{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Weather Station Data"}
[{"awards": "1841467 MacAyeal, Douglas; 1841607 Banwell, Alison", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-68.28 -71.1,-68.202 -71.1,-68.124 -71.1,-68.046 -71.1,-67.968 -71.1,-67.89 -71.1,-67.812 -71.1,-67.734 -71.1,-67.656 -71.1,-67.578 -71.1,-67.5 -71.1,-67.5 -71.14999999999999,-67.5 -71.19999999999999,-67.5 -71.25,-67.5 -71.3,-67.5 -71.35,-67.5 -71.39999999999999,-67.5 -71.44999999999999,-67.5 -71.5,-67.5 -71.55,-67.5 -71.6,-67.578 -71.6,-67.656 -71.6,-67.734 -71.6,-67.812 -71.6,-67.89 -71.6,-67.968 -71.6,-68.046 -71.6,-68.124 -71.6,-68.202 -71.6,-68.28 -71.6,-68.28 -71.55,-68.28 -71.5,-68.28 -71.44999999999999,-68.28 -71.39999999999999,-68.28 -71.35,-68.28 -71.3,-68.28 -71.25,-68.28 -71.19999999999999,-68.28 -71.14999999999999,-68.28 -71.1))"], "date_created": "Wed, 20 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains all of the field data (GNSS, weather station data, timelapse camera images) used in the publication \u0027Banwell et al., 2024\u0027, which documents observations of surface meltwater-induced flexure and fracture at a doline on north George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula. ", "east": -67.5, "geometry": ["POINT(-67.89 -71.35)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; AWS; Cryosphere; GNSS; GPS Data; Ice-Shelf Flexure; Ice Shelf Fracture; Ice-Shelf Melt; Timelaps Images", "locations": "Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctica", "north": -71.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology; Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Banwell, Alison; Willis, Ian; Stevens, Laura; Dell, Rebecca; MacAyeal, Douglas", "project_titles": "NSFGEO-NERC: Ice-shelf Instability Caused by Active Surface Meltwater Production, Movement, Ponding and Hydrofracture", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010449", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "NSFGEO-NERC: Ice-shelf Instability Caused by Active Surface Meltwater Production, Movement, Ponding and Hydrofracture"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -71.6, "title": "Dataset for: Banwell et al. 2024, \u0027Observed meltwater-induced flexure and fracture at a doline on George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica\u0027, Journal of Glaciology.", "uid": "601771", "west": -68.28}, {"awards": "1738992 Pettit, Erin C", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-105.55 -75.03,-105.53 -75.03,-105.51 -75.03,-105.49 -75.03,-105.47 -75.03,-105.45 -75.03,-105.43 -75.03,-105.41 -75.03,-105.39 -75.03,-105.37 -75.03,-105.35 -75.03,-105.35 -75.033,-105.35 -75.036,-105.35 -75.039,-105.35 -75.042,-105.35 -75.045,-105.35 -75.048,-105.35 -75.051,-105.35 -75.054,-105.35 -75.057,-105.35 -75.06,-105.37 -75.06,-105.39 -75.06,-105.41 -75.06,-105.43 -75.06,-105.45 -75.06,-105.47 -75.06,-105.49 -75.06,-105.51 -75.06,-105.53 -75.06,-105.55 -75.06,-105.55 -75.057,-105.55 -75.054,-105.55 -75.051,-105.55 -75.048,-105.55 -75.045,-105.55 -75.042,-105.55 -75.039,-105.55 -75.036,-105.55 -75.033,-105.55 -75.03))"], "date_created": "Mon, 28 Mar 2022 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Visalia WXT520 weather station hourly data spanning 20 months (with data gaps) at the Cavity and Channel AMIGOS-III sites (Automated Meteorology-Ice-Geophysics Observing System) on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Data are reported as the values from the sensors delivered through the Iridium modem via SBD from the AMIGOS. The units were installed at ~6.5m above the surface initially, with snow accumulation gradually reducing that to an estimated 3.5 m after 20 months. The stations report wind direction and speed, air temperature, humidity, pressure, and station power.