Dataset Information
Winter marine communities of the Antarctic Peninsula
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Cite as
Santora, J., Czapanskiy, M., Dietrich, K., & Reiss, C. (2023) "Winter marine communities of the Antarctic Peninsula" U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP) Data Center. doi:
Winter survey data from the Antarctic Peninsula (including hydrography, zooplankton, and top predators) conducted from the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer during the austral winter (August-September) of 2012-2016. Survey stations were selected from the U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program's standard grid, approximately 15-20 nm apart covering the region 60° to 64° S and 54° to 63° W. At each station, hydrography and chlorophyll measurements were collected with CTD profilers and Niskin bottles, and macrozooplankton samples were collected using an Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl. Between stations, observers recorded abundance and behavior of top predators (seabirds and marine mammals).
Santora, Jarrod; Reiss, Christian; Dietrich, Kim; Czapanskiy, Max
Date Created:
USAP-DC (current)
Spatial Extent(s)
West: -63, East: -54, South: -64, North: -60
Temporal Extent(s)
Start: 2012-08-01 - End: 2016-09-30
  1. Dietrich, Kimberly S., Jarrod A. Santora, and Christian S. Reiss. "Winter and summer biogeography of macrozooplankton community structure in the northern Antarctic Peninsula ecosystem." Progress in Oceanography 196 (2021): 102610. (doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102610)
  2. Santora, Jarrod A. "Environmental determinants of top predator distribution within the dynamic winter pack ice zone of the northern Antarctic Peninsula." Polar Biology 37 (2014): 1083-1097. (doi:10.1007/s00300-014-1502-1)
  3. Reiss, Christian S., et al. "Overwinter habitat selection by Antarctic krill under varying sea-ice conditions: implications for top predators and fishery management." Marine Ecology Progress Series 568 (2017): 1-16. (doi:10.3354/meps12099)
  4. Czapanskiy, Max F., et al. "Sea-ice and macrozooplankton distribution as determinants of top predator community structure in Antarctic winter" Marine Ecology Progress Series (in press).
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