{"dp_type": "Project", "free_text": "Pal-Lter"}
[{"awards": "2224611 Schofield, Oscar; 2026045 Schofield, Oscar", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-79.65 -63.738,-77.9728 -63.738,-76.29560000000001 -63.738,-74.61840000000001 -63.738,-72.94120000000001 -63.738,-71.26400000000001 -63.738,-69.58680000000001 -63.738,-67.9096 -63.738,-66.2324 -63.738,-64.5552 -63.738,-62.878 -63.738,-62.878 -64.3683,-62.878 -64.9986,-62.878 -65.6289,-62.878 -66.25919999999999,-62.878 -66.8895,-62.878 -67.5198,-62.878 -68.1501,-62.878 -68.7804,-62.878 -69.41069999999999,-62.878 -70.041,-64.5552 -70.041,-66.2324 -70.041,-67.9096 -70.041,-69.5868 -70.041,-71.26400000000001 -70.041,-72.94120000000001 -70.041,-74.61840000000001 -70.041,-76.29560000000001 -70.041,-77.9728 -70.041,-79.65 -70.041,-79.65 -69.41069999999999,-79.65 -68.7804,-79.65 -68.1501,-79.65 -67.5198,-79.65 -66.8895,-79.65 -66.25919999999999,-79.65 -65.6289,-79.65 -64.9986,-79.65 -64.3683,-79.65 -63.738))", "dataset_titles": "Expedition Data of LMG2301; Expedition Data of NBP2113; Palmer LTER data in the Environmental Data Initiative Repository", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200371", "doi": null, "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data of LMG2301", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/LMG2301"}, {"dataset_uid": "200370", "doi": null, "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition Data of NBP2113", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/NBP2113"}, {"dataset_uid": "200367", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "EDI", "science_program": null, "title": "Palmer LTER data in the Environmental Data Initiative Repository", "url": "https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/browseServlet?searchValue=PAL"}], "date_created": "Wed, 26 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The goal of all LTER sites is to conduct policy-relevant ecosystem research for questions that require tens of years of data and cover large geographical areas. The Palmer Antarctica Long Term Ecological Research (PAL-LTER) site has been in operation since 1990 and has been studying how the marine ecosystem west of the Antarctica Peninsula (WAP) is responding to a climate that is changing as rapidly as any place on the Earth. The study is evaluating how warming conditions and decreased ice cover leading to extended periods of open water are affecting many aspects of ecosystem function. The team is using combined cutting-edge approaches including yearly ship-based research cruises, small-boat weekly sampling, autonomous vehicles, animal biologging, oceanographic floats and seafloor moorings, manipulative lab-based process studies and modeling to evaluate both seasonal and annual ecosystem responses. These combined approaches are allowing for the study the ecosystem changes at scales needed to assess both short-term and long-term drivers. The study region also includes submarine canyons that are special regions of enhanced biological activity within the WAP. This research program is paired with a comprehensive education and outreach program promoting the global significance of Antarctic science and research. In addition to training for graduate and undergraduate students, they are using newly-developed Polar Literacy Principles as a foundation in a virtual schoolyard program that shares polar instructional materials and provides learning opportunities for K-12 educators. The PAL-LTER team is also leveraging the development of Out of School Time materials for afterschool and summer camp programs, sharing Palmer LTER-specific teaching materials with University, Museum, and 4-H Special Interest Club partners.\r\n\r\nPolar ecosystems are among the most rapidly changing on Earth. The Palmer LTER (PAL-LTER) program builds on three decades of coordinated research along the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) to gain new mechanistic and predictive understanding of ecosystem changes in response to disturbances spanning long-term decadal (press) drivers and changes due to higher-frequency (pulse) drivers, such as large storms and extreme seasonal anomaly in sea ice cover. The influence of major natural climate modes that modulate variations in sea ice, weather, and oceanographic conditions to drive changes in ecosystem structure and function (e.g., El Nio Southern Oscillation and Southern Annular Mode) are being studied at multiple time scales from diel, seasonal, interannual, to decadal intervals, and space scalesfrom hemispheric to global scale investigated by remote sensing, the regional scales. Specifically, the team is evaluating how variability of physical properties (such as vertical and alongshore connectivity processes) interact to modulate biogeochemical cycling and community ecology in the WAP