Project Information
Glaciology of Blue Ice Areas in Antarctica
A 'horizontal ice core' was collected at the Mount Moulton blue ice field in West Antarctica and preliminary analyses of the sample material suggests that a ~500 kyr climate record is preserved in the ice at this site. This award will contribute to the understanding of the Mt Moulton record by assessing the potential for ice-flow induced deformation of the stratigraphic profile. In addition, this award builds on the recognition of blue ice areas as archives of long climate records by conducting reconnaissance studies for a potential horizontal ice core location at the Allan Hills in East Antarctica. The objectives of this project are to contribute to the glaciological understanding of blue ice areas in Antarctica. Ice flow conditions at the Mt Moulton blue ice field will be studied to assess the possibility that the stratigraphic record has been deformed and reconnaissance of a potential horizontal ice core site in the Allan Hills blue ice field will also be accomplished. Short field programs will be undertaken at each location to collect relevant measurements of ice flow and subglacial topography, and to conduct sampling of material that will enable the preservation of the stratigraphic sequences to be assessed.
Person Role
Bauer, Rob Co-Investigator
Hamilton, Gordon S. Investigator
Antarctic Glaciology Award # 0229245
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
Product Level:
Not provided

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