Project Information
A Low-power, Quick-install Polar Observation System ('AMIGOS-II') for Monitoring Climate-ice-ocean Interactions
Start Date:
End Date:
The investigators propose to build and test a multi-sensor, automated measurement station for monitoring Arctic and Antarctic ice-ocean environments. The system, based on a previously successful design, will incorporate weather and climate sensors, camera, snow and firn sensors, instruments to measure ice motion, ice and ocean thermal profilers, hydrophone, and salinity sensors. This new system will have two-way communications for real-time data delivery and is designed for rapid deployment by a small field group.

AMIGOS-II will be capable of providing real time information on geophysical processes such as weather, snowmelt, ice motion and strain, fractures and melt ponds, firn thermal profiling, and ocean conditions from multiple levels every few hours for 2-4 years. Project personnel will conduct a field test of the new system at a location with a deep ice-covered lake. Development of AMIGOS-II is motivated by recent calls by the U.S. Antarctic Program Blue-Ribbon Panel to increase Antarctic logistical effectiveness, which cites a need for greater efficiency in logistical operations. Installation of autonomous stations with reduced logistical requirements advances this goal.
Person Role
Scambos, Ted Investigator
Antarctic Instrumentation and Support Award # 1441432
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
Product Level:
Not provided

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