region. The study is providing an evaluation of ecosystem resilience and ecological responses to long-term press-pulse drivers and a decadal-level reversal in sea ice coverage. This program is providing fundamental understanding of population and biogeochemical responses for a marine ecosystem experiencing profound change.", "east": -62.878, "geometry": "POINT(-71.26400000000001 -66.8895)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "SEA ICE; PLANKTON; PELAGIC; West Antarctic Shelf; R/V NBP; OCEAN MIXED LAYER; COMMUNITY DYNAMICS; PENGUINS; R/V LMG", "locations": "West Antarctic Shelf", "north": -63.738, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Integrated System Science; Antarctic Integrated System Science", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Schofield, Oscar; Steinberg, Deborah", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V LMG; WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e R/V NBP", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "EDI; R2R", "science_programs": "LTER", "south": -70.041, "title": "LTER: Ecological Response and Resilience to \u201cPress-Pulse\u201d Disturbances and a Recent Decadal Reversal in Sea Ice Trends Along the West Antarctic Peninsula", "uid": "p0010426", "west": -79.65}, {"awards": "1643466 Hollibaugh, James; 1643345 Popp, Brian", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-78.20206667 -64.03195833,-76.785055836 -64.03195833,-75.368045002 -64.03195833,-73.951034168 -64.03195833,-72.534023334 -64.03195833,-71.1170125 -64.03195833,-69.700001666 -64.03195833,-68.282990832 -64.03195833,-66.865979998 -64.03195833,-65.448969164 -64.03195833,-64.03195833 -64.03195833,-64.03195833 -64.554377497,-64.03195833 -65.076796664,-64.03195833 -65.599215831,-64.03195833 -66.121634998,-64.03195833 -66.644054165,-64.03195833 -67.166473332,-64.03195833 -67.688892499,-64.03195833 -68.211311666,-64.03195833 -68.733730833,-64.03195833 -69.25615,-65.448969164 -69.25615,-66.865979998 -69.25615,-68.282990832 -69.25615,-69.700001666 -69.25615,-71.1170125 -69.25615,-72.534023334 -69.25615,-73.951034168 -69.25615,-75.368045002 -69.25615,-76.785055836 -69.25615,-78.20206667 -69.25615,-78.20206667 -68.733730833,-78.20206667 -68.211311666,-78.20206667 -67.688892499,-78.20206667 -67.166473332,-78.20206667 -66.644054165,-78.20206667 -66.121634998,-78.20206667 -65.599215831,-78.20206667 -65.076796664,-78.20206667 -64.554377497,-78.20206667 -64.03195833))", "dataset_titles": "\"Collaborative research: Chemoautotrophy in Antarctic bacterioplankton communities supported by the oxidation of urea-derived nitrogen\"; Expedition data of LMG1801", "datasets": [{"dataset_uid": "200124", "doi": "", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "R2R", "science_program": null, "title": "Expedition data of LMG1801", "url": "https://www.rvdata.us/search/cruise/LMG1801"}, {"dataset_uid": "200193", "doi": "Not yet assigned", "keywords": null, "people": null, "repository": "BCO-DMO", "science_program": null, "title": "\"Collaborative research: Chemoautotrophy in Antarctic bacterioplankton communities supported by the oxidation of urea-derived nitrogen\"", "url": "https://www.bco-dmo.org/project/775717"}], "date_created": "Fri, 18 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The project addressed fundamental questions regarding the role of nitrification (the conversion of ammonium to nitrate by a two-step process involving two different guilds of microorganisms: ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizers) in the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Specifically, the project evaluated the contribution of carbon fixation supported by energy derived from the oxidation of nitrogen compounds (chemoautotrophy) to the overall supply of organic carbon to the food web of the Southern Ocean. Additionally, the project aimed to determine the significance of the contribution of other sources of reduced nitrogen, specifically organic nitrogen and urea, to nitrification because these contributions may not be assessed by standard protocols. \n\n\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eWe quantified the oxidation rates of 15N supplied as ammonium, urea and nitrite, which allowed us to estimate the contribution of urea-derived N and complete nitrification (ammonia to nitrate, N-3 to N+5) to chemoautotrophy in Antarctic coastal waters. We compared these estimates to direct measurements of the incorporation of dissolved inorganic 14C into organic matter in the dark for an independent estimate of chemoautotrophy. We made measurements on samples taken from the major water masses: surface water (~10 m), winter water (35-174 m), circumpolar deep water (175-1000 m) and slope water (\u003e1000 m); on a cruise surveying the continental shelf and slope west of the Antarctic Peninsula in the austral summer of 2018 (LMG18-01). Samples were also taken to measure the concentrations of nitrite, ammonia, urea and polyamines; for qPCR analysis of the abundance of relevant marker genes; and for studies of processes related to the core questions of the study. The project relied on collaboration with the Palmer LTER for ancillary data (bacterioplankton abundance and production, chlorophyll, physical and additional chemical variables). The synergistic activities of this project along with the LTER activities provides a unique opportunity to assess chemoautotrophy in context of the overall ecosystem\u0027s dynamics, including both primary and secondary production processes.