Schroeder, Dustin; Blankenship, Donald D.", "project_titles": "Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS); Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP); IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000102", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)"}, {"proj_uid": "p0000719", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP)"}, {"proj_uid": "p0010115", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": -77.0, "title": "Ice-penetrating radar internal stratigraphy over Dome C and the wider East Antarctic Plateau", "uid": "601411", "west": 114.0}, {"awards": "1142158 Cheng, Chi-Hing; 0231006 DeVries, Arthur", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163 -76.5,163.5 -76.5,164 -76.5,164.5 -76.5,165 -76.5,165.5 -76.5,166 -76.5,166.5 -76.5,167 -76.5,167.5 -76.5,168 -76.5,168 -76.63,168 -76.76,168 -76.89,168 -77.02,168 -77.15,168 -77.28,168 -77.41,168 -77.54,168 -77.67,168 -77.8,167.5 -77.8,167 -77.8,166.5 -77.8,166 -77.8,165.5 -77.8,165 -77.8,164.5 -77.8,164 -77.8,163.5 -77.8,163 -77.8,163 -77.67,163 -77.54,163 -77.41,163 -77.28,163 -77.15,163 -77.02,163 -76.89,163 -76.76,163 -76.63,163 -76.5))"], "date_created": "Wed, 08 Apr 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Benthic seawater temperature (within 10cm of the bottom) from near the McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica saltwater intake jetty. Data collected at two nearby locations: On muddy bottom at base of artificial rock jetty (~25m depth), and ~50m west of the Jetty in sponge/spicule mat habitat (~40m depth).", "east": 168.0, "geometry": ["POINT(165.5 -77.15)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthic; McMurdo Sound; Mcmurdo Station; Oceans; Physical Oceanography; Temperature Probe; Water Temperature", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound", "north": -76.5, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Cheng, Chi-Hing; Cziko, Paul; Devries, Arthur", "project_titles": "Antarctic Notothenioid Fish Freeze Avoidance and Genome-wide Evolution for Life in the Cold", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010091", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Antarctic Notothenioid Fish Freeze Avoidance and Genome-wide Evolution for Life in the Cold"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.8, "title": "High-resolution benthic seawater temperature record 1999-2012 (25-40m depth) from near intake jetty at McMurdo Station, Antarctica", "uid": "601275", "west": 163.0}, {"awards": "1341485 Woods, H. Arthur", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.85 -77.6,164.134 -77.6,164.418 -77.6,164.702 -77.6,164.986 -77.6,165.27 -77.6,165.554 -77.6,165.838 -77.6,166.122 -77.6,166.406 -77.6,166.69 -77.6,166.69 -77.624,166.69 -77.648,166.69 -77.672,166.69 -77.696,166.69 -77.72,166.69 -77.744,166.69 -77.768,166.69 -77.792,166.69 -77.816,166.69 -77.84,166.406 -77.84,166.122 -77.84,165.838 -77.84,165.554 -77.84,165.27 -77.84,164.986 -77.84,164.702 -77.84,164.418 -77.84,164.134 -77.84,163.85 -77.84,163.85 -77.816,163.85 -77.792,163.85 -77.768,163.85 -77.744,163.85 -77.72,163.85 -77.696,163.85 -77.672,163.85 -77.648,163.85 -77.624,163.85 -77.6))"], "date_created": "Sat, 22 Dec 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Raw data from Lane, SJ, AL Moran, CM Shishido, BW Tobalske, HA Woods (2018) Cuticular gas exchange by Antarctic sea spiders. Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb.177568 doi: 10.1242/jeb.177568.\r\n\r\nThe file contains data on pore morphology, cuticle thickness, oxygen gradients across the cuticle, and estimated resistances of the cuticle to oxygen flux. Most of the sea spiders were collected near McMurdo Station, with a few extras collected at New Harbor, Antarctica.", "east": 166.69, "geometry": ["POINT(165.27 -77.72)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Benthos; Biota; Body Size; Cuticle; McMurdo Sound; Microelectrodes; Microscope; Microscopy; Oxygen; Pore; Respiration; Sea Spider; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Southern Ocean", "north": -77.6, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Woods, H. Arthur; Arthur Woods, H.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000007", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.84, "title": "Cuticle morphology and oxygen gradients of Antarctic sea spiders", "uid": "601145", "west": 163.85}, {"awards": "0944201 Hofmann, Gretchen; 1246202 Hofmann, Gretchen", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((163.5281 -77.5715,163.84105 -77.5715,164.154 -77.5715,164.46695 -77.5715,164.7799 -77.5715,165.09285 -77.5715,165.4058 -77.5715,165.71875 -77.5715,166.0317 -77.5715,166.34465 -77.5715,166.6576 -77.5715,166.6576 -77.59928,166.6576 -77.62706,166.6576 -77.65484,166.6576 -77.68262,166.6576 -77.7104,166.6576 -77.73818,166.6576 -77.76596,166.6576 -77.79374,166.6576 -77.82152,166.6576 -77.8493,166.34465 -77.8493,166.0317 -77.8493,165.71875 -77.8493,165.4058 -77.8493,165.09285 -77.8493,164.7799 -77.8493,164.46695 -77.8493,164.154 -77.8493,163.84105 -77.8493,163.5281 -77.8493,163.5281 -77.82152,163.5281 -77.79374,163.5281 -77.76596,163.5281 -77.73818,163.5281 -77.7104,163.5281 -77.68262,163.5281 -77.65484,163.5281 -77.62706,163.5281 -77.59928,163.5281 -77.5715))"], "date_created": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset consists of measurements made of pH (total scale) and temperature at various sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica with autonomous DuraFET\u00ae - based pH sensors. Sensors logged every 4 hours and ran until batteries were exhausted. Sensors were calibrated with water samples following best practices from Dickson et al (2007). Details of select years from this dataset are provided in Kapsenberg et al(2015). ", "east": 166.6576, "geometry": ["POINT(165.09285 -77.7104)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; McMurdo Sound; Mcmurdo Station; Mooring; Oceans; Ocean Temperature; PH; Physical Oceanography; Ross Sea; Sea Surface Temperature; Seawater Measurements; Southern Ocean; Temperature", "locations": "Ross Sea; Antarctica; Southern Ocean; McMurdo Sound", "north": -77.5715, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "persons": "Hoshijima, Umihiko; Hofmann, Gretchen; Kapsenberg, Lydia", "project_titles": "Ocean Acidification Seascape: Linking Natural Variability and Anthropogenic changes in pH and Temperature to Performance in Calcifying Antarctic Marine Invertebrates", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000390", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Ocean Acidification Seascape: Linking Natural Variability and Anthropogenic changes in pH and Temperature to Performance in Calcifying Antarctic Marine Invertebrates"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.8493, "title": "Nearshore