Project Information
Group Travel Award: XIIth SCAR International Biology Symposium
Start Date:
End Date:
This project supported US participation in the XIIth Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) International Biology Symposium. The theme of this meeting and ancillary workshops was Scale Matters. Meeting sessions specifically addressed biodiversity and physiology spanning from molecular through ecosystem scales. The project provided partial support (airfare and meeting registration) for 20 US scientists to travel to Leuven, Belgium and attend the SCAR International Biology Symposium in July 2017. Preference was given to applicants who were students and early career scientists. The call for applications was broadly disseminated to encourage participation by underrepresented groups in the sciences. The SCAR International Biology Symposium is a unique opportunity for US scientists to present their work and learn about the most recent findings on all aspects of Antarctic organisms and ecosystems research, to establish and strengthen international contacts, and to be actively involved in the development of new directions and the establishment of new frontiers in polar biology.
Person Role
Karentz, Deneb Investigator and contact
Antarctic Integrated System Science Award # 1704236
Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Award # 1704236
AMD - DIF Record(s)
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USAP-DC 2017 SCAR Biology Symposium travel award data None exits
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