Collaborative Research: Imaging Seismic Heterogeneity within the Antarctic Mantle with Full Waveform Ambient Noise Tomography
Short Title:
Full Waveform Ambient Noise Tomography in Antarctica
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Our project is focused on better resolving the three-dimensional Antarctic mantle structure to further understanding of continental tectonics. To accomplish this, we are utilizing a full-waveform tomographic inversion technique that incorporates long-period ambient noise data and which has been shown to more accurately resolve structure than traditional tomographic approaches. The new models have been developed using the Alabama supercomputer facilities in conjunction with software developed at The University of Rhode Island. Our new tomographic results highlight the lithospheric structure beneath the Wilkes and Aurora Subglacial Basins in East Antarctica, where previous rifting episodes and mid-lithospheric discontinuities are being explored. In West Antarctica, the work is elucidating the easternmost extent of the West Antarctic Rift System as well as rifted structure and possible compositional variations within the Weddell Sea. We are also highlighting regions of Antarctica where tomographic resolution is still lacking and where future deployments are needed to improve resolution.
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1 (processed data)
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