\r\n\r\nThe two sites latest positions (01 Oct, 2021) are:\r\nCavity AMIGOS: 75.037\u00b0S, 105.58\u00b0W\r\nChannel AMIGOS: 75.049\u00b0S, 105.44\u00b0W\r\nboth stations are moving NNE at roughly 850 m.yr, having accelerated from about 650 m/yr in early 2020.", "east": -105.35, "geometry": ["POINT(-105.45 -75.045)"], "keywords": "Amundsen Sea; Antarctica; Ice Shelf; Pine Island Bay; Thwaites Glacier", "locations": "Pine Island Bay; Antarctica; Thwaites Glacier; Amundsen Sea; Thwaites Glacier", "north": -75.03, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "Scambos, Ted", "project_titles": "NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010162", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Thwaites (ITGC)", "south": -75.06, "title": "Visala WXT520 weather station data at the Cavity and Channel AMIGOS-III sites", "uid": "601549", "west": -105.55}, {"awards": "0732946 Steffen, Konrad", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-65 -66,-64.5 -66,-64 -66,-63.5 -66,-63 -66,-62.5 -66,-62 -66,-61.5 -66,-61 -66,-60.5 -66,-60 -66,-60 -66.3,-60 -66.6,-60 -66.9,-60 -67.2,-60 -67.5,-60 -67.8,-60 -68.1,-60 -68.4,-60 -68.7,-60 -69,-60.5 -69,-61 -69,-61.5 -69,-62 -69,-62.5 -69,-63 -69,-63.5 -69,-64 -69,-64.5 -69,-65 -69,-65 -68.7,-65 -68.4,-65 -68.1,-65 -67.8,-65 -67.5,-65 -67.2,-65 -66.9,-65 -66.6,-65 -66.3,-65 -66))"], "date_created": "Wed, 19 May 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "As part of IPY-0732946, three automatic weather stations (Larsen 1, 2, 3) were installed along a latitudinal gradient on the Larsen C ice shelf. The stations were installed in December 2008 (Larsen 3 AWS did not come online until 2009) and operated through the end of the project in November 2011.", "east": -60.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-62.5 -67.5)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; AWS; Foehn Winds; Ice Shelf; Larsen C Ice Shelf; Larsen Ice Shelf; Meteorology; Weather Station Data", "locations": "Larsen Ice Shelf; Antarctica; Larsen C Ice Shelf", "north": -66.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "McGrath, Daniel; Bayou, Nicolas; Steffen, Konrad", "project_titles": "IPY: Stability of Larsen C Ice Shelf in a Warming Climate", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000087", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "IPY: Stability of Larsen C Ice Shelf in a Warming Climate"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -69.0, "title": "Larsen C automatic weather station data 2008\u20132011", "uid": "601445", "west": -65.0}, {"awards": "1543377 Seefeldt, Mark; 1543325 Landolt, Scott", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.918 -77.877,167.2997 -77.877,167.6814 -77.877,168.0631 -77.877,168.4448 -77.877,168.8265 -77.877,169.2082 -77.877,169.5899 -77.877,169.9716 -77.877,170.3533 -77.877,170.735 -77.877,170.735 -77.99,170.735 -78.103,170.735 -78.216,170.735 -78.329,170.735 -78.442,170.735 -78.555,170.735 -78.668,170.735 -78.781,170.735 -78.894,170.735 -79.007,170.3533 -79.007,169.9716 -79.007,169.5899 -79.007,169.2082 -79.007,168.8265 -79.007,168.4448 -79.007,168.0631 -79.007,167.6814 -79.007,167.2997 -79.007,166.918 -79.007,166.918 -78.894,166.918 -78.781,166.918 -78.668,166.918 -78.555,166.918 -78.442,166.918 -78.329,166.918 -78.216,166.918 -78.103,166.918 -77.99,166.918 -77.877))"], "date_created": "Tue, 04 May 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The dataset includes precipitation and associated observations at four sites across the northwest Ross Ice Shelf from December 2017 to November 2019. The general instruments at each site include precipitation gauge - installed inside a wind shield, anemometer, thermometer, sonic ranging sensor, optical particle detector, laser disdrometer, shortwave and longwave radiation sensors, and a field camera. The observations from each site include: precipitation (liquid water equivalent), temperature, wind speed, snow surface height, particle count, particle size and speed, upward/downward longwave radiation, upward/downward shortwave radiation, still image photos, and 5-second movies. The data are in comma-delimited text files, jpg photos, and mp4 movies. png plots of the quality-controlled observations are included for quick views of the data.", "east": 170.735, "geometry": ["POINT(168.8265 -78.442)"], "keywords": "Accumulation; Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Meteorology; Precipitation; Ross Ice Shelf; Snow; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Weatherstation; Weather Station Data", "locations": "Ross Ice Shelf; Antarctica", "north": -77.877, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "Seefeldt, Mark", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Implementing Low-power, Autonomous Observing Systems to Improve the Measurement and Understanding of Antarctic Precipitation", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010173", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Implementing