{"dp_type": "Dataset", "free_text": "Epica Dome C"}
[{"awards": "1851022 Fudge, Tyler", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(123.33 -75.09)"], "date_created": "Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Volcanic deposition of sulfuric acid in ice cores is important both for understanding past volcanic activity and for synchronizing ice core timescales. Sulfuric acid has a low eutectic point, so it can potentially exist in liquid at grain boundaries and veins, accelerating chemical diffusion. A high effective diffusivity would allow post-depositional diffusion to obscure the climate history and the peak matching among older portions of ice cores. Here, we use records of sulfate from the EPICA Dome C (EDC) ice core to estimate the effective diffusivity of sulfuric acid in ice. We focus on EDC because multiple glacial-interglacial cycles are preserved, allowing analysis for long timescales and deposition in similar climates. We calculate the mean concentration gradient and the width of prominent volcanic events, and analyze the evolution of each with depth/age. We find the effective diffusivities for interglacials and glacial maximums to be 5 \u00b1 3 \u00d7 10-9 m2 a-1, an order of magnitude lower than a previous estimate derived from the Holocene portion of EDC (Barnes et al., 2003). The effective diffusivity may be even smaller if the bias from artificial smoothing from the sampling is accounted for. Effective diffusivity is not obviously affected by the ice temperature until about -10\u00b0C, 3000m depth, which is also where anomalous sulfate peaks begin to be observed (Traversi et al., 2009). Low effective diffusivity suggests that sulfuric acid is not readily diffusing in liquid-like veins in the upper portions of the Antarctic ice sheet and that records may be preserved in deep, old ice if the ice temperature remains well below the pressure melting point.", "east": 123.33, "geometry": ["POINT(123.33 -75.09)"], "keywords": "Antarctica", "locations": "Antarctica", "north": -75.09, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Fudge, T. J.; Severi, Mirko", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Impact of Impurities and Stress State on Polycrystalline Ice Deformation", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010211", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Impact of Impurities and Stress State on Polycrystalline Ice Deformation"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "COLDEX", "south": -75.09, "title": "EPICA Dome C Sulfate Data 7-3190m", "uid": "601759", "west": 123.33}, {"awards": null, "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"], "date_created": "Fri, 13 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains the VSMOW-SLAP d170, d180, and 170-excess data from the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome, along with the published and VSMOW-SLAP normalized d170, d180, and 170-excess for Vostok [Landais et al.2008], EPICA Dome C and Talos Dome [Wrinkler et al.,2012]. The data cover the Last Glacial Maximum (25-20 ka), through the Early Holocene (12-9 ka) and into present-day (past 2 kyr).", "east": 180.0, "geometry": ["POINT(0 -89.999)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Delta 18O; Delta O-17; Epica Dome C; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Siple Dome; Talos Dome; Taylor Dome; Vostok", "locations": "Siple Dome; Taylor Dome; Talos Dome; Epica Dome C; Vostok; Antarctica; Siple Dome; Taylor Dome; Epica Dome C; Talos Dome", "north": -60.0, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce", "project_titles": null, "projects": null, "repositories": null, "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -90.0, "title": "VSMOW-SLAP d170, d180, and 