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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
VSMOW-SLAP d170, d180, and 17O-excess data from WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome

None 2023-10-13 Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce No project link provided
Atmospheric methane across the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation from the GISP2, NEEM and WAIS Divide ice cores

2023-10-05 Riddell-Young, Benjamin; Martin, Kaden; Rosen, Julia; Lee, James; Edwards, Jon S.; Brook, Edward J. Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores
Atmospheric methane interpolar difference and four-box troposphere model output across the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation

2023-10-02 Riddell-Young, Benjamin; Rosen, Julia; Buizert, Christo; Martin, Kaden; Lee, James; Edwards, Jon S.; Mühl, Michaela; Schmitt, Jochen; Fischer, Hubertus; Blunier, Thomas; Brook, Edward J. Tracing Past Methane Variations with Stable Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores
Salmon Valley Radiocarbon Data

2022-04-20 Hall, Brenda Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Royal Society Range Headland Moraine Belt Radiocarbon Data

2022-04-20 Hall, Brenda Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Marshall Valley U-Series Data

2022-03-01 Hall, Brenda Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the last great global warming
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Circum-Antarctic grounding-line sinuosity

2021-11-10 Simkins, Lauren; Stearns, Leigh; Riverman, Kiya Collaborative Research: Topographic controls on Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding line retreat - integrating models and observations
Evidence for Paleo Ice Stream Collapse in the Western Ross Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum.
Pennell Trough, Ross Sea bathymetry and glacial landforms

2021-10-04 Greenwood, Sarah; Munevar Garcia, Santiago; Eareckson, Elizabeth; Anderson, John; Prothro, Lindsay; Simkins, Lauren Evidence for Paleo Ice Stream Collapse in the Western Ross Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum.
Collaborative Research: Topographic controls on Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding line retreat - integrating models and observations
17O excess from WAIS Divide, 0 to 25 ka BP

2020-12-22 Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
Gas and Dust Measurements for Taylor Glacier and Taylor Dome Ice Cores

2019-08-12 Menking, James; Brook, Edward J.; Marcott, Shaun; Barker, Stephen; Shackleton, Sarah; Dyonisius, Michael; Petrenko, Vasilii; McConnell, Joseph; Rhodes, Rachel; Bauska, Thomas; Baggenstos, Daniel; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P. Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive
NBP1502A Cruise Core Data

2018-02-05 Simkins, Lauren; Anderson, John; Prothro, Lindsay Evidence for Paleo Ice Stream Collapse in the Western Ross Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum.
Prokaryotic cell concentration record from the WAIS Divide ice core

2017-12-12 Santibanez, Pamela; Priscu, John Collaborative Research: Integrated High Resolution Chemical and Biological Measurements on the Deep WAIS Divide Core
WD2014: Timescale for WAIS Divide Core 2006 A (WDC-06A)

2017-03-28 Fudge, T. J. Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core
Fluorescence spectroscopy data from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core, WDC06A

2017-03-06 Priscu, John; D'Andrilli, Juliana Collaborative Research: Integrated High Resolution Chemical and Biological Measurements on the Deep WAIS Divide Core
A New Reconstruction of the Last West Antarctic Ice Sheet Deglaciation in the Ross Sea

2015-01-01 Kurz, Mark D.; Curtice, Josh Collaborative Research: A New Reconstruction of the Last West Antarctic Ice Sheet Deglaciation in the Ross Sea
East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains

2014-01-01 Hemming, Sidney R. Collaborative Research: East Antarctic outlet glacier contributions to the Ross Sea from chronology of detrital grains
Historic Perspectives on Climate and Biogeography from Deep-Sea Corals in the Drake Passage

2011-01-01 Robinson, Laura Collaborative Research: Historic Perspectives on Climate and Biogeography from Deep-sea Corals in the Drake Passage
Cosmogenic nuclide data for bedrock samples from the Ford Ranges, Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica

None 2005-04-06 Stone, John No project link provided
Carbon-Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum

2002-01-01 Wahlen, Martin Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Isotopes in the Taylor Dome and Vostok Ice Cores