pH, temperature, (salinity, depth) at mooring sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Overwinter 2011-2016", "uid": "601141", "west": 163.5281}, {"awards": "1443126 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.02819 -77.887495,166.053634 -77.887495,166.079078 -77.887495,166.104522 -77.887495,166.129966 -77.887495,166.15541 -77.887495,166.180854 -77.887495,166.206298 -77.887495,166.231742 -77.887495,166.257186 -77.887495,166.28263 -77.887495,166.28263 -77.8926145,166.28263 -77.897734,166.28263 -77.9028535,166.28263 -77.907973,166.28263 -77.9130925,166.28263 -77.918212,166.28263 -77.9233315,166.28263 -77.928451,166.28263 -77.9335705,166.28263 -77.93869,166.257186 -77.93869,166.231742 -77.93869,166.206298 -77.93869,166.180854 -77.93869,166.15541 -77.93869,166.129966 -77.93869,166.104522 -77.93869,166.079078 -77.93869,166.053634 -77.93869,166.02819 -77.93869,166.02819 -77.9335705,166.02819 -77.928451,166.02819 -77.9233315,166.02819 -77.918212,166.02819 -77.9130925,166.02819 -77.907973,166.02819 -77.9028535,166.02819 -77.897734,166.02819 -77.8926145,166.02819 -77.887495))"], "date_created": "Tue, 24 Jul 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Over 2 Austral summer periods in 2015/6 and 2016/17, up to 12 geodetic GPS receivers were deployed on the McMurdo Ice Shelf to study its vertical deflection in response to moving meltwater loads. (5 GPS were deployed in 2015/16, 12 in 2016/17.) The GPS receivers and antennas were supplied by UNAVCO and were Trimble NetR9\u2019s and Zephyr Geodetic, respectively. The GPS receivers were stationary for the entire field seasons (were never moved). Following each field season, the GPS data were processed using MIT software called TRACK, which is part of the GAMIT package. The UNAVCO-run base station at McMurdo Station, approximately 16 km away from the field area, was used as part of the processing.", "east": 166.28263, "geometry": ["POINT(166.15541 -77.9130925)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; GPS; Ice Flow Velocity; Ice Shelf; Ice-Shelf Flexure; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Surface Melt", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.887495, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison", "project_titles": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000138", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.93869, "title": "McMurdo Ice Shelf GPS survey of vertical motion", "uid": "601107", "west": 166.02819}, {"awards": "1141939 Lubin, Dan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.31 -77.5203,166.38265 -77.5203,166.4553 -77.5203,166.52795 -77.5203,166.6006 -77.5203,166.67325 -77.5203,166.7459 -77.5203,166.81855 -77.5203,166.8912 -77.5203,166.96385 -77.5203,167.0365 -77.5203,167.0365 -77.52527,167.0365 -77.53024,167.0365 -77.53521,167.0365 -77.54018,167.0365 -77.54515,167.0365 -77.55012,167.0365 -77.55509,167.0365 -77.56006,167.0365 -77.56503,167.0365 -77.57,166.96385 -77.57,166.8912 -77.57,166.81855 -77.57,166.7459 -77.57,166.67325 -77.57,166.6006 -77.57,166.52795 -77.57,166.4553 -77.57,166.38265 -77.57,166.31 -77.57,166.31 -77.56503,166.31 -77.56006,166.31 -77.55509,166.31 -77.55012,166.31 -77.54515,166.31 -77.54018,166.31 -77.53521,166.31 -77.53024,166.31 -77.52527,166.31 -77.5203))"], "date_created": "Tue, 12 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "In this project we made fundamental measurements of cloud optical and microphysical properties at Ross Island, Antarctica, using a versatile shortwave spectroradiometer (Panalytical, Inc.) acquired for atmospheric field research by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). This instrument measures downwelling spectral irradiance at the Earth surface in the wavelength interval 350-2200 nm. From this data set one can retrieve properties of coastal Antarctic stratiform clouds including optical depth, thermodynamic phase, liquid water droplet effective radius, and ice cloud effective particle size. The instrument was installed at Arrival Heights, and measurements were made from 10 October 2012 to 4 February 2013. Spectral data recorded in one-minute averages, with some gaps for instrument maintenance and data backup, and some occasional down time when the site was inaccessible. Active satellite remote sensing data (CloudSat and CALIPSO) were used for validation and interpretation of the spectroradiometer retrievals (Scott and Lubin 2014).\r\n\t\r\n\t\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eThere are two reasons why this measurement program remains timely. One straightforward reason involves the location of McMurdo Station, which is the US Antarctic Programs air transport entry point to the continent. Improvements in our knowledge of atmospheric physics in this region can eventually lead to improvements in numerical weather forecasting relevant to aviation. A second reason involves the recent advances in cloud microphysics for global climate model simulation. Mixed-phase cloud parameterizations have become very sophisticated, requiring validation with each new improvement. Traditional observational test cases - from the Arctic or mid-latitude storm systems - are often quite complex. A coastal Antarctic site at very high latitudes can provide more straightforward cases for testing current microphysical parameterizations. Over Ross Island aerosol and cloud nucleation sources are essentially all natural and oceanic, and cloud geometry is simple, while at the same time there is abundant supercooled cloud liquid water.\r\n\t\r\n\t\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eAncillary meteorological data from the McMurdo Weather Office are also included here for help in interpreting the spectroradiometer data, including rawinsonde profiles, surface weather observations from the active ice runway, and automated FMQ19 surface weather measurements from Williams Field and Pegasus runway. For interpretation of clear sky or nearly cloud-free irradiance spectra (i.e., when a large fraction of the irradiance is directional from the Sun and not diffused by clouds), we recommend consulting Meywerk and Ramanathan (1999) for information about the Panalytical instruments cosine response.", "east": 167.0365, "geometry": ["POINT(166.67325 -77.54515)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Meteorology; Radiosounding; Ross Island", "locations": "Antarctica; Ross Island", "north": -77.5203, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "Lubin, Dan", "project_titles": "Antarctic Cloud Physics: Fundamental Observations from Ross Island", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000327", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Antarctic Cloud Physics: Fundamental Observations from Ross