Collaborative Research: Multi-Parameter Geophysical Constraints on Volcano Dynamics of Mt. Erebus and Ross Island, Antarctica
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The project targets scientific questions recently formulated by the community during the 2016 NSF-sponsored Scientific Drivers and Future of Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory workshop. The location and geometry of the magmatic plumbing from vent to lower crust system remain poorly constrained, particularly below 1 km depth. The style and causes for changes in volcanic and magmatic activity over the short term (minutes to hours) and on the decadal scale remains enigmatic. Two decades of campaign and continuous GPS data on Ross Island provide insights into the longer term dynamics of both, Ross Island growing within the Terror Rift, and Erebus' deeper magmatic system. We organized and analyzed all existing GPS data for Ross Island, and interpreted anomalies in the resulting time series. The GPS data were consistently processed and interpreted. We generated position time series in a consistent reference frame and make the results available to the community. We find several periods of volcanic transient deformation in the time series, indicating times of inflation before 2004, deflation from 2004-2011 and renewed inflation from October 2020 until June 2021.
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1 (processed data)
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This project has been viewed 43 times since May 2019 (based on unique date-IP combinations)