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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
Soil moisture and soil temperature data (0-5 cm) near Palmer Station, Antarctica

2025-01-03 van Gestel, Natasja Antarctica as a Model System for Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Balance to Warming
Benthic seawater temperature and conductivity measurements at six sites in McMurdo Sound

2025-01-02 Moran, Amy Thermal Sensitivity of Antarctic Embryos and Larvae: Effects of Temperature on Metabolism, Developmental Rate, and the Metabolic Cost of Development
ALHIC2201 and ALHIC2302 3D ECM and Layer Orientations

2024-12-06 Kirkpatrick, Liam; Carter, Austin; Marks Peterson, Julia; Shackleton, Sarah; Fudge, T. J. Collaborative Research: Testing Next Generation Measurement Techniques for Reconstruction of Paleoclimate Archives from Thin or Disturbed Ice Cores Sections
Center for Oldest Ice Exploration
Vertical ocean profiles collected by a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) package in the Amundsen Sea

2024-05-14 Stammerjohn, Sharon NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Accelerating Thwaites Ecosystem Impacts for the Southern Ocean (ARTEMIS)
CTD data from Mercer Subglacial Lake and access borehole

2023-01-17 Dore, John; Priscu, John; Leventer, Amy; Rosenheim, Brad Collaborative Research: Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA): Integrated Study of Carbon Cycling in Hydrologically-active Subglacial Environments
Profile CTD Data During Installation of AMIGOS-III Cavity and Channel On-Ice Moorings

2022-12-01 SCAMBOS, Ted NSF-NERC The Future of Thwaites Glacier and its Contribution to Sea-level Rise Science Coordination Office
High-resolution nearshore benthic seawater temperature from around McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (2017-2019)

2021-01-03 Cziko, Paul Habitat Severity and Internal Ice in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes
AC-ECM for SPICEcore

2019-07-08 Waddington, Edwin D.; Fudge, T. J. Using Electrical Conductance Measurements to Develop the South Pole Ice Core Chronology
WAIS Divide Multi Track Electrical Measurements

2019-04-12 Fudge, T. J.; Taylor, Kendrick C. Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core
AU1402 mooring data

2018-12-24 Orsi, Alejandro Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
AU1402 Final UCTD data

2018-12-24 Orsi, Alejandro Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
NBP1402 Final UCTD data

2018-12-23 Orsi, Alejandro Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
NBP1402 Final CTD data

2017-11-10 Huber, Bruce Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics
WD2014: Timescale for WAIS Divide Core 2006 A (WDC-06A)

2017-03-28 Fudge, T. J. Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core
WAIS Divide Ice Core Electrical Conductance Measurements, Antarctica

2014-08-18 Fudge, T. J.; Taylor, Kendrick C. Collaborative Research: Establishing the Chronology and Histories of Accumulation and Ice Dynamics for the WAIS Divide Core
Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea

2014-01-01 Costa, Daniel Collaborative Research: Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea
Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea

2013-01-01 Burns, Jennifer Collaborative Research: Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea
Microparticle, Conductivity, and Density Measurements from the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core, Antarctica

2011-10-01 Kreutz, Karl; Hamilton, Gordon S.; Breton, Daniel; Koffman, Bess Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core
Modeled Radar Attenuation Rate Profile at the Vostok 5G Ice Core Site, Antarctica

2011-08-15 Macgregor, Joseph A.; Matsuoka, Kenichi; Studinger, Michael S. Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Deep Ice and the Ice-water Interface over Lake Vostok Using Existing Radar Data
Methane Isotopes from the WAIS Divide Ice Core

2009-12-01 Sowers, Todd A. Collaborative Research: Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site
European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C Ice Core Data

None 2004-08-26 Wolff, Eric W.; Monnin, Eric; Fluckiger, Jacqueline No project link provided
Siple Dome Cores Electrical Measurement Data

2003-05-08 Taylor, Kendrick C. Electrical and Optical Measurements on the Siple Dome Ice Core