\n\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eThis project resulted in the training of a postdoctoral researcher and provide undergraduate students opportunities to gain hand-on experience with research on microbial geochemistry. This project contributed substantially to understanding an important aspect of nitrogen cycling and bacterioplankton production in the study area. Both PIs participate fully in the education and outreach efforts of the Palmer LTER, including making highlights of the findings available for posting to the LTER project web site, posting material to web sites at their respective departments, and incorporating material from the study in lectures and seminars presented at their respective institutions. \n", "east": -64.03195833, "geometry": "POINT(-71.1170125 -66.644054165)", "instruments": null, "is_usap_dc": true, "keywords": "Pal-Lter; NITROGEN; SHIPS; USAP-DC; MARINE ECOSYSTEMS; BACTERIA/ARCHAEA; BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES; Amd/Us; West Antarctic Shelf; USA/NSF; AMD", "locations": "West Antarctic Shelf; Pal-Lter", "north": -64.03195833, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems; Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Hollibaugh, James T.; Popp, Brian", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e VESSELS \u003e SURFACE \u003e SHIPS", "repo": "R2R", "repositories": "BCO-DMO; R2R", "science_programs": null, "south": -69.25615, "title": "Collaborative Research: Chemoautotrophy in Antarctic Bacterioplankton Communities Supported by the Oxidation of Urea-derived Nitrogen", "uid": "p0010150", "west": -78.20206667}, {"awards": "0701232 Martinson, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": "POLYGON((-72 -64,-71.2 -64,-70.4 -64,-69.6 -64,-68.8 -64,-68 -64,-67.2 -64,-66.4 -64,-65.6 -64,-64.8 -64,-64 -64,-64 -64.4,-64 -64.8,-64 -65.2,-64 -65.6,-64 -66,-64 -66.4,-64 -66.8,-64 -67.2,-64 -67.6,-64 -68,-64.8 -68,-65.6 -68,-66.4 -68,-67.2 -68,-68 -68,-68.8 -68,-69.6 -68,-70.4 -68,-71.2 -68,-72 -68,-72 -67.6,-72 -67.2,-72 -66.8,-72 -66.4,-72 -66,-72 -65.6,-72 -65.2,-72 -64.8,-72 -64.4,-72 -64))", "dataset_titles": null, "datasets": null, "date_created": "Tue, 03 Jun 2008 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is characterized by (1) the most rapid recent regional (winter) warming (5.35 times global mean), (2) a loss of nearly all its perennial sea ice cover on its western margin, and (3) 87% of the glaciers in retreat, contributing to global sea level rise. An ability to understand this change depends upon researchers\u0027 ability to better understand the underlying sources of this change and their driving mechanisms. Despite intensive efforts, the western AP (WAP) is chronically under-sampled. Therefore developing a capability to maintain a sustained in situ presence is a high scientific priority. The current proposal addresses this critical need through 2 objectives: (1) establish the feasibility of a Slocum Webb ocean glider to enable real-time high resolution data-adaptive polar oceanographic research; (2) address a critical question involving the regional climate change by measuring the ocean heat budget within a grid containing 14 years of ship-based ocean snapshots. This will involve the launch of the glider during the PAL-LTER austral summer research cruise, where it will fly the full along-shore distance of the LTER sample grid to be recovered at the southern extreme when the ship arrives there later in the summer. The glider will provide nearly continuous ocean property (temperature, salinity and pressure) coverage over this distance.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIntellectual merit. The proposed activity will involve state of the art sampling methodology that will revolutionize the ability to address climate change and other scientific issues requiring sampling densities that could not be achieved by research vessels. Specifically, the adaptive sampling capability of the glider will be used to alter its course allowing identification of routes by which the source waters of the ocean heat (and nutrients) enter the continental shelf region, while the near-continuous sampling will provide a diagnosis of how well standard shipborne stations close the heat budget. Resources are adequate for this study due to heavy leveraging by the availability of the Rutgers SLOCUM Web glider, glider control center and participation of the team of experts that flew the first such glider.