Project Information
GLOBEC: Krill Distribution and Abundance in Winter
Start Date:
End Date:
The U.S. Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (U.S. GLOBEC) program has the goal of understanding and ultimately predicting how populations of marine animal species respond to natural and anthropogenic changes in climate. Research in the Southern Ocean (SO) indicates strong coupling between climatic processes and ecosystem dynamics via the annual formation and destruction of sea ice. The Southern Ocean GLOBEC Program (SO GLOBEC) will investigate the dynamic relationship between physical processes and ecosystem responses through identification of critical parameters that affect the distribution, abundance and population dynamics of target species. The overall goals of the SO GLOBEC program are to elucidate shelf circulation processes and their effect on sea ice formation and krill distribution, and to examine the factors which govern krill survivorship and availability to higher trophic levels, including penguins, seals and whales. The focus of the U.S. contribution to the international SO GLOBEC program will be on winter processes. This component will focus on juvenile and adult krill and mesozooplankton prey distribution, using acoustic techniques. Studies will be conducted and krill shrinkage and mortality rates as well as krill aggregation behavior. The results will be analyzed in coordination with components involved in physical and biological models. The result of the integrated SO GLOBEC program will be to improve the predictability of living marine resources, especially with respect to local and global climatic shifts.
Person Role
Zhou, Meng Investigator
Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Award # 9910263
Deployment Type
NBP0104 ship expedition
NBP0204 ship expedition
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
Product Level:
Not provided
Repository Title (link) Format(s) Status
R2R Expedition data of NBP0104 None exists
R2R Expedition data of NBP0204 None exists
R2R Expedition data of NBP0204 None exists
R2R Expedition data of NBP0104 None exists
Platforms and Instruments

This project has been viewed 9 times since May 2019 (based on unique date-IP combinations)