Low-power, Autonomous Observing Systems to Improve the Measurement and Understanding of Antarctic Precipitation"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -79.007, "title": "Precipitation Observations for the Northwest Ross Ice Shelf - 2017-12 to 2019-11", "uid": "601441", "west": 166.918}, {"awards": null, "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Wed, 20 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Weather summary readings from the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center at Shackleton Glacier Weather Station from January 2002", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Shackleton Glacier", "locations": "Antarctica; Shackleton Glacier", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Noojin, Matthew", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Shackleton Weather Station Data (Jan. 2002)", "uid": "601427", "west": null}, {"awards": "1043623 Miller, Scott", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((117.5 -47,120.35 -47,123.2 -47,126.05 -47,128.9 -47,131.75 -47,134.6 -47,137.45 -47,140.3 -47,143.15 -47,146 -47,146 -49.04,146 -51.08,146 -53.12,146 -55.16,146 -57.2,146 -59.24,146 -61.28,146 -63.32,146 -65.36,146 -67.4,143.15 -67.4,140.3 -67.4,137.45 -67.4,134.6 -67.4,131.75 -67.4,128.9 -67.4,126.05 -67.4,123.2 -67.4,120.35 -67.4,117.5 -67.4,117.5 -65.36,117.5 -63.32,117.5 -61.28,117.5 -59.24,117.5 -57.2,117.5 -55.16,117.5 -53.12,117.5 -51.08,117.5 -49.04,117.5 -47))"], "date_created": "Fri, 01 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This dataset contains meteorological and air-sea flux data (momentum, heat, and CO2 fluxes; CO2 gas transfer velocity) collected during the the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1402 conducted in 2014. The files are of XLS format.", "east": 146.0, "geometry": ["POINT(131.75 -57.2)"], "keywords": "Air-Sea Flux; Air Temperature; Antarctica; Atmosphere; CO2; CO2 Concentrations; East Antarctica; Flux; Meteorology; NBP1402; Oceans; Relative Humidity; Salinity; Totten Glacier; Water Measurements; Water Temperature; Weather Station Data; Wind Direction; Wind Speed", "locations": "Antarctica; East Antarctica; Totten Glacier", "north": -47.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "Miller, Scott; Butterworth, Brian", "project_titles": "Air-Sea Fluxes of Momentum, Heat, and Carbon Dioxide at High Wind Speeds in the Southern Ocean", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010137", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Air-Sea Fluxes of Momentum, Heat, and Carbon Dioxide at High Wind Speeds in the Southern Ocean"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -67.4, "title": "Eddy covariance air-sea momentum, heat, and carbon dioxide fluxes in the Southern Ocean from the N.B. Palmer cruise NBP1402", "uid": "601308", "west": 117.5}, {"awards": "0732869 Holland, David; 1739003 Holland, David", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-100 -75,-99.9 -75,-99.8 -75,-99.7 -75,-99.6 -75,-99.5 -75,-99.4 -75,-99.3 -75,-99.2 -75,-99.1 -75,-99 -75,-99 -75.05,-99 -75.1,-99 -75.15,-99 -75.2,-99 -75.25,-99 -75.3,-99 -75.35,-99 -75.4,-99 -75.45,-99 -75.5,-99.1 -75.5,-99.2 -75.5,-99.3 -75.5,-99.4 -75.5,-99.5 -75.5,-99.6 -75.5,-99.7 -75.5,-99.8 -75.5,-99.9 -75.5,-100 -75.5,-100 -75.45,-100 -75.4,-100 -75.35,-100 -75.3,-100 -75.25,-100 -75.2,-100 -75.15,-100 -75.1,-100 -75.05,-100 -75))"], "date_created": "Tue, 15 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Automatic Weather Station, located on Pine Island Glacier. Data set from 2008-2015.", "east": -99.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-99.5 -75.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Automated Weather Station; Flux; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Meteorology; Pine Island Glacier; Weather Station Data", "locations": "Pine Island Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -75.