17O-excess data from WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome", "uid": "601743", "west": -180.0}, {"awards": "1443690 Young, Duncan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((118 -74.1,118.9 -74.1,119.8 -74.1,120.7 -74.1,121.6 -74.1,122.5 -74.1,123.4 -74.1,124.3 -74.1,125.2 -74.1,126.1 -74.1,127 -74.1,127 -74.33,127 -74.56,127 -74.79,127 -75.02,127 -75.25,127 -75.48,127 -75.71,127 -75.94,127 -76.17,127 -76.4,126.1 -76.4,125.2 -76.4,124.3 -76.4,123.4 -76.4,122.5 -76.4,121.6 -76.4,120.7 -76.4,119.8 -76.4,118.9 -76.4,118 -76.4,118 -76.17,118 -75.94,118 -75.71,118 -75.48,118 -75.25,118 -75.02,118 -74.79,118 -74.56,118 -74.33,118 -74.1))"], "date_created": "Wed, 14 Jul 2021 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set includes compiled and gridded ice thickness, bed elevation, and bed roughness originally published in Young et al., 2017, as well as subglacial lakes identified at the Little Dome C old ice candidate site in Antarctica.", "east": 127.0, "geometry": ["POINT(122.5 -75.25)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Epica Dome C; ICECAP; Ice Penetrating Radar; Subglacial Lake", "locations": "Antarctica; Epica Dome C; Antarctica", "north": -74.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Young, Duncan A.; Roberts, Jason; Ritz, Catherine; Frezzotti, Massimo; Quartini, Enrica; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Tozer, Carly; Steinhage, Daniel; Urbini, Stefano; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Van Ommen, Tas; Blankenship, Donald D.", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010115", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": -76.4, "title": "ICECAP: Gridded boundary conditions for Little Dome C, Antarctica, and extracted subglacial lake locations", "uid": "601463", "west": 118.0}, {"awards": "1043092 Steig, Eric", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((-158.72 -77.79,-154.056 -77.79,-149.392 -77.79,-144.728 -77.79,-140.064 -77.79,-135.4 -77.79,-130.736 -77.79,-126.072 -77.79,-121.408 -77.79,-116.744 -77.79,-112.08 -77.79,-112.08 -78.178,-112.08 -78.566,-112.08 -78.954,-112.08 -79.342,-112.08 -79.73,-112.08 -80.118,-112.08 -80.506,-112.08 -80.894,-112.08 -81.282,-112.08 -81.67,-116.744 -81.67,-121.408 -81.67,-126.072 -81.67,-130.736 -81.67,-135.4 -81.67,-140.064 -81.67,-144.728 -81.67,-149.392 -81.67,-154.056 -81.67,-158.72 -81.67,-158.72 -81.282,-158.72 -80.894,-158.72 -80.506,-158.72 -80.118,-158.72 -79.73,-158.72 -79.342,-158.72 -78.954,-158.72 -78.566,-158.72 -78.178,-158.72 -77.79))"], "date_created": "Tue, 22 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set contains the VSMOW-SLAP d17O, d18O, and 17O-excess data from the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome, along with the published and VSMOW-SLAP normalized d17O, d18O, and 17O-excess for Vostok [Landais et al. 2008], EPICA Dome C and Talos Dome [Winkler et al., 2012]. The data cover the Last Glacial Maximum (25-20 ka), through the Early Holocene (12-9 ka) and into present-day (past 2 kyr)", "east": -112.08, "geometry": ["POINT(-135.4 -79.73)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Ice Core; Oxygen Isotope; WAIS Divide", "locations": "WAIS Divide; Antarctica", "north": -77.79, "nsf_funding_programs": null, "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000010", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "WAIS Divide Ice Core", "south": -81.67, "title": "17O excess from WAIS Divide, 0 to 25 ka BP", "uid": "601413", "west": -158.72}, {"awards": "1443690 Young, Duncan", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((110 -68,113 -68,116 -68,119 -68,122 -68,125 -68,128 -68,131 -68,134 -68,137 -68,140 -68,140 -68.7,140 -69.4,140 -70.1,140 -70.8,140 -71.5,140 -72.2,140 -72.9,140 -73.6,140 -74.3,140 -75,137 -75,134 -75,131 -75,128 -75,125 -75,122 -75,119 -75,116 -75,113 -75,110 -75,110 -74.3,110 -73.6,110 -72.9,110 -72.2,110 -71.5,110 -70.8,110 -70.1,110 -69.4,110 -68.7,110 -68))"], "date_created": "Tue, 07 Jul 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "These aerogeophysical data were collected during the seventh ICECAP field season in 2015-16, and interpreted as part of the SPICECAP project. They consist of 7 survey flights using a BT-67 Basler and the ICECAP aergeophysical suite. The flights were based out of Australia\u0027s Casey Station and France/Italy\u0027s Concordia Station in East Antarctica, as part of a focused survey of the \u0027Little Dome C\u0027, a region with a suspected 1.5 Ma ice core record. The Level 2 data here consist of ice thickness, bed elevation and surface and bed reflectivity data, bed specularity content data, unleveled magnetic anomaly data, unleveled gravity anomaly data, and laser altimetry. Formats are self documented text files parallel those used by ICECAP (found in the Operation IceBridge archive at the National Snow and Ice Data Center), GIMBLE (found at USAP-DC), EAGLE-ICECAPII (found at the Australian Antarctic Data Center) and David Glacier (found on Zenodo.org), with summary maps of included data in PNG format.", "east": 140.0, "geometry": ["POINT(125 -71.5)"], "keywords": "Aerogeophysics; Antarctica; Bed Elevation; Bed Reflectivity; Epica Dome C; Ice Thickness", "locations": "Antarctica; Epica Dome C", "north": -68.0, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Earth Sciences", "persons": "Young, Duncan A.; Roberts, Jason; Blankenship, Donald D.; van Ommen, Tas; Richter, Thomas; Greenbaum, Jamin; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Beem, Lucas H.; Quartini, Enrica; Tozer, Carly; Ng, Gregory; Habbal, Feras; Kempf, Scott D.; Ritz, Catherine", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0010115", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP)"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Dome C Ice Core", "south": -75.0, "title": "ICECAP: High resolution survey of the Little Dome C region in support of the IPICS Old Ice goal", "uid": "601355", "west": 110.0}, {"awards": "1245821 Brook, Edward J.; 1245659 Petrenko, Vasilii; 1246148 Severinghaus, Jeffrey", "bounds_geometry": ["POLYGON((123.3 -75.1,127.138 -75.1,130.976 -75.1,134.814 -75.1,138.652 -75.1,142.49 -75.1,146.328 -75.1,150.166 -75.1,154.004 -75.1,157.842 -75.1,161.68 -75.1,161.68 -75.367,161.68 -75.634,161.68 -75.901,161.68 -76.168,161.68 -76.435,161.68 -76.702,161.68 -76.969,161.68 -77.236,161.68 -77.503,161.68 -77.77,157.842 -77.77,154.004 -77.77,150.166 -77.77,146.328 -77.77,142.49 -77.77,138.652 -77.77,134.814 -77.77,130.976 -77.77,127.138 -77.77,123.3 -77.77,123.3 -77.503,123.3 -77.236,123.3 -76.969,123.3 -76.702,123.3 -76.435,123.3 -76.168,123.3 -75.901,123.3 -75.634,123.3 -75.367,123.3 -75.1))"], "date_created": "Fri, 18 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "Noble gas data from Taylor Glacier and EPICA Dome C (EDC) for mean ocean temperature reconstruction during the Last Interglacial. Also includes trace gas measurements of d18Oatm, CO2, and CH4 from Taylor Glacier from chronology construction. ", "east": 161.68, "geometry": ["POINT(142.49 -76.435)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Carbon-14; Carbon Dioxide; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; CO2; Dome C Ice Core; Epica; Epica Dome C; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice; Ice Core Chemistry; Ice Core Data; Ice Core Gas Records; Ice Core Records; Isotope Data; Last Interglacial; Mass Spectrometer; Mass Spectrometry; Methane; Oxygen; Oxygen