Island"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.57, "title": "Shortwave Spectroradiometer Data from Ross Island, Antarctica", "uid": "601074", "west": 166.31}, {"awards": "0839053 Ackley, Stephen", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -67.05,-170.9866 -67.05,-161.9732 -67.05,-152.9598 -67.05,-143.9464 -67.05,-134.933 -67.05,-125.9196 -67.05,-116.9062 -67.05,-107.8928 -67.05,-98.8794 -67.05,-89.866 -67.05,-89.866 -68.1033,-89.866 -69.1566,-89.866 -70.2099,-89.866 -71.2632,-89.866 -72.3165,-89.866 -73.3698,-89.866 -74.4231,-89.866 -75.4764,-89.866 -76.5297,-89.866 -77.583,-98.8794 -77.583,-107.8928 -77.583,-116.9062 -77.583,-125.9196 -77.583,-134.933 -77.583,-143.9464 -77.583,-152.9598 -77.583,-161.9732 -77.583,-170.9866 -77.583,180 -77.583,178.57 -77.583,177.14 -77.583,175.71 -77.583,174.28 -77.583,172.85 -77.583,171.42 -77.583,169.99 -77.583,168.56 -77.583,167.13 -77.583,165.7 -77.583,165.7 -76.5297,165.7 -75.4764,165.7 -74.4231,165.7 -73.3698,165.7 -72.3165,165.7 -71.2632,165.7 -70.2099,165.7 -69.1566,165.7 -68.1033,165.7 -67.05,167.13 -67.05,168.56 -67.05,169.99 -67.05,171.42 -67.05,172.85 -67.05,174.28 -67.05,175.71 -67.05,177.14 -67.05,178.57 -67.05,-180 -67.05))"], "date_created": "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Several aspect of the seasonal melting and reformation cycle of Antarctic sea ice appear to be divergent from those occurring in the Arctic. This is most clearly demonstrated by the dramatic diminishing extent and thinning of the Arctic sea ice, to be contrasted to the changes in Antarctic sea-ice extent, which recently (decadaly) shows small increases. Current climate models do not resolve this discrepancy which likely results from both a lack of relevant observational sea-ice data in the Antarctic, along with inadequacies in the physical parameterization of sea-ice properties in climate models. Researchers will take advantage of the cruise track of the I/B Oden during transit through the Antarctic sea-ice zones in the region of the Bellingshausen, Amundsen and Ross (BAR) seas on a cruise to McMurdo Station. Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, the BAR region is of considerable scientific interest as being one of the last under described and perhaps unexploited marine ecosystems left on the planet. A series of on station and underway observations of sea ice properties will be undertaken, thematically linked to broader questions of summer ice survival and baseline physical properties (e.g. estimates of heat and salt fluxes). In situ spatiotemporal variability of sea-ice cover extent, thickness and snow cover depths will be observed.\n", "east": 165.7, "geometry": ["POINT(-142.083 -72.3165)"], "keywords": "Ice Core Records; Oceans; Oden; OSO1011; Sea Ice; Sea Ice Salinity; Sea Ice Thickness; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Southern Ocean", "north": -67.05, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Ackley, Stephen", "project_titles": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000676", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.583, "title": "The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)", "uid": "600106", "west": -89.866}, {"awards": "0538479 Seibel, Brad", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166 -77,166.1 -77,166.2 -77,166.3 -77,166.4 -77,166.5 -77,166.6 -77,166.7 -77,166.8 -77,166.9 -77,167 -77,167 -77.1,167 -77.2,167 -77.3,167 -77.4,167 -77.5,167 -77.6,167 -77.7,167 -77.8,167 -77.9,167 -78,166.9 -78,166.8 -78,166.7 -78,166.6 -78,166.5 -78,166.4 -78,166.3 -78,166.2 -78,166.1 -78,166 -78,166 -77.9,166 -77.8,166 -77.7,166 -77.6,166 -77.5,166 -77.4,166 -77.3,166 -77.2,166 -77.1,166 -77))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have resulted in greater oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide can impact marine organisms both via decreased carbonate saturation that affects calcification rates and via disturbance to acid-base (metabolic) physiology. Pteropod molluscs (Thecosomata) form shells made of aragonite, a type of calcium carbonate that is highly soluble, suggesting that these organisms may be particularly sensitive to increasing carbon dioxide and reduced carbonate ion concentration. Thecosome pteropods, which dominate the calcium carbonate export south of the Antarctic Polar Front, will be the first major group of marine calcifying organisms to experience carbonate undersaturation within parts of their present-day geographical ranges as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. An unusual, co-evolved relationship between thecosomes and their specialized gymnosome predators provides a unique backdrop against which to assess the physiological and ecological importance of elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Pteropods are functionally important components of the Antarctic ecosystem with potential to influence phytoplankton stocks, carbon export, and dimethyl sulfide levels that, in turn, influence global climate through ocean-atmosphere feedback loops. The research will quantify the impact of elevated carbon dioxide on a dominant aragonitic pteropod, Limacina helicina, and its specialist predator, the gymnosome Clione antarctica, in the Ross Sea through laboratory experimentation. Results will be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific understanding in this field. The project involves collaboration between researchers at a predominantly undergraduate institution with a significant enrollment of students that are typically underrepresented in the research environment (California State University San Marcos - CSUSM) and at a Ph.D.-granting institution (University of Rhode Island - URI). The program will promote education and learning through the joint education of undergraduate students and graduate students at CSUSM and URI as part of a research team, as well as through the teaching activities of the principal investigators. Dr. Keating, CSUSM professor of science education, will participate in the McMurdo fieldwork and lead the outreach opportunities for the project.", "east": 167.0, "geometry": ["POINT(166.5 -77.5)"], "keywords": "Biota; CO2; Mcmurdo Station; Oceans; Ross Island; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Shell Fish; Southern Ocean", "locations": "Ross Island; Southern Ocean", "north": -77.