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBroader Impacts. The proposed activity will advance discovery and understanding of the WAP responses to climate variability, to study the intricate feedback mechanisms associated with this variability and to better understand the chemical and physical processes associated with climate change. The data will be made available across the World Wide Web as it is collected, almost in real time, a potential bonanza for scientists during the upcoming International Polar Year, for classroom instruction and general outreach. Society will ultimately benefit from the improved knowledge of how climate change elsewhere in the world is impacting the unique ecosystem of the Antarctic, and driving glacial melt (sea level rise), among its other influences.", "east": -64.0, "geometry": "POINT(-68 -66)", "instruments": "EARTH REMOTE SENSING INSTRUMENTS \u003e PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING \u003e PROFILERS/SOUNDERS \u003e TEMPERATURE PROFILERS", "is_usap_dc": false, "keywords": "Pressure; Oceanography; AUVS; SLOCUM Web Glider; Salinity; Climate; Sampling", "locations": null, "north": -64.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems", "paleo_time": null, "persons": "Martinson, Douglas; Kerfoot, John", "platforms": "WATER-BASED PLATFORMS \u003e UNCREWED VEHICLES \u003e SUBSURFACE \u003e AUVS", "repositories": null, "science_programs": null, "south": -68.0, "title": "Collaborative Research: Sloccum Glider in Western Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf Waters Pilot Study", "uid": "p0000734", "west": -72.0}]
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Older retrieved projects from AMD. Warning: many have incomplete information.
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Project Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Dataset Links and Repositories | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible | |||||||
LTER: Ecological Response and Resilience to “Press-Pulse” Disturbances and a Recent Decadal Reversal in Sea Ice Trends Along the West Antarctic Peninsula
2224611 2026045 |
2023-07-26 | Schofield, Oscar; Steinberg, Deborah |
The goal of all LTER sites is to conduct policy-relevant ecosystem research for questions that require tens of years of data and cover large geographical areas. The Palmer Antarctica Long Term Ecological Research (PAL-LTER) site has been in operation since 1990 and has been studying how the marine ecosystem west of the Antarctica Peninsula (WAP) is responding to a climate that is changing as rapidly as any place on the Earth. The study is evaluating how warming conditions and decreased ice cover leading to extended periods of open water are affecting many aspects of ecosystem function. The team is using combined cutting-edge approaches including yearly ship-based research cruises, small-boat weekly sampling, autonomous vehicles, animal biologging, oceanographic floats and seafloor moorings, manipulative lab-based process studies and modeling to evaluate both seasonal and annual ecosystem responses. These combined approaches are allowing for the study the ecosystem changes at scales needed to assess both short-term and long-term drivers. The study region also includes submarine canyons that are special regions of enhanced biological activity within the WAP. This research program is paired with a comprehensive education and outreach program promoting the global significance of Antarctic science and research. In addition to training for graduate and undergraduate students, they are using newly-developed Polar Literacy Principles as a foundation in a virtual schoolyard program that shares polar instructional materials and provides learning opportunities for K-12 educators. The PAL-LTER team is also leveraging the development of Out of School Time materials for afterschool and summer camp programs, sharing Palmer LTER-specific teaching materials with University, Museum, and 4-H Special Interest Club partners. Polar ecosystems are among the most rapidly changing on Earth. The Palmer LTER (PAL-LTER) program builds on three decades of coordinated research along the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) to gain new mechanistic and predictive understanding of ecosystem changes in response to disturbances spanning long-term decadal (press) drivers and changes due to higher-frequency (pulse) drivers, such as large storms and extreme seasonal anomaly in sea ice cover. The influence of major natural