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Mojica Moncada, Jhon F.; Holland, David", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research; IPY: Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000043", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research; IPY: Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Thwaites (ITGC)", "south": -75.5, "title": "Automatic Weather Station Pine Island Glacier", "uid": "601216", "west": -100.0}, {"awards": "1341725 Guest, Peter", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -62,-179.5 -62,-179 -62,-178.5 -62,-178 -62,-177.5 -62,-177 -62,-176.5 -62,-176 -62,-175.5 -62,-175 -62,-175 -63.6,-175 -65.2,-175 -66.8,-175 -68.4,-175 -70,-175 -71.6,-175 -73.2,-175 -74.8,-175 -76.4,-175 -78,-175.5 -78,-176 -78,-176.5 -78,-177 -78,-177.5 -78,-178 -78,-178.5 -78,-179 -78,-179.5 -78,180 -78,178.8 -78,177.6 -78,176.4 -78,175.2 -78,174 -78,172.8 -78,171.6 -78,170.4 -78,169.2 -78,168 -78,168 -76.4,168 -74.8,168 -73.2,168 -71.6,168 -70,168 -68.4,168 -66.8,168 -65.2,168 -63.6,168 -62,169.2 -62,170.4 -62,171.6 -62,172.8 -62,174 -62,175.2 -62,176.4 -62,177.6 -62,178.8 -62,-180 -62))"], "date_created": "Wed, 12 Jun 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This file contains times series data from the 2017 PIPERS cruise for the period 15 April 0000 \u2013 8 June 1200 (UT). The time series data represent one minute means and include data collected by the Naval Postgraduate School from the starboard side boom (including occasionally on ice surface temp sampling), radiation system on the helo deck and sometimes in situ surface temp. Also included are meteorological, navigation and surface oceanography (from intake) data from the standard ship systems. ", "east": -175.0, "geometry": ["POINT(176.5 -70)"], "keywords": "Air Temperature; Antarctica; Atmosphere; Meteorology; Near-Surface Air Temperatures; PIPERS; Radiation; Sea Ice Temperatures; Temperature; Weather Station Data; Wind Direction; Wind Speed", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -62.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Guest, Peter", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Seasonal Sea Ice Production in the Ross Sea, Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010032", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Seasonal Sea Ice Production in the Ross Sea, Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -78.0, "title": "PIPERS Meteorology Time Series", "uid": "601184", "west": 168.0}, {"awards": "1144177 Pettit, Erin", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"], "date_created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains a short term integrated met station deployed about 300m from Blood Falls at the site of the FLIR and Time Lapse cameras.", "east": 162.6, "geometry": ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Basal Crevassing; Glacier Hydrology; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Meteorology; Taylor Glacier; Temperature; Weather Station Data; Wind Speed", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Antarctica", "north": -77.7, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science", "persons": "Pettit, Erin", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000002", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.77, "title": "Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier", "uid": "601168", "west": 161.8}, {"awards": "1443126 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(166.521 -77.936)"], "date_created": "Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "An automatic weather station was operated on the McMurdo Ice Shelf near Pegasus Air Strip for 365 days from 24 January 2016 to 22 January 2017. The sensors consisted of temperature/RH at 2 m and 8 m (above surface), wind speed at 2 m and 8 m, 4-component radiometer, and wind direction. Time series provides averages for every 30 minutes of a 30 second sample scheme.", "east": 166.521, "geometry": ["POINT(166.521 -77.936)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Hydrology; Ice Shelf; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Surface Hydrology; Surface Mass Balance; Weather Station Data", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.936, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Banwell, Alison; MacAyeal, Douglas", "project_titles": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000138", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.936, "title": "McMurdo Ice Shelf AWS data", "uid": "601106", "west": 166.521}, {"awards": "0440414 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"], "date_created": "Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This award supports a project to obtain stable isotope profiles from shallow (\u003c100 m) ice cores from East Antarctica, to add to the growing