Project Information
Collaborative Research: A High-sensitivity Beryllium-10 Record from an Ice Core at South Pole
Short Title:
South Pole 10Be
Start Date:
End Date:
This project acquired measurements of the concentration of beryllium-10 (10Be) from an ice core from the South Pole, Antarctica. An isotope of the element beryllium, 10Be, is produced in the atmosphere by high-energy protons (cosmic rays) that enter Earth's atmosphere from space. It is removed from the atmosphere by settling or by scavenging by rain or snowfall. Hence, concentrations of 10Be in snow at the South Pole reflect the production rate of 10Be in the atmosphere. Because the rate of production of 10Be over Antarctica depends primarily on the strength of the Sun's magnetic field, measurements of 10Be in the South Pole ice core provide a record of changes in solar activity. To ain interpretation of the South Pole 10Be record, a climate model that can simulate the production of 10Be in the atmosphere, it's transport through the atmosphere, and its deposition at the snow surface in Antarctica is used to quantify the impact of climate noise on the 10Be signal.
Person Role
Schaefer, Joerg Investigator
Steig, Eric J. Investigator and contact
Antarctic Glaciology Award # 1443448
Antarctic Glaciology Award # 1443144
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
Product Level:
0 (raw data)
Repository Title (link) Format(s) Status
USAP-DC Simulations of 10Be over Antarctica None exists
USAP-DC South Pole ice Core 10Be CE None exists
  1. Ding, Q., & Fu, Q. (2017). A warming tropical central Pacific dries the lower stratosphere. Climate Dynamics, 50(7-8), 2813–2827. (doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3774-y)
Platforms and Instruments

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