Isotope; Paleotemperature; Pleistocene; Snow/ice; Snow/Ice; Taylor Dome Ice Core; Taylor Glacier", "locations": "Taylor Glacier; Epica Dome C; Antarctica", "north": -75.1, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Shackleton, Sarah", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000283", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": "Taylor Dome Ice Core; Dome C Ice Core", "south": -77.77, "title": "Last Interglacial Mean Ocean Temperature", "uid": "601218", "west": 123.3}, {"awards": "0230316 White, James", "bounds_geometry": ["POINT(-134.43 -74.04)"], "date_created": "Tue, 24 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "description": "This data set consists of water isotope ratios from the Mt. Moulton ice-trench record, as well as data from the Taylor Dome, EPICA Dome C, Talos Dome, Vostok, and EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice cores.", "east": -134.43, "geometry": ["POINT(-134.43 -74.04)"], "keywords": "Antarctica; Chemistry:ice; Chemistry:Ice; Epica Dome C; Geochemistry; Glaciers/ice Sheet; Glaciers/Ice Sheet; Glaciology; Ice Core Records; Isotope; Lake Vostok; Mount Moulton; Paleoclimate; Talos Dome; Taylor Dome", "locations": "Antarctica; Lake Vostok; Taylor Dome; Epica Dome C; Mount Moulton; Talos Dome", "north": -74.04, "nsf_funding_programs": "Antarctic Glaciology", "persons": "Steig, Eric J.; White, James; Popp, Trevor", "project_titles": "Collaborative Research: Refining a 500-kry Climate Record From the Moulton Blue Ice Field in West Antarctica", "projects": [{"proj_uid": "p0000755", "repository": "USAP-DC", "title": "Collaborative Research: Refining a 500-kry Climate Record From the Moulton Blue Ice Field in West Antarctica"}], "repo": "USAP-DC", "repositories": "USAP-DC", "science_programs": null, "south": -74.04, "title": "Mount Moulton Isotopes and Other Ice Core Data", "uid": "609640", "west": -134.43}]
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Dataset Title/Abstract/Map | NSF Award(s) | Date Created | PIs / Scientists | Project Links | Abstract | Bounds Geometry | Geometry | Selected | Visible |
EPICA Dome C Sulfate Data 7-3190m
1851022 |
2023-12-22 | Fudge, T. J.; Severi, Mirko |
Collaborative Research: The Impact of Impurities and Stress State on Polycrystalline Ice Deformation |
Volcanic deposition of sulfuric acid in ice cores is important both for understanding past volcanic activity and for synchronizing ice core timescales. Sulfuric acid has a low eutectic point, so it can potentially exist in liquid at grain boundaries and veins, accelerating chemical diffusion. A high effective diffusivity would allow post-depositional diffusion to obscure the climate history and the peak matching among older portions of ice cores. Here, we use records of sulfate from the EPICA Dome C (EDC) ice core to estimate the effective diffusivity of sulfuric acid in ice. We focus on EDC because multiple glacial-interglacial cycles are preserved, allowing analysis for long timescales and deposition in similar climates. We calculate the mean concentration gradient and the width of prominent volcanic events, and analyze the evolution of each with depth/age. We find the effective diffusivities for interglacials and glacial maximums to be 5 ± 3 × 10-9 m2 a-1, an order of magnitude lower than a previous estimate derived from the Holocene portion of EDC (Barnes et al., 2003). The effective diffusivity may be even smaller if the bias from artificial smoothing from the sampling is accounted for. Effective diffusivity is not obviously affected by the ice temperature until about -10°C, 3000m depth, which is also where anomalous sulfate peaks begin to be observed (Traversi et al., 2009). Low effective diffusivity suggests that sulfuric acid is not readily diffusing in liquid-like veins in the upper portions of the Antarctic ice sheet and that records may be preserved in deep, old ice if the ice temperature remains well below the pressure melting point. | ["POINT(123.33 -75.09)"] | ["POINT(123.33 -75.09)"] | false | false |
