Project Information
Group Travel Award: XXXVth SCAR Open Science Conference
Start Date:
End Date:
This award supported the attendance of 39 U.S. scientists at the 35th SCAR Open Science Conference (OSC) to enable them to present their scientific findings, develop new collaborations with international scientists and become involved in SCAR-related activities and SCAR specialist groups. In previous symposia, U.S. scientists have made important and significant contributions to the success of the SCAR Open Science Conferences. The SCAR-OSC provides a key platform for generating or augmenting international collaborations not generally available for graduate students and early-career researchers. The 35th SCAR-OSC meeting: Polar 2018 brought together Antarctic and Arctic researchers for a unique bi-polar event and exchange of information in Davos, Switzerland, June 19-23, 2018. The scientific program for the SCAR Open Science Conference (OSC)/POLAR2018 emphasized interdisciplinary research that places Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in a global context, providing essential perspective for students and early-career researchers. The meeting was organized around 12 science themes that included polar (Arctic and Antarctic) physical, biological, and social sciences. In addition, there were a myriad of side-meetings, activities, trainings, and workshops surrounding the main sessions. NSF support for travel allowed a more diverse group of researchers to participate in defining the future direction of international Antarctic and polar research and encouraged global collaboration and cooperation. It augmented the training and development of graduate students and young investigators as they benefited from the opportunity to interact with the international community of Antarctic and Arctic researchers. Individuals at all levels (students to senior researchers) interested in engaging in international collaborative activities and, potentially, assuming active leadership roles in SCAR groups, were supported. 90% of the travel awards were made to students (undergraduate, MS and PhD) and post-doctoral scholar (<5 y from earned PhD).
Person Role
Karentz, Deneb Investigator and contact
Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences Award # 1824677
Antarctic Earth Sciences Award # 1824677
Antarctic Glaciology Award # 1824677
Antarctic Instrumentation and Facilities Award # 1824677
Antarctic Instrumentation and Support Award # 1824677
Antarctic Integrated System Science Award # 1824677
Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Award # 1824677
Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Award # 1824677
Polar Special Initiatives Award # 1824677
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
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0 (raw data)
Repository Title (link) Format(s) Status
USAP-DC 2018 SCAR OSC Travel Award Data None exists
Platforms and Instruments

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