{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Supraglacial Meltwater"}
[{"awards": "1443126 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((165.911079 -77.872851,165.941267 -77.872851,165.971455 -77.872851,166.001643 -77.872851,166.031831 -77.872851,166.062019 -77.872851,166.092207 -77.872851,166.122395 -77.872851,166.152583 -77.872851,166.182771 -77.872851,166.212959 -77.872851,166.212959 -77.8781411,166.212959 -77.8834312,166.212959 -77.8887213,166.212959 -77.8940114,166.212959 -77.8993015,166.212959 -77.9045916,166.212959 -77.9098817,166.212959 -77.9151718,166.212959 -77.9204619,166.212959 -77.925752,166.182771 -77.925752,166.152583 -77.925752,166.122395 -77.925752,166.092207 -77.925752,166.062019 -77.925752,166.031831 -77.925752,166.001643 -77.925752,165.971455 -77.925752,165.941267 -77.925752,165.911079 -77.925752,165.911079 -77.9204619,165.911079 -77.9151718,165.911079 -77.9098817,165.911079 -77.9045916,165.911079 -77.8993015,165.911079 -77.8940114,165.911079 -77.8887213,165.911079 -77.8834312,165.911079 -77.8781411,165.911079 -77.872851))"], "date_created": "Tue, 04 Sep 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "During the melt seasons of 2015/6 and 2016/7, water pressure gages were deployed on the McMurdo Ice Shelf to observe water depth in supraglacial lakes and streams. This was done in support of research directed toward understanding how filling and draining supraglacial lakes would induce ice-shelf flexure and fracture.", "east": 166.212959, "geometry": ["POINT(166.062019 -77.8993015)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Shelf; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Subglacial And Supraglacial Water Depth; Supraglacial Lake; Supraglacial Meltwater; Water Depth", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.872851, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison", "project_titles": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000138", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.925752, "title": "Supraglacial Lake Depths on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica", "uid": "601116", "west": 165.911079}, {"awards": "1443126 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((166.152184 -77.902339,166.1559273 -77.902339,166.1596706 -77.902339,166.1634139 -77.902339,166.1671572 -77.902339,166.1709005 -77.902339,166.1746438 -77.902339,166.1783871 -77.902339,166.1821304 -77.902339,166.1858737 -77.902339,166.189617 -77.902339,166.189617 -77.9026372,166.189617 -77.9029354,166.189617 -77.9032336,166.189617 -77.9035318,166.189617 -77.90383,166.189617 -77.9041282,166.189617 -77.9044264,166.189617 -77.9047246,166.189617 -77.9050228,166.189617 -77.905321,166.1858737 -77.905321,166.1821304 -77.905321,166.1783871 -77.905321,166.1746438 -77.905321,166.1709005 -77.905321,166.1671572 -77.905321,166.1634139 -77.905321,166.1596706 -77.905321,166.1559273 -77.905321,166.152184 -77.905321,166.152184 -77.9050228,166.152184 -77.9047246,166.152184 -77.9044264,166.152184 -77.9041282,166.152184 -77.90383,166.152184 -77.9035318,166.152184 -77.9032336,166.152184 -77.9029354,166.152184 -77.9026372,166.152184 -77.902339))"], "date_created": "Fri, 31 Aug 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "During the Austral summer melt season of 2016-2017, an automatic camera was placed overlooking a surface lake feature on the McMurdo Ice Shelf. This camera created a time-lapse video (30 minute photograph time intervals) used to observe the filling and draining of the lake called Rift-Tip Lake located approximately 2 km from the McMurdo Ice Shelf ice front. The data was used in support of a field project to measure the flexural response of the McMurdo Ice Shelf (and ice shelves in general) to the filling and draining of supraglacial lakes. The time-lapse video begins 16 November 2016 and ends 27 January 2017.", "east": 166.189617, "geometry": ["POINT(166.1709005 -77.90383)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Shelf; Photo/video; Photo/Video; Supraglacial Meltwater", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -77.902339, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences", "persons": "MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison", "project_titles": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000138", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -77.905321, "title": "Time-lapse video of McMurdo Ice Shelf surface melting and hydrology", "uid": "601113", "west": 166.152184}, {"awards": "0944248 MacAyeal, Douglas", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-63 -63,-62.2 -63,-61.4 -63,-60.6 -63,-59.8 -63,-59 -63,-58.2 -63,-57.4 -63,-56.6 -63,-55.8 -63,-55 -63,-55 -63.4,-55 -63.8,-55 -64.2,-55 -64.6,-55 -65,-55 -65.4,-55 -65.8,-55 -66.2,-55 -66.6,-55 -67,-55.8 -67,-56.6 -67,-57.4 -67,-58.2 -67,-59 -67,-59.8 -67,-60.6 -67,-61.4 -67,-62.2 -67,-63 -67,-63 -66.6,-63 -66.2,-63 -65.8,-63 -65.4,-63 -65,-63 -64.6,-63 -64.2,-63 -63.8,-63 -63.4,-63 -63))"], "date_created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set addresses why surface melt water lakes on ice shelves and ice sheets are notably influential in triggering ice-shelf break-up and modulating seasonal ice flow, and are thus principle avenues by which environmental change can be transmitted to the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland. A comparative analysis is performed of lake geometry and derived depth (using Landsat image reflectance) in two distinct regions, one a collapsing ice shelf and the other an ablation zone of a land terminating ice sheet, to better characterize the range of surface lake variability.", "east": -55.0, "geometry": ["POINT(-59 -65)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Shelf; Larsen B Ice Shelf; Sample/collection Description; Sample/Collection Description; Supraglacial Meltwater", "locations": "Larsen B Ice Shelf; Antarctica; Antarctic Peninsula", "north": -63.