VSMOW-SLAP d170, d180, and 17O-excess data from WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome
None | 2023-10-13 | Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce | No project link provided | This data set contains the VSMOW-SLAP d170, d180, and 170-excess data from the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome, along with the published and VSMOW-SLAP normalized d170, d180, and 170-excess for Vostok [Landais et al.2008], EPICA Dome C and Talos Dome [Wrinkler et al.,2012]. The data cover the Last Glacial Maximum (25-20 ka), through the Early Holocene (12-9 ka) and into present-day (past 2 kyr). | ["POLYGON((-180 -60,-144 -60,-108 -60,-72 -60,-36 -60,0 -60,36 -60,72 -60,108 -60,144 -60,180 -60,180 -63,180 -66,180 -69,180 -72,180 -75,180 -78,180 -81,180 -84,180 -87,180 -90,144 -90,108 -90,72 -90,36 -90,0 -90,-36 -90,-72 -90,-108 -90,-144 -90,-180 -90,-180 -87,-180 -84,-180 -81,-180 -78,-180 -75,-180 -72,-180 -69,-180 -66,-180 -63,-180 -60))"] | ["POINT(0 -89.999)"] | false | false |
ICECAP: Gridded boundary conditions for Little Dome C, Antarctica, and extracted subglacial lake locations
1443690 |
2021-07-14 | Young, Duncan A.; Roberts, Jason; Ritz, Catherine; Frezzotti, Massimo; Quartini, Enrica; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Tozer, Carly; Steinhage, Daniel; Urbini, Stefano; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Van Ommen, Tas; Blankenship, Donald D. |
Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP) |
This data set includes compiled and gridded ice thickness, bed elevation, and bed roughness originally published in Young et al., 2017, as well as subglacial lakes identified at the Little Dome C old ice candidate site in Antarctica. | ["POLYGON((118 -74.1,118.9 -74.1,119.8 -74.1,120.7 -74.1,121.6 -74.1,122.5 -74.1,123.4 -74.1,124.3 -74.1,125.2 -74.1,126.1 -74.1,127 -74.1,127 -74.33,127 -74.56,127 -74.79,127 -75.02,127 -75.25,127 -75.48,127 -75.71,127 -75.94,127 -76.17,127 -76.4,126.1 -76.4,125.2 -76.4,124.3 -76.4,123.4 -76.4,122.5 -76.4,121.6 -76.4,120.7 -76.4,119.8 -76.4,118.9 -76.4,118 -76.4,118 -76.17,118 -75.94,118 -75.71,118 -75.48,118 -75.25,118 -75.02,118 -74.79,118 -74.56,118 -74.33,118 -74.1))"] | ["POINT(122.5 -75.25)"] | false | false |
17O excess from WAIS Divide, 0 to 25 ka BP
1043092 |
2020-12-22 | Steig, Eric J.; Schoenemann, Spruce |
Collaborative Research: Stable Isotopes of Ice in the Transition and Glacial Sections of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core |
This data set contains the VSMOW-SLAP d17O, d18O, and 17O-excess data from the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome, along with the published and VSMOW-SLAP normalized d17O, d18O, and 17O-excess for Vostok [Landais et al. 2008], EPICA Dome C and Talos Dome [Winkler et al., 2012]. The data cover the Last Glacial Maximum (25-20 ka), through the Early Holocene (12-9 ka) and into present-day (past 2 kyr) | ["POLYGON((-158.72 -77.79,-154.056 -77.79,-149.392 -77.79,-144.728 -77.79,-140.064 -77.79,-135.4 -77.79,-130.736 -77.79,-126.072 -77.79,-121.408 -77.79,-116.744 -77.79,-112.08 -77.79,-112.08 -78.178,-112.08 -78.566,-112.08 -78.954,-112.08 -79.342,-112.08 -79.73,-112.08 -80.118,-112.08 -80.506,-112.08 -80.894,-112.08 -81.282,-112.08 -81.67,-116.744 -81.67,-121.408 -81.67,-126.072 -81.67,-130.736 -81.67,-135.4 -81.67,-140.064 -81.67,-144.728 -81.67,-149.392 -81.67,-154.056 -81.67,-158.72 -81.67,-158.72 -81.282,-158.72 -80.894,-158.72 -80.506,-158.72 -80.118,-158.72 -79.73,-158.72 -79.342,-158.72 -78.954,-158.72 -78.566,-158.72 -78.178,-158.72 -77.79))"] | ["POINT(-135.4 -79.73)"] | false | false |