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Seibel, Brad", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000694", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea", "uid": "600055", "west": 166.0}, {"awards": "0440478 Tang, Kam", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Phaeocystis Antarctica is a widely distributed phytoplankton that forms dense blooms and aggregates in the Southern Ocean. This phytoplankton and plays important roles in polar ecology and biogeochemistry, in part because it is a dominant primary producer, a main component of organic matter vertical fluxes, and the principal producer of volatile organic sulfur in the region. Yet P. Antarctica is also one of the lesser known species in terms of its physiology, life history and trophic relationships with other organisms; furthermore, information collected on other Phaeocystis species and from different locations may not be applicable to P. Antarctica in the Ross Sea. P. Antarctica occurs mainly as two morphotypes: solitary cells and mucilaginous colonies, which differ significantly in size, architecture and chemical composition. Relative dominance between solitary cells and colonies determines not only the size spectrum of the population, but also its carbon dynamics, nutrient uptake and utilization. Conventional thinking of the planktonic trophic processes is also challenged by the fact that colony formation could effectively alter the predator-prey interactions and interspecific competition. However, the factors that regulate the differences between solitary and colonial forms of P. Antarctica are not well-understood. \n\nThe research objective of this proposal is therefore to address these over-arching questions: \n1. Do P. Antarctica solitary cells and colonies differ in growth, composition and photosynthetic rates? 2. How do nutrients and grazers affect colony development and size distribution of P. Antarctica? \n3. How do nutrients and grazers act synergistically to affect the long-term population dynamics of P. Antarctica? \n\nExperiments will be conducted in the McMurdo station with natural P. Antarctica assemblages and co-occurring grazers. Laboratory experiments will be conducted to study size-specific growth and photosynthetic rates of P. Antarctica, size-specific grazing mortality due to microzooplankton and mesozooplankton, the effects of macronutrients on the (nitrogen compounds) relative dominance of solitary cells and colonies, and the effects of micronutrient (Fe) and grazing related chemical signals on P. Antarctica colony development. Because this species is of critical importance in the Southern Ocean, and because this research will provide critical information on factors that regulate the role of P.Antarctica in food webs and biogeochemical cycles, a major gap in knowledge will be addressed. This project will train two marine science Ph.D. students. The investigators will also collaborate with the School of Education and a marine science museum to communicate polar science to a broader audience.", "east": 166.66267, "geometry": ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"], "keywords": "Biota; McMurdo Sound; Oceans; Phytoplankton; Ross Sea; Southern Ocean; Zooplankton", "locations": "Southern Ocean; McMurdo Sound; Ross Sea", "north": -77.85067, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Smith, Walker; Tang, Kam", "project_titles": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000214", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.85067, "title": "Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial Forms of Phaeocystis Antarctica", "uid": "600043", "west": 166.66267}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop Report
2130663 |
2023-05-18 | Andreasen, Julia; Roop, Heidi A; Pundsack, Jonathan W; Howe, Bruce; Jacobs, Gwen; Lassner, David; Yoshimi, Garrett; Timm, Kristin; Neff, Peter |
2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science |
Final report of the 2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop, held virtually June 29 - July 1. The National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded workshop addressed questions around the value and feasibility of deploying a new optical fiber submarine cable system that would supply high-speed internet connectivity to McMurdo Station to address the severe network bandwidth bottlenecks that currently constrain scientific research in Antarctica. | [] | [] | false | false |
High-resolution nearshore benthic seawater temperature from around McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)
1644196 |
2021-01-03 | Cziko, Paul |
Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes |
Nearshore benthic seawater temperature (plus pressure and salinity for some sites) in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica for 2017-2019. Data includes those from standalone temperature (sometimes pressure) for several sites around McMurdo Sound as well as data from the cabled McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory moored conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor at the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty. Data are from high precision SeaBird sensors (SBE56, SBE39, SBE19Plus and SBE37), with sample intervals from 90 sec to 15 min, depending on site. Sampled sites include Explorer's Cove at New Harbor, Cape Evans, Granite Harbor, and the McMurdo Station jetty. All sensors were deployed near or on the benthos at 20-25 m deep, in typical nearshore benthic fish and invertebrate habitat. | ["POLYGON((162.647931 -77.000624,163.049652 -77.000624,163.451373 -77.000624,163.853094 -77.000624,164.254815 -77.000624,164.656536 -77.000624,165.058257 -77.000624,165.459978 -77.000624,165.861699 -77.000624,166.26342 -77.000624,166.665141 -77.000624,166.665141 -77.0856883,166.665141 -77.1707526,166.665141 -77.2558169,166.665141 -77.3408812,166.665141 -77.4259455,166.665141 -77.5110098,166.665141 -77.5960741,166.665141 -77.6811384,166.665141 -77.7662027,166.665141 -77.851267,166.26342 -77.851267,165.861699 -77.851267,165.459978 -77.851267,165.058257 -77.851267,164.656536 -77.851267,164.254815 -77.851267,163.853094 -77.851267,163.451373 -77.851267,163.049652 -77.851267,162.647931 -77.851267,162.647931 -77.7662027,162.647931 -77.6811384,162.647931 -77.5960741,162.647931 -77.5110098,162.647931 -77.4259455,162.647931 -77.3408812,162.647931 -77.2558169,162.647931 -77.1707526,162.647931 -77.0856883,162.647931 -77.000624))"] | ["POINT(164.656536 -77.4259455)"] | false | false |
Long-term broadband underwater acoustic recordings from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)
1644196 |
2020-12-29 | Cziko, Paul |
Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes |
Broadband underwater acoustic recordings from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory mooring near the seaward terminus of the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty. An omnidirectional Ocean Sonics icListen hydrophone (SB2-ETH, SN 1713) recorded continuously at 512 kilosamples/second (256 kHz Nyquist frequency; 24 bit) for 2 years. The hydrophone was mounted vertically on a steel strut (insulated with rubber sheet) at about 70 cm above the mud/gravel seabed at 21m deep, with the sloping 45° rubble face of the jetty just behind the hydrophone. Temporal coverage is >90%, with gaps and truncated files arising due to network and power outages and software bugs. The audio recordings are 10 minute WAV files, compressed using the lossless FLAC code (Free Lossless Audio Codec, xiph.org; about 33MB of data/minute compressed; 100MB/min uncompressed). The hydrophone was under thick (to 3 m) sea ice cover for the majority of the dataset. The majority of the recorded biological sounds were produced by Weddell seals. Orca were present intermittently (~10 days total) in January-March in both summers. Known non-biological sounds include irregular low-intensity, broad-spectrum clicks and cracks from the sea ice cover, occasional wind noise, a 1.5-s gurgle with components to 200kHz every 90s from the CTD’s pump, a broad-spectrum mechanical sound for 3 min every 4 h from the observatory's underwater camera cleaning system, low-intensity whines (about 18, 58, 83, and 130 kHz, though variable over the dataset) thought to be from the station seawater pumps (>100 m away within the jetty’s well casing), and intermittent noises from tracked-vehicles and helicopters (September–February), SCUBA divers (October–December), and ships (January). Given hosting limitations, only every 6th file (roughly 10min/hour) has been archived here. Additional data can be obtained by contacting the primary author of the dataset, who will maintain it for as long as possible. Audio spectrogram images (PNGs) at three frequency ranges (three stacked panels per image, upper limits of 2.5, 25, and 256 kHz) from the entire dataset (all data, not subsampled) are also archived separately. | ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"] | ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"] | false | false |
Long-term underwater images from around a single mooring site in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)
1644196 |
2020-12-29 | Cziko, Paul |
Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes |
Long-term images taken by the camera from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory mooring in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during its 2-year deployment (2017-2019). The mooring was situated at the seawater terminus of the McMurdo Station seawater intake jetty at 21 m deep, typically under thick sea ice cover. The automated 360° pan-tilt-zoom (ptz) camera, inside of an air-filled self-cleaning dome, was programmed to move to 42 ptz "waypoints" every hour and take a still 1920x1080 JPG image for archiving. Lights, oriented in one direction only, illuminated a rock/rubble slope for much of each winter, when there was no natural illumination. The camera was situated on a concrete block, which elevated the camera about 1m off of the seabed. Motile and sessile benthic biota, including notothenioid fishes, anemones, pycnogonids, asteroids, soft-corals, sponges, and nudibranchs are commonly seen in the images. Some ptz waypoints survey the water column and underside of the sea ice, capturing also the presence of larval/juvenile fishes and other plankton/nekton in the water column. Maximum intervals between subsequent images from the same ptz waypoint were about 1 hour, though many waypoints were captured at somewhat higher frequency. Interval images, taken at 5-min intervals irrespective of camera orientation, were also captured. Images are occasionally obscured/impacted by the camera dome's wiper, darkness, low visibility, minor fouling of the camera dome, and out-of-focus lens elements. | ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"] | ["POINT(166.6645 -77.851)"] | false | false |
Ice-penetrating radar internal stratigraphy over Dome C and the wider East Antarctic Plateau
0941678 0424589 0733025 1443690 |
2020-12-18 | Cavitte, Marie G. P; Young, Duncan A.; Mulvaney, Robert; Ritz, Catherine; Greenbaum, Jamin; Ng, Gregory; Kempf, Scott D.; Quartini, Enrica; Muldoon, Gail R.; Paden, John; Frezzotti, Massimo; Roberts, Jason; Tozer, Carly; Schroeder, Dustin; Blankenship, Donald D. |
Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP) Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP) |
The data set published here consists of 26 ice-penetrating radar IRHs (internal reflecting horizons) which were traced across multiple ice-penetrating radar surveys that deployed several generations of modern ice-penetrating radar sounders over a decade, between 2008 and 2018, over the Dome C region of the East Antarctic Plateau. The data set is associated to publication: Cavitte, M. G. P, Young, D. A, Mulvaney, R., Ritz, C., Greenbaum, J. S., Ng, G., Kempf, S. D., Quartini, E., Muldoon, G. R., Paden, J., Frezzotti, M., Roberts, J. L. , Tozer, C. R. , Schroeder, D. M. and Blankenship, D. D. A detailed radiostratigraphic data set for the central East Antarctic Plateau spanning from the Holocene to the mid-Pleistocene, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4759–4777, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4759-2021. We can subdivide the radar sounders used into three sets. The primary set was collected by the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) and the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) as part of the ICECAP project) between 2008 and 2015. This includes the Oldest Ice candidate A (OIA) survey flown by ICECAP in January 2016. Data were collected with the High Capacity Airborne Radar Sounder (HiCARS) 1 & 2 and its Multifrequency Airborne Radar-sounder for Full-phase Assessment (MARFA) descendant. The data was collected from a DC-3T Basler which operated from Concordia Station. The second set consists of the Vostok-Dome C airborne radar transect was flown by the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) at the University of Kansas using the Multi-Channel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder (MCoRDS) in a single flight line in 2013. A P-3 Orion operating from McMurdo Station collected these data as part of NASA Operation Ice Bridge. The third set consists of a subset of the LDC ground-based radar survey, towed behind a PistenBully PB300 tractor, collected by the Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice (BE-OI) European Consortium using the British Antarctic Survey’s (BAS) Deep Looking Radio Echo Sounder (DELORES) radar system. Each IRH has been traced in all three radar sets and is published here as a single csv and netcdf file. Formats are self-documented in these csv/netcdf files. Where HiCARS and MCoRDS radar transects are used, the IRH is provided at a 1 km spatial resolution, where DELORES radar transects are used, the IRH is provided at a 250 m spatial resolution. The 26 IRHs published here were traced semi-automatically by first author Marie Cavitte, using Landmark's Decision Space Desktop software and its built-in picker. The IRHs