climate modes that modulate variations in sea ice, weather, and oceanographic conditions to drive changes in ecosystem structure and function (e.g., El Nio Southern Oscillation and Southern Annular Mode) are being studied at multiple time scales from diel, seasonal, interannual, to decadal intervals, and space scalesfrom hemispheric to global scale investigated by remote sensing, the regional scales. Specifically, the team is evaluating how variability of physical properties (such as vertical and alongshore connectivity processes) interact to modulate biogeochemical cycling and community ecology in the WAP region. The study is providing an evaluation of ecosystem resilience and ecological responses to long-term press-pulse drivers and a decadal-level reversal in sea ice coverage. This program is providing fundamental understanding of population and biogeochemical responses for a marine ecosystem experiencing profound change. | POLYGON((-79.65 -63.738,-77.9728 -63.738,-76.29560000000001 -63.738,-74.61840000000001 -63.738,-72.94120000000001 -63.738,-71.26400000000001 -63.738,-69.58680000000001 -63.738,-67.9096 -63.738,-66.2324 -63.738,-64.5552 -63.738,-62.878 -63.738,-62.878 -64.3683,-62.878 -64.9986,-62.878 -65.6289,-62.878 -66.25919999999999,-62.878 -66.8895,-62.878 -67.5198,-62.878 -68.1501,-62.878 -68.7804,-62.878 -69.41069999999999,-62.878 -70.041,-64.5552 -70.041,-66.2324 -70.041,-67.9096 -70.041,-69.5868 -70.041,-71.26400000000001 -70.041,-72.94120000000001 -70.041,-74.61840000000001 -70.041,-76.29560000000001 -70.041,-77.9728 -70.041,-79.65 -70.041,-79.65 -69.41069999999999,-79.65 -68.7804,-79.65 -68.1501,-79.65 -67.5198,-79.65 -66.8895,-79.65 -66.25919999999999,-79.65 -65.6289,-79.65 -64.9986,-79.65 -64.3683,-79.65 -63.738)) | POINT(-71.26400000000001 -66.8895) | false | false | |||||||
Collaborative Research: Chemoautotrophy in Antarctic Bacterioplankton Communities Supported by the Oxidation of Urea-derived Nitrogen
1643466 1643345 |
2020-12-18 | Hollibaugh, James T.; Popp, Brian |
The project addressed fundamental questions regarding the role of nitrification (the conversion of ammonium to nitrate by a two-step process involving two different guilds of microorganisms: ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizers) in the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Specifically, the project evaluated the contribution of carbon fixation supported by energy derived from the oxidation of nitrogen compounds (chemoautotrophy) to the overall supply of organic carbon to the food web of the Southern Ocean. Additionally, the project aimed to determine the significance of the contribution of other sources of reduced nitrogen, specifically organic nitrogen and urea, to nitrification because these contributions may not be assessed by standard protocols. <br><br>We quantified the oxidation rates of 15N supplied as ammonium, urea and nitrite, which allowed us to estimate the contribution of urea-derived N and complete nitrification (ammonia to nitrate, N-3 to N+5) to chemoautotrophy in Antarctic coastal waters. We compared these estimates to direct measurements of the incorporation of dissolved inorganic 14C into organic matter in the dark for an independent estimate of chemoautotrophy. We made measurements on samples taken from the major water masses: surface water (~10 m), winter water (35-174 m), circumpolar deep water (175-1000 m) and slope water (>1000 m); on a cruise surveying the continental shelf and slope west of the Antarctic Peninsula in the austral summer of 2018 (LMG18-01). Samples were also taken to measure the concentrations of nitrite, ammonia, urea and polyamines; for qPCR analysis of the abundance of relevant marker genes; and for studies of processes related to the core questions of the study. The project relied on collaboration with the Palmer LTER for ancillary data (bacterioplankton abundance and production, chlorophyll, physical and additional chemical variables). The synergistic activities of this project along with the LTER activities provides a unique opportunity to assess chemoautotrophy in context of the overall ecosystem's dynamics, including both primary and secondary production processes. <br><br>This project resulted in the training of a postdoctoral researcher and provide undergraduate students opportunities to gain hand-on experience with research on microbial geochemistry. This project contributed substantially to understanding an important aspect of nitrogen cycling and bacterioplankton production in the study area. Both PIs participate fully in the education and outreach efforts of the Palmer LTER, including making highlights of the findings available for posting to the LTER project web site, posting material to web sites at their respective departments, and incorporating material from the study in lectures