SGER: Science-of-Opportunity Aboard Icebreaker Oden: Ocean-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions and Changes
The project goal is to investigate the ocean-atmosphere-ice (OAI) interactions in the Amundsen and Ross Seas during the austral summer of 2007-08 using hydrographic measurements (CTD and XBT) in conjunction with (1) ship-based observations and satellite-derived estimates of sea ice concentration, and (2) ship-based observations and re-analyses of meteorological variables. The major scientific objectives are as follows: (1) to examine upper ocean characteristics along three transects in the Amundsen Sea and two transects in the Ross Sea within the context of ice-atmosphere variability over the preceding winter-spring season and as compared to other years where data are available; (2) to determine if there is additional evidence of increased upwelling of warm Circumpolar Deep Water onto the shelf in the Amundsen Sea and/or increased freshening in the Ross Sea as has been inferred by previous, but limited, ocean surveys in these regions; and (3) to examine the spatial variability in ocean thermal structure along the ship's track (outside the transects) to provide greater regional context and to compare with ocean XBT data collected during Oden 2006-07. A repeated temperature survey between the Amundsen and Ross Sea is particularly invaluable, given that this sector is the regional center of the high latitude OAI response to ENSO, thus providing opportunity for examining and linking regional oceanic temporal variability to global climate variability. The research will improve our understanding of the high latitude OAI response to climate change, and provide the physical context for the observed biology and geochemistry (investigated by our colleagues. Our results will be made widely available through research publications and internet-available databases, and through the strong public outreach efforts of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. The outreach efforts will help increase awareness and understanding of anthropogenic climate change, melting ice, and ecosystem alteration in the highly sensitive Antarctic.
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