are dated at the EDC ice core using the AICC2012 timescale (Veres et al., 2013; Bazin et al., 2013). Ice core ages are transferred onto the IRHs on radar transect MCM/JKB1a/EDMC01a at distance_m (column in the data sets) = 110.153 m along the transect. That radar point of closest approach is 94 m away from the ice core site. Depth and age uncertainties associated to each IRH are quantified n the associated publication: Cavitte, M. G. P, Young, D. A, Mulvaney, R., Ritz, C., Greenbaum, J. S., Ng, G., Kempf, S. D., Quartini, E., Muldoon, G. R., Paden, J., Frezzotti, M., Roberts, J. L. , Tozer, C. R. , Schroeder, D. M. and Blankenship, D. D. A detailed radiostratigraphic data set for the central East Antarctic Plateau spanning from the Holocene to the mid-Pleistocene, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4759–4777, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4759-2021. Besides NSF this dataset is the result of additional support from NERC grant - NE/D003733/1, NASA grants - NX08AN68G, NNX09AR52G, NNX11AD33G, NNX13AD53A, and funding from the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation. \nNote that the dataset was archived before the accompanying paper was officially published. The abstract and dataset description has been updated to cite the correct reference to the ESSD paper (Cavitte et al., 2021) after the paper was published. The headers of the actual data files contain only a placeholder to this reference. | ["POLYGON((114 -74,115.2 -74,116.4 -74,117.6 -74,118.8 -74,120 -74,121.2 -74,122.4 -74,123.6 -74,124.8 -74,126 -74,126 -74.3,126 -74.6,126 -74.9,126 -75.2,126 -75.5,126 -75.8,126 -76.1,126 -76.4,126 -76.7,126 -77,124.8 -77,123.6 -77,122.4 -77,121.2 -77,120 -77,118.8 -77,117.6 -77,116.4 -77,115.2 -77,114 -77,114 -76.7,114 -76.4,114 -76.1,114 -75.8,114 -75.5,114 -75.2,114 -74.9,114 -74.6,114 -74.3,114 -74))"] | ["POINT(120 -75.5)"] | false | false |
High-resolution benthic seawater temperature record 1999-2012 (25-40m depth) from near intake jetty at McMurdo Station, Antarctica
1142158 0231006 |
2020-04-08 | Cheng, Chi-Hing; Cziko, Paul; Devries, Arthur |
Antarctic Notothenioid Fish Freeze Avoidance and Genome-wide Evolution for Life in the Cold |
Benthic seawater temperature (within 10cm of the bottom) from near the McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica saltwater intake jetty. Data collected at two nearby locations: On muddy bottom at base of artificial rock jetty (~25m depth), and ~50m west of the Jetty in sponge/spicule mat habitat (~40m depth). | ["POLYGON((163 -76.5,163.5 -76.5,164 -76.5,164.5 -76.5,165 -76.5,165.5 -76.5,166 -76.5,166.5 -76.5,167 -76.5,167.5 -76.5,168 -76.5,168 -76.63,168 -76.76,168 -76.89,168 -77.02,168 -77.15,168 -77.28,168 -77.41,168 -77.54,168 -77.67,168 -77.8,167.5 -77.8,167 -77.8,166.5 -77.8,166 -77.8,165.5 -77.8,165 -77.8,164.5 -77.8,164 -77.8,163.5 -77.8,163 -77.8,163 -77.67,163 -77.54,163 -77.41,163 -77.28,163 -77.15,163 -77.02,163 -76.89,163 -76.76,163 -76.63,163 -76.5))"] | ["POINT(165.5 -77.15)"] | false | false |
Cuticle morphology and oxygen gradients of Antarctic sea spiders
1341485 |
2018-12-22 | Woods, H. Arthur; Arthur Woods, H. |
Collaborative Research: Body Size, Oxygen, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Antarctic Pycnogonida |
Raw data from Lane, SJ, AL Moran, CM Shishido, BW Tobalske, HA Woods (2018) Cuticular gas exchange by Antarctic sea spiders. Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb.177568 doi: 10.1242/jeb.177568. The file contains data on pore morphology, cuticle thickness, oxygen gradients across the cuticle, and estimated resistances of the cuticle to oxygen flux. Most of the sea spiders were collected near McMurdo Station, with a few extras collected at New Harbor, Antarctica. | ["POLYGON((163.85 -77.6,164.134 -77.6,164.418 -77.6,164.702 -77.6,164.986 -77.6,165.27 -77.6,165.554 -77.6,165.838 -77.6,166.122 -77.6,166.406 -77.6,166.69 -77.6,166.69 -77.624,166.69 -77.648,166.69 -77.672,166.69 -77.696,166.69 -77.72,166.69 -77.744,166.69 -77.768,166.69 -77.792,166.69 -77.816,166.69 -77.84,166.406 -77.84,166.122 -77.84,165.838 -77.84,165.554 -77.84,165.27 -77.84,164.986 -77.84,164.702 -77.84,164.418 -77.84,164.134 -77.84,163.85 -77.84,163.85 -77.816,163.85 -77.792,163.85 -77.768,163.85 -77.744,163.85 -77.72,163.85 -77.696,163.85 -77.672,163.85 -77.648,163.85 -77.624,163.85 -77.6))"] | ["POINT(165.27 -77.72)"] | false | false |
Nearshore pH, temperature, (salinity, depth) at mooring sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Overwinter 2011-2016
0944201 1246202 |
2018-12-05 | Hoshijima, Umihiko; Hofmann, Gretchen; Kapsenberg, Lydia |
Ocean Acidification Seascape: Linking Natural Variability and Anthropogenic changes in pH and Temperature to Performance in Calcifying Antarctic Marine Invertebrates |
This dataset consists of measurements made of pH (total scale) and temperature at various sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica with autonomous DuraFET® - based pH sensors. Sensors logged every 4 hours and ran until batteries were exhausted. Sensors were calibrated with water samples following best practices from Dickson et al (2007). Details of select years from this dataset are provided in Kapsenberg et al(2015). | ["POLYGON((163.5281 -77.5715,163.84105 -77.5715,164.154 -77.5715,164.46695 -77.5715,164.7799 -77.5715,165.09285 -77.5715,165.4058 -77.5715,165.71875 -77.5715,166.0317 -77.5715,166.34465 -77.5715,166.6576 -77.5715,166.6576 -77.59928,166.6576 -77.62706,166.6576 -77.65484,166.6576 -77.68262,166.6576 -77.7104,166.6576 -77.73818,166.6576 -77.76596,166.6576 -77.79374,166.6576 -77.82152,166.6576 -77.8493,166.34465 -77.8493,166.0317 -77.8493,165.71875 -77.8493,165.4058 -77.8493,165.09285 -77.8493,164.7799 -77.8493,164.46695 -77.8493,164.154 -77.8493,163.84105 -77.8493,163.5281 -77.8493,163.5281 -77.82152,163.5281 -77.79374,163.5281 -77.76596,163.5281 -77.73818,163.5281 -77.7104,163.5281 -77.68262,163.5281 -77.65484,163.5281 -77.62706,163.5281 -77.59928,163.5281 -77.5715))"] | ["POINT(165.09285 -77.7104)"] | false | false |
McMurdo Ice Shelf GPS survey of vertical motion
1443126 |
2018-07-24 | MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison |
Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability |
