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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map NSF Award(s) Date Created PIs / Scientists Project Links
Mount Overlord, northern Victoria Land. Age, mineralogical and geochemical data

2024-06-13 Kyle, Philip Petrogenesis of the McMurdo Volcanic Group and the Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Labile Organic Carbon distributions on the West Antarctic Peninsula Shelf

2020-05-11 DeMaster, David; Taylor, Richard; Smith, Craig; Isla, Enrique; Thomas, Carrie Collaborative Research: Benthic Faunal Feeding Dynamics on the Antarctic Shelf and the Effects of Global Climate Change on Bentho-Pelagic Coupling
Using Radiochemical Data from Collapsed Ice Shelf Sediments to Understand the Nature and Timing of the Benthic Response to High-Latitude Climate Change
NetCDF outputs from middle Eocene climate simulation using the GENESIS global circulation model

2019-04-22 Judd, Emily Seasonality, Summer Cooling, and Calibrating the Approach of the Icehouse in Late Eocene Antarctica
Scanning electron micrographs: Influence of heavy metal (Pb, Cd) exposure on shell morphogenesis in Astrammina rara, a giant agglutinated Antarctic foraminiferan protist.

2018-11-28 Bowser, Samuel; Andreas, Amanda Assembling and Mining the Genomes of Giant Antarctic Foraminifera
Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica

2016-01-01 Hasiotis, Stephen Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of the Beacon Supergroup, Beardmore Glacier Area, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Impact of Rising Oceanic Temperatures on the Embryonic Development of Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes

2014-01-01 Grim, Jeffrey PostDoctoral Research Fellowship
Differential Expression of Oxygen-binding Proteins in Antarctic Fishes Affects Nitric Oxide-mediated Pathways of Angiogenesis and Mitochondrial Biogenesis

2009-01-01 Sidell, Bruce Collaborative Research: Differential Expression of Oxygen-binding Proteins in Antarctic Fishes Affects Nitric Oxide-mediated Pathways of Angiogenesis and Mitochondrial Biogenesis.
Solar Magnetograms and Filtergrams
2005-10-19 Rust, David M. Flare Genesis Experiment