database of environmental proxy data collected under the auspices of the \"ITASE\" (International TransAntarctic Scientific Expedition) program. In Antarctica, the instrumental record of climate is particularly short (~40 years except in a few isolated locations on the coast), and ice core proxy data are the only means available for extending this record into the past. The use of stable isotopes of water (18-O/16-O and D/H ratios) from ice cores as proxies for temperature is well established for both very short (i.e. seasonal) and long timescales (centuries, millennia). Using multivariate regression methods and shallow ice cores from West Antarctica, a reconstruction of Antarctic climate over the last ~150 years has been developed which suggests the continent has been warming, on average, at a rate of ~0.2 K/century. Further improving these reconstructions is the chief motivation for further extending the US ITASE project. Ten to fifteen shallow (~100 m) from Victoria Land, East Antarctica will be obtained and analyzed. The core will be collected along a traverse route beginning at Taylor Dome and ending at the South Pole. Age-depth relationships for the cores will be determined through a combination of stable isotopes, visual stratigraphy and seasonal chemical signatures and marker horizons. Reconstructions of Antarctic climate obtained from these cores will be incorporated into the global network of paleoclimate information, which has been important in science, policy and educational contexts. The project will include graduate student and postdoctoral training and field experience.", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; Climate; Cryosphere; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; ITASE; Meteorology; Paleoclimate; Satellite Remote Sensing; Weather Station Data", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.", "project_titles": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000202", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "ITASE", "south": -90.0, "title": "Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites", "uid": "600042", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "9419128 Stearns, Charles; 9527603 Stearns, Charles", "bounds_geometry": null, "date_created": "Mon, 18 Aug 2003 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Project, funded by the NSF Office of Polar Programs, involves collecting meteorological data from an array of automatic weather stations in Antarctica, Greenland, and Peru. Data collection in Antarctica began in 1980.\n\nData are available in tabular ASCII format via the University of Wisconsin\u0027s AWS Project Web site at http://uwamrc.ssec.wisc.edu/aws/. Both raw and \u0027corrected\u0027 versions of the data are available via ftp. Information about data processing and station characteristics is also provided.", "east": null, "geometry": null, "keywords": "Antarctica; Atmosphere; AWS; Weatherstation", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": null, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Stearns, Charles R.; Keller, Linda M.; Weidner, George A.; Lazzara, Matthew", "project_titles": "Continuation for the Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Climate Program 1995-1998", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000151", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Continuation for the Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Climate Program 1995-1998"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": null, "title": "Three-Hourly Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Data, 1980-2000", "uid": "609111", "west": null}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
Dataset for: Banwell et al. 2024, 'Observed meltwater-induced flexure and fracture at a doline on George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica', Journal of Glaciology.
1841467 1841607 |
2024-03-20 | Banwell, Alison; Willis, Ian; Stevens, Laura; Dell, Rebecca; MacAyeal, Douglas |
NSFGEO-NERC: Ice-shelf Instability Caused by Active Surface Meltwater Production, Movement, Ponding and Hydrofracture |