Over 2 Austral summer periods in 2015/6 and 2016/17, up to 12 geodetic GPS receivers were deployed on the McMurdo Ice Shelf to study its vertical deflection in response to moving meltwater loads. (5 GPS were deployed in 2015/16, 12 in 2016/17.) The GPS receivers and antennas were supplied by UNAVCO and were Trimble NetR9’s and Zephyr Geodetic, respectively. The GPS receivers were stationary for the entire field seasons (were never moved). Following each field season, the GPS data were processed using MIT software called TRACK, which is part of the GAMIT package. The UNAVCO-run base station at McMurdo Station, approximately 16 km away from the field area, was used as part of the processing. | ["POLYGON((166.02819 -77.887495,166.053634 -77.887495,166.079078 -77.887495,166.104522 -77.887495,166.129966 -77.887495,166.15541 -77.887495,166.180854 -77.887495,166.206298 -77.887495,166.231742 -77.887495,166.257186 -77.887495,166.28263 -77.887495,166.28263 -77.8926145,166.28263 -77.897734,166.28263 -77.9028535,166.28263 -77.907973,166.28263 -77.9130925,166.28263 -77.918212,166.28263 -77.9233315,166.28263 -77.928451,166.28263 -77.9335705,166.28263 -77.93869,166.257186 -77.93869,166.231742 -77.93869,166.206298 -77.93869,166.180854 -77.93869,166.15541 -77.93869,166.129966 -77.93869,166.104522 -77.93869,166.079078 -77.93869,166.053634 -77.93869,166.02819 -77.93869,166.02819 -77.9335705,166.02819 -77.928451,166.02819 -77.9233315,166.02819 -77.918212,166.02819 -77.9130925,166.02819 -77.907973,166.02819 -77.9028535,166.02819 -77.897734,166.02819 -77.8926145,166.02819 -77.887495))"] | ["POINT(166.15541 -77.9130925)"] | false | false |
Shortwave Spectroradiometer Data from Ross Island, Antarctica
1141939 |
2017-12-12 | Lubin, Dan |
Antarctic Cloud Physics: Fundamental Observations from Ross Island |
In this project we made fundamental measurements of cloud optical and microphysical properties at Ross Island, Antarctica, using a versatile shortwave spectroradiometer (Panalytical, Inc.) acquired for atmospheric field research by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). This instrument measures downwelling spectral irradiance at the Earth surface in the wavelength interval 350-2200 nm. From this data set one can retrieve properties of coastal Antarctic stratiform clouds including optical depth, thermodynamic phase, liquid water droplet effective radius, and ice cloud effective particle size. The instrument was installed at Arrival Heights, and measurements were made from 10 October 2012 to 4 February 2013. Spectral data recorded in one-minute averages, with some gaps for instrument maintenance and data backup, and some occasional down time when the site was inaccessible. Active satellite remote sensing data (CloudSat and CALIPSO) were used for validation and interpretation of the spectroradiometer retrievals (Scott and Lubin 2014). <br><br>There are two reasons why this measurement program remains timely. One straightforward reason involves the location of McMurdo Station, which is the US Antarctic Programs air transport entry point to the continent. Improvements in our knowledge of atmospheric physics in this region can eventually lead to improvements in numerical weather forecasting relevant to aviation. A second reason involves the recent advances in cloud microphysics for global climate model simulation. Mixed-phase cloud parameterizations have become very sophisticated, requiring validation with each new improvement. Traditional observational test cases - from the Arctic or mid-latitude storm systems - are often quite complex. A coastal Antarctic site at very high latitudes can provide more straightforward cases for testing current microphysical parameterizations. Over Ross Island aerosol and cloud nucleation sources are essentially all natural and oceanic, and cloud geometry is simple, while at the same time there is abundant supercooled cloud liquid water. <br><br>Ancillary meteorological data from the McMurdo Weather Office are also included here for help in interpreting the spectroradiometer data, including rawinsonde profiles, surface weather observations from the active ice runway, and automated FMQ19 surface weather measurements from Williams Field and Pegasus runway. For interpretation of clear sky or nearly cloud-free irradiance spectra (i.e., when a large fraction of the irradiance is directional from the Sun and not diffused by clouds), we recommend consulting Meywerk and Ramanathan (1999) for information about the Panalytical instruments cosine response. | ["POLYGON((166.31 -77.5203,166.38265 -77.5203,166.4553 -77.5203,166.52795 -77.5203,166.6006 -77.5203,166.67325 -77.5203,166.7459 -77.5203,166.81855 -77.5203,166.8912 -77.5203,166.96385 -77.5203,167.0365 -77.5203,167.0365 -77.52527,167.0365 -77.53024,167.0365 -77.53521,167.0365 -77.54018,167.0365 -77.54515,167.0365 -77.55012,167.0365 -77.55509,167.0365 -77.56006,167.0365 -77.56503,167.0365 -77.57,166.96385 -77.57,166.8912 -77.57,166.81855 -77.57,166.7459 -77.57,166.67325 -77.57,166.6006 -77.57,166.52795 -77.57,166.4553 -77.57,166.38265 -77.57,166.31 -77.57,166.31 -77.56503,166.31 -77.56006,166.31 -77.55509,166.31 -77.55012,166.31 -77.54515,166.31 -77.54018,166.31 -77.53521,166.31 -77.53024,166.31 -77.52527,166.31 -77.5203))"] | ["POINT(166.67325 -77.54515)"] | false | false |
The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11)
0839053 |
2013-01-01 | Ackley, Stephen |
The Sea Ice System in Antarctic Summer, Oden Southern Ocean Expedition (OSO 2010-11) |
Several aspect of the seasonal melting and reformation cycle of Antarctic sea ice appear to be divergent from those occurring in the Arctic. This is most clearly demonstrated by the dramatic diminishing extent and thinning of the Arctic sea ice, to be contrasted to the changes in Antarctic sea-ice extent, which recently (decadaly) shows small increases. Current climate models do not resolve this discrepancy which likely results from both a lack of relevant observational sea-ice data in the Antarctic, along with inadequacies in the physical parameterization of sea-ice properties in climate models. Researchers will take advantage of the cruise track of the I/B Oden during transit through the Antarctic sea-ice zones in the region of the Bellingshausen, Amundsen and Ross (BAR) seas on a cruise to McMurdo Station. Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, the BAR region is of considerable scientific interest as being one of the last under described and perhaps unexploited marine ecosystems left on the planet. A series of on station and underway observations of sea ice properties will be undertaken, thematically linked to broader questions of summer ice survival and baseline physical properties (e.g. estimates of heat and salt fluxes). In situ spatiotemporal variability of sea-ice cover extent, thickness and snow cover depths will be observed. | ["POLYGON((-180 -67.05,-170.9866 -67.05,-161.9732 -67.05,-152.9598 -67.05,-143.9464 -67.05,-134.933 -67.05,-125.9196 -67.05,-116.9062 -67.05,-107.8928 -67.05,-98.8794 -67.05,-89.866 -67.05,-89.866 -68.1033,-89.866 -69.1566,-89.866 -70.2099,-89.866 -71.2632,-89.866 -72.3165,-89.866 -73.3698,-89.866 -74.4231,-89.866 -75.4764,-89.866 -76.5297,-89.866 -77.583,-98.8794 -77.583,-107.8928 -77.583,-116.9062 -77.583,-125.9196 -77.583,-134.933 -77.583,-143.9464 -77.583,-152.9598 -77.583,-161.9732 -77.583,-170.9866 -77.583,180 -77.583,178.57 -77.583,177.14 -77.583,175.71 -77.583,174.28 -77.583,172.85 -77.583,171.42 -77.583,169.99 -77.583,168.56 -77.583,167.13 -77.583,165.7 -77.583,165.7 -76.5297,165.7 -75.4764,165.7 -74.4231,165.7 -73.3698,165.7 -72.3165,165.7 -71.2632,165.7 -70.2099,165.7 -69.1566,165.7 -68.1033,165.7 -67.05,167.13 -67.05,168.56 -67.05,169.99 -67.05,171.42 -67.05,172.85 -67.05,174.28 -67.05,175.71 -67.05,177.14 -67.05,178.57 -67.05,-180 -67.05))"] | ["POINT(-142.083 -72.3165)"] | false | false |
Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea
0538479 |
2010-01-01 | Seibel, Brad |
Collaborative Research: Impacts of Elevated pCO2 on a Dominant Aragonitic Pteropod (Thecosomata) and its Specialist Predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea |
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have resulted in greater oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide can impact marine organisms both via decreased carbonate saturation that affects calcification rates and via disturbance to acid-base (metabolic) physiology. Pteropod molluscs (Thecosomata) form shells made of aragonite, a type of calcium carbonate that is highly soluble, suggesting that these organisms may be particularly sensitive to increasing carbon dioxide and reduced carbonate ion concentration. Thecosome pteropods, which dominate the calcium carbonate export south of the Antarctic Polar Front, will be the first major group of marine calcifying organisms to experience carbonate undersaturation within parts of their present-day geographical ranges as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. An unusual, co-evolved relationship between thecosomes and their specialized gymnosome predators provides a unique backdrop against which to assess the physiological and ecological importance of elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Pteropods are functionally important components of the Antarctic ecosystem with potential to influence phytoplankton stocks, carbon export, and dimethyl sulfide levels that, in turn, influence global climate through ocean-atmosphere feedback loops. The research will quantify the impact of elevated carbon dioxide on a dominant aragonitic pteropod, Limacina helicina, and its specialist predator, the gymnosome Clione antarctica, in the Ross Sea through laboratory experimentation. Results will be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific understanding in this field. The project involves collaboration between researchers at a predominantly undergraduate institution with a significant enrollment of students that are typically underrepresented in the research environment (California State University San Marcos - CSUSM) and at a Ph.D.-granting institution (University of Rhode Island - URI). The program will promote education and learning through the joint education of undergraduate students and graduate students at CSUSM and URI as part of a research team, as well as through the teaching activities of the principal investigators. Dr. Keating, CSUSM professor of science education, will participate in the McMurdo fieldwork and lead the outreach opportunities for the project. | ["POLYGON((166 -77,166.1 -77,166.2 -77,166.3 -77,166.4 -77,166.5 -77,166.6 -77,166.7 -77,166.8 -77,166.9 -77,167 -77,167 -77.1,167 -77.2,167 -77.3,167 -77.4,167 -77.5,167 -77.6,167 -77.7,167 -77.8,167 -77.9,167 -78,166.9 -78,166.8 -78,166.7 -78,166.6 -78,166.5 -78,166.4 -78,166.3 -78,166.2 -78,166.1 -78,166 -78,166 -77.9,166 -77.8,166 -77.7,166 -77.6,166 -77.5,166 -77.4,166 -77.3,166 -77.2,166 -77.1,166 -77))"] | ["POINT(166.5 -77.5)"] | false | false |
Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial Forms of Phaeocystis Antarctica
0440478 |
2009-01-01 | Smith, Walker; Tang, Kam |
Environmental and Ecological Regulation of Differences and Interactions between Solitary and Colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica |
Phaeocystis Antarctica is a widely distributed phytoplankton that forms dense blooms and aggregates in the Southern Ocean. This phytoplankton and plays important roles in polar ecology and biogeochemistry, in part because it is a dominant primary producer, a main component of organic matter vertical fluxes, and the principal producer of volatile organic sulfur in the region. Yet P. Antarctica is also one of the lesser known species in terms of its physiology, life history and trophic relationships with other organisms; furthermore, information collected on other Phaeocystis species and from different locations may not be applicable to P. Antarctica in the Ross Sea. P. Antarctica occurs mainly as two morphotypes: solitary cells and mucilaginous colonies, which differ significantly in size, architecture and chemical composition. Relative dominance between solitary cells and colonies determines not only the size spectrum of the population, but also its carbon dynamics, nutrient uptake and utilization. Conventional thinking of the planktonic trophic processes is also challenged by the fact that colony formation could effectively alter the predator-prey interactions and interspecific competition. However, the factors that regulate the differences between solitary and colonial forms of P. Antarctica are not well-understood. The research objective of this proposal is therefore to address these over-arching questions: 1. Do P. Antarctica solitary cells and colonies differ in growth, composition and photosynthetic rates? 2. How do nutrients and grazers affect colony development and size distribution of P. Antarctica? 3. How do nutrients and grazers act synergistically to affect the long-term population dynamics of P. Antarctica? Experiments will be conducted in the McMurdo station with natural P. Antarctica assemblages and co-occurring grazers. Laboratory experiments will be conducted to study size-specific growth and photosynthetic rates of P. Antarctica, size-specific grazing mortality due to microzooplankton and mesozooplankton, the effects of macronutrients on the (nitrogen compounds) relative dominance of solitary cells and colonies, and the effects of micronutrient (Fe) and grazing related chemical signals on P. Antarctica colony development. Because this species is of critical importance in the Southern Ocean, and because this research will provide critical information on factors that regulate the role of P.Antarctica in food webs and biogeochemical cycles, a major gap in knowledge will be addressed. This project will train two marine science Ph.D. students. The investigators will also collaborate with the School of Education and a marine science museum to communicate polar science to a broader audience. | ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"] | ["POINT(166.66267 -77.85067)"] | false | false |