Project Information
Collaborative Research: SGER: Triple-dating (Pb-FT-He) of Antarctic Detritus and the Origin of the Gamburtsev Mountains
This Small Grant for Exploratory Research investigates the origin and evolution of the Gamburtsev subglacial mountains (GSM). These mountains are considered the nucleation point for Antarctica's largest ice sheets; however, being of indeterminate age, they may postdate ice sheet formation. As well, their formation could reflect tectonic events during the breakup of Gondwana. The project studies GSM-derived detrital zircon and apatite crystals from Prydz Bay obtained by the Ocean Drilling Program. Analytical work includes triple-dating thermochronometry by U/Pb, fission track, and (U/Th)/He methods. The combined technique offers insight into both high and low temperature processes, and is potentially sensitive to both the orogenic events and the subsequent cooling and exhumation due to erosion. In terms of broader impacts, this project supports research for a postdoctoral fellow and an
Person Role
Thompson, Stuart Investigator
Reiners, Peter Investigator
Gehrels, George Co-Investigator
Antarctic Earth Sciences Award # 0817163
Antarctic Earth Sciences Award # 0816934
AMD - DIF Record(s)
Data Management Plan
None in the Database
Product Level:
1 (processed data)
Platforms and Instruments

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