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "MacAyeal, Douglas", "project_titles": "Model Studies of Surface Water Behavior on Ice Shelves", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000052", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Model Studies of Surface Water Behavior on Ice Shelves"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -67.0, "title": "Standing Water Depth on Larsen B Ice Shelf", "uid": "609584", "west": -63.0}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
Supraglacial Lake Depths on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
1443126 |
2018-09-04 | MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison |
Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability |
During the melt seasons of 2015/6 and 2016/7, water pressure gages were deployed on the McMurdo Ice Shelf to observe water depth in supraglacial lakes and streams. This was done in support of research directed toward understanding how filling and draining supraglacial lakes would induce ice-shelf flexure and fracture. | ["POLYGON((165.911079 -77.872851,165.941267 -77.872851,165.971455 -77.872851,166.001643 -77.872851,166.031831 -77.872851,166.062019 -77.872851,166.092207 -77.872851,166.122395 -77.872851,166.152583 -77.872851,166.182771 -77.872851,166.212959 -77.872851,166.212959 -77.8781411,166.212959 -77.8834312,166.212959 -77.8887213,166.212959 -77.8940114,166.212959 -77.8993015,166.212959 -77.9045916,166.212959 -77.9098817,166.212959 -77.9151718,166.212959 -77.9204619,166.212959 -77.925752,166.182771 -77.925752,166.152583 -77.925752,166.122395 -77.925752,166.092207 -77.925752,166.062019 -77.925752,166.031831 -77.925752,166.001643 -77.925752,165.971455 -77.925752,165.941267 -77.925752,165.911079 -77.925752,165.911079 -77.9204619,165.911079 -77.9151718,165.911079 -77.9098817,165.911079 -77.9045916,165.911079 -77.8993015,165.911079 -77.8940114,165.911079 -77.8887213,165.911079 -77.8834312,165.911079 -77.8781411,165.911079 -77.872851))"] | ["POINT(166.062019 -77.8993015)"] | false | false |
Time-lapse video of McMurdo Ice Shelf surface melting and hydrology
1443126 |
2018-08-31 | MacAyeal, Douglas; Banwell, Alison |
Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability |
During the Austral summer melt season of 2016-2017, an automatic camera was placed overlooking a surface lake feature on the McMurdo Ice Shelf. This camera created a time-lapse video (30 minute photograph time intervals) used to observe the filling and draining of the lake called Rift-Tip Lake located approximately 2 km from the McMurdo Ice Shelf ice front. The data was used in support of a field project to measure the flexural response of the McMurdo Ice Shelf (and ice shelves in general) to the filling and draining of supraglacial lakes. The time-lapse video begins 16 November 2016 and ends 27 January 2017. | ["POLYGON((166.152184 -77.902339,166.1559273 -77.902339,166.1596706 -77.902339,166.1634139 -77.902339,166.1671572 -77.902339,166.1709005 -77.902339,166.1746438 -77.902339,166.1783871 -77.902339,166.1821304 -77.902339,166.1858737 -77.902339,166.189617 -77.902339,166.189617 -77.9026372,166.189617 -77.9029354,166.189617 -77.9032336,166.189617 -77.9035318,166.189617 -77.90383,166.189617 -77.9041282,166.189617 -77.9044264,166.189617 -77.9047246,166.189617 -77.9050228,166.189617 -77.905321,166.1858737 -77.905321,166.1821304 -77.905321,166.1783871 -77.905321,166.1746438 -77.905321,166.1709005 -77.905321,166.1671572 -77.905321,166.1634139 -77.905321,166.1596706 -77.905321,166.1559273 -77.905321,166.152184 -77.905321,166.152184 -77.9050228,166.152184 -77.9047246,166.152184 -77.9044264,166.152184 -77.9041282,166.152184 -77.90383,166.152184 -77.9035318,166.152184 -77.9032336,166.152184 -77.9029354,166.152184 -77.9026372,166.152184 -77.902339))"] | ["POINT(166.1709005 -77.90383)"] | false | false |
Standing Water Depth on Larsen B Ice Shelf
0944248 |
2014-04-29 | MacAyeal, Douglas |
Model Studies of Surface Water Behavior on Ice Shelves |
This data set addresses why surface melt water lakes on ice shelves and ice sheets are notably influential in triggering ice-shelf break-up and modulating seasonal ice flow, and are thus principle avenues by which environmental change can be transmitted to the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland. A comparative analysis is performed of lake geometry and derived depth (using Landsat image reflectance) in two distinct regions, one a collapsing ice shelf and the other an ablation zone of a land terminating ice sheet, to better characterize the range of surface lake variability. | ["POLYGON((-63 -63,-62.2 -63,-61.4 -63,-60.6 -63,-59.8 -63,-59 -63,-58.2 -63,-57.4 -63,-56.6 -63,-55.8 -63,-55 -63,-55 -63.4,-55 -63.8,-55 -64.2,-55 -64.6,-55 -65,-55 -65.4,-55 -65.8,-55 -66.2,-55 -66.6,-55 -67,-55.8 -67,-56.6 -67,-57.4 -67,-58.2 -67,-59 -67,-59.8 -67,-60.6 -67,-61.4 -67,-62.2 -67,-63 -67,-63 -66.6,-63 -66.2,-63 -65.8,-63 -65.4,-63 -65,-63 -64.6,-63 -64.2,-63 -63.8,-63 -63.4,-63 -63))"] | ["POINT(-59 -65)"] | false | false |