Project Information
Collaborative Research: Functional Genomics and Physiological Ecology of Seasonal Succession in Antarctic Phytoplankton: Adaptations to Light and Temperature
Start Date:
End Date:
The proposed research will investigate the genomic basis of the physiological and ecological transition of Antarctic marine phytoplankton from a cold dark winter to a warmer, brighter spring. During a field season at Palmer Station, functional genomics (using next generation sequencing technology to identify expressed genes) and in situ fluorometry (FRRF) will be integrated with classical ecological methods to investigate photosynthetic adaptation during phytoplankton species succession from late winter into spring. Using large data sets, this project will test whether amino acid usages differ based on expression. The specific objectives are (1) To characterize phytoplankton succession from the winter to spring transition, and (2) To correlate community gene expression profiles to adaptational differences among taxa. Broader impacts include training of a post doctoral researcher and two undergraduate science majors, with efforts to attract students from underrepresented groups. The P.I.s also will prepare presentations for the public, regarding research experiences, research results, and the importance of climate change.
Person Role
Karentz, Deneb Investigator
Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Award # 1043564
Deployment Type
LMG1106A ship expedition
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
Product Level:
Not provided
Repository Title (link) Format(s) Status
R2R Expedition data of LMG1106A None exists
Platforms and Instruments

This project has been viewed 21 times since May 2019 (based on unique date-IP combinations)