MRI: Development of a Modern Polar Climate and Weather Automated Observing System
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End Date:
Project Website(s)
The major goals of this Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) grant exclusively focus on the specification, design, construction, and laboratory testing of a modern polar climate and weather automated observing system (PCWS).
* Up to 4 systems will be developed during the specification, design and testing phase of the project.
* Approximately 10 additional systems will be constructed after the completion of the initial design and development phase of the project.
* This project will involve students at every level and in nearly every aspect.
* This effort includes all of the necessary equipment to enable the development, design, fabrication, construction, and laboratory testing of modern polar climate and weather automated observing systems. The systems will be complete base units including sensors, communications, power systems and tower/guying systems. This is in addition to the newly designed electronic core, which is the focal point of the project.
There is a sub-award to the University of Wisconsin-Madison which allows for critical collaboration and consultation, especially throughout the specification, design and testing phases of the project (including some co-located deployment of equipment via the Antarctic Automatic Weather Station project).
AMD - DIF Record(s)
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0 (raw data)
Platforms and Instruments
This project has been viewed 34 times since May 2019 (based on unique date-IP combinations)