This dataset contains all of the field data (GNSS, weather station data, timelapse camera images) used in the publication 'Banwell et al., 2024', which documents observations of surface meltwater-induced flexure and fracture at a doline on north George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula. | ["POLYGON((-68.28 -71.1,-68.202 -71.1,-68.124 -71.1,-68.046 -71.1,-67.968 -71.1,-67.89 -71.1,-67.812 -71.1,-67.734 -71.1,-67.656 -71.1,-67.578 -71.1,-67.5 -71.1,-67.5 -71.14999999999999,-67.5 -71.19999999999999,-67.5 -71.25,-67.5 -71.3,-67.5 -71.35,-67.5 -71.39999999999999,-67.5 -71.44999999999999,-67.5 -71.5,-67.5 -71.55,-67.5 -71.6,-67.578 -71.6,-67.656 -71.6,-67.734 -71.6,-67.812 -71.6,-67.89 -71.6,-67.968 -71.6,-68.046 -71.6,-68.124 -71.6,-68.202 -71.6,-68.28 -71.6,-68.28 -71.55,-68.28 -71.5,-68.28 -71.44999999999999,-68.28 -71.39999999999999,-68.28 -71.35,-68.28 -71.3,-68.28 -71.25,-68.28 -71.19999999999999,-68.28 -71.14999999999999,-68.28 -71.1))"] | ["POINT(-67.89 -71.35)"] | false | false |
Visala WXT520 weather station data at the Cavity and Channel AMIGOS-III sites
1738992 |
2022-03-28 | Scambos, Ted |
NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment |
Visalia WXT520 weather station hourly data spanning 20 months (with data gaps) at the Cavity and Channel AMIGOS-III sites (Automated Meteorology-Ice-Geophysics Observing System) on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Data are reported as the values from the sensors delivered through the Iridium modem via SBD from the AMIGOS. The units were installed at ~6.5m above the surface initially, with snow accumulation gradually reducing that to an estimated 3.5 m after 20 months. The stations report wind direction and speed, air temperature, humidity, pressure, and station power. The two sites latest positions (01 Oct, 2021) are: Cavity AMIGOS: 75.037°S, 105.58°W Channel AMIGOS: 75.049°S, 105.44°W both stations are moving NNE at roughly 850 m.yr, having accelerated from about 650 m/yr in early 2020. | ["POLYGON((-105.55 -75.03,-105.53 -75.03,-105.51 -75.03,-105.49 -75.03,-105.47 -75.03,-105.45 -75.03,-105.43 -75.03,-105.41 -75.03,-105.39 -75.03,-105.37 -75.03,-105.35 -75.03,-105.35 -75.033,-105.35 -75.036,-105.35 -75.039,-105.35 -75.042,-105.35 -75.045,-105.35 -75.048,-105.35 -75.051,-105.35 -75.054,-105.35 -75.057,-105.35 -75.06,-105.37 -75.06,-105.39 -75.06,-105.41 -75.06,-105.43 -75.06,-105.45 -75.06,-105.47 -75.06,-105.49 -75.06,-105.51 -75.06,-105.53 -75.06,-105.55 -75.06,-105.55 -75.057,-105.55 -75.054,-105.55 -75.051,-105.55 -75.048,-105.55 -75.045,-105.55 -75.042,-105.55 -75.039,-105.55 -75.036,-105.55 -75.033,-105.55 -75.03))"] | ["POINT(-105.45 -75.045)"] | false | false |
Larsen C automatic weather station data 2008–2011
0732946 |
2021-05-19 | McGrath, Daniel; Bayou, Nicolas; Steffen, Konrad |
IPY: Stability of Larsen C Ice Shelf in a Warming Climate |
As part of IPY-0732946, three automatic weather stations (Larsen 1, 2, 3) were installed along a latitudinal gradient on the Larsen C ice shelf. The stations were installed in December 2008 (Larsen 3 AWS did not come online until 2009) and operated through the end of the project in November 2011. | ["POLYGON((-65 -66,-64.5 -66,-64 -66,-63.5 -66,-63 -66,-62.5 -66,-62 -66,-61.5 -66,-61 -66,-60.5 -66,-60 -66,-60 -66.3,-60 -66.6,-60 -66.9,-60 -67.2,-60 -67.5,-60 -67.8,-60 -68.1,-60 -68.4,-60 -68.7,-60 -69,-60.5 -69,-61 -69,-61.5 -69,-62 -69,-62.5 -69,-63 -69,-63.5 -69,-64 -69,-64.5 -69,-65 -69,-65 -68.7,-65 -68.4,-65 -68.1,-65 -67.8,-65 -67.5,-65 -67.2,-65 -66.9,-65 -66.6,-65 -66.3,-65 -66))"] | ["POINT(-62.5 -67.5)"] | false | false |
Precipitation Observations for the Northwest Ross Ice Shelf - 2017-12 to 2019-11
1543377 1543325 |
2021-05-04 | Seefeldt, Mark |
Collaborative Research: Implementing Low-power, Autonomous Observing Systems to Improve the Measurement and Understanding of Antarctic Precipitation |
The dataset includes precipitation and associated observations at four sites across the northwest Ross Ice Shelf from December 2017 to November 2019. The general instruments at each site include precipitation gauge - installed inside a wind shield, anemometer, thermometer, sonic ranging sensor, optical particle detector, laser disdrometer, shortwave and longwave radiation sensors, and a field camera. The observations from each site include: precipitation (liquid water equivalent), temperature, wind speed, snow surface height, particle count, particle size and speed, upward/downward longwave radiation, upward/downward shortwave radiation, still image photos, and 5-second movies. The data are in comma-delimited text files, jpg photos, and