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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
Grain-size data for the Pliocene section at IODP Site U1533, Amundsen Sea

2025-02-13 Passchier, Sandra; Mino-Moreira, Lisbeth West Antarctic Ice-sheet Change and Paleoceanography in the Amundsen Sea Across the Pliocene Climatic Optimum
Major and trace element analyses of Eocene-Oligocene marine sediments from ODP Site 696, South Orkney Microcontinent

2022-06-22 Passchier, Sandra; Hojnacki, Victoria; Li, Xiaona; States, Abbey; Lepp, Allison Timing and Spatial Distribution of Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Sea-ice Formation across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Particle-size distributions of Eocene-Oligocene sediment from ODP Site 696, South Orkney Microcontinent

2022-06-21 Passchier, Sandra; Lepp, Allison; Horowitz Castaldo, Josie; Light, Jennifer Timing and Spatial Distribution of Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Sea-ice Formation across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
LMG13-11 JKC-1 Paleoceanographic data

2021-11-15 Shevenell, Amelia Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach -- Cryosphere and Oceans
Diatom Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene (~4.68 to 3.44 Ma) Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography

2019-10-27 Dodd, Justin; Abbott, Tirzah Diatom and Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Pliocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Ross Sea Paleoceanography
Diatom assemblages from Edward VIII Gulf, Kemp Coast, East Antarctica

2019-04-25 Leventer, Amy Quaternary Glacial History and Paleoenvironments of the East Antarctic Margin