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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
Simulated krill trajectory data from Regional Ocean Modeling System simulations 2006-2007 & 2010-2011

2024-05-09 Gallagher, Katherine OPP-PRF Pygoscelis Penguin Response to Potential Prey Retention along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Current velocity and direction data from Regional Ocean Modeling System simulations (2006-2007 & 2010-2011)

2024-05-09 Gallagher, Katherine OPP-PRF Pygoscelis Penguin Response to Potential Prey Retention along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Simulated marine debris trajectories along the West Antarctic Peninsula in 2008-2009 and 2018-2019

2023-09-13 Gallagher, Katherine OPP-PRF Pygoscelis Penguin Response to Potential Prey Retention along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Passive particle trajectories from Regional Ocean Modeling System simulations 2008-2009 & 2018-2019

2023-04-26 Gallagher, Katherine OPP-PRF Pygoscelis Penguin Response to Potential Prey Retention along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Simulated krill trajectory data from Regional Ocean Modeling System simulations 2008-2009 & 2018-2019

2023-01-13 Gallagher, Katherine OPP-PRF Pygoscelis Penguin Response to Potential Prey Retention along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Current velocity and direction data from Regional Ocean Modeling System simulations (2008-2009 & 2018-2019)

2023-01-13 Gallagher, Katherine OPP-PRF Pygoscelis Penguin Response to Potential Prey Retention along the West Antarctic Peninsula