mp4 movies. png plots of the quality-controlled observations are included for quick views of the data. | ["POLYGON((166.918 -77.877,167.2997 -77.877,167.6814 -77.877,168.0631 -77.877,168.4448 -77.877,168.8265 -77.877,169.2082 -77.877,169.5899 -77.877,169.9716 -77.877,170.3533 -77.877,170.735 -77.877,170.735 -77.99,170.735 -78.103,170.735 -78.216,170.735 -78.329,170.735 -78.442,170.735 -78.555,170.735 -78.668,170.735 -78.781,170.735 -78.894,170.735 -79.007,170.3533 -79.007,169.9716 -79.007,169.5899 -79.007,169.2082 -79.007,168.8265 -79.007,168.4448 -79.007,168.0631 -79.007,167.6814 -79.007,167.2997 -79.007,166.918 -79.007,166.918 -78.894,166.918 -78.781,166.918 -78.668,166.918 -78.555,166.918 -78.442,166.918 -78.329,166.918 -78.216,166.918 -78.103,166.918 -77.99,166.918 -77.877))"] | ["POINT(168.8265 -78.442)"] | false | false |
Shackleton Weather Station Data (Jan. 2002)
None | 2021-01-20 | Noojin, Matthew | No project link provided | Weather summary readings from the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center at Shackleton Glacier Weather Station from January 2002 | [] | [] | false | false |
Eddy covariance air-sea momentum, heat, and carbon dioxide fluxes in the Southern Ocean from the N.B. Palmer cruise NBP1402
1043623 |
2020-05-01 | Miller, Scott; Butterworth, Brian |
Air-Sea Fluxes of Momentum, Heat, and Carbon Dioxide at High Wind Speeds in the Southern Ocean |
This dataset contains meteorological and air-sea flux data (momentum, heat, and CO2 fluxes; CO2 gas transfer velocity) collected during the the Nathaniel B. Palmer expedition NBP1402 conducted in 2014. The files are of XLS format. | ["POLYGON((117.5 -47,120.35 -47,123.2 -47,126.05 -47,128.9 -47,131.75 -47,134.6 -47,137.45 -47,140.3 -47,143.15 -47,146 -47,146 -49.04,146 -51.08,146 -53.12,146 -55.16,146 -57.2,146 -59.24,146 -61.28,146 -63.32,146 -65.36,146 -67.4,143.15 -67.4,140.3 -67.4,137.45 -67.4,134.6 -67.4,131.75 -67.4,128.9 -67.4,126.05 -67.4,123.2 -67.4,120.35 -67.4,117.5 -67.4,117.5 -65.36,117.5 -63.32,117.5 -61.28,117.5 -59.24,117.5 -57.2,117.5 -55.16,117.5 -53.12,117.5 -51.08,117.5 -49.04,117.5 -47))"] | ["POINT(131.75 -57.2)"] | false | false |
Automatic Weather Station Pine Island Glacier
0732869 1739003 |
2019-10-15 | Mojica Moncada, Jhon F.; Holland, David |
Collaborative Research; IPY: Ocean-Ice Interaction in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica |
Automatic Weather Station, located on Pine Island Glacier. Data set from 2008-2015. | ["POLYGON((-100 -75,-99.9 -75,-99.8 -75,-99.7 -75,-99.6 -75,-99.5 -75,-99.4 -75,-99.3 -75,-99.2 -75,-99.1 -75,-99 -75,-99 -75.05,-99 -75.1,-99 -75.15,-99 -75.2,-99 -75.25,-99 -75.3,-99 -75.35,-99 -75.4,-99 -75.45,-99 -75.5,-99.1 -75.5,-99.2 -75.5,-99.3 -75.5,-99.4 -75.5,-99.5 -75.5,-99.6 -75.5,-99.7 -75.5,-99.8 -75.5,-99.9 -75.5,-100 -75.5,-100 -75.45,-100 -75.4,-100 -75.35,-100 -75.3,-100 -75.25,-100 -75.2,-100 -75.15,-100 -75.1,-100 -75.05,-100 -75))"] | ["POINT(-99.5 -75.25)"] | false | false |
PIPERS Meteorology Time Series
1341725 |
2019-06-12 | Guest, Peter |
Collaborative Research: Seasonal Sea Ice Production in the Ross Sea, Antarctica |
This file contains times series data from the 2017 PIPERS cruise for the period 15 April 0000 – 8 June 1200 (UT). The time series data represent one minute means and include data collected by the Naval Postgraduate School from the starboard side boom (including occasionally on ice surface temp sampling), radiation system on the helo deck and sometimes in situ surface temp. Also included are meteorological, navigation and surface oceanography (from intake) data from the standard ship systems. | ["POLYGON((-180 -62,-179.5 -62,-179 -62,-178.5 -62,-178 -62,-177.5 -62,-177 -62,-176.5 -62,-176 -62,-175.5 -62,-175 -62,-175 -63.6,-175 -65.2,-175 -66.8,-175 -68.4,-175 -70,-175 -71.6,-175 -73.2,-175 -74.8,-175 -76.4,-175 -78,-175.5 -78,-176 -78,-176.5 -78,-177 -78,-177.5 -78,-178 -78,-178.5 -78,-179 -78,-179.5 -78,180 -78,178.8 -78,177.6 -78,176.4 -78,175.2 -78,174 -78,172.8 -78,171.6 -78,170.4 -78,169.2 -78,168 -78,168 -76.4,168 -74.8,168 -73.2,168 -71.6,168 -70,168 -68.4,168 -66.8,168 -65.2,168 -63.6,168 -62,169.2 -62,170.4 -62,171.6 -62,172.8 -62,174 -62,175.2 -62,176.4 -62,177.6 -62,178.8 -62,-180 -62))"] | ["POINT(176.5 -70)"] | false | false |
Vaisala Integrated Met Station near Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier
1144177 |