and seminars presented at their respective institutions. | POLYGON((-78.20206667 -64.03195833,-76.785055836 -64.03195833,-75.368045002 -64.03195833,-73.951034168 -64.03195833,-72.534023334 -64.03195833,-71.1170125 -64.03195833,-69.700001666 -64.03195833,-68.282990832 -64.03195833,-66.865979998 -64.03195833,-65.448969164 -64.03195833,-64.03195833 -64.03195833,-64.03195833 -64.554377497,-64.03195833 -65.076796664,-64.03195833 -65.599215831,-64.03195833 -66.121634998,-64.03195833 -66.644054165,-64.03195833 -67.166473332,-64.03195833 -67.688892499,-64.03195833 -68.211311666,-64.03195833 -68.733730833,-64.03195833 -69.25615,-65.448969164 -69.25615,-66.865979998 -69.25615,-68.282990832 -69.25615,-69.700001666 -69.25615,-71.1170125 -69.25615,-72.534023334 -69.25615,-73.951034168 -69.25615,-75.368045002 -69.25615,-76.785055836 -69.25615,-78.20206667 -69.25615,-78.20206667 -68.733730833,-78.20206667 -68.211311666,-78.20206667 -67.688892499,-78.20206667 -67.166473332,-78.20206667 -66.644054165,-78.20206667 -66.121634998,-78.20206667 -65.599215831,-78.20206667 -65.076796664,-78.20206667 -64.554377497,-78.20206667 -64.03195833)) | POINT(-71.1170125 -66.644054165) | false | false | |||||||
Collaborative Research: Sloccum Glider in Western Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf Waters Pilot Study
0701232 |
2008-06-03 | Martinson, Douglas; Kerfoot, John | No dataset link provided | The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is characterized by (1) the most rapid recent regional (winter) warming (5.35 times global mean), (2) a loss of nearly all its perennial sea ice cover on its western margin, and (3) 87% of the glaciers in retreat, contributing to global sea level rise. An ability to understand this change depends upon researchers' ability to better understand the underlying sources of this change and their driving mechanisms. Despite intensive efforts, the western AP (WAP) is chronically under-sampled. Therefore developing a capability to maintain a sustained in situ presence is a high scientific priority. The current proposal addresses this critical need through 2 objectives: (1) establish the feasibility of a Slocum Webb ocean glider to enable real-time high resolution data-adaptive polar oceanographic research; (2) address a critical question involving the regional climate change by measuring the ocean heat budget within a grid containing 14 years of ship-based ocean snapshots. This will involve the launch of the glider during the PAL-LTER austral summer research cruise, where it will fly the full along-shore distance of the LTER sample grid to be recovered at the southern extreme when the ship arrives there later in the summer. The glider will provide nearly continuous ocean property (temperature, salinity and pressure) coverage over this distance.<br/><br/>Intellectual merit. The proposed activity will involve state of the art sampling methodology that will revolutionize the ability to address climate change and other scientific issues requiring sampling densities that could not be achieved by research vessels. Specifically, the adaptive sampling capability of the glider will be used to alter its course allowing identification of routes by which the source waters of the ocean heat (and nutrients) enter the continental shelf region, while the near-continuous sampling will provide a diagnosis of how well standard shipborne stations close the heat budget. Resources are adequate for this study due to heavy leveraging by the availability of the Rutgers SLOCUM Web glider, glider control center and participation of the team of experts that flew the first such glider.<br/><br/>Broader Impacts. The proposed activity will advance discovery and understanding of the WAP responses to climate variability, to study the intricate feedback mechanisms associated with this variability and to better understand the chemical and physical processes associated with climate change. The data will be made available across the World Wide Web as it is collected, almost in real time, a potential bonanza for scientists during the upcoming International Polar Year, for classroom instruction and general outreach. Society will ultimately benefit from the improved knowledge of how climate change elsewhere in the world is impacting the unique ecosystem of the Antarctic, and driving glacial melt (sea level rise), among its other influences. | POLYGON((-72 -64,-71.2 -64,-70.4 -64,-69.6 -64,-68.8 -64,-68 -64,-67.2 -64,-66.4 -64,-65.6 -64,-64.8 -64,-64 -64,-64 -64.4,-64 -64.8,-64 -65.2,-64 -65.6,-64 -66,-64 -66.4,-64 -66.8,-64 -67.2,-64 -67.6,-64 -68,-64.8 -68,-65.6 -68,-66.4 -68,-67.2 -68,-68 -68,-68.8 -68,-69.6 -68,-70.4 -68,-71.2 -68,-72 -68,-72 -67.6,-72 -67.2,-72 -66.8,-72 -66.4,-72 -66,-72 -65.6,-72 -65.2,-72 -64.8,-72 -64.4,-72 -64)) | POINT(-68 -66) | false | false |