Project Information
Workshop for International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences; March 13-16, 2004; Sterling, VA
This award will support a workshop whose aim is to provide a forum for discussion of an international ice core initiative and to examine how such an initiative might work. This workshop will bring together members of the international ice core community to discuss what new large ice core projects are needed to address leading unanswered science questions, technical obstacles to initiating these projects, benefits and difficulties of international collaboration on such projects, and how these collaborations might be facilitated. The very positive response of numerous international ice core scientists consulted about this idea shows that the need for such an initiative is widely recognized. Ice cores have already revolutionized our view of the Earth System, providing, for example, the first evidence that abrupt climate changes have occurred, and showing that greenhouse gases and climate have been tightly linked over the last 400,000 years. Ice cores provide records at high resolution, with particularly good proxies for climate and atmospheric parameters. The challenge that ice core projects present is that they require large concentrations of resources and expertise (both in drilling and in science) that are generally beyond the capacity of any one nation. Maintaining a critical mass of knowledge between projects is also difficult. One way to avoid these problems is to expand international cooperation on ice core drilling projects, so that expertise and resources can be pooled and applied to the most exciting new projects. The broader impacts of this workshop include the societal relevance of ice core science and the fact that the data and interpretations derived from new ice cores will give policymakers the information necessary to make better decisions on the how the earth is responding to climate change. In addition, by improving ice core sciences through international partnerships more students will be able to become involved in an exciting and growing area of climate research.
Person Role
Twickler, Mark Investigator
Bauer, Rob TBD
Antarctic Glaciology Award # 0401116
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Data Management Plan
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Product Level:
Not provided
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