Project Information
Cape Adare Long-term Mooring (CALM)
Start Date:
End Date:
An array of moorings will be deployed and maintained east of Cape Adare, Antarctica, at the northwestern corner of the Ross Sea to observe the properties of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) exiting the Ross Sea. This location has been identified from recent studies as an ideal place to make such measurements. Antarctic Bottom Water has the highest density of the major global water masses, and fills the deepest parts of the world's oceans. Because it obtains many of its characteristics during its contact with the atmosphere and with glacial ice along the continental margins of Antarctica, it is expected that changes in newly-formed AABW may represent an effective indicator for abrupt climate change. The heterogeneous nature of the source regions around Antarctica complicates the observation of newly-formed AABW properties. The two most important source regions for AABW are within the Weddell and the Ross Seas, with additional sources drawn from the east Antarctic margins. In the northwestern Weddell Sea, several programs have been undertaken in the last decade to monitor the long term variability of Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water, precursors of AABW originating from the Weddell Sea, however no such systematic efforts have yet been undertaken to make longterm measurements of outflow from the Ross Sea. The proposed study will significantly improve our knowledge of the long term variability in the outflow of deep and bottom water from the Ross Sea, and will provide the beginnings of a long-term monitoring effort which ultimately will allow detection of changes in the ocean in the context of global climate change. When joined with similar efforts ongoing in the Weddell Sea, long-term behavior and possible coupling of these two important sources of the ocean's deepest water mass can be examined in detail.
Person Role
Caron, Bruce Investigator
Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Award # 0538148
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Deployment Type
NBP0801 ship expedition
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
Product Level:
Not provided

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