2019-03-18 | Pettit, Erin |
Collaborative Research: MIDGE: Minimally Invasive Direct Glacial Exploration of Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Glaciology of Blood Falls, McMurdo Dry Valleys |
This data set contains a short term integrated met station deployed about 300m from Blood Falls at the site of the FLIR and Time Lapse cameras. | ["POLYGON((161.8 -77.7,161.88 -77.7,161.96 -77.7,162.04 -77.7,162.12 -77.7,162.2 -77.7,162.28 -77.7,162.36 -77.7,162.44 -77.7,162.52 -77.7,162.6 -77.7,162.6 -77.707,162.6 -77.714,162.6 -77.721,162.6 -77.728,162.6 -77.735,162.6 -77.742,162.6 -77.749,162.6 -77.756,162.6 -77.763,162.6 -77.77,162.52 -77.77,162.44 -77.77,162.36 -77.77,162.28 -77.77,162.2 -77.77,162.12 -77.77,162.04 -77.77,161.96 -77.77,161.88 -77.77,161.8 -77.77,161.8 -77.763,161.8 -77.756,161.8 -77.749,161.8 -77.742,161.8 -77.735,161.8 -77.728,161.8 -77.721,161.8 -77.714,161.8 -77.707,161.8 -77.7))"] | ["POINT(162.2 -77.735)"] | false | false |
McMurdo Ice Shelf AWS data
1443126 |
2018-07-20 | Banwell, Alison; MacAyeal, Douglas |
Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability |
An automatic weather station was operated on the McMurdo Ice Shelf near Pegasus Air Strip for 365 days from 24 January 2016 to 22 January 2017. The sensors consisted of temperature/RH at 2 m and 8 m (above surface), wind speed at 2 m and 8 m, 4-component radiometer, and wind direction. Time series provides averages for every 30 minutes of a 30 second sample scheme. | ["POINT(166.521 -77.936)"] | ["POINT(166.521 -77.936)"] | false | false |
Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites
0440414 |
2009-01-01 | Steig, Eric J. |
Stable Isotope Studies at East Antarctic US ITASE Sites |
This award supports a project to obtain stable isotope profiles from shallow (<100 m) ice cores from East Antarctica, to add to the growing database of environmental proxy data collected under the auspices of the "ITASE" (International TransAntarctic Scientific Expedition) program. In Antarctica, the instrumental record of climate is particularly short (~40 years except in a few isolated locations on the coast), and ice core proxy data are the only means available for extending this record into the past. The use of stable isotopes of water (18-O/16-O and D/H ratios) from ice cores as proxies for temperature is well established for both very short (i.e. seasonal) and long timescales (centuries, millennia). Using multivariate regression methods and shallow ice cores from West Antarctica, a reconstruction of Antarctic climate over the last ~150 years has been developed which suggests the continent has been warming, on average, at a rate of ~0.2 K/century. Further improving these reconstructions is the chief motivation for further extending the US ITASE project. Ten to fifteen shallow (~100 m) from Victoria Land, East Antarctica will be obtained and analyzed. The core will be collected along a traverse route beginning at Taylor Dome and ending at the South Pole. Age-depth relationships for the cores will be determined through a combination of stable isotopes, visual stratigraphy and seasonal chemical signatures and marker horizons. Reconstructions of Antarctic climate obtained from these cores will be incorporated into the global network of paleoclimate information, which has been important in science, policy and educational contexts. The project will include graduate student and postdoctoral training and field experience. | ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
Three-Hourly Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Data, 1980-2000
9419128 9527603 |
2003-08-18 | Stearns, Charles R.; Keller, Linda M.; Weidner, George A.; Lazzara, Matthew |
Continuation for the Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Climate Program 1995-1998 |
The Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Project, funded by the NSF Office of Polar Programs, involves collecting meteorological data from an array of automatic weather stations in Antarctica, Greenland, and Peru. Data collection in Antarctica began in 1980. Data are available in tabular ASCII format via the University of Wisconsin's AWS Project Web site at http://uwamrc.ssec.wisc.edu/aws/. Both raw and 'corrected' versions of the data are available via ftp. Information about data processing and station characteristics is also provided. | [] | [] | false | false |