Determining the Controls on Subglacial Cavity Geometry
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Glaciers move in response to gravity pulling them downhill and much of the resistance to this motion is supplied by the bedrock that they sit on. For fast moving glaciers this motion is largely the result of basal ice sliding over and around bedrock bumps, and the specific processes at the ice-bed interface that facilitate this sliding play a dominant role in setting the glacier speed. Sliding atop the ice-bed interface is known to create cavities (pockets of water) downstream of bedrock bumps. These cavities facilitate water flow, control areas of ice-bed contact, regulate basal drag, dictate subglacial erosion, and affect ice mechanics in general. Thus, the length and shape of cavities (geometry) as they separate from the bed is of fundamental importance in glaciology. This project will determine the fundamental processes that set the shapes of those cavities. This work will benefit the scientific community by producing improved estimates to basal sliding and subglacial hydrology which are two of the main uncertainties in glacier-flow modeling. It will also lead to a better understanding of subglacial erosion which effectively controls the basal bump geometries. This in turn will lead to improved understanding of the fundamentals of glacier and ice-sheet dynamics. Therefore, the outcome of the project could ultimately improve future projections of sea-level rise, benefitting society at large. In addition, this project will train a postdoctoral researcher and undergraduate students from tribal institutions.
This project will: 1) Use a novel experimental device to generate a cavity geometry data set for a range of independent controls; and 2) Use the results from part one to constrain numerical models that will allow for the exploration of a greater range of parameter space than is possible in the physical experiments alone. Using a novel cryogenic ring-shear device, this project will systematically assess three likely controls on cavity geometry: effective stress, sliding speed, and bump geometry, while simultaneously tracking strain indicators within the ice and the geometry of the cavity through the transparent walls of the device. These experiments will be conducted with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, state-of-the-art ring-shear device and represent the first instance where all three parameters’ effects on the resultant cavity geometry can be measured simultaneously. The lab experiment findings of cavity geometry and strain rates within the ice will be used to help constrain the process-based numerical modeling of cavity formation. The numerical simulations of ice flow around obstacles will provide information about the stress and strain distribution within the ice, and from this data we can explore the ability of existing theories to predict cavity geometry for fast-flowing ice. The physics within the numerical model will be updated as needed to incorporate processes such as a stress dependent ice rheology or changes in the ice-bed contact physics that are currently unaccounted for. Outcomes will be 1) a detailed understanding of the physics that govern cavity geometry and 2) a simple parameterization of the lab and modeling results that can be easily incorporated into glaciological models for improved estimates of subglacial sliding, hydrology, and erosion. This award reflects NSF''s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation''s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
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