ICECAP: High resolution survey of the Little Dome C region in support of the IPICS Old Ice goal
1443690 |
2020-07-07 | Young, Duncan A.; Roberts, Jason; Blankenship, Donald D.; van Ommen, Tas; Richter, Thomas; Greenbaum, Jamin; Cavitte, Marie G. P; Beem, Lucas H.; Quartini, Enrica; Tozer, Carly; Ng, Gregory; Habbal, Feras; Kempf, Scott D.; Ritz, Catherine |
Collaborative Research: Southern Plateau Ice-sheet Characterization and Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (SPICECAP) |
These aerogeophysical data were collected during the seventh ICECAP field season in 2015-16, and interpreted as part of the SPICECAP project. They consist of 7 survey flights using a BT-67 Basler and the ICECAP aergeophysical suite. The flights were based out of Australia's Casey Station and France/Italy's Concordia Station in East Antarctica, as part of a focused survey of the 'Little Dome C', a region with a suspected 1.5 Ma ice core record. The Level 2 data here consist of ice thickness, bed elevation and surface and bed reflectivity data, bed specularity content data, unleveled magnetic anomaly data, unleveled gravity anomaly data, and laser altimetry. Formats are self documented text files parallel those used by ICECAP (found in the Operation IceBridge archive at the National Snow and Ice Data Center), GIMBLE (found at USAP-DC), EAGLE-ICECAPII (found at the Australian Antarctic Data Center) and David Glacier (found on Zenodo.org), with summary maps of included data in PNG format. | ["POLYGON((110 -68,113 -68,116 -68,119 -68,122 -68,125 -68,128 -68,131 -68,134 -68,137 -68,140 -68,140 -68.7,140 -69.4,140 -70.1,140 -70.8,140 -71.5,140 -72.2,140 -72.9,140 -73.6,140 -74.3,140 -75,137 -75,134 -75,131 -75,128 -75,125 -75,122 -75,119 -75,116 -75,113 -75,110 -75,110 -74.3,110 -73.6,110 -72.9,110 -72.2,110 -71.5,110 -70.8,110 -70.1,110 -69.4,110 -68.7,110 -68))"] | ["POINT(125 -71.5)"] | false | false |
Last Interglacial Mean Ocean Temperature
1245821 1245659 1246148 |
2019-10-18 | Shackleton, Sarah |
Collaborative Research: The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Horizontal Ice Core: Exploring changes in the Natural Methane Budget in a Warming World and Expanding the Paleo-archive |
Noble gas data from Taylor Glacier and EPICA Dome C (EDC) for mean ocean temperature reconstruction during the Last Interglacial. Also includes trace gas measurements of d18Oatm, CO2, and CH4 from Taylor Glacier from chronology construction. | ["POLYGON((123.3 -75.1,127.138 -75.1,130.976 -75.1,134.814 -75.1,138.652 -75.1,142.49 -75.1,146.328 -75.1,150.166 -75.1,154.004 -75.1,157.842 -75.1,161.68 -75.1,161.68 -75.367,161.68 -75.634,161.68 -75.901,161.68 -76.168,161.68 -76.435,161.68 -76.702,161.68 -76.969,161.68 -77.236,161.68 -77.503,161.68 -77.77,157.842 -77.77,154.004 -77.77,150.166 -77.77,146.328 -77.77,142.49 -77.77,138.652 -77.77,134.814 -77.77,130.976 -77.77,127.138 -77.77,123.3 -77.77,123.3 -77.503,123.3 -77.236,123.3 -76.969,123.3 -76.702,123.3 -76.435,123.3 -76.168,123.3 -75.901,123.3 -75.634,123.3 -75.367,123.3 -75.1))"] | ["POINT(142.49 -76.435)"] | false | false |
Mount Moulton Isotopes and Other Ice Core Data
0230316 |
2015-11-24 | Steig, Eric J.; White, James; Popp, Trevor |
Collaborative Research: Refining a 500-kry Climate Record From the Moulton Blue Ice Field in West Antarctica |
This data set consists of water isotope ratios from the Mt. Moulton ice-trench record, as well as data from the Taylor Dome, EPICA Dome C, Talos Dome, Vostok, and EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice cores. | ["POINT(-134.43 -74.04)"] | ["POINT(-134.43 -74.04)"] | false | false |