Project Information
New Cosmogenic 21Ne and 10Be Measurements in the Transantarctic Mountains
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End Date:
Measurements of in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides in Antarctic surficial rock samples provide unique time scales for glacial and landscape evolution processes. However, due to analytical challenges, pyroxene-bearing and widely distributed lithologies like the Ferrar dolerite of the Transantarctic Mountains, are underutilized. This proposal aims to changes this and to improve the cosmogenic nuclide methodologies for stable isotopes (21Ne and 3He) and radioactive nuclides (10Be) in pyroxenes. Proposed methodological improvements will be directly applicable to erosion rates and deposition ages of important glacial deposits, such as the controversial Sirius Group tills, and also to younger glacial features. Bennett Platform is the focus of this study because it is one of the southern-most Sirius Group outcrops along the Transantarctic Mountains, where cosmogenic ages are sparse. Preliminary measurements demonstrate large discrepancies between 3He and 21Ne age determinations in Sirius Group pyroxenes. One possible explanation is composition dependence of the 21Ne production rates. Coupled measurements of 3He, 21Ne, and 10Be in well-characterized pyroxene mineral separates from Ferrar dolerite will be used to better constrain the production rates, major element and trace element dependencies, the assumptions of the method, and ultimately advance the application of cosmogenic nuclides to mafic Antarctic lithologies. The main goals of this study are to improve measurement protocols for 10Be in pyroxene, and the determination of the composition dependence of 21Ne production rates by measuring mineral compositions (by electron microprobe), and nuclide concentrations in mineral pairs from young lava flows. Further aims are the validation of the nucleogenic contributions and the effects of helium diffusive loss through measurements of 3He/21Ne production ratios, combined with measurements of shielded samples of the Ferrar dolerite. Combined measurements of 3He, 21Ne and 10Be in pyroxenes have rarely been published for individual samples in Antarctica. The new and unique measurements of this study will advance the applicability of in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides to both young and ancient Antarctic surfaces. The study will be performed using existing samples: no field work is requested.
Person Role
Lindow, Julia Investigator and contact
Kurz, Mark D. Co-Investigator
Antarctic Earth Sciences Award # 2048351
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Data Management Plan
Product Level:
0 (raw data)
Platforms and Instruments

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